It's happened!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by katt » Sat Jul 22, 2017 6:09 am

Thanks for the update. I appreciate you taking the time to keep us posted. I look forward to further updates.


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Sat Jul 22, 2017 5:01 pm

Michael, thanks for the detailed description of your summer experience and the agony and ecstasy it has caused, although I am afraid that it is very much the agony that dominates. Just as many others have said here, you need to have a serious talk with Jen on where your marriage and the relationship between the two of you are going. If you want to stay together, the marriage has to be based on a strong relationship (and respect) between the two of you.

The summer break is soon over so this whole episode should soon be over but then you have to confront Jen. What does she want for this marriage? What are her plans after college? How can you get back to a loving and respectfull relationship?

I did see two statements by Jen in your text that indicate that there is a clear potential to have such a discussion and bring the relationship back to focus on the two of you:
"I’m not in love with either of them and I have no interest in extending this arrangement beyond the summer."
"Maybe we should renegotiate when I get back home!" (even if she was referring to the fee she charges you)
Both of these statements indicate a willingness to talk with you and a possibility to realign your relationship. Use the opportunity well, for your own sake!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by poppag » Mon Jul 31, 2017 10:04 pm

it's so good to hear from you, keep the updates coming. HOT HOT HOT


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by OOAA » Mon Aug 07, 2017 5:10 pm

Hi Michael,

Thanks a lot for investing time to write down your episodes and sharing them with us!!!

Best regards!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by hwc » Thu Aug 10, 2017 5:57 pm

Is it on the cards that Jen will want to find a 'real' boyfriend once she comes home? Is this something you have discussed?

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by lagercandle2014 » Mon Aug 14, 2017 7:03 am

I always thought/understood that if a post is in the library it is either fictional and a sort of a concise book for our pleasure to read, or it is a true life story that's been put in the library for posterity and would not as such be added too because it is a complete factual experience, and therefore is of considerable value to anyone who is considering taking up any of the lifestyles on this forum, to gain/take information on what to expect and can happen whether it be good or bad.

So Michael, I ask can you please put me straight on which it is, or is it something else altogether, it’s clear from the other posters that you have the spank brigade, the believe anything brigade, the caution advice brigade and the I don’t believe this is a true story brigade ( and to be honest that’s the camp I am in), I think I have covered all the brigades so forgive me if I have missed any, there’s no point in me saying anything else or making comments until I know where you stand.

Regards and many thanks LC
I'm the boss in our house, and I have the wifes permission to say so!


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Zona » Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:00 am

I'm in the same brigade as you are, LC. I have never believed this story. I think it is in exactly the right forum because fiction is allowed here.


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by OOAA » Thu Aug 17, 2017 2:44 pm

Always keeping hidden if it is true or fiction, makes it more interesting... ;)


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by OOAA » Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:32 pm

HI there!

How is summer ending? ;)


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Wed Aug 30, 2017 1:06 am


Hope you and Jen have got back together again and have found a way to move on together. Would be great to hear how you are.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by throwaway00101010 » Sun Sep 03, 2017 2:05 am


I hope you update soon; your story is super hot.

With Summer ending, Jen will be back in school. Have you thought about the possibility of her telling Allison about the nature of your relationship?

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Cuckoldguy21 » Sun Sep 03, 2017 5:31 pm

I see where this is going. Brian will move in and the three of you will live happily ever after. What's wrong with that?

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by excitedcuckold » Tue Sep 05, 2017 4:46 pm

Thanks you to those who have been supportive!

The rest of the summer while Jen was away, it was pretty much more of the same between us. Text messages teasing the fuck out of me, reminding me of how much fun Jen was having with Kyle and Brent and also reminding me of how Jen didn’t miss my cock at all.

As an added twist, I did start sending her dick pics occasionally. Just to see what kind of comebacks she’d have in store for me. She didn’t disappoint. Some examples of her text responses are:

“You’ve got nowhere to stick that thing, yet here I am being fucked on the daily by two hot guys! Ha!”

“It’s not a bad looking penis actually. Too bad it’s attached to you instead of to a real man. What a waste! Lol!”

“Knowing that thing belongs to you, any interest I might have otherwise had just drops to zero instantly! Ha!”

“I need to start a useless household items photo folder on my phone. It’ll have pics of toaster ovens, VCRs, those big tube TV sets that no one wants anymore. But, mostly pics of that useless penis of yours! It’s the most useless item in our household! Hahahaha! Omg! That was extra mean of me! But, it’s true though, isn’t it? Lol!”

Jen’s texts, photos, video clips, made the rest of the summer bearable for me. I felt included in her sex life and was regularly being teased and turned on by her.

Anyhow, Jen got home a little shy of two weeks ago so she could be settled in time for classes, which started back up last week Monday.

