My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

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My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by luckyguy3 » Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:22 am

My lovely wife and I decided to open our marriage a number of years ago. Her first experiences were with a neighbor with whom she shared some exciting sexual adventures. Over the ensuing years she had experiences with a number of men. We went to some swing clubs together and had some positive connections with other couples. Over time we dropped out of the swinging scene but gave each other the freedom to date people on our own. For a number of years there was one particular man who my wife saw every couple of months. They are good friends, they have occasionally travelled together for short periods of time (three days max). There was definitely a romantic element to their relationship. While she sincerely cares for him as a friend and lover, it is nothing like the love we share in our marriage. But it is still the closest thing we have had to a "polyamory" situation - until this summer.

My best friend lives over a thousand miles from us. Because of the distance we did not see much of him and his wife, although they did visit us a couple of times over those years. During those brief visits it was always clear to me that my friend and my wife got along very well - they just had a really good connection. We would see him so rarely there was never any opportunity for anything to develop, but it was obvious enough to me that I used to tease my wife that he had a crush on her.

Two years ago we made the decision to buy a second home not far from my old home town. We take extended trips up there half a dozen or more times a year, usually for at least a couple of weeks at a time and longer during the summer. As a result we have been spending a lot of time with my friend and his wife - seems like we do things with them on a daily basis when we are there. It has been really nice.

As we spent more time together, I began to notice that the chemistry between my friend and my wife was really quite powerful. There was no denying that there was a strong mutual physical attraction, something she freely admitted to me. She always said that she would never act on it because he was my friend and she was also friends with his wife. But this summer it became clear that it had become far more than just a physical attraction. She spent a lot of time with him, sometimes when all four of us were there, sometimes when it was just him and I and her, on rare occasions just the two of them.

I know both of these wonderful people so very well. As I watched them interacting it became clear that something special was happening between the two of them. I was not the only one who noticed. Other family members and friends made some comments, all in good fun, which nevertheless reflected that the connection between the two of them was drawing attention.

I had to return two weeks earlier than planned this year due to a business crisis. We had a couple of important contractor projects going on at our place up there so my wife stayed to supervise how they were progressing. While she was there on her own, she ended up spending quite a bit of time with my friend. He helped her out with some of the house stuff, dropped by to visit and even took her to a fundraiser dinner that his wife could not attend. As my wife later explained, they just seemed to keep running into each other - although I think a more accurate description would be to say that they kept finding reasons to run into each other. Through all of these contacts he never made any overtures towards her, nor did she to him. But there was definitely a strong and growing unresolved attraction - strong enough that he began acting a bit awkwardly around her.

Even though I was many miles away I stayed in close contact with her by phone and email. All of my instincts were telling me that what was happening between the two of them was a big deal. I finally sent her a long email which was followed by several long and very candid phone conversations. The upshot of it all was that my wife told me that she has fallen in love with my friend. She said that she does not love me any less, that she wants us to be married for the rest of our lives - but that she now is in love with him too. I told her that in my heart I already knew.

It is ironic that during our marriage we have enjoyed other sexual partners, had the fun of "dating" people on our own and even enjoyed some very sweet romantic relationships. But she and I agree that this situation - where the two of them have never so much as held hands - is far more significant. This is not a case of lustful longing (although there is certainly an element of that) or youthful infatuation. She has truly fallen in love with him. I asked her "As a woman, do you think that he has fallen in love with you too?" She answered "Yes" without any hesitation. I know him so well that I had already come to that conclusion on my own - and can see that he is having a difficult time processing the situation.

My understanding of "polyamory" is that it is based on the fundamental principal that we are capable of loving more than one person at the same time. By that definition my wife is clearly in a polyamorous situation, even though their relationship has not been consummated or even discussed between them. I am also learning a lot about "compersion" in this process. When my wife told me that she had fallen in love with my best friend, I was not shocked or angry or jealous. Somewhat to my surprise I found myself happy for both of them. He is a great guy, the finest man I know. She is a wonderful woman, the absolute love of my life. Knowing them both so well, it is easy for me to see how he could fall in love with her and her with him. In fact, as I told her during our calls, if she was going to fall in love with someone else he would be the man I would choose for her.

