Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

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john jasson
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Wed Jul 05, 2023 2:09 pm

foot69loose wrote:
Fri Jun 23, 2023 10:57 pm
Hello John,

We have only recently discovered your thread and wish to convey out heartfelt thanks to both you and Sherrie for the effort in not only writing this absolutely enthralling story, but, having you to relive these times with so much clarity, your gut would have been turning like a knot as these sessions are relived in ink.

We are both amazed at how strong your marriage is to be able to overcome all these issues that you both have worked through together successfully. Well done and congratulations.

I know how much angst you would have gone through with these years with Geoff, and my wife can also put herself in the position of Sherrie being slowly but surely led down the rabbit hole of pain and pleasure. Its a journey that has many twists and turns and she obviously has been smitten by the bug and desires to continue her experiences with Geoff.

Geoff, is certainly a very interesting character we have met similar in the lifestyle. They are rare and normally solo. But they have a knack of being able to control and mange their submissive to a point where they are like putty in their hands to do with as they see fit and disregarding all others.

It has taken us some time to read and comprehend your journey to this point. We also are very keen and looking forward to reading about how this stage of your lives finish up with Geoff and continues with another playmate.

Thank you, It is a significant story and we both appreciate you retelling it.
We have been on OHW since 2011, we cannot recall your earlier posts but rest assured we are riveted to reading your next instalments.

Thank you for adding your thoughts from down under, foot69loose. It was certainly a long, slow progression, as has been reliving it here. Every twist, turn and nuance has been at once exquisite, exasperating and, for the most part, delicious. Sherrie spent a lot of time getting her rocks off with Geoff over six years. He was an enigma. I have only picked stand out landmark events and a selection of representative occasions to relate here because there were just so many. If you’ve indulged in something like this over many years, you’ll know that there will be lots of times she’s at play that on the face of it seem very similar to each other. They’ll all be equally red hot and thrilling when you’re living in the moment, but if written up longhand, individually, they would become very samey and tedious. This is the balancing act. I’ve tried to put in enough to give the full flavour and satisfy, but not so much as to cause indigestion and lose the reader.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

john jasson
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Wed Jul 05, 2023 2:10 pm

blooit1 wrote:
Sat Jun 24, 2023 12:42 am
Great last update J.

The detail and context you have provided have given us an excellent insight of your relationship. It just oozes with the mutual love, care and respect you 2 have for each other. After reading that it’s no surprise that your marriage is robust and enduring.
I’ve got a lot of sympathy for poor S, clearly she was struggling to make sense of the conflicting forces and thoughts that she had experienced, and in hindsight a break to allow her to marshal her thoughts was a good move.
Also good to hear that G is staying in the picture, without doubt his interactions with S are good for her.

Look forward to your next posting.

Thank you! Our life does ooze with mutual love, care and respect, and I am so pleased that this comes across to you. After my initial consternation of our falling out, I was very quick to realise that she was in big trouble, and not herself at all. From then on, it was a matter of trying to make things better for her, if she’d let me. Ultimately, she did.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

john jasson
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Wed Jul 05, 2023 2:15 pm

Johng1953 wrote:
Tue Jun 27, 2023 2:47 pm
I'm glad that things are back on track for you both at this point and I'm really looking forward to how things developed from here and how the Geoff 'phase' ended given Sherrie's apparently innate need for submission.
When we analyse the whole history, it’s clear that her submissiveness is very much innate. From that first experience with Damien in the pub just after we were married (going right back to page 1 on the thread), it was quite clear that she has a visible, involuntary mental and physical reaction to arrogant, overly macho men that for all of her assertive feminism she finds hard to resist and certainly difficult to understand. It would have caused big problems for her with most husbands, probably resulting in her having affairs and ending in divorce, but I was intrigued, excited, and I encouraged her to indulge her deepest secret desires. Jealousy would have destroyed all of this happiness.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

john jasson
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Wed Jul 05, 2023 2:19 pm

Tracey52 wrote:
Wed Jun 28, 2023 12:22 am
Thanks for the update John. It all seemed to settle back to normal fairly quickly. Almost an anti climax as the reader but good for you both and your relationship. I expect they’ll be further up and downs before Sherrie is done with Geoff. She would clearly seem to have the control of their relationship now, despite allowing herself to be dominated.
Yep. Anticlimax is right and I actually thought the same thing while I was writing it. The old journalistic adage has it that “bad news sells”, so I knew once we got through the crisis that interest would wane somewhat. If I was trying to assemble all of the available history to have the most dramatic impact, I would have held our fortnight from hell back until nearer the end of their relationship, but life isn’t like that, and I had decided at the outset to stick to the authentic timeline of events.

