House Party

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House Party

Unread post by Jaxbchcuck » Sun Sep 03, 2023 7:10 am

I wrote this story many years ago and posted the original on another site. I cleaned it up a bit and added a few things. Its rather cliche and is definitely not everyone's cup of tea. Most importantly my wife loved it when I wrote and attacked me immediately after reading! All that being said I hope you enjoy.



The part of town that we were driving in was new to me, and I was a bit concerned about getting lost on all of the winding streets. I hoped that Waze had all the streets in its system. Anne kept looking around at all of the houses and then turning to me.

"Are you sure that this is the right way?"

"Yep." I paused. "Well, I think so."

"You think so?" She looked around at the surroundings again. Nothing looked remotely familiar to her either.

"Well, it’s where the guy on the phone told me to go."

"O.K," she answered. I turned to look briefly at my wife. She looked awesome. Radiant. She was wearing a coat because of the cool weather, I knew that underneath was a tight blue top and a short little jean skirt. Long black boots finished off the look. We had discussed stockings and a garter, but in the end she wore just a tiny black thong underneath. I had helped her shave in the bath. My cock had grown hard looking at and touching her body, but she only smiled and told me that we didn't have time to play before we had to, well, go and play. Her long black hair fell seductively around her beautiful face.

She turned and saw me staring at her.

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing. You look, well, beautiful tonight."

She smiled and her whole face lit up.

"Are my eyes smoldering?" she asked. This was our private joke about her make-up. I loved when I could tell her that her eyes smoldered.

"Of course," I answered. "You're making me extremely horny."

"Good," she answered. "Now keep your own eyes on the road."

We turned down yet another winding little side street. It didn't look much different than the last one, but Waze announced that we were arriving at our destination, and we saw that the street was filled with several parked cars.

"I think we found it," I said. Anne was staring out the window. She then turned to me.

"I'm pretty nervous," she said.

"Hey, we can leave any time you want. You do know that, right?"

"Yes." She smiled again. “I don’t want to leave. But I'm still nervous."

"We don't have to go in if you don't want to."

Anne shook her head. "Oh no, I want to go."

"Ok, then we’ll go in and have a good time."

Anne grinned mischievously. "Oh, I plan to!"'

I parked the car and we got out. We saw another couple getting out of their car nearby as well. The other woman was a tall, thin blonde. She was cute. The guy with her - I assume her husband - looked a bit nervous as well. They walked by us and we all said some quiet hellos. I thought I saw Anne and the other woman exchange a longer look and both smiled slightly at each other. We collected ourselves, put some unnecessary items in the trunk, and headed towards the house that the guy I had been chatting with both online and by phone had told me to go to. I didn’t see the other couple and assumed that they had already gone inside.

I rang the doorbell. The door was opened by a rather large black man. He looked at me sternly, then shifted his gaze to Anne. He quickly changed the glare to a smile and ushered us in.

"Can I take your coat?" he asked Anne.

"Thanks," she said, slipping it off. The man's eyes instantly locked on to her large breasts.

"Nice," he said, smiling.

"T-thanks, again," answered Anne, blushing a bit. But, she seemed to stand a bit straighter, causing her breasts to jut out even more prominently.

"We have drinks and food in the next room. Why don't you go in and make yourself comfortable?"

"Great," said Anne. "Is there a bathroom close by?"

"Yeah," answered the other guy. "I'm Tim by the way." He held out his large hand and pointed. "Third door down on the left."

Anne turned to me. "I'll be right back." She headed off to the bathroom and Tim turned to me.

"You guys haven't been to one of our parties before, have you?" As he was asking, Tim handed me Anne's coat.

"No," I answered. "But I've only heard great things about them!" I tried to lighten the mood a bit.

Tim adjusted his crotch and smiled. "Well, they certainly are great." I looked down at his crotch then back to his face. I simply stood there, awkwardly, for a bit.

"So here's the deal," he finally said after letting me suffer a bit. "The whole house is one big party. Everyone is in and out of all of the rooms having a great time."

"Sounds great to me," I said, thinking of all the erotic things that could be going on anywhere in the house. "So, uh, should I wait here for Anne or should I go check things out?"

"Oh," said Tim, looking slightly annoyed. "I guess you wouldn't know what to do." He went to a door close by and opened it. It led to a basement. A basement in Florida? I was surprised to say the least. "The coats are put down there, and um, that's where you guys hang out."

"Us guys?" I asked. Then I realized that he was talking about the husbands. "Um, sorry. I guess I'll head down there then."

"Great," said Tim, smiling again. "You'll have a good time. And don't worry about your wife," he said, pausing a bit. "She'll have an awesome time!"

"I, uh, hope so," I answered as I headed towards the door to the steps.

Tim looked down the hall. I followed his gaze and saw Anne heading back towards us.

"She's got a great set of tits," he said to me. "I can't wait to suck on them." He turned and smiled at me again. "Have a great time."

I didn't say anything. As I walked down the stairs, Tim closed the door. I didn't get to say anything to Anne when she got back. At the bottom of the stairs, I entered a large room. There were several couches and a large screen t.v. in one area. There was a bar in the corner that looked like it had a kitchenette in it. The whole set up was especially nice, and it must have cost a fortune to put this in a basement in the area. There were about a half dozen other guys already in the basement. White guys. No women. I noticed that the big screen t.v. was on and a porno was playing. As I watched briefly, a white woman was getting fucked by a black guy with an enormous cock. I smiled - what other kind of porno would they have playing?

I walked over to the bar. There were beers, sodas and some wine. Typical bar set up. I cracked open a beer and surveyed the room again.

"First time?"

I turned. The guy next to me also had a beer in his hand. He was dressed similar to me. Khakis and a button down shirt. Nice looking guy I guess. I wondered briefly what his wife looked like.

"Um yeah," I said. "Is it that obvious?"

He smiled. "Well, you have a bit of that deer in the headlights look about you."

It was my turn to smile. "I guess I do." I put out my hand. "I'm Eric."

"Mike," he said, shaking my hand. "My wife's name is Beth."

"Anne." I answered. "So, um, you guys have been to these parties before?"

"Yeah," said Mike. "A few. Beth likes to come every few months. She tells me that she gets the itch.” He smiled and had a bit of a laugh after he said it.

"I see." I looked around the room again. Guys were either talking quietly or sitting on the couches watching t.v. "I wasn't quite expecting this."

"Oh, you mean the husbands down here?"

"Yes," I answered. “Although now that I think about it, I guess I wasn't sure what to expect."

"Well," answered Mike, "it takes some adjusting to." He paused, then continued. "But I think it adds to the experience. You know, wondering what's going on upstairs."

I noticed that I could feel and hear the faint thumping of the stereo upstairs and also some faint muffled voices.

"How many people usually come to these parties?"

"Usually anywhere from 6 to 12 couples," said Mike. I looked around and saw that 1 or 2 new white guys had joined us in the basement. "I think there are usually around 15 to 20 black guys who come."


"They like us to stay down here, but we can go up and take a quick look if you like."

"Um, sure," I said.

Mike and I headed back up the stairs. When he opened the door, the music, now turned up, hit us loudly. It was also rather dark, compared to the bright lights of the basement. Only a few dim lamps were on that I could see. From the front hallway, we walked into the room that Tim had told us about when Anne and I first arrived. Although it was somewhat hard to see, I could make out about four women in the room with about eight black guys. Two women were dancing very closely with their partners. One of the guys had a woman's skirt pulled up and he was caressing her ass as they danced. The other dancing couple were making out and I thought that the guy was rubbing the woman's breast. In the corner, one woman was sitting in a guy's lap. They were also making out. His hands were between her legs. The other woman was on her knees. I could only assume that she was sucking on the guy's cock. None of the four looked like Anne. I couldn't decide if I was relieved or disappointed. I did know that my dick twitched at the erotic site before me.

