Smart phone user warning

Read this stuff first, damnit!
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Re: Smart phone user warning

Unread post by Mr Storm » Thu Nov 12, 2015 3:46 pm

You are correct, master of the forum. My bad.

You do realize not everyone or anyone is as well informed of this entire site as you are correct?

What about the second question? Any help there

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Re: Smart phone user warning

Unread post by allengt » Thu Nov 12, 2015 5:17 pm

Mr Storm wrote:You are correct, master of the forum. My bad.

You do realize not everyone or anyone is as well informed of this entire site as you are correct?

What about the second question? Any help there
Sorry, I forgot that one. No it is a separate function of the phone. Tracking pictures is due to gps information that is written on each picture and can be prevented by turning gps off for pictures.
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Re: Smart phone user warning

Unread post by slowsteady » Wed Dec 16, 2015 10:48 am

inker wrote:
slowsteady wrote:Tor Project's Orbot/Orweb (free download) takes care of this problem.


Your info is encrypted and IP number is hidden. Some sites (including this one) may reject your attempt to log in, but this is the way to fly if anyone desires to be incognito.
No, no it does not. Tor is meant for anonymitiy, not privacy. Any of the Tor exit nodes can determine your searches or other material and it is not that difficult to de-anonymize a Tor user. In fact, a lot of .gov agencies run Tor exit nodes specifially for this reason.

It will make lacing together your activities more difficult, but absolutely not private. There are lots of ways to fingerprint a unique user based on their browser type, phone type, IMEI and other details sent with each search.
First, this GPS/location subject is so pedestrian that I completely missed the question's meaning! Very simple answer for that one. Turn your phone off. Turn it on only when you need to use it. Otherwise, the phone is in constant communication with the network carrier and your location always known. With or without GPS enabled. I leave my phone and GPS on. Who gives a care where I am? Use DuckDuckGo for a search engine. They don't track users. None of us are fooling anybody!

Anonymity trumps privacy. When you are private people know who and where you are but not what you are doing. Privacy still identifies you and still gives any meddler a starting point to begin looking.

Anonymity means that nobody even knows who you are, let alone where to start looking. Orbot is the best way to travel. Data is encrypted and sent https through out its journey. The only real weak leg is from the final tor exit mode to the final destination. There you can search for anonymous, encrypted data coming through with a different IP number than original. Good luck!

Orweb is a simple tor browser. It has only one tab, no bookmarks and saves no info. Orfox is a new, free, tor browser that operates just like its sister Firefox.

Another thing that tor can do is access the Deep Web. Those .onion addresses. Over 90% of the web does not exist without tor. Try Hackaday.onion on your iphone. Hows that working for ya? Now try (a sister site accessible from the internet). Understand now? Didn't even know things like that existed, did you?

This is a very big world. We are all microscopic people in it. We all do well to listen with our ears instead of our mouths.

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Re: Smart phone user warning

Unread post by floridafellow » Thu Dec 24, 2015 12:21 am

I know that when I turn off the location service device on my iphone the apt "Find my Iphone" will not work. However the feature from Sprint will locate the iphone....but not very accurate. On of my kids turned their location service off after going out so I could not locate them through "Find my Iphone." I just switch to the Sprint "Family locator" apt and found them. When they return I asked for their phone to ask why she tuned it off. After a short conversation she lost her phone and was grounded through the weekend and Monday.

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Re: Smart phone user warning

Unread post by allengt » Thu Dec 24, 2015 1:14 am

There is also another app on smartphones that track every location that you have ever been. It is really hidden but can also be turned off. It is called My Location. Even if they turned off the GPS tracking the location still tracked where they have been. Seems as if the iPhone does not want you to remove GPS since they have several apps so Apple always knows where you are.
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Re: Smart phone user warning

Unread post by efestian » Tue Jan 19, 2016 4:54 am

I would advise that you go to this menu in iPhone settings: settings->privacy->locations services (scroll down) ->system settings

In this menu, i suggest that you turn off locations services for "location based iAds", "location based alerts", and ABSOLUTELY "frequent locations".

If you click on frequent locations before you delete it, you will see that your phone tracks all of the frequent locations that you go, MAPS them amd store date...and time. Totally 1984 like. Shutting off frequent locations stops this. Let all of your friends know while you are at it. Privacy is an after thought it the modern world.

You can turn off whatever you want in this menu, but these 3 are no brainers to me. It also allows you to leave location services on for find my iphone.

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Re: Smart phone user warning

Unread post by Mnmn1 » Sat Jan 30, 2016 3:52 am

Will turning on the airplane mode before taking picture prevent location info from being included with pic?


