Ponytail: A Bull's Story

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Rex-Lex » Thu Feb 02, 2017 2:32 am

Thank you. This really is tremendously good. Rare indeed to find such eloquence and erotic tension combined in such a credible tale. Please do continue.

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Rex-Lex » Thu Feb 02, 2017 2:32 am

I hope you are not disappointed by the relatively low number of comments. Your writing deserves more acclaim.

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by lex3 » Thu Feb 02, 2017 3:39 am

Incredibly good story

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by pumachug » Thu Feb 02, 2017 4:35 am

Rex-Lex wrote:I hope you are not disappointed by the relatively low number of comments. Your writing deserves more acclaim.
Totally agree. I have loved the pace as well as the POV. The bull takes it slow, but is focused on the goal and pauses along the way to share fantasies with the reader. Excellent writing. A story well worth reading.


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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Star42 » Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:02 am

This is very well written. Look for new chapters everytime I come on.

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by SamWarrens » Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:18 am

I have a hard time waiting for new chapters. Great slow build up. If we were scoring each chapter gets 5 out of 5
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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by mace43uk » Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:02 am

A great piece of writing ...bravo...

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Joatster » Thu Feb 02, 2017 1:42 pm

Thanks to all of you for the comments. As luck would have it, I was feeling authorly today and had some time I hadn't expected to have. I got rolling along and produced a couple of chapters. I hope you enjoy them. Again, I've done minimal editing here, so if you spot something, let me know so I can fix it.

Chapter 8

I spent Monday catching up on work. One of the challenges of doing the independent contractor thing is that not only do you have to be able to do your job well, you must market yourself and find more work. Being good helps drive word of mouth, but you still have to negotiate the deals and get the contracts. Being good at that is just as important as the skills you bring to doing the job. Today was marketing and contracts. I was on the phone a lot. By two, I was done with being social. I was tired of smiling and being polite as we argued without arguing over contract terms.

I took off the headset and rolled my work line to go direct to voice mail. My mood lightened as I started packing my gym bag. The next baby step in getting my hands on that blonde ponytail was coming up. I was looking forward to it. As fun as Mary had been over the weekend, time with her was like drinking a soft drink. Lou, on the other hand would be a fine wine or a perfect whiskey. There was the bouquet to be savored before tasting. Then comes the glorious flavor filling your mouth, followed by the subtle lingering aftertaste that reminds you how wonderful it was.

Yes, Lou was going to be an experience to be relished. I’d enjoyed the initial maneuvers so far. This next week was going to be more…workmanlike. I had to get deeper into her husband’s head while keeping Lou on the edge. If I played this right, I’d have her willing to strip and screw strangers on Main Street in rush hour before long. In the meantime, I needed to keep her caught without quite satisfying her or disappointing her. Challenges in life are to be enjoyed and savored. Taking Lou was a worthy challenge.

I arrived at the gym about ten minutes before three. Lou’s car was in the parking lot. The weather had been nice lately, so I didn’t want to go run on a treadmill. Today wasn’t a lifting day for me, so I wanted to run a few laps on the two-mile trail the club had that wound around the building and through the neighboring woods. Changing only took a moment. As I left the locker room, I saw that the lights to the yoga room were dimmed. That meant the yoga class was doing their power napping wind down at the end of their workout. I never quite understood that, but to each their own.

I moved to the mats across from the door to the yoga room and began some loosening up. I moved through range of motion exercises and warm ups to get my body ready for serious exercise. By the time the yoga group had finished their nap, I had warmed up enough to do some light stretching. I was sitting with my feet together and my knees down in a butterfly stretch when Lou spotted me. She gave me a furtive wave and all but slunk over to me, looking around to see who was watching.

As she came up to me, I unfolded my legs and stood. “Little one, you are open and chat with everyone in this place. If you look like you are sneaking to talk with me, every soul in here will know something is up. The will assume I’m screwing you senseless. I’m guessing that you would be happier not waving that flag around. I’d just as soon not be the center of that type of gossip, so why don’t you just act like you normally would and smile and chat with me?”

I could see her taking it in. “You are right. Okay. Okay. Just like normal.” She paused in thought, then said, “There isn’t a normal with you.”

I laughed to myself. She was right of course. I’d played her up and down. There was no normal slot for me. “Just pretend I’m another person you see here regularly. You better figure it out quick. Here comes Donna.” Donna was a Body Pump trainer at the gym and a gossip buddy of Lou’s. She was pretty dialed in to everything going on in the social Peyton Place of this small town.

“Hi Lou, Dan. What’s up?”

I took the initiative. “Hey Donna. You are looking sharp. I like that top. I was just telling Lou here about my weekend. I flew up to Rhode Island and spent the weekend sailing.”

“Oh wow. By yourself?”

“Well, I had someone with me, but I did most of the boat handling.” Lou was blushing.

Donna smiled a knowing grin. “Who was it? Someone from around here? I bet the boat wasn’t the only thing handled.”

I gave her a wink, “Well, as a gentleman, I’m not naming names or going into crass details. However, we did get to play pirates and captives a bit.”

“Oooh. You’d make a great pirate. All swashbuckly and daring do.” She looked at Lou. “Wouldn’t he look good in a puffy sleeved pirate shirt all unbuttoned?”

Lou managed a nod. “I could…I could see that,” she said faintly.

I shook my head. “And what makes you think I was the pirate? I might have been out on the high seas shackled and forced to perform for a modern-day Anne Bonney. You are sooo not PC.” Lou gave a strangled snort as Donna bent over with a belly laugh.

“Dan, you are so funny. I gotta go teach a class. Look me up later. I want to hear all about how you were forced to perform.” She turned and jogged off to her class.

Lou was struggling to keep composed. I don’t know if she was holding in laughter at the thought of me being shackled by Mary, or trying to figure out how to act normally around me. Either way, she was just standing there with an odd look. Time to enforce a bit of control.

“You better get it together, my pet. If you start acting strange here I’ll shut things down. I bet Donna would give me an athletic romp if I pursued her.”

Lou jerked. “No, it’s just…just a lot to deal with.”

