It's happened!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by mickle » Wed Sep 28, 2016 10:25 pm

hwc wrote:I can't help but believe it would have been better all round if you had managed to work out a way of getting get Jen what she really wants. What would genuinely make her happy. Everything I'm reading is coming off as her making do with second best. If Jen is not truly fulfilled and happy, can you be truly happy yourself?
Such good advice. Michael


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by OOAA » Tue Oct 04, 2016 1:34 am

Already in October ;)

How is everything going?

Posts: 128
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2015 9:49 pm

Re: It's happened!

Unread post by excitedcuckold » Tue Oct 04, 2016 2:06 pm

BallSpanking wrote:Maybe it's time Jen started dating big-cocked, Alpha studs again... ;)
It's not like the thought never crosses my mind. When Jen and I have sex, my mind is pretty much fixed on imagining her with Brian. Every now and then though, I have a stray thought of what it might be like if Jen found a new guy to fuck. She hasn't brought up anything like that though.
trexxx wrote:Michael: It's your story and it's a very good story, don't waste your time with the crazy's just look at how many fans you have, that's the reality of it for you.
viking53 wrote:Glad your thread is back on track and that things have settled down for you. You say that it feels that it has reached status quo so you are not so sure you will have so much to report in the future. Even if that is the case, I hope you will get back to us periodically, just to let us know that everything is fine with Jen and you.
Thanks! Definitely not much to update at the moment, but things are good. Except that Jen has been more and more stressed lately about school. Taking on so many college credits after being out of high school for a while is tough enough, but she also works a lot of hours at her job. She did make a friend at school though. Allison. Except that Allison thinks it's weird that Jen's married. I guess I'm an "oppressor" or something, though Allison says that her opinion is really nothing personal against me. Just the "patriarchal heteronormative model that the marriage imposes on Jen and the accompanying diminished role that Jen is obliged to play as a consequence." At least I think those are the words she used. Jen teases me about it and calls me her cute oppressor. :roll:
mickle wrote:Love your story Michael, with hundred's of others. :whip: :whip:
Thank you!
OOAA wrote:Thanks for you last message!!!!!!!!!

Amazing going on ;) ;)
hwc wrote:I can't help but believe it would have been better all round if you had managed to work out a way of getting get Jen what she really wants. What would genuinely make her happy. Everything I'm reading is coming off as her making do with second best. If Jen is not truly fulfilled and happy, can you be truly happy yourself?
Yep. Truly happy over here. Jen wanted to marry me. She got that. Jen wanted to fuck Brian exclusively instead of me until he moved away. She got that too. It's actually crazy hot for me that Jen thinks of me as second best sexually. Seeing that tattoo of Brian's initials on her hip every time I see her naked. It's fucking amazing.
Rogueuser1 wrote:Awesome update --- glad to hear things are still moving forward for you guys!
OOAA wrote:Already in October ;)

How is everything going?
It's going great, other than Jen stressing about school and work. As far as sex, it's been more of the same. Jen and I are still fucking. I still have to wear a condom when we do. And, to some small or large degree depending on Jen's mood, she still reminds me that she'd rather be fucking Brian.


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Tue Oct 04, 2016 8:02 pm

excitedcuckold wrote:Thanks! Definitely not much to update at the moment, but things are good. Except that Jen has been more and more stressed lately about school. Taking on so many college credits after being out of high school for a while is tough enough, but she also works a lot of hours at her job. She did make a friend at school though. Allison. Except that Allison thinks it's weird that Jen's married. I guess I'm an "oppressor" or something, though Allison says that her opinion is really nothing personal against me. Just the "patriarchal heteronormative model that the marriage imposes on Jen and the accompanying diminished role that Jen is obliged to play as a consequence." At least I think those are the words she used. Jen teases me about it and calls me her cute oppressor. :roll:

I guess Allison means that she thinks you will hold Jen back from enjoying herself at college, playing the field! Perhaps you should tell Jen that you don't want to be her oppressor and she is free to play the field.

Posts: 117
Joined: Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:38 am

Re: It's happened!

Unread post by mickle » Wed Oct 05, 2016 12:40 am

viking53 wrote: I guess Allison means that she thinks you will hold Jen back from enjoying herself at college, playing the field! Perhaps you should tell Jen that you don't want to be her oppressor and she is free to play the field.
Jen needs to involve herself in all the extra curricular activities of the school, Allison is right, excitedcuckold you mast take a majority role in the mundane household tasks, cleaning/washing/ironing/ shopping and cooking to allow Jen to immerse herself in her school work, Allison seems to be a good mentor to Jen, you should encourage their friendship more.

Good luck on your new role excitedcuckold. :up: :up:


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by OOAA » Wed Oct 05, 2016 4:23 pm

Thanks for your message :)

If possible, share with us more about last sex sessions..., it is really exciting for me/us to know about it :)


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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2015 9:49 pm

Re: It's happened!

Unread post by excitedcuckold » Tue Oct 11, 2016 4:16 pm

viking53 wrote:I guess Allison means that she thinks you will hold Jen back from enjoying herself at college, playing the field! Perhaps you should tell Jen that you don't want to be her oppressor and she is free to play the field.
Maybe that's exactly what Allison means. She did recently tell Jen she thinks it sucks that Jen has to be tied down so much and can't just enjoy the "full college experience" of dorm life, parties, and dating around. I know because Allison said it teasingly in front of me. Jen defended me though and pointed out that I'm part of the reason she's even able to go to college and that non-traditional students are more and more common these days. Plus Jen isn't even that non-traditional. She's not really much older than her classmates. Jen also pointed out that the college experience she's most interested is getting a degree without racking up tons of debt, and also how she'd rather live in a nice apartment than in a dorm room. Allison replied that Jen makes a good point and I seem like a really great guy, but it would still be nice if Jen had more of a social life and could be on and around campus more.

