Wife and my Dad

For cuckoldresses and the men who serve them.
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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by sergio27 » Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:09 am


I agree with you totally.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by oldcavsct » Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:25 am

Those are true words o :up: f wisdom! I couldn't have said it any better myself! Thank you jaxunman!!
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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by rs480 » Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:12 pm

Well said and perfectly written.
On the other hand, ball, I wonder too.......
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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by jimmy01420 » Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:15 am

Since finding out that Dave's dad is actually his step dad, does open up a door where he confesses to Jenna during one of their love making sessions, that unbeknownst to Dave, Dave's dad and mom did entertain a third man into many of their love making sessions for years after David had moved away from the house, and in fact the third lover involved was a black man who was even larger than David's dad.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by rb83 » Fri Jul 06, 2012 7:55 am

jimmy01420 wrote:...unbeknownst to Dave, Dave's dad and mom did entertain a third man into many of their love making sessions for years after David had moved away from the house, and in fact the third lover involved was a black man who was even larger than David's dad.
Was he also on the grassy knoll in Dallas and part of the faked moon landing "conspiracy"?

What's the frequency Kenneth?

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by b_p » Fri Jul 06, 2012 8:01 am

Good gosh, isn't Dave's story hot enough as it is, guys? LOL

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by mickle » Fri Jul 06, 2012 9:30 am

b_p wrote:Good gosh, isn't Dave's story hot enough as it is, guys? LOL
Keep up the great work Dave, thanks !

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by Matt2 » Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:26 am

b_p wrote:Good gosh, isn't Dave's story hot enough as it is, guys? LOL
Yes, it is. Most of us can identify with it just the way it is (and a few of us, maybe closer than the others.)

Don't change a thing, Dave, stay right in the groove :cool:
Last edited by Matt2 on Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
Long before the Internet, long before dating sites and support groups... we found that her doing a close friend now and then was kinda hot!

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by Stargeezer » Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:10 pm


A Lake House ... a couple of hours away ... YeeeeHaaaww :whip: ! I hope your Dad buys it, there are so many possibilities !

Up til now, the excuses for Jenna to spend time with him have been relatively easy to engineer, her girl's night out (only not with the girls for long), dancing class (but more the horizontal bop) etc. But, with a two hour drive each way, the excuse for them to be together long enough to be better than a parking lot quickie will have to be better than diverting other activities I suspect. It might seem abnormal to repeatedly have six or eight hour long dance classes or nights out in order to use the Lake House. Plus, six hours of "girls night out" including 2 hours driving back after an hour or two of sex-cardio could be unsafe - don't want to lose them in a late night wreck. Nope, I think they'll have to create solid reasons to be honest about going up there. Perhaps Dad will come right out and ask if it's okay for her to make several trips up there to help "decorate" (like decorate the bed in soft flesh tones just before he decorates her pussy)!

Eventually, there might be "family weekends", with Dad inviting both you and Jenna up, starting with the obligatory housewarming. Any weekend, especially long holiday ones (Labor Day is not that far away) at the Lake House with just the three of you will likely mean a challenge for Dad and Jenna to NOT steal touches, kisses, and maybe even a middle of the night session after a few trips. (Of course, you might have to fake drinking a bit too much ... to nudge them along ;) ). You might finally get that cuck trophy - getting to watch !

Finally, this could add another dimension to their budding relationship. I can't imagine Dad isn't thinking of that as he ponders buying the place. Were I in Dad's shoes, I'd be scrambling to lock it down and start using it, regularly !

Thanks again Dave, you've made this so much fun to ride along.


"Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays." - Henny Youngman

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by cat31 » Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:52 am

Stargeezer's post brings back memories of one of the hottest nights we ever spent in this lifestyle. For me at least. I wrote about it a few years ago.

We were at our cabin with one of our friends sitting around the fire pit. At around midnight my I announced that I was tired and was going to bed and my wife was his for the night. He looked at me and said "really?" Yup, have fun. Our cabin has a sleeping loft and I went up and pretended to go to sleep. When I looked out at the fire pit my wife was on her knees giving him a blowjob. A little while later they got up and left the fire pit and I expected them to come inside but they didn't. I then heard my wife moan from outside and sneaked down the ladder to find out what they were up to. They were on the floor of my pontoon boat fucking. All I could see was her feet in the air.

After he came in her I ran back up to the loft. A bit later I heard them come inside and go to the bedroom which is directly below the loft. I listened to them fucking for about an hour then fell asleep. During the night I woke several times to the sound of moans and creaking bed springs. It was one of those times when you are awake but not able to move. I just listened for a bit then drifted in and out of sleep.

Around eight in the morning I got up and went to make coffee. I peaked into the bedroom and saw they were asleep in the spoon position with him behind her. His cock was soft but still laying against her pussy between her legs. Her pubic hair was all matted with his cum.