Time for the carrot now. “Yes, it is. But, it will be worth it in the long run. I promise you. Things will be sexually satisfying, absolutely over the top fantastic. But even more critical to you will be the personal growth you experience as that need you have only just been able to acknowledge is fulfilled.” I held her eyes while visualizing her bent over as I held that ponytail and slammed my hips into that taught little round ass.

Lou licked her lips. Oh, yes. She wanted it. She wanted it so much, and she didn’t even know what she wanted. I was enjoying the bouquet before tasting. It was wonderful.

“I got it. Like you said.”

I smiled at her. “You mean the key logger? Very nice.”

She pulled it from under her jog bra. “Here.”

I took it from her. “You know, a salty damp environment isn’t really good for technology.”

She looked distraught. “I’m sorry. Will it be okay?”

I gave her a stern look. “We’ll see. If it isn’t, it will delay things. You don’t want things delayed, do you?”

She shook her head. Then there was a pause between us. I had her where I wanted her. A little off balance, but still desiring. The thrill of the hunt coursed through me. Looking at her, I could see something building. She wanted something. I wondered if she was going to ask me to take her somewhere for another bit of petting like we did in the diner parking lot.

“So…did you?”

“Did I what?”

“You know…did you really go sailing with her?”

Ahh, sweet jealousy. What a wonderful tool, when used appropriately. “Indeed. We spent the whole weekend on the boat.”

“But, she didn’t…I mean you weren’t really shackled, were you?”

I laughed at her. “No, my pet. There is no shackling with Mary. We just fuck…a lot.”

“But what about me? I mean us. If you are with her, you know?”

“It is good for you that I know what is going on in your head because you are certainly not being very articulate, little one. You are all about the emotional and mental. The deep and meaningful. From that foundation, the physical is the sprinkles on the frosting of a desert that is following a five-star meal at the finest of restaurants. With Mary, I get some cotton candy at the fair. Now it is time for me to get a workout and for you to go gossip with your entourage in the locker room. I’m sure they will ask all about me. What will you tell them?”

I had spouted suggestions of an answer and then changed the subject. Those suggestions would percolate in her back brain. The mind is wonderful at filling in missing detail. She would take the suggestions and fill in the details to suit her needs. Changing the subject with a question that would take her attention took the fuzziness of my answer out of her immediate thoughts where it might be analyzed and picked apart. Neuro-linguistic programming at work.

“I…I don’t know what to tell them.”

“We’ve been here talking for over five minutes. I’ve seen at least four of your buddies watching us. You better have something ready.”

“Umm…I don’t know.”

“Tell them the gossip about me taking someone off for a weekend of debauchery. That will distract them. Not one word about Mary, though,” I warned.

I could see the social computer in her head processing that. She nodded. “That’ll work, especially with Jan. She really has it for you.”

Jan was the gym wiener king. No challenge there. I wasn’t interested. “Just tell them about what I told Donna. She has class and hasn’t been able to tell anyone the juicy stuff. You’ll be one up on her.”


“I will look at what is on here tonight. When is your schedule for tomorrow?”

“I have an appointment with Jeremy at nine.”

“And Jeremy is?”

“Personal trainer. He works with me on my weight training.”

Okay, so here is what I want. I’ll meet you at your house at noon. You can feed me lunch and we’ll look at Jeff’s porn.”

“My place?” That startled her.

“Yes. Does the proximity of a bed scare you?”

“Well, no…maybe. The neighbors.”

“I’m just a gym friend coming to help you with a computer problem. I won’t be there long enough to raise an eyebrow.”

“Okay…Noon then?”

“Yes, noon. Oh, and one more thing. When you leave, stop by my car. There is a box in the passenger seat for you. You are to wear what is in it when I come by. Only what is in it, nothing else.”

Lou swallowed. “What is it?”

“Did you ever see Pulp Fiction? Remember the gimp in that leather mask?”

Her eyes bulged. It was adorable. “What!”

“I’m kidding. It isn’t anything extreme at all. It’s just some nice sexy things that will show your sexual beauty off for me.” I had played that one like the college girl calling home and saying she’s pregnant. When she finally says that she’s joking and just needs some money, the parents are so relieved that they don’t question sending her the money. Lou might have balked a bit at sexy clothes without the specter of a leather gimp mask first.

“Oh, okay.”

Chapter 9

As I walked from my car to her door, I took in the house and neighborhood. Jeff and Lou lived in a turn of the last century Queen Anne victorian that had been updated. Very nice. All the houses on Union Street had belonged to the wealthy owners and managers of the old cotton mill at the end of the street. I had parked at the mill, which was offices and condos now, and strolled the two blocks to her place.

As I walked along the tree lined street I wondered if I had managed to get the size right on the things I’d bought for her. Women’s clothes were rather confusing. Fortunately, I’d had the opportunity to purchase intimate apparel for a number of women and had a pretty good eye for sizes. If the things fit, I was sure that Lou would look tasty.

I also considered Lou. I had moved her a long way already. Would she backtrack or had she completely surrendered when she handed me those damp yellow panties? I went up the brick walkway to her door and decided I’d find out soon enough.

I knocked rather than ringing the bell. Knocking is more physical. Even little things like that send a message. It was almost a minute later that I spotted movement behind the curtain of the window to the left of the door. Then I heard the lock clicking on the front door. She pulled it open, hiding behind the door. I stepped in. She closed the door and stood before me wearing a bathrobe. Yep, she’d decided to push back a little. I needed to do a little behavior modification. Even if she had the things I’d purchased on under that robe, she’d disobeyed me.

“Oh…I see. You have changed your mind. Very well. I’ll see you at the gym, Lou.” I turned to the door.
“No! Wait. I have them on, look.” She was busy untying the robe.

“Stop.” I raised a hand. “I told you very specifically what I wanted. You deliberately chose to do something else. Now you are saying you don’t want to end your journey. Do I have it right?”

Lou nodded without meeting my eyes.

“I’ve not made it clear enough, so now I’ll spell it out. Disobedience is the same as telling me you want me to leave you alone. If I ever tell you to do something again and you accept the task and then fail to fulfil it, you won’t have the chance to go back. It is all over at that point. Is that crystal clear?”

