Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

For hotwives and the men who adore them.

Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Sat Sep 12, 2020 11:59 pm

slenderfish wrote:
Sat Sep 12, 2020 11:58 pm
afagehi7 wrote:
Sat Sep 12, 2020 11:44 pm
I'm just going to toss this out there: perhaps in addition to feeling like she's cheating on you perhaps Mr. B also crossed into her vision of thought. Could even be moreso since she knows you want this. She may feel some allegiance to Mr. B (for lack of a better term).

Regardless, it's still a base hit and she's still a step closer. Now that she's swung the bat and made it to first, she'll be more comfortable with getting to first base and may make it to second next time.

Hopefully she tells you the details and feels fondly of them. I'm guessing that the chemistry with Mr. S wasn't as strong as the chemistry with Mr. B and that was the basis for her decision moreso than concern for you at home. Mr. B certainly seems to be acting as sort of a boyfriend with her.
I'll add that she knows I prefer Mr. B if my choice has any weight. I follow your logic and would love for it to develop along that line of thinking. If that ends up being the case, then the base hit just turned into a ground-rule double.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by kaskap79 » Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:03 am

I also believes Mr B is a better solution.

The reason is the time between she takes the plunge and until you can reconnect can be too long.

For me the greatness of my wife being a hotwife is best shortly after she has been with him. The longer time the more the thrill disappears and some of the negative thoughts takes over.

But over time it does not matter anymore, but in the beginning it was very important for me to be with her as quick as possible,

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by Hobby_Fan » Sun Sep 13, 2020 6:55 am

Appreciate you sharing everything. Glad your wife is taking this at her pace and not just giv h in. It will be better in the long run she does this on her own terms.

What a great story so far.

Also, she’s a total smoke show!!!


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by whenwillshe » Sun Sep 13, 2020 7:09 am

Based upon my visual inspection of slenderwife, I think a boob job is totally unnecessary as she is a total knockout but perhaps closer inspection is needed. :whip:

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by mundyman » Sun Sep 13, 2020 7:24 am

Congratulations. Most important is that she feels in control and not pressured.
This has to be done at her own speed and comfort level.
Your wife is obviously not at that point yet and that’s ok.
It was a bitch, but congratulations on controlling yourself. I can only imagine that it made that much easier for her to go through this experience.
Just as you were at home going through all your feelings for the first time, imagine what must have been going through her mind as she was actually going through with the meet up.
You live with the emotional consequences while she lives with the physical and emotional consequences. Not in a bad way, but there’s just more on her plate to deal with.
Continued good luck. I hope when she comes back you fuck your brains out and have some of the hottest sex as she recounts her weekend.
Thanks for sharing and taking the time to do so.
If we’re voting, I think your wife would look great with augmented breasts. Not huge bolt ons, but a subtle increase in cup size, perhaps to a D cup or large D, and maybe up to a 36.

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by Dharmadude » Sun Sep 13, 2020 11:50 am

Even though the weekend didn’t go exactly as planned, I’m glad you brought us along for the ride. I think a lot of good things happened recently and it won’t be long before she joins the HW club.

Not sure what caused her to cancel the date. My thought is it’s Mr. B. My HW slects all of her encounters as if she was dating. I think she looks for “boyfriend material” even though she prefers random encounters and is not looking for a boyfriend, or even another FB really. She still selects men that she would date if single. I feel most women are like this. We men say, a hard cock is a hard cock, but women don’t think like this. Just my opinion of course.

I think Mr. B will be her first. And probably pretty quickly too. She has a taste of the LS, and your reaction to it too, and will take that leap.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Sun Sep 13, 2020 5:12 pm

Lucky will be the man who takes her in the plunge to become a true Hotwife! I thought once again that she did this on her own a about four weeks ago with Mr. B. She always assures me she doesn't find him attractive in a sexy or romantic way, and I take her at her word, but her behavior really indicates otherwise. I mean, really! Read on.

Note I posted a lot of this in another string that has since died, as it should. I'm posting it here because it's such a big part of the continuing story of Mr. B, as a major protagonist in our Hotwife journey/story.

When I went out of town about four weekends ago, she was (again) acting a bit too careful in her planning for a girls' weekend in my absence. Mr. B is also a friend of mine and wasn't aware that she hadn't told me he was invited with her group. I told him I was happy and okay for her to make plans as she saw fit, and didn't mention it again. Apparently neither did he, to her, that we'd spoken about it.

I was camping above 10k feet and in a different time zone, and there was no internet or mobile service unless we drove to find it. She knew this, since I'd been camping the same location last August as well. So there was no expectation of a lot of communication, etc.

