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Unread post by Dzs1653 » Sun Jul 15, 2018 1:57 pm

I got my start writing hotwife erotica here (my first, "Karen" still seems to be there) so I wanted to share one of my recent stories.
Note: Daniel Choquet / dzchoquet is my pen name on Literotica and Amazon.

Seeing (version 2)
Daniel Choquet

"So have you been a good girl?"

"So far."

It was our nightly check-in by phone and Becka's answer had caught me off-guard. So far. She was off at her tech conference in Boston and would be flying back to Portland tomorrow morning. She had to know exactly what that answer would do to me. I had to play along.

"But the night is still young."

Her response gave me another jolt.

"Yes, that's true."

As I tried to get some sleep that night, my mind raced. What might happen while the night was still young? Or what might happen well into the night. What might my dear Becka be doing, possibly all night long? And what would her answer be the next time I asked her whether she'd been a good girl?

- - -

"No, honey. You don't need to pick me up. Joel left his car at PDX airport during the conference, so he said he could bring me home."
Joel. Now that was a familiar name. Becka had even admitted that she found her coworker attractive and had even flirted. Joel had just gone through a break-up with his girlfriend of three years, and needed to regain his equilibrium. As a married woman, Becka was safe. They could flirt without anyone looking for any long-term entanglements. Becka even teased me in bed sometimes with a bit of role-play. Calling me Joel. And I would play along by asking her what her husband would think of what we were doing. "I think he'd love it.", she would reply. And then the whole thing would get into juicy details.

Joel's car arrived and I studied them as they emerged. I know it's a cliché but she looked radiant. Was it just a bit of a smirk I saw in her eyes? Joel, for his part, seemed guarded, almost nervous. But he did a pretty good job of hiding it. As he went to retrieve Becka's luggage, I had a chance to ask Becka my good girl question. She answered without hesitation.

"Certainly not."

At that, I seemed to be on automatic pilot. I had to get Joel into the house.

"Please come in and have some refreshments. I trust they're not making you work on the weekend, after the conference and all."

Becka and Joel relaxed on the couch as I took drink requests, starting with a Mirror Pond for Joel and a Total Domination for Becka. Hmm. My mind couldn't help running off with that. Becka as dominant to Joel? Weirdly, it almost seemed to work. A Mirror Pond for me also. Could Becka do us both? Now that was a fun idea.

"So tell me all about the last day at the conference. Did it go well?"

Becka seemed anxious to answer that.

"Just the day?"

A wrinkle appeared instantly on Joel's forehead as I began to speculate. Somehow, Becka's confident manner implied that I wasn't really going to have to do that much speculation. I had told Becka how intoxicated I was with the idea of her freedom, how much it intensified my love for her. Had she taken that idea and run with it? And if so, how far?

"Some of the others stayed in the hotel bar, but Joel and I had to do some things. We had to do them in his room. Actually, that's where we were when I called you."

"Sure. I remember I asked if you'd been a good girl."

I turned to Joel then.

"And you know what her answer was? She said 'So far.'"

"Well, that was true, honey."

So a picture was beginning to emerge. Becka had made no secret of her fantasies. And the focus of those fantasies seemed to be violation. Could only mean one thing: cheating. But what if she'd really done something? I'd said how much her freedom meant to me. Claimed that it was pretty unconditional. Would it really be cheating then? I didn't think so, as long as she told me. But she hadn't. Teased me? Yes. But told me?

"Okay, but what about later?"

"Well, like I said, Joel and I had to do some things."

All this honey stuff told me that we were rapidly approaching a significant turning point here. I realized that my voice had gone a little husky when I asked,

"So what did you have to do?"

She slid closer to Joel on the couch. Even from the distance, I could see it on her neck – her pulse quickening. Maybe some tiny beads of sweat?

"Several things, really. Do you want me to tell you? Or show you?"

I could see a very different change in Joel now. He seemed to know less where we were headed than I did. Sure, I was getting excited. But I wanted badly for Joel to go through the fire with me. I tried to show him a benevolent smile. It was starting to look like those two had some extremely interesting things they needed to do. Becka's question was still in the air. And I was visibly sweating.

"Show me."

And with that, she took a deep breath. Something was about to begin. Clearly my dear wife was now significantly aroused, and it was contagious. I really didn't care if she could see how aroused I was getting. Hard to hide, after all. She slid closer to him still. Took his right hand in her left.

"First, … First, I needed him to do this."

As she took his hand, and then pressed it very hard against her fully-clothed crotch, her mouth opened, and she gasped. I tried to keep my benevolent smile, but I was also hard as a rock and Joel had to see it. Funny in a way. Perhaps my erection in response to his hand squeezing – yes he was now squeezing her pussy – was cluing him into the situation. That he might not really be facing an ugly confrontation with a jealous husband after all.

"Do you like doing that, Joel? Do you like playing with my wife's pussy? How does it make you feel?"

Apparently, I was moving a little too fast. Poor Joel was bewildered.

"What the hell is going on here?"

He was obviously on the verge of bolting. Becka tried to save things.

