To the Edge and Back

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by coastalover » Wed Oct 06, 2021 11:05 am

I have to admit I was disappointed that we didn't experience Nicoles' first "job". My hopes are high that we are treated in detail to the next one. Anticipation is everything. Although I haven't experienced my kink, this story is sublime. No one writes like you. This should be made into a movie.

Credits to Ky the man too....don't know if I could concentrate on writing no matter how cathartic it was given he is moving across the pond and commuting. You are a better man than most.


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by OOAA » Wed Oct 06, 2021 7:19 pm

Duke Lattimore wrote:
Wed Oct 06, 2021 9:03 am

Dealing with cuckold angst is tough enough when a cuck invites it. Dealing with cuckold angst as a bull, who not only did not seek it but also is not wired that way, will be an emasculation of galactic proportions for good ole Wade . . .

So, Oscar, I'll see your "squared cuckold" - and raise you with an "exponential cuckold"!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Seems we are pokering it!

Take care! ;)

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Sun Oct 10, 2021 12:57 pm

As always, thank you to those that comment and send me messages. I'm doing the best I can to keep writing, but damn it's not easy lately. On the upside, I just hit the Diamond Level on Hilton Rewards, lol. To all those that do a lot of traveling for your work, I feel for you. I personally haven't' found the enjoyment in it yet. It gets old really fast, and I would so much rather be at home. Actually, life has been good. With my wife getting closer to her due date, my employer had mercy on me and told me I could do more work from home. Now that I've been spending more time in the UK, the things I miss the most are warm weather, tumble dryers, and In-n-Out burger. Also, for those that have been following my story, we learned the sex of our soon-to-be new addition... another boy. Yeah, my wife was a little sad it wasn't a girl, but we're still pretty excited. Maybe next time, haha

Finally, I know this story isn't for everyone, but it's the story I want to tell. Thanks for letting me tell it.


I hadn’t wanted to go straight home after the CrossFit workout, I’d thought that maybe I could sneak back into the gym in hopes of hearing something between Nichole and Wade. But Cory and Joanna were the talkative sort and were almost impossible to shake. After chatting in the parking lot for the better part of forty minutes, I finally had to make an excuse about needing to get home, and at that point it was simply easier to forget about getting back into the gym.

I was reading in bed by the time Nichole got home. My literature of choice, a hotwife novel I’d downloaded from Amazon. I was quickly finding that if I kept myself at least a little bit sexually stimulated, I could ride through the lows a lot easier. It was those moments right after I came that were the difficult times to get through. Keeping myself in that lustful sweet spot was hard to manage, but I was slowly learning how to do it.

Nichole looked like she usually did after visiting Wade, all disheveled with that satisfied I’ve-just-gone-to-the-moon-and-back look on her face. She wore a tired smile as she entered the room, kissed my cheek and then went to the shower. When she finished, she dressed in her usual nighttime attire of boy-short-panties and spaghetti strap top.

“You look happy,” I said as she curled into my side.

She sighed contentedly and nodded against me, “I am. I always feel so relaxed after a good workout.”

“Do you mean the CrossFit workout, or the personal one Wade gave you later?” I asked, trying to keep my voice light and teasing.

“Both,” she replied with a giggle.

“You don’t get that same ‘relaxed’ feeling after we’ve had sex,” I said in more a statement than a question.

Nichole looked up and studied my face for a moment and then answered, “No.” My heart nearly stopped in my chest at the candid statement. After a moment she added, “But you know I love you, yeah. I still need sex with you, or at least intimacy. I’m not about to let you go.”

“Good, because I have no intention of letting you go,” I said, feeling both torn apart and somehow comforted at the same time. “I won’t lose you.”

“Life’s going to be a bit mental for a while,” Nichole said, breaking her gaze from mine. “I have a feeling work will pick up, and I’ll be spending at least some time with Wade each week. I’m worried I might not give you the time and attention you need.”

I ran my fingers lightly over her shoulder blades, “I’ve been thinking about that, too,” I confessed, “and I think I’ll be okay as long as you keep me involved as much as possible. It’s when you go radio silent for a long stretch of time that I start having a really hard time.”

“I’m still very sorry about that weekend. I promise I’ll do my best not to do that again,” she said sincerely, and I believed her. “What can I do to make you feel involved… pictures, video, things like that?”

I nodded, “Yeah, that’d all be great,” I said, “or maybe Facetime when you can. Or hell, just leaving the phone on speaker would be amazing. I can mute my side so there wouldn’t be any danger of hearing anything on your side.”

