The Natural Order of Things

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The Natural Order of Things

Unread post by steven91 » Fri Mar 31, 2023 5:43 pm

This is OC, but a bit more sci-fi/fantasy twist to SPH/cuckolding.

Context: Imagine a world where some women can mentally control men's minds by making a man's penis erect. The smaller the penis, the easier it is to control their mind through their penis.

Part 1: Prologue

"I have never heard about this before." I said in shock.

"This is common knowledge for a certain select group of women" she replied with a shrug. "We are born into this life from the moment of our conception in our mother's womb. There is no other option but to become like this. We discover quickly during our first few sexual adventures that men are so easily controlled by us. That is how it has always been. The more dominant and powerful we are, the more respect we gain around the few with this power. But it does leave sex a bit lacking, if we control all aspects of it. Sex is best both physically, and for us mentally, with a large penis. You see, for a man with a small penis, it's barely a challenge to have that man do anything at all we desire. With so little blood needed to fill a small penis, we can mentally get them fully erect with ease, after which the owner's mind becomes putty for us to mold. For those men with average penises, we can similarly sway opinions enough to get our way, though not as forcefully. But the men with truly large penises are out of our control, except our ability to occasionally send mere whispers into their thoughts. These men, rightfully so, are most fascinating and arousing to us."

I was stunned. I had never heard of such a thing before. I told her plainly, "I don't believe it."

She smiled. It was a cold smile that sent shivers down my spine. "You will soon enough... or maybe not at all?" She laughed again. I hated the sound of it. "And to get these large penises to respect us, and hence advance in our society, we must rely and cultivate our beauty; you will see that those with this power are amongst the most beautiful and worshiped women in the world."

She had no argument with me there. I had approached her at this South Beach hotel bar based solely on her appearance. Auburn hair, brown eyes, beautiful complexion, legs for days, perky mid-sized breasts. She was easily a 10 for most guys, but for a handsome, charming guy like myself, I'd say she’s more of a high 8 or a low 9. I had hoped for a one night stand, but after plying her with a few drinks and hearing her crazy story, I was having second thoughts. As they say, you never put your dick in crazy.

So I looked to extricate myself. "Hey, you're a looker honey, and wild story, but I do have to get up early in the morning. Enjoy the drinks and hopefully see you around!" I turned from her and asked the bartender (also a cutie) for the tab and started thinking about if maybe I'd had one too many myself. The bed wasn't looking half bad after a long day of sales conferences and schmoozing.

But she didn't take the hint. "I'll give you the benefit of doubt, and let you go. Just remember, you may not understand now, but you will later. I've watched you for a while, you have that quality about you. You're drawn to those in power, you seek out the good looking ones, even when you don't know what you want, you try to impress them. You might even be a half-decent lay. But you have a small penis energy that gives you away to women like me, and deep down, I know you lack real confidence. So it won't matter much in the end to women like me."

I stood there dumbfounded for a minute before I digested what she was saying. I felt an anger rising within me, perhaps the result of years of disappointment in the bedroom, of embarrassing one night stands, of women ghosting me after the first time we have sex. How dare she? I'd show her. I turned to her and semi-drunkenly scowled and said "honey, you wouldn't know how to handle what I'm dishing out; you're just not worth my time tonight."

With that, I turned to walk away, head held high, feeling accomplished and cocky. I knew I was being an asshole, but so was she , so I didn't care. If she wanted to talk trash, then I was going to dish back. As I was beginning to walk away, I couldn't help but feel the pressure building between my legs. It was a familiar feeling, one I had come to associate with something else entirely. My mind was racing as I tried to figure out what was happening to me. Then it hit me. A thought, a fleeting thought, but one that I immediately dismissed. It was irrational and ridiculous. I shook it off. But I could feel the pressure build even stronger. I glanced down and I realized that I was already at three quarters chubb and I started feeling a little light headed, even a bit horny. I needed to stop and think, I needed to find a bathroom.

As I walked towards the door, I stopped for a moment and took a deep breath. I was starting to panic. What the hell was happening to me? Why was I getting aroused at the thought of this woman talking shit to me? I had never gotten erect from a conversation before. I had been with plenty of girls who had talked to me just like this. But why did it suddenly make me hard?

