To the Edge and Back

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2 Bit Whore
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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by veub » Mon Jan 10, 2022 2:07 pm

Ky_Da wrote:
Wed May 12, 2021 7:56 pm
Hey all,

Been a minute since I posted I’m this thread. I’ve been writing a story in the library to keep my mind occupied and get my cuck fix. My real life has been pretty tame. The cuckold/hotwife thing is on the back burner for a while, probably a long while. You see, the wife is pregnant again, and this time there’s no question it’s mine, wahoo!!! I’m just hoping it’s not twins again. I don’t think I could go through twin newborns again. God that almost killed us.

It’s so crazy to think back on the adventures we had. To be candid, I’m happy to have my wife back and not have another guy involved in our lives. There’s simply an intimacy you lose when you play in the alt lifestyle.

Take care everyone. Hold your loved ones tight.
I hope his dropping off was not due to either a problem with the birth or finding out that his belief was wrong about the father. I know that it was crushing for him when the twins were found to be Wade's and not his.

Posts: 463
Joined: Fri Nov 25, 2016 8:48 am

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Thu Jan 20, 2022 4:09 pm

Hey all - sorry for the long hiatus, but I’ll get back to writing soon. Life has simply been happening. We were blessed with another baby boy recently, so as you all can imagine, we don’t have much discretionary time.

It’s nearly impossible to describe the 180 degree change my life has taken in the last year, living in the UK now, a third son too raise, very different responsibilities at work, getting Covid, etc. 2021 was crazy!

If anyone’s curious, the baby is mine. He has darker hair, and is perfectly average on height and weight. Not at all like his older twin brothers who are blonde hair, blue eyes, and still in the 99th percentile for size. I know the wife desperately wants a girl, but we’re not in a hurry to try anytime soon. We may just be good with the 3 boys.

I haven’t been thinking much about cuckolding, hotwifing, or the like at all lately. My wife still keeps her hair short, which serves as a reminder of our more playful days. Life is good, despite all the chaos going on around us. I hope all you kinky people are well. Ky


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Guhunkadorn » Thu Jan 20, 2022 4:30 pm

You two have had a hell of a ride and are very blessed with each other and children.

Thanks for the update.

2 Bit Whore
Posts: 1154
Joined: Sun Nov 30, 2014 2:01 pm

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by veub » Thu Jan 20, 2022 5:24 pm

Ky_Da wrote:
Thu Jan 20, 2022 4:09 pm
Hey all - sorry for the long hiatus, but I’ll get back to writing soon. Life has simply been happening. We were blessed with another baby boy recently, so as you all can imagine, we don’t have much discretionary time.

It’s nearly impossible to describe the 180 degree change my life has taken in the last year, living in the UK now, a third son too raise, very different responsibilities at work, getting Covid, etc. 2021 was crazy!

If anyone’s curious, the baby is mine. He has darker hair, and is perfectly average on height and weight. Not at all like his older twin brothers who are blonde hair, blue eyes, and still in the 99th percentile for size. I know the wife desperately wants a girl, but we’re not in a hurry to try anytime soon. We may just be good with the 3 boys.

I haven’t been thinking much about cuckolding, hotwifing, or the like at all lately. My wife still keeps her hair short, which serves as a reminder of our more playful days. Life is good, despite all the chaos going on around us. I hope all you kinky people are well. Ky
Congrats on the birth of the baby.

Posts: 643
Joined: Sun Oct 08, 2017 6:12 pm

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by subtoall » Thu Jan 20, 2022 7:07 pm

So happy for you all, Ky. Thank you for updating us. All the best to you and your growing familyl!


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by OOAA » Thu Jan 20, 2022 10:17 pm

Ky_Da wrote:
Thu Jan 20, 2022 4:09 pm
Hey all - sorry for the long hiatus, but I’ll get back to writing soon. Life has simply been happening. We were blessed with another baby boy recently, so as you all can imagine, we don’t have much discretionary time.

It’s nearly impossible to describe the 180 degree change my life has taken in the last year, living in the UK now, a third son too raise, very different responsibilities at work, getting Covid, etc. 2021 was crazy!

If anyone’s curious, the baby is mine. He has darker hair, and is perfectly average on height and weight. Not at all like his older twin brothers who are blonde hair, blue eyes, and still in the 99th percentile for size. I know the wife desperately wants a girl, but we’re not in a hurry to try anytime soon. We may just be good with the 3 boys.

I haven’t been thinking much about cuckolding, hotwifing, or the like at all lately. My wife still keeps her hair short, which serves as a reminder of our more playful days. Life is good, despite all the chaos going on around us. I hope all you kinky people are well. Ky
Really happy to hear from you Ky!!!!

All good news... maybe COVID not really, but we are getting it all, OMICROM variant is getting sadly popular here too...

Even more happy about your baby!!!!! Ky, receive positives messages from your Barcelona friend!!!

Mad Dog65

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Mad Dog65 » Fri Jan 21, 2022 8:53 am

Hi Ky, Congratulations! Greatly appreciate you taking the time to drop by with an update and can totally sympathize on not having enough time since we have twins (boy and a girl) and another boy. Take care and enjoy it - they grow up so fast!

Posts: 573
Joined: Sun Apr 03, 2016 4:19 pm

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by realcucklife » Fri Jan 21, 2022 9:46 am


Posts: 114
Joined: Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:46 pm

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Kim2233 » Fri Jan 21, 2022 12:23 pm

Glad to hear things are going well. Wish you and all your family the best.

If you find yourself with time and motivation to continue this story some day, I know I will certainly enjoy reading more. Your writing is excellent.

Posts: 463
Joined: Fri Nov 25, 2016 8:48 am

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Thu Jan 27, 2022 1:58 pm

Hey all,

I do hope you all find this chapter enjoyable. Speaking for everyone who tries to write a story, it takes a lot of time and you put a lot of yourself into it, so I hope it’s worthwhile to read—and maybe leave an objective comment.

I’m always trying to get better as a writer. I like to take my time telling a story. I like to give details and jump into people’s thoughts and emotions. That’s as enjoyable as the sex scenes to me. But at the same time, I know that people are here to read about sex. That said, I feel like I’m in uncharted waters here, going deeper into the story and setting up plots and schemes and such. It’s so much more difficult that I would have thought. For those that read my story, thanks for the patience and understanding.


Looking at myself in the mirror by the front door had become a habit over the years, giving myself a quick once-over to make sure I looked presentable, but as I looked at my refection, I felt a twinge of surprise at what I saw. My hair looked brilliant, a result of having just come back from the salon because that’s when it always looked it’s best. But what caught my attention was the grown woman that stared back at me. The white, long-sleeve, button-up blouse fit snugly to my upper body, accentuating my figure to its fullest. The black skirt ended just above my knees and hugged my hips and thighs perfectly. I unfastened a button on the blouse which showed the little bit of cleavage I had, and also exposed the necklace Mr. Schultz had given me. I was no longer that scrawny youth with skinned knees and bruised elbows.

I touched the necklace and looked at it more closely in the mirror. It had been a gift from my boss and had remained around my neck since the night he’d given it to me. It was a beautiful piece of jewelry, despite its almost industrial look. The intricacy of the chain links was so perfectly done, it truly was a wonderful bit of craftsmanship. With a final look, I took a deep breath and turned toward the door as my mobile began to buzz in my purse. My ride had arrived.

Slipping on the black, four-inch heels, I fastened the thin straps of the shoes that completed my outfit and then slipped out the door. Ky’s old truck had left hours ago, leaving its usual oil stain on the concrete driveway. Maybe I could start putting a little money aside to pay a mechanic to finally fix the bloody leak. God knows Ky had done his best but to date had never solved the problem.

