After A Long Hiatus!

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After A Long Hiatus!

Unread post by ChasteHusband62 » Wed Nov 12, 2014 7:02 am

The last time my wife fucked another guy had been nearly 5 months. That was a very long time! There were several reasons for the long hiatus (none of which I will go into here). After the level of nearly constant erotic tension I had experienced while my wife was fucking different guys prior to this, I felt an undeniable let-down. My wife felt the same way, of course! By the end of October, it was really starting to look like our days as a cuckold couple had come to an end.

But then, this last week my wife sent me an e-mail saying that one of the guys we had earlier been 'getting together with' (meaning-she fucked him, while I watched!) had sent her an e-mail saying that he was hoping to see her again, and soon!

It came as a total, but welcome, surprise for us both!

So, this last Friday night we invited him to drop by the house for some drinks (and more). He said he had been in California all Spring, and nearly all Summer. That was why we hadn't heard from him. Setting there in the living room watching my wife and Demetrius talk filled me with that previous glow of erotic lustfulness that I had really begun to miss. The butterflies were swirling around inside me. My pulse was chugging. I had the beginnings of a hard-on, too!

My wife's reactions to Demetrius was the most interesting of all, though. Demetrius had always been her very favorite Bull, and his absence had certainly had it's effect on her; and on me, as well!

Demetrius has an awesome body naked. I'd sat and enjoyed the sight of his wonderfully satiny black flesh, and how beautifully it contrasted with my wife's pale skin! (Coffee is always better with cream!) I had always wondered if my erotic reactions to seeing Demetrius with my wife was a sign that I was gay, or perhaps bisexual, or that I was just such a voyeur; or possibly a combination of all of that?

Actually, as my wife and I began seeking out other men for her to fuck, I had concluded that I was bisexual! It explained best my dual erotic reactions to my wife, as well to Demetrius!

It had been a long time since Demetrius and my wife had fucked one another, and it was pretty obvious to me that she was very eager to feel that huge black dick of his inside her pussy once again! That created an urgency, an energy that I could feel in the air. It was like static electricity almost. I stayed seated not far from the couch as my wife and Demetrius began kissing one another, and then as their hands began roaming over each others bodies. There was such lust there! It excited me seeing it, hearing it, and even almost smelling it!

Suddenly, though, my wife began hurriedly unzipping Demetrius' fly, and pulling his T-shirt off over his head. Demetrius began hurriedly helping my wife to undress as well. This all took place right there in front of me, you see. What a sight it was. I found it tremendously exhilarating!

Then, and without the slightest hesitation from either of them, my wife pushed Demetrius back onto the couch, and mounted him. My pulse surged as I saw her reaching down between her thighs and taking hold of his already hard cock shaft! Then she guided it to her already-moist pussy slit.

I couldn't possibly take my eyes away from this sight. They were locked in place! I heard my wife tell Demetrius how much she had missed him, while, as she said this, his perfectly formed, and beautifully circumcised cock head, pushed it's way inside of her pussy!

"UUUUGH God!" My wife said loudly. "Fuck me!" She added. "Fuck me hard!"

Demetrius drove that black cock of his like a jackhammer! He pounded my wife's pussy with an almost savage intensity, and seeing this sent a tremendous thrill through me!

The lustful 'tableaux' before me didn't last long, but for as long as it did last, I was utterly, and completely, entranced by it!

My wife remained straddling Demetrius for the entire time they fucked on the couch that night. I had an unbelievably fantastic view of the entire encounter! I was so close to it that I could smell the aroma of my wife's wet pussy. The distinctiveness of such an aroma is palpable and unforgettable. It was the very quintessence of a good, eager, and willing, fuck!

When Demetrius came, my wife dropped down onto him, and took his entire cock deep inside of her slippery pussy; and I could see his balls clenching spasmodically as he ejaculated his sperm into her. I loved that sight!

They remained like that for several moments after words.

"That," I finally said out loud, "was in-credible. Beautiful, too!"

Neither of them replied to that. I hadn't expected them to! I had just needed to say what it was I had said!

When, at last, my wife raised herself up, Demetrius' cock slid heavily out; all wet and shiny with my wife's pussy juices. But, almost instantly after that, as she leaned over to kiss him, I could see his pearly-colored sperm beginning to flow out of her. A big, pendulous, glob of it oozed out, and then hung suspended for a second in mid-air, before dripping down onto the couch cushion beneath.

What an incredible sight that was. Only a real cuckold could possibly grasp how that made me feel at that moment!

I got some toilet tissues for Demetrius and my wife to use, and as I left the room to get that, my heart was pounding in my chest! Returning, I saw my wife kissing Demetrius. She looked so incredibly sexy to me at that moment, and as only a true cuckold could feel, I was so much in love with her! The fact that she and I no longer fucked had merely made my love and devotion to her even more intense than ever before!

After Demetrius finally went home, I jacked off. I didn't do that until after my wife had gone to bed, however; and only after she had taken a hot shower first. I kissed her good night, and the feel of her lips on mine fired my lustful energies to an even greater degree than they already were! I said good night to her, and turning out the bed room light as I did, I went to the back bed room, and there, as midnight went past, I slowly masturbated. I "edged" for about half an hour. I was just too worked up to last much more than that! When I came, I was surprised by how much sperm I managed to release. It kept pumping and pumping out of me as my hand stroked up and down. The release was tremendous, however!

"Oh, fuck-YESSS!" I said, looking at the considerable sized mess I'd made on the glass-topped coffee table in front of me.

Seeing it laying there, all scattered haphazardly, I thought of all the sperm that Demetrius had just filled my wife's pussy with. Not mine. But his! This fact was not distressing to me. On the contrary! It seemed perfectly right. Natural even. It was certainly something no non-cuckold could possibly understand in a million years! But I understood it. I understood it very well, indeed. I was a cuckold, you see. I "am" a cuckold! Present tense.

As I cleaned up my orgasmic mess (I had done the same with Demetrius' earlier), I tingled all over. My balls ached a little bit from the apparent forcefulness of the ejaculation, but it was by no means an unpleasant feeling. I was used to that by now. Then I went to sleep myself. After all the mental and physical tension, I was ready for a good nights sleep!

So, perhaps the long hiatus my wife and I went through over the last Spring, Summer, and Fall, is over with at last? (I hope it is!)

Posts: 145
Joined: Tue Aug 21, 2007 7:08 am

Re: After A Long Hiatus!

Unread post by kahuna » Thu Nov 13, 2014 4:03 am

Loving your updates of your adventures CH62. Sounds like your wife is having fun and you're the beneficiary of some yummy creampies.

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