To the Edge and Back

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by mundyman » Mon Mar 21, 2022 8:09 pm

An interesting look into the life of the Schultz’s.
While Claire has a low libido, Ky doesn’t, yet she treats him like he does.
Is this another step in the marginalization of Ky from Nichole’s sex life. Mr. Schultz giving her the thought that Ky is fine and happy being on the sidelines with his wife Claire while they develop a deeper relationship.
These two are being slowly torn apart in just about every level of their relationship.
And wait until he shows Nichole the video of Claire jacking Ky off and Ky playing with Claire’s seldom used pussy.
Oh the fireworks!!

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by nnjcpl2002 » Mon Mar 21, 2022 9:42 pm

Wow! What a hot scene. Pretty much a real cuckold's perfect fantasy turned real. And witnessed by a third party to make it even more degrading to provide the total eroticism desired by a true cuckold.
I know, because I believe that I am one!!

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by JustWantToWatch » Tue Mar 22, 2022 8:21 am

Incredible chapter! Thanks Ky!!

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by starman2 » Tue Mar 22, 2022 12:37 pm

Again Ky great chapters , if fity shades was made into a movie , your story should be on the big screen .Always a joy to find a new chapter here when i check back
Last edited by starman2 on Thu Mar 24, 2022 10:21 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by OOAA » Tue Mar 22, 2022 9:33 pm

VERY HOT chapter Ky!!!!

I would have loved Mr. Schultz would have done something to Catherine due to her leverage/blackmail to Nichole...

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Rex-Lex » Wed Mar 23, 2022 12:27 pm

Another fantastic chapter in which you demonstrate great story telling flair. Thank you for your continued work rate in producing such quality writing in considerable quantity and so regularly. You are by far the best writer on ohw.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by twin12set » Wed Mar 23, 2022 2:06 pm

Cant wait for the party on the boat. I love sections where Ky is directly involved and powerless. Loving the developments.

john jasson
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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by john jasson » Fri Mar 25, 2022 3:48 pm

I finally made it up to date. Thank you for your dedication, Ky. It's a long hot read, and hopefully much more to come. I'm off to suss out your real life story.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Whosbeensleeping » Sat Apr 02, 2022 2:31 am

It's so quiet here! Hope you all are well.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by nnjcpl2002 » Sun Apr 10, 2022 7:35 am

Everything ok Ky? You have many enthusiastic followers eager for the rest of the story.
Best, Jack

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by RGS22 » Sun Apr 10, 2022 7:59 pm

He's getting recharged by reading the latest Xleg story.


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by OOAA » Mon Apr 11, 2022 2:19 am

RGS22 wrote:
Sun Apr 10, 2022 7:59 pm
He's getting recharged by reading the latest Xleg story.
Aren't we all? :twisted: :twisted: :cool:

Duke Lattimore
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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Duke Lattimore » Fri Apr 15, 2022 6:36 am

Perfection cannot be rushed. Chapter 58 will be a pivotal sequence in Nichole’s devolution to the edge. Can’t wait to see what is next as Nichole’s whore persona is perfected.

After our devious author ordered up a rather serious set of piercings as an appetizer, what’s on the menu for the main course and dessert? We’ve been teased with talk of a pair of bolt-ons, and I can’t wait to see whether (and to what degree) Nichole becomes top heavy with a pillowy pair of personal flotation devices. How about a trip to the salon for Bottle Blondage treatment and hair extensions for the scorchingly hot high ponytail that distinguishes the elite escorts from the hourly hookers??? And Nichole can’t be an authentic Vegas sex worker without a little ink, now can she? Perhaps a gangbang scorecard on her left ribcage, much like the record of enemy aircraft shot down that is painted on the fuselage of an ace fighter pilot’s plane???

I would like to think that there’s a little bit of method in the madness as Ky edges us loyal readers with a taste of delicious angst as we patiently wait, teasing us with the turmoil of Ky’s character as he imposes no boundaries and renders himself powerless in awaiting his formerly pristine wife’s fate. Let’s unite with Ky as he leans into this free fall thru the hotwife abyss . . .

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by mundyman » Fri Apr 15, 2022 6:55 am

I love the idea of some ink which tracks the number of people, male and female she has been with. A permanent reminder to Nicole and especially her husband of what she has become and how deep she is. Perhaps a male symbol for each man and a female symbol for each woman.
Some type of tribal tramp stamp, tasteful but edgy might be appropriate too.
Oh the possibilities.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by mundyman » Fri Apr 15, 2022 6:56 am

BTW, anyone waiting for the next chapter of this story to drop may want to check out Ascending Lauren and the next chapter of that story.
It is just as hot and a slightly different twist on this same theme.
Also oh so enjoyable!!!

Duke Lattimore
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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Duke Lattimore » Fri Apr 15, 2022 11:12 am

And a fun twist on that ink, mundyman, would be to send Nichole back to Ky with all of the tats to gauge his reaction, and then revealing to him that the tats are of the temporary henna variety, but will be made permanent unless . . . Perhaps, no permanent tats if he consents to the bolt-ons???

Totally agree on Ascending Lauren, who has gone so far beyond the edge that she may never come back . . . .


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by couple20uk » Sat Apr 16, 2022 7:50 am

Great writing Ky... just caught up... Thank you for all the work you put into this story.
It is one of the best I have ever read.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Tue Apr 19, 2022 2:56 pm

I love reading all your comments, but sometimes you all get very close to the mark in your predictions. I guess kinky minds think alike. I’ve also been reading the Ascending Laura series—it’s a great read.


The room smelled of sex, I thought as I entered the room and my eyes adjusted to the dim light. Looking around, I could see the expansive amount of woodwork that decorated the room. On another occasion I would have liked to have had the time to fully admire it, but other thoughts occupied my mind.

Nichole lay sprawled on the bed, still in the exact position Morgan had left her. I crawled up onto the bed and moved to my wife. Light red marks adorned her wrists and ankles, and her ass still had a lot of color in it, too. I pushed Nichole’s dark hair out of her face, revealing her sleeping features.

