KC and Nadia

For cuckoldresses and the men who serve them.
Dream Weaver
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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by Dream Weaver » Thu Jan 11, 2024 9:15 am

I've been married to somebody from that area of the world for almost 30 years. We pretty much grew up together after about age 20. I don't want to get into specifics, but I get your "imposter syndrome" thoughts when it comes to why she married you. I definitely outkicked my coverage. She went through her phases (when she cucked me it was very "organic" - she needed to be seduced, she didn't seek it out) and is unfortunately (or fortunately) much more family/conservatively focused now. So no more playtime, also almost empty nest but it doesn't matter, that 20's/30's social life is gone, so the opportunities are really much less.

Enjoy it while you can! It sounds like she doesn't mind, she is still beautiful enough that men hit on her, and you still have a very active social life. That's 90% of the battle you don't have to fight. I agree with the others, don't push, I think you're doing a great job and it's just a matter of time.

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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by MyNadia » Thu Jan 18, 2024 3:04 pm

Been a fun couple of weeks since getting back to NYC but nothing wild. Our sexual activity has definitely taken a positive turn since what I’ve taken to calling “The Kiss”. I worry that I might annoy her a bit for trying to get more details out of her when there’s not much to tell but I just love the topic and I think she likes my enjoyment. She has texted Laurent but avoided meeting him. I read his texts as him being very eager but trying not to appear so.

We’ve gone out to dinner a few times and before we’ve gone out, for the first time in our marriage, I’m starting to help pick out her clothes. She seems entertained by my interest. Its been too cold for her to show too much skin but I’ve gotten her into some nice tight fitting tops that guys definitely notice. I point out guys checking her out and she usually thinks I’m wrong but I think she’s having fun with it.

She’s very much noticed my own increased sex drive after our date nights. Which puts me in a weird position because she will say that with me being so much more sexually charged up, why would she need another guy? A bit of a Catch 22 because if she doesn’t seem interested in other guys, then my libido goes down….

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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by BallSpanking » Thu Jan 18, 2024 6:59 pm

She is playing along for now, and enjoying it. You should do the same. The question "For whose benefit" probably points to you at this point. But as she flirts and behaves sexily more and more, she will start doing it for her own enjoyment, and for the attention she receives from other men.
Keep watering that seed, don't let her think this kink is taking over ... until she wants it to.
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

Dream Weaver
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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by Dream Weaver » Thu Jan 18, 2024 8:27 pm

MyNadia wrote:
Thu Jan 18, 2024 3:04 pm
Been a fun couple of weeks since getting back to NYC but nothing wild. Our sexual activity has definitely taken a positive turn since what I’ve taken to calling “The Kiss”. I worry that I might annoy her a bit for trying to get more details out of her when there’s not much to tell but I just love the topic and I think she likes my enjoyment. She has texted Laurent but avoided meeting him. I read his texts as him being very eager but trying not to appear so.

We’ve gone out to dinner a few times and before we’ve gone out, for the first time in our marriage, I’m starting to help pick out her clothes. She seems entertained by my interest. Its been too cold for her to show too much skin but I’ve gotten her into some nice tight fitting tops that guys definitely notice. I point out guys checking her out and she usually thinks I’m wrong but I think she’s having fun with it.

She’s very much noticed my own increased sex drive after our date nights. Which puts me in a weird position because she will say that with me being so much more sexually charged up, why would she need another guy? A bit of a Catch 22 because if she doesn’t seem interested in other guys, then my libido goes down….
It's only a Catch 22 in your mind because you made up a story about her putting up a roadblock over sexual enthusiasm. Maybe she enjoys turning you on? Did you think of that? In any event, you're not directing your personal porn movie.

She's having fun, you're having fun, she's not rejecting anything. You planted the seed, it's growing, relax.

Yeah, I know, easier said than done.

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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by MyNadia » Fri Jan 19, 2024 7:12 am

Dream Weaver wrote:
Thu Jan 18, 2024 8:27 pm
In any event, you're not directing your personal porn movie.

She's having fun, you're having fun, she's not rejecting anything. You planted the seed, it's growing, relax
Thanks for the advice, although its not my seed I want to see planted...