I asked Jen later on, in private, if she feels like she's missing out on anything. She replied that sometimes she feels that way, but not because she's married. She said she just wishes she had more time for stuff and could be carefree the way the girls whose parents pay for everything are. Then she could just go class, have time to study, have time to meet & socialize with college friends, and still be able to come home to me. A part of me wanted to ask her about playing the field and meeting guys. But, I was too scared to. It hasn't even been two months yet that Jen and I are back to fucking. I don't know if I want to start encouraging her to look for someone new on the side, especially after how intense things got with Brian. But, at the same time, I really miss having Brian around. Part of me still wishes that Jen had talked Brian into staying and that I still wasn't allowed to fuck my own wife. I know how messed up that it is. But, I can't get the thought out of my head. A part of me is happy with how things currently are and a part of me wants to be a total, denied cuckold. Even if I'm not at immediate risk of being denied again simply by encouraging Jen to play the field, I should still be sure that I'm ready to start sharing Jen again before I bring up the idea. I do keep leaning more and more toward encouraging her though. It feels like any day now I'm going to make the suggestion.
mickle wrote:Jen needs to involve herself in all the extra curricular activities of the school, Allison is right, excitedcuckold you mast take a majority role in the mundane household tasks, cleaning/washing/ironing/ shopping and cooking to allow Jen to immerse herself in her school work, Allison seems to be a good mentor to Jen, you should encourage their friendship more.

Good luck on your new role excitedcuckold. :up: :up:
I already help out around the house and have taken on more than 50% of the chores. But, the idea of taking on more chores to give Jen time to study is a good one. Jen really has been very stressed lately about schoolwork and I'd really like to help take away some of that stress. I do feel like your suggestion might be about more than that though. And I do admit though that taking on more chores to give Jen time to meet guys and fuck around on me is a hot idea. But, I need to decide for sure that's what I want before I make the suggestion.
OOAA wrote:Thanks for your message :)

If possible, share with us more about last sex sessions..., it is really exciting for me/us to know about it :)

Sometimes there's really not a lot to it and it's just kind of subtle. Just normal sex with a few naughty words thrown in to put me in my place. But, other times it's really cuckold-oriented and Jen is totally in my face about it. Like a couple nights ago.

Jen and I were making out and things were starting to get heavy. I was ready for clothes to start coming off. Once we were naked, Jen put the brakes on.

"Will you do me a favor, baby?" Jen asked shyly and reluctantly.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Will you wrestle me?" Jen replied, still shyly.

"Like how Brian and I used to?" I asked.

"Yeah," Jen replied with a smile.

"I couldn't wrestle you for real. You know that, right?"

"I know," Jen responded. "I want you to let me win."

"Okay," I replied with a smile.

Jen and I got into position on the carpet and started to wrestle. I'd put up a little bit of a struggle just for the show, but I let Jen overpower me.

"Show me how to do that thing Brian would do when he pinned you." Jen insisted with a wicked smile.

I told her what to do. She was a bit too small to really have me pinned like Brian could, but she got the hang of it and in little time had me sort of pinned to the ground with my balls in her hand.

"I miss watching you and Brian wrestle and watching him dominate you," Jen said longingly. "If I had talked Brian into staying, I probably would have insisted on another wrestling match so I could watch him make you give up your husbandly duties for good."

"For good, huh?" I joked.

"Well, not for good," Jen said jokingly. "But, you know what I mean. For another year. Or until I'm graduated from college or whatever. But, maybe not to actually admit to you that it would be for that long. Cause I'd probably want to see the two of you wrestle for me again. It was actually kind of fun building up your hopes that you'd get laid again at some point and then watching Brian take that away from you as he dominated you and crushed your balls and showed off for me. I loved watching Brian emasculate you. I miss it." Jen continued squeezing my balls with her one hand. "Does it hurt when I do this," she asked.

"Not really," I replied truthfully. "Brian has much bigger and stronger hands than you. He could get a good grip in one hand and squeeze real hard to the point of pain if he wanted to. He never went as hard as he could. He could have squeezed much harder, but held back. He wanted me to feel it and to put me in my place, but he didn't want to actually injure me or anything like that."

"I know," replied Jen. "That's part of what made it so perfect. With one hand he could easily crush your manhood. It was obviously more about showing off for me than about hurting you though. It was like a prize for me. Him telling me that he's the better the man, presenting your balls to me as a trophy for our amusement and pleasure. He'd apply just enough pressure to remind you who was the real man and to get you to agree to whatever he and I wanted. To remind you that he won me away from you and to humiliate you in front of me and to make me think less of you as a man sexually. Sorry. I know you don't the word humiliation."

"I'm over it," I replied. "It's probably exactly the way you're describing it. I just didn't like the idea of actually being humiliated back then, even though that's exactly what was happening. So I convinced myself it was something other than humiliation. Whatever was, it was hot."

"I know," Jen replied. "Mind if I squeeze with both hands?"

"Go for it," I replied with a smile.

Jen grabbed my balls with both of her hands and squeezed down nice and hard. "Does that hurt?" she asked.

"Well, I'm definitely feeling it," I replied truthfully. "But, it's not unbearable or anything."

