progress story

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Wed Jan 24, 2018 4:25 pm

larryt - great suggestions thank you! She has flirted openly with other guys when we have gone out and been in that setting. I think it would be incredibly hot if she danced with someone. I'd also like to challenge her to have someone buy her a drink, she may even have fun with this. I like your suggestion for a response when she says she can get any guy she wants.

60d - Thank you as well, I definitely need to work on carrying out the conversation more in the moment to see her reaction and where, if anywhere, she goes with it. For the foot worship thing, she has given me a foot job, but not to completion. That would be fun, and it is a very hot idea.

She took me by surprise yesterday. She had her really good friend over and while they were visiting, I was in the other room doing a chore for her. My wife came into where I was and was checking in on how I was doing. I was in the middle of measuring something and she tells me, "Pull that out 4 more inches, you should know what 4 inches is." She grinned after she said it, like she was proud of herself for making fun of my size. I had a shocked look on my face because I did not see that little jab coming from her and all I could say in return was "Wow, you're naughty." She gave a little chuckle and walked back out of the room to go back to her friend. It was pretty hot that little bit of humiliation she gave me, and that it was a quick moment out of nowhere. Unfortunately I wasn't able to build on that or carry on the conversation because she left quickly to go back to her friend. But would have been a good moment to have a conversation about size.

I don't have much of an update for today so I'll just edit this post rather than making a new post. I noticed she must have found time to use her vibrator last night, which made me think to the possibility of her cheating and not telling me about it even though she knows I like the cuckold fantasy. She knows I would absolutely love to hear about her using her toy, no matter how small the details, even if she just told me she had used it would be hot to me, but she never tells me when she is using it or that she had used it. I don't have any proof that she is cheating, like I said, if she is she is really good at hiding it, but her secrecy with her toy even though she knows I would love to hear about her using it is interesting.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Thu Jan 25, 2018 5:10 pm

Breaker445 wrote:... "Pull that out 4 more inches, you should know what 4 inches is." She grinned after she said it, like she was proud of herself for making fun of my size.
Is that your real length? You mentioned back when you bought her a dildo it was a few inches longer than you, but not as thick - suggests you either have some girth, or you bought a really skinny dildo.

Related below...
Breaker445 wrote:I don't have any proof that she is cheating, like I said, if she is she is really good at hiding it, but her secrecy with her toy even though she knows I would love to hear about her using it is interesting.
My wife, like yours, became super secretive with the details about her sex life away from me. Whether it was masturbation, or dates, or whatever. I believe part of it was her accepting that she could do these things for herself, and that her fun on the side was almost entirely separate from any kink I might have. As with your wife, I believe part of what led to mine having lovers was frustration with my performance. There was a bit of "If you can't get it done, then I'll find another way. And, if I go that route, why should I reward you?" With four inches and a quick trigger, I can see how your wife might feel like she's entitled to something "just for her."

The first guy she sort of openly saw was when I was out of town for work for an extended time. She teased me with stories about her getting hit on and flirting when she was out with single girlfriends. We discussed her "scratching an itch", and she was very much into playing around. So, you might expect lots of detail once she took the plunge, but I got next to nothing. Sometimes she'd let me know she'd seen someone, but generally only after the fact, and only with the merest acknowledgement, and never any mention of sex or anything else intimate.

She wanted these affairs for herself. To the extent that she got anything from my involvement, it was her trick of rubbing my face in it, sometimes publicly, without ever really getting into what "it" was. Maddening for me, but worked for her.

If you want your wife to tell you more about what she does with her toys, and who and what she thinks of when she uses them, you have to ask. Same thing with her "cheating". It's clearly not "cheating" in my book. You know she wants something you can't provide, and she knows you want her to have it. You have what seems like a largely unspoken agreement that she's in charge and can do whatever she likes with your consent. The only big challenge seems to be getting everything out in the open. Maybe she's not cheating - yet - but you'll both be less prone to missteps if each of you has a better idea of what's going on in the other's head and heart.


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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Thu Jan 25, 2018 5:18 pm

you *implicit* consent

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Thu Jan 25, 2018 5:55 pm

60dCommon wrote:
Breaker445 wrote:... "Pull that out 4 more inches, you should know what 4 inches is." She grinned after she said it, like she was proud of herself for making fun of my size.
Is that your real length? You mentioned back when you bought her a dildo it was a few inches longer than you, but not as thick - suggests you either have some girth, or you bought a really skinny dildo.

