ROB'S POST introduction

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ROB'S POST introduction

Unread post by gandhhotspot » Thu Jun 27, 2019 7:12 pm


About a year ago, a friend of mine was complaining to me that he didn’t have a woman to spend the weekend with and he had a lot of free time to himself. He is certainly not the type of man who has trouble getting women to notice him. In fact, he is a sort of magnet when he steps into a room where there are mixed couples. I have often walked with him into crowded offices, malls, restaurants and so on, and lots of heads turn. Many gaze over at him. Some stare a little longer than what would be socially acceptable. If we spent time in those offices or malls, it soon would become obvious who in the room was swooning him.

His name is Rob and he is definitely not fat and lazy. But with me, somehow he enjoys acting fat and lazy. You see, I am not like him at all. I am meek and mild. When I am with Rob, I am usually silent, like I am his pet. I watch as other people around us try to get his attention. Rob is one of those stand out type men. Over six feet, over 200 pounds, broad shoulders, muscular and looks that could trigger your imagination. He was easy on the eyes and deadly on conjuring up a mini-fantasy.

I don’t know if he picked up on my secret and hidden tendencies. I tend to gravitate to guys like him and I like friends like him because they are so opposite from me. They are what I wished I could be (as a man). I am a doer. I like making people happy by doing things for them. Not sexual things. Just normal things.

Other guys tended to always ask Rob if they could do something for him like, “Can I get you a beer?” Or, “Do you need anything?” I never did that with Rob. He would just casually say to me, “I need a beer.” and he knew I would react and go get him a beer. One time we were sitting on his deck and he happened to notice that his car needed washing and said, “The damn car is dirty.” I happily got up and washed his car for him as he sat back and watched the game on T.V.

So when he complained that he wanted a woman to have some fun with over the weekend, I quickly put up a post. The title was, “My wife’s ex seeks a woman for weekend fun.” I wasn’t lying. It was true; a little bit anyway. Rob was divorced. He was not my wife’s ex, but he was someone’s ex. Well, did that ever cause a ton of replies. Over 40 replies came in the first hour it was up. Before the second hour, the post was removed from the board. But we had a lot of leads to have some fun with.

When I showed Rob all he replies he sat up, smiled and said, “Let’s see.”

We started scrolling down the list and quickly noticed there were ten males to every one female who were interested in the post. I was shocked. Rob laughed. So we decided to separate the replies; I sent all the female replies to Rob’s email address and he told me to read the replies from the males. “See what they want.” he suggested.

Some guys simply said, “Find a woman for me. PLEASE?” Other replies were more inquisitive and said things like, “Are you out of your mind? You telling me that you are trying to find a date for your wife’s ex husband?” Then there were some that wanted to know what the ex liked? Almost asking if he was bi or would like a submissive male to service him. But the replies that were the most interesting were the ones that wanted to know about my connection to my wife’s ex husband. They were not offering their wives to him, nor asking for three-way fun. They wanted to know about the internal connection I had to my wife’s ex husband.

There were nine replies that fit into the last category. I grouped the nine together in a folder and replied back to all of them in a group email. What a mistake that was!

Using Rob’s personality along with my personality, I let my mind wander and dreamed up a fantasy that I shared with these guys. The fantasy is not totally false or manufactured. Things in the fantasy did in fact happen to me and I thought it best to change the names and a few details to protect everyone involved. The men who read it simply could not get enough of that story. Every time I sent a little episode it stirred several questions and intense interest continued to increase.

So I thought I would share the story with you and hopefully get some comments and feedback on your thoughts. I hope you add your input.


It’s not everyday my world view gets turned on its head, twisted inside out or experience a total collapse. But it does happen, and it certainly happened the day Billy stopped by unannounced. Billy is my wife’s ex. He lives in Boston, thank goodness. I don’t care for him at all. In fact the farther away he is from me, the better.

Billy is an arrogant, snake, back-stabing son of a bitch. He is cold and cruel to people he doesn’t think measure up to his masculinity. I’ve seen him manipulate people with no regard for the consequences they would face. And he had an evil smirk he used a lot.

The only thing he had going for himself, as far as I was concerned, was his looks. His stature, mannerisms and his walk always turned heads. He had a presence about him that everyone gravitated toward and wanted to be near. Almost as if unconsciously, everyone sensed his danger and immediately began to try and impress him as a way of keeping themselves safe from his antics. Both males and females would swoon him constantly. They would come up with excuses to be involved in his conversations. Most people laughed extra hard at his jokes; but not me.