As an aside, I was with my son, and my two brothers. We all brought our road bikes and mountain bikes. We did a 20+ mile single track ride on Saturday (starting at 11k feet and down almost 4,000 feet) and a 35 mile road ride on Sunday (starting at 11k feet going down and up, with total climbing of 3,500 feet).

I left for the trip midday Thursday, and arrived home late on a Monday. She was standoffish and didn't volunteer much except that she did have the girls' get-together but since I was not able to arrange a sailboat outing, the group got smaller and they just got together at our house. I was waiting for her to indicate that Mr. B was also included but she seemed to be avoiding that point.

She did beg off the conversation, saying that the little shindig was okay, that she was a bit put off that one of the girlfriends showed up an hour late without calling, that she had a bit too much wine, etc.

The next day, after getting resettled into our home life, she asked about more of the details of my trip and after providing my feedback I then probed bit more into her weekend. She seemed to be avoiding that Mr. B. was included. So I asked her, and told her that Mr. B had indicated earlier in the prior week that he was participating, and that I'd assured him the plan was not my doing and that my wife was making her own plans for while I was to be away.

At that point she did acknowledge his attendance, but continued to downplay it. I was not sure why, but my radar was now up. Seemed like deja vu.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Sun Sep 13, 2020 5:33 pm

Present date/time:

I just spoke with her on the phone and she appears to be fully reoriented to spending time with her family members and girlfriends for the balance of the trip.

I have been wondering how she left it with Mr. S. Is he "out" or was she more nervous and once kissing and fondling, and became overwhelmed such that she needed some time to sort out her emotions, etc.? I wonder this because we do have a plan to return to that city in November and she had previously asked me about seeing Ms. S again at that time. I'd told her that of course she could/would if it goes that direction. She was confused at how that would work in practice, because of the overlap in days between me and him. I kind of said it's simple, you go a couple of days early and/or stay a couple of days extra. She liked that answer.

Again, this thinking is that Mr. S may not be a fully closed door at this point, knowing her. Unless he "flubbed" it as we previously noted. I suppose we will find out after her return, whenever she is ready to share more of the details. I can certainly see a situation where she got overwhelmed and, knowing that she will be back in November, cancelled the Saturday date saying she will be back in November and that they will be in touch for a possible make-good. That she hasn't discussed any of these possibilites with me yet because she is still sorting out her feelings.

Given that she'd strongly indicated a preference for Mr. S (for example vs. Mr. B) with respect to physical attraction, etc. I won't count him out until she tells me.

That being said, you know my preference is for Mr. B because of practical (and other previously-stated) reasons.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by CarstonMathers » Sun Sep 13, 2020 6:18 pm

Well, I agree the lady doth protest too much. But I just don't get it. Why not tell you if something happened between them? I can't hypothesize a motivation. Surely she knows your reception to the news would be positive. Puzzler.

Sounds like some good biking! You do gravel rides to? ;-)

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by 36DDwife » Sun Sep 13, 2020 6:53 pm

CarstonMathers wrote:
Sun Sep 13, 2020 6:18 pm
Well, I agree the lady doth protest too much. But I just don't get it. Why not tell you if something happened between them? I can't hypothesize a motivation. Surely she knows your reception to the news would be positive. Puzzler.

Sounds like some good biking! You do gravel rides to? ;-)
Yeah I don’t get it either. Why not just spill it? This whole cloak & dagger vibe you two have going on about her hotwife activities is a bit odd to me. Not criticizing at all...makes a good story...but seems like a waste of time. Maybe it’s a way of ramping up the sexual tension? I dunno.

But I’m big on time management in my day to day life so that’s probably why that wouldn’t work for me.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Sun Sep 13, 2020 8:27 pm

I will observe that all this writing and posting has been a big time dump for me. But as I've mentioned previously, I have accumulated so much valuable insight and knowledge as a consumer of these hotwife run-up strings, I thought it only appropriate to share my experience as it unfolds.

Some points:

- She did provide me a full summary, that they got together for drinks, had enough of a nice time to hang for almost three hours, that they started getting intimate with kissing, etc. but apparently when the time came for either going up to her room or going home, she knew they had plans for the following night, so she sent him home with the idea it would be continued the following night.

- She subsequently had some kind of crisis of conscience or feelings and cancelled the bigger date for Saturday night.

