progress story

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progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:15 am

I know there are many posts about peoples own stories, but I wanted to create one to jot down my own experience, a place where I can share my experience and either progress or failed progress.

My wife and I have been married for about 6 years, we are both in our upper twenties. She is a stunning tall blonde with an amazing body which gets looks wherever she goes. She is humble in she doesn't flaunt her hot looks too often, she is conservative in the way she dresses for the most part and also in the bedroom. I have been the only person she has ever been with. Over the years I have introduced some of my fantasies, one of which is the femdom/sub fantasy, which to her credit has played along at times and when she does it is amazing. I have had the cuckold fantasy for a long time and several years ago brought the fantasy up to her. At first she was put off by it and I immediately retreated from pushing the fantasy. Over time I have re introduced the fantasy and seem to gain ground each time only to have all hope stopped by a comment from her such as "It's never going to happen." Even though I take breaks from talking about the fantasy to her, it is a fantasy that has always been on my mind.

We have gathered several toys over the years, one including a CB6000. I love to wear it, but she doesn't seem to ever want me to wear it. I certainly get more pleasure from wearing it then she does.

On valentines day after having a few drinks we watched porn which we rarely do, she has told me she doesn't like it even though I can tell she enjoys it because her body doesn't lie. However, what she doesn't like about it I think is in her mind getting off to watching another guy. So last night with the help of a numbing spray I was able to bring her to orgasm after watching the first video which was two couples and vanilla sex. After a little break, she was ready for round two and I picked a cuckold video. The video had a girl giving her bull a BJ and having sex with him while the cuckold watched nearby sitting on the couch. The cuckold was fully clothed and my wife chuckled at the fact he wasn't touching himself. She chuckled and said, "you would love for that to be you." I told her I absolutely would. I made sure to show her the video was very hot to me and maybe made my breathing more heavy to express that. I was a little worried given she was chuckling at the awkwardness of the cuckold just watching and not touching himself. So I said if it were me I would touch myself. She replied, "No you can't" I asked her why and she said, "You aren't allowed to".

We watched the video in its entirety and continued our thing which did not last long at all after the video was over. She made a comment that what we just did was really good. Like in years past, I got very excited and hopeful that this may have been a breakthrough in the fantasy. Anyways today I went up behind her and gave her a kiss and she could feel that I was up to something. I told her I couldn't help it and had a hot dream about her after last night. She said "I bet I know and it isn't ever going to happen so." I asked her what she thought it was and she replied "Involving you sitting on a couch." Immediately my hopes were dashed, yet again told no. At this point I don't need her to say she would do it, I understand the concerns she may have. But at the very least I would love a tease from her that the door may be open, I wouldn't mind if she had no desire at all, but to tease me that there would be hope of her cuckolding me would be enough. She knows I love to be teased as well because she has in the past talked about cuckolding to get me off.

This story might not be much, but I needed an outlet with this fantasy. To me its the hottest fantasy and it fits perfectly with my other fantasy of her being a dome and me her sub.

She has said before that it would be easy for her to cheat and she knows I would love it. I find the thought extremely hot, I wouldn't care if she cheated and didn't tell me about it, as in I snoop through her e-mail or phone and find messages with a guy, I would probably keep the knowledge to myself and either wait for her to tell me, or simply me knowing would be hot enough and maybe even hotter knowing she was keeping it from me. Don't know, the entire concept just is incredibly hot and has been a fantasy for years that I hope one day comes true, or at the very least, she is open enough about the idea that she finds it a hot fantasy as well and just fantasizing plays along.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by allengt » Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:14 am

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:09 am

Thank you, I am excited to write down thoughts and talk about the topic and progression with others who share the same thing, and also open to any advice to help. Again, earlier today I was a bit disappointed that she said it would never happen without me really saying anything. But she is going to dinner with a friend of hers tonight and I really want to tease the topic with her before or when she is out. My issue has in the past I rush the topic like for instance, we have a femdom session or talk about cuckolding in the bedroom and the following day if I try to repeat it she usually brushes the idea away and its back to vanilla.

I know patience is important, and I have been using patience for most of the attempted progression, but it usually runs into a roadblock. However, I feel if I come on too strong with the fantasy she will be annoyed and forever put an end to it. One thing I think she doesn't like about the whole thing is she wants me to be jealous. Whenever I talk about her being with another guy she usually will say, " I wish you were more jealous of me." I have tried to explain to her apart of the hotness of the fantasy is the jealousy that takes over you, but that jealousy is hot because it is a form of control and humiliation she has over me. Also, given I am her first and only she has never been in a position to make me jealous. I once explained this to her and she responded with, "That's true." I tried to suggest to her she should put me in a jealousy position, but it never developed.

