Emma and Jack Chapter 1: The Club

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Emma and Jack Chapter 1: The Club

Unread post by TheSecretStag » Sat May 04, 2019 5:35 am

Chapter 1: The Club

The girls spilled out of the taxi and into the club, bursting through the double doors in their short skirts and tight dresses in a cacophony of voices and laughter. Arm in arm they made their way across the dance floor, through clouds of freezing cold dry ice and the hot, tightly packed mass of drunken dancers to the bar.

“Seven apple Sourz” Julia shouted across to the barman.

Emma winced, she’d been planning on pacing herself all night in the hope of sneaking home early.

“Just get me a G and T” she shouted at Julia.

“No! I know what you’re trying to do!” Julia leaned across to the barman “She’s being boring, get her an extra shot, me too”.

“Julia!” Emma exclaimed but she knew that this was going to be one of those nights that she just had to go along with until its inevitable messy conclusion.

Julia grabbed Emma’s elbow and pulled her closer to the bar, as the girls crowded in behind them, motioning to the luminous green shot glasses the barman had lined up for them.

Julia raised her shot glass “down in one ladies!”.

Emma picked her glass up and knocked the bright green liquid straight back down her throat.

“Well?” Julia

“Euugh” Emma pretended to wretch.

“Come on!” shouted Julia “Don’t pretend you haven’t swallowed worse!”

“Julia!” Emma swatted her friend on the arm but she could already feel a warm flush spreading across her chest.

“Again! Again!” The girls pressed in from behind, pinning Emma and Julia against the bar.

Emma shot Julia a “what are you getting me into” look then picked up the second shot glass and ostentatiously made a big show of flicking her long blonde hair over her shoulder, throwing her head back and tipping the contents of the glass down her throat.

“Let’s go dance!” shouted Julia.

Emma motioned Julia towards the dance floor. “You go. I just want to text Scott and make sure everything’s ok at home.”

“Ok” replied Julia who could see that half the girls were already strutting their stuff “but I know what you’re doing. There’s no escaping that dance floor tonight!”

“I will, I promise.” Shouted Emma “But when they’re playing my kind of music.”

“Ok.” Conceded Julia “But if I don’t see you out there soon I’m coming to get you!”

“Fine!” said Emma, shooing her friend away and into the sea of twisting bodies on the dance floor.

Emma sat on one of the trendy white leather stools that were lined up in front of the bar and ordered a Gin and Tonic. She checked her watch. Eight forty five. Three hours until the cab was due to collect them and she was already feeling light headed. Scott would probably be eating his pizza by now and watching one of his awful tv programmes with zombies that she only allowed him to watch when she wasn’t there. Except tonight she wished that she was there. Actually she thought he’d probably spent the past hour trying to decide what film to watch and then, having left it too late, got bored and text her to see what she was up to.

She reached into her gold clutch bag for her phone. One text message from Scott. Emma smiled at how predictable her husband was and how well she knew him.

“How’s it going?x” the message read.

Emma began typing: “It’s fine. Girls are all off dancing. Wish I could come home. X”

Emma put the phone back in her bag and instantly regretted it as she spotted the local weirdo desperately trying to catch her eye from the other end of the bar.

Great, she thought, just what I need tonight. All dressed up, abandoned at a bar I never wanted to come to and now I have to fend off the resident creep.

Desperately trying to avoid making eye contact Emma stared straight ahead at the dance floor, silently praying for one of her friends to come and rescue her.

Her phone buzzed in her bag. Emma checked the message. Scott again: “Why don’t you come home and I can finish what I started ;-)x”

The text was typical of Scott she thought. She hadn’t asked him to go down on her and whilst she enjoyed it the fact that she was now sat here feeling alone and unsatisfied wasn’t exactly making this evening any better.

I could go home, she thought. The girls must have been gone for at least two or three songs now and weren’t showing any signs of coming back. She could easily sneak out without being noticed and then send Julia an apology via text: I’m not used to drinking and those shots have suddenly made me feel ill.

