Epic Cuckold Story - Preface

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Epic Cuckold Story - Preface

Unread post by NSEW1 » Sat Oct 27, 2018 11:30 am

The Unwanted Houseguest is an epic and dramatic saga of a man’s struggle with himself over his wife’s infidelity, and gradual coming to terms with his deepest fears and desires. It is the epitome of the genre of cuckold literature for its titillating portrayals of the psychological angst that characterizes a loving, female-dominated, cuckold marriage.

The author of the original story disappeared years ago without finishing the story, unfortunately. The first 26 chapters of his story are available elsewhere (message me for directions on where to find it). Having secured the permissions to write the sequel, I will now continue the story starting with chapter 27 in the coming weeks. Here is a brief synopsis of the story to date:

Synopsis of chapters 1-26:

Manu Sharma is a ~30 year man married to the confident and very attractive Kavita. They are college-educated, modern professionals working in Bangalore. Although they appear outwardly happy and successful in most material ways, their intimate life suffers from Manu’s gradual realization that he is a beta male who cannot satisfy his wife’s sexual needs.

The story begins when Kavita’s acquaintance from college comes to stay with the couple. His name is Amir Ali, or Prem to his friends. Over the next 7 months, Manu’s worst fears are realized as his wife’s sexuality blossoms in the presence of Prem. He suspects that his wife was note than just an acquaintance. He discovers to his distress that his wife had an initiate relationship with Prem in college. He suspects that she still has feelings for her ex. Manu’s growing self-doubt around his own masculinity causes him to sink into an abyss of cuckold angst, effectively encouraging his wife to fulfill her sexual desires with Prem. On the side, unbeknownst to Kavita, Prem bullies Manu to undermine his confidence and take his wife away from him.

Various trials, misunderstandings, humiliations, and difficult experiences slowly edge Manu towards a “reluctant embracing” of his repressed desires to be a submissive sissy cuckold. With the steady erosion of his masculinity, Manu descends deeper into psychological despair, torn apart by the simmering internal battle between his culturally-ingrained expectations of what it means to be a man against his own demons that revel in the submission to his wife and to the manly man that she has embraced.

Throughout the ordeal, despite Kavita’s blatant infidelity in their own home, she simultaneously reinforces her love for her husband. She desires only that he accept himself, that he show his attachment and affection for her, and that he answer her question about whether he is hiding something. Manu, being of a supremely optimistic disposition, finds just enough positive intentions in his wife’s actions to keep from completely losing hope of getting her back. At the same time, Manu remains hopelessly conflicted in his emotions. He loves Kavita so greatly that he is able to forgive, accept, and commit to proving himself in her eyes and winning his wife back, while also subconsciously desiring, in an act of ultimate devotion, to lose his wife to a better man in order to a better man.

The first new chapter 27 will be released soon.

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Re: Epic Cuckold Story - Preface

Unread post by NSEW1 » Sat Nov 03, 2018 9:48 am

I am posting the first new chapter 27 below today. Several members have asked for the original story. Unfortunately, I am not able to reply to their private messages to explain where to find it. (I have tried to contact the administrators to verify me, but to no avail). I apologize that I cannot inform you where to find the first 26 chapters at this time. However, let me at least explain the setting and characters:

Setting: Urban Bangalore, India, modern times.

Main characters:

- Manu – the main character, a ~30 year man. The story is mostly told from Manu’s perspective.

- Kavita – Manu’s beautiful wife who has a past history with Prem during her college days.

- Amir Ali, known to his friends as Prem, the masculine manly man who has moved in with Manu and Kavita for the past 7 months due to a temporary job assignment. (Note that Amir does not allow Manu to call him Prem, as this nickname is reserved only for his friends).

- Gowri, Amir’s fiancé who occasionally comes over to stay overnight with Prem, and is like a younger sister to Kavita.

Kavita has moved into Prem’s room due to his unwillingness to answer questions about what she perceives as his lack of attachment to her. She has been living with Prem and having sexual relations with him for weeks, and months. But after much back and forth with her husband, she has recently indicated to Manu that she will move back in with him. She is set to move back on Sunday, in just two more days. Manu is thrilled. In the closing moments of chapter 26, Kavita comes home and shows Gowri something new and very interesting near her stomach. Manu is curious to know what his wife is so happy about. He catches a glimpse and sees what appears to be a belly ring with the initials A.A., the initials of her lover.


Please note that this story had and will continue to have themes of cuckolding, female dominance, forced sissification, BDSM, mind play, chastity, and related ideas. Pleased be aware. I highly encourage anyone who finds this offensive to stop now and spare yourself and the rest of us your grief. Thank you.


The Unwanted Houseguest Chapter 27 – Looking Forward

Friday night, once again, I slept in my bed alone fitfully, thinking about the belly ring attached to Kavita’s belly. How could my own wife have done such a brazen thing to get a piercing in her navel without telling me or consulting me? Furthermore, to have her boyfriend’s initials so boldly displayed put me over the top. The torment of the initials A.A. in obscene capital letters pounded at me. She was rubbing my nose in the humiliation of belonging to another man, my nemesis, Amir Ali, a Muslim bully who had entered our lives and charmed my Hindu wife away from me. My misery was occasionally broken only by the grunting and moaning sounds of sexual union coming from the neighboring room, a room in which this insatiable man of men was outrageously enjoying himself with not one but two women in the same bed. From the sounds of their voices, the women were equally enjoying their carnal pleasures. After several hours of tossing and turning and pacing back and forth, I finally shut my door to avoid the humiliation, and tried my best to fall asleep, knowing that if all went as planned, I would soon have my wife back. Long after the other room fell quiet, my mind calmed down and sleep overcame me.

On Saturday morning, Kavi came to my room all showered and dressed to go out somewhere. I sat up groggily. She hugged me playfully and made small talk, though I could not bring myself to reciprocate as enthusiastically given the gravity of what I knew my shameless wife had done just hours ago. Then I asked her casually in the morning privacy of our room about how Prem felt about her moving back in with me. “I haven’t told him yet. But I’m going to talk to him today.”

I feared that he would object. “Kavita, I don’t think he’ll understand and accept this very easily.” I spoke softly under the sound of her boyfriend lover showering in the other room.

