Tainted Conception by DonSilver

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Tainted Conception by DonSilver

Unread post by DonSilver » Tue Mar 07, 2023 12:50 pm

What it is about: A despicable coworker intervenes in a loving couple’s conception plan.
I planned this as a one off but will continue it soon:


The splash of cold water on Mark’s face gave him the usual jolt of awareness he needed in the mornings.

It was early. Too early. Mark was almost done getting ready for work. He checked himself over in the bathroom mirror, ensuring he looked presentable enough for the office. He looked at his watch to make sure he wasn’t running behind. If I leave in the next ten minutes, I can definitely make it onto the freeway before the morning rush hour.

His commute would only take about thirty minutes if he left on time. Leaving any later would see him in horrible traffic that would almost certainly make him late for work.

He switched off the light before exiting the bathroom. The last thing he wanted was for a flash of light to wash over their adjoining bedroom and wake up his wife, Brooke.

To his surprise, Brooke was already very much awake and waiting for him.

She was kneeling on the bed, holding their white bedsheet to her chest. Her bare shoulders looked extremely inviting to Mark. And despite having slept on her hair for the last eight hours, it looked perfect. As if she had somehow snuck into the bathroom and put it together. Her brunette locks fell to her shoulders, and Mark particularly liked the way her bangs looked.

She also wasn’t wearing any makeup. Whatever she had worn the previous day would have been washed off the night before. Brooke had been lucky enough not to need much of it, to begin with, her natural features would make cover girls envious.

He wasn’t sure how she managed to effortlessly pull off looking so beautiful, but he wasn’t about to start complaining.

Uh oh, I’m in trouble.

Brooke was looking at him with her sexy, lust-filled bedroom eyes. Apparently, Mark was going to be late to work today.

“Hey honey, where are you going?” she asked coyly.

Mark did want to get to work on time, as he felt like he had an obligation to set a good example for his team. “Just about to run out the door to work.”

“Oh, that's too bad.” She eyed him playfully. “Do you know what today is?”

As Mark circled the room toward the door, he kept a steady distance of a few feet away from the bed so he couldn’t be grabbed. “Halloween?”

“Yes, but that’s not what I was referring to,” Brooke replied.

Mark racked his brain. “The day of Dave's costume party?”

“Today, I am at my peak ovulation.” She trailed off. “That means you need to fuck me a lot today and put a baby in me.”

Brooke let the sheets fall to the bed, revealing her magnificent breasts. Mark could tell from the way she was breathing, watching her breasts quickly rise and fall, that she was horny. Over the last few months of trying to make a baby, she always got extra horny when she was ovulating. He wasn’t sure if it was a biological or psychological thing she was experiencing, but he wasn’t about to complain either way.

“Are you going to stand there all day, or am I going to have to find another stud to give me what I want?” Sara teased.

“No, ma’am!” Mark eagerly replied, pulling off his ironed dress shirt quickly. He threw it carelessly onto the floor as he undid his belt and worked his pants down and off to join his top in a messy pile.

She raised an appreciative eyebrow as his hard cock sprang into view. She always loved the effect her naked body had on him.

He quickly closed the distance between them and pulled her into his arms, kissing her deeply. Their tongues danced with one another. Mark gently pulled the hair on the back of her head down towards the bed. The rest of her beautiful body slowly followed as he moved to stay on top of her.

Mark could feel how wet she was as he began to position his cock at her entrance. She reached down and grabbed hold of his cock and helped him line it up.

Brooke moaned when Mark began to push himself inside of her. As her lips parted for the head of his cock, Mark marveled again at the feeling of his bare member sinking into her. It wasn’t very long ago that they were still being smart and using condoms. The young couple hadn’t wanted any unplanned pregnancies. But now that they were a few months removed from their wedding, they decided it was time to start a family.

Mark was the only man to ever enjoy Brooke as God had intended. Knowing what condomless, carnal sex was like with her was his and his alone to enjoy. That also meant he was the only one who had ever planted his seed inside of her. He was the only one she had ever trusted with this privilege.

“God, fuck me, Mark.” Brooke moaned.

Mark just grunted in the affirmative.

He quickly pushed himself all the way inside his young wife, causing her to take a sharp intake of breath in surprise.

“Ooooh.” Her arms circled his back as her legs wrapped tightly around his waist. She locked her ankles, holding him in position.

“Uh, uh, uh,” Brooke moaned involuntarily as Mark thrust into her.

Mark felt a primal urge rise up inside of him. It was the biological need to reproduce, to shoot his sperm into his beautiful wife and knock her up.

He grabbed onto her hips as he kept thrusting forward. “I’m going to knock you up today, Brooke.”

“Mmmmhmmm,” Brooke purred. “Do it, Mark. Do it.”

She pulled back and looked into his eyes. “Put a baby in me.”

Hearing those words put Mark over the edge. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.”

“Cum for me, Mark.” Brooke breathed. “Fill me.”

“Arrgh, fuck!” Mark’s balls emptied his pent-up load into his waiting wife. Stream after stream shot into her fertile womb.

Feeling the sensation of Mark’s cock cumming, the pulsating of his shaft, and the squirts of cum hitting her deep inside was enough to give Brooke an orgasm of her own. Each spurt of his cum in her pussy dialed up the intensity of her orgasm until she exploded with pleasure.

“Oooh, fuck! Ooh fuck, Mark!” Brooke screamed into his shoulder as she felt her orgasm rock her body. Ever since they had started trying to get pregnant, her orgasms had been coming easier and had hit her with more intensity than normal.

After catching his breath, Mark slowly pulled his cock from his wife and rolled over next to her. “Shit, I could go back to bed now.”

Without opening her eyes, Brooke laughed, “I would love that. Then we could do this all day and make sure you knock me up.”

Brooke held her legs to her chest, trying to keep every ounce of Mark’s seed inside of her.

“That sounds like a perfect day to me.” He rolled over and gave Brooke a gentle kiss on the lips. “But babies are expensive, so unfortunately I need to head to work to make sure we can afford one.”

“Psssh, details,” Brooke said. “I wasn’t kidding before about today being the best time for us to conceive this cycle. You’re going to have to fuck me again later.”

“That, I can do.” He rolled himself off the bed and went to retrieve his discarded clothing. He grimaced at his neatly pressed clothes now piled in clumps on the floor. “Let's get another quickie in before the party. And who knows what state I’ll be in, but we might be able to do it again after.”

“If you get me liquored up enough, maybe we can do it at the party, too,” Brooke suggested playfully.

“Oh, you’re bad Brooke.” Mark was tucking his shirt into his pants as he bent over and gave her another kiss.

“What can I say? You do this to me.” She shrugged.

“Well, just wait until you see what I do to you later.” He grinned as he made his way to the door. “I love you, baby.”

“I love you, too, Mark. So much.” Brooke said.

Mark blew her a kiss, went downstairs to gather his things, and left for work.


“So to wrap things up here, if we get this piece of software, we should be able to extend our customer insights by at least 10%. According to our calculations, with this increase, we should be able to better zone in on our ideal customers. We’re estimating a 30% increase in our ideal leads, which should bring in another two hundred thousand per quarter.” Mark stood in front of a projector screen, showcasing the presentation from his laptop. The room was filled with several other high-level members of the company.

Most were nodding their heads enthusiastically in approval. Mark didn’t rise up through the ranks as quickly as he had by accident. He had already brought this software to the attention of most of the people present to ask for their advice and get them on board with the purchase. He wouldn’t leave an opportunity like this to chance and go into the meeting without being fully prepared.

At only twenty-five, he was one of the youngest senior managers at the company. Most others in that position were in their forties or fifties.

“What does the implementation plan look like for this? It sure seems like a big task. I would estimate it taking over a thousand man-hours at the very least,” someone scoffed from the back of the room. “Is the ROI there? Have you done those calculations?” Mark didn’t need to look up to see who was already objecting to his proposal. He would know that irritating voice anywhere. It was Saul.

Saul might be what Mark looked like in thirty years if you squinted your eyes and tilted your head just right. They were of a similar height and build, but Saul had a hook nose and somewhat beady eyes that gave him a slight resemblance to a vulture. The effect was especially disturbing when he smiled, which thankfully was a very rare occurrence.

He was also one of those senior managers in his early fifties who had seemed to continuously fail upward. Having been with the company for over fifteen years, he had slowly plodded through different roles and accumulated what he probably considered to be seniority. Many others had come in from outside companies, but Saul knew that the only place he could hold any power and make the salary he did was here.

Part of that was because Saul ran his department in such a secret and furtive manner. He didn’t collaborate or play well with others. Instead, he liked to spread rumors and hoard information from others; he did whatever was needed to make himself look good.

This had included trying to undercut Mark on several occasions by questioning his abilities with the higher-ups behind his back. When he first started at the company, Mark had tried to stay on friendly terms with Saul, but he eventually learned that the bitter, older man was gunning for his position and had purposefully worked to make Mark look bad.