"Okay," she said with a smile. "It's so weird thinking about how these went from being a pair of useless eunuch balls attached to a useless eunuch penis that I didn't want to fuck, to becoming a set of cock and balls that gets to fuck me."

"But, only if I wear a condom," I responded with a smile.

"Yep," Jen said confidently. "I had literally stopped thinking of you in that way. Zero desire to fuck you. Didn't even occur to me to want to have you inside of me even when we were naked together. It was so hot belonging to another man like that!"

"But, now you see me in that way again? As a sex partner?" I asked.

"Yes," Jen replied. "But, not as the person I actually want to be fucking. Only as my sexual backup plan who was in the friendzone until I had use for you sexually. So I don't actually want you coming inside of me. It's hotter for me to save that for Brian, even though he's not here anymore. Want to put on a condom and fuck me and show me how much worse at sex you are than Brian?"

"Is it really that bad?" I asked.

"Nope. I've already told you. Sex with you isn't actually bad. It's just that sex with Brian is way the fuck better. And sex with Brian exclusively instead of you is even better than just having Brian on the side. Brian is a real man who deserves to fuck me and cum inside of me. Brain gives me amazing sex. We already agreed that you're not a real man sexually, Michael. You don't deserve to fuck me or cum inside of me. You're only capable of giving me okay sex, decent sex, acceptable sex. You'd please me much more when you were serving me as my eunuch helper. You'd accepted your place as the lesser man and assisted me in enjoying my time with the real man who had taken your place. It was pretty great!"

"Okay," I replied. "I'm still pleasing you when I fuck you, but not as much as I did when I didn't fuck you, when I'd stepped aside for Brian to take my place sexually and assumed my role as your eunuch servant?"

"Exactly!" Jen replied giddily, squeezing my balls harder in her excitement. "Don't go getting it in your head that I'm not having a good time when we're having sex, Michael. I am! Especially when I put you in your place and openly fantasize about Brian's cock inside of me instead of your useless eunuch penis! That shit is so much fun for me! Like right now, I want you inside of me so bad! Except that I'd rather have Brian inside of me. But, Brian's not here. So I want you to fuck me! Right the fuck now, Michael!"

Jen let go of my balls and stood me up and pushed me onto the couch. She grabbed a condom and slid it on me. She sucked me for a few moments with the condom on and then slid right onto my cock. She was so wet, it slid in so easily! She grabbed my ass and pressed me into her as far as I would go. I then flipped us over so that I was on top of her and thrust and pounded her so hard!

"Fuck me, Michael!" Jen squealed as I thrust in and out of her. "Fuck me like a backup plan who's trying to prove himself!"

And I did. As Jen started to O, I let myself cum. Right inside of the condom I was wearing.

"That was great!" Jen exclaimed afterwards. "You did well, baby! You really did! Between your adequate abilities and all the fucked up foreplay and sex talk, that was so incredibly great overall! It really was! Thank you!"

So that's a sample from my fucked up, but hot sex life with Jen. :cool:


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Tue Oct 11, 2016 10:13 pm

Another really rich hot update. Thanks Michael.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by poppag » Tue Oct 11, 2016 11:01 pm

Hello Michael, another great update. it sounds like you and Jen have found a good groove, for now. It appears that both of you miss Brian being there with you. That's to be expected. It's nice that it still gives fuel for your fun together.

Jen did bring up some thoughts and you while not reinforcing them to her, have admitted in your own mind that had Brian stayed, the idea of Jen still being exclusive with Brian till she graduates from college is a very exciting fantasy. Would that fantasy be the same if it were someone else, someone from her school.

Just some thoughts, great to hear from you again and look forward to more updates.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by rs480 » Wed Oct 12, 2016 7:14 pm

Just for fun and to change things up a bit, have you ever considered grabbing her, flipping her over and fucking her doggy style (or whatever) just to man handle her? Just to change it up? Would your Jen be pissed at you? I wonder because of my own very demure situ as of late. No, NOT a Hot situ like your situ, at our house.
NICE update Michael! Thank you. :-)
I see a lover in Jen's future. :-)
I shouldn't post this-look at my signature
Pig's In Space! For those that remember...
Yes, I believe I'm losing my mind.


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by OOAA » Fri Oct 14, 2016 8:38 am

Fantastic update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would decide to let Jen enjoy the "full college experience" with full Allison support....

Maybe Jen could explain Allison your experience with Brian and her feelings and thougts about you..., so...., let Jen to play the field ;)

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Joined: Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:41 pm

Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Jkp69 » Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:48 pm

Hi guys jkp here. Before I ask my question just want to let you guys know it's only been a week or so since I've found this fetish? And so I don't want to offend anyone when asking this question.

My question is that there's talk about cuckold sex and normal sex but you never mention making love. I know Jen demeaning you is a major turn on for you but have you ever lost you erection during sex because she was to mean?

Posts: 128
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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by excitedcuckold » Tue Oct 25, 2016 5:33 pm

viking53 wrote:Another really rich hot update. Thanks Michael.
poppag wrote:Hello Michael, another great update. it sounds like you and Jen have found a good groove, for now. It appears that both of you miss Brian being there with you. That's to be expected. It's nice that it still gives fuel for your fun together.

Jen did bring up some thoughts and you while not reinforcing them to her, have admitted in your own mind that had Brian stayed, the idea of Jen still being exclusive with Brian till she graduates from college is a very exciting fantasy. Would that fantasy be the same if it were someone else, someone from her school.

