Ascending Lauren

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by Breakerhymen » Wed Jan 31, 2024 4:00 pm

SimpleEnigma wrote:
Thu Jan 04, 2024 1:18 pm
Hi Breakerhymen.

We had met at a party a while back and exchanged numbers. While he seemed like a nice guy and was pretty good looking, when we went out to dinner there was no sexual energy at all. Mind you, it doesn't take much for me, but the whole time it was like I was out with my brother. Simple was very surprised to see me come strolling in the garage door at 9:30. Win some, lose some.
Thanks for answering the query. So impressed you reach out to your readers and dare i say it fans…….how often do you strike out on a meet and greet? How often do you go out without simple currently?

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Wed Jan 31, 2024 5:54 pm

Breakerhymen wrote:
Wed Jan 31, 2024 4:00 pm

Thanks for answering the query. So impressed you reach out to your readers and dare i say it fans…….how often do you strike out on a meet and greet? How often do you go out without simple currently?
"Striking out" on a date is less common these days as I've slowed down quite a bit. Although I like to think I've taken care of myself, women in their 60s tend garner less attention. Plus, after having to shrug off a stalker a few years back, I am much more selective about accepting a date.

Simple never goes out on my planned dates, but he does help me vet them beforehand. And that doesn't mean we don't go out clubbing together and things happen organically. We are both social butterflies and tend to attract other liberal minded people. When we meet someone I like, he typically will stick around and watch (if the guy or gal doesn't mind), or at the very least be within earshot just in case. I guess we are little more paranoid in our old age.
Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by Breakerhymen » Wed Jan 31, 2024 7:31 pm

Understandable. The world is a scary place.

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by VQBikk » Sun Feb 04, 2024 10:34 am


I just read the 26 Chapters in a row, out of curiosity, I have to say, I learnt a lot and some things were surprising.
Here's a review on what thoughts / emotions it brought. (Sorry, it's not short)

It is far better to read this story in the forum than on Lit, your exchange, the comments gives way more perspective on what you want to give with it. (Also, people are way more respectful there and understanding…)
I must say, I was undecided on the message you wanted to convey at first, I read the story diagonally the first time, I did read every chapters this time. My actual take: "Let’s share our story for the fun of it, make us and our friends hot (get rewards) and if possible, let’s educate a few people on what we do in our LS ».

First of all, I’d like to give my respect to Corey, undertaking this, whether voluntarily or through the effect of time as in the story, massive respect. You don’t have balls, you have King Kong balls… (Pardon my French)
I find Lauren's dedication to her husband, playing along, not judging, taking her husband for who he is, great. Of course, all isn’t altruistic, some seems also self-serving. Respect for this too.
Also, through the story, assuming the fictive L&C are portraying the authors, I felt a connection, a deep bond between them. It is to be admired. What I particularly appreciate in your answers in the forum, is how you take responsibility for your experiences, how things turned out, without escaping what you did right or wrong. You literally own it all.

… About my reading experience for such thematics:
I must say, reading your story is for me an emotional roller-coaster, I was very intrigued by the title when I saw it on Lit. « Is it again one story where the wife takes liberties and leave the husband in the dust…?? » It’s usually not my flavor, but the way it is build and the way the characters handle it makes it interesting to read, sometimes entertaining to. Arousal (hey, I’m not dead..), confusion, anger, shock (yep!) and also a feel good impression while we see them interacting domestically, still loving despite the huge changes.
I’m a novice reader for this LS, by it, you can make an analogy, if you start to run, you won’t run a marathon in 2 months, you may start with a 5k trial and improve from that. Even though being vanilla, I did read a few stories related to other kinks over the years, but rarely about this one, your story was high level to start with. At least, I can get an understanding on what we talk about, but it’s not always easy to do so depending on the themes and brings a lot of emotions out of me, because what I read before was pretty tame in comparison. (Killed my sleep with questions for 2 nights so far… :-) ) Only one was way darker from an author I like.
I’m somebody empathic, I tend to put myself in the shoes of the people when I read stories. I have to say, it’s sometimes difficult not to feel the pain when I try to question ‘How would I feel in his shoes and it’s my wife doing it….?’. Yeah..., painful. So you did a great job to pass emotions with the writing, sometimes too well.

… About my overall impressions on the story:
I sometimes felt heavily for « Corey », because his kink brings a direct hit to his pride / ego, not helped by his wife who feeds the beast with gusto. This vulnerability is sometimes overwhelming, specially considering he is in bad shape in the story, getting verbal abuse from his wife / lovers and can’t do anything about it (I know he asks for it, but this much?). Not trying to write your story for you, but as he is going to the gym, I hope he’ll make it up to himself to get in better shape through his efforts and get a reward for his pride (Even though Chap. 26 states a reversal…).
I have the feeling that he is very overwhelmed at first with his feelings, as surprised that it happens at all, which prevents him to answer some taunts, to take a stand, because he can’t believe it. I feel that the character isn’t a wimp, only overwhelmed. Let’s see what are the reactions in the future. He gets taunts from the guys for one topic, but most are perhaps half the man he is overall...

As I told you when I wrote asking for the forum link, I read it diagonally the first time, which was a mistake (And a bit the coward’s way… to know what will happen to him, how will it end without deep diving too much and avoid an emotion overload). I missed plenty of details, words, short sequences which give sense to who you are in this LS. For instance, I learnt the role of the cuckolderess through your story. I basically thought at first, she's just a woman who want to have some strange on the side, like a good cheating wife story, but in the open. I was way off the mark (badly influenced by Lit, I know…). Like BDSM, there’s a role, responsibilities on both side at play. Rules to be established and some are to be decided on the fly. Also, the understanding of their dynamic was impaired, many small sentences, sometimes gestures or words, expressing the love she has for him, whereas her actions shows something different, a coldness which can be chilling, as if she wants to hurt him bad ("Make him bleed » was a startling comment from her side…). Hence my comment finding Lauren insensitive at some point.

As stated before, the couple seems to be loving, highly connected. Despite her actions, many words, touches, small questions points toward it. If you are still together, you must be I guess lol. I feel that sometimes the connection, the love between the characters isn’t shown or explained enough. As you pointed out, it is a collection of adventures from you and your friends, placed in a short span of time, in order to fit a fictional story of the characters, it couldn’t happen to a couple without tearing them down (So you said, I have no clue). I feel that sometimes, you could use more ‘domestic’ scenes, where nothing happens, showing who they are outside of their Kink (Let’s not lie to ourselves, they both have one, not only him). Showing the love they share, when they are not living their LS (Maybe… just my .02 Cents). In the same direction, she’s doing a lot of things to put him off balance, to provoke his anxiety and ‘feed the beast’. She does also kind gestures to show him he counts for her, but it is perhaps a bit unbalanced and it gives the impression that the character Lauren is only cruel, her thoughts shows differently sometimes compared to her actions (Maybe this is the aim). I had the feeling while reading that Lauren learns also about the role and forgets about some steps to be taken sometimes.

One aspect I’m surprised about, is the relatively low amount of discussion between both to discuss their change in terms of lifestyle. For such a big change, from prim and proper monogamous couple, to a cuckold couple, there are really few discussion, adjustments made between the two of them. Which state of mind do they have? Which feelings? What did they like? What didn’t they? What is the status of them as a couple, their relationship outside of their kink, how do they live the status, changes at a given time? What to do? How to correct? What to do more? What to stop?...
A bit more conversations on the topic might shed some lights on their evolution (If it happened IRL of course). For instance, they have a major dispute after Christmas before the move, he get the silent treatment (even if they both made a mistake, only differently. Women… ;-) ), she gets to torture him for a long while and after a certain amount of time, they pick up as if nothing happened (At least that’s the impression I had while reading). I know that the target is more to relive scenes / experiences lived by you and your friends for the fun of it, bringing perspective on how they manage to navigate the rough patches, would also be an interesting tale within the tale to tell. I can understand that the fact it’s not only your story, makes it complicated to create.

One thing I also noticed, which is mentioned only once but represented several times with self-reflections or moods by Corey, is his apparent sadness over the whole situation. Asking himself « is it worth it? » at the end of a chapter. I guess it comes from the fact that the story details more the kink and the wife ‘misbehaving’ for both their pleasure, where the male in question was full of contrary feelings while the wife was having fun at the time. Not representing the everyday life, where everybody is living life to its fullest and enjoying just being, not being only defined by a Kink. But it was surprising I have to say that sadness comes so much.

… About the characters you introduce, some of them are particularly interesting, here are my impressions:
- Corey / Lauren: Very likable characters, with their strengths and weaknesses, the conflict in both is sometimes clear at the start, after a while, only in Corey’s mind. Corey is giving the feeling of a confident man, with only a conflict related to his sexuality, sometimes masculinity (Linked maybe? I’m no shrink, but for a man, clearly a big thing). Lauren sinks in the LS like a duck in the water, she is often portrayed as a doting mother and wife, caring for her husband (That’s for instance the first act on Myles boat, holding hands while coming from another guy, sweet). The coldness she displays during cuck acts afterwards is sometimes chilling, where like Corey, it makes us wonder whether it’s a play act or what she really thinks (I think I understood that’s the role of the cuckolderess…). Reverting quickly to a caring and nurturing nature toward him afterwards, which seems less and less after chapter 16, when they have the first big disagreement. They exhibit both their loneliness in different ways, Corey by mopping around and being sad, doubtful of the future he triggered, Lauren by partying and enjoying the gained freedom and sexual liberation, sometimes giving the impression to forget her husband (eg. surprises starting in chapter 26 when he arrives in Miami…). I sometimes want to shake them both so that Corey take a stand when it’s too much and Lauren realizes that her man isn’t 100% good with all of it and would show him more affection (Only my perception of the situation).

- Chloe / Charlie: The ‘experienced couple’, without the age. Chloe probably due to her profession is wise beyond her years related to sex. She sees Corey’s sadness and tells it to Lauren who doesn’t seem to grasp the special feedback and act on it (Foreshadowing incoming issues during their evolution?). She insists on the required aftercare heavily during Charlie’s traumatic 1st experience, which Lauren seems sometimes to skip or do lightly (Again, foreshadowing?). The impression on these characters introduced indirectly to this LS by Corey & Lauren in the story, is that they may be the young version of Corey & Lauren and giving insights on which steps they missed while starting it and how they would do differently if they started today. Like a cautionary tale: « Be careful what you wish for, you may get it. But please don’t do it as we did it, do that instead, it’ll be safer ».

- Caroline: The prodigal daughter is a fun character, the scene from your friends is nuts, blasting her father, even if the relationship between her parents is different, wow… She gives the impression that it could very well be Lauren when she started with Corey IRL or before, not really your prim and proper PTA mom only… (Only guessing, I may be wayyyyy of base…) But some of your answers in the forum makes me think that IRL Lauren wasn’t a saint before this adventure and Caroline may be a representation of her (Page 13 of the forum, your answer to a member: "don't try and make her into something she is not. Accept and enjoy her for what she is, the woman you married. »).

- Zane: Complex character, try to balance the friendship with his friend, but also take advantage of the situation presented to himself, which was only a fantasy for him before. He’s the guy which has IMO the biggest impact on Corey with his wife. Due to the friendship, due to the episode with the ring, the bedroom and wedding music and the apparent longing of Lauren for him, which seems stronger than for most others, except ’Tex’ (I felt the pain for the entire chapter with the ring and master bedroom scenes).

- Amy: A confidant while Corey is away, a guide to discover the city at first for Lauren, then a partner in crime, finally a lover… The influence to ramp up in Miami gets quickly shadowed by the pupil is how I’d define her, even though she has I think a positive influence in the story. She's complex in her own way, as she likes to play around but is looking to settle as well and also gets progressively very attracted to somebody taken (Body available, heart locked).

- Alex ’Tex’: It seems to me that you use him to represent the real danger of this LS, somebody close enough to home (Younger version of Corey), who has other advantages on top of it and could create a major storm for a couple. Corey isn’t blind and can see that she’s attracted to him, not only for a roll in the hay… He is likable though, contrary to many of her suitors, who have great bodies, big / huge apparels but no personalities or brain (I understood, it isn’t the target, PhD geeks may not be as interesting for such endeavors…), he has real character on top of his physical presence. Maybe it was this danger, which puts the marriage at risk which was at the origin of the safe word being said...

The others I found less relevant….

… About the link with the IRL story, what the story might say or not say (You do not need to answer, I thought it might be fun for you to see how people might try to put the pieces together from what you wrote)
- They have no big age gap (You state it a bit in the forum)
- It wasn’t started during late ages, but way before, maybe from the start of their history? Or after a few years when the kids were older
- Corey had no issues with his body, only a different way to express his desires. I have the feeling that him slowing down was not the basis of the real life people…
- The evolution of their relationship might have happened during a professional relocation, timed as in the story (Too many chapters dedicated to it, the comments, feelings, seem real, lived...)
- Their loneliness may have been the trigger for their change, but it happened for other reasons too, looking to play their kinks out
- Their children weren’t involved and may still not be aware of their Kink
- Some of the characters introduced were gained gradually over the years from their experiences in the LS
- It took a while to Corey either to reach his limits / or be able to express himself that some things weren’t OK (You mention it in the forum, 10 years before safe word, wow)
- Thus, there was a relationship BSF and ASF (Will be very curious to read these chapters later on)

Finally (yeah sorry I’ve been Long), you said many times that you are not good writers, I tend to disagree, I’ve been reading many books / stories over the years and your writing is very good. Focused, clear, a great character and plot development. Well done, you’ve woven a fine spider web, with many links and interactions between chapters. I’ll be definitely reading your next chapters.
Thanks for sharing your writing and enabling a better comprehension on your way of living. If we wanted a better society, building understanding between people and accepting that we have different ways of living would be a good start. I don’t share your LS, it’s not a valid point to disrespect or try to change you.

Sorry for this verbose rambling, I guess it all boils done from my origins, we are used to be like this. I just wanted to express what your story inspired me, that’s the kind for which you can’t stay indifferent for sure.

Take Care

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by hongtea » Sat Feb 10, 2024 1:29 pm

Almost two months since a chapter dropped, the anticipation is killing me!

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by 3rotika » Tue Feb 13, 2024 5:42 pm

Wow! I like making 3D stories, but I don't know if my imagination could come up with as much as this.
Well done!

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by knighter33 » Tue Feb 13, 2024 5:47 pm

Huge amount of effort goes into each chapter by Simple and Lauren. They have every lives to live.

The wait is well worth it though for us kinky followers.

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Wed Feb 14, 2024 12:44 pm

@VQBikk - holy smokes, that has to be one of the longest, most thought-through analysis of our work I've seen (thinking of you hongtea as well). In fact, I'm not certain that Ascending Lauren is even worthy of such evaluation or accolades, but THANK YOU very much. We are humbly honored.

It is far better to read this story in the forum than on Lit, your exchange, the comments gives way more perspective on what you want to give with it. (Also, people are way more respectful there and understanding…)

This is a fact. While Lit's format is, of course, better than the editor in a discussion board for the actual act of reading, it does not allow for a two way exchange of feedback and thoughts like OHW does. And could not agree with you more about folks being more respectful here. Certainly we have our critics, those that do not like the direction some story arcs take. But as we've said time and time again, we are not going to alter history just to satisfy someone's idea on how it ought to be. For the most part, readers here accept what we are trying to do, which is to provide stroke stories with a storyline, all seeded with some basis of real life experience. Sometimes we hit the mark, sometimes we don't. But we will always, always try. This is why we take our time between publications.

First of all, I’d like to give my respect to Corey, undertaking this, whether voluntarily or through the effect of time as in the story, massive respect. You don’t have balls, you have King Kong balls… (Pardon my French)
I find Lauren's dedication to her husband, playing along, not judging, taking her husband for who he is, great. Of course, all isn’t altruistic, some seems also self-serving. Respect for this too.
Also, through the story, assuming the fictive L&C are portraying the authors, I felt a connection, a deep bond between them. It is to be admired. What I particularly appreciate in your answers in the forum, is how you take responsibility for your experiences, how things turned out, without escaping what you did right or wrong. You literally own it all.