Our quandary is not with the feelings they have discovered for each other. I could easily see myself supporting their embarking upon a full blown love affair, one which I suspect would be a life long and very joyous relationship. The problem is that he is married to a wonderful woman himself, a woman who has become a good friend of both ours. Although I believe their physical relationship has waned over the years, my friend still loves his wife very much. I fear that he is now having a hard time reconciling the fact that he has also fallen in love with my wife. I worry that it is eating him up inside. He loves my wife, he wants her, he can probably sense that she loves and wants him too. So he torments himself with guilt over the fact that he is married, has fallen in love with someone else AND that the woman he fell in love with is the wife of his best friend.

My wife and I are better situated to handle this situation because we have had other experiences (although nothing like this) and because we are able to talk so openly with each other about what is happening. For my friend, the entire idea of loving more than one person at the same time, that my wife might want him just as much as he wants her and that it would actually be fine with me - those concepts are totally outside his zone of experience. And my wife is having some guilt issues of her own, not towards me but rather because she is close friends with his wife. So my friend and my wife are independently wrestling with the question of how they handle the fact that they have fallen in love with each other.

It is a very difficult situation. It saddens me that something which should be so joyous for them - that rare and priceless experience of two people genuinely falling in love with one another - is actually now a source of stress and worry. They are simultaneously longing for each other yet feeling guilty about it at the same time - even though they have never even professed their feelings.

I want the best for everyone, but honestly don't know what path they should follow. I have told me wife that I think that things have progressed to the point where she needs to tell my friend how she is feeling about him. My preferred method of problem solving is communication, and when feelings are so sincere and strong they should be expressed. I felt it would lessen some of the tension between them and also give my friend someone to talk to about it - right now he has no one. My wife thinks that it is best not to say anything, at least not for now. She says she fears that it might actually put him in a more difficult situation if she admits her feelings for him. I wonder if part of her reluctance is the worry that if she opens the door between them that it will inevitably lead to them starting a passionate love affair which would be hard to stop. She is of course worried about his wife and the hurt she would suffer if they were discovered.

So I guess that is a very long winded prelude to the questions I was hoping to get some input on. Has anyone on this site ever been in a similar situation? Or know someone who has? Do you think that my wife should talk to him at some point or should she just keep avoiding the issue? It is so ironic that if he were single or unhappily married this would be a perfect situation for a genuine and very strong polyamorous relationship - I would be very supportive of the two of them having their own lifelong love affair. I am happy for both of them. But because he is already married to a wonderful woman who is also our friend, we worry that would be a terrible thing to do as it would probably be discovered at some point. And even if the three of us could conspire to keep it secret, there would be a lot of guilt all around.

Thanks to all of you for taking the time to read a story that sadly does not have lots of titillating sexual details like so many of the other posts on OHW. I guess it is pretty obvious that I needed to write all of this down to help myself process the fact that my wife and my best friend have fallen in love with each other. Any thoughts or reactions that any of you would care to share would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by Marc » Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:02 am

You answered my first question that came to mind. So they haven't dusussed their feelings for each other? I guess that means he also has no idea of her open marriage sharing past nor does he know that you know of her feelings and that you are okay with the relationship going deeper.

Telling him about her past and your being okay with it is a double edge sword. On one hand it could open him up to the fact he really can have her without repercussions from his best friend. The flip side is he could find the whole thing weird and awkward and you could damage a friendship. Also it could really torment him if he knows how easily he could have her - except for his wife.

His wife and his relationship with her is the key. He could embark on an affair with your wife and still maintain a living relationship with his own wife. He'll just have to find s way to manage the guilt and the pressure of keeping it secret and not getting caught. No easy thing.

You mentioned how many people have noticed how close they have come. What about his wife? What has she noticed or said? Where is she when your wife is spending so much time with her husband? Does she say anything? Laugh about it? Appear mad or jealous?

