Jessica's adventures

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Jessica's adventures

Unread post by Husband7 » Mon Mar 27, 2023 10:05 am

I'm going to share the story of the last decade of my love life. Mostly pertaining to my wife, Jessica; the most amazing creature I've ever met.

At the age of thirty three, and after years of short-lived and tumultuous relationships, I met the perfect woman. I didn't have a clue what I was getting into at the time, but the rollercoaster she would ultimately take me on was the best time of my life.

Jessica was the horniest woman on the planet. I'm sure of it. In six years of marriage and about eight years of being in her orbit, I'd seen it all. I'd lost track long ago of all the appendages, household objects, and oddly shaped foods that have penetrated her body. To my knowledge, nothing was off limits, and I'm pretty sure she lived by the rule of "try anything once," although I'd never tried to test that theory. And on top of that, no hole was off limits. There were days when I felt like I was sharing my wife with the vegetable drawer.

Basically, she needed sex, and lots of it. She needed to be filled. She needed to cum. Whatever gave her those things was acceptable in her world. There was a brief period in which I was forced to make a decision; to succumb to jealousy and hard feelings, or to embrace who she was and try to find a way to love her in that place. It turned out it wasn't all that hard, because her amorous ways ended up turning me on more than anything had before. I had a hidden kink; her sex life.

Sometimes I worried that she would eventually follow her pussy to a dangerous place one day, and I wondered whether I could keep her from doing something we'd both regret.

Jessica didn't have many hobbies aside from sex. I, on the other hand, filled my days up with all manner of activities, while seeming to never have quite enough time for all of them. My favorite hobby was hockey. Playing the game, watching endless hours of it, and even playing in a fantasy league with some of my buddies. Jessica wasn't into the same thing, so she was forced to find her own hobbies apart from my own. Sometimes, she would go out with her girls and whoop it up for a night on the town. Dancing, drinking, etc. She also had a book club she was semi interested in. Oh, and sometimes she would have sex with other men.

It didn't take long for our marriage to evolve into an ethically non monogamous sort of dynamic. Jessica and I had an arrangement in which she was permitted, and more often than not, encouraged, to seek sexual relationships with men other than myself. I was into it in the worst way, and the sluttier she behaved, the more wild it made me. I swear I could write a book, full of accounts of her naughty adventures, and it would probably end up a best seller.

One day she'd come up to me, blushing furiously and wringing her hands, and asked me if I was alright with her going to a furry party. At the time, I didn't even know what a furry was, but she was quick to educate me as we stood there in the kitchen going over what she'd be doing and when she might be home. I got the feeling while she spoke that what she was going to be doing was either participating in or spectating at an orgy. She insisted that her friend was the one into it, and that she was just going to drinking and dancing.

I gave her my blessing, knowing without a doubt that my wife would have at least one penis in her vagina that night. No matter her intentions, I knew Jessica, and once she got revved up and saw some dick, it was a foregone conclusion that she'd be hung up on one before the night was over. The only stipulation was that I drive her there and pick her up, as there was going to be lots of drinking happening.

Picking her up was a treat. She'd forgotten to text me to come get her, so at around two o'clock in the morning, I hopped in the car and headed to the address she'd hurriedly jotted down before leaving with her friend, Amber. It was a rather large home in a more wealthy area of town, and I knew I'd arrived at the right place before spotting the number, as the street was lined with rather posch looking vehicles about halfway down.

It didn't take me long to find Jessica after entering the house and taking my shoes off. Several scantily clad people, as well as a few of the furries, greeted me in interesting ways as I passed by them. And then I spotted her in the first room down the main hallway.

Her little shrieks and soft sounds of pleasure would've given her away, but it was her back arched while she sat atop a fully dressed up wolf in the throes of bliss that really caught my attention. I'd seen her in this state many times over the years. She looked delectable and magnificent. Although she wasn't in the attire of the evening, she did wear a set of white cat ears on her head, as well as a long bushy tail which was clearly fixed to a buttplug inside her.

I watched in awe as she gently but deliberately flexed her hips into the midsection of the man beneath her. The fact that he was dressed up as a wolf made it even hotter somehow. Unaware of my presence in the doorway, I observed as she leaned her chest toward his face, teasing and taunting the creature beneath her by bearing her naked breasts to him. Judging by the wetness glistening around her nipples, he'd already had them in his mouth; one of her favorite things.

I wondered whether he wore a condom. She was on the pill, but safe sex was still something we strived for despite making risky, but exciting, exceptions over the years.

It was when I moved around beside her and then behind her that I caught her eye and she turned her lust filled, sex crazed gaze towards me. I smiled at her affectionately and she once again closed her eyes to savour the sensations running through her body.

The lucky man who lay beneath her peered at me through whatever eye holes it had for a moment, and then simply went back to staring up at my naked wife while she pleasured his cock. He didn't care why I was there so long as I wasn't getting in between he and his mate.

Mate was certainly an apt description for what I was witnessing in that room, as it seemed more of an animalistic mating ritual than two people fucking. Neither of them did any talking, and the only sounds made were grunts and whimpers, along with the wet sounds of their sexes coming together. I was not able to determine whether he wore a condom, due to the bushy tail she was adorned with. But somehow, not knowing just made it all the more risky and exciting.

My mind was a whirling mess of angst, excitement, jealousy, and joy at seeing my soulmate being pleasured and treated so well. While I preferred to be the one pleasuring her, I just couldn't be mad that someone else was doing the honours so long as she was getting what she desired out of it. And it sure appeared as if she was with mister wolf there.

I could tell the man in the wolf costume was getting close to cumming when he began moving his hips around and pawing at her tits. Realizing this was going to be some sort of kinky and momentous event for him, and probably for her too, I made my way out of the room to give them privacy. Standing in the hallway of this orgy house while my wife was currently in a mating ritual with this half man, half wolf behind the door next to me was a bit sobering. I had to reality check for a moment and collect myself.

The reality was that this was us. We were kinky people who did really kinky things, and sometimes with other people. Mainly, it was Jessica doing those things and me watching, however, we did it as a unit. Jessica always found ways to include me even when I wasn't even invited. Without any doubt, I knew we would be home later on together, and she would mount me with the tail and the cat ears on, and sink down onto my hard-on for a round of sloppy seconds. Any misgivings were usually eased when I felt like soft, silky pussy envelope me and her warm body melting into mine.

To be continued

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Re: Jessica's adventures

Unread post by Husband7 » Mon Mar 27, 2023 10:54 am


One day I walked in on her, catching her by surprise, while she was inserting a popsicle into her pussy and then tasting herself on the popsicle. She jumped up quickly and covered herself up, as if I hadn't already seen her before in the most depraved acts imaginable. I found it funny that the popsicle was the thing that made her feel self conscious.

The downside to putting everything and anything into her vagina was, of course, that she often suffered from UTI's and yeast infections. She swore it was worth it all, but in the most painful moments, I felt like she was definitely feeling some regret. She wouldn't admit it, possibly due to embarrassment, but she regretted the popsicle for weeks after. She didn't have sex for the entire time, and I know for a fact that was hard for her.

A couple years back, Jessica told me about a really kinky guy she'd been seeing for a few months. She hadn't told me anything while it was going on because she felt a bit embarrassed by it, but after he was out of the picture, she gradually relayed everything to me. Apparently, he'd convinced her to do some seriously raunchy stuff. Stuff that she'd never done before, but once she did these things for him, it opened up a whole new world of kink for her.

She'd come home from a night with him once, complaining of soreness. I just assumed it was because he fucked her hard. It turned out that he'd gotten her to fuck his shift knob in his BMW. It was a custom shifter with a devil's head, and was about seven inches long. He took pictures of her performing for him, and despite the fact that he'd shared the photos with her, it was unnerving that he had them on his device. I felt sick to my stomach that this greasy dude had made her do this and had the photos to prove it.

Then there was our summer of camping, when she really and truly let loose and got her fuck on with multiple men on various trips.

We were on a camping vacation on a particularly hot August long weekend when she'd fucked a stranger in his tent, which resulted in an STI scare. It turned out it was just a really bad UTI, however, it was enough to scare her into playing safer in the future and vetting her partners with a little more discrimination.

She'd been letting this scruffy, lanky young man chat her up for the entire Saturday, and being that he was occupying the lot next to us, there wasn't any way to avoid it. He looked like a guy who'd fallen on hard times, and there was definitely soft spot in Jessica's heart for guys like him. By Saturday evening around the fire, he had her giggling like a school girl and more than a little tipsy with the coolers she was putting back.

I didn't think it would amount to anything, and we were currently on a break from the lifestyle because of some difficulties she was having balancing it all. But when a sound woke me in the middle of the night and she wasn't in the tent beside me, I knew exactly where she was. I smiled to myself and shook my head, listening to her excited giggles and his deep voice encouraging her as she sucked and fucked him with enthusiasm.

The ride home was torture for both of us. Her for the ungodly UTI pain between her legs, and me for having to endure the complaints during a fourteen hour drive. She'd taken him bare and he came inside her several times while she was in his tent, and she deeply regretted that decision. A vast difference from the elation she had upon returning to our tent early that morning, gushing about how she had his nut in her and that he'd apparently never got to finish in a woman before.

Jessica was always fairly cavalier about letting other guys screw her bareback, despite the issues it caused her. It was only when I made an offhand comment to her about me cumming in her far less than other men that she seemed to have a change of heart. It wasn't that I was opposed to her getting filled. On the contrary, it gave me a sick thrill that she let so many men ejaculate inside her. But I guess my comments made her feel too slutty, so she scaled it back a bit.

From there on out for quite some time , unless it was a trusted regular, Jessica insisted on using condoms with the men she had sex with. It was inconvenient for her at times, but it was a sacrifice she wanted to make for the sake of our marriage.

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Re: Jessica's adventures

Unread post by Husband7 » Tue Mar 28, 2023 5:37 am

As I said, I'm a hockey fan. I grew up in a small hockey town in Canada, and the whole culture was just a part of who I am. I especially had a passion for junior hockey, I would often watch more junior games than NHL games in the run of a month. I followed all the young prospects on their journey up to the big leagues, and would celebrate when I'd watch them be drafted every summer.

Jessica had said no at least a dozen times to my idea of becoming a billet family for a junior player for our hometown team. A billet family is a home which hosts young junior hockey players when they are drafted to a team. You're expected to house, feed, and assist the player, while receiving financial compensation from the league for doing so. I thought it was a great idea, but Jessica clearly did not. We had two kids already, she'd say, and we certainly don't need anyone else cluttering up our home. Especially a teenager!

I'm not sure exactly what changed her mind, but one day she just answered yes when I half jokingly asked her about the possibility while we enjoyed a nightcap on the patio.

I was shocked. But I wasn't about to decline just because it meant more work for me. I was definitely up for it! I watched her with amused eyes as she rose from the deck chair she sat perched in to go for a drink refill. Her ass cheeks looked absolutely delectable in the small shorts she wore, leaving just enough to the imagination to send a small jolt between my legs. The way her hips swayed as she stepped through the French doors was something that would just never get old for me.

She did have a date that night, so maybe that was the reason behind this change if heart. She sometimes suffered bouts of guilt, and would, for lack of a better term, love bomb me endlessly before or after her dates. I suppose she felt guilty she was out enjoying herself while I was at home just waiting for her the get back.

What she didn't fully understand, of course, was that I loved each and every encounter she had. If anything, it made
me feel even closer to her. She always said she couldn't fathom how her having sex with other people made us closer, I'd try to explain, and she'd end up rolling her eyes and laughing.

I quite enjoyed watching Jessica doll herself up for her dates. She was seeing the guy we both referred to as her boyfriend that evening, and on their nights, she did tend to pay special attention to her appearance, usually capping it off with a Brazilian wax or giving herself a fresh landing strip. She said he preferred when she had a thin landing strip for him.

He was a fifty year old divorced dad with grown up kids and a whole lot of money and time to spoil Jessica with. One time, he took her away for a week-long cruise in the Pacific, and she came back from the trip absolutely glowing. But she wouldn't let me inside her for a whole week following her return, claiming she was too sore for sex.

I looked again at Jessica, standing in the bathroom doing her make-up routine, and couldn't help but feel turned on by how gorgeous she was. She was on the short side, at about five feet, five inches, but what she lacked in height she more than made up for in luscious curves. She wasn't big by any means. She had a tight body from years of dance and now a regular workout routine, and she loved to put it on display. Her breasts were small, but very alluring, capped off with these perfectly perfect upturned, light pink nipples that just begged to be sucked on.

Noticing me checking her out from doorway, she turned to me and gave me that "what are you staring at mister" look. She blushed and I chuckled, continuing to admire her.

She had straight dirty blonde hair that cascaded down her back all the way to her ass cheeks at times, however, she'd recently cut her hair and now it sat about midway down her back. She could pass for a cheerleader, even at thirty two. Not the prototypical mean girl type who appears perfect in every imaginable way, but an easy going, slightly slutty looking one who loves to put out for the nerdy guys too.

The final touch before she slipped on her skirt was the black thigh highs she regularly wore for him. I salivated at the way they hugged her calves and thighs, accenting how toned and tight she was, and ever so gently pinched her upper thighs. I knew her boyfriend would be the one peeling them off later and enjoying all this effort she was making to look irresistible.

Recently, Jessica had taken to going out and getting laid and then coming home at some hour of the morning. She claimed that she didn't enjoy sleeping over as much now, but I honestly thought it was because she needed to reconnect with me after being with someone else. As she had done the last half dozen times, she slipped into bed beside me quietly, and I felt her warm, naked body slide in beside mine.

"Hey," she said, rousing me from a deep sleep. I always enjoyed this moment with her, so I was never opposed to waking up and being with her in the moment. She kissed me gently on the lips, and smelled him on her instantly.

"Hey you," I said affectionately, moving my hand down to gently cup her smooth ass cheek, giving it a squeeze.

Without another word, now knowing she had my attention, she rolled onto her back, threw the blankets down to her feet, and spread her thighs enticingly, pulling her legs back as far as they could go. She looked over at me and crooked her finger, inviting me to come taste her.

This was my favorite part of her coming home. I moved in between her smooth legs, lowering my head downward to her belly button and abdomen. I smelled her female arousal, sweat, and cum. I licked from her strip of pubic hair to her belly button, savoring the intoxicating flavour and her moan of appreciation. She loved me licking her after she was with other men, especially her boyfriend, who usually sent her home filled with his cum.

I licked and sucked on her labia gently, teasing her by avoiding her clit for the time being. It wasn't long before a stream of creamy ejaculate began to flow from her vagina, and I didn't hesitate to gather some on my tongue and then drop it onto her clit, getting an excited shriek from her.

He must've filled her up several times, and I think I swallowed at least one full load of cum from her that night. She was absolutely brimming with his load. An unwanted pregnancy wasn't an issue since Jessica was on birth control, and we hadn't had a scare in the five years that she'd been on this pill.

"Mmmm, baby I adore that," she moaned into the quietness of the bedroom, interrupting only the soft, wet sounds of my tongue on her sex.

"You taste amazing," I said to her in between licking and sucking. I'd spent the last half hour cleaning her up, and she was ready to cum. I anchored myself to her crotch by gripping her upper thighs, feeling the lace tops of her thigh highs beneath my fingers, and planted my lips over her aroused sex and went for it. She gushed into my mouth and squealed as her pussy went off and her body tightened in the throes of a great orgasm.

"Gosh, how did I get so lucky?" She said, letting out a big sigh as she came down to earth. "A man who licks me out so good even after I come home with a nut in me." She turned to me, gushing and smiling into my face, letting her lips graze mine and share in the tangy flavour of their combined juices.

"Well I'm into it," I said, reassuring her with my go-to phrase. It seemed to relax her when I assured her I was just as turned on by it as she was. There was something otherworldly about tonguing her insides after she'd had sex with someone else. I ached for her when she was out; felt jealous of what was being done to her; felt a gut punch when I saw another man's sperm leaking from deep inside her vagina. The vagina that only I had had access to for so long, and the one which had birthed our children. And now she shared herself with other men in such a slutty and cavalier way. It drove me wild with lust.

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Re: Jessica's adventures

Unread post by Husband7 » Tue Mar 28, 2023 6:15 am

Things moved fairly quick once I submitted the application to the program coordinator. We were told that a young eighteen year old kid named Owen, from a town in the province next to ours, would be moving in with us at the end of August.

Owen was your prototypical jock. He looked the part and talked the part. One thing that I could say to his credit was that, despite his cockiness, he did speak respectfully to everyone, it seemed, and that was rare in those circles. Unfortunately, many of these cocky young men didn't have much of a filter, which would lead to foot-in-mouth situations, among other things.

I brought him to our home and gave him the five minute tour, while showing him to his room as well. Jessica had made herself scarce after meeting him, exchanging pleasantries and jokingly asking him to refrain from eating us out of house and home.

And then I had the heart to heart with him. The ground rules, if you will. "No bringing girls back here unless you give me a heads up first, and only so long as you can get them out that door by six in the morning," I said, giving him the most serious look I could muster.

He smirked, seeming a bit surprised that I had made such a statement, but after a few moments, he agreed to the boundaries. "Of course, Mr. Matthews. Won't even happen at all," he said confidently. It was almost funny watching him try to convince me he was this wholesome kid who didn't have an interest in girls. He probably had a harem of girls lined up already.

My cocked eyebrow, indicating my skepticism, made him rephrase.

"I mean, yeah, I'll always be sure to give you a heads up if that kind of thing ever happens."

On my end of things, I could not wait to see what lay in store for him. He had the whole world in front of him, with every opportunity, and I was excited to see what he did with it while I got a front row seat. I secretly hoped he was going to end up being my new hockey watching buddy.

I'd started to extend invitations to Owen to join us on some of our family outings, but more often than not, he would politely decline, saying he had work or hockey. We did enjoy attending his games, embarassing him with all our incessant cheering every time he touched the puck. I think deep down he secretly loved having fans at the rink.

It was mid December when Jessica and I invited Owen out for a river skate with the kids, that he surprised us by tagging along. That was the first day I noticed Owen pay just a little more attention to Jessica than usual. It could've been my imagination, but he did spend the majority of the skate alongside her, making her laugh, and skating circles around her while I pulled the kids along in their sled.

I hadn't given it more than a passing thought that Owen might find Jessica attractive or develop some sort of crush on her. But watching him make her laugh and the flirtatious way that he carried on with her made me rethink everything.

Her surprised shriek made me turn around at one point, only to see Owen had swept her off her feet and was carrying her as he skated around in circles, most like making both of them very dizzy. It made me chuckle.

There was no world where I imagined anything would happen between the two of them. After all, Owen was just a young man, and I'd never known Jessica to hook up with men under twenty five. I think the youngest guy she'd been with was twenty eight.

The winter held many good memories for our family, which sometimes included Owen, since he was spending an increasing amount of time with us. Things were platonic between he and Jessica, but there were a few moments scattered in there which raised my eyebrows. It was just never quite enough for me to consider mentioning it to her.

Jessica continued to see her "boyfriend" through the winter season, usually hooking up twice a month or so. Gone were the days that he came over to visit her, as she didn't want to risk Owen finding out about our lifestyle. Not that he was around all the time, but on the off chance that he returned home one night to find another man in the house in a compromising position, we didn't want to have to explain that one to him. The kids were too young to notice and usually in bed when Jessica had her guys over.

Our first conversation about Owen came up in bed one night while we were reading. Jessica went into a fit of laughter at something from her novel, and it sparked a conversation about our lifestyle.

"Am I going overboard with Mark?" She asked me while pulling her pajama shorts up her legs. Mark was her boyfriend, who she'd been seeing for a while.

I paused momentarily to think about it. "No," I answered, shifting my body towards her so we were facing each other. "Are you catching feelings?" I asked.

She chuckled at my question, shooting me a cat that are the canary look. "Well, you'd like that wouldn't, you? You dirty boy." She smiled at me, already knowing I was turned on the more she got involved with a regular guy.

"But, the answer is no," she said with conviction. "The sex is really great, but that man could be my dad."