“Nichole,” I whispered, giving her shoulder a nudge. “Hey, it’s really late and I need to get home.”

“Hmm,” Nichole began to stir, her eyelids trying to open. “No more Mr. Schultz, please…” she mumbled as she pushed my hand away.

“Nichole,” I said again, “it’s me. We really need to get going.”

Finally her eyes opened. It took a long moment before I saw a flicker of recognition. “Ky?” she said groggily.

“Yeah, I’m here.”

Nichole sighed as she closed her eyes, her features looking content as a satisfied smile pulled at the corners of her mouth. She looked deliriously happy. A large portion of me enjoyed seeing that joyful look. I was happy I could give that to her. But still, a small portion of me felt a smoldering ember of jealousy. Oddly, it was that jealousy that seemed to heighten the experience of it all.

“Nichole,” I said again, seeing that she was falling back to sleep.

Nichole’s eyes finally fluttered open, this time with more awareness. “Claire,” she said as began to shift to her side. “Did you and she—”

“—nothing happened,” I said quickly, shaking my head as I laid my hand on her bare shoulder. “She took me to a room where they’d set up a TV. We only watched.”

Nichole reached out and pulled me close to her, causing me to lie down fully on the very comfortable bed. “I suspected as much from what Mr. Schultz was hinting at,” she said, her voice still filled with sleep. “How are you, was it alright? Did I do anything hurtful?”

“It was pretty fucking incredible…” I admitted, pulling Nichole’s form closer to my own. Apart from her perfume, I noticed an earthy masculine scent clinging to her as I breathed her in, “…but it’s really late, babe. I need to get home to get a couple of hours of sleep before heading back to LA.”

“Ky, let’s stay, you’ll get more than a quick kip that way. I’ll find a ride home in the morning.”

I was about to argue, but the damn bed was extremely comfortable, and Nichole was already falling back to sleep. Sighing, I shook my head as I reached for the side of the covers and pulled the blanket over us. It had been a long fucking day and my eyes were stinging from want of sleep.


It took me a moment to get my bearings as I woke, but I quickly remembered the activities from the night before. Nichole and I were still in the exact position we had fallen asleep in. I hurriedly checked my watch, hoping I hadn’t slept too long. The LA job was enough of a pain in the ass already. I didn’t need to superintendent chewing me out for being late.

I disentangled myself from Nichole and left her with a quick kiss goodbye. She had mumbled something unintelligible, but I doubt she’d remember me leaving. I desperately wanted to wake her and take her home, but if I didn’t get on the road in the next few minutes, I was going to hit the growing traffic on the Five.

The house was dark, and I thought I’d get away without waking or seeing anyone, so it surprised me to find Morgan sitting at the kitchen island drinking coffee and watching the news.

“Up already?” Morgan said as I passed by the kitchen.

“I am,” I replied, feeling obligated to step into the kitchen for a moment. “Nichole’s still asleep, but I have to get on the road.”

“Make yourself a cup if you’d like,” Morgan said, gesturing toward the Keurig on the counter. “Take the cup with you if you’re in a hurry.”

I was about to decline but getting a little caffeine in my system before I got on the road was probably a good idea. “Thanks,” I said, moving toward the coffee maker.

“I’ll make sure Nichole gets home safely,” Morgan said.

I only nodded. I wanted to say more, but I couldn’t think of anything to say as the moment grew awkward.

“Claire told me she enjoyed herself last night,” Morgan said, taking a sip from his cup, “she said she had an orgasm, too. That’s something that rarely happens, so she was very happy.”

Selecting a Keurig cup at random, I popped it into the coffee maker. “Last night was pretty intense,” I admitted, not sure of what else to say to the man who had thoroughly fucked my wife last night. To the man who had given her more orgasms in a single session than I had in probably several months combined.

“Ky,” Morgan said, placing his cup back on the counter. “Nichole’s told me some about your education and background, and if you’re ever interested in making a career shift, I’d like to talk to you about coming to work at Global Medical. We have a small engineering team that I think you’d enjoy working with. It’s obviously not the same type of work you’re doing now, but I’m sure you’d be a good fit.”

I blinked in surprise as I looked up from the counter. I wasn’t expecting that at all. “I appreciate that,” I said, already knowing my answer. “But I’m going to stay the course where I am for a time. I’m getting closer to being able to take the PE exam, so I’m not looking to make a change until after I pass it.”

Morgan nodded, “Understandable, but if you ever change your mind, don’t hesitate to come talk to me. I have to grow our engineering department soon, so there will be a number of openings.” Morgan looked down at his phone briefly but then looked back up. “Oh, I’ll let the Harrison’s know you’ll fill in as one of the crew. I have a feeling that night will make last night look like a warmup.”


The jostling of the bed woke me. I fully expected to see my husband getting up to go to work. I knew he needed to leave early. But it was Mr. Morgan’s form that now lay next to me. Wearing a dark colored track suit, he ran his fingers lightly down my spine. The touch sent chills down my bum and both legs, making me squirm against the smooth feeling sheets.

“So, last night was fun,” he said, pulling the blanket down to my waist.

“Mmmm,” I half-hummed-half-breathed into my pillow. I felt Mr. Schultz’ hand move and caress my side.

“Your husband left a little over an hour ago. I think he enjoyed himself.”

“I hope so,” I said, wishing I could go back to sleep but feeling that sleep slip away. “I worry about going too far and hurting him.”

“Nah, you’re giving him exactly what he wants,” Mr. Schultz said, resting his head on his hand as he laid on his side. “It’s not your fault he’s not able to satisfy you anymore.”

“He satisfies me fine,” I snapped, feeling suddenly defensive.

“That might have been true once upon a time, until a certain someone discovered her inner slut,” Mr. Schultz said teasingly.

“He still does. It’s just different.”

“I know,” Mr. Schultz said, “and that’s perfectly okay. It’s not his fault your needs are so much higher than his.”