She replied, “Don’t you worry, Manu. Leave it to me. Whether or not he understands is up to him. But one way or another, he’s going to have to accept it. It’s my decision.” That made me feel relieved to see Kavita taking such a firm stance. “Just give me some privacy to talk with him this afternoon, okay?”

“Yes, of course, I have some work to do at the office this afternoon, so that will work out perfect,” I replied. She told me to wait for her text after 6 o’clock to get instructions on what to do next. She didn’t say anything about returning home, but rather the less obvious request to ‘wait for instructions.’ What did she mean by that? My fears popped up immediately. What if I found them in bed again when I returned? What if she found some excuse again to not come back to me or what if she changed her mind?” Doubts ran through my body. She sensed it too. She stood by the bed and embraced me. My face was pressed against her soft and luscious breasts. I felt at home. Yet as we embraced me, I felt the hard metal of her belly ring against my chest, jolting me back to the awareness of her blatant infidelity, poking at my heart almost literally. Still I remained lost in the beauty of the moment and did not want to argue with her. As usual, I said nothing.

Before she left the room, she walked up to my closet to retrieve a bag presumably containing the clothes she expected me to wear. She handed it to me. I looked inside. Judging from the color and styles, I noted that it was one of the more feminine garments. She also whispered a casual observation that I was starting to show some unsightly stubble again. This comment made me wonder why it would matter. My face was shaven already, so she must have meant my body hair. Did she expect that I would continue to shave my body hair today also? Originally, it was Prem’s idea to make me wear the feminine outfit and shave my body hair, but now my own wife was actively participating in feminizing me. She said it helped me stay centered, calm, and happy.

I decided not to object. She had, after all, indicated that she was going to speak to Prem about her moving out of his room, and into mine. That much was clear. She was testing me for cooperation. I needed to pass the test with flying colors. I put a smile on my face, stopped speculating, accepted the bag from her, and went to the bathroom to get ready. In the shower, I lathered up my entire body and began to shave carefully. Soon I was completely smooth from head to toe, including my penis and balls which now looked even more boyish than usual. I took the outfit out of the bag. A pair of silky panties fell out also. The panties were lavender with pink and purple flowers all over. They squeezed my genitals up close to my body. She also included a white camisole. Then I looked at the dreadfully feminine outerwear. It included a pink, semi-transparent churidar top with fully embroidered upper bodice and sleeves cuff. It came with a dark pink stole with contrasting lace and golden border, and magenta colored cotton tights that hugged my legs and felt tight around the genitals. The earlier outfits had at least some gender-neutral style elements, but this left no doubt as to being 100% feminine. I shrugged my shoulders, knowing that it would be over soon, and that it was nothing that Prem and Kavita had not seen before. Even Gowri had seen me in such clothes before, but perhaps out of deference to me, had been polite enough not to reach or say anything to add to my embarrassment.

I exited from the bathroom to find the three of them were already eating breakfast. I joined them, pulling up a chair opposite to Prem. Both of the women had noticed my churidar (traditional Indian women’s dress) by the way they looked at me, but I ignored it. I sat down quickly, poured myself some tea, and joined in their conversations. Kavita and Gowri talked excitedly about the latest release of a high-budget and much acclaimed movie called Padmavati. It was a film based on a historical account of a beautiful Queen who becomes the object of desire for a ruthless Muslim king, a fitting and ironic dramatization of our own lives. “Manu, I’m hoping you can join us too. Prem and Gowri, and you and me. We can catch the matinee show.” The way she said it sound like a pair of couples. Prem and Gowri, followed by a pause, and then her and me. I was pinning my amorous hopes on the grammatical placement of her comma. This is how desperate I had become. Yet, I pushed away any negative thoughts because I was excited just to be included in her plans for once.

“That’s awesome, thanks Kavita. It’ll be good for us to get out of this heat and humidity in a theater for a change.” She seemed to be coming around to having me in her life in a meaningful way!

Just then I received a text message from Prem. He must have sent it in a subtle way under the table to not draw attention to his actions. The message read, “P.B. Don’t forgot your Saturday chores!” I had promised Kavita that I would help her out by doing the housework every Saturday. It was in the back of my mind, but ‘how kind of Prem to remind me’ I muttered to myself.

Prem held back his smile, knowing that I would not be able to join them for the movie now. The sink was full of dishes from last night. And their room was sure to be a mess, with clothes strewn about all over. And the laundry! There’s no way I could get all this done and go to the movie. My face had fallen as I looked at my phone, and Kavita detected it right away in my face. “What’s the matter, Manu? You seem preoccupied. Is everything okay at work?”

I decided to use my office work as an excuse. I did not want to give her boyfriend-turned-lover the satisfaction of thinking that he made me stay home, nor to let my tagging along at the movies create any tension. No. Too much was at risk. I replied, “Kavi, yes, there’s a little crisis at work. I’m sure it’ll work out fine. But it’s probably best that I just get things done today at home with my chores, and then at the office. You three go ahead.”

“Manu, why don’t you just do some of the housework today, and leave some for tomorrow?” Kavita suggested. She looked disappointed that I wouldn’t be coming today.

That guilt would help her make her move tomorrow, I figured. I did not want the housework not being finished to be hanging over my head all weekend. “No, Kavi, it’s okay. I made a commitment to do the housework, and I’d prefer to keep tomorrow free. Just let me know if there’s anything specific you need me to do?”

Kavita replied, “Sure Manu, thank you. You’re so sweet to give me a break every weekend!” She said it with a genuine sense of appreciation. “Maybe we can watch the movie again, just you and me, next week.” She was saying things in a new and more loving tone. Then she continued in a more demanding but still polite tone. “So Manu, you can clean the dishes and wash the laundry. There’s a basket of clothes in both rooms. And also please change the bedsheets and tidy up around there.” She even used the word ‘please’. It wasn’t the same tone of giving orders to a servant. Things were looking brighter.

“I’ll get right on it,” I replied finishing up my breakfast, proud of myself for not reacting to Prem’s text message taunts.

But Prem was not done with his taunting. “Kavita and Gowri, I really have to admire pussy boy’s commitment. You know, most men would never stand for this.” He was in full spirit, complimenting me on the one hand, but also calling me ‘pussy boy’ in front of the women, and making it clear that I was not like most ‘real men’ who would assert themselves.

Kavita objected, “Stand for what, Prem? Helping around the house? Yes, my Manu is very dedicated to me. More men should treat their wives with such equality.” She called me by my proper name, while tactfully not correcting his name-calling directly.