Make no mistake, like real life, people that are drawn to this lifestyle have their own agendas. When we got into this some 30 years ago, it was initially to play on my fantasy, which then unlocked Lauren's fantasies. As we try to convey in AL, while Lauren enables my kinks, it isn't all selflessness on her part. She has benefited plenty from me being a wittol and my zelophilia. You only have to read the last couple chapters (and the forthcoming ones) to see how much of a party slut she became, while at the same time putting the cuckold screws to me. In future editions, you'll get a glimpse of an even darker side of the LS that you don't see many talk about here. But through it all, we do try and own the life we live. I will be the first one to admit I'm fucked up. Regarding our dedication to each other: it is very hard for some people to understand how any of this lends itself to a healthy, workable relationship. And I get it. But the fact that we are still together more than 30 years later, now with grandkids, still sitting on the couch, cuddling and giggling like teenage lovebirds serves as evidence it works. We fell in love those many years ago and simply have not fell out of it.
I’m somebody empathic, I tend to put myself in the shoes of the people when I read stories. I have to say, it’s sometimes difficult not to feel the pain when I try to question ‘How would I feel in his shoes and it’s my wife doing it….?’. Yeah..., painful. So you did a great job to pass emotions with the writing, sometimes too well.
This is perhaps the greatest compliment we could receive and it validates our tendency to get too into the characters. If a reader feels something - good or bad - then we've hit the mark.
One aspect I’m surprised about, is the relatively low amount of discussion between both to discuss their change in terms of lifestyle. For such a big change, from prim and proper monogamous couple, to a cuckold couple, there are really few discussion, adjustments made between the two of them. Which state of mind do they have? Which feelings? What did they like? What didn’t they? What is the status of them as a couple, their relationship outside of their kink, how do they live the status, changes at a given time? What to do? How to correct? What to do more? What to stop?...
A bit more conversations on the topic might shed some lights on their evolution (If it happened IRL of course). For instance, they have a major dispute after Christmas before the move, he get the silent treatment (even if they both made a mistake, only differently. Women… ;-) ), she gets to torture him for a long while and after a certain amount of time, they pick up as if nothing happened (At least that’s the impression I had while reading). I know that the target is more to relive scenes / experiences lived by you and your friends for the fun of it, bringing perspective on how they manage to navigate the rough patches, would also be an interesting tale within the tale to tell. I can understand that the fact it’s not only your story, makes it complicated to create.
Great comment. I guess our only defense is that we aren't trying to write the great American novel, or create a work people would pay money for. Its simply for entertainment and honestly, for a close circle of special friends whom already know their own stories better than we. It's a bonus that the internet exists so we can share them for free with a wider audience, but there is a fine line in providing a compelling backstory/conveying feelings, and 'getting to the good stuff'.
One thing I also noticed, which is mentioned only once but represented several times with self-reflections or moods by Corey, is his apparent sadness over the whole situation. Asking himself « is it worth it? » at the end of a chapter. I guess it comes from the fact that the story details more the kink and the wife ‘misbehaving’ for both their pleasure, where the male in question was full of contrary feelings while the wife was having fun at the time. Not representing the everyday life, where everybody is living life to its fullest and enjoying just being, not being only defined by a Kink. But it was surprising I have to say that sadness comes so much.
That you picked on up that is a good thing. I can't speak for every wittol in the world, only myself and those we've made friends with over the years. Most of us realize we are broken in some way. That in itself brings about some sadness. I can no longer maintain an erection unless it in someway involves Lauren playing. That's fucked up. Nobody has to tell me that. I know it. The zelophilia also contributes to the feeling of being different, perverted, twisted. The thing is, most of us can't tell you why we are wired this way, but we are. It truly is a bittersweet painful pleasure that few will ever understand. Those who have said it has some roots in BDSM are spot on.
… About the link with the IRL story, what the story might say or not say (You do not need to answer, I thought it might be fun for you to see how people might try to put the pieces together from what you wrote)
- They have no big age gap (You state it a bit in the forum)
[SE] This is true
- It wasn’t started during late ages, but way before, maybe from the start of their history? Or after a few years when the kids were older
[SE] early on in our marriage, but when the kids got to the age that we felt we risked discovery, we slowed down, only to pick back up when they went off to college.
- Corey had no issues with his body, only a different way to express his desires. I have the feeling that him slowing down was not the basis of the real life people…
[SE] I was always a little pudgy, but got that spread later in life. The whole man-boob and flabby belly references are for real. I've tried working out - much like Corey - but never enough to make a difference.
- The evolution of their relationship might have happened during a professional relocation, timed as in the story (Too many chapters dedicated to it, the comments, feelings, seem real, lived...)
[SE] It started before that, but was advanced by this.
- Their loneliness may have been the trigger for their change, but it happened for other reasons too, looking to play their kinks out
[SE] We entered the LS way before the relocation, but when we began writing AL it seemed like a good vehicle to start the story.
- Their children weren’t involved and may still not be aware of their Kink
[SE] For OUR children, this is correct. And to our knowledge, they are still unaware. The AL character Caroline is based on a true story that supposedly played out like the scenes we depict her in, but that was another couple's experience that we simply retold. We do know 'Caroline' personally, however, and she is very much a sexual being and extremely promiscuous. Her mom (our friend) and Caroline freely admitted to us that they screwed the same guy - a neighbor - and according to both, they DID cuck the dad (also our friend) in much the same way as in that chapter. Like I said, we are broken. And yes, mom and dad are still together.
- Some of the characters introduced were gained gradually over the years from their experiences in the LS
[SE] Yes, while Corey and Lauren have a lot of me and IRL Lauren in the characters, the situations are an amalgamation of friends' experiences. Zane, Amy, Max, Myles, Chloe and Charlie, Dale and Amanda, and several other characters are based on very real people in our lives.
- It took a while to Corey either to reach his limits / or be able to express himself that some things weren’t OK (You mention it in the forum, 10 years before safe word, wow)
[SE] As mentioned, Lauren knows very well my penchant for 'painful pleasure'. I am into severe humiliation, which the AL story is beginning to touch on, and she delivered on it in spades (and still does to some degree). It is true I used our safe word only one time. Since that story will likely weave itself into the tale, I'll say no more.

Thanks for sharing your writing and enabling a better comprehension on your way of living. If we wanted a better society, building understanding between people and accepting that we have different ways of living would be a good start. I don’t share your LS, it’s not a valid point to disrespect or try to change you.
[SE] We appreciate your readership and respectful feedback. Consensual polyamorous relationships have generally been accepted by mainstream society with a 'wink, wink, those crazy swingers' attitude since the 70s, but for some reason, a man who wants to be subservient to his SO along with emotional castration is viewed as just plain sick. Perhaps we are, but few of us will make any apologies for it. Thank you for your acceptance.

@3rotika - while a lot of the chapters are embellished to make them more interesting, it helps that the underlying stories have already written themselves IRL. So thank you for praising our imagination, but its not as profound as you might think. :D

@knighter33 - thanks for the kind words. Yes, writing is just a hobby and we'd much rather be out making new memories than dwell on the old. I know that doesn't lend itself to as much frequency as some would like and for that we apologize. We could just throw some words on paper and hit the submit button, but that really wouldn't be our style. I can tell you that there will be new material dropping soon.

As always, stay tolerant, friends, and thanks for reading!
Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by VQBikk » Sat Feb 17, 2024 11:39 am

Hi, Thanks for taking the time to answer,
In fact, I'm not certain that Ascending Lauren is even worthy of such evaluation or accolades, but THANK YOU very much. We are humbly honored.
Well, it's a complex story, on a complex topic, triggering complex emotions, which required a complex written feedback.... Make sense? :mrgreen:

For the most part, readers here accept what we are trying to do, which is to provide stroke stories with a storyline
I maybe the weird one not using it for this purpose.... Way too serious maybe ^^

Most of us realize we are broken in some way. That in itself brings about some sadness.
I heard it from a friend for another fetish once, interesting. But is it being broken? Or simply out of the expected norms related to a couple which makes you feel broken? (If we look at it closely, mainly driven by religions over the years since a looooooong time...) I mean, is somebody, able to share himself openly at least with his wife somebody fucked up or simply open? (Considering that it makes him happy to express himself and doesn't harm anybody if the significant other is open to it) I mean, how many marriages, "standard" or not are featuring people having difficulties expressing themselves, ends up being out of synch and separating?...

We appreciate your readership and respectful feedback. / Thank you for your acceptance.
I'm not here to judge or ask you (nicely or rudely) to change your ways. I'd say, thanks for sharing a story where its close enough, so that I can grasp get an understanding from persons with experiences.

Looking forward to reading where the story brings you.

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Sun Feb 18, 2024 3:45 pm


Note: The overt and cruel humiliation towards Corey continues. If you aren’t up for that, skip this one. Don’t say we didn’t warn ya.

Thursday, April 12th

Two men cast their lines overboard from the deck of a sleek sailboat bobbing gently in the warm turquoise waters just off the coast of Fort Lauderdale. The salty ocean breeze carried with it the faint scent of seaweed and fish as hungry squawking gulls circled overhead, scanning for an opportunity to snatch up what the fishermen might discard.

"Really appreciate you asking me to come out here," Corey Miller nodded in the mid-April Florida sun, his eyes scanning the line for tension. It was not yet ten o'clock, but the temps were already in the eighties.

"Stick with me and we'll both have boats out here," Dale Dactyl grinned as he grabbed another beer from a cooler and handed it to his newest project lead. His unbuttoned white linen collared shirt fluttered in the wind, exposing a solid hairy salt-and-pepper chest.

The perspiring project manager graciously accepted the aluminum bottle and returned the smile, wishing his physique was as good as his host's. Although Dale's bank account was astronomically bigger than his own, there was little doubt the two were cut from the same cloth. Comparable in age - Corey was a few years older - their mutual love of fishing, classic rock, and the pair's hatred for formality and a similar laid-back attitude had convinced him that he and his new boss could easily become friends.

"Lauren would like that," Corey agreed.

"Yeah? She's a keeper then. How is she?" the billionaire entrepreneur asked with genuine interest. "I hope she's enjoying the coast."

"She is."

"When we first spoke, you mentioned she was a bit shy. Making friends?

You have no idea, Corey thought. "She's opened up quite a bit since moving here, yes."

"Good, good. We still need to do lunch, all of us. Amanda is dying to meet her. How about two weeks next Saturday? A friend of ours has a gallery showing in Miami. We could have a bite to eat after. What do you say?"

"Sounds like a plan," Corey replied. Hobnobbing with the boss outside of the office could only bode well for his career and their budding friendship. Suddenly, his expression became somber. Sitting up on the bench seat, he took a drink and looked over at Dale. "Can I ask you a question?"


"Does everyone in Florida have such a liberal attitude towards sex?"

Dactyl lowered his sunglasses and looked over the brim at his employee as if assessing an answer that his HR person wouldn't give him grief over. He decided to gamble on the truth.

"The short answer is yes. Well, at least from Boca on down. West Palm has a lot of older folks, but most of them are still pretty hip. Sun, skin, beautiful women, bikinis, and coke tend to loosen people up. Why do you ask?"

"Just curious."

Dale laughed. "Suffice it to say, when they're not doing it, they're thinking about it. A bit different than Iowa, huh?"

"A tad."

The construction magnate chuckled, studied his guest, then leaned back, pushing his Persol's into place.  "You, uh, looking to expand your horizons? Things can get pretty weird on the Gold Coast."


"Is the little lady getting behind?"

"Huh? Oh, no. Well..."

Dactyl got up and grabbed a couple sandwiches from the refrigerator. "Relax, I didn't mean anything. Marriage is a fickle beast, you know? Sometimes things get stale. And down here, there's no shortage of ways to keep it fresh."

Corey furrowed his brow. He couldn't put his finger on it, but something about that statement felt...unfinished.

"Let's eat," Dale gestured towards the hoagies. "I'm fucking starving."

Taking the cue, the older man sat down and unwrapped a sub. The two sat and munched hungrily, dreading the return to the office where they had several tough meetings that afternoon.

Meetings that would not go well.


Lauren Miller stood behind the sneeze guard of a cafeteria line, equipped with a large spoon and metal tongs. With a warm smile and a brief conversation, she greeted each homeless guest as they passed her station, extending acrylic plates for her to place vegetables and meatloaf onto. Most of the guests expressed gratitude for the food, returning the smile. However, some looked away in embarrassment and hopelessness as they accepted the food, weighed down by the circumstances that had led them to the Soup Galley Mission in downtown Miami that night.

It was here that Lauren found solace. After volunteering at Christmas with Corey, she made it a point to return whenever she could. Despite feeling somewhat overwhelmed thinking about the broken lives that passed through her station, it provided her with a sense of purpose amidst the chaos that had consumed her life in the past year. Unlike many other professions, office managers often didn't receive the same level of satisfaction in helping others. Doctors, nurses, lawyers, and even veterinarians aided someone every day. The soup kitchen provided Lauren with some comfort in knowing that in some small way, she was making a difference in someone's life.

With Corey in Fort Lauderdale, Lauren had decided to stop by that afternoon to lend a hand. Between spoonfuls of green beans, her eyes wandered down the long serving line towards the front door. The kitchen was set to close in thirty minutes and many in needy Miami were still looking for a hot meal. With hands wrapped in hot pads, she carefully lifted an empty pan of meat off the serving line, placed it on a waiting cart that had been wheeled from the kitchen, and replaced it with a full pan. Removing her gloves, Lauren looked up to serve the next guest and was surprised by a familiar face.

Nate Jackson.

It was a beard she'd never forget, especially the scar that stretched from behind one ear to his chin. This was the unlikely hero who scared off the thugs trying to rob her in an alleyway at Christmas time. His alley. Lord knows what those two boys would have done had he not been there.

"Well, hello stranger," Lauren grinned while filling his plate. "I don't think I've ever seen you here before."

With little expression, the large black man shrugged. "I could say the same about you."

That caused Lauren to pause. He's right, I should come around more often. As she looked down at the steaming pile the Mission considered a meal, she could see in his eyes that the once proud man was not accustomed to taking handouts.

"Thank you," Nate mumbled as he stepped aside to make room for the next person.

Lauren watched as he walked over to a rickety picnic table and sat down with other strangers. His gait was slow, as if he was carrying the weight of years of struggles on his shoulders, but he stood tall and imposing, as if to salvage some dignity. During a lull in the line, she glanced over to find him eating quietly, avoiding conversation with those around him. Likely in his mid-fifties, he had an unkempt beard that hung down past his chin, and his hair was gray and straggly, framing a face and neck that were wrinkly and leathery from living outdoors. Dressed in a tattered brown hoodie and old, worn-out jeans that were ripped and stained with dirt, his feet were clad in only a pair of tattered flip-flops that looked too small on the large feet that carried his six-foot-seven frame. Her curiosity piqued. What was his story? How did he end up here?

As the line began to thin, Lauren turned off the warmers and began to wipe down her station. When she happened to look to where Nate had been seated, the big man was no longer there. Nor was he anywhere in the dining room. With some sadness, she finished cleaning and stowing the leftovers in the walk-in refrigerator before retrieving her purse and cardigan sweater from lockers volunteers were assigned. It was an unusually cool mid-March evening, and she was glad to have brought the extra layer to put over the black sleeveless sheath dress she'd worn to work that day.

Stepping out of the Mission's entrance, Lauren scanned the street with caution. While soup kitchens were necessary for those in need, the area surrounding them could be a bit rough. It was already dark, and there was little traffic except for a rickshaw rental whose driver had stopped nearby to grab a pack of smokes from the Vape-n-Go. Lauren considered calling a ride-share but changed her mind when she spotted the faint glow of a cigarette being shared among several men across the street. The figures were shrouded in shadows, but one of them bore an uncanny resemblance to Nate, standing tall and imposing over the others. With trepidation, she watched as beams from a passing tow truck confirmed her suspicions - it was Nate.

Taking a deep breath, Lauren gathered her courage and cautiously approached the smokers. As she neared, they fell silent, their downtrodden eyes sizing her up from head to toe. The pungent body odor was hard to ignore, and one of the younger men whistled before starting to say something snarky under his breath. But his words were cut short when Nate placed a firm hand on his shoulder with a stern glare.

"Mind your manners," the larger black man scolded his friend.

Lauren raised her hand, wiggling her fingers in a friendly greeting. "Hi Nate," she said warmly.

"Fifth Street," Jackson reluctantly acknowledged her presence, stepping in front of the others. He seemed to be annoyed that she had intruded on their conversation, muttering under his breath about women in fancy clothes not belonging in these parts.

"I just wanted to thank you again for helping me that day," Lauren said sincerely.

"Just protecting my turf," he replied gruffly. It was clear that he didn't want to discuss his motives for saving her, and Lauren didn't press the issue. There was a glint of benevolence in his eyes, despite his gruff exterior.

"What do you want?" Jackson asked brusquely, turning away from her. "We don't have anything to talk about." He seemed dismissive of her presence and unwilling to engage in conversation.

Lauren frowned and reached out tentatively, lightly touching his elbow while trying to maintain eye contact. Despite their differences, she felt a connection with Nate and was determined to understand more about him and his life on the streets. "Please? Just for a minute."

Nate sighed and looked down at the petite brunette. "Five minutes, then you go, okay?" He knew how mean the streets turned after dark.