She was thinking of his age and his maturity level. Jessica was immature by conventional standards. To me, that wasn't a bad thing, but rather, one of the things about her which I loved. She was so easy going and would accept anyone at face value.

"Does he still talk down to you?" I asked pointedly.

She shrugged, thinking back to conversations they'd had. Ones which she had relayed to me before, and had made me roll my eyes. He could be very conservative and uptight, do when it came to their time together and they weren't occupied with sex, things sometimes steered in undesirable directions and lead to him saying stupid stuff to her.

"Well, if you're looking for a new guy, there's one ready and willing candidate living downstairs right now." Referring to Owen, and knowing it was a risky foray, I smiled cheekily at my comment while she tries to process what I was talking about.

"Huh?" She asked, confused.

"Owen," I said, acting as if it were super obvious that he was into her. It wasn't, but I knew the insinuation would bug her.

"Oh my god!" She said, punching my arm and rolling her eyes. "No way, mister!" She flopped back onto her pillow, signalling she didn't wish to pursue it. I wasn't sure I did either, but a part of me had an inkling I was on the money somehow. I think she knew it too, but admitting it would be crossing a taboo line which she wasn't ready for.

Despite her protestations, I knew a seed was planted now. It wasn't that I necessarily wanted her to pursue such a relationship, given how incredibly inappropriate it was, but if my suspicions were right, it was something that was on her mind. I wanted to let her know that I noticed, and that I was on her side. Owen was a man, albeit a young man, but he was a man and could make his own life choices. That didn't take away from the taboo aspect of it though.

Their interactions that week began to take on a more familiar tone, and it didn't go unnoticed by me. Owen had begun telling her daily jokes, some of which had sexual undertones which she was sure to pick up on. Her full body laughs and chuckles after his punchlines did nothing to deter him, and gradually, the jokes became more and more flirtatious.

Then came the day he invited her to one of his games. That was a first. We'd always just gone together as a family with the kids tagging along, and he'd never had to ask us to be there. But on this day, he was noticeably nervous, and he attempted to be casual when asking her if she was going to the game on his way out the door that evening. She was taken a bit by surprise.

"Uh, yeah," she said, casting a glance my way, and then back to him while he stood at the foot. I didn't make eye contact with her, waiting to see how she'd deal with it. "I think we'll be there," she continued after a pregnant pause. I could feel them holding some eye contact after, which I imagine was Owen trying to figure out how to articulate that it was her he was asking.

To avoid any further awkwardness, I had an idea.

"The kids aren't going to be up for a late outing tonight, Jess," I said, coming around the corner to the doorway. "Why don't you go cheer on Owen and I'll get the kids to bed," I offered.

Jessica bit her lip, obviously liking the idea of a night out without the worry of keeping the kids happy, and possibly also being out with Owen by herself. She was considering it, so I just pushed it over the edge.

"I got this." I playfully winked at her and smiled out of Owen's line of vision, and threw her coat at her. She only hesitated one more moment before resigning to it and putting on her jacket.

"Alright," she said, looking Owen's way, "let's go then!"

I smiled to myself watching her walk out the door with him, playing it cool. She was starting to like the attention he was giving her, and I knew it because she was going along with everything. Normally, she'd nope right out of things like this. Her ass looked particularly tight in the jeans she wore, and it made me cock jump just a little as I thought about the certainty that Owen would steal glances at her throughout the evening.

I couldn't help but pull my cock out that evening when I was alone in the quietness of the house. Thinking of her out there with him was undeniably a turn on for me now, and in hindsight, I think it always was from the beginning. What were his intentions? Was he getting ideas about her, or was it completely innocent? If he had ideas, did he think she'd sneak around behind my back? All the uncertainties had me spilling and hot under the collar. I stroked my hardening cock thinking about her teasing and enticing him, and what might happen as a result. I wondered if he had a nice cock. Jessica was finished if he had any kind of dick prowess and she found out somehow.

Their return home was rather anticlimactic, as Jessica was quick to inform me that the team got walloped. Owen didn't seem too keen on conversation, so I figured he felt let down that they'd lost after he invited Jessica to the game.

She leaned in to whisper something to me. "It was a stinker," she said, looking sad for him. "And he didn't get any points either," she added.

"Oh wow," I answered, remembering he'd been having a cold streak lately. "Maybe he needs some inspiration."

"Yeah," she said, sighing, and snuggling into my side on the couch.

"So," I said to her, like a question. "How many guys were checking you out?" I chuckled and felt her hit me playfully once again.

"Oh shut it," she said, giggling. She threw a leg over mine and got in close, pressing her crotch against the side of my leg.

"Oh, so it was just Owen, then." I preemptively protected my side with a hand in anticipation, but she didn't hit me again. Instead, she pressed her crotch into me noticeably, while not acknowledging anything about what I said.

"Mmmm, I'm tired," she murmured softly, gently pressing into my leg. "Ready for bed?"

That was her way of avoiding something. Anytime she wanted bed at nine, it was to skip over a conversation or topic she didn't want to discuss.

"Sure," I answered, lifting her up and off of me by her waist and throwing her over my shoulder, causing her to giggle and shriek as I carried her to the bedroom.

We fucked long and slow that night. It must've lasted a full hour, and it was very intense. She was as wet and willing as ever, but noticeably quiet. I was fine with it, because whatever we needed to say to eachother could be said with our aroused sexes. She felt my love and approval through the end of my penis which reached deep into her vagina and kissed her cervix. I felt her love and acceptance in the soft clenching of her vaginal canal and the sweet moans from her mouth as she welcomed me inside her body over and over until I shot my pent up load deep within her.

Posts: 86
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:17 am

Re: Jessica's adventures

Unread post by Husband7 » Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:09 am

Jessica pulled a complete one eighty when the weekend came to an end. She went from that flirtatious and adventurous girl to a stone cold version of herself which she only reserved for dire occasions.

It started at breakfast on Monday morning, and by lunch there was no doubt that she had been doing some deep thinking that morning. She barely exchanged greetings with Owen, which had him visibly uncomfortable, given their rapport of late. I knew better than to question it, so I figured I'd ride it out for a few days and see where it went.

I suppose her goal was to shut things down on the Owen front. No doubt, she was experiencing some guilt and negative feelings around flirting with a young eighteen year old, and the reality of what she was doing hit her hard. The result of that kind of guilt for her was always to shut down and shut everyone out, and then center herself after sufficient time passed.

I felt bad for poor Owen, who had no clue what he was dealing with, and it wasn't like I could approach him with any words of affirmation, as everything that was happening was relatively unsaid. He because quiet and moody, rarely speaking to us, and only exchanged pleasantries when he had to.

We were two weeks into her dark mood and I was reaching my limit. But then, as quickly as her bad mood had set in, she suddenly switched back to her cheerful old self, spending the day showering me and the kids with affection and delicious meals.

It was a hockey night. Jessica was waiting at the door for us as I gathered up the kids and their winter stuff to head to the game.

"Coming?" She said with an enthusiasm that had been missing for what seemed like a month. She was nearly jumping up and down to get out the door.

I cocked an eyebrow at her, curious what made the change in her. "Uh, as much as we can," I said, laughing at the obscene amount of items I was carrying out.

"Game is starting," she half whined. She was unusually excited about game time, and although we had gone here and there over the past weeks, she hadn't been even close to this eager to go.

We got there halfway through the first period, and much to her dismay, Owen's team was down by three already. It wasn't a good start, and it wasn't sitting well with Jessica. But differing from the last few weeks, Owen was actually a firecracker out there. He was all over the place!

"Get it!" she said, in a sort of whisper-yell, and I wasn't sure she meant to say it out loud. When I hummed in agreement, she shot me a funny look, and then went back to watching.

The game panned out much the same way the previous five to ten games had; in a disappointing defeat. But on the upside, Owen got two goals, which had Jessica and the kids ecstatic. I saw him flash a smile our way after scoring the second one, which was something he didn't usually do.

Jessica kept her monthly date with her boyfriend that weekend, going to his place for an evening and then returning home for some reclamation sex with me. It was fun and felt amazing, but emotionally, something felt different. There was much less passion involved in the affair.

Things went on rather neutral for another two weeks or so, until one day I accidentally eavesdropped on a conversation I wasn't supposed to hear. I'd been outside working on assembling the new snowblower we purchased when Owen arrived home from a game. He was his usual quiet self, passing by me with only a "hey."

I must've been quiet when I came in through the garage, because their conversation didn't miss a beat. I was about to walk into the kitchen when something Jessica said made me stop dead in my tracks.

"Well, what I offered was a blowjob if you score a goal," she said with a lilt in her voice. "We didn't agree on anything for two goals so don't push your luck mister." She was clearly talking to Owen, and although I couldn't see either of them, I could deduce pretty easily that he was asking her to suck or fuck him, and she was putting up some playful resistance. My heart was beating in my throat and a drop of sweat was inching down my forehead while I strived to not make a single sound.

"Well what happens if I score a hat trick?" He asked her.

There was a pregnant pause where nobody said anything. I could barely take the tension.

Jessica's giggle broke the tension a bit. I heard feet shuffling, and then the unmistakable sound of kissing. They were making out in our kitchen just fifteen feet from where I stood. The balls on this kid were unbelievable. What would he have done if I had walked in right at that moment?

The sound of kissing went on for another minute or so, and then I heard that familiar moan from Jessica, indicating she was getting very turned on by whatever Owen was doing. And then she broke the kiss to say something to him.

"I'll tell you what, superstar," she said, gathering herself, "how about I swallow your load before the game and then you promise me you'll score?"

Her sluttiness was shining through in that moment, and I couldn't be more proud and turned on at the same time. My dick was instantly hard in my pants, and my heart soared. I knew it was very taboo, but I couldn't help be turned on by what was happening in my home only meters away.

"That's a pretty good offer," Owen said. "But what happens if I don't score?" He asked her.

"Hmmm, well I guess you don't get any of this before the next game," Jessica told him, a teasing note in her voice, which I knew meant she didn't mean what she said. She would absolutely blow him anyway, because there was something big she was getting out of whatever this arrangement was between them.

"You're gonna say no to this for a week?" He said to her, the cocky arrogance in his tone very apparent. Jessica didn't respond, and I assumed he'd taken his dick out of his sweats. I had to see what was happening. I crept to the dividing wall between the garage and kitchen and peeked in.

Jessica stood in front of Owen, looking up at him and biting her lower lip while she held his hardening cock in her right hand, slowly stroking him while they stared into each others eyes. The difference in height between them was remarkable. And the size of his dick was equally as impressive. It must've been seven inches in length, and with a slight upward curve, which was Jessica's favorite. She'd rave to me about the dicks she got to experience sometimes, and the ones she seemed to love the most were long ones with an upward curve that hit her g spot dead on.

Just when I thought Jessica was about to sink to her knees and blow him right there in our kitchen, she stuck his dick back into his sweat pants, and pulled them up and into place. His groan of disappointment was palpable. She snickered and gave him a peck on the lips before pulling her hands away from his waist.

"A deal's a deal," she said, stepping back from him. "I'll suck you off before every game, but you gotta hold up your end, mister!" She said, eyeing him with the naughtiest look he'd probably ever seen.

He groaned again. "You're killing me."

She giggled at his obvious desperation for something more. "I need to keep you motivated somehow," she said. "And don't forget, I never said anything about fucking. That's a line I'm just not willing to cross."

So they hadn't fucked yet. Maybe she'd cave, or maybe she wouldn't. I tended to believe that she couldn't have a dick in her mouth without eventually getting it into her pussy, but crazier things have happened.

Before getting caught spying, I figured it was time to make my quiet exit and then come back in through the front. I heard Jessica tell him to make himself scarce, so I slipped out the garage door again, as quiet as could be. I busied myself shovelling the sidewalk, and then ten minutes later I entered though the front door. Jessica was tidying the kitchen as if nothing was out of the ordinary, and if I hadn't seen what I'd seen, I would've never suspected a thing.

I decided in that moment not to let her know what I knew. I was more interested in seeing how this whole thing played out without my interference. Lord only knows that my knowledge of her illicit activities would just spook her and make her abandon all of it again. Then nobody would win.

Walking up behind her so she could hear me, I pressed hips into her bum kissed her on the back of the neck affectionately, causing her to giggle and try to worm her way out of my hold. I loved that she didn't pull away from me in any way despite the affairs she had going on with other men. Even Owen. It was one of the best things about her.

She fucked me well that night, and I could've sworn she was louder than usual. I wondered while she was riding me if she was doing it for Owen's benefit. Maybe she was teasing him and letting him know she was getting laid. Another reason I thought that she may be planning to give up her pussy to him eventually, but who could know for sure. Whatever it was, she was on fire. Her insides were nearly scalding my shaft, and I could feel her juices running down my balls.

I announced that I was cumming, expecting her to bear down on me and take my load deep inside her, but she surprised me by suddenly pulling off of me, exposing my dick to the cold air, and then sat back down on my thighs while gripping my cock in her fist. I groaned with sudden disappointment, my orgasm fading into nothingness, shooting only one small spurt of cum from my dick, which landed on her hand. She giggled excitedly when it hit her skin.

"What the fuck!" I said, moaning again at the ruined orgasm. This got another giggle from her. She smiled mischievously at me, stroking my overly sensitive dick and making my cry out.

"Like that trick?" She asked me.

"Uh, no!" I retorted with frustration.

"Ha!" She said, clearly relishing what she'd done to me. "That's for spying on me with Owen earlier."

She knew I was there. I suppose I should've known. Nothing got by Jessica. And my silence following her accusation confirmed she was right.

"I knew you were right there around that corner, mister, and I know you got hard watching me with him." She was dead on, and the self satisfaction on her face was very apparent. She was a little demon.

"So this," I said waving down at my still hard dick and blue balls, "this is for spying on you in my own house?" I asked her, both spite and mirth in my accusation.

She nodded gleefully, gushing at how successful her plan was and how much she was torturing the both of us. She squeezed my cock again in her hand one more time, and then jumped off of me. She grabbed her panties on the floor and slipped them back up her smooth legs and into place.

"You're actually going to leave me this way?" I asked, disbelieving.

She nodded and shot me that devilish grin. "Mhmm."

I lay there slack jawed while she slid into the bed beside me in just her panties, then sidled up next to me, planting her ass in my crotch. How did she expect me to go to sleep after that denial and with her ass in that thong right up against me?

I did eventually fall sleep, and she made good on her promise to not finish me off. To her credit, by all appearances, she didn't finish either. I wondered what game she was playing.

Posts: 86
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:17 am

Re: Jessica's adventures

Unread post by Husband7 » Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:41 am

"So, Owen, hey?"

The kids had just gone to bed and I had one of those rare moments alone with Jessica before we began our nightly clean up routine. I wanted to pick her brain on the Owen thing and find out where they were at. She eyed me suspiciously, as if unsure she should tell me anything.

"Mhmm," she murmured, looking back at the recipe book she was perusing.

"Oh, come on," I said with exasperation. She knew I wanted to know what was happening, and she was purposely teasing me.

She chuckled, still looking at her book. "What do you want to know?" She asked in that noncommittal way she did when she knew she had the upper hand.

I gently pushed the book down onto the table and forced her to make eye contact. She looked at me with both excitement and fear in her eyes.

"Is it because you know it's taboo?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

Her face took on a more serious look. She nodded her head. "It's so freaking wrong, Justin," she said, her face falling into her hands and a groan coming from her chest.

I answered before thinking about what I was saying. "Since when has that stopped you?"

She tossed her recipe book at me, narrowly missing my head. "Screw you!" She hollered, both laughing and in torment at the same time.

"Wrong by some standards, yes, but it's not that bad," I offered, trying to make her not best the burden of guilt so heavily. "Besides, he's eighteen, and you're only giving blowjobs, right?"

She blushed. She was having a hard time looking at me, but I seemed to break though once she saw that I wasn't upset or anything. "Yeah," she said meekly.

"And what do you get out of it?" I asked. She held eye contact for long moments before answering my question.

"It's helping him play better."

I shook my head. "No, I asked what you get out of it; not what he does," I said firmly, grabbing hold of her hand.

She turned a shade of red and finally opened her heart to me. "It turns me on so much that my blowjobs are helping him play better," she admitted with a husky tone of voice. Almost like she was getting wet right at that moment.

I rounded the corner of the kitchen island slowly, still staring into her eyes, and then slid my hand down the waistband of her sweats. She gasped at the intrusion, but offered no resistance. I ran my middle finger down the landing strip of pubic hair until I encountered her pussy lips, which were absolutely soaked with her hot juices. I dipped my finger gently into her honey hole, much to her pleasure, and then withdraw it just as slowly.

I brought my finger to my lips whole she still stared into my eyes, her breathing quickening as my finger touched my tongue.

"Has he tasted you yet?" I asked her, suspecting the answer would be no.

She shook her head slowly. "Not yet."

My eyebrows raised up playfully. "Oh, so maybe soon?" I asked her, savoring her tangy taste on my finger.

She giggled, shaking her head no. I knew she'd come to me for her relief for a time, but I also knew it was only a matter of time before he got to her if she kept fooling around with him.

Unfortunately, one of the kids woke up with a bad dream, so that effectively ended our small window of fun that evening. But on the brighter side, we now had some open communication about Owen.

We had an unusually busy March break. Whether it was hockey, the kids staying home from school and daycare, or the innumerable tasks around the house, there was very little time for fun. Months had passed since I discovered Jessica fooling around with Owen, and to my knowledge, things remained relatively the same between them. He assumed he was taking advantage of a slutty, cheating housewife, getting blowjobs whenever he wanted. And in turn, she got a thrill from their secretive little pre-game rendezvous. And to cap it all off, Owen was excelling in his game, and was one of the league's leading scorers.

Owen never behaved different around me after he and Jessica started messing around, which I found odd. He was always able to face me in any situation and make eye contact with me with no signs of distress. And to think, the guy had his dick in my wife's mouth on an almost daily basis. There were a few non game days when I would come home from work and greet her with a kiss, only to find she'd just had him in her mouth. She didn't admit it to me, because then she'd have to admit she wasn't just doing it to help him, but I could taste his cum and smell it on her breath.

It hurt a bit that she kept me out of the loop on these things. I always reminded her that she had a full hall pass and my blessing to do stuff with Owen. But for some reason, she still hid some things from me. She also had to know she wasn't completely fooling me, so I suspected going behind my back was doing something for her as well. She seemed to enjoy the whole cheating wife schtick that her and Owen were carrying on together.

Knowing it was all a game is what prevented me from getting butthurt about it. If I thought she didn't respect me as her husband, and that she was leaving me in the dark completely, I would come unglued. But she did involve me, despite having her little secrets here and there. And she always came back to me and made sure I got what I needed as well.

As winter was coming to an end, and the very beginnings of spring were starting to appear, Jessica began to loosen up a bit. She started leaving hints for me to be able to know when and where they were doing stuff so that I could be more involved. She also began to bring it up a lot in the bedroom so that we could both get off on it. She'd tease me by comparing my dick size to his, his stamina to mine, and raving about how his cum tasted better than anyone she'd ever been with.

Here and there I would see them together when arriving home, and rather than let them know I was wise to them, I'd just watch in secret as my cock grew hard and my heart rate sped up. I'd spy on them through the crack in Owen's bedroom door before his games, unbeknownst to him, but I was sure Jessica sensed my presence. Before too long, he grew more bold and began to request blowjobs from her everywhere. Gone were the days when it was just pre-game head; she had him in her mouth every chance she could manage.

I had to reprimand Jessica on one occasion, as we were all incredibly close to being caught doing something which would've had us answering some difficult questions. Jessica and I had taken the kids out to a fair with their grandparents, which happened to be beside the arena where Owen played hockey. I lost track of Jessica after the kids and I had gone through the haunted house, and couldn't find her in getting food either, which is what she said she'd be doing.

After ten minutes of waiting, I happened to spot her exiting a portable bathroom in a row of about ten of them. She looked guilty as hell. And then a moment later, cocky as ever, Owen exiting the same one. Nobody noticed except me, thankfully. I almost lost it on her, but she promised me a play by play later, and since I loved nothing more than her recounting of her time with other men, I let it slide.

