Non-fiction, seeds of my wife experiences

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Non-fiction, seeds of my wife experiences

Unread post by Suitandtiebull » Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:59 pm

This isn't a cuckolding or hotwife story, but was the initial spark that led to me being the bf/bull for couples. I was in college and was fortunate enough to have an experience with the mother of a fellow student (posted this on Reddit a while back, too).

Should probably start with a little explanation. As I was growing up I was tall, gawky, had glasses and an overbite. Then I was a wrestler throughout high school, got contacts, and dental work fixed my alignment to where I'm actually a pretty good looking guy (I'm told I look like the senior in Sixteen Candles, although I'm now 33).

I was a junior in college, fall semester, still living on campus. On Tuesdays my best friend and I had a large open swath of time just after 11am, so we'd usually do something together--go shoot ball, grab lunch, go to a bookstore, lift, etc. For some reason on this half-cloudy, half-sunny early October blah Tuesday we decided to go off campus and treat ourselves to that fine restaurant chain known as Chilis. We're seated round table next to three women in their late 40's, early 50's. My friend and I order our drinks (water for him, coke for me) and start looking through the menu. The women's food arrives and it smells amazing--sizzling fajitas, some sort of roasted chicken, fish tacos... My friend, more outgoing than I was, turns to the table and asks about their orders. Well, this begins a whole conversation between him and the table. He's asking about where they work (two at a bank, one is an accountant), they're asking what he studies, they're talking about the weather, about our college's football team (SEC)--the chit-chat goes on after we order our food, after we get our food, while we're eating our food. He's basically been co-opted by their table...but I want engaging all that much. Not annoyed, just kind of eating my food and listening, chuckling at the jokes, just letting them all engage.

Toward the end of the meal the one closest to me starts asking me questions directly and I talk with her a little bit. We're talking about the town (it's pretty much a small college town) and she tells me what neighborhood she lives in (one of the nicest) and the church she goes to. We get to chatting about school and, in classic mom fashion, she asks if I knew her daughter, who was a sophomore at the school and in a dorm near mine. Of course I don't know her daughter, but she says she thinks we'd get along well and she needs to meet a sweet, cute guy like me--flattering but also silly (yeah, her daughter's going to want to hang out with a guy her mom met at lunch). I really didn't think much of it--she was just being a mom, we weren't flirting or anything. At that point I'd never been with anyone over 3 years older than I, so it didn't even cross my mind to flirt with her. She was your average conservative mom. As they're getting up to leave she asks me for my number so she could give it to her daughter. I gave it to her just to be nice (but also kind of amused that she asked for my #; for my generation if you really want to hit someone up you do it on social media).

A few days later (in retrospect exactly one week later--a Tuesday) I get a text from a random number saying, "Hi JT, this is Kim from lunch the other day. Remember me?" Texted that I did and asked how her day was going, expecting her to pivot and then either tell me her daughter's info or that her daughter said thanks but no thanks or whatever, but instead she actually tells me about her day (crazy client, she was sitting at her desk now, just finished lunch) and then texts "you're so sweet for asking!" I wrote back "yep, I'm everybody's college sweetheart" pretty much as a throwaway line. I get back from her "awww so cute" and then "I just want to eat you up" with a smiley face. That was my first twinge of, is this just a mom thing or is she laying it on? I started trying to remember what she looked like. Curvy, not fat (20-30 pounds heavier than her prime?). Short, maybe 5"4"? Cute, youthful face (smooth skin, no wrinkles) with prematurely or possibly purposefully gray and white hair, kind of a fashionable bob haircut. Medium skin color, kind of reddish like she had a tan that was fading but still had the freckles. She'd been wearing a blue silk top that swooped from her neck but was relatively fitted elsewhere and black dress pants that did accentuate her ass (ok, I might've noticed her ass a little as she was walking away that day--but that's just normal guy instinct).

At this point I'm actually considering my next text instead of just sending the first whatever that comes to mind...trying to think of something possibly suggestive but also totally innocent but also in a lexicon that would relate to her, so I write, "well, I am very yummy". I'm walking along campus and at this point am actually looking at the phone to see what she'll send back. She told me later her fingers were shaking as she typed her next message, which comes through as "well a girl would be lucky to get a taste" and a wink. Still I'm not totally sure, because she says "a girl" . . . so is she saying any girl, her daughter (a little strange), or her? Also, is she looking at this as the general, taste of hanging out with you message or as the specific, taste with her tongue message? I also probably think way to into things so I noted that me using "well" and then her using "well" was a good sign too.

I had no idea what to write next...again, a part of me is thinking this is a conservative Baptist mom (presumably single? really had no idea) so I'm not going to push the innuendo button too heavily. So to kind of force her to be the one to do so I wrote "haha" and then yes, something really corny, "i'll take that into 'account'-ing" (she is an accountant). I know, total cheese, forgive me. She texted back a haha and then we just had some general text about the day--almost like we were friends. Never got back to any flirting really UNTIL . . . she texts me later than night.

Now this might be an unfair generality, but in my personal experience if you have a flirty moment that you walk away from and then THEY hit you up that night (in my case only with women, but I'm assuming it would be true reversing genders), then they're interested in you on a different level.

So it's a weeknight, close to 10pm, I'm in my room studying/procrastinating, when I get another text from her...the I-have-nothing-to-say-but-am-thinking-about-you kind of text. She says "hope you had a great rest of the day!" with a wink face. I go from full slob laying in bed mode to sitting up, engaged and alert. I don't remember exactly what we said the next few texts, but I asked what she was up to, and after she responded ("reading and watching tv") I said "I'm laying in bed studying". Then before she could text back I wrote "learning as much about history as one can while in sleep pants and a white t-shirt". I figured, she can either read this as me simply describing that I'm doing homework, or she can picture me in bed in a t-shirt. If she's being innocent, I haven't said anything offensive and we'll move off of it. If she's picking it up then she can take the next step.

Thankfully, Kim dutifully texts back "I'm on my couch" and then "in a pink tank and blue sweats" with 3 smiley faces. At this point I'm totally engaged and we've both totally blown off any thought or pretense about her daughter.

Me: Hm.

Me: That sounds comfy

Her: it is :)

Me: is that enough to keep you warm? I mean, couldn't you still get a little chilly?

Her: well if I had a man with me he'd keep me warm

Me: all night?

Her: yep! :) :)

[jackpot, btw]

Me: Well I don't know any men to keep you warm unfortunately haha

Her: Aw

[she later told me she thought I was blowing her off there...which in retrospect was kind of what I wanted her to think]

Me: I only know a college boy in a tee

Her: (she sent a kissy emoji)

Her: haha

[at this point I did want to make sure I wasn't messing with someones wife]

Me: what about hubby? shouldn't he keep you warm?

