Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

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Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by rypmar7 » Thu Oct 02, 2014 7:34 am

For those who don't know Lynda's background and rise to hotwife status, I will post that in a separate thread. This story is one I may not have posted here before because it technically does not fall in either the hotwife or cuckold category, but I thought it was worth relating. The short version is that Lynda got married at 17 right out of high school. Right after she turned 18, she took a job in the law office where I worked. Within three months, I was fucking her and soon after, she left her husband and moved in to live with me. She got divorced and then we got married right after she turned 19. This is the story of her second honeymoon, which is the one she took with me.

A friend of ours who was a travel agent recommended various options for places we could go on our honeymoon. After much debate, we decided on a trip to a beach resort on the island on Antigua in the Caribbean. Apparently, Antigua is known for having over 100 different beaches, most of which are virtually deserted. Our agent found a remote resort that had been converted into a weekly time-share and the office rented out the weeks for the owners, so it was still operated like a hotel, except that all stays were from noon on Saturday until noon the following Saturday. As a result, we scheduled our wedding for the Friday night before we were to leave. It was a small second wedding for each of us that was more like a cocktail party than anything.

On Saturday morning, we headed to the Miami airport for a flight that arrived in Antigua late that afternoon. Back in the 80's, it was not that easy to get to Antigua. Our travel agent had found that in addition to the main hotel type building, the resort had four individual cottages scattered along the beach. These were spaced out and had a lot of privacy and essentially a private beach for each. The resort referred to these as the honeymoon cottages and it seems like that's what they were normally used for. Our trip was in October, since it was a very quiet time at the resort and in the Caribbean in general. I was anxious to see if I could get teenage Lynda naked on one of the many deserted beaches.


Re: Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by rypmar7 » Thu Oct 02, 2014 10:17 am

We spent quite a while on Saturday waiting for our flight, which was delayed at least twice. While waiting, we saw another couple run in like they were late and rush up to the counter. Lynda overheard them say they were on our flight and they were very relieved to hear it was delayed. When they sat down to wait, Lynda struck up a conversation with them, being the social butterfly that she is. They were Darryl and Beth from Iowa, who had just arrived on another flight and were obviously also on their way to Antigua. It turns out they were also on their honeymoon and going to the same resort that we were. They were 20 and 19 and both very friendly. Darryl was about 6'3", blonde and in good shape - definitely a Midwestern farm boy. Beth was big and curvy (not fat or overweight) and had blonde hair and enormous bouncing tits, which had caught my eye. She was somewhat loud and outgoing just like Lynda and they seemed to really hit it off. When the flight was delayed yet again, we decided to adjourn to the nearby airport bar. We had a good time hanging out with them and everyone started to get a little buzzed.

Upon returning to the gate, we learned that our flight had been cancelled and that they were offering free flights for those of the 20 people on the plane who could wait until tomorrow to go. Several people took them up, but we said no thanks. The airline then found a replacement plane that held 9 passengers and filled it with one extended family leaving just Darryl, Beth, Lynda and me stranded. I could do pages on this, but will spare you. They gave us free drink vouchers while they located another way for us to get to Antigua, so everyone was in good spirits. We joked about a rough start to our married lives as they drinks kept flowing. Eventually, they found a pilot with a 5-seat private plane to fly us there. It had a seat for the pilot, one for the co-pilot and then 3 tiny back seats. Somehow, it was decided that I would sit in the co-pilot seat with the other 3 in the back. It was also decided not surprisingly that skinny little Lynda should be crammed in the middle, since she was by far the smallest. They were literally pressed against each other and all 3 joked about really getting to know each other well.

The flight was a comedy of errors. First, the pilot had to stop in Puerto Rico on the way and then landed at the wrong island. After taking off the third time, we made it to Antigua. When we finally got out of the plane, Beth announced that she had been so close to Lynda for so long that she felt like she had sex with her. Everyone laughed and Lynda added that it was more like a threeway, which got a lot more laughs. Once at the resort, all we had time to do was check in and go to our respective rooms to begin our honeymoons with a sexual romp through the night. At least that mission was accomplished.


Re: Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by rypmar7 » Thu Oct 02, 2014 10:39 am

The next day was Sunday and we explored the resort and spent most of the day at our virtually private beach. The resort had a main building with its own beach and a large swimming pool area. The 4 cottages were down the beach to the right as you exited the hotel toward the beach side. The first cabin was about 100 yards away and the second one was another 100 yards. Ours was the third cabin and it was about another 50-75 yards down the beach. Beyond us another 50 yards or so was the fourth cabin, which appeared to be vacant when we checked it out. As a result, we had the most private location possible. I pointed this out repeatedly to Lynda and told her that as a result, there was absolutely no reason she needed to wear her bikini. She was having none of that, however, and I kept trying to convince her that it was totally safe and secluded and that no one would ever see her naked. She kept saying that all anybody had to do was walk down the beach like we had and they would see her. I tried to say that it was no big deal if she was seen, but she was acting surprisingly prudish about the whole thing.

We still had a great time and went back to our cottage early for an afternoon delight. Later, we got dressed for dinner and walked up to the main hotel building where the restaurant was. There was a bar right outside, so we sat down and started drinking. Eventually, Darryl and Beth showed up for dinner, but instead joined us in the bar. They talked about what a good day they had on the beach and the fact the the hotel was at least half empty. I reminded them that it was still hurricane season in the Caribbean and definitely an off-peek travel time. They said they knew that and that was the only reason they could afford to stay in one of the honeymoon cottages. We were delighted to hear that and told them we were in number 3. They said they were in number 1 and that they thought number 2 was empty. We told them we had checked out number 4 and it was empty also. Beth said they were really glad to have some privacy because they could sleep with the doors and windows open and no one would see them having sex. This got lots of giggles and she asked if that wasn't what a honeymoon was all about. We all heartily agreed that sex should be the focus on any honeymoon and Lynda chimed in that we had been going at it like rabbits in the short time we had been there. Lynda and Beth were a perfect pair for this type of banter and really played off each other.

We decided to have dinner together and had a great time. Then, everyone was off to bed to resume the purpose of being there. I suggested to Lynda that we should sleep with the windows and blinds all open like Darryl and Beth and enjoy the breeze, rather that running the AC all night. She agreed but did act a little funny about thinking someone would come spy on us. I jokingly suggested to her that we could go spy on Darryl and Beth and she said I was such a pervert. Eventually, she was naked and fucking in front of an open window and it seemed to turn her on more than ever, although I don't think she would have admitted that. It was great waking up to sunshine on the beach on a Monday morning naked with a naked girl next to you. I jumped Lynda and she was resistant to screwing in the daylight in front of an open window, but I didn't give her much choice. Again, I think once she got started it turned her on more and she came harder that ever because of the possibility of being seen. I did not mention it, but I knew she would deny it.