You never know (although you may ) but they may have their own enlightened relationship and understanding. If she is very casual about them spending time together that may be why.

One last thing - you mentioned being a swinger ( or swings clubs) from the past. Any possibility at all that something like that could ever happen with this couple? That is the thought from my horny lizard brain. :D

Anyway - sorry I have no solutions for you. Just food for thought. Best of luck and keep us updated.

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by luckyguy3 » Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:12 am

Thank you for your comments. Samanthasman, you have articulated my greatest fear. But this is also a situation which in some ways holds out the potential for the sweetest rewards as well as the greatest risks (isn’t that so often the case) . If my friend could somehow deal with his feelings of guilt, I can see an affair with my wife as being a wonderfully positive thing for him. First, he has sexual needs which are not really being met. But more importantly, she has become someone that he can genuinely open up to and share important personal issues with - even more so than he does with me. I know that it would be really gratifying for both of them if they could safely explore their love for each other. Like I said in my earlier post, I see this as a love affair that could endure for the rest of their lives.

Marc, to answer some of your questions. They have definitely not discussed their feelings openly with one another. But they both have awareness that something significant is happening between them. My wife believes that he has fallen in love with her. I don’t think he is as certain that she has fallen in love with him, although I am sure part of him is hoping that is the case.

You are right about the potential for it being a “double edged sword” if we were to tell him about our whole history. Many years ago, when I first noticed the sexual attraction between them, I made some very vague references to husbands who invited their friends to join them in a threesome with their wives. He definitely shied away from those hints and I think he would run for cover if I were to sit down with him, tell him our whole relationship history and suggest that he and my wife start an affair. It would be too strange for him coming from me that way. If a discussion is ever held, it would have to be between him and my wife. I have told her that she should be honest about her feelings for him, tell him that she has talked to me and that I am supportive of the two of them embarking on a relationship if that is what they decide. Having that message coming from her would be much a better way to start - he cares for her so much and thinks so highly of her. I have also told her that she can tell him that I have been with other women with her permission-I don’t think that will be too surprising for him. But I don’t see the need for her to reveal our entire relationship history, especially her experiences. That would be too much and is also not really relevant to this very special connection that has happened between the two of them. This is entirely unlike anything she has ever experienced before.

You ask if his wife has noticed. I think she must have at least to a certain extent. She has been totally cool with things so far, in fact she and my wife are closer than ever. His wife is a smart progressive woman. I have often thought that she would be understanding and supportive if she were to learn of the lifestyle that my wife and I enjoy. Of course, whether it would extend to her being accepting of my wife having a serious love affair with her husband, that is a much tougher question. She would need a lot of assurance that there was no risk of her husband leaving her for my wife, and that any affair could be kept secret from the rest of the world.

Oddly enough, I have told my wife that I believe their affection for each other would be far less obvious to others if they actually started an affair. There is such an undercurrent of unresolved sexual and emotional tension between them now that people are picking up hints. If they were to allow themselves to become intimate and express their love for one another in discreet situations, I suspect that it would be much easier for them to conduct themselves in public.

I have allowed myself to think about the possibility of us exploring a couples relationship. His wife and I actually dated a bit when we were in high school and I like her a lot. My wife would certainly be fine with it- and his wife might be too. But I have a hard time seeing him ever being comfortable with me sleeping with his wife. It is more likely that he would deal with the guilt of a secret affair than embark on a full blown couples relationship. I don’t think he is having any thoughts of leaving his wife –he loves her very much. But he has also fallen in love with my wife and is longing for her –and having troubles with the internal conflicts. That’s why I wonder if it might not be better if she did speak to him at some point, so that he would not feel like he was the only one facing this dilemma.

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by blackgoddess » Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:08 am

You should be happy that she has found true happiness. You are lucky to be the pet of such a Great and deserving woman.

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by old folks » Sun Jul 20, 2014 7:22 am

Just because something looks good to you does not mean it wouuld be good for you.

Feelings fade with time.