Mark had quickly adapted to Saul’s behavior and was always prepared to outmaneuver him. He already knew what questions Saul would bring up and he was ready to address them publically like this.

“Yes, Saul, if you turn to the back of page 18 on the printout in front of you, you’ll see all the ROI calculations there. We have conservative, realistic, and optimistic projections for the next 18 months there.” Mark tried to say all this respectfully, but he had a firm, authoritative tone to his voice.

He had long since gone from simply disliking the man to outright loathing him. All the workplace bullshit was one thing, but remembering the way Saul had behaved at last year’s Christmas party still made Mark’s blood boil.

The company had done quite well that year and had thrown a big reception with an open bar, a five-course dinner, and even a dance floor for the employees to blow off steam. For this particular event, spouses were also invited to attend. Mark and Brooke had been seated with other senior managers; his promotion to the leadership team had just recently been announced. Unfortunately, this meant Saul had been near them the entire event.

He had unapologetically leered at Brooke all night, which made her very uncomfortable. Oblivious to her unease, he even tried talking to her several times which had sounded like nails on a chalkboard to Mark. Even worse, all the questions he asked her were very cringey and far too personal considering he had just met her.

The straw that broke the camel’s back had come when the couple was out on the dance floor. The open bar had helped to ensure that everyone let loose, Mark and Brooke included. In retrospect, Mark was a little embarrassed by how dirty he and Brooke had danced at the company event, grinding on her ass as fast music played.

He had noticed her drink was running low and wanted to keep her well-lubricated for events later that night. As he went to get her another drink, he had seen Saul making a beeline from his seat to the dance floor. He was mortified to see him slip into Mark’s previous position behind Brooke seamlessly, his crotch pressing up against her beautiful ass, hands on her hips.

In her inebriated state, Brooke hadn’t initially realized that it wasn’t her husband dancing with her and had pushed her ass back into Saul’s groin for several long seconds, grinding with the same enthusiasm she had when Mark was behind her. As he started to panic and was about to abandon his drink order to march across the dance floor and confront his coworker, he saw Brooke turn her head in surprise and disengage from the older man, slapping his hands away.

The subsequent meeting with HR hadn’t gone anywhere as the whole conflict was chalked up to poor decision-making while under the influence. Saul always seemed to worm his way out of everything.

“I see, I see,” Saul said as he read the ROI calculations on the report. He looked back up at Mark and then over to his superiors, continuing, “This project seems like it could be very worthwhile. Looking this over, though, it looks like it will require significant input and a heavy lift from my team to get this set up. There are a ton of IT integrations we’ll need to build to put this in place. I recommend this project be shifted to my team to ensure we can hit the optimistic ROI projections.”

Saul was trying to steal his project right in front of him. Many members of the senior team didn’t understand technical jargon, so unfortunately they would usually just defer to what Saul said to save face. Fortunately for Mark, he had prepared for just this scenario.

“Actually, Saul, those IT integrations are minimal. The software has an API that’ll let us bypass most of that work. I’ve already set it up in testing with them. We’ll actually be able to forego all of the integrations you normally do. Time estimates for implementation for other companies our size are only a matter of a few weeks.” Mark said confidently. He wasn’t about to let this parasite steal the project he had been working on for months. Time to deliver the death blow for this dumbass.

“And it's critical that during set up this software can have significant input from my team to configure it. It just doesn’t make sense for any other team to handle it when they aren’t customer-facing. On the topic of ROI, the projections I shared are conservative. My team’s internal targets are much higher.”

Saul sat there in stunned silence. He didn’t expect Mark to so thoroughly shut him down. His quiet stupor was taken for acceptance and the rest of the group encouraged Mark to proceed.

With the meeting adjourned, the lights came up and people began shuffling out of the room. Mark began closing the various windows open on his laptop, accidentally showing off what was on his chrome browser over the projector before shutting his computer off.

That brief lapse in judgment would change his life forever.

As Mark headed out of the room, he noticed that Saul remained at the table. He looked pissed but was pretending to be working on his laptop as everyone headed to lunch. That asshole is always trying to look self-important and busy.

“Hey man, that went really well. Great job.” His coworker and good friend Dave patted him on the back as they exited the room.

“Thanks, man,” Mark said as he checked his phone.

“Nice moves shutting Saul down back there. I had to do everything I could not to laugh out loud.” Dave matched Mark’s pace as they headed for the break room.

“Yeah, I was expecting some kind of bullshit,” Mark said as he scrolled through his phone while they walked. A message notification had popped up from Brooke. It was a picture of her in the witch costume she was wearing for tonight’s party. This had to be the sexiest witch he had ever seen. The plunging neckline of the corset showed off a surprising amount of her ample cleavage while somehow not entirely spilling the goods. The short skirt emphasized the curve of her hips while also showing off quite a bit of her stocking-clad legs. I’m definitely going to knock her up tonight.

“You and Brooke still coming to the Halloween party tonight?” Dave asked.

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world. We’ll be there.” Mark smiled. He gestured to the picture on his phone. “Brooke is already dressed up for it.”

“Damn, man!” Dave said, staring open-mouthed a bit too long at the picture of Mark’s wife. “I can’t wait to see her in person tonight.”

“Easy.” Mark smiled. He knew she was hot and that the entire party would appreciate her outfit tonight.

“How are things going with you two?” Dave questioned, both understanding he was really asking “When is the baby coming?”

“We’re still at it all the time.” Mark laughed as they entered the break room. “It’ll take one of these days.”

“No doubt, man.” Dave grabbed his lunch from the fridge and headed towards the microwave. Someone cut in front of him and put their food in to heat up first. It was Saul.

Where the hell did he come from? Mark hoped he hadn’t heard their entire discussion.

Dave looked over at him and rolled his eyes. He mouthed, ‘This guy is the worst!’

Mark nodded his head in agreement and retrieved his lunch pail from the fridge. He sat down at an open table and took his food out. A post-it note slipped out that read, ‘Have a great day baby, I love you - Brooke.’ Man I won the lottery with her.

“Wow, that’s a solid lunch. You wanna trade?” Dave slid into the spot across from him. His own lunch looked rather unappealing.

Mark shook his head. “Brooke packed it. I guess she’s trying to keep my energy levels up.”

“Oh, yeah?” Dave eyed him while smirking, opening his container, and starting to eat. “She making sure you can fulfill your duties?”

Mark blushed slightly. “Every chance we get. It's hard work making a baby.”

Dave laughed out loud which caused Mark to look around to see who had noticed their conversation. Pausing with a spoonful of food in front of his mouth, Dave said “Well, I can think of worse ways to spend your time. Anyways, what did you end up deciding on for a costume tonight? Brooke’s costume seems pretty…flashy.”

Mark gave him a playful scowl, “I haven’t had a ton of time to think up anything good. It definitely won’t be anything like Brooke’s. Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m going to be using an old costume I have in the garage.”

“Which is?” Dave asked.

“Ghostface - you know, the masked killer from scream?” Dave opened his mouth to protest, but Mark cut him off, “I know it's lame and out of date. Brooke has already told me how lame it is after she put so much work into her costume. But this project has consumed most of my time, so I just haven’t hadn’t had time to think of other ideas.”

Dave shrugged and took another bite of his food. “At the very least, no one else will have the same costume as you. It's 2022, no one else will be dressed like that. How old is that costume anyway?”

The two talked for the rest of their break while finishing up with their lunches. Mark excused himself a few minutes before he was due back at his desk so he could call Brooke. After a few rings, she picked up.

“Hey, baby - how are you doing?” Mark asked.

“I’m alright, it’s just been a busy day today.” Brooke sounded tired. “Let’s just say I’m looking forward to the party tonight.”

“Me too, it’ll be nice to let loose a little,” Mark replied.

“Mmm-hmm, and I’m also looking forward to the other things we are doing tonight.” The energy and playfulness had returned to her voice.

Mark had spent all that day at work stressing about the project and his big pitch meeting, so he was having a little difficulty following her train of thought. “Other things…?”

“You and me. Making a baby.” Brooke said in a hushed, sexy voice. “You think you did the trick this morning and can now slack off on me?”

“Well, I did do a pretty good job this morning if I do say so myself, but I’m all about making sure it sticks.” He grinned.

“If you take off work early, we can have another go before the party. And if you don’t get too crazy tonight, we can always try again when we get home.” Brooke said.

Mark moved somewhere out of earshot of his coworkers, “Who says we have to wait until we get home? Maybe the scream killer can hook up with the witch at the party.”

“Oh, you are a bad, bad boy. That does sound…exciting, and Dave’s house does have plenty of rooms.” She paused, leaving Mark hanging. “But I don’t know if I could ever face any of them again if we got caught.”

Mark was about to reply when she spoke first, “Hey Mark, sorry, but I have to run. Our next patient is ready for us in the room and Daisy just shot me a look. I’ll see you when I get home.”

