Pandemic Blues

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Don Jetman
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Pandemic Blues

Unread post by Don Jetman » Fri Jul 03, 2020 6:18 pm

Blues indeed. But resurrecting L's time with her past Demon
was the cure - for at least one night. A Demon in our bedroom -
a role playing adventure that made a difference during times of
isolation and stress when the only men L can fuck are those our
fantasies create


What do I write about when there's nothing to write about? It's been months since L
has fucked another man. Not like that hasn't happened before - we do go through our
libidinous ups and downs. But it's different when we know we can't. It's different
when the "normal" simmers and waits, then boils with the sudden hunger for a third to
share L's body.

For L, it's often about submission, especially after a long period of "normal". It's
about her desire for well-muscled satyrs with an expert sense of how to use her, to
satisfy her, sometimes over and over - a guy who is adept at teasing out the finer,
almost imperceptible triggers of her darker imaginings. Then again, it can often be
something more mundane - an unexpected, uncontrollable attraction or chemistry when
the right man dares to let her know he'd fuck her, and that he's absolutely certain
he will.

For me, it always has been watching L morph from innocent wife to dirty siren,
sometimes in seconds when I least expect it - a man we meet whom I'd never expect, or
one I'm sure can seduce her if she lets him. It's the tension at times - will she let
him, want him, or does she see through him to the shallow insincerity at his core?
She loves to keep me guessing, flipping from merely friendly to "I want your cock"
with men I may least suspect. Whether I'm right or not - whether I watch them fuck or
not, knowing she's free to get great sex from them is exhilarating. Watching the
seduction, whether from near or far, or her orgasms that reveal surprising nuances
not recognized before, has always added to the intimacy of our marriage. Sometimes
her orgasm can say so much more than hours of talk about how he was "different".

But when forced to go long stretches of time between the kinkiest sex with her Dom, I
have to admit that her hunger for submission is contagious. There are times when I
long to see us dominated as a couple. Role playing with a powerful man who demands
deference from us, taking her, playing with her like a predator with its prey,
ordering me to watch helplessly or even tied to a chair while he uses her body at the
mercy of his perverted whims - it all excites an empty spot in me that once filled,
only rises up again as time passes. I've given up trying to understand it. By now
it's enough to know that over time my head will fill with these fantasies, slowly,
one at a time, until they become the sole driver of my libido. Waiting until L's
submissive cravings and mine peak together can be torture for either of us, but when
the time is right, drenching our mutual hunger in sometimes surprising taboos is a
drug that keeps on giving.

Over the course of months without active hotwifing/cuckoldry, we've had waves of
desperation-related nervousness and creeping celibacy woven into the "normal" sex
that we always enjoy between role playing. Our fantasies continue to rise to the
surface, building until we try to find our way back to "normal" with the best
substitutes we can manage to create. I've thought about Dr. Bill's nighttime
wandering fever dream of fear and frustration in Eyes Wide Shut, and the newspaper he
buys with the headline in huge font reminding him he's "Lucky to Be Alive". Maybe we
should be satisfied with that.
Last edited by Don Jetman on Fri Jul 03, 2020 6:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Don Jetman
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Re: Pandemic Blues

Unread post by Don Jetman » Fri Jul 03, 2020 6:23 pm


"Maybe you could tie me, pretend you're the Demon who takes over your body."

We were in bed early, having stayed up much too late the night before while binging a
favorite Netflix series. L draped her arm over me as she lay beside me. She was
breathing heavily, but there was a sense of futility and surrender in her voice. I
waited for her to lower her hand to my dick, It didn't happen.

"Would that work for you?" I asked. "I mean, I'm willing to try."


Playing L's Dom had never worked for her in the past. Yes, she got off, eventually,
but she admitted she couldn't get around seeing me as her caring husband. It hadn't
seemed difficult for her to tell me I just wasn't the Alpha male type to make the
fantasy real. I was a little hurt for a second, mostly because I had failed to
satisfy her as she had expected. But she was honest, and I knew she was right. I had
recognized she wasn't in the moment as she had been with her Dom or her Demon - yes,
she had tried, but her orgasm wasn't the prolonged, convulsive string of gasps and
moans she had with either of them.

The Demon was something altogether different. Dave had found a towering Black
bodybuilder to play the part with dispassionate authority. The guy was immense and
frighteningly hung, at least as I saw him. I "gave him" L's body after some
supernatural role playing that required it, and he fucked L during a session
smothered in otherworldly darkness and flickering candlelight. L had been unusually
quiet about it for a long time after we returned home, but I suspected there was more
to it than she wanted to admit. Much later she admitted that the sex had been some of
the best she'd had. The more we talked about it, the more enthusiastic she became.

"I guess I just didn't want you to worry - that I liked it a little too much," she
told me.