Re: Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by rypmar7 » Thu Oct 02, 2014 11:18 am

On Monday, we rented a small boat from the office. Lynda had seen a flyer on this in the bar the night before. The desk gave us a small chart showing the beach line and pointing out where there were more beaches down the coast only a sort distance. They told us that we would almost certainly be the only ones there and assured us it was safe ( as in not getting robbed or murdered). We purchased a picnic lunch from them and a cooler. We then went to their little store and bought snacks, beer, wine and water for slightly less that the week at the resort cost us. I think it is still the most expensive bottle opener/corkscrew I have ever purchased and we have it at our house 'til this day. We then loaded the little open fisherman type boat and headed down the coastline. If you look at a map of Antigua, there shore is very uneven with lots of ins and outs that produce secluded inlets and little beaches that are hard to find from land. We didn't go far before stopping at one and grounding the boat on the sand.

After a couple of drinks here, I started on Lynda again about how she should take off her bikini, saying it wasn't that big in the first place, so why not. She was reluctant, but not as bad as the day before. She again said she did not want anyone to see her. I told her there was virtually no chance of being seen and what was the big deal if she was. I went on to say that anyone who saw her naked would be in for a treat and would not complain. She was grinning, but embarrassed about that. I then said any guy would get hard as soon as he saw her naked. She said she didn't want a bunch of guys walking around like that with hard-ons thinking about her naked(boy, how times change). I told her that her in a bikini probably would have the same effect on most and she just giggled. I kept pushing and eventually she blurted out that she did not want some islander to be watching her from behind the trees and jerking off looking at her. I then asked her why she would not want to see a bunch of black cocks cumming because of her. She seemed horrified by the thought and I was afraid my efforts to get her out of her bikini in public were going backwards.

Eventually, she brought the subject up on her own and said she would take off her top only and that it was just to please me - no other reason. She said if she saw or heard anyone else, she was putting her top back on and that was the end of the story. I told her okay and said whatever made her feel comfortable was the way it had to be. She then stood up, unhooked her top, hesitated for a second, before slipping it off and handing it to me. She stood there sticking her chest out like it was for inspection, so I stared until she told me to stop and started laughing. I told her her boobs were beautiful and she asked me if I thought they were too small. I assured her that the perfect size for any boob is naked and she laughed and said that naked is not a size. I tried again and said any naked boob is perfect and she accepted that. She then started musing about having her boobs done and I told her that was unnecessary, but whatever she wanted. At that point, I was very happy to see her nipples become erect and decided to push our game a little.


Re: Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by rypmar7 » Thu Oct 02, 2014 12:23 pm

"Well? Now what?" said Lynda standing on the beach topless with her erect nipples poking skyward. I just told her to enjoy the feeling of being topless and beautiful, while I enjoyed the view of those same two qualities. She told me that I was bad, but that I had not told her what I wanted her to do now that she had removed her bikini top. I was going to tell her to take off the bottoms, but decided against it. Instead, I told her I wanted to get the camera and take some pictures. She practically freaked at that point and said no pictures and that if she even saw the camera, her top was going back on and we were leaving. Back then there were no cell phones. much less camera phones, so I was out of luck. I tried to assure her that I was just kidding and slowly she warmed up again to the what-do-we-do-now idea.

I suggested to her that I wanted to watch her walk down the beach nonchalantly while topless. She said okay, but that she wanted me to walk with her. We took a walk side-by-side along the edge of the water further down the beach. I wanted to have a view to soak in the sight, but it was all right walking next to her. I kept stealing glances at her bare boobs, which made her act a little self-conscious. I then grabbed and tweaked them to get her laughing. We walked back to where our things were and I pointed out to her that we had not seen anyone and that nobody had seen her. We sat and had another drink before I told her her boobs needed more sunscreen, so they didn't burn. I then spent quite a while thoroughly rubbing the sunscreen in and making sure no spot was missed. I started pouring her cold white wine and it seemed to relax her a great deal. My handiwork on her tits had her nipples harder than ever. I told her I wanted to watch her walk way down the beach and back from where we were sitting. She giggled and jumped up and said okay. She took off walking away from me and shook her ass at me as she did. It was hot seeing her off by herself and topless and I was really getting aroused. She really took her time and when she got as far as she could go without being out of sight, she turned around and acted like she was just looking around.

She stood there while I cursed myself for not having a telephoto lens for the camera. She slowly walked back toward me, stopping frequently to bend down and pick up a shell or whatever. A couple of times, she stretched with her arms over her head obviously to tease me. As she got closer, she rubbed and squeezed her boobs for my benefit and looked like she was getting pretty hot herself. At this point I was practically hoping someone would see her, but apparently nobody ever did. When she got almost all the way back to me, I walked to her and took her in my arms kissing her before lowering my mouth to her nipples, one and then the other. She was getting really hot now, but told me to stop before we went too far. I wanted to fuck her right there, but she said no way, let's go back to the room. Instead, we sat down for more drinks with her still topless. She said she had to pee and jumped up and almost ran into the water with her boobs bouncing as she did. She knelt down in the water and relieved herself before walking back in now glistening wet.


Re: Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by rypmar7 » Thu Oct 02, 2014 12:46 pm

At that point, we decided to head back and pulled the boat to a floating position in the shallow water. I had her stand there holding it while I loaded our things into it. I loved the fact the she was still topless and somehow convinced her to take the boat ride back without her top on. She said she was going to put it on before we got back to the resort, but I was hoping to pass another boat in the meantime. I took it very slowly going back, but unfortunately we did not see anyone else. She dd put her top back on and it actually seemed like she was a little let down after she did. Once back in the room, we fucked like wild animals and then repeated the performance in the shower. After the shower, she walked around our room very freely and completely naked with all the windows and blinds open again. I asked her if she wasn't concerned about all those locals outside looking in and stroking their cocks. She said I was sick in a dismissive tone. I suddenly said, "Oh look! There are Darryl and Beth at the window!" and Lynda just laughed saying, "Well, they can look." I went over to her and grabbed her and said that I'm sure they would love to see Lynda in the nude. She teased ma saying that wouldn't I like to see Beth naked with her huge boobs flopping around. I told her any man would and she just rolled her eyes.

