A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationship

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Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by Truckstar » Fri Oct 03, 2014 2:22 pm

Ok the biggest taboo of all.
What to do when a FB falls in love with your wife. We will deal with wife falls for FB later...

There are many permutations of how you find out. Sometimes they come straight out with it, you pick up on it or discover it through their communication.

We had a situation where the FB asked her to leave me for him. She seriously went through the pluses and minuses of this and chose me.

Now the masses will say, it wouldn't happen to me. You cannot prevent folk from loving you, you can put rules in place that will make it tricky, you can't prevent it.

Initially you need to talk it through completely but it has to be her that ends it with him. Then no comunication at all.

Then you have to be prepared for him to get silly. Turning up, mailing and sending gifts.

To be continued.

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Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by Truckstar » Sat Oct 04, 2014 3:57 am

A FB taking or falling in love with your woman is a lot easier than you keeping her. Why? Because most HWhubs will neglect their relationships and take their wife for granted from time to time. When the other man observes this, they see this as an opportunity to move in. Not all I must add, however if he falls for your woman, he will have considered this, even if she has not. All women, including Mrs Truckstar, have feelings of some description for a man that they like to see from time to time for sex, those of us that deny this are just foolish. We have all heard of NRE. Hey what about her, you fell in love with her, why wouldn't another man. She is sexy, she fucks always (Top on most men's lists), She sucks his cock just about every time she sees him, what is there to not fall for and on top of that she is great company, bright, confident and funny.

This means that a man has to be very careful in making sure he's fulfilling his woman's needs, not just sexual needs or else her male FB is a few centimetres away from replacing him.

All HWhubs like me that have been around this lifestyle for a while will know that at least one man has said one or all of the following at least once to your wife.

1. I love you.
2. If you were mine I would never share you.
3. I can't understand how your husband puts up with this.
4. Would you ever think of leaving him for me.
5. Will you leave him for me.

Mostly our wives, tell us of this and move away from the FB for good or for a while. But like my wife, after 'in her words' a suitable cooling period she takes them back. Telling them that she is never going to love them or leave me for them (That is refreshing). Side point, Women cannot deal with this kind of 'shit' by themselves, sorry girls for type casting you, but they will tell somebody and if that somebody is outside the lifestyle, the advice she gets is often, bullshit, like follow your heart, grasp opportunities, and the like.

Therefore if you don't treat your woman right with added romance, sensual love; not this reclaiming thing I read so much about and great big dollop of real respect for her as a woman, wife and mother, she may soon be discovering that there are other men out there wishing that she was single.

You cannot blame a man for falling for her, what you must do is ensure that you are always the best option and by doing so prove that he is just fun for her and not life partner material.

Take your wife out for dinner or a date of her liking. Make the time to talk to her, and show interest in her job, desires, goals, and of course her FB(s), never slag them off, that makes her defend them and therefore creates a wedge. Make sure that your conversations don't only revolve around children, bills and home repairs. Take time to understand her fun things that are not HWing. You can bet your last penny that her FB knows this.

The good old favourite OHW call of communication is ultra important, so make sure to talk about what she desires, including what she wants from the lifestyle. Do not ask her constantly to compare you with him, or blow by blow sexual activities of her and him.
Remember your sex life is not an extension of his, of course there will be overlap but also make sure there is time for you two alone. Do not get moody because she doesn't do something sexual with you that she always does with him, all that will do is focus on it and make her stressed. The important thing is to make your woman feel desirable to you and you to her both physically and emotionally. Remember that she may not have noticed how loved up this puppy has become. You might have to point out a few things, tactfully.

What do you do when it's too late, and your wife has become consumed by the tactics of a loved up FB? If you forbid her from seeing her lover, or give her an ultimatum, you'll only be adding to her disappointment in the situation and you may push her into the arms of the FB. If you act like you couldn't care less about this other man, then she'll think that you don't appreciate her, and that will only serve as motivation for him to try harder to win her. You have to keep in mind that if you give her an ultimatum, it will not work because women like to be in control, and by preventing her from doing what she wants, she may actually do the opposite to prove to herself that she has control of her extra marital desires. If you show that you're jealous, she'll likely think you're weak.