We have run out of the numbing spray which helps me "last" with her, and she has agreed to pick some up when she goes out to dinner tonight with her girlfriend. I am thinking of sending her a text, which would be playful, about getting a guys number or playing a mental game of finding a guy she thinks is hot and telling her if she plays along that when she gets home I'll show her how jealous I can be and show it in the bedroom. This spray is like miracle stuff and allows me to talk about my fantasies with her and making it through the dirty talk, otherwise if I as much think of the fantasy I am done and that is usually way too early.

Or I have thought about just sending her a text saying I am imagining her out on date with a guy and would love to please her when she gets home. But my worry is this would be too strong of a statement and she wont play along given just last night we watched a cuckold porn. She may feel its all too much all at once. I feel the pattern has been I get rewarded with a femdom session, or dirty cuckold tease/talk one night then its vanilla for a month or so before I get another reward of femdom session or cuckold tease/talk.

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Re [no] progress story

Unread post by pancuckold » Wed Feb 15, 2017 1:20 pm

I'm pretty sure you're succeeding in annoying her more than enlisting her into your fantasy. I'm guessing you haven't talked about this when you're not turned on; pillow talk is fine but it's not the way to find out how she actually feels about it (imx).

Lastly if she says she doesn't enjoy the porn, she probably means it. Again just because you can seduce someone I to something doesn't mean it's a good thing to do so.

Fantasy talk is good, but just that isn't gonna make this happen for you. And if there's nothing in it for her then the result is unlikely to be good.

Just my $0.02, based on some experience
she's been with 54+ guys, 16 since we've been involved.
My numbers are about half of hers, I'm not jealous, maybe a bit envious

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Re: progress story

Unread post by fredolux » Wed Feb 15, 2017 5:02 pm

You are right that patience is a virtue. My experience has taught me that it is a process. Okay, you enjoyed the cuckold porn together. You can just drop the topic for a week or two. Her mind (conscious and subconscious) will need it for processing. The same thing applies to all your experiences, even the non sexual ones. You plant the seed, nurture it and then you'll get a beautiful flower. If you are too pushy, you might drawn it in water or burn it in the sun. I suggest to not push at all. Just try to have some fun with her. Try to combine the cuckold topic with positive experiences for her. Look at it as brainwashing. If you create enough links in her brain that connect cuckolding with something positive it's much more likely that she will be willing to give it a try. If you are pushing her all the time cuckolding will feel negative to her, you will achieve the opposite of what you desire.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Nothing2see » Wed Feb 15, 2017 5:29 pm

What are *her* fantasies? Give her some help vocalizing or even realizing some of hers, and you will have an easier time explaining yours.
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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Thu Feb 16, 2017 7:46 am

Thanks for the replies! All great suggestions.

So I didn't bring up anything cuckold related since our session together. Today while checking herself out in the mirror she asked me if her body was still hot, I told her of course it was and she was hot. She asked how would she know and said I was her husband so how does she know others think the same thing and I am not just saying it to make her feel better. I was caught off guard and didn't really know what to say so I said I could come up with something. She said, "No, not like that, not what you have in mind."

I told her I noticed people checking her out all the time when we go out and she just sort of blew off the comment. I'd love to suggest that I could point out someone checking her out when we go out to prove to her she still is hot, but that would go against her thinking I'm not jealous.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by newaussiecuck » Thu Feb 16, 2017 1:27 pm

It sounds like you're making great progress to me. She knows you’re really into it, she knows what your fantasies are. She gets it, she's thinking about it all the time, I can tell by how quickly she's making these comments "No, not like that, not what you have in mind." , and earlier "I bet I know and it isn't ever going to happen so."
I agree with the other comments you need to back off and give her some space to process this. Once you make a comment give her a few days/ weeks to think about it and take it all in without bringing it up again. This is a huge thing for her, and she hasn't had the years of thinking about it you've probably had before you brought it up with her. It may take years before she’s ready.

I also agree with the other comments that she's saying what she's been conditioned to say. In society's view she's not supposed to want other guys, she has you. It's an automatic conditioned response to say this. I'm in a similar position as you, and my wife has said some of the same things as yours. However, I've also read that it's extremely common for her to react this way.

