To the Edge and Back

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To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Mon Mar 08, 2021 12:54 pm

Hey all, it’s been a while since I’ve posted on here and a lot has happened in my personal life. I’m sorry I suddenly disappeared last year, but things were spinning out of control and we had to make some changes. The Readers Digest version is that we ended things permanently with Wade (our bull so to speak). It was emotionally harder than I would have imagined, but it was necessary. Wade is no longer part of our lives. I wish I could say the same for the cuckold vice, but, well, fuck, I’d be lying if I did say it. Once a cuck always a cuck I guess. That said, I reached an agreement with my wife that I could post on this site as long as it was in the fictional library side. Maybe I’ll be able to update on our personal lives, but as for now, we’re just living a plain-Jane, vanilla lifestyle. Seriously, it’s all I can do just to keep up with two rapidly growing boys. I only have time to write right now because my wife took the boys to the beach for the afternoon.

A lot of cuckold stories only go so far, but through the last few years of experiencing some ‘interesting’ events myself, I’ve found that the bottom of the well is much deeper than I ever had imagined. This story is a slow burn, so fair warning to those that want to get right to the juicy parts. It’s also going to explore the seedier side of this kink, so again fair warning. I like a happy ending, so I’ll give up that much, but often times we have to go through one hell of a rollercoaster ride to find our happy ending… unless you pay extra for such things…

Chapter 01
I stepped through the threshold of our new home and was met by an unfamiliar smell wafting from the kitchen. It wasn’t terrible, but it didn’t exactly put the tastebuds to watering mode either. Stepping into the kitchen, I found my wife standing in front of the stove, her back towards me. She was wearing her ear buds and bobbing her head to a beat I couldn’t hear. I couldn’t help but pause at the kitchen door and admire the view. My wife, Nichole, Is short at only an inch over five-feet tall. She has dark, chestnut colored hair that hangs just past her shoulders, it’s thick, lustrous, and I can’t help but feel a deep urge to run my fingers through it. Nichole’s ass is pert and firm, a result of significant time spent running in the early morning hours.

Setting my computer bag on the floor, I stepped up behind her and wrapped her into my arms. The smell of her shampoo filled my nose. I felt her tense under my arms until she realized it was me.

“Ky,” she said with a start, “You scared the shite out of me!” her English accent sharper than usual from the surprise.

“Sorry,” I said, looking over her shoulder to see what was cooking on the stove. “Beans? We’re having beans for dinner?”

Nichole nodded, “Beans and toast,” she said, twisting away from my grip to go to the refrigerator. “It’s been ages and I guess I’ve been feeling nostalgic.”

“Missing home?” I asked, leaning against the counter next to the stove.

Nichole shook her head as she removed a stock of broccoli from the refrigerator, “This is my home now, Ky,” she said matter-of-factly. “But missing mum and dad a bit, yeah.”

“I know, I’m sorry. As soon as this whole COVID thing blows over, we’ll go,” I said, eyeing the beans in the pot. I knew beans and toast was something the in-laws ate with some frequency, but I never could understand why anyone would eat it if there was literally anything else available.

I watched my wife prepare the vegetables, carefully chopping the green stocks and placing them into a glass bowl. Damn she’s beautiful, I thought to myself. I need to make sure I tell her that more often. We’ve been married for two years now, and things were good. My wife, originally from the UK, had come to the States to study at the University of San Diego, and somehow I’d been lucky enough to convince her to marry me. Although, if I’m honest, I’ve always felt that one day she would wake up and realize she could have done so much better.

I looked around the kitchen and out into the family room of our new home. To say it was spartan would be generous. The house was basically empty except for a bed, a kitchen table, and a few chairs. We’d been living on the cheap and saving every cent for the down payment on our home, and we only had the stuff we’d brought from our apartment, which was to say, not much.

Nichole placed two plates onto our second-hand table, and I took my seat. The old wooden chair purchased from Goodwill groaned as it took my weight. I looked glumly at the meager meal.

“Oh, don’t look like that, it’s good,” said Nichole, taking her own seat.

I sighed and picked up my fork, my vision wandering from my plate to my wife’s chest. She didn’t have massive breasts, but they fit well-enough in my hands, and they were perfectly shaped. But it wasn’t the size of her breasts that had drawn my attention as much as it was her nipples. They were poking up from inside her shirt, and I couldn’t help but smirk. She had amazingly large nipples, and when they were erect, there was no bra in the world that could keep them concealed.

Noticing my gaze, Nichole looked down at her chest, “Oh bother,” she said, noticing what had drawn my attention. She pressed her fingers against one of her nipples in an attempt to flatten it down, but it seemed to have the opposite effect.

“Yes, please keep doing that,” I said wryly.

Nichole rolled her eyes and dropped her hand from her breast, “You’re an incorrigible prat, you know that, right?”

I shrugged and laughed but pulled my attention back to the meal and began to eat. Beans and toast really wasn’t that bad, but I wasn’t going to say so for fear of encouraging more beans and toast dinners.

A red envelope on the table caught my attention and I reached over to pick it up, “What’s this?” I asked opening the letter.

“An invite to the neighbor’s this weekend,” Nichole answered, looking slightly in the direction of the neighbors to our south. “It’s a pool party in their garden.”

“Mr. and Mrs. Marcus and Rachel Scott cordially invite Mr. and Mrs. Ky and Nichole Ryan to an outdoor barbeque and swim party this Saturday…” I laughed as I looked at the cartoonish picture of people swimming and frolicking about. “Our neighbors have an interesting sense of humor.” I said as I looked up from the invitation, “Are we going?”

“Of course we are,” Nichole said, seemingly surprised that it was even a question. “Rachel popped in this morning to give me that,” she pointed at the letter, “and I already committed us—no more living like hermits. I need to get out of this house.”

“Their backyard is like little Disneyland,” I admitted, resigned to the loss of my Saturday. I’d have to cancel my tee time, but the neighbor’s pool would be nice to relax in, and Rachel was easy on the eyes even if she was twenty years older than us.

Nichole’s brow rose but then immediately fell, “I need a new swim costume, but we didn’t budget for it this month.”

I rolled my eyes at her panic at spending unbudgeted money, but I’ve always been grateful for her frugality. “We’re fine, as long as I’m the one that gets to pick it out. And it’s called a swimsuit, not a swim costume.”

“It’s not a suit, a suit is something you wear to the office.”

“Well it’s not a costume, that’s something you wear for Halloween.”

Nichole ignored my last comment and picked her phone up from the table, “And I’ll pick it out, thank you. You’ll pick out something expensive and immodest, and I don’t need the neighbors thinking I’m some sort of slagging tart.”

“Nope,” I said, snatching the phone from his wife’s small hand. “If we’re buying you an unbudgeted luxury item, then I at least get to pick it out.”

Nichole tried in vain to get her phone back, but to no avail, “Fine,” she sighed in defeat. “But it bloody better be modest”

“Oh, I love it when you threaten me,” I teased and began to scroll through the Amazon app. “I probably should buy you something that looks like a potato sack to keep Marcus from staring, but damn I want to see you in something sexy.”

“Ky,” Nichole whined with a pout.

“You agreed to the party without asking me if I wanted to go, and we’re buying you a new suit, so I get to pick out what you’ll wear.”

“Fine,” Nichole said, unconsciously covering her protruding nipples with her forearm. “I suddenly have a bad feeling about this.”


“I am not bloody wearing this!”

I winced as I heard my wife shout from behind the bathroom door. I had purposefully made her wait until a few minutes before the party started before I gave her the new swimsuit, wanting to make sure she didn’t have time to find another option.

“It’ll be fine,” I said for the fifth time. “I promise it’s not as risqué as you think it is.”

Nichole had been in the bathroom for nearly half an hour, and we were going to be more than fashionably late if we didn’t get going. I was about to speak when the bathroom door suddenly swung open.

My eyes immediately landed on his wife, “Fuck me,” I said in a gasp. The bikini barely covered her at all, but it instantly had an effect on me. “Holy fucking shit—you look amazing.”

Nichole’s fiery look softened, seemingly nullified by the lustful look she saw in my eyes. “You really like it?” she said hesitantly.

“God yes,” I said in a hoarse whisper. “Please wear it. I’ll do the dishes for a month.”

Nichole shook her head and laughed, her thick hair running over her shoulders as she did, “I like how it makes you look at me,” she admitted, moving towards our shared dresser drawers. Pulling out one of my tee shirts, she pulled it over her form, the hem of the shirt falling well past her waist. “I’ll wear it once, but I’m covering up with this until we get in the pool,” she said, pulling at the tee shirt that now covered her slight frame.

I nodded and reached down to adjust myself through my shorts. I couldn’t wait to see my wife in the pool, and the thought of Marcus seeing my nearly naked wife filled me with a wave of lust. I inhaled deeply and let my breath out slowly as my wife walked towards the front door. I’ve felt lustful for my wife before, but this was something new, something unlike anything I’d ever felt before. It was like an intense fire had suddenly come to life deep in my core.

Shaking myself, I picked up our shared backpack and followed my wife to the neighbors.

Rachel opened the door and energetically invited us inside. I always pegged the woman to be in her mid-forties, she was average height and had a lot of stereotypical southern California traits such as blond hair, deeply tanned skin, and large breasts. And while she may have carried a couple of extra pounds on her hips, she was still quite beautiful. Rachal looked as if she wanted to embrace Nichole but then suddenly stopped, “I’m sorry,” the older woman said, “I’m a hugger by nature, but I’m trying to remember that we’re still in the middle of a pandemic and some people are uncomfortable with that.”

“Nichole’s not uncomfortable because of the pandemic, it’s because she’s British,” I said jokingly, but my attempt at humor went over like a lead balloon. I barely got an eyeroll from my wife. Nichole ended the awkwardness and gave Rachel a quick embrace.

Just then Marcus appeared from the back of the house, “Please, come in. Thank you so much for coming. We’re excited to get to know you better,” Marcus said warmly, shaking my hand and gesturing towards the large glass sliding door to their backyard.

Like his wife, Marcus’ skin was well-tanned. His hair was black, heavily streaked with gray and looked several months overdue for a trim. His beard was similarly colored with a solid mix of black and gray, but his face still held a youthful look. I had only spoken to the man a couple times, each time a brief but cordial social formality. He was about the same height as me at just shy of six feet, but he looked to be a lot more fit than I was. That’s what you get when you can spend the day exercising and sitting around your pool and don’t have to spend the day sitting in front of a desk, I thought, sucking in my gut a little and standing up straighter.

I’d spied over the fence on a number of occasions to get a better look at their back yard, but stepping through the sliding door, I was more impressed than I’d thought I would be. Fuck it was nice. It had a massive custom-built pool, complete with a waterfall and slide around the edge, impressive lighting, and an enormous hot tub. A new Rec Tec grill sat off to the side, smoke and heat venting into the air from the vent stack.

“Whoa,” I exclaimed as I looked around. “Very nice Marcus.”

“Thanks,” Marcus smiled as he handed me a beer. “Believe it or not, we actually started with a backyard that looked something like yours about twenty years ago. It’s been a lot of work, but we enjoy it.”

I felt my wife gently poke my side, “So is this what our garden will look like someday?”

I guffawed, “Not likely, I can barely keep the lawnmower going to cut the grass”

Rachel reached out and touched my forearm, “You can borrow Marcus’ anytime. That’s what the previous owners did.”

“You knew them well?” I asked. I didn’t really care to know, but it was an easy topic of conversation.

“Oh yes,” Rachel exclaimed, “Don and Lisa are our oldest friends. We both bought in this tract when it was first established, and their kids were over here so often that we had that gate installed between our yards for easier access. We miss them terribly.”

I looked at the wooden fence that separated our yards. The hinges were on this side and so it was easy to spot. From our yard I’d never even noticed it was there. One of the features that had grabbed our attention when we bought our home was that our back yard felt very secluded. In fact, as I looked around, I realized that our two yards together formed a miniature compound. We could see into our neighbor’s yard, and they could see into ours, but no one else was able to look in.

We sat at a round, stone table on the patio. The day was warming quickly but the shade structure overhead effectively blocked out the heat of the sun. The sound of the pool’s waterfall was soothing background noise.

“And now you have us living next door, how disappointing,” I said after a moment, trying to make sure I laced enough sarcasm in the words to not come off as an ass. Marcus chuckled which I appreciated, even if it was a pity laugh.

“Nah, change is good, isn’t it, Rach,” Marcus prodded his wife.

“Certainly—of course. I didn’t mean to imply—,”

“You didn’t,” Nichole interjected, quick to avoid someone’s feelings from being hurt. “My husband has a tendency to make daft comments at times… most of the time.”

Rachel and Marcus both laughed heartily at that.

