Insurance Man

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Re: Insurance Man

Unread post by OOAA » Mon Aug 07, 2017 7:26 am

AMAZING story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Excellent well written!!!!

Please, continue when you can ;-)

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Re: Insurance Man

Unread post by bewareoflizzy » Sat Oct 14, 2017 7:00 pm

Two weeks later,as promised, she packed and left for the airport to fly to Florida for 3 days. My angst was an all time high. What kind of party was this? Who were these guys? My answers would soon arrive home. When Liz returned she looked like a different woman. A woman you would stare at on the street thinking she must be an actress or movie star. Stunning from head to painted toes she oozed sex and an alluring confidence. I begged her to tell me everything in bed that evening. We settled into our routine and after getting comfortably numb she started to stroke my cock with oil with candlelight flickering all around us. Her incredible story unfolded:

"We flew in his private jet and landed in West Palm Beach. The hotel was just amazing in every way. The fittings and treatments started right away. Very organized, very structured affair. Friday night was quiet and we made love before falling asleep. Saturday was an incredible experience. The women there were all gorgeous, mostly younger. I felt a bit older than the other women but they were all friendly. The hairdressers coiffed and pulled our hair back in a tight bun. Then the make-up artists went to work and they were magical. I never had or saw such talented ladies transforming all of us into really "living dolls". My pale skin was offset by the vivid colors they used on my eyes. My skin looked like soft,smooth porcelain. My eyes,mouth,and cheeks glowed with color. Then we had to get into our gowns. My dress was so tight I didn't think I would fit into it. With help I managed to slink into it. It was a soft,shimmery material that really clung to my body. It was almost transparent. You could see my panties and bra in the light. I slipped into my 5" high heels and looked in the mirror. I was shocked how good I looked and even much younger. Those other girls had nothing on me. I was quite pleased with myself and walked out to the ballroom full of confidence. Mike and I sat at a table of 8 that included one billionaire that Mike had told me about. You could sense the power in the room. It was kind of seductive. I felt good and couldn't believe I was really there. Dinner was divine and the music,wine,and food flowed like a never ending river. As the drinks also flowed I noticed the billionaire guy looking at me. I would smile demurely when our eyes made contact but he would look at me intently. I didn't want to upset Mike so I pretended I didn't notice his stares. After dinner things really started to loosen up. The waiters dimmed the lights and brought out plates of desserts with joints on every plate. We started passing the joint around the table and everyone was laughing and having a good time. The music slowed and the ladies were invited to come out to the dance floor. We lined up and the applause was deafening. Then the men were invited to mingle and dance with anyone but their partner. It was a free for all. Men started dancing with me and flirting with me. Everyone complementing my dress and my body. I was getting turned on by all the attention, and with the pot, I just wanted to go back to the room with Mike to get my freak on. I was really horny. Then , he appeared. The billionaire. His name is James. He's about our age, a well built guy, Handsome, reeks of confidence and money, but friendly. We just glided into each other's arms as I felt this powerful attraction to this man. We slow danced as he gripped my behind tightly and I loved it. I felt my panties start to moisten and wondered if it would show through my nearly transparent dress. I didn't care. We spoke and looked deeply into each other's eyes knowing something was seriously developing here. It was only the beginning.

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Re: Insurance Man

Unread post by bewareoflizzy » Sat Oct 14, 2017 7:46 pm

When the music stopped and the lights went back up we returned to our table and I excused myself to go to the ladies room. When I looked in the mirror, I was flushed, a dead giveaway when I was sexually excited. Would Mike notice? When I returned to our table I learned that our table was invited to visit James' yacht nearby. On the way over, Mike dropped the bombshell on me that this society was based on the younger members finding and bringing the sexiest women they could find to this annual ball and presenting them to the senior members. He said he thought that James was most interested in me. I tried to take this all in but felt my loins burning at the same time. I was happy as a lark with Mike but this new development intrigued and excited me. I freshened my make-up and made sure my lipstick was perfect. We arrived and boarded this astounding ship that was nearly a block long. We were ushered into the state room and,again,the alcohol and pot was everywhere. I was really stoned when James tapped me on the shoulder and ushered me out of the room to give me a tour of his little boat. My heart was already pounding as I knew where we would end up. Sure enough, he showed me into his suite and closed the door. I sipped champagne in a big chair as he sat on his bed and started to speak.