I could sense the room spinning as I began walking faster. I figured I could take care of it in the bathroom, get it out of my system, and then I would be fine. I reached the door and pulled it open. I made it two steps inside when I lost my balance and fell into the wall behind me.

I slowly got to my feet and braced myself against the wall next to the doorway. I could hear someone laughing hysterically from somewhere in the hotel hallway. As I regained some of my composure, I managed to push myself into the hallway and stumbled down the hall to the nearest bathroom stall. I quickly sat down and undid my pants. My penis sprung free and almost hit me in the face. I clenched my teeth and closed my eyes tight as I prepared to release. To my surprise, nothing happened. I was sitting there, with my pants still around my ankles, wondering what just happened when I heard the door open. I looked up to see the woman from the bar, with a huge grin on her face.

"See, I told you! You're a natural at this!"

My mouth hung open in shock. "What the fuck?"

"That's right, you like it don't you? You're a natural. Now here's the deal. I've spent a lot of time watching you, and I see a lot of potential. You seem intelligent enough, you obviously have money, you have the looks, but you also lack any real confidence or sexual skill. I think you can be of use to me, but first I need you to kneel. I'm not sure if you realize this yet, but you are not very well endowed."

I looked down and saw my penis bobbing in front of me, at full mast, in all four inches of its glory. I couldn't believe it. My mind was racing. And I felt myself get down onto my knees, my eyes now level with the top of this strange woman's skirt. If anyone were to walk in right now, they'd not need to imagine hard that I was about to go down on her. It was going to be so fucking embarrassed. I closed my eyes tight, trying to block out the image, but I could feel the heat radiating from between her thighs. I opened my eyes to see her standing over me, with one hand on her hip, and the other pointing straight at her crotch. Look here, come closer. "Can you smell it?" she asked. I nodded yes. "Good, that smell is now your whole world; you will smell it in everything you eat, drink, and breathe.

Before I knew it, as if in an out of body experience, I replied "yes, mistress". And that was the last coherent thought I had for a while.

Part 2: The Ritual

It is important to me to note at this point, that I am not a religious person. I do not believe in God, nor do I have any particular faith. But I believe that there are higher powers, things beyond our understanding that work in mysterious ways. I also think that there are people who are meant to go to Heaven, and others who are not. I believe that my life had been a series of random events until I met this woman.

I found myself in a hotel room, kneeling on the floor. I was looking down at my erection, still there in all its four inch glory. Looking at the rest of my body, I was shocked to find myself fully naked. I tried standing up but my legs refused. Was this priapism? How long had I been erect? Where am I?

After a few minutes of confused panic, I heard a voice in my head, "rise, my pet", to which I obeyed by standing up as quickly as I could. Soon after, I felt feminine fingers slide down my back and begin massaging my butt cheeks. I hadn't realized how sore from kneeling I was until that moment. I turned my neck to see the same woman from the bar, standing in front of me wearing nothing at all. Her body was incredible, perfect even, tall and lean with curves in the right places. Maybe I had underestimated her at an 8 or 9 before.

Her hands continued working their way down my ass and to my thighs. I tried turning to face her, but only my neck would turn. My body refused. I tried talking, I tried screaming, but nothing came out. I felt ashamed and terrified. The woman noticed my growing panic and said "don't worry, you're safe here. I am your Mistress and you are my slave. She moved behind me, pressed her breasts against me, and moved one of her hands to ever so softly graze my erection. It felt amazing; the most amazing feeling of my life up to that point. She then whispered in my ear, "Don't you want to please your mistress?" I nodded, unable to speak. "Good toy," she said as she continued lightly rubbing my penis.

I was starting to lose control. I could feel my balls tightening, my toes curling, my breathing becoming more shallow and labored. I struggled to focus on anything but her touch. She continued whispering in my ear. "How does it feel to be completely under my command, my sweet slave?" I tried to answer but nothing came out. "You can tell me what you want. I promise I'll listen."

I blurted out, "Please don't hurt me."