“Well, we’re both happy you’re here,” Rachel beamed. Her attention moved towards me, “Nichole told me this was your first home purchase, so congratulations. I’m sure you’ll love the neighborhood.”

I nodded, “It is, and we already love it here,” I said. “I grew up in Long Beach in a very similar neighborhood, so it already feels like home to me, but it’s a big change for Nichole.”

“The house is enormous,” my wife quickly added, “but it’s nice not having a common wall like you do in terraced houses.”

“Okay, help a guy out here,” Marcus spoke up. “First, I’m curious, what part of England are you from, and what’s a terraced house?”

Nichole took a sip of her beer, which surprised me, she wasn’t a fan of American beer, so I took it as a good sign that she was feeling comfortable. However, I was feeling impatient because I desperately wanted her to lose the tee shirt.

“I was born in Bristol, which is on the western side of England, but I was schooled in Cheltenham, so I spent most of my time there,” Nichole answered, “and a terraced house is like a condominium—all the houses stuck together side-by-side like. My parents live in a house like that.”

“We don’t mean to pepper you with questions, dear,” Rachel said, “but we’re excited to get to know you. Do you mind if I ask how you came here to the US, and how you two met?”

Nichole smiled, seemingly unbothered by the questions, which I found unusual. Part of her British nature was not divulging much personal information with people you didn’t know well. But Marcus and Rachel were so inviting and unassuming that they instantly made me feel welcome. I imagined Nichole was feeling the same way.

“I don’t mind,” Nichole said pleasantly, “The company my father works for needed him for a time in Los Angeles, and since I’d just finished sixth form—that is basically high school—I came with them. I started university here and met Ky in an astronomy class—he was the one always sleeping in the back.”

“Hey!” I protested, “It wasn’t my fault. The class was early Saturday morning, and they kept the class dark so they could show the constellations on the ceiling. I had no chance of staying awake.”

“That’s true,” Nichole admitted, sharing a look with me, “but you have to agree you wouldn’t have passed the class if I hadn’t shared my notes.”

I sighed and thew up my hands, “Fine, I’ll do the dishes again tonight.”

Marcus chuckled and retrieved a couple of more beers from the cooler. “So, your folks live here in California, too?”

Nichole shook her head, “No, they moved back to Bristol about three years ago. My nan was taken ill and needed more care, and my older brothers are all married and having kids, so mum and dad returned. They were missing their grandchildren.”

“They must miss you terribly, too,” said Rachel, and it struck me how sincere the woman was. She wasn’t asking just to ask—just to carry on with a conversation. She truly cared. The realization made me like her a little more.

Nichole shrugged, “I have a complicated relationship with my mum… we do miss each other, but we’re all doing well.”

Rachel smiled, “I can relate to a difficult mother-daughter relationship. Believe me. But it gets better.”

“You mentioned kids earlier,” I asked, curious to know them a little more.

Marcus nodded, “Boy and a girl,” he started, turning the beer bottle in his hands as he held it there between his legs. “Our son, Dwayne, just graduated college. He’s 22, so probably only a year or two younger than you two I’m guessing. And our daughter, Julie, she’s 20, living in Seattle, and well, basically just trying to figure out what she wants in life.”

“You guys must have had your kids early then,” I said without thinking, earning me a warning glare from my wife. But If Marcus or Rachel were bothered by the question, they didn’t show it.

“I grew up a surf bum,” Marcus said, looking lovingly at his wife. “but then I met this hottie one day on the beach and it didn’t take long before she ended up pregnant. It made me grow up quick, but I got lucky and got into brokering commercial real estate. Did that for about ten years and made enough money to basically not have to work that hard anymore.”

“Nice,” I said, an envious pang in my gut at the thought of not having to work anymore, “maybe I need to change career paths.”

Marcus turned to me, “If you’re serious, I could point you in the right direction. But let me warn you that it’s a hard business to get started in. We went for almost three years before I made any money at all. And it’s not like I made a billion dollars. If I’d kept working, we could’ve bought that nice house on the beach—eventually. But we decided we wanted to pursue other things in life, so we moved out here where we could afford more, made some investments, and have had a good life so far.”

Rachel lifted her beer, and with her husband, they clinked the bottle necks together, both seemingly in agreement that life was good. They struck me as a couple that were happy with the choices they’d made.

“Do you still surf?” My wife asked.

“As often as she lets me get away with,” Marcus said, shooting a look to his wife.

Rachael gave an exasperated sigh, “He gets away with it often, I’ll tell you that,” she said, but she didn’t seem truly bothered.

“I’ve always wanted to learn,” Nichole said. She leaned forward and rested her arms on the table.

“Great,” Marcus said, his brow rising, “I’ve got extra boards in the garage, let’s go right now—,”

“—We’re not going surfing right now,” Rachel spoke over her husband. “For one, I’m not fighting the traffic to get down there, and two—”

“—I’m just kidding,” Marcus interrupted his wife. “The swell is way down and the shape’s terrible anyway. But seriously,” Marcus looked at my wife. “I’ll have you surfing like a pro in no time if you want. I love to teach.”

I could tell my wife was extremely interested. We loved going to the beach, but we mostly just played in the waves and sat in the sand. Nichole had always looked out at the surfers and commented how much fun she thought it would be. The thought of Marcus showing her gave me an odd feeling I didn’t understand.

Nichole looked at me briefly before saying, “We’ll talk it over, but I think I’d like that.” She then looked to Rachel and asked. “Do you work?”

“I still run a small beauty salon to keep myself busy,” Rachel said, picking up the conversation. “It more-or-less runs itself, but I still enjoy working there a couple of days a week – or at least I did until the pandemic shut everything down.” Rachel turned towards my wife, “If you need any waxing done, or a manicure, or even laser hair removal for that matter you let me know—I could just bring the equipment home, it’s just sitting there idle now.”

“I wouldn’t want you to go out of your way for—,”

“—Nonsense,” Rachel waved away my wife’s protest, “I find it therapeutic. If you ever want to not have to shave those legs anymore—or other parts,” Rachel said, giving my wife a knowing look, “you just come on over and enjoy the day by the side of the pool while I work—just use the side gate over there and slip on in. I’m always home.”

“I, well, er—uh, maybe” Nichole sputtered, diverting her gaze to the ground.

“I hear you’re an engineer?” Marcus broke in, saving my wife from having to make a commitment.

I shrugged, “I graduated in mechanical engineering, but I still need a couple more years of experience before I qualify to take the PE exam.”

“That’s great,” Marcus said, probably more out of courtesy. I can’t blame him; few find anything interesting about the world of mechanical engineering. “How about you, Nichole?”

“I graduated in international business, but I’m still working odd jobs that pop up,” Nichole explained, “I haven’t found anything solid yet.”

Marcus nodded thoughtfully for a moment, “I know someone that owns a medical equipment company, and he’s always looking for someone capable in the business development side—it involves sales of course, but it might be interesting. I could at least put you in contact with him.”

Nichole looked up in surprise, “That’d be brilliant, thank you.”

I had a selfish thought of how much easier our lives would be if Nichole secured a better paying, steadier job. I quickly pushed the thought aside and thought back to something Marcus had said earlier. Something about the way he’d said ‘other things’ when he was talking about life after real estate had stuck with me. I was about to ask him about it, but before I could speak, Marcus cleared his throat.

“I don’t know about you three, but I’m thinking it’s time to hit the pool,” he said, scooting to the edge of his chair. “We’ve got some time to kill. I’ve got ribs on the smoker, but they’re still a couple hours from being ready.”

Marcus stood and pulled off his shirt, his board shorts riding low on his hips. I had to admit, he was fit, and it made me think that I needed to get more active. I stood and did the same, feeling a little self-conscious at how white and out of shape I was.

“Oh dear, did you forget a swimsuit?” I heard Rachel ask my wife. I looked toward Nichole and could see that she was furiously blushing—which is easy to see on her pale skin.

“No,” Nichole responded quickly, and I swear I could almost see her trying to disappear from sight, pulling into herself. “I’m afraid my swim costume might be a bit inappropriate.”

Marcus barked a laugh, “Skimpy?”

“My twat of a husband picked it out, but it’s the only thing I have at the moment,” Nichole said, her blush deepening even further.

“Well, we don’t want anyone feeling insecure around here—I’ve got an idea,” Marcus said and then quickly disappeared into the house. I thought he might be going to go get one of his wife’s swimsuits. I found the thought extremely disappointing. I’d been waiting all week to see my wife in this suit. But I needn’t have worried.

When Marcus came out, he was wearing a speedo, and it barely kept him contained. He had a massive bulge in front, like he’d stuffed his beer bottle down there. Like a lot of guys, I’ve sneaked a look at the competition out there, stealing a quick glance to see how I compare with others. Usually I’m about average with the crowd, but if the bulge I was seeing was real, I was seriously outclassed in the cock and balls department.

“Marcus,” chided his wife, “I thought I threw that thing away ages ago.”

“You did,” Marcus conceded, smiling, and acting as if his swimsuit was the most comfortable thing in the world. “But I bought another one for just such an occasion as this.”

“I’m so sorry,” Rachel said as she turned to us, “Marcus can be such a child sometimes.”

Nichole shook with laughter, “Our husbands have that in common,” she said, finally standing from her chair.

My heart pounded as I watched my wife pull the tee shirt up and off her body. This was what I had been waiting for. Her perfect breasts bounced and settled into place at they were freed from the cotton shirt, the small patch of black fabric barely large enough to cover the darker skin of her nipples. She looked incredible and I immediately felt my insides begin to stir.

“Very good young lady,” Marcus said in a ridiculous English accent, the tension effectively broken. Without skipping a beat, Marcus sprinted to the pool and launched himself in. It wasn’t long before the rest of us followed.

The water was a perfect temperature and felt amazing. It felt so good to float and not think about work for a few minutes. My eyes wandered towards my wife who was doing a good job of keeping everything below her shoulders submerged below the water. After a time, Marcus pulled himself out and sat on the edge of the pool, his legs dangling into the water. The position put his crotch more-or-less at eye level, and I couldn’t help but steel a glance once in a while. The small speedo did nothing to hide what he was packing. Surprisingly, my wife moved next to me and sat up on one of the steps, exposing her upper half to us. I was sporting a serious hardon, but at least I was wearing some baggy shorts.

We continued to talk the afternoon away, dipping in and out of the pool, enjoying an incredible tasty lunch, and genuinely enjoying each other’s company. Even my wife looked like she was feeling at ease and had stopped trying to cover herself with her arms. Then something happened that I’d later understand was a tipping point in my life.

While we were all sitting on the edge of the pool, I noticed my wife steeling glances at Marcus’ cock when she thought no one was looking. Not only that, but her nipples were plainly visible through the small amount of material that covered her breasts. They were hard and standing up for all to see. Luckily, she didn’t seem to notice. Seeing this made something inside me flare to life. The new feeling I’d experienced earlier exploded tenfold. An image of Marcus fucking my wife suddenly appeared in my mind and I felt my heart begin to beat more intensely.

After a moment, I shook the thought away. It was the oddest thing. I both wanted the thought to go away and I didn’t. Entertaining the thought was tantalizing and made something seriously primal stir inside me, but it also flipped another switch that flooded my system with angst and anxiety. The flood of emotions swirled together and seemed to give life to something new inside me, something I instinctively knew at some level was dangerous, and yet so powerful that I was helpless to force it away.

We had only planned to say until the middle of the afternoon, but everyone had enjoyed the day so much that we didn’t go home until well after the sun had set. Nichole and I were both tired and a little sunburnt, despite numerous sunscreen applications throughout the day. But when we laid down in bed, we fucked like we were on our honeymoon. It had been a long time since we’d gone after each other with that kind of intensity.

“I guess you had a good time then,” I said, taking deep breath and exhaling loudly.

“As you did,” Nichole said, still breathing hard herself.

“So, what’d you think?” I asked, a little coyly.

“About?” Nichole said, not giving any ground. She was going to make me say it. Fine.

“I saw you looking,” I pushed a little more.

“At?” Nichole said.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head in the dark room. This was going to go on all night unless I just came out with it.

“Our well-endowed neighbor,” I said.

“Don’t talk rubbish,” Nichole said, and I couldn’t tell if she was joking or serious.

“Oh, come on,” I chided. “Even I looked.”

“Maybe you’re gay and you’re only now realizing it,” my wife said, saying it so straight that I was still unsure if she was playing or not. I was fairly sure she was, but I still had this nagging doubt.

“I don’t think so, somebody would have told me that by now,” I said, trying to match the same dry delivery as my wife. She at least laughed at the comment.

“I don’t think that’s something someone else tells you, Ky.”

“Even so, I know you noticed. I saw you looking, just admit it.”