This time I laughed, “My needs aren’t higher than his. That’s bullocks.”

“Is it?” My boss asked. “I doubt he’s thinking about sex even half as much as you are.”

“That’s absurd.”

“Not at all. He’s probably stuck in traffic thinking about work right now. He might think back on last night here and there, but he’s got to start thinking about work eventually, and that’ll occupy most of his thoughts for the day. Unlike you,” Mr. Schultz paused briefly, “you’re thinking about how much you want to feel my cock in your cunt again.”

I cursed as I felt myself flush at his comment. I didn’t know why I had such little control over my emotions in front of this man. There was simply something about his bearing that my body responded to.

“I’m still knackered from last night,” I protested. “Coffee and breakfast are more on my mind than sex.”

“I’ll wager that’s not true,” Mr. Schultz said, sitting up on the bed. “I’ll tell you what, if your cunt’s not sopping wet right now, I’ll make you some breakfast and take you home.”

“And if it is?” I asked hesitantly, already knowing I was going to lose the bet.

“Then you’ll spend the day with me. We’ll get breakfast eventually.”

Before I’d even had a chance to respond, my boss rolled me to my side and slipped his hand between my thighs. “What about your wife?” I asked, resigning myself to staying for a while.

“She’s gone for the day,” Mr. Schultz said as he got to his knees and pushed his trousers down, “but even if she wasn’t, she’s not someone you need to worry about. She lives her own life.”

Without pause, he moved between my legs. I felt the warmth of his manhood against my thigh, his tip at my entrance. His lips met mine as he slipped inside me. I lost myself in no time, feeling his pleasurable girth fill my pussy again. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, feeling his hips gently rock against my own. I couldn’t stop the moan that escaped my throat. It simply felt so incredible. Mr. Schultz’ mouth went to the sensitive skin on my neck, and I immediately felt a stinging pain as he began to leave a love bite.

“You’re going to leave a mark,” I said, trying to push his head away.

Mr. Schultz refused to release his hold for nearly a minute. I knew without seeing that there was going to be a dark mark left on my neck. All my daily worries and concerns dissipated as my lust became fully ignited and dominated my thoughts. Despite my body’s fatigue, I squeezed my pelvic muscles as Mr. Schultz withdrew his cock, trying to milk it with each stroke.

I was starting to find a nice rhythm when my older lover decided to switch positions and roll me on top. Moving my hair behind my shoulders, I planted my hands on his chest rocked my hips forward and back. The new position displayed my breasts and showed my erect nipples with their rings. They were still so sensitive, they throbbed as blood flowed.

Inhaling a deep breath, I worked my hips back and forth as I tried to grip him ever tighter. Looking up, I caught my reflection in a mirror and couldn’t help but stare at the woman I saw. Her hair was disheveled, her lips puffy, and her features were filled with a lascivious hunger. The necklace and other piercings gave her a sultry, pornographic look. I could scarcely believe that was me.

The woman in the mirror wasn’t the ambitious, overachieving student of the past. She wasn’t even the young wife and enterprising business professional she’d thought she wanted to become. No, the woman in the mirror was a sexual plaything for men, and occasionally women. She was a woman who had given in to her base desires and was quickly losing her grasp on those things she thought she had once wanted.

Even when I closed my eyes, I could still see the image of myself fucking a man that wasn’t my husband. Nothing else I had ever done had given me this kind of pleasure and enjoyment. I liked being able to make a person cum. It didn’t matter if they were male or female. I simply liked feeling the power to give someone such intense joy. I realized it was my own mind that kept me from enjoying to it’s fullness. I had been able to push that small voice aside, but I still let it keep me from fully immersing myself in what I truly wanted. But no longer, I thought to myself as my lover’s cock stimulated my clit.

This was who I wanted to be—at least for now. I wanted to completely enjoy the experience, and I wasn’t’ going to let anything impede that any longer. I could always change courses down the road, but for now, I was going to own who I was becoming and enjoy it.

I quickened the movement of my hips and was soon rewarded with an erupting cock in my pussy. I felt the man under me shudder as he came, filling my unfaithful cunt with another man’s sperm. What had started out as an experiment to fulfil my husband’s fantasy had become something else altogether. I was quickly finding my own fantasies and living them out as new opportunities presented themselves.

For the next several hours I made it my mission to do to Mr. Schultz what he had done to me the night before, make him cum as many times as I could until he cried out in defeat.


Sitting in the project’s staff meeting, I half listened to the upcoming schedule for the following week as the project superintendent read from the upcoming list of activities. The dewatering issues that I was assigned had been more-or-less under control lately, so I pulled out my phone and once again checked on my wife’s location. I felt a pang of annoyance as I saw her green dot still at her bosses house. It was the middle of the afternoon, and her location hadn’t changed. Which meant she’d probably been fucking him all day.

I tried to control my breathing as I slipped the phone back in my pocket and returned my attention to the whiteboard in the front of the room. Looking around the table, I studied each man for a moment. A couple I knew were single, but most were married. But I was sure not one of them had a wife who was actively sleeping with other men while they were at work. They were all salt-of-the-earth kind of guys who worked their asses off despite the weather conditions. They went home at night and watched football and drank beer. They didn’t go watch their wives get fucked by other guys, and they certainly didn’t have wives who were going to Vegas to work as high-priced hookers.

That thought nearly did me in as I remembered that Nichole would be leaving the next day to spend a few days in Sin-City. Once again, my wife was going to be spreading her legs for paying clients. I still found it impossible to believe that I was now married to a sex worker. As various thoughts ran through my mind, one particular thought struck me.

On occasion, I would end up in a conversation with one of the field crew, and sometimes the conversation would drift toward talking about wives and their careers. I wondered how someone would react if I was to simply say, ‘my wife’s a prostitute’ the next time someone asked me what my wife did for a living. They’d probably think I was joking, I thought as the meeting seemed to be coming to an end.