"Oh no, not at all, I'm not going to hurt you. That's not my style."

Just then, I felt a warm wetness on my tip. I tried to pull away, but my body was useless. Something was gently kissing me, sucking me, swallowing me. I couldn't believe it. I looked back to see the woman grinning at me, as if it were the most hilarious thing she'd ever seen. I looked down at my penis, but there was nothing there. Yet, I was in heaven.

"I'd much prefer to get my way by using honey than by using a stick", she whispered. Then I felt a tongue slide across the underside of my shaft and wrap around the base. It felt as if I was losing my mind. "As I mentioned, it took barely any of my energy for me to mentally engorge his small appendage of yours. It was almost laughable. And as soon as I did, you were enthralled to me. You will do whatever I say."

I felt something licking me again, this time paying close attention to the sensitive area just below the head. I could feel my hips begin to move involuntarily. I was desperate for this sensation; I needed more. The woman smiled at me, knowing exactly what she was doing. "And now, tell me what you desire now."

"I want..." I tried to speak but there was nothing but a low moan coming from my throat.

"Shhh, relax, let me continue. We both know what you want, and that's okay. You've got a little secret that you're keeping from me. I bet you're not even supposed to be thinking about it, are you?"

I shook my head.

"Well, I won't tell a soul. There's no reason for us to keep secrets, after all. So what is it that you really want?"

"I...I want to be inside of you," I said barely above a whisper.

The woman walked around my body and faced me. She was so gorgeous; the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen naked. She leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips. She licked her tongue along my chin and neck and pulled back to look at me. She smiled, then bent down and kissed me deeply again. She broke the kiss, looked deep into my eyes and said "you are a naughty slave, aren't you? Well, we'll just have to fix that."

Taking a few steps back from me, her expression changed from a smile to a more neutral expression. "You've seen the pleasure I can give you with just my fingertips. That is the honey. Let's hope you never have to see the stick. But in between the honey and the stick are just the facts of life, the facts of your new life. And one of those facts is that your short little appendage will never, ever have the joy of being inside of me."

She paused for a moment and looked down at my cock, smiling as she watched it bounce around. "But I'm sure you understand that part. After all, you wouldn't want to disappoint me, would you?"

I nodded slowly, knowing she was speaking the truth, and wanting to hear what she was going to do next.

She pushed me roughly back onto my knees. I felt her hands on my shoulders and I was eye level with her magnificent pussy. She began running her nails along my hair, teasing me. I felt that familiar longing pressure in my penis. "But I do have a use for you right now. I have a guest coming that I am not adequately prepared for. You will prepare me for him. Begin." With that word, she gently guided my nose towards her mound.

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. My mind flashed back to when I was in the hotel bathroom. I remembered how I had been able to smell her arousal and wanted to taste her so badly. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply through my nose, taking in her scent once again. I opened my eyes and looked up at the woman, who was smiling down at me.

"Suck it", she commanded. My mind was racing, I didn't know if this was my last chance to resist her, if she would kill me, or worse. I began to wonder if this was my destiny. I desperately wanted to obey her, to please her. I closed my eyes and brought my lips to hers. I closed my eyes tightly and slid my tongue into her glistening vagina.

She immediately begin moaning softly and pressing herself against my face. Her juices were running down my cheeks and onto my chin. I ran my tongue between her lips, tasting her, savoring the moment. I opened my mouth wide and buried my face in her cunt. I could feel her juices flowing freely, coating my tongue with her flavor. I began to lick her with the fervor of a man starving for food. I sucked her clit gently between my teeth, feeling it grow larger in my mouth.

I heard her gasp and moan loudly. I could feel her vaginal muscles contracting rhythmically. Suddenly I felt a burst of warmth as her orgasm exploded inside of her. I started sucking even harder, trying to take every drop of her nectar.

I felt her arms wrap around me and pull me up. I opened my eyes to see her smiling at me, her pussy still dripping wet. "That was a nice and unexpected start; I did not think you would get me off. As I suspected, you do have some redeeming skills. But for now you must continue preparing me for my guest, because he will arrive shortly. Now get to work."