After a long moment of silence, Nichole snorted a laugh, “Fine, I looked—once.”

“Uh huh,” I said, “only once. Whatever… you were probably imagining him with you in bed tonight.”

“Ky Blaine Ryan,” Nichole almost shouted as she sat up, “You bleeding wanker. I can’t believe you just said that.”

I held up my hands, palms up, “Sorry, I was just teasing,” I said quickly. “I didn’t mean anything by it. I was just curious if you were wondering what sex might feel like with a cock that big.”

“Ky, we had a nice day, why are you trying to start a row?”

“I’m seriously not trying to pick a fight,” I said, “didn’t you and your girlfriends ever talk about that kind of stuff in school?”

“What, about bloke’s knobs?” when I nodded she said, “No, we were too busy playing with each other’s pussies.”

I couldn’t help it. The way she said it made me break out in laughter. “There’s my happy thought,” I said as I laid back onto the bed.

“Ugh, you probably are thinking about that, aren’t you?” Nichole said, a slight tone of exasperation in her voice.

“Oh yeah,” I admitted, “You already told me about your little fling with Emilia when you were a teenager, so I know you’re not lying.”

“I’m never telling you anything again,” Nichole said seriously, but there was no venom in her words.

“I could buy a dildo on Amazon that’s about Marcus’ size, and we could try that one night,” I suggested.

“…I can’t believe you just said that,” my wife said, and I could tell she was trying to suppress a laugh.

“Why?” I asked, “Maybe we’re too sexually inhibited. We have kind of gotten into a routine. A dildo, or one of the bunny vibrators might be a good thing.”

“It’s called a rabbit,” my wife corrected me, “but keep in mind that whatever you try on me, I’m going to try on you.”

“Fuck that,” I said immediately. “No way a dildo’s going inside of me – that’s an exit only.”

“You’re sounding awfully defensive,” Nichole said, “maybe you were the one imagining Marcus’ cock up your hole.”

I laughed. Fucking woman was good at turning an argument around. “I can guarantee that I wasn’t thinking about that… can I tell you something?”

Nichole turned to her side to look at me, “Of course,” she said, her tone serious. She seemed to pick up on my change in mood.

“I had the craziest image flash into my brain today,” I confessed. I didn’t really want to make the confession, but at the same time I felt some odd compulsion to do so, “When we were at the pool, I had this vision Marcus fucking you with that monster cock, and it made me feel something so strange.”

A long silence hung in the air, and I immediately wished I could take back the comment. When my wife finally spoke, her voice was timid and quiet. “You want me to have sex with our neighbor?”

“Oh god no,” I said quickly. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it that way. It was just the strangest feeling. I probably should keep it to myself, sorry,” I apologized again.

“It’s fine,” Nichole reassured. “I’d rather you tell me what you’re thinking, even if it is barking.”

I chuckled, “Yeah, alright.”

A silence fell between us for a moment, and then Nichole asked, “You think we’ve gotten to be sexually boring?”

I suddenly nervousness hit me as I heard the question. “Not exactly,” I said after a minute. “I love nothing more than making love to you, I just think I could somehow do more to please you – I want you to have mind-bending orgasms that make you scream with pleasure.”

“I think you watched too much porn as a child,” Nichole said, a touch of sarcasm in her voice.

“Actually, I watched very little,” I admitted. “It just wasn’t my thing.”

“Well, that’s probably good then, yeah… listen,” Nichole prompted, “If you’re looking for something exciting right now, I’ve got an idea.”

“I’m all ears,” I responded quickly.

“I need to teach you how to properly go down on me,” Nichole said candidly.

“What?” I sputtered, “I thought I had that down. You’ve never complained about it.”

I could see her shoulder’s shrug in the dim streetlight coming through the window, “You’re not bad, but you’re a bloke and so you’re too rough most of the time.”

“I’m yours to teach mistress,” I said teasingly.

“Ugh, that makes me feel like I’m back in boarding school,” Nichole said, moving closer to my side.

“Sorry,” I said. An idea came to me but once my brain had a moment to consider it, I suddenly found myself too embarrassed to ask. It didn’t take my observant wife but a moment to notice.

“What is it, you don’t want to?”

“No,” I blurted. “I want to—it’s just that. I, well, can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“Can I shave it before we start?” I asked nervously. She’d always kept the small strip well-trimmed, but I’d always wanted to experience her pussy bare.

Nichole giggled at the suggestion, “Are you mental?” she teased. “I’ll look like a prepubescent schoolgirl.”

“Fuck no you won’t,” I said, picking her up off the bed and taking some initiative to hide my embarrassment. She laughed as I carried her towards the tub and flipped on the lights to the bathroom.

I set her down on the edge of the tub and drew the water to the right temperature. It was slightly awkward as we both fit ourselves into the tub. Earlier our love had been passionate and without thought or practice. This felt a little clinical, but still erotic in a different sort of way.

“How do we want to do this?” I asked, fumbling with the razor in my hand.

Nichole stood from the tub and placed a towel on the tiled edge. She then sat down and opened her legs to me, giving me a perfect view of her lips. With the lights on the bathroom, and sitting only a foot away from her, I’d never had such a perfect view of her sex.

I ran my finger over the tuft of pubic hair, “god you’re beautiful,” I whispered. I felt her run her fingers through my hair and my anxiousness faded.

She gestured towards the soap and I handed it to her. She then ran it over her lower lips thoroughly, leaving the area covered with a layer of white suds. I lifted the razor and gently touched it to her skin.

“Gentle,” she said in whimper.

I made a light but even stroke across the flesh and felt the blade of the razor do it’s intended work. It only took a few passes and my wife was soon smooth and bare. I used the water from the tub to rinse the soap away and the sight of her vagina made my cock feel as hard as steel. Her lips were tight together and the skin was glistening from the overhead lights.

I moved forward and was about to take her pussy into my mouth when I felt her fingers tighten in my hair, stopping me from reaching her.

“Stick out your tongue,” she said, and I immediately complied, “and flatten it like you’re going to lick an ice cream cone… good… now, lightly lick me from bottom to top.”

I did as instructed and was pleased by the sound of her sharp inhalation as my tongue lightly met her pussy. I pressed my tongue against her and immediately felt the rebuke of her tapping fingers against my head. “Not yet, be gentle.”

Again, I did as I was told, keeping my touch light, and flatly licking the surface of her pussy. I was rewarded with a heavy sigh as Nichole leaned back and supported herself on her elbow. After several minutes, I felt her fingers wind into my hair again and pull me ever so slightly towards her core.

“Suck on my lip,” she instructed, pulling me a touch to the side. I opened my mouth and took her lip into my mouth and sucked, trying to be as gentle as I could. After a minute I felt her move me to the other side, and so I followed her lead and switched lips. This went on for several minutes before I felt her pull me into her opening. “Go a little deep and tease my clit when you get to the top,” my wife said, her voice growing more harried. “I’m not going to like this, but you have to keep teasing me. Don’t let me orgasm right away… pause sometimes and let me come down a bit. The higher you let me climb, the better the orgasm will be.”

Fuck I’d wished she’d told me this stuff when we’d first gotten married. I could have been mastering these techniques all this time. But I couldn’t fault her entirely. It takes a while to find that comfort level where you can talk more openly.

I continued to lick and to tease, and as the minutes passed, I could feel her becoming wetter and wetter. Her breathing becoming faster and more frantic. Several times I felt her get close and then backed off, each time provoking a cry of frustration. I could do this all day I thought with pride. I did it several more times until she finally cried out, “That’s enough Ky, stop teasing and let me cum.”

I happily obeyed and assaulted her clit with my tongue. She pulled my head in forcefully with both hands. I felt her thighs tighten around my head as she squeezed her legs together. Her orgasm started small but crescendoed rapidly. Her eyes were clamped shut, and I felt her body convulse and twitch. I heard a strangled cry until she bit her lower lip and moaned against her closed lips.

“Yeah, yeah, stop,” Nichole cried, pushing my head away frantically. “…too sensitive—stop.”

I felt a surge of pride, “Better?” I asked.

She gave me a tired smile but only nodded. I picked her up and carried her to bed. What a day.


A week passed before Marcus caught me in front of the house as I was coming home from work. He wore his usual lose-fitting board shorts, no shirt, and Reefs flip-flops.

“They’re still making you go into the office despite the pandemic,” Marcus asked as he approached.

I closed the door to my Toyota Landcruiser and manually locked it. The Landcruiser’s a work in progress. I keep meaning to do more restoration, but as my every-day-vehicle, I end up spending all my money just to keep it maintained and running.

I shook Marcus’ outstretched hand, “Yeah, the boss is really old-school and doesn’t think we’re as productive working from home.”

“At least it gets you out of the house,” Marcus commented. “I think our wives are both going a little stir-crazy.”

“Not you though?” I asked.

Marcus shook his head, “Nah, as long as I can surf in the morning, I’m great. I haven’t had to go to an office in years—oh, before I forget,” he suddenly said, handing me a card, “I spoke with my contact about the potential job for Nichole.”

I took the card and looked at the name, Morgan Shultz, President CEO, Global Medical, Inc. “Thanks Marcus,” I said, putting the card into my shirt chest pocket—yes, next to the calculator I carry there.

“Happy to,” Marcus replied, “Understand, it’s not a guaranteed job, just an opening for a potential interview. I’ve known Morgan for years. He used to surf with me, but his business has exploded, and he stays pretty dedicated to it?

I nodded my appreciation, “No, this is perfect. Nichole’s just looking for a shot. This is great, thanks.”

“More than welcome,” Marcus said warmly. He was about to turn away but paused, “Oh, one more thing,” he said, looking towards our house, “tell your wife to please come over and use the pool during the day. Rachel would love the company, and we feel awful knowing Nichole’s just hanging out by herself in there all day.”

I smiled and nodded, “I’ll do that,” I agreed.

“Yeah, just tell her to use the side gate. Don’t even worry about knocking—just come over. And that goes for you, too.”

“Thanks again,” I said and got a sharp nod from Marcus in return.

I don’t know why, but the image of Marcus fucking my wife jumped into my head again as I watched him walk back to his house. The thought of my wife slipping through the secrete gate in the back yard and going to their house for sex sent a thrill tingling through my groin. Unlike the last time the image came into my mind, I didn’t chase the thought away as quickly. I let it stay a while.

Taking the few steps to the front door, I paused and let my daydream play through, seeing my wife’s legs straddling Marcus’ waist as he pushed his impressive girth into my wife’s tight canal. I felt my heart race at the thought, and I let myself enjoy the sensation for a moment. It took a lot more willpower, but I eventually pushed the thought away and let the image go, or at least tried to. The image stubbornly stayed with me, like it’d been permanently seared into my brain.

Clearing my mind, my thoughts returned to my wife. She really had been cooped up in the house since we’d moved in, and I knew she was lonely. It would be good for her to connect with Rachel during the day, even if it was just for a little gossip and swimming.

2 Bit Whore
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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by veub » Mon Mar 08, 2021 6:03 pm

Ky_Da wrote:
Tue Oct 06, 2020 7:23 am
I going to try like hell not to come back to this site, it’s too much of a trigger and I know it’ll just ramp up those lustful emotions and put me right back on the path. I’ve got a beautiful family that I need to focus on and not let my fantasies derail something so amazing. I need to do better. I need to be better. It feels like this world is on fire right now, and I need to make sure my family is the strongest it possibly can be, so that’s where I will put 100 percent of my time and energy.
Just one drink.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Mon Mar 08, 2021 6:09 pm

veub wrote:
Mon Mar 08, 2021 6:03 pm
Ky_Da wrote:
Tue Oct 06, 2020 7:23 am
I going to try like hell not to come back to this site, it’s too much of a trigger and I know it’ll just ramp up those lustful emotions and put me right back on the path. I’ve got a beautiful family that I need to focus on and not let my fantasies derail something so amazing. I need to do better. I need to be better. It feels like this world is on fire right now, and I need to make sure my family is the strongest it possibly can be, so that’s where I will put 100 percent of my time and energy.
Just one drink.
... yeah. Fuck. Reading that hits me like a punch to the gut.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by hairyhead » Mon Mar 08, 2021 7:38 pm

I'll give you ten out of ten for the beans on toast. Nearly all Brits abroad long for beans on toast.

But five out of ten for the swimming costume. We would refer to it as a swim suit or a cozzie (short for costume) but not a swimming costume. 😁

2 Bit Whore
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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Open2it » Tue Mar 09, 2021 2:16 am

Welcome back Ky. It’s great to see you writing again.


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by wannabecUKold » Tue Mar 09, 2021 7:19 am

hairyhead wrote:
Mon Mar 08, 2021 7:38 pm
I'll give you ten out of ten for the beans on toast. Nearly all Brits abroad long for beans on toast.

