I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by Mr ablondemilf » Tue May 01, 2018 8:57 am

willingtoo wrote:Mike Again

Then I also want her with other men which from what I know is on the weird side. So all in all I feel like a sexual pervert. I'd never want anyone except Carrie and the guys she hopefully be with,

Now she is very much into the thrill of Hotwifing.
Glad to have you join us Mike. The fact that we are members of this site is proof that we are all sexual perverts at some level. I'm not a foot guy but do love the rest of the female body. Like you, I'm not interested in any other woman other than my hotwife and at one time or another have met most of her other men. When we first started with this lifestyle we got into the swing thing but I never really got into the other women because I couldn't stop watching the other guy fuck my wife. After a couple of years of swinging, and seeing her comfort level with other men, I told her I was out as a swinger. It was all about her and not me and that's the way I wanted it. She was fine with that and never looked back. We still attended swing clubs and house parties for her benefit, but at that point I considered myself her personal chauffeur and bodyguard.

Anyway, you are now a typical husband of a hotwife. Enjoy the ride buddy. It just gets better.
:P :P :P
Last edited by Mr ablondemilf on Wed May 02, 2018 5:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by SutterKane » Tue May 01, 2018 9:22 am

There are lots of guys on this forum that are into feet. There's more than one thread that has more to do about foot fetish than HotWife/Cuck. Not my thing but this is both of your story's. Much better open and honest than closed off and edited! Carrie has been doing a magnificent job of just that and now I'm glad to see that you have joined in! And don't worry about you not really being a writer, I'm not much of one either but I have found that in the right place where people are supportive, it can be very cathartic.
"Women and cats will do as they please,and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea"-Robert Heinlein
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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by stillcanhang57 » Tue May 01, 2018 3:33 pm

Hey Mike. So glad you decided to join us here. Carrie has done an amazing job writing about this brand new adventure into this kink, but being brand new, some of us have wondered about what your feelings and thoughts were as this rapidly progressed.
My SO and I have many questions for you, but we don't want to hijack Carrie's amazing thread. So just one right now...Why the lack of desire to actually be a part of Carrie's adventures? I know it's exciting to hear her retelling of their play but, speaking from experience, there's absolutely nothing like watching and participating in giving your wife an amazing sexual experience and subsequently your enjoyment. That fact that Carrie and Frank are already mulling over the possibility of adding a second guy to their play just opens that door to you being there.

Carrie. When we talked this morning about your vacation and sexy play, I misunderstood your comment that you had to see how Frank felt. I presumed you need to ask permission for his boundaries and expectations. This I found veey inappropriate. I see now that you were talking about fluid bonding and possible safety risks.
Unless you have promised Frank exclusivity in this kink and your adventures, maybe Mike could talk to Frank and assure him that while things could get crazy on vacation , you guys will practice the same adult responsibility that you and Mike share in regards to risk and safety. Hate to see you and Mike miss out on any incredible adventures because your worried about what Frank might think.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Wed May 02, 2018 2:51 am

Good Morning !

The first part of this post was not intended for this forum but I wrote it this morning and thought I'd include it anyway. Give you a glimpse into my life outside Fantasy/Reality sex.

I met up with Heather for lunch yesterday. She and her husband built a new home in a pretty "Swanky Neighborhood"

The development had a contest (with cash prizes) for the best new and one for most improved landscaping. There were two categories. I did their design for them and "They Won" First Prize for New Landscaping." The 1st Place prize was $2,000. She tried to give me $500 but I gratefully declined. I have the satisfaction of knowing my plan won plus I feel a little guilty since I am a Licensed Landscape Architect and design as part of my job.

Last I heard their job cost them over $35,000 (not sure of the final price) so the prize softened that expense. It included a paver driveway and sidewalk. It also includes pavers around their pool area and I designed a really pretty Fire Pit and surrounding area for seating. They planted a lot expensive, mature palm trees and other expensive plants.

The contest was smart on the part of the developer. She said there were other great plans and much of the existing neighborhood made significant improvements. There are many lots left in there for sale and developers hope sales will improve because of the awesome landscaping improvements.

She's going to invite us over for a "Grand Opening Cook Out" and have me explain my design to their guests. I have thought about doing private work outside of my job. I haven't asked my boss, and not sure if there would be any conflict. Not sure I have time anyway. With my license, I could charge a lot of money.

I'm happy that Mike has decided to post. He said he was surprised how the thoughts and feelings just poured out once he started. He said it was cathartic as one poster said. He thought he put in way too much "Footsie Stuff" but I assured him you guys don't mind.

So we are set for Friday night again. Frank may try the Falaka activity if he feels he can execute it properly without "fumbling around and ruin the mood" as he put it. I'm looking forward to the restraint part. Also the variations of what we already did. I had no idea he planned the dates as much as he does. He told Mike he enjoys the planning thinking of how I will react.

To be honest, I'm not ready for more advanced activity and not sure I ever will be.. At least none that I am aware of. I think I'm going to like restraint because when Mike did the Falaka thing, I remember I liked the idea that I couldn't escape if I were with someone other than Mike.