“Alright, don’t want to make her angry. I love you, honey. See you tonight.” Mark replied.

“I love you too, baby. Muah.” The sound of her kiss was followed by a click as she hung up.

Mark tucked his phone into his pocket and headed back to his desk.


That little shit.

Saul just sat there and stared at his laptop, pretending to be reading something important. Mark had just outmaneuvered him again and made him look incompetent in front of his superiors. He had worked for years to rise through the ranks and had cultivated a strong technical reputation (at least the appearance of one).

Now his superiors were second-guessing his decisions and asking him to loop Mark in, someone who was so junior to him but somehow still held an equivalent title. The younger man was always throwing Saul’s obstacles out of his way and seemed to never lack an edge over Saul. He loathed the way Mark did everything so effortlessly. When he was his age, Saul had been stuck under the boot of someone else and paid his dues to climb the ladder someday. He didn’t get things handed to him on a silver platter like Mark’s generation did.

Why the hell did he have a horror movie costume on his screen? This little jerk can’t even take work seriously. He probably doesn’t do any actual work.

He moved his cursor between different windows to demonstrate to his bosses that even though it was the start of the lunch hour, he was staying behind to get work done.

“Nice moves shutting Saul down back there. I had to do everything I could not to laugh out loud.” Dave, one of Mark’s lackeys, said from the hallway. Saul’s face grew to a dark shade of red. He slammed his laptop closed and stalked out of the room.

“You guys still coming to the Halloween party tonight?” He heard Dave ask from several paces ahead of him.

You guys? What did Dave mean by, ‘you guys?’ Was he talking about Mark and that sexy little wife of his? The phone in Saul’s pocket seemed to itch; he wanted to take it out and open the picture he snapped of Brooke. Mark kept a beautiful photo of her on his desk. One day after everyone had left, he made sure to capture a perfectly framed shot.

He tried to find her on Facebook, Instagram and even that Toktok app, but he couldn’t find her anywhere online.

So, Dave was throwing a Halloween party and Mark and Brooke would be there. Interesting.

Increasing his pace to hear more of their conversation Saul thought back to last year’s Christmas party. After a few drinks of liquid courage, he had danced with Brooke until she got worried about her husband. noticed her husband coming back. He was convinced she would have danced with him all night were it not for Mark. He could still smell how sweet her hair was along with how she had moved her perfect ass on his crotch. The way she had pushed back extra hard into him when she felt how strong his cock was…

Saul felt his erection swelling. He had to quickly change his train of thought or else he would be pitching a massive erection while he walked down the hallway. The last thing he needed was another incident with HR.

He scowled as Mark showed Dave a picture of Brooke. He wanted to see it, too.

The pair headed into the breakroom. Saul quickly turned in and grabbed his food out of one of the fridges and headed to the microwave, accidentally cutting Dave off.

After sixty seconds, his food was heated up. He moved towards the back of the lunch room out of Mark’s view. Once Dave joined Mark, Saul focused intently on listening to their conversation over the sounds of the busy lunch room.

He left his food and headed for the vending machines which were still behind Mark. That's when he heard something that started to formulate a plan in his mind.

“Every chance we get. It's hard work making a baby.” Mark said.

As Saul’s coke bottle fell to the slot of the vending machine, he also heard Mark mention that he would be dressed as Ghostface. Was that the costume that I saw on his screen today?

Saul quickly made his way back to his seat and silently contemplated what he had heard. Brooke and Mark were trying to conceive a child. That means Brooke is unprotected and fertile. They would also both be attending a Halloween party tonight, in costume…

Saul looked up and realized everyone had left the lunch room. He had been lost in thought about the possibilities tonight presented. He had to go and see if Dave’s address was in the company directory. He gathered his things and hurried down the hall toward his desk. As he did, he heard sounds coming from a rarely used hallway. That sounds like Mark.

He quietly walked partway down the hallway, eavesdropping on the conversation. Apparently, Mark was speaking to someone on the phone.

“Well, I did do a pretty good this morning if I do say so myself, but I’m all about making sure it sticks.” He heard Mark say, shortly followed by, “Who says we have to wait until we get home? Maybe the scream killer can hook up with the witch at the party.”

Oh, now that’s interesting.

Saul fumbled his way back to his desk quickly to find Dave’s address.


The hour was later than Brooke was used to getting home, but it had just been one of those work days.

Heading inside their house, she settled her things and put leftovers in the oven to heat up. She ran upstairs and took off her work clothes before getting into the shower.

The instant the hot water hit her, the events of the day were washed away and she was left alone with her thoughts.

Brooke and Mark had been trying for months to get pregnant, and she was disappointed it hadn’t happened yet. She loved her career, but she wanted nothing more than to be a mom and to raise a child with Mark. Brooke was getting worried it would never happen and that something was wrong with one of them.

She brushed these unpleasant thoughts aside to focus on tonight. She ran through the mental checklist in her head about what she needed to do to get ready for the party. She was looking forward to letting her hair down, even though she would only know a handful of people at the party. Still, it was an excuse to dress up, drink and have fun with Mark.

She actually hoped that not too many of Mark’s coworkers would be there. The last time she had attended a company event, an unsavory individual had tried dancing with her. He had succeeded in pushing his cock into her backside and she had grinded back against him for several seconds, thinking it was Mark. She shuddered slightly as she relived the memory and relied heavily on the warm water to rid her of the uncomfortable feeling it gave her.

She finished up her shower and dried off. After drying her hair, she opened one of the bathroom drawers and pulled out a pregnancy test. She had just had sex with Mark that morning but she still wanted to check, just in case. She hid how much money she spent on pregnancy tests from Mark; he would think she was getting a little too obsessed.

The device came back with a negative reading.

Brooke sighed.

She opened her phone and pulled up her ovulation tracker. She had been keeping track of her cycles religiously since even before their honeymoon. The app showed today’s date as her peak ovulation period. She reread the specific details of the date and the app said that tonight was likely the best time to conceive.

She’d have to get as much of Mark as she could.

The timer for their dinner started going off downstairs. Brooke quickly wrapped a towel around herself and went downstairs, taking the heated-up leftovers out of the oven.

As she was setting out their placemats and cutlery on the table she heard the front door open as Mark got home.

“Honey, I’m home!” Mark said as he strode into the kitchen. He stopped in his tracks as he saw Brooke standing there in nothing but a towel.

She gave him her best fuck me eyes and undid the clasp, letting the towel drop to the floor. She didn’t care that the blinds were open. She wanted Mark to give her a baby.

Mark quickly got undressed as Brooke bent herself over their kitchen table.

He lined his cock up and pushed himself into her as she tightly gripped the side of their wooden table. He fucked her for several minutes before she sent him over the edge by saying, “Put a baby in me, Mark.”

Exhausted, they sat and ate dinner naked at the table, though Brooke had put her towel on her chair before sitting down.

After finishing her plate, Brooke stood up. She grabbed the towel and held it in front of her as she sauntered over to Mark. She gave him a long kiss and then said. “I’m going to head upstairs and get ready for the party.”

Mark smiled and held her hand. “I’ll get the dishes and be right behind you.”

Brooke left Mark in the kitchen and went upstairs to check herself out in the mirror. Even though she had just gotten fucked, she still looked presentable. She went through her routine of blow drying her hair, straightening it, and then putting on some of her makeup. She couldn’t do it all just yet.

She exited the bathroom and heard Mark coming up the stairs. As it was a Halloween party, she decided to wear a risqué set of black lingerie. The bra was strapless so that she could show some extra skin in her sexy witch costume.

Mark entered the room as she was rolling her silk stockings up one leg.

“Woah.” He beamed, staring at her.

“Down, boy.” She grinned. “You’ll have a chance to see this again after the party.”

Mark made his way over to her and lightly kissed her shoulder while gently caressing her unadorned leg. It sent little bolts of excitement across her body. He whispered in her ear. “So, no fooling around at the party then?”

Brooke involuntarily shuddered, but her response to his question had somehow escaped Mark's notice. The thought of having sex in a public place had always excited her. The idea of getting caught was such a turn-on. She hadn’t ever vocalized this fantasy to Mark, worried he might think she was sick in the head or broken. Thinking about Mark taking her at the Halloween party was really hot, though. Still, she felt she should object. “I don’t want our baby to be conceived at Dave’s house, Mark.”

Mark shrugged and moved away to get ready. Brooke rolled the stocking up her other leg, eyeing her husband mischievously. “Maybe if you picked a sexier costume it would be a different story.”

“Are you saying my Ghostface costume isn’t sexy?” Mark pouted.

“You mean the costume used by an anonymous murderer from a nineties movie? Gee, that just screams sex appeal.” She rolled her eyes and went to the mirror to check herself out before putting on the skimpy witches’ gown. The purple corset hugged her tightly and pushed her breasts up, giving her very ample cleavage. These girls are going to get a lot of attention tonight...