Rafe stood holding the passenger door of the Tesla open for me.

“Good morning my lady,” Rafe said with a grin. He was wearing an incredibly tight, and brightly blue colored polo shirt. “You look great today.”

“Morning Rafe,” I said, returning his smile and giving him a quick look up and down. “You’re dressed more casual than usual.”

“That’s because my assignment is to spend the day golfing with some of the Kleinberg executives,” Rafe said as I got into the car and fastened the seatbelt. Rafe closed the door and then jogged around to the driver’s side where the door was still open. He quickly climbed inside and put the car in reverse, backing up at a frighteningly terrible rate of speed before turning around and heading out of our neighborhood.

I wanted to ask Rafe what my assignment was, but I more-or-less already knew, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to talk about it at the moment. Still, I wanted some details. “Did Mr. Schultz say anything about me? About what I might be doing today?”

Rafe shook his head, “I don’t have any specifics, but I’m sure he’s playing it by ear. I get the impression this is more of a get-to-know-each-other type meeting.”

I didn’t speak for several minutes while Rafe drove at his usual frantic pace. “Bloody hell, Rafe,” I gasped after one particularly tight turn. “I can’t believe I’m the one that lost their license. How on earth do you still have yours?”

Rafe laughed and pressed his foot down on the accelerator. The car raced forward as if shot out of a cannon. “I might drive a little too fast at times, but you’re a damn menace to society when you drive.”

I intended to reply with some kind of scathing remark, but instead I braced myself against the door as Rafe more flew than drove the car around the circular freeway on-ramp. I was feeling the proverbial butterflies in the stomach, an anxiousness that forced me to take deep, calming breaths to keep my nerves under control. I didn’t feel like talking, and after a few minutes, Rafe must have sensed my unease because he backed off the accelerator and turned on some instrumental music.

“Thank you,” I said softly, and saw him nod in my periphery vision.

For the next forty-five minutes, I listened to the music and enjoyed the scenery as we drove. Southern California was so different than my childhood home in the UK, but it now felt like home to me. As we drew nearer to the high-end hotel, Rafe shifted in his seat and turned to me.

“I’m going to drop you at the front of the hotel,” Rafe said, the hotel appearing for the first time over the horizon. “Just ask for the Kleinberg’s suite and they’ll help you find it.”

I felt a sudden explosion of butterflies and I’m sure my blood pressure suddenly spiked.

“Hey,” Rafe said calmingly, taking my hand in his. There was nothing sexual in his touch, but he’d become a good friend recently, and the feel of his hand was reassuring. “Everything is going to be fine. This is simply a meet-and-greet, so there’s no need to feel nervous.” I nodded, but I felt as ridged as a board. Rafe gave my knee a squeeze, “Seriously, just be yourself and you’ll be fine. You got this.”

“Thanks,” I said in a hoarse whisper. I cleared my throat with a cough, “Thanks,” I said more clearly, going through another deep breathing exercise I’d recently discovered. “You’re right. No need to feel nervous.”

Rafe pulled the car into the shade under the awning in front of the Terra Cota colored building. Rafe released my hand as an attendant opened my door. The attendant was wearing his mask, and I felt a pang of sympathy for these blokes who had to work out in the sun while wearing bloody masks all day. The heat of the early afternoon enveloped me as I exited the car, but I knew it was cooler here at the coast than it was at my house. I breathed in the salty air from the ocean that was now so close. I loved that smell.

I followed Rafe’s instructions and asked for the Kleinberg’s room. A well-dressed man in his late forties greeted me cordially and guided me into the hotel and down a series of hallways. I felt slightly bad that I wasn’t wearing a mask when all of the hotel staff were wearing theirs, but unless someone was going to demand that I wear one, it was going to stay in my purse. It was obvious from the start that this hotel had earned its five-star rating. The wide hallways were lavishly decorated with incredible paintings and other decorative art. We finally arrived at a large double door and the hotel attendant rapped on it lightly.

A woman in what I’d guessed to be her early sixties answered the door. She was tall, had steel grey hair that was styled in a modern pixy cut, and her eyes looked to have a touch of an Asian feature to them. She wore an elegant floral dress that left her shoulders bare.

“You must be Nichole,” she said in a pleasant but unusually raspy voice. “Please come in.” I did and she took me by the arm as she led me inside. “I’m Claire,” she said in introduction, her smile seemed warm and genuine.

“Nice to meet you Claire,” I said as politely as I could. I felt my breath hitch as I took in my surroundings. “What a brilliant view,” I said in awe at what looked like the entirety of the Pacific Ocean in front of me.

The room’s doors were opened wide to a large balcony. Even from well inside the room, the view of the ocean was incredible. “Wait till you’re outside,” Claire said and quickened her pace slightly.

She wasn’t wrong, I thought as I stepped out onto the balcony. Mr. Schultz and Mr. Kleinberg were both standing against the outer parapet wall, each dressed in a dark suit. I knew I should have greeted them straight away, but I couldn’t help but look across the horizon at the magnificent view. The sun reflected off the water, highlighting the many shades of blue as the waves neared the shore.

“Brilliant,” I said louder than I’d intended as Claire led me to the two older gentleman.

“They picked a prime piece of real-estate when they decided to build this hotel,” said the man next to my boss. His suit was more of a dark charcoal in color, which contrasted against his light skin tone. He was moderately handsome, despite his mustache.

“Nichole, this is my husband Harrison” Claire spoke next to me before Mr. Schultz had a chance to start.

“Pleased to meet you sir,” I said, shaking his extended hand.

“None of that sir crap,” the man said with a smirk and a wink, “plain Harrison is fine.” I nodded and couldn’t help but return his infectious smile. Harrison nodded toward the outlying view, “They picked an incredible piece of real-estate when they built this place.”

I stepped closer to the balconies edge. We weren’t all that high from the ground, but cliff that dropped off behind the hotel made it feel like I was a mile in the air. “It is really something spectacular, one of the best views I’ve had yet of California.”

“I understand you’re originally from the UK,” Claire said, still holding my arm. “Morgan here’s told us a little about you,” she added quickly.

“I am,” I replied, finally pulling my eyes away from the horizon. “Originally from Bristol, but I spent most of the time in Cheltenham—if you’re familiar with the area.”

“We are,” Harrison said. He then gestured toward two wicker patio sofas. “We lived in London for a few years back in the 90s.”

I followed Mr. Schultz’ lead and stepped toward the sofas. The Kleinberg’s sat next to each other on the first sofa, and my boss sat on the one opposite them. I moved to take my own seat and noticed that our sofa was significantly shorter in length, leaving only a small amount of space for me to sit. Acting bolder than I felt, I sat next to Mr. Schultz, close enough in fact that our legs and hips were pressed tightly together. My boss leaned back into the sofa, and from his movements, I knew that he was resting his arm along the back of the sofa behind me. I sat with my knees together and crossed my legs at the ankles.

The long, low table in front of us supported various drinks and hors d’oeuvres, including caviar, shrimp, and various small crackers. From the look of the table, they had all been seated here earlier because a number of drinks were only partially finished.

“It’s a simple summer wine,” Claire said, proffering me a glass.

I happily took it, putting it to my lips and inhaling the beautifully bouquet. I knew I was woefully uneducated when it came to wine, but maybe it was something Rafe could assist me with, I thought to myself.