"Can I help you guys?" a voice said behind us. I turned and saw yet another large black guy.

"Oh, um hey Bo," said Mike. "This is, um Eric. He's never been to a party here and I just wanted him to take a quick look."

Bo looked at us for a few seconds. "O.k." he finally said. I could tell that he didn't really care. He just wanted to get back to the party and to the pussy.
"C'mon," said Mike. "Let's head back downstairs."

"O.k." I answered. We went back down and went back over to the bar. While we were upstairs my cock had gotten hard. I adjusted myself to get more comfortable. Mike saw and smiled.

"Quite a turn on, huh?"

"Um, yeah," I answered. I looked down, rather embarrassed.

"Hey don't worry about it. Made me horny as hell too!" he said. "See?" I could see his dick tenting his pants as well.

I looked around the room and again began watching some of the porn on the t.v. It made me even hornier. Several of the guys were on the couches watching t.v. They looked uncomfortable. Horny.

"So, um, its just a room full of horny white guys?" I asked Mike, wondering how long I could manage like this without exploding. The though of Anne fucking and sucking a big black cock kept flashing through my mind. This image, added to what I saw upstairs and the porn on t.v. was an equation for one horny and frustrated guy!

"Its something isn't it?" answered Mike. I noticed that he was rubbing his crotch. Did he even realize that I saw? Did he care?

"I didn't know how I was gonna make it the first time," he continued.

"No kidding," I said, laughing a bit.

He smiled. "Well, there is always R & R."

"R & R?" I asked, not sure what he was referring to.

"The release room," answered Mike. "Its what we," he gestured to the other white guys in the room, "named it."

"W-what is it?" I asked.

"C'mon. I'll show you." We walked to the far side of the basement. For the first time I noticed a door in the wall.

Mike opened the door. Inside was another room. It was very dimly lit. We walked in and Mike closed the door. I looked around and noticed a couch, futon and table. On the table were some boxes of tissues, some towels, tubes and what looked to be some condom packets. Mike turned to me.

"First, what happens in R&R stays in R&R."

I smiled. "I think I've heard that somewhere before."

"I'm serious," he replied. "We are all extremely horny. Sometimes you just have to take care of it. We set this room up so that we could do it, um, undisturbed."

I looked at the stuff in the room. "So, guys take turns coming in here and jacking off?"

"Jack off, meditate, do whatever they need to do." He was less than specific. I thought for a moment and then looked back at the table and the futon.

"So, um, more than one guy --" He cut me off.

"Like I said, what happens in here stays in here. This whole night is about having fun. A good time. For your wife and also for you. This room can be a part of it. However you want to use it. O.k?"

"Sure," I answered. I still wasn't quite sure what else the room was good for other than jacking off, but we went out and back to the bar. I didn't see any new faces in the room, and I assumed that the full 'group' was there for the evening. I could hear the music still thumping above. Not much else. I could only imagine.

"Eric," said Mike, standing next to another guy, "this is Bill. Bill, Eric." I shook Bill's hand and we said out hellos. He was a pretty non-descript guy. Again, dressed in similar nice pants and a button down. Its like we all had uniforms. Team "Our wives are fucked by black men!" Mike and Bill chatted for a bit while I nursed my beer. Obviously, this wasn't what you would call a "normal" party, and thus it seemed, at least to me, that all these guys down here really didn't know what to say or do while we waited.

"So," said Bill, "how long have you been in the lifestyle?" I paused for a bit.

"You mean swinging?" I asked in response. "Anne and I have been involved for about 5 years or so."

"Oh," said Bill. "I meant the cuck lifestyle."

"The what?" I asked. I think that I knew what he was talking about, but was taken by suprise by how forthright he was.

"You know, cuck. Cuckold. Letting another man fuck your wife while you watch or," he looked around, "stay in the basement with a bunch of other cuckold husbands."

"C'mon Bill," said Mike, smiling. " Ease up on the questions. Its his first time here." I knew that Mike was just trying to make me feel better, but I didn't really mind the questioning., I'd never really spoken to other men who felt the same why that I did. About watching their wives fucking other guys.
"It's ok, " I answered. "I, um, I don't know how long Anne and I have been, um, talking about doing something like this, but, ah, this is our first time, you know. . ."

"Having her get fucked by some big black cock?" asked Bill.

"Pretty wild, isn' it?"


"Well," said Bill, "These parties are a pretty wild way to start." Mike nodded.

"You can say that again."

I was a bit confused. "What do you mean?" I asked the other two guys. At that moment, I noticed a woman coming down the steps. She had oh a short dress, long brown hair. She also had a nice set of tits, but in my opinion nothing that could compare to Anne's.

"Watch," said Bill." And you'll see a bit of what I mean. The lady who had come into the basement looked a bit tired, but had a huge smile on her face. She went over to one of the guys I hadn't talked to and tapped him on the shoulder, interrupting his watching the porn on T.V. He smiled as she sat next to him. Well, more like laid down next to him. Her little dress rode up and I could see her naked pussy and ass. Her pussy was all ref and looked very wet. The guy instantly put his head between her legs and, I had to assume, began licking her. She began moaning and moving her hips up and down. I realized that she was talking to the guy as well. I couldn't really hear what she way saying though.

Mike must have noticed that I was trying to listen." She's telling him about the big black cock that just fucked her."

"Oh. Um. Ok." I said. My cock was rock hard again. I couldn't help but think about it being me licking that woman's gooey cum-filled pussy. I glanced over at Mike and Bill. Both were staring at the action and both were rubbing their own hard cocks.

The woman was moaning rather loudly now and then with a few really load gasps, she seemed to collapse into the couch. Obviously, she just had a pretty big orgasm. After that, some light conversation started up between some of the guys again. The lucky guy on the couch sat up, his face all wet and sticky, and began helping the woman, who I assumed was his wife, get to her feet. The guy pulled her dress down as she tried to straighten her hair a bit. She gave the guy a quick peck on the cheek and I thought I heard her say, "Thanks honey, I’ll see you later." Then she turned and walked to the stairs. After she was gone, I looked back at the guy and saw that he had his hand down his pants and was rubbing his cock. He eventually took his hand out and went straight tot he R&R room. I didn't blame him.

I wondered what Anne was up to?

----------------------------------[as told to Eric by Anne]--------------------------------------------
Anne saw Eric head down some steps and then the door closed behind him. Well, Tim closed it. He turned when he saw Anne and smiled.

"Welcome back," said Tim, eyeing the gorgeous brunette.

"Thanks," answered Anne. She couldn't help but feel like Tim was undressing her with his eyes.

"Ready to go party?"

"I think so," said Anne. She pointed down to the door where Eric had gone. "Is it down there?"

Tim laughed. "Oh no. That's where all the husbands go and wait for us while we party."

"Oh, OK," Anne was a bit nervous about being separated from Eric.

"Hey," said Tim. He obviously could sense Anne's nerves." Relax and have a good time. That's what you're here for, isn't it?"

"Well, um, yeah. . . yes."

"Don't worry," said Tim, "You don't have to do anything, or anyone, you don't want to. If someone tries to mess with you, they'll answer to me."

Anne felt better after having the reassuring words. She smiled at Tim and seemed to relax a bit. "Thanks".

"No problem. Can I get a hug?"

"Sure," said Anne. She hugged the big black man and felt a huge bulge pressing into her belly. Anne was startled and stepped back. "Oh."

"Something wrong?" said Tim smiling? He brushed his hand across the front of his trousers, his big cock twitching.