Her: divorced :(

Then she explained her divorce a little, how she'd been single for years...didn't get into a sob story fortunately. I wrapped it up with the cliche, "he's missing out!", to which she agreed and then I texted "it'd be ashamed for a college boy to miss out". For some reason I still didn't want to go entirely first person. She did a you're-so-much-younger-than-me and I'm-not-cute-like-girls-your-age thing, which is really just a need for reassurance, I did the don't-sell-yourself-short-you're-cute message and I'm-more-into-intent-and-desire (which is true). We ended up doing a little more light flirting and called it a night with some innuendo about tucking to sleep.

The next day I figured it was my turn to reach out to her, and I thought I'd take a risk. "Are you free Friday night?" I asked. She texted back "yep! :)" and we started talking about making plans. It was cute in that she said she didn't want to interfere with my plans, not knowing/realizing that Thursday nights and Saturday's after a game are the primary party nights. The tricky thing was figuring if I should pick her up or if we should meet somewhere (we decided to meet), and then figuring where. There weren't an unlimited number of options in town and I think we both knew to avoid anything too romantic/intimate, anything where we might run into people she knew, and anything that would be too young/rowdy. Ultimately, we decided to meet up at a little bar near campus.

Now, I was pretty sure I knew what this was, but I'm never ever positive--it could just be she wants to grab drinks with a young guy, it could even still be she wants me to meet her daughter (who hadn't come up in conversation and ultimately never did). Also, I had no idea how to get her from that bar to where we could be college you're either within walking distance or in the same car or just need to duck into another room. I figured she would lead the way, but it had been a while for her (and her game seemed even clumsier than mine), so I really just focused on having a good time without thinking about if we hooked up or not.

But then on the Thursday morning she erased any and all doubt. After her usual pleasantries, about my day, her day, and so forth she asked "Would you want to just come to my house instead?" I understood that it meant no public risk, but obviously it also meant she was inviting a college kid she'd only met once to come directly to her house. I texted back "sounds good" and then "you want a college boy to just warm you up and tuck you to sleep?" She wrote, "exactly! :)" We figured out the time (randomly, 8:30) and she texted me her address. Needless to say I was pretty stoked.

In college sometimes you want to look older and more mature--that was not at all my concern as I got ready that Friday. I showered at 7:30, shaved, trimmed and groomed everywhere, wore a plain gray t-shirt, dark jeans and flipflops. I could still taste the toothpaste as I pulled into her neighborhood. It was a really nice neighborhood, too. The kind that is new enough to not have any tall trees, but not just cookie-cutter houses. Her house was one floor (and a basement) but was pretty spread out and luxurious. I had the impression she kept it in the divorce but didn't ask. The inside, in retrospect, reminded me a lot of the movie It's Complicated. Lots of space, nice stuff, tasteful but again not like a throw-em-up McMansion.

Anyway, I got out of my car and rang the doorbell. I stared at the pumpkin and hay themed wreath as my heart was pounding in excitement. I heard the door unlock and saw some movement through the glass. The door did that solid, heavy sort of swing open. There she stood with a very happy (but a little bashful/shy) smile. She had on a black sweater that did the same swoopy neck thing as her silk blue shirt, showing just a bit of her upper chest, but tight at her breasts (this one was more of a soft cotton cashmere material). She had on black pants that were pretty fitted around her hips and ass, but flared from the knee. No shoes or socks. A little bit of make-up and lighter lipstick and a lot of perfume...that mom perfume. But something about it--knowing she'd thought about what should she wear for me, and that she chose this outfit and this makeup and this perfume...I dug it.

As I said hey and stepped in the door she grabbed me by both cheeks, threw her body into me (temporarily knocking me off balance), and kissed me deep on the lips. It was kind of a let's get the jitters out of the way kiss, very forceful...and really pretty cute. I could tell she was more nervous than I was. Her hands slid down to the back of my head and pulled me close. My hands went around her hips and we kissed, kind of mashing honestly. I pulled back, we looked at each other, and then readjusted for a real kiss, heads turned slightly, my hands running up her back, her hands pulling at my hair, down to my neck, I leaned back onto the closed door and let her just put all of her weight onto me. We kissed like that for quite a bit (tongues teasing each other, switching my concentration from her tongue to her bottom lip) maybe 5 minutes or so, then took a breath and looked at each other--almost giggly. She took a big breath and said, "let's get a drink." As she turned I reached out to grab her hand so she would lead me into the kitchen--I like little intimate moments like that, where you've got skin to skin contact. As we walked in her kitchen I reached out for her other hand too, so she was holding both my hands as she walked forward. It was awkward but kind of fun, we stumbled for a second and I bumped into her.

In the kitchen I helped her make the drinks. I can't remember exactly what she had but it was a fruit-flavored wine cooler-type. I had a small amount of whiskey, neat. Drink in hand, I leaned back against her counter and she leaned her body into me. Our faces were inches away from each other (her face a little lower) kind of editorializing what had just happened. "Did you find the house okay?" "Yeah, I almost turned a full right instead of just curving right on such and such street." . We'd take a drink. "You have a great house here." "Thanks." . We'd kiss quickly. "I was afraid you wouldn't show." "I didn't know for sure if you were into me." Drink. "How could you not tell? I asked you to come straight to my house." "Yeah, I know." Drink. Kiss. "You're a very good kisser." "Thanks, you too." Kiss.

I was nearing the end of my drink and I said, "I can't wait for what comes next." She got a huge smile on her face and said, "I can't either . . . but I probably won't be as good as the girls you're with." I kind of chuckled and said "let's not worry about anyone else. Let's just concentrate on you and me and have fun." That seemed to really relax her and she snuggled her face against my chest. I laid my drink on the counter and she did likewise. With less panic and more lust we locked eyes and went in, slowly, for a kiss. It was a kiss in stages, first our lips meeting, parting, playing for a bit, then tongues coming into play. Her arms were kind of scrunched up to her, cuddling up to me, as my hands went down her upper arms, sides, over her hips, and blatantly palming her ass. I have to confess, her hips and ass were much larger than I was use to, but the novelty of the whole situation (and the size of her hips and ass) were such a turn on. She was moaning into me as I kneaded her butt. I'm sure she could feel my hardness through my jeans. I ran my hands back up to her neck and gripped her hair lightly, just pulling her back to kiss deeper. I wasn't totally sure if she liked having her hair pulled or not so I let go and put my hands back to her hips. Her hands were actually at my hips and eventually our hands found there way to each other. At this point I was leaning against the counter, her basically on her tip-toes leaning into me, our hands intertwined at our sides. We broke for a break. She let out a big breath again (I came to find out she did that a lot). "That's what I was hoping for", she said. "Oh yeah?" I asked with a little smirk. "Yeah," she said as we went in for another kiss.

Finally we broke again and did the awkward holding hands / walking thing out of the kitchen. She lead me into a dimly lit living room and onto the couch. She sat down with her left leg under her and her right leg free. I sat beside her and she swung her free leg over mine, looking at me, taking me in like I was her trophy while she played with my hairline. I didn't exactly know what to do at this point so I did nothing. I figured that was better than pushing the situation too quickly. I wanted to enjoy it and remember it, to take it in. I actually leaned by head back on her leather couch and closed my eyes for a second as she started to play with the top of my hair. "Does that feel good?" She asked. I just murmered a "mm-hmm." and let her keep on. My hands were brushing over her right leg, getting increasingly more active, going up to her ass. (This particular moment actually has some parallels to another experience I had a few years later with a cheating milf). Eventually she just moved to where she was mounting me and we kissed again deeply. I put my hands inside her sweater and ran them up the sides, feeling her goosebumps go up everywhere I touched. I was totally aroused, as aroused as I'd ever been.