But five out of ten for the swimming costume. We would refer to it as a swim suit or a cozzie (short for costume) but not a swimming costume. 😁
No, I disagree. Swimming costume, yes. It's a one-piece. Slight hint of it being sexless school wear. As you'd see on a girls' boarding school clothes list. Regulation colour green. No cameltoe.
Never heard of swimsuit. cozzie, OK.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Tue Mar 09, 2021 7:49 am

wannabecUKold wrote:
Tue Mar 09, 2021 7:19 am
hairyhead wrote:
Mon Mar 08, 2021 7:38 pm
I'll give you ten out of ten for the beans on toast. Nearly all Brits abroad long for beans on toast.

But five out of ten for the swimming costume. We would refer to it as a swim suit or a cozzie (short for costume) but not a swimming costume. 😁
No, I disagree. Swimming costume, yes. It's a one-piece. Slight hint of it being sexless school wear. As you'd see on a girls' boarding school clothes list. Regulation colour green. No cameltoe.
Never heard of swimsuit. cozzie, OK.
My wife did correct me on that last night. I’m sure she told me the difference at some time in the past, but I’d forgotten that a swim costume is a frumpy one piece and not a bikini. I just remembered a conversation we’d had when we were dating. She’d said something like, “that’s a cute swim costume.” I’d never heard the term before, but it turned into a fun argument about language differences. The first of many...

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Jacko » Tue Mar 09, 2021 12:42 pm

Ky_Da wrote:
Tue Mar 09, 2021 7:49 am
a fun argument about language differences. The first of many...
Coming from the other side where I'm the Brit and my wife is the colonist, been there, done that! We quickly learned that differences are .. different .. not wrong. :D

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Jacko » Tue Mar 09, 2021 12:47 pm

wannabecUKold wrote:
Tue Mar 09, 2021 7:19 am
hairyhead wrote:
Mon Mar 08, 2021 7:38 pm
But five out of ten for the swimming costume. We would refer to it as a swim suit or a cozzie (short for costume) but not a swimming costume. 😁
No, I disagree. Swimming costume, yes. It's a one-piece. Slight hint of it being sexless school wear. As you'd see on a girls' boarding school clothes list. Regulation colour green. No cameltoe.
Never heard of swimsuit. cozzie, OK.
Hairyhead, I don't know how you can acknowledge 'cossie/cozzie (short for costume)' but not 'swimming costume'! :shock:

Wannabe, I've heard of swimming costumes, swimsuits, and swimming trunks for boys back in the day. I grew up in the 70s/80s. :)

Here and now in the US, swimwear, bikini, one-piece and swim shorts seem to be the words du jour.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by txrockdog » Tue Mar 09, 2021 9:32 pm

Welcome back Ky. Glad to hear you did what you needed to do to safeguard your relationship and focus on your family. With that said, I am glad to see you writing again. You have a gift, and I have missed not being able to read your writings, even if fiction is all we can hope for for the time being.

Posts: 170
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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by sabya167 » Wed Mar 10, 2021 9:19 pm

Ha ha ha ha ha. The world's moodiest and the speediest check-in and check-out passenger has checked in again. His check-out is almost legendary. "Gotta go" and bang. He's gone. And again, before you know it, there are 5 pages of Ky's new thread( which is joy to read, incidentally). Glad to have you back, good to hear from you again, good to know you guys are doing well, proving all of us wrong, allaying all our fears. Though Jaimee's wish has to be respected, but here am I shouting my protests. Why only library?

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Thu Mar 11, 2021 8:19 am

sabya167 wrote:
Wed Mar 10, 2021 9:19 pm
Ha ha ha ha ha. The world's moodiest and the speediest check-in and check-out passenger has checked in again. His check-out is almost legendary. "Gotta go" and bang. He's gone. And again, before you know it, there are 5 pages of Ky's new thread( which is joy to read, incidentally). Glad to have you back, good to hear from you again, good to know you guys are doing well, proving all of us wrong, allaying all our fears. Though Jaimee's wish has to be respected, but here am I shouting my protests. Why only library?
World's moodiest passenger... my wife might agree with that. I don't like the title, but only because it might hit close to the mark. My wife's biggest complaint is how bipolar I can be at times. But you know, despite getting slightly more accustomed to seeing my wife being unfaithful, it still tears me up sometimes. I read accounts on here all the time where the husband is completely calm and easy going all the time, like there isn't any problem in the world. I just haven't been able to get there. Seeing my wife be fucked by another man still makes my heart and my cock want to explode.

Why the library? Well, I was thinking if I just focused on writing fiction, I might be able to control my urges better. I think I was deluding myself. For me, it seems to be all or nothing. I'm unable to 'sip lightly' from the well of cuckoldry.

Like I mentioned earlier, the Wade chapter is completely closed. He's permanently relocated to Colorado. But I did give my wife the 'free pass' to choose who she sleeps with, so the game isn't exactly completely over. For the last few months of last year, I know she was completely faithful, but lately, I can't help but wonder if she's been using her freedom. She's gone out a number of times and not given me any details. I've got my suspicions, but I don't have any proof that anything is going on. She could just be teasing me - she's done that on more than a few occasions. I recently asked her if she was seeing someone (playing the game) after she went out 'with friends'. She told me, "After all we've done, I'm not the same woman you married." Then she added, "If you really want to know I'll tell you." I didn't say anything and we dropped the subject.

I don't know... I only know life is pretty good right now and I don't want to fuck things up. My wife's happy. The kids are happy. So for my part I'm mainly focusing on being a good husband and father, and trying not to let myself get sucked into the well again because it's so hard to climb back out.

Posts: 170
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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by sabya167 » Thu Mar 11, 2021 8:44 am

Ky_Da wrote:
Thu Mar 11, 2021 8:19 am
sabya167 wrote:
Wed Mar 10, 2021 9:19 pm
Ha ha ha ha ha. The world's moodiest and the speediest check-in and check-out passenger has checked in again. His check-out is almost legendary. "Gotta go" and bang. He's gone. And again, before you know it, there are 5 pages of Ky's new thread( which is joy to read, incidentally). Glad to have you back, good to hear from you again, good to know you guys are doing well, proving all of us wrong, allaying all our fears. Though Jaimee's wish has to be respected, but here am I shouting my protests. Why only library?
World's moodiest passenger... my wife might agree with that. I don't like the title, but only because it might hit close to the mark. My wife's biggest complaint is how bipolar I can be at times. But you know, despite getting slightly more accustomed to seeing my wife being unfaithful, it still tears me up sometimes. I read accounts on here all the time where the husband is completely calm and easy going all the time, like there isn't any problem in the world. I just haven't been able to get there. Seeing my wife be fucked by another man still makes my heart and my cock want to explode.

Why the library? Well, I was thinking if I just focused on writing fiction, I might be able to control my urges better. I think I was deluding myself. For me, it seems to be all or nothing. I'm unable to 'sip lightly' from the well of cuckoldry.

Like I mentioned earlier, the Wade chapter is completely closed. He's permanently relocated to Colorado. But I did give my wife the 'free pass' to choose who she sleeps with, so the game isn't exactly completely over. For the last few months of last year, I know she was completely faithful, but lately, I can't help but wonder if she's been using her freedom. She's gone out a number of times and not given me any details. I've got my suspicions, but I don't have any proof that anything is going on. She could just be teasing me - she's done that on more than a few occasions. I recently asked her if she was seeing someone (playing the game) after she went out 'with friends'. She told me, "After all we've done, I'm not the same woman you married." Then she added, "If you really want to know I'll tell you." I didn't say anything and we dropped the subject.

I don't know... I only know life is pretty good right now and I don't want to fuck things up. My wife's happy. The kids are happy. So for my part I'm mainly focusing on being a good husband and father, and trying not to let myself get sucked into the well again because it's so hard to climb back out.
:up: :up: :up:

2 Bit Whore
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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by veub » Thu Mar 11, 2021 11:06 am

Ky_Da wrote:
Thu Mar 11, 2021 8:19 am
sabya167 wrote:
Wed Mar 10, 2021 9:19 pm
Ha ha ha ha ha. The world's moodiest and the speediest check-in and check-out passenger has checked in again. His check-out is almost legendary. "Gotta go" and bang. He's gone. And again, before you know it, there are 5 pages of Ky's new thread( which is joy to read, incidentally). Glad to have you back, good to hear from you again, good to know you guys are doing well, proving all of us wrong, allaying all our fears. Though Jaimee's wish has to be respected, but here am I shouting my protests. Why only library?
World's moodiest passenger... my wife might agree with that. I don't like the title, but only because it might hit close to the mark. My wife's biggest complaint is how bipolar I can be at times. But you know, despite getting slightly more accustomed to seeing my wife being unfaithful, it still tears me up sometimes. I read accounts on here all the time where the husband is completely calm and easy going all the time, like there isn't any problem in the world. I just haven't been able to get there. Seeing my wife be fucked by another man still makes my heart and my cock want to explode.

Why the library? Well, I was thinking if I just focused on writing fiction, I might be able to control my urges better. I think I was deluding myself. For me, it seems to be all or nothing. I'm unable to 'sip lightly' from the well of cuckoldry.

Like I mentioned earlier, the Wade chapter is completely closed. He's permanently relocated to Colorado. But I did give my wife the 'free pass' to choose who she sleeps with, so the game isn't exactly completely over. For the last few months of last year, I know she was completely faithful, but lately, I can't help but wonder if she's been using her freedom. She's gone out a number of times and not given me any details. I've got my suspicions, but I don't have any proof that anything is going on. She could just be teasing me - she's done that on more than a few occasions. I recently asked her if she was seeing someone (playing the game) after she went out 'with friends'. She told me, "After all we've done, I'm not the same woman you married." Then she added, "If you really want to know I'll tell you." I didn't say anything and we dropped the subject.

I don't know... I only know life is pretty good right now and I don't want to fuck things up. My wife's happy. The kids are happy. So for my part I'm mainly focusing on being a good husband and father, and trying not to let myself get sucked into the well again because it's so hard to climb back out.
Sorry if you feel I am badgering you, but if you stay on here you'll be looking up from the bottom of the well.

Posts: 282
Joined: Sat Jun 30, 2007 11:21 pm

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by txrockdog » Thu Mar 11, 2021 11:58 am

Ky, not to get too far out of the realm of the “fiction” you are creating on this thread, but I think the secret for you can be summed up in one word. Trust. Jaimee seems to be willing to do pretty much anything to make your fantasies and dreams come true, and the level of caring that comes through in the way you write about her interaction with you really is remarkable. She obviously has your interests and wellbeing deeply in her heart and wants to make sure you are happy. At some point, your participation in “the game” will always come down to whether or not you trust her to always come back to you and love you above all others, even if others get more of her body than you do.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Fri Mar 12, 2021 7:26 am

I couldn't agree more. It does all come down to trust. And I do trust my wife. We had a rough incident to get through with her first experience with infidelity, but that was a learning experience for us both. I wish I could quell that insecure feeling I always have in my gut, but at the same time I wonder if it's maybe a healthy thing, too, It keeps me from taking my wife and marriage for granted. It reminds me that I need to constantly work at it. I know we have both changed through these experiences. I know I have.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Fri Mar 12, 2021 7:28 am

Chapter 02

It was with some trepidation that I knocked on our neighbor’s door. It had taken me a couple of days, but eventually Ky’s persistence won over and I told him I’d go. I knew he was feeling bad for me that I was stuck at home alone, but it wasn’t truly that bad.

Shelby opened the door and gave me a cross look, “Nichole,” she said in a voice filled with faux exasperation, “this is why we have the side gate, just come over, you don’t need to knock.”

I smiled uncomfortably but followed Rachel inside as she gestured me in. “Thank you for the invite,” I said more formally than I’d intended.

Rachel waved dismissively, “No need to thank me, you’re always welcome here. I’ve been bored to tears with only Marcus to keep me company. And you, home all alone all day by yourself. You poor thing—that’s awful.”

“It’s not so bad,” I protested and shook my head. “It’s given me some time to update my resume and do some networking.”

Rachel laughed, “Oh, that sounds entertaining,” she said with a jeering grin. She paused and looked towards the kitchen, “Alright, the refrigerator’s over there. It’s always got cold drinks in it, so feel free to just come on in and take what you want.” Rachel paused and looked at me, giving me an almost penetrating stare, “And I’m serious, Nichole, you need to let the formality go and just accept that this is your second home. It would make me so happy if you would come over and take something out of the fridge.”

I couldn’t help but smile, even though I could never see myself doing that. But I nodded anyway.

