My Cuckold Journey

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Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by hwc » Mon Feb 24, 2020 5:10 pm

Hi Turbo, are you still looking in here ever? Any thoughts of continuing your story where you left off?

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Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by SamWarrens » Mon Feb 24, 2020 7:52 pm

Well,,,, did you get the garage finished?
Time to get back to the story!
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by hwc » Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:43 pm

Never wanted a story to be continued more than this. But can't see it happening. This bird has flown....

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Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by turbo55 » Sun Jun 07, 2020 1:34 pm

Ok you wankers I have one more story. It's the story I have been wanting to write for a long long time. It's the most out there, fucked up, unbelievable story of all my stories. I didn't want to jump to this story without some chronological sequence as it really is the biggest of my stories. This will likely tank all my other smaller stories leading up to this and even after this. I left it this long because I wanted to clean up the end of the Leah saga, but I just can't. There's been some real blockages of what I can and can't remember at the end. We got divorced and it REALLY fucked me up; to the point where many would say I've never been the same. I don't want to go there... not yet anyways...


EVA Part 1

To start this is 100% legit truth but it's so insanely unbelievable, even in my own mind. It won't seem real and it sure as fuck didn't seem real at the time but it happened and I believe if you follow me down this rabbit trail long enough to the end you will start to see why it all happened in the first place.

So, after Leah... divorce happened... it was gross... about a year after I was pretty fucked up and was missing being cucked like a fucking meth head who was stranded on a deserted island. I paid my now separated wife 300 dollars after we split to just fucking talk to me about how much better Len was and why she left me and how she was glad she left my pathetic ass all while I was stroking my little guy until it was fucking raw. 300 dollars for an hour... she took me up on it to pay her rent... I asked her a month later and she said no... we were done and it made her feel gross... I offered her a grand and she hung up... She's still married to Len all these years later, although I have heard several reports she gets freaky once in a while at parties.

Ok so... at the time of this new story I was working about 5 hours away from home, staying in a hotel room. I wasn't eating because of the depression from my failed marriage and with working all the time I was in pretty great shape. The shift had me up there quite a bit and I was getting paid very well... $25,000/month, most of it free and clear. It was boom days in this city I was working in and I was in the right trade at the exact right time. Cash was flowing out of my wallet.

My cousin had his wedding and I was invited, it was a simple coincidence that the wedding was taking place in this city I was working in. I wouldn't have gone if I wasn't already there but I went by myself and was only going to stay a few hours. It was the "party" side of the family so the booze was flowing and pretty much everyone was fucked right up by 9pm.

At one point, I would say around 10pm (I was still an early bird remember) I was getting tired and looked over and there was the "pretty" table. You know the one, everyone at the table is at least a 9. There is a girl with blonde hair, blue eyes, and just drop dead gorgeous by any standards staring at me. Like really staring...

I thought to write this story today because of one reason. I was browsing reddit and found a picture of a girl named Eva Mikulski. When I saw her I had to take a triple take because this girl who was staring at me looked exactly like Eva. The difference being a few things, the girl starting back at me was very natural blonde with very long hair and had a very firm double d rack. She was 5'11" and wearing 4" heels. She was clearly a woman of power and confidence.

You ever seen someone that beautiful in real life and you think "what the fuck? how the fuck?" Like I wasn't even turned on or interested in her because she was SOOO far out of my league that it felt like I was violating something if I looked her in the eyes.

Remember my ex (who was still my wife at the time, it takes a long time to get a divorce) was looking warn especially from divorce. I don't remember who I compared her to before but after two kids she looked like Dawn French at her biggest. Not ugly per say but sliding fast.

So I left you with Eva uncomfortably staring at me... you need to picture me looking behind me and around me wondering what the hell she could have possibly been looking at. She laughed, got up and walked over to me. I would say at that point I was a young Kevin James. Not ugly but... I could feel my face was on fire, embarrassed before she even approached me. She walked up to me like Jessica Rabbit with that super feminine hip tilting thing that was so fucking sexy. She approaches me and I could tell she had been drinking.

"Hi, I couldn't stop staring at you" she said as she approached.

"Ummm... hi" I said not sure what the hell was going on and thinking there's something on my face or she thought she knew me.

She now looked me square in the eyes and with a sexy husky voice said "You wanna get out of here?"