She was kissing me with a wanton desire, her body grinding against me with barely any rhythm, just all passion. I went to pull her shirt off but she tugged it down. She made up for it by reaching down and gripping my hard-on over my jeans. I took that to mean, correctly, that she wasn't saying no to what was going to happen, she was just a little shy about her body. Totally got it. I ran my hands back up the inside of her sweater and put my hands over her bra, the kind that has lace on the outside to be feminine, but plenty of support against their skin--so not see-through lace. I ran my hands to her back and quickly undid her strap, which seemed to impress her. My hands came back to her chest and reached under the now loosened bra. Her breasts were very large--at least a double-D I would guess. I let my hands softly touch around the outside curves, taking a finger from each hand and brushing it against her nipples. She audibly gasped when I did and humped her back pushing her kiss into me more (which actually made it harder to touch her breasts). Her hands went around the front of my cheeks, kind of at my neck at a little. Then her hands trailed down the outside my shirt, going to my hem and lifting. A little double-standard, but I didn't mind. She lifted the hem, her hands trailing up my chest (hairless at the time), taking the shirt off over my head.

Like a magnet as soon as my shirt was off she went straight to kissing my left nipple. I don't particularly find that a super turn-on, except that she was so, frankly, thirsty, for it I was blown away. She was now on her knees in front of me, her hands supporting herself on the couch and sometimes on my stomach, kissing and manipulating and licking and tweaking my nipples. It was a little unusual but I didn't care. Eventually she moved lower and started kissing my stomach with loud smacks of her lips. I was looking down at her, just running my hand through her hair. What she was doing wasn't anything someone of my age had really done to me--she was 10% a little awkward--but that was exactly what made it so hot. She wasn't a pro raised on modern Cosmo and porn, she was the mom of a college girl having a fantasy play out.

After a bit I started to pull her back up to me to kiss but instead she got up (total lust in her eyes, her hair a little askew . . . lust in my eyes too) and grabbed my hands to make me get up. I did and we kissed as I stood up. Then, with the same awkward two hands-holding walk, she led me through the house--and finally into her bedroom. It was darker in her bedroom, with only the moonlight through the windows. The room was immaculate by the way, with like 7 pillows on a huge bed. Once in the room she shut the door and instantly took off her sweater. Her bra hung loose on her shoulders so she reached up with one hand and threw it off. She went in for a kiss again, our chests pressing against each other (well, my chest was a bit higher). That's a feeling I dig, that body to body intamicy. I wrapped my arms totally around her back and pulled her tight to me. We broke our kiss and I reached down to pull down her pants. She stepped back and did it herself. I followed her lead and started to unbutton and unbuckle, but really I was mainly just watching her bending over taking off her pants. Once off, she stepped toward me to help take off my jeans. She pulled them down and got down on the floor, pulling each pant leg off each foot. She stood back up and we pressed into each other, my leaking hard-on soaking my boxer briefs as we kissed. I cupped my hand on her lacy black panty-covered ass, pulling the bottom parts up to make it more of a bikini cut so I could feel the skin of her cheeks. I gripped them, spreading and kneading them. I was taking baby-steps backward as we kissed and until the back of my legs felt the bed and I sat down. Again she got on her knees and played with my nipples, this time her hand resting on my hard-on, starting to subconsciously knead it.

I figured it was her turn so I stood up and had her stand up, I turned to put her on the bed, meaning to lay her on her back but instead she laid down on her stomach (again with a big breath). I followed her lead and ran my hands up the back of her legs, over her waistband, up to her back. As soon as my hands hit her back she let out a biiiig moan. I can take a hint. I probably spent 10 minutes giving her a deep back-rub. After a while I started mixing the rubbing with kisses, soft ones down her sides, skirting across her back, kissing her shoulders. As I kissed her shoulders more and more my hands went lower and lower on her back, until my right hand was rubbing just her butt cheeks.

By now I was basically laying next to her, with her face looking at me as we were kissing. I ran the hand from her butt to in between her legs. She squirmed a little thinking I was going toward her crack, so I adjusted to let her know my hand was going lower. Maybe I imagine this but I believe you can sometimes literally feel heat coming from an aroused pussy--and I felt it in this case. My hand pushed her panties to the side, brushing the outside of her, which was absolutely soaked. I started gently stroking up the outside of her lips with my index finger. She was moaning pretty deeply now, not even girly just kind of rougher and primal. Sometimes I try to tease until my partner can't stand it--but this wasn't the time to do that. She was more than ready, had probably been ready for quite a while.

I shifted tact and started to brush my thumb against her clit, going just a bit more inside her with every flick. Finally I just worked my thumb into her wetness, angling down. I was sitting up more now, pressing my covered hard-on into her hip, my left hand up by her face (she was kissing it, kissing the fingers, thumb, sucking some), while my right thumb was curling around her g-spot. After a while she was basically humping my thumb and I could hear her breath get heavier. She stopped kissing my fingers and concentrated on her coming orgasm. With an open throated moan she came loudly, totally soaking herself and her bed. After she calmed a little I took my thumb out (little bit of a plop actually). And moved toward her legs, pulling her panties off her. Again, there were little differences between her and younger girls--girls my age let you pull of their panties, she actually turned on her side and helped me pull them off, bringing her knees up and reaching down with her hand to help them around her feet.

She was totally nude, her weight supported by one arm, totally flushed looking at me. I was above her, boxer-briefs on. We locked eyes for a second and then I just pounced on top of her so she was on her back and we were making out again. She broke the kiss and said, "let me repay you," while she reached in my waistband and grabbed my cock (actually it was already way out the top of the waistband). Something in the way she said it I just didn't really feel like that's what she really wanted to do in that moment so I said, "there'll be plenty of time for that later. Why don't we have sex?" Her eyes lit up as she said, "Oh god, yes." I pulled my underwear down and stood up beside the bed, letting her eyes drink in my body (and drink in she did). I was just as amused that I'm attractive as she was, so it felt great to have her look at me like that. I found my jeans and pulled out a condom. I prefer for my partner to put it on me (just sexier) so I handed her the wrapper to open. She was so cute trying to get it opened but couldn't so I took it back from her and opened it, then handed it back to her. She was really concentrating as she took it out and put it on me, almost squinting at my cock to make sure the condom was unrolling properly. It was so cute to see someone really take their time (versus the usual blind, reaching between the legs roll-down while we kiss). It was also the first time she really felt my cock with her hands. She was rubbing up and down the shaft, looking down at it. kind of alternating which hand was holding it, like she was weighing it.