“Mark, can you tie the back of this?” Brooke asked. She watched him come over to help, having already donned his head-to-toe black costume. He wasn’t yet wearing that ridiculous mask, thankfully.

He began pulling the strings on the back of the corset to tighten it. “Are you really sure this outfit isn’t sexy?”

He planted some more kisses on her shoulders. He made a trail up to her neck and whispered in her ear, “Just like in the movie, it could be anyone under the mask.”

Brooke watched herself in the mirror as Mark continued to plant those kisses. She reached behind and gently ran her hand over his crotch through the material of his costume. “Hmmm, well, I don’t want just anyone to knock me up, but maybe we can play that little game after the party.”

He bit her earlobe. “I like that. I can’t wait.”

He moved away to give her space to continue getting ready. She went into the bathroom to adjust her makeup to match her costume. As she applied her midnight red lipstick she asked, “So who all from your work is coming?”

Mark was trying on his mask. “As far as I know, pretty much our whole team, but no one else from the other departments. Dave isn’t close to any of them. He said his wife is bringing her team from work, too, plus a bunch of their friends.”

“That sounds like this is going to be a bigger party than I thought,” Brooke said from the bathroom.

“Yeah, it might get a little crazy. Pretty sure Dave bought a keg or two. At least they have enough space for everyone,” Mark replied.

Brooke looked at her lips in the mirror with approval and then began applying her eyeliner. “No creepers from work, then?” She thought back to that night at the Christmas party and remembered that man’s hands on her with disgust.

“No, definitely not. Dave and I hate that guy, and I shut him down really hard in a meeting today.”

“Good.” Brooke stepped out of the bathroom looking like a Wiccan goddess, ready to cast a spell on any mortal man that dared to look upon her. “Let's get to this party, already.”


It was the fourth Halloween store that he tried, but Saul finally found what he was looking for. He grabbed a few additional items and headed for the checkout.

The cashier scanned the high-end Dracula mask, red vampire cloak, and a Ghostface mask and black costume.

Very satisfied with his purchase, Saul left the store and headed to his car.

He threw the bag with his costumes into the backseat before getting behind the wheel and starting his car. He checked his watch. The party should have just started, but he planned to wait and slip in after the guests got a few drinks in them. Then they wouldn’t notice a costumed vampire as being out of place.

He double-checked Dave’s address on his phone and plotted a course to it. He wiped a bead of sweat from his brow. He was getting anxious at the prospects the night might hold.

Saul patted the pockets of his pants and jacket until he found a small bottle containing several blue pills. Viagra. If his night went the way he planned, he was going to need it.


By the time Mark and Brooke arrived at the party, it was in full swing. Dave’s house was packed with people mingling on the first floor and in the large backyard. The sun had set outside and Dave must have adjusted the lighting inside to reflect that. It seemed he had dimmed most of the lights to help set the mood.

The house was decorated inside and out with all sorts of ghoulish figures and props. A fog seemed to be seeping down the stairs in the entryway and lingering over the floor in each room. Music was pounding from one room where couches had been pushed back to create a makeshift dance floor. Ghosts hung from the ceiling and realistic-looking spider webs adorned the walls.

Dave and his wife always went all out on Halloween and this year was no exception.

“I always forget how big their house is.” Brooke said to Mark as they crossed the threshold.

“Yeah, it's pretty massive. Great for parties like this.” Mark replied, looking around the place. His mask was up on the top of his head so that he could look around freely and speak without sounding muffled.

“Here they are!” Dave, dressed as an undead clown, sauntered up to them. His eyes gave Brooke an appreciated once-over. “Welcome to the party! I’m so glad you’re here.”

He gave them both hugs and held on to Brooke for a second too long. She decided not to think too much of it, as he was clearly a little inebriated.

“So…” Dave started, leading them inside. “Dance floor is in there.”

He gestured down the hallway to one of the rooms. “There are plenty of drinks in the kitchen. The hot tub is open in the back if you are up for it. We got a few fires going out there, too. As you might remember, there are three different bathrooms on this floor. Just follow the glow-in-the-dark hand prints on the walls; they’ll lead you to the nearest one. There’s only one house rule - don’t go upstairs.”

Brooke and Mark both nodded.

“Great, let's get you both set up with a drink. Kitchen is this way.” He gestured for them to go first, clearly forgetting they had been to his house before. As Brooke walked past him, Dave said, “Brooke, as always, the view is great from back here.”

Mark socked him hard on the arm as his friend laughed and the three of them made their way to the kitchen.

The counters were filled with all kinds of alcohol and punch bowls. There was even a keg in the corner. People crowded each room, making it difficult to maneuver or have a conversation without shouting.

“SHOTS?” Dave asked over the loud music.

“YEAH, LET'S DO IT!” Mark shouted back.

Dave set up three shots of brown liquor and the trio quickly downed them. Brooke coughed immediately, so their host gestured to the bowl of punch in the back corner of the counter. She gave him a thumbs up and headed for it while Mark and Dave did another round of shots.

She poured herself a cup full of the red punch and took a sip. “Mmmmmm,” she thought. It was delicious and she could only taste a little bit of the alcohol. This would definitely be her go-to drink for the night.

Brooke walked back to Dave and Mark as they were firing back yet another round of shots. Dave poured her another one and she grimaced as she forced it down.

“I’M GOING TO GO FIND MY WIFE. WE’LL CATCH UP LATER, MARK, I HAVE SOMETHING TO SHOW YOU AFTER.” Dave gave Mark a hard pat on the back and went into the throng of bodies in search of his wife.

Mark turned around and looked at his wife who was taking a big sip from her red solo cup. “LET'S GO CHECK OUT THE BACKYARD.”


“OKAY,” Mark shouted back.

After Brooke refilled her cup, the couple headed outside. The party in the house may have been too loud, but the party in the backyard was just plain wild. There must have been fifty different people out here. The hot tub looked over its capacity and everyone there seemed to be mysteriously wearing the same ‘naked partygoer’ costume. At the back of the yard, two games of rambunctious beer pong looked to be in full swing. Near the middle were several small fires that were set into pits and surrounded by stone benches. Clouds of smoke rose up from the groups in that direction and Brooke could detect the familiar scent of weed.

“I think I see a couple of people from work. Let's go say hi quickly.” As Mark and Brooke made their way to the beer pong area. Someone dressed as a vampire momentarily collided with Mark, sending him off balance.

“Sorry,” came a muffled voice from behind the mask, as the partygoer put his hands up in a gesture of apology.

“No worries,” Mark replied. “All good.”

As the couple got closer to the back of the yard, Brooke said triumphantly. “I was right, there isn’t one other person here dressed like you. Face it, your costume is lame and out of date.”

“Yeah? At least I’m unique. I’ve counted at least ten other witches since we got here.” Mark responded playfully.

“Hey! What are you doing looking at other —” Brooke was cut off by one of the beer pong players.

“Mark! Brooke! It's great to see you.” The player waved to them and then turned back to the others who were taking the game-winning shot. “Okay! New game. Mark, Brooke, you are up.”

The couple initially tried to decline, but were quickly talked into playing just one game. Unfortunately, both Mark and Brooke were not very adept beer-pong players and ended up losing.

This meant drinking all of the beer on the table. The cups were filled much higher than either of them was accustomed to.

Brooke greatly disliked whatever cheap beer they were using to play and quickly drank the rest of her punch to get the taste out of her mouth.

Mark had his back to her as he chatted with a guy he knew from work. Brooke didn’t want to walk around with an empty cup, so she got Mark’s attention and pointed to her drink. He nodded and she headed back inside to the kitchen for a refill.

The bass of the song playing over the stereo pumped into her ears as she entered the house. She squeezed through the other bodies, ignoring several glances down at her cleavage. Brooke finally found some breathing room in the corner of the kitchen where the punch bowl was. It seemed like an unpopular destination with so much hard alcohol sitting on the island right behind her.

As she was refilling her cup, a body passed behind her, brushing up against her ass. When she turned to look, she recognized that it was the same person in the vampire costume from before. They were reaching around her for their own cup of punch. Weird…

Taking a big sip, she closed her eyes and began to feel very good. All the alcohol was finally beginning to hit her. She headed back outside to find Mark standing in a circle with several men and women near one of the fire pits. It looked like they were passing around a joint.

“What kind of weed is that?” Brooke asked, as she slid into the circle next to Mark.

He put his arm around her. “They said it's a Sativa…something. It's supposed to energize you and make you feel like you're on cloud nine.”

“And it makes the sex way, way better!” One of the girls from the other side of the circle contributed with a giggle. Everyone laughed and the joint came back around the circle. Mark smiled at her and put it to his lips, taking a deep inhalation. He raised an eyebrow and passed it to Brooke.

She could have passed it on, but in the end she decided to take a long drag of it herself. Someone on the other side of the circle whooped, clearly impressed. She let the smoke flow out of her nose and quickly began coughing.