“I think Wade would be up for that, at least sometimes. I’ll have to see how work goes, recording something without a client’s knowledge could be a bit dangerous.”

“Sure, I get that it couldn’t be all the time,” I said, continuing to run my fingers over her back. “I’ll take whatever I can get.”

Nichole looked up at me again, her eyes searching, “I have something that might be, interesting,” she said, pausing a moment before saying the last word. “Wade wants to take me out on Friday and wants to invite Cory and Joanna to go with us.”

“Ugh,” I groaned, pressing my fingers into her back with a little more force. “That’s erotic as fuck.”

Nichole giggled, “I thought you might like that, but it get’s better,” she said, running her hand over my stomach and down to my crotch. “Wade thought you might like to come.”

“As a fifth wheel?” I said, “I don’t know about—”

“—No, with a date,” Nichole interrupted. “We’d have to find you a girlfriend for the evening.”

“A girlfriend wouldn’t work,” I said, shaking my head. “I told Cory I was married.”

“Hmm, that makes it a little more difficult,” Nichole said, her mouth forming a pouty look. After a long moment she asked, “Did you say you were married to a woman?” She pronounced the last word slowly and with emphasis.

I coughed and sputtered simultaneously, “You’re not thinking what I think you’re thinking.”

She let out a peel of laughter and sat up, her eyes wide with excitement. “You don’t know what I’m thinking,” Nichole said, taking a moment to look at me closely. “Alright, perhaps you do, but it could work. Rafe would play the part to perfection.”

“Rafe?” I said in shock. “I can’t believe you’d even suggest it. I mean seriously.”

“I am serious,” Nichole said emphatically. Her eyes looked almost glazed. “Bloody hell that’s an erotic thought.”

“That’s a hard no,” I stated, shaking my head.

“Wait,” Nichole said, placing her hand on my chest, her eyes closed. “Don’t ruin this for me.” Her lips pulled into a small smile, and she sighed contentedly.

“Put it out of your mind, woman,” I said, shaking my head again. “I could never pull off acting like I was gay, much less acting like I was married to a dude.”

Nichole breathed out in a heavy huff as she opened her eyes and looked at me. “You wanted to know what one of my fantasies was, well, that was it. I knew you weren’t ready for it yet.”

“Yet?” I sputtered. “Good god Nichole. I mean I thought you’d suggest Rachel or something. I can’t believe you just suggested Rafe.” Nichole gave me a look, but I could tell she wasn’t truly upset, just having fun teasing.

“Rachel would work, but she’s thousands of miles away.”

“No, she’s not. She’s right next door,” I said, looking toward the neighbor’s house. “She had to come right back after they got to Costa Rica. Her mom thought she caught Covid, and she was worried she’d have to go to the hospital, but I guess everything’s fine.”

“I hope so,” Nichole said thoughtfully. “It’d be brilliant if she could be your date, but I don’t want to ask if she’s dealing with some family health issues.”

“We can feel her out and play it by ear,” I said, leaning my head back onto my pillow and looking at the ceiling. “But you realize, I wouldn’t just be pretending that she’s my date, I’d be pretending that she was my wife.”

I heard a small groan, almost inaudible, come from Nichole’s throat. “It’s an adrenaline rush just thinking about it.”

I took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly, she was right about that, I felt a little short of breath as I played out a scenario in my head. They would think I was married to a much older woman. Sure, Rachel was still extremely attractive, and her breasts were something that still caught any man’s attention, but it would still raise an eyebrow.

“Would you mind talking to her tomorrow?” Nichole asked. “I have a work thing in Orange County tomorrow, and I don’t know how long I’ll be there.”

“Work, is it what I think it is?” I asked. I felt a rush of excitement but also a cold knot in my stomach at the thought.

Nichole shrugged, “I don’t know any details,” she admitted. “We’re meeting with a new client tomorrow, and Mr. Schultz is going to be there, so it’s probably more introductions and get-to-know-each other.” Nichole stretched beside me and yawned. “I should probably see if I can pop into the salon in the morning, maybe they can squeeze me in before Rafe arrives.”

A long moment passed, and I simply tried to enjoy having my wife to myself for a moment. I thought about what she had said a moment ago. Her work was only going to pick up in pace, which naturally meant she’d be sleeping with more clients. The thought made my heart race every time I let my mind entertain it.