I have noticed that when I am with Frank I have begun speaking with a softer child-like voice. I even moan like a little girl. It isn't intentional, I just started doing it especially the second time. I noticed it at the time but didn't really think about it until the other night. I think it's because I feel so helpless and it comes out naturally. It doesn't carry over with Mike. In fact, I'm not even sure I could mimic the voice without the real feeling of helplessness.

We have the vacation possibilities coming up. Plus I haven't shared this with you guys yet, but I have had from time to time since college fantasies of being taken by a Black guy. We've talked about that the other night when figuring out where we go after Frank. I have been attracted to only a few Black men in real life. I did some serious flirting with one Black guy in a bar before I met Mike. Mike has no problem with it as long as the guy isn't a gangster, ghetto, rapper type. Not to worry, no way.

The topic came up because we've seen some pretty sexy looking Black guys at other resorts where we vacation and I don't come in contact with many in my day to day activities. We live in an all white area. It's not a burning desire, but I have had some fantasies about it. Usually the fantasies involve forced situations where I have no choice as most of my fantasies do.

Huge Cocks aren't something I think about in my fantasies. Mike and Frank both are big enough to satisfy and turn me on. But when I think of black guys, I always think of them with huge Cocks. When I do think about them, it is sexy but not sure I would enjoy in real life situations. I doubt every Black guy has a huge Cock.

Have to go for now.


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by stillcanhang57 » Wed May 02, 2018 11:56 am

Wow , first date, denial of sex. Second date, BDSM play and thoughts of including multiple men. Third date set and now talk of BBC. Certainly hitting all the bullet points.
Congratulations on your design win!.

Threw a couple of questions out there for both you and Mike, yesterday. Any chance to respond?

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by trdd » Wed May 02, 2018 3:43 pm

Thanks for your continued sharing.

In a way, I feel sorry for black guys.... the stereotype of a big cock must dissappoint a number of ladies when they discover most men are average sized regardless of race.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Thu May 03, 2018 2:44 am

Good Morning !!

Well Friday is coming up real fast so there will be Juicy Details for you guys soon.

We were preoccupied last night with the car I am getting. I pretty much made my mind up and Mike is going in this morning to try to make a deal. With any luck I'll pick up my new car tonight. It's pretty much my dream car. I'll describe it in a later post if anyone wants me to.

We did talk last night about Friday's date and I was saying that some of the fear factor is not there with Frank. It can't last forever I guess with the same guy over and over. I pretty much know what to expect tomorrow night and the trust level with Frank is high. Don't get me wrong, there is still excitement and anticipation, but the erotic fear factor has lessened. Nothing can match that first date.

I am not ready to move on with another man right now. I have learned so much about my submissive sexual nature with Frank. I'd like to continue that exploration with a guy I feel relatively safe with. Frank is still very sexy to me and he has been the perfect guy to begin this exploration.

Mike's anxiety has also lessened and that's a good thing for him. He still feels the jealousy and sexual feelings that go with my dates with Frank.

I think it will be there with whoever is the next guy. I'm pretty sure any new encounter will bring back the "Fear Factor" which is so exciting.

Frank called Mike and asked if we might be willing for me to have extra sessions with him for "Quick Sex" I assume he meant sex without the Dom/Sub theme and just have regular sex. Mike told him he would talk to me about it. Neither of us are in favor of this and will probably decline the offer. Once a week is plenty. We don't really have the time, and we don't want it to interfere with our sex life between the Dates.

Again we have agreed to abstain from sex last night and tonight to build up the tension. In other words we both want to be Horny tomorrow night.

They also briefly talked about the Vacation. Frank said he wouldn't mind if I hooked up with a guy at the resort as long as I promised to use a condom so looks like that may open possibilities on the trip. On past trips we have seen some pretty classy and sexy Black guys so who knows. That's why the Black guy thing came up in the first place.

A couple guys messaged me about the "Black Guy" comments I made in yesterday's post. I only mentioned because it has been a Fantasy that I have had from time to time. It's not a goal. But if the right Black guy came along, I would probably seriously consider it and Mike is also on board with it.

Mike said he wrote a post sometime yesterday (not quite finished) about me. Haven't read it and probably won't before he posts today. He is totally surprised that he enjoys writing for this forum. He's never written his thoughts and feelings before. This gives him a chance to express himself in anonymity. I am not surprised because I have known for years how cathartic it is to write thoughts and feelings and read them over. I think everyone should write and journal.

Time to go. Hope Mike closes the deal on my car.


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Thu May 03, 2018 4:15 am

Mike Here

Since you men seem to like Carrie as a person as well as a Sex Goddess I thought I'd write some things that would give you a better idea of her personality and what she is like in real life.

On other sex forums I have visited over the years it was all about the details of the "supposed" actual sex. I have no problem with that, but I would not stay long because quite frankly it got boring real fast and most of it was obviously made up BS. Sorry but basically they seemed like a bunch of Morons. I am pleasantly surprised at how most of you men are also interested in her as a person.

So here are some things you might enjoy reading about Carrie.

