Empty nesters - New roommate

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Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by hurryupcpl » Tue Mar 14, 2023 11:19 pm

Where I should start this post. Starting at the beginning, Cecile and I met when she was studying here in NY. When we first met, I was immediately smitten. She was a beautiful and vivacious nineteen-year-old, just starting her second year at college. I was fully ten years older, and if it wasn’t for the way the fates played out, I honestly don’t think I’d ever have had a shot at a girl like Cecile.

You see, when we first met up, she’d just had her heart broken. She’d been dating her high school sweetheart, who just happened to be the star quarterback. They were the classic popular couple, her five-foot-five, great figure, beautiful face and long blonde hair. She was that rarity, a high school beauty who was also warm, kind and down-to-earth. I never met him, but by all accounts, her boyfriend Ben, was quite different. The archetypal star sports jock, arrogant and conceited from all the advantages and popularity life had bestowed on him.

Even though they’d been in colleges thousands of miles apart, they’d carried on dating through their first years at college. Cecile then having her heart well and truly shattered at the start of her second year when Ben dumped her for some girl he was seeing, where he was studying business management.

When I first met Cecile, she was quiet and reserved, but despite me thinking she was totally out of my league, something started to blossom between the two of us that night at the party. I’d never been very good with girls, but at the end of the evening I plucked up my courage and, fully expecting a polite rebuff, asked her if she’d like to get coffee sometime.

The rest, as they say, is history. Coffee led to dinner, led into a trip to the movies, led into going steady and an engagement just after Cecile finished her degree. I’d fallen hard for Cecile early in our relationship, and I was pleased to say, that something in the solidity and healthiness of our relationship allowed Cecile to slowly repair her broken heart. At first, she’d not wanted to talk about her ex and their years of dating, but as she grew happier and more trusting, she opened up and being able to share was really cathartic and beneficial for her.

The way she tells it, our relationship was very different from the one she’d had with Ben. Her relationship with her ex, the only man before me with whom she’d been intimate, was the typical high school love affair between two attractive and popular people. According to Cecile, it was mainly physical and superficial, something she contrasted with the deeper and more relationship-based situation between the two of us. We married directly after college and the pitter-patter of tiny little feet wasn’t far behind. Within a year of tying the knot, Briana was born, and Cecile became a mom at the tender age of twenty-one. Unfortunately, due to a problem with my low sperm count I wasn’t able to get Cecile pregnant a second time.

Briana was old enough, Cecile was able to start back into the career for which she’d trained so hard and which she so deeply loved. It was the fall of 2022 and we’d just bidden a tearful farewell to Briana as she’d headed off to college in Chicago. Just far enough away so she could spread her wings and grow, but not so far that she couldn’t get home when the mood took her.
So you’re reading and reading and wonder why I’m drafting my memoirs. Ok here you go. With Briana gone, Cecile and I suddenly found ourselves empty nesters. We loved our extra time together, but we also missed having our daughter around the place.

It was last Saturday morning and we were enjoying a coffee in our favourite Starbucks, and as normal Cecile had been on the receiving end of the flirty attentions of one of the coffee shop baristas. Right from the first time he’d served us, his first day I think, he’d flirted with Cecile. Obviously, not a guy lacking in confidence, he is about six-foot-tall, with close cropped blond hair, sporting more tattoos than I could count, including a couple on his face, to keep his cheek stud company. I’m not much of a judge, but Cecile said he is handsome. To put it in context, Cecile isn’t the only one he flirted with. I’d lost count of the times Cecile and I had sat there drinking our coffee and having a good chuckle to ourselves as he shamelessly flirted with some woman or other. other. Whether or not they were accompanied accompanied by boyfriends or husbands, if they were attractive, he was going to hit on them – and my wife Cecile was definitely in the attractive category. None of the women seemed to mind, despite his bad boy appearance, he did it all in a way that was confident and charismatic. He seems an okay enough young guy, although he partly came across as the kind of assertive alpha male that I often felt a little intimidated by. But to all of the women, especially the pretty ones, he was much more friendly and welcoming.

Cecile and I are frequent customers and, even though I was there, Bob would normally flirt with Cecile. I guess I couldn’t blame him, even at forty-two years old, she is still a very beautiful woman. She works out at the gym several times a week and had retained a very shapely figure.

