I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

For cuckoldresses and the men who serve them.
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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by txrockdog » Mon Feb 19, 2024 8:17 am

Thanks for the checkin Ky! As usual, you always leave us on the edge of our seats wanting to hear more. Can’t wait to hear more about her visit with Sipho.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Mon Feb 19, 2024 6:39 pm

Hey all,

Have you ever been so horny, you couldn’t think about anything else but sex? I suppose that’s a rhetorical question, most guys have experienced that through those difficult teenage years. I’m reminded of that old Eddie Murphy joke about getting a hardon in class, that all it would take was for the wind to blow and your cock was up and looking around. Thing is, I’ve felt hornier this last week than I’ve been since those teenage years. Seriously, I’m surprised I haven’t popped a zipper on my trousers with as many bullet proof erections I’ve had.

It started with a quick visit to see the in-laws. I went anticipating a slow, boring day of chatting about the weather and listening to gossip about the neighbors, but my wife kept it interesting. After dinner, we were sitting on the couch as the grandparents played with the kids. I asked a simple question and got a whole lot more than I expected.

“Penny for your thought,” I said, thinking I’d get a mundane answer.

“Sex with Sipho is brilliant,” she said in a complete deadpanned voice.

If I’d had a mouthful of water, I would have done a spit-take. “Jaimee! You can’t say stuff like that here. Your mum’s got the ears of a bat.

Jaimee shrugged, her eyes never leaving the playing children. “I’m not sure it matters much anymore. I think she knows more than we think she does – or at least suspects.”

I felt my blood go cold as I got the second shock in less than two minutes. “What do you mean she suspects? Suspects what? Us, you?”

“A few weeks ago, she was probing. She asked me if there was anything I wanted to tell her about the boys.”

I know my eyes went as wide as silver dollars. “Seriously!? Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

Again Jaimee shrugged. “You’ve been gone a lot. And there’s not much to tell. She asked, I denied.”

“But she suspects that they’re…” the words caught in my throat. I didn’t know what to think. “She’s not one to let things drop.”

"Well, not typically, no," my wife conceded. "But things have been rather agreeable between us lately, and I don't believe she wishes to disrupt that."

“This is too much to process,” I said, closing my eyes and pressing the tips of my fingers to my temples.

"Honestly, Ky, stop with the theatrics." My wife shifted on the couch, settling her feet on my lap. "We've debated this secrecy endlessly. Maybe it's time to simply tell the truth and embrace it. No more of this charade."

I looked at my wife, and felt my jaw drop. “I know I didn’t just hear those words come from your mouth. I can’t even begin to imagine… your parents would be—my parents… your brothers—.”

"Oh, ease up," Jaimee said, a hint of determination in her voice. "We're not having this conversation right here, right now. But maybe it's time for a change. Things aren't the same anymore, and I doubt they ever will be."

“You’re scaring me right now. You know that, right?” I said, not expecting a response. “What do you mean you doubt things will ever be the same?”

A wickedly teasing smile broke out over my wife’s features, a small alarm began to sound in my head, telling me she was up to something. This was one of her games. She wanted to play. The thought excited and scared me. When she decided to play, she would make it nearly impossible for me to discern fact from fiction.

“I’m fucking Sipho now,” she said in a hushed tone. “With the amount he cums, it’s only a matter of time before I’m on the duff again. (Her way of saying getting pregnant).”

It was like someone dropped me into an ice bath. I sat there frozen in shock, my brain unable to completely process what I’d just heard. My wife’s teasing smile grew. Deep down I knew she was having a go, but it didn’t seem to mute the overwhelming emotion from passing through me.

“Jaimee,” I finally choked out. “You can’t joke about stuff like that.”

“What? It’s true, he cums so much. It’s like a full fizzy drink flooding my pussy.”

“God woman, you’re killing me. You know that, right?”

“It’s all part of the fun,” Jaimee chided, pressing her foot against my erection. “I knew you’d like it. And by the way, I finished the last book on your list.” She was referring to my Kindle library where I had about a half dozen books from Pete Andrews, Kenny Wright, Etc. “So I bought a few more. There are loads of interracial erotic stories for Kindles.”

“What else have you been reading,” I said, eyeing her phone. She handed it to me without protest. I opened the Kindle app and scrolled through the library. She’d set up a separate account so that she could keep all the erotic stories separate from her other library, so all I saw was book after book of erotic literature.

“The writing’s ghastly, but we rather enjoyed the content,” she said, mimicking the previous Queen’s posh way of speaking and using the Royal ‘we’. I don’t get the humor there, but she makes herself laugh when she does it, which I do find funny.

“You’ve got twenty books in here,” I said in astonishment. “I’ve never even heard of some of these.”

“Some are trash, and I didn’t finish them, but there are some good ones in there, too. They gave me loads of ideas.”

“That sounds ominous,” I said.

I was surprised at the amount of Queen of Spades, blacked wife, BBC content there was. That’s never been something we’ve explored much of. Not until Sipho anyways.

“It might be,” she smirked. “I’ve been thinking of ways to push you out of this little comfort zone you seem to have found.”