DO NOT OFFER VIOLENCE to over loved up Fuck Buddies, You know how wonderful your wife is, he is only acting instinctively.
Last edited by Truckstar on Sat Oct 04, 2014 9:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by Truckstar » Sat Oct 04, 2014 10:11 am

Girls for you

How do you prevent you man from pouting when you have a solo.

Men, you won't like this but it is for the girls and for your good.

Girls, you go out and have a date. Sorry to be patronising but a date is from a set time to a set time. Let's say for demonstration purposes 8pm until 11am the next day.

It is fair for a few hours beforehand (not counting the fetishists and denial boys here, the straightforward HW here), that she will be and should be excited. However when the date finishes bearing in mind you have just spent 15 hours with this guy most of which was probably balling like teenagers on Viagra mixed with MDMA. When you get home you don't need to ring him and talk for hours.

Advice point, If he is worried that you are ok, home in one piece - one text - that is all that is required to inform him of that. Also you should have briefed him that it will be radio silence now for at least one day. That radio silence will only be broken by you. He must wait and if he wants your pussy again he must know that. Oh and the time thing. If you said you would be home no later than 11am be home at 10:45am, not 2 miniutes past, because he will be worried shitless. - If you are unpreventably late, call him as soon as you know you are going to be late, in traffic etc. Not because you wanted one more fuck. That girls is disrespectful and hurts like hell. If you need a time extension, it is always tough for hubby, he won't say no but the earlier you decide, the easier it is for him to cope. A rule of thumb, is if you get down to the last 2 hours, then you have got to come at the arranged time, the angst would be already at critical mass. men if she says she is going to be late due to non HW activities - It may sound trite, but how about you believe your wife?

It is fair that you have had a wonderful time, you will be walking on air (we hope), If it was "The best sex of your life", it is not always the best thing to tell the man that has been your only sex partner for the last 20 years. He will be happy for you but that will hurt a little. There are better ways of saying you had a good time.

Advice point, Unless it is his thing, comparing his inadequacies to your new FBs supremacy, will make him pout. So tell him it was great, it was great because it was different. Hubsters don't push the comparison thing either. She loves you and it hurts to be putting you down.

Anger, fear, and jealousy drive out love; and love needs a strong dash of fearlessness to flourish. Girls, you owe it to the guy to keep him informed so that his mind does not do overtime. I don't mean a text every two minutes. But one when you arrive, a call is nice but sometimes awkward. A text when you have left. NOT WHEN YOU ARE ABOUT TO LEAVE as these goodbyes with kisses are no arbitrator of time.

Advice point, Girls -: Manage his expectations and make sure you know what he wants out of this. Guys, give her space to have fun, she is your wife and a HW at that not a personal porn star. Both, if the guy is coming on too strong, there are many ways to remind him that you are the couple not him. Some Mrs T has done -:
1. Call me from the room whilst in bed with him, finishing with, I love yous and I cant wait to get home and jump your bones.
2. Reading aloud a few lovey dovey texts from me.
3. When she comes back to me accompanied by him, to greet me passionately.

People sometimes try to make themselves feel better by trying to get their partner jealous. This is fatal, it absolutely stirs up the wrong emotion, one that can lead to violence. Making hubby jealous is making him mad at you. make him proud instead.

Confusing make-believe with reality, your FB is play time not real time. My wife loves tennis and skiing, she does not talk about it all the time. FBs are a sort of sport, women that do it well, do very well in this sport, they lose a little weight, generally, become more confident and are great fun to be with. Girls don't talk about you FB all the time, it is boring. Set aside a little time but not all the time. Likewise, constantly texting him and facebooking him and emailing him when you are supposed to be with us is also boring and disrespectful. So again, if it has to be everyday, do it while hub is out or limit it to 45 mins max.

