Caught Out

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Caught Out

Unread post by goyse » Wed Dec 21, 2022 6:34 am

Caught out, Chapter 1.

Caught but….

Jim sat in front of his computer. He loved Saturday mornings because they gave him the opportunity to think, think about things that were his and his only to think about. During the week it was go, go, go as he hurried to prepare for work each morning rushing around making sure the kids were getting dressed and fed. His wife Amy picked up most of the work of course because he had to meet a deadline so she cooked breakfast, prepared the lunches and made sure that the kids packed their bags. But he had to be in that car at twenty minutes past seven to drive to the rail station for the half-hour trip to work in the city.

At work, it was always the same. His boss believed in routine. He always said that routine was the key to success so Jim had his routine from the time he arrived a couple of minutes before the start time of seven-thirty. Those two minutes were to allow him to make a coffee and to be back at his desk before the boss walked through the door. From that time until twelve-thirty it was heads down except for a ten-minute break for another coffee at ten o’clock.

Lunch consisted of a walk to the canteen where he usually met with his good friend Rod for a chat about life and how the baseball was going or if all was quiet with the baseball the conversation usually switched to the Nascar series.

Occasionally, they had the pleasure of the boss’s secretary, Regina joining them. Jim knew that she had a thing for Rod, something that Jim never understood because Rod was nothing special to look at, a bit rough looking actually but he knew that some women liked that unpolished look in their men. After lunch, it was back to work by one-thirty to look forward to the stop-work whistle at four-thirty.

The trip home was always difficult. It seemed that everybody in their state caught the train between four-thirty and five-thirty. Jim hated crowds so he usually stepped into the local coffee shop to sit and drink another coffee as he caught up with the national news in the local paper. After five-thirty he would catch the train once the traffic had reduced.

But then there were Saturday mornings. Like most, he looked forward to the weekend but for Jim, Saturdays were particularly special. At eight o’clock each Saturday, Amy took the kids to their respective sports after which she made her way to the Gym. She joined the ladies first off for a social chat over coffee then moved on to the gym for an hour step exercise program. That gave her two hours for a hit of tennis with the girls before she picked up the kids at twelve-thirty to make her way home to Jim by one o’clock.

Jim knew that he had three and a half hours alone every Saturday to catch up on some reading, to feed his desires, his fantasies. He knew his fantasy could never become a reality because to start with he was frightened of how Amy might react if she ever even suspected. But despite that, he gained some pleasure, some excitement from his reading every Saturday morning to fuel his fantasies.

And so it was for Jim, every Saturday morning was his and his alone, to think whatever he wanted to, be it real or not. After all, did it really matter what he thought or what he desired if no one but Jim was aware or involved?

On Saturday mornings Jim could think a mouse was a lion if he wished to but that was not the type of thing that Jim thought about. His thoughts, his make-believe may start out differently but before long every Saturday Jim’s thoughts reverted back to the same theme and they always centred around his wife, Amy, the woman that he loved and shared his life with.

Time passed and as his boss taught him routine was everything, routine in Amy’s life and Jim’s was what gave Jim the opportunity for him to enjoy his Saturday mornings on the internet living out his dream, a dream that he believed would never become a reality. It was routine that gave Jim his Saturday morning fantasies. If it wasn’t for that routine then he would not feel secure enough at home alone to indulge his fantasy. But for all good things, we must pay a price. The price that Jim paid every Saturday afternoon was Amy questioning him endlessly on why he never seemed to achieve anything on Saturday mornings.

“But I work all week so Saturday morning is when I rest to recuperate. Without recuperation I could never survive long in my high-pressure job,” he would tell Amy.

“Do you think that I don’t get pressure? I look after the kids and do the housework. When do I get to recuperate?” she would say in answer to him.

“That is what Saturday morning is to you and for me, Amy,” he would say. “You get with the girls and you have your sport. I get to rest, to do nothing but think.”

“I guess,” she always said but in her mind, she was not convinced. Amy sometimes even wondered if it was possible that Jim could have a secret girlfriend that he visited every Saturday morning while he had the opportunity but she discounted that because she knew that Jim was not the type to cheat on her. But what did concern her most was that every Saturday night Jim would come up with almost any excuse to avoid having sex with her. On any other night, there were no problems but never on a Saturday night. That made her suspicious.

It was on Saturday, June 8th 2019 that Amy left home to take the kids to their individual sporting activities so that she could catch up with the girls for a coffee before going to the gym. It was her turn to pay but as she parked the car she realized that she had left her purse on the table at home. Initially, she didn’t worry hoping that one of the other ladies wouldn’t mind buying out of turn but then she remembered what Sheela Rodrick had said about someone else who couldn’t pay when it was her turn.

Amy stopped, did she really want to offer an opportunity for Sheela to condemn her just because she left her purse at home? No, no bloody way! That was not going to happen so she climbed back into her car while ringing her friend Mary to ask her to order the coffee as she would be a little over half an hour late.

Jim had seen Amy’s purse but he thought nothing of it. Amy often went to the Gym without her purse so he picked it up to place it beside his computer in the office intending to put it in the bedroom later on.

With the computer started, Jim began his surfing. He checked the OHW site first for any new stories that had been written during the week. Next, he pulled up sluxwive’s site on a second page to check for photos. He opened the third page on Xhamter and typed in “Creampie, sloppy seconds,” to the video page. He immediately saw that one of his favourite girls had posted a video during the week.

As he watched the video which was to run for thirty-five minutes he used “Alt/Tab” to page back and forth between a new story that had been posted and the video while unbuttoning his pants. As he pulled his penis out of his trousers Amy entered the office looking for her purse.

“Jim! What are you doing,” she shouted.

Jim quickly tucked his rock-hard penis away and then turned towards the door. “Nothing,” he replied in shock. He was so shocked that he had forgotten about the video playing on the computer.

“That woman with that man, that woman looks like me! Oh God, Jim, what are you doing.”

“I’m sorry,” he stammered.

“You are watching videos of a woman who looks like me getting fucked by that huge thing. Is that how you spend your Saturday mornings?”

“I just stumbled on this site and thought that I’d take a look,” he lied.

“Wait!” she said, putting her hand up as if to signal as a police officer might do at a road intersection. Then she pulled out her phone and dialled a number.

“Mary, I won’t be able to make it for another half-hour. Something has come up.”

With that, she pushed “end” on the phone and then walked across to her husband. “Okay, Jim, explain all this to me. Why are you watching a woman who looks like me having sex with a man with a cock three times the size of yours?”

“I just was that’s all. I stumbled across it.”

“Jim, I’m not angry. I just want you to explain it to me. You don’t have to lie. I sometimes masturbate myself when no one is around so you playing with your little thingy doesn’t worry me but I would like you to tell me the truth about the video.” She reached past him and clicked ‘Alt/Tab,’ “and the stories.” She clicked it again and said, “and the photos. I can see it is no accident because the photos look similar to me as well.”

“I don’t want to upset you, Amy.”

“I’m not upset, not yet anyway but I might get upset if you don’t grow some balls and tell me the truth. Now, let me ask you this, Jim. Do you have a fantasy of me having sex with another man?”

“Not really,”

“So what is this about? Why are you watching a video of what could be me being seduced by another man? So let’s get past that, okay? It is obvious to me that you do so I’d like to know how this all started. What happened to bring this on?”

“Okay, if you really want to know. I’ll tell you and then I’ll pack my bags.”

“Pack your bags? Why? What brought that on? Have you found another woman or something?”

“No, I love you. I wouldn’t want to leave but if I tell you the truth you will tell me to leave for sure?”

“Try me. I have never ever suggested that I wanted you to leave so why would I now just because I catch you getting your rocks off.”

“Because I dream of you fucking another man, that’s why.”

“I see. So when did this all start? How did this come about?”

“After you joined the Gym, one of the guys at golf told me that the instructor had seduced his wife. It almost broke up their marriage. He caught his wife with him in their bedroom.”

“That would have been Ivy. Yes, I remember that. She played up to him and Steve took the bait. But what did that have to do with this,” She pushed her two open palms up towards the computer screen.

“I imagined it was you, not Ivy.”

“Oh God, you thought I was cheating on you. It must have hurt you to think that. Why didn’t you talk to me about it?”

“I didn’t speak to you because I imagined that I wanted it to happen.”

“What! My goodness, why would you want me to do that?”

“I can’t explain it. It’s just so erotic, that’s all. Sit with me and watch the videos then maybe you might learn to understand.”

“I’ve got a Gym class.”

“Call Mary back again and tell her you can’t go today. I want you to sit with me and watch so that you can see what it does to me. I don’t want you to leave until you understand.”

“Okay, but I will not have sex with another man if that is where this is going. I married you Jim and you are my lover, my only lover.”

“Alright, if that is how you feel. Here is your purse. Go back to the gym then.”

“You want me to leave.”

“No, I don’t want you to leave but there is no sense in me trying to let you understand if you start from a position of non-acceptance of anything other than what already exists. If you won’t even think about the possibilities you may as well go back to your Gym class, forget what you’ve seen here and our life will continue along with our set routine of the last decade. I’ll clean my teeth at eight-thirty, you can read your book till nine and then we’ll be asleep by ten. Don’t you ever think there could be something more to life, something more exciting for us?”

“Yes, I…. I….. I think of things but I love you. You’re my husband so I have to push those thoughts out of my mind.”

“Tell me about them?”

“No! They can’t happen so why tell you something that might worry you.”

“Try me!”


“Because I want to know what thoughts you have to push aside to make sure that our boring marriage stays predictable.”

“You think I’m boring?”

“No, I don’t. I’m aware that you eye off other men when you think I’m not watching in the same way as I eye off extraordinary women when I think you’re not watching. I know you know because I’ve been aware that you have caught me and I’ve caught you.”

“Yes, I’ve caught you, yes, I have, on occasions.”

“And how does it make you feel.”

“I don’t know. Sometimes I get mad. Other times I think it is nice that you still think other women are attractive but I trust you. You would be the same, I guess.”

“I never get mad. I get horny. I actually try to give you opportunities to eye off attractive men so that I can watch you.”

“Do you? There’s a name for men who want their wives to sleep with other men, isn’t there, cockatoo or something like that? I read about it in a magazine once.”

“The word is cuckold or cuck. How did it make you feel reading about it?”

“It made me feel a little bit excited knowing that there are women who could have sex with men other than their husband but I never thought….” Jim cut her off.