"Um, no," mumbled Anne. She was sure that she was blushing furiously, and was glad it was dark in the front hallway. "It's, um, just, uh..."

"Yes?" Tim still smiled.

"Is that all you?" blurted out Anne. She was getting wet. Really wet. She and Eric had talked about her fucking a big black guy with a big cock, but she never realized just how big it could be.

"Oh, yeah," answered Tim. "Wanna see?" Anne could only nod her head. Tim unzipped his pants and pulled them and his underwear down. His huge cock flopped out -- Anne could see he wasn't hard yet and was already bigger than Eric when her husband was fully erect. And Tim's cock was much, much thicker. Anne could only stare, wide-eyed. Tim stepped forward and hugged Anne again. She could feel his big cock between them. Tim began caressing Anne's ass. Soon one hand was on a breast and he leaned over and kissed her neck lightly.

"MMMMM," moaned Anne. She was so hot that she thought that she was going to explode. She began grinding her pussy on Tim's leg.

He knew that she was ready to go.

"Let's take this party upstairs," said Tim in Anne's ear. As she backed up and tried to calm down, he pulled his pants back up, then put his arm around her. Tim also grabbed Anne's hand and placed it on his cock. Anne reflexively grabbed it, again marveling at its enormous size. She rubbed her hand across his pants.

"Nice," said Tim. As they got to the stairs, he let Anne go first. As she walked up, Tim put his hands on her delectable ass. He lifted her skirt up, exposing her little black thong. Tim put a finger on her hot pussy and felt how wet she was. How excited she was for some black cock.

"Oooooohhhh," gasped Anne. She was close to cumming and nothing had happened yet. What kind of magic could this guy do on her?
At the top of the stairs, Anne saw a hallway with a number of rooms. Some of the doors were open, while others were closed. As Anne and Tim walked by the closed doors, she heard moans and screams. Raw, powerful sex. In rooms with the door open, Anne saw people. She couldn't tell who or how many, but she heard the sounds of sex - the slapping of flesh on flesh. Sucking. Moaning. It was all a bit overwhelming to Anne. She couldn't remember ever being so horny before. The two got to the end of the hall and Anne saw that the last room was empty. Before they went in, Tim stopped her.

"Like I said downstairs, you don't have to do anything or anyone that you don't want to. And that includes doing anything with me.”

Anne smiled and walked up close to Tim. Her left hand caressed his bulge, "Fuck me."

Tim smiled and took her hand as they entered the room. He knew that she couldn't resist his big black cock. Anne saw that the furniture in the room consisted of a large king-sized bed and a dresser. The dresser had some towels and sheets on it. The bed looked pretty freshly made. A small lamp on the dresser dimly lit the room

"Strip for me baby" said Tim. Anne smiled, but glanced at the open door.

"Do you want to shut that?"


"OK." Said Anne as she lifted her tight top over her head. "Maybe he likes people to watch,” she thought. Tim lay back on the bed, rubbing the front of his pants. The bulge was growing. Anne unsnapped her bra and her large breasts swung free.

"Mmmm," said Tim, "I knew I was going to like seeing those big titties! I can't wait to play with them."

Anne blushed a bit but quickly unzipped the short skirt. It fell to the floor, leaving her only in her little black thong and her shoes. Tim stood up.

"Now undress me."

Anne knelt in front of him and unbuckled his belt. After unsnapping his pants, she let them slide to the floor. He was wearing red silk boxers. His big cock shifted underneath. Standing, Anne grabbed the bottom of his shirt and lifted. Tim put his arms up, allowing Anne to pull the shirt over his head. He stood in his boxers and shoes. Slipping out of the shoes, he stood again in front of a kneeling Ann. She slid the boxers down. Tim's cock sprang out.

"Oh my!” said Anne. "It's huge."

"Nine inches of pleasure baby." Anne tried to put her hand around it. She didn't come close.

"It's so thick," she whispered.

"Yeah, gonna fill up your pussy real good." Anne slid her hand up and down the big shaft. Tim moaned slightly.

"Suck it baby. Suck my big black cock."

"Mmmmmm," moaned Anne. Her lips touched the black shaft. Warm and spongy. It smelled good too. Freshly washed. Anne's lips opened and part of the big head slid in a little. Anne was amazed as she could get most of Eric's cock in her mouth with no problem. Now she could barely get even the head of Tim's cock in. She slid her mouth and tongue down the big shaft, getting it slick with saliva. She used her left hand to slowly jack the big cock up and down. She could feel her little thong getting soaked in her juices. Sucking cock always made her wet. After several minutes of slurping, her jaw began to get a little tired. She looked up into Tim's eyes. He was staring down at her. She let the big cock pop out of her mouth.

"Fuck me!" Anne moaned. She was crazy with lust.

"Not yet baby," answered Tim. He pulled her up and turned with Anne. She moved and sat down on the bed. Starting with her lips, Tim began to softly kiss her all over her body. He spent a lot of time on her tits. Licking and sucking. Moved down to her stomach. When Tim grabbed her thong, Anne lifted her ass up, allowing him to pull the little panties down her legs. He parted her legs and shoved his tongue deep into her sex.

"OHHHH GOOOOOD!" moaned Anne. She could feel his tongue penetrate her pussy. It felt so good! Electric shocks hit her when he ran it across her sensitive clit.

Tim assaulted Anne's pussy with a vengeance. He was very, very good at licking pussy. Not like Eric, but good. But she wasn't in this room, this house, to only have her pussy licked. When she was nice and juicy, Tim slid up her body.

"Ready for my cock?"

"Oh, yeah!"

"Beg me for it."

Anne smiled. She loved the idea of being owned and used. "Please sir, fuck me with you big black cock." She paused. Tim looked at her. They both knew what she was going to say next.


Tim slid the tip in slowly. Anne gasped. No matter how wet she was, Tim knew that he had to go slowly. Get her used to him. The size. Inch by delicious inch, he worked the big piece of meat into her. Anne was moaning and gasping. She came. Once. Twice. Little orgasms that were each building in intensity.

"It's so fucking big!" Anne gasped. She couldn't believe how full she felt. The cock was stretching her insides in a million different ways.

"About half way there babe," said Tim as he worked his cock into Anne.

"Oh god," moaned Anne. She didn't think that she could take it all. It was just too damn big. Tim backed off a bit, sensing that Anne was tensing up. He eased out a bit, then back in a bit more. Slowly but surely the cock went in. More and more buried in her hot wet pussy. After several minutes, Tim finally sank all the way in.

"You took it all baby."

Anne couldn't answer. Couldn't think. The pain/pleasure was just too much. Tim didn't move. He simply let her adjust. Get used to his big black cock. He knew that she would never want anything else again. Tim began to slowly, oh so slowly, move in and out. Pulling out farther and plunging back in. Anne moaned and gasped. She pawed at her own tits. Her legs thrashed a bit.

"I think my slut likes her big black cock."

"G-god yes!" Anne gasped, cumming yet again.

"Never had a cock fill you up like this before, have you?" Pumping in and out.


"Your little disked hubby make you feel like this?" Slap. Slap. Slap. Big balls pounding against her little white ass. Tim slammed his meat into her. Anne grunted.

“N-nnno. . .” she moaned.

"He can't, can he? Doesn't have the cock for it?" Slap. Slap Slap. Slap.

"N-no!" Anne screamed as she came again.

Tim began to pick up the pace, driving his cock in and out of Anne's pussy. Both were sweating from the raw animal sex. Anne moaned and screamed. It felt so fucking good!

"Your pussy belongs to me now," hissed Tim in Anne's ear.

"Y-yes! God yes!" Tim pulled out completely. His cock popped out with a loud squishy noise.

