A professional's advice saved Jack's marriage

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A professional's advice saved Jack's marriage

Unread post by mjust213 » Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:52 pm

Inspired by some things I felt and thought as I explored this thing. But it's (obviously) 100% fiction. There is some sexual description, but its mostly psychological.

Jack is a short and plump 37 year old auto repairman. He is married to Becky. Becky is a beautiful 32 year old woman, but she has been shy her whole life. Jack is her first and only lover.

Jack hadn't gotten around too much with other women, but he had fooled around with different girls when he was in college.

This made Becky very jealous and frustrated.

"It's not fair" Becky said to Jack, "i hate wonder about what happened between you and those girls before you were with me."

Jack shrugged his shoulders. "I know it bothers you becky, but there's nothing we can do about it now."

Becky still thought it was unfair. "You never have to wonder," she said to Jack, thinking of the unfairness - and also the regret for not having taken advantage of her oppurtunity to have some youthful indescretions, herself.

Jack assured his wife, "even if you had been with other guys before we met, it wouldn't change the way I feel about you."

Becky thought this was no consulation.

Becky and Jack went to see a marraige counselor. Her name was Dr. Veronica.

Dr. Veronica thought that Jack should allow Becky to have a a "no rules" night. Or maybe a few. Becky would be free to do anything she wanted. Dr. Victoria thought that Becky should only do things that she truly wanted to do. But she also thought that Becky should do everything she truly wanted to do. Even have sex with somebody else.

Becky had mixed feelings about the idea. "I'm not sure about this" she said, "I don't think I could ever do anything with anyone else, even if Jack were ok with it. This all seems very unconventional"

Jack did not like the idea one bit. "It would be cheating!" he said.

Dr. Veronica disagreed. "As long as she cuts it off once she's had her fill, then it is no different than what you have already experienced. Didn't you see you wouldn't feel any different about Becky if she had also had other lovers before you?"

Jack said "yes, but this is different. we're together now. it would be cheating."

DR. Veronica insisted, "it would not be cheating if you gave her permission. Besides she might not do anything at all."

Jack said, "it's unfair"

This made Becky upset, even if she would never do anything on her no rules night. "What would be unfair about seeing what its like for me? What would be unfair about knowing how I feel? What would be unfair about finally being equal in this department?"

Jack had no answers.

Dr. Veronica asked a question. "Jack, do you love Becky?"

"Yes" jack answered.

"If this would be good for Becky, would you risk hurting her by refusing to give something a chance?"

"Of course not" Jack answered.

"This is exactly what Becky needs, Jack. Please, don't stand in the way. Do the right thing."

Jack reluctantly agreed.

The "no rules" night was to take place in exactly one month.

Dr. Veronica later met with Jack alone to go over very specific instructions. Jack was told that words alone were not enough. He must show his support.

"Jack," Dr. Veronica said, "from now until the last "no rules" night, you must call Becky by her full name, Rebecca. This is so that she can feel as if she is reclaiming herself on her night."

Jack saw no problem with this. He even thought it might be fun.

"You must also refrain from intimacies" She said

Jack asked, "what do you mean"

"no sex" Dr. Veronica said sternly. "no sex, no oral sex, no foreplay. No sex at all"

Jack groaned, "that's not fair"

Dr. Veronica insisted, "it is what must be done. Rebecca cannot feel as if she is your possession when she goes out or this will not work"

Dr. Veronica then instructed, "you must also buy Rebecca a pack of condoms. giving her the condoms will show her that you support her decision, whatever it may be."

Jack did not like this idea one bit, and it showed on his face.

Dr. Veronica then told Jack, "and when she comes home, you must show her you accept her by performing oral sex on her and then making love to her."

Jack hated this idea. "What if Becky has sex?"

"You mean Rebecca?" Dr. Veronica corrected.

Jack sighed. "Yes. What if Rebecca has sex?"

"It will be none of your business, Jack. Not asking is also part of showing your support." Dr. Veronica said. "You must show that you love her no matter what happens."

Jack asked, "But what if she has sex? I don't want to eat her pussy if she's just had sex with somebody else"

Dr. veronica smiled and laughed "then you will be glad you bought the best condoms when you went out shopping for her"

Dr. Veronica instructed Becky to contact a professional "wing-woman" to help her get everything she wanted out of the night.