When it was time to go for drinks and dinner, we got dressed and on the way went to Darryl and Beth's cottage and knocked on the door. They said they were still getting ready, but would met us at the bar. When they arrived, Lynda asked them about their day and they said they had a great time, but wondered what had happened to us. They said they walked down the beach and went looking for us, but we told them about the boat and the secluded beach we found. Darryl said they liked our end of the beach better because it was about as secluded as it gets and that he did not understand why we would want to go anywhere else. Before we could answer, Beth blurted out that it was so secluded that Darryl wanted her to take her top off. "Did you?" asked Lynda and "Absolutely not!" was the response. Lynda turned to me and was saying see, see. She then told Beth and Darryl that I had tried to get her to do the same thing the day before, but she said no way. Beth started saying how anyone could come walking down the beach or what about the hotel workers who clean and rake the beach. Lynda agreed that it was not safe enough for taking off your bikini top there.

Lynda went on to say, however, that is why we rented a boat today. She said I wanted her to go topless on the beach and she just couldn't do that where we were staying because if anyone there saw her, she would have to live with that for the rest on the week. She said by going to another beach, no one would know who she was or where she came from if they saw her and then she would never be back. My mouth was hanging open at the thought that Lynda had planned the whole thing without letting on to me. Darryl was very enthused and asked "Now, where exactly was this beach again?" with a laugh. Lynda then went on telling them about it and how she was topless for hours. Darryl was really fired up about it and Beth looked like she was getting a little red and flushed, but did not say much. I was surprised how open Lynda was about filling them in on the details, but it was a very pleasant surprise. Eventually, the subject was dropped and we went in to have dinner.


Re: Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by rypmar7 » Thu Oct 02, 2014 1:09 pm

That night after dinner, we walked back down the path to the cottages with Darryl and Beth. When we got to their turning off point to another path, Beth said they would see us in the morning and Lynda said the same to them. As we walked on to our unit, I questioned Lynda about that and she said that when the girls went to the rest room before leaving the restaurant, they agreed that the four of us would get together down at our end of the beach. The plan was for them to get the picnic lunch and we still had plenty of drinks to supply and we would just hang out. I was a little disappointed because I figured if they were around I would have no chance of getting Lynda topless or naked in public, but then again thought we would have a good time with them and it would be something different.

That night when we were naked in bed and fooling around, I asked Lynda if she and Beth were going to take off their tops for us the next day. Of course, she called me a pervert and said no way. I then told her I was sure Darryl wanted to see her tits and reminded her how she said earlier it was okay for them to look in our window. She said she doubted if Darryl would have any interest in her little ones, since he has his hands full with Beth's big ones. I reminded her that any boob is the right size if it's on display for a man to see and she just laughed. While we were going at it, I kept saying that Beth and Darryl were at our window watching and she would yell out how she wished they were. I then pushed it to say that two of the hotel grounds crew were now looking in and stroking their cocks and that really seemed to get her going. We both just exploded at the thought, although neither of us said anything about it.

The rest of the night Lynda slept soundly, but I kept dreaming about her being topless on the beach in front of Darryl. I would wake up and see her sleeping totally bare next to me and think about hotel workers seeing her that way and get hard as a rock. I would fall back asleep, but then dream on her on a crowded public beach completely naked and seeming unaware that she was and equally unaware of 100 eyes glued to every curve of her body. I did not dare say anything to Lynda about how hot that got me, but I was definitely more than ready to give her an incredible fucking the next morning when the sun woke us through the open windows. This time it was her with the hot talk. As I fucked her, she asked me id Darryl and Bath were watching and I told her they were and that they were getting overheated. She then asked if the two black hotel workers were jerking off for her again and I told her that they had obviously told their coworkers because now there were a dozen hard black cocks pointed in her direction and stroking. This was too much for her and she cried out "Oh my God!" and came really hard.

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Re: Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by Mrfixitforyou » Thu Oct 02, 2014 7:22 pm

I dont know if I was at the same resort as Lynda However your descriptionn of the trip was spot on. Your description of the resort was also spot on. When I arrived on the island it was after an all day trip. Atlanta to Miami and Miami to St,Johns Once there on the island it was night and I contracted a taxi ride to the resort. Stopping briefly on the way to pick up some cognac. They had Courvosier Luxe, back in the taxi and on to the resort. The condos were not extremely well lit. They were secure though and had front and side doors. Two floors of luxurious hardwoods and highly polished marble floors. Very expensive throw and area rugs with a privacy board around the bedroom affording privacy but also the feeling of being intimate without curtains or blinds so that the music of the ocean moving rytmically back and forth against the shore creating a sensous sound that both lulled to sleep and gently woke me with the same lapping, slapping sound so sexy. Like the Caribbean Sea was making love to the Antiquan sandy shore.
I woke early and wanted to immediatley see what this paradise looked like in the daylight hours. My balcony came into to full view with low hanging fruit begging to be removed from tree and vine. A postcard picture view everywhere my eyes went. Directly in front of my condo beyond the privacy fence was the sugar sand beach. Early walkers addressed each other with nods of recognition and I was ready to get sand between my toes as the sun lit the horizion with mauve,morphing into magnificent orangy golds, breaking above the water in the distance a huge yellow orb ascending. Rays warming my skin, reaching for the suntan lotion, a quick annointing and I was done all except my back maybe I might get lucky. I brushed my teeth on the balcony my clothes only half put away. Thats when I saw her stop and wave just outside my wall. Being on the second story balcony I coould see her easily. She wave and looked as if asking for permission and thats when it dawned on me that this space belonged to me, A fact affirmed by the other beach walkers were at the waters edge and not coser to my condo or the beach just in front. I nodded back to her, she interpreted correctly indicating that I had given her permission, Her towel now spread on the sand. She took it from the top, losing the large floppy hat , letting it fall on the top of the towel not on the sand but just on the cloth. Following close behind was the top of her skimpy bathing suit, She lifted both breast as if weighing them. Stepping out of her bottoms folding and laying them on the top. My mind was in a stupid debate. Wondering how I was going to describe this to my friends back home, deciding on nude instead of naked as the way she presented on my private beach in Antigua.
Sun Tan lotion in hand, towel over my shoulder, sunglasses donned. Mouthwashed breath. I headed downstairs I did not want anyone to burn on my beach now that would not be neighborlly would it?

