The Girl is Trouble

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Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by DarrenZ » Thu Nov 25, 2021 8:15 am

Chapter 9

We left Jacen's apartment pretty soon after they came. I could tell that they may have gone for more typically, but got the impression Jess was wrapping it up intentionally to gage my reaction and tend to us.

That alone was reassuring to me. To be honest, I could completely understand why Jess would have wanted to go again. What they did was better than any porn I had ever seen.

She came back to my place. She was really practically living with me now she spent many nights a week at my place. We would occasionally stay at her dorm since Lindsay was pretty swamped with her lab work and was hardly around. Technically, she wasn't supposed to have overnight male guests, so we kept that on the downlow.

“Babe, I’m going to take a shower now. If you don’t mind, I’d like to just shower by myself tonight. Ok?”

“Yeah, sure,” I replied. She gave me a sweet kiss on the forehead since I was sitting down on my bed and went to take her shower.

Seeing what I had tonight was pretty life changing. It was far better than any porn I had ever watched. The woman involved being my girlfriend, whom I had been intimate with countless times in our time together made it so much more real, so much more erotic. The feelings of inadequacy in comparison to that prime example of a man were intense. He reflected so much more what we expect a man to be. His well-earned confidence in his appeal to women was intoxicating when put up against the societal expectations of a loyal girlfriend. Could I imagine being with a girl who might cheat on me when confronted by a seduction by this specimen of raw manliness? Absolutely. And it’s mind blowing to find myself with an incredibly attractive woman who does desire to be with me but also honest enough with all involved that she as no desire to not enjoy both experiences. What we have versus what they have.

So the question is will this work for me, for us. I absolutely got off on it. The voyeuristic nature of it, the intimacy of watching someone I’m sexually involved with fuck someone else. The dominant/submissive roles played out, especially amped up by the racial context. But can we sustain this? Will it still appeal to me the tenth or the hundredth time?

I start to wonder if it would be different if Jess was my wife of many years and this was all new to us versus a relatively recent relationship where she was previously involved with him. In this case, I’m kind of the interloper. Jacen came right out snd said that Jess was seeing him less because of me. That such a weird place to be.

And then I think about what else he said. That he could tell Jess to stop having sex with me, or at least block my access to her pussy anyway, and she would. Was that all just talk? Had she prepped him with that denial talk because of what she and I had discussed? Is that something I would really want, or was the idea of it just hot but the reality of losing access to my new girlfriend’s pussy not sustainable. At that point, is she even my girlfriend anymore?

And what was all that talk of tattoos and actual pregnancy? I’m certainly wondering if it was just to amp up the experience for me. I know Jess has told me before Jacen doesn’t want to accidentally knock up some goldigging bimbo. Does the idea actually appeal to him even if he knows the reality would suck for his future? Is Jess now being “taken” by a boyfriend make her even safer than before?

I find myself getting hard at thinking about the tattoo and interracial pregnancy. Both are huge triggers for my developing cuckold desires. They both are tied with the potential shame of being exposed for being cuckolded, “taken to eleven” by the racial overtones. Jacen mentioning Jess and I potentially getting married took me to a place where I could imagine her allowing Jacen to consummate the marriage, excluding me, perhaps in a cock cage.

And then I shake myself out of it. There is easily a spiraling out of control that thoughts like this take me. Where would it end?

I suddenly realize I’m being watched. Jess has finished her shower and is standing wrapped in a towel in my bedroom door. She’s drying her hair with a second towel.

“You seemed worlds away. Is everything ok, babe?”

“Oh yes. I love you, Jess. Nothing has changed about that. What happened was hot to see and I love the pleasure you get from it. I just… I worry a little about how far it might go. I worry more from my desires driving than I do about yours, if that makes any sense.”

She just smiled that killer smile, the devilish one amplified by her fiery red hair.

“I know. I get that. There’s a significant part of you that would want to see the more extreme things we talked about. I’ll be honest, a lot of that was for you. Don’t get me wrong, Jacen can be a dirty boy all on his own. But he also knows that if he plays better to the audience of one, namely you, that he increases the amount of time he’s with me and the longer this might go on.”

“But you don’t want to give up his big black cock.”

“Oh babe, there’s two parts to that. Yes, his cock is amazing and yes, although size isn’t everything, he’s an incredible lover who sorry to say does fuck me way better than you. I’d both be lying if I wasn’t honest about that and you like it that way too. But in the long run, sex, even amazing sex with his big black cock, isn’t everything. I like Jacen a lot, but I could never see being his girlfriend or wife. First, if I was his girl he’d never willingly share me. And further more, sports, and especially basketball bores the crap out of me. He’s just not that interesting to hang out with all the time. We’re very much using each other for the sex. You are a much better fit for me.”

It’s very weird to have a rush of cuckold angst AND true, deep love both flush over you at the same time. She sat next to me on the bed and began rubbing her hand on my back.

“I really mean it, Jess. I love you so much.”

“Ditto, babe. So what was the hottest thing about tonight? I’m really curious.”

“Ugh, everything. His dominance without being a dick. How slutty he got you to be. The dirty talk. I mean, wow.”

“Yeah? What was the thing we said that really turned you on?”

“Christ, I don’t know. Maybe the pussy tattoo? Or him threatening to have you deny me your pussy and you basically agreeing? Oh no- the pregnancy talk. Oh god that was hot.”

She leaned in to my ear and whispered to me, “Is that right? You want that big black cock to knock up your girlfriend’s little white pussy?”

She took my hard dick out of my pants and started stroking me as she continued.

“Everyone would know, Darren. They’d all know I fucked a black man while I was with you. They’d know you were a cuckold. Is that what makes you hot?”

She took me from 0-120 in seconds.

“Do you want EVERYONE to know? It gets me hot, too. I love the idea of people knowing that you have my heart but that I willingly give my pussy to someone else. Imagine everyone knowing. Your friends. Your family. My family. They’d all look at you differently, wouldn’t they?”

She cuts deep into my unspoken desires every time. Where does she get this stuff? Is she reading stories online?

“Maybe we both really want me to do what Jacen said. Maybe all this little white dick deserves is hand jobs like this and an occasional blow job. No more pussy for you. You’re little dick isn’t worthy. You wouldn’t get me off anyway. You’re tongue is your best chance at making me cum.”

Seeing her one hand on my dick reminded me of how different Jacen’s huge member looked in her hands (plural). The color contrast. The difference in effort to hold it.

“Darren, what if I denied you my pussy but then went off my birth control for him? What if we took that risk? What if every time I fucked him, whether you were there or not, I was risking getting knocked up by him. How fucking hot would that be. What if you had to watch me get a bigger and bigger belly as I was growing his black child inside of me? He’d be in our lives forever, one way or another. What if every child I had wasn’t yours? What if I made you raise a whole bunch of other men’s children? You’d be a great daddy. Or, should I say, step-daddy? And everyone would know, wouldn’t they?”

I came as hard as I ever have before, saying, “oh, god yes! I’d love my pregnant slut wife!”

She looked deep into my eyes and kissed me gently.

“You sweet mess. I do love you, but that may have been the weirdest marriage proposal ever.”

She giggled in a way that tore through my angst and sent an arrow through my heart. We were so sick and twisted, but we seemed to be made to be sick and twisted together.

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Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by DarrenZ » Thu Nov 25, 2021 8:19 am

More coming very soon!
Last edited by DarrenZ on Thu Nov 25, 2021 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by mattyg_2671 » Thu Nov 25, 2021 2:35 pm

Love the story, thanks!

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Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by DarrenZ » Thu Nov 25, 2021 7:17 pm

Chapter 10

One month.

