Girlfriend's Proposal

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Girlfriend's Proposal

Unread post by Wife4Guys » Sun Feb 12, 2023 5:56 am

A little talk from her

“Let me get a selfie headshot of us together so I can text off to my mom, she’s been bugging me to find a boyfriend, so this should keep her off my ass, and make her happy for a while.. Then I want talk about us.”

She was wearing her little impish smile as she texted it off, then moving in close to me, she began,

“You’re the only guy I’ve ever dated that could barely get it up, and with almost zero stamina. when you do get your little erection. I understand now why you were always going down on me, and the reason you are so very good at giving me so much orgasmic head. I want you to know that I’ve really come love having your lips under my hips, and your eagerness to orally please me any time I may be in that mood.”

Leaning in she gives me a tender little kiss,

“You are a sweetie and I really do like you a lot, so I want you to know your little limp dick is not a deal breaker for me. I’m actually quite excited at the prospect of continuing with you serving me up lots oral pleasures whenever I wish, and rest assured your lovemaking is so very satisfying for me.”

Now she's looking me in the eye, her hand lightly under my chin

“A few things about us kind of blew my mind in the beginning. One was when I realized that when you were you eating my pussy and giving me oral orgasms it was just as a satisfying an experience for you too, I guess that you have your own form of male satisfaction when you get me so hot that I’m getting off, bucking my hips, fucking your face, always crazy for more.

Secondly that it is okay for me to savor all the pleasures you want to offer, and my feeling guilty about keeping you down there experiencing so many orgasms while you were having just few was plain silly. I am multi orgasmic, it’s a girl thing that I’m embracing now more than ever with you. Any man is only good for a few times a session and then he needs time to recharge his libido after that post ejaculation slump all you guys have. You and your tongue are just non stop and always ready with the stamina to bring me to as many peaks as I can endure.”

After a quick glance about, she looked down, and I felt her hand caressing my zipper

“You know that even with your E.D. I can always get you off any time I like, and you won’t ever feel cheated, I promise, but I’ll be in control of that, to be keeping you engaged and your hormones always hot. I will keep you eager to go down, and be romancing my pussy quite a lot.”

Raising her eyes from my zipper, with her big charming smile, and continuing to my amazement.

“From time to time I will need the services of a virile guy just to meet those needs of mine as a healthy vibrant woman. Not a lot, maybe once a month or so, and It would only be at our place or perhaps when we vacation as I’ll always want you close by so you’ll always be the last man to love me every day. After I get the fucking I need from our Guest, know that my heart will always be running home to you and excited to have you going down and loving me. Now that we are dating, it may be smart for us to consider how we will find these guys, and inviting a Guest so we can get the feel of how our relationship could work in the real world.”

Then stepping back, pausing, while giving me a rather appraising look she finally said

“Should we get our own place and try it out?”

She shut up. Now it was my turn.

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Re: Girlfriend's Proposal

Unread post by ShyBiGuy32 » Sun Feb 19, 2023 6:37 pm

I really like this so far! I hope you continue with it

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Re: Girlfriend's Proposal

Unread post by Wife4Guys » Sun Feb 26, 2023 7:02 am

Thank You

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Re: Girlfriend's Proposal

Unread post by Wife4Guys » Sun Feb 26, 2023 7:05 am

During the lengthy silence between us my mind was a whirling dervish of contradictions trying to wrap my head around her very blunt yet loving invitation. This woman, offering to become my woman, with a totally unexpected outline of a relationship that overwhelmed me in the moment.

“You are amazing, never would I expect such a proposal like that about any commitment. You’ve been thinking, I can see now quite a lot, about how you imagine things could work out for us long term.”

An almost imperceptible nod with a tiny smile flickering across her lips. Then she said

“I’ve loved everything about us, I’d honestly like to try for more,.”