We were sitting by the pool the other night listening to music. Carrie had just gotten out of the pool and had a towel wrapped around her waist and sitting at the other end of the outdoor couch by the pool. AC/DC "You Shook me all Night Long" came on. She said oh I Love that song! She jumped up tore the towel off and started dancing. She is so fucking cute and hot when she dances I LOVE it. She wasn't even looking at me. I just sat there watching thinking what a lucky man I am. She said make it louder. Right after that was "Highway to Hell" Oh I love that one too! and she kept dancing and I kept watching. She encouraged me to get up and dance with her but I said No I just want to watch.

Sometimes I forget how athletic she is. Earlier she dove off the side of the pool with perfect form. Legs straight and together with a beautiful toe point. She played women's league softball when we were first married for a couple years. I went to most of her games. She was pretty good. It wasn't a real competitive league. I'd say she batted close to 300 mostly base hits. She played second base and outfield and committed few errors. She played on a team sponsored by a bar named "The Thirsty Marlin" The Marlin would buy drinks after every win and I always went with her. She played intramural softball in HS and college.

She was a gymnast and can still do cart wheels and hand stands. She still runs like a young girl athlete and not a typical girl runs. She does yoga and is very flexible.

She is very outgoing in social settings and has a great sense of humor. She has girlfriends that adore her and guys like her personality as well as the rest of her. She has a lot of interests and can converse on many topics. She likes to talk and that's ok because I am kind of quiet and more reserved. I doubt many if any people would perceive her as a Submissive.

She has a kind heart and loves animals especially dogs. So far I have been able to talk her out of having a dog, but we will eventually get one.

Like most women, she has her Bitchy times but not often and I just give her space and get out of the house more than usual. I know that is Sexist!

We definitely have our disagreements but we eventually resolve them. All in all she is pretty easy to get along with. and fun to be around.

I'd really like you men to see her. The real picture thing is just too risky. I looked extensively online over hundreds of pictures and have found a picture of an average woman's face that really looks like her but Carrie said that is not what guys want and I understand. I think it would make your fantasies of her being fucked better with a visual of at least a face similar to hers.

Going to the dealership later this morning to make a deal on a car for her. She's really excited.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by Mr ablondemilf » Thu May 03, 2018 6:08 am

willingtoo wrote:Mike Here

Since you men seem to like Carrie as a person as well as a Sex Goddess I thought I'd write some things that would give you a better idea of her personality and what she is like in real life.

On other sex forums I have visited over the years it was all about the details of the "supposed" actual sex. I have no problem with that, but I would not stay long because quite frankly it got boring real fast and most of it was obviously made up BS. Sorry but basically they seemed like a bunch of Morons. I am pleasantly surprised at how most of you men are also interested in her as a person.

So here are some things you might enjoy reading about Carrie.

We were sitting by the pool the other night listening to music. Carrie had just gotten out of the pool and had a towel wrapped around her waist and sitting at the other end of the outdoor couch by the pool. AC/DC "You Shook me all Night Long" came on. She said oh I Love that song! She jumped up tore the towel off and started dancing. She is so fucking cute and hot when she dances I LOVE it. She wasn't even looking at me. I just sat there watching thinking what a lucky man I am. She said make it louder. Right after that was "Highway to Hell" Oh I love that one too! and she kept dancing and I kept watching. She encouraged me to get up and dance with her but I said No I just want to watch.

Sometimes I forget how athletic she is. Earlier she dove off the side of the pool with perfect form. Legs straight and together with a beautiful toe point. She played women's league softball when we were first married for a couple years. I went to most of her games. She was pretty good. It wasn't a real competitive league. I'd say she batted close to 300 mostly base hits. She played second base and outfield and committed few errors. She played on a team sponsored by a bar named "The Thirsty Marlin" The Marlin would buy drinks after every win and I always went with her. She played intramural softball in HS and college.

She was a gymnast and can still do cart wheels and hand stands. She still runs like a young girl athlete and not a typical girl runs. She does yoga and is very flexible.

She is very outgoing in social settings and has a great sense of humor. She has girlfriends that adore her and guys like her personality as well as the rest of her. She has a lot of interests and can converse on many topics. She likes to talk and that's ok because I am kind of quiet and more reserved. I doubt many if any people would perceive her as a Submissive.

She has a kind heart and loves animals especially dogs. So far I have been able to talk her out of having a dog, but we will eventually get one.

Like most women, she has her Bitchy times but not often and I just give her space and get out of the house more than usual. I know that is Sexist!

We definitely have our disagreements but we eventually resolve them. All in all she is pretty easy to get along with. and fun to be around.

I'd really like you men to see her. The real picture thing is just too risky. I looked extensively online over hundreds of pictures and have found a picture of an average woman's face that really looks like her but Carrie said that is not what guys want and I understand. I think it would make your fantasies of her being fucked better with a visual of at least a face similar to hers.

Going to the dealership later this morning to make a deal on a car for her. She's really excited.
She sounds like perfect hotwife material, lady next door type. Of course you already know that since she is already well on her way in the hotwife lifestyle. The fire is burning buddy, just buckle up and enjoy the ride. It only gets better. Can't wait to find out what car she is getting. :D

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Thu May 03, 2018 1:15 pm

Whoo Hooo ! Picked up my 2015 BMW 428i convertible. It's a white 4 seat with a hard top convertible roof, beige leather interior with black trim. Low mileage (30,000 miles) Pretty sure it was a lease. Certified Used with some warranty still left. It's flawless and looks like new !! The new ones are ridiculously expensive.