“Good,” Rachel said, taking my hand and pulling me towards the couch. “Marcus is off surfing with a friend, so it’s just the two of us.”

“You have a lovely home,” I said, admiring the décor. “Did you take that?” I asked, looking at a large picture hanging in the family room. The photograph showed a gorgeous sunset taken at the beach.

“No, that’s another one of Marcus’ hobbies. He’s always loved photography.”

“I share that interest,” I admitted. “I think my camera is the most expensive thing in our home right now—and it’s not even that nice.”

“I’ll have to tell Marcus to show you his equipment then,” Rachel said, “You two can go talk about sunlight and exposure this-and-that. That’d be great actually, then I wouldn’t have to act like I’m interested in what he’s talking about.”

I laughed but the suggestion was appealing. It was rare I could find someone to talk with about photography. “Please don’t think this a criticism, but you and Marcus are very opposite in a lot of ways.”

Rachel smiled and nodded, “Opposites attract, right?” she said with a shrug, “but you’re right. I can’t stand to talk about photography, and Marcus refuses to talk politics. I have no interest in surfing, but I can’t get Marcus to join me on a bike ride to save my life. I like gardening, he hates it. He likes scuba diving; I’m scared to death of it. I could go on and on like this,” my host said with a wink.

Rachel gestured towards the couch and we both sat.

“We’re a bit like that, too,” I admitted as I sat on the leather surface of the couch. “Ky looks up maths online to solve—for fun. Who does that?” I said and got a laugh from Rachel. “He loves to talk about politics, but I try to avoid it because we don’t agree on anything. And he always wants us to go camping, but I’d rather sleep in my comfortable bed.”

We sat on the couch and chatted the morning away, and I felt more comfortable as time went on. Rachel had such an open personality that she was easy to like and even easier to talk to. It wasn’t long before she had me in her home salon, a spare upstairs room they’d converted into a makeshift salon, and was giving me a manicure.

“Have you ever thought of laser hair removal?” Rachel asked, pointing to a machine in the corner of the room. “That’s the gold standard when it comes to hair removal. It works extremely well.”

“Rachel, this is too much,” I protested, “I can’t let you dote on my all day.”

“Of course you can,” Rachel said, placing a hand on my shoulder and guiding me to lay back down in the chair. “Now, we’ll do a couple of sessions a week.” Rachel began to explain, rolling her chair back and pulling the machine across the floor on its castors.

“Does it hurt?” I asked, looking at the gun-looking device she held in her hand.

“Everyone reacts differently, but it’s really no more than a small sting,” Rachel placed the tip of the wand against my thigh and pulled the trigger. It felt like someone pinched me.

“Not bad,” I said with a shrug.

Rachel marked the tops of my legs with a light marker and then began her work. It surprised me how quickly she went over the skin. In less than fifteen minutes she was done in the area and asking me to turn over. She talked while she worked, and the time passed quickly. With my legs done below my shorts, Rachel paused and looked up at me.

“If you want to remove the shorts, we can finish all the way up,” my host said, her brow lifting as she asked the question.

I’d half been expecting it, so I slipped my shorts down and kicked them to the floor. Rachel continued to work as she told me about her extended family and even about which neighbors are best to avoid. As the wand neared my vagina, the stinging became more intense, the flesh much more sensitive.

Rachel again paused, “Do we want to remove any here?” she asked, pointing the wand around my pubic area.

“Uh, I’m not sure,” I confessed, “It’s permanent, right?”

Rachel nodded, “More-or-less, everyone reacts a little differently. Most women need to come in once a year for touch ups. But some never need to come back in,” she explained, “If you like to keep a little strip there or make shapes then it’s better to leave it. A lot of women are choosing to go more natural these days and letting it stay.”

“My husband seems to enjoy me being smooth down there,” I commented, surprised at how at ease I felt.

Rachel laughed, “Mine too, but I’m one of those that’s chosen to keep mine. So, I’m not pressuring you one way or the other.”

I thought about it for a long moment before I decided. Hooking my thumbs through the band in my knickers, I slid them down my legs and let them fall to the floor, joining the growing pile of clothing.

“You go girl,” Rachel said with a smile, and quickly returned to her work.

I felt the laser much more acutely this time and felt myself biting my lower lip as she worked.

“Open your legs for me,” Rachel instructed, pushing my knee to the side so she could gain better access. She was hitting every point around my lips, leaving me feeling extremely exposed. “There we go,” she said, giving the top of my vagina a tap with her fingers. “You’re not shy about nudity today, good for you.”

I sat up slightly, seeing how close Rachel’s face was to my opening and suddenly felt a stab of embarrassment. But it thankfully passed quickly. “I went to an all-girls boarding school from the time I was six years old until I was seventeen, so being starkers in front of another woman feels natural to me.”

“But probably not one between your legs like this,” Rachel said jokingly.

This time I felt a blush explode over me, running into the roots of my hair.

“Oh,” Rachel’s eyes widened in surprise as she moved away and allowed me to close my legs. Handing me my knickers she said, “Please share.”

I laughed and shook my head as I pulled up my knickers and shorts. “I shouldn’t.”

“I’ll make you a trade then,” Rachel said, her smile widening. “You give me the story and I’ll consider that payment for all current and future laser removal services.”

I was about to object but paused for a moment. The idea was appealing. “Alright,” I agreed, standing from the chair, and looking down at my legs.

“They’ll be a little red and puffy for a day or two, and you’ll need to stay out of the sun today,” Rachel explained as she led me back out to the kitchen. “I’ll fix us a quick bite and then I want to hear everything.”

While Rachel was preparing a lunch, I steeled myself and went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of water. Rachel gave me a beaming smile and a thumbs up. She was such a nice person, if not a touch mental, but at least the right kind of mental. I took a moment to look around their home. It was tastefully furnished, but still had a lived-in feel to it. I couldn’t wait for the day when we could afford to buy some nice furniture.

Rachel placed a plate in the middle of the table and my brow rose in surprise. “Cucumber sandwiches?”

Rachel nodded, “My great grandmother was born in Leeds and I remember her making cucumber sandwiches when I was a child. I thought you might like it.”

“Oh, these are my favorite,” I gushed, quickly taking one and biting off the corner. I sagged into my chair in delight. “So good,” I said, as soon as my mouth was clear.

“I’m so happy you like it.”

I swallowed another bite, “My nan would make these, too.” I said, “I haven’t had one in so long. Ky doesn’t like them, so I never make it.”

“Even better, maybe this will get you over here more,” Rachel said in excitement.

It probably would, I thought to myself. Visiting Rachel was quickly becoming something I would want to do more often. We ate for a moment in silence. Once I finished my sandwich, I sat back into my chair.

“I had the same roommate all through my time at boarding school,” I started to tell Rachel, “Emilia and I were the closest friends from the first day we met. I don’t know how it always worked out, but we were always in the same houses,” I paused, and explained, “A lot of boarding schools have houses like, Cranmer House, Hitcham House, or Cawthorne House. And somehow we always managed to be put into the same one. We had our own tricks for getting assigned to the same room.

“When you’re younger, you generally have to share a room with five or six girls, but once we were about fourteen, we only had to share a room with one girl – and Emilia and I always managed to be roommates. I truly wouldn’t have made it through school if it wasn’t for her,” I said, thinking back on so many good memories of my friend. “A lot of the girls were able to go home on the weekends – after Saturday classes – but Emilia’s from Scotland, and so she had to stay at the school without going home until the end of term. And for me, it was just easier to stay at school in order to avoid my mother. It was better that way. It was on those long weekends that we would be stuck in our room for long stretches of time, so we, well, started experimenting.”

“You mean actually having sex?” Rachel asked bluntly.

“Not at first,” I quickly corrected. “At first it was just a kiss on the lips – but we were young and didn’t know anything. Then after a while we decided to try it with tongue, and that opened up a whole new book of experiences. And eventually it progressed to touching… and kissing other parts,” I paused again, but when Rachel looked content to simply listen, I continued, “We were sixteen when we had actual girl-sex – that’s what we always called it. For some reason it didn’t feel like what we thought real sex would feel like.”

I shook my head as I thought about that first experience. “Everything changed that day,“ I said, gazing at my empty plate for a moment, hearing the sound of the pool’s waterfall in the back garden. “She was the first one to go down on me, and then I tried. We didn’t learn how to orgasm for months, but it felt amazing to connect with someone so intimately. I think we both needed that physical connection.”

“I can only imagine,” Rachel said, her soft voice a comfort.

“We almost never left our room that year,” I let out a sigh and laughed, closing my eyes for a moment, “Other girls in school knew about us, but luckily the house mum and headmistress never found out – we would have been expelled for sure.”

“That’s actually a very sweet story,” Rachel commented. “Are you still close with Emilia?”

I let out a heavy breath and shrugged, “It’s complicated,” I said. “After we graduated, she wanted us to find a flat in London and go to university there. We had always talked about it. It was our dream to go to University College London and live like the upper-class,” I chuckled at the memory. “But then something changed for me… I realized I was in love with her and it scared me. We were both in love… but that wasn’t the life I ultimately wanted.

“When my parents told me they were moving to California, I think I shocked them when I said I’d go with them. It was the last thing they expected. But I felt I needed a fresh start and wasn’t ready to get serious with Emilia. It broke her heart when I left.”

“How’s she doing now?” Rachel asked.

“She’s married actually—to a woman,” I answered. “We didn’t talk for a long time, but lately we’ve been connecting a little more, which I’m extremely happy about. I still love her in a way.”

“Oh, dear, thank you for sharing that with me. I wasn’t expecting something so near-to-the-heart,” Rachel said. “I imagine you’ve told your husband about that experience.”

I nodded but then shrugged, “Most of it,” I said with a smile. “I’ve kept some back. I like to tease it out slowly when I want to get him going.”

“That’s good of you dear, very smart. If there’s one thing I’ve learned after twenty-five years of marriage it’s that you always have to find new ways to keep things exciting.”

“Any suggestions?” I asked, looking up and meeting the older woman’s gaze. I was surprised when she looked away.

She wouldn’t meet my eyes, but she still wore look of levity on her face, “Nichole, that might be a dangerous subject to ask me about.”

“Hey,” I whinged, “I just told you a deep and personal experience, you can’t hold out on me.”

Finally, she met my gaze, “It’s just that you’re so young in your marriage and have the whole world in front of you. I’m not sure my experiences and thoughts are, well, quite frankly, I’m not sure it’s appropriate to share.”

“Huh, well now I want to know even more,” I said, pushing a little further.

Rachal sighed, “Marcus wouldn’t want me to share this, and I worry you’ll think differently of me once I tell you.” she said, pausing for a long moment. “If I tell you, just promise me you won’t go tearing out of here with your hair on fire.”

I nodded, “I promise.”

The corner of Rachels’ mouth tightened for a long moment, “You see, we have an open marriage – have had for years.”

“Oh,” I said in complete surprise, trying to make myself look as nonchalant as possible. “I admit, I did not expect that.”

“Most don’t. It’s not exactly common,” Rachel said. “But we’ve found that it works for us. It’s certainly kept things spicy in the bedroom.”

“I’m sure that’s true,” I said more just to say something. After a long silence I finally asked, “Are you seeing someone now then?”

Rachel shook her head, “Not since the pandemic started,” she let out a breath, like she’d been holding it a while. “It’s been a long time since Marcus and me have spent this much time together with just the two of us. It’s been nice though. One thing we’ve learned is that you have to step away from the life once-in-a-while and reconnect, otherwise it’s just a matter of time until your marriage ends.”

“I literally have a thousand questions,” I said, sounding a little too enthusiastic.

Rachel seemed relieved by my curiosity. She laughed, “Ask away if you want. I’ll answer what I can. But you have to reciprocate.”


“You might have to tell me more personal details about yourself.”

“I suppose that’s only fair,” I admitted, feeling unsure how much I wanted to share.

“Maybe think on it,” Rachel suggested, sensing my hesitancy. “I’m here whenever you want to talk. But you better keep coming over, we’ll do the laser treatment on your arms next.”

Posts: 282
Joined: Sat Jun 30, 2007 11:21 pm

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by txrockdog » Fri Mar 12, 2021 2:39 pm

Ky_Da wrote:
Thu Mar 11, 2021 8:19 am
For the last few months of last year, I know she was completely faithful, but lately, I can't help but wonder if she's been using her freedom. She's gone out a number of times and not given me any details. I've got my suspicions, but I don't have any proof that anything is going on. She could just be teasing me - she's done that on more than a few occasions. I recently asked her if she was seeing someone (playing the game) after she went out 'with friends'. She told me, "After all we've done, I'm not the same woman you married." Then she added, "If you really want to know I'll tell you." I didn't say anything and we dropped the subject.