Sherrie had a lot of up and downs with Geoff; many of them when he made her squat over him and do all the work as he penetrated her “tearing me in two with that thing” as she would describe the process. Being torn it two with that thing never prevented her going back for more though.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

john jasson
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Wed Jul 05, 2023 2:23 pm

BDJ wrote:
Wed Jun 28, 2023 3:58 am
That was almost a relaxing read after the intense drama of previous segments. It was like settling into a comfortable chair to read a new novel by a favorite author. So soothing. Maybe even more so if I'd had a cat on my lap.

Yep. Back to normal for John and Sherrie. But knowing Sherrie...maybe not. Back to the comfy chair analogy. All is well until a leg cramp hits. Maybe she's got a leg cramp planned for you, huh John?

And the cat would be purring, eh, BDJ? :cool:
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

john jasson
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Wed Jul 05, 2023 2:24 pm

PaNic wrote:
Wed Jun 28, 2023 4:05 am
I love that way she switches, from being so tender and sincere to the return of the wicked gleam in her eye; “I reckon my tender bits might be raw when I get back.”
Love and lust: an irresistible combination in your woman! That’s surely the crux of what we’re all seeking in our beloveds...
Oh, yes. That’s my girl. So much a woman, and so sexual. “Carelessly cut you, and laugh while you’re bleeding.” - with thanks to Billy Joel. You never, ever know where you are with her, other than the rock solid love.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

john jasson
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Wed Jul 05, 2023 2:27 pm

Trickydicky69 wrote:
Wed Jun 28, 2023 6:05 am
I was taken by surprise John!
I didn’t expect such a quick update. But a very pleasant one.
As mentioned already, dramatically less intense and back to normal.
Amazing really how she’s gone from meltdown to normal again.
But that’s because she’s communicating again. Presumably, you’ve both learned that she needs to tell you everything- the previous posts suggested that she had been holding back, even though she should have known to trust you.
So in fact, as you said at the start, it’s made you stronger after surviving it.
And not unchanged. Sherrie has come to accept her two sided nature. Also apologised profusely and I do think you deserve that. Even your unreserved love for her should be acknowledged and thanked, otherwise she really would be taking you for granted. As she says, she needs your support to be able to fly.
The elephant of course, is Geoff and what happens next?
Clearly Sherrie is needing his BDSM dynamic now but equally, we already know that it ceases.
Will that be because she outgrows the need for BDSM?
Or when Geoff and her finish, she can’t imagine another Dom taking her to the same highs and lows without it feeling artificial? This evolved unexpectedly and naturally- if she went shopping for another, it might not fulfill her. So doesn’t follow that path anymore?
And does Geoff simply fade away- he can’t have her so stops trying to and it gets stale?
Or does his power over her now fade? A bit like like a TV show where the characters have chemistry unrequited but when they do get it on, the audience lose interest?
Yes, I think that’s right. Once the tension that drives the story to its climax is somewhat resolved its allure as an erotic piece of writing must decline. It is what it is though, as reported. Nail on head with regard to us being in communication once more. It was a torrid set of circumstances that had derailed us. As soon as we were talking and relating properly again, a lot of the problems fell way because we had always been so in harmony, and we desperately wanted to be again. It was a huge relief when we confirmed that we were on the same wavelength, and it was still the wavelength we’d been on before. Like coming home to paradise. Your other points will resolve. We are approaching the final furlong now, I would say.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

john jasson
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Wed Jul 05, 2023 2:34 pm

KarrieKraves wrote:
Wed Jun 28, 2023 9:21 pm
John- simply reiterating what many others have already said- Thanks for the previous two story segments. Again very well written and presented and yes, for me they have answered many of the questions that have lingered. I do have a few additional questions/curiosities for you when you do get the chance to review again.

I thought the actual dialogue you presented as you and Sherrie discussed the circumstances surrounding the “meltdown” was quite detailed. I know you mentioned that you had presented a much less detailed version of these same events here a number of years ago, focusing mainly on the sexual elements of the story at that time. Did you Journal these conversations with Sherrie directly after the fact and store them, or are you just going by memory and presenting sort of the “gist” of the dialogue that you remember from those times here??

Also it now appears that the PIV denial between you and Sherrie has ended, albeit you are still required to wear condoms. I know you have stated that it was over a year since you and her had PIV sex. Do you remember exactly how long it had been? Will regular PIV sex continue between the two of you from this point onwards?