“You never thought it could be you………, and me.”

Amy ignored his statement. “There is a big risk these days with all the sexual diseases going around and then there is the fact that I can’t take the pill. With you and me it works okay because we use a condom around the risky time but if I was to take a lover, and I’m not saying that I will, there is the risk of a condom breaking or worse still he might refuse to use a condom. Some men do, you know.”

“You know, Amy, I’m so glad that you left your purse behind this morning. We would never have talked about this if you had simply picked up your purse. My boss has brainwashed me to think that there has to be a routine in life but I wonder if that is what destroys relationships.”

Amy giggled as she asked him, “How do you know that I didn’t leave my purse at home on purpose so that I could catch you masturbating? I knew you did. I’ve known for a while but I didn’t understand that it was all about me. I thought you might have had an online lover.”

“How did you know?”

“We never have sex on Saturday night.”

“So would you like to watch the movie with me?”

“No, I don’t want to watch it yet. I want to know everything about this fantasy of yours. Do you really want me to do this thing and if I agree how would we go about it?”

“Yes, well, I would at first like you to go on a date with someone and then see where it goes from there.”

“Okay, who do I date?”

“Maybe you might have someone in mind.”

“Well, maybe, maybe not. There is the gym coach of course but he plays the field too much for my liking. I guess the only other guy who has really shown interest in me has been your friend, Rod.”

“Rod has shown interest in you?”

“Yes, I thought you knew. He takes the opportunity to get close to me every time we are together. Remember the last New Year’s Eve party with your work where Rod showed up uninvited? While we danced he tried to get me to slip outside through the back door.”

“You know that I’ve always wondered about why the women seem to chase Rod. He’s not that good looking and he dresses like a beggar.”

“You don’t know?”

“Know what?”

Amy chuckled and held her hands about nine inches apart.

“Really?” Jim asked.

“Yes, really. He pushed his hips against me as we danced and I can tell you he has got a weapon. Not only long but it felt thick as well. That thing he has between his legs would attract any woman. Feeling it made me get wet really wet.”

“Then we have our victim then.”

“Victim, what do you mean by the victim?”

“It was just a figure of speech.”

“So how do we go about this?”

"You're interested," he asked and when she nodded he continued, “What say, I invite him over for a barbeque then I take off to buy drinks. While I’m away you get all friendly with him and if he comes on to you, you remind him where he is but suggest perhaps you might be able to go on a date with him.”

“Do we tell him that you know?”

“You could tell him that you think I wouldn’t be upset if I knew then leave it to him if he chooses to tell me or not.”

“What about the kids?”

“Mum and dad will look after them. I’ll call them after I talk to Rod.

“So you’re thinking of tonight?”

“Yes, they always say he who hesitates is lost.”

“Fine, so let’s watch this movie then.”


“Yes, really. I’ll need to get extra horny because I’ll have to look after you as soon as you drop off the kids and then maybe tonight I’ll have to look after two men.”

“But I thought you were just going on a date.”

“Yes, that was the plan but let me tell you that if I know Rod when you go out for drinks, he will see it as an opportunity to get into my pants. Now, do I fight him off until you get back or do I take him to the spare bedroom?”

“Well maybe, I could get the drinks earlier and park around the corner and come back to watch at the window?”

“You want to watch us?”

“Yes, of course.”

“God, honey, forget the video. Take me to bed right now. I need you to make love to me.”

Jim didn’t hesitate. He picked up his wife, kissed her and carried her into their bedroom. Saturdays were looking up. It is surprising what can happen when a woman leaves her purse at home.


Re: Caught Out

Unread post by goyse » Thu Dec 22, 2022 12:25 am

Caught out Chapter 2.

“But Jim, if we don’t get out of bed shortly to prepare for this barbeque with Rod tonight it won’t be happening.”

“Just once more, honey. I promise that I’ll be quick.”

“No, Jim we have already done it twice. Besides, I have to make myself presentable if Rod is coming over and I have to pick up the kids. You need to get up to call your parents to make sure they can look after the kids. I don’t want to land on their doorstep if they don’t expect me.”

“You’re a spoil-sport, Amy. You know that my parents have told us repeatedly that they will take the kids anytime on a Saturday night. They don’t go out these days and they love having the kids, besides the kids don’t get picked up for another half hour. ”

“I can’t go to pick up the kids smelling like I’ve spent the morning as a madam in a brothel, can I?”

“I guess but look at this,” Jim said holding his rock-hard penis in his hand.

“You’re really getting turned on by this, aren’t you? We haven’t had consecutive sex in years until today.”

“Yes, I’ve dreamed of this for years. It was something that I thought would never happen until you left your purse behind. Thanks, honey for being an airhead and forgetting your purse,” Jim told her with a chuckle.

Amy laughed with him and replied, “As I said before, how do you know that I didn’t do it on purpose to spy on you wanking that little dickette of yours.”

“This dickette as you call it has given us two wonderful kids and a morning of sex.”

“Yes and this pussy has got to get cleaned up so that she can pick up those two wonderful kids and take them over to your parent's place if this pussy is going to give you the fantasy that you tell her you have dreamed about for years. Now put dickette away and call your parents!”

“He will be here shortly. Come here, I want to cuddle you before he arrives.”

“I have to make the salads. You should be preparing the drinks and making sure the BBQ is ready.”

“I have the drinks organized. Remember it can’t be obvious otherwise, I won’t have an excuse to leave you and Rod together, will I?”

“Are you sure about this, Jim? You need to be certain or it will cause us immeasurable harm.”

“I am certain. You’re getting cold feet, aren’t you?”

“Not really. In fact, I’m looking forward to the sex part but I’m worried about the aftershock. I don’t want it to go wrong.”

“Look, you don’t need to do anything at all if you’re worried. Just take it a step at a time and if the kitchen gets too hot for you, step out from it as they say. What you do has to be acceptable to you.”

“But what about you?”

“I’m okay with anything you choose to do.”

“Oh shit,” Amy said. “We didn’t get condoms? In running around with the kids and everything I forgot.”

“That’s okay. Use one of mine.”

Amy burst out laughing, “Your condoms won’t fit him. What are you planning? Do you want to throttle him to death? There is no way that your small condoms will fit his cock.”

“I’d better go out and get some then.”

“You’d better hurry. He is due here any time now.”

“Okay, keep him busy until I get back.”

“Get some salad dressing while you’re there.”

“We’ve got salad dressing in the cupboard, up top.”

“Hey, you will need an excuse for going out won’t you or are you just going to tell him, Oh, Rod I had to slip out to get condoms that fit you because my dickette is too small so I didn’t have any rubbers for you so that you can fuck my wife.”

“Okay, I see, rub it in why don’t you?” Jim picked up his keys and walked towards his car. Just as he started the motor, Rod pulled into the driveway beside him.

“Hi Pal,” Rod said as Jim wound down his window.

“I’ve just got to go out to get some dressing for the salad bowl.” Jim told him, “Amy is inside.”

“We could do without the dressing on the salad, couldn’t we?”

“Yes, we could but this is not about what you and I want. If Amy wants dressing then I must get it or suffer the consequences.”

“I see. I’ll keep Amy company then until you return.”

“There are drinks in the cooler if you want to get started.”

“That’s fine. I’ll wait until you get back.”

“Okay, see you soon. I should be back in half an hour.” Rod wondered why Jim said half an hour when the shop was no more than five minutes away. He shrugged his shoulders and headed reluctantly towards the door.

As Jim drove away Rod rang the doorbell. Amy opened the door to him with a smile. “Come in, Rod,” she told him. As he went to move past her she added, “What no hug for your favourite woman?”

Rod looked at her sheepishly, gave her a halfhearted hug and told her, “I’m sorry about my behaviour that last time. I was out of line trying to manhandle you like that. I would have apologized earlier but I was ashamed.”

She looked at him with a smile, placed her finger under his chin to raise his head up so that she could look him in the eye and said, “You know, Rod a married woman doesn’t often get much attention. If she is married to a good man like Jim she has a duty to make sure that any man who approaches her inappropriately gets put in his place. That doesn’t mean that she wants to do that. It is just that she has to protect her husband’s interests.”

“Are you saying that you enjoyed it?”

“I’m saying that at the time I was worried that Jim may be hurt if I didn’t act in his interests.”

“So when you say at the time, what are you hinting at?”

Amy laughed again quite loudly, “Rod, always the opportunist. You examine everything looking and hoping for an opening, don’t you?”

“Well, they do say, nothing ventured, nothing gained, don’t they?”

“Come here, Rod. Give me that hug I asked for. The one you just gave me was neither the one you wanted nor the one that I wanted.”

Rod smiled back at her. A feeling of confidence surged through his body and Amy could see it on his face. He took her in his arms and pulled her tightly in against him. They held each other for at least a full minute. As they did so Amy could feel him growing against her stomach. She didn’t want to but knowing what was most likely in store for her, her juices started to lubricate her down below.

As Rod loosened his hug on her she felt that she wanted more so she raised her head up towards him. He knew what she wanted and he didn’t disappoint. Their kiss started gently but become more like a lover's kiss as time passed. Eventually, he released her.

“Wow, I didn’t expect that,” he said. “I was actually worried about coming over tonight.”

“That’s the past, Rod. This is now.”

“I don’t quite understand. Why the sudden change? Everything is alright with you and Jim aren’t they?”

“Yes, everything is fine with me and Jim. They have never been better, in fact.”

“I don’t follow, why the change?”

“I was not going to explain but as you insist it looks as if I have to. Sit down and I’ll get you a drink.” Arm opened the fridge and took out a bourbon. She opened it, handed it to Rod then sat down beside him.

“First off, Rod, I don’t want you to tell Jim that I’ve talked to you. If Jim seeks to talk to you then that is fine. You might even try to get him to talk about things but he must never know that you and I have talked.”

“I agree.”

“Good. First off I told Jim about part of what happened at the New Year’s Eve party but I didn’t tell him that we went outside together.”

“Why didn’t you tell him about going outside?”

“I didn’t want to break up your friendship. My take on it was that if he knew that I went outside with you he might think that I encouraged you to try to finger me. I honestly didn’t expect you to try that. I thought we would just sit and chat as good friends do. I blame myself a little for what happened.”

“It wasn’t your fault. I was drinking too much and did something that I should not have done. The thing that bothers me now is why this sudden change of heart? You just encouraged me?”