Even more surprisingly, Gowri took my side by chiming in, “Yeah, Prem, maybe you should learn something from Manu about treating women with some more respect.”

Prem objected, “Be more like Manu? Like pussy boy?” He laughed hard, “No thanks. I show my admiration for women differently.” He said it again, openly using a derogatory term to describe me.

By this time, I had gotten up to start washing the dishes. Kavita had excused herself to do her makeup before going out, without commenting on this taunts or defending me. In the background I heard Gowri scold him gently,” Really, Prem. You’re so mean sometimes! Why do have to call him that?”

Prem got defensive. I heard him say to Gowri, “You know I don’t mean it as an insult. The vagina is a sacred and beautiful thing, nothing to be looked down on. It’s a celebration of femininity!”

“Oh, yeah, come on! We all know you didn’t exactly mean it as a compliment. And, Prem, what are you? An expert in female divinity? Since when?” she shot back.

“All I’m saying is that I respect women. His pussy boy name is just a reflection of his feminine side. That’s all.” He had diffused the tension with Gowri using an unbelievably lame excuse, but she was already smitten with him anyway. Yet he wasn’t satisfied. He insisted on proving why he called me that name. He took the opportunity to humiliate me further. He brought Gowri by the hand over to where I was standing. “Pussy boy!” he said.

I turned to look at him. Kavita was in the other room, out of earshot. “Gowri doesn’t understand why you’re a pussy boy.”

“Please Amir, don’t—” I pleaded, using his formal name since I did not have the privilege of using the nickname ‘Prem’ that his close friends and lovers had.

“Shut up pussy boy. Drop your leggings!” he commanded with a firm stance standing next to his fiancé. Gowri looked resigned to what he wanted to do, but she also seemed to be curious, and she made no further actions to dissuade him from bullying me. She made no attempt to hide her grin when he called me pussy boy. There was no reason for this provocation, but with no sign of Kavita around, I had no choice but to go along. I shut off the water and lowered my leggings until they fell around my ankles. Prem grabbed the bottom of my churidar top and lifted it up to expose me in front of his fiancé. She saw me firsthand, wearing silky panties. It was more than a glance. She stared for more than a moment and even leaned forward slightly to take a closer look. Then Prem did the unthinkable. He reached over to my panties, inserted a finger along the top edge, and yanked them down to expose my penis. I felt ashamed. My penis had been tightly trapped inside the panties, and remained small and shriveled up in all the tension. Prem noted to her, “See Gowri, he’s like a little boy down there!” Exasperated, I sighed deeply, my face turning red, hoping that Gowri would stop staring. I took the opportunity to look down her blouse at the cleavage of her breasts, hoping to get a glimpse of her bra. I lingered just a moment too long. She noticed and straightened up her own blouse.

“I understand now,” she replied to Prem firmly. Then Prem released my top and I pulled my panties and leggings up. He snapped his fingers and told me to get back to work as they ambled away. I got back to washing dishes, but I could see Gowri whispering something to Prem while looking at me with a mischievous smile, as if she were suggesting something to him. He looked toward me and nodded, then grabbed two small oranges from our fruit basket and walked over to me. He told me to turn toward him. He pulled the top of my churidar open and inserted the oranges into the breast area. He adjusted the oranges to position them exactly where a woman’s breasts would normally be. They filled up the churidar’s natural shape that had been empty and sagging until now. Gowri stood away, snickering. This must have been her idea. ‘What a bitch she was,’ I thought to myself.

Kavita came back a minute later as they all prepared to leave. I stayed in the kitchen. She was completely oblivious to my humiliation. It was as if nothing had happened. I could tell even from where I stood that she looked stunning as always, but particularly with her Western dress and lipstick and eye shadow on. She had changed into a very revealing black dress, that hugged her figure tightly. It had a deep V-shaped opening in the front, an open back with criss-cross lace up detail. The dress ended way above her knees. Gowri asked her, “Didi, you changed? That dress is to die for!”

“Yes, the heel on the shoes for the red dress broke, so I had to wear something else.” She looked over at me, “Manu, I’m sorry to add one more thing to your list of things to do, but I need you to take my red high heels to get them fixed, okay? They’re in the closet.”

“Yes, of course, my love,” I shouted back, trying to keep my back to her. “I’ll drop it off on the way to work, and pick up on the way back tonight.”

Then Gowri remembered that she also had a pair of shoes with broken heels that needed repairing. I heard her say it out loud to Kavita. My wife looked at me, silently gesturing for me to say something. I felt a little annoyed that she thought she had to give me a hint.

“Gowri, since I’m going to the shoe shop, I can get your shoes fixed too. Just leave them here,” I replied, looking at her, admiring the salacious young woman and her sexy curves. Again, she caught me checking her out just as I averted my glance.

Gowri replied, “Thanks Manu.” But she didn’t offer to bring the shoes to me. Instead, she remarked flippantly “You’ll find my shoes in Prem’s closet in a paper bag – black ones with lacy straps. Please get them shined too.” It was somehow MY job to go and get her shoes! And to be told to just get them shined on top of that! Kavita acted oblivious to her tone and comments. Prem stood there smirking. I wondered if her seeing me in panties had emboldened her to act more disrespectfully with me. I was still standing at the sink, hidden away from sight, waiting for them to leave.

But then Kavita called out to me, “Manu, can you just go get Gowri’s shoes now, so we know it’s the right pair?” I grabbed the kitchen hand towel. I held it in front of my chest as if I was drying my hands as I passed them on the way to their bedroom. Kavita did not notice. I found the shoes in Prem’s closet.

“Is this the pair, Gowri?” I yelled out, holding the shoes out without stepping out of the room myself.

“Yes, thanks, Manu,” she replied.

Kavita called out to me, “Manu, come here, give me a kiss before I go.” I sighed. There was no getting out of the predicament. At least I would get to kiss my wife in front of Prem. There was some silver lining. I stepped out, locked eyes with Kavita, ignoring the other two in the background. I walked toward my wife, leaned forward to kiss her. Her eyes scanned me up and down as she clearly noticed the curves in my breast area. She embraced me and kissed my cheek instead of on the lips, and said to me, “Manu, you look adorable. Thank you for everything. You’re so sweet.” As she hugged me, there was no doubt that she must have felt the oranges in my breast. She smiled as I turned red in the face.