This needs to become her fantasy and once you plant the seed you need to give time for the seed to germinate and grow.
It’s a good sign that she wants to look hot for others, my wife had also made similar comments to yours. You're on the right track with your idea to comment about someone checking her out. It doesn't really have to happen, you can just pick a guy that you think she'd be into and make a comment that you saw him checking her out. That he likes what he sees and of course he would that she's so hot. Don't elaborate further, don't expect anything to happen, don't expect any positive comments from her. However, it will validate in her mind that not only her husband but another hot guy thinks she's hot. This will give her a terrific boost and you never know she may even quietly think and fantasise about him. She will never let you know that she is though. You will never know what she is thinking about him but it will also give you a thrill that just maybe she's having hot thoughts about another man. Maybe she'll masturbate thinking about him, or course you will probably never know.

I think your doing great, just relax and take your time and don't push too hard. The harder you push it might also put in her mind that the is just a phase you're going through. If you take your time and brunt it up maybe once a month or so ( the frequency you mentioned she seems to be comfortable with) then she'll stay to get the idea that you’re in this for the long haul. You need to be in it for the long haul, I imagine one she gets a taste of this it could be hard for her to stop. You better make sure it's what you want, long term.

All the best.
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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Thu Feb 16, 2017 1:59 pm

newaussie - Thank you for the reply and you bring up great points. I know patience is a big thing in this and it's all about planting the seed. This is a fantasy that I shared with my wife even before we were married, so I've been trying to grow this seed for 6 years now.

Like I said before, I took a long break from pushing this fantasy on her, probably a year of not bringing up the topic, but she would occasionally bring the cuckold dirty talk up when we were having sex and after she had orgasmed as she knew it was a source of topic that would make me orgasm quickly. This was rare talk from her, but she would bring it up from time to time. I had stopped pushing the fantasy because of the discouraging of thinking of making progress only to be told it would never happen. Again, even though I didn't push the fantasy it was one I never stopped thinking about.

What made me regain thought of pushing the fantasy was a short while ago she went to a bachelorette party which consisted of a sleep over. A few days afterward I found randomly in our house a wrapped condom that was not the type of condom we use. Same size, but the wrapper color was blue and all the ones we have are yellow wrappers and we have an extremely large box so we rarely run out. Now instantly I just thought that maybe condoms were given out at the bachelorette party as gag gifts or something. But I kept in my mind that maybe this was another mans and she forgot she had it...I never brought it up to her as I didn't want what I figured the answer would be that it was from the party as a gag gift. I instead let me mind wonder.

I've also noticed that she is constantly on her phone which has all the social media apps on it. I've also noticed that sometimes I will see her on the phone and when I walk over she immediately turns it off or exits out of whatever screen she was on. This may be a huge red light that something is going on, but I've snooped around on her phone and there is absolutely no trace of anything.

So the condom wrapper, the constant phone usage, and her occasional comments that it would be easy for her to cheat have kept me with hope. However, when I bring up the topic sexually it rarely sticks....I've thought "would she cheat on me, but not tell me?" I don't know why she would indeed cheat and not tell me knowing its a huge turn on for me.

I've encouraged her to go out with her girl friends more and recently she has, but I know its nothing erotic when she goes out.

This weekend we are going on a date together. She has these two small toy balls that she can put in herself which she told me she was going to wear on Valentines day, but never did, but she told me she would wear them on our date. If she wears them, I doubt she will since she rarely follows through on these sort of things, I could see some interesting conversations at dinner, maybe...Newaussie I love your idea about finding a guy and telling her I saw him checking her out, in doing this I can make her aware, and also maybe show a jealous side to myself, although I will have to work on how to express that.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Samanthasman » Thu Feb 16, 2017 3:14 pm

Ugh.... It is so aggravating to hear these stories again and again... Yes, patience... Alas...

I was less patient... I came up with a plan and pushed things along. I told her how bad I needed it and I cut corners, applied pressures, and did not get buy-in for boundaries. I got a hotwife, reluctantly... Sure enough, she started enjoying herself!! A lot, lol... But, she also felt some resentment towards me. This, and the lack of us both being bought into appropriate boundaries, caused problems in the marriage. Eventually we got past the problems, and to a good place ;)

Would I have been better off being patient? Perhaps... Hard to say. One could argue that the ends justify the means, and that we ultimately got to a good place, had a hell of a lot of fun, although it was a hell of a bumpy ride. Had I been more patient, we might never have had all of the amazing experiences... we might still be just dreaming about it...