I moved down between her legs and thumped my cock some against her clit before I started to slide it in. She reached down and helped, one hand kind of spreading her outside lip while the other guided me in. I was watching it slowly get deeper and stole a look up at her--total look of concentration. Eventually we got the head in and she was doing a breathing thing like it was a breathing exercise almost and I could feel her walls gripping my cock, contracting and releasing. I really couldn't believe how tight or wet she was. For some reason I wasn't even sure (before then) if women her age still got wet or if the had to use lube and just assumed she'd be looser--no idea why I thought that. With one hand on the front of my hip, one on my ass she guided me in slowly, not inch by inch but like quarter inch by quarter inch. It took a good 30 seconds at least until I was mostly in her. She let out another big breath and moved both hands to my ass. I started off slow, kind of grinding my hips against her, then changed to a pretty consistent thrusting. I know this will sound dumb, but her next two moves kind of surprised me--first, she started rubbing her clit. Not that I haven't been with other girls who've done that, but (at the time) she still seemed like that type that wouldn't even know to do that. But she did. Within probably a minute she was cumming again, but she didn't stop and kept playing with it, first with two fingers, then kind of just brushing her whole hand over it, probably cumming 2 or 3 more times (each time with a high-pitched squeak followed by a "aghhhh" primal sigh). The other thing she did was keep a hand on my ass, first trying to knead my cheek (my cheeks are a little too hard to knead) and then--this is what surprised me--she moved her hand to my crack. It was a little strange (at the time . . . she ended up being much more open minded than I perceived), and she'd been nervous about my hands doing that to her but she was doing it to me. In full disclosure, it wasn't the first time a girl had done that to me--but that it was her, this conservative older woman . . . it felt amazing. We were looking right into each other's eyes and I'm sure she was reading my mind because just as I barely felt myself starting to cum, she surprised me again--she could tell I was about to cum (maybe she felt a pulse? Maybe she could see it in my face?). "Yes," she said. "Do it. Do it now."

"Yes. Do it. Do it. Do it, do it, do it. Doit, doit, doit doitdoitdoitdoit" she kept saying over and over as I was pumping in and out of her, her breasts bouncing with every sway, big areolas hypnotizing me. Between staring at her breasts, feeling her finger on my ass, the grip and release of her pussy, smelling her perfume, and hearing her encouragement in that accent, I was beyond ready to explode--and I did. I actually let out kind of a roar, surprising myself, feeling pulse after pulse shoot through my shaft and out my cock. It was one of those full-body, from the toes on up orgasms. Just total release. I kept pumping and pumping even after my cum was out, feeling the aftershocks course through me. Eventually I slowed down and pulled out, sitting on my haunches breathing deep.

I pulled the condom off and sat there for a minute, watching her watching me. After a while she started to wriggle and took the condom from me. She was much less concerned about her body now and got off the bed to throw the condom away. I sat up by her pillows as she came back. She was glowing and looked so fulfilled, so flush, so damn hot--maybe not like the girls my age, but like a woman who knew herself. My perception of sex and age and what makes a woman "hot" pretty much flipped in that moment.

Okay...plenty more happened in that relationship (including later that night), but I feel like I've practically written a novel already.
Last edited by Suitandtiebull on Tue Jun 12, 2018 5:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Non-fiction, seeds of my wife experiences

Unread post by bewareoflizzy » Tue Jun 12, 2018 12:33 pm

great story. keep writing,please!

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Re: Non-fiction, seeds of my wife experiences

Unread post by roadrunner » Tue Jun 12, 2018 2:17 pm

Suitandtiebull wrote:I've practically written a novel already.
But well worth the read! Thanks for all of it!
Two words that should rarely be used when discussing human behavior are 'always' and 'never'!

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Re: Non-fiction, seeds of my wife experiences

Unread post by Rex-Lex » Tue Jun 12, 2018 3:11 pm

This is an excellent tale - thank you for recounting it so vividly. Looking forward to hearing about more of your exploits. /Rex-Lex

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Re: Non-fiction, seeds of my wife experiences

Unread post by newcpl » Thu Jun 14, 2018 6:55 am

Great story. Would love to read more tales about this woman and some of your other experiences.

Posts: 13
Joined: Sun Jun 10, 2018 12:28 am

Re: Non-fiction, seeds of my wife experiences

Unread post by Suitandtiebull » Wed Jun 20, 2018 11:14 pm

Again, Kim was in her late 40's, curvy but not fat, maybe 5"4" with a cute, youthful face (smooth skin, no wrinkles) and gray and white hair, cut kind of in a fashionable bob haircut. I should define fashionable bob, because it's basically the hair style that it seems women over 45 have--where it's kind of longer in the front framing her face and then gets shorter toward the back (I find it the perfect mix of cute/professional/sexy). Medium skin color, kind of reddish like she had a tan that was fading but still had the freckles. She had wide hips and a large, very nice ass that still had some perk to it (though larger than what I was used to), and--by my estimate--double d breasts with fairly large areolas and eraser-like nipples.

We met pretty much by accident when she was eating lunch at a table next to me and asked for my number to introduce me to her daughter. Through texts we got to where she, as she once told me, "kept you all to myself" (I never did meet her daughter--although I saw her photo in the house and on facebook...cute, I'm sure a great girl, thin with long brown hair but kind of plain and not really my type to date). She invited me to her house in a really nice neighborhood (that I assumed was part of the divorce--but I could absolutely be wrong about that) and after some making out in the kitchen and dry humping in the living room we went to her bedroom where we had sex. That's all described in my first post.

I didn't mention this before: physically I did find her attractive, but I really found the way she carried herself so insanely hot--a comfortable sweetness in her decisions while sometimes shy about her age, but always open and wanting, with her accent. She was also genuinely just a sweetheart. It was the good, decent quality about her that made her sexuality even more attractive to me. Those opposing qualities are absolutely my biggest turn-on and probably where most of my sexual experiences stem from.

After our first session I sat, sweaty and naked, by the pillows on her bed while she stood to throw the condom away (I know I mentioned the difference between her and girls my age a lot previously, but this was another example--I'm almost always the one who disposes the used condom, but in this case she did it for me. As minor as that sounds, it's another example of how giving she was; she really was sweet and giving to me in every way--whether out of a desire to please me or just because she was a nice person). She walked back to the bed nude and free (at that moment) of her previous concern of how her body would compare to that of a 20-something. She crawled onto the bed and, with a big sigh, laid her head on my stomach, then instantly popped up, crawled up to me quickly, gave a quick peck on the lips, and crawled back to lay her head again on my stomach, her cheek against my abs, wrapping her left arm under my upper thigh to where actually her fingernails were touching the skin of my boys, so lightly I wasn't sure she realized it. She straddled the rest of my leg and her right arm went up across my chest. We lay like that for a good while--maybe 5 minutes--with my cock softening a little bit but remaining fairly hard and firm against my left thigh. It felt great to feel her against me, to feel her softness against my body, and I reached to gently scratch the back of her hair. She sighed again and nuzzled her cheek back and forth, ending with a kiss on my stomach. That seemed to excite her because she kissed it again. Then again a little louder. Then again with a slight nibble on my abs. Then again, but longer--almost like she was trying to give me a hickey (which I don't even know if that's possible?). It was unconventional but really really hot because it was like she was lost in her own kissing game, just playing with my body--stopping to see how wet / red she'd made the spot she'd just kissed/sucked on, not asking me if it felt good...just, playing. And it wasn't like she'd seen this in a movie or read it in a magazine (at least I've never heard of what she was doing before), it was just that she really enjoyed it. After a while she gradually calmed down and brought her left hand to my stomach to wipe away any saliva. Then she lay again, cheek on my stomach, her hand back up across my chest.
A part of me was absolutely ready to roll her over and go for another round, fast and primal, our thighs slapping together, really showing her what I, as the young cock in her bed, could do...but I also didn't feel the nervous energy from before, so I was able to lay and just take in the moment. I looked down at her hair, I looked at the freckles on her shoulders, I ran my hand across her back. I looked at the ceiling. I looked out the window at the darkened golf course past her yard. I really felt content.