Not sure if this is worth sharing. We were on the subway which can be unpleasant but also often the fastest way from A to B. It was crowded and we were separated but I could see her clearly. The subway car was overheated so she had her jack undone. Beneath, she was wearing a blouse with front buttons and one, in the middle, was inadvertently undone. She was standing and there was a guy sitting in front of her, not far from eye level with her chest and very clearly enjoying the view of her bra and cleavage. She was oblivious. He was probably 30ish, dark curly hair, skinny, clean looking, maybe Greek. When he stood up, he bumped against her, I think intentionally. She was just happy to get his seat.

Its just a random small thing but I have now fantasized about her with that guy. Am I abnormal?

Long Lurker 34
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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Fri Jan 19, 2024 12:15 pm

MyNadia wrote:
Fri Jan 19, 2024 7:12 am
Dream Weaver wrote:
Thu Jan 18, 2024 8:27 pm
In any event, you're not directing your personal porn movie.

She's having fun, you're having fun, she's not rejecting anything. You planted the seed, it's growing, relax
Thanks for the advice, although its not my seed I want to see planted...

Not sure if this is worth sharing. We were on the subway which can be unpleasant but also often the fastest way from A to B. It was crowded and we were separated but I could see her clearly. The subway car was overheated so she had her jack undone. Beneath, she was wearing a blouse with front buttons and one, in the middle, was inadvertently undone. She was standing and there was a guy sitting in front of her, not far from eye level with her chest and very clearly enjoying the view of her bra and cleavage. She was oblivious. He was probably 30ish, dark curly hair, skinny, clean looking, maybe Greek. When he stood up, he bumped against her, I think intentionally. She was just happy to get his seat.

Its just a random small thing but I have now fantasized about her with that guy. Am I abnormal?
MN - Considering where your head space is currently, not at all. :shock: :lol:

Dream Weaver
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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by Dream Weaver » Fri Jan 19, 2024 3:08 pm

MyNadia wrote:
Fri Jan 19, 2024 7:12 am
Dream Weaver wrote:
Thu Jan 18, 2024 8:27 pm
In any event, you're not directing your personal porn movie.

She's having fun, you're having fun, she's not rejecting anything. You planted the seed, it's growing, relax
Thanks for the advice, although its not my seed I want to see planted...

..... When he stood up, he bumped against her, I think intentionally. She was just happy to get his seat.

Its just a random small thing but I have now fantasized about her with that guy. Am I abnormal?
LOL, you're not totally crazy, no. There's this door in real life that you are on the verge of opening and you can see it coming and it's driving you loopy.

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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by BallSpanking » Sat Jan 20, 2024 11:39 am

I think you will do well to keep those momentary inspirations to yourself, like a TikTok video, completely disposable.
Your wife could take you to mean you want her to be a slut ... and whereas that can be an amazing motivation when it comes from a woman's own ardor, it would likely NOT be a term she wants applied to her.
I think you are handling it well and discretely, letting her get comfortable with the notion of being a HW. I do think the communications with Laurent are full of promise, and subtle queues of encouragement will spark her libido.
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by BallSpanking » Mon Feb 05, 2024 9:31 am

Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by MyNadia » Mon Feb 05, 2024 11:52 am

Nadia went to a birthday party for Laurent’s mother and he was there, among others…

Of course, we knew he’d likely be there and we haven’t seen him since New Year’s Eve. I was pretty excited but tried to contain it. Nadia is just a lot cooler than me. I thought about not going at all to give her a little more “freedom” but that suggestion irritated her. However, as we’ve been doing, she did let me help her dress.

The party was at their upper west side home, a very spacious impressive townhouse so I knew it was fancy and we needed to dress well. For Nadia, I chose a navy blue skirt, just above the knees but with a slit that went a bit higher up the thigh. Beneath, she wore dark see through nylon tights with a very sexy floral pattern. Dark heels. Her top was a dark see-through blouse, loose fitting over a black lacy bra that was keeping her boobs held up. Her hair was up, neck bare except for a pearl necklace and long dangling silver earrings. She was mouth watering.

The party was well underway when we arrived. Laurent’s father greeted us giving Nadia a nice warm hug. I think it was an extended hug with her breasts smooshed up right into him. As they chatted, he kept his hand on her hip, keeping her close to him. Nadia thinks my imagination exaggerates events but I’m sure every straight guy there was turning their head to check her out.