It has been one since I’ve seen Jess’s pussy without Jacen’s big black cock in it or about to be in it. She hasn’t come out and said she is denying me her pussy and to be honest I haven’t come out and asked. But that’s what has occurred. She’s jerked me off many times. Every time it’s after she’s fucked Jacen, either with or without me present. Every time it’s been with her telling me things like “how she thought she might have missed a birth control pill or two” or that she “came seriously close to getting a tattoo above her pussy that says ‘black owned’”.

Oh, and recently she began surreptitiously lubing up her left middle finger and shoving it up my ass just as I’m about to cum from her jerking me off with her right hand. The other day, she stopped jerking me off just as I was at the edge and then she shoved her finger in my ass, causing me to orgasm from just her finger.

My frustration was almost at a peak until she told me to come to her place Saturday to stay the night and that she’d have a really nice surprise for me since I’ve been so good.

Intrigued, to say the least, I met her in front of her dorm at 7pm like we agreed upon. She had such a devilish grin I knew I was in for… something. Now I started to worry. What, exactly, did she have planned?

She opened the door to her room and it was pitch black within.

“Do not turn on the lights until I tell you to, understand? And don’t say anything. Trust me, babe, this is going to be worth it,” she whispered to me.

We stepped in and she closed the door behind us. In the pitch black, she whispered for me to take off all of my clothes. Butterflies exploded in my stomach. What was she going to have me do? Was a group of people going to be there staring at me naked when the lights come on to laugh at me?

I did what she said with her help and then I felt her hand lift my flaccid dick up and felt what I assumed to be her mouth on it. A blow job in the dark seemed pretty lame compared to what my expectations were, but I tried my best to let go of any anxiety and enjoy it, especially since I’d only had her hand (and my own) all month.

Then, she stopped just as I had gotten fully erect and I felt her roll a condom on me. What did she have in mind? We finally get to have sex but I’m still denied her pussy bare?

Then I heard her get up and move in the direction that her bed was in. Remember, she and her roommate Lindsay had moved their twin beds together and made it up as a double. After a minute, she said, “Alright, turn the light on.”

When I turned the light switch on after a moment to adjust my eyes I about shouted out loud. There, on their bed, was Lindsay strapped down by her wrists and ankles completely nude while blindfolded and gagged with a ball gag.

“I want you to meet Lindsay,” she said winking at me. “She has never had sex with a man and at her own choosing has wished for her first time to be done this way, with her restrained and blindfolded. She will never know who you are. I’m removing her gag so that she can confirm that she is a willing participant in this encounter.”

Jess removed the gag and asked Lindsay to verbally confirm that she was “100% willing to have sex with the stranger that Jess has brought to her as this is her desire” which she did.

She put the gag back into Lindsay’s mouth (I’m not really sure Lindsay was expecting this move) and beckoned me over.

While weird as this all was, I had not lost a bit of my erection. Lindsay, while no Jess, was stunning. Her natural blonde hair was pulled to one side in a pony tail. She was definitely thicker than petite Jess, but really not an ounce of actual fat. Her breasts were much larger than I think is previously thought. Seeing them before me unhidden by any clothes I would guess them to be at least D cups. Her pussy had been freshly shaven bare (guessing Jess probably had something to do with that, knowing her).

It felt awkward to just plunge in with my dick, so I leaned over her on the bed and began to caress her body only to hear her moan through the gag. I touched her side and roamed my hands up to her supple breasts. It occurred to me as I was drawn to want to kiss her that the gag may have to intended effects- the first to stifle her moans of pleasure since we were in a dorm room and the second to discourage any kissing.

Then a thought came to me- is Jess just using Lindsay’s unusual request to get me off so that she doesn’t have to? Is this the opening move to pawn me off on her roommate to assuage her of any guilt? To be honest, I might have reacted differently to that passing thought if she hadn’t primed the pump so to say by leaving me basically sexless for a month.

But here we are and I wanted this. Maybe a bit out of spite. If she was setting me up, either to pass me on or to test my mettle, I decided to just take what I was being offered by these women and enjoy myself. I roamed my hands down from her breasts, down past her tummy, and under and around her hips. Staring Jess in the eyes, I leaned down and began to eat Lindsay’s bare pussy with all the gusto I could gather.

Lindsay moaned as loud as she could with the gag on. Jess blinked.

“Oh, that’s so nice of you, but there’s no need to get her wet as I’m sure you’re discovering. I spent well over an hour edging our girl her with my own tongue prior to your arrival. I wanted her to be all ready to go for you.”

Ah, I think I did it. Jess is focused on delivering Lindsay her wish and wanting to throw me a bone, so to say. But she didn’t seem to want to share my special talents with Lindsay. She knows that in many ways, I enjoy giving pleasure with my tongue more than penetrative sex. She was ok with me using Lindsay as a human fleshlight but not in us sharing the intimacy of oral sex.

So, I moved up Lindsay and began to insert my condom-clad dick into her very wet pussy. Lindsay moaned. Hopefully this is was living up to her expectations. I surprisingly felt some resistance- could she really still have her hymen intact? The taking of her virginity part kind of had gotten glossed over in my mind with all the kinkiness involved.

I pushed very slowly but firmly and felt the tear happen. She moaned and tears appeared to come from under her blindfold. I was about to say something, planning on disguising my voice to the best of my ability, when Jess said, “Lindsay, are you ok? Are you wanting to continue?”

Lindsay nodded voraciously and moaned. Jess, wanting to be sure, removed the gag.

“Oh yes, Jess. I’ve waited so long. This is so good.” Jess smiled at me and leaned back. I looked her in the eyes as I slowly eased back in and bottomed out into Lindsay.

“Oh yes. This feels so good. Jess, if my lover is ok with it, I think I want to be freed and lose my blindfold. Now that he’s fully in me, all my worries are past. I want to feel him.”

Jess had a little panic in her eyes. I guess she hadn’t expected this turn of events. Was she worried what Lindsay would think when she found out that I was her first lover? That it wasn’t some stranger after all.

Taking the initiative, I began undoing the strap at Lindsay’s right wrist. I was taking the decision out of Jess’s hands.

As I worked to undo her left wrist, Lindsay used her freed right hand to lift up her blindfold and she just smiled when she saw it was me. No gasp or surprise seemed to show on her face.

“Oh, Darren. I thought it would be you. I think our Jess was being sweet to both of us. Trying to ensure my first time was special despite my strange request and giving you some relief from your ‘dry spell’.”

Now it was me who registered surprise on my face. Jess had told Lindsay about her pussy denial. I figured she probably told Lindsay some of our intimate details of our relationship, but this also confirmed that what Jess was doing was intentional and not just happenstance.

“Jess,” Lindsay said to her friend, “may I kiss your lovely boyfriend?”

Jess swallowed visibly but quickly said, “Yeah, sure. Of course, Lindsay.”

Lindsay kissed me and I kissed her back as we continued to make love. It was pretty electric. I still loved Jess and her kisses were wonderful, the best ever.k Kissing Lindsay was great, too. There was a spark that emanated from our full body connection for sure, but there was certainly some added fuel to the fact that I was kissing her in front of Jess. Holy shit, is this what she feels when she is with someone else while I’m watching?

Jess busied herself with removing Lindsay’s ankle restraints and stood back. Watching.

Lindsay’s newly freed legs wrapped around my ass as we picked up the pace of our rhythm. This was good. Lindsay felt good. I could feel myself beginning to get to my peak.

“Uhhh, I’m going to…”

“Yes, Darren. Me too sweetie.”

And we came together. Me into the condom inside her. Our lips kissing in the final moment.

Oh shit. This might have been a mistake.

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Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by DarrenZ » Thu Nov 25, 2021 8:09 pm

Chapter 11

Jess didn’t say a word.

I pulled out of Lindsay, careful to hold on to the condom so it didn’t leak anything. Jess handed me a tissue which I put the condom into and she threw them away.

I didn’t know the protocol here, but I didn’t want to be rude and take off out of bed. Lindsey held me to her.