The "wing woman's" name was Candace. Candace promised to be very repectful of Becky's wishes.

Candace took Becky clothes shopping for the big night. Becky did not know whether she wanted to do anything crazy, but she deffinately wanted to look good.

"Try this top on" suggested Candace

"I like it" said Becky, "but i'm surprised. it's not very bold"

Candace asked, "what do you mean? its much more bold than what I've seen you wearing."

"I know" said Becky, "but i figured you were going to put me in a cat suit or something."

"No no" said candace, "you want to look sexy, not easy. this fits your personality, but it also shows off your assets."

Candace then picked out a skirt and a pair of boots for Becky to try on.

Becky looked very sexy. "I love it. Let's go home" she said.

Candace said, "We're not done yet becky. We still need to get you some cute underwear."

Becky blushed. "I doubt I'll do anything with anyone, I just want to look good"

Candace said, "you don't know what you're going to want to do. but if you don't love the way you look in your panties, you won't do anything even if you want to."

Candace and Becky picked out a cute pair of boy shorts and a matching bra.

"Wow." said Becky, "Just having these in my hands feels so exciting"

"How so?" asked Candace

"I feel like there is a chance a guy might see me in these." Becky said, "I mean other than Jack. And not really, its just an idea."

Candace looked Becky straight in the eye and said: "Becky: maybe its time you started following through on some of your ideas"

Becky felt a bolt of electricity run through her body.


Jack saw his wife in kitchen. "Rebecca," he asked, "if you did have sex with somebody, what kind of guy do you think it would be?"

Becky answered, "I doubt I'll have sex with anyone. Relax."

Jack persisted by asking, "but what if you did, Rebecca? would he be different than me?"

"probably" answered Becky answered, "i guess I would try somebody tall and in really good shape if it was just for the one time. maybe somebody with a different style"

Jack asked, "what kind of style?"

Becky answered, "I don't know. Maybe a biker or a guido. Don't worry about, it's not like its going to happen."

But Becky realized, in that moment, that she really did want to see what it would be like to be kissed by a tall man or to feel the arms or a muscular man. She realized that she would probably at least "fool around" with somebody on her "no rules" night.


By the end of the month, Becky was very horny. Becky was about to get her period, which almost always made her a little hornier than usual. She was hornier yet because Jack had been doting on her, and calling her Rebecca all month. She was also hornier than usual because of all the excitement.

She decided not to tell Jack about how horny she was. She was pretty sure nothing would come of it. Even if she secretly wanted something to happen.

Candace rang the doorbell at 8:30. She was very respectful of Jack. "I promise that whatever happens, I will make sure Rebecca's night is a success and that she is safe."

Jack felt both reassured and uneasy.


Candace could tell that Becky was both excited and scared.

"Let's have some fun" Candace said "let's play a game. why don't you see if you can get a guy to buy you a drink at a bar"

"ok" Becky said, "but I don't know how."

"I'll teach you" Candace said and they walked into a local tavern.

Candace told Becky, "Flirt with your eyes. If you see a guy that you think is cute, look at his eyes for a second and then smile when he looks back. Then look to the table. He will get the message."

Becky saw a cute italian boy and tried it out. She was surprised when it worked. Becky then started talking to the boy, who was clearly interested in her clevage. Becky was flattered.

Candace then grabbed Becky by the arm and said, "lets go somewhere else"

When they got to the next bar, Candace asked, "would you mind if a guy kissed you tonight?"

Becky thought for a moment. She answered, "actually, i want a guy to kiss me. just a kiss though."

Candace said, "awesome. lets just do what you did before"

Becky saw another cute guy and flirted with him with her eyes. Seconds later, he had bought her a drink and was walking around the bar to approach her.

Candace whispered in Becky's ear, "When he gets here, look him in the eyes - but also look at his lips. And be close enough that he can try to kiss you if he wants to."

It only took ten minuites before this guy, whom Becky did not even have a name for, leaned in to kiss Becky. His tongue flirted with her lips and then started to dance with her tongue. It was unlike any kiss she had ever had before. The experience was marvalous.