They stood there for the next several minutes talking and taking hits from the joint. Brooke also continued to drink the punch from her cup. When the joint was spent, one guy pocketed it and the circle broke up, everyone going in separate directions.

Brooke stood looking at the fire, transfixed by the way the flames seemed to be dancing with one another. The weed had quickly gone to her head. The alcohol had started to creep up on her, too. She felt herself swaying in place.

Mark came up behind her and planted soft kisses on her neck. He whispered in her ear. “Want to make a baby now?”

She wanted that more than anything. She looked around and thought about everyone in the backyard watching them. Where could they even have sex back here without getting caught? What if someone saw them, and then watched them have sex…

Brooke could feel her breath quickening and her breasts began to heave slightly. She could feel her heart beating in her chest, going a mile a minute. Logically, she knew this was probably a result of the weed, but that realization just seemed like a trivial detail to her clouded brain. The kisses Mark was planting on her neck were sending an electrical current running through her body. “Wait until we get home, baby,” she finally said, just barely reining in her lustful thoughts.

“Alright, alright,” He whispered as he gave her ass a little pinch. “Let's go inside and grab another drink. I also owe you a dance.”

Brooke smiled. “Lead the way.”

She laughed as Mark leaned into her as they walked. He was off balance, too, just like her. The weed and booze had most certainly hit them both pretty hard. They would definitely be having very sloppy baby-making sex later that night.

The pair stumbled back up to the house, joining in the throng of bodies crammed inside. They were pushed back and forth as they made their way to the kitchen. Brooke was sure someone grabbed her ass as they passed, but she was feeling too good to stop and worry about it.

“SHOTS?!” Mark asked as they entered the kitchen.

“SURE!” Brooke yelled back.

Mark poured them two shots each of what looked like tequila. He handed both shots to her and raised his glass in turn. She clinked hers to his and they both downed one shot followed by the other. Brooke made a disgusted face, causing Mark to laugh.

She went back over to the punch bowl to fill up another cup for herself. Mark was fumbling with the keg, trying to figure out how to pour himself a drink in his inebriated state. Someone eventually helped him, and the couple stood there for a few minutes, just enjoying their drinks and listening to the music.

“LET’S GO DANCE!” Brooke said, trying to pull her husband down the corridor.

“HOLD ON!” He yelled back. “I NEED A REFILL!”

Brooke looked at her cup and saw it was only a quarter full. She refilled at the punch bowl as Mark worked the keg, much more successfully this time.

With topped-up drinks in hand, the couple made their way to the center of the beating sound inside the house. As they got closer, the music got louder and louder. The room with the makeshift dance floor was packed with people. There was hardly any space for the dancers to even move around. The lights were also very low, making it hard to recognize anyone around them.

Brooke and Mark somehow squeezed their way into the center of the room. Their bodies were pressing against everyone around them.

Brooke watched as Mark took a long sip from his beer and lowered that stupid mask back onto his face. She rolled her eyes and turned around, her ass finding his crotch as his hand found her hip.

The music was beating fast. The couple moved their bodies rapidly to keep up with the rhythm. Brooke could feel Mark’s cock growing harder as it pressed against her. His hand slipped down to her ass and he held it there.

She continued to push back into him in time with the beats of the music. They were surrounded on all sides by bodies. The room was almost stiflingly hot and sweat was glistening off of everyone around them.

Mark suddenly spun her around, her arms flailing and accidentally knocking into the people around them who didn’t even seem to notice. He pushed his knee between her legs, letting her grind onto him. His hand snaked around to grab her ass and pull her into him. She felt like she was melting into his body. She lost track of time and forgot all about the people around her. The only thing she could concentrate on was the feeling of Mark’s body.

Brooke reached up and pulled his mask aside, exposing his chin. He was breathing as hard as she was. She grabbed his neck and pulled his lips down onto hers. She wasted no time and used her tongue to suck on his. They kissed passionately right there in the middle of the dance floor, bodies pressed tightly against each other’s costumes as they desperately searched for satisfaction.

Brooke was getting lost in the feeling of Mark’s hands on her, the feeling of his lips on hers, his tongue in her mouth, and the heat radiating from his crotch. She would be riding that cock later and milking every ounce of cum from it.

The thought started to creep into her head that anyone here could be watching them, seeing how hard they were going after one another, and seeing their bodies seemingly meld as their tongues played together. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up. It really felt like someone close by was watching them.

The thought of being watched caused her to grow even hotter. She could also feel the heat from the alcohol she drank, as it seemed to radiate out from her chest and reach the tips of her fingers and toes.

It felt great.

What if we do have sex here? That brief idea flashing into her head caused her to grind herself harder onto Mark, while pushing her tongue into the depths of his mouth. Could they do it without getting caught? Where would they even do it? Upstairs seemed like a good bet. They probably wouldn’t even take that long. She did want to make sure they tried once more tonight before she was off her peak ovulation.

What if we drink so much we just crash when we get home? Maybe we should do it here.

Brooke quickly reached her decision. She was going to fuck Mark at this party, and it was going to happen soon.

Mark disengaged from their kiss and spun her around. He grabbed her hips with both hands and pulled her back into him. His cock once again pressed firmly against her tight ass. She sighed, feeling him so hard against her that she pushed back farther, trying to feel even more.

To anyone watching it looked like they were dry-humping each other. They danced dirty like this until the song ended and another started.

Mark stood up straight, pulling back from her. She turned around to see what he was doing. He raised his mask and she saw that his face was beat red. He had been dancing that entire time with it on and was sweating profusely. He tried saying something, but she couldn’t hear it. “WHAT?”

He pointed at her empty cup and made a drinking motion with his hand. He held up one finger, indicating to her that he would be right back. She figured out that he was going to grab them both a drink and that he would be right back. She nodded and he was quickly absorbed by the crowd as left for the kitchen. She was left there alone, swaying with her eyes closed on the dance floor, waiting for her husband to return.


Mark was breathing hard as he made his way into the kitchen. The beat of the bass was still reverberating throughout his body. He was sweating hard and was thirsty as hell. Finding the keg again, he started refilling a new cup.

“MARK, THERE YOU ARE! COME HERE, I HAVE TO SHOW YOU SOMETHING!.” Dave was next to him, hanging onto him, drunk.



That did sound pretty cool. Dave had mentioned he got the latest rig and Mark had been wanting to take it for a spin.

“BROOKE WILL BE FINE, IT’LL BE REALLY FAST. COME ON!” Dave tugged Mark’s arm towards the door of the basement.

Okay, just a quick look.

They descended the staircase, shutting the door behind them.


The vampire watched the door to the basement shut and decided to make his move.

He pushed through the bodies, making his way to the kitchen. He quickly took off his red cloak and mask, shoving them into a large garbage bag, revealing a Ghostface costume to anyone watching.

Saul slid the Ghostface mask out from under his shirt and poured a cup of punch.

He put the mask over his face and made his way toward the dance floor. The rhythmic thumping of the music seemed to line up with his quickening heartbeat. The room with the dance floor was packed with wall-to-wall bodies.

He moved through them like a shark gliding toward its prey. After only a minute of looking, he found her.

Mark’s wife was there alone in the middle of the dance floor. She was holding her cup to herself and swaying back and forth to the music. Saul slid up behind her, pressing himself into her just as he did at the Christmas party last year.

She slowly looked over her shoulder, appearing reassured at seeing the Ghostface mask. She smiled and pushed herself back into him. Saul handed her the new cup and she took a big swig.

He was in ecstasy. The sexy wife of his most hated colleague was grinding her fabulous ass on his crotch. He was hard and wanted her to know it. He grabbed her hips and pushed himself into her.

Brooke could feel Mark’s hard cock pushing against her, seemingly larger than it had felt to her earlier. She shuddered slightly as his gloved hands had begun moving over her body. One had slid down her thighs, coming close to resting on her sex. The other was roaming up and had slid across her corset-covered chest, cupping her left breast gently.

Brooke sighed and threw her head back, pushing her chest out.

While he was gone getting her a refill, she had made a fateful decision. She was going to fuck Mark at the party and she couldn’t wait much longer.

Saul stood there groaning as Brooke moved her ass back and forth over his cock. She reached a hand back behind her, searching for it.

Her perfectly manicured fingers found their prize, and she gently moved her hand up and down, stroking Saul's cock through his costume.

Saul’s hand dropped below the hemline of her skirt, pressing against her panty-covered pussy. He heard her moan, despite how loud the music was in the room.

Mark’s hands were setting her on fire. She could feel how hard his cock was. Brooke was momentarily surprised at how thick her husband felt, but the twitch of his cock distracted her that oddity.

She spun around and fell into his body. She reached up for the back of his head and pulled him down to her, whispering loudly in his ear. “Come with me, let's go make a baby.”

Brooke grabbed Mark’s hand and led him off the dance floor. She looked around cautiously and then quickly made a beeline for the staircase in the entryway.