I got up from the shitty metal chair I was sitting on and felt the blood rush back into my ass. As the room thinned, I maneuvered through the crowd until was out into hallway and then outside. I needed some relief, I thought as I made my way to the portable bathroom one finds on ever job site. Once inside, I pulled my dick out and began to stroke myself. The porta-john smelled like shit of course, and it had the usual sexual jokes and crude drawings on the walls, but it didn’t matter, it was a private place where I could make myself cum.

It didn’t take me long to cum, releasing my unusually large load into the blue liquid below. I felt particularly disgusted with myself at what I was doing. Masturbating in a portable outhouse wasn’t exactly on my most proud moments list, but I felt calmer as my heartbeat slowed and my lust ebbed. I cleaned myself up and refastened my belt, finding I now had more ability to push the erotic thoughts of my wife to the side. Exiting the blue shit-house, I breathed in fresh air, vowing to not go in there again anytime soon.

“Ky,” said one of the foreman whose name I couldn’t remember, “Super wants to see you in his office.”

I gave him a simple nod and returned to the job trailer. Entering the conference room again, I found the superintendent seated on the long table, only he wasn’t alone, two well-dressed men stood to each side of him. They wore their necessary hardhats (only theirs were perfectly clean) along with button down shirts and ties. These guys were straight from the office. I quickly found out they were the Project Manager and his Deputy PM.

“Ky,” said the Project Manager, greeting me with a handshake as he removed his mask. “I’ve heard about how well you’ve been doing on the dewatering out here.”

“Thanks,” I said, shaking the man’s hand. He had a firmer grip than I’d anticipated. “Most of it was simply worn out pumps that weren’t running well.”

“It was a lot more than that,” the superintendent interjected. “Ky redesigned most of the layout, and that’s when it really started making a difference.”

I felt embarrassed by the praise, but I wasn’t about to deny it. The superintendent had always treated me like shit, so it was good to hear something other than, ‘hurry-the-fuck-up Ky.’

“That’s what I understand,” the PM said, looking back to me. “I spoke with your boss this morning and asked him if we could work out a way to have you work as a consultant up on our Fresno project. He assured me it wouldn’t be a problem.”

“Fresno,” I said, torn on how I felt about the idea. It would probably be a good resume builder, but it was even further away from home that LA was. I didn’t want to make any commitments, but with the customer staring at me, I felt obligated to at least listen. “What’s going on in Fresno?”


Throughout the day, I had watched my wife’s location eventually move from her boss’ house to Wade’s house, so it wasn’t a surprise to see Wade’s car eventually pull into the driveway. I watched through the front window as the two of them seemed to be talking in the car. She had been at Wade’s house for nearly two hours before coming home, putting her arrival time well after mine.

After ten minutes, I started feeling impatient and sent her a text.

KY _ Are you coming inside soon?

Nichole’s head dropped momentarily and then she looked up and toward the window. Our eyes met briefly as she gave me a nod. It looked like she then returned her attention to her phone.

Nichole _ Sorting things with Wade, I’ll only be another minute.

I bottled my frustration and tried to keep my lust at bay as I randomly scrolled through a couple of news sites while I waited. After a few minutes, I looked back toward the car and saw Nichole give Wade a chaste kiss before getting out and walking toward the house. I blinked at stared at her appearance as I made my way to the front door. She was wearing a CrossFit tee shirt that hung almost to her knees and nothing else. Even her feet were bare.

The sight of my wife doing the walk of shame toward the house where she could be seen by the neighbors made my lust flare back to life, and I quickly had an erection. I was surprised at the hardness of the erection because I’d been masturbating so much over the last two days that I was only getting semi-hard at best.

I made it to the door as she entered, and I more fully took in her appearance. She looked tired but happy, I thought as she gave me a warm smile.

“Ello husband,” she said, giving me a sad smile.

“Long day at the office, huh?” I said, keeping my voice flat.

“Long day of cucking you,” Nichole said, matching my tone.

A feeling of angst and desire nearly double me over it was so strong. I put my hand against the wall for support. I took another moment to take in her appearance. To say she had that ‘freshly-fucked’ look was a serious understatement. She had that, ‘I’ve spent the entire day fucking’ appearance, but I couldn’t ever remember her looking hotter or more erotic. I tried not to let that derail me and was almost successful until I noticed the dark hickey on her neck.

“Wade give you that?” I asked, my eyes fixed on her neck.

Her hand immediately went to her neck, and she shyly covered it with her fingers, “Mr. Schultz,” she said not meeting my eyes.

“I thought you were going to get a ride home after I left this morning. That’s what you told me.”

“I did, and I did,” Nichole shot back defensively... “Are you angry with me?”

“I guess I thought you were going to be home earlier. I know you have to go to Vegas tomorrow, so I was hoping we’d have a little more time together this evening.”

At this, Nichole’s features seemed to soften, “I’m sorry babe, I didn’t intend to be gone all day.”

A silence fell between us as Nichole waited for my reaction. My own emotions were doing battle inside of me, making me feel confused and off-balanced. Shaking my head, I decided to change the subject slightly, “you said you were sorting things with Wade. Problems in paradise?”

The corner of Nichole’s mouth compressed as she shrugged, “We had a bit of a row earlier.”

“It must not have been too big of a fight,” I said, looking down her form. “I mean his cum is running down your legs.”

“I know,” Nichole said, turning herself to the side in an attempt to hide the evidence of her infidelity. “He bloody cums so much. I had a pee before I left, and it was like I had a small river flowing from me… but it keeps coming out.”

“Fuck, the shit you say sometimes,” I reflexively groaned, “do you want to go upstairs and get cleaned up? Maybe tell me more about Wade?”

Nichole nodded and I followed her upstairs to the master bathroom. My mind racing with images of my wife’s affairs. Her adultery seemed almost commonplace now, I thought as I watched her feet in front of me as we climbed the stairs. Had it been so long ago that we were monogamous to each other? In a few months’ time it would have been a year since Nichole first slept with a man outside of our marriage, but it felt like it had been a lot longer than that.