Kavita grabbed her purse and keys, and the trio headed out to the cinema. She said they would be back by 2 o’clock, and that she would text me in the evening. Then she blew me another kiss as she left. The door closed. I leaned against the door. In the silence of the apartment, I looked in the mirror at myself, a man feminized and defeated into wearing women’s attire, left to do his wife’s work while she cavorts with her lover, but also eager to open a new chapter soon in which he can reclaim his manhood. In the solitude of that moment, I reflected on the morning’s events, feeling a mixture of hope, anxiety, and shame as my cock stirred inside its panties.

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Re: Epic Cuckold Story - Preface

Unread post by kittepo » Sun Nov 04, 2018 6:57 pm

Great to see you here - Hopefully the story continues with next part

Posts: 17
Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2018 6:55 pm

Re: Epic Cuckold Story - Preface

Unread post by kittepo » Sun Nov 04, 2018 6:58 pm

Great to see this story here - Awaiting the next part

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Re: Epic Cuckold Story - Preface

Unread post by NSEW1 » Tue Nov 06, 2018 3:30 pm

kittepo wrote:Great to see this story here - Awaiting the next part
Thank you. If there is interest in the story I will continue.

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Re: Epic Cuckold Story - Preface

Unread post by NSEW1 » Tue Nov 06, 2018 3:31 pm

The Unwanted Houseguest Chapter 28 – The Angst of Waiting

I buried myself into the housework. Now that I had a mission to accomplish, and I was in the privacy of my own home without anyone else around, it didn’t even occur to me that I was dressed in women’s attire. It wasn’t that I forgotten about it, but it was simply not top of mind. I had a few hours to get things done and then disappear to the office so that my wife could have some alone time with Prem to explain that she was moving back in with me, her husband.

My first task was to start the laundry. I gathered my own clothes, and then ventured into Prem’s room to bring the baskets over to the laundry room. There were clothes all over, on the bed, beside the bed, on the floor, evidence of the orgy party that I was not invited to. Not one of them had taken care to put anything where it belonged. I found Kavita’s most intimate undergarments all over. Her panties were balled up underneath the sheets, her camisole on the floor next to the bed, and her bra tossed away near the bathroom. Gowri’s nightwear was also mixed in, along with Prem’s musky boxers and undershirts. I gathered it all up and brought it to the washing machine. I paused for a moment to unroll my wife’s panties. I peered at them. Navy blue, with whitish streaks staining the gusset. I held them up to my nose to sniff. They felt damp and musky, an intoxicating scent of sexual fluids. I breathed in deeply, imagining the intimacy of sexual union between my wife and another man.

Then I looked at Gowri’s panties next, a super soft pair with flowery patterns. Unlike with Kavita, with whom I had a marital relationship and could therefore be entitled to touch her intimate undergarments, I had no such relationship with Gowri. She was Prem’s fiancé, and more like a sister-in-law to me. I knew it was totally taboo to do. But I couldn’t stop myself. She was younger, sexier, more modern and confident, and off-limits to me. The forbidden pleasure of ogling her earlier had me excited. I looked inside the crusty panties. My heart was racing as I drew myself close to smell them. The scent was different from Kavita’s, more pungent, but with the common element of stale semen. My penis grew hard and my heart was beating fast. I was reliving the excitement of what the inanimate panties had experienced last night that I myself could not. I touched my nose to the inside of Gowri’s panties and took a deep breath. My excitement was tempered by the realization that anyone watching me would see a man in a state of pathetic and shameful desperation. With that thought, I suddenly felt disgusted with myself. I threw the clothes into the washing machine and started the machine as I caught my breath. My penis was dripping inside its own panties.

I finished cleaning up the kitchen before coming back to wash the bedsheets. The sheets were too big to put in the machine, so I had to hand wash them on the tiled stone floor of the bathroom. I scrubbed the stains of sex and bodily activities out furiously before washing and rinsing repeatedly. I was getting quite a work out. Finally, I hung the sheets to dry up on the balcony. I managed to stay out of sight by remaining behind the large sheets. I hung the other clothes to dry on racks inside, close to the windows. I was tempted to punch Prem’s boxers just for symbolic revenge, but realizing the immaturity of such a futile move, I just smiled to myself. I hung them up to dry, but on a separate rung far from Kavita’s panties. I put my own underwear next to my wife’s. Even though I would be only one to witness or understand the symbolism, it felt satisfying nonetheless.

I put new sheets on both beds and swept and mopped the floors before taking a break to have a snack. The weight of carrying around the oranges made my back hurt. I showered and changed into my regular male underwear, trousers, and shirt in preparation to leave, feeling much lighter. I gathered Kavita and Gowri’s shoes in a bag. I surveyed the house, looking at Prem’s room, cleaned of its tawdry history and made ready to become a guest room again. Soon my wife would be in my room again, sleeping with me, in my bed, as my rightful wife. I would once again have an opportunity to make love to her. It was really going to happen. A sense of optimism that I had not felt in months overcame me.

I left to drop off the shoes at a local repair shop. I asked the cobbler to fix and polish both pairs. Then I spent some time at my office to work on my next assignments. I wanted to do some extra work, hoping it would allow me to get ahead and come home a little early next week, so I could spend more time wooing Kavita. I looked at the clock. 5 o’clock. Gowri had probably gone back to her apartment after the movie. Kavita must be home now, alone with Prem. I wondered how their conversation was going, and how she was planning to explain her intentions. Doubts crept over me. What if, instead of having the discussion she planned, she instead got seduced by Prem? Despite Kavita’s resolve, I feared that her resistance could be easily broken. I cringed at the thought of Prem charming her into bed again. I could not focus on work any longer. I left the office.

I walked over to the shoe store. The old guy handed me the pairs for inspection. He had made them look like new again. I paid him, thanked him, and left. I sat at a nearby coffee shop for a while, checking my phone every few minutes for any message from Kavita. It was now approaching 7 o’clock. What could be taking so long I wondered. Any conversation, even a long and drawn out discussion could not have taken so long. My heart sank to the possibility that she might be in his bed, on her back, getting pounded to the heights of orgasmic pleasure. Maybe this was his going away goodbye gift before she moved out. An orgasm that she would never forget. Or was it the other way around? That Kavita was giving Prem a gift. Maybe she was creating a sexual experience that he would never forget, a wild and intense expression of her gratitude to ease the pain of separation. I imagined their bodies pressed against each other, with the A.A. belly ring squeezed between them.