So I continued licking her pussy, kissing her clit. She moaned and sighed, enjoying my ministrations. I was buried in her when I heard a door open and someone walking around. The sounds grew louder and I saw a pair of masculine legs approach next to my mistress. I heard the unmistakable sounds of kissing; I heard my mistress sigh. I was intensely jealous of whoever this man was; that he received the adoration of my mistress. But I continued with my task, following my mistress's orders without fail, content with relishing the feeling of her pussy on my face.

After a few minutes of intense foreplay, I heard my mistress moan, "oh yes, that is enough, Toy. back away from my pussy, stay on your knees and face the bed." I had scarcely looked around the hotel room before this moment, having focused entirely on my mistress. For the first time, I saw that it was quite luxurious. On my knees, I couldn't see any stationary or any other signs of which hotel it might be, but there was no doubt it was quite fancy.

My mistress spoke again, this time with an authoritative tone, "you may look up and welcome my guest"

I looked up. The man was clearly taller than my mistress, but not by much, and it very clearly appeared to me that both the man and my mistress were quite aroused. The man was naked. His bearded face was nothing remarkable and his midsection was quite pudgy. He was well groomed but beyond that, there was nothing remarkable about him. That is, until I gazed down at his penis. It was still only semi-hard, but rapidly growing in my mistress’s hands. It would have been obvious to anyone that even soft, it was larger than my appendage in its current fully hard state. As it grew, it began to look like an entirely different organ than my four inch appendage. I’d estimate it at ten inches. It was clear to see that my mistress was enamored with all ten of those inches.

She was stroking it while kissing the man, methodically bringing his monster to full erection. I looked again towards the man, who opened his eyes and gazed into my mistress’s eyes. He seemed to be waiting for her to make a decision, but soon again closed his eyes to revel in the pleasure she was giving him. I watched as she began to stroke his penis faster, her hand not reaching all the way around, and as she occasionally reached down to graze his balls. I longed for my mistress to again touch my own appendage, and also remembered the indescribable feeling of ecstasy when she did so. As I continued to watch the scene before me, I began to look for signs to see if the man was in any way falling under the spell of my mistress. Alas, he seemed to be reacting in a most "normal" way, insomuch as normal as a man can react while receiving a handjob from a ravishingly beautiful woman. As I was staring directly at him, he opened his eyes and saw my pathetic longing. He responded with a superior smirk. Moments later, he leaned over to my mistress and whispered in her ear.

I couldn’t hear what he said, but when he finished, my mistress laughed and then nodded. "Toy, this is Grant. As you can see, he has a massive penis. Even if I were to try to enthrall him as I would you, I would not be able to lift his penis with my mind. It is many times heavier than yours and engorging it takes enormous amounts of blood. Even the most powerful of my kind would struggle to sway Grant's mind in even the slightest way. As you know, our inability to control him makes him all the more alluring for us. He is a catch of the finest order, and anyone fucking him is regarded highly in our society. I love showing him off at gatherings of my kind. I would do anything to please him."

"If you haven't guessed already, men like Grant wield an enormous amount of power. Our kind wants to please them, so that we may rise in stature, but also because they are the only men that can give us true, unbridled sexual pleasure. Lesser men such as you do not arouse us; you are mere tools and toys. We can and do use our powers to make sure that lesser men like you give us the resources we need and demand. Look around - this luxurious hotel room - one of my other thralls gladly paid for it so that Grant and I may have a beautiful place to fuck."

Grant let out a long breath, and I soon realized that my mistress had not stopped stroking him as she was speaking to me, putting me in my place. "Toy, listen to my next words, as they are as much for you as they are for Grant." She turned towards Grant and began speaking to him. "Grant, this slave is my newest servant, my newest Toy. He is not worthy of you in any way, shape or form, but I want you to help me break him. If at any time you tire of him in our presence, I will discard him like the disposable Toy he is."

"Oh that's good for him to hear," Grant said, smiling at my mistress, "because he could show more respect and avert his eyes now. All he seems to do is stare at us while you're busy tending to me. He seems not to understand our power."