After two glasses of wine, I was feeling much more relaxed, and even confident enough to interject an opinion or two as the discussion wore on. Several times I glanced down at my left hand, looking at my bare ring finger and wondering if the Kleinberg’s would notice the slight tan line where the ring normally sat. I felt a pang of guilt not wearing it, but at the same time it made my pussy tingle with excitement. It was as if the hedonistic side of my brain knew that not wearing the ring meant sexual infidelity was likely.

As the afternoon wore on, we talked about politics, education, life in California, and living in various other countries. I began to believe Rafe had been right, this was only a basic meet-and-greet, nothing more. The subject then turned to finance, investments, and the economy in general. The conversation turned more interesting when Mr. Kleinberg pressed my boss to talk about his financial goals.

“I’ll confess that I’ve been moderately successful overall, but still have a long way to climb to reach my goals,” Mr. Schultz admitted.

“I think you’ll find that the goal posts will move the closer you get to them. At least that’s how my experience has been,” replied Harrison.

“Are you telling me to reassess my end game?” Mr. Schultz asked, an amused tone to his voice.

Harrison shook his head, “Not as such—I’m still climbing my own mountain, for a little longer anyway. The new yacht we have down at the harbor doesn’t maintain itself.”

“Own only what you can always carry with you: know languages, know countries, know people. Let your memory be your travel bag,” Mrs. Kleinberg suddenly stated. Her husband gave her a wry look, but he looked more amused than bothered by the comment.

“Solzhenitsyn,” I said, looking to Claire. “From Gulag Archipelago.”

“Yes,” she said with a nod, “very good.”

“I would have thought you a bit young to be reading such heavy things,” Harrison said, tilting his head slightly as his brow rose. “I’d be surprised if any school in the country had the balls to put that book on the preferred reading list.”

“Well, I was schooled in the UK mostly,” I said, happy to have been able to add to the conversation. “But I read the book on my own after listening to a podcast about socialism.”

“Very good,” Harrison said, looking pleased.

The conversation continued for a time. The sun was no longer at its zenith, and I guessed it was close to three o’clock, if not four. I resisted looking at the time on my mobile, not wanting to give the impression that I wanted to leave. Claire suddenly caught my eye and jerked her head toward the inside of the hotel room. I smiled and nodded, and then we both stood. Claire excused us and went inside. It felt nice to enter the coolness of the shade inside.

“I think that’s enough sun for me today,” Claire said, guiding me to the oversized leather sofa in the large front room. “And it looks like those two were just going to talk business and politics anyway.”

“I’m afraid I’m still learning about the in’s-and-outs of American politics,” I said, settling into the soft, cool cushions of the sofa. “I didn’t pay much attention to them when I first came here to go to school. It’s really only been the last two years that I’ve started to listen more.”

“You’ll find things don’t actually change that much from day-to-day,” Claire said. “The talking heads on the news make it sound like every story is a matter of life and death, but all they actually do is drone on about the smallest changes in details, exaggerating headlines to get clicks. You’ll find you only need to pay attention to about ten minutes of news a day, and that’ll be enough to keep you current.”

“That sounds much easier,” I said, stopping myself from making a comment about my husband watching too much news on his mobile. It had been on the tip of my tongue before I squashed it. I would need to be more careful, I thought.

A moment of silence hung between us before Claire spoke, “Nichole, my husband and I are interested in moving a number of our business interests to Nevada, so I’m sure that’s what Harrison and Morgan are going to discuss.”

“I haven’t been told anything about your business, but I’m sure Mr. Schultz will offer whatever he can to help,” I said when I felt I had an opening to speak. “He truly is working to build trusting relationships with people.”

“Yes, that’s what we’ve heard from mutual friends,” Claire said casually. “But candidly, I’m at a point in my life where the business side no longer interests me. I don’t get the same satisfaction I used to when we were first building it. Together,” Claire glanced out the door toward her husband, “we’ve built, managed, and sold over a dozen different businesses, everything from real-estate to gold mines. But now I’m more looking to enjoy the fruits of that labor.”

I followed her gaze outside and watched for a brief moment as Harrison pointed at something on the horizon as if to make a point. I couldn’t hear what was being discussed. “I take it Harrison doesn’t feel the same way?”

Claire shrugged and kind of nodded, “He’s getting there, but he’s still heavily involved in the day-to-day, so I’m trying to be patient with him.” The older woman sighed and pulled her feet up on the sofa. “I spent all day walking through the shops yesterday, and my feet are still killing me,” Claire complained with a groan as she tried to massage her foot.

My heart began to beat in my chest as I realized this was an opportunity. I quickly steeled myself and spoke before I could change my mind. “I can help with that?” I said, looking to her feet.

Claire’s eyes widened slightly, but I couldn’t tell if from surprised or delight. “That would be wonderful,” she said, turning toward me and raising her feet up.

I took her feet in my hands and placed them in my lap. I’d never been particularly good at giving massages. Ky often said I had knuckles that were harder than walnuts. But I was determined to do as good a job as I could.

“That feels wonderful,” Claire said as I began to work one foot, pressing my thumbs into her arch.

“I bought one of those foot massage machines on Amazon a few weeks ago,” I said as I worked her foot. “There’s nothing I like more after wearing heels all day that to slip my feet into it and let it work its magic while I drink a hot cup of tea. That’s been my happy place lately.”

“Mmmmm,” Claire groaned as I worked out a particularly stiff area. Her low voice was rather erotic as I worked out a particularly sore spot. “I was hoping you might be able to help me enjoy the day.”

My mouth went dry as my brain went into overdrive, thinking about all the possible meanings of the older woman’s words. My heart continued to beat furiously as my hands worked. Feeling a nervous excitement, I ran my right hand over the top of her foot and up her shin slightly. The sigh of contentment I received was confirmation that she enjoyed the touch. It also made my heart race even faster. I let my hand venture up her lower leg several more times, each time going slightly higher than the last. Her vocal ques made it clear she wanted me to continue.

I kept up my ministrations for almost twenty minutes before Claire finally pulled her feet back. “Thank you, Nichole. That felt wonderful.” Claire moved herself closer to me, “would you be comfortable if we moved this to somewhere more private?”

Her question caught be off guard and I felt almost lightheaded as I tried to focus. “Of course,” I said, feeling yet another surge of adrenaline and excitement.

Claire rose from the sofa first and then took me by the hands and pulled me to my feet. “Come with me,” she said, her smile widening.

I followed her to the far side of the hotel room into what had to be the master bedroom. This was more of a flat than it was a hotel room. The bedroom was dim, but I could still see that it was as incredible in finishes as was the rest of the hotel suite. A perfectly made king-sized bed held my attention for a long moment and a hundred thoughts ran through my mind.

A month ago, I would have been working in a cubical. Now I was about to go to work in a bedroom. I knew I should have felt ashamed of the thought. I’d been brought up and taught that any type of sex work was sinful and loathsome, much more so if it was with the same sex. But I couldn’t deny what I felt. I yearned for this excitement. I was growing to love it more and more with each experience.

“Nichole,” Claire said as she turned around to face me. She was standing at the foot of the bed, and despite the low light, I could see that she didn’t look quite as confident as she had moments ago. “I don’t have much experience with another woman.” The older woman paused, but I could tell she was only gathering her thoughts and wasn’t looking for me to interrupt. “Harrison and I have played a few different games over the years, experimenting on the rare occasion. But lately, I’ve been hoping to have some experiences of a different nature.”

Claire’s vulnerability surprised me, and I couldn’t help but wonder if she was being truthful, or if this was part of some playful fantasy. But after a moment, I could see that she was being completely open with me. Her skin was flush, and her breathing was quick and shallow. She was feeling as nervous as I was. I stepped toward her, closing the distance between us to less than a foot. Her feet were bare, and I was still wearing my heels, but she was still almost two inches taller than me.