Currently in the story, Sherrie had returned home from the cottage on the Wednesday afternoon of this week. Thursday after work and swim class, she went for her discussion with Geoff and wound up spending the Thursday night with him. Where this last story post leaves off is the Friday night at bedtime. Sherrie has already made plans to spend the upcoming Thursday (night), Friday (night) and Saturday (night) exclusively playing with Geoff, with (I read it as very eager) encouragement/support from you. Will this mean that she will have to take the Friday off from the Lab? Did either of you consider perhaps some period of relationship/sexual exclusivity between you and Sherrie as a couple, before she resumed her relationship with Geoff, given the “brittle” condition that your relationship had been in for the last few weeks?? Could just be me, but it seemed that perhaps both of you were somewhat overanxious to get things going with Geoff again.

Last of all, despite you and Sherrie resuming PIV activity, you continue to wear condoms and of course Geoff continues to have her bare. You did mention in the last post that you were hoping this would perhaps change soon. Did you and Sherrie actually have any discussion about this changing at this point in the story? Did you see it as important at this point that you go bare with her as well? Also do you believe as many others here do that (despite Geoff’s vasectomy) having his semen in her body connects her to him in a way that she does not connect with you having to use condoms?

I’m working entirely from memory, sometimes verbatim, sometimes paraphrasing, but the events were so burned into my psyche and hers at the time that they will never be forgotten, and of course we have talked about them since, both the erotic elements and the traumatic ones. They are all part of us, and they contribute to making us who we are.

I did post a rough chronology in answer to another query a little while back, so I’ve just added another line to bring it to where the story is now:

It went something like this:

Late 2000 – Sherrie at age 30 first sets eyes on Geoff and signs up for his swim class. She thinks he’s weird, maybe shy. He hardly talks to her.

Early 2001 – She’s very taken with his coaching over the weeks and likes his hard taskmaster style. It works for her fitness and to her surprise it makes her horny. She discovers he isn’t shy at all but an extremely arrogant misogynist. He suggests taking her out for a meal one Saturday evening while I’m away and he seduces her, fucking her for the first time in our lounge. She doesn’t take a lot of seducing. She confesses to me that she was gagging for it in the face of his macho arrogance towards her, an arousal that bewildered her at first. After she’s sampled his thick prick she can’t get enough. The same evening she persuaded him to take her on as a personal trainee in his gym and for track work.

2001 to 2003 – Their affair continues to intensify as he begins to dominate her more aggressively, introducing the belt, the cane, ropes and various bondage implements into her training and punishment as time goes by. She is soon referring to him as her master and becoming surprisingly accepting of his chauvinistic manner with her. She is really falling under his spell. We both recognise this, but it’s hot and we like it.

Late 2001 – She comes off birth control due to high blood pressure so I have to wear condoms. He’s had a vasectomy so he gets her bare. She likes the vibe of this situation, and in truth I get off on it too. She loves to tease me about it.

Mid 2003 – He announces that he’s taking her much deeper into her own submission to him, telling her that she needs it. She’s curious and keen to experiment. I wonder if it’s possible for him to take her any deeper, but I’m soon disabused of those doubts. Shortly after, she tells me she will stop having full sexual intercourse with me. She wants to be exclusive with her master for a time, but she promises to keep me happy and fulfilled. He takes her into anal submission rituals with enemas, and deeper bondage techniques as well as introducing her to catheterisation, all of which intensifies her addiction to her helplessness in his hands. She craves the hold he has over her and the feelings she derives from being his submissive.

Sept 2003.approx - Lifting her dress to display her naked body before leaving for the weekend racing with Geoff. It’s a very deep rabbit hole by now.

Early 2004. The affair has been going on at this level for nearly a year, and in total about three and a half.

Too close to the fire conversation, I’m sure was an evening, and very light nights because as we were talking the birds were roosting in the trees outside. Odd the details you remember out of the blue, I would say May-June 2004.

Her trip to LA and the aftermath was October 2004, so that’s where we are now and the night being reported was our first PIV intercourse for just short of a year and a half.

She did take that Friday off from work. Maybe I didn’t mention it in the narrative. She was intent on spending Thursday evening to Sunday with him. Yes it was quickly back into it, but for years this had been normality, and we certainly needed normality. Plus, she was gagging for him just as much as ever which was so hot and wonderful to see so soon after her meltdown. We were on good terms again. As loving towards each other as ever, and we’d made love for the first time in a long time, so why would I stand in her way? We fed off this game. It was a positive. We’d had a nasty shock, but we felt it had made us stronger. The trust was intact.