Eventually I started to kiss the hand on my chest, just the tips of her fingers at first, softly. To make it easier she moved her hand closer to my face, not looking at me but brushing it across my cheek. She'd brush my cheek and I'd turn to kiss her hand, then she'd brush my other cheek and I'd turn the other way to kiss. It was a very cute, flirty, sexy thing to do--which my cock definitely interpreted by getting harder, turning up toward my stomach, until it was at my belly-button--basically right in her face. The fingers of her hand wrapped around my leg started to move, gently pressing the skin at the base of my shaft. She brought her other hand down from my face and cupped it underneath the top of my cock--picking it up and then letting it flop down. This seemed to amuse her so she did it again. Then she gently pushed it away from her face and watched it swing back. It amused her even more. She stood my penis straight up and watched it do that boing thing back to my stomach. I stiffened it so she could see how it I could make it stand up or lay down without touching it. She looked up at me like it was a magic trick, her lips just parted, eyes a little wider (I really don't think she was doing it to be sarcastic--not that she was blown away by it, but like, oh-I-didn't-know-it-could-do-that... Which, every guy can do that). It was such a hot moment because it wasn't really about getting me more aroused or closer to an orgasm, just about playing with the hard-on in front of her. She'd seen a cock that close before (though it had been a while--she later told me her last blowjob was 8 years prior), but she played with it like it was a new discovery--but again, not sexual.

Once she was done playing she removed her left hand from under me, and shifted to laying fully on her stomach, still straddling my leg. She gripped the base of my shaft with her right hand and looked up at me. It had probably been at least 10 minutes since we last had actually said a real word, so it gave me chills when her first words were, "can I repay you now?" I moaned in approval and she lowered her head, lifting my penis so it was pointing straight up. She tried to lick from the shaft to the head, holding her hair back with one hand--but she was delightfully awkward, which just made it even sexier. Her kiss only got about halfway up my shaft before she had to readjust to keep from falling, so she sat up on her haunches and brought her face over the top of my cock--kissing around the head in big, loud, wet kisses--her saliva mixing with the combination of fluids from our first session (the residue never bothered her in any of our sessions--very sexy to be that open). After she'd kissed all around for a while she tried to lick from the shaft to the head again, but again halfway up she stumbled, this time her tongue breaking contact with my skin. Not stopping, she licked from where she'd left off back down to the base, then gave the base of my penis another big kiss. She sat back up and jacked me off for a while, brushing something from the side of her lips with her free hand. I wasn't even really watching her hand, I was just looking at her reactions--this was clearly an experience that she wasn't experienced at, but she was really kind of thrilled to be in that moment (she later texted me that "two weeks ago I never thought I'd be holding a a 21 year olds erection in my hand").

Eventually she sat a little taller on her back legs and reached her other hand down to use both in stroking me. Every so often she'd lean over and, with both hands wrapped just under the head of my cock, kiss the tip. A few times after kissing the tip she'd kiss my abs, too. She really had no idea what she was doing as I wasn't getting anywhere closer to an orgasm, but it didn't matter in the least...her enthusiasm was incredible and I was almost painfully hard. Actually, some of the pain was because my shaft was fairly dry by this point, so I sat up and kissed her on the lips. She kept stroking me for a little bit while we kissed, but eventually she brought one hand up to my jaw (I could feel a drop of my leakage on her finger), still stroking me for a bit with one hand, now putting her whole arm into it, until she brought both hands up to my jaw and we kissed for a while.

I reached between her legs and felt her wetness in the curly triangle of her dark pubic hair. She kept her pussy clean and neat, but didn't really shorten the patch that remained--which was fine by me. I ran my index finger over her clit and down to her lips, slipping it in a little to test if she'd be okay for another round. It went in fairly easy and she let out a big breath. "Sex?" I asked (really romantic, I know). She was in the middle of taking a deep breath when she nodded her head yes. We had to break while I scrambled over to the other side of the bed to reach into my jeans and grab a condom. I came back to her and opened the condom wrapper, handing it to her. I was sitting up while she hovered above me on her knees, unrolling the condom on my cock, her face full of concentration. She slowly started to sit down, just letting the head in (with a tiny little gasp) and then kind of sitting lower and lower until I was mostly in but she had to reach back with one hand to support herself so she wouldn't lower too much. I figured this position wouldn't last long (her arm would tire) but let her grind on me in this way for a while. The inside of her pussy was again squeezing and releasing around my shaft--as she had during our first session--only this time I could feel it a lot more because we were fairly still.

She soon moved to lay down on her back toward the pillows and I followed her, never letting our bodies disconnect. She laid kind of 3/4 of the way down, where her upper back and head were supported by a pillow and I noticed her looking down to see my cock still inside her. I figured I'd put on a show and slowly pulled out until only about half of my head was still in her wetness, then I slowly went in again, making a satisfyingly gushy sound from inside her pussy. I repeated the action, slowly in and out again, probably another ten times or so until I started to pick up the pace. She brought her hands up to my shoulders and pulled me in for a kiss--a good long one with lots of soft lips and tongue. I was starting to go in and out at a faster pace now and her hand once again went down to her clit, playing with herself slow for the first 10 seconds or so and then suddenly going really fast, bringing her to a pretty quick (and to me unexpected) orgasm. I started pumping faster and faster, but not slapping down with my thighs onto her, just a smooth in and out motion. She brought her hand down again to play with herself and I reached up with my right hand to hold her breast--it wasn't the softest, most graceful hold but I just really really needed to feel all of it in my hand, to just blatantly lust after a part of her body.

