progress story

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Fri Oct 13, 2017 5:47 pm

A little update. So last night when she was at her gathering I decided to send her a text simply telling her to have fun and stay as long as she wanted, but that I wanted to pleasure her and only her when she got home. She laughed and replied ok!!! She was there for a couple hours but when she got home we went into the bedroom. I decided to spice things up and gave her the laptop with headphones. She asked, "What's this for?" But full knowing what it was for. I told her I thought she could watch something to maybe help get into the mood. She gave me the, "Ohh naughty boy" and I thought she wasn't going to watch anything but to my surprise she took the laptop and put in the earbuds of the headphones. She asked what I was going to do with myself and I told her I wouldn't last two seconds with her. She asked half jokingly, "You got a video saved for me or something?" I told her I didn't and she could watch whatever she wanted. I directed her to the site and I started giving her oral. I could tell she was searching intently and had yet to find a video to settle into, but her body let me know when she did find a video that she was enjoying and it was super hot. She would occasionally tell me how good it was but I didn't need her to tell me that as her body told me everything. The longer she watched the computer the more wet she got and this was when something extremely interesting happened. As she got more wet I started to get a taste of latex condom. Not only did I get a taste of the latex but I started to smell it as well. I started thinking to myself the last time we had sex was almost a week ago and I knew she had obviously showered several times since. This was all racing in my mind as I continued to please her and she finally orgasmed. She laid there completely satisfied and relaxed and asked what I was going to do with myself. I told her I needed to relieve myself. As I began I waited for her to talk dirty to me or tease me in a way, but instead I kept telling her how hot she was and she just agreed, it didn't take long at all for me to be done.

After it was all done I could tell she really enjoyed it and I told her how much I enjoyed it. I couldn't get the thought of how she would have a latex smell. I thought maybe since she had used her toy the night before she used a condom with her toy, but the few times I've seen her use the toy she hasn't ever used a condom, and when she has used the toy in the past I never found a ton of condom wrappers or condoms in the trash can and our condom supply never decreased. But last night I thought maybe it was a possibility she had used a condom on her toy the night before, but there was no wrappers or condoms in the trash can, and the condoms in the drawer looks untouched. I even smelled the dildo to see if it had a latex condom smell to it and it definitely did not.

This morning she woke up and we gave each other a kiss and she gave me a grin and told me I was a naughty boy letting me know that she enjoyed last night. But my entire day I've been excited yet hesitant to get overly excited about the taste and scent I experienced the night before. I never knew what videos she watched either.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Fri Oct 13, 2017 6:59 pm

Very interesting.
The taste is unmistakable.
Next time, simply tell her she doesn't need to use a condom,
she can bring you his creampie.
Look for her reaction. ;)
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Re: progress story

Unread post by jps18 » Sat Oct 14, 2017 7:33 am

I don't think you have a fantasy any more . It's now , or has been for a while now , reality ! She has been , or has just gotten fucked ! She now needs to own up to what has been going on . Time to confront her about it . You know , in your own mind , what's happening . She's playing you ! Time to take control of the game and make it a game that two can play . Tell her you don't like the taste or smell of latex . You want the real thing . You know she's playing around but now she has to let you play too . No more games , time to get real ! You want complete honesty ! Let us know how it goes .

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sat Oct 14, 2017 8:22 am

Thanks for the responses and they are exciting to hear that it seems she actually did something, but I am not so quick to jump to the conclusion. And I most definitely would love to, but given that she knows how much of a fantasy and turn on this is for me I think she would tell me or at the very least really test me with some hot teasing talk to gauge how I would react. Also, really nothing else points to her fooling around or even talking to a guy. So although I would love to find out something happened, something tells me it hasn't.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by realcucklife » Sat Oct 14, 2017 4:19 pm