Condoms. No I didn’t make an issue of it at that moment. Even when I did it was always partly tongue in cheek. I mentioned in the story that she still gave me her evil grin over the fact that I was wearing that condom and he was getting her bare as usual. I even used it to ramp things up further by asking her would he be taking her bare. Of course we both knew he would, but I was giving her the opportunity to rub it in and hold it over me, and in doing so I was signalling to her that all was well. We have our ways of communicating our feelings and our limits without speaking the actual words and breaking the mood. We’ve been doing this for so long it can be almost subliminal, verging on telepathic, at times.

His jizz zooming around in her system while mine wasn’t was a massive mindfuck for me, and there was a post way back where she actually used my concerns about it to push my buttons by giving me some research to read as I was leaving on a business trip and she was going to be spending a lot of time with him. She can be extremely evil, but she knows how my kink ticks to a tee and what will excite me. It seems she can edge me mentally every bit as well as she can edge me physically. She can drive me nuts is the bottom line, but we’re always in love. This is a link to the post way back if you missed it: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359&start=525#p1351142
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
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john jasson
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Wed Jul 05, 2023 2:36 pm

foot69loose wrote:
Thu Jun 29, 2023 9:09 pm
Hello John,

We wanted to thank you for the update. It does provide clarity on how raw you both were after this incident. In addition it also showed both of you the real feelings between yourselves and exactly where Geoff stood. In our opinion, it was a good result for you both and your marriage.

It takes a lot of internal fortitude to handle your wife departing on her forays with her lover or Master.

Given the frequency of Sherrie’s weekly visits, did you ever just accept them or were you still dealing with the ongoing angst?
How were you coping, what mechanisms did you use to overcome the angst and deal with the time alone?

Having lived through it and still do its something over time I come to crave despite the raw feelings in your gut and not knowing what to do to either calm down or to entertain oneself. I found it is much easier when I’m a participant rather than waiting for the update to come, despite the updates being much more gut wrenching, thrilling and enjoyable.

We are both looking forward to reading your new instalments especially now as to what happens in the end with Geoff, knowing that there is another lover in Sherrie’s life after Geoff it is rather tantalising.

Thank you for taking the time to relive this and put write it all up.
Glutton for punishment that I am, I find the whole thing wildly exciting. Angsty, gut-wrenching, of course, but still wildly exciting. We both crave this situation. I guess coping is not a word I would use therefore, because we actually do this for pleasure! We understand that it’s a fine line between excruciating angst and abandoned excitement. So I’m not sure about internal fortitude. If I could say that the level of fortitude needed is inversely proportion to the level of your marital love and trust, then probably I didn’t need very much of the former.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

john jasson
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Wed Jul 05, 2023 2:38 pm

In conclusion once again, I will leave a link for the most recent chapter here having buried it once more with replies.

Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Trickydicky69 » Mon Jul 17, 2023 7:52 am

How’s the denouement shaping up?

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by antidote2909 » Tue Jul 18, 2023 6:56 pm

Waiting for the next instalment 😁

john jasson
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Sat Jul 22, 2023 1:44 am

Next morning. Our traditional Saturday cuppa in bed. I’m on brewing duties. Then she seduces me into a traditional Saturday morning fuck in bed. Only it’s a while since we had one of these.

J: Still as brilliant as ever, sweetheart.

S: Thanks, babe. You too. We’re so good together. Looks like we’ll have to replenish the condom supplies.

After the tea, and after the sex, we relax for a while as I spoon her. I know her brain is whirring.

S: I’m so sorry, babe. Really, I am. For everything.

J: No. don’t do that to yourself again. Onwards and upwards now.

She’s obviously in guilt mode.

S: I won’t spend next weekend with him. I shouldn’t. I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about it. It’s so wrong.

I have to laugh wryly.

J: Is it any more wrong now than it was before? Not like he’s taking your innocence or even your marital fidelity, is it? Those ships sailed long ago. It’s entirely down to what YOU want. That’s all.

S: You’re really ok with it?

J: You know what I gave you, so it’s not my call. I want you to do what you want to do. I’ll always support you, and yes, it still excites me, but is it what you want or not? Do you want to be with him?

Although she’s facing away from me as I spoon her, I see her cheek, neck and shoulders colour up in a blush. Goosebumps appear on her back and shoulders at the thought, and I feel them rise too under my hand which is resting on her thigh. Her excitement is palpable as ever. She can never hide her arousal, nor her embarrassment at me seeing it blossom. She’s her father’s good little girl, of course. Except when she’s not.

S: Yeah. I do. You know I do, don’t you? I'm sorry.

J: Well there’s your answer.