“I told Jim that you tried to seduce me on the dance floor. He asked me did I enjoy the attention which surprised me. I told him I did but I stopped you because it was the right thing to do. He thanked me for thinking of him but suggested that I had missed an opportunity.”

“Jim said that? He said you had missed an opportunity?”

“Maybe not in those exact words but it was what he meant. I asked him how he would react if I had not stopped you and later on he heard about it. He said the thought of it turned him on. He actually reacted positively as if he wanted it to happen.”

“So Jim has given you a hall pass?”

“I guess it sounds like that but I need to know for sure, Rod so what I’d like you to do for me is to show me some affection in front of him so that I can see how he reacts. I’m not sure that what he is thinking is not just a fantasy in his mind. Before I can go further I need to know that he will not react badly if it actually happens.”

“Are you saying that if he can accept it then you will allow me to seduce you?”

“No promises, right but if conditions are right and if Jim appears to accept it then one day it could happen, maybe once or even more. But Jim’s welfare has to come first and foremost.”

“Yes, I agree. I don’t want to lose him as my best friend.”

“Okay, well he just pulled into the driveway so let’s do this thing. Remember that if I say no then you must back off.”

Jim entered the house to find Amy and Rod sitting together on the lounge chair. He smiled and said, “Can you get me a drink, honey? I’ll put your personal things in the drawer in the guest’s bedroom.”

“Did you get the salad dressing?” she asked.

“Yes, I’ll set the dressing on the table. I didn’t know the size for those other things you wanted so I got three different ones. They said if they are not opened we can bring them back for a refund. I got a tube of stuff to assist in case you need help.”

“Oh, alright, I don’t think I’ll need that but you never know about these things.”

Jim placed the salad dressing on the table and made his way down to the guest bedroom. Rod looked at Amy and asked quietly, “What was that all about?”

“He went out to buy condoms and he also got me lube by the sound of It,” she whispered back.

“I don’t believe it. Jim is preparing for me to have sex with you?”

“That is what I have been trying to tell you. Oh, he is coming back.”

“What are you pair whispering about,” Jim asked them.

Amy looked at Rod and said, “Rod wants me to go to the movies with him next weekend but I told him that I would only go if you agreed.”

“What’s the movie?” Jim asked.

“We haven’t picked one yet, honey but it will probably be an R-rated erotic one. It would be a waste of time going to anything different with what Rod has in mind.”

“Oh, what do you have in mind Rod or do I not have to ask?”

“I’m not sure how to answer that one, Jim,” Rod told him.

“Unless you are honest with me, Rod, I’m going to tell Amy that she can’t go.”

“I see. Well, in that case, I find your wife very attractive. I have tried to seduce her but I’m guessing that she might have told you that. If she will let me I still hope to one day bed her.”

“I guessed that was the case but I have to set some rules for you to follow before it happens, Rod so there is no misunderstanding. First off, my wife cannot take the pill so if she does allow you to seduce her you have to promise to wear a condom unless I tell you differently.”

“I can agree to that.”

“Good, next my marriage is important to me so if you happen to fall in love with her you must promise to walk away.”

“So it will only be about sex. Is that what you are saying?”

“Not necessarily but our marriage must survive. That’s all I’m saying.”


“The kids must never know. This is between the three of us and that is how it must stay.”


“Next, if Amy ever says no then that is it. Her word is the law as far as you are concerned.”

“I don’t rape women, Jim and I’m not going to start now.”

“She might say no to more things than sex. If she says no to anything then it doesn’t happen.”


“If by any chance she does get pregnant then the child becomes part of my family. I will be the father, no arguments.”

“You said that we must wear condoms but then talk about children. I don’t understand?”

“I’m not stupid, Rod. I know that if this continues then the day may come when one of the condoms breaks or you get carried away and don’t use one.”

“So you are giving us the okay to go bareback sometime down the road. Is that what you’re telling us?”

“I’m talking to you, Rod. Amy is my witness so where did us come from?”

“If I take your wife to the movies next weekend, we will be going out together so it will be us at the movies.”

“That is right but we are here now and in this house, the us is my wife and I which brings me to the next rule. Unless I agree when you have sex with my wife it will be here in our home with me present in the house.”

“You want to watch us have sex, is that what you are asking?”

“I’m Amy’s husband and this is my house so if I choose to watch then I will but I also may choose not to. The point I’m making is that I want my wife to have sex in my house with me present in the house. It doesn’t work for me if she is having sex when I don’t know about it. This is not just for you or just for Amy. This is about all three of us. I’m not giving my wife to you. I’m sharing her with you.”

“I see.”

“You see but you don’t agree. Is that it?”

“If Amy and I go to an erotic movie we might get carried away so how can I make a promise to you if I know before I agree that there is a chance that we might break it.”

“Good point. I appreciate your honesty. The rules are there as a guideline. Circumstances may change and exceptions may happen. All I am asking is that you try to stick to the rules. If you break them and you or Amy tell me about that and why you broke them then I will not be alarmed. What will cause problems is if you make a habit of breaking them without cause. If I find out that is happening I will put an end to it.”

“Okay, then the rule sticks. Now, what about our rules?”

“You want to set some rules?”

“Yes, I do.”

“What are they?”

“I want the right to take Amy on a date at least once every week, perhaps more.”

“I’d be disappointed if you didn’t want that.”

“I want Amy to spend a week at the coast with me when I take my holidays.”

“Amy, what do you think?”

“If it works out okay with the three of us then I’d agree to that but what about the kids?”

“Why don’t we ask my parents to take the kids while all three of us go to the coast together?” Jim suggested.

“I was hoping on spending a week with Amy and me living together,” Rod told them.

“Alright, but I’d like to be around. Why don’t we spend some time on the idea? Perhaps you can live with Amy as husband and wife while I stay at a unit nearby,” Jim proposed.

“That would work,” Amy agreed. “Gee, this is exciting,” she added.

“Anything else,” Jim asked.”

No one answered. Amy laid her head on Rod’s shoulder and Rod put his arm around her. Rod looked across to where Jim was sitting in the chair opposite them and noticed that Jim readjusted himself. ‘The bastard has got an erection from just seeing me put my arm around her,’ he thought. ‘This is going to be fun.’

“I had better get the BBQ going if we are ready to eat,” he told them and promptly got up and walked out to the patio. As he put the steaks on he looked back inside and saw Rod kissing his wife. ‘Finally,’ he thought. ‘I’m going to get what I’ve dreamt of for the last ten years. Let’s see how long it takes for Rod to stop using condoms. I know he will but how long will it take?’

Visions of wives carrying their lover’s babies flashed through his mind. He reached down and took his little package in his hand and gave it a squeeze, ‘I can hardly wait,’ he thought. ‘If only Rod was black. It would be so much better but beggars can’t be choosers. Maybe I’ll get what I really want in a year or two?’


Re: Caught Out

Unread post by goyse » Thu Dec 22, 2022 12:57 am

Caught out Chapter 3.

Life is never simple. Many like Jim think that life is like mathematics in that when you put two things together out pops a predictable result. Certainly, usually, there is a result but unlike mathematics, the result is never predictable when dealing with life and with other people, even with people you think you know.

Jim finished cooking the steaks. He took them off the BBQ, cleaned it down then wandered back into the house. When he had seen that Amy and Rod had disappeared from the lounge chair where he had left them he wasn’t concerned. Obviously, Amy would need to prepare the plates and the salad so he had expected them to move into the kitchen. But when he found they were no longer in the kitchen he froze. ‘Where had they disappeared to?’

Maybe Rod had gone to the bathroom but where was Amy? Maybe she had gone to their bedroom to freshen up. ‘I’ll give them a few minutes,’ he thought but then before one minute had passed he started to panic. Maybe they had slipped off together. He set the streaks on the table, covered them up and headed to the master bedroom, ‘Not there,’ he thought. ‘I’ll try the bathroom. If Rod is there I’ll just need to find Amy.’

But there was no one in the bedroom or the bathroom. Jim looked down the hallway towards the guest bedroom and a shiver ran through his body. But what was it, a shiver of excitement or a shiver of jealousy? Even Jim couldn’t tell. He remembered all the stories but the one that jumped into his head was the many versions of, be careful of what you wish for.

He walked slowly down the hallway wondering what he should do if they were in the guest bedroom. Should he knock? Should he just burst in on them? Should he walk outside as he had planned to look through the window? Could he do that or would the blind be pulled? By this time he found himself at the door. He placed his hand on the doorknob and stopped, not knowing what to do but then he heard what he thought was a dog whimpering.

‘A dog?’ He thought. ‘We haven’t got a dog.’ He listened intently. He heard it again but this time he recognized what it was. It was Amy when she gets excited, sexually excited. ‘My God, they’re doing it without me there.’

His automatic reaction was to open the door and sure enough, Amy was on her back and Rod was driving his enormous penis in and out of her. Her back was so humped that she formed an arch underneath him. She was latched on to his neck, holding on for dear life, holding on as if her life depended on it.

Jim looked at where their bodies met and couldn’t believe how thick Rod’s cock was. ‘How could she take that thing inside her so easily,’ he thought. ‘I need to get closer but if I do will they stop?’ He didn’t want to disturb them but at the same time, he wanted to see it up close so he dropped to his hands and knees and made his way across to the end of the bed.

“Oh, Rod, I’m cumming,” Amy called out to her lover.

“Yes, I can feel the heat of your juices,” Rod called back.

“Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oooohhhhhh Ggggooooodddddd,” Jim’s wife screamed as juices sprayed from their joining.

“Oh Amy, you’re so hot,” Rod told her.

It was then that Jim realized that something was not quite right. He had to know so he moved up to the drawer still on his hands and knees and opened it to peer inside. There in the drawer were three unopened packs of condoms. Rod was doing his wife bareback, with no protection. It was too much for him. He reached down, pulled his dick from his pants and in no more than three strokes he shot his sperm onto the bedroom carpet.

At exactly the same time Rod let out a roar like a bull yelling so loud that it was likely that the neighbours would hear him, “Oh, Amy, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, Iiimmmm, ccccuuuummmiiinnngg.” As he did so, Jim heard his wife tell her lover, “Yes, Rod fill that pussy with your sperm. Give it to me. Make me yours. I want you to fill me!”

Rolled up in a ball on the floor Jim realized that his wife had deceived him. She had promised that she would use protection. His mind wondered how long had it been since her period ended. Was it a week? No, it was more than a week. Was it two weeks or three? If it was three weeks she would be okay. Her fertile time would be passed but perhaps it is only two weeks. At two weeks there was a very real likelihood of pregnancy.

