Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

For cuckoldresses and the men who serve them.
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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by canadianwittol » Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:03 am

There is so much news to share and so very little time for me these days to share it, but I have had some wonderful developments lately and I've been excited to share them.

First of all, I'm most pleased to share just how happy I am right now. I don' think I've ever been happier in my marriage or with myself. Things are going well for us in general, but with respect to our sex life we have been enjoying taking risks on new adventures and as far as the cuckolding goes, I haven't been cuckolded this regularly since before COVID. Alice is meeting either Dave, or Tim her co-worker, for sex 2-3 times a week.

We went away with Dave last weekend, to our cabin. Dave is only the second lover Alice has ever taken to our cabin, which is a testament to how well we've come to know him. We're often on Dave's boat in the summer time, but it's a bit cold for boating now and when we suggested the cabin he was keen. I've given many accounts of our weekends in the cabin with Ryan I believe in both this thread and many others, and it can often be a kinky time. Most of my major feminization milestones have occurred at the cabin with the benefit of privacy and seclusion, and finally, we had another one: this time directed not by Ryan, not even by Dave, but by my wife.

She had gone shopping earlier that week to put together a halloween costume for a halloween party she was planning to attend with Dave (which she did, this past Thursday night). While she was in there, a "sexy sailor" outfit caught her eye and she considered whether to buy it - for ME - to wear on Dave's boat in the Spring when weather improves. While browsing the costumes, she began talking herself into picking out that outfit for me but began to examine some of the different variations of "sexy sailor" when lo and behold another costume caught her eye: and if you think you know where I'm going with this, you're right. Torn right from the most stereotypical and raunchiest of cuck humiliation literotica, my wife purchased me a "Sexy French Maid" uniform.

Rather than keep that as a surprise for the weekend, she informed me of this as soon as I saw her. She produced the costume with a huge smile saying "I want you to make us dinner this weekend at the cabin in this outfit." I am still at a bit of a loss to understand how I could have for so many years loathed events like this when my wife's lover prompted them, and now embrace it fully when it comes as my wife's suggestion.

"Will you do it for me?" she asked.

"Of course!" I replied.

And I did. On Saturday evening Alice suggested it was time for me to start making dinner and told Dave that she'd like to take a quick walk with him before the sun began to set. She and Dave left when I could hear her say from outside that she'd forgotten something and told Dave to wait. When she came back in she bee-lined to me and said "OK...I want you to put the uniform on now. And when I go, lock the door behind us. When we come back I'm going to tell Dave I have a surprise and we'll knock on the door and you will let us in. OK?" We kissed and she departed.

And so I prepared to make my debut: I had been wearing a pink bra and panties that day which I figured would not go well with a maid look, so I changed into a white bra and panties, added my garter belt and fishnet stockings, and finally slipped the dress over my head. It was of fairly cheap quality, but it would leave no ambiguity about what I was supposed to represent. I stepped into the petticoat my wife provided, tied the lace-trimmed satin apron around the front (which took a few tries to get on tightly enough that it wouldn't fall down) and at last set the white frilly cap (mounted on a headband) on my head. As I had a considerable amount of prep to do in the kitchen for dinner, I cheated on the heels and set them aside for the moment I heard the knock at the door.

About 45 minutes later, that knock came. While I am totally comfortable in every way with Alice and with Dave, I admit that despite everything we have done to date, I felt a shock through my body knowing the moment of humiliation was upon me. I slipped on my heels and teetered over toward the front door. I paused for a moment imagining what I was going to look like in their eyes and how they would react. I had waited long enough that I hear a second, short sharp knock on the door just inches away from my face.

So I unlocked the deadbolt. Took a half pace back, and opened the door, revealing myself: the cuckolded husband prepared to spend an evening serving his wife and lover as a French maid.

Alice was smiling open-mouthed as Dave exclaimed: "What is this?? Is this going to be your halloween costume?"

Alice turned to him and said no, I picked this out for him to wear tonight.

"Oh!" he reacted. "So you planned this?"

"Yes." she answered.

Soon we were all inside and Dave stoked up the fireplace as I continued to cook. I brought them both a glass of wine and as they settled in on the couch, facing away from me, I quietly kicked off my heels again so I could continue to prepare the meal in some relative comfort. They did have sex that night, which I was fortune enough to watch. It wasn't a particularly spectacular session (we'd all eaten steak, potatoes, been drinking wine) although it did end with Alice serving me what she has taken to describing as my "pudding". I wore the uniform the whole time until I went to sleep in the next bedroom.