Then the guy reached up to cup Becky's breasts from underneath. Becky instinctively broke off the kiss and slapped his hand away. The guy backed off. Becky was shocked, but also very excited and flattered. And she was very very wet.

"Candace," Becky said, "can we get out of here"

The two left the bar and began to walk down the street.

"Candace," Becky said, "If we met the right boy tonight, and he was into me, I think I might . . . ." and then began to stammer.

Candace asked. "might what?"

Becky answered, "you know. go all the way."

Candace smiled. "Becky, lets go to another bar"


"Sure" Candace said, and the two of them left

Jack became very upset when the 2:00 hour arrived and Becky was still not home. Jack thought about what might be happening. He thought about pornos he had seen where men men with very large dicks fucked women very roughly. He thought about his wife's cute little body getting fucked like that. Her tits bouncing for some other guys amusement.

He thought to call Becky, but instead called Dr. Veronica.

Dr. Veronica insisted, "you must not call Rebecca. she may not be having sex at all. Trust your wife. If Rebecca ends up doing nothing, you will ruin it if you call. Rebecca must choose what to do for her, not for you."

Jack felt slightly at east at the suggestion Becky might not be doing anything at all.


The next week, Becky met with Dr. Veronica alone.

Dr. Veronica asked, "how did it go?"

Becky blushed. "It went o.k." she said embarassingly, hinting that it might have gone better than ok.

Dr. Veronica asked, "just ok?"

Stillblushing and still a little shamy, Becky responded, "actually it went great"

Dr. Veronica said, "tell me about it"

Becky answered, "well candace was great. she really helped out."

Dr. Veronica asked, "what did she help you do?"

Becky answered, "she helped me learn to flirt. and . . . . "

Becky became even more red and embarassed

" . . . and I had sex with somebody."

"CONRATULATIONS!" Dr. Victoria proclaimed. "You deserved to. Was it good?"

Becky answered, "it was different"

"but was it good?" Dr. Veronica asked.

Becky responded, "it was good. and it was especially good because it was different."

"How was it different" Dr. Veronica asked.

Becky answered, "Everything was different. The way he said my name. Saying his name - Bob. The way it felt when Bob held me. The way Bob's body felt when i touched it. The was "it" felt."

"It?" asked Dr. Veronica.

Rebecca blushed again, "the sex. and his dick. Bob was about the same as Jack, but Bob was thicker. after the sex got going, i couldn't notice. but when Bob first pushed it in, it felt so full and so satisfying. and Bob did things different. he did the normal stuff, but he pushed all the way in and did lots of gyrations while he was all the way in me. It was very good. It was too good"

Dr. Veronica asked, "how was it too good"

Becky answered, "because i want to feel it again. I want to feel Bob again ---- real bad. I love Jack. But I need to feel Bob. At least once more."

Dr. Veronica smiled, "then do it!"

Becky responded, "I want to. I really do."

"Then what's stopping you?" asked Dr. Veronica.

Rebecca answered, "when he asked for my number, I told him I was married. He was so shocked. He was still very polite. But i left without giving him my number or asking for his."

Dr. Veronica wrote down a couple notes and asked, "Becky, what was this man like? What did he look like?"

Becky blushed and responded, embarassigly, "he was only 25."

"YOU GO GIRL!" Dr. Veronica explained. "How did he look"

Becky answered very devilishly, "delicious."

Both women laughed

Becky continued, "Bob was about 6 feet tall. and he had a lean build like a runner. i loved running my hands down his back and over his butt. i loved feeling his arms. can i tell you something very bad?"

"Of course," Dr. Veronica answered

"When I lied back the first time we did it, and Bob was kneeling and trying to get on his condom, I just felt so trustful of him and so connected - and i wanted to feel even more connected - so i told him to forget it."

Surprised, veronica asked, "forget the condom?"

Becky stammered, "Well, i had already had him in my mouth, you know. And you don't do that with a condom. And I'm on the pill."

"Relax" Dr. Veronica said, "it's fine. i actually think its good. you decided you wanted something and you went for it. It shows that you're growing. How many times did you have sex with Bob?"

"Three" Becky said, sort of proudly, "Twice on the bed, once in the shower."

Veronica asked, "Did you both orgasm?"