Jess quietly took off her own clothes, pulled the sheet and comforter onto all of as she climbed into the makeshift double bed next to me. I was in bed, naked between the pair of them.

Without changing my embrace of the post coital Lindsay, I turned just my head to Jess where I was met by a very strong, very forceful kiss.

“You’re still mine, babe, don’t you forget it for even a second,” she whispered to me after we finished kissing.

“It was a sweet thing you did for her, for me, but…”

“… but you didn’t expect it to happen the way it did or to feel the way it did. I understand.”

Lindsay stirred and smiled at the pair of us.

“Don’t worry, Jess. I have no plans to steal your man from you. What a gift you have given me. Both of you. I’ll treasure this forever.”

Relief washed over me. I was honestly concerned that the shift in what went down was going to mess things up for all of us, but especially between Jess and I.

We all laid there entwined sharing light caresses between us all.l for some time. Lindsay and Jess; Lindsay and I; Jess and I. Nothing overtly sexual, but we were like one. Then Lindsay leaned across me and kissed Jess deeply. When they stopped they both looked at me with sweet smiles.

“Lindsay, I want you to kiss Darren again. Please.”

Lindsay looked at me then leaned forward and kissed me. It started softly, but became more passionate. I felt Jess’s hand on my penis. She began rubbing it and gave it a soft squeeze.

When Lindsay and I stopped kissing, I looked over towards Jess. She moaned and I realized she was also rubbing herself as I was hardening in her other hand.

“Babe, go ahead. I want to see you fuck her again.”

I was pretty shocked to hear this come from her. After the intense level of discomfort we had experienced not even half an hour before, this was kind of a big turn.

I looked towards Lindsay to see that she was perhaps also in the midst of touching herself as her eyes rolled back into her head and she said, “oh yes, sweetie. Do me again.”

I had fully hardened again in this very erotic situation I found myself in and began to look towards Jess’s nightstand looking for what I hoped would be a nearby box of condoms, or at least one unopened packet.

“Darren, you don’t need a condom with me. We only used one before because I thought you were a stranger. I’m on the pill,” Lindsey explained to me.

Jess looked at me with heavily lidded eyes, “yeah, Babe. Do it. Fuck her bare. It’s not like you’ve been in anyone for a month.”

Damn. Both hot and humiliating all at once. Jess was back in full control.

I did as instructed. I moved to put myself back into Lindsay but Jess stopped me.

“Do her from behind. Lindsey, get on your hands and knees, now.”

Lindsay followed Jess’s command and I positioned myself behind the stunning blonde. Then I saw Jess shift around and I suddenly felt her placing my dick into Lindsay, guiding me in with her own hand.

Lindsay felt great in this position. Her hips were really nice to take hold of and her big tits hung below her. I couldn’t resist and I reached up to feel her hanging bosoms as I pushed in deep. Then I felt it. Jess was beneath us and licking Lindsay’s clit and my shaft as they came together. She was “fucklicking” us as we mated. I had to fight cumming too soon as the reality of that hit me combined with the feeling of her wet tongue lapping at our joined sexes.

I was thankful I had cum already, but this was too much. It was so good.

“Oh god, I’m going to cum!”

“Yes, do it in me Darren! I want to feel your cum in me!” Lindsay shouted in response.

Jess’s tongue just redoubled it’s effort and then she sucked on each of my balls as I released into her roommate.

As I rolled over I pulled Lindsay with me so we wouldn’t smother my attentive girlfriend.

Jess cuddled up to Lindsay. I found Jess’s hand and we fell asleep together with Lindsay in between Jess and I.

What a night!

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Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by Frenchie » Fri Nov 26, 2021 5:14 am

What a story !

Wow !!!


Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by OOAA » Fri Nov 26, 2021 5:53 pm


Congratulations DarrenZ!!!! You are a masterful writer!!!

Please go on soon ;)

I love the dirty talking and Jess being so hot mean to Darren ;) soooo exciting the comparisons ;)

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Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by demonic1000 » Sun Nov 28, 2021 9:21 am

I love this story so much. Top tier!

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Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by DarrenZ » Fri Jan 28, 2022 5:00 pm

Chapter 12

"We need to talk," Jess said to me.

These are not words that I guy generally wants to hear from his girlfriend unprompted. This was a couple of days after our evening with Lindsay.

"Of course, Jess. What's up?"

"It's about what happened with Lindsay," she started in carefully.

"It wasn't what you intended, was it?"

"No. I guess I thought I could have a controlled situation where I got you both some pleasure without mixing in… dangerous emotions. Stupid of me, I get that. And weird, yes. I think I'm feeling some guilt over how much I have been with Jacen and denying you. I know it appeals to you, but in my head I felt like I needed to do something to show my appreciation. You are such a good fit for me but this is all new. It's a path I've never had to navigate before."

"I understand. And yes, it was weird as shit."

"I know, I know," she said, blushing, wearing an embarrassed grin, "But, when Lindsay took off the blindfold and was happy it was you, I… it bothered me. So stupid. I'm the one who set it up. But the moment there seemed to be some emotion shared between the two of you, despite what she said, it scared me."

"Oh," I replied in genuine surprise.

"I know it's ridiculous. With all you are willing to allow me to do. But you're my rock. I've never had that before and I'm not willing to risk that. It's so hypocritical of me, I know."

"I get it, Jess. You were very upfront with me about your interests and you have explored mine. Yes, it was hot to be with Lindsay. But it was only good for me because you wanted it and, frankly, because the denial thing had gotten me more wound up than I was willing to admit. I don't think I can go that long again without you. Lindsay was new and different, but don't you for a moment think I would EVER willingly choose to be with her or anyone else over you."

"Damn straight you won't," Jess said, smiling sheepishly, "There's something else we need to talk about. It's Jacen. Since you've met, I'm getting some vibes that things have changed."

"What are you saying?"

"I think his competitive nature has kicked in and he's mistaking that for love. I fear he's developing feelings for me. Normally I wouldn't mind that. It'd be hot to have a lover become very devoted to me. But I get the impression he wants to have more than just a great 'fuck buddy'. I think he might be seeking to be a rival to my affections for you. I'm not saying my feelings have changed towards him, but I'm starting to feel like my actions are leading him on past what I ever intended with him."

"Well that's a shame," I said, half-heartedly actually meaning those words.

"Yeah. I mean, goddamn he's such a good fuck. Maybe the best I've ever head," Jess replied with a smirk.

It was both awesome and shitty to hear that.

"Jess, why do you want to stay with me if he fucks you so much better?"

"You're so needy sometimes. It's funny to me. I've told you- what we have is different. It's so tied to the feelings in my heart. When I fuck Jacen, it's all about my pussy. It's lust, not love. And the feeling when it's just about lust, filled with that great big cock, that great big BLACK cock. Ugh, it feels so good physically. Emotionally, mentally, that's all fulfilled by what we have, what we do, together. And I'll admit, I have been starving for it. The denial has affected me too. It's probably why that stupid plan with Lindsay backfired on me so much. I'm missing my Darren time."

"So, we're done with denial?"

"Oh, not completely. I think it was pretty hot for both of us. But probably not for that long of a stretch. And afterwards, it'll be me and me alone that you get your rocks off in," Jess insisted.

"Is there any chance you can talk with Jacen, clear the air and make sure you are both in the same place so that you can continue on with him?"

"You are such a cuck, Darren," Jess said jokingly, "You love me being with him, don't you?"

"Yes, I do."

She took my cock out and began stroking me, "Tell me what you want, Darren."

"I want you to fuck Jacen."

"How often?" Jess asked, stroking my cock and egging me on.

"All the time."

"You want me to prefer his cock to yours."


"You wish that I would give my pussy to just to him, don't you."


"Does it hurt to see me with him."

"A bit, yes."

"But that makes it better for you, doesn't it?"


"You want that big, famous black man to own my pussy, don't you?"