Truth be told, there's not much more to report on it than that. Most of the story really was in the anticipation of leading up to the big reveal. I've already worn women's clothing and lingerie in the presence of Dave (and Ryan) many times, so it wasn't all that much to write home about above anything else I've done, just a new variation of it.

A side note worth mentioning was Alice's playful dig at me when we got to the cabin: we have a set of antlers mounted above the front door which Alice took delight in pointing out to Dave were symbolic of her having given me the cuckold's horns. (Which is, in fact, exactly why we put them there). Late Saturday evening after I had witnessed their lovemaking it occurred to me that when I opened the door for them that afternoon I must have been perfectly "framed" in the doorway with those symbolic antlers centred directly above me.

Two observations about wearing a French maid outfit: number one, on a practical level, I actually preferred wearing it to the "playboy bunny" outfit I've reported wearing for Ryan in the past. It was less revealing, warmer, and between the two I'd much rather wear a maid uniform. Frankly, the bunny outfit I think is much more humiliating. Alice asked me after the weekend if I would be OK with wearing it for Ryan, and as much as I know he will tease me endlessly about it, the truth is yes, I would much rather wear a maid uniform than the bunny one.

Second observation though is the other side of the coin: wearing a maid uniform carries a distinct symbolism; that of being a servant. To play the role of a highly effeminate servant to your wife and any of her lovers, on top of your acceptance of being a cuckold does offer I think a more deeply psychologically humiliating circumstance than say the bunny outfit. The bunny outfit doesn't imply submission in the same way. Uniforms are, by definition, meant to impose a symbolism, be it one of authority like a police officer or one of conformity like in the military, they are designed to make the person wearing it feel a certain way and to make others see them in a certain way. For all of the cuckold posts about French maids that quite frankly I always thought were likely bullshit, I totally get this concept now. I have never "felt" more like a servant at the beck and call of my wife and her lover, and I'm equally certain I've never better looked the part.

Notwithstanding its feature as an element of erotic fiction and/or fantasy, I can see now how a maid uniform serves a very practical, functional role in a relationship where the wife (and her lover) want to establish their dominance over the cuckold. We discussed these feelings at length: Alice felt them in her own way too. She felt a sense of pride and power at having been able to enforce the humiliating outfit on me (even though I was willing). She loved the naughtiness, kink and taboo of it. She wants to show Ryan that she can assert dominance over me even better than he can. We have both felt such a powerful tapestry of highly charged erotic thoughts about the whole thing that I can honestly say that I am looking forward to my next turn as my wife's French maid.

I will touch briefly on the affair with her co-worker Tim as well. Tim thinks Alice is having an affair without my knowledge, and this has brought us a lot of joy as well. Every man Alice has slept with in the last 6-7 years has known up front that she has a cuckolded husband who fully supports her affairs. Now she is getting to role-play the naughty wife again and she is loving it, and so am I. Alice's very first affair was also with a co-worker who understood that she was cheating on me. That began in 2009 and we were different people then, much younger of course and starting out with no experience in this.

Then, as she began her affair, I took great satisfaction from the knowledge that I was now a true cuckold: my wife was carrying on an affair with another man and little things like hearing the word "cuckold" in a movie or a TV show would set off a charge in me, knowing that the humiliation with which the audience was intended to assign such a character in film also applied to me as well. But in those early days, the humiliation was also very real. In those early days I attended one of my wife's work Christmas parties and while nobody said anything at all, just having to stand making small talk with the man who was fucking my wife was too humiliating for me. I stopped going to her office parties and she was disappointed at me. We didn't make a lot of "progress" in cuckolding in those years, 2009-2014, but I guess looking back it got the ball rolling for us.

In a way, this scenario with Tim gives us a second chance to revisit those first instances. With how much we have evolved since then, Alice has shared with me her fantasy that she wants to re-enact this event, now very confident that I can take it in stride. She teased me that she wants me to come to her Christmas party and to be introduced to Tim. She wants me to make that same small talk I made with her first lover, in her words: "I'm sure he'll be very nice to you, but he'll be laughing at you on the inside. He will have fucked your wife at least a dozen times by Christmas, if not more."