Things seemed to quiet down somewhat after that incident, and I think Jessica sensed I was getting a little miffed about what was going on around me with too little involvement on my part.

Posts: 86
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:17 am

Re: Jessica's adventures

Unread post by Husband7 » Tue Mar 28, 2023 8:09 am

It was very early on a sunday in April, and something woke woke me from a deep sleep. I noticed Jessica was not beside me in bed. Peering at the alarm clock, I saw it was quarter to five in the morning. I rolled out of the bed and strolled into the bathroom to piss, but then I heard voices from down the hall towards the kitchen. I decided to eavesdrop again on the chance it was Jessica taking to Owen.

I couldn't make out much, but they were clearly talking about something interesting from that trademark lilt in her tone. I carefully crept out the bathroom door and down the hallway to spy on them. A small creak in the floorboards nearly made me die of a heart attack, but when the low voices continued, I figured I was in the clear.

From the same vantage point as last time, I spotted them in the kitchen. Owen sat in a kitchen chair with his sweat pants around his ankles, while Jessica straddled his midsection, by all appearances feeding him a breakfast of scrambled eggs. She was talking quietly to him while he chewed his food, every so often laughing at something he would say in between bites.

I couldn't bring myself to believe it, but it looked like they were fucking. Jessica wore only an oversized t-shirt, which spread out around her hips, and his pants and boxers were at his feet. What else could they be doing? Fucking and flirting while she fed him breakfast.

I caught her whisper. "Like that?" She said, smiling at him sexily. His groan of appreciation told me everything I needed to know. She was clenching on him while she sat atop him, and he was in heaven. My wife was having sex with an eighteen year old hockey player in my kitchen while I was supposed to be upstairs sleeping.

The familiarity they had was like a gut punch for me. They were comfortable enough together that they were leisurely multitasking sex and breakfast in our kitchen, and giggling like lovers while doing so. I watched in delicious agony as she fed him more eggs while they both enjoyed the luxurious sensations where their sexes were joined.

Also comfortable enough to risk having sexual intercourse in the kitchen right down the hall from our bedroom, and even though it was rather early, I think they severely underestimated how easy it was for me to hear them.

Jessica fed him one last bite of eggs, kissed him on the lips, and then set the plate down gently on the counter. She then gave all her focus and energy into beginning a slow rhythmic dance on his lap while his cock was nestled inside her. Owen's head fell back against the head of the chair while he enjoyed the sensations that her pussy gave him.

I reached down and felt my cock, which was hard as a rock, to my shame and dismay. But once again, I couldn't help but stroke it to the display before me. She was actually fucking him!

Jessica reached her arms over his strong shoulders and around his neck, leaning toward him for a sensual kiss while she fucked him. She suddenly broke the kiss after a minute or so, looking at the clock.

"Shit," she whispered to him, stopping her movements. He raised his head up to look at her.


"It's five thirty," she told him, panicked.

"It's okay, I can be a bit late," he whispered back to her, grabbing onto her hips to urge her on. She smiled back at him, once again pushing her hips into him and drawing him back into her over and over.

I watched them fuck as if the world was on hold for them both, just so into eachother that it was as if nobody else existed. He slapped her ass several times as she rode him, yet again displaying that familiarity they had, and getting little moans of pleasure from her.

"You feel amazing inside me," she said to him, still slowly and rhythmically riding him.

He suddenly began to tense up, the muscles in his legs flexing as his feet shifted on the kitchen floor. His head fell back against the chair again. Jessica sensed him nearing orgasm. "Mhmmm," she murmured, speeding up her rhythmic dance in his lap.

He let out a long, low moan, and Jessica's eyes and mouth flew open with delight and pleasure, feeling his orgasm inside her and watching the bliss on his face. She loved this part. It was almost enough to make her cum; just seeing her man riding the waves of the orgasm she gave him. She rode him through his orgasm and when he calmed and his body was no longer tense, she rested her bottom in his lap, giving him a gentle kiss on the lips.

"I really have to go," he said with a chuckle. She giggled, nodding in agreement and rising from his lap and then carefully moved back so he could get up. I knew I needed to get out of the hallway, but I needed to see if she'd made him wear a condom. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to see enough, and the long shirt she wore covered everything up.

Owen was up and dressed in what seemed like a millisecond, and was grabbing his bag to head out. Jessica followed him to the door and gave him a lingering kiss goodbye before he rushed out.

It was that moment I knew I should return to bed. I tiptoed back to our bedroom and closed the door as she had done earlier that morning. I slid under the covers and lay my head down while listening to her move around the kitchen, putting dishes in the sink and whatnot. No doubt cleaning up to hide any evidence of her early morning rendezvous.

About five minutes after Owen and left for practice, Jessica quietly crept into the bedroom again. I knew I wouldn't be able to pretend to be asleep this excited and still mostly hard, so I pretended to rouse form sleep.

"Hey," I said, groggily. "What's up?"

She swiveled around to face me, looking deliciously disheveled and content in her early morning get up and freshly fucked appearance. Hair flowing around her like a crown, long t-shirt complementing her shapely legs, and an aura of sex appeal that was at its pinnacle.

"Hey you," she quietly greeted me with a warm smile, not wanting to wake the kids in the next room. "Sleep well?" She asked me, slipping into bed beside me in her pajama shirt. I sensed a hint of guilt in her voice, but her warmth and affection were so sincere.

"Okay, I guess," I said, noting her nipples pressing against the fabric of the t-shirt and feeling my cock stirring again after going slightly soft. I was pretty sure she hadn't done anything to clean up from the sex she just had, so if he didn't use a condom, I knew I'd find a mess between her legs.

She turned toward me with her head on my pillow, and buried her face in my chest. I could tell she was having a hard time looking in my eyes, so hiding her eyes was easier. I heard her small voice muffled by the blanket.

"I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep."

She was giving me an excuse for being up early. I guess she didn't plan on telling me about her fuck session with our boarder. It hurt that she continued to hide her fling from me in so many ways, and especially painful that I didn't get to be a part of her turning such a big corner with him.

Rather than retreat into hard feelings, which downtimes felt like an easier road, I decided to play games right back at her and force her to come out of her shell. Plus, I imagined much of her hesitancy around Owen came from the taboo factor; that he was only a teenager and she was a stay at home mom in her thirties. I was the last person on the planet who would provide harsh judgement of her, and she had to know that.

I ran my right hand down her side, making her shiver, eventually resting it on her hip over the t-shirt. I felt her breath stop as I began to lift the hem of the shirt, until my palm rested against her soft warm skin. I think she must've been hoping that I'd go back to sleep when she cuddled up to me, but I had other more interesting plans for her.

My fingertips trailed down along her thigh, and then back up and over her hipbone, making her catch her breath. She was either on fire with arousal or extremely nervous. Whatever it was, she stayed silent and unmoving. So I kept inching slowly toward the prize between her legs.

My hand slid up her thigh again and this time I landed between her legs, brushing against her soft landing strip. Jessica kept her legs closed and didn't offer me access, so I decided to push the envelope a little more. Her breath caught in her throat when my hand suddenly worked between her thighs and my fingertips were right against the hot, wet opening of her pussy.

I felt her open her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. She knew she was about to be busted, and there was no point in trying to deny or avoid it anymore.

I stroked her gently, running my middle finger up and down along her slick, sloppy opening and gently fingering her clit.

"You're so wet," I whispered to her, making her clench her thighs around my hand and groan. I smiled to myself, knowing I was torturing her and turning her on at the same time. I dipped my middle finger in her, feeling a whole lot of liquid inside her, and then drew my hand out from between her legs. Her breath stopped again.

I brought my hand toward my face and looked at my middle finger which was coated in a creamy mixture of her cum and Owen's ejaculate.

She spoke before I could. "It's cum," she blurted out, further burying her face against me.

"Who's cum?" I asked her, a wry smile on my face that she couldn't see. I wanted to make her admit everything to me.

She let out a long sigh, her body absolutely plastered to mine. "Please don't hate me," she pleaded in the smallest voice. I remained still, holding my finger up and feeling juices dripping down my finger.

"What could possibly ever make me hate you?" I asked.

Another long sigh. "I woke up early and had sex with Owen," she said, keeping her face hidden.

"Hmmm," I said, hoping to hear more than what I already knew. "And?"

She was silent for long moments, trying to figure out what she should say. I could feel her heartbeat against my chest, and her soft, warm body desperately clinging to my own.

"He was just so relentless for so long," she began taking another breath to steady herself. "He just plain wore me down and all the resistance I had, and he couldn't just be content with blowjobs. And if I'm being completely honest, I couldn't either."

"I see," I said. I still was not offering her any olive branch, because I knew I hadn't heard it all yet.

"I know you're probably disappointed in me," she said with resignation. "It started out as me helping him get back on his game, and I swear to you, I had no intention of going this far with him."

This was my opportunity. "And how far is that?" I asked her pointedly. I then slid my cum covered hand back underneath the covers and back between those smooth, wet thighs. I nestled my finger once again into her hot opening, making a whimper of pleasure come from her lips.

"I've let him do everything to me," she said with a small moan. "For about a month or so now," she added. She didn't know what I knew, so I could tell she was being honest with me.

"Mhmm," I responded. "And what does everything include?"

I knew before she even admitted it that he'd had her ass. The level of comfort and familiarity they had from what I'd observed was such that I would've been very surprised to hear that there was any hole he hadn't claimed.

"Like everything," she said, a hint of a smile in her voice. She must have felt my hard cock against her stomach now by now, and she'd know that I was turned on by our conversation and by what I'd caught her doing. She continued when it was painfully obvious to her that I was desperate to hear it.

"He's had me in every position and in almost every corner of this house, and yes, he's had my ass too" she said chancing a quick peek up at my face to gauge my reaction.

I nodded, encouraging her to continue.

"The first time was after he scored that hat trick last month," she said. "Remember?"

I did remember, and nodded affirmatively, happy that she'd shared such a key detail with me. But I wondered how she'd managed that. She saw the question on my face.

"I drove him back to the house that night after you'd taken the boys back early for bed." Now I remembered, and that made a lot of sense. I never suspected a thing when they got back, as I fully expected Owen to be elated after scoring a hat trick anyway. Now I knew that his mood was also due to scoring with my wife.

"In the car?" I asked her.

She nodded, that naughty smile creeping back onto her face. "He didn't ask me for anything, but I was so proud of him and happy for him that I just couldn't help myself. We made out for a bit outside the house, and then I just decided he was going to have all of me," she said with confidence.

"You fucked him outside our house?" I asked incredulously. "Like, out there on the street?"

"I did," she said matter-of-factly. We lived on a quiet street, however, anyone could've seen them through the windows of the SUV. They weren't tinted in the front at all. "He got super hard, and he was still sweaty and hot from the game, and I was just so freaking horny."

"Wow." It was all I was able to muster. My dick was like an iron rod sticking into her belly, and she finally took hold of me while she continued to dirty talk to me and recount their affair. Meanwhile, I kept lazily fingering her sloppy pussy hole and thumbing her clit every minute or so.

"Do you want more?" She asked with a grin, while also opening her legs to give me better access to her. She stroked my cock and ran her fingernails gently up and down my length. It was excruciatingly good. I nodded for her to keep going.

She giggled. "I'm so, so relieved you don't hate me right now," she said before giving up more details. "We were making out heavy and I took his cock out of his sweats, and it was so freaking hard. I knew right then that I was going to have sex with him, but I didn't know where."

"Oh yeah?" I said. My breathing was picking up as my heart rate increased.

"Well, I knew once we came in the house it was over, and it's too freaking cold outside to do anything for any length of time." I shivered at her nails teasing the tip of my penis. "I stroked him for a minute while we made out, and then just took my pants off and straddled him."

"Was he surprised?" I asked, breathless.

"Actually, no," she said laughingly. "He was kind of cocky about it, and once he got in me, he really laid it on thick."

"Laid it on thick?" I asked, unsure what that meant.

"Well, he just got really cocky and arrogant about it," she explained, trying to find the words to convey it to me. She gripped my cock firmly in her hand. "He told me he knew I was going to cave and fuck him eventually. He really manhandled me even though I was the one on top. Slapped me around a little bit," she said, blushing. "But in a good way," she added. "A really, really good way."

I looked down at her beet red face, now fully blushing from the erotic memory of her first fuck with him. In that moment, I knew that he had a hold on her. Ever the confident and self assured woman, she always held all the cards with men; even the most dominant ones she'd been with. But this was different. I knew she was hooked and that she would do anything he wanted her to do, and that knowledge shook me a bit.

"You like him don't you?" I said, more of a statement than a question.

She looked up at me again. Her eyes were deep pools of desire and sexual arousal. She simply nodded in answer to what I said, confirming what I already knew.

"Is that okay?" She asked me.

I already knew my stance and so did she, so my answer wasn't all that necessary, but I gave it anyway.

"Will you always come back to me?" I asked.

"Always," she said, assuring me of her fidelity. Our own version of fidelity. I could handle anything so long as she didn't want to leave for someone else.

"Will you be honest with me in the future?" I asked, referring of course to her recent deception around being with Owen.

She shrunk back into my chest. I lightly fingered her still soaked vagina, savoring the exquisite feel of her. She was struggling with sharing her time with Owen more than any other tryst she'd ever had.

"Maybe," she murmured. She still hid from my eyes. "Most of the time." Her giggle told me she was playing, even though I suspect that this meant there were still things she was going to try to hide. I had a feeling that her encounters with Owen occured mostly in our home, and she didn't necessarily want me to spy on everything they did. Or maybe it was Owen who wanted me at a distance.

"So does he still think you're sneaking around behind my back?" I asked, very aware of the reality that despite my permission, she kind of was cheating behind my back already.

She nodded yes.

"And is that how we want to keep it?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe. I don't know how he would take it, and I don't know how it would change your relationship with him."

She had a point. He probably didn't understand kink the way we did, and telling him might result in some poor reactions. I also think he got a sick thrill out of the idea that he was pulling a faithful housewife and nailing her because he was irresistible to her. Which I suppose was also partially true.

"Probably best to keep the status quo the same," I said. I moved my fingers to her clit and began to massage alongside her clit, moving her towards a crashing orgasm that she so deserved after all the teasing she'd had. It didn't take long for her to cum. She promptly fell back into a deep sleep afterwards while I remained awake, listening to her steady breathing rhythm while I drifted off myself.

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Re: Jessica's adventures

Unread post by Husband7 » Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:04 am

Jessica made good on her word, and kept me in the loop as to most of what she was doing with Owen. I knew I wasn't privy to everything, but I was confident that between my own spying and her relaying details to me, that I knew a lot more than Owen suspected I did.

I never saw Jessica blush so much as she did when talking about the things that she and Owen got up to. Now that things were mostly out in the open with us, she shared so much more. Several weeks after I caught her servicing him in the kitchen, she shared something with me when we were clearing snow outside the house.

Something had triggered the memory for her, and she walked up to me and told me that Owen had developed a penchant for peeing on her. It had started when she'd take showers with him whenever I wasn't in the house. The intimacy of her showering with him twisted my stomach a little bit, but my dick wanted to hear more so I just listened.

She turned red after telling me this intimate detail. I could see that it was hard for her to share, and the intimacy of it was pretty intense. She further described how they usually wound up in the shower in the morning after I'd gone to work and the kids to daycare and school. She would wake him up with a morning blowjob or sex, and then they would hop in the shower.

I had to busy myself shovelling to keep from exploding in my pants and looking silly, while still listening intently to her story.

Three weeks prior, he'd asked to pee on her leg while they were showering and she figured why not. He let a stream of piss go all over her legs, and then gradually moving up to her abdomen and all over her pussy. She bit her lip telling me that part, letting me know that she liked it on some level.

Since that first time, it had become fairly regular, and he was now pissing all over her body, and not only in the shower. Her breasts, her face, and she'd even let him pee inside her in the shower once. He had morning piss wood one day and had joined her in the shower halfway through, surprising her. Before long, he was deep inside her and leisurely thrusting away while she held onto the shower handle. Out of the blue, he stopped and asked if he could let it loose inside. They'd come this far, so why not. She told him to go ahead.

She said it felt like nothing she'd experienced before, causing her to blush red again. She felt so warm and full inside. His pee gushed out after he pulled his dick out, splashing into the bathtub. Once he'd relieved his bladder, he then proceeded to relieve his balls, slipping back into her pussy yet again only to unload inside her with a pent up load.

Amazingly enough, she did not get a UTI afterwards, which was good she said, otherwise she may have wanted to stop the water sports altogether.

I asked her when was the last time he'd done it, and she shot me a shy smile, telling me the day before while she was showering in the morning before I got out of bed. This sent a shiver up my spine. Feelings around the intimacy they shared in my own house, feelings of arousal, and feelings of love for her. She was my dream come true.

I made myself get out of bed earlier in the mornings in hopes I would be able to spy their naughty activities sometimes. Owen was pretty aware of my presence, so for a time, he was on high alert whenever he heard me up and around. Jessica was having a hay day with two men vying for her attention, clearly eating it all up and enjoying the sex she was having from both of us.

I'd fallen asleep on the couch watching hockey one Saturday evening. Jessica had long since gone to bed to read, and Owen was at hockey. I woke up at some hour of the morning realizing I had passed out on the couch. Then I knew what had roused me from my sleep. I heard the steady rhythm of hips slapping against hips, and knew Owen was in our room fucking Jessica.

I didn't dare move a muscle. I wanted to listen for as long as I could. I took my cock out and began to stroke myself, getting rock hard and grinning at their attempt to fuck quietly. It sounded like he was drunk, as his voice was noticeably louder than hers whenever they would speak. She kept shushing him each time.

It wasn't long before I heard the rhythm stop and then a low guttural groan from Owen. He was no doubt on top of her, balls deep, spewing his load and bathing her insides with his cum. They lay there for several minutes, kissing and talking quietly. And then I heard Jessica get up to go clean up in the bathroom. In my peripheral vision, I saw her enter the bathroom, naked, and sit down on the toilet in the mirror reflection.

I was about to duck down to avoid her spotting me when I saw Owen enter the bathroom too. He stood in front of her, also naked, and let a stream of piss go, aiming his cock so that it was mostly going into the toilet between her legs, while some was definitely splashing on Jessica's abdomen and her pussy.

"Good aim, huh?" I heard him say to her in that signature cocky tone of his. She grinned back at him, clearly enjoying the special shower he was giving to her most private parts.

"You've gotten pretty good at hitting the target dead on with that," she said to him quietly, but loud enough that the bathroom echoed what they were saying.

His stream of piss seemingly went on forever, likely due to the excessive drinking he'd done that evening, and Jessica was absolutely loving it. I think if it had gone on much longer, she may have had an orgasm from the sensations on her clit. He was beginning to slow a bit, and then when it was almost down to drops, she suddenly leaned forward and took his dick in her mouth, sucking and swallowing the last stream of pee from the end of his penis.

"Mmmmm," she hummed around his dick while he stared down at the lewd display before him. She swallowed what was left, gave him a couple more sucks to clean him off, and then sat back and stuck her tongue out so he could see she had swallowed it all.

"Good girl," he said, praising her. She beamed, clearly happy that she'd done something that was so pleasing to him. I felt a pang if jealousy yet again at how incredibly close they were sexually, and how she was doing things with him she'd never even offered to do for me.

Owen checked on me while they made their way back to the bedroom, and thinking I was still asleep, he followed her back to bed. Only minutes later, I once again heard the telltale sound of her ass slapping into his hips as they fucked. I heard her muffled squeals as she orgasmed on his cock with her face buried in his neck. Sheets moved around a little, and then he must've entered her again, slamming into her and filling the house with the noise of their mating. They didn't even care about the noise anymore.

A full fifteen minutes later, Owen grunted and stopped moving, probably filling her pussy with yet another load of his seed. They both collapsed on the bed, exhausted after expending all their energy. I heard Jessica's soft voice telling him he needed to go to his own bed, and then the footsteps making their way down the hall.

I opted to play it up and continue sleeping on the couch for the night. I felt a bit embarassed having witnessed what I did, while just lying there on the couch jerking off while this stud completely owned every part of my wife. I knew I'd get over it with some shut eye, and would no doubt feel better about it in the morning anyhow.