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Re: Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by rs480 » Thu Oct 02, 2014 8:54 pm

Ryp, this is wonderful!
Can't wait for more!
Oof! The Lovely Lynda NOT wanting to show anything? Oof!
Yes, I believe I'm losing my mind.

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Re: Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by Anns_boyfriend » Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:10 am

This is a great story! Definitely would love to hear more.


Re: Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by rypmar7 » Sat Oct 04, 2014 5:43 pm

Sorry for the delay. I am getting there.


Re: Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by rypmar7 » Mon Oct 06, 2014 6:40 am

On Tuesday of our honeymoon, Darryl and Beth came down to our deserted end of the beach to hang out with us all day. We had coolers with food and drinks, so we were set and did not need to go get anything. Both Lynda and Beth wore skimpy bikinis, so there was lots of eye candy. I could not stop staring at Beth's tits, which were straining the fabric of the little top that was attempting to hold them in and cover them a little. Darryl seemed equally excited to stare at Lynda's thin figure all day. There was lots of kidding around, flirting, and even a little sexual bantering. At one point, Darryl kiddingly asked when the girls were taking off their tops, but he got dirty looks from both of them. That didn't stop him from begging them a little in a kidding way. They both voiced concerns that anyone could come walking down the beach and see them, not that they didn't want Darryl and I to see them, so I thought there was hope.

By the afternoon, everyone was getting pretty buzzed and we were going in the water and playing keep away games with a ball and a frisbee. Of course, it was the girls against the guys and a lot of physical contact resulted from trying to get the ball away from the other team and everyone got dunked a few times. It seemed like Beth and I were guarding each other and Darryl and Lynda were paired up. I know by the end of the afternoon, I had manged to "accidentally" get my hands all over Beth, including her tits and ass, and I was sure Darryl had done the same with Lynda. At some point, we all go so overheated that we had to pack up and go back to our cottages for some wild sex.

Lynda and I had a sweaty messy fuck as soon as we walked in the door. Then we got in the shower together and got cleaned up before having a round in the shower. I think we both could tell that each other was on fire from more than just our love for each other. Beth and Darryl had really gotten us going and I hoped we had the same effect on them. That night Lynda dressed more provocatively than usual for drinks and dinner, wearing a very short skirt, high heels and a tight top. Beth then walked in wearing skin tight jeans and a very low cut top that left everyone saying "wow". Darryl and Lynda flirted throughout the happy hour and dinner, while I continued to pay more attention to Beth than Lynda, just like I had done all afternoon. We made a plan to go to the beach together again the next day. As we were walking back to our rooms, Beth said she wanted to go somewhere different on Wednesday and suggested we take the little boat back to the private beach Lynda and I had found on Monday. Lynda jumped at the idea and we arranged to meet at the dock by the main building the next morning.

Later when I had Lynda naked in bed, I started asking her if she planned to go topless the next day like she had the first time we were there. She acted like "of course not", but I told her Darryl is sure to ask and to push it. I said she and Beth won't have the excuse that anyone could walk down the beach and see us. She seemed like she was getting hot. She asked if I wanted her to go topless with Darryl around and I said "sure, why not?" Then she started saying that it was just that I wanted to see Beth topless and I told her any heterosexual man would want to see Beth topless. She seemed embarrassed that I admitted that and started asking again if she should get bigger boobs. I had to work hard to convince her that her boobs were fine. We had some explosive sex before passing out for the night.


Re: Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by rypmar7 » Mon Oct 06, 2014 7:11 am

Wednesday was another perfect weather day in paradise and i was happy to get our two beauties onto a boat and away from what little civilization there was. I said to Lynda and Beth that I was delighted to see them in skimpy bikinis again, and Beth said she didn't have any other kind and laughed. Lynda chimed in that bikinis are supposed to be skimpy so that you get a lot of sun, not so that guys can ogle you better. This got a round of laughs too, but then Darryl said he thought bikinis were more about showing off beautiful women to the world than getting sun and I heartily agreed. Lynda then asked if that meant Darryl and I would be staring at her and Beth all day and we both said "absolutely!" at the exact same moment, which really cracked the girls up.

As soon as we pulled into our little inlet with the wide empty beach, I could tell Beth and Darryl loved it. It did look like a postcard from somewhere. As soon as we got everything set up on the beach, Darryl started pointing out how this was even more secluded than the beach yesterday. Lynda started to blush knowing where he was going. Beth said "here it comes" and laughed. Darryl then started explaining to them both what gentlemen we had been the day before and that we deserved a reward for being so wonderful. The girls just laughed and brushed him off. We spent the rest of the morning just lying around and talking, telling stories about our backgrounds, etc. We had a late lunch and I was ready for a siesta after a few beers. Lynda and Beth walked down the beach a little and then went swimming. Darryl stayed with me and started commenting as soon as the girls were gone about how hot Lynda was. I told him Beth was hotter and that Lynda thinks she is not in the same league with Beth. He scoffed and said Lynda had the best legs and ass he had ever seen and that there was something about her that he just found really sexy. I thanked him and said I felt the same way, but I couldn't believe he would pay any attention to Lynda with somebody as hot as Beth around. He then blurted out that he would give his left nut to fuck Lynda.

When he saw I was kind of stunned by what he said, he said "What? You wouldn't give anything to fuck Beth? There's something wrong with you, if you wouldn't." I then found myself assuring Darryl that I would love to fuck his wife just as the girls came back. We stopped talking so suddenly that they knew something was up and kept asking us what we were talking about. Darryl then said I was just telling him how hot Beth was and how I would do anything to see her tits. Beth laughed and Lynda looked at me with a mix of laughter and disbelief that I would say that. I turned red and said it sounded better when I said it and apologized to both girls. Beth said there was no need to apologize and was smiling at me like that was absolutely the best thing I could have said or done. Lynda told me "watch it buster" and Darryl jumped in and said "not a big deal...he knows how bad I want to see your titties, Lynda." She was very embarrassed, but swooning at the same time. Beth jumped up and said that she and Lynda were going to take a walk down the beach and give us time to cool down and practically pulled Lynda to go with her.

After they were gone, Darryl laughed and said he was sorry if he said something he shouldn't have, but life is too short. I told him I agreed and that anything he could do to charm their bikini tops off would be great. He smiled broadly and asked if I was good with him doing whatever it takes and I told him that I was. He then started saying how no woman dresses that skimpy like those two, unless they want guys drooling over them and that they wouldn't be happy if we didn't let them know how hot they are. He then said he could tell I have a wild one on my hands, whereas Beth is a follower who will do anything he wants. I told him that whatever he could convince Lynda to do, then all four of us would end up doing. He again asked if he was free to try anything and I told him yes because I was thinking this was just about getting them to go topless.