But then, why? She had spent ages getting ready for tonight, she looked stunning and she knew it. Scott can handle the kids in the morning. God knows she’d done more than her fair share of six AM starts and nursed him through enough hangovers. Tonight was her time to let her hair down and have some fun.

As she slipped her phone back into her purse thinking that she would leave Scott with the memory of his tongue between her legs and the false hope that she would be home soon for him to put it back there, Emma realised that the resident wierdo was making his way towards her from the end of the bar. As she looked around for someone to rescue her a completely irrational panic, that at any other time would have seemed funny set in. She couldn’t see any of her friends on the dance floor, the barman was serving a customer and she saw with a dawning sense of horror that her glass was empty.

Emma rolled her eyes upwards to whatever gods were looking down on her and silently pleaded for him to just be on his way to the loo.

“Hi” Emma recoiled at the smell of cheap booze on his breath and cheaper aftershave on his neck.

“Hi” Emma replied desperately wishing the ground would swallow her up.

“I noticed you from over there” he indicated to the other end of the bar.

“Mhmm hmm”. Emma desperately hoped no-one was seeing this.

“Can I get you a drink?” he offered.

“I’m fine, thanks, I was actually just getting ready to leave”

“Oh, I don’t think so, I saw you come in with your friends and they’re all still here with you”

Seriously?! Emma thought. It’s bad enough he’s talking to me but he’s also a psycho stalker?!

“Emma?” The voice had come from a group of young lads that had approached the bar whilst Andy from Little Britain had her attention.

Jack! Emma’s eye’s widened and a smile played out across her face at the sight of her best friend’s son.

“Jack, hi!” Emma stood off her stool as Jack moved in to kiss her hello and she felt herself lightly placing her hand on his back, pulling him towards her slightly more eagerly than she should have done so that her breasts softly pressed against his granite chest.

As they moved apart she became flushed with embarrassment at having acted so enthusiastically. God she’d practically shot off her stool like a bullet from a gun to kiss him. But, she told herself, she’d been so relieved to be rescued from the mortification of talking to Mr Creepy that she would have done that with anyone.

“Fancy seeing you here” Jack grinned at her.

As the resident wierdo spluttered something about being about to buy this girl a drink, Jack put his five foot ten, stocky, muscular frame between him and Emma completely cutting him off.

“I’ll get you a drink” he motioned at her empty glass.

“Thanks, I’ll have a G&T” As the wierdo sensed defeat and retreated Emma suddenly became aware of how little space there was between her and Jack. He stood, leaning on the bar, just millimetres away from where she sat on her stool and the bar had become busier, a three deep crowd of revellers pressing in behind them to buy drinks. She noticed that he didn’t carry a wallet, instead ostentatiously pulling a huge wad of bank notes out of his back pocket and cockily waving it around in front of the barman who was busy serving another customer. Emma wondered if he was doing this for her Scottefit or for some of the, admittedly pretty, young girls that were mingling in the crowd trying to ensnare some gullible soul to buy their drinks for the night. She noticed many of these girls were being less than obvious in trying to get Jack’s attention, jockeying with one another at the bar to get to a position where they might catch his eye or, more probably Emma thought, Jack would catch an eyeful of their tits.

She followed the gaze of one of these girls back to Jack and noticed how the tight charcoal t-shirt that he was wearing clung to his midriff and had ridden up his upper arms showing off his thick, tattooed forearms and biceps. As he leant over the bar his dark blue jeans pulled tight against his taught arse which was definitely in competition with Scott’s for rear of the year. As her mind drifted to the thought of judging Jack and her husband in a best bum competition she felt keenly aware that she’d been staring at Jack for far too long. Snapping out of her trance she realised her ogling must have been comically obvious to him and was he was now being less than subtle himself about checking her out in return.