We’re happily married for just over twenty years now, having celebrated our twentieth just a couple of months ago. But I know in my heart, from the very earliest days we’d dated, that it wasn’t my physical appearance or macho personality that had attracted her. As she later told me, working up from this, my kindness, intelligence and sense of humor, had slowly made her fall in love with me. The physical side of our relationship was fine, but unlike with some other couples, that wasn’t the foundation on which we built our love and marriage.

The flirting between Bob and Cecile was really nothing more than just a bit of fun until last Saturday. Cecile seemed to enjoy it and I didn’t take offence. Bob would normally greet Cecile with a, “hello gorgeous”, or, “how’s the beautiful Cecile today”, or some such quip. As well as the flirting, they’d often chat.

Cecile returned with our two decaf vanilla cappuccinos and the news that Bob had temporarily lost the place where he lived, as the owners were doing a major renovation, and he was looking for accommodation. From the way that Cecile said it, I wasn’t sure if she was suggesting we offer him a place to live at our home. You see, only the night before, we’d been saying how much we missed having our daughter around and had started discussing the idea of offering out our spare room to a student at one of the local colleges.

Neither of us had explicitly said anything, but I think we’d probably both assumed that we’d meant a female student. A straight replacement for our absent daughter I’ve always been one for plain speaking and direct communications, so I simply asked Cecile. I’d often chatted with Bob and I feel I know him quite well and could be pretty open with him, and so I suggested, why don’t we tell him we might have a room, but that we’d been thinking about a girl ... but if he’s interested, give us a couple of days to think about it and we can then discuss it further. I broached the subject with him, he smiled and said that would be sweet. I suddenly realized I needed to slow things down a bit.

So, seeing that Cecile was keen on the idea, last night I told her I am okay with it, we called Bob and set-up for him to come over later when his shift was finished to view the room.

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Re: Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by Topnotch » Wed Mar 15, 2023 4:06 am

Hmmm... this sounds interesting

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Re: Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Wed Mar 15, 2023 6:50 am

Topnotch wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 4:06 am
Hmmm... this sounds interesting
Agreed. Dum-de-dum-dum..... :shock: :lol:

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Re: Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by readerofthings » Wed Mar 15, 2023 1:11 pm

Your beautiful wife has asked to have the barista she regularly flirts with stay in your spare room? Interesting indeed. Please follow up with more details as they come.

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Re: Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by alfetim » Wed Mar 15, 2023 4:23 pm

It sounds really exciting. Does your wife know you want to sleep in a spare room instead of Bob? ;)

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Re: Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by LawyerWouldbeCuckold » Wed Mar 15, 2023 5:41 pm

Okay.....I'm kind of wondering how we go from "barista she regularly flirts with stay n the spare room", to "my wife is now fucking another man", but I guess we will find out, one way or another. Now, if's a normal guy (well, normal for his age) of course he wants to get it on with your wife. But does your wife see him as any more than just a attractive guy?

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Re: Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by hurryupcpl » Wed Mar 15, 2023 10:24 pm

As you might expect Bob liked the spare room we showed him, he didn't have too many things and so today when he'd finished his shift at the coffee shop we loaded his things into the back of our truck and headed to our place. Cecile made him and me a home-cooked dinner and Bob was very appreciative.  The mother hen in Cecile was very happy to have another youngster in the house to fuss over.

We got to know him a bit better, he'd grown up in Chicago. He's passionate about his legal training, paying for it by working in Starbucks and also putting his martial arts training to use working security on the door at a couple of bars.

So his behavior is definitely toned down from his flirty. Probably he doesn't want to screw up where he sleeps and eats. In fact, I believe Cecile enjoys the flirting, and it's kinda disappointed of with his changed behavior. She put on the tighter and low-cut top, heels a little taller. And suddenly replaced the jeans with a skirt. I playfully mentioned this to Cecile and she blushed but she didn't deny it, just made a cryptic comment that girl like to be appreciated.

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Re: Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by trecital » Thu Mar 16, 2023 12:48 am

The very fact that this has been posted in the Cuckold Forum, rather than in the Hotwife Forum, gives a very strong clue as to how this is going to unfold.