One thing she shared with me yesterday that I didn't yet mention is when I mentioned to her my hesitance of asking her for an image of her after getting ready for the date, whether she would take that as overstepping in the present agreed radio silence scenario. She said it no longer matters, given the cancellation, but here's the point that's a bit telling, at least to me. She said she deliberately did not get all dolled/sexy up for the Friday night bar meet. She prefers to shine it up, but felt very self conscious looking slutty and like some kind of working girl in the hotel bar. Consequently, she wore some very cute jeans with an appropriate low boot, a cute tee-shirt and a jeans jacket.

This tells me that she continues to struggle with society's conditioning, effectively slut-shaming herself. This is consistent with her sending him home the first night; she doesn't see herself as that "easy" girl who will jump into the sack on the first date. I'd mentioned this in detail early on.

She said that the more specific details she has not yet shared (the touching, feeling, kissing, whether she was turned on, how he broached into the more intimate interation, etc.) are intended to be shared in person, so that she can deliver to me some level of hot-husband pleasure, together.

I am envisioning her stoking me while telling the details. I'll let you know how and when that goes down.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Sun Sep 13, 2020 8:32 pm

CarstonMathers wrote:
Sun Sep 13, 2020 6:18 pm
Well, I agree the lady doth protest too much. But I just don't get it. Why not tell you if something happened between them? I can't hypothesize a motivation. Surely she knows your reception to the news would be positive. Puzzler.

Sounds like some good biking! You do gravel rides to? ;-)
Yes, a puzzler. The only explanation that makes perfect sense is if she has not, and is just not aware of the signals and signs she keeps giving off. She actually may be that level of innocent and unwitting. Which is charming in most ways, but is a pain in the ass in other ways.

No gravel riding yet. I don't have the equipment nor the crew around me.

I did an outdoor spin class this morning, face shield required. Was much easier vs. a mask.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Sun Sep 13, 2020 8:40 pm

Mr. B Continued.

I want to be fair to Mr. B and make a note here. The day back in June 2019 that she told mutual friends of her disappointment of Mr. B ignoring her, to the point where the friend asked if she should carry that message to Mr. B, when I heard Slenderwife say "hell yes" I took note. After all, she had previously only called him inappropriate and "a dog" after she initially met him when he attended her birthday with his wife (my friend/contact at the time) earlier in 2019. She was shocked when at least two of her girlfriends who also attended that birthday party commented on his roaming hands under the tables, etc. while they were there with their boyfriend/husband. Also that Mr. B's wife was close at hand.

In the intervening months, I've been carefully giving subtle signals that I wouldn't be against if Slenderwife wants to get closer to him. We are friends, to a degree, but the bigger friendship/relationship is between him and Slenderwife. He has remained just enough distant from me to make it possible to move forward with my wife, I can just feel it, and I almost wonder if he has some awareness as a "bull" who can sniff out a hotwife situation in the making.

Obviously, as the shenanigans have stacked up with no blowback on him from her or me, he must be getting more confidence in the possible path with her.

With that background, again I was more than a bit surprised at Slenderwife's request that this mutual friend chastise Mr. B for overlooking her, back in June 2019. We were all on separate vacations, but crossing paths over several days at the same event in Southern Europe. I took note, thinking that this is unexpected and unusual. Also that we know he lives about 45 min drive from us. Fast forward to mid-August 2020, also taking into account all that transpired with Mr. B during the period that elapsed.

I'll now continue.

The threshold moment was about four weeks ago. I was my questioning her judgment with Mr. B. She had Mr. B over to our house under the cover of some girlfriends getting together, and then he spent the night alone with her after the girls went home. This while I was out of town camping with my son and brothers. She was not aware that he told me she had invited him to join the group, and that I'd told him it was all good with me, that she was making her own plans for while I was away.

You can imagine how I was on pins and needles the couple of days after this, when I returned from my trip, wondering if she had some great "reveal" for me. Remember, I knew she had invited him over, on the down-low. When she didn't offer anything, I asked general questions about her weekend, the get-together, etc. and I let it slip that he told me in advance that he was invited, and that he had cleared it with me. That's when she owned up that he was there, but (over-) downplayed it, which made me wonder. I started asking her if there was some additional developments she might want to share with me but didn't quite know how. I told her she should take her time and when she's ready, that I'll be open and supportive. A couple of days went by and I started dropping hints that "I know" etc. and the story continues from there.

Let's reset and review. I came back from the trip thinking something was certainly up, knowing in advance (from the intel gained from Mr. B) that she'd invited him and she didn't know that I knew, and that she was keeping it a secret from me.

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by wocka-wocka » Sun Sep 13, 2020 10:39 pm

Regarding her recent date, you need to honor that she dressed as she pleased, not disappointed in any way.