“Yes. I just was worried about being seen and thought…”

I interrupted, “No. Don’t compound this with a falsehood. You could have been bare ass naked and hid behind the door just like you did in that robe. You know it and I know it. Honesty, Lou. We must trust each other. You weren’t very trustworthy here. I couldn’t trust you to fulfill a specific request that you said you’d do. Then you tried to tell me a lie about it.” I stopped and looked around. “Kitchen table. Not the dining room – kitchen. Where is it?”

She pointed down the hall. “Down here. Why?”

I pierced her with a look. “Do you remember me saying I’d remember you telling me I was full of shit?”

She paled. “Yes.”

“And this today,” I shook my head. “We need to clear the books. Did the things I got you fit?”

“Yes, how did you know my sizes?”

I smiled…like a hungry shark. “Calibrated eyeballs, little one. Are you wearing them under that robe?”

She just nodded. I turned my wrist and looked at my watch. “Now, this is what will happen. You have forty-five seconds to be in the kitchen bent over the table. I don’t want to see that robe anywhere. I don’t care if you have to stuff it in the fridge, I don’t want to see it.”

She stood there looking at me. “Forty seconds.” She turned on her heel and hustled down the hall.”

This was going to be sweet torture for me. As much as I’d love to walk in there and spank that butt and fuck her, I wasn’t going to do anything until we had her husband in the loop. Open communication and trust was needed for this to all work right.

I strolled down the hall to the doorway she dashed through. These old houses were certainly divided up. I’d come through and knock down a few walls if this were my place. As the sweep second hand on my Tag Heuer reached twelve, I stepped in to behold a wonderful sight.

Lou had pulled a chair away from the table and was indeed bent at the waist with her upper body stretched across the tabletop. Even with her heels, she had to raise up on her toes a bit to do it. Black heels with sheer black stockings that were held up by a lacy black garter belt. She had on sheer black panties and bra as well. Delectable. Her ponytailed blonde hair was the icing on the cake.

I slowly crossed the room to her. I could see her trembling. “Lou, you have never submitted yourself before, have you?”

“No, not like this.”

“I wager not like anything. Even if you tried to let go sometime in the past, you managed to maintain control from the bottom. You don’t get to do that with me. I’m in charge. You just let go and let me lead this parade.” I stepped behind her. The black panties cupped her butt beautifully. Her feet were close together so that she could be high enough to bend over the table. That sweet sweet butt was perfectly displayed. It was rounded enough to be fully feminine yet small enough to cup most of it in one hand. She was a tight petite beauty. I could see that sweet triangle gap framed by her pudendum and upper thighs. I ran a finger from the stocking top up the back of her thigh to the leg band of the panties. She broke out in gooseflesh.

“It isn’t critical today, as they aren’t coming off, but the proper way for panties and a garter to be worn is with the panties outside of the garter. It is an access thing. You are to be accessible.” I ran a finger up the back of her other leg. She rocked her hips, exposing her sweetness even more. There was a wet spot darkening the panties. “Now tell me true. Was I ‘full of shit’ when I told you it was about letting go of a futile grasp for control?”

As I ran a finger across her back at the waistline of the panties, she moaned, “No…no you were right.”

I popped her butt cheek hard enough to sting, but not hard enough to mark her. “What does it mean if you disobey me?” I ran the finger up and down her spine, waiting for her response.

“It…it means it is over. You walk away.”

“Very good, my pet.” I popped the other cheek. She moaned. The wet spot grew. “Now stand up and show me your beauty.”

I stepped back as she pushed up from the table. She turned and I sorely wanted to break my rules. She had the body of an eighteen-year-old cheerleader. Her stomach was flat. Her breasts were perky and only needed a bra to entice. The stocking clad legs were trim and shapely. The sheer dark stocking tops and black garter straps only highlighted the soft skin of her upper thighs. The sheer bra didn’t hide her areola. They were light colored and the perfect topping for her tennis ball breasts. Her nipples were large for her breasts, and they were currently at full attention distending the sheer material covering them. I so looked forward to soiling this dove.

“Very nice. Now take me to Jeff’s computer.”

She led me back down the hall to a small office. Dark wood furniture. Masculine colors. Everything you’d expect in a southern lawyer’s home office. There was a laptop on the desk beside a twenty-four-inch monitor. I sat in the leather chair and pulled the keyboard to me. It took just a second to log in with the password I’d pulled from the keystroke logger.

As the screen came to life, I reached over and absently ran a finger under her front garter strap, letting the back of my finger gently stroke her soft skin. I could feel her trembling as I neared the top. She was close enough that I could actually smell the fragrance of her need. So sweet.

I opened his browser and pulled up the history. Bingo. The guy didn’t use in-private browsing and didn’t clear his history. This was too easy. At a glance, I spotted Literotica, XHamster, and the cherry on top was a message board call Our Hot Wives. I'd totally pegged this guy right.

For starters, I went to the first Literotica page in his history and opened it. It was a story called “White Silk” by the author KK. It appeared to be fairly short so I reached over and pulled Lou into my lap. “Let’s see what Jeff has been reading.”

It was a well written story about a man secretly watching his wife as she cheats on him. As we reached the end of the tale, Lou was squirming in my lap. “What do you think of what Jeff has been reading?”

When she turned her head, that ponytail that first drew me to her swiped my face. I pulled my head back and pulled a stray lock from the unshaved scruff I normally wore. “I can’t believe this. Is it real? I didn’t know places with this kind of writing existed. I can’t believe Jeff reads this.”

“He has his needs, just as you do. This is just one site of many with thousands of amateur stories ranging from totally true to total fiction. With a similar wide range in quality. Judging from this story, Jeff prefers literate writing of a certain subject matter. Look at the titles he’s been reading.” I sorted the history to show Literotica pages. “Let’s see, there is “She Doesn't Know I Know”. I clicked on it. It was advertised as “A story of infidelity and the passion it creates”. There was also a multi-part story titled “Burning Desire” in which a husband pushes a wife into the arms of a lover, with whom she falls in love. We went through about a dozen stories. All with a similar theme: hot wives, cuckolding, and cheating,

One story we pulled, by a guy named Xleglover, looked to rival War and Peace in length. Looking at his page showed multiple long stories about a couple where the wife has affairs with lovers and the husband knowing about it.