I know this is a different take. I'm not trying to persuade anyone of anything... I'm just sharing...
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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Thu Feb 16, 2017 3:48 pm

Samanthasman wrote:Ugh.... It is so aggravating to hear these stories again and again... Yes, patience... Alas...

I was less patient... I came up with a plan and pushed things along. I told her how bad I needed it and I cut corners, applied pressures, and did not get buy-in for boundaries. I got a hotwife, reluctantly... Sure enough, she started enjoying herself!! A lot, lol... But, she also felt some resentment towards me. This, and the lack of us both being bought into appropriate boundaries, caused problems in the marriage. Eventually we got past the problems, and to a good place ;)

Would I have been better off being patient? Perhaps... Hard to say. One could argue that the ends justify the means, and that we ultimately got to a good place, had a hell of a lot of fun, although it was a hell of a bumpy ride. Had I been more patient, we might never have had all of the amazing experiences... we might still be just dreaming about it...

I know this is a different take. I'm not trying to persuade anyone of anything... I'm just sharing...
I appreciate this take and angle. I've been planting the seed for about 6 years now and the plant hasn't grown much if at all. I sometimes feel given the lack of progress I get the need to openly talk to her about it every time just to show really how much I fantasize about it. I guess in doing so I have the fear that it will be shut down for good and I would rather have a little bit of hope that it may happen then none at all. Pushing it may be a way this go around given the last few times I try to push the fantasy its with the use of patience. Maybe I just go full bore and see where it goes.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by newaussiecuck » Thu Feb 16, 2017 4:03 pm

Breaker445 wrote: I guess in doing so I have the fear that it will be shut down for good and I would rather have a little bit of hope that it may happen then none at all.

I understand that perfectly and actually wrote the exact same thing in my pre-cuckold angst thread almost a year ago now:

"However, if she doesn't go for it, and firmly says that it will never ever happen, then I will lose the fantasy of at least the possibility that it might happen one day."
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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Thu Feb 16, 2017 6:57 pm

newaussiecuck wrote:
Breaker445 wrote: I guess in doing so I have the fear that it will be shut down for good and I would rather have a little bit of hope that it may happen then none at all.

I understand that perfectly and actually wrote the exact same thing in my pre-cuckold angst thread almost a year ago now:

"However, if she doesn't go for it, and firmly says that it will never ever happen, then I will lose the fantasy of at least the possibility that it might happen one day."
I highly enjoyed reading your thread as it reminded me a bit of my story.

Tonight as she was trying on clothes and checking herself out in the mirror with each outfit (as she usually does) she again brought up if she still looked good. I assured her again that of course she was hot and she asked "How do I know I still got it?" "I do I know, your my husband and just saying that." I was hesitant to bring up any sort of other guy situation as I tried to do earlier in the day asked her, "Well how would you know??" She laughed and said "I don't know girls I hang out with, but they never do."

I am liking the possible open doors with her asking if she is still hot. Like newaussie suggested, let her know if I catch another guy checking her out. Our date night could set up perfectly for me letting her know I caught a guy checking her out to let her know she still has it.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Fri Feb 17, 2017 8:46 am

Last night we both had some drinks and hit the bedroom. I sprayed on some numbing spray but the combination of alcohol and the spray made me not has hard as she would have liked and she told me she didn't like the spray because it doesn't feel like I am fully hard.

The problem is if I don't use numbing spray I usually cant last long at all and cum before her which upsets her.

I was able to bring her to orgasm and then she laid next to me and I started to jack off while I kissed her. Shortly before cumming I asked her to make me eat my cum. I told her I knew she probably wouldn't like doing it but still asked anyways. She at first told me she wasn't going to and then asked if I really wanted it. I told her I did and she told me, "Everytime you say you want it you end up not wanting it after you've cum." I told her to force me it and I eventually unloaded in the condom.

She went to take it off and I told her don't do it. Which she replied with a chuckle that sounded annoyed, "No I want you to." The annoyed tone in her voice was more that I begged for it and that it was even a thought I had that I thought was hot rather then she was annoyed I wouldn't do it. Alas, I didn't end up eating it. I know it is common for guys to want to do that, but that after they cum they no longer desire the act.