Re: Smart phone user warning

Unread post by oldgeneroushot » Sat Jan 30, 2016 4:22 am

Nellie and I have sorta solved this problem with the use of relatively inexpensive throw away phones that recharge! She uses them when with her BFs or talking to them! I have the number and no one else except her BFs do! We change phones or numbers relatively frequently! Our straight friends and family have her iphone #. We find this very handy for lots of reasons but particularly when she is contacting new guys. It also allows us a great deal of anonymity in having the guys come back to her phone number! This works for us because she is mostly one BF at a time, spends weekends with whoever she is dating and uses the Iphone weekdays and with family! 2 phones is something of a hassle but very slight! Not for everyone but we like it! Sure is hot when I hear that ring tone go off at home!

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Re: Smart phone user warning

Unread post by theDesire » Sat May 21, 2016 6:48 pm

You are right, sometimes its ok, when its done with permission. The problem is the wannabe's tracking their wife/Gf without permission, Following y
our wife digitally with permission is hot, stalking your wife without her knowledge is just douche-baggery

Amen Amen and AMEN!!!

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Re: Smart phone user warning

Unread post by jaynjoy2 » Mon May 23, 2016 4:36 am

Mnmn1 wrote:Will turning on the airplane mode before taking picture prevent location info from being included with pic?
A previous post gave this information.
I would advise that you go to this menu in iPhone settings: settings->privacy->locations services (scroll down) ->system settings (or system services)

In the system services you can find the toggle for turning off the GPS information for the camera. Airplane mode may also work - I had not thought of that one.

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Re: Smart phone user warning

Unread post by old folks » Sun Jun 19, 2016 10:08 am

For over two decades, I used a flip phone without worries. A week ago, it died and is no longer available through ATT so I had to go with an I-phone 6 S. Still trying to learn how to answer it. Missing about 50% of my calls since by the time I take it out of my pocket, get it turned right and slide the screen, the caller has hung up.

Now you guys have tossed a new wrench into the mix,

How do I turn off this tracking function? I do not need it since I always know where I am.

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Re: Smart phone user warning

Unread post by Txcuck » Mon Jun 20, 2016 2:20 pm

old folks wrote: I do not need it since I always know where I am.

LOL, try opening you settings app look for privacy and then slide the location settings to off prevents all apps from accessing location. or you can turn off location sharing in the "Find my Friends" app. open Find my Friends, click "Me" and turn off share location and under (settings-->icloud-->share location) turn off share my location

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Re: Smart phone user warning

Unread post by old folks » Tue Jun 21, 2016 2:24 am

Txcuck wrote:
old folks wrote: I do not need it since I always know where I am.

LOL, try opening you settings app look for privacy and then slide the location settings to off prevents all apps from accessing location. or you can turn off location sharing in the "Find my Friends" app. open Find my Friends, click "Me" and turn off share location and under (settings-->icloud-->share location) turn off share my location
Thank you Sir. I was able to do as you said and it did turn some things off. My sincere thanks you.

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Re: Smart phone user warning

Unread post by wewannawatch2003 » Mon Sep 12, 2016 1:58 pm

slowsteady wrote:
allengt wrote:I was just asked yesterday about iPhone tracking. Well the answer just came via the Today Show about 10 minutes ago.

It has to do with tracking. You need to go into your phone settings and turn location off. Anyone can track you down the inches of where you are just by using their iPhone and tracking software.
Tor Project's Orbot/Orweb (free download) takes care of this problem. It also allows a user to access blocked sites ( from a public library wifi for example) and spoof your phone (ie. your phone represents itself as an Android or Nokia).

It may be worth checking out. The pros, cons and gotchyas! of using it is clearly presented and forthright. Your info is encrypted and IP number is hidden. Some sites (including this one) may reject your attempt to log in, but this is the way to fly if anyone desires to be incognito.

if you use Tor to surf to this site, your username and password will be sent in the clear, as this site defaults to http. if you use https, you will notice that the site certificate is self-signed and thus invalid for larger scale security and privacy.

kinksters beware.

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Re: Smart phone user warning

Unread post by inker » Mon Sep 12, 2016 2:14 pm

slowsteady wrote:Tor Project's Orbot/Orweb (free download) takes care of this problem.
No, no it does not. Please do not mislead other readers here. Tor does not do anything whatsoever to stop someone from tracking your phone's location by using Location Services.

It also does absolutely nothing to prevent being tracked via your phone.
slowsteady wrote:Your info is encrypted and IP number is hidden.
Again, no. Misleading information can be more dangerous than the OP's concerns.

Tor simply masquerades the endpoint of your browsing requests. It does not prevent your ISP, your ISP's provider or anyone along the route from knowing what you searched for and when. It does not provide, nor guarantee anonymity

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Re: Smart phone user warning

Unread post by inker » Mon Sep 12, 2016 2:19 pm

Also, turning off Location Tracking does not disable the feature, it simply disables the reporting of your location. Your device still stores your location in a local datastore, which can be extracted later to recall all of the records of where your location was identified. Law enforcement has repeatedly used this exact "feature" to establish guilt, or an alibi.