When she got home, she gave me a big hug and kiss! We instantly started making out!

“Let’s go to the bedroom!” Jen said and took my hand, leading me into our bedroom.

“Lay down on the bed, but leave your clothes on for now,” Jen said.

I did as I was told.

Jen sat down on the bed next to me and started to gently rub my cock through my jeans. I was hard, which made Jen giggle.

“Okay,” Jen said with a smile. “I’m home now and we can go back to having sex again, but we need to agree to new terms.”

“New terms?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Jen replied. “Sex with me now costs $40 instead of $20. As a favor, I’m still keeping it pretty cheap. It’s just two twenties instead of one. An easy to trip to an ATM if you’re ever short. Try not to be caught short though in the heat of the moment. Money upfront before anything happens. Speaking of which, do you have two twenties?”

I fished two twenties out of my pocket.

“Good boy!” Jen responded as she took the $40 from me and put it away. “Furthermore, I’ve been getting great sex from real men from these past few months and I’m about to go back to mediocre sex with you, someone who I’ve lost interest in when it comes to sex. So, I’m going to fantasize and talk about other guys as we’re fucking and I’m also going to be extra cruel about it the first few times we have sex. Understood?”

“Yes,” I responded.

“Okay, good!” Jen said with a wicked smile. “Take your clothes off.”

I did as I was told. Then Jen started to get naked.

“This body belonged to Kyle and Brent for the summer. They deserved it. It was their reward for being real men who know how to fuck. You don’t deserve this body do you?”

“No,” I answered.

“That’s right,” Jen said. “You have to pay $40 to have sex with your own wife, something Kyle and Brent got for free all summer long. How does that make you feel?”

“Grateful that you’re renting your body to me,” I answered.

Jen laughed.

“Renting! I like that!” Jen responded. “You’re renting me out!”

Jen got in bed and we started making out, feeling on each other. I was so turned on!

“Just remember,” Jen whispered. “I’m thinking about other men.”

“I know,” I replied.

When Jen finally let me slide my cock in was when she unleashed her cruelty.

“Go slow for now,” she said. “You’ll get more for your money that way. I just want you to know how truly mediocre you are sexually, Michael. I’m fucking you right now, but I could easily do without it if there was someone better in the picture to take your place sexually. I know I’ve told this to you before, but sex with you is so fucking disposable to me! But, I feel like I need to tell you again and again. I don’t want you to get caught up in the moment and imagine for a moment that I’m actually into having sex with you the way that I was with Brian or the way I was with Kyle or with Brent. I don’t want you to feel like you’re reclaiming me sexually. I want you to know with certainty the whole time we’re having sex that you’re just my sexual backup plan, giving me mediocre sex while I don’t have someone better to be exclusive with. How many guys do you think are there out there that are better than you sexually? I’ve already found a few. How many more are out there? How long before I find another guy who knows how to please me sexually? A few weeks? A few months? What if he wanted to be exclusive? Would I drop sex with you again, as though sex with you didn’t matter to me? We both know the answer. I’d con you into it again. Make it so exciting for you that you’d be begging me to give up sex with you. In the meanwhile, until that happens, you have to pay for the privilege of having sex with me. I fantasize about finding a new guy while I’m still in college. It turns me on knowing that you’re paying for me to go to school and therefore basically paying for me to meet hot college guys, one of whom might come along and take your place sexually. And the money you’re paying me right now for sex, I’ll use that to buy cute outfits to attract men. When a hot new guy comes along to take your place in bed with me, I want you to know you that you helped make that happen. You’re supporting me as I pursue a sexual replacement for you. That fucking turns me on, Michael! You supporting me so I can make you into a eunuch again and retire your cock and balls once more. It’s so fucking hot!”

I started to thrust deeper and more intensely as I saw that Jen was getting closer to O’ing!

“Are you going to shoot your useless load inside me, Michael!” Jen exclaimed! “Your useless fucking eunuch cuckold sperm! Remind me how much less your sperm is worth than sperm that comes out of real men, Michael! Shoot your useless load inside me, baby! Fucking do it!”

As Jen started to O, I let myself O as well. I shot my load inside her and it felt amazing!

“That was great, baby!” Jen said as I held her afterwards. “Your sexual ability was mediocre, as usual. But, we made it work, didn’t we! That was so fucking hot!”

“And it’s not like I have a real man to fuck me at the moment anyway,” Jen added with a giggle.


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Tue Sep 05, 2017 10:55 pm

Michael, its a relief to hear from you again and to hear that you and Jen are back together again. You both seem to have picked up from where you were before and are moving on in your own special way.

How would you like to see this developing in the future? Has Jen pushed the boundary too far this summer or do you want to see this developing in the way Jen describes, even with total denial for you?