How have you guys overcome that sudden change in desire? Does it take the woman to just not care and force it anyways? I think if I could overcome the change in desire and follow through with it she may like it.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Fri Feb 17, 2017 11:29 am

So I sent her a text suggesting that when we go on our date we could stop by a store and get sexy lingerie for her. She got excited and said ok!!! but then asked the question if she should go earlier to the store and pick it up herself and she could wear it under her outfit for the date. I happily accepted that. I also brought up if she was still going to wear her toy out and to my surprise she said she would!

I am excited to see where the night goes. I am trying to keep the focus on her and her satisfaction, instead of it being about me. For example I have not and do not plan on suggesting I wear my CB6000 out and will leave that up to her if she decides I wear that or not. I am also excited to see if the date brings an opportunity to discuss further about the topic of cuckolding. There may be an opportunity and there may not be. My only worry is if the opportunity arises to have a discussion about it that I handle it correctly and not miss a great opportunity to progress the fantasy. And by discussion of cuckolding I am not talking about organizing a date for her, but to talk about the topic of the fantasy.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by newaussiecuck » Sat Feb 18, 2017 2:33 pm

Have you had your date yet? How did it go? What happened?
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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sat Feb 18, 2017 5:23 pm

newaussiecuck wrote:Have you had your date yet? How did it go? What happened?

Yes we went on our date and it was good time although nothing really happened. She started off wearing the toy but took them out after a short time due to them not being comfortable. She said she would wear them if they were smaller, which may mean I will buy a smaller pair.

At dinner there was another couple that was near us and I later told my wife that when she got up to use the bathroom and walked by the table I noticed the guy was checking her out and that the female he was with got mad at him. This didn't happen, but I tried to use your suggestion and letting her know a guy was checking her out. I noticed she blushed when I told her, OR she turned red in embarrassment knowing the game I was trying to play.

Nothing else was brought up regarding cuckolding on the date, nothing really materialized from the comment of the guy checking her out, I waited to see if she was going to play along or bring it up later in the night and she never did.

In the bedroom later that night she put on lingerie with black stockings. She looked super hot.....A few weeks ago I had told her about a hot dream I had where she came home wearing lingerie and stockings and she sat on my face. So seeing her in that outfit brought a bit of that dream to life. I don't know if she remember me telling her about that dream or not, but I could tell she felt hot in the outfit and she even made a comment that she looked hot while checking herself out.

Things were very vanilla, no dirty talk. I couldn't really contribute much in that department as I didn't use any numbing spray and knew if I brought up any dirty talk I would explode in seconds. I was just trying to outlast her in bed as I knew me ending early would make her mad.

With success I lasted longer then her and as I was finishing I again asked her to force me to eat my cum. She again had reluctant type tone to her voice. I did my best to spurt a little into the condom and then stop. I laid back and told her to make me. She without much hesitation took the condom off and just poured it right into my mouth. The way she did it was as if she had done it before the motions of it, but her face told another story. She looked disgusted and grossed out over it. I immediately released the rest that I was holding in.

To be honest the cum eating was not nearly as hot as I had always fantasized about. Not sure if it was the mood or what but it wasn't all that hot. she walked away to throw the condom away and I could tell she didn't find it the least bit hot either. I told her afterward that it wasn't that hot to me and I probably wouldn't ask for it to be done again.

Before we both fell asleep she asked, "Why are you so attracted to me lately?" (Meaning why am I so horny toward her lately) I just responded that I have always been.

As for today, I haven't brought anything up as I felt if I continued more dirty talk it might just be too much as about the last 5 days ive suggested dirty thoughts to her.

I don't know if the seed was further watered with the comment at dinner that the guy was checking her out, or not. We will see if she ever brings anything like that up later.

I have been researching what makes guys attracted to this fantasy and have thought about sharing some of the articles I've read that I feel explain it pretty good. To help her better understand why I find it so hot. And I probably will introduce her to these articles, but will give it a few days, again to give a break to the dirty talk.

Another thing I have always been tempted to do is set up a fake social media account and send her a message and get into a conversation with her and see where it goes. I picture the guy was being long distance so there would be no thought of actually meeting up, but figure to start the conversation small and see if or where it would ever lead to online chatting. The problem is I could see her knowing it was me right away. Also if I were to do it I figured id have to give the cuckold talk down for awhile otherwise it would be far too suspicious if while I'm talking about cuckolding to suddenly have another guy send her a message.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by newaussiecuck » Sun Feb 19, 2017 3:29 pm

That's great that she wore the toy, even if just for a little while. Maybe she needs to wear them more often, around the house for example to get used to them. Otherwise it's great she's also willing to try again with a smaller set.