Recognize comments here are people’s views they are not living your life, weigh up the comments and do what’s right for you. Please keep posting your progress, I know first hand it is a gradual thing to get everyone’s comfort level up. The people commenting about to slow are the dreamers Jacking off, not game enough themselves to be where you are.
Now my 2cents for what it’s worth.
Whatever you do DO NOT confront or challenge her on this. Keep supporting her and re-enforcing to her that you are open to any play she may be up for.
What I would do is now you have well and truly made it clear that you have these desires, elobarate on it more, try to talk about what you like and want to do. Or show her some mfm porn, (don’t go straight for full on cum cleaning or fluffing type stuff), let that simmer, then show her some cuckold porn, and that allows you to start the conversation about what facets of cuckolding interest you. I showed wifey the dog fart site cum eating cuckold clips, this got it out there in the open, she was a bit shocked to start off with when I admitted I wanted to do that, but then she can see how it would play out, how hot it can be.
Just remember there will always be some initial shock with a lot of thing, just keep talking and take your time.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sun Oct 15, 2017 9:15 am

realcucklife wrote:Recognize comments here are people’s views they are not living your life, weigh up the comments and do what’s right for you. Please keep posting your progress, I know first hand it is a gradual thing to get everyone’s comfort level up. The people commenting about to slow are the dreamers Jacking off, not game enough themselves to be where you are.
Now my 2cents for what it’s worth.
Whatever you do DO NOT confront or challenge her on this. Keep supporting her and re-enforcing to her that you are open to any play she may be up for.
What I would do is now you have well and truly made it clear that you have these desires, elobarate on it more, try to talk about what you like and want to do. Or show her some mfm porn, (don’t go straight for full on cum cleaning or fluffing type stuff), let that simmer, then show her some cuckold porn, and that allows you to start the conversation about what facets of cuckolding interest you. I showed wifey the dog fart site cum eating cuckold clips, this got it out there in the open, she was a bit shocked to start off with when I admitted I wanted to do that, but then she can see how it would play out, how hot it can be.
Just remember there will always be some initial shock with a lot of thing, just keep talking and take your time.
Thank you! And I agree I am going to refrain from confronting her about the latex taste.

Yesterday her new dildo and the femdom book arrived, I suddenly became pretty hesitant when she started to open them because it was in the middle of the day and neither of us seemed to be in any sort of sexual mood. So I was somewhat expecting her to be turned off to the idea of both, but to my surprise she came off as being a little curious and intrigued. She looked at the newer bigger dildo and asked, "Hmmm I have one of these why'd you get another?" I told her that I thought she'd need or wanted a bigger one, she gave a little grin and gave me a "Hmmm naughty"

She at first laughed at the book, she read the first sentence somewhere in one of the pages, laughed, then set it down on the counter and ignore it for several hours until later in the evening. While we sat around she grabbed the book again and started flipping through the pages, at first it looked like she was getting ready to laugh at the context or think how ridiculous is this, but then I could see her expression change as she continued to read on as she became actually interested in the context. She even went on to read some sentences aloud to me and made comments like, "I agree with this" or "I really like this motto"

After she read a couple pages we had a conversation about the lifestyle, it was actually a really good conversation in which I told her I'd truly enjoy doingwhat the book suggests. The book is more about the FLR lifestyle then just dressing up and roleplaying. After a bit she dreadfully told me she needed to go do some chores. I smiled and told her this would be a great chance to try this out. She said I didn't have to, but then after a little bit of a pause she gave a smile and said, "Ok, let's go, go do it." I did as I was asked and as I began doing chores she took a hot bath. Occassionally she would smile at me from the tub and catch me looking her direction and she'd tell me I was lucky to have such a view.

After I was done with the chores she did let me get lucky and we had sex. I surprisingly lasted and did my best to satisfy her, but in doing so it became clear I was getting tired from the continuation. I did bring her to orgasm and afterward we both laid there, she gave a chuckle and told me I didn't have the stamina anymore. She then gave me her foot to lick and she asked me, "Am I going to need to find someone who has enough stamina?" I told her yes as I continue to stay focused on her foot she had given me. I then told her, "You could if you wanted to" and she told me "Hmmhmm" as to tell me she knew. I didn't last long at all after that and afterward she gave me a smile and again made light of my lack of stamina.

Today she has chores set up for me to do. A very exciting night, with the conversation we had, to her trying things out, and the verbal teasing she gave me. We will see how today goes..