I let them sleep and went into town to get my coffee as not to disturb them. When I got back an hour or so they were both awake and dressed. There was never another word spoken about that night but for me laying in bed listening to them was incredible. I had done this many times before this and many time since but for some reason that night sticks in my mind as the best. Maybe because the cabin in not a place where we had ever played before?

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by curiousdave » Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:23 pm

Hi guys , I'm sorry I've been MIA lately. I've been going through allot since last Tuesday. I did something, picked something up wrong or something and really screwed my back up. Now I'm battling the worse case of sciatica I can possibly imagine. I can't sit, stand, lay down, anything for very long without extreme pain settling in. It's one of those things where too long in any certain position and the pain kicks in. So sitting down to write has been impossible. Looking back I should have sent a quick word earlier but you know, you always hope it's something that will work itself out quickly, so I just didn't know it would go on so long. I've been to the doctor, the chiropractor, a massage therapist, nothing has really helped so far. So it's been allot of pain medicine and that's it. Another thing thats made me foggy headed so, you can imagine what any updates may have sounded like.

Anyway I'm not hurting too too bad at the moment so let me give a very quick update to things. The trip to see about the lake house turned out mostly un eventful. He decided he didn't want to spend the money they were asking for that house but the realtor showed him a couple others while they were there. Long story short he isn't buying any of them right now. Too pricey for what he was planning. But he does have desire and plans to find a nice lake house somewhere in the near future. Apparently he has wanted one for a while (I had never discussed it with him). Jenna and Dad stayed there looking at houses for so long , by the time they hit the road to come home it was pretty late, so they didn't have a "booty call" or anything that night. She did tell me about a nice romantic dinner they shared at a restaurant there near the lake, overlooking the boat docks. Sounded very nice. The whole thing where they were confused for husband and wife really amused her. She said she joked with him about it all night. He seemed a little embarrassed by it at first she said but as it went on he got over and played along. She said she thought he might have felt like a cradle robber or something at first, the old man with the hot trophy wife or whatever. But like I said, over time he laughed and played along. She said at the restaurant he had stepped outside to take a call and the waiter came by to take their order or refresh drinks or something, she said she told the waiter to tell her husband she went to the restroom and she'd be right back. When she got back to the table he was all smiles and said "There's my wife." They both laughed and talked about how crazy it had been all afternoon acting like they were married. Well in the end it was very late when they got back to his house. He had to be somewhere the next morning very early so she didn't stay but a few minutes there. He walked her to her car, leaned inside her window and gave her a loving , sweet kiss and thanked her for going with him. That was it. She got home around 11:30ish and told me about her day. She was tired too so we just cuddled in bed and talked till we fell asleep.

Tuesday came and I hurt myself, still not even positive what I did but I know I fucked up somewhere along the way. Been the worst pain of my life to date.

She has stayed around the house for the most part and helped take care of me. She did pop in for a visit on him this past Saturday. They had dinner at his house and ended up in bed. Jenna is obviously highly sexual so she was truly in need by that point. She also told me they took their first shower together afterwards. They didn't have sex again in the shower but they kissed and caressed and sort of made out a little in there. All this was weird hearing because for the first time it was completely non sexual for me. My mind was slightly turned on but my body just ain't playing that right now. So she just sat beside me in the bed and told her story. I was pretty much drugged up at that point so I wasn't in huge pain but enough to make a boner impossible. So that pretty much covers it all.

My pain hasn't gotten any better but I know Jenna is getting a little restless. She is not a homebody at all and likes to stay out and about constantly. Not to mention her high sex drive and me not being able to do anything like that. I told her once or twice to go see him but she feels guilty I can tell. She knows I'm cool with it, but me being in such bad shape physically and not even getting turned on by it really has her feeling a little guilt I guess. Pain or not I'm going to really push for her to go be with him this weekend in some way shape or form. It will be up to them obviously how they spend their time but I'm going to insist she get out and have some fun and continue her budding relationship with my dad. I may not be rock hard right now thinking about it, but I do want them together and I KNOW they want and need it.

Ok that's it for now. I'll report in more when I feel up to it. Sorry for making you wait and possibly lose a little interest. Wasn't intentional.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by hando » Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:08 pm

Thanks, Dave. Don't let anybody pressure you into writing if you don't want to. I think you're doing a great job, far better than necessary. The descriptions are about as good as I've read anywhere, not to mention the story is hot as hell.

I played husband and wife with a lady once while traveling together for about 10 days, and it was fun for a while. We got some real strange looks when she would go into her room and me into mine after chatting up other couples at dinner. They just assumed we were married, so it was an easy ruse to continue for our entertainment. We weren't having any kind of sex, so it wasn't as much fun as it could have been. Not to mention, she started getting jealous of any attention I paid to or got from other women, so I was happy when it ended.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by sensual9696 » Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:55 pm

Hi Dave,
Loving your story... you're a great writer and manage to describe what has happened so very well!