Saul ascended the stairs behind her. He hadn’t expected his plan to work so well. His eyes were glued to her shapely ass, bouncing with each step she took, as he followed her to the top of the staircase and down one of the many hallways on the second floor. She peeked into a few and finally entered a door at the end.

Saul shut the door behind him, the beating rhythm muted but still present.

Brooke was on him in an instant. Her hands grabbed his crotch, trying to find a way through the costume to release his cock. Saul was taken aback at how forward she was.

He only snapped out of it when it dawned on him that if she did see his cock, she might realize he wasn’t Mark. He had to go on the offensive.

He spun her and pinned her against the door. He grabbed both of her arms in one hand and held them over her head. With the other, he quickly worked them into her panties.

She was already soaking wet and he easily slid a single digit into her.

“Ohhhh.” Brooke moaned as he slowly started thrusting his finger inside of her. She licked her lips and rolled her hips, trying to take more and more of his finger into her vagina.

Saul started to slowly insert another finger, causing Brooke to take a sharp intake of breath. His fingers began to push deeper inside her until his knuckles were even with her entrance. The older man began making a ‘come here’ motion with his fingers, as if asking someone to come closer. His fingers bent towards his palm, the fingertips finding Brooke’s g-spot.

He made this motion over and over, slowly and sensually rubbing one of Brooke’s most sensitive places. He let her arms drop and she clung to him, holding on as he began to stoke the fires of a growing orgasm inside of her.

She could feel her orgasm growing at a steady pace. Mark’s fingers were hitting the perfect place, but they just seemed inadequate at that moment. His cock would get her off faster. I need his cock in me now.

“Oh, Mark, stop. Fuck me.” Brooke moaned into the side of his mask. Her lips searched for his but found only that ugly Ghostface mask. She grabbed the bottom of it to lift it over his face and taste him.

Saul pulled his fingers out of her and quickly stopped her from pulling up his mask. That caught her off guard and for a moment she looked confused. He worried that this might be the end of it, and she would see through his deception. He had to try and save the situation.

He walked backwards towards the bed. He wagged one finger at her, telling her that touching the mask was not in the cards. Then he gestured for her to come to the bed.

Brooke stared at the sight before her and squinted, trying to make sense of the situation through her drunken haze. She slowly walked towards Mark, only stumbling once, and slurred “You and your kinky ways. I forgot you wanted to be my mystery man tonight.”

As she got close, he guided her toward the bed and then pushed her down. She moaned as she was bent over the bed, her hands on the comforter and her ass and stocking-clad legs on full display. “Ohh.”

Saul hiked up her dress and looped his fingers into her panties, pulling them down her legs. She instinctively stepped out of them.

Saul took a quick look and saw that Brooke had her head dropped onto the bed. The alcohol had clearly affected her. He took a gamble and removed his mask. With his face free, he began kissing her legs, first over the stockings and then working his way north to her upper thighs. His tongue and lips caressed her perfect backside.

She responded to his touch, pushing her ass back against his lips.

The scent of her arousal was intoxicating. He wanted to taste her.

“Uuuggghhh.” Brooke groaned as Saul’s tongue began to lick along her slit. His tongue drew circles around her clit eliciting more moans from Brooke.

Saul’s tongue drew a line from her clit down to her pussy, as he put it inside her and began tasting every inch of her.

Brooke ground her ass back onto his face, reveling in the sensation of his tongue inside of her.

“Oh. Ugh. Fuck me. Please.” Brooke eventually pleaded. “Come on mystery man, give me your cock.”

Saul wasn’t about to say no to that invitation.

He stood up, pressing one hand onto her lower back to hold her in place. He fought with his stupid costume, pulling up the bottom to reveal his boxers underneath. He quickly pulled them down with one hand and his hard cock sprang free.

Brooke was waiting impatiently, pushing her ass back as if searching for the cock she knew was close by.

Saul grabbed his cell phone and started recording. He let go of her back and lined up his bare cock with Brooke’s unprotected pussy. He focused his phone right on their point of connection.

His cock head slowly parted her lips as it pushed inside of her.

“Oooooh.” Brooke moaned. She loved the feel of Mark’s cock inside of her. For so long they had used condoms, but now she was completely addicted to taking him bare.

As Saul pushed more of his cock inside of her, he tilted his phone up to catch Brooke’s reaction to his entry. Her fingers clenched the sheets and the pace of her breathing was growing rapidly. Sweat glistened on her back and shoulders.

He slowly and inexorably slid his entire length into her.

“Aaahh” Brooke cried, Mark felt so hard and huge inside of her for some reason. She moaned into the comforter as he slid out of her and back in again.

Saul leaned over and propped up the camera on a pillow. From its vantage point, it would capture everything.

He placed both hands on her hips and began to increase his pace.

Saul’s bare cock slid into her over and over without any resistance. She was soaking wet for him. The muscles in her pussy latched onto his cock, trying to milk it for all of its contents.

He looked down and watched her ass cheeks bounce in time with his thrusts.

He let go of her and stood still. Brooke continued to drive her ass back into him without any assistance or prompting. Saul just stood there for a few moments and watched her fuck herself on his cock. It was a beautiful sight. Less than twelve months ago this woman was upset at him for dancing with her at a Christmas party, and now she was riding his cock, desperate for his cum.

He grinned to himself, thinking about the embarrassment Mark had caused him at work today. If only he could see what he was doing now - making his wife moan for his cock. Ha, serves you right, fucker.

To the other guys in the basement, Mark was just standing there with a VR headset on and two game paddles in his hands. To Mark, he was on the top of a mountain, fending off a barrage of flying trolls that were trying to take out his health bar.

Despite his inebriated state, he had been doing well and was progressing quickly through each level. There were a few times, though, when he was caught off balance; the effects of the alcohol and weed were slowly deteriorating his coordination.

Mark felt like he had been battling this legion of trolls for hours. All sense of the real world had dulled to background noise. He could hear some muffled comments from the other guys in the basement, but he was only concentrating on what was going on in the virtual world around him.

Something was nagging at him, though. There was something important he had to go do. Something he needed to get back to. What was it –

He dodged another incoming volley of arrows from the digital trolls.

Whatever it was, it would have to wait.


Watching her ass cheeks bounce on his cock was mesmerizing. He warmed his hand up and gave one of her ass cheeks a firm slap.

“Owww! Oooh,” Brooke cried. Mark had never slapped her ass that hard while they made love before. She didn’t realize until that moment how much she liked it.


Saul smacked her other ass cheek, leaving a red handprint on her soft white skin to match the first one he gave her. Brooke increased her tempo and began thrusting back onto him harder.

Saul’s cock was hitting new places inside Brooke that had never before been touched. Her pussy was coming alive as he reached parts of her that had never been stimulated until now. His cock was the perfect fit for her pussy.

As Saul’s cock bottomed out in her, she felt an orgasm quickly begin to rise up from deep inside of her. This one was coming on faster than any other she had ever experienced. His cock pounding into her, the stinging red marks on her ass cheeks, and his strong hands holding her hips all combined and overloaded her system until it hit her like a truck..

“Don’t stop, don’t stop.” Brooke moaned through clenched teeth. “Argh, FUCCK!”

Brooke came hard on Saul’s cock.

He felt her unprotected pussy tighten and spasm on his dick, holding him in place. He pushed through it, sliding the rest of his length into her.

“Oh fuck, Mark!” Brooke cried.

Saul wished he could fuck her in other positions, but he couldn’t risk getting caught. Not when he was so close.

As Brooke was coming down from her orgasm, Saul pushed her forward onto the bed. He moved with her, never pulling his cock out.

She lay flat on her stomach as Saul lay over her. He pulled the rest of the costume off of himself and then started undoing Brooke’s corset. When he impregnated her, he wanted her naked.

Brooke seemed eager to oblige him, shimmying out of the skirt and corset and ripping her strapless bra off.

She now lay there dressed only in her black stockings, as her husband’s rival was on top of her nearly nude body with his cock still inside her.

Saul stared down at her soft, naked back in front of him and couldn't stop himself from licking and kissing her all over. Brooke quivered at his touch.

Saul began thrusting into her hard, causing her to gasp for breath. “Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh.”

Brooke panted as Saul pounded into her. Sweat dripped off his head onto her. Her eyes were closed, focused on the pleasure his cock was giving her. If she had opened them, she might have noticed the unfamiliar arms on the bed next to her.

Saul was pushing into her with everything he had. His cock was rock hard because of the Viagra. He reveled with every stroke he pushed into her, feeling her wet pussy inviting his cock in and tightening around it.

This was the most lust-filled, animalistic fucking Mark had ever given to Brooke. It felt primal, somehow, like Mark was possessed with the sole intention of knocking her up. He was fucking her like a machine, slamming into her with a force that made her hold on for dear life.

She could hear him grunting behind her ear. He was breathing hard. She was causing that reaction. Brooke was the one who was making him feel the way he did.

“Oooh fuck, Mark, do it!” Brooke screamed as she came. She didn’t care who might hear her or if they would get caught. She just wanted Mark to keep fucking her.