Re: Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by rypmar7 » Mon Oct 06, 2014 7:39 am

When the girls returned from their walk, they stood in front of us and asked if we were going to behave. Darryl said that we can't promise anything and everyone laughed. Beth then said they had something to tell us, but Lynda said she needed a drink first. I was playing bartender, so they had me open the ice cold white wine we had in the cooler and pour them big solo cups full. They did a cheers to each other and started quickly downing the wine. Darryl and I got out more beers and he was saying we were going to have to chug them to keep us with Lynda and Beth's pace. They both finished the wine and had me refill the cups, which emptied the large bottle. Lynda seemed like she was getting a good buzz now and was kind of giggly. Beth seemed less buzzed, but was definitely feeling good.

Beth stood up and said that she and Lynda had an announcement to make. She then helped Lynda to her feet and told her to tell us. Lynda seemed embarrassed, but she that we are going to get this over with, but that they have a couple of rules. She then turned bright red and told Beth to tell us. Beth said they had decided that they were going to take off their bikini tops, so we would quit bugging them. Darryl and I were grinning from ear to ear. She said they had one rule: no touching or physical contact at all while their tops were off, or it was all over. She made us both agree, which we did. Lynda then giggled and added that there was a second rule: no making fun of her little boobs next to Beth's. Everyone laughed and then there was an awkward silence while Darryl and I eyed them hungrily and they just stood there. The kept looking at each other like waiting for the other to go first. Finally, Beth said that she would go first. She very slowly reached back and unhooked her bikini top and slipped that straps off her shoulders while still keeping the top basically in place. With a flourish, she whipped it off and handed it to Darryl.

I wish I had a slow motion replay of how wonderful those massive tits looked as they bounced into view and swung from side to side slowly. Beth was just facing me and smiling while i stared unable to speak. It suddenly dawned on me that I should be complimenting her and I started babbling about how that was the best thing I had ever seen in my life. Darryl said get up there and take a good look at them things, intentionally talking like a redneck to be funny. I stood up and walked up to Beth who thrust out her chest toward me. Lynda reminded me no touching and I said not a problem. My face was about a foot from the best boobs I had ever seen and I looked them over like a jeweler appraising a diamond. I kept telling Beth they were incredible and she is so beautiful and thank you so much. She was loving my attention and enthusiasm.

I stared trying to indelibly burn this vision into my mind, never wanting to forget this scene. Finally, Darryl said it was his turn and I apologized and sat down thinking he was also going to examine Beth's tits. He laughed and said he sees them every day and that it's now time for him to see Lynda's boobs. She turned beat red and said she didn't know if she could do this. Darryl did not make it any easier on her because he kept saying things like, "Come on Lynda, set the girls free. Show me them sexy titties of yours," again talking redneck for laughs. Beth was standing there topless with a big grin on her face. She said, "come on Lynda, a deal is a deal. You can't back out now." Lynda said okay, but to give her a minute and covered her face in her hands.


Re: Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by rypmar7 » Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:15 am

Lynda took another gulp of her wine and then seemed ready. She closed her eyes and went to reach behind her to unhook her bikini top. Instead she turned with her back to us and she fumbled with the hook. Darryl started saying how her legs never stop and check out that ass, which got Lynda laughing. Beth offered to help her with the hook and Lynda said okay for her just to unhook it, but nothing else. Beth freed the clasp and stepped back. Like Beth had done, Lynda pulled the straps off of her shoulders and stood facing away from us. The suspense was killing me and I then noticed that I was hard as a rock. Finally, Lynda let her top fall to the sand, put her arms down by her side, and slowly turned around to face the three of us topless.

Darryl let out a whoop and Beth started clapping. I gave a cheer too and Lynda seemed really self-conscious, but was all smiles. I turned to Darryl and said you better check them out up close and he practically leaped up and right up to her. Lynda reminded him no touching and he leaned over her, so his face was no more than six inches from her breasts. He looked like he was going to take one of her nipples in his mouth, but didn't and stayed inches away. Beth then started telling Lynda that she had a beautiful pair that she should be proud of. Darryl kept using the word "titties" and saying that these were some of the finest he had ever seen. Lynda was saying they weren't, but he said he would be the judge of that. He then blew on her nipples and she covered her boobs with her arms saying no touching. He said he wasn't touching and she said that wasn't fair. He said too bad, you made the rules and blew on her neck. I was so hard I thought I would explode. I stood up to move closer to see exactly how close Darryl was to Lynda's chest and walked toward Beth to see from the side.

Lynda burst out laughing and said this is embarrassing. Beth said there was no reason for her to feel that way, and Lynda said not that, this and pointed at the tent in my swim trunks that my hard-on had made. All three of them laughed as Lynda tried to rearrange it in my shorts, so it wasn't so noticeable. Lynda said, omg Beth, you really know how to turn on my husband. Beth was clearly loving this as was Darryl. He then turned his attention back to Lynda's boobs and remarked how hard and erect her nipples were. He went on and on about how hot that was and that Lynda's erect nipples stick out more than Beth's. Beth leaned in for a closer look and said he was right. Lynda said you guys are making them perk out with all this attention and Darryl said it was one fine pair of pokies. Lynda asked where her drink was and I gave her the cup of wine and she finished it. Beth said she needed to pee and Lynda said she would go with her. They waded out into the water and then knelt down, so everything was underwater except for their heads.

We watched them intently as they emerged from the water glistening wet. Beth's boobs looked even better wet and I couldn't take my eyes off them. Darryl told them to sit right next to each other, so we could see both of their tits without having to strain our necks. Lynda sat on a towel right beside Beth, who then slid over so that her left side was pressed against Lynda's right side. Beth said that this was just like when we were on the plane and they both giggled. Their bodies were touching from the shoulders down their sides and along their legs and it was really hot to see. Lynda's breasts were dwarfed by Beth's, but both looked great in their own way. Darryl kept commenting on their high beams and saying it was getting him worked up.

It wasn't long before Darryl slid over next to Beth and started touching her and then kissed her. Beth said no touching remember and he said he didn't think that applied to us with our own wives. She protested that it did, but he kissed her again as he fondled her boobs. Beth looked like she was really getting into it and things were getting hotter. I looked at Lynda and she whispered that we absolutely were not having sex on the beach in front of them. Lynda then said to them that we had better head back before things get out of hand and that seemed to bring them back to planet Earth.