If it were me and I cared for my wife as you say you do, I would stay thousands of miles apart and let the distance cool the relationship. This is not to say that she could not enjoy an occasional romp with him during the seldom visits, if she has not already.

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by Buttercream » Tue Jul 22, 2014 9:44 pm

Hard place to be.. I have no answers.. Just a suggestion. Maybe have your wife ask his wife if she's heard of polyamory or open relationships or even just the idea of loving more than one person... Everything really hinges on the wife. Maybe if his wife is open to the idea of poly or at least an open relationship, then he will feel free to think about it as well.
Books are a great way to bring up a situation... The Ethical Slut is a great book that talks about roles we play in the bedroom vs who we are.. Your wife could read it and then share it with her friend. (also the author of the book has written other really good books)
I am buttery soft and full of cream ;-)


Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by bubbajack » Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:21 am

old folks wrote:Just because something looks good to you does not mean it wouuld be good for you.

Feelings fade with time.

If it were me and I cared for my wife as you say you do, I would stay thousands of miles apart and let the distance cool the relationship. This is not to say that she could not enjoy an occasional romp with him during the seldom visits, if she has not already.
This - Unconsummated uncommunicated love between persons who are married, but not to each other is very common. It can be heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time. What it demonstrates is the genuinely and fundamentally tragic nature of life as a human being, which resides in the brute fact that there are experiences we all encounterand desire that are mutually incompatible. Not all of them involve impossible love between persons, but those can be the sweetest and most bitter.

Fortunately, those episodes can fade - but those who have experienced them are often quite deeply changed ...

I remember your and luckygirl3's lighter adventures in hotwifing before you both stopped posting - very hot and delightful stories and pics!

This latest sounds very different from that.

Best - welcome back and I hope we continue to hear from you two now and then, even though what you are going through now is, as you know, not much fun. :(

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by HB3133 » Sun Jan 13, 2019 2:59 pm

This story was so intriguing and such a beautiful thing. It’s been years but any updates?

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by Fallenone19108 » Mon Jan 14, 2019 11:36 am

luckyguy3 it seems to Me You talk about making and keeping everyone happy. I guess I missed the part about Your happiness. What is it You want? Do You want Your Wife to stay with You? Or are You content to have Her fallow Her heart?

Look I don't know either one of You. But I have a gut feeling Your Wife has "Fallen Deeply In Lust" with Your Friend. Unfortunatly sometimes We have to make Our own mistakes. Maybe Your Wife has to see this thru. Trouble is a few people will be hurt. If this is Her course, cut Your looses. Move on.

If She still wants to remain with You. Sell the other house. Sometimes You can't go home again.

Your not going to make anyone happy before You take steps to put Your life right.

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by DavaoMike » Mon Jan 14, 2019 12:08 pm

Fallenone19108 wrote:luckyguy3 it seems to Me You talk about making and keeping everyone happy. I guess I missed the part about Your happiness. What is it You want? Do You want Your Wife to stay with You? Or are You content to have Her fallow Her heart?

Look I don't know either one of You. But I have a gut feeling Your Wife has "Fallen Deeply In Lust" with Your Friend. Unfortunatly sometimes We have to make Our own mistakes. Maybe Your Wife has to see this thru. Trouble is a few people will be hurt. If this is Her course, cut Your looses. Move on.

If She still wants to remain with You. Sell the other house. Sometimes You can't go home again.

Your not going to make anyone happy before You take steps to put Your life right.
since the OP hasn’t posted for 4.5 years, I doubt he’ll be back for an update. Too bad, it was an interesting post.


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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by Fallenone19108 » Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:46 pm

DavaoMike wrote:
Fallenone19108 wrote:luckyguy3 it seems to Me You talk about making and keeping everyone happy. I guess I missed the part about Your happiness. What is it You want? Do You want Your Wife to stay with You? Or are You content to have Her fallow Her heart?

Look I don't know either one of You. But I have a gut feeling Your Wife has "Fallen Deeply In Lust" with Your Friend. Unfortunatly sometimes We have to make Our own mistakes. Maybe Your Wife has to see this thru. Trouble is a few people will be hurt. If this is Her course, cut Your looses. Move on.