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Re: Jessica's adventures

Unread post by Husband7 » Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:30 am

Jessica quit seeing her boyfriend a couple months after she started having sex with Owen. She didn't offer an explanation, but rather just told me it was over one day, and that was that. I figured she was getting all the excitement she and her pussy could handle with her new stud, who continued to keep her plenty busy.

I encouraged Jessica to find some part time work over the summer, which is what she typically did so we could bring in more cash while I took vacation. She started a part time job at a local coffee shop, working most week days and one weekend day evening on a fairly predictable schedule. That made going away camping for a week very tricky, which is something we loved to do. We just had to get creative with our schedules, however, I hadn't figured that one out yet.

Jessica had made a habit of attending a decent amount of Owen's games on her own. It worked out, because the kids couldn't always go, and we did like to show our support for him one way or another. I imagine the kind of support she was giving him was his favorite kind too. Owen's sex drive was through the roof, as was Jessica's, so I knew our SUV was being well used on a regular basis.

Whenever Jessica came to bed after a game, she'd play coy me with as if I didn't know she wasn't just outside getting worked over in our car, and I'd have to play fight with her and manhandle her to find the evidence. Which was usually a trickle of cum leaking down her thigh or a wet spot on her panties. Sometimes she would let me reclaim her, but there were other times when she would evade me and go to bed with his cum in her. Sometimes I think she just wanted the knowledge it was his cum that filled her and not a mixture of both of us.

Summer was around the corner, and that meant vacation, fire pits, innumerable hours spent on playgrounds with the kids, and oodles of free time for us to hang out and have fun as a family. Hockey was done for the season, and I knew Owen would be bored when he wasn't partaking in off season conditioning and working out with his buddies. Jessica was helping him find part time work, and I started teaching him how to DIY home renovations when he showed some interest in it.

August long weekend was next on our list, and I had a sneaky plan up my sleeve. I'd been watching Jessica slowly descend into madness for the last two weeks being deprived of alone time with Owen. They no longer had their hockey night dates, I was almost always in the house due to being on vacation from work, and she and I were both so busy with the kids schedules. By the end of July, she had started snapping at me, which was a byproduct of her not getting what she wanted.

She was getting laid regularly though. We were having more sex than we'd had for a long time, but there was an element missing. She wasn't up to her usual antics, and she wasn't carrying on with anyone else since she'd broke up with her other guy. Since she couldn't get access to Owen, I was the only outlet for her. She used my dick until there was just nothing left in me.

Our youngest had been having significant problems sleeping lately, and because of this, we'd set up video monitors in his room as well as the living room where he had his day naps. The living room monitor faced toward his mobile crib, and also included a shot of the entire living room and kitchen. Something clicked in my brain about a week prior to August long weekend.

If Jessica and Owen were somehow alone in the house for an extended period of time, it was a foregone conclusion that they'd be fucking like rabbits. And if I was lucky, I may be able to see what exactly they get up to when other eyes and ears aren't around. That is, of course, provided they spent time in the living room in view of the camera.

So with all of that in mind, I planned a long weekend for myself and the kids at my parents cabin at the lake. When I told them Jessica had to work, they seemed to be appeased with that answer, and did not pry any further. It took a few attempts to convince Jessica to miss out on the lake, but after pointing out that she worked Saturday, and that she needed a break from the kids, she agreed.

Owen insisted he had weekend party plans with his teammates, but I somehow knew that his plans would also include my willing and eager wife.

The Friday afternoon drive out to the lake was boring without Jessica. We usually took turns driving there, as it was a four hour drive and there wasn't any scenery to speak of. Without her, I found myself feeling pretty lonely. The kids slept most of the way there, but then talked my ear off for the last hour or so.

I checked the camera app on my phone, just out of curiosity, but of course, Jessica was at work all evening, and I'm sure Owen had better things to do than sit at home. I'd activated the motion alert option in the app so that I knew when someone was in the house, so I knew that when she got home I would know.

When the kids ran off to play in the backyard with my parents, I took the opportunity to call Jessica to check in and let her know we arrived. She was happy to hear from me, but sad she was missing out on August long with us. I reminded her that it was a good opportunity to recharge. I also hinted that she had other opportunities close by as well, which made her laugh.

"We'll see," she said, trying to be casual about it. "Unfortunately, I feel my period coming, so I'm feeling a little sorry for myself," she said in a more morose tone of voice.

"Break open that wine we got last weekend," I told her, hoping she'd loosen up a bit and have fun. She deserved it.

"Maybe." She sounded down and out, but I knew it was because she was stuck at work while everyone else was having fun. Once she got into her groove, she would be more than okay.

"Call later?" I said into the phone.

"Sure thing," she said. "Love you so much!"

"Love you too Jess," I told her before she hung up.

I spent the evening setting up a campfire for the kids, showing them how to throw kindling and newspapers on it to make the flames bigger. They had a lot of fun. Around nine, I got them into bed and chatted with my parents for a while before retiring to the spare room.

The first motion notification had come in when I was outside with my parents, and I was eager to check out the camera. I brought up the app on my phone and switched to the living room camera first. Owen must've been the one to come home and set off the motion sensor, as he was currently lounging on the couch watching something on tv. Then I saw someone else walking around the kitchen, and figured it was Jessica.

The person came more into view and I realized it wasn't Jessica at all. It was a young man, and he was holding two beers, bringing one over to Owen who still set reclined on the couch. I figured it must be one of Owen's teammates. I continued watching then for another minute, but since nothing was going on, I closed the app and messaged Jessica to see if she'd left work.

I felt kind of silly for spying on our home while being away. What was I doing out here? Was I really that voyeur guy who watched people? I liked to think I was a regular guy who did regular stuff, yet here I was, scheming and plotting to secretly watch my wife potentially have wild sex with another man. The guilt was hitting me hard.

Her text notification popped up on my phone, interrupting my thoughts. She said she was on her way home and couldn't wait to shower. I felt a bit disappointed that Owen had company, as that probably meant that Jessica would simply bypass them when she got home and go to bed. And then I wouldn't see anything. But maybe that was a good thing. I felt more silly with each moment that passed.

Posts: 86
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Re: Jessica's adventures

Unread post by Husband7 » Tue Mar 28, 2023 10:50 am

Sure enough, the motion sensor notified me and I brought up the camera. Jessica was coming in the door and the guys were looking her way and saying something. I turned on the sound and caught the tail end of Owen saying something to her, but I couldn't make anything out. She laughed at whatever he said and sauntered over toward our bathroom. I figured she was going to shower and go to bed, given it was already ten o'clock and she had to work again tomorrow.

I kept the camera app open on my phone and started getting ready for bed. I was brushing my teeth when I thought I heard Jessica's voice through my phone. I walked over to the bed to check, and saw that she'd come out of the shower and was dressed in black yoga pants and a tank top. She was getting something in the fridge. I saw that I had a message from her.

"So much better! Getting ready for bed soon. Owen has company over watching the game."

Another pang of guilt hit me. I was spying on my own wife. And for what? Apparently, nothing. I was about to turn the app off and jump into bed when I saw Jessica talking to the guys again. She began to say something to them, so I turned on sound again. I caught Jessica laughing, and then Owens voice.

"Well, he's not here right?" Owen said, chuckling, and getting a laugh out of Jessica as well. She seemed to be making up her mind about something for a few moments. Seeming to come a decision, she reached for her long wet hair, tying it up into a ponytail while she walked toward Owen. He rose up in his seat as she approached him.

They now had my full attention. Jessica knelt down in front of Owen and placed her hands on his knees, running them up his bare thighs to the leg of his shorts. Then she pulled her hands away and dug her phone out from the waistband of her yoga pants, beginning to type something. I checked my phone and saw she was sending me something.

"Can I be naughty tonight?"

My dick got hard in an instant. I felt a range of emotions in that moment and had a million questions, but I needed to see where this thing was going, and how in the world she was about to give Owen a blowjob in front of his friend. I carefully typed out a response.

"With Owen?"

I watched her read my message, pausing and chewing on her her bottom lip.


I thought it was odd she was asking permission. She never had before.

"Yeah, go for it!"

"Thanks baby! Love you!"

"Love you too! Have fun!"

She put her phone away in a hurry, once again resting her hands on his thighs.

"Say goodnight to hubby?" He teased.

"Don't poke fun," she said, looking slightly annoyed with his comment.

Owen put his hands up, snickering and saying something else under his breath. Jessica laughed again, clearly getting over her irritation quickly. She reached for the waistband of his shorts while he lifted his butt off the couch to assist her efforts.

I couldn't believe the friend was still sitting there on the couch about to watch this happen. He seemed completely undeterred by it. My heart rate began to speed up, as I felt like I was about to be thrown a curve ball of some sort, and felt both dread and intense anticipation as I watched the scene play out.

Jessica didn't waste much time, promptly taking hold of Owen's soft cock and placing her lips around it, beginning to slowly and gently suck on him. I could only really see her head moving around in his lap, but from experience, I knew what she was doing.

She looked absolutely gorgeous on her knees with her mouth full of cock. Weirdly enough, the guys seemed to be paying attention to the game on the tv rather than her. Pretty soon, Owen's cock rose to its full length, and Jessica was going to town on him. One moment he was watching the tv, and the next, his head fell back on the couch and he began to cum. I saw Jessica struggle to swallow his load while he shot into her mouth. After about ten seconds, she pulled her mouth off of him and cleaned up the last few drops from his dick.

"Thanks babe," he said to her. She proudly stuck her tongue out for him to inspect. "Good girl," he added, reaching down to smack her ass. She gushed at his praise, giving him a big smile. She then rose to her feet and fixed some stray hairs that came loose, tucking them back behind her ears.

I guess I thought things were going to wrap up after the blowjob, but when I saw Owen's buddy drop his shorts while she fixed her ponytail, I felt my jaw hit the floor. She smiled at the friend and moved toward him with a sexy sway in her hips.

"Ready?" She asked him rhetorically.

He certainly looked ready. He slid forward on the couch slightly to give her better access, revealing his dick was already at half mast, waving around as he moved. She knelt down in front of him and took hold of his cock in her hand and gave him a few slow strokes.

My cock lurched in my hand. I never imagined she was going to suck off the other guy too. The fact that I didn't know who this guy was made it even crazier. Did she even know who he was?

Jessica licked and sucked him with every bit of enthusiasm that she'd given to Owen, and before long he was also squirming in his seat. He tapped her on the head, asking her to slow down. She giggled, with the head of his cock just inside her mouth, and honoured his request by gently and slowly sucking on him for the next few minutes.

"Pardon?" She asked. I guess he'd muttered something quietly and she didn't hear. He repeated himself louder.

"Sit on it?" He asked bluntly.

Jessica didn't even hesitate. Getting to her feet, she pulled a condom out of the leg pocket of her leggings, quickly discarded the foil, and sheathed his boner with the condom.

Owen rose from the couch casually and made his way to the fridge, grabbing another beer and cracking the can open. He stood in the kitchen with his phone out and sipped his beer while Jessica started to remove her tank top and pants. She didn't wear a bra, so her perky breasts stood proudly on her chest, much to the delight of the guy who sat waiting in front of her. The last thing to go was her panties, which she lowered and kicked away with her right foot.

Jessica moved into his lap and straddled him, reaching down to place his boner between her abdomen and his, and flashed him a sexy smile.

"You're hotter than Owen let on," I heard him say through the phone speaker. Jessica giggled at the compliment. She noticed his gaze shift down to her breasts and looked down at herself.

"Wanna suck on them?" She asked him.

He nodded, and she moved her chest up toward him. He captured a nipple in his mouth and palmed her other breast with his left hand. She smiled at him while reaching down between their bodies and taking his rigid cock in her hand.

I was reeling. All of this was happening so fast and I could barely process one thing before another mind blowing thing would occur.

Without much further delay, Jessica lifted herself up, lined up his cock with her opening, and slowly and luxuriously sank down onto him. His groan of pleasure came through the phone as his mouth came off of her nipple. She giggled again, obviously loving his immense enjoyment of her body and the pleasure they were sharing.

I couldn't believe my Jessica was having sex with this kid on our couch. I felt sure that she'd never met him before, given his comment about her looks. Yet she had let him fuck her with such ease.

Owens voice rang through the phone mic. "She's fucking great hey?" He said to his buddy, returning to the living room with beer in hand.

"Oh man," his friend said, reeling from the great sex he was getting. Jessica rolled her hips against him steadily, sheathing and unsheathing his dick in her pussy over and over.

Owen walked over to the couple and stood behind Jessica. He wrapped her ponytail in his hand while she thrust against his friend and gently pulled her head back to look into her eyes for a moment. Then he kissed her on the lips a little roughly, and let her go. She simply returned to fucking the kid who remained hard as a rock inside her.

"Fuck, I need a break," the young man said, reaching out to stop her hips. "I gotta save some for later."

"Sure," she said, pulling herself up from his lap and sitting back down on his legs with his cock trapped between their bodies again. He let out a big breath. He must've been on the brink of orgasm.

"You feel fucking incredible." He was almost too quiet for me to hear, but I had the volume at max and could just make it out.

Jessica smiled warmly at his compliment. "My husband tells me that all the time," she said.

"Can't believe you do this stuff and have a husband," he said to her, shaking his head.

She shrugged. "He doesn't know I'm doing this, but I'm sure he'd love me even if he found out."

"Let's not test that theory," Owen interjected. He held a beer out to the guy, who was still fixated on my wife. "Jay?"

So his name was Jay. He took the beer from Owen and cracked it open.

Jessica rose up from his lap and plopped herself down on the couch beside him. Jay turned to her again, fingering her belly button and running his hand up and down her smooth stomach. Jessica reached over and peeled the condom off his still hard cock, tossing it behind the couch carelessly. They all shared a laugh.

"Have you ever done anal?" Jay asked her.

Jessica nodded affirmatively and smiled at him. "Uh huh."

He seemed to process that information for a moment, and then asked another question. "Can I see your asshole?" He asked tentatively.

"Sure," she said in a bubbly voice, getting up off the couch and standing with her back to Jay. She bent over at the waist slightly, pushing her delicious bottom out toward him, and reached back to spread her cheeks.

"Oh my fucking god," he said leaning toward her and staring at her ass and pussy. Jessica giggled at his amazement with her and gave her ass a little shake. "So fucking tight," he commented, running his free hand down over her ass crack and gently feeling around. Jessica didn't seem to mind his inspection at all, but rather seemed to like it, making little sounds as she felt his touch.

Jay then raised up his beer over her body, and slowly spilled the cold brew over her ass cheeks, making her jump and shriek in surprise at the cold shock. She gave him a what the fuck look, but he simply told her to turn around again, and for some reason she did as he said. Bending at the waist again and arching her back, she looked back to watch what he was doing. Jay poured the beer down her ass crack and over her pussy again, and then set the can down on the table beside him.

Jay leaned in and grabbed onto her ass cheeks, spreading then apart, and began to lick up and down along her ass and pussy, cleaning the beer off her cheeks, her asshole and her pussy. He was eating her so good, and Jessica just took it all.

After about five minutes, he leaned back and have her ass a light smack, signalling he was done eating her out, and she straightened up and walked across the room to grab her discarded panties. She slipped them on and walked to the kitchen to grab a drink without a word. I observed her pouring a glass of wine for herself and then going back to take a seat on Owen's lap. She slipped her wine happily while Owen commented on the game that the guys were once again fixated on.

Posts: 86
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:17 am

Re: Jessica's adventures

Unread post by Husband7 » Tue Mar 28, 2023 11:12 am

I put my phone onto the charger, as the battery had flashed low, and took a moment to collect my thoughts. I was concerned that she had two guys over while she was completely alone in the house and I was four hours away. But she was also a big girl, and she knew the risks. I had to think that if she thought she might be unsafe, she wouldn't have agreed to anything. She seemed every relaxed and at ease with them. And so far, they were treating her well.

My dick was still throbbing and aching for release. It had been a few days since I'd cum, and seeing Jessica in a threesome didn't lessen any of the tension for me. I didn't want to cum now though. The post nut clarity would be too much to handle while I was so far from her.

I went to the bathroom to take a piss and hopefully relieve some of that pressure and tension. I looked at my semi hard dick while aiming the stream into the toilet, and remembered the day I spied Owen pissing on Jessica. It was pretty intense even by our standards. Heck, she'd even swallowed some of his pee.

I never did let her know what I saw that night. It just felt too private, and like I was intruding on a private thing between them. Sure, it was my right as her husband, but some things were just better left unsaid. It also made me wonder what other things he'd done with her that I simply hadn't seen.

Getting back to the camera, I saw that they were all missing from the living room. I turned on the sound, hoping to hear them, but it was just silence. My first instinct was to worry, and I went to our chat to ask if she was okay, but then I second guessed it. I couldn't do anything that would tip her off that I was watching. She would figure it out and I'd be busted.

I waited about five minutes, nervously fidgeting, when I finally heard some voices. Owen and jay came into the living room carrying what appeared to be the mattress from our bedroom. The sheets were missing, but it was definitely ours. Jay went ahead and cleared the coffee table out of the way, moving it to the side of the room, and then they both placed the mattress on the floor in the middle of the room.

Satisfied with their work, off they went to the fridge to each get another beer. That's when Jessica reappeared in the living room in nothing but a pair of white thigh high stockings. Arms raised over her head tying her hair back once again, her beautiful naked breasts stood out to the camera, making my mouth water with desire. I spied her razor thin landing strip and the sparkling gold of her clit piercing as she walked toward the living room.

She draped a bed sheet over the mattress and flattened it out somewhat before laying down on her stomach and looking at her phone. I opened our chat and saw the chat bubbles again.

"Going to bed now. Love you so much!"

I guess technically she was in our bed. But I knew she wasn't about to to go sleep. My heart twisted in my chest a little, knowing she wss having all this fun while telling me she was going to bed. But I had to pretend I didn't know.

"Goodnight! Love you too!"

She tossed the phone onto the chair beside her after reading my message and then just watched what was on tv, while the guys sat on the couch drinking their beers and talking hockey.

Jay must've said something to Jessica that I couldn't make out, as she suddenly got to her knees on the mattress and looked his way. He said something else unintelligible, and she responded with a smile. Jay got up from the couch and walked to the mattress while shedding his shorts and t-shirt. Naked, he got onto his knees and had Jessica lie down on her back with her legs spread.

Jay moved in between her widespread legs, taking hold of his hard dick to line it up with her pussy hole, and then he paused.

"Condom?" He said, stopping to check whether she wanted him to use one. She hesitated for a moment, but then shook her head no. Jay leaned forward, placed the tip of his penis at her entrance, and slid right into her, exhaling with a sigh of pleasure once he felt her bare pussy around him.

Jessica moaned at the pleasurable intrusion as well, relishing the feel of a new bare cock in her vagina. She hooked her legs around his thighs, threw her arms over his shoulders, and hung onto him as he began a slow rhythm. I could just make out the shape of his cock as it thrust between her legs, penetrating her pussy over and over.

Jessica must've been really pent up, because it didn't take her long to orgasm on Jay's dick as he banged away inside her. She squealed in that signature Jessica way that she does when she's having that short but intense kind of orgasm. This did wonders for Jay's ego, a cocky smile spreading across his lips while he continued to assault her sensitive pussy.

I heard Owen's voice say something, and suddenly Jay stopped and pulled out of Jessica. Owen quickly jumped onto the mattress while shedding his own shorts, and Jessica happily welcomed him into her body with outstretched arms and legs spread wide for him. He quickly slid his impressive length into her, much to her pleasure, and began to fuck her.

Jay simply sat on the couch, naked, while Jessica and Owen kept themselves busy. He watched the sports highlights and sipped his beer. His dick remained half hard despite not being a part of the fun in front of him.

I furiously stroked my cock all the while, watching intently and hanging on every word that was said while the two young men took turns inside my wife, pleasuring her, making her cum, and having an all around good time. Jay even began to get a little rough with Jessica after round three, tossing her around like a rag doll on the mattress and pulling her ponytail hard when he had her in doggy style. Her little shrieks told me she was loving it.