She is taking this at her place. Support that. It could be a year from now. Don't rush her.

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by AdventurousCouple69 » Sun Sep 13, 2020 11:27 pm

I’m sorry everyone but I just don’t feel that this guy or his situation is real. This whole story/situation has many flaws...


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by kaskap79 » Sun Sep 13, 2020 11:46 pm

AdventurousCouple69 wrote:
Sun Sep 13, 2020 11:27 pm
I’m sorry everyone but I just don’t feel that this guy or his situation is real. This whole story/situation has many flaws...
That is one of the things we never know when reading and writing in a forum like this. Everybody is free to have their own opinion.

But to me it does not matter, because the story put up some good questions that people with experience like me has an answer to and if it can help anybody to get a better understanding of this lifestyle, then the story has a valid reason to be here.

But on the other hand, your post is violating the Rule 2.1 on this site.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by afagehi7 » Mon Sep 14, 2020 1:14 am

Slender - we all know that this is time consuming. This thread will be enormously helpful for those who are trying to venture into the lifestyle especially with a friend.

There's something with mr.b. I reckon time will reveal the true extent of the intimacy between her and Mr. B. It's certainly more than just a friendship... Otherwise she wouldn't be hiding such details. Maybe she hasn't been on a base with him yet but she may be thinking about it which is bringing her some guilt or she's afraid if you know her true feelings you'll put a stop to it.

I believe she's certainly been on a base with him. Which base is unknown but she must have at least hit first with a drunken make out session.

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by 54321 » Mon Sep 14, 2020 1:39 am

Sorry to say this but I don't have a good feeling here.

I have a grumbling notion that this recent weekend away was just playing along (while dragging feet)
and that she actually has quite serious feelings for Mr B.

I sincerely hope that I'm wrong.



Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by afagehi7 » Mon Sep 14, 2020 1:52 am

54321 wrote:
Mon Sep 14, 2020 1:39 am
Sorry to say this but I don't have a good feeling here.

I have a grumbling notion that this recent weekend away was just playing along (while dragging feet)
and that she actually has quite serious feelings for Mr B.

I sincerely hope that I'm wrong.

I don't think it's contested she has feelings. I think the level and depth are what is under debate. Heck, she may not even be acknowledging her feelings to herself at this point.

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by 54321 » Mon Sep 14, 2020 2:13 am

I think the level and depth are what is under debate.



Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by kaskap79 » Mon Sep 14, 2020 2:30 am

What I read in this story reminds very much about a very good friend of mine who was debating with himself and used me as Oracle about whether he should try to have sex with another man.

Not that he is homosexual, but he wanted to try but was afraid to take the final step.

So it was like Mrs S with Mr B, small steps but still with a chance of going back without having done anything too bad.

Since we do not live in the same country, it was easier for him to talk to me about his concerns. Also he knows how open minded I am about any sexual matters. So I was a saf choice to talk to.

He ended up going all the way and is today living in an open relationship with his wife where they sometimes shares a bull.

But all the small steps Mrs S has told, is very similar to my friends small steps.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:00 am

kaskap79 wrote:
Sun Sep 13, 2020 11:46 pm
AdventurousCouple69 wrote:
Sun Sep 13, 2020 11:27 pm
I’m sorry everyone but I just don’t feel that this guy or his situation is real. This whole story/situation has many flaws...
That is one of the things we never know when reading and writing in a forum like this. Everybody is free to have their own opinion.

But to me it does not matter, because the story put up some good questions that people with experience like me has an answer to and if it can help anybody to get a better understanding of this lifestyle, then the story has a valid reason to be here.

But on the other hand, your post is violating the Rule 2.1 on this site.
I, myself am incredulous at some of these developments. I think she is super conflicted with the internal fight around her not wanting to be seen as a slut or cheater, but knows she has my blessing and encouragement, and at the same time is all over the place testing it, trying to decide how to proceed.

And I understand that she would be this conflicted. I keep going back to trusting herself (and her body) and trusting me. I believe it is the solution.

I also agree with kasap79 and do appreciate his advice proffered along the way.

Finally, I'll be posting some vidcaps of her and Mr. B which was my intention anyway and not as any offer of proof. It's my crazy life and crazy story and that's all I have to say about that.
Last edited by slenderfish on Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:27 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:22 am

Mid-Aug 2020 Mr. B (continued)

I waited for her to say something but she did not. I then asked her about it and she completely downplayed it. I caught too much downplay energy and then remembered about the security video equipment. I viewed the security video clips without telling her about it, and then used some of the things I'd seen on the video to let her know I was aware she was not telling the whole story.