Today just lounging around she was on her phone and started chuckling to herself and said, "You would sooo do this." I asked her what and she was either looking at something or reading something about it and she said to me, "This guy goes up to a guy and his wife and asks if he could do his wife." She continued on, "You'd say OK." I didn't disagree and just sort of gave her a, "well..." response and she said, "You'd say let me watch too." That I did disagree and told her no, meaning no I wouldn't need to watch. She shot back, "Yes you would! You'd ask to watch." I let her know she was right and she went back to giving me a smile and looking back into her phone.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by minos_dis_crete » Sun Oct 15, 2017 10:02 pm

Get used to it. I think you'll be seeing a lot more chores, and she's quickly going to get comfortable with her role as head of household. Keep doing exactly as you are, take what she gives you, devote yourself to her and be sure you thank her appropriately for becoming the goddess you asked for.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Mon Oct 16, 2017 8:40 am

minos_dis_crete wrote:Get used to it. I think you'll be seeing a lot more chores, and she's quickly going to get comfortable with her role as head of household. Keep doing exactly as you are, take what she gives you, devote yourself to her and be sure you thank her appropriately for becoming the goddess you asked for.

The only bit of the book she has read was the first night she got it, but she seems to be using the few sentences she read into good use. I am excited to see if she reads it more on her own. Last night she was about to do the dishes and she paused and said, "No, you do the dishes." I did as I was told and she went to go relax.

She was also watching something yesterday where she asked me something yet answered it herself. There was this women who was wearing this really sexy outfit and she goes, "You probably wish I looked like that." Before I could even respond to really grasp what she was talking about she goes, "Well maybe I wish you had a bigger penis." I gave her a confused shocked expression and she gave me a little laugh.

She also got onto talking about how anything she did would turn me on. She almost created this little game where she'd ask me about something she'd do and if I would find it hot or not. Mostly everything she asked I said would be hot. I was hoping she'd bring up something cuckold related, but she didn't, but some of the stuff was very kinky.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by hornedhubby » Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:35 am

I've thought from the beginning of this thread that your path to cuckolding, as a couple, went thru establishing an FLR and seducing her dominant side. So I view your recent developments in that direction as your most significant progress to date. Best of all, she seems to be willing and able to navigate herself into the role of dominant queen without a terrible amount of pushing from you. She has a lot of aptitude for the role, but that doesn't mean she's totally comfortable with it yet, even though, IMO, she's more than halfway there.

Try not to let yourself top from the bottom as you nurture her transition. For instance, when she gives you your domination session, let her do it her way, completely, even if it doesn't turn out to be kinky enough or whatever for your taste. Let it be her version and then lap it up in a manner that builds her confidence as a dominant wife.

In the meantime, volunteer to do chores while she's reading her new book and/or offer to eat her pussy while she reads it in bed or on the couch. I think that the more she exposes herself to FLR ideas, the more she will embrace them on her own and integrate them into your relationship. This is so, so much better than you making suggestions or telling her what you want her to do.

Best luck and thanks for sharing.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Mon Oct 16, 2017 5:42 pm

hornedhubby wrote:I've thought from the beginning of this thread that your path to cuckolding, as a couple, went thru establishing an FLR and seducing her dominant side. So I view your recent developments in that direction as your most significant progress to date. Best of all, she seems to be willing and able to navigate herself into the role of dominant queen without a terrible amount of pushing from you. She has a lot of aptitude for the role, but that doesn't mean she's totally comfortable with it yet, even though, IMO, she's more than halfway there.

Try not to let yourself top from the bottom as you nurture her transition. For instance, when she gives you your domination session, let her do it her way, completely, even if it doesn't turn out to be kinky enough or whatever for your taste. Let it be her version and then lap it up in a manner that builds her confidence as a dominant wife.

In the meantime, volunteer to do chores while she's reading her new book and/or offer to eat her pussy while she reads it in bed or on the couch. I think that the more she exposes herself to FLR ideas, the more she will embrace them on her own and integrate them into your relationship. This is so, so much better than you making suggestions or telling her what you want her to do.