Re: Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by rypmar7 » Mon Oct 06, 2014 10:40 am

It looked like Darryl and Beth might have been ready to have sex right on that deserted beach in front of us, but Lynda was having none of it. She got everyone moving toward packing up and going home. Once she saw we were really leaving, she calmed down and told Beth they didn't have to put their tops back on yet. She told them about how she rode back in the boat topless until we were almost to the dock and Darryl was all in favor of Beth and Lynda doing the same. It was really a turn on to have them both on the boat topless heading back to the dock. Darryl said it was a contest of who could keep her top off longer. The first one to put it back on loses, he said. Lynda asked what the winner got and he said he would have to show her privately and we all laughed. Again, there were no other boats around, so that was disappointing. Beth and Lynda were sitting together up front and acted very accustomed to their topless state. As we approached the resort, they stood up and located their tops and prepared to cover up. Darryl was acting like an announcer saying they are coming toward the home stretch to the dock, who will win. It seemed to me that Lynda was suddenly determined to win and kept waiting and waiting. We were clearly in sight of the resort when Beth said it takes her a while, so she had to put her top on. Once she had in back in place, Darryl declared Lynda the winner and she hurried put her top back on. It did not seem like anyone saw her, although she was so close it would have been easy.

We unloaded our stuff and practically ran to our rooms to start fucking. Lynda was as hot as I have ever seen her and she kept asking me if I was proud of her for showing off her boobs to Beth and Darryl. I told her it was the hottest thing I had ever seen and that's why I was so hard, not because of Beth. "Really?" was all she could say as he eyes drew wide in amazement. As I fucked Lynda, I told her that Darryl had said he would give anything to fuck her and that really got her going. I told her how he loved her legs and ass and she came really hard. We kept talking like that and going at it until we were exhausted and had to get ready for dinner. That night, Lynda wore the shortest tightest shorts she brought on the trip to dinner. They were red short shorts that were essentially hot pants with the bottom edge of her butt sticking out. She wore red strappy sandals with four inch heels, so her legs looked incredible. She put on a tank top, but then tied a blouse over it, so that was actually a conservative look that focused all attention on her legs. I figured she was doing this for Darryl's benefit, but also to keep up with Beth. On our way to the bar, we knocked on their door and they said they would meet us there in 15 minutes.

When Darryl and Beth walked into the bar, it was like Beth was going for the kill the way she was dressed. She had jeans that were painted on and a white loose satin top that was open on the sides and was not wearing a bra. It was an incredible sight and even Lynda told her "you win" for the sexiest outfit. Darryl chimed in saying Lynda's legs were amazing and that he wanted to sit where he could see them all night. When Beth kind of chastised him about that remark, he said that he had been staring at Lynda's titties all day, so why not her legs all night. Lynda was clearly eating this up and assured Beth that it did not bother her. There was much flirting through the happy hour. When we moved into the restaurant for dinner, I reminded everyone that we had to sit so that Darryl could see Lynda's legs. They laughed, but I told them it was serious business.

Every night before, Lynda and I had sat beside each other on one side of the table with Darryl opposite me and Beth next to him across from Lynda. I told them that he would not be able to keep Lynda's legs in view from the opposite side of the table, so he and I should trade places. He jumped at the chance to sit next to Lynda and did keep stealing glances at her legs. I was now diagonally opposite from Lynda, so I was nether next to her or across from her and a little cut off. Darryl was very funny that night and had us all laughing. When we went to leave, the girls said they would like to take the boat again on Thursday and explore a new beach. "A nude beach?" Darryl said and they just laughed. He then asked if any of us had ever been to a nude beach and none had, including him. I said most people you probably would not want to see nude, but Darryl said we were the exception to the rule. Again, we all laughed, but I thought I knew where this might go tomorrow. By the time we left, all four of us were seriously drunk, so we said no early morning, just whenever we wake up.

After Darryl and Beth went into their unit, we still had to walk on farther. Lynda told me that throughout dinner, Darryl had been touching and rubbing her bare legs under the table. I said I was sure she enjoyed that and it seemed like she said it to test my reaction. When she saw it was no big deal, she said she did enjoy it. She said she told Beth what he was doing once when they went to the rest room together, and Beth brushed it off saying what a big flirt Darryl is. Later as Darryl felt Lynda's legs during dinner, she would nudge Beth with her foot and they would grin knowingly at each other. I'm sure Beth noticed too. I told Lynda that Darryl is just crazy for her legs and I could tell she liked that.

About the time that we reached the second cottage, which was still empty, I was overcome with lust and started madly kissing Lynda. I unsnapped and unzipped the front of her shorts and told her I wanted her to take them off. She said I was crazy, but I insisted and soon she was working those tight little things over her thighs, past her knees, down to her ankles. She then carefully stepped out of them in her heels and handed her shorts to me. I then realized she was still wearing her panties and grabbed both sides, saying that these had to go. She did not resist as I pulled them down and again she stepped carefully out of them. I stuck them in my pocket and then stepped back to admire my bottomless wife on a well lit public path.


Re: Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by rypmar7 » Wed Oct 08, 2014 12:21 pm

I then followed Lynda down the path as she walked with only her top and heels on, completely bottomless. I was hoping someone would see her and was hard as a rock. I kept grabbing her ass from behind and she was so buzzed she would just giggle. When our unit came into sight, I decided to push the envelope a little. We only had a few more yards to go before turning off the path to number three. I stopped Lynda and told her I wanted her naked the rest of the way. She said nothing and offered no resistance and turned to face me. I undid her blouse and pulled it off of her. She then obediently raised her arms straight up in the air. I pulled her tank top up and off of her and she was now totally nude except for her red high heels. She put her arms down and stood there silently with a slight smile on her face. I started telling her how hot she looked nude and outside and in public. I told her I wanted to fuck her right there on the path, and she looked around and asked where, saying there was no where to lie down and nothing to brace herself against. I admitted she was right and pulled her toward our cottage.