Related below...
Breaker445 wrote:I don't have any proof that she is cheating, like I said, if she is she is really good at hiding it, but her secrecy with her toy even though she knows I would love to hear about her using it is interesting.
My wife, like yours, became super secretive with the details about her sex life away from me. Whether it was masturbation, or dates, or whatever. I believe part of it was her accepting that she could do these things for herself, and that her fun on the side was almost entirely separate from any kink I might have. As with your wife, I believe part of what led to mine having lovers was frustration with my performance. There was a bit of "If you can't get it done, then I'll find another way. And, if I go that route, why should I reward you?" With four inches and a quick trigger, I can see how your wife might feel like she's entitled to something "just for her."

The first guy she sort of openly saw was when I was out of town for work for an extended time. She teased me with stories about her getting hit on and flirting when she was out with single girlfriends. We discussed her "scratching an itch", and she was very much into playing around. So, you might expect lots of detail once she took the plunge, but I got next to nothing. Sometimes she'd let me know she'd seen someone, but generally only after the fact, and only with the merest acknowledgement, and never any mention of sex or anything else intimate.

She wanted these affairs for herself. To the extent that she got anything from my involvement, it was her trick of rubbing my face in it, sometimes publicly, without ever really getting into what "it" was. Maddening for me, but worked for her.

If you want your wife to tell you more about what she does with her toys, and who and what she thinks of when she uses them, you have to ask. Same thing with her "cheating". It's clearly not "cheating" in my book. You know she wants something you can't provide, and she knows you want her to have it. You have what seems like a largely unspoken agreement that she's in charge and can do whatever she likes with your consent. The only big challenge seems to be getting everything out in the open. Maybe she's not cheating - yet - but you'll both be less prone to missteps if each of you has a better idea of what's going on in the other's head and heart.

thanks for sharing that 60d. I am a bit larger than 4 inches, but she does tease me about my size from time to time and just as recently made a comment that some guy better have 9 inches to make it seem like it was worth a certain woman to have sex with a guy.

I have asked my wife about her toys, I've even gone as far to almost beg for her to tell me the details or just letting me know she used it. Even with that, she doesn't tell me or open up to me about it. When I ask for her to tell me what she thinks about when she uses it she replies with something like, "I dont think of anything, just the act." Which I find incredibly hard to believe, that if you are pleasuring yourself you have no imagination at all and just let the sensation get you off. But again she remains hesitant to tell me much of her fantasies or what she thinks about. It is a little frustrating because I divulge in all sorts of fantasies with her, but she doesn't seem to share any of hers. It is a reason I have doubts she would be capable of cheating, because she doesnt have that sexual drive in her, or at least she doesn't show or share that to me.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:20 pm

OK....I know I just posted, but I think there may be something here. Again, I remain skeptical because I sometimes wonder if I am seeing things because I want to see certain things, but I am becoming more curious that something may be up.

Tonight she again got ready for the gym. Wearing athletic clothes, but she took the type to get her hair ready, and as usual put on some make up. Now it's not like full hair styling, but she hair sprays and makes sure it is organized and the makeup isn't like full on detailed makeup, but she does her eye lashes, puts on some lip gloss and some foundation, what I am trying to say is she doesn't put on dark lip stick or heavy duty make up. It's subtle. Anyways, call it a gut feeling, but I had this moment where I sat there as she got ready and I just felt like she was getting ready for someone. Wow, it felt like a gut punch yet it was extremely arousing.

Anyways, after she got ready she left. She was gone for a little over an hour, not totally out of her normal time at the gym. But when she got home my "gut" feeling I had from earlier in the night became a little more real. Now, our gym is rather small and the gym has this particular scent, a scent that if you've been working out there it lingers on your clothes. That scent becomes even stronger during the busy hours and the time my wife went was certainly when it is crowded. Also, my wife doesn't lift weights, so her workout routine is strictly cardio. Again, keep in mind she was at the gym for a little more than an hour....So my logic would be she was doing cardio for at least an hour.