"I've been watching you all night and I have to admit I'm smitten with your beauty.You are a very sexy woman in the full sense of the word. I have an offer for you. I'm currently divorced and need someone to accompany me on business trips here and overseas to be my partner, dinner companion, and social associate at formal affairs. I think you would be perfect. You can live anywhere you want. When we have a trip you'll be notified and a private jet will bring you to me. You'll receive all the same treatments you've had here to always be the envy of every other man we encounter. You'll have a living allowance, a clothing allowance, and beauty treatments always".

"My jaw dropped as he spoke. This was some kind of a dream. My body was shaking from excitement. He looked at me for an answer with an expectant look on his face. I sensed instinctively what he wanted for an answer. I placed my glass down and rose out of my chair and sauntered provocatively over to his bed. I knelt in front of him and removed his trousers and underwear. His cock sprung out at me and I fell in love immediately. It was beautiful. Strong and wide and long. It was a wonder. He saw my reaction and smiled. I told him what a beautiful cock he had as our eyes once again locked.We both knew this moment would happen. I held it in my hands and felt how hard it was and wanted him inside of me. I stared into his eyes as my red lips slipped over the bulging head of his penis. My saliva moistened the head as I engulfed it with my warm,wet,welcoming mouth. He closed his eyes with a look of great satisfaction on his face. This only emboldened me to take him deeper as I stroked his swelling balls. Slowly, sensuously, I made his cock my slave and he responded to each and every lick,kiss,and salivation on his dick. I ran my nails up and down his thighs and abdomen and he moaned out loud. Without applying too much pressure my mouth took him deep and the sensation was a silky,wet pussy. He moaned again, thrust hard into my mouth, and I swallowed everything he produced. We cleaned up and went back to join the party".

With that, she went down on me and gave me the same treatment. I was swooning. I knew she had already accepted his offer without even discussing it with me. I was so turned on, I couldn't stop her. I couldn't speak. I was giving her my tacit approval, not that she asked for it. My cock exploded into her mouth and she held on for dear life and swallowed every drop. I was vanquished.

Now what would I do?

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Re: Insurance Man

Unread post by SamWarrens » Sat Oct 14, 2017 9:09 pm

Don't stop now! Enthralling story. Write more soon.
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Re: Insurance Man

Unread post by weredom » Sun Oct 15, 2017 5:26 am

Please continue. Great story!

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Re: Insurance Man

Unread post by bewareoflizzy » Sat Nov 04, 2017 6:41 pm

But, now I had two problems. As my wife was getting more and more involved with Michael and this secret society, I was dealing with an insane dilemma.

At some point after Liz had started seeing Michael , she asked me to visit one of her nieces in Baltimore. I frequented the city about once a month for business and usually stayed over one night each trip. She said her niece, Melanie, had recently finished college and was staying on in Baltimore while all her friends had moved on. She seemed lonely the last couple of times she had spoken to her. I was uncomfortable with the idea. First, the age difference was sure to make conversation awkward. Secondly, this was a beautiful young lady and even innocent meetings might be perceived as unusual. I watched her grow up and mature into a lovely, comely co-ed. I never forgot the look she gave me at one family Christmas gathering when our eyes met. It was that gaze of admiration and attractiveness that's so recognizable when it happens. I looked away in embarrassment. I reluctantly agreed to call her next time I was in Baltimore.

She seemed fine and not uncomfortable at all when I did call and we agreed to meet at a local pub. She walked in and gave me a peck on my cheek as I sat at the bar. We ordered some food and drinks and settled into a night of catching up and learning what was new in our lives. The conversation actually came easily and time flew by. By the time we hugged and said our goodbyes, I was glad this had happened and she seemed grateful for the company. She asked me to call her again next time I was in town. I returned to my hotel glad for the company.