The fourth time Owen got back in her, I could tell he wasn't going to last. She got on top of him and began to ride him with vigor, and before I knew it, he spewed his load inside her with a huge roar that filled the house and rang through my phone. Jessica gushed at how hard she'd made him cum, likely not having seen that sort of inhibition out of him prior to this.

Jessica lay prone on top of him for several minutes, milking the last remaining drops from his penis with her skillful movements and silky, tight vagina. Just as she was pushing herself upright, Jay grabbed her empty wineglass and moved over to place it beside the mattress. I watched with curiousity as to what he was doing.

I didn't have to wonder long. Jessica pulled herself up off of Owen, covered her pussy with her right hand, and carefully stepped off the mattress and over the wineglass. She squatted down over the glass and spread her lips open, allowing the massive load to spill out of her vagina and straight into the glass. Owen and Jay both clapped, cheering as she successfully filed the glass with the load Owen had just put inside her.

Once done, she set the glass on the coffee table and returned to the bed. Owen said something about being tapped out, and he went off to what I assume was his bedroom, leaving Jessica with Jay. Jay quickly moved in between her legs once again as she lay back and spread open for him, and he entered her.
"That's never gonna get old," he said after another long sigh. This made Jessica absolutely glow.

"You've got a great cock," she said to him, looking into his face while they fucked.

"Yeah?" He said, putting it to her with a steady rhythm that told me that this kid was seasoned. He knew what he was doing, and he could hold his load too.

They fucked that way for about another ten minutes. Jay began to grunt and thrust more aggressively into her, and not lost on Jessica, who had seen more men approach orgasm than most women on earth, she encouraged him and egged him on.

"Fuck yeah," she said, massaging his glutes and his sides with her hands.

"Where do you want it?" He asked.

"You can cum in me," she said, staring into his eyes.

He thrust into her steadily for another minute, then with one last thrust, buried himself as deep as he could get and three his head back in pure bliss. Jessica's eyes opened wide at the sensation of his load shooting into her, and she clamped her legs around his lower back and pulled him in while he came.

They kissed and cuddled as he recovered from his orgasm, Jay remaining inside her the whole time. They spoke too quietly for me to hear, but it looked like they were being pretty nice to eachother judging by all the smiling. Jay eventually pushed himself upright and pulled his softening cock out of her pussy. Jessica sat up and looked down to inspect the situation, seeing a large glob of sperm leak from her, which was also visible to the camera.

"You came like a gallon in me," she said, grinning at him.

He shrugged his shoulders. "What can I say? I'm a heavy cummer."

She laughed at his comment. "Uh, yeah, I'd say so," she said, looking down again at the mess between her legs. She scooped up a glob of his cum and brought it to her lips, sucking her fingers clean and tasting him for the first time.

"Your load tastes good too," she complimented him. She shot him a flirty look, pausing to cover her pussy again, and then got up to grab the wineglass. She squatted over it, opened her pussy up and let his load drip into the glass too. It was massive. It seemed to come out of her for a full half minute.

Getting up with glass in hand, she swirled the ejaculate around in the glass, and then raised it toward Jay.

"Bottoms up," she said, giggling. Jay raised his beer, and they both drank. Jessica swallowed their cum from the glass and placed it down on the coffee table.

"You're pretty badass," Jay said complimenting her while they sat naked together.

Jessica shrugged. "I'm a slut."

He nodded, acknowledging her. They talked about his budding hockey career for a bit, switching to sex stuff, and then back to hockey again. Jessica had been absently stroking his soft penis over the course of conversation, and I noticed it was now hard again.

Without even skipping a beat in their conversation, Jessica threw her leg over his body, straddled him, and guided his cock back into her pussy. Jay even continued to make whatever point he was making after she took him into her body, and tweaked her nipples gently while she rode him. He talked her ear off about his life and his long term goals while she massaged his shaft with her tight, wet hole.

I still hadn't cum yet. That was a win. I sat there in that room entranced by the sight of her creamy white bottom moving up and down over his midsection, and his dick disappearing into her over and over and over. She still wore the white stockings, which Jay raved about while they fucked.

Jessica rode Jay with a passion and energy I wouldn't think possible after the amount of dick she'd had that evening. She was really working for it, so when he finally announced he was going to cum, she was over the moon.

"In my pussy again," she said breathlessly, rolling her hips against him expertly. His hands squeezed her breasts and his eyes closed, letting Jessica know he was going to nut in her any second. His long groan signalled his orgasm and Jessica squealed with delight once again as he crushed his hips up against her crotch.

"Oh my fucking god!" She moaned. This triggered her own orgasm, and she arched her back as the waves coursed through her body. Their bodies melded together, joined by their sex, and joined in the pleasure of orgasm. Her butt cheeks flexed as she once again milked the last drops of sperm from his balls, fully satisfying him.

"Gosh you cum so much," she gushed, looking into his face.

"So I've heard," he said laughingly, and catching his breath from the intense screwing and orgasm.

"You're going to make my birth control work tonight," she told him, pushing herself upright and laying her palm against her abdomen while she looked down at where they were joined. Jay reached out and began to touch her body in his post orgasmic glow, running his fingertips over her sweaty body. He traced little circles around her nipples, ran his fingertips over her belly and down her landing strip, and then teased her clit piercing with his fingers, making her jump in surprise.

My cock was absolutely raw from jerking off and also just being erect for the last couple hours. I either needed to cum soon or I needed to turn off the video feed. I was torn, because I didn't want to turn the camera off and miss something. I still felt a bit nervous for her safety. She didn't know this guy, and although he seemed to be treating her very well, one could never be too careful.

Jessica and her young lover remained in the same position for a while, cuddling and talking while he still remained inside her. Jay casually explored her body with his hands, enjoying her to the fullest. Jessica loved to be touched during and after sex, so I'm sure he was earning big bonus points with her for that.

Jay said something to her that she didn't quite hear. "Mhmm?" She murmured, lost in the gentle caresses he was giving her.

He laughed. "I have to piss so bad," he said, clearly unhappy he had to leave this spot with her and leave her body.

"Ah," she said. "Nature calls." She moved slightly to get ready to pull off of him, but he trapped her by holding onto her hips, which made her giggle.

"I'll be back to hit it again" he promised her, grabbing a handful of her ass cheek and squeezing.

"I'm counting on it," she said, pulling a leg up and pushing off of him. I saw his semi hard dick flop onto his leg when she pulled off him. Jessica placed her hand over her pussy again, trapping his load inside while she moved to the mattress and flopped down on her back.

It was surreal watching this naked guy walking around inside my house. Even more surreal that I'd just watched him fuck my girl in several positions around our living room like she was his personal fuck toy. Even the time she attended the furry orgy didn't compare to this. She gave herself fully and completely to these two young studs, throwing caution to the wind.

Jessica stretched out her lithe body on the mattress, giving her sore muscles some TLC. After a much needed stretch, she spread her legs and pulled them back, reaching down to her crotch with her right hand and gently fingering her pussy. She gathered some cum on her fingertip and carefully brought it to her lips, licking the juices off and sucking it clean. She continued to touch herself and taste the cum leaking out of her while Jay relieved himself in the bathroom.

"Starting without me?" I heard him say as he walked back into view, his dick swinging side to side as he strolled toward her. I heard a little giggle from her, although I couldn't see her face anymore. Jay flopped down beside her, picking up where he left off, exploring her body with his hands as if she was the first and last woman he'd ever be with.

Jessica grabbed her phone from the chair, and lay back down again to enjoy his touch while she looked for something on her phone. After about a minute, she found what she'd been looking for, and held up the screen for him to see.

"Ever done this?" She asked him, passing the phone to him. He took the phone from her and watched whatever video was on for a minute before passing it back to her.

"Can't say that I have," he said. "Yet."

Jessica chuckled at his answer. "Me neither," she said. "Yet." She burst into laughter at having mirrored his answer. They watched the video together, which I gathered was some kind of porn, and gently fondled eachother while they looked at her phone.

I checked the clock, which read a little past one in the morning. They'd been at it for hours with no indication they were slowing down. I didn't know how much longer I could stage off blowing my load, and my procrastination was causing me some pain. I decided to relieve my bladder once again, feeling the pressure building up.

When I returned, I saw that Jessica was on all fours and was face down ass up for Jay, who I'm sure was loving the view while he pumped her and she pushed back into him, taking everything he had to give her.

Jay showed his dominant side when he had her in such a submissive position. He slapped her ass, grabbed her hips roughly while ramming into her, and even yanked on her ponytail as he repeatedly slammed his hips into her. He suddenly pulled out of her, causing her to whine at the sudden emptiness in her pussy, and got up to go somewhere. She asked where he was going, but I didn't hear his answer.

He came back into view holding one of the silk scarves from her closet. She smiled widely at him and then returned to her position with her chest against the mattress. Jay set the scarf down beside them and inserted himself back into her once again.

He wrapped her long ponytail around his hand and pulled her all the way up until her back pressed against his chest, and then reached for the scarf. He placed the scarf around her neck and then grabbed hold of either end, slowly letting her back down using the scarf to hold her steady. Slowly at first, he began to thrust into her while controlling her movements with the scarf, and then gradually increasing his intensity until he was banging her with ferocity.

Initially, I thought maybe he was too rough with her. But seeing Jessica take everything he had in stride and then smile as he did it, I knew she was going to be okay. Jay seemed determined to find her boundaries, and each time, Jessica would handle it and ask for more. Her sexual compatibility with Owen was amazing enough, but with Jay, I was almost convinced that he was bringing her to new levels that she hadn't known before.

He pounded relentlessly into Jessica, giving her orgasm after orgasm. With the scarf wrapped around her neck, he filled her pussy and satisfied her craving to be rough fucked. Jay finally announced his orgasm, and much to her delight, he pulled her body up and against his, buried himself deep inside her, and let loose with a roar of sexual pleasure and dominance over her. It was animalistic.

My cock ached with need for release and my heart ached with jealousy. It was hard being turned on while also feeling loss at the same time. It wasn't that I was losing my wife, but every time she had a sexual connection with another man, it felt like a potential connection she could be having with me. But she chose to do these things with other men as well as myself.

I still supported what she was doing, and I always would. But that didn't mean it was the easiest thing in the world. I still needed to feel a sexual connection to her, and watching her exhibit such magical compatibility with a relative stranger was sobering. We'd never had sex like that, and I don't know that we ever would. But war that okay? I mean, as long as we loved and cherished one another, it should be okay.

My thoughts had indeed sobered me up a bit, and I noted that my cock had softened somewhat. That did nothing to alleviate the feeling of blue balls, but I took it as a sign that I needed to pack it in for the night and not get myself off. The depressed feelings would be too overwhelming.

Jay had since left Jessica on the mattress, still in the same position. She looked utterly satiated and blissful, despite still having her back arched and ass up in the air. I could see her pussy in the camera, but couldn't make out any cum running from her. I wished I was home with her so I could at least clean her up and reclaim her. I wondered what she was feeling in that moment and whether she thought of me at all. I also wondered if she would ever tell me about this, because I knew that I would never tell her I knew.

Eventually, Jessica rose from the mattress and padded off to the bathroom. I assumed to clean up before she passed out. She and jay came back into the room together about five minutes later, Jessica still naked and holding a spare blanket from the closet, and they both climbed onto the mattress and lay down. When they passed out minutes later, I decided to just leave the camera app open and phone plugged in so that I could keep an eye on her if anything happened.

I was awoken at four thirty by the sound of voices. Instantly alert, I peered at the phone sitting on the night table. In the dim lighting, I could make out someone crawling on top of Jessica and peeling the blankets off her naked body. I concluded it was Owen, since Jay remained passed out on the other side of the mattress.

Groggy and tired, she murmured something intelligible to him while he spread her legs apart and reached for her womanhood. Her spoke quietly to her for a few moments while caressing her gently, and then positioned himself between her legs. Pulling his gym shorts down, he took hold of his hard dick, aimed it at her pussy hole and pushed inside her slowly, staying still when he bottomed out and letting her adjust to him. I heard her wince at the intrusion, likely sore and not wet enough to accept him with ease. But what was quickly replaced by her little moans of pleasure as she stretched around him and began to enjoy the sensations.

Owen took hold of her wrists and held them above her head while his hips went to work between her thighs, driving his long cock in and out of her pussy. He looked into her eyes while their fingers intertwined and their sexes meshed together once again.

They fucked for about five minutes before his body stiffened and his hips went still against hers. I assumed she didn't cum, but it was obvious he had dropped his load in her. They were whispering back and forth to eachother for about a minute, obviously trying to not wake up Jay.

Not long after he'd finished in her, he got up unceremoniously, gave her an affectionate smack on her ass, and strolled back to his room. Jessica simply rolled over and pulled the blanket back over herself, going back to sleep.

Jessica had told me about her free use kink before, but had never made it happen for herself to my knowledge. I now realized, even in my sleep deprived and orgasm deprived stupor, that she must have set this whole thing in motion to satisfy that kink. After all, these two studs had most certainly been using her at their whims for the entire evening and morning with no words or protest from her. It turned me on that she finally made it happenz and clearly it had worked out well. I nodded off to sleep again dreaming of her and how incredibly uninhibited she was.

Posts: 86
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:17 am

Re: Jessica's adventures

Unread post by Husband7 » Wed Mar 29, 2023 9:25 am

It was eight thirty in the morning when I roused from sleep again. Checking the camera, I saw a motion sensor notification, and then saw that Jessica had already woke up and was busy getting herself ready for work. She wore a pair of tight black jeans and a cute white top with her hair pulled back and tied in a long braid. She buzzed around the kitchen cleaning up and getting her tea thermos and lunch packed while Jay snored away on the mattress. Owen must've still been in bed.

I saw a nice good morning text from her on my phone wishing me a good morning and asking how the boys were, but nothing else about her night. Not that I expected anything else, but I think my heart wanted it regardless.

She said something to Jay when she was on her way to the door and his head popped over the backrest of the couch. They exchanged some words, and then I remembered the sound was off. I turned it on to listen, but was too late, as she was just telling him she'd be back around four.

I heard the boys waking up my parents, so I knew it was time to get myself out of bed too and turn off that damn camera app. Heck, I'd probably had the thing on for a full half day at this point. I wondered what the night would bring. The guys were still in the house and she'd informed Jay when she would be getting off work. Did that mean he would wait at the house for round two? I felt my dick hardening in my pants as I thought about the possibility.

I spent the day keeping busy entertaining the boys and it helped me keep my mind off of Jessica. It felt good to think about her, but it was also anxiety inducing. The boys enjoyed all the activities my parents had got them, but most of all, they were thrilled about the boat ride across the lake and all the treasures they found in the beach. For my part, I found it soothing to skip rocks along the water and count how many skips I could manage. I think my record was twelve.

I checked the camera again mid afternoon and saw that the guys were, in fact, still in the house. They were lounging on the couch in what appeared to be a deeply hungover state, watching movies. I turned off the app and returned to my rock skipping challenge.

A notification at quarter to five made my heart skip a beat, realizing it had to be Jessica getting home. We'd texted on and off during the day, and she'd called on her lunch break to talk to me and the boys. Her last message was at four o'clock when she finished work, letting me know she was heading home and that she missed me and the boys.

I opened my camera app and saw her busy once again in the kitchen while the guys seemingly hadn't moved from the same spot on the couch. Jessica seemed to be cooking something at the stove and brewing coffee. She finished whatever she was making and then headed off to the bathroom, saying something to the guys on her way there.

I sat on the lawn chair and made myself comfortable, glancing back at the house quickly to make sure the boys were still okay with my parents. They were busy planting a garden together while my dad barbequed hot dogs, so I knew that would occupy them for the next while.

Jessica came back into view with a towel wrapped around her body and hair up, having just finished her shower. I turned the sound to listen in. She grabbed a plate and went to the stove, filling it up with a variety of things she'd prepared, and then sauntered over to where the two guys were lounging. She stood beside the couch wolfing down her food while they all talked about something I couldn't quite hear.

Owen had been eyeing up Jessica since she came out of the shower. He motioned something to her and then dropped his gym shorts, causing his hard and obnoxiously long cock to spring back and slap his stomach. Jessica stepped over his outstretched legs, gently setting her plate on the table beside him, and then climbed up into his lap. Without any foreplay or discussion, she reached between them to guide him inside her. His head fell back at the pleasurable sensation as he felt her soft insides envelope him. Once settled in his lap, she grabbed her plate and began to eat her food again, sharing bites with Owen here and there.

Jessica carried on conversation with both of them while she sat perched in Owen's lap. Eventually tiring of the towel around her body, she pulled it off and tossed it aside carelessly. It sounded like they were discussing plans for the evening, but I couldn't be sure due to not hearing much of the conversation. Jessica finally finished her food and reached for her phone. My heart skipped a beat, hoping she was going to say hi or tell me about her day.

Sure enough a message came in. Before reading it, I observed her, just casually sitting there with a seven or eight inch dick up inside, arms around his neck and breasts pressed against his chest as she typed messages into her phone. It made me wonder how many other times I'd obliviously conversed with her on the phone while she was full of someone else's dick.

I checked my phone to see what she said.

"Hey baby, how was your day? How are the boys?"

"Pretty good! How's yours going? Boys are having a blast."

"Awesome! Happy to hear it. Work was brutal today, but nice to be home to relax now."

I went back to the camera app and saw that she was actively fucking Owen now, rolling her hips against him while still holding her phone behind his head and texting me. My wife was a woman of many talents. I suddenly had the urge to mess with her.

"I miss you a lot. Send me a selfie!"

Reverting to the camera, I watched her reaction. She read my message, but she didn't skip a beat, continuing to fuck Owen while he ran his hands up and down her sides and over her ass and breasts. But after a minute or so, she said something in his ear, and her hips stopped. She must have brought up her camera app, because I could see her check her facial expression and fix a loose lock of hair. And then she moved her head a little bit to the side so he wasn't in the frame and snapped a photo.

I checked my messages, and sure enough, there was the selfie. It was just from her neck up, and the caption read "just starting my workout." I actually laughed at the unintended double meaning behind her words. Did she realize the double meaning when she said it to me? I couldn't know for sure. She had to know that I knew she was getting her brains fucked out while I was away.

"Have fun! Don't wear yourself out!"

I watched her react to my last message. A wide smile spread across her face as she typed a response.

"Mmmm, well get your butt home before Owen does."

My dick was hard in an instant and my mind on fire with jealousy. She sat atop his big dick right at that moment, teasing me about missing out on her pussy.

"Are you fucking him?"

She smirked again, giggling to herself as her body rocked gently with the motion of their coupling.

"Maybe. Maybe not 😈"

We chatted back and forth for a few minutes while I covertly watched her fuck him, and then she signed off saying she had to go. I knew that was code for "I need to cum." Not too long after, her body convulsed against him and she creamed on his dick. Her whimpers of pleasure rang through the house and into my phone. It was unbelievably hot watching her cum while filled up with his young cock.

Interestingly enough, Owen didn't finish while she rode him. He was getting close, and then he suddenly lifted her body by her waist and dropped her into the couch beside him.

"I'm gonna save that load for later," he said with that cocky drawl he used when he knew he was in charge. His cock glistened with her juices in the light from the window, bobbing in his lap in an almost comical way as he talked to Jessica about something. When they talked away from the camera, it was difficult at times to hear what they were saying.

Posts: 86
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:17 am

Re: Jessica's adventures

Unread post by Husband7 » Wed Mar 29, 2023 10:41 am

Jessica video called the kids to say goodnight at eight o'clock, and then we chatted for a bit after. She looked gorgeous in the loose fitting crop top she wore, which really showed off her perfect midriff and her unbelievably sexy belly. Motherhood had given Jessica these amazing curves. She rocked her mom bod with such confidence and made her curves work for her. Just the sight of her slight baby belly over the waist of her jeans was enough to get me going.

It also wasn't lost on me that she had her belly button ring in, which was something she usually did when she going out dancing with her girls. She told me she missed me and had some special stories for me when I got back from the lake.

After we hung up, I took a peek at the camera to see what was happening in the house, and it came up just as she was grabbing a joint from our secret jar on the top cupboard and heading outside. I was surprised to see she was getting high, and it made me curious what she had planned.