Best luck and thanks for sharing.
Thanks! I agree with you on to let her lead the way, I also agree that it is way better in that way. She hasn't had much time to read the book because our evenings have just been busy and haven't offered time, but I am excited to see if 1.) She does read it on her own and 2.) What she will gather from it and use from it. It is hot to see her remind herself of just what power she does have. She will begin to do something she doesn't want to do then stop, pause, and tell me to do it.

I forgot to mention last night she openly brought up to me in a completely non sexual manner, "You know how many guys I catch checking me out when I go places?" I gave her a reaction that let her know how exciting that was to hear and that I enjoyed it. Once she saw my reaction she gave me a smile and a look of "Ooops I got caught in saying that." I smiled and told her, "I notice it too." She continued to smile at me and we both went on our way like it was no big deal.

I think maybe, just maybe tonight we may do our D/s session. She made a comment that makes me think she may be looking to get into the mood tonight. If I am lucky enough that it does happen I plan on just setting up the room and getting the toys out and letting her do whatever she feels like doing as it is so much better and hotter when it's all her ideas and it also may make her like the idea more.

We will see, but this slow introduction into a possible FLR is pretty exciting because she does seem to be enjoying it and he hasn't even read more than 2 pages of the book.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by ddriver86 » Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:24 pm

Hey Breaker445,

Ask her if she wants to challenge you for a FLR "bootcamp" week to see if she can do it and you can keep up. You do all the chores and she gets pampered and any sex she wants from you any way she wants it. Maybe she locks you up for the week in your chastity cage and then end the week with a domme session where maybe you earn a release.

May be fun and she might be motivated to read more to get through the week. If she manages all week she maybe gets a gift and if you make it all week you get a gift.

Just a thought to move things along.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by ddriver86 » Tue Oct 17, 2017 5:44 am

Hey Breaker445,

Are you two going to any Halloween parties?

I saw a pretty good "low key" idea for a FLR couple's costumes on Halloween.

The costumes is for her to be a sexy tennis player with a tennis ball and racket. He wears very short, tight white tennis shorts and tight white polo. He is her "ball boy." Which usually after a number of drinks turns into her "ball bitch."

During the night at the party, she will, ever so often, drop the ball and call out "ball boy" and he has to run pick it up and give it back to her. Everyone laughs! During beer pong if her ball goes off the table she can call "ball boy" as well. Everyone laughs.

It is a very "light FLR" costume theme. You and her are probably the only ones that will get the real meaning.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Tue Oct 17, 2017 12:00 pm

ddriver - both those posts are good ideas. As for the Halloween party we may be going to one, but the costumes she is thinking of picking is catwoman. Which I cant argue with having her wear a leather suit out and about, and given that she has a catsuit for our play time both of us would know exactly the meaning of that suit is. Or if she doesn't get a suit it'll mostly be an outfit consisting of a lot of black and leather.

So last night unfortunately again no D/s session, but the night ended with me not so sure any progress has actually been made with cuckolding. She is definitely becoming more comfortable and now maybe enjoys the femdom side of the things, but not so sure about cuckolding.

The night started with me taking a shower. She jokingly asked if I was going to relieve myself in the shower and I gave a disappointed tone of a response back saying I could. Hoping she would tell me she was just kidding she said, "Good!" I let her know I was hoping to get lucky tonight and she responded with, "Babes, we've had a lot of sex this week, two times is a lot for a married couple like us." I put my head down and continued on with my shower. As I was showering she was trying on outfits. I could hear the click clack of heels walking around while I was in the shower. When I got done I was ready to get out and she walked toward me wearing knee high boots, tight jeans and a shirt that in the back had a large slit that went up to just below her bra line. "You like this?" I told her I did and informed her that she was going to get me "awake" again real fast. She laughed and said "Maybe you can lick me later." I liked hearing this and told her honestly that I was hoping for I could lick her and then she could use her new bigger dildo. She gave me a smirk and a pondering facial expression. I told her I could lick her to get her wet and then she could use it and maybe it wouldn't hurt. The smirk turned into a smile as she told me, "Oh it wouldn't hurt, trust me." And just like that I was fully awake again. She asked me why I got her another dildo that was the same as the one she had just bigger and I told her I thought she would get tired of the one she had and wanted a bigger one. She didn't seem to mind my response.