I don't know... I only know life is pretty good right now and I don't want to fuck things up. My wife's happy. The kids are happy. So for my part I'm mainly focusing on being a good husband and father, and trying not to let myself get sucked into the well again because it's so hard to climb back out.
I sure it is something harmless like her teaching Bennett’s girlfriend Sky how to take really big cocks...or how to convince Bennett to let her find a guy to help with her first DP. Maybe they even talk about how sexy it was seeing you with a cock in your mouth. Probably just harmless fun like that. Nothing you need to think too much about, I am sure.

Another good story shaping up here Ky. Early days, but lots of avenues for fun starting to open up...

Posts: 463
Joined: Fri Nov 25, 2016 8:48 am

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Mon Mar 15, 2021 11:43 am

Chapter 03

“I learned something interesting about our neighbor’s today,” I heard my wife call out from the bed as I was brushing my teeth.

I rinsed my mouth and dried my face with the towel hanging by the sink, “Do tell.”

“Alright, but you’re sworn to secrecy,” Nichole said, leaning against the wall as she sat on the bed. We really needed a headboard.

“Sworn to secrecy?” I asked in surprise. “What’d you find out?”


I nodded, “Fine, I swear.”

“Rachel and Marcus have an open marriage,” Nichole said, shooting me a grin, like she’d just given me the juiciest bit of gossip ever created.

“Huh, that’s interesting,” unsure if my brain had interpreted what I’d heard correctly.

“Interesting?” Nichole repeated. “I tell you our neighbors have an open marriage and all you think to say is, it’s interesting.”

I sat on the bed, wearing my usual sleeping shorts and tee shirt. “I’m not sure what to say. You kind of caught me flat footed there,” I said, my mind again filling with images of Marcus sleeping with my wife. The thoughts were coming with ever increasing frequency. I thought about what I’d just heard for a moment, and my brain started making connections. If they had an open marriage, Marcus has probably slept with a lot of different women, probably married women. My cock began to awaken.

“I spent the day with Rachel. Look,” Nichole said, extending her leg toward me, “She did the laser treatment thing.”

I ran my fingers across the skin of her leg as my wife told me the details of how laser hair removal worked. “The skin looks a little irritated,” I commented.

“It’ll go away in a day or so, it’ll be nice not having to shave anymore.”

I ran my hand up her inner thigh, “For some reason I find the thought of you permanently bare extremely erotic.”

“Good, because I did this mainly for you,” Nichole said and kicked the sheet off her other leg.

I watched as she wiggled side-to-side and removed her panties. My wife then scooted over to me and moved her knees apart, showing me her bare pussy.

“Fuck,” I gasped in surprise. “You did it?” Nichole smiled and nodded enthusiastically. “That is the hottest thing you’ve ever done.” I got down and inspected her folds up close. “I can’t believe you actually did it, and it’s permanent.”

“I thought it would be exciting,” my wife said, rubbing her fingers across the smooth flesh.

“Oh yeah, I’m excited,” I said as I quickly stripped of my shorts and attacked my wife. After a few minutes of foreplay, I slipped my cock inside her. She wrapped he legs around my waist and I held here there closely for a long moment.

We made love as passionately as we ever had, and I even came twice, which is unusual for me. I tried as hard as I could, but I could only get Nichole to orgasm once. That just seemed to be the way she was. One orgasm and she was content. She never seemed disappointed, but something deep inside me felt she wasn’t being satisfied as much as she could be.

“Do you ever wonder what it would feel like to, you know, be fucked with a bigger cock?” I asked her, my dick still inside of her but rapidly shrinking.

“No,” Nichole said instantly. “Yours is plenty big.”

I chuckled, “It’s average at best babe, but thanks.” I said, not sure what to say. I had all these feelings but no words to explain them.

“This isn’t about Marcus again is it?” Nichole asked, turning to her side as I laid next to her.

“Not exactly,” I said, which was partly true. “I just wonder if I had a bigger cock, then maybe I’d be able to get you to cum more often.”

“Don’t be a git, Ky,” Nichole said, lightly smacking me on the temple. “I wouldn’t change any part of you, but if you keep talking like that, it’s going to make it even harder for me to cum at all.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, truly perplexed.

“For women, it’s mostly a mental thing. If I’m feeling pressure from you that I need to be multi-orgasmic, then it’ll make it harder for me, not better.”

“I guess that makes sense,” I confessed.

We talked for a few more minutes, but it wasn’t long before Nichole had slipped off to sleep. I reached my hand under the covers and into my shorts. I hated the way my dick felt when it was completely soft. It was so small that I could only grab it with my fingertips. Once I started to get hard, it looked more normal. I was certainly a grower and not a shower.

I couldn’t help but think about the bit of gossip my wife had told me, that our neighbors had an open marriage. I wondered if the gate in the fence between the house was in fact more for the adults than the kids, wondered if they ever got busy with the prior occupants of our house. I let my mind go and immediately the vision of Marcus fucking my wife came to mind. My dick started to harden at the thought.

Her pussy was so perfectly tight. Even after we had sex, it still looked perfectly tight and fresh. I wondered how it would look after it was violated by Marcus’ cock. Why was I having these thoughts, I cursed myself over and over. My cock swelled with blood as I thought about my wife moaning in pleasure, while a man that wasn’t her husband defiled her. The feelings that flooded my senses were overwhelming and powerful, and I knew this is what I wanted. Now I just had to figure out how to get it.

Chapter 04

It surprised me how quickly I started to feel comfortable in the skimpy swim costume my husband had bought me. After only a few afternoons of popping in to visit Rachel and have a swim, I no longer felt any self-consciousness. In fact, it felt freeing, like I’d shaken off a lifetime of social repression. In short, it felt brilliant. Part of the reason I knew, was that Rachel wore little to nothing when swimming, too. She had no issues with nudity whatsoever.

As I sat on the edge of the pool and enjoyed the warm sun, I felt a stab of guilt that I was living so carefree and my husband was slaving away at work. He was a faithful employee and put himself into his work with everything he had. Meanwhile, I was lazily lounging around the pool and enjoying our neighbor’s hospitality. I had even spent several hours in Marcus’ office, talking about photography, and looking through the many binders of his work. He was good. Better than me by a significant margin. And he was as easy to talk to as Rachel. It didn’t hurt that the man only ever wore a pair of board shorts and flip-flops. Marcus was so different than my husband, but I tried not to think about those differences too frequently, despite my husband’s odd behavior recently.

Rachel came out and sat next to me at the edge of the pool, carrying a tray of something I’d been favoring more and more each day—iced tea. I was quickly becoming an iced tea addict. Today Rachel’s swimsuit was skimpy as mine, I noticed as handed me a glass.

“It’s going to be a hot one today,” she said, taking a long sip of her own drink. “So, it’s a perfect day to sit in the pool and gossip.” I took a sip of my drink and paused. Seeing my surprise, Rachel smiled, “I put a little something extra in it today, I hope you don’t mind.”

I shook my head and took another sip. It was good, but I could feel a very warm feeling rush down my throat and into my stomach. “Whoa,” I gasped as I swallowed. “That’s strong.”

“We should probably only drink these and then take a break—I’m not looking to get drunk today.”

I nodded my agreement. I’ve never been a particularly good at ‘holding my liquor’, as my husband would say. “I haven’t seen Marcus today,” I commented without giving it much thought.

“He went up to Malibu this morning with some of his surf friends, so I don’t expect him home until later.” Rachel took a sip of her beverage and then paused for a moment, “Actually, it’s just the two of us. If you don’t mind, I think I’m going to…” Rachel didn’t finish her sentence as she set down her glass. She then reached behind her back and unfastened her bikini top. Next, she slid the bottoms down her legs and kicked them into the pool. She was completely starkers in front of me, leaving her large breasts completely exposed, as well as her pussy, which, as she’d said, was all natural. “That’s better,” she sighed in contentment, swirling her lower legs through the water.

“Rachel,” I said in surprise, “Someone could see.”

Rachel shook her head, “I’ve done this thousands of times. Trust me, none of the neighbors can see into our yard. We’re safe.” The older woman picked up the small tube of sunblock next to my thigh and opened the top, “Oh, before I forget,” she said, squeezing out the thick white cream, “Before Marcus left this morning, he asked me to invite you and Ky to the beach this Saturday. He was thinking Oceanside might be a good place for your first surf lessons.”

I couldn’t look away as Rachel applied the sunblock to her nipples. I’ve always found the female form beautiful, and Rachel was very beautiful. Seeing her fingertips gently apply the lotion to her breasts made me feel something I hadn’t felt in a long time.

“That’d be brilliant, yeah,” I finally made myself say, drawing a look from Rachel. I felt like I was sixteen again, feeling awkward and unsure. I quickly took a sip of my tea to mask my sudden bout of nervousness. I took several large swallows, much more than I’d intended, and my stomach exploded with heat. A warm wave passed through my body.

“So, Nichole, my overly dressed new friend, what do you want to talk about today?” Rachel asked, leaning back onto her elbows, and closing her eyes to the bright sun.

I thought for a moment, my nerves and anxiety quickly diminishing, “What led to you and Marcus deciding on an open marriage? Was it his idea, or yours?”

“Hmm, that’s a good question,” Rachel said, her eyes still closed, her breasts on perfect display. “I think I was the first to make the actual suggestion, but I knew that we’d both been thinking about it. It started as a lot of these things do, at a swinger party.” Rachel paused; her lips pursed as if she was trying to recall the memory. “We found out some old friends of ours were swingers—it was a real shock at first—but it made us look at swinging a little differently. We went with the idea that we were just going to see. We weren’t going to participate; we were just going to observe and see what the scene was about.

“We ended up having more to drink than intended, one thing led to another, and we both ended up in bed with someone else that night. It was such thrill that first time, I thought my heart was going to explode it was beating so fast. I’d slept with other men before Marcus, but only a couple. And not to brag dear, but Marcus is a god in bed—he’s simply amazing. So, it wasn’t so much the sex that blew my mind that night, I think it was more the taboo nature of it. I felt like I was being so naughty. We both did.

“That first swinger party was a turning point for us,” Rachel continued, sitting up and turning towards me. I had to force my eyes away from her breasts. “We both understood then that we could have fun and not have it ruin our marriage. I wanted to see the guy again that I’d slept with at the party, and Marcus wanted to see the other woman again… so, that’s how it started. For a few years, we went to a lot of swinger parties. But eventually, those weren’t enough. Like any drug, sex and lust can be something you get used to, so you need do to something more extreme to feel the same rush.”

“I could see that,” I said as I thought about her words. Feeling a little numb and very comfortable, I reached back and untied my bikini top and tossed it to the side. My breasts aren’t as large as Rachel’s, but they’re well-proportioned to my body, and I’ve always been proud of their teardrop shape.

“There you go,” Rachel said encouragingly. “Just make sure to put some sunblock on, or those nipples will be sunburnt.”

I felt myself blush at the comment but applied the lotion. I knew she was right. I removed my bottom and applied more sunblock to the newly exposed skin. I don’t think some of my skin had ever seen the light of day before. I couldn’t believe how smooth the skin over my pussy was. The laser treatments had really done a good job. I suddenly felt a rush of adrenaline as I realized I was totally nude in our neighbors back yard. This was going to blow Ky’s mind.

“So, as I was saying,” Rachel began again, “We were doing the swinger thing for a longtime, but then we wanted more. We wanted to feel that extreme rush again. That’s how we both ended up in relationships with other people. We found it worked for us, gave us what we wanted. So, I suggested we go with it for a while. We wouldn’t worry about being monogamous, but we’d be free to explore and be with whomever we wanted.”

“It seems to have worked for you—you’re still together and happy,” I said, my mind a whirl with everything I’d heard. “It’s bloody mental though… when you think about it. I can’t imagine being married and yet sleeping with other men, Ky, sleeping with other women. I’d be so jealous I think I’d go spare.”

“Jealousy can be a problem if you’re not communicating well enough, but you don’t suddenly jump into the lifestyle all at once—at least most people don’t. It starts with a step, and then another and another. When I think about that first experience, I would have never imagined where it would have led. But tell me something, Nichole,” Rachel said, grabbing my complete attention. “Is your question purely academic, or is there… something more?” She asked, giving me an intense look that I could barely hold.

“Uh, well…” I started to stutter, “I’m more curious—that is, I find it fascinating. I’ve never known anyone who’s had experiences like yours. I guess I kind of had a sheltered childhood.”

“I don’t know about that,” Rachel said knowingly. “From your story about Emilia, you’re certainly open to new experiences.”

I blushed a crimson red at the memory, “Yes, er, I suppose that’s true to a point. But still, that’s a long way away from your experiences.”