S: Oh God, I love you so much. You know me too well. And again. I’ll never treat you like that again. Whatever happens. If he dumps me for good. I’m stronger now. And I’m so sorry…. For all of it.

J: It’s ok sweetheart. I know how bad a place you were in. Talking of him dumping you. What actually happened that night? You’ve told me about the Wednesday after you came home. When he put you into bondage and caned you for being married to me, and you’ve told me about last night when you made it up with him. What about the Thursday night? The night it all kicked off. How did he bring up the small detail of you dumping me and going to live with him?

She sighs. Wriggles out of my embrace and turns to me.

S: It was just…. strange, really. I mean there was the bad atmosphere here before I went swimming, and you obviously didn’t want me to go, but I was still angry and upset, so I was determined to go. I needed to get out of the house, and he’d made me feel so good the night before..... I was still emotional when I got there too, but I went through the class. Performed OK, I suppose. Didn’t draw any special criticism from him at least! When I got to his afterwards, there was an odd vibe, like it was…… I’m not sure but, you know…… just not like it normally is. I didn’t know what to expect, but then I never do. I’ve told you he’d put me deep in submission the night before after you and I had quarrelled on the phone, so I thought there might be more of that. Hoped there would be, and I suppose there was, but everything seemed, I don’t know how to describe it…. half-hearted, perhaps. Apprehensive even? Like he was distracted, maybe. I was too, but he’s never distracted when he’s dominating me. He’s always ice cold steel. So it was kind of…… weird.

G (to S): I’ll get you a drink, girl.

S (to G): Yes, thank you, Master.

S(to me): I could certainly do with one after everything over the past 48 hours since I was flying home. He poured me this massive brandy that was probably like 6 pub measures, and we just sat there talking.

J: About us and the row again?

S: No. Not at all. That was done the night before. Mainly about training. Some races coming up over the next couple of months that he was going to enter me for including a couple of demanding fell events over rugged terrain with steep ascents of over a thousand feet, and what my preparation for them would need to be like. It was just relaxed in that sense, at least, after the night before. Well, as relaxed as it ever can be for me there because I know that at any moment he can demand anything of me, so I’m always in my sub head with him. We drank the brandy over maybe an hour or so, but there was still this….. oddness about it. Like the calm before the storm. How right that turned out to be!

G(to S): Get yourself into my bedroom now, girl. Strip naked, adopt the position and wait.

S(to G): Yes, Master.

S(to me): So the night’s action was starting. I still didn’t know what to expect, but I can’t argue or have any input once he instructs me. Obviously. He kept me waiting there just kneeling on the floor in his room, hands behind my back with my head bowed in obedience. Must have been at least 20 minutes more before he came in, so I just have to contemplate my fate. All part of the turn on, of course. The submission ritual. All part of him messing with my head, and it’s very intense. Whatever it’s going to be, me wanting it bad, savouring the depth of my weakness before my Master. Virtually a slave to my darkest need, you know how I get, but it’s impossible to put into words exactly how it feels to me.

J: Fuck, Sher. It’s always so intense. You have me rock hard again even now despite the circumstances of the night you’re describing.

She puts her hand out under the covers and grasps my erection again, and she giggles.

S: I told you. You’re a hopeless case. There’s no cure for you

J: Makes two of us, yeah?

S: Yeah. Touché….. He ordered me onto the bed, made me hold my arms out in front of me, then cuffed me and locked the cuffs to the frame at the head. He blindfolded me and left me again for a while. Just to think about my situation some more.

J: That must be so tough because you’re locked onto something that can’t move by your wrists. You can’t see. You are totally at his mercy. Your mind must be at overload even just there on your own.

S: Well, yes. That’s the whole point! That’s what drives the excitement. Captor and captive. Dominator and dominated. But it’s bloody uncomfortable in that position too. He knows what he’s doing! He told me to hold the kneeling position on the bed which is a really difficult angle where he’s cuffed me to it. The manacle is too low to kneel up tall, and too high and restricting of my wrists to put my hands on the bed for support. So I’m kneeling not fully up with my upper body vertical, and not fully down either. Bloody strenuous to maintain it half way between the two, and of course he’s well aware of it. Does it all purposely. Little did I know what he was building up to in his mind. After another half hour he came and got onto the duvet behind me. I was still cuffed and blindfolded, but he pulled my bum up so I was now kneeling with my thighs vertical. He can lift and move me like I weigh nothing. Then he pushed my head down roughly into the pillow, so my cuffed hands are above and behind my head now, straining my arms, and just plowed his meat into me from behind, reaching around and pinching my nipples like he was trying to squash them. I was wet and ready, of course, so I could take it ok. Gagging for it, even though it always feels like its tearing me apart. It’s as though the first time he ever had me he created this void in me with his fat cock. It’s only a psychological void, of course, but ever since that night I have this insatiable need for him to put it back there and do his worst with it.