My phone buzzed. I jumped in excitement, losing control of the phone, tossing it up in the air, and ultimately dropping it on the floor. Customers seated at nearby tables turned their heads. I must have looked like a bumbling nervous wreck. I gathered myself and left quickly. But alas, the message was not from Kavita. I stared towards the evening sun, as if to gain sympathy from the heavens above. The message was from Gowri, asking me if her shoes were ready, and if I could bring them to her apartment. Her place was not too far, probably about 10-15 minutes. I confirmed that I would come soon. I made my way over to her place on my scooter. She wouldn’t have expected me to deliver the shoes to her if she knew I was home. That would be too far. That meant that she knew I was still away from home, which meant that she knew Prem was with Kavita. I wonder how much they had shared with her. Maybe they were conspiring to keep me occupied so Prem and Kavita could enjoy their special moment? Could that be why she made up this ploy to get her shoes back right now?

I parked outside the complex at the address Gowri had texted. I took the lift up to her apartment. She invited me in. It was a small but modern looking flat, well decorated. She was dressed in yoga pants and tank top, with her hair tied in a ponytail. She looked sweaty, like she had been exercising. I took her shoes out of the bag to show her. She marveled at how good they looked and thanked me for getting it done. We made some small talk. I asked her about the movie. She gushed about how lovely it was. “Manu, you have to see it! The story, drama, the romance. It’s got great scenery, music too. I don’t know what all the controversy was about. No movie is exactly true to the historical account, but I loved the story…” My eyes had drifted down to her voluptuous breasts, just briefly. Then she abruptly paused, “Manu? Hello!? I’m up here, not down there!” She was waving to me to redirect my attention to her eyes.

I felt so embarrassed. She had called me out. “Sorry, Gowri. I got distracted.” Well that was a stupidly obvious comment to make I thought to myself. Of course, I had gotten mesmerized by her breasts. Just a few hours earlier, I had been sniffing her panties, and now I was standing in front of her getting scolded for looking at her breasts. I corrected myself quickly while making sure to look at her eyes only. “Sorry, Gowri, I suppose I should be heading home soon.”

She replied, “Look, all I’m saying is that I’d appreciate it if you look at me eye to eye when we talk, just like I do with you.” She was not falling for my excuses.

Of course, it made sense. She wanted to be treated like a person, not something to be stared at as an object of purely lustful desire. Yet she often dressed in ways that accentuated her curves and flaunted her sexuality openly, as if to invite the attention. But this was clearly something for Prem to appreciate and apparently for the world at large to see at the gym and movie theaters, but not for me. I was supposed to treat her with respect only. I did not want word of this to get back to Prem and Kavita. Kavita would be jealous and angry with me, with good reason of course. In addition, Prem had been very clear about not even contacting ‘his women’ without his permission. I could only imagine how he’d feel if Gowri told him that she caught me looking at her in a sexually inappropriate way. “I’m really sorry, Gowri, please forgive me,” I replied, looking at her face only.

“Okay, apology accepted. Thank you for understanding,” she replied. Just then I felt my phone vibrate. It was Kavita. It was a brief message saying “Manu, darling, I’ll be done soon.” No smiley face, no heart emojis. Just a plain old message. I indicated to Gowri that I should get going. She told me to wait. “I know that must be Kavita texting you, but gimme a minute. Let me grab my purse.”

“Oh, it’s nothing, don’t worry about it,” I offered graciously proposing to decline reimbursement for the shining the shoes. Truthfully, I was just eager to return home.

“Manu, please. Let me pay you back. We don’t have to be old-fashioned.” She turned around to get her purse. Out of instinct I glanced at her buttocks, so deliciously well defined by the yoga pants. She spoke out loud as she walked away, “I saw that!” as if she had eyes on the back of her head. I kicked myself, realizing that she must have seen me in the mirror. “Manu, don’t let it happen again. This morning, I let it go,” she taunted, “But if it happens again, you’ll be sorry!” I knew from this morning’s experience with the oranges that Gowri had a mean streak, a bitchy edginess that lurked just beneath her outward appearance of a nice girl. I had sensed it some weeks ago when she had texted me to arrange a time to speak with her, but then ratted me out to Prem for not getting his permission first. She must have known that he would punish me for it at the time. I had no idea what she meant by the threat right now, but I took it seriously as an admonition to behave myself. I focused my eyes to look only at her face.

She asked how much she owed me. It was a nominal amount, but I relented and let her pay me back. Her point was clear. She did not want to feel obligated to me in any way. She was an independent woman, working and living by herself. She didn’t need me and didn’t want my chivalry. I would have to be more careful around this woman lest I get myself in trouble with her fiancé or my wife.

After getting out of Gowri’s apartment, I wondered how Gowri knew that Kavita was texting me. Woman’s intuition? Whatever it was, now I knew for sure that Gowri must have been aware that I was purposely kept away from home by Kavita. Little by little, she was becoming intimately familiar with the dynamics between my wife and me, how I had to dress in women’s clothes and panties at home, and why Prem called me pussy boy. Worst of all, she now knew me as the guy who wears panties, who has a shaved penis, and whose wife knows about it. Gowri probably didn’t know the full reasons, that Prem had blackmailed me into doing it, and that Kavita acquiesced in it. But it hardly mattered now.

I was a man on a mission now. I put the thoughts of Gowri’s mistreatment of me out of my mind as I left. I prepared my scooter. I texted Kavita to let her know I was returning. Her one-line message felt very short and to the point. I texted her again, “Love, is everything okay? How did the big conversation go?” After a couple of minutes, I did not hear anything back. I rode off towards home. Traffic was always dense in Bangalore, but this evening every kilometer felt unusually long to me.

Then I felt my phone buzz. When I stopped at a traffic light, I read the message. “Manu, I’m okay. All is well. Going to retire early. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow. Love you, Kavita.” Then a second message came, “Please call Prem asap. He wants a word with you. Good night.” It was only 8:30, odd for her to say good night so early. My plans had changed quite suddenly. Her message suggested that she did not expect to see me tonight. I wondered what was going on. She seemed a bit cold and distant, but then she also confirmed that she was looking forward to seeing me tomorrow, and she signed off with a ‘love’ message. There was fair reason for hope. Maybe she just wanted to rest up for the big day tomorrow, and not have to deal with a thousand questions from me tonight. Completely understandable.