Starbucks have staff who call themselves 'baristas'?
And what on earth is a "decaf vanilla cappuccino"?

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Re: Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by Bent_n_Twisted » Thu Mar 16, 2023 4:59 am

trecital wrote:
Thu Mar 16, 2023 12:48 am
And what on earth is a "decaf vanilla cappuccino"?
A waste of money.
"And then I 'punished' you by making you lick my pussy after I let my other 'boy' fuck me." --Mrs. Bent_n_Twisted

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Re: Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by hurryupcpl » Fri Mar 17, 2023 8:37 am

Very very long update:

Two of Bob's college friends, John and Mike dropped around to use our covered outdoor hot tube. They came around the afternoon, with Bob asking in the morning if it would be okay.

Cecile and I had been out visiting friends and returned home at around 4 p.m., after lunch with our best friends. Entering the house, we could hear the sound of laughter coming from the hot tube area, and at the same split-second, Cecile and I looked at each other, suddenly remembering that Bob was using the hot tube with his two buddies. Cecile and I headed through the sliding door to the pool area to let Bob and his friends know that we were back, noticing that there was a cooler filled with beers, which went some way to explaining all the laughter and shouting. Seeing Cecile and me, Bob and his buddies all seemed to quieten down – as Bob made the introductions.  John and Mike were both about the same height as Bob, around the six-foot mark.

Being sociable, once the introductions were made, Bob offered Cecile and me a beer from the cooler and asked us if we wanted to join them.  It was very tempting – but I had some work that I urgently needed to do in my den, so I thanked him for the offer but politely declined. I headed up to my den and Cecile headed back into the house, with the laughter and noise from Bob and his buddies soon resuming – no doubt helped by a few more beers. After about an hour I heard Cecile's voice from the tube area, and through my opened window I heard her chatting with Bob and his two friends. At first, the conversation seemed quite normal and almost motherly – with Cecile asking John and Mike about their studies and families.  But then, no doubt helped by the alcohol, I heard Mike teasing Bob that he was lucky to have such a sexy, and beautiful, landlady. I didn’t have to see her face to know that Cecile would be enjoying these compliments. I knew she’d just be enjoying the compliments and the admiration from these young guys. As if to prove my point, I heard Cecile's response – as she told the boys to behave, adding, for good measure, that she was old enough to be their mother and if they didn’t behave, she’d ring their actual mothers and then they’d be in trouble. I was pretty sure that she’d have a big smile on her face as she said this – so that the boys would know that she was just giving as good as she got – and my guess seemed right as the next thing I heard was Mike coming straight back at Cecile, asking her if Bob's sexy landlady would do them the honor of joining them in the hot tube so that Bob didn't keep Cecile all to himself.

I heard Cecile telling him she'll think about it and if they're on their best behavior she might join them when she has finished her chores. Not surprisingly – this drew a cheer from the boys and a promise that they’d be on their best behavior. Things calmed down for a bit as Cecile went back inside, but about ten minutes later the door to my den opened and Cecile came in, wearing a revealing bikini. She was like I'm going to have a dip with Bob and his buddies, care to join us. The truth is, I’d made enough progress that I could have blown off the rest of the work and joined Cecile and the guys in the tube.  But a strange part of me was intrigued to see how things would develop as these three flirty young bucks, helped by the beers teased and flirted with my beautiful and sexy wife.