“I came clean with Wade tonight,” Nichole said as we reached the bathroom. She must have read my mind because she quickly added, “I’d understated it when I spoke with him before, but this time I gave him all the details.” My wife stripped off the shirt, and then used it to wipe the cum from her legs. “He wasn’t very happy with me.”

I laughed at her comment, “I bet not. You were basically cucking him.”

“That’s how he saw it, too,” Nichole said, depositing the soiled garment in the dirty clothes hamper. “Tonight was basically a goodbye fling.”

“Oh,” I said in surprise, “so it’s over with him? I wasn’t expecting that. You alright with it? You don’t seem too broken up about it.”

Nichole shrugged, “I don’t think it’s sunk in, yeah. But it’s probably for the best. I was already starting to develop stronger feelings for him than was ideal. It does sting a bit though; I’m not going to lie. He’s an easy man to fall for.”

Nichole reached inside the shower to turn on the tap, but I stood and stopped her, “Don’t” I said, taking her hand and pulling her away from the shower. She shot me a questioning look. “I want you like this right now.”

“Ky, I’m filthy,” she complained as she tried to pull away from my grip.

“I know,” I said, not releasing her, “you’re my filthy whore of a wife.”

Nichole visibly shuddered and ceased pulling away, “As long as I’m still your wife.”

I picked her up and carried her to our bed, breathing her in as I did. She did smell of sex, sweat, cum, and a man’s cologne, but it only made my lust for her grow. I laid her down and crawled between her legs, stripping off my clothes as I did.

“What am I then, the third cock that’s been inside your pussy today?” I demanded to know as I ran my thumb over her swollen and puffy lower lips.

Nichole nodded; her lower lip held firmly between her teeth.

“How many cocks will you fuck tomorrow when you’re turning tricks in Vegas?” I said, sliding my dick into my wife’s abused pussy with no resistance. I could tell by the slight wince in her features that I wasn’t giving her pleasure and it caused me to pause. Nichole noticed my hesitation and reached up and pulled me closer to her.

“Don’t hold back. Bloody fuck me already. I’m not a fragile piece of glass. If I can take Wade’s cock, I can take yours,” my wife said almost hostilely, her fingernails digging into my back.

“You want me to fuck you?” I said thrusting my hips forward, “I’ll fuck you.” I pulled my hips back and then slammed into her again. The hard penetration caused her eyes to widen in surprise as she yelped out, yet her fingers only dug into my all the harder. “You come home after letting another man mark you, after letting men use you as a cum dumpster, and think I won’t fucking remind you who your actually married to?”

Something inside me burst as I fucked my wife. I knew what I was doing was the furthest thing from making love, but at the moment I didn’t care as all of my frustration, anxiety, and aggression seemed to pour out of me. My wife’s cries escalated in pitch as her fingernails scratched the skin on my back. I’d never before gotten such a passionate reaction from Nichole, and that realization only brought out more of that primal rage that I’d bottled up inside.

“You go to Vegas tomorrow and fuck those guys all you want,” I said, breathing like I as running a hundred meter dash, “but remember that you can only do it because I allow it.” I drove my dick into her with increased fury. “Do you understand me?” I quickly pulled out, flipped her over onto her stomach, and then reentered her from behind. “Understood?” I demanded again.

“Yes,” she cried, her hands gripping the sheets as she tried to pull herself away. “Oh fuck, oh, oh fuck,” she whimpered as I drove my dick home again and again.

I spanked her ass hard with the palm of my hand, eliciting a guttural scream. For a moment I wondered if I’d gone too far, but as I felt her form begin to seize and convulse under me, I knew she was experiencing the start of a powerful orgasm.

I spanked the other ass cheek and kept my own orgasm away with sheer will. “And no more going off without your fucking wedding ring. If you’re going to fuck other guys, I want them to know you belong to someone else. Understood?”

“Yes!” she cried out loud enough that I began to worry the neighbors might call the cops. Her body was trying to descend from the peak of her orgasm, but my continued pace wouldn’t give her any reprieve. She began to squirm and push me away, but I refused to stop, wrapping her in my arms and continuing my onslaught.

“Not good enough, Nichole. Make be believe it.”

“Oh fuck,” she nearly howled, “I can’t take anymore.”

“Tell me what I want to hear.”

“I promise I’ll never take my wedding ring off,” she said quickly, her hands clamping onto my forearm. “I’m yours. I’m always you—,”

Nichole’s voice suddenly cut off, and her entire body went as ridged as a board as another orgasm seized her in its grip. I couldn’t hold back any longer and finally let myself go, adding another load of cum into her already full pussy.

For many long minutes after, I held my wife close, her back to my chest and my arms around her torso and breasts. I’d made love to this woman countless times, but I’d never experienced anything close to what I’d just felt. Then again, what I’d just done to her could hardly be called ‘making love’. Nichole’s body continued to twitch and spasm reflexively as I held her.

I heard her sniffle and caught her wiping her cheek with her hand. Was she crying? “Are you alright?” I asked, pressing my cheek to the side of her head as I hugged her tighter.

She nodded her head jerkily, “I don’t know what’s with all the waterworks. You seemed to have jarred something lose.”

“You’re sure,” I pushed again. “I’m really sorry if I… I don’t know what came over me…” I rambled, trying to put my jumbled thoughts together.

“I’m fine,” she said more sternly, “seriously Ky, I’m fine. Better than fine. I don’t know what came over you either, but I’m happy it did—don’t think there’s going to be a round two though. I can’t take anymore today.”

“I don’t think I have any gas in the tank either,” I agreed as Nichole wriggled out of my embrace. “Where you going?”

She didn’t reply, leaving my question unanswered as she made her way to the dresser where she kept her jewelry box. For a moment I worried she was going to pull out the cock cage again. My worry quickly changed to elation as I watched her take out her wedding ring and slip it onto her finger. Nichole then returned back to the bed and we both slipped under the covers.

“This will certainly make things more interesting at work,” she said, holding up her hand and looking at the ring.