"So, did you? Too much?" I asked.

She confessed she did. Enough to be afraid her past big-cock infatuation with a Navy
JAG would raise concern and suspicion that it might happen again.

"But it wasn't just his penis size," she went on. "It was his attitude, how he
handled me, and of course his amazing body."

"I never knew size mattered so much to you, at least that's what you've always told
me," I said.

"It's - um - great when they know how to use it - when they take things slowly so it
doesn't hurt. After I'm wet, it can be exciting to feel that full, and stretching me
does something to my clit that's very nice."

"So, you want to do him again? You never said anything..."

"I told Dave a while ago. I think it's just a matter of time..."

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Don Jetman
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Re: Pandemic Blues

Unread post by Don Jetman » Fri Jul 03, 2020 6:27 pm


"So, you want to do this now? Tonight? Aren't you tired?" I asked.

"Can we?" She sounded a little desperate, her voice almost pleading as she moved her
hand lower to my crotch.

I went to the garage to find something to tie her, but the nylon rope there would
have cut into her wrists. Looking around, I noticed a box of Halloween decorations
that sparked an idea. Inside I found my old costume - a dark mask with horns and rows
of sharp teeth, and the crimson cloak I had worn with it. I put them aside and
returned to the bedroom to find suitable "rope".

In our closet I took a few terrycloth belts from a few of our robes, and was ready to
go back to get L's approval when I noticed a suspicious small box on the top shelf.
My memory was correct, and inside was a dildo I had bought sometime after we were
married. We hadn't used it for quite a while because L was getting real cock
elsewhere, and it had been stored in the closet instead of a bedside drawer where it
stayed in the past. The thing was large but not formidably so, and I remembered how L
responded to the very lifelike cock that was considerably thicker than mine. Back
then she wouldn't admit how much she liked it, but her orgasms didn't lie.

L had changed into a long, Victorian style nightgown and was standing quietly by the
bed when I returned. She OK'd the "rope" I found without paying much attention to it.
But she looked worried.

"Don, I have this terrible feeling. I feel like he's close - maybe in the house
somewhere. Remember how you promised me to him? Any time he wants me? The Demon who
had sex with me at Dave's?"

She was shivering a bit and convincingly frightened. I could see the points of her
hardened nipples under the nightgown, and just above them I noticed a necklace with a
small, sliver cross. The game was afoot.

"How do you know?" I asked. "Maybe you just had a nightmare, or you're not feeling

"It's - it's more than that, Don. I'm, um, wet. And I'm afraid. I can't control it.
It's like something is invading me, pulling at my body. It's warm and cold at the
same time. Don't you feel it too?"

"I do feel something now," I admitted. "Maybe some kind of presence, like someone
might be in the house. I'll look around. Just stay here and wait for me to check."

I was able to smuggle the dildo from the closet after another quick look there, then
went to the garage to become the Demon.

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Don Jetman
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Re: Pandemic Blues

Unread post by Don Jetman » Fri Jul 03, 2020 6:30 pm


When I retrieved the mask I had a chance to examine it more closely than I had in
years. As it stared back at me it occurred to me that it was very much like the face
of L's real Demon. In fact, I was a bit stunned that it was such a close match. I
began to wonder if it was a coincidence, or whether L might have shown it to Dave. It
was a preposterous thought - that he might choose her Demon based on a Halloween
mask. The box in the garage looked like it hadn't been disturbed in years, and I
doubted that L still remembered what was in it.

The mask brought back visions of the huge hulk of a man, of how the outline of his
erection thickened and expanded under the tights he wore, of L naked on her knees
licking and sucking the head of his cock, then taking all of him inside her on the
bed at the center of the dimly lit room. Then there was the sudden memory of what she
had told me later - that she had "liked it a little too much". The longer I looked at
the mask, the more the images came flooding back. The sounds L made while he fucked
her. A grotesque scene of her naked on her knees beside him, one hand against his
massive thigh, the other worshipping his cock as her fingers traveled the length of
it, lovingly cupping his balls and stroking his deeply ridged belly. Had I not seen
how much she loved being with him? Could I coax the same heat from her body? Could I
begin to excite her as he had, a man who so effortlessly gave her "some of the best
sex she'd ever had"?

Well. Deep breath. The few minutes of nostalgia did have me hard, but it also eroded
some confidence that I could play the part convincingly enough for L. But she had
asked. She wanted to play with her Demon. Or at least "a" Demon. If I could give her
even a little of that, I'd succeed - maybe as a minor demon, but I'd do my best. I
was ready.

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Don Jetman
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Re: Pandemic Blues

Unread post by Don Jetman » Fri Jul 03, 2020 6:42 pm


L was still standing by the bed when I made my entrance. I was naked under the cloak
and the front opened enough to show her my erection. I wondered how disappointed she
was to see my dick instead of the huge Demon cock she had taken inside her before.
Still, I had a surprise hidden in the inner pocket of the cloak.