My brain froze. This is the moment every guy wanks about but I couldn't do it. I looked around the room and thought maybe this was a joke. Maybe someone is filming... maybe I'm going to say yes please and everyone will laugh.

I felt like I was physically choking "Ummm.... haha... ummmm... I gotta go..." I said meekly and b-lined it for the door sweating everywhere... there was no fucking way I could even keep looking at her. Even with me in shape she was still 4-5 points above me.

At the door, I tripped on the floor jamb and caught myself not looking back to see if she saw. I kept thinking "what the fuck even gives her the right to walk up to me and talk to me like that?"

I get that's fucked, like why can't she talk to me but I was seriously bullied in school and had very little confidence. For a girl that fucking good looking to come up to me and talk to me smiling and acting like any world that consisted of her and I made any sense seriously made me fucking mad!

So I go back to my hotel room and was laying there... thinking... did I fuck up? What is wrong with me? I'm not ugly but... I tossed and turned all night, mostly fuming... mad at her, even more mad at myself... zero horny.

The next morning I woke and life was basically back to normal. I knew I would never see her again and it didn't even bother me. I got up, went downstairs in the hotel and decided to get breakfast when I got the call...

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Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by turbo55 » Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:06 pm

EVA Part 2

I answered my phone and a woman's voice says "Doug?"

"Yes" I answered having no idea who I was talking to... I mean you can see now who it was but at the time I was clueless. The girl from the night before was the absolute farthest thing from my mind...

"It's me... Eva..." We hadn't even exchanged names or anything so I had no idea who this was...

"Umm Eva? Ummm..." I stammered

"From last night silly!" She says excitedly. "We talked on the dance floor..."

"Ummm I'm sorry... who" The faintest light goes on my head but I kept thinking "no fucking way, this can't be"

"I'm the blonde that made a fool of myself last night, remember... in the blue dress? You said you had to go and left me standing there..." she said

"Oh shoot! I'm sorry about that... I... I... how are you?" I said confused. How did she get my name and number?

"I saw you last night and couldn't stop thinking of you all night... I woke up this morning and phoned the bride who talked to your cousin... and well they both laughed and gave me your number..." she said in an almost apologetic way... "Holy shit do I sound like a creeper... I've never done anything like this..."

My brain felt cross wired... I mean this smoking hot 10 is actively pursuing me to the point that she is scoping me out!

"Please say something haha... is this ok? are you mad?" she said clearly embarrased

"Umm yeah... no... I'm not mad... it's all good... what's up?" I said trying to keep cool

"Are you doing anything today? Do you want to come over?" She asked... "I can make you breakfast and maybe we can get to know each other..."

"Umm... how do I know you're not a crazy axe murderer?" I asked laughing

"Yeah, I get how this sounds, I've never ever done anything like this before... to be honest... I just looked at you and I knew... you know?" she said.

Interestingly warning bells did not go off but they likely should have...

"Yeah... ok..." not sure how to respond at all "Maybe we can meet up for coffee first?" I asked

"Sure" she said "Timmies work?"

30 minutes later I'm sitting at the coffee shop staring across the table from the absolute most beautiful woman I've ever seen. The strange thing is looking at her I couldn't picture kissing her. I remember her talking to me, she seemed nice but my mind was trying to picture actually kissing a legit celebrity perfect 10... could I? Would I want to? I get it, many of you would likely say "fuck yeah" but being that close and she smelled so amazing... I was honestly not sure if I was even sexually into her. Isn't that fucking weird? It's like she was too good looking and the balls... the masculinity... the guts... the sheer manliness that it would take to step up, grab this intense woman by the back of the head and kiss her... do I have that? I don't think I do... I'm not that guy... and the thought of doing that made me... sick? made me... I don't know what... it made me feel very uncomfortable.

She was nice enough for sure. Absolutely sexual. Very sexual. It was in everything, how she walked, how she talked, within minutes she had her hand on mine from across the table looking deep into my eyes. She had no makeup like she did the night before and only had her hair in a pony tail but sat with perfect posture and had so much confidence that she still looked too beautiful to simply be out and about.

She said she was 19, almost 20... was a model (surprise surprise) and had already traveled to many countries for her shoots. She asked what I did for a living and we had idle chit chat for a couple of hours. I told her I was 26, separated from my wife and had two kids. She didn't seem phased at all... It turned out to be just a good date I guess. She kept staring at me with her big eyes and huge smile with perfect teeth.