"Don't lie, you kinda want him to knock me up, don't you?"

I moaned loudly, "God, yes."

"You want your sweet, pasty white red-headed girlfriend to be pregnant with his black baby. To be bred by his superior black cock."

"Uhhhhh, huh."

She leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"I want it too, baby. I want to risk it sooo badly. I literally gush when I think of it. I wish we didn't have to hide this relationship from everyone. I wish I could fuck him in front of all your friends and family, and mine too for that matter. It would be so hot to put on a show fucking him in front of everyone and then to have you eat me afterwards. To show them all you are my cuck. I love you so damn much, Darren."

I came everywhere. Somehow she had coaxed out of me one of my biggest orgasms ever.


After that hot session, we cleaned up and when out for a bit to eat. We them came back to my place and had a sweet love making session where we didn't mention Jacen or anyone else. It was wonderful to be back with Jess in a more normal intimate encounter. She seemed to enjoy it as well.

As we settled in to sleep, spooning naked in my bed, she moved my hand down from her breast so that it rested on her belly. I can't say if she was intentionally recalling what we'd discussed earlier, but the idea of her becoming pregnant by lover, especially Jacen, thrust itself back into my mind.

A cuckold pregnancy is certainly something that is considered by some to be the ultimate in cuckoldry. Especially an interracial baby. It feels like a racist thing, for sure. Why should the color of a child matter? It doesn't if you're a liberal-minded person. But in cuckolding, the outward signal to all that you are not the child's father is so much more clear in such a case. No child should be conceived solely out of a kink. I mean, I believe I would love any child that came from Jess. But god, yes, the idea turned me on. I often wonder if some of what Jess says to me to fuel my kinky orgasms is what she truly feels or just fodder for my desires. If she doesn't mean what she has said about risking it, now multiple times, she is an Oscar-worthy actress.

At some point, I finally fell asleep with thoughts of her being bred dancing in my head.


Later on, I woke up and noticed she was gone. She wasn't in bed with me anymore. I groggily wondered where she was. And then it hit me. I knew where she would be. It's been months since the late night crossing with Mark. Somehow, there had been no further talk about Mark or near misses with him while she was staying over. He certainly flirted with her on occasions that she'd been over. But I knew in my gut that if I got up I would find her with him.

She seemed to enjoy what we had done together, but I knew her too well now. I can't satisfy her alone. That's not who she is. I was the appetizer. Someone like Mark would need to be the main course. It was hot to think of, but it hurt too. This is just the way it is and will be.

Plus, if she really was fucking Mark, she had crossed a line. I'm not saying I was mad about it or that she had violated anything that we had explicitly spelled out. It's just that would mean she had broken the bubble of sex with others in my house. She risked exposing my kink to all the guys. They all knew she was a hot girl. They all knew her reputation and they knew we were fucking like crazy. But if they all knew I got off on her with others, what would that bring? Teasing? Ridicule? Would I never be able to relax with her at the house without fearing one or more of my roommates might trip and find their dicks falling into my girlfriend.

I know I was being irrational, but that's what I felt at the moment. But I had to see for sure.

I got up and walked down the hallway. I passed the bathroom. The door was wide open and the lights were out. She wasn't in there.

I walked further and I heard the first sounds confirming my suspicion was correct.

"Oh yes. That's it, you fuckin' stud," I heard my girlfriend say, muffled behind the closed door.

"You like that, slut? Look at you, takin' my big dick in your tight little puss while your boyfriend sleeps down the hall. You left him and came down here looking for something more than he can give you, didn't you slut?" Mark said.

"You better fucking believe it, Mark. Gimme that big dick. Are you going to fuck me better than your friend can?"

I couldn't take it anymore. I carefully turned the doorknob and as quietly as I could pushed the door in. Thankfully the door was well lubricated- it opened with practically no sound. At least none that could be heard over their moaning.

She was sitting in his lap while he sat cross legged on his bed, facing away from the door. She had one arm behind her supporting her as she pumped up and down on his dick.

"There is no doubt I can fuck you way better than nice guy Darren can. Here it comes again, you slut. Goddamn I heard you were a loose slut, but you're just loose in your morals. This pussy is incredibly tight. Are you sure you're even getting any dick from Darren? There's no way this pussy would still be this tight if he wasn't a skinny dicked dude."

She leaned in and practically whispered to him, "His dick is so small compared to your big dick, Mark. You big dick feels soo good in my pussy. I don't know that I'm going to want Darren's little thing in my pussy again."

It was then that I saw her looking past him and right at me. She saw me. That last thing was meant for me to hear.

"Oh, yeah you dirty little slut. Who owns this pussy, slut?"

"You do Mark. You own my pussy. You can have it anytime you want it. If you want to come into Darren's room and fuck me in front of him, you do it. Because this is your pussy now."

"You are such a dirty slut. Goddamn, you better believe I'm going to take this pussy whenever I want it."

Her hands caressed his muscled back as she rode up and down on his cock, smiling an evil smirk on her face. She was busted, but that just fueled her on even more. Tonight was a damn rollercoaster, going from her being frustrated that I'd fucked Lindsay (which SHE set up) to her fucking my roommate and pledging her pussy to him. It fucking killed me but it didn't stop me from being hard as a rock.

They were now being loud enough that I was sure the rest of our roommates no doubt had heard them. I had visions of her being moved out into our living room and being gang fucked on our crappy secondhand coffee table by all of my roommates. Something in me snapped. I wasn't going to do anything stupid like bust in there to stop them, but for the first time, it felt like things had gone too far and I couldn't take it anymore.

I closed the door as silently as I could, and I went back to my room and got into bed. We'd been through so much and pushed so many limits, but something felt incredibly off about all of this. I felt like I was going to puke, like someone had punched me in the gut. But my damn dick was still hard. It was all so out of countrol.

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Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by Frenchie » Sat Jan 29, 2022 12:14 am

Wow !!

Definitly worth the wait !

Excellent !

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Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by Kim2233 » Sat Jan 29, 2022 7:12 am

Thanks for another great chapter.

This feels to me like we're now set up to start to feel the "trouble" in the title. Up to this point it has mostly felt like a romance (quite unconventional admittedly) between Jess and Darren. Kinky, for sure, but they've been on the same page almost completely. This chapter finishes by introducing the potential that Darren has some serious emotional conflict ahead, which to me tends to be at the crux of the best cuckold tales.

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Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by DarrenZ » Sat Jan 29, 2022 7:22 am

Thanks. Yeah, I did a full re-read while working on this chapter and I realized it was all going way too swimmingly. The Lindsay incident had been brewing for a while and the way it unfolded felt weird. I know it might sound weird, but it just flows out of me and sometimes I feel a little out of control over where it’s going.
Darren’s going to go through some things.

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Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by Anrew » Sun Jan 30, 2022 1:07 am

That was a great chapter. Now to get Jess pregnant from who knows who?

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Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by DarrenZ » Fri Feb 04, 2022 11:55 am

Chapter 13

I slept hard after collapsing back into bed and I barely noticed when Jess kissed my forehead as she left in the morning.

I had not slept well but fortunately didn't have much to do in the morning. I was a mess and I knew it.

I stayed in my room longer than I really wanted to. I even help my morning pee so long I nearly pissed myself. I didn't want to run into Mark or any of my other roommates. I was just too embarrassed.

When I did finally come out, of course I ran smack dab into Mark. It seemed like he was waiting to talk with me.

"Dude, I've got to piss so badly. Just give me a minute!" I begged him, navigating around him to get into the bathroom.

Why the fuck would he want to talk to me? Is he wanting to tell me Jess is no longer mine? That he owns her pussy now, and I'm just going to have to deal with it. But as I let out that tremendous gusher of held back urine, I realized that Mark didn't look like I'd expect someone who be all cocky and staking his claim on my woman. Hell, he looked concerned.