While she was gone I spent the time cleaning up and doing chores, I know she likes this and also I know it gives me a good chance to get lucky later. When she got home she was pleasantly surprised I had cleaned up. I gave her a kiss and from having that gut feeling earlier I decided to really pay attention to the scent I got from her kiss and being close to her. I got curious because I did not smell the gym's distinctive scent. In fact, I didn't smell anything. I didn't smell sweat and she wasn't sweaty. The kiss was quick and she moved passed me to go to the other room. My mind raced with curiosity because even when she is there for 30 minutes she has that scent on her clothing. She had taken her shoes off and left them by the door. I decided to give them a smell to see if they let off a scent of some sort of hard working cardio. Even with her shoes, I got nothing, no signs of sweat at all in her shoes. My curiosity grew as again, she was at the gym for more than an hour and her routine is running. I thought I would get close to her one more time to try and get some sore of scent that maybe I missed the first time.

I walked into the other room where she was and I gave her another kiss and kissed her neck making sure to take in a deep sniff. Still I smelled nothing. She took notice of my lingering and kissing and asked cutely, "Cleaning up, and your kissing, you're wanting something aren't you?" I nodded my head up and down and said I did, but that I just wanted to please her. She laughed and said, "No, not tonight, and I like to shower before we do any of that." She grabbed my crotch as she walked away, clearly feeling I was aroused. As she walked away she said teasingly, "Don't know what you're going to do with that."

My curiousity is really peaked now. Although I sometimes wonder if I am seeing what I want to see, I am fairly confident she didn't go to the gym tonight...

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Re: progress story

Unread post by mick_flow » Thu Jan 25, 2018 9:31 pm

Hey Breaker445. I think your gut is right, and it is time for a honest and open chat with her.

I spoke to my wife, and I gave her a quick version of this story, I explained that you've hinted at wanting to be a cuckold, and make her a hotwife, but hadn't completely discussed it with your wife.... My wife said "Yes, I think she's seeing someone", I asked why and my wife said, "He opened the door to her being with someone else, but didn't close it by saying that he wanted to be involved".

I thought it was an interesting observation, so I thought I'd share. If she is seeing another guy and she hasn't told you, it is because she is afraid to, probably worried what you'd do / think.

When myself and my wife got involved in the cuckold life style, I was turned on beyond words when she told me she was going to invite a guy from her office to the house for a "booty call". But that gut punch you describe... ohh god, it hurt. I was turned on, and still felt like someone had punched me.

Have a chat with your wife, and tell her what you want. You should probably tell her what you suspect too. She's going to be worried about telling you and may avoid answering, but give her some time. Like wise, just be prepared for the gut punch, it can catch you by surprise. All these emotions are going to be running around that conversation. Just remember that she is still with you, she loves you and you her.

You have my best wishes and I'm sending you as much virtual good luck as I can.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Goodboy66 » Fri Jan 26, 2018 4:35 am

Hi Breaker

It's been mentioned a few times on here that your wife may be cheating, your post today looks very suspicious. I'll be upfront and say this is not my or my wife's thing but I have an interest in reading about different kinks.

A few points, cut the soft innuendo around the subject. Ask her outright if there is someone else and that you will be ok but want to share the experience.

Or, go into detective mode and snoop on her phone laptop or get a pal to follow her to the gym a couple of times. Take a look at google Surviving Infidelity and read aboit 100s just like you who thought their spouse would not cheat.

This may be to late and is a bit of a slap coming your way from the start of your thread you have talked down the bedroom performance, have you really tried to improve and worked with your wife to improve she may have been more receptive to you. I know some have the kink of being crap in bed and like the sissy way but you do not fully come across as that. Im sure you can live the cuck lifestyle but still satisfy your wife as well.

Mainly though get to the bottom of the possible cheating, it is not good and may lead to a break up of the marriage.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by mick_flow » Fri Jan 26, 2018 5:39 am

A few points, cut the soft innuendo around the subject. Ask her outright if there is someone else and that you will be ok but want to share the experience.
Goodboy66 is right. No more beating about the bush. Good luck...


Re: progress story

Unread post by JeffBingham » Fri Jan 26, 2018 5:57 am

Why didn't you drive by the gym to see if her car was there? Were you afraid that you might see that she wasn't really there?


