How did it start?

For hotwives and the men who adore them.

What was the first action that let to you (or her) being shared?

She brought it up
He brought it up
She got caught cheating, it led to an open relationship
She cheated and later confessed, it led to an open relationship
She was already in this lifestyle before this relationship started
It just happened all of a sudden, alcohol or drugs were involved
Other... .Explain in a reply.
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How did it start?

Unread post by spiffysteffy » Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:47 am

What was the first action that let to you (or her) being shared?

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Nauti Rogue
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Re: How did it start?

Unread post by Nauti Rogue » Thu Feb 25, 2016 11:36 am

When we met, I was on the rebound from a bad relationship and she was married. Very early in our affair, I told her that I would never be monogamous and that if I were ever to find myself in a relationship again, that person would have to accept that.

One night, I slipped a plug into her ass and I fucked her pussy. I told her to imagine that she was being fucked by 2 guys. Within 2 weeks, she had experienced her first threesome and we were swinging.

From there, we got into couples play, some small groups, and once in a while when I was out of town on a business trip, she'd find a guy to come fuck her... OMG! Such a turn on!!!

We still swing, but I LOVE it when she hotwifes! I definitely support and encourage her to fuck anyone she wants, and it's almost an expectation now that when I'm gone for a business trip, she's gonna hook up with someone while I'm gone.
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Re: How did it start?

Unread post by Hawke82 » Thu Feb 25, 2016 10:59 pm

Technically, she brought it up. We married young (she was 18), and I was her first. When she was 28, shortly after the birth of our first child, we were talking about sex, and she was complaining that she didn't think she looked sexy anymore! She was wrong, the pregnancy only gave her more curves, and she lost the pregnancy weight in just a couple of months! I told her she was still amazingly sexy, but she said "You're supposed to say that". I said I had no doubt other men found her sexy too, and in fact I knew several of our male friends thought she was very hot. That seemed to surprise her, and she said the feelings were mutual with a couple of our friends in particular, and that if she wasn't married, she would have tried to seduce them. We talked some more about that, and she admitted regret that she had such limited experience. She was happy to be married to me, but she wondered what she missed by not sowing a few oats before marriage. At that point, with an opportunity laid at my feet, I suggested she should explore her sexuality, and see what she might have missed. She was shocked to say the least, but once I assured her I found the idea exciting, and that she could accomplish two things by sleeping with other men (seeing what sex was like with other partners, and proving to herself that she was still sexy enough to seduce a man), she was more open to the idea. We ended up spending the rest of the night talking about it, getting excited about the possibilities, and having sex.

Nothing happened very fast after that, but after a few months of talking about it, and constant reassurances from me, she was willing to try it, but she didn't know where to start. As it turned out, an opportunity dropped in our lap a couple of weeks later, when one of our friends (one of those she had the hots for), who had just finalized the divorce his now ex-wife, wanted to come to our city for a visit. He wanted to get away from everything, and to spend some time with dear friends. We both realized this would be a great opportunity, with an added benefit. Not only would she get to seduce someone she was very sexually attracted to, she would also be giving a dear friend a serious ego boost, and some badly needed sexual relief, after a particularly nasty and somewhat emasculating divorce (he caught her cheating with one of his coworkers). The rest of this story was posted here at OHW ages ago.

Here's the link here for the stories of her first two times with our divorced friend:

Here's the link here for the story about their reunion, years later:
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Re: How did it start?

Unread post by Seldom Seen Slim » Fri Feb 26, 2016 4:41 am

My oh my, the things I see on this Forum. Spiffy, thanks for the question. I know it's been asked and answered before -- but again -- maybe somebody that's brand new will see these lines and get something good from it.

Hawke, your story is pretty damned close to ours - specifically Nancy's. She says she was pretty much a loner in high school - hung with a couple of girls and guys - getting drunk, getting high, getting laid. Just a small group, and she didn't do much socialising outa that bunch. At all. And they hooked up with this older guy that bought beer and such for them. Nancy and he got together and the morning after she graduated from high school -- she moved in with him and promptly got smothered by his bad-shit life. She had three babies before she realised that he was a dead-end - that's how horn-swoggled he kept her, and it took her three more (yep, six total!) to get it together enough to run the hell from him.

So we met and she started to blossom, and two years ago - when I offered Nancy the opportunity to explore her sexuality like the free and fun young woman she never got to be -- she jumped at the chance.