Nice work on the comment about the guy from the other table, really well played. It seemed it had the desired effect. She even commented later on when she was trying on the outfit that she was hot. She's had a great confidence boost, well done!

I think the cum eating thing would be much more hot if you were eating it out of her pussy or off her body. Or even if she caught it in her hand or spoon feed it off your body. I agree, I wouldn't find it hot at all out of a condom. I'm glad she played along though.

I would actually love to read those articles you've mentioned, I don't think you can post links on here but would you mind PMing me the links?

Yes I think a little break would be wise.

I wouldn't go the route of pretending to talk to her as someone else. It's dishonest and fraught with danger in my opinion. It is tempting and the thought did cross my mind once but I discounted it. Too much risk you'll get caught out and it would have major consequences if you get caught. What if you let something slip in general conversation? You'll be forever on your guard about what you can and can't say. I think it's inevitable you'll get caught out. What if she doesn't tell you about it? What if she takes the bait? You can't confront her. It'll be unfair to accuse her of cheating given that it's basically entrapment. I just think it's an all around bad idea.
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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Tue Feb 21, 2017 7:33 am

So we were away from each other the other day and I was ready to bring up the topic and talk to her about it. She had just gotten a pair of very sexy shiny silver booty underwear, elbow length black pvc type gloves and these sexy black straps you wrap around your leg from the top of the thigh to the ankle. I really don't know why she ordered these, she had ordered them a day before or on valentines day and told me about them to surprise me. They are super sexy.

So I sent her a text asking her if her getting clubwear clothes was a hint that I needed to take her out dancing. She told me she would go dancing. I immediately begin to think of how hot it would be to sneak away and see if she would dance with another guy.

I told her how hot it would be to see her body move and she replied "haha would be fun..." So we have it in the works one of these weekends to get away and go dancing somewhere. That will be a great night, as the possibilities are there.

I then began to tell her that basically thinking naughty of her helped my confidence and made the days so much better. She then asked if I was insecure and I told her I wasn't but that thinking of her definitely boosts my confidence. She said she liked that.

Here are some of the following more texts:

Me: Like I know any guy would want you but I have you

Her: Good!!!

Her: Don't know about any guy haha. ive felt so insecure lately..dont know why

Me: Stop...

Me: You could and I may think of that in bed...

Her: Stop!

Me: Wellll

Me: Its just a fantasy. Doesn't mean it has to happen, but as a fantasy is it at all hot to you?

Her: Ummm I don't know, its hard because I'm married babes! It feels wrong. But I get it being hot...

Me: I know..but if you think its hot and turns you on at all id love to tease fantasy it..just fantasy not really happen.

Me: That's a little reason why its hot to think about is its naughty.

Her: I don't know haha. Maybe...

Then she had to go..I told her that a maybe was better then a no and that a little hope was better then no hope. Her response was Oh Lord, but I took it as a sarcastic like "Oh jeeze"

I told her we could talk about it more later.

I feel the seed is watered and now I just need her to open up more about the fantasy, get her to play a long a little. In the past she has played along, but I think or feel it was more for my benefit and she was doing it to please me. This time the way she responded made it sound and feel like it would be for her benefit and her pleasure. I think its good she gets why it would be hot, but obviously she is a littler nervous/worried given shes married and it feels wrong. I wasn't prepared for that response so I didn't really know how to answer it.

If we talk about it later today my plan is to ease her into the discussion, like ask her if she had a free hall pass for one night what type of guy would she pick. I'm debating on asking what type of guy, or a specific guy and give her the option to go with an actor as an easy out, or see if she would really mention a guy she knows.

I feel like I have her interested in maybe talking more about the fantasy and more about it to please her, which her pleasure is the ultimate goal.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by newaussiecuck » Tue Feb 21, 2017 5:19 pm

It sounds like you're making some great progress to me, and I do believe the seed has been watered.

I'd like to hear what follow up conversations you've had. Have you planned the night of dancing yet? I think you should do it soon to show your keen, but not mention about the cuckolding part of your plans. When you go, find an excuse to leave her alone for a while. Those lines can be very long sometimes when buying drinks. Plus you might have to wait some time to use the bathroom too. Maybe let her know you'll be back soon and with a smile tell her to have some fun and walk away before she can say anything. This may be best after she's had a few drinks to loosen up.
My current situation: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=65904

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Re: progress story

Unread post by bobbiecd » Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:11 am

This idea is like a plant. Let's say you plant a work the soil, plant the flower in an area with just the right amount of sunlight, water it just the right amount and don't disturb it. In time, you'll see the fruits of your labor as the plant grows and has more leafs and blooms. Patience. If however, you're impatient and feel the need to yank the plant out of the ground each day to check and see if the roots are taking hold, well...will that plant live?