Re: progress story

Unread post by DavidnDaria » Fri Jan 26, 2018 8:26 am

I don't even know what to write. This is completely nuts. It's good entertainment, but it's nuts. How long does it take you two to decide on which soda to buy? Real rice or Minute Rice? Skim, one percent, two percent, whole? Cut of meat? Style of tofu? Shower or smellathon? Makeup smeared? Hair messed up? Stank in the crotch? GPS history? Be creative!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Argent » Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:59 am

When she comes back from the gym, or anywhere else, and says she has to shower you either need to feel her pussy or check her pants. You didn't smell the gym on her nor any sweat so why would she need a shower after only an hour away. You've been cucked man.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Fri Jan 26, 2018 4:08 pm

wow, thank you all for the replies and points of view. Lots to digest and this certainly has been on my mind since last night. No action in the bedroom last night and I was fine with that. This morning after reading some of the replies I figured I would give her underwear that she had worn that night a check. An entire night later it had a strong smell of well, wetness. So like I said, I have been thinking about everything all day. Both with excitement and also curiosity. I know right now all signs point to she is up to something, but like I've posted before, I've searched about signs of a cheating wife and looked for the signs hoping to find something, and I have found nothing.

I know there are suggestions to approach her about cheating, but to be honest I am not quiet ready to bring that up. Now I do need to get over my hesitation on bringing up the subject of cuckolding, and if she brings up anything that indicates teasing of cuckolding or cheating I need to take the leap and really encourage it and also communicate in a way to expand the conversation.

mick_flow you brought up some thoughts that I have been thinking about since last night. Especially that if she is seeing another guy she is probably worried what I'd do or think, yet I have left the door open for her to be with someone else. I go back to her comments months ago when she in a serious tone asked if I would really be OK with it all and I told her I would. Her response was she thought I would have a change of mind if the situation was really brought up. Then I go back to thinking about her little teases, and her comments on the topic and think about how others posted on here that she may be judging my reaction to see how I would respond to it. It's why I think I need to expand the conversations and not hesitate to show my encouragement. Especially in the bedroom where I sometimes hesitate to bring up the fantasy because I sometimes get this sense of embarrassment about it, and worried if she doesn't like the idea it won't turn her on and create an awkward moment.

I appreciate everyones advice and insight.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by mick_flow » Fri Jan 26, 2018 7:30 pm

Hey Breaker,

I remember being pretty terrified bringing up the subject with my wife. F**k me, it scared the crap out of me. So I understand the hesitation, and the sense of embarrassment. I had it too. Especially when you explain how much it turns you on. When I did explain, I picked a time during mid afternoon, when we were not doing anything particularly hot. I just told my wife I needed to tell her something that had been on my mind for a while. I kissed her deeply, and held her hand while I confessed to her, what I had been turning me on for such a long time, that I'd been worried about saying. My wife said "Oh you'd want me to tell you that I just has sex with some guy, and it was awesome and his cock was huge?! - and she laughed". It hurt at the time. But I replied "Yes, it really would" and I told her "you know it's been very hard for me to confess this to you. I've been battling with it for months, wondering if I should". When I told her that, her attitude changed, the laughing went away. In the end I recall, that evening we had a really slow intimate night in bed.

Keep your head up (no pun intended) and stay strong, explain the turn on, and the fear to her and be honest about both.

I recall when I had trouble with our first experiences and I thought I'd lost my wife forever, I posted here in this forum. The replies and PMs I got made the world of difference to me. Just remember, behind each of these posts is a person who is rooting for you. Best of luck with that chat, and you don't have to wait until your in the bedroom to have it. Just be confident when you do, even if it takes a deep breath, it's worth it.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by LarrynDallas » Sat Jan 27, 2018 1:09 pm

Easy enough for you or a friend to follow her to the gym. If she does go to the gym hang around a few minutes to see if she stays there or leaves with someone. Check her phone and computer. All simple and quick if you really want to know.

Like others have said, your posts are entertaining but silly. Either be a detective or be direct in communication.

You continue to wallow around. I'm no longer convinced you want help. You have been offered advice and help, yet you ignore it. We can't help someone who does not really want to be helped.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sat Jan 27, 2018 3:14 pm

very valid thought, I just sometimes freeze up whenever the opportunity presents itself to take the conversation further. I either get embarrassed or I get nervous that her reaction wont be a positive one and she will get annoyed. Like I have said before, for me with this false hope of something happening is better than a definitive no. Now, things may be changing with her possibility having something on the side already. To bring this up to the surface, I would just like to dig a little more and have actually proof rather than just my mind wandering, and hoping. But as far as progressing the cuckold talk or even cheating talk, I need to just take the leap and when the opportunity presents itself either by comment or conversation, I need to keep it goin and be encouraging about it.