"Come back, baby. I loved last night but I'm not done with you. Not even a little done with you."

Last night. So what exactly had gone down last night? His eyes darted back and forth between Becka and me.

"But your husband, for God's sake!"

She smiled the biggest smile she could muster.

"I think he'd like to watch, baby. Doesn't that sound like fun?"

"I'm not sure I want to be watched."

The silence hung there. We'd apparently hit a snag. Then something came over Becka. Like she was having a light bulb moment. She led us to the bedroom. Our bedroom.

"How about we compromise? You don't get to fuck a cheating wife this time, since I'm obviously not cheating here. But how about fucking a married woman in her marital bed?"

This time. She had looked me straight in the eyes as she spoke those words. I really should have figured it out already. But now it was right out there, and it hit me hard, challenging my avowed love for her total freedom. It was hard to think straight, but now there was no denying it. As far as Joel was concerned, he had been fucking a cheating wife. Becka had done her bad girl thing, done it big time. She had played the cheating wife. But with that statement, she had told me. And by telling me, by my own definition … she'd been a bad girl for sure. A wonderfully bad girl. And it turned me on like nothing before. She was my dear, beloved, and oh so very naughty wife.

So that "fucking a married woman in her marital bed" thing. It seemed that Becka figured that, like herself, Joel would be captivated by whatever most smacked of wrongness, of violation.

"What? With her husband watching?"

Becka retrieved something from her nightstand.

"Not watching. Just listening."

She held the blindfold in her hand, and turned to him once more.

"Fair compromise, baby? You get to have me again. And Daniel won't see a thing."

I wasn't sure I liked that idea. It seemed like being required to wait outside. To be excluded. Just like the night before. She could see it on my face.

"Well, honey, maybe I won't be showing, but I'll still be telling."

I sat on the edge of the bed and allowed her to do it. It was tight. Just blackness. I really wouldn't be able to see anything.

"Now where were we? Oh that's right. My tits. I think he'd like to see them, don't you think so, honey?"

I said nothing, but listened. Not being able to see, my sense of hearing was somehow heightened.

"My sweater is off. Now how about the bra?"

She made almost no sound doing that, but I could still tell.

"He's looking at my naked tits, honey. What do you think he's going to do now?"

"He should feel them."

I felt a desire to guide his hands, but had to settle for words.

"Feel them, Joel. I'm sure she wants you to. Suck them."

A gasp. And then,

"He's doing that, honey. Squeezing it and … and his mouth … Shit. I'm getting wet."

"Oh yeah? Hold up your skirt so he can see."

"Look, baby. You want to feel it? Feel how wet I am."

I wished I could see this part. But all I could do was ask for more information.

"What color?"

"Pink, honey. Cotton. But I think they're a little damp now."

Cotton panties. Exactly what would have driven me wild. In my mind, I could see his hand wrapped around her sex, even with the panties still in place. See his hand exploring the magical shape of her pussy.

"Oh, yeah, Joel. Oh that feels so nice. But you know you're driving me crazy."

I couldn't really hear it, but I felt the motion of the bed. She had to be moving her body in response to his caresses.

"What should I do now, honey? Do you think he'd like to look at my naked pussy?"

"Oh, yes. But didn't he get to see it last night?"

"Why yes, honey. He sat on the big king-size hotel bed and I stood on the floor next to him. My tits were out, but I still had my skirt and panties on, so I pulled my panties off, put my feet apart and held up my skirt. Just let him stare for a bit. I decided to give him a treat, so I arched my back and played with myself. And you know what he did? He took off his pants and pulled down his underpants so I could see his cock. It was so big and beautiful and he was stroking it. I just had to have it inside me. But you didn't know, did you? I hadn't told you yet. I was such a bad girl, honey. Getting ready to have that big thing inside me without telling you. But now you know, and you know what? I'm sure we're going to do it again!"

"But I won't be able to see."

"No, but your hearing will be even more sensitive. You'll hear the sound of his cock going in and out of my cunt. I'll bet you can already imagine how that will sound. And you'll feel the bed moving and hear the springs."

I thought about it, and it did sound … how did it sound? Deliciously depraved, I suppose.

I could tell that she'd gotten off the bed.

"I'm doing it again, honey. Standing here touching myself while he looks right at my naked pussy. I think he's even more excited than last night. I'm sure he'd never admit it, but maybe it's because you're here this time."

Then she asked him,

"Do you want to lick it, baby?"

I couldn't hear any answer to that, but honestly, was there any possible question?

"Then lie down on your back."

I wasn't sure what was happening, but she was obviously getting back onto the bed and climbing around, making the bed move noticeably.

"I'm kneeling over him, honey. I'm going to lower myself to his mouth so he can lick me. And suck on it. This way I can … I can control … Oh that feels so good!"

Suddenly, Joel, who had been pretty much wordless throughout this dialogue, had something to say.

"Daniel, do you know what she's doing? She's fucking sitting on my face, man. I love licking it. I'm fucking going to suck on your wife's fucking cunt lips, man."