She has expounded on her fantasies, like maybe ducking him away during the party to give him a blowjob while I remain seated at the table: something I am very, very sure she is NOT going to do in her work environment, but makes for great teasing while we lie in bed together. I live for these teasing sessions now, and revel in our discussions of our experiences just between the two of us.

I have already committed to being at that party and improving upon the last time I did it, which was in 2010. And truthfully, much like my next weekend spent as my wife's maid, I am looking forward to it.

I had almost thought that the days of my being cuckolded multiple times a week might be over at our age, but they are back with a vengeance both in roles where I am actively involved with Dave and Ryan and also again playing the role of the unwitting, clueless cuckold with Tim. Being humiliated by my wife is hot as hell and despite the real feelings of humiliation, I feel confident about it and ready for anything. I can honestly say that I have never been so happy.
Wearing the cuckold's horns since 2009

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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Sat Oct 28, 2023 12:04 pm

CW - Just a couple of minor queries.
- If I recall correctly you wear a bra most days going about your daily affairs in male mode. Clearly not drawing attention to doing so. At the cabin with the maids uniform did you pad it out? Or do you think you might in the future? Would you add a wig to the uniform for affect?
- With the co-worker situation, the first time. Do you believe others at her work were aware of what was going on? And what about with Tim?

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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by snoogaloo82 » Sat Oct 28, 2023 2:54 pm

canadianwittol wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:03 am

I had almost thought that the days of my being cuckolded multiple times a week might be over at our age, but they are back with a vengeance both in roles where I am actively involved with Dave and Ryan and also again playing the role of the unwitting, clueless cuckold with Tim. Being humiliated by my wife is hot as hell and despite the real feelings of humiliation, I feel confident about it and ready for anything. I can honestly say that I have never been so happy.
It sounds amazing what you two have got going on!! What an amazing wife you have!!

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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by trecital » Sat Oct 28, 2023 11:58 pm

One thing that I think is 'de rigueur' with a French Maid's outfit, is that you should curtsy when serving them. You might need to practice in front of a mirror, in order to get this right. Then show Alice, to get her approval.
There is a Wikihow that tells you how to do all the variants.

At Alice's christmas party, it would be great if Alice was freshly fucked by Tim, when she introduces you to him. I can just imagine his internal grin, as he looks at you, his internal monologue saying "If only you knew that my spunk is dribbling out of your wife's pussy at this very moment".

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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by canadianwittol » Sun Oct 29, 2023 12:07 pm

Some great feedback above, for which I thank you all: Yes Rik, my wife is amazing! I couldn't have imagined a better partner. As for you Trecital, I think you're onto something there. If you're in for a penny, you're in for a pound. If you're going to be a French maid you might as well be the best one you can be. I think the idea of learning to curtsey would go over very well.

To answer Long Lurker's questions, you are correct, I have been wearing a bra and panties for just over a year now, beginning with that daily starting last September. It hasn't been an issue thus far with anyone "noticing" - it does mean that in the summer time I wear more "bralettes". We're now in the time of year that I usually wear a sweater anyway so wearing an underwire bra isn't a problem right now. As we live in Canada, that's most of the year - even here on the West Coast. I'm definitely most nervous about it during the summer months, but now that I've gone through a full year of all four seasons I've gotten fairly used to it at this point.

Hadn't given any thought to a wig or anything at this point, so don't really have an answer for you on that note.

As to Alice's first co-worker affair - yes- the office absolutely did know about it, I think everyone did. In fact, she moved to a different company when the affair ended because the whole thing became very awkward. She swore she would never get involved with a co-worker again, but the best laid plans and all that. She feels confident she's laid the groundwork in a way that he understands not to be bragging about it and to keep it confidential. We'll see if that plays out, but so far she says they've been very careful and he has understood her desire to keep it very discreet.
Wearing the cuckold's horns since 2009

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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by Trickydicky69 » Mon Oct 30, 2023 1:48 pm

Great update!

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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by trecital » Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:45 am

I'm surprised you have gone with underwired bras. My wife hates those things with a passion. In order to understand what she was talking about, I tried one on, and found it very uncomfortable. There are non-wired bras available, although in my wife's size, a 34DD/E, these are few and far between. She does quite like the 'sports bras', that are really cut down tops with cup shapes at the front. They are stretchy and generally have a wide range of fit, i.e., one size fits a range of cup sizes. If you are wearing them all day, then comfort is a must. What cup size do you wear?