“I want us too also, You have actually been in control of my sexuality and I have no regrets. You are right that I don’t feel cheated, and yes I actually do love giving you lots of orgasms. Just give me a little time to catch my breath to think about what you’ve proposed here, There may well be some other thoughts I’d like us to consider having included in our relationship”

A little Nod, smiling

“I was afraid you’d be horrified and dump me on the spot. Strangely though I’m glad you didn’t accept on the spot either. It is a big step for us both from casual dating. Let me write down what I’ve been thinking for you to peruse, then we can get into it later.”

“Right now I’m very excited and want to feel you making out with my pussy”

Laying back on the bed she opened her sexy long legs for me to go down and romance her. She kept me there a long time caressing my hair as I was Frenching her. Climaxing her hips pumped hard and fast into my mouth, grabbing my hair so tightly to pull me closer, that it was sometimes painful in her delirious explosions. A good hurt. She kept me down there for a dozen or more peaks before she finally released me.

“Tomorrow morning before you leave for work I promise get you off any way you like. For now I want your dopamine levels up there, as I want you excited and eager to give me more.”

We headed out to a raucous local sports bar for a bite. Too much to think about for a quiet dinner. She was chatted up by a few guys, loving and returning their attention. I wondered if this was how it would be monthly, scoring random stiff dicks for her in a bar if we went ahead.

Bedtime, we were on our sides in a 69 position she fucking my face as she orgasmed, her face pulled back from my crotch just only caressing my balls occasionally with a light touch as my tongue massaged her to another.

“You won’t be cumming tonight,” she murmured, “I want you longing and eager to please me as we drift off. Your special treat will be in the morning”

Good to her promise I erupted all over my stomach, my balls caressed by her tongue as she finished me off with an expert hand job. Working her way up she licked and sucked all the cum off my belly

“Maybe someday honey you’ll be doing this for me” She teased with a little wink.

Then a surprise big snowball French kiss

“swallow it all baby” grinning “I want you feeling the cum lingering deep in your throat”

“Now go to work”

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Re: Girlfriend's Proposal

Unread post by TomG » Sun May 07, 2023 2:18 pm

Very hot story! This latest installment was in February - any chance you'll keep it going?

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Re: Girlfriend's Proposal

Unread post by thepen » Sun May 07, 2023 6:52 pm

Love the way this is being told. Hope you'll continue!

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Re: Girlfriend's Proposal

Unread post by Nylookingtoo » Tue May 09, 2023 12:22 am


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Re: Girlfriend's Proposal

Unread post by Nylookingtoo » Tue May 09, 2023 5:33 am

More please!

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Re: Girlfriend's Proposal

Unread post by TomG » Sat May 13, 2023 9:54 am

Damn! The OP appears to have deleted his account. Such a shame - I was really looking forward to more because this was a really hot story!

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Re: Girlfriend's Proposal

Unread post by wmraim » Sun May 14, 2023 7:54 am

Very good story.

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Re: Girlfriend's Proposal

Unread post by Wife4Guys » Sun Jun 11, 2023 6:32 am


My drives to work for the next week, while usually almost by rote were, shall I say, difficult to concentrate on. There was the first day sensations of my own cum deep in my throat which I hadn’t experienced since I was a kid, new to puberty engaged the the almost mandatory experimenting in the shower. She had put it in me so I wasn’t feeling gay about having taken a load, just blown away by the unabashedly openness to sexually of this amazing woman. Neither of us are kids, me in my 40’s, divorced, she a few years older, was widowed young. Our relationship was several months old at this point where we were spending weekends together, too far with a 4 hour drive for daily visits. My weekends now spending lots of time serving her up copious oral, and she quite vocally approving of my romantic efforts, while every few minutes wildly pumping her hips into my face. I do love it

“Keep it up baby, don’t you stop now” holding my hair, face tight to her crotch.