She continued to try on clothes for a little longer showing me each set and style. They were all very hot and subtly seductive. When I let her know how hot an outfit was, she explained to me her style was to have something that caught peoples eye, yet was just enough to tease. "I want it to be like the hot girl next door type of look."

The night lead to just hanging out and having some drinks. The topic as it has seemed to lately lead to a femdom conversation. I guess I was sort of the one who brought it up just the point that it's a big fetish of mine. She said she knew it was and was completely fine with it and said, "I actually like it." she went on however and said the one fantasy of mine she has a hard time with is my cuckolding fantasy. Ridiculously enough I got excited just hearing her say the word cuckolding, but I also got excited because I realized here was an opportunity to talk about it. I reassured her as if she didn't already know that cuckolding was indeed a fantasy of mine. She looked me in the eye and asked me blatantly. "You would want another man to fuck me?" I told her I would. She gave a smile and laugh like she couldn't believe what she was hearing. She asked me how would I know nothing would come of it, meaning her and the other man developing more then just a sexual relationship. I told her I was confident enough in us that it wouldn't develop into more. She responded with, "How do you know that? I've only been with you, how do you know I don't have sex with another guy and he's bigger then you and he's absolutely amazing in bed and I don't suddenly think 'wow this is great'." I told her in a way that was the point, for her to have something I cant give to her and for her to enjoy it. She rolled her eyes and said for women sex is different, it isn't just about sex, there's an emotional attachment that goes with it. (Disclaimer: This is her thoughts, all women may not be the same). I asked her if she did do it would she want me there to watch or not want me there. She laughed and told me she would want me there. She continued on trying to wrap her head around the fantasy. I tried to rope it back a bit and asked her if she had her choice, would she want a three some with me, her and another woman, or me, her and another man. She said "Oh definitely you and another man." I tried to use that as an example or give her a different point of view of cuckolding I guess. She did tell me when she is out and she sees another guy she thinks to herself all the time, "If I fucked this guy would he (me) care that I did." As the night and conversation went on she would occasionally keep asking the question while looking right at me, "You want me to fuck another man?" I've never had that straight forward of a questioning from her.

After our conversation we went to bed and I gave her oral. She was really into it which gave me relief that our conversation hadn't ruined her mood. I thought she would direct me to put a condom on to have sex, but she just let me continue on pleasuring her and I found out quickly that she had no intentions for me to stop because I could tell she was really enjoying herself. One thing that popped into my head was there was zero taste or scent of latex and we had sex the night before where I wore a condom. After sometime where she was in a world completely of her own she orgasmed. When it was my turn she didn't give me much attention at all but a couple kisses.

We both had a busy morning, but wondering if the evening will bring any carry over conversation.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Tue Oct 17, 2017 1:30 pm

Every time she asks you, "So you wan me to fuck another man?"
I hope your answer is an emphatic YES!

It seems, given her statements, that she is growing more comfortable with the idea of fucking other men. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Tue Oct 17, 2017 1:48 pm

BallSpanking wrote:Every time she asks you, "So you wan me to fuck another man?"
I hope your answer is an emphatic YES!

It seems, given her statements, that she is growing more comfortable with the idea of fucking other men. ;)
Well I did tell her yes every time she asked me. However I am a bit unsure of the second part because it came across with the tone she gave that she was still confused about the concept of the fantasy and how I could be OK with the act. Even though she gave some statements, and some body language that made me think she'd think of it, she gave just as many statements of making me think she isn't into it.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Tue Oct 17, 2017 2:06 pm