“Will it be a problem?” I asked.

Nichole shrugged, “I guess we’ll see,” she said. “I made the decision today to be more honest with everyone—myself included. I don’t want to mislead anyone to think I’m single.”

“Is that what prompted the discussion with Wade today?”

“It was… if I’m going to do this escort thing for a while, I need to be honest about it. I don’t want to have to try and remember what I told to whom.”

“Does that include family?” I asked, propping myself up on my elbow.

Nichole snorted a laugh, “I don’t know about that—I said honest, not open. Hopefully they never ask. I can’t imagine what mum would say.”

“Not just your mom,” I said, thinking about the ramifications of both our families knowing. “I don’t want any family knowing about this.”

“Don’t worry,” Nichole said, giving me a teasing smile as she placed her hand to my chest, “your secret’s safe with me.”

“My secret?” I asked in confusion. This was as much her secret as mine.

Nichole nodded, “That you’re a closet cuckold,” she said, her smile widening.

“Oh, alright, we’ll just won’t mention the whole part about you doing sex work,” I added, rolling my eyes at her.

“That might be a good idea,” Nichole said, tilting her head and looking down at her body. “Now I really need a shower.”

“Not tonight,” I said, taking her in my arms again. “Looks like I have to go to Fresno tomorrow, so tonight I’m not letting my dirty whore go.”

“I don’t think you understand how much cum I have in—wait, what’s this about Fresno?”

“I’m a victim of my own success,” I said sarcastically, “Apparently I did such a good job on the LA project the Contractor wants to my help on another project in Fresno.”

Nichole turned to look at me, “This is a good thing, right?”

“I think so,” I admitted, “it’s good to be recognized. It just means a lot of travel for the next several months.”

“Ugh,” Nichole sighed, “with me in Vegas and you in Fresno… between both our schedules, life is going to get very busy.”

I nodded in agreement. “We’ll get through it,” I said, trying to sound optimistic. “Maybe it’ll make the time go by faster.”

“I’ve got an idea. I should have my commissions sometime this summer. We need to plan a tropical vacation once we’re both through traveling. Maybe go down to Costa Rica a visit Marcus and Rachel. I owe you some time with Rachel anyway.”

“You don’t owe me anything,” I said, shaking my head. “But I like the thought. Let’s put something on the calendar next time we’re in the kitchen together…”


The intensity of the sun in Las Vegas always seems to overwhelm the senses at first. Stepping out of the airport, I put my sunglasses on and looked for Kelsey’s jeep. Even though the sun felt like it was burning my skin, it felt good to get out of the airport and into fresh air. If I’d had my license, I would have made the drive because the time it took from when Rafe dropped me at the airport to landing in Vegas was well over the few hours it would have taken to drive.

I spotted Kelsey’s jeep and gave her a wave to get her attention. She pulled the oversize vehicle to the curve, and I put my carryon in the back seat. Opening the passenger door, I suddenly remembered how high off the ground the SUV was.

“Bloody hell, Kels. How do you get into this thing with a skirt?” I asked, experimentally raising my foot to see how I could go before my skirt began to rise.

“Good to see you, too,” Kelsey said with a laugh. “I have a cheater step on my side.” She leaned toward me and looked down at the ground. “Pull up your skirt and get in—nobody here’s going to care.”

Exhaling in a huff, I took a quick look around and then pulled my skirt up to my waist. I then scrambled into the Jeep and closed the door. It made me feel like a small child.

“Welcome back,” Kelsey said, giving me a warm embrace. She suddenly took my breast in her hand and felt at my nipple. “Oh, you kept them?” she said in surprise. “I thought for sure you were going to take them out when you got home.”

I shrugged, “Haven’t had time—,” I began to say, “that’s not entirely true,” I corrected. “I haven’t taken the time. But so far they’ve received rave reviews, so I thought maybe I’d keep them—at least for a little longer.”

Kelsey smiled and wagged her brow at me as she continued to touch my breast. “I’m a fan,” she said, finally letting me go.

“So what’s the plan?” I asked as Kelsey put the vehicle in drive and pulled into the active lane of traffic.

“First thing we have to do is put together a ho-bag for you,” Kelsey explained as she drove.

“A what?”

Kelsey laughed, “A ho-bag,” she repeated. “We all need a bag to carry our stuff in. A purse isn’t nearly big enough.”

“Big enough for what?” I asked, “what kind of stuff will I be carry?”

“I usually carry handcuffs, a couple of dildos, a whip for guys that like that kind of thing, a vibrator, a gag. It’s easy to fill a ho-bag with a bunch of crap, but I’ll show you what the essentials are.”

“Mainly things for the clients then?” I said, my mind spinning as my heart began to race. I thought I was ready for what was to come, but I felt my anxiety level rise as the realization of it all began to set in. “Kelsey,” I said, steeling my nerve on what I needed to ask her next. “What do you do when you’re on your monthly? Do you take a few days off?”

“God no,” Kelsey said quickly. “I couldn’t afford to take time off every time I was on my period.”

“Blokes don’t mind then?” I asked, surprised by her answer.

“Well, most probably would if they knew,” Kelsey continued and then explained, “There are types of birth control that stop periods, but that kind gives me stomach cramps, so I use the sponge trick—I’ll show you when we get to the house. It’s a pretty simple and harmless way to control it so you don’t have to use a tampon. Dudes would seriously freak out if you had to stop everything to pull out a bloody tampon, or if a guy suddenly was covered in period blood. Is your period starting?”

“I think so,” I admitted. “It’s not supposed to start until Sunday, but I’m kind of irregular.”

“No problem. Another thing to put in your ho-bag,” Kelsey said nonchalantly.

“That sounds so vulgar.”

“What, ho-bag?”

“Yeah,” I said with a nod, relaxing into the leather seat of the Jeep.

Kelsey shrugged, “Get used to it sister, you ain’t heard nothing yet.” Kelsey changed lanes suddenly, eliciting several horns to be honked as she cut off the cars behind us.