He lifted himself off the floor deciding that it was too late to worry about pregnancy anyway because the deed was done and it couldn’t be undone. He had wanted this and his ultimate fantasy was that one day his wife, the woman he loved would risk pregnancy anyway. It was just that he had not expected it with Rod on their very first time together.

He peered at their joining and realized that Rod was still embedded inside her holding the sperm inside, increasing the likelihood that his sperm might find her egg. Then a thought popped up in his mind associated with a feeling of panic. ‘My God,’ he thought, ‘Now that he has had her bareback he will want it every time. I need to take charge here.’

Jim rose to his feet and with a croaky voice said, “You didn’t use the condoms?”

Amy smiled up at him over Rod’s shoulder. “Hi honey, I didn’t know you were here.” She lied. “Did you see us?”

“Yes, I did,” Jim answered, his voice breaking more than it did the first time he spoke.

“Did you like it?” she asked him.

“It was okay but you didn’t use a condom.”

“Yes, we got a little carried away and we forgot. But it doesn’t matter because my period is due in a couple of days.”

“Yes, but what about next time and the time after?”

“It’s okay, honey, and stop worrying. Did you cook the steaks?”

‘What the hell,’ Jim thought, ‘she has just been fucked bareback and all she can do is ask me if I have cooked the steaks.’

“Are you okay, honey,” she asked him when he just stood there and stared at her. He looked at Rod whose but was still rising and falling about an inch at a time as he recovered. ‘He’s going to go again,’ Jim thought, ‘the bastard is not happy to ignore our agreement he is preparing to fuck my wife again without even recognizing that I am standing here watching them.’

“Are you okay, honey!” Amy asked him again in a much sterner voice. Jim’s eyes snapped back from looking at Rod’s humping to looking at his wife.

“I guess so,” he mumbled then stated the obvious, “he’s going to go again.”

“Yes,” his wife agreed, “Isn’t it wonderful. He made me cum so much. I wish you could do that for me, honey. I’ll want this every day now. Pull up the chair and watch us.”

“I’d better get the food ready,” Jim mumbled as if in some distant place trying to ignore what was happening around him.

“No, don’t leave me, Jim. I want you to watch us, to learn.”

‘Fucking learn?’ Jim’s brain told him, ‘I’ve already learnt. Rod can’t even acknowledge that I’m there. What sort of friend fucks your wife with your permission then ignores you as if you don’t exist,’ he thought.

“Jim, are you okay?” his wife shouted at him as if she was scolding him for something that he had done wrong. ‘Like she did when I backed the car into the letterbox and like she did when I hit the cricket ball through the window,’ Jim thought. ‘I’m not in the wrong here. I let them do this but they have broken the rules. This is not my fault!’

“Jim, Jim, are you alright,” she yelled again. Finally, Rod turned his head to look at him. Jim stared back. He said nothing but just stared.

“Jim, either take a seat or fuck off,” Rod told him in a much sterner voice than Amy had used.

“You didn’t wear a condom. You made a promise to me.” Jim told him.

“It wasn’t up to me, mate. You know how it is. If the woman wants to be fucked bareback, you do like she says.”

“You’re my mate and you promised me,” Jim snapped back at him.

“Now just hold on, cobber,” Rod stated as he withdrew from Amy. “You knew that it would eventually happen so why not now when there is no risk? Amy knows what she is doing, Jim. She is in control. I’m just here on your invitation to service her.”

A torrent of sperm flooded from the space that Rod’s withdrawal had left. Jim’s eyes were fixated on it as it cascaded across her rectum. He couldn’t take his eyes off it, ‘how much has he pumped into her?’ he thought, ‘And how much has he stretched her? Will she ever be the same? Will I ever be able to feel her again?’ He slumped back into the chair against the wall feeling as if he was totally and absolutely beaten. ‘What have I done?’

“Are you okay, honey,” Amy asked him again. This time she said it with love in her voice.

When Jim didn’t answer her and just sat there. Rod assumed that Jim wanted them to continue so he moved back into position and directed his huge cock back into her. Amy didn’t stop him but kept looking across at her husband.

She didn’t understand why he was acting like he was. She didn’t understand that what she saw was a man who felt that his whole married life had been directed to achieving this very moment, believing that somehow it was going to be wonderful, exciting and loving for him. Something that would endear his wife to him for giving her something that he couldn’t but in fact, it was a flop, a disaster not because of the event itself but because it was associated with feelings of betrayal.

Jim was feeling no love and he couldn’t see any love here, in this room. All he saw was a man taking advantage of his wife’s sexual desires. The woman he loved was being used as a sex aid. To Jim, it was horrific, depraved and despicable but the really horrific part was that he had encouraged it. He was behind it. He was responsible for this shit!

Jim heard the loud, “Flap, flap, flap,” the ongoing, “Flaps,” that characterize the second sexual event of a man and a woman only intent on their achievement of that orgasm that they know is there but they have to work hard to achieve. Jim watched for about five minutes before he stood up and walked towards the door.

“I’ll prepare the salads,” he told them to be once again ignored. He slammed the door but even that didn’t take their focus away from what they as individuals wanted, their next orgasm.


Jim washed his hands in the bathroom. He wandered down the hallway hearing the continuous “Flap, flap, flap,” In the background. Even as he washed the lettuce leaves the same pattern invaded his ears. He cut the tomatoes but stopped as the background noise changed. Now it became a chorus of, “Oooohh, aaahh, oooohh, aaahh,” of alternating male and female voices with an occasional, “Yes, oh yes, I’m cumming,” to tell Jim that they could be joining him shortly.

He plodded on as if in a dream. His feeling of disgust with himself was slowly leaving his mind as he focused on getting the three plates prepared for the evening meal. As he poured the best red that he had to hand, the one that he once put aside for this very special event he felt his wife’s arms encircle him from behind. It felt wonderful and he turned towards her as she raised her face up for him to kiss.

The kiss was sweet and wonderful but the taste, what was that? ‘Oh,’ he thought, ‘she has cleaned her lover.’ Despite what emotions he had just gone through over the last hour there was a stirring in his groin at tasting another man within the sweet taste of the woman he loved. Maybe some of those feelings were misplaced after all?

He held her tight against him as a tear slowly formed in the corner of his eye. The woman that he loved, the woman who he had invested his whole life in since they met at nineteen years of age was no longer solely his. He had given her to another man to use for his pleasure and she had accepted him with open arms. Again something stirred in his groin.

Amy looked up at him. “You’re getting horny.” He heard it as a question but she was making a statement.

“Yes,” he replied. “I could taste you when you kissed me and I can smell your juices. I can detect the odour of your orgasm as well.”

“Orgasms,” she said.

“Sorry,” he replied not understanding why she had corrected him.

“They were orgasms, multiple orgasms, and continuous orgasms, one after the other until he was spent. You did this for me and I will never be able to repay you for allowing me to have so much pleasure. I love you more after this than I ever have if that is possible.”

“I love you too, honey.” He looked around feeling an intense feeling of wellness in his chest, “Where is he?” he asked hoping against hope he had died or something similar.

“He’s asleep. He dozed off so I left him to come out to be with you. I hurt you didn’t I? I’m sorry, honey. I just needed him at that moment and you were out cooking so I led him down to the bedroom we had set up. I should have waited for you to join us but it was that moment that everything came together just right for us to do it.”

“I was stressed to know you had left me out.”

“I won’t leave you out again. Do you want to take me to the bedroom?”

“Dinner is out.”

“Yes, I know but I want to give you the opportunity to reclaim me like in those videos we watched and those stories you read.”

“The videos are shit. They are not real. Tonight was real and tonight was nothing like in the videos. Even the stories didn’t translate into reality.”

“Yes, I agree. Tonight was much better than any video could ever be.”

Jim was shocked. He was trying to point out how disappointed and hurt he felt but she stated exactly the opposite. “You liked it that much,” he asked her.

“Yes, it was good before you came in but seeing you there on your hands and knees trying not to be seen made me cum so hard that I felt my brain would blow the top of my head off. I’ve never experienced anything quite like it. The man I love watching his friend have sex with me. That is nasty, magnificently nasty, real mind-blowing shit!”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

“Then when you opened that drawer and saw the condoms not used you cum, didn’t you?”

“Well, I did come but….”

She cut him off. “I saw your cum on the carpet beside the bed. You thought I was fertile and it made you cum. That thought must have blown your mind at that time. I love you husband of mine. I’m so glad that you talked me into this. I was frightened, really, really, frightened but now I know that it is okay. Come to bed with me. Show me how much you love me for doing this for you.”

Jim knew he was caught. He had started something that was now his fear but his wife had now adopted this as their future. He now had some idea of what the stories were really about. Be careful what you wish for, was the title of many a story that he had read but at the time he scoffed at the title and only absorbed the sexual content. He loved the sexual content but now he had to contend with what the author’s message really was about. Now he understood. He understood that he had started an avalanche of feelings that was about to rush down towards the depths of despair and he was caught up in it because he had asked for it.

Jim placed a cover over the meals as his wife held his hand and cuddled up against his arm at every opportunity. It was as if she had taken some love drug that made her so affectionate that all she could do was hold on to him. He walked towards their bedroom moving across behind her to put his free arm around her as he did so. They entered the bedroom and as an afterthought, he slid the lock across.

“Why did you lock the door,” she asked.

“This is our time, honey, just for you and me.”

“But what about Rod?”

“Rod is a big boy he doesn’t need us to look after him.”

Amy giggled at that, “Yes, he is big, isn’t he, very big?”

Jim picked his wife up and laid her down on the bed then lay beside her. She rolled on her side to allow her to kiss him. After kissing for a time she asked him, “Are you going to look at me?”

“I am looking at you.”

“No, I mean, down there,” she nodded downwards towards her crotch.

“Do you want me to look?”

“Well, I thought, you know, in the stories you showed me the husband checks his wife out after and reclaims her.”

“Do you want me to look and to reclaim you?”

“I think it would be very erotic. I liked reading that part in the stories.”

“We only read two. Only one of them had that moment where the husband reclaims his wife.”

“I’ve read more.”

Jim chuckled, “you admit to reading porn stories?”

“Yes, I knew you were reading them for some time now so I snuck into your office when you had downloads happening during the day and read your files.”

“And you liked that part of the stories, did you?” he asked with a smile.