Re. your back... as I've had two back surgeries, I know a lot about back pain. Have you tried Celebrex? I use it only on occasion for approx. a week at a time if I have back pain. Perhaps once a year these days, otherwise I take Advil for minor pain. Celebrex is a life saver for me and really works miracles in reducing inflamation, which allows you to heal. Whatever you do, make sure surgery is a very last resort. Use ice and heat to help your back heal and be patient as it takes a while. Good luck!

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by bubbalapagos » Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:40 am

I hope you heal quickly Dave!

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by HerLittleGuy » Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:51 am

I've had back troubles too, and know well what you're going through. I have a few exercises that help heal me up (eg: lying on back, knees up, tip knees down toward uninjured side, repeat 30x - There are several others).

FWIW, it seems that the back mends more quickly if you just get up and be as active as you can bear while not re-injuring. Hurts like a son-of-a-gun, but gets me back in the game more quickly. And for those times where the injury seems to linger for weeks, having the physiotherapist put you on the traction bed for a couple of cycles (a few mornings in a week), plus the exercise regime and ibuprofen, really helps.

Wishing you a speedy recovery to your good old self.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by armyguyot1 » Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:38 am

Have had back surgery and some back problems over the years. Wife works for a chiropracter and he is a good one. A chiropracter can normally help you within three visits. If not you either need to find another one or go to a doctor. Mine has always helped me up until the back surgery thing and after about five visits we started looking elsewhere. Then physical therapy which is a different skill set totally and worth a try but then surgery. I had a good doc and am fine now but at your age I would maybe try another chiropracter and a little PT. They say sex it one of the best excersises for a bad back. Mine was lower and the sex helps that so don't hold back. Anyway thanks for the update and take care of yourself. The PT people will show you some excersises that are good preventative and therapy as well. You might try them for some additional help and preventative measures. Most people say sit on your ass and don't lift. Well that ain't goin to happen so get some ammo to help prevent.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by two4fun » Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:58 am

been there, done that dave....went to numerous drs, therapists,etc.....these yoga moves did and do wonders for me when i have flareups....sounds like you've bulged a disc.....good luck...i swear by these now


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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by curiousdave » Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:21 pm

Thanks everyone who offered advice, help and info related to the back issue. I'm taking it all in, working on it right now. So far nothing has helped. Hopefully soon. And hopefully I'll have something more fun to report Jenna and Dad related this weekend maybe. Thanks everybody.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by viking68 » Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:47 pm

I have a bulging disc in the L4/5 area of the left side of my back. I just returned from having a cortisone injection into the injured area. This was my second procedure. It seems to be working well. Ask your doc about the procedure. It has worked for me. OBTW back in April, I fell off a 3 foot ladder and landed on a pile bricks. Very dumb on my part! I keep forgetting I am 65! LOL
I love the story. You write very well, you have a gift for the erotic. Good luck with your wife and the future.
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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by oldcavsct » Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:57 pm

Holding my breath ... for good news about your health. the story can wait.

In the meantime, we can all use our imaginations!
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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by sergio27 » Fri Jul 13, 2012 1:32 am


Try it. It's a great product and natural. If you're interested in buying it, let me know.

Edited to delete link. You cannot advertise your, for profit, merchandise on this site.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by rs480 » Fri Jul 13, 2012 8:16 pm

Ok, here's a view from the "other side" for your back troubles.
Take 3 Tablespoons daily of unsulphered Black-Strap Molasses AND 3 daily Tablespoons Coconut Oil. The coconut oil is not that fun to eat as it's in a nearly solid form but it sure does taste good!
Both are good for you and good for inflammation (?equals infection?) in the body.
I'm serious.
Three bulged discs in this body I live in and I wish I could go for traction all the time! Truly. Hint hint.
Oh yes, Dave, update at YOUR leisure not ours. Oh wait, you knew that already! :-)
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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by creampiecurious » Sat Jul 14, 2012 3:02 am

I hope you're feeling better soon. Back problems suck. :(
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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by Roxypoxy » Sat Jul 14, 2012 5:21 am

Dave, you may try using an inversion table. To stretch you compressed back. Check YouTube and amazon what an inversion table is.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by Paul_Pines » Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:03 am

Dave -

I've just caught up on this monumental effort, and all I can say is, BRAVO! You have captured so many of the emotions as well as the experiences of someone becoming a cuckold, and you've done it amazingly well.

Don't worry about when you can't post. We're not paying you, so do what you need to do and write when you can. I can promise that a whole lot of us will be here whenever you are ready to post more.

As for your back, I sympathize - been there, hurt that. FYI, I find a lot of relief with the inversion table mentioned earlier; Costco has a good one, reasonably priced, and strong enough to support a big person.

Hope you feel better, and thanks again for this whole thread.


Cuckold Paul

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