She kind of looked down at my hand for a second, almost surprise, then made eye contact with a little smile. Shortly after I did that she did the slow rubbing followed by quick rubbing thing again and had an insanely sexy orgasm wherein she had this sudden exhale/gasp and then mouth made a noise almost like she was about to cry. I couldn't stop watching her face because her expressions were so, so sexy, but eventually I did look down between us to watch my cock disappear into her. I was starting to get closer to my own orgasm and I felt her free hand go around to my butt again to brush against the sensitive nerves on the outside of my asshole--but the angle was difficult this time for her to put her finger in my sensitive spot. It felt great when she did that the first time but I really didn't need it to cum and kind of huffed "felt good, but don't need it" (couldn't really string together a full, formal sentence in the particular moment) as I continued to slide in and out of her. That seemed to reassure her and she went back to fingering herself, cumming again after maybe 30 seconds but not as powerful as before. It kind of hit me that she was almost climaxing on command which I'd never seen before and haven't since in that capacity. I didn't want to let my orgasm get in the way of however many orgasms she might be able to have, so I changed my rhythm slightly to where I was almost kind of hooking up and down rather than in and out. Her fingers were all over her clit now, almost kind of palming it, and she reached her other hand up and put it on my shoulder. I was still watching her fingers go, not even really looking at her expression, when I heard that same exhale/gasp and crying noise. I looked up and it almost looked like a pained expression in her eyes...but in that hot, I'm-having-an-orgasm-right-now way. It was so sexy I really couldn't hold out much longer and went back to a pretty good pace. After maybe 10 seconds she hooked both arms under mine and grabbed my back, trying to but her hands kept slipping so she'd readjust, grabbing at my back again and holding me closer, to where her face was about at my upper chest. As I started to cum I could just feel her giving my chest light pecks of kisses...but honestly I was a lttle distracted by my second orgasm-just as full as the first, releasing and flowing and clenching and releashing up my shaft and out the tip, that tingly/painful/nirvana feeling, pulse after pulse until I ultimately just arched by back and let the last pulses flow out.

Her cheek was against my chest but she turned to give my pec a light kiss, then moved down to give my nipple a kiss and I think she would have kept kissing it but I pulled out of her and kind of sat on my haunches again. "You are sexy," was just about all I could say, I didn't know how else to describe her in that moment (kind of hard to think straight after an orgasm). It brought a big smile to her face, which really thrilled me.

I stood up and walked over to throw the condom away, feeling her eyes watch my naked ass as I did so. I came back to the side of the bed and sat down. She reached over with her right hand and held my neck and we had another big, long kiss. After that broke I said, "when can we do this again?" and she smiled and said basically the most southern thing possible, "anytime you need loving." She ran an index finger up my torso and then started running it around my chest and nipples. She did that for a while and we both watched her finger, not really knowing what to say next. There was actually a pretty long silence. I didn't know what she wanted me to do next but it felt like she was either going to ask me to stay the night (and I think she would've been nervous that felt too clingy) or basically lead me out the front door (and I think she would've been nervous that was rude).

From my point of view, I try not to stay the night, for a variety of reasons too innumerable to get into here (also I'll probably sound like a real jerk), and prefer for my partner not to stay over with me--unless that partner is officially a girlfriend. Having said that, I'd rather stay the night if she asks or wants me to vs leaving with hurt feelings.

After the extended silence I put on my best I'm-content-but-this-is-the-way-it-will-happen expression, caught her eye and, holding her gaze, said "I'm heading out, okay?", throwing in the "okay?" just to check and make sure it was okay with her (I've since found I actually do leave an older partner's place one way vs a girl my age's place...with girls my age, I never throw in a thoughtful "okay?", and half the time they beat me to my announcing I'm going to leave by saying "I'll see you tomorrow" or "See you around" or something like that--one time after a quickie one-nighter during a trip, literally as I was throwing away the condom. pants still at my knees, the girl said, "make sure you kill the lights when you leave"). I can't remember exactly what Kim said to me, but basically it made me feel okay to go. I started to get up to put on my clothes and she didn't really move, just sat there, one arm supporting her weight, watching me get dressed, a little giddy smile on her face. I felt good.

I was almost totally dressed before she moved, getting off the bed and going over to her closet to grab a modest black robe. We walked toward the front door, her in front of me, holding both of my hands with hers (the same way we'd walked into the bedroom). An awkward way to walk, but cute and intimate.

In her foyer we kissed for a little while and I told her I'd text her tomorrow. The whole mom side of her accidentally spilled out in the cutest way possible when she responded, "Text me when you get home so I know you made it okay." I laughed and said okay. Full disclosure, it was only about 11 by then so I actually ended up meeting some friends at a diner and texted her from there that I was home (I thought it would diminish how awesome our experience was if she knew I was now out with other people). I did text her the next day though--imo it's really rude when people ghost.

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Re: Non-fiction, seeds of my wife experiences

Unread post by SutterKane » Tue Aug 07, 2018 3:56 pm

I can't believe that nobody responded to the second half of this story. It was very well written and hot as hell! I have to spend more time in the library!
"Women and cats will do as they please,and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea"-Robert Heinlein
"Gratitude is riches and complaint is poverty and the worst I ever had was wonderful"Bro. Dave Gardner
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Re: Non-fiction, seeds of my wife experiences

Unread post by Tnex » Wed Aug 08, 2018 1:38 pm

Great Story! Keep going.


Re: Non-fiction, seeds of my wife experiences

Unread post by Foot69loose » Wed Sep 12, 2018 2:55 am

Very well written,
More please, I would enjoy learning more about your adventures with Kim.
Thank you

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Re: Non-fiction, seeds of my wife experiences

Unread post by Jeff111 » Tue Sep 18, 2018 6:48 pm

It is actually written very well and quite a hot story - don’t know why more haven’t picked it up?

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Re: Non-fiction, seeds of my wife experiences

Unread post by satyrsmith » Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:11 pm

Great story, keep writing!

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Re: Non-fiction, seeds of my wife experiences

Unread post by curiousgrey » Sun Oct 14, 2018 12:37 am

great story and so well written. I hope you will continue and write more

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Re: Non-fiction, seeds of my wife experiences

Unread post by SutterKane » Fri Dec 14, 2018 7:14 am

Still a great story and I hope you write more.
"Women and cats will do as they please,and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea"-Robert Heinlein
"Gratitude is riches and complaint is poverty and the worst I ever had was wonderful"Bro. Dave Gardner
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Re: Non-fiction, seeds of my wife experiences

Unread post by newcpl » Sat Dec 22, 2018 4:46 pm


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Re: Non-fiction, seeds of my wife experiences

Unread post by SutterKane » Sat Dec 22, 2018 6:58 pm

Still hoping that you write more (Hint, Hint, Fucking Hint!)
"Women and cats will do as they please,and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea"-Robert Heinlein
"Gratitude is riches and complaint is poverty and the worst I ever had was wonderful"Bro. Dave Gardner
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Re: Non-fiction, seeds of my wife experiences

Unread post by SutterKane » Mon Jun 03, 2019 9:00 am

Suitandtiebull wrote:
Wed Jun 20, 2018 11:14 pm
Again, Kim was in her late 40's, curvy but not fat, maybe 5"4" with a cute, youthful face (smooth skin, no wrinkles) and gray and white hair, cut kind of in a fashionable bob haircut. I should define fashionable bob, because it's basically the hair style that it seems women over 45 have--where it's kind of longer in the front framing her face and then gets shorter toward the back (I find it the perfect mix of cute/professional/sexy). Medium skin color, kind of reddish like she had a tan that was fading but still had the freckles. She had wide hips and a large, very nice ass that still had some perk to it (though larger than what I was used to), and--by my estimate--double d breasts with fairly large areolas and eraser-like nipples.

