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In San Fransisco

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 6:05 am
by ChasteHusband62
Earlier this summer, my wife and made a visit to see one of her daughters, who lives in Marin County, just across the Golden Gate Bridge. Mainly, we stayed north of the Bay, but on the last day there, we drove into the city, and shopped around the China Town district. We've been there before, and it's crowded-ness is always full of surprises. There was this one particular shop that had a slightly erotic theme to most of the things for sale there.

I was looking for a T-shirt to buy, when I found one just my size. I took it off the rack and held it up to see it better. It was all black, with bright, almost Day-Glow yellow lettering that read as follows:


There was no one else in the shop when I found it, except for my wife; and I got her attention and held it up for her to read the words. She smiled, and said: "Buy it."

I walked up to the Asian-looking young woman at the cash register and laid it on the counter. She had to have read it. I felt excited at the boldness of my open acknowledgment of my cuckold status! As I handed her the purchase price, she glanced up into my face, and with the faintest of smiles, she asked me if what the T-shirt proclaimed was true (of me and my wife, in other words).

"Oh yes." I said. "It's been that way for just over three years now."

"I was just curious," the young woman replied.

"No problem," I said. "I'm a 'cuckold!' I admit it."

The young woman handed me the folded T-shirt. She was still wearing that faint smile, as her eyes scanned my face.

My wife had over heard our exchange, and she had walked over and put her arm around my waist.

"So, your husband is a cuckold?"

"That's right." My wife said. "He is a wonderful cuckold. Very supportive. Very sweet. I'm a lucky woman to have such a husband!"

"You are." The young Asian woman replied. "I think the world would be a better place if more men where cuckolded by their women."

"I completely agree!" My wife said, giving me a squeeze with her arm.

"So," the young women started to say and then hesitated. "How many other men are you involved with?"

"There have been (so far) five. But there are two others I am currently considering."

"I see."

"I help my wife in finding these other men." I interjected, feeling that pleasant swelling sensation in my groin area as I said it.

"Wow." The young woman said, her eyes flitting back and forth between my wife and I. "So, are you going to wear the T-shirt out on the street?"

"Should I?"

"I think you should. If you want, you could put it on in the back here," and she indicated with her hand, the doorway directly behind her.

I turned to look at my wife.

"Why not? You found it. You bought it!"

So, I walked around to the back of the counter, and in through the open doorway, and, just to one side, I took the T-shirt out of the paper sack, and exchanged the shirt I had been wearing for the black T-shirt. When I walked out, my wife and the young Asian woman turned to see me.

"There you go. Now, everyone will know your a cuckold!"

There was a full length mirror near the T-shirt rack, and I walked over to it and looked at myself in it. It would be impossible for anyone to miss the glaringly vivid message on it! I felt my pulse thud with the thrill of the open declaration I was committing myself to make just then.

Just then, another customer came walking in, and as I was going out the way they had just come in, their eyes shifted to the words on my T-shirt. I smiled and nodded, as if nothing was any more normal than declaring oneself a cuckold!

As my wife and walked along through the shifting maze of shops and people, we held hands. People were noticing the T-shirts message at every step. Some just stared. Others smiled. One group of young guys walked right to my wife and I and said: "Hey, gramps! If your old lady needs a good fucking, well, my friends and I can take care of that!"

"You think so?" My wife said.

"Oh yeah. No problem! You interested? There's a place I know where we could, you know? Take care of business."


"Oh yeah!"

I smiled suddenly. I could see that the group of young hustler-wannabes were getting their hopes up!

"What about my husband?"

"What about him?"

"Is he invited along?"

"Sure. I guess so." He sounded unenthused by that idea.

My wife squeezed my hand, and said to the bolder one of the group: "It's too bad we don't have enough time to take you up on the invitation. Sorry. Maybe some other time." At that she smiled.

"Bitch," he said angrily.

"Sorry--boys!" I said, deliberately emphasizing the word 'boys,' which I knew would rankle their youthful egos.

"Fucking Queer!" He said, snarling at me.

"And what's your point?"

I smiled, and my wife and I walked on.

"FAGGOT!" We heard the word shouted from behind us.

My wife squeezed my hand again as we heard it.

"Their just jealous."

I knew that. I squeezed my wife's hand back in reply, and we made it back to where our car was parked. I wore the T-shirt all the rest of that entire day! I wore it with great pride, too.

Re: In San Fransisco

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 8:33 pm
by Les
Loved the beginning of this story Chaste,
but the ending was a bit harsh.

Thanks for posting!

Re: In San Fransisco

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 12:05 pm
by jc6morw
Great encounter. You are so bold in wearing that T-shirt and dealing with the boys. That type of response from immature boys is pretty much expected. But the exchange with the Asian storekeeper is priceless. I should try to seek out that open-minded storekeeper the next time I'm in San Francisco.

Re: In San Fransisco

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 4:43 pm
by Wifepleaser510
I want to know which store that was, maybe the woman who sold you the shirt is looking! ;-)