I've always wanted a BMW convertible. So excited. I'm like a little kid on her birthday. The top will be down every day for the next week at least !

Hot Wife traveling in style !

Doubt I'll miss my 2012 Honda Accord. It was a great car, but it isn't a BMW Convertible.

I picked it out and Mike did all the wheeling and dealing. He's good at negotiating with car salesmen. He does his homework, knows all the tricks and takes no BS. He always gets a good deal. My Hero!

We have much to talk about so we're going out for dinner. It's also as a celebration of my new car! The car has kept me from thinking much about Friday night, but I'm sure the intensity will pick up at dinner and after. In fact just writing that started the nervous/excitement feelings.

Can't wait to get into my helpless submissive role and be used by Frank's. Giving a man pleasure, being taken and used is what turns me on. Turns me on just writing that. Believe me I get a lot of pleasure from being that little Sub that surrenders her body to a "Mean Old Man."

More good news is that I am down to 110 lbs. Apparently being a Hot Wife helps a girl drop weight. Bad news is I think the weight came from my Boobs ! Bra feels a little loose !

When Mike called about the car deal he told me to stop by the mall and pick up a couple pair of dark, sheer, seamless thigh high stockings. The kind that doesn't need a garter belt. He said get a couple pair of the ones that are expensive in different shades of black. Black is his favorite color of hose. I have a few pair at home but they require a garter belt. I'd wear them before sex and during sex but it has been awhile.

I think I know what's coming Friday night but he won't confirm. He likes me to be surprised, but this is too obvious.

I'll try to get an entry posted tomorrow morning but can't promise. I'm sure I'll want to take the long way to work and park before everyone gets there so they can see my car.


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by stillcanhang57 » Thu May 03, 2018 1:47 pm

Congratulations on the new car! So despite your amazing husband negotiated this amazing car and then dinner tonite, your not gping to offer to do something super sexy for him tonigh?

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Fri May 04, 2018 2:29 am

Good Morning

I'm up early and leaving early for work. I'm taking the Long Route and getting to work early to show off my car.

We had a nice dinner then took a long ride in the new car. (roof down of course). We drove down to the ocean along A1A. What a great car! Weather was perfect and the sound system is fantastic.

Back at home it was all about tonight. First thing we discussed was the call from Frank about extra dates. We both agree that it is out of the question for a number of reasons. Mike has just a feeling that Frank is liking me a little too much and wants me more than he should. I didn't get that feeling when with him the last time, but Mike thinks maybe.

I have absolutely no romantic feelings for Frank at all so there is no danger that it will go beyond where it already is for me. Tonight should give me a feel for where Frank is in that regard.

Mike had me buy the stockings because he wants me to dance and strip for Frank tonight. He asked Frank to make me. He wants me to wear a sexy set of black PJ's, bra, panties the stockings and a sexy pair of 3 inch heels. The PJ's have a button up top and short bottoms. he also wants me to wear thongs instead of regular panties. Must admit, the PJ's are great for stripping. He also wants my hair pinned up.

I have danced and stripped for Mike many times but not the stocking part for a long while. I have a routine Mike likes for removing the stockings. It's choreographed move by move. I can do it from memory but he wanted me to practice that last night and "practice" before Frank arrives. It involves me sitting on a chair that he will have placed in the bedroom. The Tantric Sex music will be perfect for a slow sexy dance and strip.

I will add a description of the stocking part in detail if you guys want in tomorrow's "Juicy Detail" report. ** Let me know today if any of you want me to. It really is pretty sexy and I'm sure I will like doing it for him. I'm becoming quite an exhibitionist I think. Performing in front of Frank is turning me on more and more.

We were able to abstain although after the stocking removal routine Mike was having a hard time not talking me into it. Consequently we are both very horny.

The date is set for 7:30. Not sure when we will get to sleep, but doesn't matter because tomorrow is Saturday. I will post the "Juicy Details" as soon as I can tomorrow.

Mike shows little anxiety about tonight, but he is excited and nervous and can't wait for the "After Party" as we call it. The Fear may have subsided, but the excitement hasn't for either of us.

Not sure if Frank will do the Falaka thing, but I am ready if he does. First time being restrained is exciting. Mike is keeping that a secret. Not even sure he knows.


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by Mr ablondemilf » Fri May 04, 2018 4:31 am

A sporty car for a sporty hotwife. PRICELESS! Enjoy the ride (literally). :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by couple_uk » Fri May 04, 2018 5:11 am

willingtoo wrote:Only a few of you have commented on my writing and that's fine. But I'd like to hear from more of you and what you like or dislike about my writing.

Writing here is cathartic for me. I have always loved to express myself and get my thoughts on paper by writing. I even won a few awards for writing in HS and College.

I can say and express things here that I can't discuss with anyone in the world but Mike. Even my closest friends know very little of our private sex life. Mike for sure wants nobody to know about his "Footsie Love" and this Hot Wife thing.........I'd die if anyone knew.