“It all starts with a simple step,” Rachel reminded me, and I couldn’t deny it. “How is your sex life, is Ky satisfying you in bed?” She asked me bluntly.

I sputtered and almost choked. I couldn’t believe she’d just asked me that. “It’s great. My sex life is great—brilliant even.”

“Uh huh,” Rachel said, leaning in closer to me, “Listen Nichole, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I’m never going to push you to do something or tell me something you’re not comfortable with. You have a friend in me, alright?”

I nodded and felt a little calmer, “Thanks, and likewise,” I said, “To be completely honest, our sex life isn’t bad, and it’s slowly gotten better. But sometimes my husband can be very confusing…” I admitted. After a long silence when Rachel didn’t reply, I continued, “Sometimes he’ll ask me if I’ve imagined being with another bloke… with a bigger, you know…” I reached down and grabbed my crotch like I’ve seen my husband do.

Rachel laughed, “Yes, I know,” she confirmed. “And have you?”

I shrugged uncomfortably, “Maybe on occasion, but I try not to.”

“Don’t worry, that’s perfectly natural. Welcome to the married club, we’ve all thought about it. Does Ky have any insecurities about his penis size?”

I took a moment to think, and several thoughts suddenly hit me. What a crazy day this was. I was sitting starkers at my neighbor’s pool, next to an equally naked woman, talking about my husband’s penis size.

“He’s not mortified about it,” I said, “but I think he wonders if I’d like sex more if he was bigger… He’s been very confusing lately. One moment everything seems fine, and then the next he wants to do something different, like he’s afraid sex is becoming routine.”

“Is it?” Rachel probed.

I was about to answer when I heard the sliding door behind us. Rachel and I turned at the same time.

“Well hello ladies,” Marcus greeted, stepping through the door. “I’m glad I came home early.”

I started to scramble for my bikini when I felt Rachel’s hand on my back, “It’s fine Nichole, you can leave it off if you want,” she said, making no move towards her own outfit. Which, sure, she wouldn’t. Marcus was her husband. Not mine. But the alcohol in my system must have been having some effect. I was far from drunk, but I felt surprisingly relaxed about being nude at the moment. My fingers let the material go and the bikini top fell back to the deck. I felt a rush of excitement course through me, and I hoped the brightness of the sun might conceal my blush.

“You’re back much earlier than I’d anticipated,” Rachel said as she kicked at the water, sending little droplets into the air which landed on our bare skin.

Marcus walked out to the edge of the diving board and sat down, his legs hanging off the end. He ran his hand through his salt and pepper hair and inhaled a deep breath. “Jeremy’s wife called just as we were getting to Malibu. The invitro didn’t take. So needless to say, Jeremy wasn’t in the mood to surf. We just turned around and came home.”

“Oh, the poor dears,” Rachel said, sitting up. “It’s good you came home, I’m sure Suzanne needed him home.”

“That’s what we felt, too,” Marcus said, keeping his eyes on the waterfall.

Again, the thought struck me of how crazy this whole day was. Now not only was I starkers in front of Rachel, but her husband, too. It helped that Marcus was so completely unphased, or at least he was an expert in acting like it. A sudden temptation came to me, and before I could think about it, my eyes were already taking in Marcus’ form. I stole a quick glance at his crotch and was rewarded to see a large bulging shape pressing against the worn fabric. I diverted my eyes quickly not wanting to get caught looking, but when he and Rachel continued their conversation and were ignoring me, I took the opportunity to take a better look.

Ky’s question came to me, and I did wonder what it would feel like to be with Marcus. I would never do it, but the feeling that came over me when I let myself fantasize was titillating.

“…like your swimsuit, but I don’t mind seeing you without. I’m happy you’re feeling comfortable around us.” Marcus’ voice snapped my thoughts back into the present. He was smiling but not leeringly so, and I felt a heat blossom between my thighs.

It took a moment for my brain to reengage, and I blurted out the first thing that came to mind as I said, “Then I take it you’re not feeling very comfortable?” Even as I said them I couldn’t believe the words had come from me.

Marcus laughed and then shrugged, “I’m game,” he said, leaning back and stripping off his shorts. He tossed them to the concrete deck and came back to a sitting position. “Owe, the grip on the diving board is a little harsh on the bare skin.” Marcus then stood and stepped into the pool.

Oh my god, I couldn’t believe what I’d just seen. I heard my breath hitch when I saw his cock. It was so much bigger than my husband’s. It didn’t point out like Ky’s did when soft. It actually hung down like an elephant’s trunk. His balls were much bigger, too, each one the size of a plum. And I didn’t notice any pubic hair, which, for some reason I couldn’t explain, appealed to me. The blossoming heat at my center was quickly becoming a fire.

I pushed myself into the water and pressed a finger to my pussy for a quick moment as I was under the water, enjoying the pressure that it brought. But I reluctantly pulled my hand away as I surfaced. Rachel had followed me into the pool, and for the next several minutes I enjoyed the feeling of swimming nude. If felt so incredibly erotic and freeing.

Marcus and Rachel moved to the shallow end where a queen palm tree gave some shade. Rachel stayed sitting in the water, but Marcus moved up to sit on one of the steps, giving me an easy view of is cock. It was different in every way from my husband’s. Where Ky’s was smooth and more-or-less uniform in shape and skin tone; Marcus’ was veiny, and the skin was a shade darker. The ridges around the circumcised head were pronounced and flared out slightly from the shaft. I was happy to stay in the water.

“Fuck,” Marcus swore softly, “I’m sorry, Nicky, but I’m going to have to put my shorts back on or It’s going to get very awkward for me.” No one’s ever called me Nicky before, but I instantly liked the nickname.

“Marcus,” Rachel called, “You’re not a twenty-something anymore. Where’s your self-control?

Marcus shrugged, “I don’t know, but I don’t have any today.”

“Well, go inside and take care of it,” Rachel reproved.

I watched in fascination as Marcus cock rose above the water as it hardened. I thought it was big before, but now as it began to swell, my mind could hardly understand what it was seeing. It was thick and maybe a little over 8-inches in length. The thought that I might have been the one to cause Marcus’ erection made my lust further come to life.

“Come help me,” Marcus pled to his wife.

“I can’t leave me friend all alone—”

“—It’s fine,” I quickly said, needing to escape to my bedroom where I could have some privacy. “I’m feeling like I need to get out of the sun anyway. Maybe we can do this again tomorrow?”

Rachel gave her husband a disapproving look, “I’m so sorry dear. I don’t know what’s come over my pervert of a husband. You’d think he’s never seen a naked woman before,” she said, giving her husband another unhappy glare. “Promise me you’ll come back tomorrow. We’ll pick back up where we left off.”

“I promise,” I said as I stood and exited the pool. I picked up my bikini and towel, and was about to cover myself when the thought occurred to me that it would be a wasted effort. And I kind of wanted to experience what it would feel like to walk back to the house starkers. It felt wonderful.

As soon as I got inside the house, I dropped my towel to the floor and scurried up to our master bedroom. I took a quick glance into the neighbor’s garden, but Marcus and Rachel had already gone inside. With an urgency I’ve never felt in my life, I laid down on the bed and ran my fingers over my mons and through the folds of my lower lips. I was on fire and my touch felt like sweet relief.

I sat up and took a closer look at my pussy. The skin looked like it did when I was I was ten years old, smooth, and unblemished, no hint that pubic hair had once grown there. I laid back down and inserted a finger deep inside, imaging what Rachel must be feeling at this moment. A perfect picture of Marcus between my legs came to mind, and I came hard thinking of his large cock penetrating my pussy.

Posts: 17
Joined: Mon Feb 08, 2016 1:26 pm

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by twin12set » Tue Mar 16, 2021 10:32 am

Loving the way this is shaping up. Thanks

Posts: 64
Joined: Tue Mar 15, 2016 11:12 am

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Fred_Garvin » Tue Mar 16, 2021 12:22 pm

Ky_Da wrote:
Thu Mar 11, 2021 8:19 am
... I recently asked her if she was seeing someone (playing the game) after she went out 'with friends'. She told me, "After all we've done, I'm not the same woman you married." Then she added, "If you really want to know I'll tell you." I didn't say anything and we dropped the subject.
Maybe it's best if you don't know, but I sure want to know!

Good work on the story so far, I am really digging it.

Posts: 463
Joined: Fri Nov 25, 2016 8:48 am

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Wed Mar 17, 2021 5:42 am

Chapter 5

Work had been a blessing and a curse at the same time. For the most part, the busy workload helped keep my mind off of my strange new fantasies, but still there were times when I couldn’t keep those daydreams from my mind and my production plummeted. But despite me being away from the house for long hours, Nichole seemed happy with her new friendship with Rachel.

She had gone over there daily to swim and to indulge herself in Rachel’s spa treatments several days in a row. I had to admit, I was certainly benefiting from it. My wife’s skin had never been so smooth. And she was like that all the time now. No more prickly legs from not having shaved in a few days – but her legs weren’t the only things so nice and smooth. Her pussy was incredibly soft and silky.

Nichole had called the job referral that Marcus had passed along, and while nothing looked to be starting right away, she was told to stay in touch because there would be an opening coming up soon and they would like to talk to her further. I felt like I owed Marcus a big favor, and so when he mentioned that he needed some electrical work done in the garage, I quickly offered to do it for him if he bought the materials. I’d worked a lot of construction jobs putting myself through college, so wiring up some new outlets wasn’t a difficult task.

As go most construction projects, Marcus’ garage was severely under powered for what he wanted, and I had to run a lot of new wire, add a subpanel, and a number of additional breakers. The sun was hot, and the garage was baking inside. My shirt was soaked with sweat, and I was feeling plenty tired when Marcus suggested we take a break and have a beer. I sat on the concrete floor and took a long pull from the cold beverage. It felt great.

“Thanks again for helping me with this,” Marcus said, uncapping his own bottle.

I sighed and leaned against the wall, “Not a problem. You guys have been taking such good care of the wife it’s the least I can do.”

“That’s an unfair trade there,” Marcus said, shaking his head. “Rachel’s been much happier having Nichole around to talk to,” Marcus paused and looked at me uncomfortably. “I don’t suppose she’s told you about our…”

“…Open marriage,” I filled in, knowing exactly what he was referring to. I’d been surprised the subject had never been brought up during until now, but maybe it was the kind of thing that was easier to talk about one-on-one. “Yeah, she mentioned it.”

“Ah, I figured as much. But I wasn’t sure because you’ve never brought it up,” Marcus said, a questioning look on his face.

I set my beer on the ground and leaned the back of my head against the wall. Fuck it was hot. “To each their own on that one, Marcus. I’ve got no issues with it.”

Marcus smiled and nodded, “That’s something of a relief. I kind of thought that’s how you’d feel. But we’re always a little careful about who we talk to about it. We’ve lost some close friends in the past.”

“Maybe they weren’t such close friends,” I suggested.

Marcus shook his head, “No, they were. But people have a lot of closely held feelings when it comes to sex, fidelity, trust… sometimes that’s hard to see past.”

“I guess I understand that,” I thought for a moment and then asked, “Do you mind if I ask how it started?”

“Not at all,” Marcus answered. “It actually started with Don and Lisa – about eleven, maybe twelve years ago. They’re extremely close friends of our, and like I’ve said before, they were here a lot. It kind of just happened. One evening we were drinking a little too much, played a little strip poker, then some truth and dare, you know, because we were immature teenagers at the time,” he said, giving me a look. “I ended up sleeping with Lisa and Don bedded Rachel that night. It was so awkward the next day though dude. But eventually, we all got past the clumsy part and started to really enjoy it.”

“I’d wondered if it had involved them,” I said, referring to the prior residents of our house. “And then it expanded from there I guess?”

Marcus nodded, “Yeah, Rachel and I went a little crazy for a while. We’d always been into trying new things. We did the BDSM master and slave thing for a while, and femdom for a time. You name it and we’ve probably at least tried it,” Marcus shrugged and flipped his hands up as he laughed.

I looked out the garage door for a moment as I gathered my thoughts. “Can I ask you another question?”

“Of course – I’m an open book on this stuff if you’re curious.”

“Thanks,” I said, trying to put my feelings into words. “Have you ever seen your wife with another guy?”

Marcus easily nodded, “Countless times.”

“And… do you like seeing that, or is the open marriage more about you getting to sleep with other women?”

“A bit of both,” Marcus answered. “I do enjoy seeing Rachel with other men, but I also enjoy some variety, too.” After a moment when I didn’t respond, Marcus added, “But everyone is geared a little differently. Over the years, we’ve been to dozens of swinger parties—even hosted quite a few here—and one thing I’ve learned is that no two people are alike when it comes to sexual preferences and kinks. But that’s part of the fun. You get to experiment and play around until you find what you and your partner both enjoy.”