J: All going well to that point then. Damien nipples for him to pinch too, I’ll bet.

S: Oh yeah. This is all what I crave, babe. Whatever he wants to take from me. While he was still doing me, he pushed my head down hard so my face was crushed into the pillow forcing me to hold my breath. Eventually, it’s over of course and still I’m climaxing in the stratosphere. He took the blindfold off me and uncuffed me, leaving the cuffs chained to the bed frame, and I saw them just hanging there. Funny I remember those details, eh? Tells me to lie down and relax. So I’m lying there with my legs wide open watching him looking at my dirty crack that’s oozing his jizz. I’m on a cloud in the aftermath of this, and he knows it. Knows exactly what he does to me; has me right where he wants me. Malleable. Accepting of anything. Brain in orbit, body swimming in ecstasy and of course that massive void between my legs where he’s been excavating my womb. I’m chilled out, but always anticipating what he has planned for me next. Fuck. I certainly never dreamed what it was going to be! I found out a couple of minutes later.

J: Shit!

G(to S): Back on the floor, girl. Adopt the position.

S(to G): Yes Master.

S(to me): And I have to jump to it because I’ll be punished if I take too long.

G(to S): Don’t let any of your stinking mess dribble out of that dirty midden of yours onto my clean floor.

S(to G): No Master.

G:(to S): Are you ready to take the ultimate step in your submission to me, girl? The one where the die is cast and there’s no going back?

S(to G): Yes. Of course, Master. Anything you wish.

Of course, I think it’s yet another notch on the scale of what we’ve been doing, and I’m buzzing to find out what it can possibly be.

G(to S): Look at me.

S(to me): I raised my bowed head to look him in the eye. I am only allowed to do that if he gives permission when I’m in my sub space. He came and knelt on one knee in front of me, and he held the padlock pendant on my belly chain.

She’s wearing his belly chain even now, so I reach for it under the covers as a point of reference, and I hold the tiny padlock resting on her lower stomach as she’s describing the scene.

G(to S): Take off your wedding ring, girl. And take those hearts from around your neck. You won’t be needing them anymore. This chain of submission around your body is the only adornment you are permitted.

J: Jesus, Sher.

S(to me): My mouth must have dropped wide open at what I was hearing. What kind of fucking windup was this? So straightaway the spell is broken. I’m out of my dreamlike sub space immediately, and feeling stone cold sober in spite of the brandy.

S(to G): What do you mean? You know I won’t do that. Not ever!

S(to me): He’s standing up now; starts shouting down at me. I’m still kneeling on the fucking floor, full of his jizz, arguing back! Like some erotic comedy farce.

G(to S): You will do as you are fucking told, or I will flay every last bit of skin off your spoilt, wilful little arse with the cat o’ nine tails, so help me! You have one minute to take off his regalia.

S(to G): Whatever you do to my body, I won’t remove the symbols of my love and marriage to John. It’s a red line for me, Geoff. You should know! You’ve always known that.

G(to S): You address me as Master. The only red lines you have are the ones I’ll give you on your hide!

S(to me): He didn’t seem to be hearing me, and he’s picking up a cane that was standing in the corner.

G(to S): From tonight, you live here with me. You leave behind that other world and you find your true self. You told me last night how he made you feel worthless. Well it’s time for you to make your move away from all that, and follow your natural inclinations as a woman as God intended. You need to be submitted to a strong man. You are very lucky to have found me.

S(to G): What the fuck?! John’s my husband and my soul mate. He made me feel worthless when I got back, yes, but that doesn’t mean we’re finished for ever. I shouldn’t have said some of the things I said last night. I was emotional and exhausted. And I don’t do God!!

G(to S): I’ve had enough of you coming here and taking me for granted for your kicks when he’s away and then fucking off back when he’s home. It’s time for you to make a choice. I thought last night that you’d reached the point for moving on and becoming what a woman is supposed to be.

S(to G): This is unfair. I never promised anything more than fun and indulging our sexualities that seem to complement each other. What we have between us is an affair. An erotic diversion for pleasure. A very hot and satisfying one, but that’s what it is. You and me full time was never an option for me. This is all a fucking fantasy. I get off big time on living it out, but at the end of the day it’s still a fantasy. You don’t get to rule me in real life. No fucker does!