So thanks to you guys that have posted and said you enjoyed my writing, but It would be nice to hear some positive or helpful criticisms from more of you.

I've only just came across this thread and was holding off on comments until the end but the request for input on your writing can't go unanswered - it's wonderful at many levels. It's from a woman and too little is heard from the wonderful woman on here. It's clear and excellently written as one would expect from an English teacher (and somehow the notion of an English teacher being the recipient of the attentions of a man who is not her husband adds a bit of something to it). And it's honest - I think that the approach, process, thoughts and feelings are as important for us to know, as the salacious details (which are always exciting).

I'll carry on reading, getting turned on and enjoying every step of the journey. Mrs couple_uk will love this as well.
Sex is like Bridge - if you don't have a good partner, you need a good hand.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Fri May 04, 2018 10:33 am

couple_uk wrote:
willingtoo wrote:Only a few of you have commented on my writing and that's fine. But I'd like to hear from more of you and what you like or dislike about my writing.

Writing here is cathartic for me. I have always loved to express myself and get my thoughts on paper by writing. I even won a few awards for writing in HS and College.

I can say and express things here that I can't discuss with anyone in the world but Mike. Even my closest friends know very little of our private sex life. Mike for sure wants nobody to know about his "Footsie Love" and this Hot Wife thing.........I'd die if anyone knew.

So thanks to you guys that have posted and said you enjoyed my writing, but It would be nice to hear some positive or helpful criticisms from more of you.


I've only just came across this thread and was holding off on comments until the end but the request for input on your writing can't go unanswered - it's wonderful at many levels. It's from a woman and too little is heard from the wonderful woman on here. It's clear and excellently written as one would expect from an English teacher (and somehow the notion of an English teacher being the recipient of the attentions of a man who is not her husband adds a bit of something to it). And it's honest - I think that the approach, process, thoughts and feelings are as important for us to know, as the salacious details (which are always exciting).

I'll carry on reading, getting turned on and enjoying every step of the journey. Mrs couple_uk will love this as well.

Checking in and saw your post.

Thank you for your wonderful message. From what I have heard the fantasy of a female teacher with a strange man is common. I am no longer a teacher, but still very much feel like one sometimes.

I'm glad you appreciate the thoughts, feelings and Process of this adventure. To me, without that it's just sex. The excitment of sex to me is all the things that lead up to it. Don't get me wrong, the sex is exciting.

I'd love to have Mrs couple_uk comment. I have had little feedback from females. Actually none.

Please have her make comments or criticisms. Both are welcome.

We are a very open couple on this forum and welcome comments. We can be open because of the anonimity. That is the reason we can be so open and not fear friends or family reading.


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by stillcanhang57 » Fri May 04, 2018 12:35 pm

willingtoo wrote:
couple_uk wrote:
willingtoo wrote:Only a few of you have commented on my writing and that's fine. But I'd like to hear from more of you and what you like or dislike about my writing.

Writing here is cathartic for me. I have always loved to express myself and get my thoughts on paper by writing. I even won a few awards for writing in HS and College.

I can say and express things here that I can't discuss with anyone in the world but Mike. Even my closest friends know very little of our private sex life. Mike for sure wants nobody to know about his "Footsie Love" and this Hot Wife thing.........I'd die if anyone knew.

So thanks to you guys that have posted and said you enjoyed my writing, but It would be nice to hear some positive or helpful criticisms from more of you.


I've only just came across this thread and was holding off on comments until the end but the request for input on your writing can't go unanswered - it's wonderful at many levels. It's from a woman and too little is heard from the wonderful woman on here. It's clear and excellently written as one would expect from an English teacher (and somehow the notion of an English teacher being the recipient of the attentions of a man who is not her husband adds a bit of something to it). And it's honest - I think that the approach, process, thoughts and feelings are as important for us to know, as the salacious details (which are always exciting).

I'll carry on reading, getting turned on and enjoying every step of the journey. Mrs couple_uk will love this as well.

Checking in and saw your post.

Thank you for your wonderful message. From what I have heard the fantasy of a female teacher with a strange man is common. I am no longer a teacher, but still very much feel like one sometimes.

I'm glad you appreciate the thoughts, feelings and Process of this adventure. To me, without that it's just sex. The excitment of sex to me is all the things that lead up to it. Don't get me wrong, the sex is exciting.

I'd love to have Mrs couple_uk comment. I have had little feedback from females. Actually none.

Please have her make comments or criticisms. Both are welcome.

We are a very open couple on this forum and welcome comments. We can be open because of the anonimity. That is the reason we can be so open and not fear friends or family reading.

Hey Carrie. Another big play night. What's Mike's plan for the evening? Did he already discuss with Frank your decision about frequency of your play and the quickie idea?

Have to take issue with your statement about no females comments or interest in your posts. My SO has commented and asked questions of both you and Mike.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Sat May 05, 2018 3:56 am

Good Morning

I have been writing since 7:00 and am and not finished. I will post in awhile. Several of you have said you look for and anticipate my posts, so I wrote this quick note.

Please feel free to comment or ask questions. I will try to respond to each message or post, but can't promise it will be right away. I always try to respond. Your comments inspire me to continue to post here and be timely. I would write anyway for my journal, but I explain things for your benefit that I probably wouldn't include if it were just a journal entry.