Over our twenty-plus years of dating and marriage, I’d often seen other guys flirting with or hitting on Cecile – and despite knowing how much more attractive, than me she is, I am secure in our love and never worried about this.  In fact, quite the opposite, I actually got some vicarious thrills and excitement knowing that other guys wanted Cecile, but that she was mine. And so, I declined Cecile's offer but told her to have fun, and not to let the guys rag on her too much.  Cecile gave me a confident smile – telling me that she’d make sure that they behaved themselves. I was enjoying listening in and it suddenly occurred to me that I could also watch without being seen, if I turned on our home security system, as it has HD cameras that covered both the inside of the house and also the deck and tube area. After a while, it was Cecile who moved the conversation topic to relationships – saying that she knew that Bob doesn't have a steady girlfriend at the moment, then asking Mike and John whether they are dating. It was Mike, who again took the lead, telling Cecile that he and Bob were both saving themselves until they found a woman as beautiful and sexy as her. Again, another chorus of laughter – at the absurd idea of two horny young guys like Mike and John, saving themselves, for anyone. The three guys all burst out laughing and just for once my normally confident wife seemed lost for words, although I could see that she was laughing and with that, she started splashing Mike. Not surprisingly, a water fight soon ensued – with Bob, Mike, and John ganging up on Cecile.  Cecile was soon fighting a losing battle. Cecile laughed and said, No.  The splashing started again until Cecile finally gave in, declaring okay … okay …. I give in. Given the whole set-up, and that the three young guys obviously really had the hots for Cecile, I shouldn’t have been surprised when Mike asked Cecile if we've ever been topless on the beach. Cecile didn’t have to be a genius to work out where this was headed, and I’m sure that’s why she delayed giving Mike his answer. After a few moments, she declared we'd been on a topless beach. Huge grin on Mike's face, and he said then her punishment for losing and surrendering, is to make three poor horny young students happy for the next few minutes by going topless for three minutes. I suddenly realized that Cecile was seriously thinking about Mile's suggested punishment.

Cecile had spoken the truth, we had been to a couple of topless beaches, when we’d been safely thousands of miles from home on vacation, on one of our few vacations without Briana.  But she’d never done anything like this before at home or with anyone we knew. She smiled and said just three minutes. Shit, she was really contemplating taking her top off for these three horny young students.  Suddenly, he seemed to change from a confident young guy to a different person, who could hardly believe his luck, and he confirmed just three minutes.

Sure, over the years I’d seen plenty of guys hitting on Cecile, or dancing with Cecile at parties and the like, but I’d never seen anything so openly flirtatious and erotic. I’m pretty sure that Cecile was only seriously contemplating Mike's suggestion, for a three-minute topless show of her shapely boobs, because of all of the wine she’d consumed. Cecile's answer came she might do it only if I'm okay with it. Knowing that Cecile was coming upstairs to ask me what I thought, I was suddenly panic-stricken, not knowing how to answer her question. I heard Cecile coming up the stairs and was soon face-to-face with her. Her ass and legs were looking sensational, the matching bikini bottoms barely covering much of her gym-toned body.

Pointing to the open window, she smiled and asked me what I think. She said she knows I'm enjoying myself watching the three young boys flirting with her, but if I think this is too much she'll tell them no. I heard myself saying okay out loud, I was confused as hell. She took a step closer to me, smiled at me, and simply said, “Just three minutes baby, okay?” After a short pause, I just about managed to splutter out through my parched mouth, “Sure honey, just three minutes.” As my beautiful blonde wife and best friend gave me a soft kiss on the lips, she turned to go and I was left alone in my den, half excited and half totally confused and bewildered. I was intrigued and so, on very shaky and weak legs, I followed her into our bedroom.  As I walked in, I saw that she’d retrieved from her dressing room a pair of bright red five-inch heels.  These were the sexiest and most slutty shoes she owned, ones that I’d bought her many years back. Cecile smiled at me and simply said Well if I’m going to tease these young guys and show them what a real woman looks like, I might as well do it properly. I don’t know what possessed me to say have fun at that moment. Before I had a chance to say anything else, Cecile was teetering down the stairs on those long-forgotten five-inch red heels. The boys greeted her with a round of approving howls as they saw the sexy heels Cecile had donned. This must have given them the idea that they were about to get their wish fulfilled, and Cecile soon confirmed this but said only for three minutes.

Cecile smiled, unable to hide her flushed excitement from either me or the boys, totally turned on but also nervous at what she was about to do. I saw her reach behind her back to unclip the hooks on her bikini top.  Unhooking her bikini top, her beautiful and shapely 36C boobs came free from the cups. Inevitably, again it was Mike who broke the silence and he said Cecile, you’ve got beautiful tits and those heels are so sexy and slutty on her and Bob is such a lucky dog to see them every day. She smiled and said I bought her a few years ago. Finally, Bob managed to say I got good taste in heels and boobs. Not wanting to be left out Bob asked Cecile to give them a bit of catwalk, thinking the young guy’s suggestion and his crude words might upset Cecile and bring the whole thing to a crashing halt.  I’d never heard anyone speak to Cecile like this before and generally, she was definitely not a fan of language like that. But to my utter shock, she remained totally unfazed, telling off Bob they promised to be good boys, and now they're asking her to show herself off and using words that are hardly appropriate to describe a respectable married woman. More laughter, but Cecile did as Bob asked, taking her time to tease the boys as she slowly eased herself up out of the tube. I’m sure moving in a way that made her big naked boobs swing and sway more than was absolutely necessary. After a couple of catwalks up and down, swaying her hips and ass as much as she safely could atop those five-inch heels, Cecile sat to remove the heels before re-entering the water. In case I had any remaining doubts about Cecile's enjoyment of this, they soon disappeared when Cecile chose to stay at a place in the tube's length that meant her exposed boobs were just above the water line, and therefore fully visible to the three young guys.  Definitely not an accident.