Girls one of the sure fire things to piss hubby off is short notice dates - Stick with the plans you have made. The occasional, hey Gavin is in town and available is ok but believe it or not men like routine. Example. Tuesday nights is HW solo night for us, nailed on. Sometimes she does not go out but she has it booked every week, so a guy could organise it with an hour to spare. I am cool with that. other HW nights are Fridays for group stuff and with notice she has Thursday or saturday as a solo night but not usually both. Any day is OK for daytime meets.

Finally, if you think of this as a game you play, a sexy game and ensure that once the final whistle is blown, you come back to the bosom of your family, it will work out for you. Like most sports you need to train a bit between events and that is the occasional text and chat. Don't let it take over your life.. Like all good athletes, you need your supporters, your Hubby is your number one fan, look after him and he will look after you.

I hope this helps.

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Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by Truckstar » Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:17 am

Do people want me to cover when a wife falls in love with a FB.


Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by Salsonero » Sun Oct 05, 2014 12:49 pm

For sure. This stuff is not available anywhere else, so please continue.


Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by viking43 » Sun Oct 05, 2014 2:39 pm

Yes, please! Your advice is very useful for us wanabees, thank you for taking the time to write it. You and you wife are really a great asset to this community :up:

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Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by Janes Husband » Mon Oct 06, 2014 4:48 am

Very interesting Truckstar.

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Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by Truckstar » Mon Oct 06, 2014 6:55 am

Continuing the theme of guiding.

What to do if your wife falls in love with or falls for the other guy (or girl). We will run with male FB for this section

We all know that the perfect Lifestyle Marriage is made in heaven, unfortunately it has to be lived out on earth.

There is a few parameters to be set.
1. She will not always know how deep she is and may also feel just because she has told him that she loves him, it does not mean she has lost control of her emotions.

2. She still has feelings for you and you for her. If you think she is a cheating bitch and she thinks you are a useless twat, then I am afraid it is over. At least until those statements change.

N.B. Please, please bear in mind, if it is a poly relationship and you are all happy with what is going on and the level of love then there is nothing to fix.

3. You as the hubby are worried that the level of love has gone too far and you have become unintentionally distant in this relationship.

4. If there is a problem to be fixed. Be honest with yourself - honest - Do you really truly believe it can be fixed.

5. Unusually the wife sometimes falls out of love with him as quick as she fell in, getting a personal reality check without any intervention.

Things to have squarely in your mind when you think that your wife is in love with or loves another man to your detriment.

Mistakes Often Made
1. Feeling that she has fallen for a man that is better than you, feeling like she is trading up. She is not. He has been kind to her and they have been intimate, she does not have to share everyday bullshit, like running a house, family etc with him, it is bliss. She has fallen in love with this guy and BTW it is not any fault of yours. Do not be down on yourself.

2. A feeling of helplessness and loneliness, especially when she is on a date. You cannot hide this feeling and it often causes stress at home. You have to tell her that you have started to feel left out. Ask what has gone wrong with your relationship. Ask her if you can ease back on the FB and if she can give you more of her time. Respect her answers, they will be indicators of where she is.

3. Doing nothing at all, especially when she asks you should she go out. She is asking for an opinion. If you want her to stay at home, then say so. Then make sure it is worth her while to spend an evening with you. We are talking past the early stages, where you used her date to rub yourself into a frezy, we are talking, constant clock watching and missing her. Take her on a date, spoil her and make time with you fun. POINT TO NOTE - Do not forbid her to see a man she has deep feelings for, nature has a way of finding a way. Angry vengeful sex can be a real pisser too, as intimacy becomes paired with negative feelings about you. Unless she is into nasty sex, she will be rejecting you because intimacy with you equals pain instead of joy. You will be doing more damage to your relationship than another man ever could, and you may be pushing her into another man’s arms.

4. Strangely enough the fourth biggest mistake, is trying to deal with your feelings alone. Hang on Truckstar Guys don't do this as a group, we manage alone. True that is why guys fuck it up.