I stayed with her, mingling with friends. We had our dinner together. I made sure to keep her wine glass full and when she switched to vodka sodas, I made them strong. The crowd was generally older (our age) and I saw a lot of men’s eyes straining to see through her top at those breasts. We spoke with Laurent’s little brother for a while, too. He’s an 18 year old high schooler admitted early admission to an Ivy and he blatantly stared at her chest as they talked. Nadia later admitted that he was obvious.

Eventually, we found Laurent but he was there with a group of his friends, including a young woman who was his date. The conversation was polite but with his date beside him, it didn’t really progress beyond friendly. What was interesting were Laurent’s two male friends. Both his age, 27ish. While Laurent is an intelligent quiet guy and a bit reserved, these two were more the rich kid jock types. They crowded around Nadia, pretty much pushing me out and were talking with her. Neither had their own date. My guess is that Laurent told them something about New Year’s Eve which encouraged them to be on the prowl.
Since I was a bit on the outside anyway, I left her there with her new friends but I was able to watch from afar. She was standing against the door frame of a double door that led to a dark little library room. They were both standing close to her, flirting like young sharks.

I was struggling with my erection. I don’t think I’ve had to struggle with a public erection since I was a teenager. I’m learning that at moments like this, my head becomes a frenzy of excitement and I can’t think straight. My only anxiety is that friends may see her with these guys and that could be awkward to explain but honestly, I don’t really care what people think.

Then I saw her slide round the corner into the library with one of the guys while the other stood there in the frame of the door with a drink in his hand trying to look casual. Then, after maybe a 2 minutes, the guys switched places. Then, they switched again, and this time it was for much longer, maybe 5-10 minutes. Then, they switched and the second guy was back there for 5-10 minutes. Then, she emerged, looking a little disheveled. She saw me across the room, gave a little awkward smile before heading to the restroom.

We stayed another hour and for me, it was a blur. I half listened to conversations and gave uhms and nods to questions. I saw Nadia going around the room, composed and seemingly normal. She saw me looking at her more than once and just smiled. Once with a wink. I swear that wink almost made me cum in my pants!

When we left, we shared a ride with friends who live very near us so we didn’t really talk until we were back in our place.

They two guys were being aggressive and speaking sexually right off the bat. They told her that they knew Laurent had “got with her” and they thought it was incredibly hot. She denied that anything serious happened with Laurent but they didn’t believe her denials. We’re pretty sure Laurent exaggerated what happened. She insisted that they only had kissed and then asked her if Laurent was a good kisser. When she said he was very good, they said they were better and they wanted a chance to prove it.

That’s when one of them produced cocaine. She was pretty drunk already but she agreed to do “just a little”. This concerns me some, it's been years since she’s used anything other than alcohol. But she slipped into the library with one of them and did a little. After the hit, he kissed her and they made out for a minute. Then, the boys switched places and the second boy took his hit. Nadia said she refused a second hit but she was already flying high when the second boy started to kiss her. Then, the boys switched again and this time, the making out got more intense. They were still in a public place but hidden, so the guy unzipped his trousers and took his erection out. He was kissing her neck and feeling her chest and humping her. Nadia said he had wonderful muscular arms. She then took him in her hand and he came like that.

Then they switched again and the same thing occurred. She said the second guy was thinnner but also “muscley”. She said both cocks were “normal sized”. Number two came while he was humping her thigh.

They were both curt afterwards. They said thank you and that she was amazing but then they left her. She had the wherewithal to clean herself up a little. She had cum on her skirt and blouse. She went straight to the bathroom, further cleaned up and redid makeup before joining the party.

After she told me everything, I fucked her like mad. We were both more turned on than we have been since we were young and new to each other. I licked and sucked on her nylons and skirt and blouse where I think they had cummed. I went down on her while she had her eyes closed and kept saying their names. She came multiple times between my mouth and then when we had sex. I tested the limits of my self discipline by holding back my orgasm until she came.