While in my youth I was okay getting the girls off with my dick, as I’ve aged there has been a noticeable decrease in my stamina, cumming quicker and quicker, now only a few strokes after penetration. Lacking the firmness of erection, as time marches on, to the point of a failure to even be able get it up at all on several intimate occasions in the past with some other quite attractive ladies I’ve since learned , as a way to compensate for my slide into impotence, to become expert, IMHO, at giving the most pleasurable extended head as my way to romance the ladies. I do now regret not having taken the time to learn these skills earlier on when I was fully virile. Since becoming an avid pussy worshipper all of the ladies I’ve dated just loved being loved like that, however longer term, my E.D. was to all of my dates an insurmountable roadblock to the path of any sustained relationship. A few of the women wanted me available to continue eating their pussies, being clear that as much as the loved me going down on them, it would never be more than an FWB playtime. One well heeled lady I had dated even offered to pay for my oral services, making it clear that I would be a wonderful oral gigalo for her, but never virile enough to become her man. I did service her several times, and being her hireling was quite intoxicating required to perform on demand, with nothing but her pleasure mattering. She, in time, became involved with an ex pro athlete and my phone stopped showing her on my caller ID.

As this week dragged by unbeknownst to me my girlfriend was fleshing out in writing her thoughts as to what our relationship roles would become should we decide to continue as a very unconventional couple.

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Re: Girlfriend's Proposal

Unread post by Lensman2000 » Mon Jun 12, 2023 8:44 pm

This is an interesting perspective. I'm looking forward to reading more.

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Re: Girlfriend's Proposal

Unread post by Wife4Guys » Wed Jun 14, 2023 2:09 am


Gail had been laboring at laying out her thoughts in a way that this relationship with her practically impotent new main squeeze could possibly work in the long term for them. Lots of cuts, pastes, deletes, and re-writes attempting to clarify in her own head as well as having something exciting and presentable for Steve to jump into. Emotionally being with him was a no brainer, as he really checked off her relationship boxes, the thing was just how they would relate sensually and what about their respective roles as committed lovers. She knew he was not quite as advanced in kinky role play, she herself was, being at times kind of a switchy chickie having played both the top and bottom position in some of her kinky past trysts. She really liked those offbeat adventures. Steve denied her nothing sensually within his ability to perform, sometimes she feeling almost tortured by his tireless tongue attending her clit so softly at times during extended oral foreplay that she mentally was begging him to dive in like a hungry dog and finish her off. Smiling at the thought recalling how unrushed Steve was, like he was patiently savoring a fine wine, whereas most guys were in comparison actually like hungry dogs wolfing down a can of Ken-L Ration.

“A for effort, F for technique” she giggled to herself.

She was leaning to a gentle type of female led sexual relationship. He, in private, would be available to pleasure her anytime she desired until she was satisfied and released him to other duties she had outlined for his attention. Steve had been showing himself as compliant to accommodating her physical desires in all the time they have been dating. Leading their intimate relationship would depend on how much he was willing to accept being in her service as an eager volunteer, never as a conscript. Gail had less than zero interest in becoming the cliche leather clad, snarling, whip wielding Domme. A few of her bottom boys she dated begged her for sadistic play, just not in her wheelhouse. She wanted to keep Steve engaged in the relationship she was proposing, and would in large part make it happen by controlling the timing of his orgasms. Being an RN she was equipped with a sensual roadmap and knowledge of a males hormonal behavior.

Basically Gail was considering two. Dopamine, the I’ll do just about anything to get laid brain teaser, and progesterone, the just got my rocks off, now rolling over to have a snooze one. Good biology for our early ancestors, the dopamine to propagate the species, and that being done the dopamine crashes and the progesterone peaks. Sex now becomes passe and our hero Ugg grabs his club, gathers up the boys, having worked up his appetite now, to go knock off a wolly mammoth for lunch. Also critical, as the little Ugg’s needed to eat too.