I finished my piss and I sucked it up to face him.

Mark is a big guy. While not exactly the athlete that Jacen is, he was seriously built, tall, and stocky. I know he worked out two or three times a day, but I knew that it was very much a recreational thing, nothing quite like the regiment Jacen had to go through. Mark is also very WASPy. That is, he is as average a white guy as they come, although he is good looking. If Jacen reminded me of Grant Hill or Vince Carter, Mark was like Henry Cavill or Chris Evans. The dude pulled women is what I'm saying. So if he wanted to smack me a round, the Andrew Garfield type that I was, he could handle me easily.

When I came out of the bathroom, he gave me a sheepish smile and pointed back into my room.

I went into it and he followed me in and closed the door. Well, here it comes.

"Darren, I am so freaking sorry dude. I feel fucking terrible."

What the shit?

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Dude, I know you saw us. At least, Jess said you did. I was one hundred percent thinking with my dick when she came to me and asked me to do and say those things."


"Yeah. She came to my room in the middle of the night. She said I could fuck her, but I had to say some shit. She said you know and are into her fucking other guys. Normally, I wouldn't believe a girl who told me something like that but…"

"But what?"

"You know half the campus thinks she's fucking Jacen Summers, right?" he said, obviously uncomfortable saying so, "They also say you know about it and either don't care or you get off on it somehow. I heard this guy Jeff suggest that you're such a basketball fan that you are having her fuck him so he performs better for the team."

Oh my god.

"But Hannah Chapman says she knows Jess and she says you're just in an open relationship and that you have actually watched them."

Hannah is kind of a friend of Jess's. Not close, but I think she might have been who Jess was supposed to meet at the party we first met at. She's that chick who wears retro clothing all the time.

"Any way, I did what she asked because, I mean, damn Darren she is seriously hot. But after I did it and she told me you actually saw us and heard what I was saying… I felt terrible. You've always been a good guy. Invited me to room here, you've helped me with homework. It just didn't sit right with me. I worried that she was manipulating me to hurt you or to just get some sex. It's kind of twisted, you know?"

I held up my hand just to get him to stop his confessional. I took in a couple of breaths and let me thoughts catch up to me.

"Mark, it's ok, man. Seriously. I know it's fucked up, but she's such a… handful. She's worth it and I actually love her. But she's always been honest with me that she just needed to fuck, with a wide variety of guys. Shit, and girls."


"Hey, focus here. Anyway, yes I know. Yes I, well I do get off on knowing what a slut she is and yes, that includes having watched her with someone else a few times. I can't explain it."

"Maybe like having a boss sports car and enjoying your friends getting to take it for a spin, just to make them even more jealous that the hot ass car is yours?"

Holy shit. Mark is not the smartest guy, but in one instant he nailed it, with an almost a perfect analogy of 'hotwifing'.

"Well, yes. If you include the owner to enjoying knowing the car was being better driven because his friends were better at driving a car like that."

Mark nodded as if he got it, "So when she has me put you down, almost humiliate you, you enjoy it because it enhances your feeling that the car is getting treated better than you can. And you'd hate to see such a bitchin car be under appreciated."

"Christ, Mark. Yeah."

"Dude, I don't know if I'd ever have it in me to do that. That actually shows you to have some hella strength if you could not only allow it but to also be willing to risk losing her to some stud who might want to keep her for her own."

"Right, so finding a suitable partner, someone who would just dig the opportunity for sex and not want anything more, including her affection, would be… hard to do…"

Jess isn't a manipulative bitch… She's a fucking genius who found an actual nice guy who would be easy to keep interested in just having free sex with her and was close to me so that it would be easier to keep under wraps. Her comment about losing interest in Jacen took on a whole new meaning. Maybe she had heard the rumors. Maybe she was concerned about her reputation and mine.

I suddenly felt terrible about thinking the worst about her instead of seeing what she was doing was actually to benefit me. I had told her my other roommates knew about the 'train incident'. She also knew they cared about me, so they wouldn't talk if her and Mark were a little too loud. It was a way to amp up my humiliation thing in a safe way.

"Well, anyways Darren, I'm really sorry. I mean, I guess you've explained it isn't as bad as I feared, but I'll still stay away from her, ok?"

"Wait… Fuck, Mark. This is embarrassing as shit to actually say."


"Mark, will you please keep fucking Jess?"

"Are you serious, dude?"

"Yes. Feels weird as shit to say so, but yes. It all actually makes sense."

"Oh, Jesus, Darren. That's fucking great. Jess is a serious amazing lay. I mean it, dude. She fucks better than anyone I have ever been with."

I blushed and he noticed, "Shit, sorry. Did I go too far?"

"Ugh, it sucks to say but no. Somehow Jess is brilliant and figured out a way to give us all something we want. I really liked seeing you fuck her last night, I just briefly felt betrayed. It was late at night and wasn't thinking things through clearly."

"You're not somehow gay or anything," he asked, then quickly followed up, "Not that there's anything wrong with that, I just wouldn't be into that."

"No, Mark. It's just what we said about the sports car."

"Cool. I get it. I mean, if there was no touching between us and shit, I really wouldn't care if you were present when we fucked. I mean, I see all kinds of guys nude and stuff at the gym and I watch some porn. If it really gets you off to watch me fuck your hot girlfriend, you can get in close to watch and shit. Touch her if you dig that when she's with someone else. Hell, if you wanted to take another end of her, I'd be cool with it. Nothing gay about two dudes double timing a hot piece like Jess, no offense intended."

Jesus Christ, Jess. It's like she picked this guy out of central casting.

"We'll see, Mark. And, umm, thanks."

The dude actually shook my hand and gave me a big pat on the back as he did. I was almost dumbstruck by his earnestness, but then a thought struck me.

"Oh, Mark. One more thing. Don't tell Jess we had this conversation. She deserves a little bit of a counter punking. In fact, I have an idea…"


Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by OOAA » Fri Feb 04, 2022 8:16 pm

Love these two chapters DarrenZ!!!!!!

My favourite lover so far is Jacen.... I find it really hot their dirty talk both with him and about him.... UFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF REALLY HOT!!!!
Let's see if they can make it some of the ideas happen ;)

Congratulations again for this AMAZING story!!!

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Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by Badbob410 » Thu Feb 17, 2022 7:52 am

Wow what a ride you woven for us can’t wait to see where it goes next.

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Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by armyguyot1 » Thu Feb 17, 2022 5:14 pm

Welcome to the forum Badbob410

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Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by WACouple » Thu Feb 17, 2022 9:06 pm

I can’t wait for the next chapter either, and I’ve been wondering if perhaps we might someday read about Mark and Jacen having a threesome with Jess to see who fucks her best…

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Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by DarrenZ » Fri Feb 18, 2022 4:03 am

WACouple wrote:
Thu Feb 17, 2022 9:06 pm
I can’t wait for the next chapter either, and I’ve been wondering if perhaps we might someday read about Mark and Jacen having a threesome with Jess to see who fucks her best…
As a writer, I sometimes grimace a bit when it feels like a reader is in my mind and predicts a plot point I've had in mind. Glad i'm on the same wavelength as at least one reader but also worried about potential spoilers taking away from others enjoyment if/when it gets to that plot point. Reality is, as is discussed in Xleglover's current thread, there are only so many places a cuck/hotwife story can go.

Regardless, I'm super thrilled you're engaged with the storyline and very appreciative of feedback. As an avid erotica reader myself, I very often find myself thinking about where I want another writer's story to go... To be honest, it's a big reason I started writing these stories myself.

All that said, my writing often has me feeling more as a transcriber than originator of thoughts, so we'll see if that actually comes to pass or other events overtake it in the storyline. For example, I've long had a story about Jess with a professor in my head, including lots and lots of details about it, but it just hasn't fit to this point. We'll see if it ever comes around.

