NON FICTION:Barb D, Her dating other men as a "single" woman

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Luv It
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NON FICTION:Barb D, Her dating other men as a "single" woman

Unread post by Luv It » Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:13 am

Part 1

For those of you who have been following the true, erotic adventures of my wife Brabara and I, and with her being with other men, you are probably aware of the many erotic adverntures we had with other guys....... even before we were married and she was a long time live in girfriend .
As I previouly said, we were/are soul mates and have stood the test of time and tribulations of our lives together . We both have a blue collar background and I used to be a R&R musican

This installment concerns what transpired when we were in out mid/late 30s.
Barb was at that age (and stiil is) a sexy and feminine woman with a still slim figure who never failed to turn me on and attact other men with her 36b- 26 -38 figure. She was aproaching her sexual prime
None the less, we wound up in a bit of a rut. It was a while since she had a steady boyfriend and her dates became few and far betwen compared to where we once were.
I should point out that we had no children as it was eventually discovered that she probably could not conceive ...... long story. However, she no longer really needed to worry about getting pregnant as it was only a remote possibility.

She now became a bit moody at times and I reconized this as her behaviour in the past before she became a hot girlfriend/wife and just cheated. She was now obviously getting restless for another man. When I playfully told her that she better get a new steady boyfreind to fuck, she replied that she was not meeeting anyone she liked lately and wished we could move to the town where my new job was located because, she then could most likely meet more (and better) men there.
Barb further explained that she could even be more anonymous there with other men and have the freedom to do much more as it was a larger city. She was not presently employed then and most of our "normal" friends who knew nothing about our "other life" had moved away as had most of our families.

My new job was in a larger city about 40 miles away and I had to admitt that it was a hassle to commute .
We dicussed it for a few days and decided that we would indeed make the move and I would start to look at apartments there .

This was the shot of renewal we needed.
Our sex became like old times and became very passionate again as we frequely talked about her pending freedom to do whatever and we agreed that this was an opotunity to reivent ourselves in a new, larger city. Exactly what this reinvention would be was not discussed however....... we just were both full of excited aticipation of the erotic unknown together.

Our lease for our present apartment would be up shortly and I started to look at some apartments in the city we would move to.

I should restate that Barb was always a bit old fasioned about everything it in spite of herself. Even though she loved to be a slut at times, she feared that some would find out who she did not want to know. I shared her feelings and concerns on this.
However, in the new city she/we would not care as she would have no past to live up to and any new friends we made would know all about her from square one .
Barb also decided that she would get a job there. With her experience in retail management it would not be difficult to find somthing she liked.

I began to have a very erotic, radical idea that I constantly thought about but, I was afraid how she would react to it.
It became an obsession that kept my cock frequenty stiff when thinking about it and I had to tell her.

One part of my idea was that we would get a two bedroom apartment and she would then be able to date and bring men over to her own bedroom. I had experinmented with sleeping on our sofa bed in the past when it made erotic sense to do so, but Barb having her own bedroom would make it much easier and much more erotic.
We had decided long ago that we both love for Barb to fuck other guys in private for the most part. I do watch her get fucked on ocasion though, particularly when she has a new steady boyfrind...... just once to burn into my brain the image of them fucking.

I finally told Barb that part of my idea.......... explaining that she could decorate her bedroom anyway she liked and it would be her private, femine liar for whatever she wished to do there......her own room to bring a boyfriend to.
I would take the other bedroom and decorate as I saw fit. She was imediately all for it,
So it was settled that I would look at only two bedroom apartments...... in a good neighborhood of course .

The other part of my idea was a more radical and erotic to say the least. Those who have been folliowng my/our evolution would know how addicted I had become to my wife having steady, intmate, even romantic boyfriends, etc and I definately wanted to expand on this in a very erotic and perverse way.
I wanted my sexy wife to date and act basically as a single woman would .
Yes, we would still live together but, in seperate bedrooms. However, she/we would tell our new aquantices that our mariage had become a just matter of convience for us and were were still very amicable toward each other. We would also tell them that Barb was compleltely free to date other men with my complete approval and blessings .

A few days later I finally summed up my courage and told Barb about it. My cock grew stiff as I told her how I wanted her to date and act like a single womam and all the details about it that I had at that point.
Barb was obviously very intrigued and turned on about it but, she had some questions of course.

For one thing, she wanted to know "what would be different than the situation we now have" ?
The difference would be that while now, she had to get permission to go on a date in advance and tell me most details about what she might be doing. I would usually give it as long as we had nothing planed togerther.
I explained that the difference would be that she would no longer would have to get my permission for anything at all as long as we had nothing planed together. All she had to do was call me an tell me she was she was OK and she could tell me as much or as little as she wanted to....... it was totally up to her . I repeated that I wanted her to date and interact with men as a single woman would for the most part, with no questions asked by me. She could have any affair she wanted to and tell me as little as she wanted about it. She could keep it all a secrete from me if she wished...... she could do just about anthing she wished. I would always be there for her.
I then reminded her of having her own bedroom and she could treat it as any "single" woman would and she could invite men over to fuck her anytime she wanted and did not need my permission as long as she was "cool" about it.
I told her that I wanted her to freely enjoy her sexuallty with other men to its fullest....I wanted to experiment to see where it took us.
Being in her 30s, it was a given that she now was now more mature and no longer went in for loud partying or loud people etc. She also had shown good her good choice of men over ther years and never went for a-holes.
She never did any drugs except alcohol and cigarettes. We both smoked cigarettes back then.

Barb had to digest all this for a few minutes as we discussed it. We both loved very erotic scenarios involving her and other men.
She finally said "OK" somewhat tentatively but lustfully. She had one more question.however. "What about my wedding ring"? she asked, now getting very serious.
Yes, her ring, of course she could no operate as a single woman if she wore her wedding ring ....... I had though about that and made a previous decision.
With a stiff cock I told her that she could take it off whenever she wanted to explaining that I was serious about her dating as a single woman . My wife then coyly smiled and said in a serious but erotic tone , "If that's what you really want baby cakes, take it off my finger right now and show me that you're serious about it". She then slowly held out her hand for me.
With a somewhat trembling hand and a very hard cock, we looked into each other's eyes both knowing what was about to happen,. I then slowly, lovingly removed her wedding ring almost ceremoniously.

We were now in uncharted terrritory........ even for us! She had taken it off briefly a few times in the past with my approval but this was different This was not just for a night or weekend for a bit of temporary pretense. It was now removed for an indefinate period and for reasons that were much more profound and potentially erotic. We then kissed passionately as if to reaffirm our love for each other but, also to let each other know we were both on the same page about this..... albeit each for different reasons of course..
Now, we both were almost giddy with erotic excitement comtemplating what the future might bring as we further discussed it.

I soon found a very nice first floor two bedroom apt in a upscale apt complex in a great area. One bedroom was a bit larger than the other and off the bathroon with the other bedroom next to it . I explanined to the rental manager that we needed two bedrooms as we need some extra storage space and that I often snored too much (not at all true) and need a extra bedroom where I could sleep on ocasion so my wife could get some sleep..... and for ocasional visitors . The agent smiled and said she fully understood as her husband snored. It was perfect but, I needed my wife's input. So I put a small, none refundable deposit on it until the weekend..
That weekend, my wife and I looked at the apartment together and she loved it also, pointing out it was close to publc transportation as she just recently learned how to drive belive it or not.. Anyway, we took it and made plans to move.

Moving is a colossal haasle and I wont bore you with it.