“What’s the plan after we get my… ho-bag?” I said, testing the word out. “Emilia said something last week about a BDSM theme party tomorrow night, but no one’s given me any details.”

“That party’s Saturday night,” Kelsey corrected, shaking her head.

“Saturday?” I said in surprise, “I’m only supposed to be here two nights.”

“I don’t know anything about that, maybe talk to Emilia. We’re headed to her house later this afternoon for training?”


“Yep,” Kelsey said with a nod, “as you can imagine, our schedules are very ‘fluid’ day-to-day. But we all meet at Emilia’s every Thursday for training. Emilia told me to make sure you and me would be on time—I tend to be late to everything. I don’t know why. I try to give myself plenty of time, but something always come up—.”

“—But what’s the training for?” I interjected, trying to get my friend back on topic. She was easily distracted and had a tendency to ramble.

“It’s to make sure we’re always getting better at our jobs,” Kelsey said, “Look, you may find it hard to believe, but being one of Emilia’s girl’s means something to us. There are a ton of hookers out there, tons of competition, so Emilia wants to make sure her girls are the best. We pride ourselves in being the best. That’s why Emilia’s such a stickler for training.

“The training varies, but it’s always good. It can cover anything from learning how to better stimulate someone’s erogenous areas to using the latest wireless toys. Last week Emilia had a therapist come talk to us about techniques we can use to make our clients feel more at ease with us.”

“Wow,” I said, shifting in my seat to better see Kelsey, “I’d never thought about it, but I can see how that could be useful.”

Kelsey nodded, “It’s usually a lot of fun. For the most part, we’re all close friends, so it’s good to get together once a week. I mean sure, there’s always some drama going on, and occasionally spats will break out, but Emilia’s good at stomping that kind of shit out fast. Usually, if two girls aren’t getting along, Emilia will make them sixty-nine each other until they agree to make up.”

“Seriously?” I said in surprise.

“Yeah,” Kelsey said with a laugh to her voice. “It’s hard to stay mad at someone when your tongue is in their twat.”

“…This has to be one of the strangest conversations I’ve ever had,” I said, shaking my head.

Kelsey tilted her head to the side, her eyebrows raised, “Get used to it fast, Nichole, because there’s going to be a lot coming at you this evening. I’ll be by your side the whole time, but it’s going to be overwhelming.”


“Strip please,” Emilia said as soon as I’d entered her office.

“Sorry?” I asked, closing the door behind me.

“I said strip please,” Emilia repeated, pulling her attention from her computer screen to meet my eyes. “I need to see exactly what I’m working with here.”

“You saw me starkers last week,” I protested.

Emilia sighed and pursed her lips as she stared at me. She wasn’t a woman who was accustomed to someone pushing back. The older woman was more handsome that beautiful, but she had an intimidating demeanor about her that was hard to ignore.

“Fine,” I said, setting my knapsack on the floor. I kicked off my flip-flops and quickly removed my clothes. I was growing more and more comfortable being naked in front of others, but the piercings still made me feel self-conscious.

Emilia stood and came around her desk, her eyes going to piercings in my nipples and navel. “How are they healing?” She asked, pointing her index finger at me in a circular motion.

“Well, I think. But I still have to be careful to be gentle with them.”

Emilia gave a curt nod as she continued her inspection. “Alright, Nichole,” she began, sitting on the corner of her desk. “You impressed me last week at the party. You showed me you’re not a novice. But there’s still a lot you need to learn and do in order to operate at the level I expect out of my girl’s.”

“I see,” I said, my mind whirring with a thousand thoughts. I really only wanted to dip my toe in the water, but it was obvious that Emilia was going to require me to be all-in or all-out.

“As I’m sure you’re aware, I’ve spoken at length with Catherine, and we both agree that while you’ll be the primary girl for Global Medical clientele, there are going to be clients that are looking for something different than a short, white girl with an English accent.” Emilia paused, but when I didn’t speak, and probably seeing my confusion, she continued. “Some guys want their girl to be taller, some want more curves, some want exotic, some want redheads, some want older, some want younger, so we have to be ready to provide whatever’s requested.”

Emilia studied me in silence for a long moment, seemingly in deep thought. “It’s funny how things work out,” she finally said, “I have a girl named Victoria who’s gone out with your boss on a number of occasions in the past, but he never took her to bed. He only wanted a date. Then sometime after Halloween, he stopped calling on her. I tried on a number of occasions to talk to Morgan, but he never took my call. I thought I’d lost a good client, until you land in my lap. So what I’m basically saying is that I intend to make the most of this opportunity. I’m going to provide whatever Global Medical clientele are looking for, which means it won’t always be you that’s called on.”

“Oh,” I said, understanding her point.

“But that doesn’t mean I won’t use you elsewhere,” Emilia picked back up. “You’ll need a lot of development, but I think you’ve got what it takes to be one of my girls.”

“Development?” I asked, feeling a growing anxiety grow in my bowels. The woman was extraordinarily blunt, but for some reason, I felt a stab of pride at her assessment that I could be good enough to be considered one of her girls. It was a stupid notion, and I shouldn’t have felt the way I did, but for some inexplicable reason, I enjoyed the praise.

“Yes,” Emilia said, getting up and taking a step closer. She was a head taller than me and made me feel small as she walked a slow circle around me. “We need to develop your call-girl persona. Right now you’re a gifted amateur, but we need you to be an elite-level escort. To steal a phrase guys typically use, you’re about to join the ‘big league’. You’ve taken the steps you thought were right, and I’ll admit you’ve made some progress, but there’s a lot more to do.”

“Such as?” I asked, unable to quell my curiosity.

“To start,” Emilia said, touching her lower lip with her index finger. “You need a call-girl name. You look like a Brooklyn to me... and I see Brooklyn as being a conservative businesswoman on the outside, but a naughty whore on the inside.” Emilia laughed. “Probably not too much of a stretch for you.” Emilia reached out and gently squeezed my right breast. She then took a lock of my hair between her fingers. “But Brooklyn would have much larger breasts—at least a double D-cup if not a bit larger. You look to have the core strength to support them.