Well, yeah, like that jumping took well over a year of thinking and damn near that long for both of us to be really content, satisfied, and really happy with how our lives are unfolding. And who am I to say that it won't keep getting better? I 'spect it will, for us.

And with lotsa luck it'll go well for you, too, whomever you are that's reading these comments. Best wishes.

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Re: How did it start?

Unread post by Lovecum » Fri Feb 26, 2016 5:20 am

My wife brought it up after watching a 3sum porn movie together.... It had always been a fantasy of mine..... but didn't have the balls to bring it up. but when she said " id love to be her" I was startled but got an instant hardon!!! Started slowly with just her sucking cock, and progressed from there

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Re: How did it start?

Unread post by Lovecum » Fri Feb 26, 2016 5:21 am

My wife brought it up after watching a 3sum porn movie together.... It had always been a fantasy of mine..... but didn't have the balls to bring it up. but when she said " id love to be her" I was startled but got an instant hardon!!! Started slowly with just her sucking cock, and progressed from there

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Re: How did it start?

Unread post by gamma » Fri Feb 26, 2016 9:16 am

My best friend told me he wanted to fuck my wife. I said so long as she responds positively to his advances then please go ahead. I guess he knew somehow that I wasn't very good with sex. He was much more masculine then me and upped the flirting he did with her, so eventually he cuckolded me.

[edit] Apparently she already had given big hints about my performance to him during their initial flirting, as he tested her readiness for playing before telling me. Then he suggested a few things to say to her to signal my willingness for her to go ahead and cuckold me.
Last edited by gamma on Thu Mar 03, 2016 4:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: How did it start?

Unread post by Kupl » Sat Feb 27, 2016 4:25 pm

I was her primary lover when she was married. Lover and friend, not a "bull"
She wanted to do a poly thing with her hubby and I, we would all live together. I was onboard with the idea, but he wouldn't accept it.
She ended up leaving hubby and coming to live with me.
I was out of the country on a biz trip and came back to find she'd been dating guys from CL while I was out.
I said you don't need to sneak around to fuck other guys, we can meet them together and you can fuck whoever you want, it's fine by me.
Then we started meeting guys from CL together as a couple and enjoyed it, so it goes...

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Re: How did it start?

Unread post by ArizonaGuy » Sun Feb 28, 2016 9:57 am

I asked her to tell me about the guys she had fucked before we meet. After a couple of years, I asked her if she had meet anyone she would like to fuck and when she told who it was, I told her to go for it and boy did she ever. This turned into a long term relationship that lasted for two years. The first time, she fucked him alone and in our bed. When I came home, she was dripping his cum and her wet all over the bed. Guess who got the wet spot.....

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Re: How did it start?

Unread post by KlosetSloots » Mon Feb 29, 2016 3:56 pm

I initially brought it up. Similar to many on this board, it became a constant in our pillow talk, with her keeping it hypothetical. After a couple years, during a girls night out (we were still in our young party phase), she let loose and fucked a guy. Just before sunrise, she slipped into my apartment, crawled into bed and immediately started sucking my cock. When I entered her pussy, I immediately had suspicions, but dismissed them lol! The next evening, she confessed in tears. I think I was angry for a few minutes before the lust took over. Didn't happen overnight, but that was the catalyst leading to our open relationship.

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Re: How did it start?

Unread post by zelman69 » Mon Feb 29, 2016 6:09 pm

Well, it came up in fantasy conversation, I have always had the famtasy with other gf s. Never told them. We had fmf first, I dont know who brought up sharing her. It is great.

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Re: How did it start?

Unread post by zelman69 » Mon Feb 29, 2016 6:13 pm

Sorry wrong spot


Re: How did it start?

Unread post by jacknjuls » Tue Mar 01, 2016 7:34 am

I cheated, she took revenge.

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Re: How did it start?

Unread post by michigancuck » Tue Mar 01, 2016 12:29 pm

We started by talking dirty in bed. Later it turned to to her wanting me to offer her to a friend. Then it spiraled from there.


Re: How did it start?