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Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by DarrenZ » Fri Feb 18, 2022 4:05 am

[duplicated message]
Last edited by DarrenZ on Fri Feb 18, 2022 4:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by DarrenZ » Fri Feb 18, 2022 4:07 am

Kim2233 wrote:
Sat Jan 29, 2022 7:12 am
Thanks for another great chapter.

This feels to me like we're now set up to start to feel the "trouble" in the title. Up to this point it has mostly felt like a romance (quite unconventional admittedly) between Jess and Darren. Kinky, for sure, but they've been on the same page almost completely. This chapter finishes by introducing the potential that Darren has some serious emotional conflict ahead, which to me tends to be at the crux of the best cuckold tales.
DarrenZ wrote:
Sat Jan 29, 2022 7:22 am
Thanks. Yeah, I did a full re-read while working on this chapter and I realized it was all going way too swimmingly. The Lindsay incident had been brewing for a while and the way it unfolded felt weird. I know it might sound weird, but it just flows out of me and sometimes I feel a little out of control over where it’s going.
Darren’s going to go through some things.
After all that, this latest chapter does feel like a bit of release too soon, and maybe unearned, of the tension I've added in.
I promise things will remain interesting. Stick with me, please.

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Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by DarrenZ » Fri Feb 18, 2022 4:17 am

Badbob410 wrote:
Thu Feb 17, 2022 7:52 am
Wow what a ride you woven for us can’t wait to see where it goes next.
Thank you and I feel honored your first post is in appreciation of my story. Check out my other two if you haven't already.


Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by OOAA » Fri Feb 18, 2022 5:44 pm

DarrenZ wrote:
Fri Feb 18, 2022 4:03 am
WACouple wrote:
Thu Feb 17, 2022 9:06 pm
I can’t wait for the next chapter either, and I’ve been wondering if perhaps we might someday read about Mark and Jacen having a threesome with Jess to see who fucks her best…
As a writer, I sometimes grimace a bit when it feels like a reader is in my mind and predicts a plot point I've had in mind. Glad i'm on the same wavelength as at least one reader but also worried about potential spoilers taking away from others enjoyment if/when it gets to that plot point. Reality is, as is discussed in Xleglover's current thread, there are only so many places a cuck/hotwife story can go.

Regardless, I'm super thrilled you're engaged with the storyline and very appreciative of feedback. As an avid erotica reader myself, I very often find myself thinking about where I want another writer's story to go... To be honest, it's a big reason I started writing these stories myself.

All that said, my writing often has me feeling more as a transcriber than originator of thoughts, so we'll see if that actually comes to pass or other events overtake it in the storyline. For example, I've long had a story about Jess with a professor in my head, including lots and lots of details about it, but it just hasn't fit to this point. We'll see if it ever comes around.
mmmm the professor story.... sounds pretty hot too ;)

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Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by WACouple » Sat Feb 19, 2022 5:41 pm

I’m very much looking forward to any and all chapters you write! Whether it’s regarding the concept I described above, or anything else - thank you for doing what you do.

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Re: The Girl is Trouble

Unread post by DarrenZ » Sun Feb 27, 2022 9:05 am

Chapter 14

Jess and I had gotten in a habit of meeting up at my place after our last classes for a day, meaning I generally got there before her most days. This day was one of those days, so I got back to my place before her. We weren’t big on texting each other, so we hadn’t had any communication during the day.

Jess came in as she usually would and threw her bag on my floor. She came up behind me as I had my back to the door while sitting at my desk.

She wrapped her arms around me in a hug from behind me.

I turned around as she released me and gave her my best pissed look I could muster.

“What the fuck, Jess?”


“You fucked Mark last night. Loudly. The whole house heard it,” I was exaggerating a bit.

“So?” she replied frankly, “I thought you wanted me to fuck him? Is that a problem?”

“Dammit, Jess, are you just going to fuck whomever you want to, consequences be damned?”

She stared at me, not comprehending. Finally, she replied, “Yes. That is exactly what I’m doing. I thought you understood that?”

I had kind of been winding her up to begin with, but something triggered in me when she said that. For all the assumptions of her rationale that I had come to after talking with Mark, the core of why I felt betrayed by her sleeping with him came to the forefront with her statement.

“You really don’t care if it bothers me, does it?”

She was incredulous.

“Darren I’ve pretty much been upfront with you from day one of who I am. I like to fuck guys. Sometimes even girls. I get off on the variety. I get off not giving a fuck if people think I’m a slut for doing so. I mean, I fucked half a fraternity before we met and you’ve continued to date me since finding out. If it’s not clear, I will fuck whomever I want and you don’t get a say in who I fuck. How is that not clear?”

Fuck. She was right. She will fuck whomever she wants. Hearing it said like that was… shocking. I started out just wanting to razz her a little for putting on such a demonstrative show in my own house, but damn. We were now talking the real talk.

“You’re right. I have no say in who you fuck,” I spat out, a bit harder than I intended.

“Babe, I told you I had trouble keeping boyfriends before. Hell, I have trouble keeping friends with girls because of who I am. I thought in finding you I finally found the missing piece. The person who I could count on and would love me for who I am and not want to change me.”

“Fuck. Yes, of course I want to be that. But this is hard. I’m hearing half the college knows or at least thinks you’re fucking Jacen.”

“I AM fucking Jacen.”

“Yeah but, if I’m with you, they know I’m a cuck.”

“You ARE a cuck, Darren. How is this news to you?”

“Yeah, but like, what I’m into behind closed doors is different than everyone KNOWING.”

“Fuck, Darren,” she started, exasperated, “look me in the eyes and tell me everyone knowing wouldn’t be exactly what you want.”

That stopped me cold. Every bit of the color drained from my face. All the fight went out of me. Goddamnit if she hadn’t just absolutely nailed me.

And then, absolutely at the worst possible moment, my bedroom door flew open and my planned prank blew up in my face.

Mark came in with a swagger, “Awesome you’re here Jess. Ready to pick up where we left off last night?”

Jess look at him puzzled and then looked at me. She looked down and my jeans were completely tented. A shit eating grin crossed her face.

"Yes, Mark I do. Come take me on Darren's bed."

Mark gave me a glance. I think we both believed that she would have given some token resistance or something. Instead, it was like it was her idea and she was going to push it in my face. It was probably silly of me to not have considered that- during their show for me the night before, she had told him to come take her in my room. Guess it wasn't all an act by Jess.

She had a huge smile on her face as she looked back at me while she was undoing Mark's jeans. His cock wasn't hard but even still it was really big. It's hard to have a good comparison to Jacen's. It wasn't quite as large nor quite as… threatening. It was very similar to mine, white and circumcised, just bigger in proportion.

She looked Mark in the eyes as she knelt before him.

"I didn't see it very well in the dark last night. You have a beautiful cock, Mark. I love it."

She rubbed the soft but hardening cock across her face. It was nearly as big as her face. When her chin was at its base, the head just about hit her hairline. Even I had to admit, it was a good looking cock.

She proceeded to slather it with her tongue and with kisses. Finally, after a teasing lick around his glans, she made her mouth into an "O" and took it in. She had him hard now and with her first attempt, she got a good two-thirds of the way down his cock before she began to gag.

Seeing her up close and well-lit as she serviced his bigger dick was thrilling for me. Others who write about the hotwife/cuckolding lifestyle talk about how watching your wife or girlfriend have sex with another man before you is like watching your favorite porn actress perform live in front of you, and that really felt like the case here. But the other thing we all can acknowledge is it's not just watching your significant other performing sex acts in front of you that is arousing. It's the fact that they are not doing it with you and, in many if not most cases, are doing it with someone who you or your love at least perceive as a better lover than you. Better hung. More able to turn them on. Make them cum better or more often.