Just some thoughts, great to hear from you again and look forward to more updates.
Knowing that Jen wishes that Brian had stuck around and that she wishes that she could still be fucking him exclusively instead of me is crazy hot! Knowing that Jen had tried to talk Brian into staying so that she could make that wish become a reality is even hotter! I fantasize quite a bit about what if Jen had succeeded or what if something unexpected came up that would have caused Brian to stay. I fantasize about what it would be like to still be stuck in the friend zone. It's kind of a problem actually. Every time Jen and I have sex, I imagine her fucking Brian instead of me. Part of me enjoys that Jen and I are back to having sex. But, part me wishes that Brian were still here and was fucking my wife instead of me. I'm starting to wonder if I really want that more than I want actual sex with my wife? Like really want it? You know? To answer your question about Jen meeting a guy from school to replace me with sexually, I don't know if it would be the same. The friendship, the poker game, the wrestling matches and bisexual stuff, etc. All that stuff was a part of the experience. It's hard to think it could start all over again and be as enjoyable with some other guy.
rs480 wrote:Just for fun and to change things up a bit, have you ever considered grabbing her, flipping her over and fucking her doggy style (or whatever) just to man handle her? Just to change it up? Would your Jen be pissed at you? I wonder because of my own very demure situ as of late. No, NOT a Hot situ like your situ, at our house.
NICE update Michael! Thank you. :-)
I see a lover in Jen's future. :-)
I shouldn't post this-look at my signature
Pig's In Space! For those that remember...
I'm not completely passive with Jen. I don't just lay there and make her do all the work. There's definitely some manhandling going on. But, I don't think I can pull off a complete 180 and suddenly be 100% alpha and 0% cuckold. There's always that underlying knowledge that she's having sex with the backup plan. As far as Jen having a new lover in the future, there's been no talk of that. Though a part of me wishes that Jen would bring up something like that. I'm liking having sex with Jen, but also missing her having sex with another man.
OOAA wrote:Fantastic update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would decide to let Jen enjoy the "full college experience" with full Allison support....

Maybe Jen could explain Allison your experience with Brian and her feelings and thougts about you..., so...., let Jen to play the field ;)
Jen is going to a Halloween party with Allison this Saturday night. Allison said that it's going to be almost all students, but that I could come too if I really wanted. I told Jen that she should go without me and have Allison introduce her around and maybe make some new college friends. I said that if I came to the party and was stuck to her most of the night, meeting new people might be hard. Jen said okay. When Allison was over again recently, she told me that maybe I'm not such an oppressor after all, but teased that I'd have to let Jen go to more parties on her own and let her have "more of the full college experience" in order to prove that I'm not an oppressor. I pointed out to Allison that her version of the "full college experience" involves Jen dating around.

Allison then joked, "It's a costume party. Unless that wedding ring is a part of Jen's costume, you should let her take if off and let me introduce her to some college studs."

Jen got offended though and told Allison that she's not ashamed of being married. Allison replied to Jen, "Who said anything about being ashamed? If anyone asks you out for real, you're free to tell them that you're married. Besides, I'm just making a joke. Unless, Mike's okay with the idea. Then I'm totally serious. But, I know there's some sort of rule about that kind of stuff. Right, Mike?" Allison looked right at me with a smile, as if to prove something to Jen. Maybe to prove that I could take a joke? But, I think I surprised both of them with my reply.

"I think Jen should take the ring off for the night and see what it's like being a regular student at a party," I replied.

"Seriously?" Jen asked.

"For real, Mike? Gonna let your wife have some college fun for a night?" Allison asked with a smile.

"Yep," I replied. "But, I want you to keep an eye on Jen for me. Make sure she's safe. Make sure no one puts anything in her drink. The kind of stuff that friends do. And I want one of you to update me a few times so that I don't have to worry."

"I'll text you," Allison agreed. "Jen gets to be a single college girl for the night and doesn't have to report to hubby."

"So long as you promise to text me so that I don't have to worry," I said to Allison.

"I promise," Allison replied to me and then squealed to Jen, "you are going to have so much fun, Jen!"

"The two of you are crazy," Jen replied. "Okay. Guess I have to choose a non-married sort of costume."

The three of us went out that same evening to go costume shopping for Jen. I think Allison was trying to shock me when she kept suggesting the sluttiest costumes they had. But, to her surprise, I just went along with it. By the time we were done, Jen was walking out of the store with a sexy and slutty costume. I kept my cool, but it was so hot knowing that Jen would be going to a college party dressed like that! I secretly had a hard-on as I bought her the costume.

Now, before any of you give me grief that I'm letting Jen go out dressed slutty and putting herself in harms way, you should know that Allison is friends with the people throwing the party and will already know most of the people there. Plus, most of the people who will be there are big on women's rights and that sort of stuff. I'm assured that anyone acting aggressively or threateningly will instantly get booted right the fuck out.

Also, I'm not being naive here. I'm turned on by the idea of Jen going to this party without me. I'm not expecting anything major to happen, but I am expecting that Jen will turn more than a few heads and will probably get hit on. Basically, this is me seizing an opportunity to add some spice to our lives. I've gone from being a total cuckold who doesn't fuck my own wife to having sex with my wife exclusively, on the regular. I really like having sex with Jen. But every time I have sex with her, I imagine her with Brian. I miss being a cuckold. Having Jen go to this party is maybe my way of giving myself a new, real-life cuckold experience. Just a small one. A little flirting with some college guys. It's not much. It's way fucking mild compared to what I was experiencing when Brian was still living here. But, it's something.
Jkp69 wrote:Hi guys jkp here. Before I ask my question just want to let you guys know it's only been a week or so since I've found this fetish? And so I don't want to offend anyone when asking this question.