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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by canadianwittol » Thu Nov 02, 2023 11:42 am

My lovely wife curates my bras for me and selects them much moreso on the strength of their aesthetic qualities than for comfort. Which in fairness, I would say is how she selects her own as well.

I certainly never said they were comfortable. While I have become totally accustomed to wearing women's panties to the point that I honestly have no objection to doing so, I don't think I'll ever get used to wearing a bra. I am almost always conscious of wearing one. I liken it somewhat to my wife's favourite reference to cuckolding: that of the husband wearing horns. We are all familiar with the many medieval references to cuckolds being made to wear horns in public as an outward symbolism of his circumstances so that others could take enjoyment at his humiliation. I sort of look at my wearing women's underwear as a modern way of accomplishing that same goal. In fact, it is much more humane as I am afforded the right to keep the symbolism private, under my clothes - but just as horns once did, my wife can be satisfied that my bra and panties serve as a constant reminder of my humiliation.

I generally wear a 36A.
trecital wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:45 am
I'm surprised you have gone with underwired bras. My wife hates those things with a passion. In order to understand what she was talking about, I tried one on, and found it very uncomfortable. There are non-wired bras available, although in my wife's size, a 34DD/E, these are few and far between. She does quite like the 'sports bras', that are really cut down tops with cup shapes at the front. They are stretchy and generally have a wide range of fit, i.e., one size fits a range of cup sizes. If you are wearing them all day, then comfort is a must. What cup size do you wear?
Wearing the cuckold's horns since 2009

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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Thu Nov 02, 2023 4:26 pm

canadianwittol wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 11:42 am
My lovely wife curates my bras for me and selects them much moreso on the strength of their aesthetic qualities than for comfort. Which in fairness, I would say is how she selects her own as well.

I certainly never said they were comfortable. While I have become totally accustomed to wearing women's panties to the point that I honestly have no objection to doing so, I don't think I'll ever get used to wearing a bra. I am almost always conscious of wearing one. I liken it somewhat to my wife's favourite reference to cuckolding: that of the husband wearing horns. We are all familiar with the many medieval references to cuckolds being made to wear horns in public as an outward symbolism of his circumstances so that others could take enjoyment at his humiliation. I sort of look at my wearing women's underwear as a modern way of accomplishing that same goal. In fact, it is much more humane as I am afforded the right to keep the symbolism private, under my clothes - but just as horns once did, my wife can be satisfied that my bra and panties serve as a constant reminder of my humiliation.

I generally wear a 36A.
trecital wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:45 am
I'm surprised you have gone with underwired bras. My wife hates those things with a passion. In order to understand what she was talking about, I tried one on, and found it very uncomfortable. There are non-wired bras available, although in my wife's size, a 34DD/E, these are few and far between. She does quite like the 'sports bras', that are really cut down tops with cup shapes at the front. They are stretchy and generally have a wide range of fit, i.e., one size fits a range of cup sizes. If you are wearing them all day, then comfort is a must. What cup size do you wear?
CW - Horns - A possibility for Halloween sometime, one of those Viking helmets with horns.
- Under the right circumstance, does your wife ever have you wear a shirt/top that might be loose but when moved will clearly outline your bra straps? In that the material is pulled snug.

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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by canadianwittol » Thu Nov 02, 2023 5:44 pm

:lol: Hi Long Lurker,

Alice has never put me in a position where it could become known to anyone else that I have a bra on, or panties for that matter. She has told a few very close friends who know about and take some interest in our lifestyle, and that has certainly caused some humiliation but not publicly.

As a side note, I have told of this story before elsewhere but I'll briefly mention it again as you might find it funny: (while it caught me off guard, even I had to find it somewhat funny, objectively). One day Alice and I had promised to drop off my wife's best friend at the airport and as the morning dragged on I kept reminding them that if she wanted to make this flight on time she had better hurry up. They weren't minding me too much as they were doddling around and discussing her itinerary. As I gradually became more forceful in trying to maintain the schedule as I saw it, my wife's best friend eventually snapped back, starting with a pursed smile that gave away the hint that I knew she'd come up with a good burn, and she had. Smiling while delivering the line she reassured me that we were OK on time and then told me to "keep my panties on". They both laughed.