“I can’t say I’m extremely accomplished in such things, but I do have some experience,” I said, reaching down and taking her hand. The thought of taking the initiative felt incredibly exhilarating.

“I put myself in your capable hands then,” Claire said in that smokey voice.

Taking a deep breath, I felt a high like I’d never experienced. This much more experienced and mature woman was wanting me to take the lead. In so many ways I felt inadequate, but I’d had a lot of different experiences in the last number of months. I didn’t need to be that shy, embarrassed girl any longer.

With my free hand, I reached up and gently touched the older woman’s breast on the outside of her dress with my fingertips. She was certainly aroused and seeing this made my own nipples harden in anticipation. I wanted to remove her dress, but if she was feeling hesitant at all, she might want me to go first. I opened my hand and ran my palm over her breast and then reached up and touched her cheek, running the flat of my thumb over her skin in the same way Ky did to me. I loved that touch, so I hoped Claire might enjoy it, too.

Several long seconds passed as I worked to gather my courage and calm my nerves. My breath felt raggedy from the fierce beating of my heart. Claire’s eyes darted to my lips, and I felt a surge of heat blossom between my thighs. The strength of my need surprised me and caused me to search my thoughts quickly, trying to find why I was as turned on as I was. Yes, Claire was a beautiful woman, but I instinctually knew that wasn’t the primary reason I was feeling what I did. Because while being with a woman was nice, it didn’t fulfill me on the primal level like being with a man did. The experience was like eating a light meal of rice and vegetables as compared to a roasted chicken and potatoes on a Sunday afternoon.

Realization slowly floated to the surface and solidified into thought as I saw Claire bite her lower lip. My sexual arousal had more to do with the position I was in than it did being with an attractive older woman. She was looking to me to fulfill a desire she’d been harboring for probably a considerable amount of time, and it was my job to provide that for her. I was being paid to use my body in a way that would bring pleasure to this woman.

I closed the distance and moved to kiss her, straining onto my tiptoes to reach her lips. I kept the kiss chaste and simple, backing away to see her reaction. Her smile confirmed she approved. Putting my hands on her waist, I nudged her to sit on the edge of the bed. She easily complied and sat down, lowering her lips for much easier access, her nose now inches away from my chest.

I took her face in my hands, tilting her head back slightly. She had the deep crows’ feet around her eyes that spoke of years spent outside in the sun. It was then I had another realization, Claire was a woman who had supported her husband through the highs and lows of life, probably sacrificing her own desires and happiness in support of her families. But now she was wanting to take some time for herself and have a few adventures of her own choosing. I could give her that.

Inclining my head, I dropped my lips onto hers, only this time not as gently. I ran my tongue across her lower lip, seeking entrance into her mouth. She was hesitant for only a moment before relenting and parting her lips. I kissed her the way I liked when Wade kissed me. I had chosen Wade instead of my husband because the man was always so much more aggressive, always initiating and pressing his will against my own, bending me to his desire. I wanted Claire to feel the way I did in those moments. I wanted her to surrender herself to me.

Time passed as I lost myself in the kiss, several times I heard a stifled cry come from Claire’s throat as explored each other’s mouths. I felt Claire’s hands at my waist and then over my breasts. I wanted her to continue, but she moved hesitantly, as if unsure of what to do next. I decided to make it easier for her and moved my hand to my blouse and began unbuttoning my top. Claire quickly caught on and finished the work. Feeling more confident, she removed my top and dropped it to the floor. My skirt soon joined it, as well as my bra and knickers.

She gave me an appreciative look as I once again took her into a deep kiss. Her hands roamed over my bare flesh, and I felt my arousal climb higher. My fingers found the straps of her dress and I slid them off her shoulders. She faltered then and broke the kiss, holding her dress against her breasts with her forearm.

“I’m afraid I don’t look nearly as perfect as you do,” Claire said wincing, unable to meet my eyes.

It floored me that the woman would have anything to feel embarrassed about. Here was a strong woman who had helped build a number of very successful businesses, lived all over the world, and all while keeping her family together and flourishing. She had no reason to feel this way.

“Claire,” I said, pausing until she looked up. “You’re lovely.”

I gently pulled her arm away from her chest, which let the dress fall down and expose her breasts. They were very full breasts, and in her prime years, they were probably spectacular. But as age did with all living things, Claris breasts hung heavily, sagging from the years spent in earth’s contestant downward pull. I would look like this someday, and I would likely feel the same way Claire did.

“And they’re very lovely,” I said with all the sincerity I could muster. I suddenly found I no longer felt nervous. Now that things had begun, my anxiety had vaporized, and I felt very comfortable.

I climbed onto the bed and guided Claire to its center. Once there, I proceeded to touch, kiss, and fondle her body. I found her sensual spots, those that made her breath quicken, and took my time building the older woman’s arousal. I teased my way slowly from her neck down to her breasts, and then down to her navel and farther. As I neared her womanhood, I again felt her resistance as her hand suddenly gripped my shoulder. My mouth was only inches from her vagina, and I was about to take her experience up a level when I felt her body stiffen.

“Are you sure,” she stopped but still kept her grip on my shoulder, “you don’t have to—it’s already been so wonderful.”

“Of course I’m sure,” I said softly, moving myself into position.

Claire’s hand stayed on my shoulder, but it no longer held me. I nestled myself between her legs, pushing them far enough apart to give myself access to do my work. All my life I had thought I would be a writer, or perhaps an English teacher, but never in my life had I ever imagined that I’d be a sex worker. Yet, here I was.

Claire’s pubic hair was full but neatly trimmed, and I could tell from her heady scent that she was very aroused. I ran my fingers softly over her sex, stroking each labia gently. Thoughts came to me about my poor husband who was surely at home wondering when I might return home. So much had changed over the months since I’d first cuckolded Ky with our neighbor. Since then, I’d had sex with a half-dozen other men, and that number was going to up if I remained part of Mr. Schultz Special Projects Group.

Claire sighed heavily as I leaned in and first touched her pussy with my tongue. She had a strong, but not unpleasant taste. Every woman it seemed had her own unique blend of fragrances and tastes. I could feel my own natural lubrication building in my pussy as I let myself enjoy the experience.

Would I always feel this way, I wondered? In a year or two, if I remained part of Special Projects, would this still be an exhilarating thrill, or would it devolve into the drudgery that so many jobs became once the newness wore off. I could walk away from Special Projects. I could simply cuck my husband with Wade, and Marcus of course. I think I could be happy doing that… but there was something else that I felt building in me, something else was pushing me to continue down this path, only I couldn’t very well explain it.

I ran my tongue around Claire’s opening, purposefully staying away from her clit. I could sense her frustration in that, but I knew the additional teasing would make it worth the wait. The problem I was finding was that my own arousal was growing right long with Claire’s, and it was becoming more and more difficult to keep my thoughts focused as my mind entered that euphoric haze that was so much like a drug.

Eventually I had some small mercy on the Kleinberg matriarch and applied some pressure to her clit. My intention was to tease her at least a half dozen times, each time edging her closer and closer to an orgasm but pulling up just shy of letting her have one. I wanted her to be begging for it before I took her over those blissful falls. But I’d misjudged how close she was, and suddenly her body began twitching and convulsing as she came.

I pressed my tongue deeply into her entrance, hoping to push her yet a little higher. Claire became much more vocal than I’d expected, and I half wondered if her husband might come running in to make sure I wasn’t strangling his wife. Claire then hit the point where her vagina was too sensitive to continue with oral pleasure, but I couldn’t resist giving her pussy a quick lick, making her body jerk almost violently from the explosion of nerves sending their signals.