A notification came in a half hour later. I brought up the camera again, and this time I saw Jessica laying on her back on the mattress and doing something on her phone. I was confused when I saw several men standing in the kitchen with beers in hand, but then I quickly recognized Owen and Jay in the group of five. They all looked to be hockey player types with the exception of one guy, who looked older and a bit overweight. Unlike the others, he had a big bushy beard and had a redneck look about him.

I was so tempted to message her and ask what the hell was going on, but my better judgement won out. I reminded myself she was a big girl and could handle herself. After all, she'd been doing it for this long without my interference and was still alive and well. I just couldn't help but feel worried someone would take advantage of her accommodating and easy going ways someday.

I watched them socialize for about five minutes, and then the bearded man walked over to where Jessica was sitting and said something to her. I turned on the sound. I wasn't entirely sure what he was asking her initially, but when he sat down on the couch and started to cut lines of coke on the coffee table, I deduced that he had asked her to do some with him.

My stomach felt uneasy when I realized cocaine was on the menu and that by all appearances, Jessica was keen on participating. She knelt down by the table and quickly snorted a line after bearded guy did a couple himself. Then he grabbed her by the waist, making her squeal in surprise, and pulled her into his lap. She sat perched in his lap for several minutes, snorting a line off the table every so often. Every time she bent over the table, he would start to feel her up. It started with his hands resting on her jean clad hips, then to him running his hands over her ass and lower back, and finally he'd gotten bold enough to reach up inside her crop top and cup her breasts.

Jessica didn't protest to his advances at all, seemingly quite content with this overweight man groping her while she got high. When she felt his hands on her breasts, she cocked her head to look back at him and gave him a flirty smile.

I felt like I was outside my body watching what was happening. I sat alone in my parents spare room while I spied on my slutty wife doing drugs and seemingly getting ready to be gang banged by some dudes she barely knew. Along with Owen and Jay, of course. And what was this unattractive bearded man doing in our house with his hands up her shirt while she flirted and carried on with him? Who was he? The questions radiated through my mind as my dick began to get hard at the depravity of it all.

Eventually, bearded guy needed to get up from the couch, giving Jessica a gentle swat on the ass to let her know to move off him. He sauntered off the kitchen, adjusting himself as he walked and getting a cackle from the other guys. He must have been walking towards them with a boner from having Jessica's bottom in his lap for ten minutes.

Jessica joined the guys for a beer as well. I watched her shotgun the beer, getting huge cheers and hollers from the men and making a significant mess on the floor. Then she sauntered over to the bed again with a sexy sway in her hips, looking absolutely mesmerizing in her sexy outfit. She lifted the crop top over her head and tossed it to the side, falling down on her back on the mattress.

It took a minute, but bearded guy was the first to follow her. He leaned over her outstretched body and said something to her that I couldn't hear, making her giggle. His knees went to the floor in front of her, spreading her legs slightly while he moved his body closer to her. He leaned over her and began to gently suck on her nipples, alternating back and forth between them to the sound of her sighs. It was obvious she was enjoying the attention from him.

Bearded man pulled his mouth away from her breasts momentarily to unsnap her jeans and painstakingly peel them off her hips and legs. She raised her bottom off the bed to help him, assisting him in getting her jeans and thong panties off. He took a moment to admire her body, and then took out his vial of cocaine and began sprinkling some right over her landing strip, while she closed her eyes and gently messaged her breasts.

He cut some lines on her smooth skin and one by one he started to snort them off of her body. He eventually invited one of the other guys I didn't recognize to partake, and he knelt down between Jessica's legs, taking a turn as well. The next half hour was just all four of them snorting cocaine off different areas on her body. Bearded guy even sprinkled some on her nipples and then sucked it off of her, much to her delight.

It didn't take long for the five men to begin shedding their clothes as well. Bearded guy took off his shorts and t-shirt, revealing a big gut and hairy body. His cock made up for it through, as I could clearly see he was well endowed underneath that gut of his. He made a line of coke along his cock, holding it steady, and gestured to Jessica to come over. She smiled and walked over to him, dropping to her knees and inspecting his dick. Then she snorted the line of coke off his shaft, giggling afterwards as he waved it around in her face. She took hold of him and placed her lips around him, sucking gently on his cock while staring up at him.

This went on for several minutes before bearded guy had enough. "I need a crack at that pussy," he said, gesturing toward the mattress.

"How do you want me?" Jessica asked him, getting to her feet. He gestured again, muttering something I couldn't make out. She obediently moved herself onto the mattress on her back, seductively spreading her legs for him. He moved his fat body in between her thighs, leaning over to take another mouthful of each breast.

I watched the action on my phone intently as the man began to slide the head of his cock along her pussy lips, getting himself wet with her juices while he continued to suck of her nipples. And then in one swift movement, he impaled her with his penis, slipping his full length into her. Jessica gasped at his forceful entry. She was surprised by his size, but quickly adjusted and began to enjoy him after a few well timed thrusts into her.

It bugged me that she wasn't making these guys use condoms. She was supposed to be safe in these scenarios, but she was clearly losing sight of the potential dangers in the heat of the moment.

"Mmmm, big boy," she said, praising his size and ability to fuck her. She ran her hands over his hairy body as he filled her pussy with his manhood. I could hear the sound of his hips smacking into hers mixed in with his grunts.

"God damn," he said, shaking his head. "You weren't kidding." He looked over at Owen, who sat reclined on the couch.

"Yeah she's pretty fucking great isn't she?" He said to his buddy.

"Best pussy I've had in a while," he said, turning his attention back to Jessica, who beamed with pride at their praise.

He fucked Jessica with surprising stamina for about ten minutes, working up a sweat. I could actually see the sweat dampening the generous amount of back hair he had. Jessica came on his dick twice, evidently loving what he was doing to her. He banged away between her widespread thighs until he was ready to cum, and with a loud grunt, he pulled out of her pussy and moved himself up to her face and aiming his cock at her open mouth. Long jets of cum shot out of the end of his dick, hitting her lips, her hair, and the bed sheet behind her.
"Holy shit," she said, in awe of the size of his load and how forcefully it was hitting her.

The guys all had a laugh as they watched her get bathed in this guys cum load. It seemed like he came on her face and in her mouth for over a minute. Once he was done, he thanked her by smacking the inside of her thigh, and got up and headed for the kitchen to get a drink. Jessica lay there for a few moments gathering rivulets of him cum on her finger and swallowing his load.

"Next time," she started, lifting her head off the mattress to call out to him, "you're gonna shoot that load in me, right?" He chuckled at her question, nodding his head affirmatively.

Posts: 86
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:17 am

Re: Jessica's adventures

Unread post by Husband7 » Wed Mar 29, 2023 10:58 am

Jessica got up, telling the guys she was heading to the bathroom to clean up a bit and she'd be back shortly. Owen took that as a good opportunity to go do some shots, and he began pouring shot glasses full of whiskey for everyone. A message came in from Jessica not too long after she went into the bathroom.

"How's my number one man?"

My heart fluttered at her words. I always needed to be reminded of her love for me when she was doing intimate things with other men.

"I'm pretty good. Just relaxing with a movie."

"Oh what movie?"

"Debbie does Dallas."


"How's your night?"

There was a long pause.

"I just had sex."

"Oh yeah? With who?"

"Would you be mad if I told you it was a stranger?"


"On what? 😳"

"Were you safe?"

Another long pause.

"I wasn't very safe 😬"

"Bad girl"

"I'm such a slut aren't I?"

"You really are. But I love you anyway."

"I would die if you stopped loving me."

"That'll never happen."

"I love you! Have to go now. Ttys love."

I was surprised she was telling me the truth about what she was doing, even if it wasn't the whole truth.

I made myself a coffee after my conversation with Jessica, needing something to sooth my nerves. When I returned to the couch, I saw that they were still doing shots and goofing around naked in the kitchen. I was pretty surprised how a group of guys like this was so comfortable with no clothes on. Owen and another guy were poking fun at the bearded guy his gut being too big to see his dick.

He shrugged, taking a swig of beer. "The women seem to love it, so I guess it doesn't matter if I can't see it."

Jessica reappeared in the frame, wearing her white thigh highs and a garter belt. Her hair was tied up in a pony tail. She looked absolutely stunning and delectable. She walked casually into the living room, gently fingering her pussy lips as she walked across the room, shooting a look toward the kitchen full of men.

Jay took the cue and moved toward her. He pulled her against his body and grabbed a handful of her ass cheek, squeezing and kneading her. He gently moved her backwards to the edge of the mattress and then pushed her backwards onto it. He knelt down and spread her legs, leaning in to taste her skin. He licked and sucked every inch of her before finally zeroing in on her pussy and asshole. Jay clearly loved to eat her out and she loved him doing it.

Jay pushed her legs back until her knees pressed against her breasts and ran his tongue from her asshole all the way up to her belly button. He must've done it a dozen times, making Jessica moan was pleasure. And then he began solely focusing on her clit, making her cum in under a minute. She screamed out and held his head against her while she orgasmed on his face.

After recovering, she pulled him up and kissed him. They made out for a few minutes while he gently stroked her body. Jay whispered something to her, inaudible to me, and Jessica nodded her head eagerly. Jay got up from the mattress and went to grab something from a bag beside the door. He came back to her, his dick swinging obscenely between his legs as he walked, and flopped down beside her again. They talked about whatever he had brought over, and then Jessica moved onto her back, lifting her knees up to her chest again.

Jay knelt down in front of her and poured some clear lube onto his hand, and then began to stroke his cock with it, getting it all wet. And then he began to spread the lube around her asshole and pussy, getting a moan out of Jessica as he stroked her most private parts. He started out just fingering her asshole for a minute, getting her used to it having something there, and then grabbed hold of his cock.

"Ready?" He asked her quietly. She nodded her head eagerly again, smiling at him encouragingly. Jay leaned forward and pressed the head of his dick against her asshole, ever so slowly entering her. He pushed about half way in and stopped to give her time to adjust to him. After whispering to eachother for another minute, he let his hips go forward yet again, burying every inch up inside her and making her whimper in pleasure and pain.

"How's that?' he asked as he looked down into her face while his hips were pressed into her body.

"Feels perfect," she answered, running her hands along his torso. "You've been wanting to do this since yesterday haven't you?"

Jessica loved to fish for compliments during sex. She did it with me and she did it with other men as well. She'd ask questions she already knew the answer to in order to stroke her ego, and I was here for it. She was very giving during sex, so offering her some praise was a small gesture that went a long way.

Jay grinned. "Guilty," he said, slowly beginning to move in and out of her body. Her little gasps at the end of each stroke were egging him on big time.

"Don't cum in my ass," she said to him suddenly.


She shook her head, chuckling. "Nobody here, including myself, needs to experience the fallout from an anal creampie."

He nodded his head, understanding what she meant.

"Feel free to finish in my pussy though," she offered.

"That's a pretty good offer," he said. Jay continued to own her ass for the next five or so minutes. He even moved her into doggy style and entered her again in that position. She took his big dick like a champ.

"Alright I gotta quit it or I'm gonna nut," Jay said, pulling slowly out of her stretched asshole and giving her ass a gentle slap.

Jessica laughed and wiggled her ass at him. "Too much for your hey?" She teased.

"So tight," he said, moving off the mattress and heading to the bathroom to clean up.

Jessica remained face down and ass up on the bed after Jay left, and one of the new guys who I didn't know took this as his invitation. He was on the short side in comparison to the others, but where he lacked in height, he definitely made up for in physique. He looked to be in great shape. He'd been stroking his dick as he watched Jay fuck Jessica's ass, so it was hard as steel, sticking out straight with a slight upward curve to it.

He climbed onto the mattress behind Jessica and moved up behind her. She peered back to see who it was, and after seeing him crawling up behind her with his dick swinging in front of him, she gave him a welcoming smile and wiggled her hips at him.

"Hey you," she said as he began to run his hands over the smooth skin of her ass and thighs.

"Hey you," he greeted her, seeming to have a French accent. He enjoyed her body for a minute, groping and grabbing her all over. He pulled her body up against him, anchoring her to him with his strong arms and core. She purred at the assertiveness he was demonstrating as he palmed her breasts and licked and kissed the skin around her neck and ears.

"You taste good," he murmured in his French accent.

"Mmmm," she purred, enjoying the intimate touch. "You should get inside me," she told him, falling forward on all fours and pushing her ass out toward him and pressing her chest against the bed.

He lined up his cock with her opening and gently pushed inside her. Jessica groaned with pleasure at the feel of him stretching her. I watched this biceps and pecs flexing as he began pumping into her while he held onto her hips firmly. It was extremely erotic seeing her taken by this muscled young guy who looked like he could snap her in two without any effort. She looked diminutive and submissive underneath him. It drove me wild with jealousy and lust.

He sure knew how to man handle her with the perfect mix of rough and tender. Each time his hips drove his cock into her depths, her ass and her breasts would shake, causing a small whimper from her throat. He was really and truly owning her pussy in every way a man could while fucking a woman.

When he'd reached the point of no return, he didn't ask permission to cum in her. He simply grunted aloud and gripped her hips tightly and then sealed his hips against her body with one last forceful thrust, and then let loose a torrent of his seed inside her. Jessica threw her head back in bliss at the feeling of his ejaculation inside her, and they both rode out their orgasms together.

He dismounted after about a minute, his dick making an audible plop that I heard through the camera. He and Jessica laughed at the noise her pussy made, and she quickly moved to sit on her bottom with her legs spread wide. They watched together as his creamy load began to leak from her well fucked hole. Jessica reached down and scooped up a bit glob of cum and brought it to her mouth, tasting him.

"Nice load," she said cleaning off her fingers and swallowing him. She shot him a flirty smile after she finished, and then fell onto her back on the bed, exhausted and needing a break.

Posts: 86
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Re: Jessica's adventures

Unread post by Husband7 » Wed Mar 29, 2023 11:15 am

Jessica relaxed and conversed with the group of guys for only a couple minutes before the last guy couldn't wait any longer and moved in between her legs as she lay on her back talking to Jay. She only paused momentarily to see who it was between her legs before continuing to talk with Jay. He entered her in one smooth thrust, as she was well lubricated from the previous guy's load. He pumped away at her, seeming content to bang her while she carried on with the others.

Jay was asking Jessica how she managed to be a wife and mom while also carrying on with other men so much. Jessica was explaining to him that she lives a life of balance, and has worked hard to please all the people in her orbit. She further explained that she only fucks other men when she has time and opportunity to do so. She, of course, did not divulge that her affairs were consensual between her and I, as they had a hard enough time wrapping their heads around a respectable woman behaving this way in the first place.

The grunting young man between her thighs sure seemed okay with it. He banged away at her until he couldn't hold off anymore, and climaxed deep in her pussy just like the previous guy, letting out a long groan of satisfaction.

Jessica cheered him on through his orgasm as she wasn't really close to another one herself. "That felt like a big load mister," she said as he propped himself up above her and caught his breath.

He nodded with a shy smile. "I haven't had sex in months," he told her.

Jessica loved to help out guys who were hard up for sex. She nearly shuddered with pleasure at hearing he was pent up and she got to be the one to make him cum.

"Mmmm," she said, rolling her hips against him to milk his cock of anything left inside his balls. "Well I'm honored to be the one to empty those balls after so long," she said seductively.

The young guy reluctantly withdrew form her body, knowing that there was still a lineup and she was high in demand. Jessica thanked him and began to stretch out her tight muscles, working out the kinks from having her legs spread so much.

I noticed bearded guy had been circling like a vulture while she was fucking the last two guys so I anticipated he was about to make his next move. Sure enough, once she'd finished stretching, he caught her attention. He sat opposite the mattress on the couch and waved his erect cock around, saying nothing, but staring her down. Jessica didn't need to be asked, and she rose from the bed and knelt down between his legs and took his dick into her mouth.

It was unnerving to me how much it turned me on when she was servicing the overweight, unattractive man. I guess I'd always assumed she'd stick to her type, which was fit, well put together, attractive men. There was something so wrong about her surrendering her body to this fat, hairy, bearded man who normally would never have a chance with her. But here she was, servicing his dick like he was her regular fuck buddy.

I watched mesmerized as she sucked, licked, and stroked his shaft with the same enthusiasm I'd seen her demonstrate in our early dating years. She drew his balls into her mouth, despite the generous amount of pubic hair he appeared to have, and gently sucked on each one while stroking his shaft. My brain nearly exploded when she went lower still, running her tongue along the area between his asshole and balls, getting another groan out of him. He raised his legs to give her better access.

"Do you like that?" She asked, lifting her head up to check in with him.

"Ohhh yeah," he said. "You're one filthy slut," he said, expressing his appreciation for what she was doing to him.

She giggled at his demeaning praise. Jessica didn't shy away from the S word. She welcomes the label and wore it with pride, because she knew, despite the stigma, that she was a slut. She'd come to terms with that a long time ago before she even met me.

"I mean, it's nice that you keep clean," she said, indicating that his asshole and balls were relatively hygienic. She lowered her head between his legs again and went to work licking his asshole with the same enthusiasm with which she'd sucked his dick.

She'd never even offered to do that for me. But I'd also assumed it was off the table from the get go. I should've known better.

After a minute he tapped her on the head, signalling he had enough. She rose up smiled at him, licking her lips for effect. He slapped his thigh, yet again not using words to ask her to fuck him, and she read his mind yet again, standing to her feet and moving into his lap. His gut was so big that she couldn't straddle him the same way she did with the other guys.

That was when Owen started chirping at him. "Told you that gut would get in the way," he said with a smirk on his cocky face.

Jessica must've taken this as a challenge, so before bearded guy could respond to the chirp, she squatted in his lap and took hold of his dick in her hand, guiding it to her entrance. She did have to press her belly against his to make room for herself, but it didn't take too much to get the right angle for her to lower her pussy onto him until she was fully seated in his lap with his balls resting against her ass.

They both sighed simultaneously at the connection of their bodies. He looked over at Owen and smirked back at him. "Works for me," he said.

"Mmmm, works for me too," she gushed, stroking his ego.

I could tell she was going to have to get creative while riding him. His gut really was huge and there wasn't much room for her to ride him in any fashion.

"I've heard that I've got really good Kegels," she said to him as she sat still in his lap.

"Kegels?" He asked, confused.

"You know?" She said. "Pussy muscles. My husband raves about it."

"Oh, that's fucking great," he exclaimed, letting his head fall back on the head rest when he began to feel her tightening on him. She milked him gently with her pussy for a minute while he enjoyed the exquisite sensations.

"I'll bet I can get that cum just by doing this," she said, squeezing on him while stroking his chest and his arms with her hands.

"That's a good little slut," he said to her, groping her breasts with his meaty hands and tweaking her nipples roughly while she pleasured his cock.

Jessica took her sweet time having sex with the fat bearded man, seeming to take periodic breaks to talk with him in between bouts of fucking. It sounded like he was asking her questions about her life, which she was more than happy to answer. The others seemed fine with this, as they were more than amused with shot gunning beers in the kitchen and getting into more cocaine. I'd never seen a group of people ingest as much coke as these guys were.

I had to piss again. Realizing I wasn't missing a whole heck of a lot, I decided to just turn the camera off to give myself a break. Not only was it stressful for my hard-on, it was also just plain stressful because she was alone in the house with a group of strangers and Owen, and anything could happen while I was helpless to intervene. And then there was the part where I was jealous. It wasn't easy seeing so many men using her body like these men were. Especially the unattractive bearded guy who she seemed to really like.

Posts: 86
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:17 am

Re: Jessica's adventures

Unread post by Husband7 » Thu Mar 30, 2023 11:37 am

I had to piss again. Realizing I wasn't missing a whole heck of a lot, I decided to just turn the camera off to give myself a break. Not only was it stressful for my hard-on, it was also just plain stressful because she was alone in the house with a group of strangers, and anything could happen while I was helpless to intervene. And then there was the part where I was jealous. It wasn't easy seeing so many men using her body like these men were. Especially the unattractive bearded guy who she seemed to particularly enjoy.