My mistress responded, "You don't need to worry about that, Grant. This toy is mine for the night and I am quite happy to show you the extent of my power over him."

"Yes, yes I know," he replied. "I have already seen the extent of your power many times. Now let's get to it."

My mistress smiled and walked over to the bed, and lay down on her back. She spread her legs slightly, giving both Grant and me a view of her pussy. "Now, Toy, come here and lay down beside me. You will watch how a man fucks me."

I got up off the floor and laid down next to her on the bed. I was very aware of my erection as it rubbed against the sheets, painfully straining. Grant approached the bed, his massive erection now fully erect, swinging back and forth. "Toy, I do not yet know the reason you are here, but I will find out soon enough. For now, I don’t care as my cock has needs. Watch as I fuck your mistress in ways you can only imagine."

He moved between my mistress's legs, and slowly started wedging his cock into her pussy. He was taking his time, but my mistress was impatient. She cried out in pleasure and reached down to grab his butt cheeks and actively pulled him deeper into her with each thrust.

Grant slammed his hips forward, driving himself deep inside of my mistress. I watched with amazement as her body shook in ecstasy as he plowed into her. She continued to hold his ass tightly and squeezed him as he penetrated her pussy. She was anything but a passive participant. She was writhing and pushing back against his pelvis. She was groaning and moaning and squirting. Her breasts were bouncing wildly and her hair was flying everywhere.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. Show him what he can never do, what men like you are capable of."

Grant responded by pounding her even harder, slamming his hips forward and slamming them into her. Each time he did, I imagine he hit her cervix, causing her pussy to gush, soaking the sheets beneath us. She was completely lost in the force and vigor of his fucking. Did she even know or care if I was there anymore?. I watched as her face contorted in ecstasy and her body writhed in pleasure. Many minutes passed as he fucked her without stop and without slowing down; he fucked and he fucked. I slowly began to realize that what I was watching was actually sex, this was what women needed, not the pathetic outings my appendage and I had given so many before. It started to make sense why small cocked men like me were so easy to control by women like my mistress.

The intensity of their fucking increased. They were both grunting and breathing heavily, gasping and moaning. Mistress was grabbing his ass so hard, I could see fresh, red scratch marks on his ass from her nails. I could see tears running down her cheek and dripping onto the sheets below.. I watched his cock disappear inside of her and reappear. Her pussy continued to gush and drip onto the sheets beneath her.

Grant began to slam his hips into her, shaking the entire bed, with me in it. "You fucking slut, you're gonna take every last inch of my cock! You're gonna take my cum!"

"Oh god, oh god, yes," she moaned. "Your big fat cock fills me up, I love how it feels inside of me."

"Yeah bitch, you're such a dirty little slut," he said, driving himself even harder. "You're gonna be a good girl and take my cum. Is your pussy ready for my cum? Are you gonna take it all?"

My mistress looked up at Grant, her eyes full of lust and passion. "My sweet pussy is ready for your cum, oh God yes. I am a filthy whore for you. I will take your cum and beg for more."

"You'll beg for more cum? Then do it, bitch. Beg."

"Please, Grant, please, I beg you. I need more cum, I need your cum," she begged.

"That's right, beg for more cum. Tell me what you want."

"Oh my god, I need more cum, I need your thick cum, please, I beg you! Please give me more of your cum, I need it!"

With those words, my mistress started wiggling her hips violently against him. It was difficult to say who was doing more of the fucking. Looking over at my beautiful mistress, her face was flushed red, and a red line ran down her neck, down between her breasts, down almost all the way to her pussy. It was pointing the way to the object Grant wielded, the object that was giving her immense pleasure. A pleasure I realized again I could never hope to give her. The angle of the line made it obvious that the shaft of his cock was hitting past her cervix, to some deep unknown spot inside of her. I felt another twinge of jealousy. I couldn't believe that my mistress would choose to be used like this and that she could never choose me to do this to her.