Keeping Steve on the dopamine high, his pursuit would be eager and never ending, she would be enjoying copious sessions of oral from a very attentive lover. Well aware of, and fully intending to keep her promise to him of not feeling sexually cheated she was planning for his satisfaction too. As an experienced mature sexual woman there was nothing off the table for him to enjoy, when it was his time. He was deserving of nothing less than her best efforts too, which she fully intended to deliver, manually, orally and psychologically.

During the week they texted;

Steve: Hey sexy, can hardy wait to drive over to see you this weekend

Gail: Ummmmm. ;) me too

S: Need me to pick anything up on the way?

G: Bring a nice bottle of wine and your wonderful wicked tongue

S: Your wish is my command

G: I’ve been thinking about us, and I do love the idea of you being obediently at my command

S: Really? Sounds wickedly interesting

G: Well you do know I can be a very wicked brat with you. I’ve been thinking about us, and have some ideas to share

S: Like what?

G: First you need to get here, then I plan on taking my time to enjoy you rocking my world, but we will get around to talking over the weekend. I promise

S: Okay, kill me with the suspense. Love you, bye for now

G: XX Bye

Steve, with a little frown wondered about her ideas. Realizing he was falling into his past relationship failures he shook it off.

She wants to see me, he thought, and there was really something different about this woman

He was planning to wrap up his work stuff early on Friday and get on the road about noontime. The thought of being with Gail again brought a quivering sensation to his genitals. He smiled, still wondering, but positively now.

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Re: Girlfriend's Proposal

Unread post by eater » Thu Sep 07, 2023 11:05 am

great story. more please

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Re: Girlfriend's Proposal

Unread post by bufaker » Sat Sep 09, 2023 1:42 pm

loving it

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Re: Girlfriend's Proposal

Unread post by Wife4Guys » Wed Sep 13, 2023 10:12 am


Gail had decided that her proposal to Steve was too important for a text, email, or even to lay out in a phone call, and should only be presented to his face. All week she had been putting him off on the phone when he tried to steer the conversation to her plans for them over the weekend. “Just get here and drive carefully, I have long term plans for us,” then teasingly, “that is if you think you’re up to it baby” she’d reply. Then matter of factly “I’ll leave the garage door opened, just pull right in” She had planned a very private weekend and didn’t want the neighbors curious about the car at her place.

The GPS was uncanny Steve thought turning on to Gail’s street it not having changed his estimated ETA for the past two hours since he gassed up and it was the exact time he guided his pickup alongside alongside her little coupe. All those technological thoughts vanished hearing the garage door closing behind him. Gail was in the doorway to the house and on the garage door button as soon as he stopped. Smiling in a snug pair of short denim cutoffs and her pink bikini top which she was well aware of his particular fondness for, Gail motioned him into the house with a curling index finger “Bring all your stuff now baby” and vanished inside.

He grabbed his small roller bag and the bottle of the gold label Ruffino Ducale that he had noticed she had a soft spot for, “Like nectar sliding down my throat” she had purred to him
over one very quiet dinner.

“Leave the wine in the kitchen” Steve heard called out from the bedroom “and get you and your stuff in here”.

Seconds later he found her on the opposite side of the bed, out of reach from the doorway as he trundled in with his bag.

“I’ve been thinking about this all week” looking him in the eye, “Now I want you to get undressed, everything but the tight little boxers you wear” Smiling she went on as he unbuttoned his shirt “I’ve got so much to talk to you about, but first put all you clothes in that box on the bed. When you’re done go over there” she motioned “and I want you sitting on the floor with your back against the wall”.

Compliantly and somewhat confused at this unexpected greeting, he followed both instructions.

“Very nice, now lower your eyes and wait right there for me”

She came around the bed, Steve could see even with lowered eyes that Gail now opened the closet door put the box on the bed and his roller bag inside then closed the door, heard the bolt engage and saw her slip the key into the denim hip huggers.