If She still wants to remain with You. Sell the other house. Sometimes You can't go home again.

Your not going to make anyone happy before You take steps to put Your life right.
since the OP hasn’t posted for 4.5 years, I doubt he’ll be back for an update. Too bad, it was an interesting post.

Somehow I don't think it ended well.

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by wingman » Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:26 pm

But he is still here, as recent as yesterday. Hey lucky, what’s happening?
I've got her back, he's got her front.


Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by JeffBingham » Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:18 am

wingman wrote:But he is still here, as recent as yesterday. Hey lucky, what’s happening?

a little strange that he's still lurking but hasn't posted since 2014. I'd still like to know what's been going on since then.


Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by lilford1965 » Sun Jan 20, 2019 12:49 am

LUCKYGUY3 , you think you wife is in a polyamory love triangle . NO YOU DON'T ! Your posting for advise because , in your heart , you know she is telling lies !She's edging her bets . It seems your wife says she hasn't told him her feelings ,but admits that they have fallen for each other . LYING ! You go on about how much he loves his wife , a woman it seems is oblivious to what's going on , YET family have passed comments about her husband and your wife ! Oh , and in your words ," my wife needs to tell him what she feels for him " . BUT , according to you , she has told you THEY LOVE EACH OTHER ! Great mate eh ? WHY IS SHE STAYING THERE ? After all , she so called loves you as much as him ? ! Doesn't she miss you ? To be honest , there are a lot of contradictions with what your telling us .Either she ( and him ) are conning you , or you're conning us ! People can make their own minds up .............

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by D+D » Sun Jan 20, 2019 10:49 am

JeffBingham wrote:
wingman wrote:But he is still here, as recent as yesterday. Hey lucky, what’s happening?

a little strange that he's still lurking but hasn't posted since 2014. I'd still like to know what's been going on since then.
It would be awesome to hear what has happened.
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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by akvaaarium » Wed Feb 06, 2019 1:14 pm

bump. I agree that it would be great to hear how things have developed.


Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by lilford1965 » Sun Feb 10, 2019 11:22 am

No more news could well mean no more marriage !

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by luckyguy3 » Tue Apr 23, 2019 12:56 pm

Have no fear. Five years later the marriage has survived and flourished, so has the "special relationship." All is good in our world, just have not felt a need (nor had permission from all involved) to share the details. But things are going very well indeed and have been for quite some time now.

Thanks to all who contributed their thoughts and advice.

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by luckyguy3 » Tue Apr 23, 2019 1:01 pm

Will talk to my wife and our friend later this week, may be able to get their permission to share some non-identifying details. No guarantees though.

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by D+D » Wed Apr 24, 2019 11:12 am

Great to hear from you, but mostly great that your marriage is thriving. Would be interested in whatever you can share.
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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by luckyguy3 » Sun May 12, 2019 10:29 am

So in the interest of furthering the acceptance of polyamory in our society I have managed to get both my wife and my/her friend to allow me to tell what has happened in our lives. I admit at the outset that I have altered some of the details in the interests of discretion, which is still so important to us despite our unique situation. But it is our story and we are all happy with it. Pardon the length, but there is a lot to catch up on.

I gave the background to all of this in my first couple of long posts. Hard to believe that was nearly five years ago! Short version for those who don’t have the time or interest to go back and review: my wife and I started experimenting with swinging about 20 years ago, progressed to hotwifing (and hothusbanding, as I have had some relationships too.) We have a second house in my hometown which we visit numerous times every year. My best friend from childhood to this day lived there with his wife.

There has always a really strong attraction between – let’s call him Dan – and my wife (call her Jen). I know her so well and I could easily spot the physical attraction. Dan is a handsome guy, in great shape. And due to our lifestyle Jen admitted the attraction to me nd enjoyed fantasizing about being with him. But that attraction grew into something more, and I could see that too. The genuinely liked each other, enjoyed doing things together. I could see all the signs from both of them. Finally about five years ago Jen confessed to me that she had fallen in love with him – but that she still loved me too, as much as ever. I told her that I already knew – and that I was pretty sure he was in love with her too.