“Yes, I always imagined it was you.”

“Did you, now? So I had better play my part for you.” Jim moved downwards towards her crotch but she held him with her hands on both sides of his head.

“I’m very messy down there,” She told him as if to prepare him for a shock.

He looked up at her across her sizable breasts and with a smile he told her, “Yes, I can imagine.”

She still held him as he went to move so he looked back up at her, “Will you clean me, you know, lick me clean?” She asked.

“Ah, so this is what it is about. Yes, if you want me to I will.”

He felt her close her legs around him, squeezing his body as she said, “Oh, that is so erotic.”

He moved further down, undid the tie around her waist then lifted her nightgown (that she had thrown on) back from her crotch. She had replaced her panties but they were soaked in sperm. He could see Rod’s sperm through the thin fabric. The ammonium odour of sperm almost overcame him but he found the sight highly arousing.

“I’ll need to remove your panties,” he told her, “Lift your bottom.” She complied while watching his every move. “You are a mess, aren’t you? I can’t believe how much you’re gaping open.” He stood and removed his pants and underpants. Instead of lowering himself back to her crotch, he moved up the bed and without saying a word pushed his cock into the mess.

There was no actual feeling of resistance just a squelching noise. Undeterred, Jim worked away as the repulsive squishing and farting noises issued from his wife’s vagina. She held him so tight that he thought that she may throttle him.

Just as Jim was about to cum there was a knock on the bedroom door.


Re: Caught Out

Unread post by goyse » Thu Dec 22, 2022 2:06 am

Caught out Chapter 4

As Jim was about to cum there was a knock on the door. Amy who had been holding him tightly around the neck let him go which took his attention away from his orgasm and destroyed his desire.

“It will be Rod,” she told him.

“Yes, fuck it, it will be Rod,” Jim replied, annoyed that she had spoiled it for him.

“He’s locked out.”

“Yes, this is our time. He had his opportunity. It’s our time now.”

“But Jim, he is our guest. You can’t lock guests out. It’s just not right.”

Jim let out a deep sigh, “I guess,” he said. “You go clean up. I’ll take him out for a drink.”

“You’re a mess too. Maybe I can put my robe on to cover up and look after Rod while you take a shower then you can join us.”

“Yea, I suppose.”

Rod knocked loudly on the door again. Amy got up. She put a different robe on as the one she had been wearing was soiled and then walked to the door. Jim moved towards the bathroom but stopped close enough to hear.

“I can’t get my car out,” Rod told her. “Jim parked behind me when he came back from getting the condoms.”

Jim’s ears pricked up. ‘How did he know that I went out for condoms?’ he thought. There was silence for a time, Jim wondered if they might have gone down to the lounge room but then Amy spoke.

“Oh, Rod, That’s nice but I’m so messy down there.”

“I don’t care,” came his reply in a hushed male voice.

“Well, not here, Jim will hear us. Take me to the spare bedroom and don’t bight my tits so hard. I don’t want bruises on them for Jim to see.”

“I think Jim might like to see bruises on you. He seemed to enjoy it last time, didn’t he? If Jim was so concerned why haven’t you cleaned yourself up? I think he loves it just as much as we do. I’m glad it’s all out in the open now. We won’t have to hide from him anymore.”

“Rod, what we did was a once of. It was a slip-up on my part. If Jim didn’t want this it would not have happened ever again.”

“You would have come around eventually. You know it and so do I. You were just playing hard to get. You enjoyed it too much to not want to do it again.”

“Having sex with Jim aware and supporting me in one thing but I’m not going back into cheating, Rod. I had trouble living with myself after that party. Even now, the moment Jim says no, this will be over.”

“Then I’ll have to look after you both very well then, for a while anyway. Once you get used to this log of mine you won’t be happy with what Jim has to offer. You’ll be mine whenever I want you within a few months.”

“Understand, Rod, this is sex, nothing more than that. Jim is my husband and a damn good one at that so after you have moved on Jim will still be my husband and I will be his wife.”

“Okay, whatever you say. Now, come on let’s get this party started.”

Jim heard their footsteps as they moved down the passageway to the guest’s bedroom. He hurried into the bathroom. He took a washer and cleaned up his crotch then hurried down the passageway to watch them.

The room was too bright with the afternoon light shining in through the window so Amy told Rod to lie down on the bed while she pulled the blinds. She then pulled the heavy curtains across in front of the blind to make the room dark. Amy wanted it that way because she was self-conscious not having cleaned herself since they last had sex. She did however leave the door cracked open hoping that Jim might wish to watch them and he did.

Amy lay down beside Rod who had removed all of his clothes. Her robe was still on because of her feeling of self-consciousness. She made no attempt to touch him. Rod rolled on his side to face her which coincidentally meant his back was to the door. After looking at her for a while without her looking at him he asked. “Are you okay, Amy?”

“Yes, but I’m concerned that you are becoming too demanding.”

“I thought this was all about having sex and that is all I expect of you. I ask for nothing more.”

Amy saw a shadow of movement at the door. “You must wear a condom,” she told him.

“Why? You’ve already been flooded with my sperm how is wearing a condom going to make any difference? It simply doesn’t even make any sense now.”

Amy saw Jim enter the room sliding through the small gap in the door. “It is not about what makes sense it is about what Jim expects of us. He is allowing this to happen so we have to meet his conditions or we don’t do it.”

“What if I refuse?”

“Then I get up and go back to Jim and you go home.”

“So, it’s a rubber or nothing.”

“Now you’re getting the picture.”

“Jim wouldn’t know if we didn’t use one.”

“I think you underestimate Jim.”

“Okay, give me one.”

Amy opened the drawer and chose a box. She showed it to him. He shook his head and said, “Bigger.” She reached in again and got a bigger size. He nodded. She pulled one out and ripped the covering off it.

“Put it on with your mouth,” He told her.

“I don’t know how.”

“Doesn’t Jim teach you anything? I thought that every married woman knew how to do that.”

“How would you know anyway? You're single and have never been married.”

“I get around. Now put the nipple part in your mouth. Don’t close your mouth on it." He held his rock-hard cock up for her while lying on his back. "Place it over my head. Yes, that’s right, like that. Now use your tongue to clear the air out of the nipple. Push down and use your mouth to roll it on.“

She rolled it on about an inch with her mouth then used her hand to roll it all the way on. As she did so she saw Jim sitting near them with his back to the wall on the opposite side of the bedside table. He smiled at her.

“It only goes on about halfway. Is that enough?” she asked.

“That’ll be fine,” he told her then went to move over on top of her.

“No, this time I want to go on top. Now lay back and enjoy.” Amy was aware that if Rod went on top he would most likely see Jim.

Rod did as instructed after all he needed to keep her happy if he was ever going to get into her panties again. Amy aimed him towards her hole but with the lubrication on the condom plus the sperm that was leaking from her, his head slipped up along her stomach. She went to grab him again but another hand was in her way. She turned her head and there was Jim directing him to her pussy. She couldn’t see as he directed the stiff, hard phallus into her but she looked at Jim as he did it.

Rod should have known but he didn’t seem to let on if he did because he continued to look up at her. Once he had entered her, Amy saw Jim look up at her and he smiled before he moved back to his original position.

Amy worked away on Rod but it seemed to be taking a long time. Occasionally she looked over to see her husband watching intently. Because it was taking too long she was getting a little peeved. Eventually, after a good fifteen minutes, she asked Rod when he was going to cum.

Rod looked up at her and said, “I’m trying but that fucking condom is taking all the feeling away.”

“Don’t try to pull that one,” she answered and looked across to Jim who mouthed something to her. She bent her head slightly so that Rod couldn’t see to indicate that she didn’t understand. Jim put his finger inside his clenched fist and pulled it out sharply to tell her to pull out. She got the message and started to lift higher as Jim moved across to the side of the bed.

When Jim was beside them she lifted high and Rod slipped out of her. Jim slid his hand up along Rod's erection then put his hand on her back to push her down again onto Rod.

“What the fuck,” Rod said. “I thought you said I had to use a condom.” Amy felt it too. She looked to the side and Jim held up the condom. He has slipped it off. She smiled at him and he gave her the thumbs up. About ten seconds later Rod let out a roar and filled her pussy with his sperm.

Amy dropped her body down to lay on top of Rod but as she did so she looked towards where Jim had been to see him disappearing through the door. He had left them alone to recover from their post-ejaculation exertion.

“When do I see you next,” Rod asked her.

“I thought that we had a date for next Saturday night to go to the movies.”

“Yes, well I thought that was just to keep Jim happy to make him think that we weren’t going to do anything sexual.”

“I can’t believe you! Jim is allowing us the opportunity to spend time together and all you can think about is how to con him.”

“No, Amy, I didn’t mean it like that. I just thought that maybe he might not be happy to know that we are having sex together.”

“Jim is not stupid, Rod so I wish you would stop thinking as if this is something he doesn’t understand. Of course, he knows that we had sex. He was making love to me when you knocked on the door of the bedroom. Also, why did you lie? I checked the driveway and Jim’s car is not blocking your car from getting out. Now Jim will think that he can’t trust you and he might even think that I can’t be trusted.”

“I’m sorry. I just have difficulties understanding why a man would let his beautiful wife have sex with another man.”

“Thanks for the compliment, Rod. What Jim believes is that I want more sex and better sex than he can provide to me so he is trying to keep me happy and contented.”

“Do you?”

Amy didn’t understand. She didn’t think in terms of what she wanted but what Jim believed. She had never actually thought very much about her needs at all. “Do I what?”

“Do you want and need more than Jim can give you?”

The question surprised Amy. She thought about it trying to find an honest answer. At the party when Rod had whisked her out the back door she was taken by surprise and definitely, it had felt nice to be desired by a man other than her husband. He had touched her despite her objections and yes later on she had masturbated thinking of what might have happened if she hadn’t put a stop to it. It had played an important part in her lovemaking after that with Jim allowing her to once more achieve those orgasms that she had missed for quite a while with her husband. If she noticed it then it was likely that Jim had as well.

“You’re not answering me,” Rod told her, “Do you want and need more than Jim can give you? Is his belief correct?”

“I’m not sure,” she lied. “I was trying to find an honest answer.”

“So you’re only doing this because your husband wants it?”

“I wouldn’t be doing it if Jim didn’t want it and accept it.”

“I understand that. Jim is lucky in that regard. You’re dedicated to him but I want to know about you, not about Jim. If you were my wife then no man would ever be allowed near you. You’re too precious to give away to someone else.”