My left hand stroked Lou’s left side from the top of her panties to her bra strap. Her skin was warm and smooth. I went a bit higher on one stroke and enjoyed her breast. Her nipple was still fully erect. She squirmed in my lap. I hoped she didn’t leave a wet spot on my slacks.

“Let’s look at this other site and see what else he’s been looking at.” I clicked on the link and up popped a movie. Two black men were plowing a woman while her husband sat in a chair on the side and stroked himself.

“Oh my God,” Lou exclaimed as the husband got up and started licking the woman’s cum filled pussy.

There was video after video on the hotwife cuckold theme. Some clearly professional, others clearly amateur. They ranged from pretty vanilla to seriously extreme. Some had the wife submissive to the husband. In some the husband was just another participant. It was all very graphic.

I noticed that Lou was moving her hips as she watched the clips. I ran my hand down her leg and felt the sexy transition from the smooth silk stocking to bare skin. “So what do you think of these videos?” I asked.

“I had no clue. Some of that was just gross, but some was…kind of hot.”

We went on to the message board. It had everything from pictures to stories and even serious advice on a whole range of hot wife variations. We read some of the comments and advice. It ran from well reasoned to WTF. I closed down the computer. And I led her back to the kitchen. “Where does Jeff sit for breakfast?” She pointed to a chair.

I pulled out the chair and told her to sit on the table where his breakfast bowl would be. I held her hand as she stepped on the chair and turned to ease herself down onto the table. “Now close your eyes.” She did. “Remember that story we read? About the guy watching his wife? Remember how hot he was for her. That was her husband. He wanted that. Jeff wants that. He wants you to be her.” Her moan was soft and long.

I was watching her closely: her skin, her breathing, her facial expressions. She was very turned on. “Now look at me.” She opened her eyes. “I have a task for you. Right here right now, reach into those panties and touch yourself.” Her hand drifted towards the waist of the panties. “That’s it. You’ve never done this before, have you? Touched yourself for someone’s viewing pleasure.” She shook her head. Her hand snuck down. She began moving her fingers on her most sensitive spot. “But you are doing it for me. You are giving me the control.”

Her hand was moving faster. Her body was arching and moving on the table. God, I loved the look of her soft skin of her legs over the dark stockings. I watched her muscles flex as she brought herself closer to the peak. “Stop! Remove your hand.” She froze, looking at me. She had been on the verge of orgasm. I raised an eyebrow and she reluctantly removed her hand from their sheer enclosure. The gusset of the panties was shiny with moisture.

“Taste your nectar.”

Her jaw dropped. I gave her a stern look. Her hand slowly raised to her mouth. As she tentatively licked her forefinger, she pulled her legs together and flexed her body in orgasm. She shook and opened and shut her legs, pumping and releasing pressure on her pussy.

“I’ll make some plans and will talk with you later this week.” With that I did one of the most difficult things I’d done in a long time. I turned and let myself out of Lou’s house. As I walked back to the car, I texted Mary: ‘Let me know when you are free. I have something for you.’ The thing I had for her was still throbbing as I got in my car.

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by SamWarrens » Thu Feb 02, 2017 3:59 pm

Teasing her teases us...so good. Keep it up!
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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by blooit1 » Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:25 am

Excellent topic and writing style. I just does not get any better than this :up:

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by inNC » Fri Feb 03, 2017 6:10 am

I enjoy how SO much how Hotwives are created. Their need for romance, to explore their sexuality....there need for more exciting & forbidden sexual encounters than occurs at home due to life. It's their getaway as they all deserve.

I like where this is leading and she must be such a prize HW
The ever evolving sexual aspect of our life together:


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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by OOAA » Fri Feb 03, 2017 8:16 am

Soooooooooooo hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Joatster » Fri Feb 03, 2017 8:49 am

Thanks to all for the supportive comments.

inNC, I love your avatar. The magic triangle is unique to each woman and always a thing of beauty.

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by SamWarrens » Fri Feb 03, 2017 9:52 am

I hope to read many chapters of your experiences with Lou. How you ensnare her husband as a cuckold. Take her repeatedly through many sexual fetishes, take her on week end trips without her husband, on foreign vacations for weeks at a time, pass her around to friends and strangers, whites and blacks and in the end have her pumped full of babies - not all white. She will be utterly yours in every respect. She lives with her husband but she is yours forever.
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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by bradisalpha » Fri Feb 03, 2017 10:37 am

I read .. And enjoyed.. Your story. As a BF my greatest pleasure is slowly seducing the wife and her husband.. Bringing them down that dark path until you own them. You are doing very well.. I look forward to reading as you progress with them.

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Joatster » Fri Feb 03, 2017 2:38 pm

Chapter 10

The next day at the gym I told Lou that I would be out of town for a week starting in two days. Her response of, “Darn it, I really wanted to talk to you,” surprised me.

“Can you get away tomorrow evening for a while?” I asked. I was concerned that something might have happened to throw progress off the rails.


“I know a private place uptown. We can have a drink and talk. No funny business.”

She thought about it for a minute. “I’ll tell Jeff I’m meeting a friend in town for a drink. He’ll assume it is a girlfriend.”

“Okay. Meet me at the Punch Room bar. It is on the fifteenth floor of the Ritz-Carlton. Be there at five-fifteen. No later, now. They limit the number of guests. I won’t be at the gym tomorrow, so if something pops up preventing you from coming here is my card. Send me a text so I don’t waste time driving into town.”

She stuck the card into her jog bra as Donna walked up, “Fancy running into the two of you again. What’s up?”

Lou’s small southern town social survival instincts finally kicked in. “I was trying to get him to give me a hint about who he dragged off to the high seas, but I’m not getting anywhere. Maybe you can have better luck.”