Nothing at all physical had happened between them, but it was real. I could tell that it was exciting Dan but troubling him too. He had no idea of our lifestyle at the time.

That was when I posted on the site seeking for advice – it was a novel situation outside of all of Jen’s and my prior experiences. Thanks to all of you who responded back then.

So what happened since? Well for the next 18 months nothing, just more of the same. Jen and I talked about it a lot, could never really decide if we could or should try to pursue it. But her feelings stayed the same, so did his. We did notice that things were not going quite as well between him and his wife however. They had been married forever, raised two sons who were now grown and off to college. They still seemed close – no arguing or anything like that. But there was a noticeable coolness, they did not seem as affectionate as they used to be. For a while Jen worried that his wife might have tumbled to Dan’s attraction to her. But his wife was just as close to Jen as ever, so that did not seem to be the case.
My wife and I have always been golfers – she is particularly good (a natural athlete – and god does she look great in a golf skirt!). Now that our kids (three) are grown we have been travelling more, especially looking for golf resorts in the winter months. About a year and a half ago we found a resort in AZ that we really liked that was offering lovely two bedroom townhouses for sale. Great course, good pool, gym etc really top flight. But also outside our price range. We visited it a couple of times but could not figure out a way to make the dollars work since we were already maintaining two homes.

We went back to our place in my hometown for Xmas 2017. Saw a lot of Dan on the trip as usual. I told him about the resort and how it looked like we could not afford it. He surprised me by asking if we would consider doing a joint purchase with him and his wife. We jumped at the idea and set up a trip for a three day weekend in early February for both couples to check out the place. The developer maintained a couple of the units for rentals so we were able to book a place that had a very similar layout to the one we were looking to buy.

Then the gods of chance stepped in. First, although I am a decent golfer I am a crappy skier. Tried a slope beyond my capabilities less than two weeks before the golf trip and badly tore a calf muscle. Leg swelled like crazy, doc said stay off it and definitely no flights until swelling was down and bruising diminished (worry re blood clots). So that took me out of the picture. Then Dan’s mother in law got quite ill, so the wife said she would help her out for a week. That left just Dan and Jen to travel to see the resort. At first they both said that they would cancel too, but it was looking tough to reschedule anytime soon. Net result was that both couples agreed that Dan and Jen would go down, she would show him the resort, they would look at the townhouse etc.

As the date approached the irony of this really hit me. For two years Jen and I had been talking about the very strong yet unrequited feelings between her and Dan. Now they were going to be spending a weekend together on their own. I asked Jen if she thought anything would happen and she said “absolutely not!” But she blushed when she said it and I knew how real the attraction was. So the night before she left I sat down with her and told her that if anything did happen she had my blessing and encouragement. I also suggested that she take along one of my favorite dresses, an azure blue number that is classy yet also very sexy, showing off her lovely shoulders, neckline and even a bit of cleavage. She looks terrific in it. Jen protested again that nothing was going to happen – but she packed the dress. I could tell that she was excited about the trip.

She got to the Phoenix airport about 3:30pm Friday. Dan had arrived earlier, got a rental car and was waiting to pick her up. Jen, always the practical one, insisted that they stop by supermarket to pick up food etc so they could eat some meals in the rental townhouse. Unfortunately by the time she was done shopping they were caught in the worst of the Phoenix traffic. Took them over an hour to get to the resort.
That night she made a simple dinner for the two of them at the townhouse, then they did a walking tour of the property at night. She told me later that the stars were out and that it was quite romantic. They walked for longer than she expected, talking like crazy about all sorts of topics. But after they finally got back to the townhouse she said things just felt awkward. It was after ten by then so she said she was tired. Each went to their own bedrooms (just a hallway apart) where they stayed the entire night.

Jen wanted to talk to me but was afraid Dan could hear her as their rooms were so close. So she texted me, and we ended up texting back and forth til well after midnight. Net result was that she admitted that she was feeling a huge attraction to him but that she had no idea what to do about it. I just kept giving her assurance of my love and told her to see how things went.