Of course she is confused about your purpose.
She has not yet wrapped her head around the notion that her sexual enjoyment and fulfillment is important to you.
You may want to have a nice, pleasant and casual conversation with her at some point, explaining the common sense
of your fantasy. You will have to address her concerns, for sure, as to whether there might be a risk of her falling for
another man. She will have to feel at ease to proceed with any potential seduction, knowing that you feel secure in your
love for each other, and have excellent communication. So, any such risk/possibility would be consulted and addressed
by both of you. You will need to make her feel at-ease with your encouragement of her being with other men, and with
her embracing a FLR, it should be easy to have her accept this entitlement. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by cuckoldfan » Tue Oct 17, 2017 2:36 pm

What does a Female Led Relationship have to do with it? I understand there are some FLR that have cuckolding in them. But just because a man likes his woman to take lovers doesn't mean they have to practice a FLR.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Tue Oct 17, 2017 3:11 pm

cuckoldfan - I would guess it just leads to a chance that the female is comfortable enough in being in charge and doing what she wants and maybe having a better sexual experience is something she wants and therefore gets.

Nothing much to update for the day other then she just got ready to go to the gym and right before leaving she says to me, "Ok leaving for the gym, aka my boyfriends place." I sprang to excitement let her know how hot that was to hear. She just smiled and told me I was naughty in which in turn I told her she was naughty and very hot. She gave me a smile and kiss and left. This was out of the blue and certainly a fun tease she made up on her own.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Tue Oct 17, 2017 3:25 pm

Keep a lookout for the taste of latex! ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by tit4atat » Tue Oct 17, 2017 7:27 pm

If you smelled or tasted a condom the other day, what are the chances that she actually already had sex with someone at the gym? I think the chances are fairly likely.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by realcucklife » Wed Oct 18, 2017 1:13 am

Have you had a look at tumblr pages with images and stories of couples that are making it work? She might pick up some more ideas around how it works, it also allows you the chance to like and reblog ideas that you think are hot, she then has time to look and think about things as an introduction/conversation.
Continue to focus on this threesome idea as you are part of it as well, even if your not sitting there watching.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by jamorgan66 » Wed Oct 18, 2017 3:48 am

This is a wonderful thread.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Tryn » Wed Oct 18, 2017 1:47 pm

I think you should be licking her pussy every time she comes home from the gym, out with the girls, lunch, anything that could be a cover for seeing a guy. Latex smells only come from 1 place & she may not be secure enough with your fantasy to say out loud that she has made it a reality. Especially with all the FLR stuff going on. Maybe she doesn't realize you want her to also share with you that she has?

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Wed Oct 18, 2017 3:36 pm

realcucklife - Funny thing about tumblr, awhile ago I was snooping around and found the tumblr app on her phone. I got extremely excited and ran to the computer to do some quick research. Well I had mistaken tumblr for tinder so I was a bit disappointed when I realized my misunderstanding. Nonetheless I started looking into tumblr and found a lot of cuckolding topics on it and actually have read a few and ive thought about suggesting some of them to her to look at, but I haven't found one that seems to be vanilla enough and not so over the top she may be put off by it. But she does have tumblr and she looks at it all the time, so finding the right fit of cuckolding topic on there could work.

Last night I asked if she was going to read the book and if she did I would love to hear any ideas she liked. She laughed and said maybe another night as she had a long day. She told me I should probably relieve myself and I told her I took care of that when she was at the gym. Trying to subtly let her know her comment of going to her "boyfriends place" and not the gym was hot. She laughed again and said, "That's a first!" I have no idea where she has put her new dildo so I don't know if she's used it yet or not.

Although it is exciting to hear lots think the taste and smell of latex point to maybe she is hooking up with someone already, I just don't know. That was certainly an odd moment, which my intrigue continues to grow because the other night when I gave her oral and having sex the night before I did not get any taste or smell of latex. But unless she is an extremely good hider I haven't found any other real signs that point to her hooking up with someone. She knows what a turn on the fantasy is for me I just think she would tell me or at the very least make the fantasy talk seem really real. But it is something I am going to see if it happens again.

One change though since our conversation that night has been she's seem to be in a really good and cheerful mood. Now this may be my biased mind, but it almost feels like she is cute with the idea that I do want this and feel our relationship is strong enough to make it work, or that she enjoys this knowing she has full control and power.