A month later, I texted her that I would be in Baltimore again and asked if she wanted to get together again. Innocently and with no pressure. She suggested a restaurant that she liked a lot and the date was set. We met at the restaurant and she dressed and looked a bit more mature than our previous meeting at the pub. I brushed it off and we again engaged in enjoyable talk. The wine flowed at this Italian restaurant and we drank to our fill comfortable in each other's company. When dinner was done she asked if I wanted to come back to her apartment and see some of her artwork. I hesitated but said ok. We walked to her apartment and climbed the stairs to her modest, cozy 3rd floor place. She opened another bottle of wine and proceeded to show me some of her art while sitting next to me on her couch. I now felt completely comfortable with this amazing young lady and we laughed and joked about everything and anything.

Then she asked me if I wanted to smoke some good pot she had recently acquired. My inner alarm went off in my head but under the influence and because of the good fun we were having I said "Sure, why not?" She disappeared into her bedroom and emerged with a bong full of some good weed. We passed the bong back and forth and laughed about how our family would react if they knew what we were doing. Once stoned, she turned more serious and started to talk about how lonely she was and hadn't had a boyfriend in forever. I tried to maintain my composure and assured her that she would be fighting the men off in no time with her great looks and winning smile. She laughed and gave me a smooch on my cheek. I felt her fingers start to curl the hair on the back of my head. My heart started to pound and my cock started to swell. This was getting uncomfortable and after a little more conversation I said my good nights. She hugged me at the door, gave me a kiss that brushed across my mouth and asked me to call her again. I went home dazed and confused. What was happening here. I only wanted to make my wife happy and socialize with a relative. This was developing into something different and dangerous.

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Re: Insurance Man

Unread post by bewareoflizzy » Sat Nov 04, 2017 7:15 pm

I found myself starting to think about her more. When my wife asked how our dinner had gone I just said it was very nice and I found her to be very intelligent and a good conversationalist. But my mind kept going back to an Instagram picture my wife had shown me about a year earlier. It was Melanie all made up and looking extremely sexy in a pose made for Cosmopolitan. I blushed when she showed it to me and said "Oh my God, please don't tell me that's your niece". It was and it was searing my mind now. I tried to erase it. But, sure enough, when it was time for another trip to Baltimore I couldn't resist contacting her and setting up another dinner reservation. The evening followed a similar pattern and I again found myself on her couch toking some great pot. At some point she excused herself and returned in her bathrobe. Comfortable but classy. We talked about our relationships and started to get into each other's heads. She complained about the lack of experience in today's young men and spoke of her frustration. She asked me about Aunt Liz who she adored and thought was the sexiest woman in the world. I told her how sexy she was on a daily basis and this prompted her to ask what was her secret. I started to share how she developed from a shy young lady when we first met into a very sophisticated and confident woman. I told her how she would prepare for me before a date night when we were younger. How she would go in the bathroom and emerge all dolled up in lingerie, high heels, heavy make-up, and bombshell hair. How it would drive me crazy,and, after smoking some pot and drinking a bottle of wine we would lust after each other and make crazy love for hours. Then, how she would dress so sexy when we would go out to dinner or a party. How it would turn me on to see her in a tight dress or jeans.

I couldn't believe I was sharing this intimate information with my wife's niece but it was easy under the influence. She seemed really turned on by my story and started to rub my thigh a bit. Then, she started to tell me how she had always admired me and, blushing a bit, confessed to having a crush on me. I thanked her for such a nice complement and leaned in to give her a little kiss on her cheek. She turned her mouth and our lips met. Just for a second. Softly. Her hand was moving up and down my thigh nervously. I said I should be going. She looked at me deeply and asked if I would call her next month. I promised I would.

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Re: Insurance Man

Unread post by bewareoflizzy » Sat Nov 04, 2017 8:26 pm

Now my conscience was all over the place. My wife was busy living the high life and fucking Mike. I wasn't getting much at home anymore but I was racked with guilt for even thinking about my wife's niece. Her youth was intoxicating as well as her budding sexuality. It reminded me of Liz when we were her age. She had blown me away with passion, desire, and a certain kink that we both found we enjoyed. Now, I was consumed with this young temptress.