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by pwsub » Wed Sep 06, 2017 8:14 pm

I sure am looking forward to how you are going now with Jen back, and enjoying some new real cock :)

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by poppag » Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:28 am

Hi Michael, Good to hear from you and that Jen is back home. It sounds like a good summer was had by Jen and to a different degree, you. You seem to be relishing the new Jen, then one who openly dishes on you about how much she loves getting fucked by men other than you. Who loves humiliating you that you cock is not good enough for her pussy. It seems that she has mentioned a few times now how had Brian not moved away, that even now a year removed, that she would still be committed to him sexually in private and under the right circumstances, very openly in public. It's a shame Jen won't get to explore that particular aspect of your relationship. But I'm sure she will be able to find her share of college studs to fill the void. Maybe you can encourage her to be more proactive by letting her know that her happiness is paramount to you. You should think about putting on the chastity device and locking it up, and telling Jen that since you cock is useless to her, she should keep it locked up and find a proper man to fuck as soon as possible.


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by OOAA » Fri Sep 08, 2017 3:15 am

AMAZING update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice to read you ;)


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Sat Sep 09, 2017 11:40 pm

Hi Michael

I think its really hot that your wife will only have sex with you if you pay for it. Jen prostituting herself makes her literally your whore. Now that she has increased the rate to $40, how much is this going to cost you each month?

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by jodi5456 » Sun Sep 10, 2017 2:59 am

I think he is going to be broke. His story raises the temperature for the reader.

Clueless hubby
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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:43 am

Love your life. You're a lucky man

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by excitedcuckold » Sun Sep 17, 2017 2:20 pm

poppag wrote:Hi Michael, Good to hear from you and that Jen is back home. It sounds like a good summer was had by Jen and to a different degree, you. You seem to be relishing the new Jen, then one who openly dishes on you about how much she loves getting fucked by men other than you. Who loves humiliating you that you cock is not good enough for her pussy. It seems that she has mentioned a few times now how had Brian not moved away, that even now a year removed, that she would still be committed to him sexually in private and under the right circumstances, very openly in public. It's a shame Jen won't get to explore that particular aspect of your relationship. But I'm sure she will be able to find her share of college studs to fill the void. Maybe you can encourage her to be more proactive by letting her know that her happiness is paramount to you. You should think about putting on the chastity device and locking it up, and telling Jen that since you cock is useless to her, she should keep it locked up and find a proper man to fuck as soon as possible.
I do like the new Jen a lot! Keep in mind that when it comes to stuff besides sex, Jen is still very much the same Jen that I'm used to and that I fell in love with. I don't talk about non-sexual stuff on this board. It's not interesting to read stuff like, "Jen and I went for a walk this evening and got ice cream and chatted and joked around and held hands." Or, "Jen had some extra time after studying, so we snuggled on the couch and watched a movie." But, all that stuff still happens.

It's funny you should mention the chastity device! ;) More on that after I answer some more questions.
OOAA wrote:AMAZING update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice to read you ;)
viking53 wrote:Hi Michael

I think its really hot that your wife will only have sex with you if you pay for it. Jen prostituting herself makes her literally your whore. Now that she has increased the rate to $40, how much is this going to cost you each month?
Great question! More than I can afford, as it turns out. :shock: More on that in a moment.
jodi5456 wrote:I think he is going to be broke. His story raises the temperature for the reader.
Clueless hubby wrote:Love your life. You're a lucky man
Thank you! I am, aren't I? :cool:


Okay, so here's the latest. Jen and I have still been having sex. We'd already settled into a comfortable routine. I'd pay Jen $40 and then Jen would let me fuck her while she talked shit about how useless my cock was and how she totally deserves to be compensated for the lackluster sex that her backup plan (me) gives her. On the other hand, Jen had also gone back to having sex with Ben, who (according to Jen) is even worse lay than I am. But, Ben gets it for free. Not totally free, because Jen is basically paying Ben back for all the free tutoring he gives her. Still, Ben doesn't have to pay any money, while I do. Knowing that just makes sex with Jen even hotter for me!

At first, I didn't think much of the $40. But, then I realized that it was really adding up and I couldn't afford it. I had sex with Jen four times that first week! That was $160 for just one week! I realized that even reducing sex to twice a week would fuck up our budgeting if we did that every single week. That's $80 per week, which is $320 per month! I support both Jen and I and pay for her to go to school, so even though $320 per month doesn't seem like a lot, it is if I want to keep us on track financially. Once per week I can afford no problem. Some weeks even twice. But, not twice every week. Ben was getting laid just about each time Jen visited his dorm for help with schoolwork and studying. As for me, after that first week, I knew I had to show restraint. But, I didn't. I was still too excited and didn't limit myself to just once like I should have that following week. I had sex twice with Jen that second week. But, after that, I waited. About a week went by with no sex between Jen and I. Jen didn't seem to mind and din't say anything about it.