“I’m definitely not feeling ‘comfortable’ right now,” I said as I sped read through some of the books’ descriptions.

“Most of them have a few common threads, like the wife being owned by the black man, or her being ‘trained’ to love only black cock.”

“Is that what you want with Sipho? To be owned by him?” I asked, my voice dry and sounding like driven over gravel.

“I’m considering it,” she said as if it were nothing more than a choice of which tea flavor she wanted. “There was a time when I was happy to only have your average penis, but that hasn’t been the case for a long time now. You’ve spoiled me, so now I’m used to a certain… girth on a man.”

I had to take several deep breaths as I focused on not cumming in my pants. “And you like the idea of being ‘owned’?” I finally managed to ask.

“It does have a certain appeal to it,” she confessed. “Can you imagine, your wife, having only black cock for weeks—maybe months at a time? If I got pregnant, there’d be no hiding it. Everyone would know another man fucked your wife.”

“Fuck, Jaimee,” I swore softly. Shaking my head, I tried to calm get control of the lust I was feeling. “Those are just stories to get guys off. It’s fiction, nobody’s really doing that stuff.”

“We could,” my wife said, rubbing the arch of her foot over my dick. “We could have Sipho take over pleasuring your wife duties, free you up to focus on work and not worry so much about traveling.”

“That’s one of the tropes from those books,” I said, trying not to cum in my pants. The kids and the in-laws had moved into the kitchen, but that wasn’t far away.

“It is, but it’s a good one. It might be fun to try.”

“What about Matt? We’ve had a good thing going with him for a while.” I could tell I’d thrown a bit of cold water on the conversation.

Jaimee sighed, “Well, I’ve had a good thing going on with him. I keep trying to involve you, but your stubborn arse won’t participate.” My wife’s foot paused in its machinations. “We had a big row about Sipho after I told him about the NYE party. I can’t take issue with him. He was right to call me out on it. But if feels like things have run their course with Matt. I’m not getting the reactions out of you like I used to. We’re too comfortable with him.”

I didn’t speak, but I nodded in the affirmative to her point. I had grown very comfortable with Matt fucking my wife. It wasn’t the thrill that it used to be.

“It’s become just casual sex with Matt,” my wife continued. “But with Sipho, the experience makes my heart pound. It scares me a bit. I kind of miss that.”

“So… what? You’re thinking that being with Sipho will bring back the excitement.”

“It already has,” Jaimee rebutted quickly. She pressed her foot to my dick again. “I can feel you’re more excited by the idea.”

I couldn’t help but guffaw at that. “Babe, you’re talking about the high-octane type of cuckolding here. Of course I’m going to be aroused. But down this path lies danger.”

“We’ve made it through alright so far.”

“Fair point. But if we keep it up, I can’t help but think it’ll eventually catch up to us,” I said.

“You keep sounding like you want to end our play someday.”

“I would think eventually. I mean we always talked about playing to get this out of our system, it’s never been a long-term thing.”

“Maybe we need to have that discussion. Jaimee sat up a little straighter. “I don’t like the idea of stopping. I don’t think there’s any getting-it-out-of-our system. This is who we are now.”

I sat there in silence for a good minute. Her words hit me hard. Was this who we were now? Was she right about this? I’ve been doing a lot of reading about goals, achievements, and becoming a better version of yourself. I’ve learned that you’re always practicing for something, even if that something is sitting at a desk for eight hours a day. Have we been practicing being forever unfaithful in our marriage? Has my wife been practicing being an adulterer, a promiscuous woman, a slut? Was I practicing being a better cuckold, a long-term cuckold? It seemed so…

“You’re okay with that idea?” I asked. “That we’ll always be a cuckold couple?”

Jaimee didn’t answer me right away, I could tell she was as lost in thought as I was. But finally, she spoke, “This isn’t a one-way-door type decision, Ky, meaning that this isn’t the type of decision that’s permanent. There’s no reason we can’t change our minds, or try something completely new at some point down the road. I like rush I feel when I cuck you, but I haven’t been feeling that much lately – except for New Year’s Eve of course. That reminded me how fun this lifestyle can be. I miss that excitement.”

“I get the feeling that you’ve got a few plans in mind already,” I said, narrowing my eyes at my wife. She was up to something.

“Of course I do,” she laughed. “What kind of a cuckoldress would I be if I wasn’t trying to find a way to excite my loving husband.”

“Not a good one, I suppose.”

Jaimee nodded. “Exactly right. No half measures.”

“So again, what are you thinking?” I pressed again. “I don’t think I can handle another man getting you pregnant again, I can’t go that far.”

My wife gave me a sympathetic smile. “We’ll call that a hard no then, but I like the idea of getting my sexual satisfaction from another man. There’s something about that idea that just gets me soaking.”

I gripped the couch cushion as I tried not to cum, and with a strained voice replied, “Aren’t you basically doing that now. Isn’t that what you’ve been doing with Matt for the last year?”

“I’ve been getting some satisfaction from him, but also from you too. I’m talking about getting all my satisfaction from someone that’s not my husband. The idea is so… wicked.”