Unread post by up2her » Tue Mar 01, 2016 11:09 pm

We started with regular swap, initiated by myself. She mostly agreed out of fear she might lose me, which I sort of regret, since I cherish her and don't want her to do anything unless SHE wants it. Anyway, she didn't care much for seeing me with another woman and kind of felt guilty about her first orgasm with another man. She was a virgin when we met and had only had sex with me.
During our few swap sessions, I found myself completely engrossed in what was happening to her and really kind of disinterested in what I was doing with his wife. So, later I pressed her to play while I just watched. Being a truly faithful, loyal, and quite morally centered person, she wasn't hip on it at first. Again, I was young and way over-sexed, so I pressed SLOWLY over a couple of years. She tried it, then we pulled back. Then we tried it again, and pulled back. This went on for a few years with only one or two experiences over a year. Then the pace started to pick up very slowly. About three years ago, it started to pick up as she gained confidence in how she looks (she is HOT) and in how I would react to it. Deep down, I'm sure she always worried I would lose respect for her and maybe even leave at some point. Totally understandable fears, but I always let her know we were good. At this point, she is getting extremely hot with it. We are constantly working up new ideas for play. She recently had her first MFM with two well hung gentlemen that went fantastically. Also, we just returned from HEDO II for the first time where she has a few experiences within a single week. If you include our sex sessions, she got laid about 10 times in 6 days. Maybe not much for some, but quite a bit for her.

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Re: How did it start?

Unread post by sj hopeful guy » Wed Mar 02, 2016 12:49 am

Same here , I cheated and she got revenge even though she only did it with one guy a few times I still hope she will start again.

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Re: How did it start?

Unread post by luvMyHotwife » Wed Mar 02, 2016 3:45 pm

We stumbled into it completely by accident. We had been married a few years and, to liven up our nightly sex routine, started using sex toys. I loved getting my wife off by using a toy and making up a fantasy about her and some guy. I started off making up stories about some celebrity that she thought was hot. After she had exhausted her series of orgasms, I came quickly on top. About the same time, she started working as a waitress at a place where the woman wore skimpy clothes. Some of her customers became regulars and told her how desirable she was. My wife told me about these guys, so I asked her to tell my about the one that made her the most hot. I then worked him into the fantasies that I told her when I was operating the sex toy. My wife's orgasms went bat shit crazy when we did this, so I began to wonder out loud if she should try this for real. She was receptive and I altered the fantasy such that she was telling him that I was OK with her dating other men and her making a date with him that would end up in bed. She agreed that she would like to try this and she used the fantasy as a script. The guy was married, had an attractive wife and we both thought this was the best case scenario to try this out.

The next night when he came into to her work place, she told him that she had permission to date other guys and they both were so hot to set it up ASAP. I forget where then went on the date, but afterwards they came back to our place. I had agreed to let her have the place alone with him so that they get focus on each other. My wife said they went mad for each other on the date and couldn't wait to get in bed. I had lots of angst before and during the date, but we stopped having sex a few days before and that helped us focus on following through. When I returned home, I climbed in bed with her, she woke up and started giving me some details as I climbed on top just as in the script.

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Re: How did it start?

Unread post by jenlv » Wed Mar 02, 2016 5:22 pm

My husband would be out of town for long stretches of time.
In our phone sex routines, he would encourage me to do "sexy" things - simple stuff like showing a bit of cleavage, wearing sexy heels, leather skirts, etc.
Eventually the fantasies worked their way to him wanting me to fuck other men, but only on special occasions and that's the game we've played every since.

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Re: How did it start?

Unread post by cuckandhotwife » Sat Mar 26, 2016 6:35 pm

Early in our marriage she was giving me head when I asked her if she was going to swallow. She said "no". I said "oh you that's right. you don't like to swallow." And she basically said "well not yours anyway". After a little more prodding she admitted that she actually enjoyed swallowing for an exBF. I asked who it was. Again it took some time but when she finally said his name, I instantly came a ton all over her chest. We both basically knew right then that I was good cuck material. She told me that he had the best tasting, sweetest cum she ever had and that she still thought about it often. She swallowed every drop, everytime she gave him a bj. I knew that I had to get them together again so she could enjoy it at least one more time. I called him up and asked him out for drinks. And the rest is history. She still sucks (and now fucks too) him to this day ... 10 years later.

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Re: How did it start?

Unread post by bradisalpha » Thu Jun 09, 2016 11:34 am

I have seen both... Him starting it and revenge fucking. I never enjoyed revenge fucking as much unless the husband was good cuckold material and participated in his "place".

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Re: How did it start?