The tinkling sound of a bicycle bell rang out as the rickshaw that had been parked down the street pulled even with them, now with a cigarette chomping Asian driver. Lauren's Dior dress and Coach purse had been like beacons to the entrepreneur.

"Pretty lady and handsome man want ride? Twenty dollars, take you anywhere." Lauren burst out laughing while Nate tried hard not to smile.

"C'mon," she tugged on his sleeve, "it'll be fun."

Nate dropped his shoulders, reluctantly giving in. Spending a few minutes with a beautiful woman would beat hours with his smelly street buddies any day. He watched for a moment while Lauren attempted to pull herself up into the back of the three-wheeled, hooded cart. It was not an easy task in heels. Seeing her struggle, he thought twice about it, then very gingerly grasped her tiny waist to give her a boost. The last thing he needed was for some rich lady to think he was being inappropriate. As he lifted her, the back of the dress brushed against a cheek, and he caught a whiff of her Chanel perfume. It had been a very long time since he'd been that close to a woman who smelled so good.

After the two settled on the back bench seat under a surrey top outlined in bright white LED lights, the driver began to peddle nowhere in particular. Nate sat silently looking at the passing storefronts, avoiding eye contact with the wealthy uptown resident who seemed so determined to talk. He was clearly out of his element. It had been years since he'd even been in a car, much less this glitzy mode of transportation he only saw tourists use.

Lauren could sense the giant's nervousness and decided to keep things lighthearted.

"Where are you from?"

Jackson rolled his eyes but did not look at her. It was almost as if he was afraid to.


"Alabama, huh? War Eagle!"

That got enough of Nate's attention to turn and correct her. "Roll Damn Tide."

Big mistake, as he was instantly drawn in by her gorgeous face and piercing eyes.

"I...I...should go," he stuttered, making a move to jump off the buggy.

"Wait," Lauren pleaded, placing a hand on his forearm, struggling to ignore the unpleasant stench from his clothing. "I just want to know more about the man that saved me from being raped."

Nate looked away, eyes back on the passing scenery. "A fetchin' woman like you ain't got no business being in alleys. What makes you think I wouldn't have done the same thing as those shadies?"

"Would you have?"

"Of course not. But I ain't like them. Younguns today have no respect for life or liberty."

"And you do?"

"I used to."

Squaring her body to his, she pressed him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Jackson sighed and Lauren could feel his body relax a little as he sank deeper into the seat. He went on to explain how he had enlisted in the Army as a way to avoid the gang life of Detroit and wound up in Desert Storm for two years. Received an honorable discharge but had nothing to show for it. None of the VA programs helped, since being a military ditch digger in civilian life wasn't much of a resume. Eventually he had worn out his welcome in the homes of friends and family, so he decided to come south where at least he wouldn't freeze to death on the streets.

Lauren felt even more sadness in her heart as she listened to the vet's tale, the pain evident in his voice. She gripped his arm tightly, her hand trembling slightly.

"I'm sorry," she said softly. "It's not right the way our government shits on people. But please know that what you did for me meant something. Everything."

It was clear that the wall he had built to protect himself from pain was a thick one. Lauren now understood the reason behind his distrust and hostility. They rode in silence for a few more minutes until she fought through the odor and snuggled up to him, looping her arm around his neck. When Jackson turned his head in surprise, she leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek, the coarse whiskers of his beard tickling her chin.

"Thank you."

The black man's gaze was so intense that it sent chills down Lauren's spine as she unconsciously leaned in to kiss him on the mouth. Their noses touched, and he too shivered despite the warm sixty-five-degree weather. She could see the longing in his eyes, but he remained frozen, unsure of what to do. In the dim light, the bulge in his jeans seemed to grow larger. It was clear that it had been years since he'd had any intimacy with a woman. Any hookers who might be around wouldn't have given him the time of day.

Suddenly, Nate broke away from Lauren's embrace and tapped the driver on the shoulder. "Stop, this is me."

Lauren had been so absorbed in his story that she had lost track of where they were. Looking around, she recognized the street and the entrance to the back alley where the cart came to a stop. It was where the courageous ex-private first class lived. If you could call it that.

Stepping out of the rig, Jackson curtly told Lauren to go home, then pulled his hoodie over his head and quickly disappeared into the forbidding darkness of the narrow corridor.

"Where to, pretty lady?" the friendly coolie grinned as he lit another cigarette.

Lauren's eyes flitted between him and the shadows where Nate had vanished without so much as a goodbye. After a moment of reflection, she hurriedly reached into her purse and handed the man twenty-five dollars. He watched as she clamored down off the rickshaw and stood motionless at the alley's entrance.

"Miss, are you sure you want to go in there?" the driver asked with concern.

Lauren hesitated and gathered her sweater tightly before starting down the path cautiously, passing by a dumpster and a grease bin.

"No, I'm not."


It was well after dark when Corey Miller turned his sleek, brand-new Audi A6 south on I-95 toward Miami. After the morning fishing trip, he and Dale had returned to the office for a grueling meeting with all of Dactyl Construction's thirty-one on-site project managers. The atmosphere in the room had been thick with tension as Corey laid out his expectations, which would not be easy to achieve. Still, he promised to stay out of their hair as long as their projects stayed on track and there were no financial overruns. Unfortunately, not all were as healthy as he would like.

This came to a head when Corey called five of those PMs into his office and let them go. It should have been no surprise to them. Their leadership had been a mess, and they'd been warned several times by Dale Dactyl himself to get things under control. They had not, and today was one of reckoning. Being a hatchet man came with the territory for any incoming executive, but that didn't make it any easier. The pressure to keep many plates spinning was certainly going to be a tall order for Dale's right-hand-man, requiring an iron fist approach.

It was for these reasons and more that Corey's blood pressure remained consistently high despite the doctors' efforts to manage it with medication. There had been some significant decrease in his readings over the last few months which some shrinks might attribute to a rejuvenated relationship with Lauren. As his relief valve, she had indulged his fetish and become the dominant one in their marriage, at least in the bedroom. It was immensely cathartic for him to allow someone else to call the shots, even it was for just a few hours.

And yet, he knew that continuing in the lifestyle, to allow his budding sexual proclivities to widen, was a slippery slope that most men would find abhorrent. To suggest his wife seek out multiple partners was one thing. But to suggest that her cheating on him behind his back would be hotter yet? To admit the risk of losing her provided the same rush as a lose-it-all wager in a high stakes poker game? How absolutely fucking twisted was that? Still, Lauren had agreed to indulge his kink, and not exactly all out of the kindness of her heart. There wasn't any doubt that she liked the sex, and the filthier the better. She had turned into one nasty little slut, a byproduct of his kink, and she enjoyed nothing more than pushing his buttons. The moans, the screams, the dirty talk. All part of the enablement. As a lover, he was mediocre at best. Not only was his age and stamina a factor, but his wittol aberration was so prevalent now that it impacted his ability to perform. The sight of a naked Lauren, a knockout in any guy's eyes, was no longer enough to get him hard. Now, it took exceedingly perverted thoughts of her doing obscene things to get him off.

"Shit!" Corey cursed as the highway traffic suddenly ground to a halt, forcing him to slam on the brake pedal. Thankfully, he had not yet passed Twelfth Street and was able to swiftly change lanes, taking the exit ramp just in time. He followed the rerouted directions and wound up on some unfamiliar side streets near Chinatown. This was an overlooked side of Miami rarely seen on television. Boarded up storefronts lined the streets alongside tent encampments for the homeless and prostitutes walking the blocks. The weary sixty-one-year-old man felt relief when he stopped at a red light just blocks from Fifth Street and the Majestic Summit Arms hotel. He nodded tiredly at a grinning rickshaw driver who pedaled across in front of the Audi, smoke trailing from his cigarette as the brightly lit carrier passed by.

We should do that sometime, Corey thought, exhaling the days troubles away. Lauren would think that to be fun.


Lauren walked through the alley nervously, her heart beating fast at every sound that echoed off the surrounding buildings. She kept turning around to make sure no one was following her. After all, it was here that she had been nearly robbed before Nate had come to her rescue.

As she neared the end of the alley, the skittish office manager spotted a blue burlap tarp draped over two large pieces of plywood leaning against an abandoned building. With a great deal of apprehension, she cautiously peered into the makeshift lean-to and saw a shadowy figure lit up by a small votive candle that must have been retrieved from one of the dumpsters.

"Nate?" she called out, but there was no reply.

Lauren carefully unhooked the frayed bungy cord and pulled back the flaps to take a closer look. Inside, she saw Nate lying awkwardly on a bed of old and oily sleeping bags and comforters that made up the floor of the tent. Their eyes met, and Lauren's heart nearly came up her throat. The smell was enough to peel paint off a wall, but she entered anyway, silently, their gaze locked on each other. Hunching over, she carefully smoothed out her skirt and sat beside him. The wily veteran shook his head.

"You shouldn't have come. You don't belong here."

The self-deprecation was met with a warm, sympathetic smile. It was hard to know whether the gentle black man was simply nervous around women or whether he was genuinely angry she was there.

"I don't get many visitors, especially none as pretty as you."

Lauren quickly put an index finger to his chapped lips.

"You think I'm pretty?"

"Like an angel."

Looking towards the burlap flaps of the tent entrance, Lauren furrowed her brow and bit her lower lip, contemplating her next move. Turning back to Nate, convinced of the charitable thing to do, she carefully removed her cardigan, revealing the elegant dress she had worn to work that day. Jackson remained silent but found the courage to extend a trembling hand and gently brushed against the straight and shiny midnight mane that hung like two drapes on either side of her cleavage. Something in her eyes indicated that there would be no repercussions. Seconds later, she affirmed this by placing his other hand on a still clothed tit. Lauren sighed with exhilaration as he groped a breast through the chiffon fabric. There was something so stimulating, so galvanizing, so...wrong...about begin there with the intriguing vagrant that she felt a bolt of electricity mainline through her veins.

The ex-soldier couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as he ran his fingers through her silky hair. It was rare for someone who had been through so much to touch something so pure and clean. Nate Jackson knew that this was taboo, unconventional for someone so rough and rugged to be so close to something so delicate and beautiful. He knew that he was nothing more than a societal outcast, looked upon as trash by many, while she might as well have been from another planet.

But despite his rough exterior, she seemed at ease. She didn't walk away like the others did, pretending he wasn't there so she could feel better about her own privileged life. Instead, she allowed him to hold her breast in his grubby hands, savoring the intimacy that few others had given him before.

The only sound in the tent was Lauren's shallow and pensive breathing. She reached behind her with both hands and undid the clasp at the top of her dress. Nate sat silently as the Dior fell away from her skin, revealing a peach bra that held the most delightfully small tits. Timidly, he reached out again, running a finger along the wireframe of the undergarment in disbelief that this moment even existed.

As Lauren allowed the homeless man to caress her breasts through the gentle curves of her bra, she couldn't help but take a closer look at his features. His complexion was pockmarked from years of neglect and his wrinkles spoke of a life filled with hardship. His salty hair hung disheveled around his forehead, his thick, untamed beard covering most of his face, lending him a wild appearance. With an intense and brooding gaze, the sunken, shadowy sockets that seemed almost hollow at times were impossible to ignore. And then there was the prominent scar that ran from his ear to beneath his chin. Lauren shook her head in sorrow and rubbed a thumb across a wound whose physical pain had long since faded. Nate nuzzled his head in her hand, like a puppy seeking love.

"Iraq?" she asked softly.

"Kuwait," he replied matter-of-factly. "Ten-year-old boy. He watched his brainwashed mother blow herself up on one of my patrols. Somehow, he blamed us for her decision." Nate paused for a moment before continuing, "Went after me with a dead buddy's ka-bar. Got me good before vanishing into the crowd."

Lauren's eyes widened in shock as she listened to the tragic story. "I'm so sorry," she whispered softly, tears welling up in her eyes as she looked into Nate's wounded gaze.

With renewed compassion, the charitable patriciate leaned over and unzipped his crusty jeans. There was no surprise when she saw he wasn't wearing underwear. Her eyes locked onto the impressive length of the man's erection as she gently took hold of it in her small palm. Her fingers wrapped around the base, stroking slowly upwards towards the sensitive tip. She could feel the heat emanating from the flesh beneath her fingertips, sending shivers down her spine. The veins pulsated with each beat of the man's heart, and she traced them carefully with her thumb, maximizing his pleasure.

Lauren worked silently, squeezing and caressing, enjoying the way her nails dug into the soft skin. Nate grunted loudly and tried to do more, but she pushed him back on the comforters.

"Shh, just let me make you feel good," she whispered in his ear.

Lauren gripped Nate's erection tightly with both hands, working her way back and forth along the entirety. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead, and his balls hung heavy in his sack, jostling slightly against her palms. Appreciation was etched into the lines of his face as she stroked him slowly and methodically. Tears welled up in her eyes as she recognized the desperation behind his gaze. This was more than just sex; it was a chance to make this man feel like a real person once again, to remind him that he mattered.

As Lauren continued to work her magic on Nate's erection, he couldn't help but lean forward, yearning for a kiss like a lost Bedouin yearns for water. When their lips met, his tongue invaded her mouth with force, searching, digging. She tried her best not to recoil from the yellowed teeth and pungent odor of bad oral hygiene that assaulted her nostrils. Despite the repulsive scent, she persevered, allowing him to slosh around in her mouth and scraping the roof of her throat.

Picking up the pace, Lauren finally felt the slickness of pre-cum coating Nate's tip. She used her thumb to swirl around the sensitive head, teasing and tormenting. Eventually, Nate's breathing grew ragged, moans turning to labored gasps as he laid back on the comforters. He was teetering on the edge, and she could feel his balls tense. Seconds later, a blast of cum rewarded her efforts from about a foot away from her face. Hot sperm jetted from the purple and black fire hose, spraying steaming spunk everywhere onto Lauren's body and chest area; one particularly large glob struck Lauren's nose and eyes while several landed lips and chin area with force. The spurts continued weaker than before, but powerful enough to hit random places.  Lauren glanced down at Black man's thick jizz that splattered against her bra, soiling soft cups that held undulating breasts.

For what seemed hours but were only minutes, their eyes locked onto each other without words, neither believing what had just happened. Lauren eventually removed her hand, allowing the limp cock to fall sideways, while scooping up stray trails of cum with a finger, flicking it onto a nearby towel.

Taking her leave, Lauren stepped alone into the dark alley as a surprisingly chilly gust tugged at her clothing. Looking back, she saw the tent's flickering candle illuminate movement within. At first, it looked oddly like the graceful outline of a shapely woman. But then, to her amazement, it seemed to morph and transform, growing additional tails until assuming the unmistakable nine-tailed shape of the mythical Kumiho.

"What the fuck?"

Lauren blinked and rubbed her eyes, unsure of what she'd seen.

Just as quickly, the shadowy figure reverted to the beautiful woman's silhouette, which suddenly appeared to evaporate. Before Lauren could make sense of it, the candle was abruptly extinguished, plunging the tent into murky darkness. Gathering her composure, she began walking toward the main thoroughfare's relative safety, pondering the vision's existence. Had that really happened, or was she just tired and hungry?

Before leaving the alley's mouth, the alluring but shaken executive turned and peeked back down the corridor.

Everything was now pitch black. Normal as it had ever been.

As it had ever been.


"Fuck me! Please fuck me. I need you to fuck me!"

Corey couldn't believe his luck as he hovered over his very aroused wife. Fifteen minutes earlier, he had been making chicken wraps and a side of rice when she burst into the apartment door and began molesting him. He wasn't quite sure what had triggered such verve, but he wasn't about to complain. Now on the bed, his clothes scattered across the floor, and she clad only in her bra and panties, here she was, begging him for cock.

"Do me, I need it SO bad!" she whispered.

Determined to give her what she needed, Corey stroked his cock desperately, trying to get it hard. Leaning over, he mouthed her tiny tits through the bra, ignoring what appeared to be a fresh, moist, gelatinous stain. But it was no use. A declining stamina and his invasive fetish made it difficult to achieve a full erection these days without certain, well...environmental stimuli. Corey gripped his floppy six inches tighter and futilely tried to push the spongy pink tube of flesh past her labia.

"Pleeseese," Lauren begged. "Hurry!"

The older man started to panic. Why did this always happen?

Lauren tried to stay positive, clawing at his bare ass, pulling him closer, trying to extend what he did not have to give.

"FUCK ME GODDAMNIT!" she moaned in frustration.

It was no use, and the pressure certainly didn't help matters. Slowly, the semi-erect Corey began to deflate and even shrink.


Embarrassed and dejected, he began to roll to the side. "I'm sorry. So sorry."

Lauren saw the indignation in his eyes and grabbed his shoulders before he could move. "Wait."

She was all too aware of what would help his psychosomatic-induced impotency.

"Not so fast."