I knew where this idea was coming from, there were at least two books in my Kindle library that were about this exact thing, but while I’d read the stories for a form of mental stimulation, it seemed my wife wanted to act out the story trope.

“I’m assuming you’re talking about Sipho then,” I said in more of a statement than a question.

“Probably, but Matt and I aren’t completely over. Things may work themselves out in the end. I’m sure two boyfriends could keep me satisfied,” she said, again with the smirk.

“I’m sure they could, if they both played nice in the sandbox. But I’m not sure that’ll happen. You might have to choose.”

“You’re probably right, yeah, but that’s for me to work out. All I need you for is to go along for the ride.”

I inhaled a deep breath, processing on what I’d just heard. “So then how would this work? No sex for me? Is that what you’re driving at?”

A look of frustration passed over Jaimee’s face, “I’d never leave my husband unsatisfied, you know that.” She pulled her foot away and got to her feet. “Come with me,” she insisted, pulling me up to stand next to her.

She took my hand and led me to the bathroom down the hall. Entering, she flipped on the light and locked the door. The bathroom isn’t large, there’s enough room for two people to stand next to the sink and toilet, but barely.

“Turn around like you’re going to use the toilet,” Jaimee said, using her hands to turn me so that I was facing the porcelain bowl. She unbuckled my belt and had my trousers halfway down my butt before I caught hold of her hands.

“What are you doing?”

She brushed my hands away and pulled my pants down to my knees. I thought she was going to tell me to take a piss, but before I could protest further, she positioned herself behind me, reached around, and began to stroke my dick. I could feel her breasts press against the middle of my back.

“I was curious to see what this felt like. It’s kind of like giving myself a wank if I imagined I had a cock.”

“Your parents are going to wonder what in the hell we’re doing in here. They won’t be happy,” I said, grimacing from the too much friction I was feeling from my wife’s hand job.

“We’re married. What does it matter,” Jaimee said, trying to find a rhythm. “What wouldn’t make them happy would be if they knew how often their daughter let another man’s cock into her pussy.”

“Fucking hell, woman,” I grunted. “Ease up. That’s too hard.”

Jaimee’s hand pulled away. She went to the sink cabinet, took out some hand lotion, placed a dollop in her hand, and then resumed her work. This time it felt a thousand times better.

“Is this right?” she asked, gripping my dick at its base and giving it a slow stroke.

“I’m not complaining,” I said.

“Put your hand over mine and show me how you do it.”

“You’re doing fine,” I said in response, not wanting to disrupt her. Plus, it made me feel a little embarrassed to do what she asked.

“Ky, show me,” she demanded, giving my dick a hard squeeze.

“Shit, yeah, alright,” I sputtered.

I put my hand over hers and pretended to jack myself off. I was unprepared for how intense this simple act was going to feel. It made my knees weak, and I got incredibly hard.

“Oh, I can feel how much you like this,” Jaimee giggled. “Now, teach me how you do it. I want to do it perfectly. You might have to get more used to hand jobs in the future.”

It didn’t take long for my wife to bring me to orgasm, or maybe I did it to myself in some weird way. Either way, the results were the same. I came hard into the toilet. We then cleaned up quickly, exited the bathroom, and made our way back to the family room where her parents were now sitting on the couch. Her mother shot us a disapproving look, but didn’t say anything. And her father just acted like nothing was amiss.

That ended that particular visit, but my wife’s teasing button pushing continued. Every day last week she found ways to escalate the idea of her getting her needs met elsewhere. She started to read aloud the latest chapter she was reading from one of her erotic stories, and then pull up an interracial video or two for us to watch together, asking me what I liked most about each one. By the end of the week, despite having a lot of sex each night, I was a walking, raging hormone.

Then came Saturday night. Jaimee had asked if she could invite Sipho over for a late dinner after the kids were in bed. I agreed, but when I asked her if she had more planned than just dinner, she wouldn’t say.

Sipho arrived, my wife served an amazing meal of roast chicken and vegetables, of which I noticed she ate very little. I know my wife well, and I’d pretty much assumed that she would be fucking Sipho before the night was over, but seeing her eat very lightly only confirmed this in my mind. She never eats a heavy meal if she knows sex is on the menu.

After dinner, we sat on the sofa, played a couple of card games, and chatted. There were a few minutes there where I thought maybe sex wasn’t going to happen. But I needn’t have worried. It was getting late, we were sipping wine when Jaimee laid across the couch, resting her head on Sipho’s thigh and making me feel like a third wheel. I hate moments like those because I don’t know what to do with my hands, where to look with my eyes, or what to talk about. Do I just sit there and watch? Do I try to pick up a conversation, or pull out my phone and start scrolling news articles.

Luckily, it was Sipho who picked the conversation back up, asking me what project I was working on lately. I began to tell him a few details of some of the more interesting projects, and to his credit, he actually listened and stayed engaged. A lot of times I can see the moment their attention wanes as soon as I say anything even remotely technical.

My wife, however, was not listening at all. She was focused on Sipho’s lap, running her fingers over a substantial bulge in the mans trousers.