Unread post by Martamlg » Mon Jun 18, 2018 8:04 am

I’ll try to explain how it went. (sorry for my English)
My husband was having some troubles getting erected due to high blood preasure drugs. We solved it having sex in other ways and sometimes erections were as hard as we need for a decent intercourse so our sex life was only a bit worse.
I usually travel to a nearby city to visit my parents. It’s only 1,5 hour by car so I go on Friday and come back home Sunday afternoon. A few times my husband comes with me but as it’s a bit boring for him usually he remains at home. In those cases I usually go on Saturday’s night for partying with my cousin. We have been always very close and has been my very best friend always. She is single.
On those Saturdays night we sometimes knew some men but for me, it never ended in nothing serious (only two times I had some making out and a few kisses, quite innocent).
One thing lead to another because one day, trying to have sex with my husband he was having serious problems and I said, jokingly, that maybe I must look for somebody for relaxing my needs. He become hard almost instantly and we had a fantastic sex night. So I begun to use this kind of “jokes” each time he can’t not achieve a decent erection, with great success.
A Sunday night I came from a weekend at my parent’s and faked that I’ve had some sex play with a man on Saturday night. Nothing serious, only a mix for alcohol, kisses, making out and a hand under my skirt. I also faked the apologies but I was studying his reaction. In a few words: serious face, worried eyes but a good erection. And this was the beginning.
Sorry again for my English,

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Re: How did it start?

Unread post by sextiescouple » Mon Jun 18, 2018 8:36 am

We started by swinging, I (male) brought it up first, we talked about the potential of sharing for three years, went to a club, started with foursomes.

Ten weeks later we had a swap at the club, she was still horny so, with my permission, she took a single guy into a room while I watched. Soon after that, we started MFM threesomes as an addition to swinging / orgies.

My answer should have been "Other - she brought it up first on the spur of the moment. No alcohol / drugs involved."

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Re: How did it start?

Unread post by woojolly18 » Mon Jun 18, 2018 6:04 pm

I had brought it up and we discussed it from time to time over the next 5 years. She had always said she had no interest in anyone else and it wasn't something she could do. Over that time, she knew that she had my permission to play if she ever felt the desire. Still, nothing happened, but on one work trip she met an attractive guy. She flirted a bit but he was married and nothing came of it. Then she went on a cruise with a girlfriend. The pool/hot tub scene on the first night was promising - lots on safe-for-public touching. Her friend had found someone to play with but, other than some mild flirting, nothing came of it. During the cruise and after, I reassured her that she was free to play if she wanted.

Fast forward another 2-3 years and she met another attractive guy on a work trip. This time he was single and had actually done some swinging with his ex-wife. That came out during their talk about the freedom to play that we had discussed. One thing led to another and she slept with him twice in the week long work trip. That's how we started and she's in the process of finding her next playmate.

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Re: How did it start?

Unread post by ErikaPeter » Tue Jun 19, 2018 5:49 am

About 15 years after marrying my husband, I had a couple of affairs without his knowledge. We had a difficult time after he found out. Over time, however, we realized that it was important for us to incorporate extramarital sex into our lives, as long as we maintained communication with each other and had each other’s consent. He searched online and recruited an experienced British-born man of Indian origin, Fred, to be my first “bull.” He had been with many white wives. However, never having been with an Indian wife, he was interested in becoming friends with someone from his ethnic background. My husband chatted with Fred online, by telephone, and eventually in person. Next, Fred and I spoke on the telephone. (He later told my husband that I had sounded sweet and innocent, and he had actually been a little hesitant to try to take me to bed.) We invited Fred to our home for dinner. Afterwards, the three of us retired to the master bedroom. My husband spent the first hour with us, participating a little but mostly watching. After Fred and I had had our first orgasms, I asked my husband to leave so that Fred and I could spend the rest of the night making love alone in our marital bed.
Indian Muslim couple active in hotwifing, cuckolding, and making amateur porn.

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Re: How did it start?

Unread post by Foxglove » Wed Jun 20, 2018 11:29 am

Early stuff. I knew at a young age it was foolish to expect fidelity before gaining some experience. I met my first serious GF when she already had a lover so we arranged to share her. It seemed practical. One day I was over at her apartment and I needed to get something from her bedroom. The bed was unmade and her panties were still on the floor where she dropped them the night before. Instant erection! Soon after I had an opportunity to listen to them going at it from the living room. I masturbated to the sounds of her bed hitting the wall and, finally, her orgasm!

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