I don’t know if this would be considered “hotwife” level when she didn’t have sex or orgasm herself from the activity but my mind is blown that she did what she did. At this point, we’re both very excited and turned on. She has double-checked that I’m really Ok with this and I’m 100% enthusiastic. She said the coke was a one-time lapse and that I shouldn’t have been pushing her to drink so much. I promised to never do that again.

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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by isinlarsa » Mon Feb 05, 2024 12:15 pm

I think the Rubicon has been crossed. if they had gotten her into a bedroom, they both would have fucked her. Still, just heavy making out with two men is pretty hot.

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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by newUK » Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:11 pm

Wow she’s a hotwife in my book, albeit not a fully fucked one. It won’t be long before that happens :-)
S (Cuck) and L (Hotwife)

Our story (since she became a fully fledged Hotwife): viewtopic.php?f=5&t=69898
Pics of L: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=64722

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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by BallSpanking » Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:36 pm

She is definitely interested ...
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by isinlarsa » Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:58 pm

You know Laurent and his two friends are comparing notes.

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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by BallSpanking » Mon Feb 05, 2024 3:47 pm

I hear what you are saying about not encouraging her to brink, but I have no doubt it provided Nadia with the boldness required to do what she did. The fact she held their cocks and made them cum is telling. Laurent will be texting her soon, and she can pretty much play it any way she wants it. The fact his friends had a taste will only make him hotter to fuck Nadia.
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

Dream Weaver
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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by Dream Weaver » Mon Feb 05, 2024 4:59 pm

isinlarsa wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:58 pm
You know Laurent and his two friends are comparing notes.
Kiss vs hand jobs. I mean, Laurent is definitely on the short end of the stick now.

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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by isinlarsa » Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:11 pm

Dream Weaver wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2024 4:59 pm
isinlarsa wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:58 pm
You know Laurent and his two friends are comparing notes.
Kiss vs hand jobs. I mean, Laurent is definitely on the short end of the stick now.
Laurent overstated how far he got with her. Now his friends got further.

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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by william70 » Tue Feb 06, 2024 7:58 pm

As a recovering alcoholic/coke addict you're playing with the devil.

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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by william70 » Tue Feb 06, 2024 7:58 pm

As a recovering alcoholic/coke addict you're playing with the devil.

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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by elina » Wed Feb 07, 2024 4:11 am

Very sexy,
(apart from the Coce bit, hopefully you can discourage Her from repeating that)...

Did Nadia exchange contact details with the two young guys?


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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by MyNadia » Sat Feb 10, 2024 8:50 am

elina wrote:
Wed Feb 07, 2024 4:11 am
Did Nadia exchange contact details with the two young guys?
Nothing from them. Keep in mind that they likely believe that Nadia was cheating. Laurent has only sent a simple text saying he hoped she enjoyed the party. Maybe he was hinting at something but it could be read innocently, too.

Sex life has been pretty fun since that birthday party. I’ve been hiding my enthusiasm because I’m taking the advice I’ve received from many of you and I’m letting her lead, not pressuring her. Nonetheless, there’s been a spark rekindled and we’ve been having more sexual activity as of late. (A little segway here. I’m in my 50’s and while intercourse is great, I find that I’m often satisfied by Nadia just using her hands or mouth and even letting me suck on her breasts while I rub myself. The idea of fucking 3-5 times a week like we did when we were young would be exhausting. Am I abnormal? Over the past week, I’ve gotten off four times with her. Only once by fucking. And that is a pick up in pace from what was more of a once a week occurrence in recent years.)

I did get a text from the hostess of the party a few days ago that gave me a momentary scare. She texted me asking me to call her because she needed to discuss something with me. No mention of what or why and we’re not super close friends so I had a bad feeling. I was certain that Nadia’s activities were noticed by someone. Maybe she was going to tell me that my wife was cheating on me. Awkward. How would I answer? Or maybe she figured out that I was supportive and she was going to tell me to take our sexual forays out of her home. Embarrassing!

Well, none of the above. I mentioned that Nadia is European and has a bit of an accent (very sexy!). Turns out the lady’s younger son, I mentioned he’s 18 and already admitted to an Ivy school, has been learning Nadia’s native language and was wondering if Nadia knew a tutor. Apparently he’s already fairly conversational and wants someone to practice with. When I told Nadia, she volunteered to tutor him herself.