Alice would love your helmet idea - she does already have a little plastic set of "devil horns" she's put on me from time to time. Other times she has come home from a date and teased me by miming as if to stroke my "horns" and commenting on how nice they look, etc.

In her native language the directly translated verb for "cuckolding" is literally "to put horns on" so she has always enjoyed that reference, and I enjoy it as well, even if it is a rather odd thing to be teased about! :lol:
Wearing the cuckold's horns since 2009

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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by canadianwittol » Sat Nov 04, 2023 1:59 pm

Just wanted to share that today is the 14th anniversary of the day I first became a cuckold back in 2009. I remember it well: it was a cool, cloudy day and although hard to believe now, neither my wife nor I had smartphones back then allowing for frequent texting so I simply waited at home for her return from work, knowing that her co-worker had booked a hotel room that day for them to sneak off to a lunch. She offered me the chance that morning to put a stop to it, but we both knew that it's what I wanted.

We had only been married weeks earlier on September 18th, so when she came home and confirmed that I had been, for the first time "officially" cuckolded, the feeling hit me like a punch to the gut. Alice was 28 at the time and her lover couldn't believe his luck that she was seeking out his cock after just 47 days of marriage to me - a fact which delighted him greatly, according to Alice.

Fourteen years have passed and much has changed, but really all for the good. We have evolved and progressed year over year. Owing to the couple of summers she spent casually browsing Tinder, I've now been cuckolded by dozens and dozens of different men.

Alice forgot that today was our "cuckolding anniversary" but when I mentioned it this morning, she thought it was a good excuse to take me out to brunch.

She is working this afternoon, but Dave will be coming over later (which was already in the calendar) so he will have the honour of fucking my wife 14 years to the day she was first unfaithful to me. We continue to love this lifestyle; and the best part I think is that it's long since stopped being something Alice does for me, but its now something she does as much for herself as she does for me.
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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by 8toplaywith » Sat Nov 04, 2023 11:46 pm

That's quite touching.
I hope you all had a great day and can't wait to hear about it.

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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by trecital » Sun Nov 05, 2023 4:27 am

A traditional 14th wedding anniversary gift is 'Ivory' according to various sites on the internet. I'm not sure if these traditional wedding anniversary lists can apply to a cuckolding anniversary. And I'm not sure what sort of ivory based gift would be appropriate.
Pity you weren't celebrating your 13th, as this is traditionally listed as 'lace'. Lots of possibilities there!🙂

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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by Trickydicky69 » Mon Nov 06, 2023 12:36 pm

A happy if unconventional marriage! 👏🏻👏🏻

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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by troilusand » Tue Nov 07, 2023 4:10 pm

trecital wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 4:27 am
A traditional 14th wedding anniversary gift is 'Ivory' according to various sites on the internet. I'm not sure if these traditional wedding anniversary lists can apply to a cuckolding anniversary. And I'm not sure what sort of ivory based gift would be appropriate.
Pity you weren't celebrating your 13th, as this is traditionally listed as 'lace'. Lots of possibilities there!🙂

Hmmm, a white tusk? Yeah, I think she got that!


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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by canadianwittol » Fri Nov 24, 2023 2:34 pm

My wife left for work this morning in a black leather mini skirt, sheer black pantyhose and one of her four pairs of red-soled Christian Louboutin heels, with every intention of fucking her young co-worker this afternoon around 4:30 or 5.

Add to this that she told me days ago that she's been seeing him long enough and is satisfied that he isn't seeing anyone else at the moment that she's decided she feels safe not wearing a condom with him anymore.

I came to work with a red bra and panty set on today and since lunch I've been sitting here with a boner in my thong unable to think about anything else but the fact that my wife is going to creampied in the next hour or two.
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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by mdevaux » Fri Nov 24, 2023 2:37 pm

That’s so hot! Do you think any coworkers (besides Tim) will notice how sexy she’s dressing for work?

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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by canadianwittol » Fri Nov 24, 2023 2:48 pm

She takes a lot of pride in usually dressing very sexy so while this might be just a little sexier than usual it's not by much.

She's in her 40's now but has taken great shape of herself and we never had any kids; she still turns heads, for sure.
Wearing the cuckold's horns since 2009

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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by false-abroad » Fri Nov 24, 2023 10:40 pm

So how was it? :)

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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by pmate » Sat Nov 25, 2023 11:05 am

Excellent! Love your stories - can't wait to read more.

