The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by CuckPride » Sat Mar 04, 2017 4:26 pm

Thank you for not omitting any important details in your retelling of Lynda's affair with Carlos.

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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by Open2it » Sun Mar 05, 2017 8:05 am

I can easily understand your need to masturbate after being outed to the waitress. You had to be experiencing a heavy dose of angst, embarrassment and eroticism all rolled into one.


Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by rypmar7 » Wed Mar 08, 2017 7:23 am

Back to the story:

The next week I again received a call from Carlos inviting me to meet him "and his girl" as he said, referring obviously to my wife, for another dinner at a different restaurant. Again I joined them and the evening was essentially the same as the week before. Lynda was all over Carlos and was clearly the aggressor. She made her attraction to him obvious. Just like the last time, she stayed pressed against him, kept touching him, and saying little things to him, using different little words of affection. Anyone watching would have to wonder why the lovers invited a third wheel along on their date. I just posted a photo of her in the thread in the Hotties section of her sitting across the table from me next to Carlos. I cropped him out of the photo.

As the dinner wore on, it came out that Carlos and Lynda were going on a cruise together. They had booked the same one in April that we had all taken the year before, when their affair was discovered by Lynda's sister. They said they considered this cruise to be the celebration of their first anniversary as a couple, since last year's cruise is when their relationship went public and I encouraged them to pursue it. They both reminded me that I enthusiastically pushed them to start openly dating and to see where things went. They reminded me how I said they owed it to themselves and they would regret it forever if they did not find out whether they were meant to be together. I felt a little sick, but was also getting rock hard under the table.

Lynda said they were celebrating since it would be one year together as boyfriend and girlfriend and added that Carlos was now divorced, so that there was nothing standing in their way. I did not remind them that Lynda was still married to me and that there had been no talk of divorce. Instead, I asked them what they had found out about their relationship during their first year together. Carlos jumped in to say that he had learned that Lynda was not only the hottest sexiest woman he had ever known, but also that she was the most fun and crazy and how lucky I was to be married to her. I thought to myself at the time that this was comforting, since it sort of matched with my thought that she was on loan to Carlos for this adventure, but that she would eventually be back home with me, but I did not say that and instead just thanked him.

I then turned to Lynda to get her thoughts and she said that she has learned that she can totally love two men at the same time. She said that she had always loved me more than she thought it was possible and thought that she could never love anyone else as much. She was beaming when she said that she had learned that she could love two men and that she loved Carlos just as much as she loved me and how she never would have found that depth of feeling without my encouragement to go for it. They then toasted me as their matchmaker and then kissed each other passionately.

more to cum...


Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by rypmar7 » Wed Mar 08, 2017 7:42 am


So I am sitting at dinner with my wife and her lover, who is also my best friend, and they are toasting me for pushing them to start dating and pursuing a real relationship, and I am totally confused. On the one hand, I wish I had never done it and on the other hand, I am rock hard and want to hear more about how much my wife loves another man. I asked them how often they had sex and Lynda enthusiastically said every morning and night and every afternoon, too, if they are together. She claims they had never missed one opportunity to have sex and said it was like when we first got married. Carlos laughed and said she was wearing him out. He added that he had never met a woman who loved sex half as much as Lynda does and he really loves that she initiates it and is so enthusiastic throughout. I told him that I know what he means as I struggled not to cum in my pants.

I then thought of the cruise and said how I would love to go on that same cruise. They both said that they would prefer if I did not because they wanted it to be just the two of them. I reminded them that there would be another two or three thousand people on board and they said that was different because they would not know any of them. I think this was the first time in my life that I was feeling anxiety and intense jealousy over Lynda's hotwife lifestyle. Lynda said that it would not be any fun for me anyway because they were going to spend most of the time in their suite celebrating their anniversary naked and that they were not inviting anyone in to join them. With that statement, my anxiety really increased and I started to feel a little panicked for the first time ever. They both acted like this was no big deal, although they were making the cruise into a really big thing.