My curiosity grows as a few days ago she told me after work today she was going to stop by a girlfriends place where she had just moved in. Once she got off work she called me to see if I was still OK with her stopping by her friends place to check it out and help organize some things, I told her that it was fine. She said she would text me when she was on her way home. Now, doing my math of distance it would have taken her from her work to her friends house and from the time she sent me a text saying she was on her way home she was only at her friends new place for like 45 minutes...Right there I find interesting because not only is her friends place not really on the way home, but I cant imagine you can check out someones new place and help them organize it and only give them 45 minutes. So when she got home I gave her a kiss trying to gather a scent of something, or..someone, but I got nothing. I figured my next try to find a clue would be to wait until she got out of her work clothes and got into something else, unfortunately when she changed she put her clothes she had worn to work into the washer, which is interesting within itself because she usually just leaves the clothes on the ground in the bedroom.

People say the phone is where you may find clues. She rarely leaves her phone lying around, but when she does I try to get quick looks. Each time I get a chance I never find anything. Nothing in text messages, nothing is recent phone calls, unless she is smart enough to delete all that. I haven't had a good chance or good amount of time to really dive into her social media stuff on her phone because I just dont have the time. Once she realizes she has left her phone somewhere she usually comes looking for it.

Maybe a couple glasses of wine tonight will help build that courage to discuss the topic. I think my plan here is to encourage the conversations and also see if I find anything out.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Sat Jan 27, 2018 3:20 pm

My wife used to use visits to the gym as pretext for hookups. I suspected as much, and one night, after giving her a ~30 minute head start, drove the short distance to the gym myself. Looked around the lot, and saw no sign of her car. Told the front-desk attendant my wife had asked me to drop off her water bottle (in hand), then spent 15 minutes prowling the place (pretty small facility) without finding her.

Later, when I mentioned it to her, she said she didn't want to talk about it. Which was typical.

My point is, even if you determine she's going someplace other than her gym, you two still need to have an open discussion about what she actually is doing, along with what you're on board with her doing. Knowing what you want and being able to articulate it will really help her decide how she wants to handle things.

Good luck!


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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sat Jan 27, 2018 7:25 pm

60dCommon wrote:My wife used to use visits to the gym as pretext for hookups. I suspected as much, and one night, after giving her a ~30 minute head start, drove the short distance to the gym myself. Looked around the lot, and saw no sign of her car. Told the front-desk attendant my wife had asked me to drop off her water bottle (in hand), then spent 15 minutes prowling the place (pretty small facility) without finding her.

Later, when I mentioned it to her, she said she didn't want to talk about it. Which was typical.

My point is, even if you determine she's going someplace other than her gym, you two still need to have an open discussion about what she actually is doing, along with what you're on board with her doing. Knowing what you want and being able to articulate it will really help her decide how she wants to handle things.

Good luck!

I will have to try and drive by the gym to see if her car is there. The thing is, sometimes she really does go to the gym because I can tell when she gets back, she is sweaty and had that unique scent the gym gives off, it's what made her not having those scents or sweating the other night when she was gone for over an hour so interesting. So I guess it will probably take a few times to drive there and check it out.

I know communication with her is key, and if there is something going on it definitely will need to be talked about.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by mick_flow » Mon Jan 29, 2018 12:54 pm

I know communication with her is key, and if there is something going on it definitely will need to be talked about.
The fact you think something is going on is justification enough. Even if she isn't doing anything, you need to be able to communicate with her open and honestly about your desires, and just as importantly to learn about hers. As you'll see from posts here (and I can attest by getting it damn wrong my self, and learning the hard way) communication is always the key.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Mon Jan 29, 2018 2:27 pm

mick_flow wrote:Breaker,
I know communication with her is key, and if there is something going on it definitely will need to be talked about.
The fact you think something is going on is justification enough. Even if she isn't doing anything, you need to be able to communicate with her open and honestly about your desires, and just as importantly to learn about hers. As you'll see from posts here (and I can attest by getting it damn wrong my self, and learning the hard way) communication is always the key.
My dilemma is since this is such a fantasy of mine, am I wanting to see the signs so therefore I think I see the signs? She has said in the past this fantasy doesnt turn her on, and she sometimes gets annoyed when I bring it up. So my worry is if I am just seeing what I want to see and sit her down and bring up cheating she may not only be offended, but get mad at me because she would probably know me thinking she was cheating was due to my fantasy.