Now as Gail was surveying him down there, she was feeling quite empowered as she walked over to her boyfriend whose face was at the perfect height to now greet her as she had been planning for his oral attentions all week.

“You won’t be needing anything else all weekend, I have a few more of you tight little boxers for the next few days.”

Then stepping over his outstretched legs Gail stood over her prey, her hips but an inch from his face. Steve waited, knowing full we’ll that his fate would be sealed with this woman if he didn’t move right now

Well aware that that ship had long since sailed, he could only raise his lips to the denim in his face surrendering to his lover with an adoring kiss on her zipper.

“That’s good baby, give me some nice kisses and tell me how happy you are being down there, that’s right where you belong isn’t it?” rolling the bottom of her hips towards his lips meeting his kiss with one of her own in return she began rolling her hips very slowly into his face as she reached down to release the button above her zipper.

A few hours later, each with a glass of Ruffino, Gail lounging in her favorite chair wearing the most elegant silk robe was contemplating her boyfriend kneeling on the carpet at her feet, still savoring the glow of the multiple orgasms she had orchestrated while keeping him under her hips. Steve was between sips giving her very gentle adoring kisses on her inner thighs down near her knees.

“You know baby” reaching down to stroke his hair “this is how I’ve planned our entire weekend to be” She watched him closely for any reaction, never raising his eyes to meet her gaze, leaning slightly forward Steve nodded almost imperceptibly as he began moving his kisses up her thigh

“OH NO” Gail yelped now grasping the hair she’s just been stroking as a handle to pull his face away. She was firm, not violent in her move. Shocked with a slack jaw Steve looked up questioningly at his quite transformed girlfriend.

“I have been planning on spending this weekend inviting you here as a test for our relationship potential” their eyes now locked “We need to talk, I’m loving the roles we fall into when we’re together” Steve nods maintaining his position “Me too” he replies.

Silently they just gaze at each other for a minute.

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Re: Girlfriend's Proposal

Unread post by TomG » Tue Oct 03, 2023 2:09 am

Wife4Guys is teasing us with the long waits for the story to continue. :) I hope there'll be another post soon!

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Re: Girlfriend's Proposal

Unread post by Wife4Guys » Mon Oct 09, 2023 1:01 am


“Steve, When I proposed a female led relationship lifestyle for us that I felt would be workable you never really responded, except to be wanting some time to consider. It’s been a while since then and I’ve planned this weekend as a small test for us if you want to try.”

Still kneeling at her chair, but with his eyes lowered now Gail watched him pitch forward then felt his lips on her feet with kisses. She knew his answer.

“Don’t stop” she purred “Starting right now our little test is on, do you understand baby?”

Between exploring with his tongue and kisses “I do”

Savoring the attention along with her expanding feelings of empowerment she continued,

“Until you’re driving away on Sunday you will be existing solely for my comfort, pleasure, and amusement. That will be the role that I will expect you to maintain, and right where you belong, your obedience will be instant and without failure. You can’t service me as a traditional lover, even though I believe you may be the love of my life. I deserve you to be pleasing me any time I wish, so when I summon you I do expect to to quickly respond without failure.”

“Where I belong” between kisses “Yes. I want to be yours, and I’ll do my best to pleasing in the way you deserve.

“Good boy” with the faintest smile” Now get your face between my thighs and I want you to kiss your way up to my pussy very slowly and sensuously”

Never raising his eyes above her hips, he positioned his lips as instructed softly kissing and licking the softness of her inner thighs and slowly working his mouth towards the object of his desire. His focus was without distraction with a sole intent to be pleasing.

Gail watching his devoted adherence to her directions was wondering if he would be able to maintain his role without exception and finally adapt to being hers unconditionally. Her train of thought interrupted by the sweet sensations as his lips were kissing her pussy.

“Softly with your kisses and only the gentlest caresses with your tongue until you are instructed otherwise”

She sees a little nod as he continues.