For a while, the conversation revolved around how Cecile kept in shape, with Mike being the one who moved things up a pace with his next comment. He was like it's fair enough, that they all saw her beautiful tits and asked her if she wants to see Bob's big cock, as his nickname in the locker room is the horse and she can guess what that might be. She stayed calm, and she said she was sure Bob got a very nice cock, but then most men think that. But he kept talking like the last girl Bob made out hardly walk for a couple of days after she'd taken all of Bob's horse cock. Just to settle the argument she let Bob can get his thing out. Bob grinned from ear to ear as he jumped out of the pool. Because he’d been in the tube until now, this was the first time either of us had seen the size of his package, which his wet trunks did little to hide. He was like Cecile be ready to see what a proper man's cock looks like baby. To say that he had a monster cock would be a gross understatement.  Seeing Cecile's stunned look of disbelief at the size of Bob' cock, the three boys hooted and hollered. After a few moments, Cecile seemed to realize that the boys were still awaiting some kind of response from her, she said sorry and said she had never seen a cock like that. When their laughs and shouts had died down, inevitably it was Mike who teased my sexy wife if she wanna touch and feel how heavy it is in her hand. He added Bob wouldn't mind. The boys burst out in a round of hoots and guffaws at Mike's teasing challenge to Cecile and with Cecile standing there as if in a frozen trance.

I held my breath as I waited to see how things might develop. Cecile's small hand snuck and gently lifted to feel how heavy it is, more laughter and shouts from Mike, Bob, and John. Not surprisingly, like any young man, Bob's previously limp cock started hardening. That didn’t surprise me.  But what did surprise me was Cecile's action. My beautiful wife moved her hand back onto Bob's horse cock and gripped it. Once, twice, three times, Cecile's hand slid up and down Bob's huge and beguiling cock. As I looked on, totally stunned and feeling as if 5000 volts had just been wired through me, Cecile took about two or three inches of Bob's insanely thick shaft into her mouth. The earlier bravado and hooting and hollering had died away, the boys just as stunned and surprised as I was by this turn of events.

Cecile has always enjoyed oral sex.  When we were dating at college, she was comfortable sucking me early in our relationship.  I’ve known for many years that, as Cecile describes it, she enjoys the feel of my throbbing manhood in her mouth, knowing the pleasure it gives me and also the feeling of control and power it gives her. I’d been so preoccupied with what Cecile was doing with her mouth on Bob's cock that I’d not really focused on the fact that Mike and John hadn’t been idle. They’d moved to a position where they were on either side of Cecile. Mike reached out and gripped Cecile's right breast and John her left. As I tried to process what was happening and work out what I was going to do, I became aware of just how ridiculously hard my cock was.

If I didn’t put a stop to this thing soon it would likely be too late.  What had started as a bit of playful high jinx and horseplay would develop into something altogether more serious. My legs finally started to work as I got up and nervously started walking out of my den and downstairs to the tube area. I walked through the sliding doors onto the pool area, the first two things that were etched into my brain were that Cecile's head had now stopped bobbing up and down on Bob's huge cock. Putting two and two together, although I couldn’t see clearly what was happening below the waterline, I knew their hands must be playing with my wife’s pussy, likely rubbing her clit and fingering inside her pussy. Coughing in a loud and exaggerated way, I declared my presence to Cecile and her three admirers.  Cecile's eyes immediately blinked open, her eyes going wide as she blushed, a confused and very guilty look appearing on her face. But I hadn’t reckoned with just how horny and over-confident these three young students now were, and also how brazen their ring-leader Mike was. He was like bro I know it’s a bit strange watching your old woman having fun, but looking at that tent in your pants, I can see that a big part of you likes the idea of Cecile doing this. Then he turned to Cecile and told her it's her call.