Here is an example of me being wrong. The night I last posted I was all ready to have a talk, at the very least a talk of this fantasy. Well she ended up going to the gym later than usual because of her busy day. I didn't get a chance to go drive by it that time because I had a few drinks in preperation to loosen up and get the courage to bring up the conversation, so I was not going to drive. She returned about 40 minutes later, once again with no scent of the gym and from rubbing her feet a few minutes after she got home, no sweat seemed to be on her feet, they weren't even warm. Yet also no scent of someone else either, no cologne or anything like that. She had gotten into comfortable clothes and I took the opportunity to check her underwear again, they smelled like they did the other night when I suspected she did not go to the gym. To be even more curious, it looked like there was typical discharge on her underwear (I can't tell the different between female discharge and cum on fabric) yet along with that dried discharge there was a little bit of clear liquid resting on the underwear that had not yet been dried. I actually touched it to see if it was "sticky" but it wasn't, nor was there enough to really get a feel for it. A quick internet search about this liquid, like a clear mucus, and I found it is completely normal for this to happen naturally.

As the night went on we watched TV. I made a comment that I wanted to lick her. She replied to me that she likes to shower and be clean before doing that. I confessed that I like things to be dirty sometimes and she just smiled and shook her head. Now in the past I have given her oral when she hasn't just showered. My interest peaked further when it was a little late and her phone started to get text messages over and over again. Even though she was getting a lot of text messages I thought we were both pretty focused on the show we were watching, until I glanced over at her and saw she wasn't watching the TV at all and instead was fully focused on her phone, with a little smirk. I looked at the time and remembered it because I figured I would look at her text messages at the time these text messages started coming in. A little later she suggested we go to the bedroom and she let me know she was going to shower first.

SO given all this, it sounds like cheating, right?

Well, figuring her time in the shower would give me a perfect chance to look at her phone I did. Looking at her text messages the only texts sent and received at the time she was really engaged in her phone, and I had thought maybe she was chatting with someone, was nothing more than a group text between a few of her girlfriends, and a brief glance at the conversation was nothing of excitement. Even took a glance at her pictures to see maybe she had taken photos of herself that I had not seen, nope. Nothing at all.

So the entire night I had this suspicion, and it was realy suspicion that maybe something was going on and i was finally realizing it and catching on, only to end up finding out it was probably all in my head.

Now, when she got out of the shower we did our thing. For the time being I have seemed to figure out my stamina issue, but I couldn't help but think while we were in the act, how she could find only me enjoyable. What made me think this was just her overall mood during the time. She seemed like she was doing it to certainly pleasure herself, like her goal was to orgasm, but as most of the positions were controlled by her, they were so vanilla and there was no dirty talk, the whole thing seemed bland and plain. I just got thinking, how in the world is she OK with this for the long term? Having this feeling, like this wasn't all that fun for her, I tried to mix things up and do some new moves, only for her to laugh at my attempt and tell me to stop doing it. Eventually we were done and like I said, there was no real engagement from her. I just felt and had the thought while we were doing it that it was just boring, and wondered how she could be fine with just this.

I sorta blabbed on in this post, but what I guess I am trying to get across is, I'd love to find out she was cheating, I want her to cheat if she finds it satisifying for herself, I look for these signs, and pay attention to things thinking I see the signs maybe because I want to see the signs? Because when I take a deeper look into what may be going on I find no signs of cheating.

Now, reading other posts on here I saw someone posted a survey type thing they did with their wife called mojoupgrade. I quickly glanced at some of the questions and given that you both take the survey and it only shares the things you positively answered and she positively answered, I think it may be a good/fun thing to try and certainly could be a good conversation starter. I'll bring it up to her tonight for us to fill out.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by mick_flow » Tue Jan 30, 2018 5:12 am

I understand what your saying, and it is a quandary. Ultimately how you approach this is completely up to you. From experience I would say that the biggest thing to force a wedge between me and my wife was the fear of not knowing. Not knowing how she felt, or not knowing what she was doing. And for her, she's said the same thing to me. Marriage is that safe place where you trust each other.