You could try -:
a. Talking to the FB, if you have that kind of relationship, he may not know how it feels for you.
b. talk with trusted guys on a forum like this, but also take some of the advice with a pinch of salt.
c. If you have a friend or brother, that is lifestyle friendly and understands your situation.
d. Finally a lifestyle friendly counsellor. the vanilla ones will crucify you.
What are the challenges these husbands of Hotwives face? well far to many to list but there are many things you can do, if she feels for you but has gne a little further with her lover than you wanted or anticipated.

Advice Point -: She cannot be forced to love. Love is always a choice. If she has fallen for him, she has allowed it. The 'Standard woman,' Sorry about this girls, please don't lynch me; has a hierarchy of intimate love and will have a favourite, a man can spread his love equally without batting an eyelid.

A HW has evolved into a being that can compartmentalise, physical and emotional love. OK heavy I know, but sometimes the two pools get very full and the physical cross contaminates the emotional love and our HW falls head over heels with another guy. (Which can be in addition to as well as with you).

Women, we need your help here. It is not nice (unless your kink demands it) to compare your FB favourably over your hubby.

Men Do not ask this question (unless your kink demands it) “How good was the other man in bed?” You may not like the answer, when told to you every time she returns home.

Coming next - Actions to be taken

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Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by D+D » Mon Oct 06, 2014 5:52 pm

Very good.
See our pics in the Hotties under My Wife Debbie

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Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by Janes Husband » Mon Oct 06, 2014 10:10 pm


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Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by Truckstar » Wed Oct 08, 2014 9:44 am

Actions to be taken when your girl falls in love with another guy or girl. (for demonstration purposes and ease will will run with Guy here).

Firstly, if she is still with you and hasn't dropped the "we need a talk" Bombshell or the "I am moving out bombshell." Don't panic.

Will will bear in mind that she has fallen in love with him and it is getting a little uncomfortable in your relationship. You are feeling like the spare part.

Don't forget, she has fallen in love with you before and that fire may have gone out or twindled but with care can rage into a furnace again.

Common mistakes.
Embargo on HWing activities, this will drive it or could drive the affair underground or push it to a 'him or me' decision point. You never want a heads I win tails he wins situation. The ability to play can mean the difference between life and death of a marriage.

Violence. Taking out frustration on anybody often fails.

Denial. It will pass

So how do you get the mojo back? You need to start enjoying her again, you know the buttons to press and you know how to excite her. Make sure you are enjoying it yourself. Sex is a game and when played well by two people that enjoy each other and the game it always turns out good. If one player is not playing hard, then it starts to fail. Of course she needs to be responsive to you and may still need the love of another many to fulfil her libido. Play it smart and cool.

If you and her are in a situation where she has lost the loving feeling for you and you are in a depressed state because of it, it is because you are not playing together on the same pitch at the same level. Yes you may be fucking but how good is it? Be curious ask her what she wants, she should do the same with you. Playing together is not just about sex, do interesting things together, fall back in love.

What do you need to do? Here is the list.

1. You must be passionate.
2. You must have principles.

Short list.

Passion is the icing on the cake, the sprinkles on a cappuccino, the lights on the beautiful Christmas tree. Or the passion on the foundation foundation of a loving relationship. Without the passion it can be love without intimacy. With the passion, the fire is alight.

Then you need principles
I am willing to go the distance and share the love and loyalty I have with my my wife. We must love and trust each other. No when to play and know when to pause.

Realise that this is reality, your fantasy has become an entity, deal with it.
The decline of passion for the people and things you love is unnatural. The truth is that with time, attention, and specific rituals of pleasure, the passion between two people can be renewed endlessly.

Passion is NOT found in sex. Passion is in people. Look for her passionate side and uncover yours.

It helps to think of sexual happiness as being a state of mind like love or trust. Although you may not be able to define exactly what it is, you know when it’s present or absent. Sexual happiness is having all the love, sex, and intimacy you want within a relationship that desire.

Remember all the things you did when you first fell in love with her and her with you. Work on that.