Now, of course, my imagination is running already. We both saw him staring at her chest at the party. However, Nadia is proud of her heritage and the kid has already shown a sincere interest by studying her language and it's not one of the big ones (not French, German, Italian or Spanish). And to make it more convenient, his school isn’t far from where Nadia works and they’ve arranged for him to come by for just an hour a week.

To be clear, this is not the beginning of a sexual adventure although I have to wonder what he knows about Nadia’s recent activity. Would Laurent have bragged to his little brother or maybe Laurent’s friends have been bragging loudly? Or maybe he just has a crush? Or maybe he just really wants to study the language and why not request a sexy tutor? When we were discussing it, I made a comment about him “wanting to learn her native tongue” and she laughed but told me to stop thinking that way. But of course, I’m not going to stop thinking about it. I will, however, keep my mouth shut.

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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by isinlarsa » Sat Feb 10, 2024 9:13 am

So Laurent is his older brother. There's a pretty good change he told the kid. I like where this is going. Does Nadia have privacy where she works?

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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by Small » Sat Feb 10, 2024 1:26 pm

Very interesting development. I am sure Nadia can teach the young man a thing or two, perhaps even some words in her native language. :-)

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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by BallSpanking » Mon Feb 12, 2024 7:25 pm

If Nadia is tutoring Laurent's kid brother, Laurent will likely come by at some point, or definitely resume texting Nadia.
I think she finds it amusing and feels complimented by the young man's attention, if there is an innocuous way to encourage meeting him, do so.
I believe Nadia has sounded you out enough to be sure there won't be an objection coming from you, but I wonder if she can let herself go, enjoy the HW experience, without liquid courage. It seems Nadia becomes playful and bold once she drops her inhibitions. 😉
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: KC and Nadia

Unread post by MyNadia » Fri Feb 16, 2024 11:10 am

I’ve been trying to be somewhat protective of our identities but I think I need to disclose that Nadia owns what would nowadays be called a “Body Wellness Center”. Massage is a big part of that although other services are rendered (No, not sex-for-money you perverts, a 100% above board establishment). Nadia’s been quite a successful business person and has even relegated day-to-day management to another person although she’s still there frequently.

The relevance is that Laurent’s little brother, “J”, is stopping by the Center once a week and from my home office, I can access the security cameras which are throughout. Not every room is monitored but Nadia’s desk in the back is in the main room and within the camera frame. I can zoom in very tight and the visual quality is very good.

My imagination, like always, was powering much of my excitement for his session. I was terribly disappointed when he didn’t show up at the appointed time and elated when he finally arrived 10 minutes late. Nadia, by the way, was fully aware that I was watching and the security cameras are not hidden in any way. She did again let me help her choose her outfit. She was wearing jeans (it's cold outside) and a tight thin sweater, pink, that shows a little of her tight belly. She wore a bra beneath that kept everything up high and tight and she promised to keep the top buttons undone.

To the casual observer, nothing notable really happened but I was watching closely. They chatted for about 45 minutes and “J” was staring at her chest throughout. When she bent down to get something from her pocketbook, he leaned in for a better angle. When they were looking at a textbook together, his eyes were on her, not the pages. Nadia was subtle. A little brushing up against him and a yawn and stretch once that induced some wide eyes from him. She didn’t need to do much.

I had two favorite moments. When she was showing him around, they stood by a massage table and Nadia reached up and squeezed his shoulders from behind for a few seconds and I saw his face just melt.

The second moment was when Nadia left him alone for a minute. I saw him look around furtively and then he took her winter scarf, pressed it into his face and inhaled. The kid wants her bad.

When she got home that night, after dinner, she was definitely in a frisky mood. She liked hearing my interpretations of what had been happening and I showed her the video of him getting his shoulders squeezed and then the scarf inhalation. She laughed but I could tell she was pleased. I went down on her when we went to bed and I asked her to think about him and she did say his name a few times while my tongue probed her.

I don’t want to raise anyone’s expectations. I think Nadia enjoyed having the admiration of a young guy and likes seeing me excited but I’m not expecting her to go Mrs. Robinson. What I’m really excited about is that we seem to be on the same page and we’re both having fun with this exploration.

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