Looking over at my wife, I felt a twinge of jealousy and pain thinking that I would be sharing her more with other guys. But that’s what escorts did, right? That’s what she was doing. She was an escort for the wealthy and powerful clients that Morgan wanted to woo. Other words and thoughts came unbidden to my mind… She was a corporate whore. She was spreading her legs, selling sex in order to close deals. Yet, as I gave it more thought, I knew it wasn’t just about closing business deals. No, Nichole was enjoying the sexual aspect of it. She was enjoying the discovery of a new world. And this was something I’d encouraged, something I’d initiated. I had lit the fuse.

As I continued to think, I realized that the point of no return had happened a long time ago. Sure, I might be able to stop the momentum and convince Nichole to change course, but it would probably mean that she’d need to find a new job, and she wouldn’t be happy with me pulling the rug out from under her feet now. It would be best to allow things to go their course. Eventually things would go back to normal, so in the interim, it would be better to continue to ‘lean into it’.

Finally, I squeezed her shoulder gently, “I’ll talk to Rachel tomorrow.

“Brilliant,” Nichole said, her smile easily reaching her eyes. She turned over onto her stomach and looked up at me. “Did you have fun tonight? What did you think?”

“It was good,” I said, unsure where to start. “I mean, a lot of it felt ordinary enough on the surface, but when I’d think about what was actually happening, it was pretty intense.”

“But it was good for you? You liked it?” Nichole continued to probe.

I nodded as I reached down and ran my fingers through her hair, “There are moments when I wonder what the fuck are we doing, but the rush is so intense at times that I don’t care, I just want more of it.” I knew Nichole was watching my expression carefully, so I tried not to show the anxiety I was feeling. “Are you starting to feel any romantic feelings toward Wade?”

I couldn’t read Nichole’s expression, but she had a reaction to the question, the question had surprised her.

“I don’t think…” the corner of Nichole’s mouth pressed together, and her eyes broke from mine for a moment, “No, not romantic feelings, but he’s grown on me—we’re closer now.”

“Like it is with Marcus then, like a friends-with-benefits kind of relationship?”

Nichole’s eyes met mine again as she gave me a fractional nod, “Yeah, that sounds right.”

“I know we’ve decided to lean into this, and I’m not getting cold feet,” I said. “If things continue as they are, do you see yourself falling in love with him, could it be real love?”

Nichole breathed out a heavy breath through partially opened lips, “That’s the question, isn’t it?” she said, sitting up again and turning to face me. She took my arm into her hands. “I never fell in love with Marcus. We’re only close friends. But it is different with Wade. I can feel that already.”

“How so?” I asked, not sure if I really wanted the answer or not.

“We’re just closer, there’s more of a natural connection,” Nichole said, her eyes fixed on my upper arm. “I don’t know, maybe it’s because Wade’s closer to my age than Marcus, but sex with Wade isn’t just physical. It’s like some out-of-body spiritual experience.”

A soft, but still harsh laugh escaped me.

“I’m sorry,” Nichole quickly said, “Was that too much?”

My breath hitched as I tried to answer, “It was a lot,” I managed to say, trying to find my composure. “I mean I’ve known for a while that I don’t rock your boat like Wade does—and I’ve more-or-less accepted it—or at least I thought I had. Sometimes things still pop up and surprise me though.”

“It’s not a competition,” Nichole said, gripping my arm tightly. “It doesn’t change how I feel about you.”

I didn’t answer right away. I had to try and collect my thoughts. Hearing Nichole’s confession made me feel a hollow pit in my stomach, and het I felt flooded with a lustful high that bordered on an overdose.

“So, your fantasy was for me to marry a guy?” I said, purposefully changing the subject.

From the look on Nichole’s face, I could tell she hadn’t followed my line of thought. It took her a moment, but she at last shook her head, “No, not marry. Don’t be so thick,” she said in admonishment. “Just to be with… a bloke.” Nichole’s voice trailed off as she spoke.

“Just be with a bloke,” I repeated. “You mean like have sex with.”

It took a long moment, but eventually Nichole gave a quick nod, “Marcus told me about an experience he had in college with another guy, and it well, it got me thinking. It really turned me on when I thought about you being with a bloke. But I knew you probably wouldn’t be into it, so that’s why I haven’t brought it up.”

“Yeah,” I breathed out, “That’s kind of a…” I paused for a second. I wasn’t sure how to respond. “I don’t think I could ever get there, Nichole. I’m afraid that’s a hard no for me.”

“You wouldn’t even try it once?” Nichole asked, her eyes finally meeting mine.

I shook my head. Even the thought of it made me visibly wince. “It’s just such a turn off for me. It makes my skin crawl just thinking about it.”