Emma suddenly felt very self conscious as this gorgeous twenty three year old ran his eyes slowly downward over her body, lingering over the bare breasts exposed at the top of her corset, down over the skintight jeans that accentuated her tight toned legs and finally to the gold diamente fuck me shoes that she had worn to drive her husband wild later in the evening. I can’t believe he’s checking me out! Emma thought, but then she hadn’t exactly been subtle. But she didn’t mean anything by it and it was entirely innocent on her part, after all, what could ever happen take place between a forty something married mum and the, admittedly gorgeous, son of her best friend.

Bringing herself back down to earth with a bump as Jack brought her drink back from the bar Emma found herself slipping into effortless conversation.

“So” She shouted “Why are you here? I thought you were working away now?”

“Sorry?” Jack motioned with his hand in the air to suggest the music was too loud to hear.

“I thought you were working away?” Emma leaned forward on her stool.

“I was.” Shouted Jack, stepping forwards so that he had positioned himself between Emma’s legs.

“But the job’s only Tuesday to Thursday. It pays well though and it keeps me in shape.”

“I noticed!” Emma blurted out.

“Did you now?!” Jack flashed a cheeky grin at her.

“I meant I noticed it pays well!” Emma felt her face flushing red but thought to herself that for someone who looked like the typical bit of rough when he smiled his whole face lit up like a friendly cheeky boy. Which is what he is I suppose, Emma considered, just a boy. A boy with the muscular mans body of a manual labourer or builder Emma thought to herself.

“So why are you hear tonight?” He asked.

“I’m with friends, for a girls night out. You?”

“End of season Rugby club party.” He gestured to the crowd of rowdy lads that had wasted no time in lining shots up at the bar and acquainting themselves with some of the clubs young aspiring gold diggers.

“Jack, Jack!” one of them shouted across, drunkenly swaying towards them forcing Jack to push him backwards to stop him from falling into him and Emma. “Who’s the MILF?”

Emma flushed with embarrassment and suddenly felt desperately out of place. Why on earth had she stayed here when she could be at curled up on the sofa with her husband.

“Fuck off Dan” Jack pushed his friend hard, backwards, then steered him back into the middle of the group. Emma couldn’t help but notice how easily he’d manhandled his friend.

“I’m sorry, he’s pissed and doesn’t know how to behave himself.”

“It’s fine.” Emma laughed it off in the hope they could quickly move on. “Are you ok?” Jack could sense the mood had changed.

“I’m fine.” Emma replied curtly. “ I shouldn’t be here. My friends abandoned me the second we arrived and I’m talking to someone who’s young enough to be my son. I feel like one of those sad old ladies that sits at bars and desperately tried to pick up guys half her age.”

“Don’t be stupid” Dan leaned in closer and talked into her ear. As he did so he noticed how razor sharp her straight blonde hair had been cut and the big sliver hoop earrings that punctuated her ears. “You’re not trying to pick me up.”

Emma smiled. “No I’m not!” and playfully pushed him away, noticing how her hands bounced off her rock hard chest without him moving a millimetre. “I might be trying to pick you up though!” he whispered in her ear, and she felt a cold shiver ripple across her neck and back as his warm breath fluttered on her ear.

They both burst out laughing.

“Enough!” shouted Emma. “Behave yourself Jack Willis or I’m going to tell your mother what you get up to!” “Oh” Grinned Jack “You know what I get up to do you?!”

“I have a fair idea!”

Jack gestured at her empty glass. “Another?”

“No, I really need to be going.”

“Rubbish! You haven’t even said bye to your friends yet. Have one more while you wait for them and then I’ll walk you to a cab.”

“Ok, thanks.”

Emma fished her phone out of her purse and found a new message from Scott: “You’ve gone quiet. Everything ok?”