“That’s why I’m married to Jim and not to you. It probably explains why you’re still single as well.”

Rod jumped to defend himself. “I’m single because I can get all the pussy I need without getting married.”

Amy laughed at him, “Marriage is not about getting pussy, Rod. It is about companionship and love and doing things together. It’s about trusting your partner and wanting to share your life with the person you care about. It is also about giving your partner what they want and desire.”

“Yes, all of that and also having pussy laid on. I can get any pussy I need when I need it because I’m packing.”

Amy shook her head and then lifted up to get him to slide out of her. A huge mass of sperm ran from her onto Rod’s crotch as she did so.

“Look at what you’ve done. You’ve made a mess,” he told her.

“Hold on, I’ll get something to clean you with,” she told him. She stood, placed her hand between her legs and rushed towards the bathroom. As she crossed the hallway she looked to her left and saw Jim standing there outside the bedroom door. She smiled but didn’t say anything because she knew that he would not want Rod to know that he had been listening.

She entered the bathroom. She sat down on the toilet and then pulled her hand away. She heard the plop, plop, plop of the sperm falling into the toilet. As the flow slowed she reached for a hand full of toilet paper off the roll but saw Jim standing there. He closed the door and then said to her, “Let me help.”

Jim took the paper from the roll and then squatted down in front of her on his hands and knees. “Lift up,” he said. Amy lifted up by leaning to the side as she would have done if she were to clean herself. Jim wiped the sperm from her pussy looked at it then placed it in the toilet bowl. He then pulled more paper off the roll and repeated the process.

This time, however, he held the paper just clear of her. He said, “Push it out.” Amy contracted her stomach muscles and a quite loud pussy fart issued from her associated with a bubbling sound. They both laughed.

“That got a lot. Try again,” He instructed. Once more she issued a loud pussy fart and once more they both laughed. “Kiss me,” he demanded. She complied.

“I love you, Jim. Just how much you will never understand.”

“I know. I heard. You’re conflicted but you need not be because I love you so much for doing this for me.”

“It’s not all for you, Jim. Rod forced me to think about it, something I hadn’t stopped long enough to do before. I wouldn’t tell him but I want this as much as you do.”

“It’s okay that you want it. It makes me happy to know that we both want it. I’m worried though because you’re not protected. If you keep doing this without protection you’re sure to conceive.”

“Yes, I know but Jim if I did would it be all that terrible.”

“You would want to carry his child?”

“Isn’t that what all the stories that you read lead to eventually? Isn’t that really the thing that excites you the most about the stories? How many of the stories in your library end differently, Jim?”

“That’s a big step, Amy. That’s a couple of decades of work for us raising a child.”

“You avoided my question, Jim. How many of the stories in your library end without the cheating wife getting pregnant? Be honest, Jim. That is what your fantasy is really about isn’t it.”

“Rod will be waiting for you, Amy. I have to let you go back to him.”

“No! This is not about Rod. This is about you and me. This is our marriage, not his. I want an answer from you. Meanwhile, Rod can rot in hell as far as I’m concerned because he thinks he is better than us but he’s not. You and I control this and it is what we decide that is important. I love you, Jim. I love what you stand for and everything about you and I know that you feel and think the same about me.”

“Oh, God, you’re so wonderful, Amy. I love you so much but you’re right. The thought frightens the shit out of me but it’s true. The ultimate is for you to carry another man’s child for me but I’m not sure that Rod is the right man.”

“I’m glad you said that because I don’t think he is either. Next Saturday night I’ll go to the movies with him but end it with him after we get home. Is that okay with you?”

“Yes, that’s fine. Can I feel inside of you to feel how sloppy and slippery you are?”

“I’ve been waiting for you to do that since I sat down. Once you’ve done that I’ll get Rod to go home so that you and I can make love. He’s stretched me a lot. I know how much you like me loose and slippery. You’ll really love it, honey.”


Re: Caught Out

Unread post by goyse » Thu Dec 22, 2022 6:32 pm

Caught out Chapter 5.

“I sent him on his way, honey.”

“Was he being difficult?”

“Everything about Rod is difficult. I can’t understand why we got involved with him?”

“Unless I’m mistaken you said it had something to do with nine inches, didn’t you?”

Amy laughed, “I have a very perceptive husband who has a good memory.”

“Yes, a perceptive husband but not very big, unfortunately.”

“He’s big enough for me. I love him, all five inches of him.”

“That was yesterday. This is today.”

“What does that mean?”

“it means that once you have had nine inches of thick cock you will want it again and again and…. need I go on.”

“Possibly but we don’t know that yet do we?”

“Come on, Amy. Remember the party. You and Rod were dancing and he took you outside. Now I don’t know what happened that night and you needn’t tell me if you don’t want to but what I do know is that you had not reached orgasm for several months before that night but after that night for a long time you reached orgasm every time with me.”

“What do you think happened?”

“I don’t know for sure but I know that after the party you were soaked and you almost raped me. As I have said before, whatever it was I loved what it did for us and I know you did too.”

“Is that why you bought Rod home to me?”

“That was part of it, yes.”

“I’m going to the movies on Saturday night with him. Do you want me to let him seduce me?”

“What do you want?”

“There you go again, answering a question with a question.”

“He won’t wear a condom. How safe do you think you are?”

“I should be okay. So what you’re saying is as long as I think I am safe you would like me to fuck him.”

“Yes, as long as you tell me about it.”

“I should tell you that Rod told me that a couple of his mates had suggested that they go to the movies with us. Are you sure that you still want me to go?”

“You’re teasing me, right?” He looked at her and realized that she was dead serious. “You’re not joking, are you? Who are they?”

“I think he said that their names were….., let me think now……., Marcus was one….., and the other one…., yes, he said Sammy.”

“Holy Dooley! Sammy is black but he is a good bloke. I like him. He’s trustworthy.”

“Is he? Rod didn’t tell me that he was black. Are you upset, honey?”

“No, of course, I’m not. As I said, Sammy is a great bloke. Are you going to go through with it?”

“There you go again, firing back a question as an answer to a question.”

“Do you blame me?”

“That’s a double question. You’re getting excited, aren’t you?”


“You know, nothing may happen. We might just go to the movies then come home and that will be that.”

Jim shook his head, “No way. You told him you’re going to break it off with him, didn’t you?”


“He mentioned his friends after you told him, didn’t he?”


“I knew it. He is planning to gang fuck you with his mates.”

“That is probably his plan, yes. Do you want me to go through with it? Would you want to watch?”

“No, I couldn’t watch that.”

“Okay, that’s that then.”

“Will you be okay?”

“Of course, I will. Rod might be pushy but he wouldn’t hurt me so I expect that I’ll be quite okay. I’m not sure about three of them though. Maybe I can pair off with one of them. What do you think?

“If that is what you want then go for it. Sammy is a nice bloke and I’m aware that you’ve always had this thing about one day trying a black man.”

“You don’t mind me trying black,” she giggled, “They say once you go black you never go back.”

“Well, we might know if that’s true after Saturday night.”


“Hi Amy,” Rod turned to look at his two friends, “This is Marcus and this is Sammy. This is Amy, fellows.”

“Hi Amy,” they said in harmony.

“Hi Sammy, Hi Marcus,” Amy replied. “It’s nice to meet you. What is the movie tonight?”

Rod looked at Sammy and asked, “What have you organized, Sammy?”

”It’s called the farmer’s daughters, Rod. It’s about some black farm hands who are left to look after the farm and the teenage daughters while the farmer and his wife have a couple of months holidaying at the beach.”

Amy’s mouth dropped open, “Are you saying that it’s a porno?”

“Well, I thought that is what we wanted. It’s on at the underground theatre.”

“I’m not sure I should do this without talking to Jim first,” Amy stated while turning her head back towards the door. She could see Jim watching from the lounge room but she doubted that he could hear them because the TV was on in the background with the motor race that he had been watching on. She shrugged her shoulders, “I guess it will be alright.”

“Jim doesn’t care,” Rod told her.

“Jim cares a hell of a lot more than you think,” she snapped back, “but I guess it will be alright. You guys had better be good.”

“I’m always good,” Marcus told her then added with a laugh, “nobody has complained yet, anyway.”

“Funny,” Amy replied. “You had better behave yourselves, I mean.”

“There is not much fun in that sweetheart,” Sammy said with a pleasant smile which Amy returned. “Come on, Amy, let’s go. Sit with me in the back of Rod’s jalopy.”

“Why not,” Amy said realizing that Jim was not going to save her. She knew him and she knew that not only would he not save her but if he came out he would embarrass her by asking her why she didn’t want to go. Worse still he would ask in front of the three guys.

As they bounced along in the back of the jalopy Sammy made a point of watching her breasts bouncing in time with the bumps on the roadway. She had not worn a bra on Jim’s insistence after he said, “What use is it to go out if you don’t give your date something worth looking at.” At the time it sounded erotic but now sitting in the back with the bouncing it seemed outright rude.

“They’re nice,” Sammy told her.

“Sorry, did I miss something? What are you talking about?”

“Your breasts, they are very nice. They are perfect actually.”

Amy was embarrassed so not knowing what to say she simply said, “Thanks,” and then dropped her eyes to avoid him looking at her. Then she saw it. She had heard how big black men could be but she had disregarded it as just a sick fantasy that some people might have but what she saw pushing along Sammy’s trousers leg was real, very real. She lifted her eyes up in embarrassment but saw that Sammy was watching her.

He smiled. “Yes, you made me get excited,” he said. “I’m sorry if it embarrasses you but I can’t help it. It just happens.”

“It happens, what happens?” She asked not understanding why he was apologizing.

“This,” he said, “placing his hand over the head of his long penis. “I get excited being with you and I can’t control it, I get hard. I know it must have embarrassed you to see it.”

“No, not really, I wasn’t embarrassed,” she lied, “I was just shocked to see its size.”

“Have you not seen one that big,” he asked keeping his voice down so the other men in the front didn’t hear.

“No, never.”

“It’s a shame I can’t show you,” he told her. “Maybe I can later.”

“Yes, I’d like that, I think,” She looked up at him remembering that Jim has told her that Sammy could be trusted. “Sammy, Jim, my husband told me that you could be trusted,” She saw him nod in agreement. “Can I ask you a favour?”

“Sure, anything you want.”