After another drink, we said our goodbyes and I went home alone. This time I made it home before jerking off, but came just as intensely. I barely slept that night and had to admit to myself that I was was jealous and truly worried about my relationship with Lynda. This was the bucket of cold water thrown on me that brought me to my senses too late, I guess. All night, I imagined the two lovebirds in their suite playing around like newlyweds and would have to stroke off again and again. Afterwards, I felt disgusted at myself, but soon I would be hard and stroking again. I said to myself that Lynda was right that her fucking other guys is the best thing that ever happened to my sex life. The more she fucks someone else, the more times I get hard and cum. Jacking off while she fucks, I always cum many more times than if it were just her and I in bed together fucking.

more to cum...


Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by rypmar7 » Wed Mar 08, 2017 8:07 am


The next week the story repeated itself. Carlos invited me to meet them for dinner and for reasons I do not quite understand, I went along with it. This time, however, I took the lead and talked about going on the cruise. I emphasized how I would really like to observe them, even if from a distance, as a real couple living their life together in public. I said how I would not bother them or interfere with or horn in on their plans. Lynda whispered something to Carlos and he whispered back and then they asked if I could give them a minute, so I got up and went to the restroom. I took my time and when I returned, they were all smiles. Carlos said it would be okay if I went on the cruise, but that I had to remember that this cruise was about the two of them together as a couple in love and not just something to get my rocks off about. He said they would be happy to have dinner with me, hang out, etc., but that I would not be coming to their room, or watching them make love. He also said absolutely no sex with Lynda for me. He said that if I agreed to those terms, then they would be happy to have me along.

I thought about it for a second before agreeing one hundred percent to their terms. Lynda then said the no sex with her was a very important part of the agreement. I asked her why that was and she gave me the thing about two people deeply in love who want "just us" time together. Carlos then looked a little uncomfortable and added that I knew a relationship with Lynda was different and that he was slowly adjusting. He said that he did not handle the situation with his nephew well at all and he did not want to see an ugly scene like that repeat itself. He said he was slowly accepting the fact that Lynda would always be having sex with somebody else, so he might as well accept it, but that their had to be some limits on that. He said the two of them had spent a lot of time talking through that and had agreed that Lynda would not do anything without his prior knowledge and permission. He said they had agreed on some ground rules for her to be with other guys and some limits on who those guys were.

Lynda said we put together a list...and Carlos cut her off. He said for example that anyone he worked with would be off limits, but certain friends and neighbors of his might be okay. He said if she says she is going out with the girls and he says okay, then he can not complain later about what happens. He said it was all about not messing up his work, public reputation and things like that. He said no more family of his, although they had agreed that the nephew was grandfathered in and that she could do him all she wants. I asked if they had told him that because I would think he would be down every weekend, if they had. They laughed and said they had not told him about the list. I guess I looked puzzled and Lynda said, "There's a list...and you're not on it."

more to follow...

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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by D+D » Wed Mar 08, 2017 8:58 am

Damn! You're not on it. Shit, stick a knife in you and twist it.
See our pics in the Hotties under My Wife Debbie

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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by SamWarrens » Wed Mar 08, 2017 9:04 am

I'n confused - if you're on the list you can fuck her or is it the other way around? Is she saying he can't fuck his own wife?
Ever? That's bulls#/t !
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.


Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by ambershere » Wed Mar 08, 2017 9:37 am

WOW thats really cold and unfeeling towards you, can only imagine how you felt at that moment.. again so appreciate your honesty in this situation..


Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by rypmar7 » Wed Mar 08, 2017 10:34 am

D+D wrote:Damn! You're not on it. Shit, stick a knife in you and twist it.
There's more to cum on this. I understand how it comes across that way, but let it play out before reaching a final opinion on it.


Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by rypmar7 » Wed Mar 08, 2017 10:35 am

SamWarrens wrote:I'n confused - if you're on the list you can fuck her or is it the other way around? Is she saying he can't fuck his own wife?
Ever? That's bulls#/t !
Yes, it is, but there still are many twists and turns to the story soon.


Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by rypmar7 » Wed Mar 08, 2017 10:36 am

ambershere wrote:WOW thats really cold and unfeeling towards you, can only imagine how you felt at that moment.. again so appreciate your honesty in this situation..

I was shocked, needless to say, but there is more to follow before this situation is resolved.

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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by Happyjohnson » Wed Mar 08, 2017 11:27 am

You are a better person than I am - I would have at this stage walked and left them to it! Go on the cruise with them, never - it would just be too painful.
I am just glad that different people's minds work in so many different ways! I would not have been able to handle what you initiated, and to my peanut brain you are absolutely crazy! But good luck to you and looking forward to how this all unwinds and resolves. More twists and turns to come, PLEASE just hurry them along!! :up: :up:


Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by rypmar7 » Wed Mar 08, 2017 11:40 am

To continue:

When Lynda told me that there was a list of people she could have sex with and I was not on the list, I was shocked and not to happy. I asked her why and who was on the list. She said that Carlos' nephew, her long-time lover Don, a divorced neighbor of Carlos that she had been flirting with, anyone she would meet while traveling out of town, anyone on a girls' night out, etc., provided it did not violate the no coworkers, work-related, family, etc. When I asked why I was excluded, she could not answer, but Carlos chimed in. Quite apologetically, he said that it was hard for him to allow any other lovers for her, but he knew their relationship had no chance, unless he agreed. He went on to say that there were no regulars, other than Don, who he wanted to eliminate, but Lynda was adamant about. He said that if he was ever going to experience what it was like to be Lynda's number one man, he had to have something that I did not, since I was still her husband. He said that he needed for her and I not to have sex at least temporarily, until he was comfortable that he was firmly in place as "her man".

My reaction was similar to those above, but Lynda started begging me to give it a try and teasing me that a little denial could be a lot of fun. I said that this was a total cuckold thing and was not part of hotwifing. Lynda teased me that we had played around with some cuck things and this was one she wanted to try. I know I will get some disapproval for this, but she has always been able to charm me into anything she wants and was softening my resistance to the idea while hardening my cock. Lynda reminded me that it had been a month already and I had not had sex with her, so it seemed like it was working out okay. She then reminded that I had already committed to no sex on the cruise, so what's the big deal. She added that the cruise was only about ten days off and I wasn't going to be sleeping with her between now and then. I decided that I would pretend to go along with the ban voluntarily, since things had gotten a little tense at the table.

I finally said that I would agree to much happiness and relief from both of them. A strange feeling came over me and I had never felt anything like it before. I had a surge of energy and decided to embrace the role of cuck. I proposed a toast to no more sex with my wife, which got hardy seconds from Carlos and Lynda. I then raised my glass and proposed another toast to the official handing off of Lynda from me to Carlos. He looked like he had just won the lottery and said he accepted the generous off of my wife. We drank and then I proposed a third toast to Lynda accepting the hand off and becoming Carlos' woman officially. She said she would accept that transition and we drank to that. I thought to myself that I could not believe the things I was saying and doing, but there was no denying that I was so hard that I was leaking pre-cum in my pants.

We finished our wine and then it was time to go. In the parking lot, they said that they would see me on board the ship and then Lynda gave me a passionate kiss. She was a little emotional and I did not know if this was a thank you, goodbye for tonight, or goodbye forever, or all three. On the drive home, my moods were bouncing wildly from one extreme to the other. At times, I felt sick, then I would feel turned on, then like I was going to cry, then like I was in control and that it was hot sending my wife off with my best friend. Many sleepless nights filled with jacking off followed.

more to cum...


Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by rypmar7 » Wed Mar 08, 2017 11:41 am

Happyjohnson wrote:You are a better person than I am - I would have at this stage walked and left them to it! Go on the cruise with them, never - it would just be too painful.
I am just glad that different people's minds work in so many different ways! I would not have been able to handle what you initiated, and to my peanut brain you are absolutely crazy! But good luck to you and looking forward to how this all unwinds and resolves. More twists and turns to come, PLEASE just hurry them along!! :up: :up:

Thanks. This story had more ups and downs than Lynda bouncing on a guy's cock. :mrgreen:


Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by ambershere » Wed Mar 08, 2017 12:15 pm

woof..... You are one hell of a man(regardless of how any one thinks) to make that decision and deal with it emotionally. again your honesty is amazing..


Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by rypmar7 » Wed Mar 08, 2017 12:21 pm


I definitely had a hard time getting my head around going on a cruise where Lynda and Carlos were a couple and I was an outsider with no rights to her. I nearly ate the money and backed out every day, but still I wanted to see what was going to happen and what it would be like. I got a ride to the port and boarded the ship alone. I told my neighbor some nonsense story about Lynda was coming from another direction with her aunt and he seemed to buy it. I had no idea when or where, or even if, I would see the loving couple. I did not have their cabin number and they did not have mine. After stashing my things in my room, I went bar to bar hanging out and hoping to find them. Fortunately, not every bar was open, so it reduced how many places I had to scout out. I met a number of friendly people and wondered if I might meet an available woman. I starting hatching my story about how my wife and I had the cruise booked, but she left me for my best friend. I thought that might get me the sympathy angle. While walking to the next lounge, I reviewing my cover story in my head and almost walked right past Lynda and Carlos. They seemed quite happy to see me and we sat and talked for a while about nothing important. After a short time, we all had to go to our lifeboat drills and they said they would meet me at the upper pool bar about 15 minutes after it ended.

Later, when I arrived at the meeting spot, they were not there, so I grabbed a drink. After 30 minutes, I went looking for them at other nearby bars, but no luck. Finally, they showed up an hour late. Lynda apologized and said that they had been fucking in their cabin and cut it short to come meet me. I thanked them sarcastically for thinking of me and asked how the sex was. Lynda said okay, but too short and Carlos bristled a little. She just laughed and I couldn't tell whether that was dig at him or a joke. We proceeded to get fairly plastered in the next two hours and Lynda was particularly loopy. She suddenly blurted out that when they were screwing earlier, Carlos came too quick and she did not get off enough. She said she wanted more and suggested that we skip dinner and go take care of her needs. She then took my hand and said, "Let's go. I need two of you." Carlos looked a little funny and I said I thought I was not on the list. She laughed and said she had a blank check on out of town travel and that I fell into the cruise exception and then laughed about how she was having to explain that to a couple of lawyers. We started walking to their suite and Carlos followed along.

Once there, Lynda took charge and told us ti get naked and take care of her needs. We both quickly undressed and presented two hard cocks to her. She pulled off her clothes and then knelt down naked before us. She took a cock in each hand and after some inspection and playing began to alternate sucking one, then the other. Carlos did not seem upset by how things were going, but instead gave me a look like this was the hottest thing he had ever scene. After we were both wet with her saliva, she announced that she wanted me to fuck her and wanted Carlos all the way up her butt. Carlos grabbed a tube of lube which I recognized because it used to be at my house. They moved into position and I was surprised at how quickly and easily she sank down on his thick cocking working it into her ass. She got very hard and was saying Carlos owns her butt and this is the one thing I can never ever have again. Once he was buried in her, they kind of rolled over and back to give me access to her pussy. It was awkward, but we finally got into position where we were both balls deep in her. She then wanted us both to fuck her as hard as possible and of course we did our best.

After we had all cum, she wanted more and more and was completely insatiable that night - more so than usual. Finally, at about 10:00 pm she said she had had enough to hold her long enough for us to go and see what food was still available. We giddily walked around the ship like three best friends with Lynda in the middle with an arm around each of us. It was really like old times while we ate something and Lynda commented about how nice it was having two wonderful men to serve her. When we finished, however, it was made clear that they were retiring alone for the night. We did exchange cabin numbers and made plans to meet up sometime the next day.

to be continued...


Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by rypmar7 » Wed Mar 08, 2017 12:21 pm

ambershere wrote:woof..... You are one hell of a man(regardless of how any one thinks) to make that decision and deal with it emotionally. again your honesty is amazing..
Thanks. I really appreciate that. :up:

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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by Hotwifeok » Wed Mar 08, 2017 2:13 pm

rypmar7 wrote:
D+D wrote:Damn! You're not on it. Shit, stick a knife in you and twist it.
There's more to cum on this. I understand how it comes across that way, but let it play out before reaching a final opinion on it.
I guess here is my thing. I know how this turns out so it shades my opinion and view. You are still a bigger man than me becasue I wouldn't have taken that and I certainly wouldn't have taken the excuse. That just made it worse. He is NOT her number 1 and never should be. You are her husband and while you are giving everything up so they can be together they should BOTH be ever thankful to you. Not treating you like shit.

I could have forgiven and would have forgiven but that would have pissed me off to no end. That was not only mean spirted and wrong it was tacky. So glad things turned around on the cruise. Otherwise I would have given up.

I know that you and Lynda are truly made for each other. That is so clear and evident now. But then.... oh my I don't know. How? How? How did you survive that?

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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by Happyjohnson » Wed Mar 08, 2017 3:17 pm

(/quote) I know that you and Lynda are truly made for each other. That is so clear and evident now. But then.... oh my I don't know. How? How? How did you survive that?[/quote]

Man you have far bigger balls than I do- :up: I would have lost the plot on being told to go back to your own cabin alone, but I suppose after all the time that Lynda has been with Carlos, you would have expected that! :mrgreen:
Good luck to you and my hat off to you! :o
Knowing that the affair came to a conclusion and Lynda came back to you makes it easier for the rest of us, but at that stage you would not have known what the eventual outcome was going to be!


Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by rypmar7 » Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:48 am

Hotwifeok wrote:
rypmar7 wrote:
D+D wrote:Damn! You're not on it. Shit, stick a knife in you and twist it.
There's more to cum on this. I understand how it comes across that way, but let it play out before reaching a final opinion on it.
I guess here is my thing. I know how this turns out so it shades my opinion and view. You are still a bigger man than me becasue I wouldn't have taken that and I certainly wouldn't have taken the excuse. That just made it worse. He is NOT her number 1 and never should be. You are her husband and while you are giving everything up so they can be together they should BOTH be ever thankful to you. Not treating you like shit.

I could have forgiven and would have forgiven but that would have pissed me off to no end. That was not only mean spirted and wrong it was tacky. So glad things turned around on the cruise. Otherwise I would have given up.

I know that you and Lynda are truly made for each other. That is so clear and evident now. But then.... oh my I don't know. How? How? How did you survive that?
I understand what you are saying and can't disagree.


Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by rypmar7 » Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:48 am

Happyjohnson wrote:(/quote) I know that you and Lynda are truly made for each other. That is so clear and evident now. But then.... oh my I don't know. How? How? How did you survive that?
Man you have far bigger balls than I do- :up: I would have lost the plot on being told to go back to your own cabin alone, but I suppose after all the time that Lynda has been with Carlos, you would have expected that! :mrgreen:
Good luck to you and my hat off to you! :o
Knowing that the affair came to a conclusion and Lynda came back to you makes it easier for the rest of us, but at that stage you would not have known what the eventual outcome was going to be![/quote]

Thanks. It was not the easiest time for me.


Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by CuckPride » Thu Mar 09, 2017 3:06 pm

There were signs that Lynda's estrangement from you was more difficult for her than she let on.


Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by rypmar7 » Sun Mar 12, 2017 8:22 am

CuckPride wrote:There were signs that Lynda's estrangement from you was more difficult for her than she let on.

Could be. :???:

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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by D+D » Sun Mar 12, 2017 11:08 am

Anxious for the next installment.
See our pics in the Hotties under My Wife Debbie

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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by lkh96 » Mon Mar 13, 2017 6:25 am

Can't wait for the grand finale (guessing its soon)......

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