The next day they had a morning tee time to stay ahead of the worst of the desert sun. They played a full 18 holes, which Jen rarely does anymore. She told me they had a blast again. He loved the course, loved the resort – and I suspect was loving her too. They had a light lunch then hit the pool in the afternoon. Dan is quite the swimmer, did almost an hour’s worth of laps. Jen rarely swims but she told me that she enjoyed watching Dan while he did his workout. He was so into the swimming that he was not paying attention to the fact that she was checking him out. I believe she had a poolside cocktail or two because she sent me an uncharacteristically bawdy text which I have to share: “Laying here by the pool watching Dan swimming. Sun feels really good on certain parts of me ;) Dan looks good enough to eat. Should I have a taste?”
I did not see the text until a couple of hours later. By that time they had left the pool and gone back to the room. But again nothing happened – neither one was willing to make the first move. So they showered and got ready for dinner at the club restaurant, which is quite nice. But Jen did put on the azure dress, plus matching sandals that look great on her lovely legs.

They had a great dinner together although I don’t think either of them was paying much attention to the food. Jen ordered a special white wine she is very fond of and together they finished the bottle. Dan complimented her numerous times on how great she looked in the dress; she told me that she made a half teasing reply that he looked pretty good in his swimsuit earlier. She told me that as they walked back to the townhouse their shoulders seemed to gently bump into each other on occasion. She was hoping he might take her hand, but he did not.

When they got back to the townhouse all of the feelings of awkwardness were there again. He said something about well he guessed they should call it a night. Jen thanked him for a lovely evening and leaned forward and gave him a warm hug – something she had done many times before. But this time was different. The hug lingered, they drew closer to each other. Jen said they just stood there holding each other for a while, she doesn’t know how long. The she finally broke the hug, leaned back a bit and then leaned forward again and kissed him full on the mouth.
After all these years of waiting, that was all it took. There was no talking, just kissing, gentle at first then more passionate, hands starting to travel along the bodies, tongues starting to explore. Still without saying anything he surprised her by picking her up and carrying her to his bedroom where he stood her by his bed and quickly undressed first her, then himself. What happened next was not fucking but genuine lovemaking – a rather quick first time followed by lots of quiet touching and kissing then another much longer session, as they both explored and enjoyed each other. Then they started talking – about their feelings for each other, his worries about his wife and his marriage, his guilt about me. Jen surprised him by telling him that I already knew about their feelings for each other, that we had talked about it and that I was ok with this. Then they made love again and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

So that’s how we started down our path to polyamory. It was an incredibly special night for Jen, for Dan and when you think about it, for me too. When she got home Jen never held back any of the details, none of the physical intimacy or the genuine love between them. That was very brave of her because I know how much she loves me and how she does not want to endanger our precious marriage. I love her more than ever for it.
Not surprisingly there have been lots more developments in the three plus years since. But this is post is already way long enough, so I will take a break from the keyboard for now. If people are interested in how things have progressed I will update soon.


Posts: 643
Joined: Sun Oct 08, 2017 6:12 pm

Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by subtoall » Sun May 12, 2019 11:38 am

This is wonderful for you all. I can't wait to hear the rest. No post of yours could ever be too long!

Posts: 83
Joined: Sat Sep 17, 2011 2:35 pm

Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by mathuranjali » Sun May 12, 2019 2:09 pm

Wow! Please continue!


Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by Guhunkadorn » Mon May 13, 2019 5:01 am

Thank you for logging back onto the site to continue your story.

It is fascinating to read and so far it is indeed quite instructional.

Posts: 279
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:56 pm

Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by Fallenone19108 » Mon May 13, 2019 7:49 am

I was wondering? You said Your Wife decided a number of years ago to open Your marriage. Have You Dated at all? The reason I ask, it seems Your in a Cuckold Relationship rather than a Open Marriage. I know label mean little. But as long Your happy. But to Me an Open Marriage means what's good for the Goose is good for the Gander.

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