“Oh my god,” Claire said through panted breaths. “I’ve never in my life cum so hard—that was amazing—you’re amazing. You’re everything Morgan said you’d be.”

Claire’s comment caught my attention and pulled me back into reality. “I’m happy you enjoyed that,” I said, blowing a light stream of air over the older woman’s pussy. I should have assumed Mr. Schultz would have said something about me, but I wanted to know the details. Did he mention I had a college degree, that I was intelligent and capable at my job? Or did he simply look at me as an escort now, an asset that would occasionally spread her legs for him.

“I more than enjoyed that,” Claire said, sighing contentedly. “I’m starting to think my husband was right, we should have experimented with the alt lifestyle years ago.”

I knew I probably shouldn’t ask, but I couldn’t help myself. “Mr. Schultz talked about me?” I asked as I moved back up her body. I tried to wipe off some of the woman’s excess juices as I moved, but it felt like my whole face was covered.

“A bit,” Claire admitted once I’d laid my head next to hers. She was still very flushed and slightly out of breath. “The mutual friend that introduced us to Morgan told us that he was not only trustworthy when it came to contracts and business, but that he had a very interesting social circle, that he occasionally dabbled in the alt lifestyle.” Claire paused for a moment to take a deep breath. She let out another heavy sigh and gave me a warm smile. “Morgan said you were very adventurous, and that you might possibly be able to help us do some, well… some exploration of a fashion.”

I returned Claire’s smile, despite not being sure if I liked what Mr. Schultz had said or not. It was probably fine. I knew I was overthinking everything in that moment. But I couldn’t help but wonder what path Mr. Schultz ultimately wanted to put me on. How in control of things was I?

“I suppose Mr. Schultz is right about that,” I finally said. I felt like I was blindly trying to navigate my way through this. There was no manual that gave instructions on what to do next. “I’ve had a few ‘adventures’ recently,” I said in air quotes, “and I try to be open minded.”

“That would be wonderful,” Claire said, looking more and more relaxed as each minute passed. “Harrison and I have been hoping we could find someone to help us dip our proverbial toe-in-the-water.”

“I’ll do what I’m able,” I said. I noticed Claire’s eyes glance at the door to the room as I spoke.

Claire quickly returned her attention to me. “Would you be comfortable if Harrison were to join us?”

I felt a surge of adrenaline as I turned my head to look at the door. I felt a deep blush at the thought of Mr. Kleinberg joining us. Luckily the evening was well enough along, and the room was fairly dark. The door cracked open ever so slightly and Mr. Kleinberg’s head appeared in the opening, like a child poking his head into his parent’s room on Christmas morning.

The bloody butterflies began to fly around in my stomach as I thought about being in a threesome with the Kleinberg’s. But it was all part of the journey, and I couldn’t deny the throb of arousal that pulsed in my pussy.

“That would be fine,” I said loudly enough for only Claire to hear. No sooner had the words left my mouth than Mrs. Kleinberg spoke.

“Come in dear,” she said to her husband, waving him in.

Mr. Kleinberg swung open the door, revealing Mr. Schultz who was standing by his side. Mr. Kleinberg stepped into the room, and I thought he looked slightly nervous, not a look he probably had very often.

Mr. Schultz caught my eye and nodded, “I’ll leave the Kleinberg’s in your capable hands, Nichole,” he said, repeating almost exactly what Claire had said earlier in the evening.

“Of course,” I said, conveying much more confidence than I felt.

Mr. Kleinberg then stepped fully inside of the room and closed the door behind him. I watched as the thin line of light under the door flickered with a passing shadow. It would have been Mr. Schultz stepping away, I knew. I wondered if he was going to leave me here alone, or if he would spend is time waiting in the next room. I would have liked if he’d stayed, but I couldn’t imagine someone like him waiting around like a spectator… like Ky.

I quickly pushed thoughts of my husband aside and turned to Mr. Kleinberg. It was time to go to work and I needed to stay focused. “May I help you with your clothes?” I asked, dropping my eyes to Mr. Kleinberg’s suit coat.

The older gentleman’s confidence seemed to return in quick snap as his mouth broke into a smile. He nodded his acceptance and held out his hands. Again, I was thankful for the dim light because I knew it was hiding my nervousness. Sure, I had gained some experience sexually in the last months, but I was still a novice when it came to being a ‘working-girl’. I was merely acting as if I knew what I was doing, and I hoped against hope it didn’t show.

I moved off the bed and went to Mr. Kleinberg. He gave me a small nod as I took one side of his coat and removed it from around his shoulders. As casually as I could manage, I laid the coat on the bed and then proceeded to remove his shirt, his pants, his under shirt, and socks, leaving him only wearing a pair of white boxer shorts. I thought I’d draw things out a bit and so I took my time and hung up his clothes on the hangers in the closet. The added time gave me a moment to calm myself down again and come up with some ideas on how to proceed. While Mr. and Mrs. Kleinberg were seasoned to life in general, they were novices to affairs in the alt lifestyle.

Once done putting away what I was sure was an expensive suit, I moved to stand in front of Mr. Kleinberg. He was all of a foot taller than my small frame, and he had the body of someone that made an effort to take care of himself. I knelt in front of him and could see that I wouldn’t need to do any work to make him hard. He was already there. Pulling down his boxers revealed a moderately sized cock. He was larger than my husband but far from Wade’s girth. It made me wonder if all men were larger than Ky.

I met Mr. Kleinberg’s eyes for brief moment as I wrapped my hand around his shaft. I stroked him a back and forth slowly and heard him exhale loudly through his nose. It seemed he enjoyed that. I next licked around the head of his cock several times and was rewarded by feeling his cock harden further in my hand. I opened my mouth and took in the head of his shaft. He felt and smelled so differently than any of my other lovers, but it was a clean smell, a natural smell, and so I took more of him into my mouth.

“Ah,” Mr. Kleinberg groaned as I began my work in earnest. “I’m not going to last long if you keep that up.”

I pulled back until I his cock was free and then licked my lips, “We have plenty of time,” I said, taking him once again into my mouth. He seemed contented by that because he seemed to relax. With my mouth around his cock, I could feel every twitch and sensation through my lips and tongue. I’d never expected that one could feel so much pleasure from sucking a man’s cock, but there was something extremely empowering about it. I was coming to enjoy it more and more.

It didn’t take long and suddenly I felt Mr. Kleinberg’s hand behind my head, applying a gentle pressure before his cock began to pulse. He came in my mouth, and I quickly swallowed it, giving him a final few moments of suction once his orgasm ceased.

“I think this is going to an exciting night,” Mr. Kleinberg said, helping me to my feet.

“We should have done this years ago,” The man’s wife said from her spot on the bed.

Mr. Kleinberg nodded in agreement, “I think you might be right,” he said, crawling up onto the bed. “But better late than never, right?” he said, turning to look at me.

I joined them on the bed, “Better late than never,” I repeated. I wasn’t sure if I agreed with him or not on a personal level, but this was their experience, their life choices, and I was only here to try to help them fulfill that desire. “That didn’t take long,” I said, noticing Mr. Kleinberg’s cock. He was hard and looked ready to go for another round.

“Blessings of modern medicine,” he said, looking down at his stiff rod. “Those pills really work.”

“I should say so,” I said, moving closer to the man’s wife. I looked down at Claire and then gently placed a kiss on her lips. “Feel free to do as you please. I’ll let you know if it’s something I don’t want to do,” I instructed, looking first at Claire, and then her husband Harrison.