Sipho let out a pleased sigh at one point. He then looked up at me and said, “Jaimee here tells me you two have some experience in this lifestyle, but she also tells me she’s looking to raise the stakes. I can help with that if that’s what you two both want.”

Jaimee’s hands went to Sipho’s fly, and after a moment, she had it out on full display, Fuck me. It was big. Very different than Wade’s, smooth instead of veiny, tapered at the tip and slightly at the base, and of course jet black. It’s been a while since I’ve seen Wade’s cock, so I couldn’t be sure, but if Sipho was smaller, it wasn’t by much.

“It’s really up to her,” I finally said, eyeing my wife. “She’s got the power this time, so it’s her call.”

“Brave man,” Sipho said, running his fingers through my wife’s dark hair. He caressed her temple with the side of his thumb. This was a man who was comfortable with what was playing out and had all the confidence in the world. “From what your wife has shared with me, she’s got a devious mind. I hope you’re ready.”

“That makes two of us,” I mumbled, wondering what Jaimee had told her new black lover.

Jaimee worked her mouth over his cock for nearly 20 minutes. He was erect, and I could tell my wife was growing more and more excited. She finally stood, stripped off her clothes, and straddled his thighs. It took a long few seconds of her standing over him, guiding his cock into her opening, but she eventually had the tip in her pussy and she slowly began to descend. I was expecting her to pause, to need to adjust to his size, for her to have some difficulty taking in his size, but she simply slid down his shaft until it was nearly two-thirds inside her.

“Oh,” she gasped, “the rest might take some effort.”

“That’s just fine. We’ll get there.”

“That feels so good,” Jaimee moaned, lifting herself back up, leaving a black cock that was now glistening with her wetness.

This was the first time I’d seen something like this. I’ve read so many stories – seen so many pornos, but nothing could have prepared me for what I was now witnessing. That dark black cock entering my wife pushed me to a whole new level.

Jamiee looked at me over her shoulder. She held her lower lip between her teeth, and I could tell her thoughts and mind were turning away from me. She looked incredible. He breasts pressed up against Sipho’s chest, her dark hair splayed across her back. To me, she looked like a work of art, something beyond words of beauty.

It didn’t take long for her skin to begin to glisten with sweat, nor for her legs to give out and for him to flip her over and take control. He fucked her slowly in that position for longer than I’d probably fucked her in the last two months combined. He just kept going. Her pussy began to froth, producing a white foam around the base of his cock. She came several times before he finally let loose and flooded her pussy. Yes, she’s on birth control, but her comment about how much he cums stuck in my mind.

I thought I’d gotten used to seeing another man fuck my wife, but the experience of watching Sipho fuck my wife was unlike anything I’d experienced before. Even after he came, he didn’t stop, didn’t take a break to rest and recover. No, he kept slowly pumping his fat cock into her over and over again. I know they say a woman’s vagina is only so deep, but it must stretch too because he eventually bottomed out. The tip of his cock had to be around her belly button somewhere.

Jaimee came again, and her skin was soon completely soaked with sweat. Even her hair was matted against her temples. Physically she was in the room, but in every other sense, she was miles away, floating on a sexual high somewhere in the stratosphere. Several times she told Sipho she needed a break, but he would tell her just to relax and let him take care of her. It wouldn’t take long for her to be on the edge of another orgasm. Sipho’s cum slowly leaked out as they fucked, spreading all over her inner thighs and adding to her slickness.

At one point, Sipho gestured for me to approach. My wife was on her back, her legs straight up in the air, supported by Sipho’s large hands that gripped around each ankle. As I neared, Jaimee’s eyes looked at me, but I doubt she could see me. Her eyes were glazed over and looked close to rolling up into her head like she was going to pass out. Sipho backed out, pulling his cock from my wife’s pussy, revealing a gaping wide hole, cum liberally coating it’s perimeter and puddling inside. I could have fit my whole dick in the gape without touching the sides. That realization almost made me climax. It only stayed open like that for a brief moment before collapsing down again. Sipho pushed himself inside of her and resumed.

How was I ever going to satisfy my wife again? It was a question that’s come to mind in the past, but never with the impact it did in that moment. I was now at best a bit of nicotine, and Sipho was the heroine. There was no way she’d ever be satisfied with nicotine again. She would be forever addicted to the heroine. But still, I felt some level of intense satisfaction. I loved seeing that look of utter bliss on my wife’s face. It filled me with a joy that was nearly as powerful as the lust pumping through my veins. This is what I knew I could give her.

I sat back and watched the show for another 20 minutes before suggesting they might be more comfortable in the bed. Sipho carried her upstairs where he resumed his work. I stayed downstairs for close to an hour, flipping through the TV channels and letting my thoughts go where they might. Several times I went to the bedroom and checked in on my wife, each time finding similar scene. Sipho finally left the house at four in the morning, leaving a very sexually satisfied wife.