When we got to the wood porch, I told her this was the place. She turned facing the beach side and grabbed the rail with both hands. She spread her feet apart and bent over to be taken from behind. I threw her clothes down in a pile and quickly tore off my clothes. I felt her and she was very wet, so I immediately started trying to push my hard prick into her pussy. It took a little work, but soon I was all the way in and pumping her. She bent over more until she found the angle that allowed for the deepest penetration. Lynda then really got into it and was as loud as I have ever heard her. She was practically screaming on every thrust like she wanted everyone to hear her. When she started loudly demanding "Fuck, me babe!" over and over I lost it and filled her with cum. She came about the same time and we stood there panting trying to catch our breath. Suddenly she said that she had to pee and bolted inside. I looked around to see if anyone was around who might have seen or heard us, but saw no one. I gathered up the clothes and went inside.

When Lynda came out of the bathroom, she was super horny. She ended up on top of me riding me very roughly and enthusiastically with her eyes closed the whole time. She seemed to be in another world as she rocked bath and forth, left and right, on my cock. After many many vigorous bounces up and down on my shaft, she came hard and rolled off of me sound asleep. I was still hard, so I moved into position and slowly fucked my passed-out bride until I came inside her again. She slept through the whole thing and I really questioned whether she was dreaming about me. I lay there in bed wondering what tomorrow would hold and getting very excited about the possibilities.

Posts: 203
Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2007 8:07 am
Location: Vancouver

Re: Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by dnic » Wed Oct 08, 2014 8:05 pm

Hi rypmar,

As always a great story of you and Lynda.
Thanks for taking us back to the 80's!



Re: Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by rypmar7 » Thu Oct 09, 2014 6:10 am

dnic wrote:Hi rypmar,

As always a great story of you and Lynda.
Thanks for taking us back to the 80's!


You're welcome. It is sometimes hard to believe how different things were then.


Re: Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by rypmar7 » Thu Oct 09, 2014 6:41 am

On Thursday morning we awoke knowing we had only two more days and nights left in paradise, since the flight home was on Saturday. When we met up with Darryl and Beth, I could tell a feeling of anticipation was in the air. Everyone seemed in great spirits and I was anxious to discover what adventures the day held for us. When we got our little boat stocked and we departed from the dock, the conversation was about where we were heading to look for a new deserted beach. We decided to go the same direction as before, but to venture further up the coast. As we cruised past the beach where we had been the day before, Darryl announced that this was called Lynda's Topless Beach and with that stood up and walked behind Beth. He started trying to unhook her bikini top. She asked him what he was doing and he said that since we had reached the topless beach, it was time for the girls to get topless. Lynda asked if we were starting that already and Darryl said it was nothing we had not seen the day before. Beth just giggled and said okay and Darryl whipped her top right off. It was again an amazing sight as those giant globes swung free and slowly bounced to a stop. I remember thinking that I would give anything to feel those tits and made that my goal for the day.

Darryl then turned his attention to Lynda and suggested to her that she should also now remove her top. She said okay, but that she needed a drink, too. Darryl grabbed a round of beers out of the cooler and passed them out. He then walked up to Lynda and asked her if he should do the honors. She said okay and he stepped behind her and slowly unclasped her top. Her then put both hands on her shoulders and rubbed them for a second before sliding the straps to her top off her shoulders. He then slowly removed her top by putting both arms around her and easing it down in front and then around and off. It was clear he was trying to touch her as much as possible and I think he copped a cheap feel while he was at it. Lynda just giggled and took a big swig on her beer. She realized a minute later that she did not know where her top was and spun around and asked Darryl. He said he had put it in a safe place with Beth's top and then commented on how her nipples were getting hard. Lynda giggled again and told him he was bad and that it was all his fault. He said he would take that as a compliment and I thought to myself that the sexual tension was definitely increasing.

As we road on, I could not stop looking at Beth's tits and Darryl noticed and asked me if I liked them. I told him that they were amazing and Beth smiled and thanked me. Lynda then said that hers don't compare to Beth's and Darryl told her that they were perfect smaller boobs. He then said he sees Beth's all the time, so he would rather look at Lynda's today. Darryl then said to me that so this was fair, he would stare at my wife and I should stare at his. I quickly and enthusiastically said that it was a deal. Lynda was surprised by how enthused I was and said sarcastically "that did not take much convincing." With that, Darryl moved up front and sat down opposite Lynda so that they were face to face about three feet apart. He suggested to Beth that she move and sit next to me, which she did. It was a little two-person bench where I was sitting to guide our little boat. When Beth slid into the seat, she pressed her side and legs against mine and made no effort to move away. I felt a familiar stirring in my swim trunks and hoped she would not notice.


Re: Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by rypmar7 » Thu Oct 09, 2014 7:07 am

Darryl and Lynda started talking about anything and everything from boats to travel to what a pain family can be, etc. They definitely were not including Beth and me in the conversation. I started talking softly to Beth asking if she was ready to go home after this vacation and any small talk I could think of. She just kept smiling like she was hanging on my every word. The only time all four of us would interact is as we moved along the coast and passed a new beach and evaluated whether we should stop there. Darryl announced that we were searching for a beach named Darryl's Nude Beach and the girls just laughed. We passed one that was way too open and another that had some kids playing on it. We came to one little cove that was very secluded and looked like a Robinson Crusoe scene, but it had very little actual beach with the plants and trees going all the way to the water's edge in many places. We decided to press on.

After about 30 minutes more of Beth being pressed against me like we were on a date, I was so horny for her that I thought that I would kill to fuck her. Lynda and Darryl seemed to be getting along quite nicely too, although I never heard anything said that was slightly sexual or even flirtatious. Eventually, I questioned how much farther away from the resort they wanted to go. Everybody seemed ready to stop and Beth suggested that we double back to the little cove and try it out. She said if that didn't work out, we could go back to Lynda's Topless Beach, using that name for it. Darryl said he was disappointed to do that, since we had already experienced it. Beth said that maybe we will have to rename the beach in honor of Darryl and everyone laughed and I think we all knew what she meant.

I turned the boat around and pushed against Beth a little more and she looked at me and smiled. I was content thinking I will be next to her for at least 30 minutes more, but was absolutely dying to put my arms around her and start kissing her. As Lynda and Darryl were off in another conversation, I told Beth that she had great legs and she seemed surprised and thanked me. I told her how I'm sure her top half gets all the attention, but that I thought the rest was spectacular too. With that she seemed really happy and gave me a big hug. She then sort of laid her head on my shoulder and I debated whether I should try to kiss her or do something. Instead, I just sort of leaned my head over against hers and whispered that she was beautiful. This little touching continued until we reached our little cove and I whispered to Beth that I had enjoyed the ride with her and that I'm almost sorry it was time to get out. She just laughed and thanked me and said what a nice guy I was and how lucky Lynda was to have me. I told her that I was the lucky one to have Lynda and that made her smile and say again what a great person I was.