As I approached our street, I pulled over to a petrol station to fill up the tank. I decided to call Amir. I wondered, ‘Had he not said and done enough already? What more would he want to say to me?’ I dialed his number with some reluctance. He picked up and addressed me first, “Manu?”

“Yes, Amir?” I replied, pleasantly surprised to hear him call me by my real name for once.

“I’d like to talk. Have you eaten dinner yet?” he asked in his usual gruff voice.

“No, I have not eaten dinner, and I’m starving actually,” I replied truthfully.

“Good. Let’s meet up at the Dosa House and grab some dinner and coffee? Or wherever you like,” he offered.

It was the first time that he appeared to care about whether I ate, or which restaurant. I wondered what was going on. I figured that Gowri could not have complained to him about my behavior so quickly, especially after I apologized to her. Moreover, he seemed to be treating me nicely for a change. I replied that the Dosa House was fine as it one of my favorite local places to eat. I arrived first, and soon he pulled up on his motorcycle too. We sat in a booth across from each other.

We made some small talk about the movie and how they enjoyed lunch together. I asked him if Kavita was all right, and he insisted that she was fine. He did not make any of his usual remarks over what a “fine piece of ass” my wife is. It felt more than a little awkward around Amir in this context, alone with him. We were usually at home in Kavita’s presence. And whenever we were alone, he would usually take the opportunity to taunt me or abuse me in some way. Instead, his snide smirk seemed more subdued. He called me Manu instead of his usual derogatory nickname for me. And he wasn’t bragging about himself or boasting about his ownership over my wife. So, what had changed? As I would soon find out, what changed was everything, and nothing.

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Re: Epic Cuckold Story - Preface

Unread post by bufaker » Tue Nov 06, 2018 8:37 pm

Wow! I love this story. Although I don't agree with all of it in this story, it is actually pretty amazing. Thank you for taking time to write this

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Re: Epic Cuckold Story - Preface

Unread post by kittepo » Wed Nov 07, 2018 2:14 am

As a person who read from chapters 1-27, it is a story that took readers by storm. You are doing a great job. Keep up the good work.

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Re: Epic Cuckold Story - Preface

Unread post by givemeextra » Sat Nov 10, 2018 7:46 pm

thanks for continuing the story.

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Re: Epic Cuckold Story - Preface

Unread post by kittepo » Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:35 am

Any updates coming soon?

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Re: Epic Cuckold Story - Chapter 29

Unread post by NSEW1 » Fri Nov 16, 2018 7:18 am

The Unwanted Houseguest Chapter 29 – Prem’s Final Assault

Prem and I ordered some food and drinks. As an introvert, I was never one for small talk, so the suspense was gnawing at me. “Amir, when I texted Kavita that I was coming home, she said that you wanted to speak with me.”

Prem replied, “Yes, Manu. I have a few things to discuss with you.” He paused as if he was at a loss for words. “Look, Manu, there’s no easy way to break this to you, and you probably may suspect this already. I’m deeply in love with Kavita. She is beautiful, intelligent, fun, and caring. I adore her, I love her, I care about her, and I want to make her happy.”

I stared at him for a moment. I was sweating nervously and felt very uncomfortable. Did Kavita send him here to tell me that she doesn’t want me to come back? “I see, that’s interesting,” I mumbled, not sure where this was going. All this time, I thought he liked my wife mainly for her body, for the sexual attention she gave him, and for the intimate pleasures they shared. This sudden love story was unexpected, and sounded contrived. He called Kavita ‘his bitch’, used her like his personal slut, and slept with another woman too. Even among Muslims who are allowed multiple wives, how could he now claim that he loved my Kavita and respected her as a person?

I sat across from Prem tapping my fingers on the table. I had a hard time believing what he was saying. But there was no point in arguing with a meathead like Prem over this. I was more interested in knowing his intentions. “What are you saying, Amir? That you want to make Kavita yours? Is that why she’s wearing that belly ring? Is this her cruel way of dumping me?” I spat out.

“Whoa…hold on there! Keep your voice down. We’re in a fucking restaurant!” He laughed out loud. “I’m not taking Kavita from you. That’s not possible… unfortunately.” I breathed a sigh of relief. He paused thoughtfully. “See Manu, the problem is… that I want her exclusively, or not at all. I cannot share such a fine woman with anyone, not even with her husband. And your wife, bless her heart, she loves you, and she won’t leave you, yet. I respect that. I had promised her that I would never break up a marriage against the woman’s will. I’m a man of my word.”

I calmed myself down. Just a moment ago, I thought that maybe my wife wanted to leave me. How could I be so lacking in self-esteem I wondered.

Then he continued angrily, “And by the way, I don’t care about her damn belly ring. It doesn’t mean anything to me!”

The ferocity of his reaction took me by surprise, but now he was showing his true colors. The Prem I knew would have bragged about marking his conquest with his initials. But now that she was leaving him, the same symbolic ring was a reminder of Kavita’s rejection. I stared back at him calmly and just nodded. It really bothered him badly. She was wearing his letters but coming back to me. She was making a mockery of him, and he hated it naturally.

It was further revealing to hear that he cared only about the woman’s will when it came to not breaking up a marriage. If Kavita had wanted to leave me, he’d be okay doing it. But clearly Kavita must have made it clear to him that he would not be able to take her away from me, and that she was going to stay loyal to me, her husband. Our marriage did mean something after all. I cleared my throat and straightened up in my seat. “That’s very honorable of you Amir,” I said, trying not to sound sarcastic while saving face and giving him a way out of his quandary. My worries had calmed down, except for the part when he mentioned ‘yet’. What did he mean by ‘she won’t leave you, YET?’ I wonder if he knew something I didn’t. It didn’t matter. What he acknowledged is that she was not leaving me.

I needed to hear more from him. “If you don’t mind me asking, what’s changed, Amir? You’ve been perfectly willing to use another man’s wife for months!” I don’t know why I was pushing him on this point. I should have been happy that he was letting go, yet I had a burning need to understand his twisted psychology.