Corey strained to support his upper body over hers, shifting weight from one arm to the another. Lauren fixed him with a sullen frown. She knew what it took these days. It was cruel, but he needed to get hard and she needed to be fucked.

"Listen, you pathetic excuse for a man," she hissed. "You think I'm going to let you off that easy? Fuck that. If you want to stay married, show me what you're made of, even if it's nothing more than disappointment."

Corey felt his collapsing dick twitch with life. Lauren looked down past his drooping man-boobs to his groin and smirked. Nothing like a little emasculation to get a cuck up.

"Come here, you worthless piece of shit," she sneered. "Let's see if you can even begin to satisfy me. Don't get your hopes up, loser. I doubt you'll come close."

Corey adjusted his hands on either side of her head, and once again positioned himself between Lauren's spread legs. He desperately wanted to please his wife, to be the man he once was. But every attempt seemed to fall short, leaving him feeling more inferior. As with all wittols with his penchant, inadequacy was the primary source of self-loathing and arousal.

Desperation turned to alarm as he struggled to get his cock hard enough to penetrate.

"Please, God, please," he whispered in prayer. He knew he was nothing compared to the well-endowed guys she preferred now, but he also wanted to salvage some shred of dignity.

With unwavering resolve, Corey grasped his torpid cock, trying to will it erect. He stroked it frantically, hoping for some semblance of stiffness that would allow him to break through that juicy pink treasure.

"Look at you," Lauren sneered with purpose, "struggling to get that sorry excuse for a dick hard. You're nothing but a useless, limp-dicked loser."

Corey's face may have flushed with embarrassment, but his wife's strategy was working. Eyes filled with shame and arousal, his craving for degradation was bringing about that twisted pleasure which came from being reduced to nothing more than a cuckolded husband. And that translated into one hell of a rock-hard staff.

"Tell me babe," Lauren said with spite, "do you even remember what it feels like to satisfy a woman? Or have you become so accustomed to being a disappointment that you've forgotten what it's like to truly fuck me?"

With those insults, there was finally a glimmer of hope. Believing there to be enough thickness now to breach her, Corey positioned himself yet again between Lauren's impatiently spread legs, ready to provide what little pleasure he could. With a desperate thrust, he attempted to stab, stab, stab his way into her cunt. Her pussy was wet enough, but his manhood still lacked the strength and girth to penetrate. He winced in frustration at the feeble effort.

"Is that all you've got? Pathetic. Absolutely fucking pathetic," she spat, eyes intentionally filled with cruel delight. "I've seen better from a limp-dicked virgin. You're a fuckin' joke."

Laughter echoed through the room, streaming daggers into his heart, which appeared to trigger a peculiar response.

"Fuck you, BITCH," Corey shouted back with newfound anger and resolve.

Lauren's smirk faded, replaced by amused shock at her husband's sudden turnaround.

"Oh my GOD," she gasped in disbelief as her husband grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head with an iron grip that bordered on pain. "Finally find your balls, cuck?"

She squirmed and struggled against his hold but found herself helpless against his strength and determination. A wicked grin spread across Lauren's face as she realized that this was exactly what she wanted.

"C'mon, Twisty," she taunted him again with a sly smile on her face as she felt him harden, driven by his anger and desire to be the man she needed him to be right then. "Show me what you're made of, you flabby weak wimp."

Without warning or hesitation, Corey struck Lauren across the cheek with the back of his hand hard enough to leave a red mark. He could see the flame in her eyes as she felt the thrill of pain mixed with pleasure. He wasn't the only one with a kink.

"OH GOD, YES," she moaned with need. "Fuck me like you mean it."

Corey rammed his cock into her pussy, no longer caring if he caused her discomfort.

"Swing and a miss," Lauren laughed maniacally, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Trying to be the man you used to be? I'll believe that when I see it."

Slap! Slap!

As Corey continued to smack her across the face, Lauren moaned louder and louder, her body writhing, vulva clamping down on his cock. It was no secret her submissive side had recently surfaced while beneath certain men, and she was trying really hard to feel that with her husband. But try as she might, he just wasn't them.

Corey doubled down at the task at hand, thrusting, jabbing, banging away, his balls slapping against her taint. As he did so, his cock throbbed and pulsed inside her love canal, aching to blow. Clenching his jaw tightly, the project manager tried to focus on something else, anything that would help him hold on just a little bit longer. Budget figures, construction deadlines, the proverbial baseball box scores. But it was no use. Between Lauren's hot pussy and her filthy mouth, he was getting closer. Much closer.

"Shit, c'mon cucky," Lauren frothed, "ARE YOU EVEN IN ME? It's so hard to tell."

Those last words sealed Corey's fate. "Gonna cum," he murmured.

The disappointment was clear on his wife's face. "So fast?" she sneered. "Christ's sake, can't even get five minutes out of your miserable pecker anymore."

"Fuck! Fuck! Fucking hell!" Corey roared, tensing up and grunting as his dick began to spasm uncontrollably. Hot cum shot out into her womb.

Frustration replaced the disappointment. "Now why did you go and do that?" she asked him angrily.

Corey hung his head in shame as he looked at Lauren with tears forming, his wet noodle of a dick slipping out of her.

"I give you a chance and what do you do? Minute Man Manny. I think I'll text that back to your friends in Iowa. Minute Man Manny. Would you like that?"

Lauren could see the hurt in her husband's eyes, but more prevalent was the elevated arousal. She had pushed him yet again, satiating his kink with yet more cruelty. And even wallowing in his humiliation, Corey couldn't deny the twisted excitement that it brought him. The degradation, the verbal abuse--it all fueled a dark deviant desire within. He was drawn to the abasement that now defined their bedroom.

Lauren propped herself up on her elbows and blew away straight black bangs from her face. Despite pleasing her husband, the last few minutes had not calmed the itch that had started in Nate's tent.

"Well," she huffed with insolence, "go get him." Then, pointing at a bottom drawer in the chest, "At least I know he can get me off."

Flustered, Corey slid off the bed and retrieved the ten-inch vibrator that had become an essential part of their lovemaking. Lauren deftly unhooked the clasp at the back of her bra and slipped out of it, letting it fall to the side. She ran her fingers through her hair, tugging at a few strands of her fine, straight black mane. Taking a deep breath, she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and shimmied them down over her hips, wiggling until they dropped to the floor beside her. Her skin tingled with anticipation as Corey stepped closer, clutching The Chairman of the Board.

Spreading her legs wide, Lauren's juicy pussy shimmered from her wetness. They were a luscious cotton candy pink, framing the smaller, more delicate inner lips that peeked out between them. Perched above. her throbbing clit emerged from the swollen labia, desperate for balling. A slick, pearly drop of juice formed at its tip, begging for attention. As Corey climbed onto the bed and positioned the vibrator between Lauren's legs, the sight sent shivers down his spine. Her naked, baseball-sized breasts stood proudly, their dark areolas contrasting against the smooth, ivory skin. Her erect nipples, firmly pebbled, begged for his touch.

His eyes traced down her toned, flat stomach, admiring the defined abs that hugged her hips. The firm, taut skin stretched smoothly over her muscles, a testament to the hours she spent maintaining her perfect physique. Curvy hips flared out in a seductive contrast to her slender waist.

"You've been a bad girl," Corey teased as The Chairman began to whir, knowing full well her suppressed vagaries. Two can play this game.

Lauren's face softened, and she playfully bit her lip. "Yesssss, I have. Very bad."

Reaching out, he stroked the stubbly crescent between her legs, petting it like a Chia pet. A little more liquid seeped out of her slit. "Such a sexy pussy," Corey said with approval. "Men would pay handsomely for a chance at this."

Moans escaped Lauren's lips; her mouth fell open slightly as he cupped her cunt and let his middle finger slide inside her butterfly.

"And they have, haven't they?"

A bray, not unlike a donkey in heat, burst from her lungs.

"Perhaps we should head back to the bookstore and see if there are any shiny cocks that need sucking?"

Lauren caught her breath, hips arching slightly off the mattress.

"I wonder what the Latinos are doing?"

This time a long "meowwwwwww".

"Or maybe I should just take you down on Twenty-Seventh Street and cash you out."


The unmistakable thrill of a stranger paying for her body overloaded her synapses and she damn near came.

"Dress you up in leather and lace and parade you in front of men looking to abuse a tight little body like yours."

"Jesus, Corey, I'm..."

"A hot ass tramp? Yeah, I know that now. What was it you said? The slut I never knew I had?"

She sighed heavily as he placed the tip of the thick vibrating dildo on her lips.

"Suck it, whore. Give me what I paid for."

As Lauren obediently sucked the hard shell of the vibrator, Corey couldn't help but smile. In past months, she had assumed the dominant role in their sex life, but here, for a fleeting moment, his wife had morphed into the submissive he'd seen her be with other men.

"We're in a seedy part of town, the kind of neighborhood where every window and door have bars. Do you hear me?"

Lauren nodded, her eyes closed, imagining what her husband was conjuring up. Given her recent encounter in Lemon City, it wasn't a stretch at all. He shoved the dildo deeper into her throat.

"We pass other working girls," Corey growled, pulling The Chairman from between her teeth, her mouth falling open with webs of saliva. "Black, oriental, Cuban. Some pretty, some not. Like them, you are wearing a pink belly shirt, no bra, and blue metallic mini-hot pants."

Unhurried, he wrapped his hand around the dildo's girth, and torturously let the tip graze Lauren's rock-hard nipples. With each touch, she wiggled and whined.

"I stop the car, leaning over you and throwing open the passenger door, demanding that you get out.  You look at me like I'm crazy, and yet..."

"I get out."

The forty-eight-year-old beauty's breathing was irregular as she kept her eyes shut tightly, wanting the scene to play out.

"'Go be the whore you are' I insist."

Corey traced the vibrator down the center of her stomach, stopping at her navel.

"I circle the block and stop down the street where I can keep an eye on you. In no time, a car pulls up and you lean in."

Heavy moans echoed through the room as she pressed the back of her head against fluffy white pillows. Midnight hair spread out around her like a dark shroud, framing her face in shadows.

"What does he want?" Corey asked, his voice barely above a whisper as he leaned closer to his wife's ear.

Lauren shook her head, eyes still squeezed tight.


"He...he wants to party," she eventually managed to get out through gritted teeth, remembering her brief time on the streets. "He wants to fuck me."

"Oh, you are a dirty little slut, letting strangers pay money for your pussy. Do you want to go with him?"

Laurens pelvis instinctively grinded against the toy, seeking more contact.

"Do you?"

The image of herself leaning into the stranger's car, his hungry leer, the criminality of it all. Lauren could almost feel the john's hands on her body, roughing her up, abusing her...

"Yesss," she hissed.

Corey gently widened his wife's legs, carefully placing the vibrator on her inner thighs, skimming her skin. Lauren clenched her jaw as it inched closer to the apex between her legs. She groaned loudly as The Chairman reached the excited, pulsating slit.


Juices flooded Corey's hand and this time she did cum. Nothing earth-shattering, but it was there.

"Jesus, babe," Lauren gasped as she raised her head briefly from the pillows, staring at him.

"Such a fucking whore. A nasty, filthy whore."

Burying her head again, she began to squeal. Suddenly, the tip of The Chairman brushed her clit and the soughs turned to whines.

"OH, OH, OH. Right there, right there, right there, right there."

Another mini quake. Copious amounts of fluids beset Corey's hand. Gently, he slipped the vibrator off her button, moving it between her pink lips. With little effort he pushed it into her moist hole, watching with interest as the tip of the vibrator disappeared inside her. He had always marveled at the way a pussy could expand to take something so much bigger that physics would call for. Corey continued to work the toy into Lauren's pussy, gradually getting deeper and more intense with each stroke. He focused on keeping it shallow at first, allowing her body to adjust and relax. But as she began to stammer, Corey knew that she was ready for something more. Much more. He increased the speed of the strokes, making sure that The Chairman was hitting all the right spots. The suction helped draw her juices out, making her even wetter than before. He could feel see her muscles tightening around the polymer as it went deeper and faster.

"You look so pretty in your pale pink crop top, nipples hard and cutting through, hands on the hips of your shiny mini-skirt. How much are you asking?"

Lauren thought back to Joey the trick, when she had fled from the pimp. "Two...two bills."

"That's quite a bit for some cheap street hooker. Are you worth it?"



Corey plunged the dildo deep into her cunt. "FUCKING SLUT!"


"You disappear into a shiny large Lincoln SUV. He drives you to an alley. I can see you through the windshield as he hands you several bills. The next thing I know, his hands are roaming over your body, grabbing at your tits and squeezing them."

Small mewls as Lauren's hips rose and fell from the mattress.

"Does...does that make you hard?" she had the presence of mind to ask. "Another guy manhandling me?

Always the cuckoldress.

Corey paused as his limp dick twitched. It did indeed. "Especially when the lucky fucker raises your top, your small, perfect tits flopping out. He wastes no time in grabbing them, squeezing and kneading them like a fucking animal."


"He pinches your nipples, you throw your head back."

Lauren gasped. "What are you doing?"

"I'm standing in his high beams, cock through my fly, jacking off. You pull your long hair back into a tight ponytail. Without warning, your head disappears."

The wanton wife's face grimaced. "I'm sucking him off."

"That's right, babe. A stranger's cock is in your mouth."

Corey pulled himself to his knees on the mattress between Lauren's knees, one hand on the dildo, the other on his dick. "Tell me how you blow him."

Lauren exhaled, another grimace. " lips are around him, tongue licking. I can taste him, smell him."

"I can only see the back of your head as it rises above the dash, bobbing, dancing, your hair bouncing. There are wet sounds of your mouth sliding up and down, slurping, sucking."


"You exit the passenger door and he the driver's side, both quick to get into the back seat where you both disappear. The anticipation is killing me while I wonder what's happening behind those tinted windows. Although it's really no mystery. And then, I see your legs in the air, spread wide. What's he going to do?"

"He's gonna...OH GOD...he's gonna..."

"That's right, slut. He's gonna fuck the shit out of you."

"Mmmmmmmmm ohhhhhhhhh."

"Tell me what he does to my whore."

Lauren's head moved slowly from side to side as the images raced through her mind.

"He pushes me back onto the seat, hands holding me down. There is no foreplay, no romance. He plunges into me, filling me with his meat."

Corey began stroking his own cock faster while undulating The Chairman into his wife's eager hole, alternating between long and short dives.

"You love having this guy pay to fuck your whore cunt."

Lauren's whole body seemed to levitate, then crashed back down on the bed. "I DO! Christ, help me, I do. PLEASE FUCK ME!"

With each movement of his hand, the dildo effortlessly slid in and out of her sopping hole. After years of experience, he knew precisely how to hit the right spots, his wrist flicking with precision. Lauren responded by lifting her hips to meet every thrust. Her moans grew louder and more desperate, her breasts jiggling.

"You filthy whore," he whispered, "selling that tight, rented pussy of yours to the highest bidder. You love being used like a cheap fuck doll, getting filled with strangers' cum."

Lauren gasped and moaned, fingers digging into the sheets. Her pussy clenched around the vibrator, pulsating with pleasure.

"You're just a cum-hungry slut, aren't you? Taking any cock that comes your way, no matter how big or small. Your pussy is nothing but a tight, wet cum dump, ready to be fucked hard and fast.

"Cheap whore, taking love on the run. Next you know, you'll be fucking your boss."

Memories of her bouncing on in the lap of the elderly Rekrap Industries CEO struck her like a thunderbolt, an afternoon that Corey was blissfully unaware of.


"Begging for every drop to be pumped into your greedy cunt."

Head thrashing on the soft pillows, Lauren's hair was flying everywhere.

"Every time you sell your pussy, you're proving what a slut you truly are. What would your dad think of you now? My daughter, the tramp, that's what he'd say. I don't think that's what he had in mind when he gave you away at our wedding. Of course, now you've fucked the best man too."


The only sound was slick wetness as The Chairman worked her over. Lauren's eyes rolled back, lost in the moment. Corey grabbed a tight hold of Lauren's black mane of hair and yanked her head from the pillows. Without mercy, he shoved the toy way deeper than it should have gone. The brief pain made her shriek in pleasure and agony.

"You little slut," Corey growled. "I thought I knew you. PTA mom, huh? Softball coach? Scout leader? My ass. You're nothing but a cum-sucking wench that sells her ass to men in alleys. What would Amelia say if she saw her mother taking money from men in the shadows?"

Lauren howled, her neck swiveling like a rag doll as Corey's hand continued to shake her head.

"You know what? Fuck this," he swore, tossing the toy aside. "Fuck all of it."

Tightening his grip, his fingers dug into her scalp. With a sneer, the amped-up husband bent down and growled, "You can give it away or make 'em pay for it, but at the end of the day, you're just a piece of meat now to spit their seed into. And now it's my turn...again."