Again she asked "Do you want to go back to my place?"

"No, I have some errands to do, but maybe I can get a rain check?" I said even though I had no errands but still was very uncomfortable and couldn't picture actually being alone with this girl.

She got up deliberately showing me her backside, turned her head slowly and said "I'm not going to bite, unless you ask..."

I laughed and we both agreed we had each others number and left...

I have no idea what I did after that but about 3 hours later, she called me and was insanely crying, full out couldn't catch her breath...

"Whats wrong Eva?" I asked thinking her dad must have died...

Between gasps she said "I.... I.... I love you... I need you... I can't stop thinking about you... you are the one... you are mine and I am yours... I... please come over... I can't keep pretending... I need you in my arms... please... please come over..."

She went on like this for a solid 10 minutes. I wish I had a video of my face because I'm sure it was one of shock... I had no clue what to say...

"Ok... ok... I will come... calm down... where do you live?" I asked

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Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by pines » Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:48 pm

so glad you're back. anxiously waiting for the next part!


Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by desertsub » Thu Jun 11, 2020 6:22 am

Welcome back Turbo! I definitely want to see how this played out with Eva, your opening statement has got me really curious!


Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by OOAA » Thu Jun 11, 2020 3:15 pm


What a great surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome Turbo... and Eva! ;)

I will be eager to read your new story!!! :)

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Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by larryt » Tue Jun 16, 2020 8:47 pm

More! Please?

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Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by gesdell » Thu Jun 18, 2020 4:04 am

Turbo55 is very good at teasing the readers of his story. The slow build up then the abrupt stop leave people checking for more all the time. kudos

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Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by hwc » Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:50 pm

Welcome back Turbo! I really hope we are going to hear a continuation of your story at some point! Don't be a stranger, your stories are breathtaking!

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Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by Patxaran99 » Sun Jul 19, 2020 7:55 am

Welcome back, Turbo! We cannot wait to hear more. You tell your tale and experiences better than any member I have come across. Thank you for sharing these intimate details of your life.

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Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by sabya167 » Wed Jul 22, 2020 8:53 pm

What the hell man, again you disappear. You devious plotter.Come back NOW or I'm gonna break your garage.😀😃😄😁😆😅🤣😂🙂🙃😉😊😇🥰😍🤩😛😜🤪😝🤑🤗

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Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by lala2323 » Tue Aug 11, 2020 5:58 pm

Turbo, we’re all eagerly awaiting the rest of your tale. Thanks so much for sharing.

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Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by hwc » Thu Sep 03, 2020 5:10 am

I think we would all really love to hear the second half of your original story, it was so well told and then just left on the cliffhanger!

Do you think you will be able to continue it?

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Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by hwc » Sun Dec 06, 2020 4:17 pm

Are you still around Turbo?

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Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by hwc » Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:41 pm

This was one of the very best stories I have ever read, it would be such a shame if it was not finished.


Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by OOAA » Wed Jan 06, 2021 8:45 pm

hwc wrote:
Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:41 pm
This was one of the very best stories I have ever read, it would be such a shame if it was not finished.
Agree 100%!!! Let's see if we can get Eva back in 2021! :cool:

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Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by hwc » Tue Feb 23, 2021 12:01 pm

Would love a continuation of the original story!

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Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by snooper56 » Sat Aug 14, 2021 5:19 am

Turbo, lots of folks on here are hooked, me included. So, then what happened?

Seriously, I get that it may be difficult but don't doubt for a second that people are interested. Hope you are doing OK now. Come back when you are ready.

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Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by lala2323 » Mon Aug 16, 2021 8:53 am

Turbo, I think I've previously made a similar plea as well. Your stories are deeply personal and engaging. I really look forward to more insights into your life. Every few months i come back and re-read your earlier writings. So much emotion in them. Please come back. ;-)

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Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by hwc » Tue Aug 17, 2021 4:57 pm

Hey, Turbo, don't know if you are still looking in occasionally or not, but it would be great if you found the time to continue your original story where you left off - which was somewhat of a cliff-hanger! It would be such a shame if it went incomplete and unfinished.