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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by canadianwittol » Mon Nov 27, 2023 3:24 pm

Friday night turned out to be a night of incredible erotic humiliation.

I got home just before 5 and waited...and waited...anxiously wondering if my wife was actually being creampied by her young co-worker. For all our years in this lifestyle, he'd be incredibly only the third man to cum in my wife's pussy if indeed she had allowed him to do so. That she has granted this privilege to so few was the only reason I was sincerely left wondering why.

When my wife finally came in the door, close to 7pm, she smiled at me and said "Hi, honey" in such a way that would any neighbours in the hall overhead her nothing about her greeting would set us apart from any other couple in the building. Certainly nothing about it would tip anyone off to the idea that she was just returning from a late afternoon spent making me a cuckold.

She walked toward me on the couch slowly, smiling the whole way.

"How was it?" I asked.

"Well." she began, dropping her purse onto an armchair. "It was quite an afternoon."

Conscious of the fully erect boner in my pants I studied her face for clues but silence hung in the air.

"Would you like to eat your pudding?" she asked. Well...that answered that question! I struggled to stammer "yes" - I had realized even while I was waiting for her to come home how much I was actually *hoping* she was going to come home with a cream pie for me. And now she had. First one I'd have had in a couple of weeks, too.

We went into the bedroom where Alice sat on the bed and I knelt at her feet to begin ritualistically removing her Louboutins. As I put them aside, she slipped out of her blouse, the short leather skirt and removed her pantyhose. She laid back on the bed now in just her tiny black g-string and her black bra. She instructed me to get undressed as well, stripping down to the red thong and red bra I had been wearing all day.

She patted on the bed gesturing for me to lie down next to her, and I did, laying side by side cuddled together.

"Did hubby enjoy wearing his bra and panties today?" she asked, knowing how much that embarrasses me.

"I like doing what makes you happy" I replied.

"Awwwww" she cooed. "Hubby's wife went and saw her lover today." she continued, adding "He's a real man. He does NOT wear a bra and panties." Segueing into a babytalk sort of voice she said "And he fucked hubby's wife weely weely well. He weft a widdle treat for hubby, too."

I was rock hard, struggling to enjoy the moment with the realization that I was completely turned on at being totally humiliated by my wife.

"Wait" she said, snapping out of the baby talk. "Where are your horns?"

I have made mention before that from time to time, my wife will put a cheap set of halloween-store "devil horns" on me for a tease session and tell me that they are the cuckold's horns. They were in her nightstand and without leaving the bed she grabbed them from the drawer, and now kneeling overtop of me, her sizeable cleavage, though still encased in its black lace bra, dangling right over my face. She slipped the headband over my head, first missing the mark by landing the headband in front of my ears, then quickly readjusting to behind the ears. She left me lying there, bra, panties and horns on as she got off the bed, standing right next to me beside it.

In this position she began to slowly pull down the front of her g-string - pulling it out from her, toward me, to slowly reveal her pussy. As the panties come off completely, it became visibly noticeable that he had left quite a load, which she further remarked on.

With that she got back on the bed and straddled herself over my face. I haven't been eating creampies for long now, but what we've learned so far is that if you don't get to it as close to the scene of the crime as possible, the less creampie there will be. There is definitely a taste and some remnants left, but the big globs have run down/off/out wherever they go and they're gone - especially if Alice has to come home with it, there's usually not much left.

This was a definite exception. I wondered later if maybe the pantyhose she wore that day helped to preserve everything in place, but I don't know. Alice admitted later that she was making a consciencous effort to preserve it for me - and this one was remarkably well preserved. She lowered herself directly onto my mouth and I began, very literally, EATING this cream pie. Not long into eating, Alice began moaning out loud that my licking felt so good.

As she got into it, she took a grip of the horns on my head, pushing down on them with enough force I could really feel it. Using the downward pressure on the horns, almost like a set of handlebars, she rode my mouth aggressively. Almost as if gobs were bring preserved separately in different crevices of her pussy, whole other pockets of cum would suddenly ooze forward.

All the while she would coo me asking me does hubby enjoy his pudding? Does hubby like the taste of his wife's lover? Occasionally she would back her pussy off my mouth ever so slightly and let me answer the humiliating line of questioning.