After finally moving everything..........we started to decorate it. We had all we needed for the most part except for Barbara's bedroom So, we when shopping for its furnishings.
She didn't forget that I told her she could decorate in a feminine fashion anyway she wanted to and she went for it . She selected a feminine white dresser and lingerie chests, etc, along with other feminine furnishings like curtains etc.
Then of couse, it was time for her to pick out a bed and mattress. She first settled on a feminine, brass headboard and standard bed frame.

On to the mattress........knowing it will be only for her to sleep and fuck other men on, it was left completely up to her of course to the confusion of the salsmen. You should have seen his face when I playfully asked her if she was sure that it was OK for Barb and her boyfriend to have sex on. Her bedoom funiture was delivered and set up. Gradually, over the next few weeks, we just concentrated on making it our home and decorating her bedroom........her private feminine lair.

We then often fucked like newly weds, us not only hot for each other but, also for our new life here
We always fucked in my bedroom at this point as I wanted to keep her bedroom stictly for her and other men . I still had her weding ring and kept it in a safe place.
Eventually, we got the apartment straightend out and decided to finally embark on our intended adventure..She was anxious to get a job and meeting men ...... including perhaps getting a new steady boyfriend............ all as a "single" woman.

She started by getting a job at a local malll almost within waliking distance but, accessable by public tanspotation. She would get her own car soon anyway .

She soon met some nice guys at the mall and I guess old habits die hard as she asked for permission to go out with on of them . She explained that she asked around and found out he was a long time, well liked and respected employee and........ she was attracted to him .
I reminded her that she is now "single" and no longer needs my permission. I told her to just be carefull, use some common sense, have fun and I would support anything she does. I simply wanted her to call me if she was not comming home after work as planned for example. . She did not need to tell me much more than. She only needed to let me know that she was safe and OK She had shown through the years that she has good taste and judgment .
Barb then adimitted that she told the guy that she lived with her husband who was a reall nice guy but it was now only a marriage of convience and they slept in seperate bedrooms........ explaining that we no longer had sex (not true) and and that she had complete my complete permission to date other guys.

That was perfect I thought.. Everyone at her job, etc would know she was available and sexually starved
BTW, at her age then, she was reaching her sexual peak and was now telegraphing more than ever that she was on the prowl for a good fuck.-

We put a plan in place. She gave him our phone number (the days before cell phones) and he was instructed to call a certain time on a thursday night . I of course answered the phone and asked if it was 'XX"? When he said yes, I told him Barb was expecting his call and I would get her. I then pretended she was in the bathroom and would be on the line in a couple of minutes which gave me a chance to talk to him. I related that I hoped he was not scared off by Barb having a husband but, he was free to date her. However, I would like to meet him before he takes her her out that weekend as I was concerned about her safety. So, I would like to meet him when he picked her up...adding that I heard he's a nice guy. I then added jokingly that I was looking forward to some peace and quite alone this weekend so he should keep her busy. This was just a big hint to let him know I wanted him to fuck Barb and he did not have to return her until he wanted to.
Barb then got on the phone and they obviously were talking about me for one thing. Finally, they confirmed the date for the next night (friday) and he would indeed pick her up so I could meet him.
They would be going out to dinner and ....... who knows what else but there would definatly be some fucking. Anyway, we were on our way to our new liife

The next night after work, Barb got ready and dressed sexy and feminine but classy as always for her date in a taylored slim skit and nice blouse, etc She looked more rediant and happier than she had in a long time. Barb always needed variety in her sex life and this is what she definately needed to revitalize herself. Waiting for XX to arrive, I reminded Barb that she was now "single" and she should act acordinly. I told her to have an erotic but safe time and she should call me every day just to to let me know she is OK . I did not need to know any details that she did not want to tell me about any given date, etc . However, I would love to know whenever she got fucked whenever she wish to tell me about it would of course, turn me on........ as she knew it would.

"XX" arived and he was quite handsome, well dressed and clean cut....... and appeared a bit younger than Barb. She reallly knew how to pick them I thought. iI seemed that the older she got, the younger she liked her men .
Barb showed him her private bedroom and then, mine ......... just so he knew she was not kidding.
Finally, I said to them in a playfull, goading tone, "are you two going to kiss or what" sending a clear signal to him. They kissed briefly as Barb did not want to run her makeup but, he got the hint.
As they were leaving, I just said cheerfully " have fun..... I'll see you in a day or so" They letf to disappear into the night together.

So, this was it!
The new chapter in our life together has begun.. She was now for all social purposes, a single woman and had all the freedoms that it allows her. Would she use her new freedom wisely? Would she like being "single" more than being married? Well, we have been throught a lot together and never had a "normal" marriage up to this point and we are still together . However, there are no guarantees in life and anything is possible . I admitt that it's the danger of it all that became part of the turn on for me,

OK.... XX and Barb only went out for a few times more before Barb met someone else more to her liking as she now had quite a pick of men in this new city. However the second time they went out, she came back with him unanounced late at night (saturday) and after a bit of small talk among us. Barb took him to her bedroom to fuck. Her bedroom had now been oficially christened as her private sex lair that she could bring men to anytime she pleased..........unannounced if she chose to do so.
Barb admitted that she enjoyed being free to do whatever she liked and was able to bring a man to her bedroom without asking. I admitted that I really liked it also....... more than I imagined it would, . I reafirmed that I wanted her to be completely free to fulfill herself sexually and emotionally with other men as a single woman and I would alway be here for her. I told her she should continue bring men to her bedroom anytime and as often she wanted......stressing that it was her bedroom .

However, she was stil not completely clear about what I wanted her to tell me about so, agin I told her she just needed to call only me if she would not be coming home when planned so I would not worry . She could even have a secret affair if she wanted....... go on a vaction with a boyfriend etc,,......anything at all............ no permission needed...... she just had to telll me she was going, etc...... " you are now " single".... remernber"? "I want you to completely enjoy your freedom and I will always be here for you.

It was a situation that we both loved .
Barb gradually took full advantge of it. She got her own private phone line installed in her bedroom with her own answering machine (this was before cell phones) and she would go into her room to talk in private to whoever about whatever.
Brarb's hair was aways dark brown and long. However, she soon surprised me by cutting it much shorter and bleaching it blond, saying that it was much easier to take care of and she just wated to be a blond Personally, I thought it looked a bit trashy, like a hooker but,, that only excited me.

She quickly increased her scocial contacts who all only knew her as a single woman. Barbara then brought men to her bedroom with increasing frequency as I continued to sleep in mine. I never knew when she would bring someone home to fuck her to repeted orgasms as I listened to them fuck on the other side of the wall in my bedroom
Fortunately, athough I could clearly hear what went on in her bedroom from mine, there was good sound insulation between apartments. She mainly had some regulars that came over often and they were the ones who really fucked her thoroughly half the night.
She would ocasionally bring men over for the weekend and I would just be an acomodating third wheel keeping out of theiir way.
Barb had enough sense not to bring a complete stranger to our apartment and the ones she brougt home were men she go to know a little first.and were always the clean cut "upscale" type. She also had the sense to tell the guys that they are never to come over uninvited or they would no longer get to fuck her .. Most every guy complied. and the couple that didn't were soon cut off.
One thing we both agreed on was she should not date anyone from our apartments unless she really liked him and he was very discreet about it. As the old saying goes, "you shouldn't crap where you eat"
Bab has a lot of street smarts and knows how to take care of herself.

I would not be honest if I did not say that it was an extreme, erotic turn on never knowing when she would bring a man home and then listening to them fuck!