Reaching down between his legs, Corey grabbed his dick, and without warning, he pushed forward, forcing it into her slit. The vigor caused Lauren to cry out, her groin pressing into his. Compared to The Chairman, her husband's cock was woefully underwhelming, but at the moment, it didn't matter. She was just happy to see him back in the saddle, no matter how briefly.

"Go on, then, fuck me, baby! Show me you're a man...if you can."

Given the motivation, his chest touched hers, nose buried in her cheek. Arms wrapped around her neck, Corey began grunting like a water buffalo, methodically stabbing Lauren's pussy like a man just released from prison. Clawing at his back, she squirmed beneath his portly figure, partially to position herself, partially to avoid suffocation. Despite his recent inability to get her off, Lauren could feel the familiar warmth building. Her hips rose in response to each push, meeting his every move with eagerness.

"Do it, Corey. Fuck your whore wife. Make me cum."

Corey scrunched his face. Must hold on. There was no reason for him to expect he was going to last longer this time around, but he had to try.

"Or should I find a real man to do it for you?


It was Lauren's turn to grab a tuft of her husband's short, graying hair. Scoffing with seething contempt, she stared into his eyes, boring into his very soul.

"You can't, can you? You can't even make a nun cum, can you?"

Her maniacal laugh seared his ears.


"Useless as fuck..."

Corey's heart sank as he realized that his efforts to satisfy his wife were hopeless. No matter how hard he tried, there was no overcoming his age. And yet, unbeknownst to him, Lauren had already begun to feel the roller coaster chugging to the precipice, now at the edge. Surprisingly, the surge of passion wasn't brought on by some huge, blue-veined monster or the prowess of a young lover. No, emotion carried the day, ignited by a long-fostered intimacy shared with the man she loved. The man she would do anything for, even if was to inflict the emotional pain he needed so badly.

It wasn't long before their rising moans gave way to snorts and high-pitched squeals. Then, quite unexpectedly, Corey felt Lauren dig her fingernails into his flesh and her body tense. With a low guttural howl, she held him tightly and shook.

The older man slowly began to realize what was happening and beamed with pride. Beneath him, the bedsheets became soaked.

He had done it. He'd actually made her cum.

Sad, really, given this was the benchmark by which he valued himself now. That thought stayed with him as he began to spew his love inside her for the second time that evening.

"Oh god, Laur...


"Laur...I love you...I love you...god, I love you."

The couple held onto the moment, not wanting to let go. Lauren squeezed her legs around his meaty hips and let him empty into her, stroking the sides of his face and bearing his weight until he settled down.

"I love you too," she assured him, as Corey rolled off her lithe body and kissed her.

"We deserve each other, don't we?"

Lauren smiled thoughtfully and turned on her side, chest heaving, catching her breath. Turning more somber, she reached down between her gooey legs and scooped up a glob of spunk and held it over his face, watching the thick white liquid slide down her fingers. As her hand drew closer to Corey's face, he watched in awe as the semen separated into strands, hanging from her fingers like a spider's weave. Corey's eyes widened as he felt the first drops of his own load hit his lips, the salty, musky scent filling his nostrils. His mind reeled with disgust and arousal while Lauren pressed her palm firmly against his mouth, the thick white liquid pooling between her fingers and his lips. Removing her hand, she leaned down and kissed him, permitting the majority of the cum to seep into his mouth. The smell was overpowering, a pungent mix of sweat, sex, and masculinity. Corey moaned as the bitter taste flooded his senses. Lips soft and wet, her tongue explored every inch of his as she forced him to swallow the rest of the thick and slimy mix. He felt like he was going to be sick, but at the same time, part of him was turned on by the degradation. This marked yet another milestone in their short yet storied journey.

"Yes," Lauren replied calmly. "I guess we do."

Thursday, April 19th

The ensuing weeks flew by in a whirlwind of activity. Corey ventured on a journey to various construction sites, immersing himself in the intricacies of each project. Meanwhile, Lauren embarked on a mission to shadow Jose Rodriquez, meticulously preparing herself to step into his esteemed shoes as VP of Operations upon his retirement at the end of March. As promised, CEO Stephan Jones made the official announcement during Jose's retirement celebration earlier in the week, causing a buzz of excitement throughout the company. The facilities and IT departments wasted no time in orchestrating the logistics to seamlessly transition Lauren into Jose's office. Even Stretch Madison, Rekrap's most valued client, took a moment out of their busy schedule to personally extend their congratulations to her. This encounter left the aspiring executive feeling a surge of confidence and satisfaction, particularly after a brief encounter in a supply closet that left him grinning with contentment and her discreetly pocketing two eight-balls of primo coke.

And to top off an eventful week, there was the call that interrupted Lauren's walk home from the office that evening.

"Well, hello there, Ames," Lauren chimed, trying to conceal her excitement at hearing from the charming Texan, Alex Cartwright. "I heard this morning that the Longhorns managed to recruit one of the best running backs in the nation."

"Riley the Rocket? Yep, he's coming out of one of them small high schools in Louisiana. Too bad the Cyclones can't snag players like that."

"Hah, very amusing."

There was a brief moment of awkward silence before Alex continued. "Um, listen, I was wondering if you would be, uh, available on Saturday. You know, for dinner. It's been a while, and I thought we could catch up."

For a moment, Lauren's heart skipped a beat. She hadn't seen the laid-back travel agent since their memorable date in Key Largo, which ended with her spending the night on his boat. The answer to his question seemed obvious, and she was about to accept before remembering that there was someone else to consider now.

"Well, I'd like to..." Lauren paused, searching for the right words. Alex could sense her hesitation in her voice.

"But?" A small sigh from the other end of the line indicated that he could tell she wasn't sure.

"It's Corey. He's here now. With me." Lauren winced at her own words.

"I see," the gentle giant replied, trying to conceal his disappointment. "I... I understand. Well, you must be thrilled to have your husband around now."

A hint of indecision caused her to hesitate, but then she responded honestly. "Yes, I am."

There was a prolonged silence as Lauren navigated through the bustling crowd, waiting for Alex to say something.

"I'm happy for you, Lauren."

Somehow, those words weren't what the sophisticated executive wanted to hear. As she stood at a red light, she happened to catch her own reflection in a storefront window. The initial thrill of hearing from Alex had faded, leaving a frown on her face. Just a month ago, the passionate wife wouldn't have hesitated to accept his invitation. But now, with Corey in the picture, it wasn't as simple.

"I..." The shimmering image of the beautiful woman in the window, coincidentally dressed in the same attire, seemed to reflect an inner conflict.

"Listen, Lauren, don't worry, I get it. It was fun and all, but..."

"Saturday night, eight o'clock. I'll be at the Linguine Bistro."

More silence.

"Are... are you sure? I know you said he's okay with it, but now that he's here..."

"Linguine Bistro. Eight o'clock," Lauren stated firmly, hanging up before she could change her mind. Most of the men she had been involved with were merely acquaintances, with Zane being the one exception. Alex was different. Good-natured, friendly, and kind-hearted. He had the potential to be boyfriend material, and that terrified her. The possibility of developing feelings for him was undeniable. Hell, she already had some. Even Corey's zelophilia seemed to encourage her to pursue a relationship that was more than just a casual fling. But that notion was dangerous, carrying potentially dire consequences. Consequences that she and Corey may not be equipped to handle.

Don't you DARE let this ruin us, Lauren had admonished him when he confessed to his latest proclivity. As a woman, she understood that matters of the heart were fickle.

Nevertheless, she truly had a soft spot for Alex, which meant there was only one thing to do.

Go shopping for a new dress.


That evening, Corey greeted his wife with a glass of wine and guided her to the sofa, where he tenderly massaged the knots from her tired feet. As usual, he had returned from Dale's ahead of her and had prepared a steaming pasta dish, which they shared at the dinner table. After some light conversation over a delicious Spaghetti allo Scoglio, Lauren smiled uneasily.

"Alex called me today," she revealed.

Corey's heart skipped a beat, but he tried to remain composed, handing her a tissue. It seemed she had suddenly developed a runny nose. "I see. And how is he?"

"Good," she replied.

They both took a few bites of their meal, chewing thoughtfully.

"He wants to meet me for dinner. To catch up," Lauren continued.

"Catch up," Corey repeated skeptically.


Setting down his fork, the conflicted husband took a sip of wine. Lauren dabbed her mouth with a napkin and reached out to hold his hand.

"This is what you wanted, right? It's nothing new," she reassured him.

"No, you're right, it's not."

"But..." Corey's thumb gently caressed her knuckles. "Do you have feelings for this guy?"

Lauren smiled compassionately. "I do."

"More than the others?"

"I care for him, if that's what you mean."

"More than Zane?"

She straightened in her chair. "The physical connection with Zane is... incredibly intense. But he's one of our oldest friends. When it comes down to it, I value our friendship above anything else."

"But Alex...there could be something more?"

Lauren squeezed his hand. "Yes."

She wasn't lying. While part of her motivation was to ignite his kink, she genuinely believed that the ex-rancher could be more than just a friend.

Corey's emotions churned. He knew that all of this had started with him. And yet, until now, the only thing he had to be jealous of was the size and stamina of her other lovers. However, Alex Cartwright was different; the big-hearted Texan seemed to be the first genuine competition for his wife's affections. While the idea of his wife dating other men was thrilling, it was also terrifying. Indeed, Alex had the potential to ignite a flame that could jeopardize their marriage.

A smile returned to Lauren's face. "I need a new dress. Would you like to come with?"

Corey seemed momentarily lost in his thoughts, then shook them off. "Of course, yes. Um, when?"

The petite executive rose from her seat and began clearing the dinner plates.

"Just as soon as we get these cleaned up."


As Corey observed his wife of twenty-eight years browsing through dress after dress, a wave of jealousy began to consume him. Each outfit she picked up and discarded served as a painful reminder that she would be wearing them for someone else. While he had often fantasized about this scenario, seeing it unfold in reality was an entirely different story.

What would Alex think when he saw Lauren in the dress she ultimately chose? Would he be as captivated as Corey was when they were dating? Would the Texan experience the same rush of emotions? This man was different from the others, posing a threat from an emotional standpoint. He wasn't just a mere boy toy. Cartwright had principles, and his views on marriage bordered on the Victorian. How a temptress like Lauren managed to disrupt his moral compass remained a genuine mystery. But she had succeeded, even to the point of having the travel agent toss out feeble insults aimed at humiliating Corey.

Boutique after boutique, the couple searched for the perfect outfit. The more they looked, the more aroused Corey became, especially when Lauren began seeking his opinion. There was something deviant about a man helping his wife choose clothes for a date he wouldn't be a part of, and it twisted his kink strings with a torturous delight. Finally, in a small dress shop, Lauren spotted a dress that caught her eye. It was a white, ruched, sleeveless number with delicate spaghetti straps.

"This one," she exclaimed excitedly, holding it up for her husband to see, "is perfect."

Corey clenched his teeth, recalling the advice from his best friend. Embrace it. Get off on it. Own it. Unable to tear his eyes away from the dress, he could already envision Lauren wearing it, dancing with Alex, their bodies moving in sync to a slow rhythm.

"It... it is perfect. He'll... he'll love it."

"You think so?" she gushed with the enthusiasm of someone going on their first date.

"Of course. Try it on."

Lauren disappeared into the dressing room and slipped into the dress, admiring herself in the mirror. The fabric hugged her curves in a very flattering manner. Alex would be absolutely mesmerized when he saw her in it. Taking a deep breath, she emerged to show off her selection. Corey's eyes widened. The outfit looked even more stunning on her than he had imagined. It clung to her body like a second skin, accentuating her natural curves and making her appear ethereal. Emotions ran high as he envisioned her wearing it for another man.

"Wow," he breathed, barely above a whisper. "You look amazing."

Lauren blushed at the compliment, feeling reassured. Though initially nervous about the dress, she now felt like a million bucks wearing it. She playfully spun around, allowing the fabric to flow around her toned physique.

"Do you really think so?" she asked, radiating excitement.

"I do," Corey confirmed with a troubled nod. "It truly is perfect. Especially for... for Alex."

A pang of guilt surfaced at the mention of the hesitant bull, but the brunette pushed it aside and walked back into the fitting area. This was what they both wanted -- for her to be noticed, to allure and attract. And the dress certainly achieved that. Ten minutes later, they stood outside the store on the sidewalk, with Lauren clutching the wrapped garment.

"Now what?" she inquired.

Across the street, a neon sign from a nail salon beckoned.

"Perhaps a manicure?" Corey suggested, half-jokingly.

"Hmm. I like the way you think."

It was almost comical how quickly his face fell.


There wasn't but one other customer in The Sophisticated Cuticle, so they were able to take Lauren as a walk-in. Nearly empty, Corey was able to take a seat in a booth nearby and watched with fascination as the manicurist removed old nail polish, then made sure the surface was free from any oils and dirt.

"Special occasion?" the girl - Babs, according to her nametag - asked as she trimmed excess skin with the nippers.

"Hot date," Lauren grinned. "Right, babe?"

Corey blinked with a blank look on his face. "If you say so."

Babs glanced surreptitiously at the older man before returning her eyes to her customer's hand. Whatever the couple had planned, it didn't appear he was too excited about it. "What color are we thinking this time?"

Lauren scrunched up her nose in thought, then deferred to Corey. "What do you think Alex would like? Anything goes with white but make it something sexy."

Babs remained expressionless as her eyes went back to the woman's husband. A bit odd she referred to him the third person, but whatever.

"What'll it be, Alex? We can do classic red, a nice rich burgundy, maybe a shiny emerald?"

Corey coughed. "I'm...I'm not Alex."

The girl cocked an eyebrow.

"Alex is my date. That's why we're here," Lauren explained bluntly.

Julie's gaze alternated between the two before sighing. Nothing about Miami surprised her anymore.

"So, um, not Alex. What color?"


Sporting a fresh coat of metallic blue nail polish, Lauren slipped her hand through Corey's arm as they walked leisurely down the boulevard back towards the Majestic Summit, occasionally stopping to window shop or for her to wipe her nose. Those sniffles appeared to be getting worse.

"You like him, don't you?" he asked, trying not to show too many jitters.

"I do," she replied quietly. "There's a lot to like. He's kind, respectful, and cares what I think. Alex actually wants to get to know me. He listens to me and cares about my thoughts and opinions. It's refreshing, you know?""


Lauren leaned into him, smiling. "What?"

There was a deep breath, trying to suppress his growing unease. "It's just...I have to admit, I thought you'd say you like his cock or something. I didn't realize you had...feelings...for him."

The fetching office manager raised an eyebrow, a smirk on her lips. "Are you jealous?"

Corey frowned. "I...I'm sorry. Forget about it."

"Are you afraid I might run off with him?"

"No...yes...I don't know."

"Do you want me to?"

"God no!"

Lauren stopped in the middle of the busy sidewalk and pulled her husband close. She could feel his erection pressing against his slacks. "But you like to think I might, don't you? Get on his boat and sail away."


Leaning over, the back of her hand brushed his groin as she whispered in his ear. "Admit it."

Corey glanced around as pedestrians walked around them. "It''s kinda hot. That someone else would want to make you his."

"He's a great guy."

"I thought I was too."

"But he's got a big cock."

More people broke their stride to navigate around the couple.


Lauren's eyes shifted up and down the street before locking on Corey's. "Huge." She cupped his crotch and squeezed. "A helluva lot bigger than this, I can tell you that. He makes me cum. Every time."

An almost imperceptible shudder of bittersweet angst rolled across the project manager's body.

"I can't even begin to tell you about all the things Alex does to me. The way he touches me, kisses me...and how it feels, deep inside. Deeper than you will ever get."

A sparkle twinkled in both her eyes, as she herself began to get aroused. The mix of emotions on her malleable spouse's face was intoxicating, a blend of jealousy, desire, and a hint of resignation. It thrilled her to know that she had the power to provoke such strong reactions in him. As the walk light turned white, they crossed the street, their bodies still pressed close together. In some ways Corey felt relieved. What his wife had described was physical attraction, not emotional. Any reassurance, however, was short lived.

"So that's it," he asked. "Just sex?"

Reaching the other side, Lauren couldn't help but notice the way Corey's chest was rising and falling rapidly. It was quite obvious he was in turmoil.

"No," she shook her head, pulling him aside. "It's more than that. We have a connection."

Corey's face fell and a shiver ran down his spine as the implications of Lauren's words sank in. It was obvious her interest in the guy went way beyond the tip of the El Pasoan's cock. The doleful husband's dick was hard but heart heavy. "A connection? What does that mean?"

"I don't know. Just like you can't describe your...thing, neither can I. He doesn't care how I live my life. What we are, whatever that is. He just...gets me."