With that, Lou walked off leaving me to fend off the worst gossip in town. Donna was relentless in questioning me. I finally shut her up by theatrically waving my hands and saying, “Oh dahling, what makes you think it was a woman?” I bounced my eyebrows at her and then pranced into the men’s locker room. Small minds are so easy to mess with.

I arrived at the Punch Room a few minutes before Lou was to show up. The place is all dark wood, leather couches, and wing back chairs. It felt like what ‘gentlemen’s club’ meant back before it came to mean strippers and sticky floors. I secured us a private space and ordered a pisco sour. At a quarter after on the dot, Lou walked in. She looked lovely in a white print dress with some tasteful purple flowers. Her open toed heels were tall enough to show off her legs while not being towering and slutty.

“I’m not late, am I?” she asked as she took her seat.

“You know you aren’t. You couldn’t have timed it that well by chance.”

I handed her a menu and after some deliberation, she ordered a St. Charles punch. Once she had her drink and was settled, I said, “So, you wanted to talk with me?”

Lou took a deep breath and looked at me. “I don’t think I should be doing this.”

“Having an innocent drink in the only decent bar in Charlotte?”

“No. No not this. I meant what we are doing. I mean the whole…you know.”

Ahh, that was what this was about. She was in the door of the plane ready to go but afraid to jump. Time for some social engineering. Lou was pretty malleable. I had already established a solid authority position. With the right framing and by establishing a consistent response pattern I could have her more committed to going ahead with my plan than ever. “Lou, I’ve taken care not to force anything on you, haven’t I?”

“Well, yes.”

“And I’ve given you every opportunity to quit, right?”

“Uh huh.”

“What’s that?” I needed to get her repeating ‘yes’ all the way to the end of this.

“Yes, you have.”

“I’ve shown you things about yourself, things you didn’t know before, haven’t I?”

She smiled. “Yes.”

“I’ve even shown you some pretty shocking things you didn’t know about husband, haven’t I?” I asked this with a nod, encouraging a kinesthetic as well as a verbal positive response.

She nodded in return. “Oh, yes.”

I took a sip of my drink. Social pressure from an authority figure did is job. Lou drank too. “And you’ve learned how your attempts to control everything around you were just an attempt to find something, something I’ve shown you can be found in a different way, right?”

She was nodding over her drink. “Yes.”

“Weren’t you excited and thrilled in the parking lot the other day? Didn’t you feel something beyond just the physical pleasure I allowed you to have?”

“And the other day. When you looked so sexy. When I had you sit on the table where your husband has his morning coffee. When I allowed you to pleasure yourself for me. You had a wracking orgasm from the emotional content. From me making you do it. You weren’t touching yourself when you came. You had that big orgasm because you let go and trusted me. You came like that because told you to, didn’t you?” I kept our eyes locked. She was practically in a trance state.

She was blushing, but continued to nod. “I know you have some fears. You fear discovery by your friends. You fear upsetting your marriage. You fear the unknown that seems to be pulling you in, don’t you. That is why you wanted to talk to me, isn’t it?”

I took another sip of my drink. Lou to a gulp of hers and said, “Yes, how did you know?”

“I told you before that I understand you. I’ve shown you that I do, haven’t I.”


“So if I tell you that your fears are valid, that I understand them, and that it is good that you recognize them, it makes you feel better, right?”


She didn’t know where I was going, but she was nodding even as I asked questions. She was ready for less guided questions now. “And would you believe me if I told you that while your concerns are perfectly valid, I can manage things do minimize the risk that any of those bad outcomes would happen?”

She paused, everything hung in the balance at this point. It was a piquant moment for me. What a wonderful test of my abilities. Finally, I saw the answer in her eyes before she softly said, “Yes.”

Now to seal the deal. “So, you want to continue your experience, right?”

Nodding again, this time with a smile, she confidently said, “Yes.”

“Now for the next step. I’m going to ask you some questions. Normally, people would find them a bit uncomfortable, but I know you trust me and can be open with me. I want you to just answer the questions quickly. Don’t mull them over, okay?”

We were finally off the ‘yes’ train. “Okay.”

“How many men have you had sex with?”


“Answer me right now Lou. How many?”


“Have you ever had sex with a woman?”


“Ever thought about it?”

“Well,” she looked around the room making sure no one was paying attention to us, “yeah, I guess I have.”

“What is the wildest sexual thing you have ever done?”

She grinned at me. “The other day in my kitchen,”

I deserved that one. “I mean other than with me.”

“I guess it wass when Russ and I did it in the janitor’s closet at school.”

“High school?”


“Risky sex, sexy where you might be seen or caught turns you on?”

She blushed. “It did that day.”

“Have you ever been restrained or tied up?”


“Would it excite you if I tied you to the bed?”

“Umm…Well, maybe.”

“Honesty here pet. I want honesty.”

She gulped. “I think so.”

“Ever had sex with more than one partner?”


“More than one person in a day?”


“Do you have a vibrator or dildo?”

“Yes, a vibrator.”

“Hubby know you have it?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“How often do you use it?”

“Lately, every day.”

“Stop. I don’t want you hooked on it. Those things will desensitize you with over use. Fingers, little one, use your fingers.”

I pause my interrogation to finish my drink. “Almost done now, my pet. Just a couple more things. First, show me your panties.”



She swallowed and leaned forward to set her drink down. In a smooth move, she pulled the hem of her dress up as she sat back up, shortening the skirt of the dress. Then, looking around to make sure she wasn’t noticed, she uncrossed her legs and lifted the front of the dress. To my mild surprise, she was bare. This was my first view of her naked cunt. She had a thin blond bush that was trimmed short, but her lips were bare. I looked to her face as she straightened the dress. She had a grin and her eyes twinkled. She knew she surprised me.

“Very nice. I’m looking to get much more familiar with that,” I said. “One last thing now, on Friday after next there is a charity fundraiser for injured vets in town. I’m on the board and will be there. I want you and Jeff to come. I’ll be sure you are seated with me. It is time to bring him along.”


“I’ve seen to it that an invitation is sent to your home. All you have to do is be your bossy self and make Jeff take you. You can do that, can’t you?”

“I meant how will you bring him along?”