I dropped a towel onto the bed and laid down next to my wife. The wet spots were massive and in several different locations. The room reeked of sex. Jaimee was passed out cold, sleeping like the dead. She wouldn’t rise until nearly noon, and when she did, she looked like she hadn’t slept in days. I made her a cup of tea and made sure the kids gave her some time. For her part, Jaimee simply sat on in the recliner and stared at the television. She was comatose like that for several more hours before she looked like life was seeping back into her.

This brings me close to current. There are so many things I had to skip over and condense, but I’ll say this, these last weeks have been a hell of a ride. I’m on another plane, headed back to NY for a couple of weeks. I’m sure Sipho will be making a few visits while I’m gone. My wife’s already sent me a number of texts wishing me good luck at work and making sure I knew that she would be very sexually satisfied while I’m away.

So I bookend this post as I began, with the question about being so horny it was hard to concentrate. I’m feeling that way now. I have so much work to do, but I’ll be in the office tomorrow trying to conduct meetings and knowing that my wife is scheduling her next session with Sipho. Things have definitely escalated.

This is all I have time for today. Stay well everyone.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by txrockdog » Mon Feb 19, 2024 7:01 pm

Incredible Ky! Nobody does it like you and Jaimee and nobody I have seen anywhere on the internet does such an exquisite job recounting the experience. I can’t wait to read more, but please take all the time you need. We will be here to read any time you are willing and able to write about it.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by venus-can99 » Mon Feb 19, 2024 8:00 pm

WoW - thanks for the update Ky. It was pretty intense and mind blowing. Looks like Jaimee has taken this to next level. I guess she is going to be a sexually sated woman in your absence.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Open2it » Tue Feb 20, 2024 1:34 am

No wonder you’re constantly horny! Jaime certainly knows how to push all your buttons and obviously loves leading you into hotter experiences. Do you really think she will out your shared lifestyle to her family?

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Bnc63 » Tue Feb 20, 2024 3:37 am

Sounds like you better hold on tight Ky!

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by vmb69 » Tue Feb 20, 2024 5:20 am

Hi KY,

Does that at all entail that Jaime may want to start using a chastity device again?
Sipho being bi, do you think this will inch towards Jaime wanting you to be more open to trying more in that area?

You are both going towards such an existing relationship and I would say we all believe in you two.
Last edited by vmb69 on Tue Feb 20, 2024 9:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by DarrenZ » Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:04 am

Wow. Just wow.

Do you think you would enjoy her teasing about impregnation while still having a hard line at actually doing it again?

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by user322 » Tue Feb 20, 2024 9:11 am

Wow, ky is back with yet another extraordinary adventure!
Your posts are truly among the best on this site!

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by veub » Tue Feb 20, 2024 9:34 am

DarrenZ wrote:
Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:04 am
Wow. Just wow.

Do you think you would enjoy her teasing about impregnation while still having a hard line at actually doing it again?
Assuming this is real, I doubt that there will be a hard line against doing it again. She decided to get pregnant with Wade without telling him, why should Sipho be any different.
I doubt that she would hesitate for a second in deciding to do this no matter what Ky's feelings might be. She knows it would excite him to be totally outed.
vmb69 wrote:
Tue Feb 20, 2024 5:20 am

Does that at all entail that Jaime may want to start using a chastity device again?
Sipho being bi, do you think this will inch towards Jaime wanting you to be more open to trying more in that area?
She already wants both of these and I'm pretty sure that both of those are a given at this point.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by vmb69 » Tue Feb 20, 2024 9:46 am

veub wrote:
Tue Feb 20, 2024 9:34 am
DarrenZ wrote:
Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:04 am
Wow. Just wow.

Do you think you would enjoy her teasing about impregnation while still having a hard line at actually doing it again?
Assuming this is real, I doubt that there will be a hard line against doing it again. She decided to get pregnant with Wade without telling him, why should Sipho be any different.
I doubt that she would hesitate for a second in deciding to do this no matter what Ky's feelings might be. She knows it would excite him to be totally outed.
vmb69 wrote:
Tue Feb 20, 2024 5:20 am

Does that at all entail that Jaime may want to start using a chastity device again?
Sipho being bi, do you think this will inch towards Jaime wanting you to be more open to trying more in that area?
She already wants both of these and I'm pretty sure that both of those are a given at this point.
I still believe Jaime takes Ky's feelings into account, and while having a pregnancy with Wade was one thing and MIL is figuring it out, having a kid with Sipho is not tempting fate on outing it would simply be the same as getting a 25 feet billboard on the side of the road saying "KY is a proud cuck"

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Magellanic29 » Tue Feb 20, 2024 10:52 am

Wow what a surprising update this was! I'm shocked at how she is taking control of things but at the same time she cares about Ky's feelings too. The whole BBC stuff is super hot! I can't wait to see where that ends up going. Thanks for sharing all this with us Ky!