“I want to watch you with her,” Mrs. Kleinberg said.

I could tell Harrison wanted exactly that, so I moved to my hands and knees and crawled closer to him, turning my arse toward him. “Like this?”

Harrison nodded, his smile widening. He moved forward on his knees and pressed his cock toward my entrance. His first attempt was a clumsy attempt and his cock slid across my pussy, so I reached down and guided him inside me. The feeling of him entering me took the edge from my thirst, but it wasn’t the same and I found myself wishing it was Wade that was with me.

Over the next twenty minutes, my client showed surprisingly good staying power as he fucked me. I repeated the word ‘client’ in my head several times, trying it out, and I could feel the lascivious nature of it. I liked it. Not wanting Claire to feel neglected, I shifted on the bed toward the older woman’s pussy. She understood what I was trying to do, and with a happy smile, she moved the rest of the way, putting her vagina under my lips.

This time I didn’t tease her. I was feeling too overwhelmed myself to try and tease. I simply pressed my tongue deeply into her well-lubricated pussy. The feeling of going down on this woman while being taken from behind pushed me into new clouds of ecstasy. It felt incredible and forced the last of my hesitation and resistance away. I knew that sex work was frowned on by the masses, but at the moment I didn’t care. This work was exciting and made me feel empowered.

For the next several hours we enjoyed trying new things, mostly fulfilling the Kleinberg’s desires, those things they’d always wanted to do but had never had the chance to try. Harrison ordered room service and we ate on the bed, not bothering to dress while we chatted about whatever subject came to mind. It felt like we made a good connection, and as the time passed I very much felt like I could trust them.

After Mr. Kleinberg came for the third time, he laid prone on the bed and laughed, “Oh dear,” he said as he tried to catch his breath, “this has been a truly amazing experience, but I’m afraid I need to call it a night.”

Mrs. Kleinberg snuggled up to her husband and I suddenly felt very awkward, very much like the third wheel. “I’ll just be on my way then,” I said, feeling a touch self-conscious and moving off the bed.

“Oh Nichole,” Claire said, sitting up from the bed. “Please don’t leave—I mean…” the woman moved toward me and took me by the hand as I slipped off the bed. “We had hoped you might join tomorrow. We’re planning on taking the boat out to Catalina, and we’d love to have you.” she said, referring to the small island about twenty miles off the coastline.

I felt myself coming off my sexual high, and I suddenly wished I had something to cover myself with, which was strange because I’d just spent the last several hours completely starkers. “That sounds lovely,” I said, trying to get my brain to start working again. I felt like I was trying to swim through a jar of syrup. “But I have nothing to wear for boating, and I’m a bit knackered—,”

“—Of course dear,” Claire said, tracing her finger over my breast. She wasn’t feeling any reservations. “How about you take the other room in the suit for the night, and we’ll send someone to get you what you need in the morning? We’re not in any hurry, so sleep as long as you like, and we’ll head down to the marina when everyone is ready.”

I thought about calling Rafe for a ride home, but with Claire staring at me so expectedly, I felt obligated to accept. I nodded my head, “It sounds like loads of fun.” I then looked around the floor for my clothes, but as dark as it was, I didn’t see them.

“We can find them in the morning,” Claire said, encouraging me to head to the door. It was obvious she wanted to be alone with her husband.

I quickly found myself on the outside of their room wearing nothing but my necklace. Luckily the room’s windows were open, and the evening was warm. “Well, you’re welcome,” I muttered more to myself in the empty suite, rolling my eyes as I shook my head. I inhaled a deep breath and went to the sofa where I’d left my purse. It took some searching, but I found my purse had been moved to a small table by the kitchenette. I opened it a fished out my mobile. It was almost one in the morning.

I had expected to find a dozen text messages and missed calls from Ky, but when I looked, I only found one text. It simply read, ‘Love you. Be safe. Call me if you need anything.’

That was odd, I thought as I reread the short text. I had worried Ky would be going spare at me not communicating. He did know I could potentially get held up, but still… maybe he was growing more accepting of being cucked. But if I was honest with myself, I wasn’t sure if what I was doing was really cuckolding him anymore. Well, it was in some sense when I was with Wade, but what had started out to be a game had turned into something else altogether.

I took a selfie and sent it with a quick reply, stating, ‘Your hotwife has been hard at work,’ and sent it to KY before putting the mobile back in my purse. I had to remember to send him more pictures. I walked around the suite for a moment, feeling a bit apprehensive that someone might come in at any moment, but also feeling very free and liberated. A thought came to me, and I decided to follow it, venturing out onto the balcony to capture the view. The moon was nearly full and cast a beautiful warm light over the ocean. I took another step out onto the balcony and felt a rush at the voyeuristic high that came with standing nude out in the open for anyone to see. Looking down at my bare breasts in the moonlight, I stifled a laugh as I looked at my hardened nipples. This had hardly turned out to be a meet and greet, I thought to myself.

Voices suddenly sounded to my right and I scrambled back into the safety of the suite, my heart in my throat. So much for my newfound courage. Those voices could have come from anywhere, but I hadn’t thought twice about legging it for safety once I’d heard them.

That was enough adventure for one night, I thought as I made my way to the other room. I opened the door, and stepped inside, closing the door softly until I heard the click of the bolt as it slid passed the strike plate and fell into place.

This room was much darker than the room the Kleinberg’s were in, and I was tempted to turn on the light, but I didn’t want the bright flash to ruin my night visions, so I put my hands out and swept my foot out in front of me with each step. I found the foot of the bed and gently set my hands on top of the mattress. Only instead of finding a flat blanket, my hands fall on something under the blankets.

“Humf,” I heard a male voice sound, obviously waking up from a deep sleep. “Who’s—”

“—Oh bloody hell,” I swore. “I’m so sorry,” I said, pulling my hands away as if they’d just been dipped in acid. “I thought this room was unoccupied—I’m so—.”

“Nichole?” said a familiar voice. “Relax. It’s me.”

“God I’m so sorry,” I said, taking a quick step back and reflexively covering my breasts with my forearm despite the darkness of the room. “The Kleinberg’s asked me to stay the night and said I could use the extra room—I’ll just go.”

“Stop,” Mr. Schultz said softly and yet with a stern authority. He truly didn’t speak loudly, but his voice still made me freeze in my tracks. A click sounded and a lamp began to emit a low light, illuminating Mr. Schultz bare chest under the sheet. My boss moved and sat up in bed, looking very much in control even though he was woken suddenly from sleep. I kept my forearm pressed against my breasts. “I know you had clothes we you arrived; did you lose them?”

I tilted my head in the direction of the Kleinberg’s room, “I was kind of shooshed out in a hurry. My clothes are somewhere on the floor in the other room.”

“It seems the Kleinberg’s have more of a plan than I’d thought,” he said with a chuckle.


Mr. Schultz gestured to the empty side of the bed, and when I hesitated, his brow rose slightly, “Nichole,” he said in a voice that was like steel. A chill ran through me but then my feet began moving me to the bed as if they had a will of their own.

“Yes sir,” I said, feeling as if I’d just been dropped into that sexual fog again. I moved to the side of the bed and Mr. Schultz raised the sheet into the air. I then climbed onto the tall bed and slid under the sheet. I was starting to feel a little cold, and the heavy blanket at the bottom of the bed felt nice over my feet.

“Harrison asked me to stay the night so that we could continue our conversation tomorrow before he and his wife head off for Catalina,” Mr. Shultz explained.

“They invited me to go with them,” I said, feeling a confusion so deep it felt as if my thoughts had been swept up in a whirlwind.