“Aagh!” The orgasm shook her world, washing over her entire body like a tidal wave of pleasure. And Saul never stopped fucking her; he continued to piston into her over and over.

His breathing was getting rapid. He could feel his heart beating in his chest. He knew it was going to happen soon.

He was going to cum and spray his load inside Mark’s wife. He had a shit-eating grin on his face as he relished that thought.

Saul leaned forward, his body fully laying on top of hers. The sweat on his body mixed with hers. He grabbed her face and turned her head towards him, kissing her passionately.

Fortunately for him, her eyes stayed closed as she kissed him back and stuck her tongue into his mouth. They sloppily kissed each other, their tongues darting in and out,exploring each other's mouths.

Brooke knew this felt different. The kiss and the way he was jackhammering into her with unbridled, animalistic lust. This was different than every other time they had sex since they were married. She instinctively knew that this time, she was going to get knocked up. Her body knew it, too, and was responding with abandon.

“Cum in me, Mark!” Brooke screamed. “Knock me up!.”

Saul fucked her hard, his cock slamming into her and touching all the sensitive nerve endings inside of her. Brooke was fucking him back just as hard. Her pussy was gripping his cock, not intending to let it go.

They were matching each other’s pace in perfect unison.

“I’m going to cum.” Brooke heard a hoarse, labored voice breathe into her ear. That voice, it doesn’t – Before she could decide what was wrong with that voice, the words themselves sent her into overdrive and triggered an instant orgasm.

Saul roared like a conquering lion as his balls tightened. He had never felt such a powerful sensation before. His cock shot a heavy load of cum deep into Brooke’s unprotected, fertile womb.

When Brooke felt the cum flooding into her pussy, it caused her orgasm to quickly crescendo.

“Oooh fuck, Mark. Fill me!” She screamed. Her face was beet red and her nails dug into the sheets.

Saul continued to pound into her as he shot load after load of his potent seed into her. Each shot of cum rocked Brooke, delivering mini tidal waves of rapid orgasms over and over. “Uh uh uh uh uh oh ooooh.”

Her pussy gripped his cock, milking every last ounce of cum from his heavy ball sack.

The sweaty, messy couple lay there with an almost unnatural stillness following what had just happened. The earth-shattering orgasms had sent Brooke over the edge. The combination of weed and alcohol, mixed with the most pleasure she had ever felt during sex had apparently overloaded her brain, and she passed out while Saul was still connected to her. He just lay there on top of her for a few moments, catching his breath.

He felt exhausted.

Saul finally rolled off her, reached for his phone, and stopped the recording.


A large orc’s meat cleaver came crashing down on Mark’s skull. The last sliver of his health bar dropped to zero, and the words ‘Game Over’ flashed on the screen.

“I got next.” Someone said to his left. The VR headset was removed from his head. Mark blinked his eyes, trying to adjust to the low light of the basement.

He took a slow look around to reorientate himself. He realized was in Dave’s basement with a bunch of guys who had all been drinking. Why are they dressed so weird?

One guy was dressed as a potato, another was a sexy pirate. There was even someone dressed like Rambo. What the fuck?

It was Halloween. He finally remembered that he was at a Halloween party at Dave’s house. He could hear the distant thumping of music and shoes on the floor above him. The party was apparently still going on upstairs. He looked down and realized he was even wearing a costume.

Memories of the party gradually started to come back to him, but they were hazy. It seemed like hours or days ago that he was upstairs at the party.

The last thing he remembered was being on the dance floor with Brooke. Brooke! Shit. Shit. Shit.

She was waiting for him. He had to go find her. He ran towards the stairs, but stumbled and tripped. His legs were moving faster than his brain could coordinate. Mark carefully picked himself up and staggered up the stairs in search of his wife.


Saul got up and began to gather his things. He stopped when he heard light snoring coming from the bed.

He looked over and took in the sight of Brooke’s well-fucked figure. The sweat and fatigue were something he caused. His eyes traced their way up her stockings to that perfect, round ass that stood out from the rest of her body. His eyes continued along the small of her back and then up to her angelic face.

Saul noticed his breath quickening and looked down to see his cock was rock hard again. This viagra really works.

He walked over to where she was lying in bed, his cock dangling between his legs, inches above her face.

Saul gripped his hard cock in his hand and pushed the head of it against Brooke’s lips.

Despite the weed, alcohol, and being half passed out, part of her instinctively responded. With her eyes still closed, Brooke opened her lips and let Saul’s cock into her mouth.

“Ugh, fuck yeah,” Saul growled, looking at Brooke’s lips wrapped around his cock. He loved that he fucked her, but seeing her with his dick in her mouth brought new levels of satisfaction to him. He had utterly and completely taken her from Mark.

Brooke sucked on Saul’s cock through her sleep-induced haze. If she opened her eyes and looked up, she would see an unfamiliar cock attached to an unfamiliar body. She might even recognize the face of the creep from her husband’s work Christmas party as it jeered over her pleasure.

Saul grabbed the back of Brooke’s head and began to slowly fuck her mouth. “Mmph, mmph, mmph.”

As his cock slid in and out of her wet, welcoming mouth, Saul thought about how much he hated Mark, and how his nemesis might react if he found out that he had knocked up his wife. He didn’t just want to fuck Brooke or get a blowjob from her. He wanted to utterly destroy Mark by putting his baby inside his wife’s womb.

Saul sneered at the thought. He withdrew his cock from Brooke’s mouth and laid back down next to her on the bed. He flipped her over so that she was on her back and he got between her legs.

Half asleep, Brooke lay there completely naked and exposed before her husband’s workplace rival. Her legs were spread open before him, revealing one of Mark’s most prized treasures, her untouched and unprotected pussy. Her heaving, bare breasts were also on display for Saul to feast his eyes upon.

Saul lined his cock up with her pussy for the second time that night and pushed inside her.

“Ooooh.” Brooke moaned at the feeling of a cock in her pussy. She was too far gone to comprehend what was happening, but her body was happily responding to the stimulus.

He reached out and hit the record button on his cell phone again.

As Saul’s cock inched its way inside of her, he crawled up her body, licking and kissing every inch of her. He paused his ascent when he reached her magnificent breasts. He buried his head between them, rubbing his face all over them. He cupped and fondled each breast with his hands as he alternated between licking and sucking on each nipple.

He felt Brooke’s body responding to his touch. Her hips had begun to slightly raise off the bed in search of more of his cock.

“Hhhrrmmmm” Brooke moaned. She sounded frustrated.

Saul took that as his queue and resumed his crawl until he was face to face with Mark’s wife.

He gently thrust his entire length into Brooke and her face contorted in pleasure. He pulled out to his head and pushed in again, eliciting the same response. “Uh.”

Saul reached under and grabbed a handful of Brooke’s delicious ass to hold onto while he made love to her. His other hand grabbed onto the back of her neck as his lips met hers.

Through her drink and drug-induced stupor, she kissed him back. Saul didn’t sloppily kiss her like before. This time he kissed her as a lover would. Slow, deliberate, and passionate. Brooke lazily responded with her own tongue and lips.

He felt her legs bend and slowly raise around his waist. Her hands rose to rest on his biceps.

He had only fucked Mark’s wife earlier, now he was going to make love to her.

Saul slowly pulled back and pushed forward, back and forward. In and out. Each time he did, Brooke moaned. He would watch her face each time, treasuring the sight of making this beautiful creature feel the pleasure of his cock.

“Uh, Uh,” Brooke moaned from underneath her husband’s rival. “Mmmmm-mmmm.”

Saul had a wicked smile on his face and continued to kiss her. His tongue snaked into her mouth, licking and sucking on her tongue. Brooke instinctively kissed him back the same way she would her husband.

He was growing bolder. Her responses to his cock were causing him to get confident. “Hmm, I’m going to cum in you Brooke.”

“Mmmmm.” She responded sleepily.

“I’m going to cum in your unprotected pussy.” He groaned into her ear. He wanted to make sure she heard his voice this time. “I’m going to put my baby inside of you.”

“Uh, Mmmmmmm.” Brooke’s moans seemed to be growing more desperate. She might subconsciously understand Saul’s words.

“Your husband is going to be pissed, knowing you're carrying my baby.” Saul began to increase his pace. He could feel his balls tightening.

“Old Saul here is going to knock his pretty wife up,” Saul said loudly. If anyone were in the hallway outside, they would have heard him clearly.

“Do you want that, Brooke? Do you want my baby? Saul’s baby?” Saul sneered.

Brooke didn’t respond but Saul could feel her hips rising from the bed to match his increased pace. Her nails were digging into his arms, her legs tight around his waist, holding him in place.

“I’m going to cum in you now, Brooke. I’m going to fucking fill you with my cum!” Saul’s movements were getting frantic. He was on the verge of cumming. “I’m going to put my baby in you, Brooke.”