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Joined: Wed Feb 15, 2017 8:48 am

Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Fri Oct 20, 2017 5:09 pm

Yesterday when she was home and I was away I sent her a text asking if she was going to relax and read her book, she replied, "Hahahaha babe you're so cute, yeah I'll read it." A little while later I texted her to see how the book was and she said it was good and asked if I researched it before buying it, with an added, "Be honest....." attached to the question. I hadn't really read anything about the book other then the description and the reviews and I told her that and I asked her why. She replied she was just wondering and told me the book was not bad and she had read most of it. Although it was relatively short book I was surprised she had already read most of it in just one sitting. I asked her if there was anything she liked and she said she liked the examples the author gave on how to give orders and different scenarios we could act out. She added she was definitely planning a night where she ordered me to make her dinner and clean up after and punish me if I make a mistake. I let her know I liked to hear that and reminded her with her being a domme it didn't ever have to lead to sex. She replied, "Well it's my decision......not yours." I told her she was right. She replied back, "And I want you to respond to my commands with yes ma'am not yes mistress." I simply texted back, "Yes ma'am."

So again I know I always look into things with a bias mind of actually wanting it to happen, but out of boredom I had looked into finding signs of your wife cheating and read the multiple sites that suggest their opinions on the signs. One of the signs is the changing of passwords to social media accounts. Again, I could be looking into it more then what it means, but my wife used a one password for all of her accounts that I knew, and I know she knew I knew it. Well now I've noticed her passwords were changed.

Anyways, I got home and we just had a nice evening, nothing was brought up about the book, but as we were hanging out I would catch her starring at me in the corner of my eye and sometimes she would have this little smirk. The feeling felt like she had something to tell me or something she wanted to talk about and was either waiting for me to bring something up or she was hesitant to talk about whatever it was. I kind got a sense of curiosity, but the night was short and she ended up going to bed.

I took the time to read the book as I was very curious to see what it was about and what she had read. It's actually very well written and is certainly about the FLR and I felt it portrays the submissive males mindset pretty well. There were portions where the author sets the whole FLR as the submissive being a romantic person and is all about the happiness of his mistress, so my mind went back to that feeling in the air earlier in the evening where I caught her looking at me and this feeling of she wanted to talk about something. I thought maybe she was registering that this isn't all that bad and my desire for her was cute. I got hooked on reading it and I read the whole thing. I thought it was a really good book spotlighting the FLR in a very non intimidating way.

Today as we were just hanging out at home I went to get some clothes from the dryer and returned with the clothing I needed. She just naturally told me in a stern tone, "Go back and get all the clothes from the dryer and bring them into the room, I don't like how you just pick out what you need." I really liked hearing that and gave her a little "oohhh? yes ma'm!" As if she realized what she had said after hearing my response she laughed and said, "Not in that way!" Nonetheless, I went back to the dryer and brought all the clothes back.

A little later she got ready for the gym. Interestingly enough she spent a little time putting on make up and attending to her hair by pulling it into a ponytail and using some hair spray. She chose to wear some super tight black spandex pants that went to her knees and really showed off her body. I brought up the book and I haven't told her I read it too so I played dumb when I brought it up. I asked her if she liked it, she said she liked some of it but with the response she gave me I could tell she wasn't really in the mood to talk about it. I told her I was surprised she almost read the whole thing in one night and she replied that she did skip the part where it talked about self confidence. She made it clear she didn't need help in that category. She also said, "She talks about no matter what your husbands fantasies are its worth a try, because if you don't he may stray and cheat." I reassured her that would never happen, but I could tell she didn't like that particular view the book said. My wife continued, "I was like I'm sorry what if your husband has some really weird fetish? Good luck finding that elsewhere." I didn't ask about it because my worry was she was referring to cuckolding so I just reiterated that no matter what nothing would ever cause me to stray. The funny thing was I remember reading this section in the book and thinking excitedly what my wifes opinion on it was when she read it.

She left for the gym as I was left standing there checking her out and watching her leave. Before she shut the door she looked back and caught me checking her out and she gave me a little smirk and shut the door.

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