She would sometimes just go on romantic dates and either either fuck at her date's place, at a motel, or come home with her date to fuck in her bedroom with her never telling me exactly what she might be doing.
As Barb told me, even she did not always know in advance where they would wind up fucking. The choice was usually hers and it depended how she felt at any given moment.
Other times, she would just call and tell me she would see me in a few days. etc (and would call me nightly) with me assuming she had a stud lined up to fuck her senseless for a few days. Not knowing was a exciting for me. As she never had to tell me anying she did not want to , I never knew exactly what the status of any relaionship was.
I also never knew if she was having a secret affairs . Sometimes she would get upset and tell me her date did this or that as If I was her girlfried or something and I would try to comfort her.
To be honest, I wished she would go on more romatic dates but, she was having a great time just going from man to man and getting serouus about no one.

I sometimes never knew exactly who she was with, where she went, how many men may have fucked her in any given night etc. As I said, she was reaching her sexual peak and she now became sexually insatiable needing to be frequently, sexually debauched. I did worry about her at times but I had to put my faith in her judgment .
Barb had pulled a few trains in the past and now, she she started to pull a few more again as she expanded her contacts ......... at a couple of upscale bachelor parties and at some upscale house parties, etc. She never liked the standard gang bang with many men all over her at once. and prefers to fuck her gang bang studs one at time in private.... one on one............ one after the other. She very wisely always had these supervised by a doninant, alpha stud who had her well being in mind agreeing that what she says is law.
I always made shure she had plenty of her favorate condoms with her, in her purse at all times and I took perverse pleasure in purchasing them for her.
She was now a sexy, mature slut......and more then ever, a fantastic, mult orgasmic fuck and she played the part well.
I found myself acually looking foreward to her next "gang bang." as this was an extra erotic taboo, with me never knowing how many men would fuck my wife on those nights. All she usually told me is she usually lost count of guys and orgasms after the first few guys. However, I sometimes got the feeling that she just didn't want to tell me the full truth about it, prefering to keep what happened private between her and her studs.
BTW, Barb had previously inforned me that whenever she "pulled a train", if she liked a guy, she would fuck him missionay style, her favorate position. However, if she felt any sort of adversion to any guy, she would offer herself doggy style, still giving him a great fuck.. She liked be in control. However, she admitted that she liked a really stiff drink or two before starting to remove any vestiges of her inhibitions so she could enjoy it to its fullest. So, maby she really did not always remember completely.

Barbara, my wife, the woman I love, had finally become the slut....... the strumpet....... and yes, the the whore of her dreams and was in her sexual prime! She was thuroughly loving it......... as I was, albiet for our individual reasons.
I should point out that she told me that she loves to be a slut at times, going back as far as when she first became a "hot girlfriend". She even proudly calls herself a slut .

Down through through the years, she ocasionally fucked guys for "favors" and even cash I discoverd. Barb had admitted to me years before, back when we were stiil just living together, that some of the nights when she stayed out all night, she would go to a few certain local bars and discretely "turn a trick"....... going to a motel to fuck for money........when she met an apropriate guy as she loved the excitement of it.
She admitted all this well after the fact when we first decided that she coud becom a "hot girlfried" before we got married and she bared a lage part of her soul to me.. She told me then that it made her feel very desiable and sexy knowing that a guy would actually pay to fuck her. It was strange but, as desirable and sexy as she was, she never really considered herself that sexy. No, she was not a raving beauty in the classic sense but, she has a great body with small but well proportioned breasts, a pretty face and has a very sensuous, feminine demeanor about her.
Anyway, she now admitted that she was currently doing this again........sometimes going to the local Holiday Inn or Howard Johnson lounge etc where there were usually passing businessmen at thr bar, to discretely turn a trick because, she again found it very exciting, even more exciting than before. She was actually an old pro at it like I said so, it was easy for her. She knew exactly how to handle herself and she relished the feeling she got when whoring herself as a classy hooker.
So, yes, she was now oficially a whore and I found that very excting also. It gave me something new that was perversely erotic to think about when I wife, the sexy whore! Knowing how she fucked, I was shure she was a damn good whore to!
I soon convinced her to allow me to drop her off at the local Howard Johnson lounge one saturday night as she was dressed in her finery so she could turn a trick. It was extremely erotic to say the least....... dropping her off and comtemplating how I freely helped my wife to be a whore.
She then returned home about 2.00 am and told me all about it as planned, as we agreed to....... at least as much as she wanted to tell me.
However it seemed more or less about the same as she described years ago as her regular procedure
Barbara said that after this handsome busness man (who was about 40) bought her a drink and sat next to her, they of couse started talking. He eventually sensed that she might be a hooker (he was probaly looking for a hooker to begin with and he found one.... my wife) and they discretely engaged in the obligatory verbal dance around the issue with him realizing that he could indeed take her back to his room to fuck but, it would cost him..... ..... a small figure that she coyly alluded to . Barb, very discretely almost in passing, said that she should be leaving....... be getting home soon as she had to work in the morning and........that she needed the X amount of dollars (a relatively small amout) she would make that morning at work to help pay her rent.
OK.... they had an understanding even it was not overtly spoken. After he bought her a couple of more drinks, they eventually went back to his room, with the (false) pretence that he just got Barb a bit drunk and that was the only reason she agreed to fuck him. Upon entering his room together, Barb freshened up in the bathrrom as he left the money on the dresser . He then went to the bathroon as Barb did the obvious, putting "it" in her little purse. They fucked, with Barbara giving him the full, sensous hooker treatment. He was completely satsified, and and she soon left to get a taxi to take her home.. She had a great time as he did.also.
It was not about the money, it was all about the excitement of it for her.........the money was just a token amount ...... just $20.
She had previously told me that $20 was always her basic price but did ask for more depending on the situation . Don't foreget that this was years ago when $20 was worth more than it is now and the world was a safer place in general.
Of course she could not be too obvious about it. So, in addition to alternating between the lounges, she could not visit any one of them too often. Even so, vitsiting any given lounge about twice a month never raised any suspicions and there were a few upscale motel lounges around she would " visit" twice monthly . In any event, when there was crowd she would just be another gal on the prowl there.
So, for a while this became an onging thing for her... the math.
She actutually liked the idea of me dropping her of at a lounge to do her "thing" and I began to do so whenrver she asked or allowed me to..
With a stiff cock, I aways asked myself to what level of perversion I had sunk to every time she got out of my car, dressed in her classy "working clothes" and walked into a motel lounge to turn a trick. I would then wonder who the guy would be tonight who would be paying her for a one night stand, what would he look like, etc and how well he would fuck my whore wife, me knowing that, at least he would experience a great fuck and how much she will enjoy being a whore for him.
Anyway, at least she just fucked them once in the relatively safe upscale motels and she never saw them again . This became one of her her main sexual outlets besides a few "regular" guys who contiued to fuck her and the ocasional pulling a train . She would tell me, " I'm not getting any younger"

She was usually a classy dresser and a well groomed "mature" lady at her job but, she was definately a sexy, muti orgasmic slut/whore none the less.
To be perfectly honest, It was not easy to accept that my wife was a whore. However, given the circumstances, it was not that different from the other things she was doing. So, it only took a short while for me to accept it. But when I did...........
Yes, I experenced perverse, erotic depraved pleasure that made my cock rock hard knowling that my wife was a whore, a prostitute, a hooker . No, not a streewalker but, a whore none the less. Don't forget, this was completely her choice, what she truly wanted to do. I was just going along for the "ride" .