"Is hubby looking forward to meeting his wife's lover?"

"Yes." (Christmas Party is in ten days - this is happening.)

"Is hubby glad his wife makes him wear the cuckold's horns?"


"Does cuckolded hubby like that wifey's lover is going to cum in hubby's wife now?"


"Does hubby enjoy his pudding?"


When it was all finished I begged Alice to fuck me. I begged her. She denied me, smiling saying "I already had sex today."

But she laid down beside me, parallel to me, and reached into my panties beginning a slow handjob. She continued cooing me as she was jerking me off, and continued asking me a series of humiliating questions.

Finally she picked her worn pantyhose up off the bed and asked me "Does hubby want to wear his wife's tights to work on Monday?"

In the throes of passion I answered that I did. And that is why, as I write this, I am sitting in my office wearing not just my usual bra and panties but the same pair of sheer black pantyhose that my wife wore on Friday to cuckold me.

Writing this out I once again have a massive boner in my panties that I don't dare jerk off as I'm hoping hoping hoping I can fuck Alice tonight. That's up to her of course.

As much as it does make me ashamed to admit to participating in all of the foregoing, I have been turned on like fuck. I have a boner a cat couldn't scratch and not only am I looking forward to more creampies from her young lover but my mind has been blown by all the verbal humiliation as well. I really do want more and more of this, it is the hottest thing I have ever experienced.
Wearing the cuckold's horns since 2009

Long Lurker 34
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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Mon Nov 27, 2023 3:39 pm

canadianwittol wrote:
Mon Nov 27, 2023 3:24 pm
Friday night turned out to be a night of incredible erotic humiliation.

I got home just before 5 and waited...and waited...anxiously wondering if my wife was actually being creampied by her young co-worker. For all our years in this lifestyle, he'd be incredibly only the third man to cum in my wife's pussy if indeed she had allowed him to do so. That she has granted this privilege to so few was the only reason I was sincerely left wondering why.

When my wife finally came in the door, close to 7pm, she smiled at me and said "Hi, honey" in such a way that would any neighbours in the hall overhead her nothing about her greeting would set us apart from any other couple in the building. Certainly nothing about it would tip anyone off to the idea that she was just returning from a late afternoon spent making me a cuckold.

She walked toward me on the couch slowly, smiling the whole way.

"How was it?" I asked.

"Well." she began, dropping her purse onto an armchair. "It was quite an afternoon."

Conscious of the fully erect boner in my pants I studied her face for clues but silence hung in the air.

"Would you like to eat your pudding?" she asked. Well...that answered that question! I struggled to stammer "yes" - I had realized even while I was waiting for her to come home how much I was actually *hoping* she was going to come home with a cream pie for me. And now she had. First one I'd have had in a couple of weeks, too.

We went into the bedroom where Alice sat on the bed and I knelt at her feet to begin ritualistically removing her Louboutins. As I put them aside, she slipped out of her blouse, the short leather skirt and removed her pantyhose. She laid back on the bed now in just her tiny black g-string and her black bra. She instructed me to get undressed as well, stripping down to the red thong and red bra I had been wearing all day.

She patted on the bed gesturing for me to lie down next to her, and I did, laying side by side cuddled together.

"Did hubby enjoy wearing his bra and panties today?" she asked, knowing how much that embarrasses me.

"I like doing what makes you happy" I replied.

"Awwwww" she cooed. "Hubby's wife went and saw her lover today." she continued, adding "He's a real man. He does NOT wear a bra and panties." Segueing into a babytalk sort of voice she said "And he fucked hubby's wife weely weely well. He weft a widdle treat for hubby, too."

I was rock hard, struggling to enjoy the moment with the realization that I was completely turned on at being totally humiliated by my wife.

"Wait" she said, snapping out of the baby talk. "Where are your horns?"

I have made mention before that from time to time, my wife will put a cheap set of halloween-store "devil horns" on me for a tease session and tell me that they are the cuckold's horns. They were in her nightstand and without leaving the bed she grabbed them from the drawer, and now kneeling overtop of me, her sizeable cleavage, though still encased in its black lace bra, dangling right over my face. She slipped the headband over my head, first missing the mark by landing the headband in front of my ears, then quickly readjusting to behind the ears. She left me lying there, bra, panties and horns on as she got off the bed, standing right next to me beside it.