"Turn over so I can fuck my pussy good and hard from behind." Anne rolled over and stuck her ass high in the air. Tim lined his cock up and sank it deep into Anne.

"Ooooohhhhhh Gooooood!" gasped Anne again. Tim didn't let up though. He began thrusting in and out of her hard. He slapped her ass as he fucked her. He reached around and grabbed a tit, pinched a nipple. Anne loved it all.

"You like that big black dick, don't you slut!"

"Yes!" SLAP!

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, Daddy!"

"I own you!"

"Yes Daddy!" Anne could feel her orgasm building. Could feel Tim's cock get even bigger in her pussy.

"No more fucking your little dicked hubby!"

"N-no!" Slap. Anne's ass stung. "N-no D-daddy!”

That put Tim over. He loved to hear those words from these white wives. "Gonna cum bitch!" He thrust in and out faster and harder.

"Yes! Cum deep in my pussy!"

"Fuck yeah!" The first spurt was like liquid fire. Anne could feel it deep inside of her pussy, and that set off yet another huge orgasm.
"Oh! Oh! OH GOD!! OH FUCK!" screamed Anne. She could still feel the spurts from Tim's cock. So much cum! Anne saw stars!
When she next opened her eyes, Tim was looking at her. He smiled.

"You passed out," he chuckled.

Anne smiled weakly. " I. . .I guess I did." She looked around. She forgot where she was. Didn't know how long she had even been there. "How long?”

"Just a minute or so, " answered Tim. "I was afraid I hurt you at first."

"Oh, no," answered Anne. She sat up. "Oh my,” she said. “That was unbelievable. I don't think I've ever cum that hard before."

"You liked it?"

"Hell yeah!" said Anne.

“Enough to want to do it again?"

"Yes!" Anne paused for a moment. "Unless you mean now. I don't think I can do that again right now."

"No," said Tim. "Not right now." He smiled. "I'll give you a few minutes to recover."

Anne reached down to scratch an itch on the thigh. It was all wet and sticky. "I'm a mess."

Tim got up. He began putting on his clothes as Anne looked at him puzzled. "It's a good time to go and see how your hubby is doing,” he said as he pulled his shirt on over his head.

"Really?" asked Anne.

"Yep." Anne still looked puzzled. "Trust me," said Tim.

“O-oh, ok." said Anne. She stood on wobbly legs. She reached for her thong, but Tim held his hand out.

"You won't need that,” he said. Anne gave him the damp little panties and proceeded to put on the rest of her clothes. When she tried to clean some of the sticky cum off of herself, Tim stopped her. Anne did as he asked. She was still in the after glow of the glorious fucking he had given her. She was thinking of his big black cock and found herself getting a bit aroused again. Anne was surprised as normally after a good orgasm she was done for the evening. Tonight, however, she could see herself fucking another black cock.

"Ready?" asked Tim.

"I thought you needed a while to recover?” Anne said, smiling at her new lover.

Tim smiled. "That's the spirit. I'll be ready to go again soon." He paused. "And then we'll get a buddy to join us and we'll both fuck you. One in you pussy and one in your tight little ass."

Anne got weak-kneed again. Now she was definitely horny! She wanted to feel two big black cocks going in and out of her. The two went back through the hallway. Anne looked into some of the rooms and saw various combinations of white women and black men. Big cocks getting sucked and fucked. Women moaning and screaming in passion. Deep voices telling the women that they loved big black cock. Anne was definitely having a good time!

After stopping and getting some water in the kitchen, where a guy named Bo took some time to squeeze Anne's big tits for a while, Tim and Anne headed down to the basement to see what the white cuckie hubbies were up to.
I was sitting on a couch, watching a bit of porn when Mike, who was sitting next to me, suddenly said, "Damn, look at her!"

I turned and looked and saw Anne coming down the stairs. Her hair was a bit messed up, and her skirt and her top were a bit rumpled. Mike continued. "Now there is a beautiful woman who has just been fucked. Hard."

"That's my wife," I told him.

"No shit?" Mike looked at me and then back at her. "Dude, she's fucking hot!”

"Thanks," I said. She looked awesome. I noticed Tim behind her. Anne saw me and smiled. As she walked over, Mike mumbled something about getting a fresh drink, got up and left. Anne came over and stood in front of me. My face was about even with her crotch. The smell of sex was overpowering.

"Hi honey!" she said, smiling.

"H-hey," I mumbled in response. I could barely talk. I wanted to know everything. What happened? Was it good? Did anything happen? I was a whirlwind of questions. I was paralyzed by them. And I was so fucking horny that I though I was going to burst.

"Just, hey?" said Anne, still smiling. Wickedly. She slowly, oh so slowly, pulled the front of her skirt up. Enough so that I saw her wet, sticky thighs. "Don't you wanna know what I've been up to?" she asked innocently. She continued to pull that damn skirt up her waist. The bottom of her pussy peaked out. Covered in cum. Wet sticky cum from a big black cock.

"Oh god," I moaned. I couldn't help it. It was so hot. I pushed my face closer to her crotch. Wet. Cum everywhere. I stuck my tongue out and began to lick. Slowly at first. Then like a madman. The taste was strange. Salty. Sweet. Sticky. Gooey. She was a mess. I moved and licked her thighs, her belly. All over. I also noticed how easily and deep I could stick my tongue into her pussy. She had definitely been fucked long and hard by a big cock.
Anne moaned and sat on the couch and lay back. Her legs splayed open. I dove into her pussy again. As I licked, Anne began to recount her recent fuck session. How big Tim was. How thick his cock was. How she never came so hard in her life as she did with his big thick cock. How it was so much better than fucking me. I thought I would cum right then. We were both getting more worked up as she talked. Finally, Anne gasped and I swallowed a whole lot more spunk. I looked up at her, my face a glistening mess.

"Thanks, honey," said Anne. "That was nice." After a minute or so, she sat up, moving her skirt back down. I looked around, most of the other white cucks were looking at us -- wishing that they were me. Wishing that they were licking Anne's cum drenched pussy filled with a black man's cum. I felt pretty lucky. And horny, I shift my cock around uncomfortably in my pants.

Mike came back over to the couch and I introduced him to Anne as I wiped my face off with a napkin. Anne blushed a bit as Mike told her hot she was and how lucky I was to be married to her. I shifted again, and Anne put her hand on my dick.

"Are you having a good time?" she asked. Her hand slowly rubbed me up and down. Rubbed my rock hard dick in my pants.

"Y-yes," I answered. I noticed that Mike had sat down on the other side of her. Anne put her other hand in his crotch, rubbing his dick as well.

"And you?" she said to Mike.

"Y-you bet," Mike answered. I could tell that Anne was getting off on how horny we both were. How close we were to coming in our pants.

"Great!" exclaimed Anne as she patted both of our little dicks and stood up. We both groaned in unison. "Cause I am too!" She added. I noticed that Tim had walked over to us. He glanced at Mike and I and may have mumbled a hello to us.

"Hi Tim," I said. Anne turned and kissed my head.

"Well," she said, "I don't want to keep you boys from having your, um, fun." She giggled and turned to Tim. "Let's go find your friend to fuck my tight little ass!"

I moaned. I think that Mike did as well.

Tim smiled. "Who said that he would be the one to get your ass?" Anne smiled and the two of them headed back up the steps.

Who was this wild woman and what had she done with my quiet little wife?

When they had gone, Mike turned to me. "Man, she is fucking hot! Are you sure that this is her first time at this kind of a party?"

"Y-yes," I stuttered. "well, at least I-I think so."

"Well, she's got me so hot that I may explode." Mike rubbed his crotch as he said this.

"Me too," I answered.