She loved/loves to dress in slim skirts with a translucent blouse and high heels.
Her small but sexy breasts are often barely supported by a flimsy, sexy little bra that often does very little to conceal them. Barb has always liked knee length slim skirts saying she likes the confinement of them that makes her feel sexy and more feminine. Although she wears "sheer to waist" pantyhose, she much preferes thigh high stockings, tiny bikini panties, (sometimes with crotchless panties) when she is on the prowl or has a date, etc. This is not to say she does not get comfortable in jeans etc when it's prudent or the mood strikes her. Of course, she also liked/likes apropriate dresses.
We now lived in a larger city where she could become anonymous when she wanted to and she took full advantage of that fact, reveling in it.
We both loved the intensely eroitic, taboo, perverse aspect of it all. She was now completely in charge of her life and I was sometimes just an observer and a caring home base for her.
I took some comfort in the fact that she was always level headed, street wise and knew not to do anything stupid. I had faith in her judgment as she never showed to be reckless with her well being/safety.
She now seemed about the happiest she had been in a long time and that made me happy for her..

Actually, some weeks she just stayed home (in addition to the times she stayed home when she had her periods) and all she did was to maby invite one of her regulars over to fuck her and our lives were relatively tame and othewise "normal". By "regular" I mean they might fuck her once, rmaby twice a month. She had a couple of her regulars that fucked her bareback.
I told her that she should always be sure to have a a least one guy at all times that can cum in her and she agreed.
I aways was extra nice to those guys. and made shure Barb had a stiff drink when apropriate to "loosen" her up so she would give them the best fuck possible.
She never did get a car and always depended on the men in her life or public transportation to get where she wanted to go. One important advantage of this is she never had to worry about drinking and driving which afforded her the freedom to drink, loose inhibitions and not worry about it. I'm not saying she became a drunk, far from it. She just liked to take the edge off with a stiff drink or two removing any inhibitions and feel as sexy and erotic as possible. I should stress however that she took drinking and driving very seriously and took a taxi, maby stayed overnight, when there were no sober people around.

In contrast, other weeks, I rarely saw her and did really know what she might have been doing and with whom. She would just call nightly just to say "I'm OK"
If she was with a known gentleman who I trusted, we might agree that she did not need to call me at all for a few days etc.

As I said, at first we fucked regularly but, it quickly it became less and less often . Finally at one point we decided that we should fuck at least one a month......... just to help maintain our bonds. The rest of the time I masturbated often thinking about our situation, the multitude of men that were fucking her and what she was diong When we did fuck it was intensly erotic for me and it was more like fucking an very experienced slut girfriend or prostitute.......not really like fucking my wife as she no longer seemed like one...... in the classic sense at least ..
However, I now loved her more than ever. I was also more turned on than I ever was about my wife being such a slut. The taboo aspect of her not weaing her wedding ring was an erotic turn on for both of us that contued to grow more intense as time past.
It was at this point that I started performing oral sex on her when she ocasionally allowed it. I enjoyed it as an act of complete submission to her sexuality.
However It was not as pleasuable for me as when she had a steady boyfriend. I needed that to really enjoy it......I loved submitting orally to their relationship as her steady fucked her bareback.

I was in an almost constant state of arousal.....sometimes, never knowing what she might be doing or be with on any given day or night ... not knowing what to expect........ when she would be home... etc.. All I was sure of was she was frequently on her back, spreading her legs for men. I was in hot wife heaven thinking about all the sexual pleasure she was giving and receiving from all those men. I was so vicariously into her sex life and I did not want her to slow down. How all this turned me on never ceased to amaze me considering how jealous and hurt I once was of Barb being with another man when she was just my live in girlfriend. I often actually had to ignore what she was doing so I cound get some sleep and keep my job. There were times when I just got to sleep and I was awakened to the sounds of Barb getting fucked in her bedroom.
I wouild then be stroking my stiff cock while straining to hear every sound of the lovemaking, wondering exactly who the guy might be. Often, I never knew who it was (if i did not reconize his voice) as I was never told and I never asked . Not knowing who was fucking my Barbara right on the other side of the thin wall was always extra erotic for me..

When she was not home, I would often go into her bedroom to masturbate as I reveled in thinking about all the men who had fucked her in it. I reveled in the photos of her with other men on her dresser. I reveled in the blatent femininity of her bedroom ........all the sights and fragrances of it.
I admiit that I looked in her clothes closet, her dresser and lingerie chests, etc. I looked at all her sensuous clothes and lingerie that she wore for other men.
However, I wondered about her little locked box that was in her dresser.
When I finally admiited this to Barb, she laughed playfully and said she assumed that I was doing all that, However, she coyly reminded me of her little locked box adding that "a single gal has to have some secrets".

Yes, I wondered what was in the locked box but, I did give her free rein to act single. Admittedly, I found it exciting not knowing . BTW, I eventually found out that it mainly contained some porno photos of her and some money that she earned turning tricks.

Oh, we stiil had more or less "normal" a life together at times We planned doing various things together. We were often basically like just good friends and we frequently just held hands or cudeled on the sofa while watching TV while home alone together.
However she played the part of single woman to the hilt and enjoyed it completely, having the very best of both worlds.
Barbara was rarely mean or inconsiderate towards me for the most part but, I do not want to give the impression that it was all fun and games because it definately was not
Barb was always a dichotomy of sensual interests and emotions and that is one reason why I always loved her. However, now this just intensified and she would sometimes get a bit arrogant about her new freedom saying that I got what I whished for so what's my problem, etc. if I would try to rein her in a bit for her own good. I had to admitt that she was right of course and accept what I helped create. Through it all though, it was mainly just intensely erotic and we got along great the majority of the time.
Also, yeah, we had our little arguments as any two "room mates" would

What did the men think of me? I only know mainly what Barb told me. She said that they mostly could not understand how I would allow my sexy wife to date and be fucked by them. Some though that I might be gay at first but, soon found out that I wasn't while most thought I was just strange. However, most were very friendly towards me as they had no reason not to be. A couple of guys did get nasty to me but, soon found out that I would not tolerate it.
I was always an alpha male but, I must admitt that I grew to love being slightly dominated by Barb. No, nothing cruel or very hulmiliating but, I loved how she was completely in charge of her sex life and inteacting as a single female with me freely giving up all control over that. To be completly honest, she also had control over most of my life also . It seemed that all I did at times was to go to work, come home and vicariously live though my wife's sex life. I actully was glad at times when Barb was "away" as I then could be more relaxed and peaceful....... feeling more "normal". and eating more properly. Then she would come home and I would get all excited and turned on again ..........getting a stiff cock with that old, familure feeling in the pit of my stomach that I learned to love and hate at the same time, but it was a feeling that I was drawn to like a moth to a flame.

We never really disussed this but, I'm shure she knew.....she had to. So, the dynamincs between us did change of course.
She knew exactly what buttons to push, and what ones not to push to maintain her erotic upper hand without pushing me over the edge.
Somtimes, it was difficult for me to remember just how "normal" our life together once was before we embarked on this insane erotic odyssey together and I suspected that Barbara felt the same way.
Our former life together now started to seem like a just dream at times . Which is the real Barbara........ the "old" Barb or, the "new" Barb or, are they one and the same and always were? Will she ever need or want me anymore as a "husband" as before? After all, she originally agreed to all this quite readily. Does she has any respect for me anymore? Does she has any real respect for herself ? Do I have repect for myself ? How long can this go on?
Anyway, this was my, her, our life now and in spite of all my cocerns it stiil was very exciting most of the time.