A few minutes later DING DONG

Steve’s reaction was involuntary, popping his head up looking to the door. She taking him by the hair pulls his face back into her crotch
“Do your job”
The bell ringing again, and to her delight he obediently maintained his place this time. “Look ay hand” as she rolls it open for him to see the wireless ringer resting in her palm “I’ve set up this wireless doorbell ringer inside the house as my way to summon you as I desire. When you hear it I’ll be expecting you at my feet as fast as you can.” Still gazing at the button he nods accepting yet another small surrender to her dominance over his life.
Pushing his face down where it belongs. “Continue softly, but pay attention”

During the next half hour Gail made it very clear to Steve that her desire was a relationship where he would become her absolute slave. First as a test she proposed 30 day trial period
he as her unconditional obedient submissive so they could Immerse themselves in their respective roles. He would be trained to her exacting requirements both domestically and sensually.

As her domestic he would be maintaining and keeping the house spotless at all times allowing her the well deserved time to enjoy a more luxurious lifestyle. The domesticated responsibilities would become automatic for his attention, as she had no interest in micro managing, once trained she would expect him to carry out his duties.

There would be sexual automatics as well besides him responding to the bell. Every morning he would be seated on the bathroom floor back against the vanity as she finished her post shower routine, then just like earlier today, at her leisure she’d step over his outstretched legs straddling his face to enjoy his oral attentions and her good morning orgasms as she would always end up wildly fucking his face with each peak. The other automatic would be every night he would be slipping his face between her cheeks to be Frenching her ass as they drifted off to sleep. She made it clear that there would probably be more sexual automatics as they evolved in this new lifestyle.

Listening the whole possibility was falling in to place for him as she outlined her vision of a future for them, he obediently married to her hips. During the 30 day trial, she said there would be 2 weekly time outs where they could have an open exchange of thoughts about what may be wrong or right in the way they were pursuing their new relationship roles. Any unresolved issues at the conclusion of the time outs would be her decision, and be final, however said issues could be addressed at a later time out.

“As I told you in the beginning if we do this I, as a healthy vibrant woman, will need to get fucked by a virile guy from time to time, and of course in your condition, that guy will never be you.” Gail reaches down to stroke Steve’s hair. “I am all about you, as you are me so it’s important that you know these trysts will be just to get needs met and you are the one I will always be running home to. I have a few ex’s that were hot in bed, but not guys I would want to try any kind of a relationship with. Some of them are still around and open minded enough to be perfect candidates”. Still stroking him like a pet. “I will have them here and I want include you as a part of it for some of the time my guests are visiting, I’ve never considered anything like this before so we will have to make this work together. Do you understand baby?”

Still gently kissing her, truly loving being under her emotionally as well a literally he was feeling he was truly where he belongs, Steve nods in another, this one not so small, surrender.

Smiling her hand still on his hair she pulls the face of her sweet submissive into her as she rolls her hips to enjoy his kisses a little deeper. “Now let’s seal our bargain with a session of your delivering me more orgasms until I decide to release you”

Both lost count as she kept his face right at her pussy accepting his unconditional service through copious explosions, she in passionate abandon pumping her hips into his face, greedily seeking out his tireless wonderful tongue at each crest.

“Well it seems we have a deal” she finally sated from his attentive romancing “I’ll make us some dinner, I want you to straighten out the mess we’ve made since you’ve arrived and afterwards I’ll show you how the dishwasher works and how I want you to keep my kitchen arranged.”

Making up the rumpled bed he gazed at the closet where she had stashed his clothes, but never touched that doorknob. That he knew would be up to her, when she decided to let him go on Sunday. He thought that he should be feeling as though he was being taken advantage of, but he didn’t. Steve felt instead right at home with this quirky kinky woman that had him accepting the notion of the far from ordinary lifestyle she was proposing.


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Re: Girlfriend's Proposal

Unread post by eater » Tue Feb 27, 2024 10:16 am

great story. will they have a visitor?

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