I could tell Nichole wanted to push further, but she seemed to change her mind after a moment as her expression softened. “A girl can dream,” she finally said, but I could tell she was slightly bothered.

“I’ll try to say yes to your next fantasy,” I said as sincerely as I could. I decided to switch subjects.

Nichole gave me a smile and then laid back down. “I better get some sleep. I’m not sure what’s going to happen tomorrow.”

I wrapped my arm around my wife’s stomach and pulled her in close to my chest. “You know, you’ve never really given me much detail about the weekend with that French guy.”

Nichole placed her arm over mine and wiggled until she’d found a comfortable position. “The way it all took place had you in quite a state, I wasn’t sure you wanted to know more.”

“I was at first, but I think I’m okay now,” I said, moving my hips forward so that my dick pressed against my wife’s bum.

Nichole let out a giggle and reached around, touching my dick over my shorts with her fingers. “Someone’s ready to go.”

“I’ve been thinking about my hotwife,” I said, enjoying the feeling of her fingers gently caressing my average shaft.

Nichole’s gentle touch tightened as she gripped me with her hand, “I like it when you call me that,” she said, her voice thick with lust.

I knew Nichole was tired, but I couldn’t stand to wait any longer, and she seemed to be in the mood. I quickly pushed down my shorts and kicked them off the bed. Then I pulled down my wife’s panties, meeting no resistance from her. From the position we were in, it was as easy thing to roll her onto her tummy and take her from behind. With her laying flat like she was, I couldn’t get very deep, but I knew I could reach her g-spot, and at least provide some stimulation on her clitty. I felt her body stiffen as I entered.

“Careful,” she said in whisper, “I’m a little sore.”

“Do you only get sore with Wade?” I asked, taking care to move gently and slowly. “You never seemed to be sore after being with Marcus.”

“I was at first with Marcus,” Nichole said. She had a relaxed but content sound to her voice. “But I got used to him. I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to Wade—at least not completely.”

For the next five minutes, I quietly enjoyed the feeling of being in my wife. Every once in a while, I would hear a contented sigh, or a light hum, but nothing like the passionate cries she’d make with her other lovers. I realized I had to accept the fact that I just wasn’t going to be able to give that to her, at least not myself. If I wanted her to have that powerfully intense sexual experience, I was going to have to let her see other men, men like Wade.

I opened my eyes and took in my wife’s form as I continued my easy thrusts. She was so incredibly beautiful. Her toned legs, her perfectly shaped ass, the slight definition of muscle in her back, shoulders, and arms, the way her dark hair fanned thickly to the side, it all appealed to me on the most primal level. Why did I feel such a need to share her?

“Are you going to cum?” I asked, already knowing the answer. It was late and I knew that she wanted to go to sleep. She was only letting me fuck her because she knew I needed it.

“I don’t need to cum, this is enough—,”

“—I want you to cum,” I said, cutting her off. “Use your fingers again and tell me about Arthur. I want to know what happened that weekend, and I don’t want you to hold anything back.”

“Are you sure, Ky?” she asked. Her voice sounded uncertain, but she was already moving her hand to her pussy.

“Yes, this is what I need,” I said firmly, feeling the tips of her fingers against my dick as she began to play with herself. “It’s what I need.” I repeated softly.

“…I don’t think I’ve ever felt so alive,” Nichole said after a moment, laughing lightly and then making the most sensuous moan I’d ever heard. “We talked about the weather at first, about how nice the warm weather felt in San Diego. When we were at dinner, we talked business for a long time. For a while, I started to think that it was going to be like any other sales dinner, but then he moved to sit next to me, and we began to talk about more personal things. He asked me if I had a boyfriend. I didn’t even have to lie to tell him that I didn’t. He liked that and put his hand on my thigh. And I didn’t move away. I let him.

“In fact, I did more than let him. As his hand caressed my thigh, I let my legs open. To him that was like giving him my approval because his hand started to move closer to my pussy. Bloody hell, Ky. I was so nervous. I’m still surprised he didn’t feel me trembling—or maybe he did. I don’t know.” Nichole paused, seeming to focus the movement of her fingers. “Oh my god, I’m soaking.”

I repositioned my knees and looked down at my dick. Her pussy really was soaking. She felt loose to me to begin with, but with the added lubrication and her more relaxed state, I could only feel her warmth. There was almost no friction at all.

“Keep going,” I said, trying not to cum too fast.