Mr. Schultz smiled and leaned against the padded headboard. “That’s good,” he said, appearing to be deep in thought. “That’s really good,” he repeated.

I pulled the sheet up to my chin and rubbed my toes together for warmth. Steeling a glance at my boss, I was impressed at how fit he appeared to be. He was far from a bodybuilder, but I could clearly see the lines of lean muscled in his bare chest and arms. I found it striking how calm he seemed to be. Laying starkers next to him, I felt like I was a teenage girl again, a bundle of scared nerves ready to burst. But Mr. Schultz didn’t seem to have any concerns at all.

“I don’t know if this whole endeavor will yield much fruit—at least not for Global Medical,” my boss began to speak again, “but I think the Kleinberg’s are trustworthy people, and in the end that’s what we’re looking for. Actually, it’s probably a good thing he’s not in the medical industry, we’ve got a healthy backlog at the moment, and I don’t want to add to it without…” Mr. Schultz stopped and looked down at me, a chagrined look passed over his features. “Sorry, you probably want to get some sleep.”

His comments caught me off guard and it took me a moment to respond. “I’m actually quite awake at the moment.”

Mr. Schultz nodded, “It might help if I got another room so you can get some slee—,”

I reached out and touched Mr. Schultz’ arm as he began to rise from the bed. “It’s fine,” I said quickly. “It’s the middle of the night and this was your room to start with.”

“Are you sure?” he asked, settling back down into the bed. I nodded and we both fell into a silence for a long moment. “Nichole, may I ask you a personal question? Don’t feel obligated to answer if you don’t want to.”

His calm and warm tone surprised me. It still felt as if he had a twenty foot steel wall around himself, but he sounded almost approachable. “Yes, of course,” I responded.

“How is your husband doing with all of this, with your new position? Is he having a difficult time?” Mr. Schultz asked, flourishing his hand in an all-encompassing circle.

Images of my husband flashed into my mind, and Mr. Schultz’ question made me think of Ky’s text earlier. “Actually, I think he’s adjusting to it—at least for now. But I really don’t know if he’ll feel the same way about it a week from now, or a month, or more.”

“You’ll both have your highs and lows, that’s about the only thing I can promise you. My wife and I have had an open marriage for years now, and we still have moments of mistrust and communication failures,” my boss explained.

“Do you ever regret opening your marriage?” I asked, the words spilling out before I’d properly thought about them.

Mr. Schultz shrugged, “Not exactly. It’s not productive to dwell on things you regret. You learn to take the lesson learned and move on, remembering only enough so that you don’t repeat a mistake. Actually, my wife hasn’t taken a lover in years, and I don’t partake very often. Casual flings don’t interest me.” My boss turned to me, meeting my eyes. “Are you feeling regret?”

I broke my gaze and looked to the ceiling as I relaxed into the soft mattress as I thought about the question. “No… but part of me thinks I should. And I don’t know if that’s because what I’m doing is actually acceptable, or if I’m just not listening to my conscience any longer.”

“From what I’ve witnessed, you seem to be enjoying yourself.”

I nodded at the statement, “Probably a little too much. Lately, all I think about is sex.” I let out a heavy sigh, trying not to feel the lingering warmth between my thighs.

“Are you thinking about it now?” Mr. Schultz asked.

I could feel his heavy eyes boring into me, and I didn’t want to mee them. “After several hours with the Kleinberg’s, I’m feeling rather satisfied,” I said, trying to keep my voice lighthearted.

“Nichole,” Mr. Schultz said a way that made all thoughts flee from my mind. “I didn’t ask you how you felt. I asked if you were thinking about sex. You will answer my questions with a yes sir or a no sir, understood?”

It felt like the blood rushed out of my face and my muscles suddenly felt very weak. “Yes sir,” I eventually brought myself to say.

“Good girl,” Mr. Schultz said in a tone that made me feel a shiver of excitement. “Are you thinking about sex right now?”

“… Yes sir.”

“Very good,” Mr. Schultz said, his tone one of satisfaction. “Is it with your husband?”

I had shake my head, “No sir.”

“Is it with Wade?” Mr. Schultz turned to his side and leaned closer to me.

“How did you--?”I began to ask but then stopped when I saw Mr. Schultz arch an eyebrow. “Yes sir.”

“I’ve gathered there’s something of a relationship between you two,” Mr. Schultz confessed. If he was bothered he didn’t show it. The man was always in perfect control of his emotions. “I like Wade well enough. He seems to be a good man. But I don’t want him coming between you and what we’re building together here, understood?”

“Yes sir,” I said without thought.

Suddenly my boss pulled the sheet down, exposing my bare skin the air. The bed lamp gave enough light to see that my nipples were standing rigidly upward. Mr. Schultz pinched the nipple closest to him between his thumb and forefinger. The pressure he applied wasn’t painful, but he seemed to know the exact point of where pleasure would end, and pain begin.

“You have an authenticity about you that people find refreshing,” my boss said, keeping the pressure applied to my nipple for a long moment before finally releasing. “And you truly seem to enjoy sex—I know you’ve learned a fair bit from Marcus, and other lovers you’ve had, but you still have so much to learn, Nichole.”

“I’ve never claimed that I knew—Ah!” I cried out as Mr. Schultz flicked my nipple with his finger.

“Very sensitive Nipples,” Mr. Schultz said, tenderly rolling my nipple between his fingers.

“Yes sir,” I said, feeling a very different sensation in my nipple. It felt on fire, but at the same time it was sending signals to my brain of intense pleasure.

Mr. Schultz’s hand left my breast and slowly moved to my vagina, his fingers maintaining constant touch with my skin. He ran his index finger lightly over my pussy. “So wet,” he said softly. “I didn’t think Harrison would be capable of ‘satisfying’ you.” He emphasized the word satisfying as if he had a different meaning in mind.

“He was fine,” I said, not sure why I felt a need to defend him.

“Oh, I’m sure he was fine,” Mr. Schultz said dismissively. He reached up and lifted the pendant on my necklace, looking at it as if inspecting for something only he could see. “But I think Hot Wheels needs a stronger hand to drive her.” The use of the nickname Rafe had coined surprised me. Rafe had used a few times around the office as a way to take the piss, so it wasn’t exactly a secret, but the way Mr. Schultz said it made the nickname feel very intimate.

A soft moan escaped my lips, and I pressed my lips together before it got loader. Mr. Schultz index finder expertly pressed into the fleshy folds of my pussy, exploring, and finding those most sensitive spots. I could have cum within a few minutes, but each time I got close, Mr. Schultz eased the pressure and moved to a different location. I knew what he was doing. I’d used the tease and please process with Claire only an hour ago.

Seconds became minutes, and minutes blurred together as Mr. Schultz’s fingers edged me closer and closer to what I knew would be a spectacular finish. I felt like I was on that constant edge, but no matter how much I wanted to, I couldn’t quite make the fall.

“Please,” I panted, my voice breathless to my ears. “Please stop teasing.”

Mr. Schultz chuckled, “I’ve only begun teasing.”

I shifted my hips to try to increase the pressure, but no matter how hard I tried, my orgasm stayed just out of reach.

“Do you want to cum?”

I nodded, “Yes sir,” I said without hesitation.

“Then beg me to fuck you.”

The word ‘beg’ stuck in my ear, and I knew it should have upset me, but I was so deliriously close to a mind-bending orgasm that I dismissed it. “Please fuck me,” I said, sounding like a wanton whore. I didn’t care. “Please fuck me Mr. Schultz.”