This will not be as carefully edited and organized as usual. I'm very tired but couldn't sleep.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by stillcanhang57 » Sat May 05, 2018 4:46 am

willingtoo wrote:Good Morning

I have been writing since 7:00 and am and not finished. I will post in awhile. Several of you have said you look for and anticipate my posts, so I wrote this quick note.

Please feel free to comment or ask questions. I will try to respond to each message or post, but can't promise it will be right away. I always try to respond. Your comments inspire me to continue to post here and be timely. I would write anyway for my journal, but I explain things for your benefit that I probably wouldn't include if it were just a journal entry.

This will not be as carefully edited and organized as usual. I'm very tired but couldn't sleep.
Good morning Carrie. Look foward to your update and maybe some response to the questions for you and Mike from me and SO.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Sat May 05, 2018 4:49 am

All I can say is Wow ! I'm more Sexually Submissive than I ever imagined.

This is going to be long because Mike wants me to be very descriptive both for you guys and for him to reread over and over. He wants all my thoughts and feelings recorded while they are fresh in my mind.

Mike said he wished there had been rain, dark skies, thunder, lightening, and blowing wind last night. I do as well. A perfect scary environment for a submissive girl to be Taken ! Imagine Thunder Crashing, Lightening Flashing and wind howling outside as I was in complete submission to Frank ! PrimitiveTantric Sex Music as well. Scary, but erotic as hell ! Perfect !

It's raining and dark this morning.......

Maybe a girl thing........environment. For me environment like light, music, scents, the mood etc. makes a big difference in my sexual response and enjoyment.

I mention the music so often because of the way it makes me feel. I immediately feel sexy as hell. I fantasize being a helpless girl being taken as a sacrifice to the Angry Sex Gods who demand an innocent girl be fucked and used by the Big Mean High Priest of some primitive culture. Sounds stupid I know, but it really puts me in a very submissive, want to be Taken mood.

Here goes!

I practiced my stocking tease for Mike and he was extremely turned on. Mike left, I smoked more pot and waited for Frank. I was feeling sexy and excited. I was wearing silky black PJ's, sheer dark stockings, sexy shoes, bra and thong. I had my hair pinned up so I could just pull the pin and my hair would drop.

I had the candles lit and the Tantric Sex music on.

When I greeted Frank at the door he just looked at me and said, "Damn you are so fucking sexy"

In my submissive little girl voice that automatically kicks in when I see him I said, "Thank you"

He immediately took me by the hand and led me to the bedroom. The music was perfect volume and the candles were perfect as well.

He said, "Strip for me and make it good" Jolt! He was in his Dom role and I was his little submissive.

The demand for a strip tease obviously set up by Mike.

Music already playing, I started to move slowly in my sexiest way and smiled at him trying to look pretty and innocent without over-doing it. I was taking my time and I danced that way for 5 minutes slowly turning as I danced showing him my front and back side.

Then I pulled the pin in my hair and it dropped perfectly (the way I practiced) to my shoulders.

Next I sat in the chair (I'm sitting the entire time for the stocking tease) and just cross and slowly swinging my leg for 10 seconds or so. Then I cross them the other way for another 10 seconds. Taking my time.

Lots of eye contact with Frank, licking my lips slowly with a sultry look on my face that says, "Fuck Me"

( I worked on that look in the mirror the night before. Mike said it was outrageous!

First I slowly I took my shoes off one at a time. 3 inch, peep toe, mule slides.

Then I pull my knees up, feet off the ground and put the right leg straight up and point my toes. The left leg I kind of have knee bent with my foot near my pussy. There is a clear view of my crotch.

Then I put both legs straight up in the air, spread my legs and pointed my toes. I reached to the outside of my shorts and rubbed my pussy with my hand real slow for 15-20 seconds or even longer. Then I lowered each leg, one at a time. I pulled my knees up one at a time, put my legs together pointing my toes.

Next I began more sexy posing of my legs and continually pointed my toes for at least a few more minutes. Then very slowly, pulling one leg up the other straight. starting at the top of the stocking and I removed each stocking one at a time pointing my toes.

Once the stockings were off, bare feet and still sitting, I spread my legs and rubbed my pussy again. My toes are on the floor but my now bare heels are up like I'm wearing heels.

Then I closed my legs, got up on my feet and start to dance bare footed. I reached inside my shorts and began to pleasure myself with one hand and feeling up my breasts with the other. Still moving my hips to the music.

Frank was sitting in another chair across from me expressionless, making light moans and rubbing himself. He was still fully dressed.

I began slowly unbuttoning the top of my PJ's still moving my hips. One slow button at a time. I took off the top and dropped it on the floor then I began to take off my bra.

Once the bra was off, I began to slowly rub my breasts and feel them up as I danced. Then down to my stomach and lower stomach then back to my breasts still dancing, moving my hips slow and sexy. My hands moving slowly up to my breasts and down to my stomach. I could feel my nipples getting real hard.

Finally I began to take off my PJ bottoms (shorts) again slowly and teasingly with both hands. I stepped out of the PJ shorts and now only wearing my thong.