However, something was still missing . It's been about 10 months so far and she did not yet have a steady boyfriend which was something we both loved her to have in the past . I also missed perfoming oral sex on her when she had a steady who fucked her bareback. I also thought that Bab now having a (goood) steady boyfried would be good for her.
She was having such a great time with everything else that she did not have time for a steady. Neither one of us wanted her to really stop any of her other sexuual activities though. Personally, I just wanted her to maby slow dow a bit at times .
Barb did admitt that she missed the romance and intimacy of a steady boyfriend that she did not get with the multitued of mosly impersonal lovers, even if she liked them
She just need to find a happy medium finding room and time for both. We agreed that would she would strive for that
We now had the absolutely ideal set up and arrangement for her to have one main man who would be her favorate. She now had complete freedom to date a steady boyfriend as a "single" woman and we agreed she should finally take full advanage of it. I imagined that after all that had occured, Barb having a steady, romantic relationshio would be tame in comparison . Barb having a steady boyfrind was great and erotic a few yeas ago. when she first had a couple of boyfriends . However, now, with our current lifestye and history, who knows what will happen.

Barbara decided to actively seek a steady boyfriend and date him totally as a "single" gal, telling me that I wiil never learn that I should be carerful what I wished for. She then got serious and pensive telling me that one of these days I wiil loose her forever. However she had to admiit that she loved her current lifesyle and I no longer had a real say in her life anyway unless she wanted my imput which was happening infrequenly at best anymore........ reminding me that I gave her this freedom . In spite of what she told me, I told her that I would take my chances, reminding her of all we had been through over the years and we are still together.

In any event, we also decided that we would eventually tell him how much it actually turned me on, not that we just "have a marriage of convience" as we were telling everbody so far.
Barb expressed some half hearted concern about how it might be difficult for a gang bang slut like her to find a steady boyfriend but, I told her that I suspected that it would not be that difficult at all once they fuck her a few times and she explains her proposition. "After all", I joked, "he will not want to marry you, just take you out to dinner and fuck you".

This is the end of part 1.
Last edited by Luv It on Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:26 pm, edited 33 times in total.
Our beginnings in the HW life style ... 1342&hilit

"My wife likes to talk to me when she's having sex. Last night she called me from Chicago."
-Rodney Dangerfield

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Luv It
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Re: NON FICTION-Barb D. Her dating men as a "single" woman

Unread post by Luv It » Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:16 am


It took a little while but, Barbara found as great guy for a steady boyfriend .
His name was John. As fate would have it, she met him at a small, quiet house gathering where she was pulling a small train. John and two other nice guys were taking turns fucking Barb.repeatedly half the night.She met the owner of the house previously and knew he was safe Anyway, she liked John imediately and she let him know it. She said she gave him extra wild fucks

Barb came home the next day (looking/acting well fucked) and told me all about the night before and how John got her attention as a steady boyfriend prospect. She seemed like a giddy school girl as she described him to me which turned me on even more.
As Barb related, he was 29 years old a bit younger than Barb who was in her mid 30s. and quite handsom and physically fit. Just as important, his his cock was quite large and he really knew how to use it .
In addition, he said did not have a girlfriend as he did not want to get into a real serious relationship. Perhaps most important of all, John treated Barb with utmost respect,. like a lady even though he was fucking her along with two other guys that night. who were his friends BTW

Anyway, Barb was really smittem with John and she had to go out on a date with him to check him out further. So she asked him it he would like to go out with her. He said he would love to in spite of what he knew about her slutty activities and that she was married to a husband who allowd her to be there . Like I previously said Barb may be a slut but, she presents herself in publc with class and grace So, they exchanged phone numbers that night before she got fucked into total oblivion by the three guys.. Barb found out that John was a white collar woker who lived in a nice apartment fairly near to us and appeard to be a safe prospect

Their first date was to be to dinner and dancing with them going back to John's place for the night . However, he needed to speak to me first
So, he called Barb and she gave me the phone. John introduced himself and asked it it was true that I approved of him dating my wife. I of course put him at ease, telling him I knew about the gang bang and he was definately welcome to date my wife. I gave him the same explanation that we gave others about our "marriage of convience" . That's all he needed to know at this point.
I also told John that I wanted to meet him when he picked Barb up for their date to put my mind at ease that she will be in safe hands. which he agreed to.
I had to admitt that John indeed. seemed like a very nice guy on the phone. I liked him already.

The friday night of her date with john Barb prepared and dressed as usual for a dinner date but, she seemed to engage in extra primping. She finally came out to the TV room where I was and she looked absolutly Beautiful!
She looked sensual but classy as always in her slim skit and taylored blouse, high heels etc . She coyly teased me by revealing her thigh high stockings and feminine crotchless panties which instantly stiffened my cock !

Waiting for John to arrive, Barb got serious, held my hand and and said somewhat pensively " I think John is the one" .
I then reaffirmed that I still wanted her to act totally "single" with John..

John arived while Barb was in the bathroom and he was indeed very handsome, trim, clean cut, well dressed, with dark, wavy hair. I later found out he was of italian and hispanic descent..
BTW, Barb is half Italian also as am I.
He intoduced himself and we got to know each other a bit wating for her to join us . I liked him as he was so polite and charming even though he was evidently a bit (understandably) nervous.

Barb eventually joined us and they greeted with a brief kiss.....she did not want to ruin her makeup. I said this before about Barb and some other guys she went out with but, it was particlarly true for them. They made a great looking couple.
In the course of our conversations, we affirmed that we were all on the same page about them spending at least the night together . John now seemed more at ease with me.
They left with me wishing them a great time together and I would see them sunday .

I loved this feeling when my Barbara goes on a romantic date with someone she really likes. It's a whole different dynamic than her going out with a guy she just wants to fuck and it makes me feel a bit submissive.
So, I hoped they had a great time bonding so they would make it a steady thing..

They did indeed have a great time . She returned sunday afternoon obviously in a very good mood.
Barb said that she explained to John that she was looking for a steady fuck and she wanted him to be the one. She also told him all about her private bedroom and how she could do any thing she wanted, anytime she wanted
John tentatively agreed to be her steady stud, even if she still fucked a few others also.

Then, she admitted that she could not help herself and she fucked him bareback all weekend. I was concerned but excited at the same time. I trusted her judgmend so far and I had to trust it now.
In any event, John was the one she wanted and she surrendered to him completely.
I reminded Barbra that she did not need my permission for anything concerning John, and in making him a steady boyfriend stressing that I liked him also.
I wanted her to date and fuck John as much as she wanted.

That night we had a long talk.about out life together and the situation we were in.. It was one of the longest discussions we had since we embarked on this adventure many, many months ago.
We discussed how she still wanted to engage in some of the slutty activities she had been enjoying, such as gang bangs, ocasional "regular" fucks, ocasional whoring . However, she also wanted to explore her relationship with John as she really liked him personally in addition to his larger cock etc. She then admitted that maby she would slow down on those things if the relationship with John worked out to her liking
This was exactly what I wanted also.
It was a tremendous turn on for me when she was just being slutty in a gang band or getting fucked by an ocasional "regular" lover, etc. However, like I said, it was a whole different dynamic and turn on for me when she has a steady boyfriend she really liked . It was much more eroticly intense and profound for me
Barbara admitted that it was lagerly the same for her also.
We also discussed how all this would be intensified of course now that she is free to act "single" as it added a whole new eroticly perverse aspect to it.

They went out the next friday for dinner and dancing again including spending the weekend together as before. Barb always liked to dance but, I never did, She said John was an excellet dancer.
This time when he picked her up, he was given a tour of our apartment, including Barb's private bedroom.. John was still polite and charming. However, it was clear that he now started to consider Barb his "steady" fuck by the subtle way he acted with her . I Ilked that.
When they finished the tour, we all sat in the TV room and engaged in some small talk.
I related that I liked him and hoped he and Barb would spend a lot of time in her bedroom.