Well, this was sounding like something of a change in attitude.

"Yeah, Joel. Do that. And you know what else? You're going to stick your cock – I hear it's big and beautiful – you're going to push it into my wife's well-licked pussy and fuck her. Again."

There was a commotion. Some sort of a rearrangement was taking place.

"He's got me on my back, honey. I think you got him a little worked up. I think he's ready to do it. He's putting on a condom. Oh, but just a little way. I think he wants me to use my lips to …"

I could only hear … a sucking sound. So to speak.

"What's going on?"

"Well, the condom was, silly. But then I kind of had him in my mouth and … you didn't expect me to just let go of it, did you?"

I would have liked to see that. It went on for a while, but I guess all three of us were looking forward to the main event.
And then, more commotion. I reached out and could tell she was on her back now.

"Is he about to do it?"

"Well, he has my legs over his shoulders. Not wasting any … He has the tip touching my … he's pushing it into … it's going …"

And then a wonderful gasp, and I knew. Knew it was home. She had trouble speaking, but then,

"Oh, honey. If only you could see … Oh, wait a minute."

She reached out and grabbed me by the wrist. Guided my hand over her tummy and down. Oh my God. It was true. The other senses become so much more acute. I could feel her pussy lips moving in response. I could feel him fucking her. But more than that, the way she was moving her body in reply, I could feel her fucking him. It was like I was seeing with my fingers. And then my fingers "saw" more. It was unavoidable, really. There was no way I could not feel it sliding back and forth past my fingers. I wanted to see it going in and out, but then I realized that I was seeing it – with my fingers. He must have felt it. And maybe that's what unleashed something in him.

"I'm doing it Daniel. I'm fucking your wife. Damn it I've got my cock in her cunt and I'm fucking her! Look at me fucking her, Daniel. Look at me fucking your wife!"

"Well that's a pretty stupid thing to say, Joel. I obviously can't look at you fucking my wife. I'm wearing this damn blindfold!"

He was not gentle. Not with me. He grabbed at the blindfold and just ripped it off of my face. And then as I adjusted to the light, I saw it, with my eyes this time. And he looked at me. He was crazed with lust. And then I looked down to Becka. I couldn't tell whether she was laughing or crying. But they didn't stop. Just kept going and going. And then you could see it coming. Becka reached down, and with her fingers dancing delicately on her clit, signaled the approach with a long animal moan, while Joel's thrusts became slower and harder, and I could see exactly when the moment of inevitability hit. Becka grabbed him by the ass and held him tight against her, until the last spasms had subsided.

Then something happened. They started moving again, but the character of it had changed. Now it was tender and beautiful. There were tears in their eyes as they joined together and kissed. I was expecting a kiss of lust, but it was looking like something far more dangerous. It was a loving, adoring kind of kiss. She looked at me and saw the concern in my eyes. Letting go of her lover, she came to me, embraced me.

"Oh, Daniel. Take me back. Take me back now."

She grabbed me hard. One hand on my back, the other on my ass, as she spread her legs wide. Just pulled me in.

"Do it, honey. I've been such a naughty, nasty bad girl. Do it hard, honey."

I'm no weakling, but I couldn't help wondering whether my strength could equal her need. She moved with me, and pulled me in for a hard kiss. She was on fire.

Then, it seemed like we both glanced over to the other person in the room who, was just watching, sitting on his haunches, in a kind of daze, stroking himself slowly. I motioned for him to come closer. Becka opened her mouth, making it clear what she wanted. No condom this time. He did it slowly, caressing her cheek with one hand, her breast with the other, and there was that scary tenderness again.

We gradually quickened our pace, and then Joel reached down and brought his fingers to her clit. He'd apparently been paying attention before, and now seemed to have just the right touch. Another one was coming. We could see it in her eyes when the time came, and okay, maybe not exactly simultaneous, but close enough.

Joel and I settled on either side of her and we were all quiet. He was playing his fingers delicately and fondly, over Becka's beautiful, now well-used pussy. Finally, she turned to face me.

"Daniel, I love you so much. More than ever. More than you can know. Nothing can ever change that. But Daniel?"

I knew that look. She wanted something.

"Can we keep him?"

Posts: 227
Joined: Tue Mar 04, 2008 9:57 am

Re: Seeing

Unread post by sdbuffalo » Mon Jul 16, 2018 12:42 pm


Will you be continuing this story?
In my Universe, any question may be asked.... But, answers are always optional.


Re: Seeing

Unread post by Dzs1653 » Mon Jul 16, 2018 1:54 pm

sdbuffalo wrote:Interesting.

Will you be continuing this story?
Funny you should ask. When I wrote "The Reunion" (still in "Library", Feb. 1), someone asked the same question. And because of that, I decided to write the sequel, "Anything You Can Do". I guess I'm pretty suggestible, so maybe I should think about continuing this one as well. Some of my stories flirt with the idea of polyamory, as with the ending of this one, but I hadn't thought of really getting into it. Anyway, thanks for your response, as well as your implicit suggestion,
-- "Daniel"

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