I nodded slowly as he spoke, my thoughts starting to coalesce, “I sometimes feel like my wife doesn’t get what she needs – I mean like I can’t get her there, you know. I can see her holding back, trying to restrain herself. I want to give her more. I want her to let that passion out. I’ve thought about trying toys, or maybe some of those games you can buy online, but…” I stopped when I saw Marcus shaking his head.

“That stuff might work a little, but mostly it’s just garbage,” He explained. “The key to unlocking that unrestrained passion is through her mind.” Marcus paused a moment while I took in what he was saying.

“She more-or-less said the same thing a while back, but I don’t think I fully understood it,” I confessed.

“It’s not an easy thing to get, so don’t beat yourself up,” my neighbor encouraged. “It’ll take some time, but any woman can be taken to the point where they’ll throw all caution to the wind. I’ve seen extremely conservative women do some pretty outrageous things once they’re primed just right.”

“Okay,” I said numbly. “How do I prime my wife?”

Marcus smiled, his brow rose slightly, “That depends on where you want her to go, what you want her to do.” My neighbor let that sync in in for a moment before continuing, “Some people find a little role play is all they need to spice it up. You know, wife goes into a bar, husband comes in later and hits on her while the wife pretends she doesn’t know who he is. Others take it up a notch, the wife might try to get other guys to flirt with her while the husband sits back and watches.

“I know couples that take it even further and purposefully try to get the wife to hook up with a stranger. Maybe take him to a hotel and fuck him while the husband sits in a car somewhere… point is,” continued Marcus, “there are a thousand ways to prime her, and yourself for that matter. I’ve learned that nothing gets the motor running like delving into the taboo—the things polite society pretends to abhor.”

“I can see that,” I said in understanding.

“The thing is she has to want it, or be led to want it,” Marcus pressed further, “you mentioned me watching my wife have sex with another guy. If you want to experience that with Nichole, she’s ultimately got to get there on her own, but you can help lead the way.”

“How?” I asked, the word slipping out before I could stop it. I saw Marcus’ lip smirk ever so slightly.

“I don’t know if I should tell you this stuff, Ky. Take it from me, once you start down the path of the alternative lifestyle, there’s no coming back to the relationship you have now.”

“I don’t want an open marriage,” I stated firmly, that much I knew to be true. I turned away and again looked out the garage door. I knew what I wanted, but there was no way I could just come out and say it. And I didn’t really want it. I was only having fun imagining it. I couldn’t stand it if it actually happened, and yet…

“No, from what you’ve said, I can tell how dedicated you are to your wife. Your desire is related to her pleasure.”

I gave Marcus a sharp nod, “Exactly.”

“And the idea of watching her appeals to you?”

I shrugged uncomfortably, “I love seeing that look of pleasure in her eyes,” I finally admitted, but not exactly answering the question. “Seeing that fuels me more than anything.”

“Your wife’s a lucky woman then. The starting point for you is trying to get her to open her mind to the idea, let herself imagine it happening. Once you crack that door, it’s really amazing how fast it’ll open.”

“Thanks,” I said. A long pause passed between us. “I’ve had these feelings lately that I can’t explain… I desperately want it and I don’t at the same time.”

Marcus nodded, “It’s good to be cautious. Sometimes once you open Pandora’s Box, there’s no closing it. We only have control over the choices, never the consequences.”

“Yeah,” I more breathed out, understanding exactly what Marcus was trying to tell me. “If you had to do it all over again, would you?” I asked.

Marcus stood for a very long time before he finally nodded and said, “Most of the time I’d say yes, but I’ll admit that every once in a while I’d say no. It’s an intense ride sometimes – not for the faint of heart.”

Chapter 06

“Ky, wake up,” I heard in the distance somewhere, hands were shaking me. “Ky, wake up.”

My eyes finally opened, and I turned my head towards Nichole, “What is it,” I said, my voice filled with sleep.

“Can’t you hear that?” she asked, making me strain to listen. “The neighbors are shagging.”

“Good for them,” I said, my tired brain starting to drift back to sleep. I felt the bed move and I opened my eyes once more to see Nichole slip out of bed and go to the corner window.

“Bloody hell, you’ve got to see this,” she gasped, and suddenly had my interest.

I scrambled out of bed and joined her at the window. I’d never paid a lot of attention to the inside layout of our neighbor’s house, but I knew the layout was basically the reverse of ours, putting their master bedroom on the side of the house adjacent to ours. The night had been relatively cool and so we had opened our windows before we went to bed in order to let in the cool air. From the look of it, Marcus and Rachel had been thinking more-or-less the same thing, only their blinds were askew enough that we could see into their room. What I saw made my eyes about pop out of my head.

Rachel was on her knees, her back arched such that it presented her round ass to her husband. Her hands were tied to the center of the headboard of the bed. With their room only about twenty-five feet away from our own, we could see everything in the smallest detail.

Marcus smacked his wife’s ass hard with the palm of his hand, and we watched as he slowly pulled out his impressive member. It’s length and girth were remarkable, and I found myself fixated on it. I was about to tell my wife that we should shut the window and not spy on our neighbors, but when I looked at how intensely she was watching, I quickly decided to keep my mouth shut and let things play out.

We heard another smack and then heard Marcus’ voice, “Where’s my little whore want it?” he asked, slapping his cock against the top of her ass.

“In my ass Marcus, please fuck my ass,” we heard Rachel’s voice plead. “Stop teasing me and fuck my ass.”

“What, Brian’s not satisfying your needs back here?” Marcus asked, continuing to tease he wife.

“No,” Rachel whimpered.

“Come on, tell me what I want to hear,” Marcus said, keeping the tip of his cock poised outside Rachel’s ass.

“No, Brian’s cock is too small to satisfy me. I need your cock in me. Please,” she again pleaded.

We could hear Marcus chuckle as he pushed forward and slid inside. Next we heard a deep, guttural groan from Rachel. It didn’t take long before Marcus was fucking her with powerful strokes, and Rachel’s cries escaped into the night.

“Oh my god,” Nichole said in a whisper. “We shouldn’t be watching this.” But she didn’t move away.

The noises Rachel was making were the noises I desperately wanted to hear from my wife. New images of my beautiful with came into my mind. They came faster now than ever, and were more clearly focused, my mind more practiced in creating the fantasy. I could see her tied to the bed as Rachel was. I could hear her voice crying out for more. I could see her body writhing in the darkness, her pussy being stretched as it never had before.

The coupling seemed to go on and on, not like the few minutes it took us to have sex in our own bed. The passion and the hunger I saw through the neighbor’s window was unlike anything I’d ever imagined. I knew there was more feeling that could be produced from sex, but this was so much more powerful than even I’d thought possible, and I wanted it.

It seemed like forever, but eventually Marcus came with a grunt and collapsed next to his wife. Nichole and I quietly moved away from the window and got back into bed. I had an erection that was so hard it almost hurt.

“I can’t believe what I just saw,” Nichole said, staring at the ceiling fan spinning overhead.

“Yeah, those blinds are bent to shit, they’re going to have to replace them,” I said jokingly.

“Ha. Ha. Ha,” My wife laughed sarcastically, “I know you were wishing you were in Rachel’s place, letting Marcus ravage your arse.”

Fuck, that made me laugh. I turned over to look at her, “Shall I get some rope, tie you up and fuck you in the ass? Wanna try it?”

Even in the dim light I could see Nicole roll her eyes, “We need a headboard for that.”

“Nah, I could bolt in a ring to the studs or something. But fuck, I’ll go buy a headboard right now if you’ll let me do that.”

“I wonder who Brain is,” my wife said, ignoring my comment.

“Previous lover I guess. Who knows how many people they’ve been with? I’m certain the number is pretty high though.”

“I get that impression from Rachel. They don’t worry much about who they sleep with. If it feels good, they do it.” Nichole commented.

My heart was pounding in my chest as I tried to think of the words that would share my feelings with my wife. This was an opportunity I couldn’t afford to miss.

“Be honest with me here. Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to have sex with a cock as big as Marcus’?” I asked, feeling like I was fumbling but taking the risk anyway.

“No,” Nichole answered a little too quickly. “Yours if perfect, I’ve told you that.”

“I know, and I’m thankful you’re so kind to me. But for a minute, don’t think about my feelings. I want to know. Have you ever let yourself wonder what it would feel like?

Nichole was silent for a long time, and it took me literally poking her several times before she said, “Alright, I may have thought about it once or twice, but not seriously. It would probably bloody hurt anyway.”

“Maybe at first, but Rachel didn’t seem to be in any pain,” I said, hoping to make her recall the images in her head.

A long silence passed between us and I thought my wife had decided to go to sleep until she said, “Ky, I’ve got something to confess.”

And like that, my heart slammed into my throat. She’s never in the two years we’ve been married said those words to me. I instantly sat and turned towards her. “What’s up?”

After another long silence, Nichole spoke, “I was swimming with Rachel the other day, and, well, she had made these iced tea drinks that were very strong, filled with alcohol of some sort. I wasn’t pissed, but I was feeling good enough that when Rachel invited me to take off my bikini, I did it—Marcus wasn’t home when I went over. It was only the two of us.”

“Holy shit, did you really?” I said in shocked surprise, my dick instantly coming to life.

Nichole nodded, and I was sure she was blushing, but I couldn’t tell in the dim light. “But… Marcus came home early and saw us starkers. He saw me completely nude, Ky.”

“Oh my god! Why didn’t you tell me before?” I probed, my mind spinning some serious rpms.

“I’m sorry, I should have. Nothing happened. I mean Marcus took off his shorts, too, but I left shortly after that. I promise nothing happened,” My wife explained. I could hear the panic in her voice.

“I believe you,” I quickly said, putting my hand on her’s. “So, you saw it up close?”

“I saw it, yeah,” Nichole said, her voice with a certain breathy quality to it.

“And?” I pushed.

“And it was… it was huge.”

“Did you want to touch it?” I asked, kind of teasing but kind of not.

“No,” my wife said a little too quickly.

“No?” I said, drawing the word out.

Another long paused stretched out, and I was determined to let it stay that way until she answered. Finally, she said, “Maybe a bit, but it was just a thought—and I blame you for putting the thought in my head. I wouldn’t really do it. In fact, I came home shortly after.”

I laid back onto the pillow, “I can’t believe you were skinny dipping at the neighbors. That’s fucking incredible. Oh, how I wish I could’ve seen it.”

“You’re really alright with it?” Nichole asked.

“Yeah, of course. I like that my wife was a little naughty.”

“You’re a pervert, you know that, right?” She asked, and I could hear the smile in her voice.

“So you’ve said on a few occasions,” I said, a smile on my face. “Do you think you’ll do it again?”

“I don’t know… it sort of just happened, but it was exhilarating. I haven’t felt a rush like that in a long time.”

I reached over and ran my hand along the top of her bare thigh, “You should,” I said firmly, “make it a thing where you go over there without the swimsuit. Hmmm, no tan lines. I’m liking the idea.”

“I like that you like that,” she said, placing her hand on my dick, feeling that I was already hard for her.

“Maybe next time it’ll break out into a three-way with them,” I said, pulling my shorts off and rolling toward my wife.

“Ky,” she said, slapping me on the shoulder. “I would never cheat on you. I can’t believe you say stuff like this.”

“What can I say, I’m a pervert,” I admitted. “I like the idea of my wife being a little slut and playing with the neighbors.” I couldn’t believe I’d just said that. What was I thinking?

“Stop taking the Micky, Ky. It’s one thing to joke about it, but you’re sounding a bit too serious right now.”

My dick was so hard it hurt, and a haze of lust was making it hard to think clearly. I crawled between my wife’s legs and pushed her knees apart. “I think I am being serious,” I said, settling down onto my chest so that my face was only inches away from her opening. She was soaking. “And I think you like the idea, too.” I lightly touched her lips with my tongue.

“It’s one thing to fantasize about, but you can’t actually want me to do it. For one, we are married, and two, you would become a jealous rage monster—there would be no living with you.”

“You’re probably right,” I said, lightly blowing on her skin. “So, fantasize about it right now. Let your mind think about it. Pretend I’m Marcus and I’m about to fuck you like he just did to Rachel.”

“It’s just a fantasy, yeah?” Nichole said in a whisper.

“Yes,” I said softly, probing her core deeper with my tongue, “just a fantasy.”

Mad Dog65

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Mad Dog65 » Wed Mar 17, 2021 10:18 am

Great dialogue! Thanks Ky for the great story.


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by R_H_NC » Wed Mar 17, 2021 1:29 pm

As usual for Ky_Da's writing.......loving it.


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by OOAA » Wed Mar 17, 2021 9:11 pm

What a GREAT story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:up: :up: :up:

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