My question is that there's talk about cuckold sex and normal sex but you never mention making love. I know Jen demeaning you is a major turn on for you but have you ever lost you erection during sex because she was to mean?
I'm not offended. But, what can I say? My wife wasn't having sex with me at all when Brian lived here. No sex, so no making love. She was having sex exclusively with Brian. Maybe some of the guys on here would argue that she was making love with Brian. Maybe they'd be right. I don't know. If Jen was in love with Brian, then maybe what they were doing was making love. But, in order to do what Jen and I were doing, it doesn't work to have that kind of outlook when it comes to sex. That's the sort of outlook that probably works for other cuckolds who haven't been denied sex. A cuckold who still has sex with his wife can tell himself (justifiably) that "She has crazy, passionate sex with other men, but it's just sex. But, lovemaking is something that's reserved for the two of us." I personally can't say that sort of shit though. Even though Jen and I are back to having sex, she's wishing that she was still fucking Brian exclusively instead of me. So does it really make sense for me to think in terms of sex versus lovemaking? Probably not.

As far as the erection question. No. There was that one incident where Jen started talking about getting pregnant by Brian and I got upset. But, Jen talking shit when we're being intimate doesn't turn me off. It turns me on. It makes my erections even more intense.

Jen was actually kind of mean last night when we had sex. Not actually mean in the sense that I felt that she was being mean, but you (and some others) might think otherwise.

I was inside of her (wearing a condom, of course) and she really went all out with the things she was saying in between heavy breathing and moaning.

"Keep that adequate sex going, baby! Giving it your all, but knowing that no matter how well you do, and you really are doing well, baby! But, knowing that no matter how well you do, I'd still rather be fucking Brian. My pussy's like, what the fuck is this eunuch penis doing here? Where's that real cock? The one that used to come inside of me every fucking day! Filling me up all the way! Deeper than you can go, Michael. Brian's sperm shooting all up inside of me! No condoms! No reservations! No need for any other cock except for Brian's. No use for your cock except to tease the fuck out of. Will you do something for me, baby?"

"What's that?" I asked in between thrusts.

"Apologize to me for fucking me! It would turn me on so much! Console me! Tell me how I deserve a real man's cock, Brian's cock, inside of me instead of yours!"

"I'm sorry for fucking you!" I said.

"Oh my god! Yes!" Jen exclaimed. "Keep going!"

"I'm sorry you have to fuck me instead of fucking a real man. You deserve to fuck a real man"

"Oh, fuck yes, Michael! Keep going, baby! Please!!!"

"You deserve to fuck Brian. You shouldn't have to settle for fucking me. I'm sorry, Jen." I said the words and knew how twisted it all was, but it was such a turn on! Jen got more and more worked up and the sex just kept getting better as I went along and told her what she wanted to hear.

"I'm getting close, baby! Put me over the top! Sell it to me! Make me really believe that you're sorry I have to settle for fucking you!"

"I'm sorry you have to settle for fucking your backup plan instead of fucking a real cock attached to a real man!" I just said whatever came to mind, whatever I thought Jen wanted to hear. I must have said exactly the right thing, because Jen went completely wild! She started grinding and moaning like crazy!

"Fuck yeah! A real fucking cock, attached to a real fucking man! Brian's cock! Brian's cock way the fuck inside of me! His big fucking balls bouncing against me. Shooting their sperm into me! Real balls on a real man! Balls made for fucking! I think of your balls and I just think of them being crushed in Brian's hand. Eunuch trophy balls, filled with useless eunuch cuckold sperm, attached to a useless eunuch cuckold penis that I have zero interest in fucking!"

Jen started to O at that point and so did I. She asked me afterward if she had gone too far. I told her that the sex was amazing and that I had no complaints. Except I didn't tell her my one secret complaint. That at that moment, I really did wish that she was still fucking Brian exclusively instead of me. I wanted it so fucking bad at that moment! But, after I came inside of the condom, it was a less intense wish. I was happy to have had sex with Jen and happy to have cum while fucking her, even if only into a condom. But, there was still that feeling of loss. The loss of being a real-life, full-time cuckold. At times, all I want is to get that back. To be back to sleeping in the study. To be back to being completely replaced as Jen's sex partner.


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:19 pm

Thanks for the update Michael. Definitely sounds as if Jen is open for new possibilities and that you will be a cuckold again soon.

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Joined: Sat Jun 07, 2008 11:24 pm

Re: It's happened!

Unread post by hwc » Wed Oct 26, 2016 2:49 pm

Question: Would you be happy if Jen found a real boyfriend that she fall completely for and spend a lot of her time with, in and out of the bedroom?


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by OOAA » Thu Oct 27, 2016 12:46 am

AMAZING update!!!!!!!!!!!!

I understand all your feelings... and the missing of the cuckold life style...

Nice step with Jen and Allison..., let's see how it goes...

I do really think you should be opened to Jen about your feelings and thoughts...., so share with her what you are missing, what you are thinking about, what you would love to re-live...

Best regards my friend

Posts: 112
Joined: Thu Sep 15, 2016 7:04 am

Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Roadtripking » Thu Oct 27, 2016 3:26 am

Why is Jen with you? Why is Jen not with Brian?

Two questions, with one answer.


Good luck.