"I don't know about you," he said, "but I definitely need some relief in the R&R room." He paused, and then asked, "You coming?"

"Y-yeah," I answered. I looked around the room. Another wife was getting her pussy cleaned from her hubby. Guys were at the bar drinking and others were watching the porn on t.v. I noticed Bill rubbing his pants furiously as he watched another guy lick a woman's pussy. The whole situation was very surreal. Mike opened the door to the R&R room and we went inside. I walked in and turned to close the door. When I turned back, Mike had his pants unbuttoned and his cock out. I noticed that he was wearing a little pair of blue panties.

"Ahhhh," he said, rubbing his dick. "God am I horny." I noticed that his cock was about the same size as mine. White and very average. On the smaller side and not very thick. I imagined that Tim's cock was bigger than both of our little dicks put together. Mike took off his pants and shirt - - well, all of his clothes and sat on the couch. He rubbed his dick, his eyes closed. After a minute he opened them and looked at me.

"Hey, don't be shy on my account," he said, as he continued to jack off.

I briefly hesitated, then quickly took my own clothes off. I was wearing a little pair of pink panties. It was something that Anne and I had gotten into as we fantasized as about getting together with black men. Little did I know that this was something that I shared with other cucks! I sat down on the couch, naked, with my own little white hard-on.

"Nice cock," said Mike. He was looking at my dick while he stroked his own.

"Thanks." I answered. "Y-you too." I stroked my own hard cock. “D-do most of the guys usually end up in here?” I asked, not sure how to proceed.

“Depends,” answered Mike as he continued to slowly stroke his dick. “Some guys are in cages so can’t do anything at all.”

“C-cages?” I asked, not sure what he meant.

“You know, chastity cages. Little metal or plastic cages that go around a guy’s cock and balls. Makes it so you can’t get a hard-on. Some of the guys and their wives are into denial play. THat’s a whole other level of cuckold!”

“Wow,” I answered. “So they don’t ever get any, you know, relief?”

“Depends on what turns them on. Maybe they're locked in their cage only when the wife is getting fucked by her bull. Or maybe they’re locked up all the time. All depends on what turns them on,” he answered.

“Huh,” I said, thinking about the scenario. “Sounds pretty intense.” I paused again. “And hot!”

“Mmmmmm, “ moaned Mike, closing his eyes, “I can just imagine Beth now, getting drilled by some big black cocks."

"Yeah, I answered, "all that cum leaking out of Anne was so hot."

"God yes." said Mike. "She looked really well fucked. She's not gonna want anything but big black cock from now on."

"N-No," I croaked in agreement. I slowed down on jerking because I knew I could pop at any moment.

"Uh, you and Anne ever play with any toys?"

"What do you mean?" we both continued to stroke our cocks. Almost in unison.

"Like dildos and stuff?"

"Oh, yeah," I answered. "We have." I thought about Anne ramming her toy into me and smiled.

"Mmmm, us too," said Mike. He paused. "She ever fuck your ass with one?"

"Y-yes." I said. I was stroking faster again. "You?"

"Oh yeah. Beth loves to fuck me with her strap on. She pegs me really good!”

"That's hot," I said. I again imagined Anne fucking my ass with our dildo.

"Yeah, very." said Mike. He stood up and went over to the table, got some lotion and walked back over. He stood in front of me, his cock bobbing inches from my face. He squirted some lotion into his hand and rubbed it on his cock. Up and down. It made a squishing noise. I looked up - he was staring at me. "You wanna?"

I wasn't sure what he meant. "I don't see any dildos," I said.

Mike continued to rub his cock in front of me. "I didn't mean dildos " he said. " I'll fuck you and then you can fuck me."

I groaned. I was so hot and horny. His suggestion was nasty and erotic. I knew that Anne would love to see it. "S-sure."

"Over on the futon," he said. I went over and knelt down. Mike got behind me. I was still stroking my cock when I felt his hand on my ass. I groaned a bit as he held my ass cheek with one hand and slowly slid a well greased finger into me. Ever so slowly he began sliding it in and out of my tight little ass.

"Yeah, that's it," said Mike, "I think you like that."

"Yes." I groaned. I was so turned on I thought I would explode. Visions of Anne kept running through my mind. I loved seeing her cunt full of cum - loved licking it out of her. I groaned again as I felt Mike work a second finger into me. He had taken his other hand off my ass and was stroking himself again- getting himself nice and hard to fuck me.

"Are you ready to get fucked now?"

"Uh-huh," I mumbled. I had to force myself to stop stroking my own cock or I would have cum, hard, right then. Mike slid his fingers out of me. I felt the head of his cock brush against my ass. He pushed. I tried to relax. Not tense up. I felt the head slip in. I briefly thought about how Anne must feel getting fucked by a monster black cock. Mike's cock was not that big, but inside me it felt huge. I couldn't imagine Anne taking a ten or eleven inch dick all the way in her. These thoughts shot through me as Mike sank in to his balls.

"Oh yeah!" he groaned. "God that feels so good." I couldn't speak. I only nodded. Mike pulled his cock out and pushed in back into me. We both groaned.

"Y-you like that?" I gasped. The mix of pain and pleasure was driving me crazy. Although the pain continued to fade and the pleasure continued to build. My little cock was rock hard as I rubbed it against the futon. I could feel myself getting ready to cum. Hard.

"Ugh! Oh yeah!" answered Mike, speeding up his thrusting into me. "B-beth hasn't l-let me f-fuck her in a while!" He continued to pump in and out of my ass. "S-since she s-started f-fucking b-black guys."

"N-no?" I answered. "S-so you l-like this?"

"God yes!" yelled Mike. He was pumping in and out of me faster and harder. His balls were slapping against my ass with a rhythmic sound.

-slap- -slap- -slap- -slap- -slap- -slap- -slap- -slap- -slap-

I was stroking my own hard cock. "Yeah, fuck me!"

That was enough to put Mike over the edge. With a roar he exploded in my ass. I could feel the hot spurts of his cum shooting deep into me. Now I finally knew what Anne was talking about when she told me that she could feel me spurting inside of her when I came. All of this was enough to put me over the edge as well. I grunted hard and shot my own load all over the futon. The vivid pictures of Anne and hard black cocks danced in my mind. Mike continued to thrust in and out of my ass, coming down from his own sexual high. He slowed down and I felt his deflating cock slowly slide out of my ass with a wet and sticky plop.

"Mike lay on the futon next to me. "God that was great," he said. "Thanks.

He paused for a moment, then looked at me. "Oh, sorry man. You wanna?" He started to move into a position that I assume would let me fuck him.

"Oh, ah, no thanks." I said, somewhat awkwardly. "I, um, ah." I pointed down to the cum all over the futon. "Sorry."

Mike smiled. "Hey, its ok. That was really hot. I probably would have cum too if you fucked me first." He paused. "Besides, it seems like you really like to get fucked in the ass."

"Well, um. . . " I stopped, not knowing how to answer. "So, uh, has it really been a while since you fucked your wife?"

"Yeah," said Mike. He was cleaning his cock off with a rag. "At first, we didn't do it for a few days after the parties because she said that she was just too sore and also stretched out that she wouldn't feel my little dick in her anyway."

"Um, I guess I can understand that," I answered. I had cleaned myself up a bit and had started to put my clothes back on. It was definitely a weird feeling to have Mike's cum in my ass as I slid my panties back up. I was leaking a bit and for some reason found that humorous.

Mike continued. "Yeah, then she wanted to, uh, not do it, I mean with me, for a few days before a party to, um, you know, build up the sexual tension."
"I see." I felt my cock start to stir again as I thought about Anne depriving us both of sex before a party. We'd both be climbing the walls because we would be so horny.

"Well, the time after became longer and the time before became longer too."