Soon, I could see Grant's pace changing. He was slamming harder and slower. He was going to come soon. After a few more thrusts, he grabbed my mistress by the ass and plunged his rod as deep into her as it would go. He let out a guttural groan, which was followed by a shrieky moan from my mistress. He was cumming and so apparently was she. I could see his balls retract and pulse. My mistress's pussy clamped down on him, milking his cock of his seed. I could see her nipples tighten and her body spasm uncontrollably. She continued to scream as she came. I desperately wanted to cum as well, but somehow intuitively knew that was not possible without my mistress willing it so.

After a moment, they both calmed down. He pulled his deflating cock out of her and collapsed atop her. She looked at him with a smile. "I've never felt anyone fuck me the way you do. You are the most wonderful lover ever."

"Thank you, honey," he said, smiling back. "It's nice to know that someone thinks so highly of me."

"Not just someone; you're the best, Grant. And I mean that."

"I'm flattered, truly. Now if you will excuse me, I think I'll retire to the bathroom to clean up."

Mistress grabbed him quickly before he got up and kissed him on the lips. Then in a flash, she uttered something in his ear, and to my astonishment, Grant rolled over and fell asleep! I looked over at my ravished mistress in confusion. She was on her back, with a smile on her face, resting and glowing in post-coital bliss, trying to catch her breath.

She turned to me and spoke, "It's a longer explanation than I care to give, but even men with large penises are slightly susceptible to my inclinations right after they cum in me. I can't control them fully, but I can definitely put them to sleep for a bit. I'll wake him when we're done here. We have one more thing to do, the main reason I brought you here."

"What is that reason?" I asked.

"We are going to perform a ceremony, a ritual, to celebrate and enhance the natural order of things."

"Why? Why me?" I asked.

"Because I can, and because it pleases me to do so. It makes my life better and that’s all that matters. I'm not going to explain it to you, you must simply obey me." She then opened her legs and pointed to her vagina. "What do you see?"

I looked down and saw that what had been a soft, pinkish vagina was now turned to a gaping, bubbling maw. I could see Grant's semen and my mistress's combined juices slowly start leaking out of her. Above her pussy was a sweaty, small patch of pubic hair, some matted with Grant’s cum. "I see...a mess. But a mess that brought mistress so much pleasure. It only feels correct that I should pay homage the pleasure your pussy gives to you and others, others that deserve it so much more than I do. My job is to worship it and soothe it so it may be ready to pleasure again. "

"Exactly, Toy, exactly. You are a quick learner. Clean it up with your tongue."

Without hesitation, I lowered my head between her legs and began licking her pussy. As I licked away, I was thinking about my unique situation. My mistress was using my mouth, my lips, my tongue to clean up her cunt, just as she had used me all evening. The juices were salty; I thought I would wretch at their taste but being so close to my mistress's pussy brought me such joy and comfort. I belonged here. I was still confused about the whole evening's events, and didn't know what she meant by 'enhance the natural order.' In that moment, all I knew was that whatever it was, I wanted it.

I wanted it, but I continued to wonder about the ritual she mentioned. What was she going to do to me? Where was she taking me? Would I even survive the night? As I was licking, I felt a spasming in my cock, as if I were going to cum soon.

"Good Toy, keep going," my mistress said. "There's more. You must clean it all."

I continued to lick, with renewed vigor; not so much to follow my mistress's order, but to get the sweet release of cumming. I cleaned her with vigor and speed, until I finally heard her grunt and moan. I looked up and saw her pushing her hips up toward me. She was coming again, and this time it was stronger.

"Yes, yes, Toy, come for me. Come for my pussy."

I frantically licked and sucked, hoping to bring her to orgasm. I had no idea of the purpose of the ritual she mentioned earlier, but I hoped it was something to do with me bringing her to orgasm. As I completed the last few licks, I came and spurted a huge load onto the bed, adding to the dried juices already there. I came as hard as I ever have in my life. It felt like I was giving everything to my cum. It felt like a part of my cock left with my cum. I was in heaven. The best orgasm of my life.

When I finished, I rested my head on mistress’s thigh and looked up at her radiant beauty. Her breasts heaved as she slowly came down from her orgasm. Moments later, my mistress looked down at me and smiled. "Very good Toy," she said.

"Was that it?" I asked. "Did we complete the ritual?"