If it all goes wrong and she leaves, at least you will know that you tried. If you don't try, you will be left with the bigest "what if" question in your life.

When our lifestyle is threatened by another man and our wife, we often react by going into hiding . That’s a natural response. The challenge is that sometimes, once the threat has passed and the painful event is over, it can feel scary for us to come out of hiding again

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Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by Truckstar » Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:27 am

Jersey Mike wrote: My concerns are twofold -

Like most women, my wife openly admits she needs to feel "close" to someone in order to have sex. During our talks, she stated "wouldn't you be afraid of losing me?". On one hand, I appreciate her being completely honest with me in telling me this. Our overall communication, after 24 years of marriage, has never been better. We've been sharing stuff with each other, both good and bad, that the other one wasn't aware of. Should I forget this whole thing, because she admitted she's afraid of the risk of falling for somebody?

Secondly, we're both in our early 40's. It's no big secret men reach their sexual peak in their 20's, women in their 40's, give or take. My whole fantasy is that she has mind-blowing sex, and my biggest concern is that she has mind-blowing sex. I don't feel inadequate, but I would want to enhance our sex lives, not become second fiddle. Because of this, if she does find someone who blows her mind, I'm not sure how I'll feel about it.
Taking your first line, the Hot Wife Bombshell often is greeted by the man after the required soak period with - I can handle all the fucking, licking and sucking as long as my partner loves me the most, as long as she assures me that I am primary - dilemma…how do I the fuck do I do that? You can’t; in fact, you may do tremendous damage to your relationship if you try, you can ask but feelings are feelings.

Women are honest as long as it suits culture. They give culturally correct statements

"I couldn't possibly have sex with somebody if there was no connection"

This is Poppycock, or in foreign language, BULLSHIT.

If this were true of women, then prostitution would fail, Celebrity Fucks and Rock star fucks would fail. Plain old one night stands would fail. There are very few average joanna's in the world on a steady income that would not fuck a good looking guy (a one off with protection for £20,000 - I know it is hypothetical but it is true.

The connection is there so they do not look like a slut. The game Kiss-Fuck-Marry that our wives have played when out with their Girlfriends would also be pretty lame. however you have to respect her 'Honesty' and roll with it.

Mike said It's no big secret men reach their sexual peak in their 20's, women in their 40's, give or take. This is the biggest load of crap ever uttered and was invented by a 20 something guy, that fired his spunk in 2 minutes and said "Did you cum babe? ahh that is because you haven't reached your peak yet." He then farts rolls and sleeps.

The truth is testosterone peaks at 18 and estrogen peaks in a woman's mid-20s. So boys tend to be at their age of maximum boning right around 18, while girls don't hit the same peak until they're old enough to appreciate guys who can last longer.

But Actually ...According to Dr. Marc Goldstein of Cornell University, hormones don't decide when you hit your sexual apex. People aren't cola bottles that just reach a point of maximum pressure and then pop. Your "sexual peak" has more to do with your attitude toward sex and level of experience, which is one reason millions of awkward young men spend their entire sexual prime on a computer. Women who are more mature are more likely to be comfortable with their sexuality because they've had the opportunity to explore it. Women's sex drives are more vulnerable to social pressures, so the further they get from the drama and "slut shaming" of younger people, the more open they'll feel. Women who have been adults longer are more likely to know how to have sex safely and enjoyably. And they're far distanced enough from the bullshit drama of adolescent love lives to enjoy the experience.

You have to learn to blow her mind. It is good for her to have a second lover, she can try things out and do stuff that she would not normally do. You must not seat yourself on the bench but be her primary by being awesome.


Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by Salsonero » Mon Dec 29, 2014 2:59 pm

I knew there was a reason why I missed your presence on the board. Thanks for reminding me why. Great writing and sage advice.


Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by lannontom » Mon Dec 29, 2014 4:49 pm

Woman are 100% just as capable as men as fucking without emotion. If they are saying they need emotion then its not just sex, but sex and additional emotional attachment in their lives that they seek. Whether than is good or bad or who-gives-a-crap is for each couple to evaluate, ideally within the context of individual situations. But at least call a spade a spade.