Prem clarified, “It’s different now. When I came to stay with you, I was the third person staying with a couple. And even though it wasn’t my intention to come in between, it happened. Such is life. And let’s get one thing clear, Manu. I did not just USE your wife. She and I were willing lovers, and you should know better. As I started to spend more time with her these past many months, I realized that I love her deeply. I realized that I can’t share her or be ‘the other guy’ in her life. Yet she remains conflicted. Manu, it fucking kills me to admit this, but she loves you.”

He sounded sincere. “I know,” I affirmed with the first sense of pride ever in speaking with my nemesis. “So, where does that leave us?”

“It means that Kavita is going to come back to you for now.” He did not say anything to imply that he was ‘letting her go’ or ‘releasing’ her. He freely admitted that she was coming back. But I scoffed. In my interpretation of his words, he was acting as if this was some gift he was giving to me, when in reality, I knew already that Kavita had told him that she was moving back in with me.

I realized I was probably being overly paranoid. But could anyone really blame me after everything I had gone through? In the back of mind, it bothered me again that he qualified his statement by adding the ‘for now’. She’s only coming back ‘for now,’ as if temporarily. Kavita had not said specifically if she was moving in permanently. But she had not indicated that it was temporary either. It was understood. She was moving back. Period.

The server brought our food over. He placed the steaming hot plates of food between us, breaking the tension. We dug into the food.

“So, Amir, what does this mean for you?” I inquired happily.

Prem pushed his plate aside. “I’m going to leave. Tomorrow. I found an apartment to stay in for a couple of weeks, and then I’m moving back to Hyderabad.” He said it matter of fact, stoically, looking straight into my eyes.

In my mind, my mouth was wide open in happy disbelief. “I see,” I replied, trying very hard to contain my rising sense of victory inside. Suddenly, he looked angry.

“That’s all you’re going to say? ‘I see?’” he barked back. “Doesn’t it occur to you to ask yourself ‘what does it mean for my wife?’ Huh?”

I felt indignant that he asked me this question. How dare he imply that I didn’t care about what this meant for Kavita. I felt suddenly emboldened to stand up for myself. “Amir, with all due respect to you, I knew that Kavita was coming back to me. And I appreciate that you think you love her. I can’t deny what you may be feeling. Kavita is a precious woman, a very lovable person. But I don’t think she feels the same way about you. She’s enjoyed all the physical pleasures while this sexual fling with you lasted, but you shouldn’t mistake that for love. It doesn’t mean she loves you. You said it yourself – she loves me and she’s moving back in with me.”

I did it. I spoke up to Prem for the first time with confidence. He remained silent. Gone were his previous habits of growling and making aggressive gestures to intimidate me. I felt proud of myself for that moment.

He spoke in a more subdued voice. “That’s where you’re wrong, Manu. She does love me too. A woman’s heart can expand to love more than one.” Prem had teary eyes. He looked like a wounded animal. He was exposing a side of himself that I had never seen before, a more vulnerable, more human side that made me feel just a little sorry for him.

But any sympathy from me was just a momentary lapse, a symptom of my nice guy personality. I hardened myself again. I didn’t want to think about what he just said. This must have been his attempt to feel good about himself, to prop up his ego now that Kavita had made clear her intention to come back to me. It was over. I outlasted him. I won. I signaled for the waiter to bring our check, so I could go home. Prem grabbed the check from me and insisted on paying.

Prem sensed my excitement. “Manu, slow down little guy. She’s moving back in with you, but not until tomorrow. Tonight, Kavita and I are going to commemorate our mutual love. I’m going to show her what it feels like to be a woman. I’m going to light up her fireworks in ways she will never forget, and she’s going to take me to places I’ve never been to.” I looked at him incredulously with a mix of jealousy, awe, and revulsion. My heart was beating fast, and with all the emotion, part of me felt like throwing up. I drank a glass of water to calm myself down. I told him I wanted to speak to Kavita.

Prem changed the subject abruptly. “I think it would be best for you to stay somewhere else for the night. My friend Zubin from my office has a place where you could crash for the night. No one would ever know.”

I objected bitterly, “What?!! No! I want to be in my own home. It’s not like I haven’t seen and heard what happens between the two of you!”

“Once again, Manu. You’re only thinking about yourself. It’s very selfish, don’t you think? This is not about what YOU have seen or heard. This is about what would make your WIFE more comfortable.”

“Oh really?” I replied.

“Yes, really. Just so you know, it was Kavita’s idea, not mine.” He sounded like he was telling the truth. “But look, Manu, it’s up to you. Who am I to tell you that you can’t go back to your own home. Do whatever you like!”

At that point, as if on cue, as if he knew I would bring this up, Prem pulled out a sealed envelope from his pocket. He held it out to me. I took it reluctantly, and opened it to read a short, handwritten note from Kavita. “Manu, my dear love, please respect my wishes to give me privacy and space for one last night with Prem, for closure. I will see you tomorrow, when I move back in with you. Love, Kavita.” I looked closely at it to confirm that it was undoubtedly her handwriting. She added little hearts next to her name, Kavita’s signature markings. I read it over again, staring at the paper. Suddenly, my little bubble of hope had burst. I folded up the note and tucked it away into my shirt pocket.

Prem tried to make it easier by suggesting that I don’t read too much into it. He had a valid point. It’s not like I had expected anything to happen tonight for me. But it was clear now from Kavita’s own words that she intended to keep me out of my own home so that she could have privacy with her lover. I decided that maybe it was better not to torture myself by insisting on being home. Kavita wanted privacy and space. I should let her have it, so that it wouldn’t jeopardize things tomorrow. I relented. “You’re right. I have a buddy of mine who I can stay with tonight. I’ll tell him my air conditioning isn’t working and that I couldn’t fall asleep.”

Prem nodded with satisfaction. He got up and shook my hand, squeezing hard. I wanted to appreciate one small thing. “Amir, thank you for starting to call me by my proper name again.”

Prem laughed, “You can thank your pretty wife for that. You earned your good name back on account of her agreeing to take you back. It means you’re doing something right by her. So, I’m only doing it out of respect for her. You see, I’m not all bad as you might think. I’m very fair.”

“Well I appreciate it, and I’m sure Kavita does also.”

“I can’t speak for Kavita. She has her own mind about things. But, Manu, just to be clear, in my book, you’ll always still be a pussy boy,” he laughed. He had to spill water all over my compliment to him. As he started to take leave, he asked, “By the way, Manu, what are Kavita’s favorite kind of flowers?”