She gasped and took a few steps back when she saw me. She didn't say a word.

"I see you're still as ripe and fuckable as you were when we last met," I pronounced
in the best Demon voice I could muster.

"H-how - w-why - are you here? What do you want?" she said, playing every second as
though it was horrifyingly real.

"I still own your body, L. Remember? Your husband gave you to me, for as long as I
want you. You do feel it, don't you? You're in heat - desperate to fuck me."

L backed into a corner by the foot of the bed, still shaking.

"W-what did you do with my husband? Is he OK? Did you hurt him?"

I took a few steps toward her, raised my hand, and passed my palm over her eyes. She
closed them, took a deep breath, and stopped shaking. She was like a statue there in
front of me - small, vulnerable, and showing every sign of complete surrender. Her
breasts rose higher with each deep breath, and her nipples threatened to burst
through the nightgown. I just stared at her for a little while. What man wouldn't
have wanted her? She was so delicious, so aroused, so completely into the part. I was
a bit shaken myself - pulled out of my role for a few seconds to admire her, to
appreciate how much I loved the woman she had become.

"I've put him aside for a while. He'll be, well, as good in bed as he was before I've
fucked you, if that's what you're worried about. But that wasn't enough for you the
last time, was it? You've always compared my cock to his, haven't you?"

"Yessss..." she whispered, still in a trance with her eyes closed.

"It's why you're wet, L. You've wanted my cock constantly after the last time we
fucked, haven't you?"

"Yessss..." she answered again.

"The cross you're wearing is a useless old myth. Take it off."

She unfastened the clasp and handed it to me, her eyes now staring into the deep,
dark eye sockets of the mask.

"You want to take off your clothes for me. You want to show me your body, don't you,


She pulled the nightgown up along her body, then over her head, finally holding it
out for me to take from her. I sensed the need in her for sex, the heat that poured
from her body, the desperation in her eyes - and yet she was so certain, so
determined, so unashamed that she craved a Demon's cock instead of her husband's.

"But you want to be naked for me, don't you, L? You want to strip off your panties so
you can show me how wet you are, don't you?"

For a moment she didn't answer. She looked into my eyes for a few seconds as though
she was pleading, screaming to escape, humiliated by her infidelity yet overwhelmed
by the raw desire for the Demon's cock. Then she blinked, became trancelike once
again, and slowly pulled her panties over her hips and down her legs.

Once again I was overcome by deep admiration - she knew the effect of the slightest
pause, the fleeting look that delivered a message so subtle, yet one she knew I'd
understand. All that, and the sight of her naked body so submissive and willing
inches from mine, challenged my will to continue. Constantly reminding myself that
this was as much for L as it was for me kept me from dropping out of character and
fucking her then and there. How could I rob her of her reward for playing her part so
outrageously? She was desperate for this to end well, to tame the hunger that had
been building for so many weeks and months. "She needs to fuck her Demon," I told
myself. So I'd do my best to give her that.

"Get on the bed."

It came out more forcefully than I intended, and I wondered if it was too extreme.
But L simply climbed on the bed, lay on her back, and spread her legs. Her eyes were
open again and were fixed on me. There was no longer any subtlety, only unrestrained
expectation and her thirst for sex. She was red and engorged between her legs, so
open and wet and needy. I imagined it was how the real Demon saw her the instant
before they fucked, how inviting her gaping pussy looked to him as the head of his
cock entered her. Could I even attempt to satisfy her in the same way?

"I wanted you shaved and ready for me. Did you forget?"

"I - I didn't know, I mean, that you would come. I'm sorry."

L looked truly apologetic. It made her seem even more vulnerable, lying there on the
bed with her sex exposed for the Demon. It crossed my mind to stop and shave her, but
things were too far along. Interrupting the intensity just wasn't an option. We were
too far down the rabbit hole.

"I'll fuck you the way you are," I promised her. "I take mortal men's wives however I
find them. But you should know better. Don't disappoint me again."

"I won't - I promise."

L was sinking deeper into her role, and I detected a hint of seduction in her

I tied her wrists to openings in the headboard, stretching her arms over her head
with enough slack to allow her to twist her legs and body. I thought about how she
bucked and thrashed when the Demon took her, and I wanted to allow her the same
freedom. Or maybe I just wanted to know if I could make her come as violently.

"You don't have to tie me," she said as I secured her second wrist. "I want you to
fuck me. I'll be good - I'll make it good for you too. I'll make it even better than
when I'm with my husband. I can do that - you know I can..."

I climbed onto the bed, covered us with the oversized cloak, and slowly began to push
my dick into her.