"So, uh, when was the last time that you did get to fuck your wife?" I asked.

Mike thought hard for a few moments. "Huh. I guess its been several months now."

"Jeez," I said. "How do you both go without sex for so long?"

"Well," he answered. "I jack off a lot. Beth likes to watch me jerk my cock in a little pair of panties. And um, she has a boyfriend."

"What?" I was shocked. "Really?"

Mike looked a bit sheepish. "Well, um, yeah. One of the guys from a party. They hit it off really really well. And, uh, they go out once or twice a week."
"Damn," I said. "That's really hot." My cock was hard again. I could see the lump in Mike's pants as well."

"No kidding," said Mike. We cleaned up the room as best we could and went back out into the main area. "I fucking love it when I dress her up for a date with her lover. They're planning on a long weekend away together this summer."

"Nice!" I could only imagine Anne doing that with a hot black lover!

We headed back over to the bar for some water or soft drinks. My legs were a bit wobbly from the fucking I just received. I felt a little better but was still horny. I noticed that a few of the guys were gone.

"I imagine that some of the couples have left," said Mike. "Some of the ladies can only cum a few times and then they're done. Didn't seem that way for Anne though."

"N-no." I could only imagine what she was doing back upstairs.

----------------------------------[as told to Eric by Anne]----------------------------------

Anne couldn't believe how horny she was again! Having Eric lick Tim's cum out of her messy pussy was so fucking hot! She was like a ball of fire again, even though she had already cum several times this evening.

"So, what would you like to do?" asked Tim, as they reached the top of the stairs.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you're probably tired. We could just hang out for a while. Have a drink and chill on the couch. I know its your first time and all. You're probably kind of wiped out right now."

Anne smiled at Tim's sweet concern. Sitting on the couch and drinking a glass of wine might be nice. Anne, however, didn't come to the party to be nice.

"I guess we could do that," said Anne, as she stepped close to Tim. Her big tits mashed into his chest and she grabbed his crotch. "Or you could find that friend that you were talking about."

She could feel Tim begin to stiffen. "Are you sure?"

"MMMMMMM, oh yeah," answered Anne. She wasn't going to let all of these thick black cocks get away from her tonight!

"Ok, I'll be right back. Stay right here."

Anne noticed that they were standing in a little side room. A few other guys were in the room as well. Black of course. As soon as Tim walked away, another guy quickly came up to Anne.

"Hey," the guys said to Anne, checking her out.

"Hi," answered Anne. This new guy was big, black and hot.

"Wanna dance," said the guy. He was quite cocky and sure of himself.

Anne didn't see Tim hurrying back. "Sure."

The music was soft and erotic. Anne wrapped her arms around this new guy's neck and he immediately began kneading her ass. He pulled her close and she could feel his big cock on her belly.

"I-I'm Anne." She could feel herself getting flushed.

"Mmmmm. Hi Anne," he said into her ear. "I'm your new boyfriend Colonel." He was quite cocky as he answered her.

"Huh?" said Anne. Colonel had moved his hand up her thigh and was pushing a finger or two into her pussy as they danced. It was getting harder and harder for Anne to concentrate because of the wonderful feeling radiating from her sopping wet crotch. "W-what about. . .?"

"Tim? Don't you worry about him. You have your fun with him tonight. But you and me are gonna be fucking from now on."

"Uh, ah, well, I'm. . .” Colonel had quickly unzipped his pants and placed Anne's hand on his cock. Huge and thick. She instinctively began sliding her hand up and down.

"Married?" Colonel smirked as he said it.

"Uh, huh. ohhhh. . . " moaned Anne. Colonel was plunging three fingers into her sopping wet pussy now. She was close to cumming again.

"Great, the little sissy will get you ready for our dates, 'cause after tonight, the only cock you're gonna be fucking from now on is my big fat black one. Ok?"

"Uh huh. . . "Anne's eyes rolled up in her head. She could feel herself getting even wetter and hotter.

"You're a hot little slut, aren't you?" said Colonel, his fingers pushing in and out of Anne's pussy.

"Yessss," was all that Anne could say. Colonel had gotten her so hot, so fast! Perhaps it was the whole evening. Maybe it was his attitude! Such a cocky guy. Such a real man! Whatever had caused it, Anne felt like her body was on fire.

"What's going on here?" said a booming voice. Anne turned, startled, and saw Tim standing with his hands on his hips, staring at the two and looking mad.

"What'chu mean man?" answered Colonel. He kept his fingers deep inside Anne. She turned and saw a serious look on his face as well. The idea of two big cocked black men, facing each other, strangely was turning her on. A lot! Two black bulls fighting for her little white pussy. Anne moaned with need.

Colonel backed away from Anne, finally removing his fingers from her pussy. His baggy pants fell to the ground, leaving his huge cock to bob obscenely in front of him. Tim walked towards the two.

Oh, so it's gonna be like that huh?" Tim walked right up next to Anne and quickly undid his own pants. They also fell to the ground and his large cock stood out erect in front of him. Anne licked her lips and looked from one to the other. She wasn't sure what these two studs would do next. Fight? Wrestle with their big cocks sticking out? The thought made Anne squirm. Very hot. She realized that her own hand was rubbing her pussy. She also noticed that neither man had said anything. When she looked up at both, she saw that they were both smiling. . . trying not to laugh.

Colonel looked at her. "We're just playing with you," he said.

"Yeah," said Tim, now laughing.

Anne was mad at first at the joke being played on her. Then she smiled. "So no cock fight over little ol' me?" she said sweetly. She thrust her chest out a bit more as she said it. and both men's eyes were drawn to her large tits.

"No," answered Colonel, putting his hand on her ass. "We're just gonna take you upstairs and fuck the shit outta you."

Anne smiled as the three, after the two men pulled their pants back up, went to the stairs. As they climbed, Anne turned to Colonel.

"What about the part of you being my boyfriend?" she asked.

"Oh, that part's true," he answered.

Anne turned towards Tim. "Is that ok with you?" She didn't want to upset the guy she was having so much fun with so far that evening.

Tim smiled. "Well, I, uh, got my own white wife girlfriend. So, um, its ok with me." He seemed a little nervous that Anne would be upset about that. She wasn't.

"Great!" said Anne, smiling. She couldn't wait to share the good news with Eric!

At the top of the steps, the three went down the now familiar hallway. Anne, however, found that many of the once occupied rooms were now empty.

"Where did everybody go?" she asked the two men.

"Most are gone I s'pose," answered Tim. "People don't mess around at these parties. They get right to the fucking. And when they're done. . .” He didn't finish the sentence.

"Yes?" Anne asked.

"They leave."

Anne smiled. "You mean, the guys don't want to stay around and talk and cuddle?"

Colonel laughed at that. "That's what your little dicked white hubby is for!" The two men continued to laugh and Anne smiled. It was true though. She knew that she would be able to tell Eric about this night for a long time. She thought about his little white dick getting hard in his cute little girlie panties as he used his magical tongue on her pussy while she whispered brief glimpses into her night of getting fucked by two big dicked black men. Anne shivered with excitement at the thought, which brought her back to the moment.

The three went into a different room from the one that Anne and Tim used before. The bed was a bit bigger. And it was directly across from another room. And the other was occupied! Anne turned to look into the other the other doorway. A blond woman was riding a cock for all she was worth. She was moaning continuously as she bounced up and down. The black man beneath her was letting her do all the work. He simply supplied the big black fuck pole.

"Nice, isn't she?” Tim asked, whispering into Anne's ear. He had moved a hand around Anne's chest and was massaging her large left breast. His other hand was caressing her ass.

"Mmmm hmmmm," moaned Anne in response. "D-do you know her?"