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Wed Feb 22, 2017 4:23 pm

Well I think I yanked the plant out well before it was ready. I thought I was on the brink of something, at least a little break through for discussion but was shut down.

I again started the discussion while we were both away. I started to bring up that I was thinking of her and she was hot she responded that I was suddenly super turned on b her and I told her I have always been but that I realize I can be a little too much to where I may be annoying that I usually keep it to myself. I told her that was probably clear given if I don't numb myself with her I'm done in like two minutes. She asked "You don't have to use that every time do you??? I told her no, but that it definitely makes me last longer. She replied "Haha ok..."

Thinking how our last conversation I felt somewhat left the door open for further discussion I brought up the cuckolding fantasy.

Me: Soo you have any ideas on how to explore the cuckolding fantasy so you can enjoy it..? If it's something you might like

Her: I don't know what you have in mind...seems like you have ideas

Me: Haha well of course I do, but I want you to enjoy it or think of it so if you had any ideas that be good

Her: I mean I don't no ideas

Me: Haha well you're probably not even in the mood, and I probably don't have the greatest ideas or how to really get into it. Is it something youd be more comfortable with fantasizing by yourself first?

I tried to give her a starting point hint on how to get things started for herself.

Me: So if you have one night of free hall pass where you could hook up with someone. What type of guy would it be?

Her: Haha babes!!! That's weird

Her: I just don't like thinking that way....its a slippery slope!!!!

Me: Why is that?

Me: You cant always think of me everytime you've either been by yourself...I'm not that hot! haha

Her: Like thinking about other men when I'm married. I don't like it...I will sometimes think of the act its self or porn images we've seen to turn me on but it seriously is not other men. Like really....I haven't been with anyone else. Its pretty easy to not....

Me: True. Well you don't have to think of anyone in particular like someone you know, just a type of guy.

Her: You like want me to share everything.........

Reading that made me think she had something up her sleeve so I got excited.

Me: Yes!

Her: I don't want to hahahaha

Me: Babes!! Please!

Her: This is just weird babe.....

Me: Theres something......

Me: Tell!

Me: Babes you know I like it!

Her: Omg there isn't! I really don't have all these fantasies like you...

Her: I mean I like doing things to make you happy and turn you on...but I really am good with just plain old sex. Where you are maybe more dominant, and take control more. Not so much talking less storyline....

Me: I can be more dominant if you want...

Me: So you don't want to try to fantasize about it? That's completely fine I don't want to make you do anything you aren't comfortable with

Her: I mean not tonight haha......

I told her I understood and that maybe we could have some drinks and discuss it another day and see where it goes, but I told her what makes the fantasy hot is its all about her control and her dominance and how it makes me jealous and controls me.

Her: We can talk..I still don't quite understand what youre wanting to do....

Me: Well have the fantasy be hot for you. Nothing ever has to happen, but I get turned on at thinking about it and it makes me jealous and competitive. You want to see me more dominant, make me feel like you get it on the side from someone..I'll be so jealous and want to reclaim you knowing if I cant do it you have someone else that does the job or could do the job.

Her: Haha I dunno maybe...I just am not in the mood to do it all right now..I just don't get off on it all as much as you do.

Me: In the coming days lets have some drinks to loosen up the mood and ill try to show you.

Her: I'm fine letting you get off to that fantasy..I mean ultimately I'm not turned on by a man who plays a passive role babe. And you constantly wanting to play that..I the end of the day I have you. I don't want to subconsciously start thinking of you as that role. Which I don't in everyday life..but like in the bedroom I mean like that fantasy doesn't involve you and I connecting or even doing anything to me whatsoever.

Me: I get that...It doe involve us but ive never really explained it maybe in its fullest on what I like about it....

That was the end of our conversation. I certainly think I came on too strong and will have to put this thing to rest for awhile and probably come to the conclusion that talking about it or trying to get it to happen wont get it to happen, and that if anything were to happen it would probably be one of those in the moment things for example going dancing and getting drunk and just see if anything were to happen.