We met pretty much by accident when she was eating lunch at a table next to me and asked for my number to introduce me to her daughter. Through texts we got to where she, as she once told me, "kept you all to myself" (I never did meet her daughter--although I saw her photo in the house and on facebook...cute, I'm sure a great girl, thin with long brown hair but kind of plain and not really my type to date). She invited me to her house in a really nice neighborhood (that I assumed was part of the divorce--but I could absolutely be wrong about that) and after some making out in the kitchen and dry humping in the living room we went to her bedroom where we had sex. That's all described in my first post.

I didn't mention this before: physically I did find her attractive, but I really found the way she carried herself so insanely hot--a comfortable sweetness in her decisions while sometimes shy about her age, but always open and wanting, with her accent. She was also genuinely just a sweetheart. It was the good, decent quality about her that made her sexuality even more attractive to me. Those opposing qualities are absolutely my biggest turn-on and probably where most of my sexual experiences stem from.

After our first session I sat, sweaty and naked, by the pillows on her bed while she stood to throw the condom away (I know I mentioned the difference between her and girls my age a lot previously, but this was another example--I'm almost always the one who disposes the used condom, but in this case she did it for me. As minor as that sounds, it's another example of how giving she was; she really was sweet and giving to me in every way--whether out of a desire to please me or just because she was a nice person). She walked back to the bed nude and free (at that moment) of her previous concern of how her body would compare to that of a 20-something. She crawled onto the bed and, with a big sigh, laid her head on my stomach, then instantly popped up, crawled up to me quickly, gave a quick peck on the lips, and crawled back to lay her head again on my stomach, her cheek against my abs, wrapping her left arm under my upper thigh to where actually her fingernails were touching the skin of my boys, so lightly I wasn't sure she realized it. She straddled the rest of my leg and her right arm went up across my chest. We lay like that for a good while--maybe 5 minutes--with my cock softening a little bit but remaining fairly hard and firm against my left thigh. It felt great to feel her against me, to feel her softness against my body, and I reached to gently scratch the back of her hair. She sighed again and nuzzled her cheek back and forth, ending with a kiss on my stomach. That seemed to excite her because she kissed it again. Then again a little louder. Then again with a slight nibble on my abs. Then again, but longer--almost like she was trying to give me a hickey (which I don't even know if that's possible?). It was unconventional but really really hot because it was like she was lost in her own kissing game, just playing with my body--stopping to see how wet / red she'd made the spot she'd just kissed/sucked on, not asking me if it felt good...just, playing. And it wasn't like she'd seen this in a movie or read it in a magazine (at least I've never heard of what she was doing before), it was just that she really enjoyed it. After a while she gradually calmed down and brought her left hand to my stomach to wipe away any saliva. Then she lay again, cheek on my stomach, her hand back up across my chest.
A part of me was absolutely ready to roll her over and go for another round, fast and primal, our thighs slapping together, really showing her what I, as the young cock in her bed, could do...but I also didn't feel the nervous energy from before, so I was able to lay and just take in the moment. I looked down at her hair, I looked at the freckles on her shoulders, I ran my hand across her back. I looked at the ceiling. I looked out the window at the darkened golf course past her yard. I really felt content.

Eventually I started to kiss the hand on my chest, just the tips of her fingers at first, softly. To make it easier she moved her hand closer to my face, not looking at me but brushing it across my cheek. She'd brush my cheek and I'd turn to kiss her hand, then she'd brush my other cheek and I'd turn the other way to kiss. It was a very cute, flirty, sexy thing to do--which my cock definitely interpreted by getting harder, turning up toward my stomach, until it was at my belly-button--basically right in her face. The fingers of her hand wrapped around my leg started to move, gently pressing the skin at the base of my shaft. She brought her other hand down from my face and cupped it underneath the top of my cock--picking it up and then letting it flop down. This seemed to amuse her so she did it again. Then she gently pushed it away from her face and watched it swing back. It amused her even more. She stood my penis straight up and watched it do that boing thing back to my stomach. I stiffened it so she could see how it I could make it stand up or lay down without touching it. She looked up at me like it was a magic trick, her lips just parted, eyes a little wider (I really don't think she was doing it to be sarcastic--not that she was blown away by it, but like, oh-I-didn't-know-it-could-do-that... Which, every guy can do that). It was such a hot moment because it wasn't really about getting me more aroused or closer to an orgasm, just about playing with the hard-on in front of her. She'd seen a cock that close before (though it had been a while--she later told me her last blowjob was 8 years prior), but she played with it like it was a new discovery--but again, not sexual.

Once she was done playing she removed her left hand from under me, and shifted to laying fully on her stomach, still straddling my leg. She gripped the base of my shaft with her right hand and looked up at me. It had probably been at least 10 minutes since we last had actually said a real word, so it gave me chills when her first words were, "can I repay you now?" I moaned in approval and she lowered her head, lifting my penis so it was pointing straight up. She tried to lick from the shaft to the head, holding her hair back with one hand--but she was delightfully awkward, which just made it even sexier. Her kiss only got about halfway up my shaft before she had to readjust to keep from falling, so she sat up on her haunches and brought her face over the top of my cock--kissing around the head in big, loud, wet kisses--her saliva mixing with the combination of fluids from our first session (the residue never bothered her in any of our sessions--very sexy to be that open). After she'd kissed all around for a while she tried to lick from the shaft to the head again, but again halfway up she stumbled, this time her tongue breaking contact with my skin. Not stopping, she licked from where she'd left off back down to the base, then gave the base of my penis another big kiss. She sat back up and jacked me off for a while, brushing something from the side of her lips with her free hand. I wasn't even really watching her hand, I was just looking at her reactions--this was clearly an experience that she wasn't experienced at, but she was really kind of thrilled to be in that moment (she later texted me that "two weeks ago I never thought I'd be holding a a 21 year olds erection in my hand").

Eventually she sat a little taller on her back legs and reached her other hand down to use both in stroking me. Every so often she'd lean over and, with both hands wrapped just under the head of my cock, kiss the tip. A few times after kissing the tip she'd kiss my abs, too. She really had no idea what she was doing as I wasn't getting anywhere closer to an orgasm, but it didn't matter in the least...her enthusiasm was incredible and I was almost painfully hard. Actually, some of the pain was because my shaft was fairly dry by this point, so I sat up and kissed her on the lips. She kept stroking me for a little bit while we kissed, but eventually she brought one hand up to my jaw (I could feel a drop of my leakage on her finger), still stroking me for a bit with one hand, now putting her whole arm into it, until she brought both hands up to my jaw and we kissed for a while.