Becky answered, "yes"

Dr. Veronica asked, "every time"

Becky answered proudly "yes"

Dr. Veronica thought for a moment, and then asked, "where did Bob have his orgasms"

Becky smiled from ear to ear and answered warmly, "inside me"

Dr. Veronica leaned in and looked at Becky in the eye, "i'm very proud of you becky. i don't think that Bob minded that you were m arried. In fact, it was probably exciting for him. Candace was keeping an eye on things to make sure you were safe. She got his cell phone number. You can call him if you want. Or Candace can call for you."

Becky felt very happy. She smiled and said, "I would like that, please."


The next day, Jack had an individual appointment with Dr. Victoria.

Dr. Victoria started by saying, "I have good news Jack."

Jack asked, "what is it?"

Dr. Victoria said, "rebecca gave me permission to tell you what happened."

Jack said "ok" anxiously

Dr. Victoria continued, "i have even more good news"

Jack said "ok" just as anxiously

Dr. Victoria said, matter of factly, "Rebecca discovered the power of her femininity on Friday. She enjoyed sexual intercourse with a handsome young man named Bob."

Jack looked shocked.

Dr. Victoria asked, "Why are you surprised? Rebecca is bueatiful. And her confidence has grown so much over the past month. Surely, you had to see it coming. "

Jack took a moment to collect himself, "To be honest, when she came back I thought she had not done anything with anyone. I felt both releived and dissapointed.

Dr. Veronica asked, "why dissapointed?"

Jack responded, "because i could tell it was important for her to have that experience. I guess i'm selfish in some ways, but i do really want the best for her."

Dr. Veronica asked, "what made you think she had not done anything?"

Jack responded, "i guess the way she acted. completely guilt free. and i did what you said. i went down on her as soon as she came home. i know what it tastes to go down on her after fucking her with a condom. you can taste the latex all night. i didn't taste anything."

Dr. Veronica was happy to hear that Becky had not experienced enough guilt for Jack to notice. After all, there was nothing for Becky to feel guilty about. She then looked Jack in the eye and said, "Jack . . . .she didn't use a condom."

Jack looked mortified. He said, "That's not fair!"

Dr. Veronica responded sternly, "it's perfectly fair. did you use a condom every time you had sex prior to marrying Rebecca?"

Jack answered, "actually, yes"

Dr. Veronica didn't blink, "well that was your choice, and the choice of your partners. Rebecca made a choice because she trusted Bob and she wanted to feel a closer connection with Bob."

Jack still looked dejected.

Dr. Veronica continued, "think about it from Rebecca's perspective. Rebecca lied back while man much bigger than her climbed on top of her. He was probably grabbing and groping her. He put a part of his body inside her body. And not just any part: Rebecca's most sacred and private area was penetrated by a man's penis. how dare you try to control her in that personal and private moment? that moment can be empowering or it can be very scary. Bob wanted to use a condom. Rebecca asked that he didn't. I'm proud of of Rebecca for taking control of the situation, and you should be, too."

Jack said, "maybe your right, but it doesn't change the fact that i don't feel like her pussy can ever possibly be mine again after something like that."

Dr. Veronica leaned in closely, "Jack, Rebecca's quote-unquote pussy was NEVER yours. It's not Bob's, it's not your's, or anyone else's. It is Rebecca's, and she can do anything she wants with it, including share it with anyone she wants. She never needed your permission. And now she knows this. She still wants to share it with you the most. You should consider yourself very very lucky."

Jack asked, "what was "Bob" like?"

Dr. Veronica answered, "I don't really know. I know he was tall, muscular, and good looking. But that's all."

Jack asked, "that burns me up, too. a guy like that gets lots of pussy. why Rebecca's? a guy like that can't appreciate what she gave him. a guy like that doesn't deserve it."

Dr. Veronica answered, "It doesn't matter what he deserves."

Jack persisted, "but why should a guy like that get to feel Rebecca's pussy - - - - with his dick!? with his bare fucking dick?!?!?!"

Dr. Veronica answered bluntly, "Because Rebecca wanted to share that with him"

Jack didn't give up, "and i could see it if it was just to see what it was like. Once in, pull out, and that's it. That's all he should get. For all I know, he fucked her hard like they do in pornos."