Then I slowly lowered the thong and stepped out. I was totally nude.

He said, "Get over here" I walked to where he was sitting and he said, "On your knees" He took off his pants, sat back down then I went down on my knees between his legs at his chair and began gently touching his cock.

It was so hard. His cock really turns me on. It was so big and hard with gorged veins that I find extremely sexy. I began to softly kiss and lick it teasingly. Licked his sensitive area a lot. Then I started taking it into my mouth little by little. He was moaning deep and masculine.

Then I took it deep all the way to his balls. I could feel it throbbing in my mouth. I gave him maybe the best oral sex I have ever given a man. ( I described my technique in another Date description.) I kissed and licked his balls. I kept it up for a good while until he said stop. I'm pretty sure I tasted pre-cum.

He told me to lay on the bed on my stomach. He stood at the bottom of the bed and grabbed my ankles and roughly yanked me down so my feet were hanging off the bottom of the bed soles up. I knew what was coming. Mike had left the silk rope, padding and the other things he needed somewhere in the bedroom I found out later.

I didn't fight at all and said nothing. He began to tie my ankles to the foot of the bed using padding so it would be more comfortable. It took a few minutes. When he was done, the rope was really tight but not uncomfortable. I couldn't move my legs in any direction except for my feet which could point and flex. (he had obviously practiced and/or watched video.)

Then he handed me a vibrator and told me to put it between my clit and the bed. Again the music was so erotic! I remember the music at that point. The vibrator felt great.

The vibrator felt so good and I was enjoying the sensations when I heard a lighter click. It was the Hot Wax coming. The first drop on my soles shocked me and made me react and point my toes. There is a little pain with hot wax. Just enough to enhance the feelings I was having from the vibrator. I'm amazed at the connection between pain and pleasure combined. He continued to drop wax different places on the soles of my feet for quite awhile. The pain was almost pleasurable and my feet kept reacting.

When he was done, he picked off the cooled off wax which kind of tickled. Again, tickle and pleasure combined. Totally new to me. More intense than it was when Mike did it.

Next I felt something sharp running slowly up and down the soles of my feet. Just hard enough to feel that it was sharp and could cut. It scared me but he didn't cut. (still don't know what that was)


then Wham. A stinging pain. It was the small whip Mike used before with Falaka. I gasped !

A few seconds later when I wasn't expecting it Wham.....an even more painful sting. I gasped again and made a soft whimper or cry in the submissive voice I always use with Frank!

There was no way to anticipate the next slap but I knew it was coming. Wham another sting a bit harder. My instinct was to struggle, but there was no way to avoid the whip. All I did was reactively point and flex my toes and gasp.

But the vibrator made it confusing. The combination of pain and pleasure was something I had never experienced. It was so erotic and I can't explain but want to experience it again.

I was ok with continuing.

Then without notice a fourth sting worse than the others. I pleaded, "Please no More Frank" there was silence. I had forgotten the safe word "Red"

Before I could remember the word there was a last slap that really hurt bad. Immediately I said, "Red, Red, Red!" I was actually crying tears. He said nothing.

Then it stopped. In a minute or two, after some silence he began to untie the ropes.

When he finished freeing me from the ropes he said, "Rollover on your back" I did.

The he said, "Now pretend you are being fucked. Spread you legs and show me how you fuck a man and use the vibrator."

My eyes closed, I really got into acting like a man was fucking me because I not only wanted to please him, but I was afraid not to please him. This is the first time I was actually a little afraid of Frank. It was real fear and yet I was sooo turned on and wet.

I thrust my hips up pretending a man was driving his big cock deep into me. Then pulled down as if he was withdrawing and I circled my hips before repeating the movements over and over while the imaginary man was fucking me. My feet were flat on the bed and the vibrator felt so good.

I worked up to where I was almost ready to orgasm and I pushed the vibrator into my vagina and had powerful, long lasting orgasm followed immediately by another. I was shaking and convulsing uncontrollably. The imaginary man was finished with me.

I lay there with my eyes closed still shaking.

He said nothing for a few minutes. Guess he was letting me rest.

Then he said, "Move over here on the edge of the bed." I did and he positioned me on my back with my butt near the edge. He said let me see your feet. I raised my legs to give him my feet. He held one foot in his huge hands, looked at it a minute then kissed it.

Then he put both feet on his shoulders and came down on me pushing my knees toward my shoulders. He drove deep into me and began thrusting. He has a very powerful thrust. I was so wet that he entered me easily. I wanted to make it good for him, but in that position it is almost impossible to move my hips.

His thrusts were so powerful and his cock felt so really good inside me. Frank is, without doubt a very strong man.

He thrust for maybe 3-4 minutes and then suddenly drove really hard and deep and came inside me. He was breathing and moaning in my ear and grunted deeply when he came. I had an orgasm at the exact same time, but not like the first. When I am close to orgasm with Mike, a sudden, deep hard thrust almost always makes me cum.