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Thu Oct 27, 2016 5:15 am

Have you heard anything from Brian since he relocated? Now that he has got a bit of distance (both geographically and timewise) from everything, has he made any comments about the very special relationship he had with both Jen and you? I am sure he is really missing Jen and their very special situation.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by MrLust » Thu Oct 27, 2016 2:18 pm

Great update. Alison is clearly going to have some fun texting you on the night they go out! I'm also interested in how Brian is, have either of you spoken to him much?
Last edited by MrLust on Fri Oct 28, 2016 1:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Lensman2000 » Thu Oct 27, 2016 3:53 pm

Can't wait to hear if Jen has a Halloween adventure. Since anything that happens wouldn't be with your long-time friend, Brian, do you think there is a possibility of jealousy or insecurity on your part?

Also, what communication have you guys had with Brian since school started? Any chance of weekend visits?

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Kim2233 » Sat Oct 29, 2016 8:05 am

So will you be helping Jen get ready for her big night out?

It seems only fitting a eunuch should help his Lady prepare for her outing. Perhaps help to bathe her, brush her hair out for her... Help her to get beautiful for all the hot guys who will be at the party.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by hotwifetrained » Sat Oct 29, 2016 8:48 am

I'm hoping Allison, sends you some sexy pics from the party.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by excitedcuckold » Sun Oct 30, 2016 2:29 pm

viking53 wrote:Thanks for the update Michael. Definitely sounds as if Jen is open for new possibilities and that you will be a cuckold again soon.
We'll see. I do keep wanting it more and more. And it hasn't even really been that long since Brian has been gone.
hwc wrote:Question: Would you be happy if Jen found a real boyfriend that she fall completely for and spend a lot of her time with, in and out of the bedroom?
It's a very hot idea. But, Jen already is pretty occupied with school and work. If she met a guy that she started spending all of her free time with instead of me, I don't think I'd handle it well. At least when Jen was exclusive with Brian, Brian lived here. So, I still got to be around my wife, even though I no longer slept with her. The other thing is that I don't like thinking in terms of Jen falling completely for another guy. If she's "completely" fallen for someone else, then where do I fit in?
OOAA wrote:AMAZING update!!!!!!!!!!!!

I understand all your feelings... and the missing of the cuckold life style...

Nice step with Jen and Allison..., let's see how it goes...

I do really think you should be opened to Jen about your feelings and thoughts...., so share with her what you are missing, what you are thinking about, what you would love to re-live...

Best regards my friend
Thanks. I'm not sure that I'm ready to share my feelings and thoughts with Jen so openly. I feel like it might cause her to focus too much on how much she misses Brian. Obviously, she misses him and she makes that abundantly clear to me. But if I simply came out and said how it really feels like something major is missing since Brian left, that might be over the top. I don't want Jen to be depressed and I don't want her to think that I'm not enjoying having sex with her. I really am enjoying the sex that she and I are having. I want us to be able enjoy being with each other.
viking53 wrote:Have you heard anything from Brian since he relocated? Now that he has got a bit of distance (both geographically and timewise) from everything, has he made any comments about the very special relationship he had with both Jen and you? I am sure he is really missing Jen and their very special situation.
Brian keeps in touch. Everything in his life now revolves around school and work. Occasionally he catches a break and gets to sight-see in his new city. I don't doubt that he misses Jen. But, he hasn't been talking about that sort of stuff. I think he's trying to move on from that and is trying to let us move on too.
MrLust wrote:Great update. Alison is clearly going to have some fun texting you on the night they go out! I'm also interested in how Brian is, have either of you spoken to him much?
I did get a few texts from Allison (more on that in a moment). Just some friendly communications with Brian. Nothing heavy. Nothing sexual.
Lensman2000 wrote:Can't wait to hear if Jen has a Halloween adventure. Since anything that happens wouldn't be with your long-time friend, Brian, do you think there is a possibility of jealousy or insecurity on your part?

Also, what communication have you guys had with Brian since school started? Any chance of weekend visits?
It wasn't too crazy of an adventure, but still cool. I'll say more about in a moment. You might be right about jealousy and insecurity on my part if Hen starts something up with a new guy. I won't really know until that happens. If it even happens.

Brian is too busy, lives with roommates, and the trip is expensive, so I'm not foreseeing any weekend visits.
Kim2233 wrote:So will you be helping Jen get ready for her big night out?

It seems only fitting a eunuch should help his Lady prepare for her outing. Perhaps help to bathe her, brush her hair out for her... Help her to get beautiful for all the hot guys who will be at the party.
I like the way you think! The answer is yes! It was my idea, but I did get to help Jen get ready. Once I suggested it though, Jen was 100% on board.

It went something like this:

"Need help getting ready for the party?" I asked.

"Um... Like what?" Jen asked.

"Well, I dunno, I thought it might be kind of fun and kind of hot if I got to help you out." I said and then continued, "I mean that costume you bought is pretty fucking sexy and it's kind of a turn-on thinking about you going to a college party on your own, wearing that costume, and not wearing your wedding ring."

"I won't be on my own," Jen smiled. "Allison will be there."

"I know," I smiled. "But, you know what I mean."

"I know what you mean, you perv!" Jen joked. "Take your clothes off and get on the bed!"

I got undressed and lay down. Jen tied me to the bed and then blindfolded me. I was rock hard, but a few moments later I could feel ice up against my cock. I knew what Jen was doing. When the blindfold finally came off, my cock was locked inside of its chastity device and Jen was completely naked next to the bed. She lay down on top of me.

"Are you fantasizing about me flirting with college guys at the party?" Jen asked with a wicked smile.

"Yes," I replied honestly as my cock tried unsuccessfully to grow inside of its chastity device.