G(to S): I thought there was more to you. I really thought I’d made progress in turning you around, but you’re just a selfish bitch like all the rest of them. Just get out. Now!

S(to me): I’m standing up by now, and I can see it all going south at exactly the time you and I have fallen out for the first time ever. Don’t know what’s hit me.

S(to G): I don’t want to wreck what we have, but it just isn’t me to live it 24/7. I’m sorry, Geoff. It just isn’t, and I’m sorry if I’ve somehow given you the wrong impression.

G(to S): Never mind that. You can fuck off back to your stupid, oblivious soul mate, can’t you? Go on. Fuck off, you appalling, self-centred little bitch! Your father needed to put you in your place more often as you were growing up. Clearly it’s too late now.

S(to me): I couldn’t believe it had escalated so quickly. I knew I’d angered him and upset him all at once, but I had to put him straight, didn’t I? Next thing I know he’s frogmarching me out of the room, and I’m trying to pick up my clothes as we go. He pushed me out of the front door as I’d hardly got my knickers up. Just shell shocked. I put the rest of my clothes on. At least I was relieved to find I had everything, and my handbag.

J: Bloody hell. Why didn’t you tell me it had been so heavy when you got home? Or ring me to come and meet you?

S(to me): Fuck, John. Because I wasn’t speaking to you! And I didn’t want to show you any more weakness. My problems weren’t over. Next thing, he turned the porch lights out. It’s pitch dark out there, and I’m grovelling my way to the car over rough ground. Eventually I got in and I’m sitting in the driving seat bawling my head off, stoked up on brandy and wondering if I dare to drive.

J: That’s ridiculous. If there was ever a time you needed to ring me, that was it. I’d have come out to you. I’d had a drink too with the situation between us, but nothing on the scale you’d had.

S(to me): Yeah. I wasn’t thinking straight, babe. Is it any wonder? That was the start of my unravelling. The pair of you had shit on me and I didn’t want anything to do with either of you. I was completely on my own. So as you know, I did drive home and the rest of it you know. Downhill from there, wasn’t it?

J: What sort of a bastard gets you drunk, fucks you, then sends you out into the wilderness with no means of getting home other than drink driving. He’s an arsehole. I always said it.

S(to me): It was high octane that night. He apologised to me last night for that very irresponsible act on his part. Said he was worried to death about me later.

J: Probably worried about any consequences for himself.

S(to me): No. There was genuine remorse, and that’s the truth.

J: And you want to take up with him again and carry on where you left off? Despite all of that.

S: Yeah. Please, John. Well, I guess I already have, haven’t I? And don’t forget you and I stood in this house hitting each other before I left. That kind of scene won’t happen again. I won’t let it. And we won’t fight like that again will we? Not ever. That was a one off, yeah? We will take better care of us.

J: I hope so!

S: And like I said. I will never ever treat you that way again even if he dumps me.

J: Well that’s good to know. Not sure how you guarantee it, but I love the sentiment and that you want to say it. More than anything, I don’t want you in a tailspin like that ever again because I think it made you ill.

S: I mean it with all of my heart, but I can only prove it to you over time.

We are back on something more like an even keel, although we will remain a little shell-shocked for a long time. Particularly after reviewing the night he tried to claim her as his own but finished up kicking her out into the night. We are both relieved. Neither of us would have predicted that she could be so affected by a lover and that it could derail us so spectacularly, even for a relatively short time. The short time that felt like a decade. Our personal hell.

We’re home in our own bed. Satisfied, fulfilled. I run my fingers through her soft lovely ginger hair as I’ve done for ever. Then we settle down relaxed, and unusually for us in a morning, we fall asleep in each other’s arms again. The very last thing I remember is running my fingers around her lithe body from her back to her front tracing along his belly chain that still encircles her body and lies defiantly between us on her soft tummy.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Nfhw » Sat Jul 22, 2023 3:43 am

What an amazing love you two share.

Thank you for taking us along.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Johng1953 » Sat Jul 22, 2023 4:35 am

Sherrie has redeemed herself in my eyes somewhat.
However, Geoff has just reinforced my intense dislike of him. He's a thoroughly nasty piece of work.
I can't imagine what brought about the end of this relationship given that the breach described here obviously didn't permanently destroy whatever the vibe is, but I can't help hoping it ended badly for him when it did eventually end.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Tracey52 » Sat Jul 22, 2023 4:43 am

She has got it bad, if she went back to him after that. No thoughts of dumping him. Only worried how she’ll react if he dumps her again.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Trickydicky69 » Sat Jul 22, 2023 5:18 am

I can’t help but agree with you Johng!