"I don't need you to tell me that I'm better than your husband. I'm going to show you
again, once and for all," I boasted. "This is your husband's cock - the pathetic
mortal who gave your body to me forever."

L whimpered as I edged deeper, finally stopping balls deep in her. She was close to
cumming, and I did my best to distract her. She had no idea the best was yet to come.

"Keep still! Look at me!"

L composed herself as she stared into the Demon's eyes. I could feel her insides
grasping me and her belly shivering in periodic spasms. She was holding on as best
she could, but I was still afraid I'd push her over the edge too soon.

"This is your husband's cock," I told her after a short pause. "Is it really what you
want? Has it ever made you cum like mine has?"

She swallowed hard before she answered, still trying to fight off her orgasm.

"No - I never cum with him like I do with you. Never."

"I'm not sure I believe you," I teased. "You don't sound like you need my cock
instead of his. Tell me why."

L fought harder to delay her orgasm - her expression was one of real pain. I was so
careful not to move. I worried even one millimeter might take her over the edge. I
was struggling to delay my own orgasm as her pussy milked the full length of my dick.
Suddenly, she unleased a desperate, unrelenting answer, hoping for the relief the
Demon wasn't ready to give.

"You're so big and make me cum so much harder than he does - I love your cock - I
think about it all the time, even when he fucks me - oh please fuck me with it please
let me cum with it inside me..."

She collapsed a little when I pulled out. I could see the questions swirling in her
head, the confusion in her eyes, and eventually, frustration with our game. She lay
there under me, limp and panting. Did she think I'd just leave her like that?

During her confusion I slipped the dildo from the cloak's inner pocket and brought
the tip to the opening of her drenched pussy. She smiled a little, simply relieved I
hadn't abandoned her.

"This is my cock, the one you dream of, the one you hunger for when your husband
fucks you."

Her eyes widened a bit as I eased a little of the dildo inside her. I'm not sure she
understood what was happening. Another inch, and I was sure the position of my body
gave it away. She simply closed her eyes, tilted her head back, and smiled.

"You feel sooo good - so much better then him. Keep going - please - more - my God,
it's so good!"

All of it astonished me - it was as though she believed it was real - the pleasure in
her voice, the arch of her back as she canted her hips upward to meet the dildo,
feeling her knees rise along my sides and lock around my back to coax more of the
Demon inside her, and finally how she pulled and twisted against the restraints,
believing she was completely owned by him.

She began to moan when most of the dildo was inside her. I kept it there, rotating it
just a little, watching her face in wonder. This is when L is most naked to me. I've
seen her body so often over the years I've memorized the curves and valleys I love so
much. But the total abandon on her face just before she cums, the mix of ecstasy and
pure joy along with the naked reveal of who she is at her core, those few instants
flow through me and release something so breathtaking I fail to find words to
adequately describe it. Eroticism, love, admiration, pride, affection - all that and
more exploding inside me within a few seconds.

She came within minutes, thrashing against her restraints as I'd hoped she would,
twisting her body as though trying to escape, yet relishing her captivity. At the
crest of her orgasm she seized me with her legs so violently I released the dildo
still buried inside her and was crushed against her breasts, riding atop her body as
the orgasm coursed through her. In the midst of it I heard her tell me, not in a
whisper exactly, but in a voice struggling between the ragged lust that took her over
and the reality at journey's end, "Oh God, I love you, Don - I love you I love you I
love you...".



Re: Pandemic Blues

Unread post by DavidnDaria » Fri Jul 03, 2020 9:18 pm


That's great! :) Pandemic or not, you are the man!

Posts: 85
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Re: Pandemic Blues

Unread post by dana007 » Sat Jul 04, 2020 10:00 am

great to hear from you again you and L stay safe.
keep us posted..

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Don Jetman
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Re: Pandemic Blues

Unread post by Don Jetman » Mon Jul 06, 2020 12:05 pm

DavidnDaria wrote:
Fri Jul 03, 2020 9:18 pm

That's great! :) Pandemic or not, you are the man!
No, you're the Man - I'm Spartacus! :lol:

Thanks my friend - always good to hear from you.


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Don Jetman
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Re: Pandemic Blues

Unread post by Don Jetman » Mon Jul 06, 2020 12:11 pm

dana007 wrote:
Sat Jul 04, 2020 10:00 am
great to hear from you again you and L stay safe.
keep us posted..
Thanks, dana. We're fine for now. Just biding our time until this is over and we can take a trip to Dave-land again.


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Re: Pandemic Blues

Unread post by dana007 » Fri Oct 16, 2020 2:02 pm

Hi Don are you and L still doing well or has thing"s changed. and keep us posted if you and L. get to Dave land soon.

Posts: 85
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Re: Pandemic Blues

Unread post by dana007 » Tue May 04, 2021 4:36 am

hope all is well with you and L.

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