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Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by stellers26 » Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:57 am

Truckstar wrote:
Truckstar wrote:Yes I agree, also you set boundaries, that you test maybe, push occasionally but don't cross ever. Same with limitations. Should the boundary or limitation need adjustment one way or another. You discuss it and change as required.

I have a boundary that she struggled with and that is that she cannot fuck her ex BF Bobby, that has nothing to do with her believing that I think he might be a cunt. It has everything to do with the fact that I know Bobby is a total cunt and one of only three people in the whole world that I cannot stand.

He lives near my MiL
The Bobby boundary has been lifted. I nearly lost my wife to an accident recently and we have decided that life is too short.
Dont get this, if life too short, why spend it with "cunts" when you dont have too? And if your wife is with Bobby, so are you in your head. Who needs that. One of the rare people you despise, why would you want him to have something, enjoy something so intimate with the one you love and cherish? And if he is a "cunt" as you lable him, he will lord it over you even if just in his mind and attitude.

Overall though enjoying this post, great insights, thx for taking the effort to share.

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Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by Truckstar » Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:00 am

stellers26 wrote:
Truckstar wrote:
Truckstar wrote:Yes I agree, also you set boundaries, that you test maybe, push occasionally but don't cross ever. Same with limitations. Should the boundary or limitation need adjustment one way or another. You discuss it and change as required.

I have a boundary that she struggled with and that is that she cannot fuck her ex BF Bobby, that has nothing to do with her believing that I think he might be a cunt. It has everything to do with the fact that I know Bobby is a total cunt and one of only three people in the whole world that I cannot stand.

He lives near my MiL
The Bobby boundary has been lifted. I nearly lost my wife to an accident recently and we have decided that life is too short.
Dont get this, if life too short, why spend it with "cunts" when you dont have too? And if your wife is with Bobby, so are you in your head. Who needs that. One of the rare people you despise, why would you want him to have something, enjoy something so intimate with the one you love and cherish? And if he is a "cunt" as you lable him, he will lord it over you even if just in his mind and attitude.

Overall though enjoying this post, great insights, thx for taking the effort to share.
Because life is a marathon not a sprint. The wiser man always wins. Any man that thinks he gets his woman 100% of the time. is mistaken. Bobby has gone back to USA, can't say I miss him. Life moves to the next chapter.
Last edited by Truckstar on Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by Truckstar » Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:01 am

jrgraham wrote:This is phenomenal stuff. Thanks so much.
Thank You.


Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by bubbajack » Thu Feb 05, 2015 10:28 am

"Bobby has gone back to USA, can't say I miss him."

That's right - send us your tired, your poor, your huddled cunts yearning to breathe free ... :roll:

We got plenty - one more won't hurt!! :P :lol:

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Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by Truckstar » Fri Feb 06, 2015 2:57 pm

bubbajack wrote: "Bobby has gone back to USA, can't say I miss him."

That's right - send us your tired, your poor, your huddled cunts yearning to breathe free ... :roll:

We got plenty - one more won't hurt!! :P :lol:
:up: That's where he came from originally. It was a sad goodbye.... Not.

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Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by Truckstar » Thu Jul 09, 2015 11:09 am

is any person still reading this stuff?

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Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by rs480 » Thu Jul 09, 2015 2:42 pm

Yes, I believe I'm losing my mind.


Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by Zona » Thu Jul 09, 2015 6:53 pm

Yup from here too. But it's hard to read something if you don't write it. (Gentle admonition intended there.) :D

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Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by Truckstar » Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:11 pm

Well that is good news, I have some stuff I should add.


Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by viking43 » Sat Jul 11, 2015 3:51 am

SCS wrote:I do not believe that you are even asking that....matter of fact have re-read several times over and over again....
Me too :)

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Re: A Couples guide - How to have a successful HW Relationsh

Unread post by MrLust » Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:54 am

All over this thread atm Truckstar. I'm only on page 1 but if you have anything else to add please do so.

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