Cecile told me she loves me with all her heart, but as I told her to have fun and it's okay with me she'd like to this one night to try something new. To any sane husband, Cecile's request was unreasonable.  But the words that Mike had skillfully given Cecile to speak made it really hard for me to say no.
She said she'll back downstairs in a bit and will tell me everything. I realized that unless I did something in the next few moments my beautiful wife of twenty-plus years was about to head upstairs and make out with one of these young studs. Bob reached down to take Cecile's hands, and with Mike and John helping to lift her, Cecile quickly came up from out of the pool and was now standing beside Bob.

It's been hours before my beloved one showed up after I noticed Bob's car drive away with his friends inside in. Now that it was only Cecile and me in the house, I plucked up the courage and decisiveness to make the first move.  I really wasn’t looking forward to facing Cecile and going through what I knew would be a pretty traumatic and emotional conversation.

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Re: Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by shadowtantra » Fri Mar 17, 2023 11:20 am

Hi HurryUp! I am enjoying the story about you and your wife's journey and look forward to the update on the conversation between the two of you. Thanks for sharing

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Re: Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by Open2it » Sat Mar 18, 2023 4:33 am

That had to be an incredibly hot experience. I hope the conversation that followed was equally as exciting.

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Re: Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by Gulfcpl » Sat Mar 18, 2023 6:03 am

It’s starting out to be a great one. Zero to 100 in a blink.

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Re: Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by hurryupcpl » Sat Mar 18, 2023 8:41 am

We had a conversation just after what happened, it was only Cecile and me in the house, I plucked up the courage and decisiveness to make the first move. I saw that Cecile was lying in our marital bed, seemingly in a light sleep. Not surprising bearing in mind she’d been fucked five times over the last few hours by Bob and his two young buddies. For what seemed an age, I just gazed at this woman, my best friend and soulmate, exclusively mine for these last two decades. Staring at Cecile, I realized just how much I love this woman.  I thought back to all of those special moments. Bob's sperm was visible, leaking out. I tried to tell myself it was maybe due to the glasses of wine she’d drunk.  And certainly, this had played a part in lowering her inhibitions. I recalled how Cecile had been one to join the boys by the pool once her chores were done. How she’d joined them in a water fight and then asked my permission to do her forfeit of going topless for five minutes.  Of how she’d been the one to feel and weigh Bob's horse dick and let John and Mike play with her boobs.  Of how she’d been the one to ask my permission to go upstairs to our bedroom with Bob.

Whatever, I leaned down and kissed Cecile. She woke up and said hey, I used gentle humor to try and defuse the tension, " some hell of pool party". Seeing the look of fear return to Cecile's face, I suddenly realized my words had made Cecile afraid I was upset and angry. It was Cecile who spoke next, unable to control her nerves as she blurted out, “Honey, are you mad at me?  I love you with all my heart … please tell me we’re alright, that you’re not going to kick me out or divorce me for what I did.”

I relaxed her that I'm not mad and I'm not going to do that. Whatever has happened she's still the love of my life, my soulmate, my best friend and nothing ever going to change that. She confessed that she did find Bob attractive and that with her inhibitions lowered by the alcohol, she’d allowed herself to be sucked into the boys’ pool pranks. She apologized and said that she didn’t have a valid excuse, but with the wine and everything else, she’d just allowed things to get away from her and that’s why she’d gone along with everything that Mike had suggested.  Saying that if I could forgive her, she promised that nothing like this would ever happen again. Hearing these words, I thought how Cecile's words flew directly in the face of what she’d told young Bob before he’d headed off. When she’d told him she’d speak to me about whether there could be a repeat session.