Also a damper on her being a dominant role in the bedroom. That is the complete opposite of what ive always been, and since we started dating she knew I liked to be submissive. I know some may think suggest that's why she should cuckold me is to get the more dominant man but that doesn't look like it will happen and the suggestion will probably get a more response of rejection.

I have a hard time believing she has never thought of someone else when she is using toys on herself alone, or even during the day have her mind wander on a guy and maybe get a little aroused by it. But she seemed pretty adamant that she doesn't. She is so hot that all I think about is serving her beautiful hot body, but she doesn't seem to realize what power she has with that.

Sometime soon I do plan on having some drinks with her and getting on the topic and talking about it openly in a non sexual manner where we aren't in the bedroom talking and just talking about it. Hoping the drinks will loosen both of us up to avoid the awkward pauses or maybe some of the awkward talking points where I have repeated in my head many times but never really spoken them aloud. It is a hard fantasy to express especially to someone who is very vanilla. If we get to talking and it goes nowhere or she again expresses zero desire for it, I will probably stop pushing the fantasy with her and just see years down the road if or where things would go on its own or if she brings it up herself to revisit.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Wed Feb 22, 2017 4:56 pm

I think she makes very valid observations, she indulges you because she knows you like it. She understands the forbidden allure, but it doesn't sit well with her

From all I see, her focus is on you, making you happy, and playing a charade.

I have no idea what kind of guy turns her on, what kind of Alpha guy makes akes her wet, what her more uninhibited fantasies involve, MFM's or maybe FMF's, or maybe starting with her flirting with sexy guys, telling you which guys she finds sexy, and why.

Unless you involve her libido in this endeavor, you will never get her to take the lead, or cut loose.

Perhaps you can frame it in terms of allowing her to have ultimate sexual experiences that most married women are denied.

Let her bring up the stuff on her own, she knows, and if you push too hard she will jusr resent you.
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Wed Feb 22, 2017 6:21 pm

BallSpanking wrote:I think she makes very valid observations, she indulges you because she knows you like it. She understands the forbidden allure, but it doesn't sit well with her

From all I see, her focus is on you, making you happy, and playing a charade.

I have no idea what kind of guy turns her on, what kind of Alpha guy makes akes her wet, what her more uninhibited fantasies involve, MFM's or maybe FMF's, or maybe starting with her flirting with sexy guys, telling you which guys she finds sexy, and why.

Unless you involve her libido in this endeavor, you will never get her to take the lead, or cut loose.

Perhaps you can frame it in terms of allowing her to have ultimate sexual experiences that most married women are denied.

Let her bring up the stuff on her own, she knows, and if you push too hard she will jusr resent you.
My assumption is should is attracted or wants an alpha male who just initiates things, takes the lead and just performs vanilla normal sex. I tried to get her to tell me her fantasies and she has basically said she doesn't get off to any of the fantasies and just enjoys normal sex. Everytime I try to emphasize that I want to put her needs first or want to explore it is usually met with her saying she just likes it vanilla and wants me to be more dominant, but not like dom type stuff, but normal image of man simply taking control in bed.

She's always been conservative and inexperience when it comes to sex and things, and I thought over the years me introducing her to fantasies and my fetishes would maybe open her mind up and for her to enjoy things that weren't so vanilla, but eventually it is always met with she does this stuff for me because she knows I like it and she doesn't really get any benefit from it. So I will take a long break from talking about my fantasies or fetishes thinking that withholding talking to her about it, or doing that stuff would maybe make her bring it up and she might want it getting bored with plain vanilla stuff, and when I re introduce a little naughtiness she will enjoy it and realize she missed it. But that isn't the case, it usually is again met with she enjoys normal sex.

I am wondering if I just go along with the vanillaness of it all. Even though she buys these sexy outfits she puts them on usually only when I ask for her to wear them and when she does put them on, although she knows shes hot in them its usually met with a "meh" type attitude and she seems unimpressed with having to wear the outfits and maybe even like "I'll wear this to get this over with and we can move on." So maybe I just don't suggest she wear any sort of sexy clothing, don't talk dirty, if she suggests wearing a sexy outfit to tease I brush it off and say its ok she doesn't need to wear the outfit. Again, because she seems to wear these outfits for only my pleasure and she gets nothing out of it, I should just go along with what she wants and that is vanilla sex.

She is so incredibly hot and although she knows shes attractive and hot, she doesn't seem to understand what power she could have with it.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:14 pm

Don't abandon your efforts, just ease-off the gas pedal.
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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