I stayed away from Billy. It felt better if I shrink back and hope he doesn’t notice I am present.

It was Billy who always managed to work his way over to me; usually while sitting with my wife Jan. His ex wife. Billy and Jan shared several close friends. It was a natural evolution during the years they were married. They had no children together; thank God. I would hate to have to run into that prick every week during visitations. But they both stayed close to their friends and thus I was forced to be in the same room with Billy whenever one of the friends threw a party.

Looking back, I guess I was sort of sheepish around him. I clung to my wife for protection whenever Billy was around. I was no match for Billy; that’s for sure. Even Jan was no match for his strong and self centered personality. But he always stood down when she fell silent and glared at him. Maybe she had some dirt on him that he wanted kept hidden. She never told me.

Jan broke off the marriage with Billy for several reasons. The divorce papers said, “Irreconcilable Differences.” Plural. Probably arguing, his cheating on her, finances and who knows what else. At one party Billy slithered his way over to me and struck up a conversation. I was on the back deck smoking a cigarette. As he approached he slid his cell phone into his back pocket. He never does that. Billy always like to browse his social networks as he talks to people.

He glared into my eyes and my stomach started to turn. I didn’t like the feelings I was having. “How’s Jan these days?” he asked.

I wanted to answer, “What the fuck do you care?” But I didn’t have the nerve. With Billy I always found it best to appease him and hope he goes away. I sometimes just tried to be more boring than I usually am and maybe he would lose interest in harrassing me.

“Seriously?” he said as he stepped close to me. He was not the type to stand by my side. He always positioned himself directly in front of me. I always felt trapped by his body standing tall in front of me. He made it feel like every conversation was a confrontation. As I got to know him better, I realized it wasn’t confrontation he liked best, it was the competition that fed his ego. He loved to beat me.

“She’s fine.” I softly answered and I dropped my eyes to the ground where I saw his feet.

“Damn I miss her. She was so good in bed with me. How about you?”

I didn’t answer his question.

“Did she tell you the real reason she left me?” Billy asked. The tone in his voice shifted a bit. The tone seemed to have some genuine feelings of care. I thought maybe he is lamenting something he did or didn’t do. Maybe he is realizing that he lost a great woman.

I shook my head indicating ‘No. She didn’t tell me.’

“Jan left me because she wanted to live with a man who was more submissive to her.” When he said it, Billy let out a guttural laugh that made my blood turn cold. I started feeling dizzy and faint.

“Oh. I didn’t know that. I’m not submissive.” I tried saying it with confidence, but I was so light headed and striving to regulate my breathing that I sort of hyperventilated a bit.

“Who are you kidding? Of course you are a fem-sub. It’s written all over your face.” Billy took his cell phone out and started browsing his messages.

“Good-bye Billy.” I said as I tried to squeeze around his side. My waist hit his and I could feel his rock hard body. His leg muscles were like a wall. Billy pressed his hips pinning me to the rail.

Billy whispered into my ear, “Don’t you mean, ‘See you later’?”

I never answered. He released me after a few seconds with a smirk on his face.

I never told Jan about that incident. I wanted to, but I didn’t want to look like a cry baby either. Billy’s comment about Jan’s reason for divorce was digging into me and it was hitting some strange and unfamiliar feelings. I wondered if Jan did in fact want to live with a man who is submissive to her. Did Billy mean “submissive” in the sexual sense? Or maybe Jan wanted a husband who was more cooperative? Maybe she wanted a husband who was more of a team player and not an ego-maniac like Billy? I didn’t know, but I wanted to know.

I needed to know.

Before we left the party that day, I told Jan I needed to piss before driving home. I went into the bathroom and took out my penis. As I was pissing the door opened and Billy stepped in, locking the door behind him. I was so fucking mad at myself for not locking the door. What the hell was I thinking? There were only a few people left at the party. I never thought anyone would just come in to the bathroom. But there he was. That mother-fucker was looking at my penis as I pissed.

Billy let out a soft laugh and said, “Is that all you got?”

I know I am not big like other guys. I only have four inches when stiff and inflated. But my penis is straight and cute. It works fine. I like it.