Corey's eyes narrowed, uncertainty clouding them. He couldn't deny the excitement that surged through him at the thought of his wife connecting with someone else on a deeper level. And the fear of actually losing her to another man was an unbelievable turn on. The tent in his pants, even in the midst of the busy avenue, make Lauren laugh. She could see the exquisite suffering his fetish was putting him through. Time to give him what he wanted.

"You really are fucked up."


"You heard me.

It was a strange, twisted emotion, one that he had never expected to feel. But as he stood there, his heart raced and his blood pumped faster, fueling the fire of a fetish that would not leave him alone. Corey couldn't understand it but couldn't deny it either.  He was afraid of losing his wife, but also turned on by the idea of her being desired by someone else, and potentially being replaced.

"I know."

Lauren giggled, running her fingers through her husband's hair as they continued walking to their apartment. "Thank you."

Corey exhaled heavily. Jesus, he was horny. "For what?"

"For being a girlfriend to me when I needed one."

"Say again?"

"This. You know. Girl talk and stuff. Nails, dating, clothes, hot boyfriends."

"Is that what this was? Girl talk?"

"You're cute, trying to act like it wasn't."

Standing waiting for the walk light to turn white, the analogy hit Corey hard.

"Lauren, I don't think it's fair to compare me to..."

"A girlfriend?"


Instead of crossing the street when it was time to walk, the fiery brunette forcefully guided her husband into a narrow alleyway between two older downtown buildings. The space was dimly lit and covered in grime, only wide enough for them to stand sideways, their bodies pressed tightly against each other. Above them, an iron fire escape from a bygone era loomed. Casting a quick glance over her shoulder, Lauren ensured that no one witnessed their discreet retreat into the small enclave. Satisfied with the privacy, she slipped her hand down his pants, suppressing the urge to sniff away a hint of nasal mucus, her eyes filled with a wild intensity.

"What the hell, Corey? You choose a dress and nail color for a date you won't even be on. I open up about my feelings for another guy, and now you're getting hard, for God's sake."

Corey winced. She was right. Every word she said hit home, making him feel even more insecure. He could almost visualize his man-boobs expanding as his head gently thudded against the rough brick wall behind him.

"You're driving me insane."

Lauren's eyes gleamed mischievously. "That's the plan," she growled, her hand delving deeper into Corey's pants. "It's always been the plan."

"Oh, shit, Laur!"

"Yeah? You like that?"

Corey's face contorted with pleasure as her fingers wrapped around his less-than-impressive penis. He leaned against the coarse brick, stealing glances at the street just a few feet away from their hidden darkness. Passersby rushed past, completely unaware of their presence.


Her hand moved skillfully up and down his shaft.

"Are you my bitch?" she asked, eagerly awaiting her husband's response. It was something she had come across online. This was textbook behavior.


"No? Because you're certainly acting like a bitch. Do you have sexy pumps for me to wear?"

"What? No!"

"Tips on how to style my hair?"

Lauren's grip tightened around Corey's throbbing member as she quickened her pace. With a wicked grin, she leaned in closer, her lips brushing against his ear.

"I'm going to fuck him, you know. Fuck his humble, big-hearted, Lone Star brains out."

Corey's body trembled. "I-I-I know."

"He likes me, babe. Likes me a lot."

Pressed against the wall, the Iowan transplant's face contorted, signaling his impending release.

"I like him a lot too."

"No, Lauren."

"Who knows? Maybe someday..."


"He and I will run away, be together, just the two of us."

Corey's hips began to quiver. Drops of pre-cum moistened Lauren's hand beneath his boxers, increasing the slickness around his member.


"Will you set me free, Twisty? Set me free to be me?"

With his mouth agape, a guttural moan escaped Corey's lips, growing in volume and intensity until Lauren had to cover it with her hand.

"Do it, bitch. Cum for me. Cum for me, my cuckold."

Corey clenched his eyes shut, overwhelmed by the sensations coursing through his body. His tortured member spasmed, releasing its pent-up desire in a sticky eruption that coated both his hand and his underwear.

"Fuck, baby. Look at you, shooting your pathetic load all over yourself," Lauren taunted, her voice dripping with scorn. "You're such a weak little cuck, aren't you?"

As the tremors subsided, she withdrew her hand from his pants, using his shirt to wipe away the opaque evidence of his climax. Leaning in closer, her voice laced with condescension, she continued, "You know what's even hotter? Imagining that's Alex's cum. You know, the man who can actually satisfy me."

Without saying another word, Lauren picked up her shopping bag and turned to leave. Stepping out onto the bustling sidewalk, she flashed a gratified grin and composed herself. Slowly and sensually, the mature seductress embarked on the remaining two-block journey home, never once glancing back. Behind her, Corey stumbled under the glow of the orange vapor streetlights, adjusting his trousers, his gaze fixed on their apartment. He caught a fleeting glimpse of her hips swaying in the crowd.

"Things can get pretty weird on the Gold Coast," Dale had warned.

No shit.

Saturday, April 14th

The Millers made their way to the rooftop of their building just as the afternoon sun burned off a bit of Saturday morning fog. It was the first day the pair had wrangled enough time to visit the pool as a couple since the move, and spending a little time together before Lauren's date that night seemed the thing to do. As they exited the elevator, Corey watched intently as his wife strutted her stuff along the pool deck in her barely-there black bikini. Her long, flowing black tresses cascaded down her back, adding to a goddess-like entrance. The contrast between her sun-kissed skin and his own pale complexion, a result of the harsh Iowan winter, was stark. As Corey glanced down at his pudgy body, a wave of self-consciousness washed over him, reminding him of why he despised going to the pool.

During the seven months they had lived in this place, Lauren had managed to befriend many of the so-called "beautiful people" who frequented the poolside bar. It seemed that this was the go-to spot for residents to unwind and engage in casual conversations. As Lauren strolled near the pool, warm smiles of recognition greeted her, and she reciprocated with nods of acknowledgment to the familiar faces. Corey couldn't help but notice the attention she received, realizing that some of these connections went beyond mere platonic friendships.

Standing waist-deep in the water, engrossed in conversation with a buxom blonde, was Tommy Myer, the college football player who had once pleasured Lauren on his couch while Corey watched. He then noticed a group of bodybuilders who raised their glasses in salute as Lauren passed by. Even a skinny, unassuming figure beneath a large umbrella watched her with rapt attention. Must be the nerd from apartment 15b. The hundred-pound weakling with an anorexic build. If that was indeed the case, Corey couldn't help but wonder how desperate Lauren must have been on that particular day. And as they made their way to the other side of the water, Corey spotted Jack Carter, the wealthy penthouse dweller who had also enjoyed the pleasures of Lauren's company. It was a virtual cornucopia of men from the building who had screwed his wife, and they were all watching her intently.


Feeling the weight of their gazes, Corey's mind raced with thoughts of what they must be thinking. Here was the slut's chubby husband, well aware of what each had each done to his wife. Were they mocking him with those shit eating grins? Did they see him as weak and pathetic? So inadequate that she had to fuck other men to get off? The awkwardness of the situation made his palms grow sweaty and the insecurity began to gnaw at him. And yet as awkward as it seemed, he couldn't deny that the knowledge of Lauren's past encounters with these guys made him feel a strange sense of arousal.

After settling into lounge chairs along the poolside, the couple applied sunscreen and began to bask in the warm rays of the sun. Soft rock melodies floated through the air, creating a relaxing ambiance on the rooftop. Every now and then, a resident would pause and strike up a conversation with Lauren, their smiles carrying an undertone of recognition towards Corey. Even the dweeby milquetoast happened by to say hello, albeit nervously.

"Hello, Luke," Lauren greeted her neighbor from the fifteenth floor. Meanwhile, her husband discreetly assessed the thin and gaunt physique of the man. Corey couldn't help but be surprised that Luke hadn't discovered a method to attach a pocket protector to his swim shirt made of rayon.

Really, Laur? Really?

Shifting in the lounge chair, her bikini-clad body glistened with sunscreen. Luke couldn't help but notice her perky breasts, accentuated by the bikini top, as her chest rose and fell with each breath. The sight reminded him of the sauna, where she had been one of the few women ever to offer themselves to him.

"Oh, um, hi," he stuttered, trying to maintain an air of indifference in front of Lauren's husband. Little did he know, the husband was already aware of their past encounter in the gym sauna. "Good to see you...again."

As soon as those words slipped out of Luke's mouth, his eyes widened in realization. "I didn't mean again, like in that way," he mumbled to Corey. "It's not like we've spent any time alone together, you know."

Lauren shifted in her seat, allowing her knees to slightly part and the bikini bottoms to form a tight cameltoe. The young man's eyes snapped to the deep cleft. "Oh, don't be so modest," she smiled broadly, enjoying watching the guy squirm. "Me and Luke have broken a sweat together, haven't we?"

The memory of her wet, meaty vagina gripping his inexperienced cock caused Walters to sprout an embarrassing chub.

The way she moaned, making him feel special...

Letting him take her like a Viking...

Her bare married slit folding around his...

"Oh, uh, yeah," he searched for words, trying to play it cool, "workout buddies."

"Nice to meet you," Corey offered a hand which Luke accepted weakly.

"I gotta go," the anxious resident blurted out, hastily taking leave without even bothering to glance back.

Before either could even utter a word about the awkward encounter, Jack Carter, the confident, middle-aged millionaire with a chiseled physique, stepped up. He greeted his gorgeous neighbor with a warm smile, eyes lingering on her luscious curves, before turning his attention to Corey.

"Hey there, Kyle."

"Corey," the project manager corrected him sharply, his annoyance palpable. The guy's tight yellow trunks hugged his perpetually tanned skin, calling attention to a bulge in his package that was undeniably impressive. Is everyone in Miami hung like fucking stallions except for me?

Lauren seemed to be staring as well, perhaps remembering the time when most of it was down her throat. "Hi Captain Jack," she responded playfully.

"I just realized you've never given me an answer on going for a ride."

Corey looked puzzled, clearly taken aback by the audacity of this man asking his wife out right in front of him.

"He has a Bastion," she explained matter-of-factly, as if that was supposed to clarify everything.

Corey forced a smile, as if the guy owning a three-hundred-thousand-dollar sports car made going out with him okay.

"Well?" Jack stood towering above them, smiling down expectantly.

Corey cocked his eyebrows. Is this guy for real?

Lauren's face brightened and looked at her husband as if they could both share in the excitement of the invitation like two girlfriends at the community pool.

"That would be wonderful, Jack. Wouldn't it babe?"

Squinting into the sun, one brow still raised, Corey clucked back. "Of course. So wonderful, yeah."

I mean, the stones on this guy.

"I'm flying out of town tonight for a few days. Next Sunday, then? We can hit the Everglades and have a picnic."

"Of course," Lauren exclaimed cheerfully, "Sound spectacular. It's a date!"

Jack tipped an imaginary hat at Corey again before turning and walking back to the pool.


The corners of Corey's mouth turned up into a seething sneer.

Picnic, my ass.


Corey stood in the bathroom, his heart pounding in his chest like a wounded beast. The anticipation and apprehension that had gripped him earlier now intensified, coiling around his lungs, suffocating them like a heavy fluid. He'd been here before, back in Iowa, as she got ready to go to that award ceremony with his best friend Zane. But tonight was different. Zane was a friend to both he and Lauren, but Corey knew the biker would never be anything more to her than that. Tonight, however, she would go on a date with Alex Cartwright, a man who, for the first time since playing, had awakened a whirlwind of emotions within Lauren. As the jittery project manager drew her a hot bath, he could see the happiness on her face and knew Lauren's heart was fluttering with excitement. Allowing her to go out that night was setting a dangerous precedent, and although unlikely, could signal the beginning of the end to their marriage.

Tonight, the stakes were higher, and the humiliation more palpable. Despite this, Corey's cock was as hard as granite. He struggled to maintain composure as he drew a hot bath for her, his jittery hands barely able to contain their excitement. The contrast between the excitement in her eyes and the turmoil within him was stark. Deep down, the graying Miller patriarch understood the risks involved in their unconventional lifestyle, and this evening felt like a turning point. Yes, it was just a 'date,' but true to a cuckold's masochistic tendencies, it was a cruel form of humiliation that he had willingly invited into his life, and could no longer live without.

Quickly shooing him from the bathroom, Lauren slipped into the warm, inviting water, feeling the gentle caress of the bubbles against her naked skin. The steam rose as she thought, for a moment, of what her husband would be doing while she was out with Alex. A little whiskey, no doubt, followed by an early spring baseball game. Then he'd undoubtedly jack off into a tissue or one of his makeshift toilet paper rolls.

Moving the loofah over her tits, she gently massaged the soft skin with a circular motion, enjoying the sensation of the bubbles against her sensitive nipples. Eyes closed, Lauren reflected on how different their thirty-year relationship had become. Corey had always been her constant, her rock, an anchor she could swim back to. He was still a strong man, an alpha at work and in many ways, but a definite beta behind closed doors, now that his fetish had reared its ugly head.

Moving the cloth to her thighs, she used long, gentle strokes to get them extra clean. Alex's tongue would surely find its way between them later.

Ugly head.

Corey's kink, while unconventional, was not necessarily ugly. It was a victimless fixation that brought him pleasure, and Lauren saw no harm in indulging him. After all, she was having the best sex of her life, and she couldn't deny that there was something thrilling about being with her husband while knowing that she would soon be with another man.

She understood, too, that there was the potential for some type of emotional distress, especially if Corey was pushed too far. Divorce was unlikely, but she knew that he got off on the possibility of it, and so she needed to keep him thinking it was conceivable. The Iowan wife also knew that she had to be careful not to let him get too consumed by it all. There was a fine line between indulgence and addiction, and it was not always easy to see.

At the same time, Lauren couldn't deny that there was something exciting about the danger of it all. She loved the thrill of being with Alex while knowing that her husband was at home, waiting for her, anticipating her return. That his imagination would be running wild, to the point that he would eventually succumb to his hand. Cute, in a pathetic kind of way.

And yet, while Corey's kink was hurting no one except for his willing ego, there was undoubtedly a rock bottom for every fetish. With him sinking deeper and deeper into it, the loving wife couldn't help but wonder if there would come a time when it would all become too much for him to handle. Lauren couldn't help but wonder how far she would be willing to go to satisfy Corey's kink. Only time would tell, but for now, she was content to play the game and enjoy the ride.

Calling for a towel, Lauren rose from the bath, water dripping off her body and forming rivulets that flowed from her waist down to her hairless pussy. He couldn't help but stare, of course, taking in every inch of her wet, glistening skin. There was a pang of jealousy while he imagined Alex's hands on her body, her allowing his arms to envelope her, his mouth on her hardened nipples, licking and teasing them until they were red and swollen.

Lauren caught him staring and smirked. "Like what you see?"

Corey blushed, feeling embarrassed at being caught. "I'm sorry," he stammered. "It's're beautiful."

Lauren rolled her eyes. "Save it for your little buddy," she said, looking down at the tent in his jeans and patting him on the shoulder. "You're going to need it. I'm going to get dressed now. No need to keep Alex waiting."

Selecting a pair of lacy underwear from her dresser drawer, she picked one leg up and carefully threaded it through one leg hole, then the other, slipping the cream-colored panties on, pulling them snug against her bare mound. Lauren took a moment to admire herself in the mirror, with the material outlining her lips, before she continued getting dressed for her date. With not so much as a peep, Corey watched from the bed, his eyes glued to his wife's movements as she slipped on the lingerie. He knew he wouldn't be the one to take it off later, and the thought made him salivate and nauseated. Lauren met his gaze, a wicked twinkle in her eyes, as she pulled the lace taut against her skin, the cream color a stark contrast to her dark hair.

"Do you think he'll like it?"

Reaching for a pink satin robe, she draped it over her freshly showered body, leaving it loose enough to reveal a thin line of flesh from her small breasts, past her navel to her waist. Corey continued to stare. If she moved just right, he could see an entire breast, the partial concealment seemingly even more erotic with the robe than without. He knew better than to ask for more, knowing that very little about that night was about him.

Next, Lauren applied her makeup meticulously, not making it too provocative--she knew Alex wouldn't appreciate that. The tension from the older man sitting just a few feet away was palpable; his sexual frustration grew with each stroke of her makeup brush. She caught him looking a couple of times and winked, knowing the emotional turmoil he must be experiencing.

Finally, she put on her nylons, followed by the white, ruched, sleeveless dress with spaghetti straps. She turned her back to him and asked Corey to zip her up. The man's hands trembled as he helped her, struggling to hook the tiny eyelet at the top. Smoothing out her outfit and turning side to side, Lauren asked him how she looked.

"Unbelievable," he croaked, gripping his crotch to contain the growing ache.