“I’m going to break it off with Rod tonight. He put me under a bit of pressure and locked my husband out of our fun trying to keep me away from him. Jim is okay with it but I’m not happy with it at all so I’ve decided to break away from him. Would you mind acting as my date for the night?”

“Sure, I’ll do that but it might cause some issues because Rod invited me along. We’re in his car so he might get upset and make us walk.”

“We need not worry about that because Jim gave me some money so we can either get a cab or call Jim to pick us up.”

“Alright, so how do we go about it?”

“Well, to start with we would need to kiss a bit. Rod has been watching us in the mirror so then I might touch you. After that, you might need to get a bit touchy-feely with me but nothing too hot, if you understand.”

“Kiss me,” he told her.

Amy reached her arm up and pulled his face down to her to kiss. This continued for about five minutes then she broke away and placed her hand on his erection. She ran her hand from its root to its head then looked up at him and said, “My God, it’s not only long, but it’s also almost as thick as a coke can.”

“Yes, it’s too thick. I have problems with girls. When they see it they get frightened.”

“You poor man, I promise that I will try as much as I can for you but you will need to be careful and patient with me.”

“You’re going to let me…… you know.”

“Yes, if you support me to make a break away from Rod then you can take me home and we’ll see where that leads to.”

“Do you want to take it out?”

“No, I won’t take it out, not here but maybe in the dark of the movie theatre. Now kiss me again and feel my breasts.”

Sammy did everything that she asked, exactly as she asked. It’s amazing what a promise of sex with a beautiful woman can achieve.


It was after the movie that Amy called Jim.

“Can you slip out to give Sammy and me a ride home, honey?”

“Yes, that’s fine but what has happened to Rod?”

“He didn’t take nicely to me saying no for an answer.”

“You broke up with him?”

“Yes, Sammy helped me so I’ve got to keep a promise that I made to him.”

“Okay, you don’t want to take him to a motel for the night?”

“I thought you might want to watch.”

“No, not really. I might get upset. Besides I’m still watching the racing.”

“Okay, we will take a cab to an upmarket motel. I’ll try to get home to cook breakfast for you.”


Amy hung up the phone and said, “Come on, we need to flag down a taxi.”

“He won’t come out to give you a ride home?”

“He suggested that we might like to try a motel.”

Sammy couldn’t believe his luck not only did he have one of the most beautiful women he had ever met with him but her husband had suggested that they find a motel for the night. “Suits me,” he replied and he wasn’t kidding.


After almost an hour of kissing, massaging and touching each other Amy told him, “I think it is about time, Sammy.”

“Are you sure, Amy? I don’t want to hurt you or frighten you away.”

“I’m okay, Sammy. I’m not like those young women that you have been with. I won’t get up and run out on you.”

“Okay, so how do you want to start?”

“Maybe a little fingering to start with and then when you have me nice and wet try a little penetration.”

“Alright but tell me when you’re ready.”

“Oh, that’s nice, Sammy. Keep that up. Maybe try a second finger and then after a while the third one. Stretch me.”

Sammy followed her instructions to a T and soon she was moaning and groaning. All the time he was using his thumb on her citreous. Eventually, she groaned, “Oh, Sammy, I’m going to cum.” Sammy knew that this was his opportunity. He either made his move now or not at all.

He moved his six-foot-six frame up along her body, aligned his powerful weapon with her pussy and using one hand to hold her open and the other to direct him he thrust forward. A little over two inches penetrated her but it was enough.

“Oh, yes, Sammy, give it to me. Don’t stop now. Give me more.”

Sammy pulled back and thrust again and another two inches perpetrated her. Once more he pulled back and thrust forward. Amy bent her back and thrust upwards to meet him, “Oh, God. I’m cumming,” she shouted, “I feel so full.” That was all Sammy needed to hear. He thrust forward time after time, after time until only one inch remained.

Then she wrapped her legs around his back. Sammy knew the moment that she did that she was his, not only now but for as long as he wanted her.

Jim waited at home, walking the floor expecting that shortly she would be home but that was not to happen. Amy had found something that she didn’t know or understand existed in this world. She screamed, she moaned, she groaned, she bucked wanting more and Sammy was the one to give it to her. Finally, he had found a woman who could take him completely and he had no intention of letting her go. She was his now, he knew it and Amy knew it. Jim was yet to find out but that would come in time.

Several hours later, as the morning sun shone through the curtains on the motel window for the first time since Sammy had laid her on the motel bed, Amy thought of her husband, Jim.

“Oh, my God,” She called. “I’ve got to go.”

Sammy put his arms around her and with his weapon still buried completely inside her he sat up holding her firmly against him.

“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” He asked.

“I’ve got to get home to Jim!” she told him.

“I see. Jim told you to enjoy yourself, didn’t he?”


“Are you enjoying yourself?”

“Yes, I am. I’ve never enjoyed myself so much in all my life.”

“Good, then hand me your phone. It’s just there on the bedside table.”

Amy picked up her phone and realized that she had turned the sound down for the movie so she hadn’t heard Jim calling her. “Jim’s has been calling,” she told him.

“That’s good. Now give me your phone, sweetheart.” Submissively Amy handed her phone to him. After she had done so she had second thoughts.

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to call Jim and tell him that I’ll bring you home later in the day.”

“He’s going to be upset. He’ll say no.”

“That’s okay but he has no say. He sent you out last night knowing what was going to happen so we’re in control. He’ll just have to suck it up.”

Amy was too shocked to respond. ‘Oh my God,’ she thought, ‘how is Jim going to handle this?’ Then she felt a stirring inside her. It felt good, very good. She was with a real man, now, someone who will look after her and protect her and service her like she always wanted to be serviced. Sammy had only cum once inside her all night but had stayed hard and not once withdrawn from her. ‘Let’s see how Jim handles this. After all, it was Jim who wanted it, wasn’t it,’ she thought.

Sammy was fiddling around not finding the number to call. “Ah, the number is there, Sammy.” Amy told him, “Put it on loudspeaker. I’d like to hear.”

“I thought you might. By the way, I want you to call me Sam from now on and when you talk to your friends about me make sure you use my nickname, Big Sam. Let’s make 'em all a little jealous, shall we?” he told her with a grin.

Amy smiled, liking the idea while Sammy hit the call button on her phone, “Hi Jim, I’m calling to let you know that we have had a magnificent night.”

“I was worried about her,” Jim told him.

“Yes, well Amy is fine. She’s a little busy right now to talk but I’ll bring her home around one or two o’clock this afternoon so she can tell you all about it. I’ve booked a restaurant tonight for us so I hope you don’t mind if I have a shower and get dressed at your place for our date tonight.”

“Date, she didn’t mention anything about a date?”

“That’s okay, Jim. She’ll be able to fill you in on the details as I get dressed to take her out.”

“Where is she now?”

“She is sitting on my cock, Jim and I’m just about to cum inside her again. You don’t want to spoil it for her, do you, so I’ll see you at around one or two o’clock this afternoon.”

“Wait, Sammy, you are using a condom aren’t you?”

Sammy chuckled, “Nay, that would ruin it for all of us, Jim. You know where you want this to end. No husband sends his wife out dating other men unprotected without knowing the end result. I promise that we will make it as exciting as possible for you, Jimmy boy. You do trust your wife, don’t you? And no need to worry, I will pull out every time she asks me to without hesitation.”

“Oh, God!”

“See, Jim. I know that you almost cum. It just adds that little bit of spice to it, doesn’t it? Now, I need to get back to Amy.”

“Did you, last night,” Jim asked in desperation.

“Did we what, Jim?” knowing what he meant but wanting to hear Jim ask him.

“Did you pull out, last night?”

Sammy chuckled again, “No, Jim. I said I would if Amy asked me to but she hasn’t asked me to yet. I think she is just enjoying it too damn much. Besides, she told me that you love creampies. You do, don’t you Jim?”

“Oh Christ, Oh God!”

“There you go, Jim. I told you that you love creampies. You orgasmed just by being told about them, didn’t you? See you later Jim.” With that, he pushed the end button. Amy looked up at him and pulled his head down to kiss him.

“I think I will love dating you, Big Sam.”

“Not as much as I’m going to enjoy dating you, sweetheart. Now you will listen to your husband and tell me to pull out, won’t you?”

They both burst out laughing and then got a rhythm going to achieve that orgasm they both longed for.


Re: Caught Out

Unread post by goyse » Thu Dec 22, 2022 6:55 pm

Caught out Chapter 6

“Did you like it?” Jim asked his wife. She looked at him with a concerned look on her face. Thinking that she didn’t understand the question he clarified, “sex with Sammy, I mean.”

“Yes, I did like it, a lot better than with Rod,” Amy informed him with a smile hiding her concern that he might ask her more. “In fact, it was indescribably good,” she added.

“I had hoped that you and I could spend some time together for you to tell me about it but instead I’m only getting a few minutes with you while Sammy is having his shower to take you out again.”

“We’ll get time together tonight or tomorrow for me to tell you about it.”

“I know but I have to work tomorrow and tonight he may not bring you home until late. Besides we need to talk about protection for you.”

Finally, he raised the very question that she was most concerned that he would. “Jim, you know that I have trouble with the pill and it is difficult to get condoms that fit Sam but he has promised to pull out if I ask him to.”

“So are you saying that you will tell him to pull out every time?”

“Yes, I will tell him to pull out but perhaps not every time. Sometimes I get excited and forget these things. You know what I’m like. I get carried away sometimes and I’m finding that I’m getting more carried away with Sam.”

“But when you’re approaching your dangerous time you’ll have to. If you keep forgetting you know what will happen, don’t you?”

“Here, give me your hand.” Jim held his hand out to her. She took it and pulled his hand not very gently over to her and put his hand between her legs.

The first thing he noticed was she had no panties on. Then he felt wetness. He groped further with his fingers to find she was gaping open. “My God, you’re so stretched,” he told her with his mouth open in surprise.

“Yes, and this has only been from one night with Sam. It is going to get worse, not better, Jim.” Her hand took hold of his rock-hard dick. “Come with me,” she told him.

“Where are you taking me,” he asked.

“We’re going to the spare bedroom and I’m going to get you off because I won’t be of any use to you when I get home tonight. You can finger me to see how much I’ve changed while I wank you off.”

“What about Sammy?”

“It’s good of you to ask but he’ll be okay. I told him that I needed to spend some time with you before we go out and he is okay with that, this time. There may be times when he is not okay with it but that’s something we will have to contend with when it happens.”