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Re: Smart phone user warning

Unread post by Elina1 » Thu Aug 03, 2017 7:09 am

A lot of thanks for share it.

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Re: Smart phone user warning

Unread post by slowsteady » Sat Mar 09, 2019 12:41 pm

There is a very simple, foolproof way for a person to maintain perfect anonymity on internet communication. VPN (Virtual Private Network)! I've been using one for a couple of years now with total peace of mind. Location worries? Ha ha! Intercept worries? Ha ha! IP number identification worries? Ha ha!

Want proof? Simple! Purchase a VPN. ( or are just a couple of the many places that can answer any serious questions about VPN) Once you have installed your VPN go to home depot, best buy or any other website that uses your location to direct you to their nearest store. Their websites will guide you to the store closest to the VPN server's IP number! Your personal info including original IP number and location are never sent and all other correspondence is totally encrypted from one end to the other! Even your internet provider has no access to any personal info! VPNs work with any phone, tablet or PC. I'm using Linux, for example.

Problem solved!

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Re: Smart phone user warning

Unread post by UtridOfAustin » Fri May 10, 2019 8:46 am

> every new car is constantly broadcasting your car's location to the manufacturer.
> Some have at least 2 antennas - satellite and telephone. The manufacturer pays the bill.
> Some are broadcast unencrypted, meaning anyone who can listen can also read the information
> All - encrypted or not are always trackable by the phone company or authorities.
> All data from your cell phone, no matter what application you are using is trackable back to you, because your information goes through them...they add a tag specific to you..NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO.

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Re: Smart phone user warning

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Fri May 10, 2019 12:05 pm

Showing my age here, but probably annoying to do and difficult to find, but back in the day in order to ensure, when traveling and having to pass through air port x-ray scanners, you could purchase lead bags to protect your film from being wiped out.

Really over the top, but I doubt very little would get through a bag such as this if sealed properly. Of course as soon as you remove and use your location is out there, but in between you would be invisible.


Re: Smart phone user warning

Unread post by FNQLivin » Fri May 10, 2019 5:23 pm

What is your threat model? If you are genuinely in fear of being tracked or having your phone used against you, do not use a modern smart phone. If you have a more nuanced understanding of your threat model then you take the precautions appropriate to your needs.

In the US your phone companies sell your cell based location. Apps you install may report your location to 3rd parties and whilst they may require your location to work, you didn’t read the multi page EULA to know that they also sell your data.

VPN companies can and do store your metadata. If you use a VPN do some research on it. Free and cheaper VPN services monetise in ways you may not understand.

If you take x rated pics on your phone, understand that they may automatically back up to some cloud location. Only store or take pics that won’t have negative impacts on you. If you’re a rabid homophobic church minister, don’t store your gay tween porn on your phone. If you are a female school teacher, society has a horrible way of imposing its double standards on you.

If you use Google for search they track you. Whatever you do and whatever setting you turn on or off, they track you.

Do not track flags on browsers are voluntary and no website is forced to abide by your setting.

The best biometrics in the world won’t help you if your threat model is a person with a baseball bat who will beat you to a pulp to get access to your phone (unless you’re a masochist). And for all the freedoms that Americans have, you should check your laws about the rights of your border force people to stop and search within proximity to international borders and ports of entry. How much delay do you want to your day to invoke your constitutional rights over lawful search and seizure.

In short, anyone who uses a modern smartphone or other computing device has to take the precautions and steps appropriate to their situation. Use your device wisely. Be aware that for all the steps you take to to secure it, if your threat model is the NSA, FBI, CIA, Mossad or MI6, then your likely screwed to some extent. If it’s a vengeful ex partner, current partner or the local gang, it’s a different ballgame but your still vulnerable despite your best efforts. I mean, how much is your life worth?

And anyone who installs a tracking app on their partners or their children’s phone is insane.

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Re: Smart phone user warning

Unread post by early-kink » Thu Oct 24, 2019 5:03 am

I've never been one to "keep up with the Jones's" when it comes to the latest, high-tech gadgets. After reading all these posts - I'm feeling really good about my old flip phone with no "smarts" !!! I don't need maps, trackers, the ability to do banking by internet :shock: (all safe & secure and un-hackable, right?) or an app to keep track of how many sheets I use to wipe my ass. Some of that app sh*t is JUST SILLY !!!

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Re: Smart phone user warning

Unread post by knj69 » Sun Nov 24, 2019 9:44 pm

Hi all.
New to the site and thanks for the tip.

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Re: Smart phone user warning

Unread post by armyguyot1 » Mon Nov 25, 2019 5:06 am

Welcome to the forum knj69.

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Unread post by calicolombia69 » Sat Nov 30, 2019 4:59 pm

Anyone use this app on their phone to text? Does Deleting a message delete it completely off your phone? I understand there is a pc software whereby you can turn it on and see a persons screen as they text. However your phone would alert you that a session was initiated somewhere else.

I do know someone was caught this way...

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