This is a security camera we set up to watch over the house during a remodel we are partway through. This is why we had the extra apartment about 10 min drive from our house, for the times when the construction was too noisy and too dusty, etc. Note It was in the bedroom of that apartment she was with Mr. B alone when I went to retrieve her and her breast was out, etc. and I had "reclaim" (in my mind) sex with her on the sofa upstairs from him. The heavy construction period when we used the apartment for everyday living was mostly in Dec/Jan/Feb. We kept the apartment through July 2020 and essentially stopped using it for ourselves in March 2020.

I'd told the general contractor to let all the subs know that we have the security camera set up. We actually didn't set it up until my wife found out we'd been telling everyone even though it wasn't actually in place. She insisted I get that done, and I did so. This was in late 2019 or early 2020. It's just been sitting there recording on a loop since then, and to be honest, we both kind of forgot about it.

Back to our story. We went back and forth while she resisted anything and everything I said I knew about, until she finally asked me why I believed all this happened and where did I imagine up all these details? She concluded I must have been speaking with Mr. B.a and I let her believe this for a time, to see if she would then fess up. My logic was if she believed he and I were talking, then she is at great risk of him spilling the beans, and perhaps she would be more motivated to be the first to own up to her hotwifery. But she did not. She stopped denying the details I'd shared but continued insisting that nothing happened.

I let is sit like that for a day, and the told her about the security video. She then accepted all, and explained that it just looks bad, that it wasn't anything, that I should look again to see that he went downstairs after a time.

I did look for that but it wasn't there to be seen. But in reviewing I deduced that his going downstairs was actual, because I'd heard her off camera ask about going downstairs. She clearly said "going downstairs?" just a few minutes after going into the bedroom, and in my mind almost as if she was surprised and disappointed; I actually felt a little bit sad for her if he was passing on her seduction. I told her about this new reveal and that I now accept her story and explanation. Of course, the rest of it (the setup, the denials, the boundaries issues for a wife who claims to be in an honest and monogamous marriage, etc.) was not as easily swept under the rug. These others still called for a deeper discussion about whether we have a major marriage issue (if she intends to be a monogamous wife) or if she is actually pursing and testing the hotwife concepts. One or the other. To some extent she kind of painted herself into a corner, in that I now had a full opportunity to assert a complete and open conversation about hotwifing (later in this chapter of the story). She also exhorted me to look at the video clips again and prove to myself that he did, indeed, go downstairs after a time.

I went back again and cleaned up the sound, to see if I could actually see or hear him going downstairs, and realized to my surprise that her clear "going downstairs" question was actually a query to the dog whether it needed to go downstairs (outside for a pee) which it apparently did not. With that realization, then Mr. B did not go downstairs right away, and I flipped back into the mode of believing my eyes over her words. But I held myself back from confronting her yet again. I was, in fact, enjoying the feeling of my belief that she'd gone over to the Hotwife side, and merely needed time until she was ready to let me know.

I'm mentioning this also because of what happened that night. We were going to bed and I approached her for some lovemaking (going for a "reclaim" sex session in my mind, and she was into it. She prefers missionary so I brought missionary to her that night. While transitioning into the more vigorous part of it, I told her "I am going to tell you a story of your being with another man, it's so hot." She was up for it. I described the events in the video, how she invited a man over for while I was away, how she brought him with the girlfriends as a cover story, how she kept him later and drank wine, danced, flirted, and how she made it clear with her body and actions that he should take her to bed "or lose me forever." How he is tall, a former basketball player, how he touched her, undressed her, was blown away by the sight of her perfect body, how she was so hot she had to have him in her mouth, and then how she leaned back for him to enter her, the tightness of her warmth, but she was so wet he entered with comparative ease. I asked her how it felt inside of her, and she took up the narrative about how big he was, how he filled her up, how she reached orgasms like never before, how she had been waiting for so long to have it like this, etc. I must say she was super wet and met my vigor. We orgasmed together and she finished with "of course, that was just a fantasy and not reality" and I said nothing, and we drifted off to sleep.
Last edited by slenderfish on Mon Sep 14, 2020 6:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by solstice » Mon Sep 14, 2020 5:46 am

by afagehi7 :If the pussy or mouth isn't soon available he's going to lose interest. What hot successful guy wants to put the effort into a woman who isn't putting out.
Not so sure about that, you are speaking of a woman with exceptional looks and an outgoing personality as well, what man wouldn't live to regret the one that got away?

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by Hobby_Fan » Mon Sep 14, 2020 5:49 am

I think she holds all the cards and will get whatever man she wants when she wants it.

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