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by txrockdog » Tue Feb 20, 2024 12:47 pm

The one thing I have taken away from all of Ky’s writing is just how much Jaimee loves him and cares about making sure he enjoys what she is doing for him and to him. In some ways she knows him better than he does or at least understands things about him that he would rather not admit to himself. While the idea of getting pregnant from Sipho is hot in the fantasy world, they both are responsible enough to understand the real world impacts of it. I don’t believe Jaimee getting pregnant by Wade was in any way intentional, and given the pain and soul searching it caused in their relationship at the time, I can’t imagine her wanting to put Ky through it again. Now using the possibility as a way to torment Ky? Absolutely, I expect her to do that for sure. But I would be quite shocked to see it actually happen.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by magnus » Tue Feb 20, 2024 3:45 pm

Christ on a bicycle, I felt like I was in the room for every stroke. Ky, the vivid picture you paint with words is some of the best erotica I've ever had the pleasure of reading. I the love for you the life you're living right and I'm definitely a little envious, but more than anything appreciative of you sharing the adventure. The mental image you create is truly sexually mesmerizing.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by veub » Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:04 am

vmb69 wrote:
Tue Feb 20, 2024 9:46 am
veub wrote:
Tue Feb 20, 2024 9:34 am
DarrenZ wrote:
Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:04 am
Wow. Just wow.

Do you think you would enjoy her teasing about impregnation while still having a hard line at actually doing it again?
Assuming this is real, I doubt that there will be a hard line against doing it again. She decided to get pregnant with Wade without telling him, why should Sipho be any different.
I doubt that she would hesitate for a second in deciding to do this no matter what Ky's feelings might be. She knows it would excite him to be totally outed.
vmb69 wrote:
Tue Feb 20, 2024 5:20 am

Does that at all entail that Jaime may want to start using a chastity device again?
Sipho being bi, do you think this will inch towards Jaime wanting you to be more open to trying more in that area?
She already wants both of these and I'm pretty sure that both of those are a given at this point.
I still believe Jaime takes Ky's feelings into account, and while having a pregnancy with Wade was one thing and MIL is figuring it out, having a kid with Sipho is not tempting fate on outing it would simply be the same as getting a 25 feet billboard on the side of the road saying "KY is a proud cuck"
We see the whole progress of their relationship differently. If Ky is being truthful about his feelings, her actions since the being have been designed to drive him deeper into the well of his addiction. Would you consider it caring and loving for a person to tempt and encourge an alcoholic or drug addict with a drink or fix? That's what she does - and then humiliates him for giving into his addiction. Throughout this thread he claims massive shame and depression for his actions and in return gets only sexual excitment, excitment that is fleeting.
To keep up that level of excitment, he has to continually increase his level of humiliation. "Friends" and neighbors already know he is a cuck. Everyone important to him will soon know that he is a cuck - he has said that he will reveal that to the children and family. What could be better than her having Sipho's child? That would tell the whole world.
Now, if he expressed that he was happy with the situation, it would be different, but the thread is replete with regrets, not joy.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by veub » Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:05 am

vmb69 wrote:
Tue Feb 20, 2024 9:46 am
veub wrote:
Tue Feb 20, 2024 9:34 am
DarrenZ wrote:
Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:04 am
Wow. Just wow.

Do you think you would enjoy her teasing about impregnation while still having a hard line at actually doing it again?
Assuming this is real, I doubt that there will be a hard line against doing it again. She decided to get pregnant with Wade without telling him, why should Sipho be any different.
I doubt that she would hesitate for a second in deciding to do this no matter what Ky's feelings might be. She knows it would excite him to be totally outed.
vmb69 wrote:
Tue Feb 20, 2024 5:20 am

Does that at all entail that Jaime may want to start using a chastity device again?
Sipho being bi, do you think this will inch towards Jaime wanting you to be more open to trying more in that area?
She already wants both of these and I'm pretty sure that both of those are a given at this point.
I still believe Jaime takes Ky's feelings into account, and while having a pregnancy with Wade was one thing and MIL is figuring it out, having a kid with Sipho is not tempting fate on outing it would simply be the same as getting a 25 feet billboard on the side of the road saying "KY is a proud cuck"
We see the whole progress of their relationship differently. If Ky is being truthful about his feelings, her actions since the begining have been designed to drive him deeper into the well of his addiction. She gets off more on the power and humiliation than the sex. Would you consider it caring and loving for a person to tempt and encourge an alcoholic or drug addict with a drink or fix? That's what she does - and then humiliates him for giving into his addiction. Throughout this thread he claims massive shame and depression for his actions and in return gets only sexual excitment, excitment that is fleeting.
To keep up that level of excitment, he has to continually increase his level of humiliation. "Friends" and neighbors already know he is a cuck. Everyone important to him will soon know that he is a cuck - he has said that he will reveal that to the children and family. What could be better than her having Sipho's child? That would tell the whole world.
Now, if he expressed that he was happy with the situation, it would be different, but the thread is replete with regrets, not joy.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by vmb69 » Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:24 am

veub wrote:
Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:05 am
vmb69 wrote:
Tue Feb 20, 2024 9:46 am
veub wrote:
Tue Feb 20, 2024 9:34 am
DarrenZ wrote:
Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:04 am
Wow. Just wow.