We texted again before my next visit and she suggested an upscale restaurant. I agreed and we made a time. Then she asked what I wanted her to wear. I agonized over my answer, then I found myself typing the words "Short, tight dress, high heels". I gulped as my shaking finger hovered over the send button. I couldn't help myself. I hit "send". She answered immediately with a big smile. The rest of the week was a blur. When I arrived at the very nice restaurant, I was seated at the bar when she walked in. All eyes turned to see this shapely young lady walk by in the heels and dress and greet me! She looked sexy, provocative, alluring. You would estimate her age at 30 if you didn't know her. I told her she looked stunning. We moved to our table and started another long conversation like two old friends who hadn't seen each other in a long time. The food was gourmet and the wine was fine. We were completely comfortable in each other's company and the more wine I consumed the less guilt I felt. Once again, she invited me back to her apartment and she embraced my arm as I escorted her to her place.

We sat on her couch. I noticed she lit a few candles and placed them in discreet locations. The lights were dim and the music was filling the room with suggestive overtones. She drew her legs up on the couch as she passed the bong to me. I complemented her on her gorgeous legs. She was flattered. She asked how they compared to Aunt Liz's legendary legs. I told her flat out that they were her equal and I was floored when she walked into the restaurant. She loved the complement and asked if I liked her dress. I again told her straight out that she had a dynamite body and that dress was made for her. As we drifted into stonedom, her eyes were piercing mine every time I made eye contact with her. It was flattering and worrisome as I didn't know what this was leading to. Finally,she excused herself to the bathroom. I thought she might come out in her bathrobe again. After about 15-20 minutes I received the shock of my life.

Emerging from the bathroom was a young goddess in a tight, black bustier, thigh high stockings, black stiletto heels, sexy hair and perfume that was intoxicating. Most of all, her make-up was perfection, a living doll in eye shadow and red lipstick. Very red lipstick, applied perfectly to her bee stung mouth. This was the picture on Instagram come to life. I was floored. I felt my resistance fading with each passing second. It reminded me of Liz when we were in our 20's. So much sexuality overwhelming my senses. She sat next to me and asked suggestively if I approved. I said I was stunned with her beauty and asked why she was doing this for me. She answered again that I had always been a fantasy lurking in her mind and she wanted to be more like Aunt Liz. I told her she was every bit as sexy as her Aunt but I didn't deserve her attentions. She confidently massaged my thigh again and said how frustrated she was with guys her age. She wanted an experienced man to show her how to really enjoy a sexual relationship. I wished I could have told her about her Aunt's sexual exploits but that really wasn't appropriate.

My cock was aching by now and her fingers drew dangerously close to my groin. Our faces drew closer and we tentatively kissed on the lips. Her mouth was hungry and my eyes were feasting on this sexual dynamo encased in thigh high stockings and high heels. My cock filled with blood as her hand slid over my erection and started stroking it through my pants. There was no turning back now. Her tongue slipped effortlessly into my mouth and we kissed as lovers would. The pot only enhanced every nerve ending and every touch we shared. She whispered that she wanted to pleasure me and she slipped down to the rug on her knees in front of me. My pants disappeared and the undies right behind. My mind reeled as I stared at this incredible face and mouth start to lubricate and salivate all over my cock. I was rock hard and in a trance. Her lips were incredibly talented for a young lady and engulfed my cock as if she had done this a hundred times before. Like an out of body experience I tingled as she took me to heaven. She told me she had always wanted to do this for me and she loved my cock. It was a cock of a real man, not the boys she knew. Comfortably numb from the ganja I lasted and lasted. She ministered and nurtured my greatest erection ever until finally I started to moan and shake until I exploded . She swallowed every drop.

By the next month when we texted she asked if I wanted to sleep over.

Now I had two problems.

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Re: Insurance Man

Unread post by SamWarrens » Sat Nov 04, 2017 9:06 pm

Keep the chapters coming!
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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