“By dancing with a girl that looks like an angel, little one. But you and I both know she is a devil in disguise.”

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Open2it » Fri Feb 03, 2017 2:57 pm


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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by SamWarrens » Fri Feb 03, 2017 3:04 pm

Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.


Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by OOAA » Fri Feb 03, 2017 3:13 pm

Super hot again and very well written and managed!!!!

Thanks a lot for sharing!!!

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by ascissorrunner » Fri Feb 03, 2017 8:01 pm

Great read!

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Imascamp » Sat Feb 04, 2017 10:39 am

So now the hotwife is in his pocket. All he has to do is get the cuckold hubby on board. How far will he take them?

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by SamWarrens » Sat Feb 04, 2017 10:42 am

Take them all the way! I hope in the end he leaves her pregnant with his child for her & hubby to raise.
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by CuckedDude » Sat Feb 04, 2017 3:09 pm

Niiiice Joatster my gratitude

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by lex3 » Mon Feb 06, 2017 12:48 pm

Joatster wrote:Chapter 10

The next day at the gym I told Lou that I would be out of town for a week starting in two days. Her response of, “Darn it, I really wanted to talk to you,” surprised me.

“Can you get away tomorrow evening for a while?” I asked. I was concerned that something might have happened to throw progress off the rails.


“I know a private place uptown. We can have a drink and talk. No funny business.”

She thought about it for a minute. “I’ll tell Jeff I’m meeting a friend in town for a drink. He’ll assume it is a girlfriend.”

“Okay. Meet me at the Punch Room bar. It is on the fifteenth floor of the Ritz-Carlton. Be there at five-fifteen. No later, now. They limit the number of guests. I won’t be at the gym tomorrow, so if something pops up preventing you from coming here is my card. Send me a text so I don’t waste time driving into town.”

She stuck the card into her jog bra as Donna walked up, “Fancy running into the two of you again. What’s up?”

Lou’s small southern town social survival instincts finally kicked in. “I was trying to get him to give me a hint about who he dragged off to the high seas, but I’m not getting anywhere. Maybe you can have better luck.”

With that, Lou walked off leaving me to fend off the worst gossip in town. Donna was relentless in questioning me. I finally shut her up by theatrically waving my hands and saying, “Oh dahling, what makes you think it was a woman?” I bounced my eyebrows at her and then pranced into the men’s locker room. Small minds are so easy to mess with.

I arrived at the Punch Room a few minutes before Lou was to show up. The place is all dark wood, leather couches, and wing back chairs. It felt like what ‘gentlemen’s club’ meant back before it came to mean strippers and sticky floors. I secured us a private space and ordered a pisco sour. At a quarter after on the dot, Lou walked in. She looked lovely in a white print dress with some tasteful purple flowers. Her open toed heels were tall enough to show off her legs while not being towering and slutty.

“I’m not late, am I?” she asked as she took her seat.

“You know you aren’t. You couldn’t have timed it that well by chance.”

I handed her a menu and after some deliberation, she ordered a St. Charles punch. Once she had her drink and was settled, I said, “So, you wanted to talk with me?”

Lou took a deep breath and looked at me. “I don’t think I should be doing this.”

“Having an innocent drink in the only decent bar in Charlotte?”

“No. No not this. I meant what we are doing. I mean the whole…you know.”

Ahh, that was what this was about. She was in the door of the plane ready to go but afraid to jump. Time for some social engineering. Lou was pretty malleable. I had already established a solid authority position. With the right framing and by establishing a consistent response pattern I could have her more committed to going ahead with my plan than ever. “Lou, I’ve taken care not to force anything on you, haven’t I?”

“Well, yes.”

“And I’ve given you every opportunity to quit, right?”

“Uh huh.”

“What’s that?” I needed to get her repeating ‘yes’ all the way to the end of this.

“Yes, you have.”

“I’ve shown you things about yourself, things you didn’t know before, haven’t I?”

She smiled. “Yes.”

“I’ve even shown you some pretty shocking things you didn’t know about husband, haven’t I?” I asked this with a nod, encouraging a kinesthetic as well as a verbal positive response.

She nodded in return. “Oh, yes.”

I took a sip of my drink. Social pressure from an authority figure did is job. Lou drank too. “And you’ve learned how your attempts to control everything around you were just an attempt to find something, something I’ve shown you can be found in a different way, right?”

She was nodding over her drink. “Yes.”

“Weren’t you excited and thrilled in the parking lot the other day? Didn’t you feel something beyond just the physical pleasure I allowed you to have?”

“And the other day. When you looked so sexy. When I had you sit on the table where your husband has his morning coffee. When I allowed you to pleasure yourself for me. You had a wracking orgasm from the emotional content. From me making you do it. You weren’t touching yourself when you came. You had that big orgasm because you let go and trusted me. You came like that because told you to, didn’t you?” I kept our eyes locked. She was practically in a trance state.

She was blushing, but continued to nod. “I know you have some fears. You fear discovery by your friends. You fear upsetting your marriage. You fear the unknown that seems to be pulling you in, don’t you. That is why you wanted to talk to me, isn’t it?”

I took another sip of my drink. Lou to a gulp of hers and said, “Yes, how did you know?”

“I told you before that I understand you. I’ve shown you that I do, haven’t I.”


“So if I tell you that your fears are valid, that I understand them, and that it is good that you recognize them, it makes you feel better, right?”


She didn’t know where I was going, but she was nodding even as I asked questions. She was ready for less guided questions now. “And would you believe me if I told you that while your concerns are perfectly valid, I can manage things do minimize the risk that any of those bad outcomes would happen?”

She paused, everything hung in the balance at this point. It was a piquant moment for me. What a wonderful test of my abilities. Finally, I saw the answer in her eyes before she softly said, “Yes.”

Now to seal the deal. “So, you want to continue your experience, right?”

Nodding again, this time with a smile, she confidently said, “Yes.”

“Now for the next step. I’m going to ask you some questions. Normally, people would find them a bit uncomfortable, but I know you trust me and can be open with me. I want you to just answer the questions quickly. Don’t mull them over, okay?”