"I fucking knew it! After that little exchange you had with Allison! You are so fucking obvious, Michael!"

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked.

"No, it's cute." Jen replied with a smile. "So it's okay for me to flirt with guys tonight, even though you and I are back to having sex?"

I wanted to say that it would be okay for Jen to start fucking other guys and that it would even be okay if she kept her eyes peeled for a real man to replace me with sexually. But, I knew that I was thinking completely with my dick. And I also felt like that kind of talk would be too much. I didn't want to go overboard. I didn't want to be pushy. Besides, it was always more fun for Jen to be in control and manipulate me into being a cuckold. I simply said, "yeah, a little flirting is no big deal. It would be fun getting a text from Allison telling me that you were talking to some hot guy at the party."

I was thankful that I showed restraint as far as what I'd said to Jen, because she replied with mixed feelings.

"Thanks for being such a perv, baby! Seriously though! It's such a relief and it makes things easier. I don't want to fuck anything up between us. With Brian gone, it's all about you and me now. Even though I talk shit to you about how I wish I was still fucking Brian instead of you, it's still all you and me at this point. Part of me was ready to call off going to the party, because I didn't want to stir up any problems between us. I mean, one moment I'm fucking your best friend instead of you and the next moment it's back to just the two of us. I don't want to do anything that makes you think I can't live up to having a normal, one-on-one sex life with you. Maybe not completely normal, but still one-on-one. But, I haven't gone to a single party since I started college. It'll be so nice to finally go to one and just let loose for the night without worrying that you'll get mad if a guy starts talking to me. And if I flirt a little bit, I won't have to feel guilty about it because I'll know that my perv hubby wants me to flirt!"

"Yep," I replied with a smile. "I want you to have fun and to be a regular college girl for the night!"

"Yeah, because you're a perv who gets off thinking about his wife flirting with other guys!" Jen giggled and then kissed me hard, after which she continued. "You're great! You know that? Okay, so how are we going to do this? I think you need to be a eunuch cuckold for the night! You're going to bathe me, shave me, lotion me up, and help me get dressed for tonight! The chastity device stays on until after I get home! Sound good?"

Jen wasn't being forceful or demanding. She was checking to make sure I was 100% okay with everything. I would have been just as fine if she had told me, without asking, that the chastity device would stay on all night. But, since she asked, I simply replied, "sounds good to me!"

Jen untied me and I started helping her get ready. While shaving her in the tub, she said to me, "Make sure you get me nice and smooth. The skirt on that costume is almost non-existent! Like almost no fabric!" It was an innocent truthful statement, but it was so hot thinking about it!

As I continued helping Jen get ready, she was a little more naughty and direct with her comments toward me.

"Get that lotion on me! I don't want dry skin, especially since all the guys at the party will be seeing so much of my skin!"

As I dressed her, putting Jen's panties on her, she said to me, "Everyone at the party is gonna see these panties every time I bend over even a little!"

I played along. "The guys are gonna be adjusting themselves when they look at you! Trying to hide the erections they're getting."

"Not you though! My eunuch cuckold hubby is gonna be at home, not able to even get an erection!" Jen giggled as she spoke. "That useless eunuch cuckold penis of yours is going to be all locked up! Lets finished getting me dressed though and then you put something on too. Allison will be here any moment!"

Allison did arrive a few minutes after that. As she and Jen left, Allison said to me with a giggle, "Don't worry, Mike. I'll make sure that Jen doesn't have too much fun. Unless she really wants to, in which case I'll be sure to text you about it!"

"Be nice," Jen said to Allison. Jen then whispered into my ear, "She really will though. I'm gonna make her promise to text message you anything she sees, even if she thinks it'll make you jealous." Jen then kissed me and left with Allison.
hotwifetrained wrote:I'm hoping Allison, sends you some sexy pics from the party.
She did! :)

Okay, this is the part where I talk about Jen getting carried away and hooking up with a guy at the party. But, it wasn't that kind of party. No hook-ups or orgies or anything crazy like that. Just college students socializing and having a good time. But, some of that socializing included college guys talking to Jen!

Allison sent me a few texts.

"Lots of cute guys here checking your wife out! :P "

"Jen is pretty popular!"

"Don't worry though. She's safe. I'm keeping an eye on her!"

"I think Jen just got asked out! Ha ha!"

"She and Ben are really hitting it off! Maybe she likes nerdy guys?"

Allison sent me a few photos of Jen talking to different guys. All of it looked pretty innocent, but that didn't stop me from getting super horny and letting my imagination run a little wild as far as what was being said.

As the party was winding down, Allison texted me, "About to leave. Jen will be home soon. Your marriage appears to be safe. Lol! Thanks for being a good sport!"

Jen arrived home safe and sound. While I waited for her, I kept myself occupied with doing chores around the apartment. Jen could tell!

"Oh wow! Thanks for cleaning up the place, babe!" Jen said.

"It's what a good eunuch cuckold would do," I said playfully.

"Awe! You're so sweet! Wanna get naked and hear about the party?"

"You don't have to ask twice!"

In minutes, Jen and I were rolling around naked in bed together, making out. I was still wearing my chastity device.

"So tell me about the party! I heard you got asked out!"

"I guess so," Jen replied. "But, I didn't say yes. Obviously! Some guys flirted with me. That's all."

"Did you flirt back?"

"Yes! It was so much fun! Thank you for letting me go, Michael!"

"Allison said you hit it off with some guy named Ben?"

"Oh, he's in almost all my classes and is really smart. He was sitting on the couch by himself most of the night. I talked to him about school mostly."