“But I’m your husband. If I want to be with you, I will.”

“Jim, you don’t understand. You wanted this and now you’ve got it. Sammy is in control now, you’re not. Neither am I. That all changed last night while you were sleeping and wanking your little dick.”

“I didn’t wank, well maybe a little and my cock is not little! It's average,” he stated but added, “at least average,” as if to confirm that he was not little.

“Beside Sam your cock is small, Jim. Sam is much bigger than you even when you are hard and he is slack. Remember, Jim, this is something that you wanted. Now, I was reluctant to go down this roadway but you kept asking me questions that told me that you wanted me to reach out to other men. I have now and that can’t be changed. I’m not sure where this ends but I want you to know that this is about sex, not love. Do you understand what I’m trying to say?”

“Not really.”

“Okay, Jim, you’re my husband and I love you and that is not going to change.” She took a big breath as he nodded, “but sex with me from now on will not be the same,” she hesitated before she added, “for either of us.”

“I see so where does that leave us?”

“It leaves us as husband and wife, loving each other and finding different ways to find sexual satisfaction with or without each other.”

“Are you saying that I should go out and find myself a sexual partner?”

“No, definitely not, you are not to go out on the hunt. Come with me, I’ll show you.”

Amy took Jim by the hand and led him to the spare bedroom. She indicated for him to lie down which he did. She then lay down beside him but in reverse with her head adjacent to his crotch. She unzipped his pants and observed that he already had a boner.

Jim realized he could smell her sex. The odour was strong so he knew that it was not only her that he could smell. It was the combined sexual fluids of both her and Sammy. He lifted her knee to separate her legs. He observed how messy her crotch was and how much she gaped. He had never seen his wife like that before but it turned him on to see it. For a while, he wondered how she could walk around without panties on but not leak sperm onto the carpet.

He lowered her leg as she took his dick into her mouth and he saw that her pussy lips were forced closed when her legs came close together which told him why she had not leaked onto the carpet. He wondered how long it would be before she would leak while walking around if she continued to have sex with Sammy. He guessed it wouldn’t be long and the thought of it turned him on even more.

It was then that she rolled over on top of him, placing a leg on either side of his body by bending her knees right back. Her sex gaped wide open in a way he had never experienced. Inside her, he could see a whitest jelly which he knew had to be the remnants of Sammy’s sperm. As he watched the jelly-like material slowly ran down her insides to accumulate on her pussy lips.

He knew what was going to happen. It was going to fall down onto his face. He couldn’t let that happen. He tried to move aside but she had him pinned down. He didn’t have any option. He had to lick her clean. He had to do it soon or it would be too late so he lifted his head and ran his tongue from her clit to her anus. Amazingly this seemed to increase the flow rate so he licked again and again.

It was then that he realized that her stomach muscles were rippling. She was forcing it out of her. He smiled, opened his mouth and placed it over the top of her vagina. His nose pressed into her anus and he felt it ripple as she forced more of Sammy’s sperm into his mouth.

Then he had a thought. She had never allowed him to have sex with her anally but he wondered. He pulled back from her slightly pushed her down a little then placed his mouth over her anus and forced his spit and the sperm into her anus. Initially, her anus clamped shut but he pushed his tongue into her to force it open then as he pulled back he pressured the sperm mixture inside her anus.

By this time she had stopped sucking him.

“Do you really want to do this,” she asked him.

“Yes, I do.” He told her.

“Okay, I’ve got what I wanted so I have no right to stop you from doing what you have always wanted to do with me.” She lifted up onto her haunches into the doggie position. He lifted himself from under her and lined up behind her. She was very surprised when he pushed his dick into her vagina. She bought her legs together to create some friction and was surprised at how nice it felt.

Jim pushed in and out of her several times. He loved the slippery feel of her pussy coated by Sammy’s sperm. It told him that all was not lost for them sexually but he knew that they had limited time before Sammy would come to claim his living sex aid for the night. Knowing this he withdrew to Amy’s disappointment, lined up with her rear and slipped into her a couple of inches.

Again he was surprised that he found it so easy to enter her. He had expected it would be difficult but in fact, although it was tight it happened without a fuss. He wondered if, in fact, she may have tried this before and made a mental note to ask her sometime when they were alone. He thrust in then out each time going a little deeper and in less than a minute he shouted, “Oh God, I’m going to cum.”

“Pull out, Jim. Don’t cum in there.”

Jim withdrew squirting three or four rather small shots of sperm over her rump. On the last squirt, the sound of clapping came to them. Jim looked up to see Sammy had been watching them.

“Come join us, Sam,” Amy told him.

Jim was not impressed but as always he allowed Amy to make the decision for them. Besides what could he do under the circumstance? By this time his dick had shrivelled and slipped out of Amy’s anus.

“How did that go, man,” Sammy asked him. “Did you like your seconds.”

Jim realized that Sammy had not realized what had just happened, “It was fine.” Jim told him with non-committal uncertainty.

“That’s the best bit of pussy I’ve ever had but you think it is just fine. I can’t understand how you don’t love it especially given that I had greased it up for you.” Sammy told him.

“Maybe I’m a bit too greased up for him, honey,” she told Sammy.

Jim was shocked to hear his wife call Sammy, honey but there was nothing he could do about it so he let it pass. He looked at the mess he had made of her and told her, “I’ll get something to clean you up,” then headed towards the bathroom.

When he returned Sammy was lying beside his wife and they were kissing. He felt left out so put the wet rag on the bedside table and left them to it. He didn’t realize yet that he had just found out what his future from now on would be like.


Jim’s desire for his wife to find a lover to turn him on, and to fulfil his dreams was to mean that his life would never be the same again. Sex with his wife in future would be grabbing a half hour together while Sammy prepared for their night out. She would return to him far too late and far too used for them to consider sex even if she returned to him at night at all.

Sex for him was to become either anal after slipping a couple of thrusts into a very stretched pussy but more often masturbation thinking of what they might be doing.

There were exceptions of course but Jim never really enjoyed sex with pregnant women but then beggars can’t be choosers so each time that Amy reached seven months Jim enjoyed sex once more with his wife because each time Sammy would disappear for that period to return about a month to six weeks after the birth. Jim couldn’t go on top of course the way he liked with a woman so pregnant but then doggie or with her on top was not that bad.

More often than not Jim was just too tired to care about sex. Looking after young children so that his wife could go out with her black lover was very tiring after a long day’s work but then someone had to pay the bills. Amy couldn’t do it because within three months of the birth of each of Sammy’s children she would repeat those annoying words, “Jim, I’m pregnant again.” As for Sammy, he lived much of the time with them now except for the months around Amy’s birthing. For some reason, during that time he disappeared to appear again once Amy was capable of having sex again.

Last month Amy spoke to him about the living arrangements. She was concerned that on the few nights that she came home after going out with Sammy she had been woken up by Jim going in to check on the kids. She suggested that if he moved into the spare bedroom nearer to the kids it might work better for them. That would also allow Sammy and her to come back home to have sex rather than have to go to Sammy’s brother’s place. Jim just shook his head and walked away to the bathroom to have a shower before going to work.

Today when Jim came home he went to their bedroom to get changed out of his work clothes to find that Sammy’s clothes were hanging in his wardrobe. He swore loudly a few times, punched the wall then walked up to the spare bedroom. He knew what he would find, his clothes. “You would think that at least she would hang them up for me,” he mumbled.

After hanging up his clothes Jim made his way back to the kitchen to complain to his wife to find a beautiful slim black girl in her thirties talking to his wife.

His wife looked up from making her coffee and said, “Jim, this is Makayla. She is moving in with us. I’ve been concerned that you are spending too much time alone and being overworked with the children. Makayla has offered to help out in return for board, lodgings and food. As all our rooms are now filled she will need to bunk down with you.”

“I… I…I d..d.. don’t understand,” Jim stuttered out.

“I will be with Sammy one hundred per cent of the time now so you will need someone to look after you. Makayla has offered to help.”

Jim turned to Makayla, “why would you do this? You don’t even know me?”

“Yes, I do. Amy and I have been talking about you for a long time now and I like what she has told me.”

“Okay,” he said then walked away. Amy was confused. It was not like Jim to give up so quickly and easily.

Jim walked away to his bedroom and then called the local furniture shop, “I need two single king-sized beds,” he told the shop assistant who answered. “Can you deliver?”

Jim knew and understood that he had destroyed his marriage. His wife was no longer his but he still loved her and so he cared for her children. It wasn’t their fault. He had created this disaster. He was an intelligent man who knew that people like Sammy didn’t stay with one woman for long. They used them up and then walked away. He knew that all he had to do was wait and look after the children.

As for Makayla, he knew that she would get the message and move on before long. Meanwhile, he had an assistant to help with the children. For how long he didn’t know. Perhaps they may even become friends but Jim only loved one woman and he knew if he was ever to get her back he had to make sure that he didn’t take any other woman as his lover.

It would take three years more before one morning Jim got out of bed and sitting at the breakfast table all alone was, yes you guessed it, Amy. Jim walked over poured himself a coffee and took a seat. A few minutes later Makayla joined them. Amy said nothing and Jim said even less so it was Makayla who asked the question.

“Where’s Sammy?”

Amy looked across at her, “he didn’t tell you?”

“No, why would he tell me anything?”

“I thought you were his plant to let him know what I was doing so he had complete control over us.”

“I don’t even like the guy. Why would I sell you out to him?”

“I’m sorry, Makayla. Why did you stay if you felt that way about him?”

“Your husband is pretty special and I guess I might have felt a little sorry for him after the way you and Sammy have treated him.”

Jim got up as the girls talked and slowly left the kitchen. He wandered off to the kids. He changed a couple of nappies and made a couple of bottles before he headed to the bathroom to get ready for work.

His patience had finally paid off.

The end.


Re: Caught Out

Unread post by goyse » Wed Jan 04, 2023 12:55 am

Okay, so no comments on this one. I don't know if that is a good sign or a bad one but....... We'll see.

Well, it is time to start the next story, all fiction of course. It is the continuation of the Candy series called, "Leslie." It's a bit slow but who knows, some may like it.

2 Bit Whore
Posts: 1154
Joined: Sun Nov 30, 2014 2:01 pm

Re: Caught Out

Unread post by veub » Wed Jan 04, 2023 7:30 am

A comment: Usually in your stories the wife has some redeeming feature., no matter what her excesses. Here there is nothing about her that is even remotely attractive to me.

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