Before I finished pissing, Billy took out his cock and hung it in the open waiting for his turn at the toilet. He put his two hands on his hips like a rock star and just stood there waiting for me to look at it. When I turned to walk away from the toilet my eyes couldn’t help but look down at what was hanging out in the open air with no shame. His cock was as beautiful as the rest of his body. Some guys are so lucky.

Before I could get past him, Billy grabbed my arm as he stepped up to the toilet. He pulled me close to his side and held me there as he began to piss into the bowl. I stood watching. His right hand grabbed my left wrist and he placed my hand right on his soft cock now running a powerful stream of piss into the toilet. I felt his warmth. His piss made his cock warmer than usual. It was obvious.

He took my fingers and wrapped them around his cock and said, “Hold it for me.”

Which I did. I don’t know why. I had been drinking a lot and was a bit drunk. Maybe my reflexes were a bit slow. I don’t know. I just stood there and I held it for him. After a long piss I felt Billy tighten up his cock muscles like he was finished. His piss stopped flowing. I went to move my hand away and I heard him say, “Kneel down for a second.”

I froze and just stood there. He repeated himself, this time with more force. “Kneel down.” And I felt his strong hands and arm muscles pushing me to my knees.

Billy said, “I think you should give me a good night kiss.” And with that, Billy pointed the head of his huge cock right at my lips.

I knew I wasn’t getting away from him. I didn’t want to do this. But...what could I do. I leaned forward and placed a tiny kiss on the tip of his cock. As I pulled away, Billy said, “No. Not that kind of kiss. Give my cock a French kiss. Place your lips around the head of my cock and roll your tongue around the head like it’s your wife’s tongue.”

I just wanted to get away from him. That’s all I wanted to do. So I did what he wanted and let his cock head go into my mouth and I rolled my tongue around his head like it was my wife’s tongue. His free hand gripped the back of my head holding me firmly in place. All of a sudden I felt Billy shoot his final two gushes of warm piss into my mouth. It shot with great force. I never felt anything like it in my life.

Billy’s piss filled my mouth. I was shaking. My heart was pounding like never before. I looked up and heard Billy saying, “Swallow it.”

I shook my head ‘No.’ Again he said, “Swallow it right now.” Billy turned his cell phone to me and I saw a pic of my lips pressed against his cock. There was no denying it was me in the pic and anyone who knew Bill’s cock knew I was kissing his cock for him. That mother-fucker took a pic of me kissing his cock. How could any man ever do something so degrading to another man?

There is no way I can describe the emotions that were rifling through my body. There is no context to place the experience. I closed my eyes and I swallowed his piss as he looked down at me and watched my throat muscles open and take him in.

I met Jan at the door and we walked to the car. Before getting in the car she wanted a kiss. I kissed her like I always do, but this time I prayed she didn’t notice the taste of piss. Especially Billy’s piss. I could still feel the taste of Billy’s piss on my tongue. My guts were still shaking and I had to work hard to fight off the reactions going on in my body.

The ride home was mostly silent. Jan fell asleep on the way and I was glad she did so. I needed to think. I just needed to think. What the fuck just happened?

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Needless to say, my night was sleepless. The guilt, fear, shame seemed all mixed together. Other feelings kept rolling around and it felt like I got punched in the guts. I was praying his piss did not make me sick with some disease that would be embarrassing to explain. The anxiety was so intense, I wanted to vomit. Two seconds later, I didn’t want to vomit.

There were parts of the experience I couldn’t allow into my mind. If the memory of Billy having that fucking pic of me holding his cock as he pissed in the toilet, or the pic of me kissing his cock good noght tried to enter my thoughts, I would feel myself falling into unconsciousness. Like a complete collapse. I could never explain to Jan the reason I fell into unconsciousness. Never.

I was defeated, broken down, stripped into degradation and threatened by Bill’s very existence. My world view had been shattered. I had heard about bisexual guys. But this was definately not bisexual. I had even read stories about circle jerks followed by a group of friends gathered around one less fortunate friend and all pissed on him together.

Never, not in my wildest dreams, did I ever think Billy would drag me through such a humiliating experience.

Somewhere between midnight and three AM, I had gotten out of bed and gone to the garage where I could sit on a stool and rock myself to ease the agony. Rocking the agony seemed to ease the pain. I was cradling my injury. Doing that did not heal anything, but at least it help me regulate my breathing. The memories of that night became intrusive. They were involuntary, like my thoughts had a life of their own. I was reliving my time alone with Billy.