“If you want me to stop, just say so. If you don’t, that means you want it.” Saul was jackhammering her now.

Brooke was taking sharp intakes of breath with each thrust “Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh.”

Saul felt his balls tighten. He was about to cum inside Mark’s wife for the second time that night. “Do you want my child, Brooke? Do you?! I’m going to give it to you now.”

“Oh, uh, oh, oh, uh, Mmmmm” Brooke moaned.

“Mmmmm, yes. Give it to me,” she whispered.

Saul was shocked at the words. She must be waking up to respond like that, but those worries were quelled by a primal drive in him. She said she wanted it. She wanted his baby.

“Say ‘Saul,’ Brooke, ‘Saul.’” Saul breathed as he felt his cock beginning to swell.

“Saul…” Brooke moaned absentmindedly. “Saul…”

Hearing her moan his name unleashed a torrent of cum from his cock. Brooke’s hips buckled and he felt her pussy tighten around his cock as she came. “Ooooooooooh.”

Saul’s illicit cum flooded again into Brooke’s fertile womb, drenching every inch of it in his seed. She moaned into his ear, her legs cutting off his circulation while her nails drew blood from his biceps.

Saul held her down as he continued to thrust into her, pumping out every last drop of cum from his cock. Brooke’s pussy gripped him tightly, milking his cock for everything it had.

Saul collapsed down onto Brooke, panting and out of breath once again. Brooke’s head fell to the side, her eyes still shut.

His cum had filled her completely. His sperm was crawling over her insides in search of her fertile, unprotected egg. A wave of sperm found it all at once and began to wash over it, desperately trying to penetrate it.

Saul kissed Brooke for several seconds, but she didn’t respond.

Groaning, he slowly pulled his cock out and rolled off her.

Saul looked down at the passed-out beauty on the bed, admiring his handy work. Thanks to the recordings on his phone, he would get to relive this night for the rest of his life. He just wished there was some way he could experience being with Brooke in person, over and over again.

He leaned down and again kissed her on the lips, sliding his tongue into her mouth. He felt her gently kiss him back, but she was too out of it to really respond. He kissed her hungrily for a few more seconds while also groping her before stepping back. He snapped several pictures of her face and body with his phone.

He saw his cum leaking out of her well-worn pussy and used some toilet paper to clean it up. He didn’t want to leave too much evidence behind. Just enough to get the job done.

He carefully gathered up her discarded clothing from the floor and began to dress her. Lifting her torso, he put her strapless bra back on and then slid her panties up her legs. He fit her witch's skirt and corset back over her body, making sure it was pulled on tightly. Saul then carefully positioned her on the bed to make it appear as if she just happened to fall asleep there. He even took her witch's hat and laid it in such a way to appear that she laid down with it on.

Saul made his way to the ensuite bathroom and turned the light on. He pulled several sheets of toilet paper out and dropped them on the floor. He made sure to leave extra sheets hanging from the dispenser.

He turned the water in the sink on and splashed his face. He made sure that excess water got onto the counter.

His goal was to make it look like Brooke came in here to use the bathroom and then passed out on the bed, not that she got fucked raw by another partygoer. The older man wanted to make sure that his seed had time to get planted.

He left the bathroom light on and the door open. He quietly tiptoed out of the bedroom and shut the door.

Saul didn’t want someone else stumbling onto Brooke. If she was getting knocked up by anyone, it was going to be him. He made his way downstairs and found Dave’s wife. He told her that he saw a woman going upstairs who looked to be in rough shape.

She thanked him and went to investigate.

Smiling from ear to ear, Saul left the party. On his way home, he couldn’t stop thinking about how good Brooke felt when she was wrapped around his cock, moaning his name.


Mark was frantically looking around the dance floor for Brooke. He didn’t know how long it had been since he left her. He was just beginning to panic when Dave and his wife found him.

“Hey Mark, it looks like Brooke might have had a bit too much to drink and fell asleep upstairs. Come on, let me take you to her.” Dave said.

“Really?! Lead on.” Mark sighed in relief.

His friend led him up the stairs and down a long hallway, finally stopping at a bedroom.

As Mark stumbled into the room, he was relieved to see Brooke lying fully clothed on the bed. It looked like she laid down for a moment and just passed out. The bedroom’s ensuite bathroom was open.

Noticing where he was looking Dave said, “It seems like she came up here to use the bathroom and then decided to lay down for a nap.”

“Yeah, I think so, too. Thanks,” Mark replied, swaying slightly and growing more groggy by the minute.

“No problem, amigo. Hey, why don’t you guys just take this bedroom for tonight?” Dave asked.

“Are you sure? We wouldn’t want to impose.” Mark slurred.

“Nah, it's fine, we have a bunch of bedrooms. It's not a big deal. I’ll leave you guys to it. Have a good night.”

Dave left the couple, shutting the door on his way out. Mark locked it and began to disrobe. He took Brooke’s costume off her as well, and eventually got her under the sheets. His head was spinning as he lay down next to her and drifted off almost right away.

Saul’s sperm was still awake inside of Brooke, though, every one swimming eagerly, aiming to win the prize.


The morning after the party was a rough one for Mark and Brooke. They both slept in well past noon and woke up with splitting headaches.

It slowly dawned on them that they were naked in a strange room. Mark couldn’t remember much of the night before. The last thing he remembered was smoking the joint in the backyard and then some weird, vivid memories of fighting trolls. It had probably been just some strange, drug-induced dream.

Brooke remembered doing poorly at beer pong and brief flashes of her dancing with Mark. She also vaguely recalled having an intense sex session with Mr. Ghostface himself, which explained why they were both naked and why her vagina was so sore.

The loving couple eventually got dressed, thanked their hosts, and slowly shambled their way home.


A week and a half after the Halloween party, Mark was getting dressed for work when Brooke came rushing out of their ensuite bathroom. She was waving a pregnancy test in his face.

“I’m pregnant! We’re having a baby.” Brooke gushed, running into his arms. Mark held her tightly, tears forming in his eyes.

“I love you so much, Brooke, I can’t wait to meet our little one.” He glowed.


Across town, Saul was also getting ready for work in his own way. He was sitting in his ratty lazy boy chair in the living room, stroking his cock. His TV was playing the video he took on Halloween night.

He had a shit-eating grin on his face as he watched Brooke moan in pleasure, remembering how good her pussy felt wrapped around his cock.

Slapping sounds and moans filled the room. He turned up the volume as his favorite part was starting.

“Do you want my child, Brooke? Do you?! I’m going to give it to you now.”

“Oh, uh, oh, oh, uh, Mmmmm” Brooke moaned.

“Mmmmm, yes. give it to me,” she whispered.

“Say ‘Saul,’ Brooke, ‘Saul.’”

“Saul…” Brooke moaned “Saul…”
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Re: Tainted Conception by DonSilver

Unread post by Frenchie » Thu Mar 09, 2023 9:55 pm

Masterclass !

Amazing !!

I'm so happy to see that it will be more.
Allready waiting for !

Thanks for this huge work !

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Re: Tainted Conception by DonSilver

Unread post by DonSilver » Mon Mar 13, 2023 1:29 pm

Frenchie wrote:
Thu Mar 09, 2023 9:55 pm
Masterclass !

Amazing !!

I'm so happy to see that it will be more.
Allready waiting for !

Thanks for this huge work !
Glad you like it Frenchie! I do wonder if some of my stories might be a little too long for others to enjoy here.
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Re: Tainted Conception by DonSilver

Unread post by Breakerhymen » Mon Mar 13, 2023 3:41 pm


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Re: Tainted Conception by DonSilver

Unread post by Frenchie » Thu Mar 16, 2023 8:52 am

DonSilver wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 1:29 pm

Glad you like it Frenchie! I do wonder if some of my stories might be a little too long for others to enjoy here.
Honestly, I realy don't understand why your stories get so few responses.
They are great, written with a real talent and the scenarii are uncommon.

You could easily compete with a Xleglover or a J267.

For me, as the wife says, length is never an issue ! ;)

On the contrary, the longer it is, the more you can experience the story.
It's always frustating when the text ends too soon.

Keep going ! I can't wait to your next chapters !

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Re: Tainted Conception by DonSilver

Unread post by Jacko » Mon Mar 20, 2023 3:58 pm

These are great stories, indeed. Thank you very much for posting them, always.

Maybe these stories are better *because* they don't provoke the debate and back and forth that we used to get with Xleglover's stories - they stand on their own, as is, without much need of a commentary from your readers.

Please keep it up!

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Re: Tainted Conception by DonSilver

Unread post by Johng1953 » Thu Mar 23, 2023 4:42 am

Most definitely not too long and I'm hoping you continue.
Thank you.

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Re: Tainted Conception by DonSilver

Unread post by johntigger1469 » Sat Apr 15, 2023 3:09 am


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Re: Tainted Conception by DonSilver

Unread post by TellMeSt0ries » Thu Apr 20, 2023 8:18 pm

Fantastic story!

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