"Yeah, that's Beth," said Tim. His hand had moved from Anne's breast to her pussy. Tim had pulled Anne's skirt up, and he was rubbing her clit. His hand, plus the idea of flashing the other couple, were really turning her on. It didn't matter that they were paying her no attention, she was still getting more aroused. Through the fog of her excitement, Anne was still able to think about the situation and the people in the house.

"She's your girlfriend, isn't she?" Anne asked Tim.

"Mmmm, very good. You get a prize. What would you like little girl?"

Anne smiled. "How about two big black lollipops to play with?" she answered.

"Are you sure that you can handle two?" asked Colonel. He was obviously serious. Anne turned and looked at him. Then she kissed him, long and hard. She was touched by the fact that even in the midst of al of this sexual frenzy, he was looking out for her, and it was much appreciated.

"I think so," she answered. She looked back over at Beth and the other black man, who were still fucking. "Doesn't she get, um. . .? I mean, don't you?" Anne was unsure how to phrase her question.

"No. There's no jealousy at these parties," answered Tim. He smiled. "I know that I get to fuck her the rest of the time."

"Um, what about?"

"Her husband? He knows that and loves it too."

Anne was a bit confused. "But, um, don't they still?"

"Not fora few months I think," Tim answered. "I told her that her pussy was mine now, and that his little pecker didn't get to fuck her anymore."

"So, what does he, um, do for his pleasure?" Anne was getting turned on by the idea Beth not having sex with her husband and only with her black lover.

"She tells him when he can take his little dick out of his panties and jerk off."

"T-that's it?"

“Yep. Well, unless she wants to lock him in a chastity cage. Then he wouldn’t even be able to jerk off unless she let him out.”

“O-oh my!” It was almost too much for Anne to take in one night. She could only imagine what it would be like with Eric. Him in his cute little panties all the time, waiting for her to let him jerk off. Knowing that she was going out and getting fucked by bigger and better cocks than his! Or being locked up and not being able to cum at all unless she let him. Her head was spinning and she was very very horny!!

"Are you two coming or what?" asked Colonel. Anne looked over and saw him laying sprawled on the bed naked. His big cock was laying across his thigh. Even soft it looked enormous.

"Mmmmm, definitely coming soon," answered Anne. She quickly got out of her clothes, her big breasts bouncing in anticipation of the fun to come.
She went over to the bed and crawled between Colonel's legs. She grabbed his cock and tried to swallow the big mushroom shaped head.


While she could get most of it into her mouth, it was simply too big. Anne wondered briefly how porn stars were able to swallow so much cock. She was forced to again content herself with licking the shaft and head -- kissing and licking all over. She slid the still growing shaft up and down in one hand, and lightly caressed Colonel's balls in the other. Anne was so into Colonel's big cock and balls that she almost didn't notice Tim's hands on her ass. Anne paused and looked behind her. Tim's cock was bobbing obscenely in front of him. She felt him pull her back on the bed.

"Slide back a bit." Anne scooted back. She felt Tim move his hand between her legs, holding her open. Ready to be penetrated. She was so wet from cum, saliva and her own juices that he slid right in. So big and so good!

"OOHHHHH," moaned Anne, as she was filled up again. Tim's cock felt so unbelievably good in her. So right. She loved the full feeling that he gave her. So deep and wide in her tight pussy. A feeling that Eric's cock just didn't give her. Focusing a bit, she turned back to Colonel's cock. She tried to kiss and suck it some more, but Tim began fucking her and she moaned again.

"You like that?" asked Tim.

"God yes," answered Anne. She saw stars as she had a small orgasm.

"She likes it so much that she isn't giving my cock any love," said Colonel.

"Maybe a little DP then?" asked Tim.

"Huh?" Anne was dazed by the feeling in her pussy. What did he just say?

"Sounds good to me," answered Colonel. "What do you want?"

Tim smiled. "I'll take her ass."

"Wait." Anne wasn't sure what just happened, but she did feel herself getting even wetter. Then she felt Tim slide out of her with a pop. Colonel easily moved Anne up as he slid down. He was quickly underneath her. His big cock lined up with her gaping pussy and slid right in.

"OOHHHHH!" moaned Anne. He felt as good as Tim. Perhaps even better. So big and thick inside of her! As Anne fucked herself on Colonel's big cock, he whispered in her ear.

"I'll be having your ass a lot in the future." Anne could only moan again. Tim quickly went over to the dresser and grabbed some lube. 'Lube Tube,' Anne thought. That made her smile. Although she couldn't see it, she imagined Tim squirting a big dollop on his hand and rubbing it all over his big black cock. Then she felt him part her ass cheeks and slide a finger deep into her tight little asshole.

"Mmmmm." Anne loved the new sensation. Colonel's big cock stuffed into her pussy and Tim's finger in her ass. His big finger, Anne thought. It felt so damn good! She thought that Tim's finger was probably bigger than Eric's dick! Before she got too comfortable though, Tim slid a second finger into her. It burned for a bit, but Anne tried to relax. and soon the pain turned back into pleasure. Colonel had stopped moving beneath her, giver her body time to adjust to the new feelings.

Anne moaned and heard the squishing noise of Tim's finger sliding in and out. She could feel yet another giant orgasm building within her.

"Fuck me," she moaned. Tim smiled and looked at Colonel. He smiled as well. They both knew. Another white married cum slut for black men. She would crave big black cock from now on! Tim eased his fingers out of her ass, and lined his cock up with her now stretched open little hole. He went in REAL slow. Anne was surprised at how easily the big head of his cock slid into her ass. The feeling was mind-numbing. She kept getting more and more full of cock. Black cock.

Tim could feel Colonel's cock in Anne's pussy. A strange sensation, but one that they had shared with many many other married white wives. Women like Anne would just not be satisfied with hubby's little dick like they would be when stuffed with black cock. The more the better! The bigger the better! After several long, agonizing minutes, Anne felt Tim close to her.

"All in baby," he whispered in her ear. "Ready to fuck?"

"Uhm oh, ahm uh," was all that Anne could utter. She was seeing stars and was afraid that she was going to black out. Tim took that response for a yes and slowly eased his cock out. Then back in. And out. And in. He began a nice slow rhythm. Anne moaned. A lot. Colonel began to move underneath her as well. While certainly not easy, the two big black men had done this enough times in the past to have worked out a nice pace that worked for both of them.

Anne was breathing hard. Colonel kissed her nose. She looked at him, eyes glazed, and smiled weakly.

"Like this?" Colonel asker her. Anne could only nod a bit. She couldn't concentrate on anything but the feeling, the wonderful feeling. In her pussy. In her ass. All over her tired and well-fucked body. The two men began to move faster inside of her. And harder.

"OH! OH GOD!" Anne yelled. She moved to a whole new plateau. This orgasm was coming on like a freight train. “F-FUUUUCK!” she screamed.

"Yeah baby," grunted Tim. "Take it." He was now slamming into her ass. His huge cock sawing in and out. Colonel's cock pistoning in and out of her lpussy. Anne's little white body almost being thrown between the two men.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" yelled Colonel. "I'm gonna cum slut!"

"OH! OH! OH! N-NYAAAAAAA!!!!!" screamed Anne. The orgasm hit her like an explosion going off in her belly.

"Yeahhhh!" screamed Tim, pumping his own cum deep into her ass. His cock spurted repeatedly.

"FUUUUUUCK!" answered Colonel. His cock spurting thick ropes of gooey cum deep into Anne's pussy. The three came for almost a full minute. Yelling, writhing, moaning and sweating! Tim tenderly pulled out of Anne's ass and collapsed on the bed beside the other two. He looked over at the pair. Colonel looked back and smiled.