Dr. Veronica said, "Jack, Bob and Rebecca had sexual intercourse three times. I don't know if they had sex like in quote-unquote "pornos, but I'm pretty sure it got intense."

Jack asked, "what do you know?"

"Not much" Dr. Veronica answered, "only what Rebecca though was worth tell me. I know that Bob pushed his penis as far as it would go inside Rebecca and that he would gyrate in this position. It was apparantly part of his sexual style .so it probably happened often. Rebecca enjoyed it very much."

Jack asked, "so she didn't say that he fucked her rough and hard."

Dr. Veronica sighed in frustration. She leaned in, looked Jack square in the eye and said, "Look Jack. you and I both know that fast and intense thrusting is a major component of sexual intercourse. It probably wouldn't be satisfying for either of them if it hadn't happened. They had sex three times. From what I understand, it was mutually satisfying. Jack, you need to face it, and I don't know how else to say this . . . . "

Dr. Veronica paused, and continued, being as matter of fact as she could, "Rebecca got rode hard. Is it the most important part of the sex? Not for everyone. But its a very pleasurable experience for almost all women and Rebecca probably responded very well to it, just like she does with you. And just like you do, Bob probably responded by pentrating her deeper, thrusting faster, or both. That's what sexual intercourse is Jack. You need to come to grips with it.

Jack sat silently for a moment. He knew Dr. Veronica was right. Finaly, he asked, "is it ok for my to call her Becky again?"

"No" Dr. Veronica responded sternly, "absolutely not."

Dr. Veronica was tired of Jack's selfishness. "Rebecca isn't done." she said as matter-a-factly as she could despite her frustration. "She will be seeing Bob at least twice a week until she is satisfied. It shouldn't be a bother to you because the meetings should mostly take place when you are at work. If you cross paths with Bob, be polite. There's no reason for jealosy, he's just a boy and he's no risk to your marriage. Besides, if there were a conflict of any sort, it probably would be even more embarassing for you than it already is. After Rebecca is done with Bob, what she does is her choice. But I don't want things changing until she has finished her journy. I don't think it will take more than 6 months, but I wouldn't worry about her even if it took two years. I want you to buy her condoms when she runs out - if she decides to use them. You can have sexual relations with her - but I want you to limit it to when she has her period - or when she asks you. When you are making love, you may call her Becky. But I want you to use a condom unless she asks you not to. And if you ever suspect that Rebeca doubts your commitment to her journey, ask her if she needs for you to "prove your support". use those words. rebecca may use those words and ask you to "prove your support". those words mean something very specific. Rebecca has been instructed to give you a time to show support, and you will show your support by performing oral sex on her. At first, Rebecca may feel awkward asking you to show your support, so it is important that you do a good job and bring her to climax every time. In all likelihood, the act will go from being awkward to pleasurable in less than a week, and it will be one of the most important symbols of your devotion to Rebeca."

"Why would it be awkward?" Jack asked, already knowing the answer.

Dr. Veronica answered, "let's just say you'll be lucky if you only taste latex."

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Re: A professional's advice saved Jack's marriage

Unread post by MrHenpecked » Sun Jul 21, 2013 12:29 pm

I'm really surprised this story hasn't a follow up

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Re: A professional's advice saved Jack's marriage

Unread post by peaceman75206 » Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:21 am

Wonderful story that communicates well the ideas behind hotwifing,and much of the dynamic in play.

Does the story continue? Actually I'm sure it does, but do we get to hear it?

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Re: A professional's advice saved Jack's marriage

Unread post by hwc » Sun Jun 08, 2014 2:34 pm

Hi mjust213,

Just read your story - and it was brilliant! I wanted to ask if you intend to continue it, or write any (hopefully longer) stories like it? and have you written any other stories, if so, where can I find them?

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Re: A professional's advice saved Jack's marriage

Unread post by beg4ignore » Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:18 am

Great story, would love to see more! I love therapist/counselor type of stories like this!

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Re: A professional's advice saved Jack's marriage

Unread post by iw2bc » Thu Jun 19, 2014 9:55 am

Liked the story. Hope it continues. Although I must say that I am surprised the husband didn't ask to have equal time to play around. After all, we are talking about being fair...

But that is what makes it so hot. That it is not fair to the husband.

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