He just stayed on top of me for a few minutes breathing hard, cock still inside me. I could feel it softening. He whispered in my ear, "Are you OK?" I answered softly, "Yes"

When he got off me he said, "I'm sorry about the last slap. I should have known to stop. It will never happen again." I said, "That's ok Frank, don't worry"

He said, "You are amazing Carrie. Just stay there" as he dressed. He leaned over and gave me a tender kiss and said, ""Good night." He walked out of the bedroom and I heard the front door close behind him and that was it.

Still seems so strange that we don't talk before or after the sex.

I know he practices or plans these dates. It's definitely Choreographed because it goes so smoothly.

I got up and put on just my PJ's.. Again I could feel sperm and/or vaginal fluids running down the inside of my thighs. Hard to believe it was sperm since he came so deep inside me, but I could feel he ejaculated a lot of sperm.

I immediately called Mike, poured a glass of wine and told him I'd be out at the pool.

Mike took my car out for a ride (top down) and ended up at the beach. He went down on the sand, watched the ocean, took a walk, and chatted with a few people. He went to the bar long enough for a couple drinks before I called. He said the ocean calmed him down a little and he was more talkative and normal at the bar.

When he came home he came out to the pool and we sat on the couch. He put my feet on his lap and we began talking about the episode.

Mike likes to hear everything and ask questions before we have sex because he knows he will cum fast. Just before we had talked about everything he wanted to have sex and took me to bed.

It was good sex but fast because he came pretty fast. I couldn't cum but it was great and I loved pleasing him. We were asleep by 12:00

We plan to talk today about a few issues. One is the extra sex Frank wants and how to tell him we have many reasons to decline.

Another is Frank maybe liking me too much and how to deal with that.

Also I am feeling a need to maybe take a break and process what I have experienced. But I'd like to be with Frank at least one more time before vacation. Could be the last time with him.

Sometimes it's hard to believe that we are finally doing this for real

Mike wants to discuss him becoming more Dom in our sex. What things that Frank does that he can replicate. He has role played the Dom many times before and he thinks he'd like to do more of that and maybe even help me push the envelope and explore more of my submissiveness.

I know for sure I am done "pushing the envelope" for awhile. Variations of what we have done is fine for now.

I am pooped this morning and Mike is still in bed. I wanted to write this asap this morning while my memory is fresh and so you guys don't have to wait so long for my post.

We have plans to meet two other couples tonight for dinner, drinks and maybe dancing, so later I'm going to take a nap this afternoon. Hopefully with Mike. I really love Mike.

I'll write about our conversations after we have them. Maybe tomorrow.

I didn't edit this as carefully as usual so I apologize if some of it is confusing.


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Sat May 05, 2018 5:05 am

stillcanhang57 wrote:
willingtoo wrote:Good Morning

I have been writing since 7:00 and am and not finished. I will post in awhile. Several of you have said you look for and anticipate my posts, so I wrote this quick note.

Please feel free to comment or ask questions. I will try to respond to each message or post, but can't promise it will be right away. I always try to respond. Your comments inspire me to continue to post here and be timely. I would write anyway for my journal, but I explain things for your benefit that I probably wouldn't include if it were just a journal entry.

This will not be as carefully edited and organized as usual. I'm very tired but couldn't sleep.
Good morning Carrie. Look foward to your update and maybe some response to the questions for you and Mike from me and SO.
I'm sorry, please ask again. I didn't recognize that some of the questions were from your wife.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by Mr ablondemilf » Sat May 05, 2018 5:19 am

Great read, thanks for the update. Sounds like you and Frank had a very good time together, AGAIN. :D :D :D


Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by sadie » Sat May 05, 2018 5:20 am

willingtoo wrote: I have had little feedback from females. Actually none.
I haven't been posting a lot lately, however I've been reading your thread and very much enjoying it. As well as the compliments you've been getting about your wonderfully expressive writing and the erotic side I've appreciated your relating the emotional effects of this fun affair you're enjoying.

I smile at your descriptions of bdsm play - I've been in that scene for a couple of decades - it sounds like Frank is a reasonably skilled and caring top. Your husband's descriptions of his foot fetish are also sweet and familiar.

I'm sorry to read that you've not slept, definitely turned on anticipating your cathartic telling of last night's sex date.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by DanEvans » Sat May 05, 2018 5:33 am

Soooooooooo fucking hot. Carrie, Carrie. Sigh!

You are making a mistake not to publish this thread. May I suggest The 51st Shade of Grey.

And now I have a hardon to take care of.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by Samanthasman » Sat May 05, 2018 5:39 am

Great story!!

Does your husband want you to stop or slow down??

The best way to not get too attached to one lover, is to have two or more lovers ;)
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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by shall54 » Sat May 05, 2018 10:29 pm

I just completed reading your entire blog and think it's the hottest thing I've read in a long time. Your writing style and the amount of detail regarding your thoughts, trials and eventual meetings with Frank are incredible. The fact that this is on-going makes it so exciting, I will be following your adventure for sure!

I have a question about when Mike reclaims you right after your meetings with Frank, and of course if my request is too personal please disregard this. You say Frank cums inside you a great amount such that it's running down your leg. When Mike subsequently arrives, do you have to clean up for him, or is he interested in seeing this? Does Mike want to add his cum to Frank's when he reclaims you?

Thank you so much,
Steve ;)

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