“I might be convinced,” my boss said casually. “I’ll admit, I’ve thought about taking you before now. I haven’t been with another woman besides my wife in a long time.” Silence in the room lingered for a long moment. The only sounds in the air were the wet sloppy sounds from my pussy and my heavy breathing. “I don’t like casual flings though. If you really want me to fuck you, you have to understand that. There will be more than a simple employer employee relationship.”

“I understand,” I said quickly, spurred on by a desire that now burned white hot.

“You truly don’t,” Mr. Schultz said, pushing himself to his knees and shifting to between my legs. “Not yet anyway.” Mr. Schultz slid the underside of his cock against my soaking lower lips. His cock was long, girthy, and had a near perfect shape to it. It was that perfect size that would satisfy without any of the painful side effects that would leave one sore the following day.

Without further talk, Mr. Schulz buried his cock in an easy thrust. My orgasm didn’t need to build further. It felt like an avalanche had broken lose and was tearing through anything in its path. I know I screamed. I know I moaned and called out his name. But I was so near delirious, I don’t think I could have stopped even had I wanted to.

One orgasm seemed to stretch into another as my boss continued to thrust. Between the larger, toe-curling orgasms, or the dozens of small micro-orgasms, I lost count of them and simply tried to focus on enjoying the moment. I felt drunk, and like I had no control over my body. My other experiences with other lovers had been nothing like this. Each time I began to orgasm, Mr. Schultz would do something to push the intensity of my orgasm to new heights. With a hard twist of my nipples or a harsh swat to my arse, he knew how to exact a maximum amount of pleasure with each climax. I felt like my mind was going to come unhinged from reality.

Finally, long after he first began to fuck me, Mr. Schultz came inside me. I wasn’t sure if he’d cum before, but if he had, he’d never slowed his pace much less stopped. He was like a bloody machine. I knew I was a sweaty mess, but I had no energy to get out of bed to have a shower. I felt my boss pull my limp body against his own and pull the sheet over us before I closed my eyes and went to sleep.


“Damn Ky,” Rachel swore next to me as she looked at my phone. “Your wife looks freshly fucked.”

I had picked up my phone from the nightstand and opened the picture while Rachel laid cuddled next to me. Her large, bare breasts pressed against my side. I had gone over to ask my neighbor if she would join me on a double date, but one thing led to another, and well, before I knew it, we were having sex in her bed. I’d checked my wife’s location on my phone, so I knew she was still in Laguna Beach, and I figured she’d likely be gone for the weekend.

“She does, doesn’t she,” I said, zooming the picture in to see a closeup of my wife’s face. She looked a little tired, but there was still an excitement in her eyes.

“I hope you don’t get in trouble with her for sleeping with me,” Rachel said, reaching down and stroking my dick back to life.

“I should be ok,” I replied. “It was Nichole’s idea for me to ask you out, and I desperately needed sex tonight.”

“Hmm,” Rachel hummed, “If I get you more often, I might let Marcus linger down in Costa Rica for a while. He was already hooking up with the young Tica girl that lives next door, so he wouldn’t mind.”

I felt my dick stiffen quickly at the thought of being able to fuck Rachel once in a while. With Nichole being gone more and more, I’d been masturbating a lot, but that wasn’t cutting it anymore. Rachel pushed against me to lay me on my back. She then threw her leg over my waist and guided my dick inside her. She felt so fucking good.

Rachel’s blonde hair hung down and dragged across my body as she began to rhythmically rock her hips. Her voluptuous breasts swayed back and forth as her body moved, her nipples hanging down almost low enough that it took little effort to lift my head and take one in my mouth. I knew I needed to be careful how often I was with Rachel, but at the moment I didn’t give a shit. Nichole was getting laid left, right, and center.

Images of Nichole came to mind, and I couldn’t help but think of her being taken by other men. I almost laughed at the situation. Here I was being fucked by a beautiful woman, and I was thinking of my wife getting fucked. What had my life become? What would my life be like in a year from now, or two? What would Nichole be like after fucking dozens of different men, or maybe hundreds? Would she change, would we change? I didn’t have any answers, but that’s what happens when you try to think with your lizard brain.

Rachel leaned down to kiss me, and I let her tongue enter my mouth. It would be fun to pretend that Rachel was my wife.


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Wistful » Thu Jan 27, 2022 2:47 pm

Better than a movie. I was there with them . . .

Posts: 80
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2020 9:32 am

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by antidote2909 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 4:47 pm

Truly awesome. Thanks for continuing the story. You're an excellent writer.

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Location: Charleston SC

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by coastalover » Thu Jan 27, 2022 4:52 pm

Thank you Ky. Well worth the wait.

Posts: 643
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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by subtoall » Thu Jan 27, 2022 8:21 pm

So good Ky. Great character development.

Posts: 171
Joined: Sun May 22, 2016 1:37 pm

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Frenchie » Thu Jan 27, 2022 10:36 pm

Wouah !

What a great work !!

Brillant !


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by OOAA » Fri Jan 28, 2022 12:43 am

AMAZING chapter Ky!!!! I love your style!!! Thanks a lot for all the effort involved!

2 Bit Whore
Posts: 1356
Joined: Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:20 am

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Open2it » Fri Jan 28, 2022 2:10 am

Outstanding addition! Thank you.

Mad Dog65

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Mad Dog65 » Fri Jan 28, 2022 5:55 am

Thank you for your work on this wonderful story!

Posts: 568
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:06 am

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by KyGrappler80 » Fri Jan 28, 2022 5:20 pm

well done, sir. I love your pacing.

Posts: 77
Joined: Sat Dec 19, 2020 10:05 pm

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by ILV23+ » Fri Jan 28, 2022 9:53 pm

Thank you Ky. Look forward to more. Well done.

Posts: 64
Joined: Tue Mar 15, 2016 11:12 am

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Fred_Garvin » Sat Jan 29, 2022 2:17 am

I love/hate the darker turn that is slowly happening in the story. Nichole is thinking less and less of her husband, but Ky cannot stop thinking about his wife.

The asymmetry and unfairness of a cuckold relationship is one of the driving elements for me. I would like to see Nichole try to put the brakes on Ky's relationship with Rachel because of jealousy, with the full realization of the hypocrisy of the situation.

That conflict -- Nichole having physical and emotional connections to other men while Ky is denied -- is wonderfully and painfully delicious.

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Location: Chicago, Il

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by mundyman » Sat Jan 29, 2022 5:26 am

Well done Ky. You’ve found the sweet spot of mixing the sexy scenes with the build up and telling the emotional build up to those encounters.
Thank you for sharing.

2 Bit Whore
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Joined: Thu May 31, 2018 9:07 am

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by JustWantToWatch » Mon Jan 31, 2022 6:40 am

Outstanding chapter!!

Posts: 9
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2021 3:03 pm

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by c4cuck » Mon Jan 31, 2022 2:26 pm

Wonderful, we've loved this story from day one. Thank you Ky.

Posts: 283
Joined: Sat Jun 30, 2007 11:21 pm

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by txrockdog » Tue Feb 01, 2022 9:53 am

Fred_Garvin wrote:
Sat Jan 29, 2022 2:17 am
I love/hate the darker turn that is slowly happening in the story. Nichole is thinking less and less of her husband, but Ky cannot stop thinking about his wife.

The asymmetry and unfairness of a cuckold relationship is one of the driving elements for me. I would like to see Nichole try to put the brakes on Ky's relationship with Rachel because of jealousy, with the full realization of the hypocrisy of the situation.

That conflict -- Nichole having physical and emotional connections to other men while Ky is denied -- is wonderfully and painfully delicious.
I sense a cage in Ky’s future to reassure Nichole that he isn’t using the cock she doesn’t want anymore with anybody else.

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