Do you think you would enjoy her teasing about impregnation while still having a hard line at actually doing it again?
Assuming this is real, I doubt that there will be a hard line against doing it again. She decided to get pregnant with Wade without telling him, why should Sipho be any different.
I doubt that she would hesitate for a second in deciding to do this no matter what Ky's feelings might be. She knows it would excite him to be totally outed.
vmb69 wrote:
Tue Feb 20, 2024 5:20 am

Does that at all entail that Jaime may want to start using a chastity device again?
Sipho being bi, do you think this will inch towards Jaime wanting you to be more open to trying more in that area?
She already wants both of these and I'm pretty sure that both of those are a given at this point.
I still believe Jaime takes Ky's feelings into account, and while having a pregnancy with Wade was one thing and MIL is figuring it out, having a kid with Sipho is not tempting fate on outing it would simply be the same as getting a 25 feet billboard on the side of the road saying "KY is a proud cuck"
We see the whole progress of their relationship differently. If Ky is being truthful about his feelings, her actions since the begining have been designed to drive him deeper into the well of his addiction. She gets off more on the power and humiliation than the sex. Would you consider it caring and loving for a person to tempt and encourge an alcoholic or drug addict with a drink or fix? That's what she does - and then humiliates him for giving into his addiction. Throughout this thread he claims massive shame and depression for his actions and in return gets only sexual excitment, excitment that is fleeting.
To keep up that level of excitment, he has to continually increase his level of humiliation. "Friends" and neighbors already know he is a cuck. Everyone important to him will soon know that he is a cuck - he has said that he will reveal that to the children and family. What could be better than her having Sipho's child? That would tell the whole world.
Now, if he expressed that he was happy with the situation, it would be different, but the thread is replete with regrets, not joy.
I guess I do see this way differently. Being in the same style of marriage, I can honestly say that what you view and compare to being an alcoholic or drug addict is not at all the case.

What I see is a couple that communicates and has made through some hard work to get where they are, but Jaime is taking a more leading role, which KY has been giving her more and more.

What comes off as her wanting to out him more, is really her being more assertive, and wanting to stop having to hide who she is and who they are as a successful couple that have a different way of thinking than the "norm".

I could very well see them moving away from the "cuckold" arrangement to a more poly relationship where someone like Sipho would be the leading person, most poly I would assume have a person that is the main, and have a happy relationship.

I also understand your view, but we are not alladenthe same, for instance I truly appreciate and love my wife for being in charge and doing what she does, and like KY I have had my dought and down turns, jealousy, and what not. But there comes a point where those rough seas make way to clear skies and everything becomes clear and smooth sailing. I do see where others may think "his wife is this or that" but we are happy, there is no jealousy and just new adventures.

I believe sometimes these conversations don't portrait the real message, and while I think you are having a conversation and seeking conversation, sometimes these come off a bit harsh and result in the OP saying "fuck it" and never wanting to share how they feel.

I for one think that Jaime and KY are being successful and moving into their true self and like some of us that reach a level could care less how others feel about it.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by veub » Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:35 am

vmb69 wrote:
Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:24 am
veub wrote:
Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:05 am
vmb69 wrote:
Tue Feb 20, 2024 9:46 am
veub wrote:
Tue Feb 20, 2024 9:34 am

Assuming this is real, I doubt that there will be a hard line against doing it again. She decided to get pregnant with Wade without telling him, why should Sipho be any different.
I doubt that she would hesitate for a second in deciding to do this no matter what Ky's feelings might be. She knows it would excite him to be totally outed.

She already wants both of these and I'm pretty sure that both of those are a given at this point.
I still believe Jaime takes Ky's feelings into account, and while having a pregnancy with Wade was one thing and MIL is figuring it out, having a kid with Sipho is not tempting fate on outing it would simply be the same as getting a 25 feet billboard on the side of the road saying "KY is a proud cuck"
We see the whole progress of their relationship differently. If Ky is being truthful about his feelings, her actions since the begining have been designed to drive him deeper into the well of his addiction. She gets off more on the power and humiliation than the sex. Would you consider it caring and loving for a person to tempt and encourge an alcoholic or drug addict with a drink or fix? That's what she does - and then humiliates him for giving into his addiction. Throughout this thread he claims massive shame and depression for his actions and in return gets only sexual excitment, excitment that is fleeting.
To keep up that level of excitment, he has to continually increase his level of humiliation. "Friends" and neighbors already know he is a cuck. Everyone important to him will soon know that he is a cuck - he has said that he will reveal that to the children and family. What could be better than her having Sipho's child? That would tell the whole world.
Now, if he expressed that he was happy with the situation, it would be different, but the thread is replete with regrets, not joy.
I guess I do see this way differently. Being in the same style of marriage, I can honestly say that what you view and compare to being an alcoholic or drug addict is not at all the case.

What I see is a couple that communicates and has made through some hard work to get where they are, but Jaime is taking a more leading role, which KY has been giving her more and more.

What comes off as her wanting to out him more, is really her being more assertive, and wanting to stop having to hide who she is and who they are as a successful couple that have a different way of thinking than the "norm".

I could very well see them moving away from the "cuckold" arrangement to a more poly relationship where someone like Sipho would be the leading person, most poly I would assume have a person that is the main, and have a happy relationship.