She began to type back “All fine. Be home soon”. Before hitting send Emma had an idea. She didn’t know whether she was emboldened by the drink or just the opportunity to spice things up at home but she deleted the text message and began typing again. Despite the fact Jack had been flirting with her (and she supposed she’d flirted back but that was ok, she was just having fun and didn’t think she’d crossed any line) clearly nothing was going to happen there. She could however have some fun with her husband tonight and she knew exactly which of his buttons to push. She finished typing her message: “Sorry been busy being chatted up by my hot young stud ;-)”. With a smile on her face and Jack about to put another drink in her hand she hit the send button.

Scott’s response was almost instantaneous: “Who is it, what’s he like?!’ Emma smiled to herself. She knew feelings of jealousy aroused her husband and, though she had never admitted it to Scott, part of her got turned on from teasing him. When they first started dating the had talked about her past experiences and she hadn’t failed to notice how hard he would get during those conversations.

Emma smiled as she began to type out her next message. “How tall are you Jack?” she asked as she typed.

“Five foot eleven. Why?”

“Ohhh. Scott wants to know who I’m talking to.”

“And he wants to know how tall I am?” Jack looked bemused.

“Not exactly.” She finished typing the text: “5’ 11, VERY muscular, covered in tattoo’s. Sound familiar ;-)”

“Finished?” Jack asked.

“Until he replies, yes.”

“Good, I want one dance with you before you go home.”

“No! I can’t dance to this!” Emma panicked. She’d just about pulled off staying cool in front of Jack and could sense she was minutes away with escaping for the night with her dignity intact and having actually had a bit of fun.

“Well what can you dance to?” Jack persisted. He clearly wasn’t going to let this drop.

“I don’t know, something eighties!”

“Ok, I’ll be right back.” And Jack disappeared into the mass of bodies on the dance floor.

“No wait!” Emma called out, her arm shooting out seconds too late to catch him.

Inside her purse her phone vibrated.

Another message from Scott: “Oh! Jack is there? You had me worried for a second. Say hi for me. Will you be home soon?”.

“You had me worried for a second”?! What was that supposed to mean?! Emma fumed at the inference. What was that supposed to mean?! “Fuck off Scott” she thought. Suddenly fuming she decided to take things up a gear. and found herself angrily typing: “ He called me a MILF and keeps asking me to dance.”

An immediate response: “You are a MILF! I keep telling you ;-) And you should go dance ;-)”

Then, almost immediately “Does he like your shoes?”.

God her husband could be a perv. “I don’t think he’s interested in my feet honey. He hasn’t taken his eyes off my tits all night.”

An immediate response: ‘I’m glad they’re getting the attention they deserve ;-) But I think you should come home so I can give them some attention ;-)”

I bet you do she thought. But Scott had left her all worked up and wanting more earlier tonight and now it was his turn to find out how that felt.

She typed a new message: “I won’t be home for a while honey, Jack wants me to go and dance with him. Go to bed if you want to, I’m in safe hands”. And as Jack appeared back at her side Emma turned her phone off.

Jack grabbed her hand and began pulling her in the direction of the dance floor as one of Emma’s favourite songs began blasting out over the speakers.

“Now this I can dance to!” Emma shouted and pulled Jack into the middle of the dance floor. They stood apart, Emma using her heels to draw her height up and make sure Jack had a great view of her tits as she shimmied her body from side to side.

As she rocked her hips in time to the music Jack reached out and pulled her in close, his hands gripping her hips firmly so that her body was pressed in tightly against his.

Emma’s eye’s widened in surprise. She felt angered by his presumptuousness, after all, she had never given him permission to touch her, but now he had…well. Two could play at that game and perhaps it wasn’t just Scott she would be leaving all worked up tonight!

Emma put her hands in the air and began waving them, turning her head from side to side to the rhythm of the beat of the so that her breasts rubbed against Jack’s chest.