Re: Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by rypmar7 » Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:24 pm

Fortunately, the little cove was very shallow and calm, so it was easy for our small boat and we were able to use the tiny anchor that came with it, instead of grounding it on the beach. We waded in knee deep water ashore with our things. Once there we explored this little area and I thought to myself how it was like none of us seemed to notice anymore that the girls were walking around topless. I guess we were getting used to it. The place seemed secluded and somewhere where no one was likely to stumble upon us. We set up our little area in the shade of a clump of trees and I made a round of drinks for everyone. We joked and laughed and then had another round of drinks. It seemed like everyone was really in a good mood and the alcohol was not hurting either. After a third round, Darryl announced that he wanted to jump in the water and cool off and grabbed Lynda's hand and told her to come with him. She jumped up grinning and followed him into the water. They waded out past the boat until the water was a little deeper and then lowered down until they were underwater from the shoulders down.

Beth turned to me and with a big smile asked me what I wanted to do. I told her that I would probably get in trouble if I told the truth and she laughed. I asked her if she wanted to go into the water and she said that when they come out, then we can go in. I then suggested that we explore through the trees behind us and she jumped at that suggestion. As we got up to walk away from the water, I looked back to see if Lynda and Darryl would notice that we were leaving. I saw that they were splashing each other and laughing and I figured they would soon use their game as an excuse to have their hands all over each other. They definitely were paying no attention whatsoever to Beth and me. We walked back into the trees and quickly realized you couldn't go very far barefooted, so we stopped and stood in the shade. We could hear Lynda laughing and Beth said it sounds like they're having fun. I asked her if we should have some fun, too, and she said she thought I would never ask. When I hesitated to do anything, she pressed her bare boobs against me with a big smile on her face and said "you're funny." She then put her arms around me and I grabbed her and kissed her hard on the lips. She giggled and said "that's more like it" and we kissed again and again. I was getting hard and she no doubt felt me poking her, but said nothing.

I broke our kisses long enough to look down and admire her big boobs semi-flattened against my chest. I told her how amazing they were yet again and asked if I could feel them. She giggled like that was such a silly question and told me to go ahead. I leaned back enough to get two handfuls and felt them slowly. "You like?" she asked with a big smile. As I examined them slowly, I told her that this might be the highlight of my life and she just cracked up laughing. As I studied these massive breasts, Beth reached down and squeezed my hard-on through my swim trunks and said "Lynda wasn't kidding." I asked her about what and Beth said Lynda told her I'm really long down there. I told her, yes, long and thin, so I guess I have been blessed. She laughed and said that Darryl is just the opposite, short and thick. I asked her when Lynda and her talked about our sizes and she said it was two or three days ago. Just then I heard a laughing Lynda in obviously very good spirits call out "Where are you guys?"

Posts: 573
Joined: Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:58 pm
Location: I'm up there.

Re: Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by rs480 » Thu Oct 09, 2014 2:42 pm

Oof! Cliffhanger.
Thanks very much Ryp! These accounts really are Soooo cool. :-)
Gosh, the fun you and Lynda have had! And you're not even done with this trip!
Yes, I believe I'm losing my mind.


Re: Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by rypmar7 » Fri Oct 10, 2014 6:18 am

rs480 wrote:Oof! Cliffhanger.
Thanks very much Ryp! These accounts really are Soooo cool. :-)
Gosh, the fun you and Lynda have had! And you're not even done with this trip!

Thanks. Not trying to be dramatic, but it takes me a long time to type these installments. :oops:


Re: Lynda's 2nd Honeymoon

Unread post by rypmar7 » Fri Oct 10, 2014 6:39 am

When we heard Lynda calling us, Beth and I quickly took our hands off of each other and hurried out of the clump of trees back onto the beach. Lynda and Darryl were walking our way and had almost made it to the trees. Lynda was all smiles and sporting very hard, very erect nipples. She had obviously been receiving some good stimulation. I answered her that we were right here. She then asked what we were doing in the woods and I told her just looking around. She teasingly asked what I was looking at and I told her just the geography and topography - checking the lay of the land. Beth, who was all smiles, added "whatever that means" and everyone laughed. I then asked Lynda what they had been doing and she said just playing in the water, but now they were going to sit on the beach a while and have another drink. Beth said we were going to go into the water to cool off because we got really hot in the woods and we all understood her double meaning.

As I walked with Beth toward the water, all I could think about was me and how I had to fuck this girl. I really would have preferred that Lynda not get fucked by another guy, but I really did not care what she did all long as I got my conquest. It's very funny how times and perspectives change. Now, all I would care about is making sure Lynda got fucked and I would be trying everything to make sure that happened. I wouldn't care today if I got any or not because my greatest sexual thrill would be knowing another man was fucking my wife. Today, I would spend time with Beth only in order to free up Darryl and Lynda to fuck, but back then I still thought I was the young stud and it was all about me, which I am sorry to admit. The interplay between Darryl and Lynda now gets me hot, but back then I could not have cared less as long as I got mine. If I struck out, then I would have gotten pissed at Lynda. Again, not admirable - just telling the truth.

Once Beth and I reached the water, I turned around and saw that Lynda and Darryl were sitting in beach chairs facing each other with their sides to to the water, so they would not be paying much attention to Beth and me. When we got into water about three feet deep, I sat down with my legs folded under me. Without a word, Beth sat down on my lap sideways, stuck her bare, now wet, boobs into my face and then started kissing me passionately. She commented that she felt something poking her butt and asked if it was a shark and I told her it was a long eel and she giggled. As we hugged and kissed I was getting concerned that Lynda might get pissed off, but it seemed that she and Darryl were not watching, but were focused on each other laughing and drinking.

I suggested to Beth that we move to deeper water, so we stood up and had to walk a long way before the water was about four to five feet deep. We found a spot where we could stand comfortably with the water at her shoulder level and then I went to work underwater on her boobs. She was loving the attention and my constant praise. She turned her back to me and nestled into my arms with a sigh as I continued to fondle her tits. I started kissing her neck and she was really getting into it. Looking back at the beach, they were now very far away, but were still sitting in their chairs. I moved one hand from Beth's breast to her butt and started squeezing. This really got her going, so soon my hand was slipping inside her bikini bottoms and she was offering no resistance whatsoever.

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