Lauren checked herself one last time in the mirror, ensuring everything was in place. She picked a piece of lint off her dress, adjusted her heels' straps, and smoothed her hair, making sure every strand was perfect. Satisfied, she lifted her wedding ring from the jewelry tray and conspicuously slid it onto her finger. Grabbing a clutch, she turned to Corey.

"I'll text you later, 'kay?"

Corey nodded, trembling with a heart heavy. "You're wearing your ring."

The frown that crossed her face darkened the mood.

"It's not for you. It's so he knows just how special he is."

"Oh." He had opened the nightstand, where she used to keep the XL condoms, but then realized they had been moved to the Rekrap-held suite down the hall.

"I won't need those," Lauren shook her head as he cocked an eyebrow. "A guy like him, he's clean. If he wants to use one, that's his choice."

Closing the drawer, Corey sank onto the bed as if in a daze. Bending over, he felt the soft lips against his cheek as she gave him a peck.

"Will you text me?"

"Enough so you know I'm okay."


"No," Lauren scoffed, "Alex won't go for pics and video. Not like that anyway. I had to talk him into the phone thing last time. Besides, this night is for him and me alone. You'll hear from me when you hear."

Corey's chest heaved, his body trembling as the dagger pierced a place in his heart that had until then been unscathed. The dagger sank deep, leaving him reeling. This was different, then. Her telling him the different ways she was going to have sex with the cowboy would have hurt less than what her words just implied. This was not a fuck and suck meet up. No, it was a romantic rendezvous, a date that could have consequences far beyond one night. His wife's happiness would lay in the hands of another man that evening, not beside her husband, and that was a tough pill to swallow.

And yet, amidst all that pain, there was a perverse pleasure that fed Corey's psyche, a bitter-sweet feeling that he had grown to crave, like a junkie seeking his next fix. A tweaker that knew what he was mainlining could result in the destruction of everything he held dear, and yet he keeps depressing the plunger.

Laying back on the bed, staring at the ceiling, Corey's pulse raced as Lauren's heels echoed through the small apartment on her way to the hallway door. Part of him wanted to leap from the bed and stop her, using his hands to guide her into his arms and not letting go. Instead, his hands involuntarily wandered down his belly, a palm cupping the bulge beneath the denim. The ratcheting sound of the jean's zipper mixed with the door closing behind her and the fading clicks of high heels.

It was going to be a long night.


Shane Carson did a double-take as he straddled his Trek touring bike near the Solar Amphitheatre in Biscayne Park. Handing a street vendor a five-dollar bill for a vanilla latte, he peered through several rows of trees, trying to get another peek at a woman whom he had just had the briefest of glimpses.

There. Near the observation wheel. A brunette with long, straight black hair falling halfway down her back. So familiar...and gorgeous.

Ensuring the Styrofoam cup's lid was secure, the Rekrap IT guru began rolling again, one-handed, eyes darting up and down the walking path, past the tiki huts and toward the restaurants. Normally, he'd dismiss the sighting of a beautiful girl - Miami was filthy with them - but somehow the image of her backside and heavenly hourglass figure in a tight white dress had attached itself to the same brain receptors usually reserved for opioids.

Carson stopped peddling and coasted to a stop on a sidewalk just outside a boardwalk. Damnit. Nothing but fat tourists and food deliveries obscuring his view. Oh well, if he wanted to ogle girls, he could just head over to the beaches. Of course, leering was all that was in the cards for him. Although the guys at work thought the lanky networking sage was a real ladies man, nothing could be further from the truth. Oh, he'd tried, what with the tight clothing and gold chains and all, but that usually only got him laughed at. Fuck all them bitches if they don't want a real man.

Disappointed, Shane was about to turn back to the park when a box truck belched a plume of blue exhaust and lurched forward. Behind it, about halfway down restaurant row, the computer specialist spotted her again. This time it was clear she was not alone. A large, tall man in his thirties, with one of the largest off-white cowboy hats he'd ever seen had a hand on the small of her back as he opened the front door to a fancy Italian Bistro. Her profile became clear as she tilted a cheek to accept a kiss.

Lauren Miller.

Holy shit, that's Lauren Miller!

Lauren Miller, the Rekrap office exec who had recently been promoted to VP of Operations.

Lauren Miller, the broad his nerdy IT pal at headquarters had boned.

Lauren Miller, the chick he'd spent hours spying on, just to be close to her. Faking IT issues to hang out in her office. Waiting outside her apartment building hours on end until he learned her husband was back in town.

Lauren Miller, the unsuspecting porn star, whose encounter in a sauna with a man who was decidedly not her husband he now had a recording of, thanks to that sleazebag of a doorman.

And here she was a guy that looked nothing like the framed picture of her hubby on her desk.

Dismounting slowly, Shane's expression changed from one of surprise to something darker. After chaining the Trek to a rack, the bicyclist leaned against a wood railing that ran along a pier and had a clear view into the restaurant, which boasted floor-to-ceiling windows. Perhaps he would be afforded another glimpse, just to make sure it was her. Several minutes passed and no sign of them. Maybe they were early for their reservations. Swanky places like that always required reservations.

Then, to his relief, the couple suddenly appeared - and what luck - right next to a huge glass pane overlooking the marina. It was definitely Lauren, who looked stunning in her white, ruched dress. Her date seemed out of place in his plaid blazer and white cowboy hat.

I bet he has boots on too.

Shane couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as he watched the two of them laughing and chatting, clearly enjoying each other's company. Pulling out his phone, he acted like he was taking a picture of the boathouses at sunset, but in fact, zoomed in on the pair who had now interlaced fingers over the linen tablecloth.

Snap, snap.

A twitch in his crotch reminded Carson just how much he enjoyed being a voyeur. In high school, he used to follow the girls he had crushes on around on the weekends, sneaking up behind their dates' cars as they parked out of sight for a little lovin'. Sometimes he got to see some skin, but typically the fogged-up windows and the squeaking shock absorbers were usually enough for him to imagine it was him in there, not the soup du jour varsity jock.

The man with the close-cropped hair suddenly switched seats and took a seat next to Lauren. She seemed smitten while holding the cowboy's hand. Both had smiles from ear to ear. Did she have her wedding ring on?

Snap, snap.

Minutes turned into an hour. Shane watched as salads were eaten and salmon dissected on its serving planks. Occasionally there would be a fit of chuckles where one would playfully bash a shoulder into the other. At one point, Lauren took out her own phone and pointed it down the pier, appearing to take a pic of the boats. Then a small dessert came, and it happened. As the sexy executive popped a piece of the cake into the man's mouth, she leaned closer and kissed him. A full-on, tongue-invading, sigh-inducing smooch.

Oh wow, that's nice. That's REAL nice, Carson breathed heavily.

Snap, snap.

Adjusting his satin jogging pants, the peeper took a sip of the now-cold latte. Maybe he'd stick around a while and see what else Rekrap's newest VP was up to.


Back at the Majestic Summit Arms, after a rather unsatisfactory masturbation attempt and then some apartment cleaning, Corey had decided to take a walk. As he wandered aimlessly through the streets of Miami, he tried to push the thoughts of Lauren and Alex out of his mind, but they lingered there, nagging at him.

The older man was broken and he knew it. Mentally deficient, he didn't seem to be like other wittols he read about on social media. The ones that were head over heels about their significant others fucking around on them. No, instead, Corey brooded about it. On one hand, he couldn't get enough of Lauren's newfound promiscuity, yet on the other, it disturbed him to the core. Other guys in the online communities didn't seem to have as much anguish and turmoil. And yet, wasn't that what they all craved?

Drawn to the calmness and serenity of the water at twilight, he sat down on a bench and watched as the waves crashed against the seawall, feeling the cool breeze on his face.

Like sand through an hourglass...

This was the new reality. Gone was yesteryear, the days in Iowa that seemed so orderly now, so predictable. The children were grown and gone. His wife was no longer a scout leader, no longer baked cakes for the big church sale. She was a bona fide slut now, a creature of his own making, evolved by her inner, suppressed sexuality. Even if they stopped this tempest today, things would never be the same. Ever.

With a deep breath, Corey pushed off on his knees and stood, stretching in the growing darkness. The glowing lights from the Biscayne Park Observation Wheel churned not too far away. As he started the long walk back to the apartment, the poor man's mind spun like a Con Ed generator.


Shane watched intently over the railing at the couple finishing up dinner as her date took a credit card out of his wallet. They were leaning into each other and appeared to be whispering sweet nothings, only breaking apart when the waiter returned with a pen to sign the check. Rising first, the guy extended his hand as Lauren took it, using it as leverage to shimmy out of the booth. Smiling, she smoothed out the bottom of her dress and grabbed her clutch.

Carson quickly unchained his bike.

They're on the move.


Corey felt the phone vibrate in his pocket before he heard the ping! of an incoming text message. Pushing his way through the revolving doors into the lobby of the Arms, he stopped near a row of couches, nodding briefly to an old lady with a wiry and decidedly tight-wound terrier. Fishing it out of his pocket, he pressed the notification on the home screen.


Almost immediately, a photo of a marina popped up, long shadows of the setting sun playing off the main masts of the myriad of sailboats. Then another photo. And another. They were selfies, both of his wife and Alex, smiling at the camera held at arm's length. In the background were hallmarks of fine dining. Italian, no doubt.

You'll hear from me when you hear, she had said. Was this just proof of life then, and nothing more?

"Mr. Miller?"

A crusty voice from across the lobby shook Corey from his thoughts. Looking up, he saw the elderly concierge, Harvey, holding a plainly wrapped package in his hand.

"You have a delivery."

"Um, thanks."

It was the external SSD he had ordered for his laptop. Signing the receipt log, the preoccupied resident began to walk away.

"Damaged, sir?"

"What?" Corey asked, looking back. The old man's choice of words was ironic if not timely.

"The package, sir. Open the package to confirm no damage."

"Oh, right. I will."

With a strange look, Corey returned to the desk. "Can I ask you something?"

Did I enjoy blowing my load in your wife's mouth? Harvey joked to himself. It had been in the small room behind them where not too long ago the whore had convinced him to delete that video of her and 15b going at it. Which he had not, by the way.

"Shoot." Another chuckle. See what I did there?

"Laur..., eh, Mrs. Miller. She seems to know a lot of the residents."

The doorman could hardly keep a straight face. "You might say that. She's extremely popular."

"How popular?”

Harvey squinted, his face falling flat. He sort of felt sad for this putz.


Corey drank in the man's expression, trying to read it. It was almost as if the guy was trying to tell him something. "T-T-Thanks," the Iowan replied, walking slowly to a table near where the old woman and her dog awaited a taxi.

Sitting down, he unwrapped the box, noting any tears or punctures that might damage the product inside. With one tug, the shiny silver solid state drive slid from the packing popcorn, and he held it up, examining it in the artificial light.

"We'll, that's pretty," the lady remarked, smiling kindly.

"New SSD," Corey replied politely. "Lots of data to store."

"I don't have too much use for computers. Not at my ugly age."

"Well, good thing you've shown attractiveness knows no age."

The woman rolled her eyes. "Well, aren't you the blind one?" Extending her hand, she introduced herself. "Gertrude. Gertrude Lagily. Twenty-three G."

"Hi Gertrude. Corey Miller. Looks like we're neighbors."


"Yes, twenty-three F."

Within seconds the smile on Gertrude's face vanished. "Oh." Then with a most condescending scowl. "You're her husband?"

The change in her demeanor was evident, but Corey kept smiling. "Yep, I just moved down here myself. Had to sell a house and all."

"I see."

"Is there something wrong?"

Mrs. Lagily clutched at her purse with white knuckles.

"Look, you seem like a sweet man." She looked away, then back again. "Do you know about her...visitors?"

Corey's heart leapt into his throat. "Visitors?"

Eyes cast downward onto her shoes, Gertrude whispered. "Yes. Men."


"And women," the older woman snapped. "Women too! All kinds. Young, old, some residents, some not."

Setting the package down, Corey leaned in, his hands trembling. "Many?"


" do you know this?" It was a question he had to ask, although he wasn't quite sure he wanted to the answer.

"I hear them. Mostly at night." The nosey neighbor noticed her cab had pulled up and fixed him with one final steely stare. "That wife of yours is a real screamer."

The yippy terrier barked for barking's sake as the woman shuffled out into the driveway, not looking back. As her words sunk in, Corey's phone received another text accompanied by a pic. No surprise on the sender.

Had a great dinner. Going for a walk.

The accompanying photo of Lauren and Alex had been taken along a wooden railing that separated a small lagoon with the walking path. The moon was high above as they posed, cheek to cheek. In the background, several tourists mingled, while some dork on a bicycle in a ridiculously tight running suit and gold chains tried to look inconspicuous.

Such strange people in a strange land.


The twilight cast a cool glow over the marina as Lauren and Alex strolled slowly along the wharf.

"A simply beautiful evening," she sighed, holding her phone high and snapping a picture of the two with the boardwalk behind them. With the screen being so small, she barely noticed the bicyclist mere feet away.

Alex, is it? Alex is a lucky man.

"It's just so..."


The big man stopped and turned towards her, uncertainty in his eyes. "Complicated."

Lauren pulled him close, looping her arms under his. "And yet you called me."

"I did."

"Why then?"

Alex brushed a stray bang from her eyes.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you."

"Oh, really? But I'm married, remember?" Lauren countered, a teasing smirk on her face.

"That's what makes it so messed up. It goes against everything my parents taught me about...well, everything."

Lauren patted his chest mischievously. "So, we can just be friends then."

The two stared into each other's eyes before the cowboy pushed the brim of his Stetson back and lowered his lips to hers.

"Not a chance. Not a chance in hell."


That's four threes already tonight for Ali Karim!" the play-by-play announcer barked excitedly as the basketball tournament flickered from the wall-mounted television. "He's on a pace for at least ten in this game alone!"

Having changed into some comfy sweats, Corey settled in to watch the game, phone in one hand and the remote in the other. A half-empty bottle of top-shelf whiskey sat on the coffee table with a full rocks glass beside it, its seal opened when he had first sat down an hour earlier.

It had been some time since Lauren had sent the last text. Where were they now?

He set down the remote and picked up his drink, swallowing at least one-finger of the two-finger pour. Then there was the photo.

That smile. You can't fake something like that. Genuine, at peace, heartfelt.

And the Texan. Rugged, with a disarming grin. Pleasant enough, like a guy you'd want to go drink beer with.

The combination was, above all else, so natural that it was volatile, dangerous...flammable.

Corey unconsciously let a hand travel to the soft, oversized sweatpants, giving his crotch a squeeze. They might still be on their walk along the pier, arm in arm. Lauren would look stunning in her tight white dress, her long black hair cascading down her back. Beneath the cotton seam, the project manager felt his cock spasm.

Arms draped around her, Alex would look like the cat that ate the canary. A guy like that would be hesitant to date a married woman, but resistance to her charm and beauty was futile. All guys thought with their dicks, but Cartwright wasn't the fuck-'em-and-forget-'em kind. His interest went beyond the sex, and that's where the peril in Corey losing her lay.

So why is my cock so goddamn hard?

Taking another drink, his thoughts wandered.

Waves crashed against the docks and seawall as the couple walked without urgency, arm in arm, her head resting on his shoulder. Alex's other hand would drop to her ass, casually groping her through the thin fabric of her dress.

Corey squeezed his balls again and cast the phone's photo to his TV, accepting the receipt on the larger display. Hands free now, he pulled the sweatpants down, just enough for his humble six-inches to spring free. The smiling faces of his wife and her date, cheek to cheek, were now in large-screen high definition, just beyond the view of his shaft bobbing in the air.

Alex's hand molesting Lauren's ass, feeling the curve of her cheeks and the heat of her body.

As if by instinct, one foot crossed over to the adjacent knee, and off came a tube sock.

Suddenly, the couple came to a halt. Alex's hand gently glided up from Lauren's waist, delicately tracing a path along her side and over her chest. Lauren's nipples responded, becoming erect beneath the sheer fabric of her dress. A subtle moan escaped her lips as Alex playfully teased her. Drawing her closer, the Texan enveloped Lauren in his strong embrace, pressing her body against his. Under the enchanting moonlight, he tenderly kissed her, their lips intertwining with passion. The vibrant lights of Miami illuminated the backdrop, intensifying the air of romance that surrounded them.

With one hand wrapped around his own dick, Corey imagined Lauren cupping Alex's bulge through his perfectly fitted slacks. Lauren's fingers tapped, tap, tapped on the trousers, exploring the length of the impressive package.

Taking a deep breath, Corey unfurled the sock and began to slip it over his cock. He could feel the thick, absorbent cotton sliding down, until the band fit tightly around the base. It took a few adjustments to ensure it was evenly distributed around his shaft, the tip pulsating against the toe of the stocking.