We were finally off the ‘yes’ train. “Okay.”

“How many men have you had sex with?”


“Answer me right now Lou. How many?”


“Have you ever had sex with a woman?”


“Ever thought about it?”

“Well,” she looked around the room making sure no one was paying attention to us, “yeah, I guess I have.”

“What is the wildest sexual thing you have ever done?”

She grinned at me. “The other day in my kitchen,”

I deserved that one. “I mean other than with me.”

“I guess it wass when Russ and I did it in the janitor’s closet at school.”

“High school?”


“Risky sex, sexy where you might be seen or caught turns you on?”

She blushed. “It did that day.”

“Have you ever been restrained or tied up?”


“Would it excite you if I tied you to the bed?”

“Umm…Well, maybe.”

“Honesty here pet. I want honesty.”

She gulped. “I think so.”

“Ever had sex with more than one partner?”


“More than one person in a day?”


“Do you have a vibrator or dildo?”

“Yes, a vibrator.”

“Hubby know you have it?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“How often do you use it?”

“Lately, every day.”

“Stop. I don’t want you hooked on it. Those things will desensitize you with over use. Fingers, little one, use your fingers.”

I pause my interrogation to finish my drink. “Almost done now, my pet. Just a couple more things. First, show me your panties.”



She swallowed and leaned forward to set her drink down. In a smooth move, she pulled the hem of her dress up as she sat back up, shortening the skirt of the dress. Then, looking around to make sure she wasn’t noticed, she uncrossed her legs and lifted the front of the dress. To my mild surprise, she was bare. This was my first view of her naked cunt. She had a thin blond bush that was trimmed short, but her lips were bare. I looked to her face as she straightened the dress. She had a grin and her eyes twinkled. She knew she surprised me.

“Very nice. I’m looking to get much more familiar with that,” I said. “One last thing now, on Friday after next there is a charity fundraiser for injured vets in town. I’m on the board and will be there. I want you and Jeff to come. I’ll be sure you are seated with me. It is time to bring him along.”


“I’ve seen to it that an invitation is sent to your home. All you have to do is be your bossy self and make Jeff take you. You can do that, can’t you?”

“I meant how will you bring him along?”

“By dancing with a girl that looks like an angel, little one. But you and I both know she is a devil in disguise.”
Time for another installment...?

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Joatster » Tue Feb 07, 2017 1:36 pm

I didn't have a lot of time to edit this, but I wanted to get it posted today. Let me know if you spot typos or anything that needs fixing.

Chapter 10

I shot my cuffs and checked my cuff links as I stood in the entry to the ballroom where the benefit was being held. There were a lot of well-dressed people in the room, but only about half of the men wore tuxedos. I felt good about my Armani tux. It didn’t look like a cheap rental tux. The tailoring complimented my trim build and was classic and understated, just what I wanted to project.

I spotted Jeff and Lou off to the right chatting with another couple. Jeff was wearing what had to be a work suit. Nice enough, but not very stylish. Lou, on the other hand was wearing the dress I’d sent her while I had been in Los Vegas working during the week. It was a rich blue dress that showed her trim body while still being as classy as anything in the room. It reached just past half-way down her thighs – any shorter and it would only have worked as a party dress in Vegas. She was stunning in it.

I chatted with a few people I knew and fended off an overheated matron who kept mentioning how my tux was just like what James Bond would wear. Eventually it was time to take our seats. I waited to let Jeff and Lou get seated before I went to the table. As I stood behind my chair I said, “Jeff! It’s good to see you here,” and held out my hand, forcing him to stand and shake with me. It was important to begin establishing roles from the start.

Jeff turned and started to introduce me to his wife. I interrupted and said, “Lou! I know the lovely Lou from the gym. She keeps everyone there on their toes.”

Jeff didn’t know how to respond to me. After hemming and hawing a bit, he said, “Yes, she does tend to lead the social scene.”

Lou said, “Jeff, I didn’t know you knew Dan.”

“Yes, he’s a client.”

“Jeff gave me some good tax advice a while back. Lou, you are just stunning in that dress. Why don’t you stand up and let me see?”

Jeff tensed. His controlling wife was being told to stand and show off. He was expecting her to rip into me. It was fun to watch the confusion in his eyes as she quietly stood and did a turn for me. What made the moment even more special for me was that I knew exactly what she wore under that snug blue dress. I’d sent her the whole ensemble from shoes to sexy undies with a note telling her I expected to see her in it at the benefit.

As Lou sat, I said, “Jeff, you are quite a lucky guy. She is a beauty.”

While the wait staff bustled about delivering the ubiquitous rubber chicken dinner, I engaged Jeff about business taxes, the Panthers, and the local economy, establishing a rapport with him. By the time dinner and speeches were done, he and I were chatting like old buddies. I made sure to control the conversation, occasionally shifting topics just to force Jeff to switch with me. I made sure my body language was confident and dominant, something easy to do in a well-tailored tux. Finally, they opened the dance floor and the band started doing its thing.

“Jeff, you aren’t leaving your pretty wife sitting here rather showing her off out on the dance floor, are you?”

“Well, I don’t…I’m not much of a dancer.”

“You gotta take care of the lady, Jeff. Look at her. She went to all the trouble of looking so good. The least you can do is take her for a spin.”

He reluctantly led her to the dance floor and they danced for a couple of songs. Between her innate good looks, the framing of the outfit, and her athletic grace, Lou was the center of attention on the floor. It was as if she had a spotlight following her. Poor Jeff looked uncomfortable and a bit clumsy out there.

When they came back to the table I dialed up the pressure on Jeff. “You finished already, buddy? You know, you have to make sure the lady is satisfied before you finish, don’t you,” I said with an unsubtle dig at him. “I’ll take her and get the job done for you.”

I guided Lou out on the dance floor. My mother had been a ballroom dance instructor, which meant I knew my way around the dance floor. Lou was graceful and did know a few steps as well. The attention she drew with Jeff clomping around the dance floor was nothing compared to what came with being led by a skilled dancer. She tried to talk a couple of times, but I just told her to dance. We’d been out there a while when the band struck up an upbeat number. “Know any swing dance?” I asked.