This morning he spent time talking about what had happened. Cecile admitted that in the heat of the moment when it had all happened, she’d enjoyed everything that had gone down that afternoon.  From when the boys played with her in the pool to get her all excited and aroused, to when Bob took her upstairs and she made out (as she demurely called it) with first Mike and John.  When she finally took all thick of Bob's horse dick as John and Mike lowered her up and down his monster cock, until she was finally able to take all of it.  When Mike and John left, Cecile and Bob were alone to enjoy two more rounds of lovemaking.  Ever the over-thinker, I noticed how Cecile called it making out with Mike and John, but she called it making love with Bob.  I noted this down for later consideration.

For my part, I described to Cecile my mixed feelings, how my jealousy and humiliation mixed with the excitement and arousal of watching her with the guys.  Of how, at first, I’d not been jealous watching her first-time taking Bob's enormous dick, intrigued as I was as to whether or not she could take something so large all the way into her body.  Explaining how this changed once Bob and she were alone, and their clear intimacy and closeness made me jealous again, this feeling mixing with my arousal.

Naturally enough we discussed what next, Cecile at first taking the lead in this discussion.  She was adamant that as I’d felt jealous and humiliated several times during the afternoon, she wanted to treat the whole afternoon as a one-off and tell Bob and his two buddies that nothing like this could ever happen again. I listened to Cecile as she told me she wanted to put a stop to things, and I told her that I didn’t have all the answers but that I thought we needed to slow down a bit and discuss things properly.  Cecile looked confused as she processed my words, and I started to explain.I explained that I’d enjoyed much of the afternoon’s events, as well as the negative side of the feelings of jealousy and at times humiliation.  I also gently told Cecile that we should discuss her enjoyment of the events, as, if we weren’t honest with each other, there was a risk that if we didn’t work things out properly she might end up having an affair with Bob or someone like that. Of course, she denied this, saying she’d never cheat on me.

I kissed my beautiful wife and gently told her I don’t doubt her, but we have to be honest with each other and I saw how much she enjoyed Bob and his huge cock and she's only flesh and blood, with him around the house all the time, she'd only be human if one-time she gave in to temptation.
She said she hates to admit but I might be right knowing how wonderful was the sex with Bob and his buddies. She quietly spoke where we go now? I said honey, I honestly don’t know.  I don’t have all the answers, I wish I did.  I added I just know that we have to be honest with each other.

So conversation keep going until we reach any solution. Now it's far from perfect.

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Re: Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by shadowtantra » Sat Mar 18, 2023 9:23 am

I am finding your story and your recent update very enlightening. I appreciate how both are communicating now and seem to be on the same page. I think the solution to is to keep communicating what each of you want and need and the boundaries that you both need. It sounds like both of you want more. This board is full of stories like your own and there is a lot of advice for consideration. Thank you again for sharing and look forward to hearing how it all evolves.

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Re: Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by eater » Sat Mar 18, 2023 9:49 am

can't wait to see what agreement you came to

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Re: Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by elina » Sat Mar 18, 2023 12:49 pm

Thanks for sharing.

I hope you will come to a conclusion and arrangement that will work for both of you.
From reading your story, it is obvious that this is something Cecile craves and would enjoy if you allow Her to continue with Bob.
You also seems to enjoy this. It is admirable how open Cecile was with you and to me, and how trusting She was. I think you can trust Her to be fully open with you going forward if you approve of Her enjoying this. Mature Ladies and young males are a good match for fun and games.

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Re: Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by DLD » Sun Mar 19, 2023 5:01 am

How have your interactions been with Bob since he returned from being out with his buddies and the days since? What’s the dynamic like with him and your wife and with he and you?

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Re: Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by hurryupcpl » Sun Mar 19, 2023 8:14 am

DLD wrote:
Sun Mar 19, 2023 5:01 am
How have your interactions been with Bob since he returned from being out with his buddies and the days since? What’s the dynamic like with him and your wife and with he and you?
Here are the answers of all questions after the events:

I won’t repeat word for word all of the conversations that Cecile and I had over the rest of the weekend.  We discussed all manner of choices and options before we finally came up with a plan that we were both okay with.  And I choose my words carefully because it was a plan that both Cecile and I were only okay with.

One of the options we discussed, which was a suggestion Cecile made, was that we ask Bob to move out.  This suggestion arose from Cecile during one of the times she made me describe the negative parts of my feelings.  As I described my jealousy, hurt, and humiliation, I could see from the look on her face that Cecile hated the idea.