When they left, I went into her bedroom and very slowly masturbated thinking about the next chaper of her being "single" and her developing a relationship with John. I was so incedibly turned on and I loved it!
I loved this feeling of total submission to them being together.
I had long gotten over the fear that Barbara would leave me but still, one never knows........ The danger of it was a real turn on its self .
As I said , Barb has always been a dichotomy of sensual interests and emotions. This is one reason why I love her and I had long since gotten used to it .

Barb returned sunday as before and we had another dicussiion .
She said that they had an even better time as they were now more in tune and comfortable with each other. In other words, they started to bond together. I was glad to hear that.
"When are you going to bing John to your bedroom", I asked.. "Maby next time", she coyly replied.

The "next time" was couple of weeks later on a friday again.. Barb invited John over after work and he arrived about 7:00 pm. The plan was just to talk a bit and see what happened . John was a bit aprehensive about fucking her at our place with me there. This happened with others fairly often at first so, it was certainly understandable. However, it was more pronounced with Jonh as he was a very nice and somewhat old fashioned guy.
Barb was dressed rather casual in a short denim skirt and simple top waitng for John as they had no real plans on where they might be going together, at this point.
John arrived and after greetings all around, I got us all a beer Yes, even Barb liked beer.

First, some pleasent small talk with Barb sitting next to John. When the time was right, I blurted out in a friendly manor, "What do you think of Barbara? When he said that he really liked her, I playfully said that he should show her and give her a bg kiss . He did just that and Barb responded with passion. That broke this ice and soon Barb remove her top exposing he bare, still pert 36b breasts which Jonh then genltly carressed as they lovingly kissed .
After they petted a little more, I finally said '"Why don't you take Barb to her bedroom" It was more of a request than a question of course. She then just took his hand and quietly led him there.

Yeah, they fucked passionately.....about 30 minutes total to my delight. It was not to be a marthon session, just one to get John in the swing of things in her bedroom .
I had lost count of how many guys I had heard fucking Barbara through the yesrs and John was one of the very best, if the sounds of the sensual bed creaking and Barb's guttural cries of extreme orgasmic pleasure was any indicaton. Yes, they fucked beautifully and I wondered how large his cock actually was having not seen it yet.

Evetually, they both came out to the TV room with John openly showing affection for Barb having lost all his inibitions about me . After all, he had just fucked her..
After some brief small talk I smiled and said " So, I hope that now you will not make youself a're welcome here anytime Barb invites you"
Jonn was a special guy and I thought this was the time to tell him the truth. At my queue. Barb feigned that she had something to do for a minute and left the room
Now alone with John, I first, I asked him how he really felt about Barb and how he like fucking her..
Since he had lost any inhibitions he had toward me. he proceded to tell me that he loved being with and fucking Barb, acting now somewhat proud of his conquest withou being a bit arrogant..
I then somewhat nervously proceded to tell John how I wanted Barb and him to become steady lovers, . I then told him that what he had been led to believe about me and Barb and our reltionship was not exactly all trure, I explained that she does indeed have my permission for everything she had been doing. However, I futher explained that I not only gave her my permission, I also gave her my encouragemen as it really turned me on, and not because we had a "marriage of convience" as has been told . I told him we still loved each other and we just enjoyed the erotic nature of it all .
Sensing that he was digesting all this well, I then told how john It would turn me on tremediously if he made my wife his steady fuck and lover and I would not inhibit their realtionship in anyway as long as he treated her right. I then told him that they could do anything he wanted to, anything she agreed to but, he should keep in mind that she wont leave me and she would still be fucking others besides him on ocasion ....reminding him where he met her ."She will be your slut, your lover, but, she will remain my wife" .

John agreed and said the he had his suspicions about it and was right . I then added that I would not tolerate any verbal abuse etc, and I wanted him to continue to act as friendly as he had been, and he again agreed..He then explained that he had no other desires for my wife other than dating and fucking her, assuring me that we were both on the same page about that.
I then related how Barb told me that he had a large cock and I asked hin to show it to me . John was a bit taken aback by my request but he stood up, pulled down his pants and prouudly showed me his cock . It was indeed quite large, much larger than mine which is about slighly above average It was a beautiful cut cock and I could see why my wife loved it . I must admiit that my cock got hard thinking about how he is fucking her with it . I wonder ho much bigger it got when errect . Well, as fate would have it, Barb then waked into the room and upon seeing John's cock out, smiled and imediately dropped to her knees to give him a great loving blow job.. His cock grew considerably and it was quite impressive. He eventually, lovingly came in her mouth as she tilted her head back to receive it and, swallow it like a true slut . It was perfectly sensous! It was obvious that they had done this before
This was it! John was the one! I wanted him and Barb to be together often and become well tuned lovers. I wanted them to continue go on romantic dates together. I wanted them to be a couple as ofthen as possible.... at least as often as practical.
So I gave them my blessing to develope their relationship, their bond with no restrictions.

It was still fairly early so, I suggested that they go out somewhere for a drink and I would drop them of at the bar of their choice. They could take a taxi back home, here where his car was They aggreed and they both took a quick shower Barb quickly dressed in the same short demim slim skirt but, added a more feminine and sexy top as they decied to just go to quiet, a local neighborhood bar in a safe area they both knew. Barb quickly applied some minimal makeup and they were ready.
As I dropped them off at the bar I told them to have a great time and told John that from now on I would consider him Barb's boyfriend so he is reponsible for her, adding that I trusted him. Finally, I said playfully that he should "treat this single gal well" sending a clear signal to both of them that she did inded have free rein..
My cock stiffened as I watched them wallk up to and enter the bar together holding hands

Of course,, when I got home, I went into Barb's bedroom. and comtemplated our newest situation as I slowly stroked my stiff cock . Yes! I felt wonderfully submissive. Not to Barb or John but very submissive to their new releationship. together.. I knew from past experience that, the closer they would get get, the more this fantastic feeling will intesify .
They returned when I was about to go to sleep They fucked again in Barb's bedroom as I masturbater to them making love. Aftewards John left to go home Barb packed a few of her things that weekend to bring to John's place so she coud stay longer if she wanted to next time.

Barb and I had another talk..
She related how she really ejoyed being with John and he really treated and fucked her well . He also loved to dance as Barb did.. I had to Ask, "are you fucking John well.....are you giving John fucks her will never forget? She laughed and proudly said, "what do you think baby cakes"?
I then asked her If i could start to "eat" her" pussy regurlarly as I did with her previous steady boyfriends . She led me into her bedroom, we stippped and she layed on her bed that John had be fucking her on, spread her legs obscenely and invited me to pleasure her orally . "Eat me" she eroticly goaded and I dove right in lovingly, submissively, making oral love to the pussy her lover John is fucking and cumming in. I loved it!.

Soon, they agreed to let me watch them fuck.......only once, so I would have the image of them fucking imprinted on my brain. They fucked beautifully in the missionay position, Barb's favorate
I was entralled and incredibly turned on by the erotic sight of John's large cock, tightly sheathed by Barb's pussy as he thrust it in and out of her, relentlesly at times........with her legs legs wrapped firmly around him grasping his trim ass..
It was obvious and extremely erotic how tighly Barb's vagina grasped John's large penis......the way it had no choice but to expand and surrender to its girth as John thrust his large penis it into her. Then, how Barbara's vagina tightly grasped his penis, not wanting to release it, almost like her vagina was not able to relax its grip on his penis, her vigina barely resisting being turned inside out as he withdrew it. from Barbara's sexy, tight viginal sheath. I felt so submissive to all the mutual pleasure it so obviously gave them as they alternated between fast and slow John and my wife were making very erotic love. When they were fucking slowly, after every one of Barbs many orgasms, she eroticly moaned in sexual extasy as he thrust his large penis slowly in and out of her vagina as as they tenderly kissed, both locked together in pure, sexual and emotional pleasure. Then, when they sped up up their love making, John's relentless rythmic thusts had her screaming, pleading for him to fuck her harder as she spurred him on with her heels grasping his ass..... untile she would finally orgasm violenty. They would then repete the erotic first, slowly grinding their crotches togethe with his cock burried in her as they passionately kissed.. I lost track of the time but it seemed like they were fucking, making love "forever" repeting this erotic senerio many times.
They eventually had an explosive mutual orgasm with John's cock burried to the hilt in Barb's vagina and Jonh expelled his large volume of cum into her waiting vagina as they both spasmed together in extreme, mutual sexual ecstasy.