In this position she began to slowly pull down the front of her g-string - pulling it out from her, toward me, to slowly reveal her pussy. As the panties come off completely, it became visibly noticeable that he had left quite a load, which she further remarked on.

With that she got back on the bed and straddled herself over my face. I haven't been eating creampies for long now, but what we've learned so far is that if you don't get to it as close to the scene of the crime as possible, the less creampie there will be. There is definitely a taste and some remnants left, but the big globs have run down/off/out wherever they go and they're gone - especially if Alice has to come home with it, there's usually not much left.

This was a definite exception. I wondered later if maybe the pantyhose she wore that day helped to preserve everything in place, but I don't know. Alice admitted later that she was making a consciencous effort to preserve it for me - and this one was remarkably well preserved. She lowered herself directly onto my mouth and I began, very literally, EATING this cream pie. Not long into eating, Alice began moaning out loud that my licking felt so good.

As she got into it, she took a grip of the horns on my head, pushing down on them with enough force I could really feel it. Using the downward pressure on the horns, almost like a set of handlebars, she rode my mouth aggressively. Almost as if gobs were bring preserved separately in different crevices of her pussy, whole other pockets of cum would suddenly ooze forward.

All the while she would coo me asking me does hubby enjoy his pudding? Does hubby like the taste of his wife's lover? Occasionally she would back her pussy off my mouth ever so slightly and let me answer the humiliating line of questioning.

"Is hubby looking forward to meeting his wife's lover?"

"Yes." (Christmas Party is in ten days - this is happening.)

"Is hubby glad his wife makes him wear the cuckold's horns?"


"Does cuckolded hubby like that wifey's lover is going to cum in hubby's wife now?"


"Does hubby enjoy his pudding?"


When it was all finished I begged Alice to fuck me. I begged her. She denied me, smiling saying "I already had sex today."

But she laid down beside me, parallel to me, and reached into my panties beginning a slow handjob. She continued cooing me as she was jerking me off, and continued asking me a series of humiliating questions.

Finally she picked her worn pantyhose up off the bed and asked me "Does hubby want to wear his wife's tights to work on Monday?"

In the throes of passion I answered that I did. And that is why, as I write this, I am sitting in my office wearing not just my usual bra and panties but the same pair of sheer black pantyhose that my wife wore on Friday to cuckold me.

Writing this out I once again have a massive boner in my panties that I don't dare jerk off as I'm hoping hoping hoping I can fuck Alice tonight. That's up to her of course.

As much as it does make me ashamed to admit to participating in all of the foregoing, I have been turned on like fuck. I have a boner a cat couldn't scratch and not only am I looking forward to more creampies from her young lover but my mind has been blown by all the verbal humiliation as well. I really do want more and more of this, it is the hottest thing I have ever experienced.
CW - The immediate visualization that comes to mind (for me at least) is Peg Bundy, complete with heels, bust, leggings and big hair. :shock: :lol: :lol:
- Xmas and New Years are coming. :up: :up:
- Ah, the things dreams are made of.

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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by trecital » Mon Nov 27, 2023 11:39 pm

canadianwittol wrote:
Mon Nov 27, 2023 3:24 pm
"Is hubby looking forward to meeting his wife's lover?"

"Yes." (Christmas Party is in ten days - this is happening.) .......

.......As much as it does make me ashamed to admit to participating in all of the foregoing, I have been turned on like fuck. I have a boner a cat couldn't scratch and not only am I looking forward to more creampies from her young lover but my mind has been blown by all the verbal humiliation as well. I really do want more and more of this, it is the hottest thing I have ever experienced.
If you think that was hot, wait until you clean up his cream pie right in front of him. And then Alice and him watching while you masturbate.

avid fan
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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by avid fan » Tue Nov 28, 2023 12:07 am

What a delicious state of affairs (in more ways than one!)

Can you recall what she said as she jerked you off?? Has she explained how it went, and how you were mentioned during any liaison??

Sure the Xmas do will be incredibly intense....do you have any sneaky plans for the do to spice it up further??..will they have time to get up to anything before it, or perhaps sneak out during and leave you in the lurch??

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Re: Wife fulfilling lover's fantasy

Unread post by venus-can99 » Tue Nov 28, 2023 6:12 am

Alice appears to be in wonderland :D - what a wonderful couple

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