I reached between her legs and felt her wetness in the curly triangle of her dark pubic hair. She kept her pussy clean and neat, but didn't really shorten the patch that remained--which was fine by me. I ran my index finger over her clit and down to her lips, slipping it in a little to test if she'd be okay for another round. It went in fairly easy and she let out a big breath. "Sex?" I asked (really romantic, I know). She was in the middle of taking a deep breath when she nodded her head yes. We had to break while I scrambled over to the other side of the bed to reach into my jeans and grab a condom. I came back to her and opened the condom wrapper, handing it to her. I was sitting up while she hovered above me on her knees, unrolling the condom on my cock, her face full of concentration. She slowly started to sit down, just letting the head in (with a tiny little gasp) and then kind of sitting lower and lower until I was mostly in but she had to reach back with one hand to support herself so she wouldn't lower too much. I figured this position wouldn't last long (her arm would tire) but let her grind on me in this way for a while. The inside of her pussy was again squeezing and releasing around my shaft--as she had during our first session--only this time I could feel it a lot more because we were fairly still.

She soon moved to lay down on her back toward the pillows and I followed her, never letting our bodies disconnect. She laid kind of 3/4 of the way down, where her upper back and head were supported by a pillow and I noticed her looking down to see my cock still inside her. I figured I'd put on a show and slowly pulled out until only about half of my head was still in her wetness, then I slowly went in again, making a satisfyingly gushy sound from inside her pussy. I repeated the action, slowly in and out again, probably another ten times or so until I started to pick up the pace. She brought her hands up to my shoulders and pulled me in for a kiss--a good long one with lots of soft lips and tongue. I was starting to go in and out at a faster pace now and her hand once again went down to her clit, playing with herself slow for the first 10 seconds or so and then suddenly going really fast, bringing her to a pretty quick (and to me unexpected) orgasm. I started pumping faster and faster, but not slapping down with my thighs onto her, just a smooth in and out motion. She brought her hand down again to play with herself and I reached up with my right hand to hold her breast--it wasn't the softest, most graceful hold but I just really really needed to feel all of it in my hand, to just blatantly lust after a part of her body.

She kind of looked down at my hand for a second, almost surprise, then made eye contact with a little smile. Shortly after I did that she did the slow rubbing followed by quick rubbing thing again and had an insanely sexy orgasm wherein she had this sudden exhale/gasp and then mouth made a noise almost like she was about to cry. I couldn't stop watching her face because her expressions were so, so sexy, but eventually I did look down between us to watch my cock disappear into her. I was starting to get closer to my own orgasm and I felt her free hand go around to my butt again to brush against the sensitive nerves on the outside of my asshole--but the angle was difficult this time for her to put her finger in my sensitive spot. It felt great when she did that the first time but I really didn't need it to cum and kind of huffed "felt good, but don't need it" (couldn't really string together a full, formal sentence in the particular moment) as I continued to slide in and out of her. That seemed to reassure her and she went back to fingering herself, cumming again after maybe 30 seconds but not as powerful as before. It kind of hit me that she was almost climaxing on command which I'd never seen before and haven't since in that capacity. I didn't want to let my orgasm get in the way of however many orgasms she might be able to have, so I changed my rhythm slightly to where I was almost kind of hooking up and down rather than in and out. Her fingers were all over her clit now, almost kind of palming it, and she reached her other hand up and put it on my shoulder. I was still watching her fingers go, not even really looking at her expression, when I heard that same exhale/gasp and crying noise. I looked up and it almost looked like a pained expression in her eyes...but in that hot, I'm-having-an-orgasm-right-now way. It was so sexy I really couldn't hold out much longer and went back to a pretty good pace. After maybe 10 seconds she hooked both arms under mine and grabbed my back, trying to but her hands kept slipping so she'd readjust, grabbing at my back again and holding me closer, to where her face was about at my upper chest. As I started to cum I could just feel her giving my chest light pecks of kisses...but honestly I was a lttle distracted by my second orgasm-just as full as the first, releasing and flowing and clenching and releashing up my shaft and out the tip, that tingly/painful/nirvana feeling, pulse after pulse until I ultimately just arched by back and let the last pulses flow out.

Her cheek was against my chest but she turned to give my pec a light kiss, then moved down to give my nipple a kiss and I think she would have kept kissing it but I pulled out of her and kind of sat on my haunches again. "You are sexy," was just about all I could say, I didn't know how else to describe her in that moment (kind of hard to think straight after an orgasm). It brought a big smile to her face, which really thrilled me.

I stood up and walked over to throw the condom away, feeling her eyes watch my naked ass as I did so. I came back to the side of the bed and sat down. She reached over with her right hand and held my neck and we had another big, long kiss. After that broke I said, "when can we do this again?" and she smiled and said basically the most southern thing possible, "anytime you need loving." She ran an index finger up my torso and then started running it around my chest and nipples. She did that for a while and we both watched her finger, not really knowing what to say next. There was actually a pretty long silence. I didn't know what she wanted me to do next but it felt like she was either going to ask me to stay the night (and I think she would've been nervous that felt too clingy) or basically lead me out the front door (and I think she would've been nervous that was rude).

From my point of view, I try not to stay the night, for a variety of reasons too innumerable to get into here (also I'll probably sound like a real jerk), and prefer for my partner not to stay over with me--unless that partner is officially a girlfriend. Having said that, I'd rather stay the night if she asks or wants me to vs leaving with hurt feelings.

After the extended silence I put on my best I'm-content-but-this-is-the-way-it-will-happen expression, caught her eye and, holding her gaze, said "I'm heading out, okay?", throwing in the "okay?" just to check and make sure it was okay with her (I've since found I actually do leave an older partner's place one way vs a girl my age's place...with girls my age, I never throw in a thoughtful "okay?", and half the time they beat me to my announcing I'm going to leave by saying "I'll see you tomorrow" or "See you around" or something like that--one time after a quickie one-nighter during a trip, literally as I was throwing away the condom. pants still at my knees, the girl said, "make sure you kill the lights when you leave"). I can't remember exactly what Kim said to me, but basically it made me feel okay to go. I started to get up to put on my clothes and she didn't really move, just sat there, one arm supporting her weight, watching me get dressed, a little giddy smile on her face. I felt good.

I was almost totally dressed before she moved, getting off the bed and going over to her closet to grab a modest black robe. We walked toward the front door, her in front of me, holding both of my hands with hers (the same way we'd walked into the bedroom). An awkward way to walk, but cute and intimate.

In her foyer we kissed for a little while and I told her I'd text her tomorrow. The whole mom side of her accidentally spilled out in the cutest way possible when she responded, "Text me when you get home so I know you made it okay." I laughed and said okay. Full disclosure, it was only about 11 by then so I actually ended up meeting some friends at a diner and texted her from there that I was home (I thought it would diminish how awesome our experience was if she knew I was now out with other people). I did text her the next day though--imo it's really rude when people ghost.
Still waiting for more of this. You have an important side of the Hotwife story to tell!
"Women and cats will do as they please,and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea"-Robert Heinlein
"Gratitude is riches and complaint is poverty and the worst I ever had was wonderful"Bro. Dave Gardner
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus!

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