"Yeah, that was ok," said Colonel, smiling.

"Fucking hot," answered Tim.

"Unbelievable," said Beth, standing in the doorway. She and the other black guy were watching and smiling.

"Thanks," said Tim. "I'd say that you could be next, but I'm gonna need more than a few minutes to recover from that one."

Beth smiled. "That's ok. We can make up for it when we go on our date next Thursday."

"Mmmmmm, you bet baby," answered Tim. "Make sure that your hubby has you bathed, shaved and dressed up all pretty for me."

"Of course." Beth turned to the other black man. "That got me all hot again. Wanna go fuck again, or should I go downstairs and have my hubby lick my pussy for a while?"

The two walked out of the room, discussing their options.

"Hey man, she's out cold," said Colonel, referring to Anne, who was still lying on top of him. His cock had slid out of her pussy, but he didn't want to move her off of him.

"Not a surprise," said Tim. He got up. "Why don't we get her cleaned up a bit?" Colonel moved Anne a bit, and his big cock slid completely out of her pussy.

Cum was flowing out of Anne like a river.

"I bet her hubby would love to clean up this mess," said Colonel.

"Yeah," answered Tim. "Should we just take her down there?"

"Nah," said Colonel. "Let's take her to the shower. I'll clean my lady up with some soap and water."

Anne came to in the shower.

"Huh?" She had no idea where she was. How she got there.

"Shhhhh," said Colonel. He was holding her up. "It's ok baby. I gotcha." Anne felt so weak. She knew that if he let go of her she would fall down.

"M-my legs."

"Yeah, I know," chuckled Colonel. "That was one monster orgasm you had." While holding her up with one arm, he gently rubbed Anne's sore pussy and ass with a soapy hand. Anne moaned. She felt so tired and relaxed. After washing her for a while, Colonel shut off the water and helped Anne step out of the shower. Anne sat down on the toilet as Colonel grabbed a towel. She still didn't trust her weak legs. Colonel stood her up and toweled her off.

"That, that was unbelievable."

"So I take it that you liked your first DP ?" asked Colonel.

Anne smiled and blushed a bit. "Oh yeah." She thought about how wiped out she was. "Although I don't think that I could do that again for a while."

"I agree," said Colonel. "You need to save two big black cocks for special parties like this." Colonel grabbed his now soft, but still substantial cock. "I think this should keep you happy though."

"Mmmmmm," answered Anne. "I'm gonna need at least a few days to recover, and," she stopped and suddenly thought about her husband.

"What?" asked Colonel.

"Well," answered Anne, as she finally trusted that her legs would allow her to stand on her own and they walked back to the bedroom to dress. "We agreed to go to this party. But I really don't know about how Eric will feel about um,” she looked at Colonel and stopped putting on her clothes. "Us."

Colonel smiled. "What, you mean about me taking you out every week and fucking you with my big black dick?"

Anne blushed again as she put on her little mini-skirt. “Yeah,” she answered. She couldn’t help but feel a little tingle in her belly when he said he would be fucking her every week.

"Trust me," said Colonel, as he pulled on his own clothes. "If he's like all the other little white hubby's here, he'll love the idea. In fact, he'll probably beg you to do it and even help you get ready for our dates."

"You really think so?"

"Hell yeah," answered Colonel, putting his shirt on. "The only thing is, after fucking my big black cock for a while, you're not gonna want to fuck his little white dick anymore.

"Oh no, I mean, we have good sex," said Anne. She couldn't imagine her somewhat vanilla, but good sex life with Eric changing.

"You'll see. Think about how good it felt to have my big black dick filling you up. Nice and thick." He smiled. "You'll still want him to lick your pussy, but let's be honest, black cock is what you're gonna need."

Anne thought about her what she had just experienced with the two men. Eric never made her feel like that. His dick never made her feel like that. Maybe Colonel was right? Maybe she was only going to want black cocks from now on? Would Eric be ok with that? Would he be ok just keeping his little white dick in his cute little girl panties? Or even locked up?

With a last embrace and a long deep kiss, the two made their way to the basement.

Anne and Colonel found me in the basement. I was talking to Mike. We had cleaned up the area and were both waiting. His wife and Tim were fooling around on the couch. As Beth was with Tim, I was a little unsure as to what happened to Anne. Her arrival with another big, young attractive black guy answered my question. Anne came up to me and I gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Hi sweetie," I said. "Have a good time?" I looked over at the new guy. He was also big and black.

"Oh yes," said Anne, somewhat breathlessly. She introduced me to Colonel. He seemed like a nice guy. Definitely into Anne. His hand slowly rubbed her ass as we chatted.

"Colonel is a really nice guy," Anne told me as she turned and smiled at the other man. "I think we’ll be seeing him again in the future."

Wait, we will?

"How about Thursday night?" Colonel asked Anne. He wasn't asking me.

"That sounds great," she answered. She also didn't ask me.

"Um, well hon," I said, trying to figure out the logistics. “We'll need to uh, get a sitter and uh. . ." I trailed off as they both looked at me and smiled. I slowly realized that I wasn't invited out with them. "Oh." I was beginning to understand the situation.

Anne looked at me with the gorgeous brown eyes of hers. "Is that ok honey?"

"Oh, ah sure," I answered. I wondered if they could see my now rock hard cock tenting in my pants. Tucked into my little panties.

Beth and Tim walked up and more introductions were made.

"That was quite a performance you put on upstairs," said Beth to Anne.

Performance? What was that all about I wondered to myself. Anne was usually so conservative and private when it came to sex. Now she was performing? I wasn’t sure my little dick could get any harder!

Anne blushed. "Thanks. I didn't think that they would both, um, fit, but when they did, WOW! I have NEVER been fucked like that before!"

Was Anne looking right at me when she said that? I think I blushed at that point.

Beth smiled. "No kidding." I looked over at Mike. He seemed to look as uncomfortable as I did, and I thought I saw his readjusting his pants.
As the two women chatted about kids and school and getting together for lunch to chat, Tim and Colonel said their goodbyes to the ladies. Lots of groping and kissing. I heard Anne giving Colonel directions to our house.

"See you Thursday night," she said to him, as he rubbed her pussy under her skirt.

"Mmmm, can't wait," he answered. I think I heard Tim say the same thing to Beth. Mike and I stood off to the side and watched.

"You work downtown?" he asked.


"Me too. We should get together for lunch sometime."

"Uh yeah, you bet,” I answered. This was so weird. What would we talk about? Other than our mutual desire to watch our wives get fucked by black men? What color panties we were wearing that day? So weird.

As Anne and I walked to the car, she kissed me on the cheek. I stopped and looked at her.

"Some night, huh sweetie?" I asked. I was still a bit horny and I rubbed my cock. Anne noticed and smiled.

"Yep," she answered. "But I'm so tired and sore I don't know when I'll be able to have sex again. Probably not until next Thursday." She looked at me with a twinkle in her eye. "So that means no sex for you or even jerking off until at least then. Ok?"

"Yes dear," I answered. My little cock got even harder.

"I can't wait until the next house party!" She said, getting into the car.

Neither could I. As we drove away, I smiled as I wondered briefly if I would even get a chance to have sex with Anne before that next party. And couldn’t decide whether I wanted to or not!

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Joined: Sun Nov 27, 2022 7:53 pm

Re: House Party

Unread post by Oneillfranko » Sun Sep 03, 2023 6:15 pm

Great story. Really well told.

2 Bit Whore
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Re: House Party

Unread post by eater » Sun Sep 03, 2023 7:47 pm

great story

Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Dec 20, 2022 4:33 am

Re: House Party

Unread post by Danish » Wed Sep 06, 2023 8:42 am

Please continue :-)

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