Which brings us to the most recent time Jen and I had sex. I outright told Jen that I couldn't afford sex with her. This is how it went:

"Go slow, it's been a while," Jen said as I slid my cock inside of her. "Get your money's worth."

"I know," I replied as I slowly slid my cock in and out of her. "I just went overboard that first week and couldn't afford to keep doing that."

Jen giggled. "I know," she said. "I planned it this way. I figured that you wouldn't be able to afford sex with me very often. But, I'd be well compensated for the times that you could afford it. Either way I win. I'm still spoiled by this past summer with Kyle and Brent and I just haven't seen myself wanting to go back to frequent sex with you anytime soon, even if you are my backup plan. Every once in a while, but not too often, is just fine with me. I'm already getting more than enough mediocre sex from Ben, so I don't really need much more mediocre sex from you. It's funny. Because, in a way, even though Ben is worse at sex than you, I'm enjoying sex with him more than you lately. Like it's naughty that I'm fucking him more often than you. It's a turn on to fuck around on you, baby!"

Just hearing Jen talk like that made me want to cum immediately. Jen could tell.

"Shhhhh..." Jen whispered. "Don't cum yet. Just keep going slow. I have something I want you to agree to while you're horny as fuck."

"What's that?" I asked as I slowed down my thrusting even more.

"I want to make our sex life more exciting for the both of us," Jen said. "And I also want to punish you for being such a mediocre lay and for not being a real man. In between the times that we have sex, I want you to wear your chastity cage."

"Like all the time?" I asked, horny, but in disbelief.

"I know we'd usually only put it on you for just a couple hours at a time, but there were a few times where we kept it on you all day or overnight. And it was fine."

"It's such a hassle though," I replied. "I have to pee sitting down all the time."

I was complaining, but I was horny as fuck. Because I was so horny, a part of me wanted to lose this argument more than I wanted to win it.

"I know," Jen giggled. "You'll have to pee like a woman. Not like a real man, who can just whip his cock out and go pee. It makes you even more of a real eunuch for me to do that to you. And that's what you are, baby. A eunuch cuckold with a useless penis. Even Ben can pee standing up."

Jen giggled some more and then continued. "Even if I haven't found a real man to replace you again in bed yet, I want to keep you in your place in the meanwhile. And I want to make you suffer and make you feel even worse about having to pay to have sex with your own wife but not being able to afford it. And I know that deep down inside, you'll enjoy being made to suffer. You like being a eunuch cuckold with a useless penis! A real man wouldn't enjoy being treated this way, but I know that you enjoy it because you aren't a real man. I know that if you say no to me right now, you'll regret it later. You'll regret that you didn't let your wife emasculate you even more than she already has. I love emasculating you, baby! And you love being emasculated. I love being fucked by real men, not by you Michael! And you love me being fucked by real men too. You know you do! This will just make it easier for when the time comes for me to replace you again sexually, baby! You know it will! And you'll go along with it all the same, won't you?"

"Yes," I answered in my aroused, irrational state.

"Yes what?" Jen isnisted.

"Yes, I'll go along with it. In between the times that I can afford to have sex with you, I'll be in chastity 24/7. If I'm horny as fuck, but can't afford to fuck you, tough shit for me."

"That's a good eunuch cuckold hubby!" Jen said triumphantly. "I'm about to O thinking about you locked up while I'm fucking around on you with Ben! It's so fucking hot!"

Jen was genuinely worked up and started to O! I waited until she was O'ing before I let myself cum.

Anyhow, here I am in my chastity cage, horny as fuck, and I couldn't be any happier! I'll get let out next time I have $40 for Jen. :D

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by pwsub » Sun Sep 17, 2017 2:55 pm

Great to see your update and that Jen has everything under control, this is developing so well, thanks


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by OOAA » Sun Sep 17, 2017 3:24 pm

Super amazing update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) ;) ;)


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Mon Sep 18, 2017 3:05 am

Thanks for the update Michael. I thought the reality of the economics would have a dampening on your situation. Jen wins however it develops!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by corey22901 » Mon Sep 18, 2017 3:12 am

Hi Michael,

Glad that you and Jen are back together and enjoying your lives.

Wifey has had me caged 24/7 for over 5 years. I have gone from plastic to stainless. Best ones are custom made, but the Chinese have a wide variety of models you can buy on Amazon, Ebay or DHGate. Cost is less than a fuck for you. The best ones have an integrated lock and find one that is just slightly larger than you flaccid. I like the models that have an ergonomic ring. For 24/7 being clean is very important, so find a model that is very open, yet secure.

Careful, after 5 years I feel naked without it. Yes, I have to pee sitting down and it emasculating - but we both know we love it.

Enjoy the ride!

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