That feeling of inadequacy, of being seen as 'less than', to your wife or girlfriend in comparison to the person, the man, who is producing better results than you can and who therefore takes precedence in her desire. Replacing you. As a cuck, having that comparison so visually before you, the contrast being so strongly displayed is humiliating. But the power from being someone willing to take that humiliation on because of what it gives to your partner, your love, is there as well. I can't think of any more obvious example that you put your woman's needs above your own in this moment.

And Jess loved it. She loved cocks, loved a variety, loved the freedom. She adored the power she had over a man by holding his erection and pleasuring him through it. She loved how the bigger cock made her feel. However it was becoming increasingly more evident that the humiliation I was suffering when witnessing her with another, more satisfying lover drove her just as much as the sex she was experiencing with them. I that was starting to feel like a scab that she was picking at.

I didn't consider myself a masochist, but it was hard to figure out where the arousal from the open humiliation ended and the hurt began. Reality was coming to me that if I continued with her, this would likely be our way of life, the defining nature of our relationship. And, although I liked Mark and saw that she potentially had good intentions by bring him into this game of ours, because it was someone I knew outside of her and was occurring in the place where I loved, it again felt destabilizing.

She shook me from my introspection as she had finished up giving him head. She stood up before him and, from over her shoulder, told me, "Darren, undress me for Mark. Show him that you willingly give my sex to him."

There it was. That sting of humiliation. I loved it and hated it. I didn't really want to 'give her sex to him'. I wanted her sex. We made love a few times after the Lindsay incident, but it had been a week or more since we'd had sex and I again was starting to feel like she was denying me again.

But, nevertheless, I found myself undressing her as commanded. I couldn't deny that for as much as I wanted to make love to her, I did want to see her with Mark again. I wanted to see her with Mark more than I wanted to be with her myself. This pissed me off, but I found myself more angry at me than with her.

I lifted her shirt, a soft cotton long sleeve that might even have been the one she was wearing when we met. I undid her bra from behind, dropping it onto the floor, on top of where her shirt landed.

Mark was staring at her as I was undressing her. I got the impression he was trying not to look at me, attempting to shield me from the humiliation he assumed correctly that I was feeling. His attempt to protect my feelings actually made it worst. His caring and empathy made it all sting worse. He removed his shirt at this point, I think he unconsciously needed a reason to look away from me for a moment.

Jess was breathing heavy, getting a lot of arousal from the situation of being exposed to him and, likely, from her humiliation of me. She had one guy drooling over her while another one, her nominal 'boyfriend', was the one stripping her for the other to have.

I pulled her pants down, yoga pants as was her usual and another trigger for me that this might have been the actual outfit she was wearing when we met. Not sure why that was significant or if it even was. All she was left in were her panties, a tiny pale pink lacy thong. I slipped my thumbs under the thin strips of material on both of her hips. Feeling the material and her hips against the back of my thumbs was very tactile. What I felt in my gut as I was doing this, unwrapping the final layer between my girlfriend's sex and her lover, was tumultuous.

With her small ass before me, I was thought about just how small she seemed. It was literally in my face. Mark was much taller and broader than I was. His member much larger than mine. The contrast of his larger attributes compared to her small stature and build made her look almost child-like before him. Her girl-next-door looks and small frame gave the appearance of innocence when standing before this muscular man with his throbbing tool. Taking all this in as I continued to pull down her thong sent a shiver down my spine.

"Darren, babe, feel my pussy while you're down there."

I did as I was told. As my finger penetrated her folds, her precum dripped out readily. She was soaking wet.

"Do you feel it? Can you feel how wet his cock had made me? My pussy knows it needs more lubrication for me to take his cock."

I swallowed hard as I accepted her truth.

She stepped forward and my finger came out of her pussy.

"Fuck me with your big thing, Mark. Show Darren how good a lover you are."

Mark, clearly turned on by her dirty talk, quickly forgot any concern for me. He wanted my hot girlfriend. He wanted to fuck her in front of me. He picked her up, large hands engulfing each of her ass cheeks as he pulled her to him. He kissed her as he carried her over towards my bed, his cock sticking obscenely from between her legs. The distance from which it surpassed her buttocks emphasized just how much more it would go deeper than I ever could.

He laid her down while he continued making out with her. Seeing them make out so passionately actually tore at me worst than if they were just fucking.

I saw her hand snake down and aim his cock at the entrance to her vagina. She ran the head up and down her pussy that was opening for him. Her inner lips were spread around the head as he pushed in, coaxing a moan from her. When I glanced at her face after the moan, I saw she was looking at me with heavily lidded eyes. A smile creeped across her lips as he plunged deeper into her.

“God damn, Mark, your size is so good for me. You’re really stretching my pussy without tearing it apart,” she told him as she looked into his face and away from mine. I was forgotten again.

He pulled back out a bit and then pushed back forward, inching deeper into her. I thought again how a man with a bigger cock than mine would be touching her in places I never did. Jealousy and lust washed over me anew.

Mark finally bottomed out in her and she cried out, “God yes, Mark. That’s it. I love how you fill me up. So much more than my boyfriend. Mmmmmm, oooooh yes.”

I loved her sounds and seeing how stretched her lips were around his girth. I had a flash of pride in her for taking all of him and was glad to be someone who at least didn’t stand in the way of her feeling this pleasure. But then the angst edged back in. If he was as good as she said, wouldn’t it just be easier to be his girlfriend? Why even bother with me?

Her hands were on his ass as he ground into her. He was so deep inside her, it’s like they were one. They were making out again and he just held himself in her, making her feel the fullness of being inside her.

Then the fucking began. He extracted himself almost fully then pounded back in. Out and in. Out and in.

And Jess kept up the dirty talk.

“Oh Mark, I love your cock. You fuck me with it so good. I should’ve let you fuck me months ago. Ooooooohh, yesss. Darren, I wish you could fuck me this good. You’re so wonderful to me, being ok with me fucking bigger cocks and better lovers. Having your love but still being free to, ooooohhhh, to get amazing sex.”

It was nice to hear her say those things but it was also humiliating to thank me while she was fucking my roommate in front of me on my bed.

“Baby, come here. Take your clothes off and get closer. Watch his cock stretching my pussy. You like seeing that. Another, mmmmmm, another man’s dick deep in my pussy. Look how hard you are. If we were a normal couple, this wouldn’t be ok. But we’re not a normal couple. I need, oooooh, I need this and you love seeing it. This is what we both need and Mark here gets a great fuck buddy out of it. This is good, right? Tell me, ooooh, tell me I’m wrong.”

I could not. It hurt. I felt out of control constantly. I had less sex with her than I would like. But I did like seeing this. I did enjoy watching her take a bigger cock, fucking more masculine men. Again, I thought about a potential life with her. I really did want to be with her. This wasn’t easy to live with, to live in this way. But I also couldn’t imagine a normal life with her. Just her and I, living a boring existence.

Last night I was freaked out that my roommates would know how we were. That she was exposing me. This morning, Mark confirmed that many on campus knew what a slut she was. Heck, I was warned by many folks when we first started out. It had been months that we’ve been together and we’d done so much together, experienced so much.

I was scared but not of what she was doing or exposure. I was afraid that I’d lose her if I didn’t allow myself to go all in. I wanted her to fuck others. I wanted to watch when I could. I actually got off on the humiliation of it all, the situations and her words. I wanted her to always come back to me. That was the one thing I could have that no one else could.

“I love you, Jess.”

She looked at me as she continued to fuck Mark. I could see it in her eyes. She did love me. It might seem bizarre to say as she had another man’s dick in her that I knew she loved me deeply. We had a codependent relationship. No other kind of guy would put up with her fucking around as much as she needed to. And she also got off on the humiliation of me. We fed each other’s needs and were there when all was done to hold each other and love each other.

“I love you too Darren. Always and forever.”

“Forever?” I said, practically tearing up.

“Forever,” she said emphatically.