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Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by turbo55 » Mon Sep 06, 2021 7:54 am

EVA Part 3
I showed up at her condo 10 minutes later. It was a fancy apartment building and she rang me up to the top floor. As I mentioned the city was absolutely booming back then and I knew what a fancy apartment went for. Not cheap, so I knew Eva either had money or came from money. I knocked on her door and she opened it. She had changed and was wearing a red knee length dress that flared out. It looked both sexy and modest. She was still crying and flung her arms around me.

Pause the story for a moment, :roll: I just read parts 1 and 2 to bring me back into the memory and the memories of Eva came flooding back. I know I explained (in slow detail) just how beautiful she was and how inadequate I felt. I just want to emphasize it one more time… the anger… there was actual anger when she threw her arms around me. She stood for all the real hot girls in high school. The ones who would roll their eyes at me if they saw me looking at them. The girls who were so hot that they knew they were hot and used their looks to get any guy to do anything. Eva was so much hotter than any of those girls from school… and she seemed kind… I was triggered and remember it like it was yesterday. How I felt almost disgusted with her and her “kind”. So awful to think of now, I mean that was 100% my shit that I was putting on her, I can see that now.

Back to the story… She threw her arms around me crying and I asked confused “what’s wrong”? She cried for another five minutes and I slowly walked over with her to her living room while she cried. Her place was beautiful, 9 foot ceilings, stainless appliances, a big fireplace, well laid out and had nice leather couches in the living room. The living room had six large sized photos of her modeling, clothed but sexy, in locations all around the world. On one of the night stands I could see a picture of her as a “Sunshine Girl” for another city. She later told me that’s how she made her break into modelling. She was too young to have a place like this, but I suppose sometimes there’s something to being beautiful.

As she started to calm down I looked in her eyes and asked again, “what’s wrong Eva”? She started speaking in gasps saying she’s never been with anyone before that she could see actually being married to. She said that I was so sweet and not arrogant like the guys she’s dated. Of course as she was saying all of this I kept thinking “how the hell does she know me? We just met? Married?” but of course it was nice to be seen so I went with it. She was saying how she knew 100% that I was her soul mate, she “just knew” and that she dreamt of me all night. I was steps behind in her thinking but kept listening as she calmed down. We talked for the next few hours about nothing in particular, about her place, about what it’s like to be a professional model, about life etc. Nothing exciting. We ordered in food and she had a healthy appetite. She seemed normal and down to earth other than her thinking she met her soul mate.

As it got dark out she told me to run to her car for her to grab something. I don’t remember what it was but I went down the elevator to the underground parkade and found her completely done up pink Toyota Supra. I mention this as it was just so Eva. Not a Mercedes like a typical princess but a completely done up sports car that only someone with a little car knowledge would get is a fantasy car. She had a wing on the back and it was a manual transmission. This was a girl who knew what she wanted… and likely drove fast.

I brought whatever it was back up to her apartment and walked in with her keys. That’s where I stopped. The room was dim and lit with candles and some slow music was playing. I was not in any way expecting this. I walked around the corner and she was standing there, somewhat awkwardly, naked. Her legs were crossed and she ran her fingers through her long hair with a smile. What a sight. Her breasts were… perfect. Her body was beyond anything I thought I would see in my lifetime and above her pussy was a perfectly shaved little mound of blonde hair. She smiled and I smiled back; except her smile was like a vixen and mine was like she was fucking nuts. This was nuts.

She walked towards me and put her arms around my neck and kissed me deep. It was soft and delicious. She smelled sooo good. Like those girls who walk by you in a mall who are so hot and the smell of their perfume just makes your heart sink into your stomach. I gently pushed her away thinking “I just met you, you don’t know me, you don’t know I’m small and ejaculate fast and am a cuckold and… all those thoughts that I’m sure a macho guy wouldn’t even entertain”. I wanted to puke, to run, to explode. It’s so easy to say “just fuck her man!” but if you are ever in that situation and feel inadequate in every way, its just not that easy. I stood there with all those voices of doubt rolling around in my head and just took a step back, looked at her from head to toe not believing how beautiful she was. She said quietly “take me… I’m all yours…”.