They fucked so loving, so passionately, with such an obscenely erotic, sexual and romantic surrender to each other.
They fucked like they were made for each other ....obviously compltely in tune with each other sexually. If they fucked like this now, what would they be like together when they are even more bonded and in tune with each other. I then left to allow them to bask in their sexual afterglow in private as I got myself a beer.
Yes! They belonged together I thought in my preverted erotic state of mind. I wanted them to experience this sexual and romantic ecstasy together as often as possible.

John not only had a very lagre cock, he really knew how to use it and Barb really knew how to accept it..... all the way to her cervix , I was shure that very time he shot his cum into her, it had to be directly splashing up against her cervix. I could see why Barb wanted him from the first time they fucked . Yes! They were made for each other and I wanted them to be together to give each other the most extreme sexual pleasure imaginable as often as possible. I knew that there was no way I could ever compete with John and his very large cock even if I wanted to. So "if you can't beat them, join them" (together) was my perverse thinking.

To be honest, I had always thought that I was not man enough for Barbara.... that I was not only not masculine enough, that I also was not well endowed enought to satisfy her sexually as she needed to be, as I wanted her to be. John was clearly better than me on all counts and I wanted Barb to be with him, for them to be together..... for John to also experience all the erotic pleasures of being with Barb. In my masochistic frame of mind, I was very turned on by them finding each other.

I wanted them to be forever "locked" together in an erotic, loving embrace...... slowly fucking in the missionary position, a pillow under my wife's ass to give John optimum access to her vagina and her very sensitive clit..... with his rock hard, monster, penis ever so slowly relentlesly going in and out of her beautiful, profusely lubricating, tight vagina........ with my wife's legs wrapped around John, firmly gripping him, drawing him in and releasing him in total unison with his erotic rythm ........ as they romanticly kiss ........ their tongues lovingly exploring and intertwining in each other's mouths...... completely surrendering to each other as they make eroticly sweet love...,...bonding closer and closer....both lost in extreme sexual and emotional extasy.
I wanted John to inject his cum into my wife as often as possible..... to be absorbed by her vigina and become part of her, bonding her closer and closer to him.

Why the hell did all this turn me so much? Barb had become less and less "mine" over the years but, it still turned me on.

She would now go out with John with increasing frequency and spend time with him either at our place or most often at John's with me never knowing what their plans were. To say he was her steady lover would be an extreme understament.
When she had her period, she often stayed home. John would come over sometimes and Barb would give him a blow job aways swallowing every drop of his cum.
They would cry out "I love you" when they were of throes of passion while fucking to my demented delight

When we were alone, which happend with decreasing frequency, I would perform orally on her when she allowed me to. This was now my only sexual contact with her. Performing oral sex on her as John was routinely fucking her barback was my way of totally submitting to their relationship. I insisted that she tell John that l loved pleasing her orally...... submitting to their relationship and she did just that .
I had tasted other men's cum in her vagina but, John's was about the best I ever tasted and the fact that he was forever keeping Barb's beautiful pussy expanded with his large cock just made it all the more erotic . In fact, I relished the few times when I was able to "eat" her shortly after John cummed into her and left. I'm not gay but, I became addicted to eating his fresh cum out of Barbs beautiful, well fucked vagina the first time I tasted it. I found myself almost begging my wife to bring Jonh home to fuck her, hoping he would then leave so I could eat her.

Yes, she still engaged in some of her other activities and brought different men home on some ocasions but, was doing it less and less now that she had John. He knew all about this and had no porblem with it. To be honest, we were both pleased with this as it demonstrated that he was not gettingt o possessive of Barb .
In fact, after they had been going out for about a three months, John asked her if she would like to pull another train with him and the same two gentlemen that fucked her when they first met . I guess he wanted to show off his steady whore to them . In any event, they had the "gang bang" and it was great like the first one with john taking full charge of course which made Barb feel very safe. He even drove to her to and from it. They would eventually repeat this periodicly and Barb would get extremely well slut fucked. She would aways be set up in a bedroom and they would take turns fucking her in private, one on one, repededly at all night until the men were all worn out with John being her favorate of course. He always fucked her first. John would then bring Barb home to me the next day and it would be obvious what had ocured.... how they must have relentlesly fucked her the night before. She would also be a bit hung over so Barb evidently was given a few drinks to lossen her up and erase any inhibitions.

Now, I often never heard from Barb. for days, even weeks at a time. She now had a lot of her things at John's place However, I never worried about her when she was with John as he always took good care of her . Barb took full advantage of being "single" and gave me less and less of her time....... coming home at random with John to fuck in her bedroom and I would wecome them graciously. I was living vicariously through her sex life and her relationship with John, perversly glad that they were together.
John was still always nice to me. but made it perfectly clear to me that Barb was now his slut. After all, this is exactly what I told him to do.... what I wanted to happen.
In reality she actually did "belong" to John now as I gave her the freedom to act "single" and he/they took complete advantage of it
Anyway in my ever increasing state of depraved erotic perversion the more they bonded and stayed away, the more it turned me on. I was past the point of no return and I could not help myself for feeling like this.

As the months went by, Barb and John were going on more and more romantic get aways together and Barb now rarely came home.

However , their relationship was destined to end sooner of later.

One day, Barb came home and we had a long talk. Barb admitted that she trully enjoyed being with John and how he fucked her with his big cock However we all knew this for quite some time already .
She went on to say that she trully loved his masculinity and how he made her feel really sexy, slutty and she loved that. I asked her how much she loved John
She then started to cry . She explained that although she loved me and trully wished to stay married to me, she did not want her relationship with John to end as she also loved him.
So what could I do other than continue to give her realtionship with John my blessing. As Barb always told me.... "be careful what you wish for".
However, I pointed out that sooner or later John would find somone he would want to marry and she would be history . Yes, she realized that but would deal with it when the time came is what she said previously .
Barb then confessed that Jonh just tried to break up with her but she pleaded with him not to and he relented..... for now.

So, for the next month, things contiunued somewhat as they had been . However, John would increasing tell Barb he was busy, sending her home, Barb would then come home crying about it......admitting she really did loved him, more than she first admitted . It just was question of how much she loved him , but she did falll in love with him. Is this not what I perversely wanted? Yes, but, I did not want her to cry about it . All this was all supposed to make her happy, not sad.

Long story short......... John found a nice gal more his own age and was getting very serious about her. When she found out about Barb, she gave him an ultimatum . John told Barb their relationship was over.
John brough back all of Barbs things that were at his place. Barb din not want to see him and left it for me to deal with John. He was aplogetic about upsetting Barb saying that he really liked her and she was indeed the best fuck he ever had . However, he remided me of what I orginaally told him about Barb remaining my wife and he was a realist who knew Barb was not for him long term .