Mark looked at us both as we had this tender moment. Maybe he thought we were nuts, who knows. But he never let up and Jess continued fucking him back.

“I want to marry you,” I said.

“Are you asking me to marry you while I’m fucking another guy?”

“Yes, I guess I am,” I replied, an embarrassed grin crossing my face.

“God, we are so meant for each other. Yes, of course I’ll marry you you perv.”

“Are you both kidding me right now? You just got engaged with my dick in her pussy, while I’m fucking the shit out of her?” Mark said unbelieving what was going on here.

Jess and I both blushed. This wasn’t going to be a story we were going to be able to tell people.

Jess reached out for my hand as she began to crest to an orgasm. I took it and stared into her eyes as she came, her other hand squeezing Mark’s ass cheek and pulling him into her.

Her orgasm and the twitching of her body set him off and he began grunting hard. He was going to cum himself.

“Argh, I’m about to cum!” he announced, likely giving us warning to have him pull out.

“Cum in her, Mark. It’s what she wants,” I told him.

“Oh yes,” she added, “it’s what he wants too. Shoot your cum deep in me. Deeper than he can.”

Mark bellowed loudly as he released inside my girlfriend’s pussy in front of me, “Aaaaaaaaahhhhh, god damn best pussy I’ve ever had. Fuuuuuuck!”

Jess looked like angelic. A slutty, well-fucked angel, but still she had this amazing glow about her. She just smiled at me and I was so fulfilled. I proceeded to burst and shot my own cum across her chest. She smiled at me a giggled a little.

“Thank you Mark. Thank you for giving me such a good fucking and filling my pussy with your load. Look at what we made Darren do all over me.”

Mark laughed as he looked down at my rapidly deflating dick that I held in one hand.

“You really do like seeing her get fucked, don’t you?”


“She’s so damn hot. I just don’t think I’d be willing to let anyone take her for a ride if she was mine. But I guess that’s why it works for the both of you. I will gladly fuck her anytime you want me to. Shit I’d fuck her on your wedding night if you needed me to.”

I saw the look that passed across Jess’s face. Pure lust and desire. I have to admit, the idea of her in a white wedding dress while she was being pounded by another man’s dick… yeah, it got me going too.

“Would give a new meaning to ‘best man’, I guess,” I said absentmindedly.

All three of us laughed together.

Her laughter had the effect of pushing his now limp dick from her pussy, allowing the cum he dumped into her to drool out of her reddened pussy.

As her laughter subsided, Jess noticed me looking at her creamed puss.

“Mark, would it weird you out if he went down on me now?”

Mark looked at what he had done to her pussy then up to Jess, taking in what she had said. Then he looked over to me. I think he was surprised to see the desire in my eyes.

“You really going to eat her out with my stuff in her?” he asked me.

I nodded, finding my mouth too dry to say anything.

“Dude, that’s fucking hot,” Mark said, surprising me.

He moved up on the bed next to Jess as I moved over and began to go down on her. Being part of this seemed to be re-awakening Mark’s dick and Jess reached over to encourage it’s revitalization. I think doing this in front of him was getting me even more into it.

“That’s it, baby. Show me you love me. Words are great, but showing your love and acceptance for who I am in this way, in front of my lover, is so hot. God you’re so good with your tongue. Lick up all his stuff.”

And I did. I swirled my tongue cross her pussy, sucking up their combined juices and licking up and down her lips. I traced all around, cleaning up every trace of cum on the outside before lapping into her vaginal opening. I could taste the tangy saltiness of his cum, noticing the subtle differences between my own and Jacen’s cum. I thought to myself that it was like I was becoming a cum connoisseur. And I was getting hard again myself.

Mark watched fascinated as I cleaned her thoroughly. It turned me on seeing him watch me do what so many would see as a humiliating act. Jess moaned as I hit sensitive areas, getting her heavy breathing as I was taking her to an orgasm myself. I was definitely part of her sex life. This was my role. I saw the list in her eyes for me as I performed this intimate if humiliating act on her.

She grasped his cock harder as she was edging to the orgasm I was building in her.

“Fuck me, Darren. Make me cum on your dick. You can do it, can’t you?”

It’s like the gauntlet had been thrown down. Could I still make her cum on my cock here in front of my bigger cocked roommate who had just made her cum harder than I usually did?

I moved up and put my dick into her. I’m not small, but I definitely could feel that she was looser than she would have been if she hadn’t just fucked one of her big-dicked lovers.

I realized just how rare it has become for me to actually have my cock in her pussy these days. It was hot, especially as I looked over and could see that she still held his engorging cock just inches from our faces.

“Oh baby, I do love you inside me. I love you with all my heart but you can feel it too, can’t you? Fucking someone as big and thick as Mark really stretches me out. I feel you, but it’s a different feeling. I want you to get me off you can do it. But there’s one thing- I don’t want you to cum in me. Get me off but pull out. I want to fuck Mark again and I don’t want him grossed out that he’s fucking my pussy full of your cum. That’s ok, isn’t it?”

She fucking just about killed me. I pounded her with all I had but her talk made it damn near impossible not to cum myself. Other men would be insulted if their women not only fucked other men but wanted their cum inside of them instead of their man’s. But not me. For me, that was the culmination of my deepest, darkest desires. I was so thankful that she still wanted me to be inside of her, despite the better sex she had from these bigger dicks. But she was right to want their cum in her and not mine. She still cared about my sexual needs but she desired the superior lover’s cum inside of her. Being replaced sexually and as a breeding mate was so hot.

I somehow was able to hold myself off and I could see she was getting close. Mark’s cock had fully hardened again in her hand as he watched me fuck her and heard her dirty request. I found that I couldn’t look away from her hand wrapped around his thick cock so close by.

She began to reach her peak again, rubbing her own clit with her free hand as she crested the wave.

I had to pull out very quickly to prevent cumming in her myself, pinching the base of my cock so I could extract from her without cumming. The moment I was free of her, as she continued rubbing the orgasm out, I jizzed all over her hand and belly.

Mark moved and I quickly got out of the way as he pushed himself back into her throbbing pussy. This sent her to a different level entirely. The sudden absence of my dick followed by the instant filling up of her by Mark’s superior cock kicked her orgasm to a whole other level. She was twitching in convulsions so much I was actually getting concerned she was in distress.

“Fuck yeeeeeessssssssss, oh my god….” She cried as he literally went blank. She passed out for a moment.

Mark kept fucking her and I was worried. I reached out and touched his shoulder but he just said, “It’s ok, dude. I’ve seen this happen before.”

And sure enough, a minute later she came to and was instantly moaning again.

“What did you doooo to meeee, Mark? Oh, it feels soooo goooood.”

“I fucked you blind, Jess. You passed out. God you’re so hot. I’m going to blow another load in you.”

“Yessss, I want you to. I want your seed in me. Darren, oh baby you did so good getting me there but my god Mark owns this pussy. I want his superior cum in me. You want me to have it too, don’t you? You could’ve cum in me but you know I need, I deserve, his seed in me.”

“I do,” I replied, “I want you to have his seed.”

“And you’ll eat it from me again? You’ll show me you love me having his seed again?”

“Anytime you want me to, Jess,” I told her and I meant it.

This was who we were supposed to be. Her, my slutty girlfriend, err fiancée and soon to be wife. Me, her creampie eating spouse. Someone who will enable her in pursuing her urges while being her stability and emotional support. She’ll be my live pornstar and I’ll be her greatest fan.

Many would call me stupid for allowing this and wanting this, but they just don’t understand our love and how much this fulfills us both. I was so excited to be with her and proclaim our love for the world to see. I was equally excited to explore this sexual relationship and the depravity that drove us both. My wheels were already spinning about how hot we could make our wedding and honeymoon. And yes, I frankly was excited about the possibility of many people knowing exactly who we were and what we did together. I wanted people to know I was a willing cuckold but I was terrified of it at the same time.

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