She popped a hip out and put a hand on it. “I might surprise you.”

We hit it. I started easy with basic moves. She kept up and then threw a few at me. Before long we were going at it as hard as we could within the propriety restrictions of the short dress. By the time the song was over, a few people around the dance floor had seen a lot of Lou’s legs. We collapsed into each other laughing. It had been as much fun as I’d had on the dance floor in a long time. There really aren’t that many women that really dance any more.

I led Lou back to the table by the hand. When we arrived, I held her chair. Jeff just sat there. I gave him the hairy eyeball and jerked my chin, reminding him that a gentleman stands for the lady. Basic politeness is on the wane faster than dancing skills. I could complain, but it gave me the opportunity to reinforce my position with Jeff.

Once we were all seated again, Lou said, “Now that’s how to take care of a woman.” Jeff blushed red at the innuendo.

Lou and I chatted a bit about where I learned to dance while we drank some water. Jeff was drinking champagne and I could see by the coloring on his face that he was at least partially lit. After a while, Lou left to use the facilities, leaving Jeff and I alone.

As I watched her walking away from us, I said, “Jeff, you are a lucky man to land such a vivacious, sexy woman. How did you do it?”

“Just lucky, I guess.”

“C’mon, is your middle name tripod, maybe? Or can you lick the bottom of a glass?”

He laughed. “Not hardly.”

“Well, she makes that dress talk three languages – each hotter than the last.”

“She does take care of herself.”

I kept an eye peeled for Lou’s return. When I saw her making her way through the tables, I stood and said, “I think I’ll take her for another spin on the dance floor.”

Jeff, nodded and said, “Help yourself.”

As I started towards Lou, I said, “I certainly shall,” just loud enough that he might make it out over the ambient noise.

Lou had been stopped by a couple of her gym buddies. They were chatting when I walked up and said, “Hello, ladies. You are all looking lovely tonight. All of your hard work in the gym is paying off tonight. Monica, that green in your dress just makes your eyes even greener. And Jan, you must be beating them back with a stick. The open back on that is decadent.” The soccer moms tittered, unsure of what to do with my compliments. “It turned out that I was seated with Lou and Jeff tonight. I hadn’t realized that my Lou was married to my tax attorney. To my great good fortune, Jeff asked me to spend some time on the dance floor with his pretty lady as he isn’t a big dance and knows she loves it. Isn’t that just the nicest thing?”

Jan replied, “We saw you out there earlier. You were looking pretty good. Save me a dance?”

“Certainly, I tell you what, I’ll let Lou and Monica catch up here for a dance and you and I can go trip the light fantastic.” I gave her my arm and headed to the dance floor. I laughed internally at the flash of jealousy on Lou and Monica’s faces.

Jan wasn’t much of a dancer, but I led her with care and made her look better than she was. She was beaming as the song ended. “You have to teach my husband to dance like that. Oh, my.” She waved a hand at herself to cool down. I led her back to her table and swapped her for Lou.

“Trying to add another conquest to your harem?” she asked snarkily.

“Oh my pet, you did not want to go there.” I said darkly. “We’ll revisit that remark later. Your pretty little bottom will be paying the bill for that.”

She didn’t have a reply, but her posture subtly changed. She went from confident and in charge to submissive. She was eminently trainable. Little blow ups of jealousy or resistance like that provided necessary training opportunities.

I led her to the dance floor and moved us through the thinning crowd to a darker corner where we would be less visible. As I led her through a slow turn, I saw that Jeff had left the table and circled around the room. He had moved to keep us in sight. I smiled. He was either jealous and worried I was going to do something he would have to stop or he was jealous and excited and didn’t want to miss a second of me with his wife. Based on his porn preferences and behavior around Lou, I was pretty sure which it was.

I pulled her to me and began the instructions for the rest of the evening. “Little one, this is what happens next. When we finish dancing here, we will head back to the table. You will drink some champagne, then you tell Jeff that you are tired and it is time to call it an evening. I’ll offer to walk out with the two of you.” I spun us through a turn while holding Lou’s body close to mine. I felt her place her head against my chest. “Then, after I shake hands with Jeff I want you to come give me a hug. Make it a full body hug. Then you give me a kiss – on my lips. Nothing too over the top, just a little more forward than proper.”
Lou giggled and said, “Your voice rumbling in my ear is so sexy.” I decided that she’d partaken in more than one glass of champagne while I danced with her friend. It was hitting her.

“Maybe we’ll go back to the table and you just tell Jeff it is time to go. You don’t need any more to drink, okay?” She nodded. “On your drive home, you are to remove your panties and put them in Jeff’s lap. I’m sure that is out of character for you. Jeff will ask about it. Tell him they are wet and that you are horny. Can you do that?”

She pulled back and looked at me. “They are wet. Right now, from dancing with you like this.”

“If we’ve fed his fantasies enough, Jeff will be ripe for plucking. When you get home, tell him he should get a suit like mine and learn to dance. Tell him how sexy that would be. Lead him to starting something. But make him cross the start line by himself. He is almost bound to say something about you being attracted to me or being turned on by dancing with me. Go with it. Get him fantasizing with you about me touching you out here on the dance floor. Ask him what he would have done if I had really returned your kiss in the parking lot. You’ve had plenty to drink, but I want you acting like you’ve had a lot more. Use the inebriation as an excuse to let him see the naughty side of you. The part that wants me to bend you over right here in front of everyone and fuck you senseless.”

Her body jerked when I said that. She growled and pushed herself against me. Oh, yes, I’d captured this one. All we had to do was bring Jeff in. I led her back to the table. Jeff had beaten us back.

With Lou hanging on my arm, I looked at him and said, “She had a bit to drink when I took her friend out on the dance floor. I think maybe she has had more than she meant to.”

Lou said, “Yeah, I’m really, really feeling it now. That champagne really sneaks up on you.” She pronounced it ‘sham pag knee” and giggled.

Jeff stood and took her arm. She held me with the other arm and said, “I’ll have the handsome gentleman and my darling husband escort me out.”

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