"Weren't attracted to him?" I asked.

"Ben's cute," Jen replied. "I flirted just a little bit with him. I wanted to keep him interested so I could keep asking him about school. He understands a lot of stuff better than me. He'll probably have a 4.0 average the whole time he's in college."

"What about the other guys?" I asked.

"Okay, I admit it! They were hot as fuck! Even Ben is kinda hot! And flirting with them turned me on! Let's get you out of that thing so you can fuck me!

Jen unlocked my cock from the chastity device and pressed me hard against her as I slid my cock inside of her. We just fucked, hard and fast. No more talk, just intense fucking. But, I made sure to wait to cum until Jen was starting to O. And then I came. Except that Jen had forgotten to put a condom me. Or maybe she didn't forget? Either way, it was amazing!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Kim2233 » Sun Oct 30, 2016 4:40 pm

excitedcuckold wrote: Thanks. I'm not sure that I'm ready to share my feelings and thoughts with Jen so openly. I feel like it might cause her to focus too much on how much she misses Brian. Obviously, she misses him and she makes that abundantly clear to me. But if I simply came out and said how it really feels like something major is missing since Brian left, that might be over the top. I don't want Jen to be depressed and I don't want her to think that I'm not enjoying having sex with her. I really am enjoying the sex that she and I are having. I want us to be able enjoy being with each other.

. . .

"No, it's cute." Jen replied with a smile. "So it's okay for me to flirt with guys tonight, even though you and I are back to having sex?"

I wanted to say that it would be okay for Jen to start fucking other guys and that it would even be okay if she kept her eyes peeled for a real man to replace me with sexually. But, I knew that I was thinking completely with my dick. And I also felt like that kind of talk would be too much. I didn't want to go overboard. I didn't want to be pushy. Besides, it was always more fun for Jen to be in control and manipulate me into being a cuckold. I simply said, "yeah, a little flirting is no big deal. It would be fun getting a text from Allison telling me that you were talking to some hot guy at the party."

I was thankful that I showed restraint as far as what I'd said to Jen, because she replied with mixed feelings.

"Thanks for being such a perv, baby! Seriously though! It's such a relief and it makes things easier. I don't want to fuck anything up between us. With Brian gone, it's all about you and me now. Even though I talk shit to you about how I wish I was still fucking Brian instead of you, it's still all you and me at this point. Part of me was ready to call off going to the party, because I didn't want to stir up any problems between us. I mean, one moment I'm fucking your best friend instead of you and the next moment it's back to just the two of us. I don't want to do anything that makes you think I can't live up to having a normal, one-on-one sex life with you. Maybe not completely normal, but still one-on-one. But, I haven't gone to a single party since I started college. It'll be so nice to finally go to one and just let loose for the night without worrying that you'll get mad if a guy starts talking to me. And if I flirt a little bit, I won't have to feel guilty about it because I'll know that my perv hubby wants me to flirt!"

"Yep," I replied with a smile. "I want you to have fun and to be a regular college girl for the night!"

"Yeah, because you're a perv who gets off thinking about his wife flirting with other guys!" Jen giggled and then kissed me hard, after which she continued. "You're great! You know that? Okay, so how are we going to do this? I think you need to be a eunuch cuckold for the night! You're going to bathe me, shave me, lotion me up, and help me get dressed for tonight! The chastity device stays on until after I get home! Sound good?"

. . .

"Awe! You're so sweet! Wanna get naked and hear about the party?"

"You don't have to ask twice!"

In minutes, Jen and I were rolling around naked in bed together, making out. I was still wearing my chastity device.

"So tell me about the party! I heard you got asked out!"

"I guess so," Jen replied. "But, I didn't say yes. Obviously! Some guys flirted with me. That's all."

"Did you flirt back?"

"Yes! It was so much fun! Thank you for letting me go, Michael!"

. . .

"What about the other guys?" I asked.

"Okay, I admit it! They were hot as fuck! Even Ben is kinda hot! And flirting with them turned me on! Let's get you out of that thing so you can fuck me!

Jen unlocked my cock from the chastity device and pressed me hard against her as I slid my cock inside of her. We just fucked, hard and fast. No more talk, just intense fucking. But, I made sure to wait to cum until Jen was starting to O. And then I came. Except that Jen had forgotten to put a condom me. Or maybe she didn't forget? Either way, it was amazing!
Thanks for taking the time to share such a nicely detailed update.

It sounds like both of you had wonderful evenings.

I think you were right to take things a little slower, not pressure her, or even share how much you might like her to cuckold you again soon. It sounds to me like right now she wants to focus on the two of you and I think her instincts are good there.

The two of you had a really intense experience with Brian that all 3 of you seemed to enjoy, but it pulled you and Jen apart a little bit (at least in some ways) and right now she wants to make sure that her relationship with the love of her life is solid. Spend a little time just focused on that. Seems to me like a good idea. Assuming that everything stays good between the two of you, you will have lots of years over the rest of your lives to play with other people.

That doesn't mean that you can't encourage her to go to more parties, dress sexy for them, feel free to flirt as much as she likes with other guys. Just enjoy the time you have to be her sexual partner for now, and don't say or do things that make her feel like you don't enjoy that, or that you are pushing her away. That is a worry that women can have in cuckold relationships, particularly early on - that her husband/boyfriend must not really love her if he is trying to push her off on someone else.

Best wishes to the two of you.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by bob44044 » Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:44 am

To be honest, I think you should let Jen marry Brian and you should move into his apartment. That sounds like a perfect turn of events. Good Luck!

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