I'd suggest something like this, but I will leave it up to you. You are the expert here, and we can only provide you with a sounding board for your thoughts and ideas. The following is based on how I approached my wife:

"I've something I need to confess. Well you probably know already, but its still kinda hard to tell you. Because it's kinda hard for a guy to admit to, so please, if I pause, just bare with me. I've this fantasy of watching you with someone else, it is not something we have to act on, but you should know that the idea of it alone is something which I find a huge turn on. It's not because I don't love you, it's because I do, and I find you some amazingly hot, I think about how hot it would be to see you, to watch you. Recently these thoughts have become a bit more intense, I found myself turned on by the thoughts of you skipping the gym to meet someone. Look I know it's crazy, but it really turned me on. You look so amazing going out to the gym, and I'm normally dying to get my hands on you when you return. Sometimes, and this is just this kink I have talking, but sometimes, I find myself wishing you were. Look, I'm telling you all of this, because I'm afraid, I'm worried that perhaps these thoughts I have are getting a bit too intense. Rather than bottling them up, I just want to share them with you."

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Tue Jan 30, 2018 5:09 pm

Mick I like that expression to tell her. Seems to get the point across yet isn't pushy or anything. I may bring this up as a final put it out there on the table on how I feel. After last night I don't think we are any closer to anything.

We were hanging out last night and she was oddly hanging out in the corner of a room, with her back rested against a wall and she was looking on her phone. The odd positioning made me ask her what she was doing and I brought up to her it looked like she was up to something with where she was standing. She said back to me, "Oh I'm just texting my boyfriend." She paused, I took a moment to let that comment sink in and she continued, "You would just love that wouldn't you? It's your biggest fantasy." I told her, in a serious tone, that it was and told her it was very hot. She did a little chuckle, shook her head, and told me what she was actually doing which was searching for something on her phone, then she got a phone call from her girlfriend interrupting our talk.

Later in the night I asked her if she wanted to do the naughty quiz which she replied with excitement that she did and said, "I'm always down for something like that." I was pleased to see her really excited to try it out. We both filled out our answers for the quiz, the cool thing about it was it only shares fantasies you both would enjoy doing so you can be honest because if you choose a fantasy you like and your partner doesnt, it doesn't share it. I think the answers are "Yes", "If my partner is interested", "We already do that", and "No". Anyways, there were a couple cuckold type questions on the survey. I of course answered yes to them. I was excited to see if she would have answered any of those cuckolding questions with at least "If my partner was interested".

After we were done she read the answers and then I looked at the answers. I was surprised and happy to see she said yes to pretty much all the femdom questions, some of which were fairly kinky and naughty. Unfortunately though, our cuckolding answers did not match up. While I was reading the answers she made a comment, "I think I'd do anything if you really wanted me to."

I told her it was hot to see she answered positive to all the femdom questions. I then brought up that she didn't check "if my partner was interested" for having your partner watch you have sex, and said maybe she forgot to check it that way. She laughed and said, "Hell no." This is probably would have been a good time I could have told her what Mick suggested and express that to her. Unfortunately I was thinking in my head, 'Darn'. I tried to continue the conversation, but was met with her shaking her head, saying, "Babes..." and her bringing her foot up, gently placing it on my forehead, and then slightly pushing me away. I took that was a sign that she didn't want to talk about it anymore and it was done.

I am agreeing that I do need to be completely upfront about what I want and what is a turn on rather than beating around the bush. I do realize I slightly dance around the topic, rather than being completely direct. I think I do this in hopes that she will have a positive reaction to the bits and pieces and then carry it on herself because she wants to. But it has become frustrating for me because when I do this, she plays along with it, I think it is going somewhere, only to have it be rejected later on. I also think I haven't had a sit down conversation of being direct because I've thought having false hope of it happening is better than having a positive direct no of it ever happening, but this probably adds to the frustration.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Tue Jan 30, 2018 5:26 pm

You have to make it clear to her, that your turn-on comes from her getting hot over it.
As you say, playing along is just fine for a while, but if the ultimate result is "no progress", then eventually it loses its attraction.

If you could make her understand that your interest is dependent on her desire being kindled by such scenarios. What you seek, is the same thing as she seeks. Her sexual satisfaction. And you believe, probably correctly, that she would be better satisfied having boyfriends, and you would be supportive of that.