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Lensman2000 » Sat Jul 22, 2023 8:22 pm

I'm not asking for your psychoanalysis here, but, what do you think is the source of Sherri's submissive and, occasionally, sadistic traits? Her sub behavior seems to be selective (only with certain men) and her cruelty seems directed only toward you.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Cuckysi » Sun Jul 23, 2023 6:57 am

An amazing series of posts covering the events of the Wednesday/Thursday following John's phone comment and then Sherrie's return from self imposed exile. Certainly clarifies Sherrie's state of mind and explains why she took John's comment so badly, and how this then set off the potentially catastrophic week away.

Although lots of the questions from the readership (not least regarding Sherrie's response to John's comment and the fallout from this) have been answered, there are clearly others arising from the posts that will, hopefully, be answered over the next few months.

In particular John, did you ever find out what Sherrie said to Geoff on the Wednesday following your comment about phone charges?

"S: I told Geoff how much you’d upset me in terms I regret now. He was the only sounding board I had. No doubt he was thinking about my words all the time I was there with him controlling me.
J: Even now, I don’t feel able to ask her exactly what it was she said to him about me, so I keep quiet. Maybe one day she’ll volunteer it; maybe it’s better left dark.

More generally I can't wait to see what Sherrie comes up with to replace the PIV denial and the accompanying exclusivity of her body to Geoff. She is clearly brilliantly inventive in giving you what you need out of this (despite all she says about focusing solely on her own sexuality) so how she goes back to the various forms of denial or what replacement she comes up with is going to be fascinating to watch. It will no doubt start (if it hasn't already) with the long weekend away.

Longer term there is the question of why and how the relationship with Geoff ends (whether with a bang or a whimper as a previous poster put). Possibly linked to this is the interesting aspect of Geoff's fixation on symbols (the 'slave' locket and belly chain). Again Geoff fixates on the obvious symbol of Sherrie's relationship with John (the wedding ring) but for the first time there is the mention by Geoff of the intertwining hearts pendant that is her symbol of 'us'. In a reply to a comment by Chrislydi some while ago you mention that Sherrie no longer has this pendant and I do wonder if this is linked somehow to the end of the relationship?

There is also the ongoing saga of the business and the potential impact of this on yours and Sherrie's life together (much earlier on you mention that the impact of Sherrie's absence on the business was terminal).

Finally thanks so much John for the effort that you put into this thread, your narrative posts and the thoughtful replies to the questions from your readership. It must take hours of your time and like so many others have said before I really appreciate and value this thread not just for it's entertainment value but also for the psychological insights into aspects of this lifestyle.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by blooit1 » Tue Jul 25, 2023 1:20 am

Thanks J for your latest post.
As I read it, I was struck again by how well matched you and S are. You are both very fortunate to have enjoyed such a mutually loving relationship. Although I don’t doubt you both will have made the effort to make it so.
I do have a question for you; have you ever personally attempted to satisfy S’s submissive and masochsitic needs?

I also feel that I should comment on some of the negative comments being made about G upthread. I do appreciate that he has made a serious mistake in trying to tryst S away from J and quite rightly deserves criticism for that.
However, from what I’ve since read, he understands that he overstepped the line and has apologised to S and now accepts that what he was trying to do is not acceptable.
All his other actions are very much instigated by S and even expected and welcomed by her! He is satisfying her S and M needs and wants and is mindful of her welfare and safety. I believe that any criticism of him in this respect is unfair and unjustified.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Trickydicky69 » Wed Jul 26, 2023 6:33 am

Agreed, Geoff was until the shitshow, a perfect Dom for Sherrie.
My problem with him was, he was behaving unethically in the background- which seemed pretty clear early on the thread to me, anyway.
Innately untrustworthy character which Sherrie was attracted to, hence how this came about.
If he’d been ethical, if she hadn’t been attracted to bad boys, the story wouldn’t exist.
But this story repeats itself endlessly. I’ve seen paler imitations of this happen many times with my younger female staff.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Kingmidas » Sun Aug 06, 2023 2:52 pm

It’s been a couple of weeks since JJ delivered and I’ve got very strong withdrawal symptoms so I’m giving this a bump in the hope that we get the next chapter.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Tracey52 » Sun Aug 06, 2023 11:52 pm


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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Trickydicky69 » Thu Aug 10, 2023 4:39 am

I’m assuming John is either busy with work or on holiday.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Johng1953 » Thu Aug 10, 2023 5:07 am

Trickydicky69 wrote:
Thu Aug 10, 2023 4:39 am
I’m assuming John is either busy with work or on holiday.
I hope that's all it is.
I'm missing them.

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