God his chest is rock hard! Emma thought. As she danced she pretended not to notice his hands slowly creeping from her waist to her arse. Want a handful do we?! She waited, as his hands inched closer then, as his cupped his strong hands around her bum Emma grabbed them and span round and began grinding back into him. Jesus! Clearly he had been enjoying the feeling of her breasts pressing against him as he was now pushing back into her and there was a very definite bulge in his jeans.

Emma let go of Jacks hands and put her arms in the air, reaching back behind Jack’s head and locking her fingers together, so that he his hands were free to roam over her whole body. As she did so she threw her head back and rested it on his firm chest, giving him total control over her.

Jack couldn’t believe his luck. He sensed that Emma had been flirting with him at the bar and he’d hoped to get her on the dance floor but he’d never imagined that they would dance like this! His face was nuzzled into her neck and she smelled amazing. She was genuinely beautiful and clearly knew exactly what to do to drive him wild. The bulge in his jeans was so embarrassing and he had been doing everything that he could to hide it since they first started dancing but she must have noticed and either didn’t care or had decided to ignore it. Or she was enjoying it. Which, given the way she was grinding her arse against him, was probably the truth.

Well, her husband is at home and she’s clearly into this so may as well go for it! Jack pushed back into her, bucking his hips so that he was nearly lifting her off the dance floor. In response she drove her arse downwards, pushing right back onto him. Emboldened Jack began running his hands up and down Emma’s body.

As Jack ran his hands upwards, over her thighs and slowly up her sides the music came to an abrupt halt. Instantly Emma turned round in his arms. “Enjoy your dance?” She smiled and Jack quickly noticed how her whole face lit up, she had gorgeous dark eyes and a beautiful smile. “I think you could tell I did” he replied.

Emma let out a funny, throaty, chuckle that struck him as a dirty little giggle then leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. As she did so he noticed how her sticky her lips were with pink lip gloss. “It’s way past my bedtime. Time for me to go and get my cab.” Deciding that it had been fun but that it was better to leave before she had anything to feel guilty over or regret, or for that matter to give Jack a chance to persuade her to stay, Emma spun on her heels and walked determinedly across the dance floor to the doors of the club.

“I’ll walk you to a cab” Jack called after her.

As they both stepped outside the cold night air pinched like so many daggers. “Here” Emma grabbed Jack’s arm and pulled it round her shoulder, snuggling in to his chest. “Keep me warm whilst you wave for a taxi.”

“There’s one right here” Jack waved it to a stop and opened the passenger door for Emma to climb in.

“Send me a text when you get home, so I know you arrived safe?”

Emma was touched by his protectiveness of her. “Ok, ok!” she agreed, shooing him from the cab. “Now go dance like that with one of those little hotties that have been drooling at you all night!” Jack laughed as the cab pulled away and headed back into the club to find one of those little hotties to work out his frustrations on.
Secret Stag to a gorgeous hot wife, sometime Bull and Erotica author. I enjoy chatting to cuckolds and hotwives and writing about what makes them tick.
https://literotica.com/stories/memberpa ... id=5052720

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Re: Emma and Jack Chapter 1: The Club

Unread post by allengt » Sat May 04, 2019 5:53 am

Welcome to the forum.
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Re: Emma and Jack Chapter 1: The Club

Unread post by TheSecretStag » Sat May 04, 2019 6:05 am

allengt wrote:
Sat May 04, 2019 5:53 am
Welcome to the forum.
Secret Stag to a gorgeous hot wife, sometime Bull and Erotica author. I enjoy chatting to cuckolds and hotwives and writing about what makes them tick.
https://literotica.com/stories/memberpa ... id=5052720

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Re: Emma and Jack Chapter 1: The Club

Unread post by CuckedDude » Sun May 05, 2019 3:06 pm

hotttt premises

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Re: Emma and Jack Chapter 1: The Club

Unread post by Cobra1000 » Thu May 09, 2019 6:08 am

Hope you continue. Some of the best writing on the forum.

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