More shocking than anything else, I felt myself wanting to jerk off and cum off badly. Orgasms always seem to help me a lot when I am under stress. That night, there was no way to measure my stress.

When the thought of jerking off first entered my mind, I was stunned to find I already had a very stiff and throbbing cock in my shorts. It was much harder than I remember it being in a long time. When I was a teenager my dick could get to that rock hard status. But in the past twenty years it never got that hard, nor throb like it was doing.

I hadn’t even so much as touched myself. Back and forth my thoughts raced at will. I would remember the feeling of Billy”s piss splashing on the back of my throat, followed by feelings of wanting a climax. I wanted an orgasm. An involuntary one at that. Where is this coming from?

In a flash, I remembered holding his cock for him and feeling his piss race through his shaft. It was the warmth that hit me. I felt a certain comfort fall over me as I remembered how Billy wrapped my fingers around it. Like I was important to him at that moment. At that moment Billy didn’t need or want anyone else. All he wanted, all he needed was me. Just me. I wanted to drop dead. The feelings started feeling so good, I didn’t want to live anymore.

I reached down and grabbed my tiny cock and it immediately started pumping out huge cum squirts. My shorts were already wet from pre cum dripping relentlessly. My stomach was vibrating with each pump of cum I pushed out. My legs, knees and ankles went numb. My balls were aching and alive with feelings. My body was already producing more cum. The sheer stimulation rifling through my body caused my blood to rush through my balls.

A flood of adrenaline started flowing through me. It was followed quickly by a torrent of endorphins. My life felt as though it just stepped out of my body. I had absolutely no pain in my body what-so-ever. Nothing. It was euphoric.

I felt as though I was cumming off for the first time after fucking my high school girlfriend for the first time. I was so proud of myself for what I did to her. That thought was followed by, I was so proud of myself for what I did for Billy. WHAT?

For a moment, I didn’t care. The endorphins were kicking in and I felt so good. I let the thought of Billy just sit quietly in my mind. I needed a rest from him. I was exhausted.

I looked down and saw my briefs were soaked with cum. I hadn’t cum liked that in I don’t know how long. I went into my downstairs bathroom and took them off. I dried my balls and dick. My clean briefs were upstairs in the bedroom where Jan was sleeping. I didn’t want to wake her and have her seeing me putting on a clean pair of underpants. So I reached into my hamper downstairs and took out a pair of dirty briefs. I wore those to bed that night.

By the time I laid back down into our bed, the sun was beginning to rise. I didn’t sleep a wink. I couldn’t.

At five thirty that morning I got up. It was an hour before the alarm would go off. But I didn’t care. I was rock hard again thinking about what Billy did to me. My stomach was flipping and I felt as sick about yesterday as I did when we first left the party. I poured a cup of coffee and sat on my back deck. I knew something about Billy had just welded itself to my deepest agony. There was something in me that I had always kept guarded and secret. No one knew me. Not like I knew me. And now, Billy knew me. The one person I wished never knew anything about me. But he did, and it felt better than good.

What didn’t feel good, was the next time I met him. He dropped in unannounced.

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Re: ROB'S POST introduction

Unread post by dandy_ont » Fri Jun 28, 2019 7:16 am

Please continue.

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Re: ROB'S POST introduction

Unread post by SutterKane » Fri Jun 28, 2019 12:06 pm

Now that is not a story you hear every day!
"Women and cats will do as they please,and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea"-Robert Heinlein
"Gratitude is riches and complaint is poverty and the worst I ever had was wonderful"Bro. Dave Gardner
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus!

frank r
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Re: ROB'S POST introduction

Unread post by frank r » Fri Jul 05, 2019 12:33 pm

Great tale so far... good story ... characters come alive.. love it!!!
looking forward to more


Re: ROB'S POST introduction

Unread post by gandhhotspot » Fri Jul 05, 2019 12:46 pm

Parts 2 and 3 are in the Library.


Re: ROB'S POST introduction

Unread post by gandhhotspot » Fri Jul 12, 2019 7:31 pm

conclusion is up. its called THE INVITATION. I want to write to those interested in how Rob introduced his muscle friends.

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Re: ROB'S POST introduction

Unread post by JT02911 » Thu Aug 20, 2020 7:22 am

Hello H, how have you been?

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Re: ROB'S POST introduction

Unread post by eater » Thu Sep 21, 2023 5:56 pm

so hot

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