It was a shock to Barb and she was an emotional wreck for a while. She even had to quit her job. I helped her get through it by being her loving, suportive husband....... sans any sex between us at that point of course as she was not emotionally up to it. I asked her if she wanted her ring back and she said no, not right now as she had gotten so used to not wearing it and acting " single" .... admitting that she he was very confused, not knowing what she truly wanted. She obviously had a bit of an emotional breakdown So, I just continued to suport her as I nursed her back to emotional health as we slept in our seperate bedrooms.

After a couple of months , things slowly started to get back to" normal" and she started to go out with other guys ocasionally . .She restablised her contacs with a few of her former "regulars. They would be invited come over to fuck her in rotation with each other . I actually found this to be a turn on as it seemed more slutty somehow and it seemed like good therapy for her.
Although, I have to admitt however that I did miss Barb and John's relationship with me personally submitting to it......I realized that it was definately all for the best .

Anyway, she was happy again to my relief.

Gradually, she began to be with other men less and less and we spent more time alone together, just re-establishing our relationship which did take quite a beating .
Another long story short..........
One day Barb asked for her ring back saying that she wanted to go back to being married and having a more normal home life with me. I had to a agree with that
She confessed that she realized that I really love her and no one else would ever give her the same freedoms and stand by her as I did and she really loved me flor it.

Our grand experiment had been an incredibly erotic adventure for both of us. However, anything can get boring after a while.
It had run its course and after almost thee years it was time to live a more normal life for a change

We eventually moved back to the town we left and resumed our lives together there, with me getting a job closer to home.

This is not to say Barbara did not still eventually go out with other men, etc, she just slowed down considerably and was now more discreet as we were now back in the smaller town .
Also..................we now slept together in our one and only bedroom! :)

All comments are welcomed
Last edited by Luv It on Sat Oct 27, 2012 6:18 pm, edited 17 times in total.
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Re: NON FICTION:Barb D. Her dating men as a "single" woman

Unread post by LessMoonbeams » Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:58 pm

Gr8 stuff :up:

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Re: NON FICTION:Barb D. Her dating men as a "single" woman

Unread post by Luv It » Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:45 am

Thanks. :)
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Re: NON FICTION:Barb D, Her dating other men as a "single" w

Unread post by beg4ignore » Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:04 am

This is totally incredible, thank you for sharing it! I find your experiences the hottest of all, because of the elements of risk, the lack of over-the-top humiliation, but more subtle (which is my favorite as well), the claiming of Barb's pussy by her steady boyfriend, and the fact that she was single and dating freely. SO very hot, thank you!!!

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Re: NON FICTION:Barb D, Her dating other men as a "single" w

Unread post by Luv It » Sat Oct 27, 2012 7:05 pm

Thanks for the kind words
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Re: NON FICTION:Barb D, Her dating other men as a "single" w

Unread post by wingman » Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:20 pm

Luv it -

Fantastic story... I just wanted to clarify one thing. Did she go on her honeymoons before or after her "single times"?
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Re: NON FICTION:Barb D, Her dating other men as a "single" w

Unread post by germancuck-1 » Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:45 am

Pulitzer....! ;-)

Seriously: Great Story, extremely erotic and well narrated!

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Re: NON FICTION:Barb D, Her dating other men as a "single" w

Unread post by alan137 » Tue Oct 30, 2012 3:13 am

Hi and terrific story.

This actually parallels the journey my wife and I have been on. The only difference is the degree of sex your lovely wife had with other men.

My wife now has a BF and they are in love.

In a few years he will be with us on a very regular basis. Thanks for posting your story.


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Re: NON FICTION:Barb D, Her dating other men as a "single" w

Unread post by sexyhotwife » Thu Nov 01, 2012 2:40 pm

Wow! Very erotic and sensual story of your experiences. I can see myself getting to that level if my wife ever got that into it. One question for you though: during the times your wife was away on nights, weekends, weeks, etc, what did you do with your time beside masturbate?? I know I would be masturbating as well, but I can only do so much before I begin to feel drained. If my wife was away as much as yours was, I think I would find myself pretty bored after a while.....only because she is like my best friend and we practically do everything together. Just curious how you filled your time alone. But that was an outstanding narration of events!

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Re: NON FICTION:Barb D, Her dating other men as a "single" w

Unread post by Luv It » Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:42 am

sexyhotwife wrote:Wow! Very erotic and sensual story of your experiences. I can see myself getting to that level if my wife ever got that into it. One question for you though: during the times your wife was away on nights, weekends, weeks, etc, what did you do with your time beside masturbate?? I know I would be masturbating as well, but I can only do so much before I begin to feel drained. If my wife was away as much as yours was, I think I would find myself pretty bored after a while.....only because she is like my best friend and we practically do everything together. Just curious how you filled your time alone. But that was an outstanding narration of events!

I actually like myself... almost to a fault. In fac, I have a bit of an ego at times .
So, I have no problem being alone with my self and I find plenty to do.

Granted, my wife has always been a huge part of my world but, not my entire world. :)
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Re: NON FICTION:Barb D, Her dating other men as a "single" w

Unread post by sexyhotwife » Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:08 am

Luv It wrote:
sexyhotwife wrote:Wow! Very erotic and sensual story of your experiences. I can see myself getting to that level if my wife ever got that into it. One question for you though: during the times your wife was away on nights, weekends, weeks, etc, what did you do with your time beside masturbate?? I know I would be masturbating as well, but I can only do so much before I begin to feel drained. If my wife was away as much as yours was, I think I would find myself pretty bored after a while.....only because she is like my best friend and we practically do everything together. Just curious how you filled your time alone. But that was an outstanding narration of events!

I actually like myself... almost to a fault. In fac, I have a bit of an ego at times .
So, I have no problem being alone with my self and I find plenty to do.

Granted, my wife has always been a huge part of my world but, not my entire world. :)
Got it! I like myself as well, I just get bored easily and there is only so much jerkin' off I'd be able to do. While your wife was out doing her thing, have you ever gone out with other women? Or do you prefer to just live vicariously through your wife's sexuality? Just curious. After reading all of your library posts, I find your story very intriguing. I was telling my wife some of the things in your story and we both like how you had that apt with two bedrooms, one set up specifically for your wife. My wife also liked how your wife would tell her boyfriends that her marriage to you was a 'marriage of convenience' and that you didn't care if she dated other men. I think that made my wife wet just by me recapping that part of your story to her! LOL Again, it was a great read, thanks for sharing!

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Re: NON FICTION:Barb D, Her dating other men as a "single" w

Unread post by Luv It » Fri Dec 14, 2012 12:28 pm

^ ^ ^
I actually prefer(ed) to just live vicariously through my wife's (and her lover's) sexuality and them being together.
I find this intensely erotic.
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Re: NON FICTION:Barb D, Her dating other men as a "single" w

Unread post by pwsub » Sat May 10, 2014 2:13 pm

One of the best, seriously erotic no matter how often I read it, thank you!

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Re: NON FICTION:Barb D, Her dating other men as a "single" w

Unread post by Luv It » Wed Jul 02, 2014 3:43 pm

pwsub wrote:One of the best, seriously erotic no matter how often I read it, thank you!
Thank you. :)
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Re: NON FICTION:Barb D, Her dating other men as a "single" w

Unread post by pwsub » Sat Mar 19, 2016 1:02 am

Another fantastic chapter totally worth bringing to the top of the list, thanks again!

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Re: NON FICTION:Barb D, Her dating other men as a "single" woman

Unread post by Luv It » Mon Nov 27, 2017 9:21 am

A recent thread sort of reminded me of this post that made of past true events.

So I hope no one minds if I bump it to the top. :)
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Re: NON FICTION:Barb D, Her dating other men as a "single" woman

Unread post by 54321 » Thu Dec 14, 2017 11:41 am

Not at all!

54321 :D

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