I did think about Cecile’s suggestion for a few seconds before I realized that we couldn’t do this as it would have been deeply unfair to Bob and that this just wasn’t who Cecile and I were as people.  After all, however much my feelings might have been hurt, I’d given Cecile and Bob permission at pretty much every stage.  So how could it be fair to then throw the guy out?

And so, it may not have been rocket science, but the best plan that I felt we could come up with was for Cecile to text Bob that it was okay for him to come back to his room, that I wouldn’t kill him, and that we would talk about what had happened.

The second part of our plan was really nothing more than saying that, once we’d all talked, we’d then see how things went.  We wouldn’t rule anything in or out, but we’d just wait to see how things felt and developed, with the critical thing being that Cecile and I promised each other we’d talk honestly, both agreeing that neither of us would want to do anything that would hurt or cause a problem to the other.

Bob moving back in on a Saturday evening, that expression pretty much sums up the plan that the three of us put into action. That Saturday night, however awkward we knew it would be, we knew that we had to talk things through with Bob.  At first, he was more than a bit nervous, but as he realized we weren’t going to kick him out and picked up on our reasonable tone, he relaxed.

Cecile and I had agreed to be totally honest and transparent with him, and so we explained that while we had enjoyed some parts of the events, other parts had been difficult for us and that we felt that things had just got out of hand, and that we wanted a period of normalcy and calm between the three of us in the house, and that we’d see how things went from there.

Maybe unsurprisingly, Bob seemed encouraged by what we were telling him because as he later explained to us, we weren’t saying that nothing could ever happen again between Cecile and him. Just that we had to take things a bit slow and see how it went.

We're back in our routine.... for now.

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Re: Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by Bent_n_Twisted » Sun Mar 19, 2023 9:27 am

hurryupcpl wrote:
Sat Mar 18, 2023 8:41 am
Now it's far from perfect.
I don't know, it looks almost perfect from here. A lovely wife with nice tits (assuming that the one in your avatar pic is hers), a young live-in fuck-buddy with a fat cock and who has two young friends to add to the fun, there isn't much missing. The only things missing for me would be my cock in a cage, watching, and my wife sitting on my face after she's had her fun with the boys...or while she's having fun with the boys...
"And then I 'punished' you by making you lick my pussy after I let my other 'boy' fuck me." --Mrs. Bent_n_Twisted

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Re: Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by wannabecUKold » Sun Mar 19, 2023 11:22 am

Bob is young and won't know quite how to handle this. He needs to feel relaxed staying with you, with the option of playing or not playing.
I think a little routine would be good. For instance, tell him it's always his call whether to have sex (but your wife is always available). Maybe suggest he limits sex to particular days eg sex is off-limits on days that he is working, so he doesn't feel that he is obliged to fuck your wife every time he sees her. Tell him he is free to bring his hot chums round anytime (i.e. for sex). Hint that the sex pays his rent, nothing more is required.
The more he feels free to come/cum and go, the more he will want her.

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Re: Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by Open2it » Sun Mar 19, 2023 11:27 am

You arrived at the best possible solution for all. It wouldn’t have been fair to kick Bob out just as it wouldn’t be fair to pretend nothing had happened. Open communication is the best option. Well done, sir.

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Re: Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by coastalover » Mon Mar 20, 2023 3:10 am

What happens when the daughter comes home from college...for a holiday...for the summer??"?

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Re: Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by silky nylons » Mon Mar 20, 2023 6:19 am

What a sensual and intensely erotic chain of events. Thank you for sharing. An event either of you will ever forget. Hopefully this will continue and grow.

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Re: Empty nesters - New roommate

Unread post by ericsacto » Mon Mar 20, 2023 6:33 am

We had a similar situation where my wife had sex with our house mate. It was more of a physical thing and we were all in our mid-20s. She ended having sex with him because I was getting jealous. The house mate understood and did push anything. He stayed with us for a few years afterwards until it moved on

I think it was easier for them to remain platonic afterwards. They didn’t have feelings for each other. It was just sex and frankly, she probably got on his nerves after a while. He was also able to get dates so it wasn’t that we only had her as an option.

You and your wife will need to figure out what you want from
Bob and see what he wants. Based on what happened in the hot tub, I get a sense that Bob may want to take on a Bull role and treat you as a cuckold.

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