There was only one other time in our marriage where I briefly considered vetoing one of her hook ups. She always used to remind me early on that I could veto anything she was doing with no argument, and while I really didn't ever want to have to do that, it made me feel a bit better about things early on when I wasn't so seasoned at this lifestyle.

Jessica attended many of my family reunions over the years. She was always a hit wherever she went, but at these events, she was a celebrity. Everyone loved her, from the children to my parents, and to the oldest of grandparents.

We were about two years married and attending a reunion at my dad's sister's place, and Jessica was just at the top of her game. Which didn't go unnoticed by some of the adult men in the family. I caught a few of them staring here and there, and to be honest, who could've blamed them? She was prancing about in this bikini top and shorts the entire time, causing heads to turn everywhere.

On of my cousins started to get a little friendly with her when I wasn't in close proximity. I knew Jessica, so I knew she'd entertain a little bit of flirtation. But I didn't think she'd let anything go further than that at a family event. Boy was I wrong.

I lost track of her for about fifteen minutes at one point, and just figured she'd gone to the bathroom or something. I didn't overthink it. But then when she came up to me with that telltale grin on her face while I was playing with the kids, I knew she'd done something.

Turns out he'd coaxed her into the house to prepare some fancy bartender drink he knew how to make, and they ended up making out. And the next thing out of her mouth while I stood there in shock was that she wanted to go meet up with him that evening, but she figured she needed to clear it with me first.

I was pissed. More pissed off than I'd ever been with her, but I also remembered my hesitancy to veto her hook ups. I didn't ever want to get in that habit, because once I use it, it just takes the magic and spontaneity away. Biting my tongue, I agreed and let her go. But I was in agony the entire time knowing she was out there with this guy who I knew, in my family, and he was likely fucking her brains out with a smug, self satisfied smirk on his face.

Most of the men she hooked up with were under the false impression that she was a cheating wife. That I was this poor little sucker of a husband at home, not knowing his sexy wife was fucking around behind his back. My cousin Eric was no exception. Not only did she not like to have the conversation about non-monogamy, but she found the guys were disrespectful to her when they knew it was consensual.

She told him that I thought she was out with some of the women for a girls night, and that they could fuck, but she'd have to go home that night. According to her, he was thrilled with the idea that he was pulling this hot married woman and seducing her to cheat. Aside from that detail, she didn't share anything. I think she picked up from my mood and the look on my face that I was less than enthused about the situation.

Jessica never brought him up again, and to my knowledge, they never hooked up again after that first time. I wouldn't have vetoed it unless there was a risk of danger, but I was glad she didn't continue that one. On the bright side, that same week was the first time I had my dick in her ass, and I'm pretty sure that it was her way of making it up to me. Although, I did wonder if she'd given her ass to Eric and was giving me a taste out of guilt. Of course, I never asked that question and she didn't offer the answer.

I only saw Eric once after they hooked up, and he couldn't even make eye contact with me. I imagine he felt as awkward as I did when we were in the same room, as this wasn't any ordinary situation that even I was accustomed to. I'd met and joked around with guys she'd fucked before with little to no ill feelings or resentment. But something about Eric really turned my stomach. I think it was mostly that I knew Jessica had really wanted him, and she'd probably let him do anything to her that evening.

It was a similar feeling seeing her with this bearded guy. I didn't know who he was, but from what I could gather from their conversation, he was team staff. He'd said something to Jessica about travelling with the team a lot. I figure maybe an equipment manager or something like that.

She'd done more with him in one evening than she and I had done all year. And by more, I mean the variety of sexual acts that she was engaging in with him. Heck, she'd eaten his ass and snorted cocaine off his dick, while also taking him in her pussy bare. And there he was with his huge gut and grubby hands all over her while she rode him for what seemed like hours. In reality, I think it was more like thirty minutes by the time I turned the camera off, but it still felt like a long time.

I spent about a half hour deep in my thoughts and trying to lose my hard-on before curiousity got the best of me, and I fired the app up on my phone again.

Only Jessica and the bearded man were visible in the shot, and they were still fucking like rabbits. But this time, she was on all fours on the mattress with him thrusting into her from behind. And then I noticed he was back to snorting lines off her back while they fucked. Every minute or so, he'd stop thrusting and lean over her to take a hit. I could see the faint lines which he'd arranged on her mid back.

Once he had he fill of cocaine, he really went to town on her. I thought Jay had been rough with her, but that was mild compared to this guy. He grabbed a handful of her long brown hair and yanked her back toward him on each unforgiving thrust into her body. My mind was racing and my heart was beating watching her be manhandled this way, and I began to worry he was hitting her. But her screams of pleasure said otherwise.

Jessica moaned and squealed while he fucked her senseless. I could see her ass cheeks violently jiggling every time his hips rammed into her, and her neck twisted back at ridiculous angles that legitimately worried me. I was experiencing a multitude of feelings watching this porn play out in front of me, with my wife as the central character.

And somehow, this guy still managed to turn the heat up more, when I thought he was finally nearing his finish. Loud slaps rang through the speaker of my phone as he began slapping her ass cheeks with one hand, while pulling her hair with his other.

"Dirty little bitch," he muttered at her, following with a hard thrust of his hips into her. She screamed as she felt the pleasure and pain if his assault on her body, as well as his demeaning words.

"Dougie always treats the ladies good."

Owen had come back into my view, and stood watching then fuck for a minute. He taunted Jessica with a cocky grin on his face as she got the fucking of her life, and even managed a few jabs at the guy, who I now knew was Dougie.

"He ain't done with you yet, Jess," Owen said laughingly as she vibrated and twisted around in this man's grasp. This Dougie guy had some serious stamina, and even I was starting to develop some doubts as to whether she could keep it up. He was railing her harder and longer than I'd ever seen anyone do with her before.

Five minutes of intense fucking passed before Dougie finally announced his orgasm.

"Ready for that load sweetheart?" He asked her between pumps.

She could barely get a word in as he continued to fuck her hard. Her neck was twisted back due to his grip on her hair, and the sensations she was feeling were making it hard for her to talk.

"Fucking fill my pussy," she moaned out between his thrusts. Dougie yanked her back toward him with a force that jarred me and everyone else in the room. She screamed in pain at his rough treatment, but still melted into him and took his dick like a champ. He held her up against him with one hand grabbing her left breast and his right hand gripping her hair and rammed into her. Her whole body vibrated.

With one last slap of his hips against her bottom, he buried himself in her and roared out his orgasm. Jessica looked like a small little creature in his grasp, being mated by a bull and submitting to him with her entire being. His hips jerked sporadically as he unloaded his seed into her vagina, bathing her cervix and pussy walls with his cum.

I watched transfixed, hard dick in hand, as they both recovered from mutual orgasms. Dougie stroked her body gently, much different than only minutes ago when he manhandled her and pushed her limits. I watched as he gently squeezed and massaged her breasts and ran his hands over her stomach and abdomen while she relished the gentle touch after coming down from her climax.

When he finally separated from her, Jessica immediately rolled onto her back and pulled her legs to her chest. She inspected her crotch with her fingers while he stared down at her.

"Too deep in there?" He asked, amused. His dick still stood out straight from his crotch, apparently still quite hard.

Jessica giggled. "Uh, yeah, I think so. It felt like you turned on a firehose inside me," she said, sliding two fingers inside herself.

"That was intense guys," one of the other guys said as he stood behind the couch.

Posts: 86
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:17 am

Re: Jessica's adventures

Unread post by Husband7 » Thu Mar 30, 2023 11:57 am

Dougie flopped down onto the couch, letting out a long breath. He was exhausted from the long fuck session, despite being jacked up on drugs and alcohol. It probably had a lot to do with his weight. His dick still stood up, jutting out from his midsection like a missile ready for launch.

"Put that thing away yo," Jay said laughingly, referring to Dougie's seven incher just staring at everyone.

"I ain't done with this bitch yet," he said, gasping for breath still.

Jessica giggled at his comment, still gently playing with her sore pussy. "I can take another one," she said letting him know she wanted to fuck him again.

"You gonna leave anything for hubby?" Jay asked her.

This made Jessica laugh even more. "Well, at this rate, I might not even have a pussy to fuck when he gets back," she said gesturing toward Dougie and his dick.

"What's he gonna say when he puts it in and can't feel you?" The french guy asked, smirking.

"I think you'd be surprised how quickly she can bounce back," Jessica told him, gently tapping her pussy with her palm. She was of course referring to her ability to tighten up again after sex.

"Even after you've taken all of us for a few days?" He asked.

"You plan on sticking around a while?" She asked, cupping her pussy while she raised herself up to her feet and moved onto the couch. She sat herself in the middle and turned around until her upper body slid off the edge and her head rested on a pillow on the floor. Everyone gave her a funny look.

"I'm just using gravity to get your swimmers deeper in me," she said, giggling at their confused expressions.

"You trying' to get knocked up or something?" Dougie asked her, suddenly looking a bit uneasy.

"Ohhhh, no," she said to him. "I'm on the pill. I can't get pregnant. I just like the feeling of a nut in me," she explained, easing his worry.

Dougie shook his head, chuckling to himself. "Well you certainly know how to get what you want," he said.

"Your hubby not going to notice your pussy smells like a cum dump?" The french guy asked. He seemed really hung up on her sneaking around to get laid.

Jessica snickered at his remark. "Well, my pussy smells like a cum dump twenty four seven, so I doubt he'll notice to be honest."

That got a laugh out of the guys, and I had to admit, it was pretty accurate. I'd eaten her out and cleaned up enough creampies during our marriage to know what her pussy smelled like, and it usually smelled and tested like female arousal and cum. And I was more than okay with that.

"My pussy's really sore right now, but if any of you guys want to try my ass, I'm open for business," she said.

French guy looked around to see if anyone was taking the offer. When nobody made a move, he shrugged his shoulders and moved toward Jessica, who was still upside down hanging off the couch.

"Gotta take advantage while you can hey?" Owen said to his teammate in a teasing tone.

French guy didn't comment, but instead lifted Jessica up rather effortlessly with his hands around her waist, making her squeal with delight, and then threw her over his shoulder. He walked toward the bedroom with her, and I was momentarily confused as to where he thought he was taking her.

"Bro, you're not taking her to my bed are you?" Owen hollered at the departing couple.

I didn't hear his answer, and Owen didn't seem to care enough to pursue it, going back to joking around with the guys about how worn out she was going to be after they were done with her. Dougie, the overweight bearded guy, chimed in that he fully expected her to be in his bed within a week.

"Like fuck that's going to happen," Owen interjected, clearly annoyed by the entitlement in what Dougie was saying.

"What do you mean?" Dougie retorted. "She loves my dick, and she'll for sure come back for more," he said, gripping his half hard cock in his fist and shaking it around for effect.

"This is a gangbang bro, and you're lucky you're even here," Owen said, his cocky bravado in full swing as he attempted to stare down the slumped Dougie, who didn't see to care too much. Dougie shrugged his shoulders, seeming unconcerned with what he was being told.

"Not my problem if she tracks me down, kid."

"Not on my watch," Owen said, glaring at him. It was clear he was feeling pretty territorial about Jessica, which was surprising considering he arranged a gangbang. Or maybe it was all Jessica, and Owen just went along with it.

"You shouldn't have let us come here if you didn't plan on sharing," Dougie said, challenging Owen yet again.

Owen ignored him this time, sauntering proudly into the kitchen to grab some beers from the fridge. He tossed one to each guy, and gave a little extra aggression in his toss to Dougie, letting him know who was in charge. Dougie just chuckled and said thanks. For an unattractive man, he sure had confidence.

French guy returned about ten minutes later, applying a wash cloth to his dick and balls while he also ventured to the fridge for a beer. I figured he'd been in her ass and was cleaning up. He must've wanted some privacy with her since he was the only one so far to fuck her anywhere but the living room.

Jessica came back shortly after, looking fresh, clean and happy. She was now completely naked, having shed her stockings. They must have gotten torn up in all the action that evening. Her hair was tied up in a pony tail.

Dougie immediately beckoned her to come sit on his lap, which she promptly did without hesitation. This irked Owen, but he bit his tongue and didn't voice it. I could see him bristling as the guy started to grope her body, squeezing her breasts and casually fingering her as they conversed. Jessica welcomed his touch, seeming completely at easy and content with his hands on her body.

Jessica began to carry on a conversation with the two guys who I still didn't have a name for, and meanwhile, Dougie and Owen remained in a power struggle over Jessica, unbeknownst to her. Dougie tweaked her nipples and drew one into his mouth while keeping eye contact with Owen. It was clear that the night would end with one of them conceding and the other winning out, but I honestly could not determine which was more likely to cave.

I felt a bit uneasy with these two fighting over Jessica, but at the same time, it turned me on so much knowing so many guys wanted her. She was a catch, and these guys all knew it.

It didn't take long for Dougie to coax Jessica into straddling him and taking him inside her pussy once again. The others took the hint and went about doing other things while he and Jessica began to fuck. Owen, despite his misgivings, also made himself scarce. Dougie ran his hands over her body while she gently rolled her hips against him, savouring every inch of her while she pleasured his dick.

He took a more passive approach this time, simply verbally encouraging her as she fucked him and telling her how good she felt. This made her positively glow, as praise was a huge kink of hers. Praise following degradation was even better, and this guy was a pro.

He announced he was about to cum after ten minutes or so. Jessica smiled warmly at him, encouraging him once again to fill her pussy. He gladly obliged her, tensing up and groaning while she continued to fuck him and milk his cock. I knew when the first jets of cum started to shoot into her because her eyes lit up and her mouth fell as he bathed her vagina and cervix with his third load of the night.

"Mmmm, I love that cum," she murmured to him as his hips strained up into her and his eyes rolled back in his head. Jessica's orgasm washed over her as she felt his orgasm inside her. Her hips rolled into his crotch and his big hairy gut as they peaked together, once again using each other's bodies to get the greatest pleasure. I could see she had amazing chemistry with this guy, and it drove me wild with jealousy and angst.

Dougie finished with her finally, abruptly lifting her petite body off of his lap and tossing her onto the bed, getting a squeal from her as she landed on the mattress. He strolled off to the kitchen, getting comments from the guys again about his constantly erect dick and huge gut.

Jessica lazily fingered her pussy, scooping up cum from herself once in a while and tasting him. I couldn't believe she was still having sex with these guys after so much had already happened. Her pussy must've been absolutely raw at that point.

It seemed Dougie had finally had his fill, as he proceeded to crush one last beer and announced his departure to everyone. Jessica rose from the mattress to walk him to the door, fully naked, and say her goodbyes. They spoke to eachother quietly for a few moments while his hands ran down her sides and between her legs, and then he slapped her ass roughly and opened to the door to leave.

Posts: 86
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:17 am

Re: Jessica's adventures

Unread post by Husband7 » Thu Mar 30, 2023 12:14 pm

Things cooled down a fair bit after Dougie left, and it was more of a chill out for a while. I checked the time on my phone and it read midnight on the dot. Jay and Owen must've been suffering the effects of too much booze and not enough cocaine, as they were showing definite signs of fatigue. They slumped on the couch watching the same sports highlights on repeat, while the french guy and his buddy seemed more interested in talking to Jessica.

Owen finally strolled off to his bedroom, and after seeing him head to bed, Jay and the other guy decided it was time for them to leave. They thanked Jessica for the good time and departed, which left only the french guy. He had Jessica's undivided attention now, and it quickly became apparent that this is what he had been looking forward to all night.

At first, he just asked her questions about her life while she lay on her side on the mattress and regaled him with her life story. He seemed to be very interested in hearing everything she had to say, and in particular, the parts about her relationship with me. She didn't typically open up to other men about our marriage, but for whatever reason, she did with this guy.

I overheard Jay talking to him as he left, and gathered his name was Jonathan. Jessica was very candid with him, despite not giving away intimate details about our non-monogamous lifestyle. I listened intently, as some of their conversation was difficult to hear through the camera.

"Do you think he suspects you mess around on him?" He asked her, referring of course to the whole cheating wife facade she was carrying on with them.

Jessica laughed. "Well if he does, he sure doesn't seem all that upset about it with the way licks me and fucks me all the time."

"So you just need more?" He asked.

"More what?" She asked, unsure of his meaning.

"Like he fucks you and everything, but you still go behind his back," he started, trying to articulate himself. "You need more than just one man?"

Jessica nodded, understanding his meaning. "Um, no, I wouldn't say it's a need," she began to say, pausing for a moment to think about her answer.

"Why then?" He pressed. He sure was keen on understanding what it was she was doing.

"Well, it's more of a really fun hobby," she explained, pulling herself up into a cross legged position on the bed, drawing his gaze to her crotch.

"I see," he said, blatantly staring between her legs.

"I've never had a real hobby before, and when I discovered how much I liked sexual variety, well, I couldn't help myself."

"A hobby," he echoed, seeming surprised that someone could enjoy sex as a hobby.

"Yeah," she said cheerfully.

"Do you like fucking guys behind his back?" He asked pointedly.

Jessica cocked an eyebrow at him. "Do you like fucking me behind his back?" She asked, smirking at him.

"I think I do," he answered, rising up to his feet and displaying his growing hard-on to her.

Jessica leaned forward and took hold of his dick, shooting him a flirty smile before taking him into her soft mouth. She sucked and licked his entire length, as well his his balls, for a few minutes.

"You wanted me all to yourself huh?" She asked him between long licks up his shaft.

He didn't answer her, likely not wanting to admit that it's what he wanted all night instead of the gangbang. But she was wise to him.

"Come here and fuck me," she told him, laying back and spreading her legs for him in invitation. Jonathan didn't hesitate, situating himself in between her smooth thighs, spread open just for him, and slapped her pussy lips and clit with his saliva covered cock a few times.

"Does that thing do anything for you?" He asked her suddenly, stopping his slapping. Jessica looked confused as to what he was taking about, looking down at her crotch.

"Oh, my clit ring?" She said realizing what he was seeing. He'd been seeing it all night but must have been too shy to mention it with the others around.

He nodded. "Feels good if you play with it?" he asked her, nudging it with his cock head and causing her to jump.

Jessica giggled at his question. "Uh, yeah, it makes me feel good. Like, really good," she said, laughing again.

Jonathan seemed pleased with this new information, and proceeded to enter her slowly. She hissed at the intrusion, despite the fact that he was being gentle, as she'd seen her fair share of dick that night. But after giving her a few slow pumps and time to adjust to him, she began to get into it.

They fucked in missionary for a while while she adjusted to him, and then without warning, he hooked his arms behind her knees and stood up, pulling her up with him. Jessica gushed at his strength while he held her up effortlessly and began to move her body up and down on his shaft. Jessica came on him as he thrust into her, while she rubbed her clit and toyed with the clit ring for him. He had a really self satisfied look about him when she did that.

"Do you always wear your wedding ring with other guys?" He asked her as she recovered, with his dick still buried deep inside her.

Jessica nodded, catching her breath after a full body orgasm.

"I see," he said, gently moving her on her back on the mattress once again, and following her down while maintaining their connection.

He was really fixated on how she carried on these extramarital affairs of hers. It made me wonder whether he had some ideas about her or intentions that went beyond that night.

"You like fucking a married woman huh?" She said, taunting him with a smirk.

Again, he didn't answer. He just began thrusting into her again slowly, letting her feel his whole length in long, luxurious pumps. Jessica hooked her legs around his calves and enjoyed the rhythm of his fucking for a while. He seemed like he might be getting close to finishing, but suddenly stopped thrusting and pushed himself upright.

"Can I do something?" He asked her tentatively.

"Ummm, sure," she said tentatively.

Jessica always swore she'd try anything once, and if she didn't like it, she simply wouldn't do it again. She had no inhibitions, but I could still hear hesitancy in her voice when she answered him, likely due to not really have me as a safety net.

Jonathan took her left hand in his, drawing it up toward his face and seeming to examine it closely. Jessica began to laugh as she realized he was looking at her wedding ring.

"Yes, I am really married," she said laughingly as he began to gently move the ring down her finger slowly, and then completely off. He held it between his fingers and rolled it around as he looked at it closely.

"Can I have my ring back?" She eventually asked him, raising her eyebrows.