“After dinner,” Nichole began again, “we walked along the beach and talked, and that’s when he kissed me… it was only a kiss, but I felt on fire because I knew I was going to have sex with him soon. I knew I was there for business, but at the time, all I could think of was going back to his room. I felt so anxious when we were on the beach because I kept thinking we might run into someone I might know. When we got to his room, I was expecting my nerves to get the better of me, but I actually felt calmer because we had some privacy.

“When I did go into his room, and then heard the door click behind me, I had the thought that I was about to cheat on my husband again. Only this time was different. Before, I’d always felt a touch of guilt. Despite having your permission, I still felt like I was betraying you. But this time, all I felt was excitement.”

“Then what happened?” I asked, wanting to know more. I needed the lust to overpower the insecurity I was feeling.

“Do you want to hear how much of a cheating slut your wife was?” Nichole asked. “Because that’s what I was.”

“Oh fuck, Nichole,” I groaned, too close to the edge to stop.

“How does it make you feel, Ky?” Nichole’s body writhed under my grip as she spoke. “Knowing you’re married to a bloody prostitute, a common whore. Ga!” Nichole cried out as she began to experience and incredibly powerful orgasm.

“I fucking love it,” I said, feeling my wife’s pussy pulse around my dick. I was thrilled to witness her having a powerful orgasm. This had become something she’d only seemed to experience with her other lovers, but this time it was with me.

I came hard and collapsed next to my wife. We were both breathing hard, and for several minutes neither of us spoke. I knew Nichole’s orgasm had been a good one but feeling her body occasionally tremble against mine made me smile in satisfaction. I knew I hadn’t done it on my own exactly. My average size penis and less than stellar staying power was never going to bring her to these heights. But I’d found a way. Sure, it was slightly unorthodox, but it was a way.

“Oh, that was lovely,” Nichole said, still breathing rapidly. We laid together for a long moment catching our breath. “It’s odd,” Nichole began, “I’ve spent most of my life feeling guilty about giving in to carnal temptations, but now it feels like I was asleep for all those years. I’ve never felt so alive.”

“I’m happy you feel this way,” I said sincerely. Having cum, I was feeling that usual bout of anxiety that came once the feeling of lust faded. “It sounds like your experience with Arthur was a really positive one.”

Nichole only hummed at first, I gratified sound of blissful satisfaction. After a time, she said, “He was an attentive lover, but it was knowing that I was there as a simple prostitute that made the experience so brilliant. Knowing it was my job to satisfy this man sexually, it felt so carnal, so wanton.”

“You’re much more than a simple prostitute,” I said, burrowing my face into the crook of her neck.

Nichole laughed and tried to squirm away as I tried to lock my lips onto the skin I knew would be overly sensitive. “Maybe,” she said sounding almost dismissive. “Does that bother you?”

“I don’t…” I paused, feeling a need to tread cautiously. “I guess I haven’t been looking at it like that exactly. I mean, I knew sex was a part of the whole move to Special Projects, but I’ve always looked at it as a small part of it. There’s a lot more to you than just a good fuck.”

Nichole turned and smiled at me, “Good answer,” she said softly. We kissed and touched for several minutes, enjoying the moment.

I had closed my eyes and was feeling like I could go to sleep at any moment when I heard Nichole say, “I’m very happy we’re not treating this like a game anymore. I rather enjoy being a hotwife…”

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Re: To the Edge and Back - Chapter 49

Unread post by Paul999 » Sun Oct 10, 2021 1:58 pm

Another great chapter.
Thanks, Ky-Da

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by WACouple » Sun Oct 10, 2021 3:33 pm

Yes, so well done. Thank you!

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by SamWarrens » Sun Oct 10, 2021 4:34 pm

And so the game really begins.
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by coastalover » Sun Oct 10, 2021 4:46 pm

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. That small part of the chapter describing her time with Arthur was brilliant. Seems like both of them have moved up to a new level and are enjoying it.
Looking forward to more.


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by OOAA » Sun Oct 10, 2021 8:09 pm

Ky_Da wrote:
Sun Oct 10, 2021 12:57 pm
As always, thank you to those that comment and send me messages. I'm doing the best I can to keep writing, but damn it's not easy lately. On the upside, I just hit the Diamond Level on Hilton Rewards, lol. To all those that do a lot of traveling for your work, I feel for you. I personally haven't' found the enjoyment in it yet. It gets old really fast, and I would so much rather be at home. Actually, life has been good. With my wife getting closer to her due date, my employer had mercy on me and told me I could do more work from home. Now that I've been spending more time in the UK, the things I miss the most are warm weather, tumble dryers, and In-n-Out burger. Also, for those that have been following my story, we learned the sex of our soon-to-be new addition... another boy. Yeah, my wife was a little sad it wasn't a girl, but we're still pretty excited. Maybe next time, haha

CONGRATULATIONS fot your new mini-you (Ky-boy)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :up: :up: :up:

Thanks a lot for sharing this personal bite of info!!