“You’ll need to continue to grow out your hair. Let’s say long enough to reach your bellybutton. I thought about having you cut it very short, but I think more men will appreciate the longer hair. Your hair is very thick, but we still may need to add in some extensions—and I see Brooklyn as having blonde hair.”

“Blonde,” I gasped, touching my hair with my hand, “I don’t know about that. Especially a boob job, that’s not a small thing.”

“No, they won’t be,” Emilia said, her tone snarky. “Brooklyn is basically a pornstar stuffed into business attire.” Emilia’s tone then took on a more serious tone, “If this isn’t for you, so be it. That’s your decision of course. I only want girls that want to be here and are willing to do what’s asked of them. I think you have the potential, and I think a partnership with Global Medical is a win-win, but I don’t have the time or the inclination to try and convince you of something you’re reluctant to do.”

“I understand,” I said hesitantly, “I had no idea this was going to be asked of me, so I need time to consider.”

Emilia gave me another long, considering look, “Listen Brooklyn,” she began, using the new name, “let Kelsey introduce you to the other women. Take a few minutes and get to know them, ask them questions, and then let’s talk again Sunday.”

“That sounds reasonable,” I said.

“Good,” Emilia said, returning to sit behind her desk. “I try not to schedule service calls on Thursday nights, so you’re free after this evening’s training. You’re welcome to stay in the guest wing if you’d like, or if you want to find your own accommodations, that works, too. As far as the rest of the week goes, you have a job on Friday night, and then of course the party Saturday night. I’ll text you the information, and Kelsey will give you the details.

“I’m going to send you out as a pair Friday night, since it’ll be your first time. This is one of her regular clients, so it will be a good learning experience for you. But pay attention because next week you’ll be on your own, understood?”

I nodded, feeling awkward again in my nudity. Emilia glanced at my clothes, and I took that as her cue to dress. I’d intended to ask Emilia about having to stay an extra night, but for some reason, I felt like I didn’t have a choice. My thoughts shifted instead to how I was going to tell Ky.

I felt light-headed as I left Emilia’s office. It was a lot to take in. The truth was that I’d been thinking a lot about breast enhancement surgery lately, but I’d only ever considered going up a single cup size or so. I would have never dared to up to a double D-cup.

As I walked down the corridor to meet up with Kelsey, I looked down at my chest and imagined what it would feel like to have very large breasts. Part of me wished I found the idea of Emilia’s proposal abhorrent, but I knew in my heart that what she was offering sounded exciting. It made my pulse race just thinking about it. It was wrong on so many levels, but so titillating and desirable at the same time.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by mundyman » Tue Apr 19, 2022 5:46 pm

I definitely LOVE where this is headed.
Let’s see. Ky and Nichole haven’t seen each other for a week or three because of their busy schedules,
They finally set a meeting at a bar, or hotel, or restaurant,
And Ky doesn’t recognize his wife because she has become the blonde haired, big tit, bimbo slut that was always trying to get out.
And then the fun begins.
And how is Nichole treated when she gets back to HQ after all of her changes and enhancements? When she can no longer hide from her workmates what she has truly become?
And why do I sense Catherine and Emilia are in this together as they make the physical changes necessary to turn Nichole into an elite level whore. To debase Nichole, as Catherine removes her as the threat to her professional ambitions while Nichole is left to just live the whore’s life.
Of course Double-d breasts are just the beginning. There will be the bee stung dick sucking lips to add, perhaps hip and butt enhancements, and…………
Oh the possibilities are endless.
And yes thank you, I do have quite the pervy mind.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Tue Apr 19, 2022 6:11 pm

Started to read this by myself earlier. The better half came out on the balcony and saw what I was reading. Demanded I wait until we could enjoy the latest chapter together. Good god, I'm glad I waited. Thank you Ky, for a wonderful Tuesday evening. Dick's wet, pussy's oozing.
Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by starman2 » Wed Apr 20, 2022 6:13 am

Wow big changes it looks like for hotwife nichole, sure hubby will be bold over with howmuch his wife is changing into a a wild sexy hotwife ,another great chapter from you ky , its been a joy reading your story

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by JustWantToWatch » Wed Apr 20, 2022 6:18 am

Incredible chapter!!

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by veub » Wed Apr 20, 2022 11:00 am

They're going to have her get breast implants? For all but the most gentle physical activity - you have to wait about 6 or 7 weeks after surgery and I don't think her normal activities are going to be gentle. And she is going to be in this long enough for her hair to reach her navel? I guess hooking is now her long term career goal.

This story illustrates one of the things I don't understand about cuckolding. They really don't have a marriage under any normal definition. She spends no real time with him. They share nothing except stories about her sexual encounters. They have nothing "together" that is private between them. At best their life is like long distance friends. She is certainly more "together" with Wade than with him. All they really have in common is his craving for humiliation and her eagerness to satisfy it.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by mundyman » Wed Apr 20, 2022 2:41 pm

veub wrote:
Wed Apr 20, 2022 11:00 am
They're going to have her get breast implants? For all but the most gentle physical activity - you have to wait about 6 or 7 weeks after surgery and I don't think her normal activities are going to be gentle. And she is going to be in this long enough for her hair to reach her navel? I guess hooking is now her long term career goal.

This story illustrates one of the things I don't understand about cuckolding. They really don't have a marriage under any normal definition. She spends no real time with him. They share nothing except stories about her sexual encounters. They have nothing "together" that is private between them. At best their life is like long distance friends. She is certainly more "together" with Wade than with him. All they really have in common is his craving for humiliation and her eagerness to satisfy it.
I would think that’s the point. We see that they are being pulled apart in almost every way, but they are too turned on and into the excitement of how her changes, and her activities, are affecting each of them that THEY can’t see the danger. Until it's TOO late, or almost TOO late…..


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by OOAA » Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:26 am

HOT chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

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