"Yes, we did. And because I'm feeling strangely generous from you getting me off twice with your tongue, I'll tell you what just happened."

"Please tell me," I said, more out of morbid curiosity than anything, as I had just come and would have been quite content had she refused.

"The ritual was designed to enhance the natural order, or what you would call the relationship between men, women, and toys. You see, men have large cocks, women enjoy them, and toys, well toys don't have much use for their cocks. To enhance this reality, we do the ritual we just completed. As you eat our combined juices and I allow you to cum, some of your manhood decreases, and via me as a conduit, enters the last man to have orgasmed inside of me. There’s a whole lot of science and measurement behind it, but I’d guess with today’s activity, you gave me a quarter inch of your penis which in turn went to Grant. I’ve gotten pretty good at math over the years - you lost 6% of your already tiny appendage and because Grant is so much larger, your small offering adds like 1% to his cock. Your cock is noticeably smaller now, and when Grant wakes up, if he even cares to notice it, his cock will be ever so slightly larger. As such, the natural order of things is enhanced."

I gasped at her. "You took a portion of my cock and gave it to Grant? That's just not physically possible. You're pulling my chain."

She quickly responded, "Remember your disbelief of my first story at the bar? What makes you think I’m kidding here? I’m frankly annoyed that you’d question any of this after what you’ve been through just today. Whether you believe it or not, it’s happened and rest assured, I have yet more to take from you and give to Grant. He is deserving of it and you are not. Men fuck and toys don’t. After all, don't you want me to enjoy an even larger penis?"

"Yes, Mistress," I said, almost in tears. My emotions were mixed. I was so happy that I had pleased her, and it seemed she was now telling me that a part of me would continue to please her, each time she had sex with Grant. I let that thought overwhelm the dread I felt at the thought of my already tiny appendage shrinking further.”

Hearing that, she smiled at me. I’d like to think it was a genuine smile of love, but I knew deep down, I was but a toy for her to use, drain, and discard. Only men had the true pleasure of feeling the inside mistress's pussy. I was still on her thigh, covered in their combined juices, looking up at my mistress, but deep in my own anguished thoughts. My face must have given me away as she examined me; within a few moments, my mistress changed her countenance. The smile was slowly replaced with a smirk. Being as close to her pussy as I was, I could also smell a distinct change in scent. A scent not of post-orgasmic juices, but one closer to the scent I had first inhaled in the hotel bathroom. Was she getting aroused again? Did my anguish turn her on? She momentarily closed her eyes and whispered something I couldn’t hear. Within seconds, I felt my penis get fully erect and my head feeling woozy. Her scent overwhelmed me. I was ready to fulfill anything she asked of me.

Out of curiosity, I looked down at my erect appendage, and truth be told, it did look a bit smaller. I don’t know if it was 6% smaller but I’d measured it many times over the years, and it definitely was smaller. The ritual was undoubtedly successful.

My mistress had decided to act on her arousal. She put her hands on my head and guided it to her pussy. I began licking gently without hesitation; her scent was my world, preparing her for her man. Mistress, meanwhile, moved her right hand onto Grant’s penis and slowly began to massage it back to life. She whispered into Grant’s ear, barely audible to me, rousing him awake via both mind and penis, "Grant, I need your cock again. I know you’re tired, so let me do the work honey. I'm feeling extra horny today." With that, she pushed me away to the foot of the bed, rolled on top of Grant, and placed his already hard cock into the beautiful pussy I had just prepared. From the foot of the bed, I looked at her slowly grinding her hips atop a waking Grant, savoring the feel of his cock growing to its full size within her. She leaned down and kissed Grant on the lips, and whispered dirty things I couldn’t hear into his ear. Whatever she said got him going, and soon enough, he was thrusting up into her as well. I couldn’t help but appreciate the natural order of things.

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Re: The Natural Order of Things

Unread post by eater » Tue Apr 04, 2023 12:19 pm

very hot

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Re: The Natural Order of Things

Unread post by Sexilexi » Tue May 02, 2023 7:04 pm

How intriguing and what an interesting concept!

That was a fun read. Thank you for sharing.

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