"I want to do something," he said, pulling out of her suddenly and moving his head down between her legs.

"Uh, what?" She exclaimed, fully confused now.

"Just hang on," he urged her, now lying down prone between her widespread thighs, looking at her raw, wet pussy. "I have a few piercings, so I know how this works," he told her, toying with her clit ring with his fingers while he held her wedding ring in his other hand.

"Oh is that so?" She said, sounding a little nervous, but still relatively at ease with him.

He didn't answer. I couldn't see what he was doing for a while, but then I realized he'd removed her clit ring and was holding it up between his fingers for her to see.

"Oh my god, how did you do that?" She asked, amazed he'd done it so quick. "Most guys don't have a clue how it works."

"Told you," he said, a cocky tone in his voice, "I know what I'm doing."

He was fiddling with it for a while, but my view was almost completely obscured so I couldn't see. Jessica adjusted her hips a few times, seeming a bit uncomfortable.

"What are you doing down there?" She asked him, a nervous laugh coming from her mouth as she raised herself up to look.

"This," he said, pulling himself back up to look down at her crotch.

She propped herself up on her elbows to look down. "Bad boy," she said, now back to her confident self, grinning widely at whatever it was he'd done to her.

I then realized what it was. There, glinting with the light from the room, was her wedding ring, looped with the smaller clit ring which he had just put back on her. It dangled over her clit and pussy lips like an invitation.

She cocked an eyebrow at him again. "Well?"

He slapped his hard cock against her again, intentionally hitting her ring with it, and gave it a few nudges with his cock head. She giggled and squirmed around as he played with his new toy, obviously loving the kinky factor involved in what he was doing.

I'd never been much into the humiliation part of being a cuck. I loved her amorous ways and I loved reclaiming her when she came home, but I never felt like I was big into the humiliation. I'd always suspected maybe Jessica was into it, but she read the room very well, and probably figured out it wasn't something I craved.

Now, watching them do this thing with the object that represented our love and commitment, I felt humiliated. My cock was still hard in my hand, but I definitely felt a bit of shame. I suppose that was the whole point on their side of things; to desecrate her marital vows by placing her wedding ring on her pussy, which he was currently fucking. Watching her relish the humiliating act and get into it with him was like a knife in my gut.

And yet I still watched, enthralled, as he entered her, slowly pushing inside her pussy and mashing his crotch against hers. His pubic hair no doubt tangling in with her ring, further solidifying her cuckolding of me. She sighed with pleasure when he was balls deep, looking up at him with lust and naughtiness in her eyes. I could see her face from the angle of the camera, and she was fully invested in this with him.

Jonathan fucked her well. Extremely well, actually. He'd speed up when she needed it, and slow down when her orgasm got too close, edging her and himself at the same time. He was driving her crazy with lust, and it wouldn't be much longer before she erupted.

Only a minute later, she told him she was cumming, and he began to screw her in earnest. Full length thrusts in and out of her while she clenched around him and wailed out her orgasm. Just as she was starting to come down from her climax, Jonathan suddenly pulled out of her pussy and pushed himself upright. Holding his dick in his hand, he began to shoot his load right on her pussy lips and all over the ring which rested against her lips.

Jessica squealed with delight and surprise, as her clit was still very sensitive. She raised herself up on her elbows and watched him bathe her pussy with his creamy load.

"What a load!" She said excitedly, gushing at how much he was shooting onto her. I could even see rivulets of his ejaculate up to her breasts.

Just as he was almost drained, he shoved it back into her, and released the last spurts inside. He collapsed onto her, resting his body on hers while his hips twitched with the remaining waves of his orgasm. Jessica rested her hands on his ass cheeks and kept him in place while he recovered.

When he pushed himself up onto his knees they both stared downward at their messy crotches.

"Holy, what a mess you made," she said, reaching down to finger the pool of cum on her stomach and pussy lips. And then she fingered around for her ring, which was covered in sperm as well.

"Mmmm, made a mess of that too," she said, looking him in the eyes with a naughty smile while she gently fingered her pussy and played with her cum soaked wedding ring.

He gently slapped her clit again with his slimy cock, getting a small squeal out of her. He still hadn't said anything about the kinky act they'd just shared together.

"You wanna fuck me more?" She asked him as he continued prodding and exploring her crotch. "Like, after today I mean, when my husband isn't around," she clarified.

"Mhmm," he answered, nodding his head once.

"Or maybe when he is around, too?" She queried, seeing that he might be really into this whole cuckolding game.

"What about Owen?" He asked her.

She chuckled. "He doesn't need to know if you don't want him to," she offered. "You could invite me over to your place."

He shrugged his shoulders with a indifference, but I suspected that's exactly what he had in mind. He reached down between her legs to gently finger the delicate diamond ring dangling from her clit. With a deftness I was surprised by, he detached it from her once again and pulled it out from the loop, showing her the cum covered ring. Jessica promptly opened her lips and he laid it on her tongue, and she proceeded to suck it clean of all his ejaculate. When she was done, he placed it back on her finger, both of them laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of the act they'd just carried out.

"Can you fix me up down there too?" She asked him.

He delicately fiddled with her clit ring for a few moments, which she seemed to enjoy, and then announced she was all set. Jessica reached down to feel for a moment, and happy with his handiwork, she fell back on the bed and let out a long sigh of satisfaction.

Jonathan lay down beside her and they talked for a while until Jessica began to fade from tiredness. Jonathan noticed this and went to grab a blanket to throw over her. He seemed momentarily unsure what to do when she fell asleep, but ultimately decided to lay down beside her and pass out as well.

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Re: Jessica's adventures

Unread post by faerun69 » Tue Apr 18, 2023 3:43 pm

This is fantastic. Surprised there aren’t more replies; this deserves considerable praise. Original twist the Hockey Billet theme. Well done. Please continue,

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Re: Jessica's adventures

Unread post by rypmar7 » Wed Apr 19, 2023 1:06 pm

I want to add that this is a great story. Very well done. Please keep it "up". ;)
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Re: Jessica's adventures

Unread post by Husband7 » Thu Apr 20, 2023 5:47 am

faerun69 wrote:
Tue Apr 18, 2023 3:43 pm
This is fantastic. Surprised there aren’t more replies; this deserves considerable praise. Original twist the Hockey Billet theme. Well done. Please continue,
Hey, thanks for the kind words. Appreciate getting the feedback!

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Re: Jessica's adventures

Unread post by Husband7 » Thu Apr 20, 2023 5:47 am

rypmar7 wrote:
Wed Apr 19, 2023 1:06 pm
I want to add that this is a great story. Very well done. Please keep it "up". ;)
Thank you!

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Re: Jessica's adventures

Unread post by Jacko » Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:23 am

Amazing history, well written, lucky guy. Thanks for sharing!

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Re: Jessica's adventures

Unread post by Vic-Deakins » Fri Apr 21, 2023 7:52 am

This is so greatt. Looking forward for the update now

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Re: Jessica's adventures

Unread post by Husband7 » Fri Apr 21, 2023 4:39 pm

I awoke in a sleep deprived haze in the morning, faintly aware of the dull ache in my groin area and then the cheerful voices of my kids radiating in my ears. As I slowly became more aware, I checked my phone for the time and I saw it was just shy of six o'clock. I turned over onto my back and gingerly touched around my crotch, wincing at the uncomfortable and painful feeling coming from my balls. This was the price I paid for not having a release after edging myself for days on end.

I spread my legs apart to ease the aching, and then opened up the camera to see if Jessica was awake. I was greeted with the sight of Jessica bent over the kitchen island with Owen leisurely fucking her from behind. She wore only a pajama t-shirt, which was bunched up around her waist while Owen held onto her hips and banged away at her. Owen's shorts were around his ankles.

My sore groin whined at me as my cock began to involuntarily harden at the erotic sight. I knew I only had a minute to watch this before I would just need to walk away and go about my day. Otherwise there was only pain to be had.

Jessica appeared to be thoroughly enjoying the fucking she was getting from Owen, and despite not having the microphone on, I knew by the look of things, she was being very vocal in her enjoyment. It was amazing seeing her let loose sexually when there weren't little ears in the house to hear her orgasms. I couldn't help feeling a bit jealous that I didn't really get to see this side of her.

I forced myself to get up and get going. Wincing again from the pain in my groin, I pulled myself out of bed and to the bathroom to at least relieve my bladder. After I came back from pissing and brushing my teeth, I noticed text notifications on my screen. It was Jessica.

"Good morning you ❤️"

A shiver went up my spine at the though that she was texting me good morning right after being fucked on our kitchen island by Owen.

"Hey beautiful ❤️"

"How was your night? How are the boys?"

"Boys are up and at it as usual! My night was good. I'm missing you a lot."

"I miss you too! Just one more day!"

"I especially miss what's between your legs."

"She misses you too. But I'm not gonna lie, I'm going to be sore for days, so I don't know how much sex we will be having..."

"Sore from what?"

"I'm getting a lot of sex back here..."

"Oh yeah? Do tell 😏"

"Like a lot. And I may have found a new fuck friend too. My pussy is all worn out."

"Can I have it if I promise to be gentle?"

"Mmmm, if you're a good boy and lick me first. Maybe."

"You're killing me. What if I just use my husband privilege and take you?"

"You're going to have to get in line like everyone else mister."

I knew she was somewhat kidding, but her words stung a little. Would she really deny me like this while continuing with her other guys?

"Who's everyone else?"

There were a few minutes of silence from her, and I thought maybe she'd put her phone down. I felt uneasy leaving things hanging like that. And then another message came in.

"Some really nice men have been keeping me busy for the last few days. Maybe you'll get to meet them sometime 😉"

"Is that so?"


"And have you been safe?"

There was another long pause between messages.

"I promise I was at first, but things got crazy and I lost control. I'm sorry 😔"

"Lost control? What does that even mean?"

"Let's just say that if I weren't on birth control, I would be buying plan B this morning 😬 are you mad?"

"Not mad. But I worry..."

"I know. Ugh, why can't I make better decisions? What's wrong with me?"

"It's okay. As long as you're healthy and happy, it's okay. Just please be careful! I need you with me for a long long time."

"Forever ❤️"


"Do you want to come home and lick my creamy pussy? Owen just came in me 😈"

"Oh my god."

"I'm such a slut."

"You're my slut."

"omg his cum is running down my leg now. Time for a shower! Love you!"

Much to my chagrin, my cock was rock hard after my brief exchange with Jessica. I was in a world of hurt and needed to get home today to get some relief. I really wanted to be with her when I finally orgasmed. I flipped back to the camera before shutting my phone off and saw Owen and Jonathan having breakfast at the table. Jessica must have already gone off to shower.

I was supposed to head back home the following morning, but I knew I couldn't wait anymore. I needed to be with Jessica. I hoped that I wouldn't spoil any plans she might have had by arriving early. I sent her a message telling her I planned to be home that night. She'd have to postpone any activities, because I wasn't going to wait here another night. I needed her.

The hot water jetting out of the showerhead and massaging my tense muscles felt incredible. It almost relieved some of the tension in my groin area. I had a flashback to the day Jessica told me that Owen was pissing on her for kicks. I imagined them together every morning after I left for work, enjoying showers together after morning sex. I pictured Jessica worshipping his cock while the water cascaded off of her face and her hair. I pictured her waiting in subservience while he let go a stream of piss over her face and down over her breasts, coating her skin in his essence. I wondered how much she drank his piss. She sure seemed to like doing that for him judging by the time I witnessed her do it.

My cock had gotten hard again at the erotic thoughts about her. I switched on the cold water and shocked myself out of my state of arousal. After a few minutes of cold, I got out and toweled myself off and got dressed for the day.

Jessica had replied.

"Yayyyy! I miss you so much!"

"Not spoiling any plans are we?"

"Not at all! Can't wait to see you and the boys!"

I felt both happy and disappointed at the same time. On one hand, I loved that she was happy I was coming home, but on the other, I loved her slutty behavior of late. I secretly loved that she was letting strange men fuck her bare and cum in her. It would be incredible to watch her have another night like the last one.

I thought about what she'd done with Jonathan the night before. I'd never had eyes and ears to her intimate moments with other men before, and hearing what was said between her and Jonathan was a bit rattling. She gave her body to him in a way that she hadn't given it to me before. That thought hurt me and thrilled me. Jonathan was dangerous. I wasn't threatened as much by what she did with Owen, because I knew Owen was solely interested in having access to her body. While Jonathan wanted more.

Thinking about her wedding ring, coated in his cum from their kinky fuck session, made me shiver. It would undoubtedly be rinsed off in the shower, but I would still know it had happened.

The boys and I rolled into the driveway at around seven o'clock that evening to an ecstatic Jessica who was clearly very happy to see her boys. When she'd gotten the boys into the house, she gave me her focus. She wore a pair of jeans and a tank top, looking every bit as inviting and delicious as she did when I left. I eyed her midriff above the waistband of her low rise jeans, picturing her cum covered body from the past few nights and the lines of cocaine which had been arranged all over her body very recently.

Jessica could almost read my thoughts. She saw my mind racing and leaned into me for a hug, melting into me and giving me the comfort and reassurance she knew I needed. She kissed me gently, letting her lips linger on mine. I detected the unfamiliar smells on her from the other men who she'd been intimate with. It was intoxicating. I took note of the shimmering diamond adorning her wedding ring which rested against my bicep, remembering what she'd done just the previous night.

"Can't wait for you to lick me," she said to me with an evil grin, looking down between our bodies towards her crotch. She bit her bottom lip and separated from me, darting into the house to get the boys into bed.

I was desperate to have her. I eyed her up while we busied ourselves getting the kids in bed. She caught me more than once staring at her and drooling.

The house was finally silent. Jessica got my attention while I put away the last of the dishes from the dishwasher, making a noise from the direction of our bedroom. I looked toward the sound and saw her leaning against the doorframe with just a pair of panties and a shirt on. Her flirty smile made my stomach flip.

I silently followed her into our room, which looked exactly as it had before I went to the lake. But I knew that only twenty four hours prior, that mattress was a prop for a gangbang, with my beautiful wife as the main attraction. She lay down on the bed on her back, beckoning me to her with her finger, and slowly slid her white panties down her smooth legs and flung them onto the floor.

"Come taste me," she said seductively. She proper herself up on her elbows and spread her legs slowly, showing me the treasure between them. Her pussy looked exactly as it had when if left. I never would've known she'd been fucked senseless all weekend if I were the clueless husband.

"With pleasure," I said, moving myself in between her thighs and savouring her smell and the feel of her soft skin. I detected the faint smell of cum and was momentarily confused. She saw the question in my eyes and grinned at me.

"I may have just got filled up before you got here," she said softly, biting her bottom lip and smirking.

I was reeling. "How long ago?' I asked.

She pondered for a moment. "Um, probably thirty minutes ago," she answered, spreading her legs even wider and staring into my eyes with a dare.

"Owen?" I asked. I hadn't seen any sign of him that evening.

She shook her head. She was really getting into this cuckolding of me, and I could feel her arousal just brimming from her pores.

"Who?" I asked.

She giggled and shifted her hips around, trying to get me to lick her. "Lick me really good and maybe I'll tell you."

She was torturing me deliberately and getting off on it. I tentatively licked her pussy lips, tasting the slightly salty and tangy flavor from her. I could see a light film of ejaculate coating her labia. I gently opened her up with my fingers and saw the creamy load leaking from her vagina, and my mouth dried up.

I went to work licking up the cum left by whomever had left it there, and also teasing and pleasing her so she could have a great orgasm. Jessica absolutely loved the attention I gave her pussy and clit, moaning and grabbing onto my hair and the bedsheets as she neared her climax. The cum tasted pretty strong, so I knew for sure that it wasn't Owen or anyone else who had fucked her before. I wondered whether it was Jonathan, the french guy.

"There's so much cum in me," she gushed, egging me on to talk dirty to her.

"You like getting filled up by strangers?" I asked.

"Unnnnhhh," she moaned.

"You really want me to eat it don't you?"

Her body went rigid as her orgasm hit her. And then she she screamed at the waves coursed through her lithe body. She wrapped her legs around my back and anchored me to her crotch like she'd done so many times before. It seemed to last several minutes before she calmed down and loosened up on me.

"Mmmm, that was so amazing," she murmured. "But you didn't get it all."

I chuckled. "Trust me," I said, "I ate it." I knew I'd not gotten everything out of her, but I had definitely swallowed what seemed like a cum load.

She shook her head. "You're not done here yet mister," she said, looking down between her legs.

She suddenly vaulted up from the bed as if remembering something. "Did you make coffee?" She asked excitedly.

I nodded. I'd put a fresh pot on when I got home, knowing we'd both need some. She danced to the kitchen, leaving me confused and aroused as I watched her sweet ass cheeks move enticingly while she ran through our home nude. Only moments later, she returned to the bed holding a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Cream?" She asked me, trying to veil a mischievous grin on her face.

I stared at her, dumbfounded. "What?"

She smiled, pushing me back toward the chair in the corner of our room. "I know you like cream in your coffee," she said, handing me the mug carefully. She moved my hands down until I rested the hot mug between my knees, and then straddled my legs, positioning her crotch over my hands. I then understood what she was doing.

She squealed with delight as the first globs of cum landed in the hot coffee, mixing in with the dark liquid. She stared into my eyes with a challenge. I watched closely as an unreal amount of male ejaculate poured from her body and into the cup of coffee, and I realized she most definitely had been fucked more than once before I got home.

"You're incredible," I said to her. She beamed at my praise, continuing to allow gravity to help her fill up that mug of coffee.

"All done," she said finally, gently tapping her pussy with her hand. She handed me the mug with a smirk and waited for a moment to see what I'd do. "I love you," she said, turning back to the bed and flopping down on her stomach and typing something on her phone.

I was so outside of my comfort zone. She'd just handed me a coffee full of some strange guy's cum load, and how she was playing on her phone on the bed while I stood here half naked with this mug in my hand. I stood there for a minute not knowing what to do, and she turned around to look at me.

"You don't like it?" She asked, a small trace of uncertainty on her features. She was wondering whether she'd gone too far.

"Who are you talking to?" I asked suspiciously, wondering whether she was talking to Jonathan.

Her face turned red. She looked down at the phone briefly, and then met my eyes again with that challenge. "I guess you licked me pretty good, huh?"

I chuckled at the sheer ridiculousness of what we were doing in that moment. She was actually cuckolding me.

"I met someone this weekend," she started, holding her phone up as signal that it was who she was talking to. "I want you to meet him," she said, looking directly into my eyes.

"Yeah? Is that who's responsible for this?" I asked, indicating my coffee.

"Yes," she gushed, smiling like the cat that are the canary. "He wants you to watch while he fucks me," she said giddily, grinning from ear to ear. "Is that something you'd like?"

I felt like I was outside of my body watching this interaction to down. This was the crossroads. I could either accept the direction this was heading, or veto it all and save myself the humiliation. But I'd also be giving up something too. Something that deep down I knew I craved, although I couldn't put my finger what it was exactly.

I took a small sip. And that was it. I guess I was committing to whatever this was. It tasted like coffee. Nothing else. So I took a few more bigger sips and savoured it. There was definitely a different flavor to it, so I knew I was taking in some of the cum. Jessica's trepidation quickly turned to elation as she watched me ingest this guy's cum load in my coffee. It felt like our marriage was taking a definitive turn these days. I had all but confirmed in mind now that this was Jonathan's doing. After all, he had really got her high on the whole humiliation thing over the weekend.

I managed to down the whole cup, and it honestly wasn't unpleasant at all. Jessica was so turned on that she sucked my dick after and even let me fuck her for a couple minutes. I had to stop before cumming because she got too sore, but she offered to finish me off with her hands. When I finally came, the relief was unbelievable. I felt like a new man.

"So?" She said after finishing me and cleaning my cum off of her legs and chest with a towel.

"Hmmm, so what?" I said sleepily, fading into a deep sleep very quickly.

She shrugged. She didn't want to say it again now that we'd both cum. I think she wanted to see if I was still on board with her fucking Jonathan in front of me after I'd cum.

"Get some rest my husband," she said with her lips close to my ear. I felt her body curl up next to mine in our bed and we drifted off together.

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