I agree with you..., travelling at youth is refreshing and exciting, while nowadays our preference is enjoying time at home with family, friends and local places and activities...

And I really understand you when you compare weather... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what a tasty touch!!!! We miss A LOT In&Out burgers!!!!!! We were such fans... and the pink lemonade ;)

Best regards my friend!

PD: Story later ;)


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by dorsetben » Mon Oct 11, 2021 2:39 am

Congrats Ky! All the best to all of you!


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by OOAA » Mon Oct 11, 2021 3:16 am

VERY HOT chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amazing talking!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by JustWantToWatch » Mon Oct 11, 2021 9:41 am

Excellent chapter!

Mad Dog65

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Mad Dog65 » Mon Oct 11, 2021 11:13 am

Thanks Ky - this is such an incredible story!

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by subtoall » Mon Oct 11, 2021 4:04 pm

Wait! What? Who said we weren't treating this like a game anymore? Poor Ky! :D :D :D

And you're going to have another son! How awesome!

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by starman2 » Wed Oct 20, 2021 10:58 am

Wow such a hot and erotic story ky, i have enjoyed how you have created such a hot cucking , reading it and how your bring out all the emotions of being in a cuckold/hotwife relationship are amazing a great story ,and hope to catch more Ky thank you

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by SamWarrens » Fri Nov 05, 2021 4:29 am

Ky, I know how life gets in the way of writing, but do try to squeeze in a few minutes into writing a new chapter please.
Almost a month since the last one missing it a lot.
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by coastalover » Fri Nov 05, 2021 6:53 am

We are all missing it a lot.....hoping at least with the holiday break near he may get some extra time to do a chapter. I know that new son comes first now and wouldn't have it any other way.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by RGS22 » Mon Nov 15, 2021 6:04 pm

Hey Ky. My wife I were in Julian last week. A cool little mountain town. What a great tip. The pie was spectacular, thanks!

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Fred_Garvin » Wed Nov 17, 2021 9:33 am

I'm having some serious withdrawal here.

I need to inject some Nichole and Ky cuckold angst into my veins!

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by SamWarrens » Mon Nov 22, 2021 9:40 am

Me too! I need to have it soon before my vision fails completely.
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Fred_Garvin » Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:58 pm

Ky_Da wrote:
Sun Oct 10, 2021 12:57 pm
“Life’s going to be a bit mental for a while,” Nichole said, breaking her gaze from mine. “I have a feeling work will pick up, and I’ll be spending at least some time with Wade each week. I’m worried I might not give you the time and attention you need.”
This piece of dialog really affected me, because denial is one of the things that punches my buttons. The idea that her husband is her third (or lower) sexual priority is absolutely scorching hot.

Thanks for your work!

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by coastalover » Mon Nov 22, 2021 4:10 pm

If I'm right, this Holiday weekend will give Ky enough time to sooth the raging beast in all of us. That new son is a handful and tiger mom makes sure he does his part. Hopefully his boss has also rewarded him with a little extra time too since he has been burning midnight oil on two continents. Patience will be rewarded, grasshopper.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Jacko » Wed Nov 24, 2021 2:43 pm

coastalover wrote:
Mon Nov 22, 2021 4:10 pm
If I'm right, this Holiday weekend will give Ky enough time to sooth the raging beast in all of us
Agreed, I will be truly annoyed if Ky doesn't spend any well-earned downtime he gets, writing for us! He needs to cage that 'tiger mom'. :whip:

Wait, oops, I forgot the <sarcasm></sarcasm> marks.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by txrockdog » Sun Nov 28, 2021 5:56 pm

I suspect Ky’s time is currently being 100% devoted to taking care of a wife and new child if my recollection of the timing is accurate. I think he has his priorities properly in order and will get to writing when he gets to it. Until then Ky, best wishes for you, your wife, and your growing family. We miss your writing, but we can be patient.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by tojanman » Mon Dec 27, 2021 11:35 am


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Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2020 9:32 am

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by antidote2909 » Mon Jan 10, 2022 2:34 am

We can't lose writers like you Ky_da. Still waiting with dribbling precum 😉

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