She does not seem to like your identification with being a cuckold, she thinks you celebrate it too much, and that detracts from your manliness. Since she is married to you, she doesn't like seeing that in you. On the other hand, she probably has developed a curiosity in what another man could do for her...

So, if you can encourage her sexiness and flirting, and tone down your feverishness over her positive signals... it may move forward a little better.
Cheers. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Tue Jan 30, 2018 6:06 pm

BallSpanking wrote:You have to make it clear to her, that your turn-on comes from her getting hot over it.
As you say, playing along is just fine for a while, but if the ultimate result is "no progress", then eventually it loses its attraction.

If you could make her understand that your interest is dependent on her desire being kindled by such scenarios. What you seek, is the same thing as she seeks. Her sexual satisfaction. And you believe, probably correctly, that she would be better satisfied having boyfriends, and you would be supportive of that.

She does not seem to like your identification with being a cuckold, she thinks you celebrate it too much, and that detracts from your manliness. Since she is married to you, she doesn't like seeing that in you. On the other hand, she probably has developed a curiosity in what another man could do for her...

So, if you can encourage her sexiness and flirting, and tone down your feverishness over her positive signals... it may move forward a little better.
Cheers. ;)
Good points. I also think part of this problem started when I first introduced the fantasy years ago. Looking back, I wish I would have been a little more either patient or smart about how I introduced the whole fantasy. I think right out of the gate it had a strong femdom, humiliation aspect to it. Probably the first things she read, heard, or saw about it was the extreme side of the cuckolding. Which was probably a big turn off for her. If I could go back, I would introduce it with being as subtle has her having a boyfriend and just letting me know about it, not even having to go into detail about anything.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Tue Jan 30, 2018 9:51 pm

38kewp wrote:Why not give cuckolding a rest for a while?

The results of the MoJoUpgrade survey gave you a list of MUTUAL kinks. Why not work on those, since she expressed a direct interest in them? Show her you’re willing to experiment & meet her desires, and some time down the road she may return the favor…

Don’t get pushed by the rah-rah crowd here exhorting you to continue down a path she’s (at least temporarily) said she doesn’t want to go down.
All of this.

You two are incredibly lucky to share the femdom kink - maybe more than kink, even. Many/most couples muddle along with gradually diminishing sexual desire and satisfaction. By contrast, seems you have a huge reservoir of shared desires you can explore together for years.

There's also the element of really buying into the femdom/cuck mentality. Why not go ahead and really make it all about her? In and out of bed? It's great your stamina issues are under control, so that gives you more options in that area. Why not take what you learned from the quiz and use it to give her more of what she says she wants?

Cuckolding comes up a lot in your daily life - she seems to bring it up more than you! She very clearly knows you get off on it (I believe she gets it - that you believe you'd really get off on her cheating, etc. No need to torture yourself over making that any clearer). She even seems to get off on the teasing herself, at least at times. Relax and enjoy it! If she ever decides to try another guy, bonus! If she chooses to include you in ways you enjoy, double bonus! It's her choice - enjoy that too.

In the bedroom, I don't recall you ever describing her as really enjoying sex with you - intercourse, specifically - but she seems genuinely content with her overall sex life. She'll sometimes tell you afterward that the whole experience was great, but never the actual fucking. She seems to enjoy taunting you with a combination of complaints about your inadequacies, arousal around her desirability to other men, and suggestions that maybe she already has a lover under your nose. Through a combination of those things, and whatever you're doing with your bodies, she seems to really get off and enjoy herself. She plays with herself, including a dildo larger than you, more frequently than she lets you inside her. Seems, maybe, she's getting pretty much what she wants. Maybe she's happy with her sex life? And you seem to enjoy all the same things - amazing and so lucky!

Yeah, so what 38kewp said, have fun playing with what you learned in the quiz. Relax, and enjoy your amazing partner and the pretty amazing sex life you two share.


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Re: progress story

Unread post by Lkncouple » Wed Jan 31, 2018 9:01 am

Do both of you have iPhones? if so there are a couple things you can do.

First enable "Find Friends on both your iphones. It allows you to open up the app and see where each other are. That would give you the ability to look at your iphone and see where she is when she says she wants to go to the gym.

Also, if you have an ipad, and she logs on the the ipad and stays connected, her text messages will show up on her phone and the ipad. That will give you the ability to see exactly what she is texting.

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