My eyebrows shot up and I laughed a little. “No… I’m not… ummm no…” I said stammering. Immediately she had this hurt in her eyes. She went over to the light and flicked it on and immediately the entire living room was bright again. It was so weird her naked, me clothed in a room full of light. Not sexy. She started to cry and went over to the couch (I will always have this part burned into my mind). She sat with her feet on the couch curled up with her knees by her face. She buried her face between her knees and started crying. I was concerned at how I hurt her but… her legs were open a few inches and her little tight pussy was at the perfect angle and open in the perfect way to see it all. It was wet and pink and perfect. I was used to milf pussy… you know what I mean, so hot absolutely, in fact the kind I prefer, but Eva’s was like Reddits r/godpussy kind of stuff. I remember that moment because it was the first time I felt a stirring in my pants. The first time I wondered “Could I actually fuck this woman?”. I couldn’t stop staring at that pink(which I guess is a little rude as she was crying).

“I’m sorry Eva…” I said sitting next to her. Between her knees still crying she said “I don’t know why I would think you would ever want me…” I was stunned at that comment. Why I would want her? I quickly grabbed a throw blanket and wrapped it around her because I could imagine she might be chilly and feeling exposed (and so she didn’t catch me staring). I told her that I found her beyond compare with both her inside and outside beauty. That she was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid my eyes on. She was perfect in every way and that was kind of the issue. I said “Eva, you don’t understand, I’m uncomfortable because you are so beautiful. Your skin is perfect, your face is perfect, your body is perfect, you seem so kind and loving… what in the world do I have to offer a woman like you?”

She laughed a little and told me only muscle bound assholes are ever interested in her. That nice guys don’t even come up to her. They avoid her like the plague and run if she shows interest. She said it really sucked to be a model sometimes, so many douchy guys… I could finally kind of understand. I think she knew I was safe. I wouldn’t hurt her. We talked a little more and then she turned and kissed me again, full mouth and with passion. I pulled away again, my heart in my throat and my little guy still hard as a rock. Her hair smelled so… sexy…

“Wait…” I said “First off… I’m really not used to moving this fast and I have to say I’m a little scared… I can see myself really falling for you… you are perfect… but…” I trailed off not sure what to say…

“But what?” she asked hesitantly?

“Aaargh…” I said with a little frustration and angst. “I’m… I was in a really weird relationship… I’m…”

“What? What is it?” she asked

“Ok… here goes” I said reluctantly. “My last real relationship… actually almost all of my real relationships… well women… well I’m… I’m a little fucked up… and…” I just couldn’t come to say it out loud and I wasn’t even sure what I wanted to say. I just knew that if she knew me, she would never accept me.

“Doug whatever it is, I know I want to be with you… I know it without a doubt… you are my guy… you are kind of scaring me… what is it? You are safe…” she said putting her arm around me on the couch and pulling me in. She was warm and soft. There was heavy silence hanging in the air.

“My ex… well… actually women…

well… they…

cheat on me…” I said holding off on more.

“What?” Eva said startled. “I would never cheat on you Doug… oh my goodness… what the fuck? What??? Why???”

“Wait…” I said “There’s more… they cheat on me…




I’m not a great lover…” I said with a audible letting go of my breath.

Eva interrupted “Doug, I’m sure you are fine, whatever it is we can work on it, we can practice, I’m sure I can show you a few things…”
I remember that feeling… why was I telling her all this? Why would I sabotage THIS? This beautiful woman who for some reason saw me as her everything? Why would I tell her this shit? My insecurities, my fucked up fantasies, my dark shit that always fucking surfaces and ruins everything? There was so much shame. Shame on top of shame… an incredibly beautiful naked woman who has put me on a pedestal… I’m telling her my darkest secrets… I’m terrified she will think I’m a freak… so much shame.

I had a tear running down my cheek, she saw it and wiped it off holding me closer… “Wait” I cut her off speaking quietly and slowly looking down “I have to tell you my gross secret… I’m broken… I’m fucked up…

(Rolling silence)

I get off on it… the cheating… the humiliation… I mean it’s not really cheating… I mean I didn’t always… but now it is my… kink and I know it’s fucked up… please don’t hate me”

I thought I was going to throw up as I could feel her arms around me loosen and the room went eerily silent.


Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by afagehi7 » Mon Sep 06, 2021 9:13 am


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Re: My Cuckold Journey

Unread post by gesdell » Mon Sep 06, 2021 6:40 pm

WOW! I can't believe you opened up to her and told her the truth right at the beginning of your relationship. It was the right thing to do, being honest, but to open yourself up for rejection just to make her feel better seems so hard that it could cut diamonds.

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