Now, where was I?


Shane saw Lauren Miller and her companion abruptly stop ahead, just at the entrance to a marina that housed small to medium sized motorboats. The two turned to each other and embraced, she tilting her head back as the man began to nibble her neck. Hands roaming over her body, Alex gripped her ass and pulled the raven-haired beauty closer.

The voyeur ducked behind a tree with his bike as he watched them kiss. When her date hiked Lauren's dress, revealing her bare, smooth legs, Shane had to readjust himself.

This shit was hot as hell.


Corey's hand stroked the underside of the sock with one hand, while the other pulled the banded elastic taut around the base. He could feel the throbbing beneath as he continued to think of his wife and her date making out.

Alex's fingers traced a path up her thigh, his touch gentle but firm. She arched her hips towards him, wanting more, biting her lip as he reached the lacy panties, teasing the bare pussy lips through the fabric.

Without warning, Lauren pulled her unsuspecting date behind a wooden shed used during business hours as a shelter to sell boat rides. Glancing around for any prying eyes and seeing none, she sank to her haunches, slightly raising her dress to maintain a precarious balance. Her fingers trembled as she quickly undid the buckle of Alex's belt. As the zipper reached the bottom, the outline of Alex's cock through his boxers became clear. Seconds later, his glorious cock sprang free.

As the water lapped against the boardwalk pylons, so did Lauren's tongue, darting out to taste the tip of Alex's cock. A low moan escaped his lips, and he shuddered with pleasure.


The IT specialist observed from a distance as the couple strolled along the wharf towards a different marina. This particular marina catered to a variety of small personal watercraft, some of which served as people's homes. Eventually, the duo meandered down one of the piers and arrived at a slip housing a moderately sized yacht. While not as impressive as the neighboring colossal vessels, it possessed its own charm. Concealing his bike amidst a hedgerow near the pathway, Shane discreetly trailed behind them as Alex displayed his gentlemanly demeanor, assisting Lauren from the gangway onto the stern of the boat, holding her delicate hand. Once they were safely on board, the burly man turned around and planted another tender kiss on her lips before guiding her down a set of steps into the cabin.

Seeing his chance, the bold voyeur moved quickly, darting to the rear of the boat, making himself small in the darkness. He made note of the name.

Amarillo Sky.

Of course, why wouldn't it be?

The muffled sound of giggles came from within, indicating that the couple was fully engrossed in their own world. Seizing the moment, Shane agilely leaped onto the gently swaying transom, his fingers firmly grasping the smooth wood. Using the small toe rail as a support, he skillfully scoured the boat's exterior, searching for an uncovered portlight. Though most of the curtains were drawn, he held onto a glimmer of hope that at least one remained open. His eyes canvassed the length of the yacht until he spotted his prize: a rectangular window near the front of the cabin, emanating a cozy, golden glow amidst the nocturnal ambiance. With the nimbleness of Spiderman, he cautiously maneuvered towards it, ensuring his balance did not falter, lest he plunge into the water below. His perseverance paid off, and suddenly Shane found himself affixed to the fiberglass, his nose pressed against the glass.

The view before him was well worth the danger of being discovered.


Back in the apartment, Corey groaned. Spreading his legs wider, he pinched the fabric of the sock about halfway down his shaft, pulling it taut against his shaft and increasing the friction. With a gentle but firm motion, he moved the Gold Toe up and down, simulating a soft and warm snatch. Closing his eyes, he was once again there in the pier's shadows, spying.

Behind the shed, Lauren moved her head back and forth, sucking harder and harder. Alex's fingers were tangled in her well-coifed hair, fucking her mouth. She took him deeper and deeper until it scraped the back of her seasoned throat. Anyone watching could tell the wayward wife wanted the big guy's seed to savor.

As he pulled the sock's band tighter, the older man's breathing became rapid and ragged. The tension - the glorious tension - was building, needing release. With his free hand, Corey reached up to his chest, feeling the soft flesh of his man-boobs beneath his fingers. He let out a gasp, as he began to knead and caress them, teasing the nipples into hard peaks. The growls that escape come in low stutters, punctuated by the sound of heavy breathing. Inside the cotton tube, his cock throbbed and pulsated.

Meanwhile, Lauren's mouth worked tirelessly on Alex's throbbing cock. She bobbed her head up and down, her tongue swirling around the sensitive head, desperate to taste him.

Corey's hand moved faster, the fabric of the sock rough against his sensitive skin. He could almost feel the slickness of his own precum, his arousal coating the length of his shaft. Cuckold moans grew louder, more primal, as he stared at the TV screen, the two lovers' cheeks touching.

Take my girl, Goddamnit, kick me to the curb! Everybody else has.

Fap, fap, fap.


Shane couldn't believe his eyes. The sight before him was straight out of a wet dream. His coworker, the hotshot VP, spread out on the cushions of the yacht, the top of her dress down to her navel, the thin shoulder straps hugging her forearms. The rugged cowboy was on his knees, inching the skirt up her thighs, tongue licking her tanned skin. Carson's heart pounded in his chest as he watched the scene unfold, phone in hand, his dick growing harder by the second.

Snap, snap.

With a firm grasp, Alex yanked up Lauren's skirt, revealing her toned legs. His eyes fixated on the center of her thighs, where her off-white panties clung to her wetness. The fabric showcased a damp patch, a clear invitation that he couldn't resist. He wasted no time, plunging his tongue into her cameltoe, tracing its way along her slippery slit. His urgency grew as he tore through the delicate lace that separated him from her dripping cavern.

With a hunger in his mouth, Alex attacked her pussy with an unyielding determination. He delved deep, devouring her sweet nectar as if he couldn't get enough. His tongue relentlessly flicked and lapped at her swollen clit, while his teeth nibbled and bit at her engorged lips. Lauren's moans filled the air as she ground her hips against his face, matching his rhythm with every movement. Despite his conservative upbringing, Alex was a master at pleasuring a woman, especially when it came to feasting on her sodden pussy.

"Yes, deeper, suck my cunny!"

Outside, the front of Steve's pants pressed against the boat's side, the window fogging from his breath.


Alex's tongue flicked against Lauren's redden nub, causing her to arch her back and moan in ecstasy. He gripped her thighs, spreading them wider, giving himself better access to the sucking hole that opened and closed like a hungry mouth. With her fingers tangled in his air, Alex's tongue explored every inch of those slick lips, the heat warming his ears, as she writhed.


Lauren's moans grew louder, audible even from outside the boat with water swirling about. Her hips rocked against Alex's face, desperate for more. Shane's hand petted his dick, gripping it tightly, matching the rhythm of Alex's tongue. He longed to be the one pleasuring her, to taste her sweet nectar. But it was her date's pleasure tonight, licking that drenched hole, savoring her every whimper and moan. A deep dive into her canal made her shudder again and again.

"I'm almost there. Deeper, DEEEEPER!

"Oh my God, I'm gonna cum!"

Without warning, Lauren cried out, hips bucking against his mouth as she felt the first spasms hit her.

"Here it comes, here it comes, HERE IT COMES!"

As Lauren lifted her pelvis high, arching her back off the sofa, a surge of warm liquid suddenly gushed from her impassioned cunt. Alex's face contorted with surprise and as her orgasm splashed against his cheeks, drenching him in her clear, sticky juices. Her screams of pleasure filled the room, intensifying as her fingers dug into the cushions, seeking something to hold onto.

"Holy shit, holy shit, holy SHIT!"

In that very moment, as Shane captured more photographs, the owner of a houseboat two slips away made the decision to release his dog for its final outing of the evening. Unbeknownst to the lovers inside, the furry creature began to bark relentlessly at the mysterious silhouette clinging to the side of the adjacent triple-screw cruiser, shrouded in darkness.

Damnit! Carson cursed, tearing his eyes from the window as the animal drew nearer. He looked around for options to escape but knew there was really only one.


Several blocks away, Corey's body became taut, his muscles primed with anticipation, his hand clenching the sock with an almost unimaginable strength. A sense of desperate urgency propelled his movement, as he sensed the coil within him winding tighter and tighter, on the verge of a powerful release. His hips trembled involuntarily, the impending eruption building within him.

Lauren's lips and tongue were working in perfect harmony now. God, she was such a slut! Alex grabbing her head with both hands as he began to convulse. The sound of his grunts mingled with the rhythmic slurping noises as she sucked him with fervor.

Fap, fap, fap.

With a deep, guttural moan, Alex's cock throbbed in Lauren's mouth, signaling the imminent release of his hot, creamy load. Sensing his impending orgasm, she pulled back slightly, her eyes fixated on his pulsating member, ready to receive his jizz. A final mutter, then an unexpected eruption, think ropes of cum spewing across that lovely face.

Clawing at his nipples and with a few more strokes, the gray-haired wittol came hard, his cum spurting violently into the sock, puffing out the toe. He gasped for breath, wheezing as his body trembled at the depraved pleasure that washed over him.


"Hmm, come here," Lauren pulled Alex onto the couch and kissed him, tasting her cum. "That was fantastic."

"Anything for you."

"Is that so?"

Outside, a dog was going nuts. Nearby, there was what sounded like a splash in the water, causing the brunette's eyebrows to raise.

"Did you hear that?"

"Flipper," Alex smiled, explaining that it was probably just a school of dolphins that tended to overnight in the marina.

Reassured, Lauren sat up and reached for the wine that had been abandoned minutes earlier. Taking a deep drink, she picked up her phone and opened the texting app as Alex nibbled on an ear. Typing out a message, she stared at it undecidedly, just before smirking and sending. Turning to her capable lover, the flirtatious wife pushed the cowboy's face to her chest.

"Now, where were we?"


Corey's body gradually relaxed, his grip on the sock loosening as he took a moment to catch his breath, relishing in the aftermath of his release. A satisfied grin adorned his face as he gingerly removed the sock from his pulsating member. The cotton fabric now clung stickily, dampened by the semen that should have painted his wife's face instead of her boyfriend's. Nonchalantly discarding the sock onto the floor, he reclined back on the sofa, his gaze wandering aimlessly around the room, a slight disorientation lingering within him.

Her boyfriend.

As Corey's eyes gradually readjusted to the glow of the television, the screen of his phone suddenly illuminated, causing the device to vibrate once on the coffee table. His heart raced with anticipation as he reached for it, lifting it to eye level and squinting to read the message. A sense of dread washed over him as his heart sank, and he found himself staring at the words on the screen, allowing their weight to slowly seep into his consciousness.

Don't wait up, I won't be home tonight.

A deep stir of jealousy, like a green-eyed monster, started to rise within him. Nausea clawed at his belly, as conflicting emotions intertwined. Alongside the jealousy, there was a familiar sensation, a bittersweet agony that held a tormenting yet strangely delightful allure. Even with post-nut clarity, the tang of degradation was gratifying.

The smiles of the two lovers cheek-to-cheek were still emblazoned across the big display, seemingly mocking him in some twisted, telepathic way.

Tonight, someone else would be making love to his bride of twenty-eight years.

Tonight, she would be a star in someone's else sky, cuddling, whispering sweet nothings.

Tonight. Tonight could be the beginning of the end.

Corey defiantly took a lengthy swig straight from the whiskey bottle, then turned his focus to the smug couple taunting him from afar. With shaking hands, he reached down and removed the sock from his other foot.

Fap, fap, fap.

Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by lkh96 » Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:49 am

I love the Texan angle. Need more of his role in this love story.
Shane ?? added thriller, maybe the brakes to laur and corey hedonism 🤔
Please don't make us wait for a month for the next installment haha...
Good work 👍

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by knighter33 » Mon Feb 19, 2024 12:16 pm

Another awesome chapter.

Thanks for taking to time to collate it :)

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by venus-can99 » Mon Feb 19, 2024 12:55 pm

Thanks for yet another well written chapter Simple. Interesting characters and nice description of Corey’s emotions- jealousy, arousal, angst, resignation

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by Johng1953 » Mon Feb 19, 2024 2:26 pm

Thanks for the warning but I think she was fairly restrained in her humiliation of Corey. What makes me cringe and think she's a bitch is when she does it in public. She was quite nice really this time!
Thank you for a great update!

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by hongtea » Mon Feb 19, 2024 3:52 pm

"Sporting a fresh coat of metallic blue nail polish, Lauren slipped her hand through Corey's arm as they walked leisurely down the boulevard back towards the Majestic Summit, occasionally stopping to window shop or for her to wipe her nose. Those sniffles appeared to be getting worse."

First thought: Lauren might be sick.

Looking at symptoms of cocaine addiction: Oh.

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by Barthvader » Thu Feb 22, 2024 7:40 am

Oh my, what a great chapter.

For me it's still the dream to go where Lauren and Corey go.
I tryed to get my wife into cuckolding, but she refused, instead i now spend my time in chastity.
She has a hall pass, but she won't use it and became desinterested in sex due to menopauze
At first I thought my five inches were too small for her, and I bought a 8 inch strap-on.
But it was not a solution.

So now I'm dreaming away with the storief of you both.
Corey: enjoy your kinks: I think Lauren loves you very much and won't leave you.
Lauren: you're so luckey to have a guy like Corey
Dutchie who lives in a windmill, surrounded bij a tulipfield wearing klumps.

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by hongtea » Tue Feb 27, 2024 5:28 am

Just wondering if we'll have any more Caroline scenes in the story again?

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Mon Mar 04, 2024 11:56 am

@lkh96: stay tuned, Alex hangs around a bit. Shane also represents a memorable character in our lives as a stalker. Still figuring out how to weave his misbehavior in.

@knighter33: Just the fact that you are reading this is humbling. Appreciate the kind words.

@venus-can99: Glad you are enjoying the emotional rollercoaster. Its so hard to wretch feelings from the heart and gut and put them on paper. Sometimes I think we are missing the mark, but then comments like yours tell us we aren't far off.

@Johng1953: Thanks for hanging in there with us. I know you've been put off by threads of the tale, but the fact that you are still around means a lot. In terms of Lauren's 'slut years' and her, let's say, over-the-top enthusiasm for enabling my kinks (about a 10+ year stretch), the AL story is a little more than halfway through those years. There are more examples that are simply too many to write about. Perhaps someday. The episodes that do appear in AL are really amalgamations and summaries of years of cucking. The next couple chapters dive deep into a couple experiences we went through that some might consider dark shit. In fact, we debated on even going there, but right now they are in the outline. Whether we lose some readers because of it, only time will tell.

@hongtea: It is during the time these chapters represent that Lauren found herself being pulled in by the allure of clubbing, open sex, and open drug use. I'm no angel, and certainly no stranger to drugs, but I wasn't opening my legs and mouth to keep the party going either, unlike many women of the era. While she never quite hit a point where she needed rehab, she rode the white pony for quite a while.

As you may know from our interaction in this forum, the Caroline character was not our daughter IRL. She was the daughter of friends of ours, a couple who likely went places we have no desire to go. Since - to our knowledge - our now adult children have no clue as to our alternative lifestyle, anything involving them would be pure fiction. Since we use kernels of real life events in our work, I'm not sure our imaginations are ready to conjure up complete things from scratch. Maybe some day.

@Barthvader: Glad to provide you some escapism. Just like non-sexual preferences, not all wives share our enthusiasm for things we like. As you know, menopause has killed a great many bedrooms. Even ours for a minute. So please, feel free to live vicariously through us.

In fact, as we've mentioned before (and I alluded to above in a response to hongtea), some day we may branch out into pure fiction, so if you have any crazy ideas that you'd like written around your life that would make your dreams wetter, PM us. Might be a while before we can get to it, but who knows? Short stories?

And yes, Lauren and I are still very much in love. There are a great many people who doubt that, those who can't see how we can live this way and still be fond of the heart. And yet, here we are more than 30 years later.

As always, stay tolerant friends.
Last edited by SimpleEnigma on Mon Mar 04, 2024 3:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by Johng1953 » Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:41 pm

I'm going nowhere now no matter how dark it gets!

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by Breakerhymen » Sat Mar 16, 2024 7:01 pm

Iowa State wins……

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by Guhunkadorn » Sun Mar 17, 2024 7:49 am

Loved the chapter!

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by Breakerhymen » Sun Mar 24, 2024 7:52 am

And Iowa State wins again! Sweet sixteen!

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Sun Mar 24, 2024 9:52 am

@Breakerhymen: Yes, its nice to see the boys doing well! Illinois will be a tough nut to crack though.
Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by Breakerhymen » Tue Mar 26, 2024 4:16 am

Have faith! I picture Lauren in a crowd rooting for the team with a short skirt and flirting with all the illini fans just to get your goat!

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Tue Mar 26, 2024 7:02 pm

LOL, several times a year we visit various college towns to take in a game (mostly during football season). Your assessment is eerily accurate. Not all players are on the field. ;)
Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827

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