I also understand your view, but we are not alladenthe same, for instance I truly appreciate and love my wife for being in charge and doing what she does, and like KY I have had my dought and down turns, jealousy, and what not. But there comes a point where those rough seas make way to clear skies and everything becomes clear and smooth sailing. I do see where others may think "his wife is this or that" but we are happy, there is no jealousy and just new adventures.

I believe sometimes these conversations don't portrait the real message, and while I think you are having a conversation and seeking conversation, sometimes these come off a bit harsh and result in the OP saying "fuck it" and never wanting to share how they feel.

I for one think that Jaime and KY are being successful and moving into their true self and like some of us that reach a level could care less how others feel about it.
What you missed is my caveat at the bottom: "Now, if he expressed that he was happy with the situation, it would be different, but the thread is replete with regrets, not joy."
You seem happy in your arrangement, fine: he seems, throughout this thread and in his other stories, not to be happy with what he is doing.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by veub » Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:38 am

Last edited by veub on Thu Feb 22, 2024 12:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Pecannut » Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:44 am

So hot update Ky! Thank you very much! Maybe you could give a try for Jamie to be black owned and that she would have a temporary Queen of spades tattoo if there are such things available?

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by txrockdog » Wed Feb 21, 2024 9:49 am

I think you misunderstand the level of enjoyment Ky gets from their lifestyle. The fundamental cause in my mind of all of the angst is that what he finds the hottest are also things he thinks he shouldn’t want. There is inherent danger in letting your wife go as deep as Jaimee does with her boyfriends, and an inattentive or negligent husband could easily lose his relationship. Ky and Jaimee have worked their way through a number things over time and I see their level of communication about what they both want as very healthy relative to what some of the other threads here portray. Jaimee clearly adores Ky and wants badly to lead him through the stumbling blocks he places in the way of truly letting go with her. She knows that Ky craves that humiliation at the same time that he hates it and I think her most recent comments about no decisions they make now being permanent means she understands that there may come a time when they both want to pull back again.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by DarrenZ » Wed Feb 21, 2024 7:01 pm

veub wrote:
Tue Feb 20, 2024 9:34 am
She decided to get pregnant with Wade without telling him, why should Sipho be any different.
I doubt that she would hesitate for a second in deciding to do this no matter what Ky's feelings might be. She knows it would excite him to be totally outed.
I never read anywhere that Jaimee planned pregnancy with Wade. Fairly certain it was accidental, although fate might have been tempted.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by user322 » Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:55 pm

We see the whole progress of their relationship differently. If Ky is being truthful about his feelings, her actions since the begining have been designed to drive him deeper into the well of his addiction. She gets off more on the power and humiliation than the sex. Would you consider it caring and loving for a person to tempt and encourge an alcoholic or drug addict with a drink or fix? That's what she does - and then humiliates him for giving into his addiction. Throughout this thread he claims massive shame and depression for his actions and in return gets only sexual excitment, excitment that is fleeting.
To keep up that level of excitment, he has to continually increase his level of humiliation. "Friends" and neighbors already know he is a cuck. Everyone important to him will soon know that he is a cuck - he has said that he will reveal that to the children and family. What could be better than her having Sipho's child? That would tell the whole world.
Now, if he expressed that he was happy with the situation, it would be different, but the thread is replete with regrets, not joy.
Hello, I have the impression that you are completely wrong. I think you really don't understand Ky's situation, nor the cuckold lifestyle in general......

I don't know if you're new here, but you should know that Ky and his wife have been in this lifestyle for years, and they have always acted the same way as they do now. Jaimee always increases Ky's level of cuckolding because she knows he likes it. And it regularly happens that she says things that she is not going to do just to create the feeling of cuckolding in Ky..... They have always communicated and everything has always gone well. Considering how many things they have experienced in this lifestyle, if Ky didn't like it he would be totally depressed today :lol:

In short, but I think Ky will answer you himself.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by ddriver86 » Thu Feb 22, 2024 5:47 am


You should know what is coming and prepare. It seems like she is going to have you fulfill her fantasy this time and won't be denied.

You prepare by getting a black dildo the size of Sipho and take it with you on your trips. That way you can practice your oral skills and get your jaw used to the size.

You know its coming. And last time you did a piss-poor job of it. If it is going to happen you might as well surprise her with your new practiced skills.

Thank you for keeping us updated. Always a pleasure reading your story.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by vmb69 » Thu Feb 22, 2024 7:23 am

ddriver86 wrote:
Thu Feb 22, 2024 5:47 am

You should know what is coming and prepare. It seems like she is going to have you fulfill her fantasy this time and won't be denied.

You prepare by getting a black dildo the size of Sipho and take it with you on your trips. That way you can practice your oral skills and get your jaw used to the size.

You know its coming. And last time you did a piss-poor job of it. If it is going to happen you might as well surprise her with your new practiced skills.

Thank you for keeping us updated. Always a pleasure reading your story.
Omg, that may be a bit much, while I had a good laugh. But ya KY perhaps be open minded about it.

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