I knew that she liked flowers, but the audacity of him to use me to find out what my wife liked so that he could seduce her! The bastard! I genuinely couldn’t recall if Kavita even had one favorite. “Gulab (roses),” I replied, figuring one can’t go wrong with roses.

Prem appeared lost in thought for a moment as he stared into my eyes. “I don’t think so, Manu,” he stated, turning his gaze towards various flower shops down the street. “I’m going to get her chameli (jasmine) flowers. Those are her favorites. I’m surprised you don’t know that, pussy boy. There’s a lot you don’t seem to know about your pretty wife, even after years of marriage.” He patted me on the back and walked off towards the flower shops. He knew all along. The patronizing bastard was just testing me. It was his final assault to my ego.


Re: Epic Cuckold Story - Preface

Unread post by Guhunkadorn » Sat Nov 17, 2018 4:22 am

I appreciate your ambitious plan to finish this story and I'm enjoying the chapters you've added.

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Re: Epic Cuckold Story - Preface

Unread post by kittepo » Sat Nov 17, 2018 7:31 am

Super Update - Like previous - keeps us guessing and wanting more - Will wait to see what happens

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Re: Epic Cuckold Story - Preface

Unread post by kittepo » Fri Nov 23, 2018 9:46 am

Any updates?

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Re: Epic Cuckold Story - Preface

Unread post by NSEW1 » Fri Nov 23, 2018 11:22 am

kittepo wrote:Any updates?

I had actually planned out the next 10 chapters in outline but not sure anymore that I’m going to continue. I don’t sense any interest here, nor in other websites and forums. My interests may not be shared and that is fine - I accept that. Fetishes like this have varying degrees of interest to others. I may focus my efforts elsewhere.

Thank you for your support!


Re: Epic Cuckold Story - Preface

Unread post by viking53 » Fri Nov 23, 2018 12:02 pm

Definitely interested in your continuation of this story. I am still catching up on the first 26 chapters but I think you have really written an interesting continuation of the original story. Please continue, especially as you already have an outline for the next chapters.

Posts: 17
Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2018 6:55 pm

Re: Epic Cuckold Story - Preface

Unread post by kittepo » Fri Nov 23, 2018 5:22 pm

NSEW1 wrote:
kittepo wrote:Any updates?

I had actually planned out the next 10 chapters in outline but not sure anymore that I’m going to continue. I don’t sense any interest here, nor in other websites and forums. My interests may not be shared and that is fine - I accept that. Fetishes like this have varying degrees of interest to others. I may focus my efforts elsewhere.

Thank you for your support!
You are welcome - Sometimes it takes continuous updates to get a story to take traction. So don't lose hope.


Re: Epic Cuckold Story - Preface

Unread post by viking53 » Sat Nov 24, 2018 10:56 am

The original story had a slow start but picked up pace as the complexity grew. I think you have definitely caught the key points of the increasing dominant role of Kavi and the submissive feminised position that Manu has grown to accept. It will be very interesting to see how you develop this complex relationship.

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Location: US

Re: Epic Cuckold Story - New Chapter 30

Unread post by NSEW1 » Sun Nov 25, 2018 7:46 am

The Unwanted Houseguest Chapter 30 – Conversations Not Meant to Be Heard

I kicked at the dusty road in frustration that I couldn’t recall my wife’s favorite flower, while my arch-nemesis Amir Ali knew. He had a way of getting under my skin. I got on my scooter and drove off. I didn’t even know where I was driving. It didn’t matter. I just had to clear my head. Eventually I headed home, even though I knew I was supposed to stay away tonight. I looked at my apartment from the street. The bedroom light was on, but the main room was dark. I was obsessed with the thought that my own wife was complicit in making me stay away from MY home so that she could spend the night with her lover in privacy. And even more loathsome was the fact that she couldn’t even ask me or tell me herself. She sent it indirectly via a note delivered by her lover, probably because she knew I would object and she didn’t want to deal with trying to convince me. It seemed cruel. How could any loving wife ask her husband to move out, even just for one final night, so that she could enjoy a night of carnal pleasures with another man? I stared at the building. Hundreds of apartments, full of happily married couples. Some, probably many of them, would be enjoying sex tonight, except in the one flat belonging to Manu Sharma. In that one peculiar home, the wife would be enjoying herself with her preferred lover instead of her husband.

Kavita didn’t want to be bothered until tomorrow. It took all my willpower not to text or call her. I took a deep breath. Rationally, I could also see Kavita’s wisdom in her decision. By keeping me away, she was actually protecting me from suffering the jealousy and tension of being too close to the sordid affair that was set to happen tonight. Instead, she was giving me my own space to stay in a positive frame of mind and look forward to tomorrow’s new dawn. She had even reassured me that she was moving back in with me tomorrow. She signed her note with hearts. That symbolism would help me survive this night.

Yet I was like a moth drawn to the flame. I knew what Kavita and Prem were going to do, but I had to know more. I wanted to understand if she was as complicit in cuckolding me as it seemed, and whether she really loved Prem as much as he thought. A part of me needed confirmation that she really loved me, and that she was only putting on this one last show to close the relationship with her lover. I wanted to know how she felt about Prem, and how she felt about me. I also wanted to get clues on how I would start a new relationship with my wife tomorrow in the wake of whatever happened tonight.

In this frenzy of angst, a devious idea came to me. I parked my scooter in a neighboring building complex so Prem would not notice it. Then I sneaked back to my building, walked up the far stairwell where no one would notice me. When I got to my flat, I leaned my ear against the door. It sounded quiet. I inserted the key very quietly and cracked open the door ever so slightly. It was dark inside. I stepped inside and closed the door very quietly. I put the bag with Kavita’s shoes down so I could remove my own shoes. Then I picked up my shoes and tiptoed inside as silent as a mouse. I heard Kavita playing music in the guest room. The door was half closed, and I dared not peek inside. Instead, I quickly went into the kitchen and hid myself inside the pantry closet, knowing that no one would open it tonight. I turned my phone to vibrate and sat quietly in the dark. It occurred to me that I had no way to go to the bathroom, but it was too late to do anything about it now. I would just have to hold it in, find an empty container in the pantry, or else pee in my pants. At least I wouldn’t go hungry with all the food around.

About ten minutes later, I heard Kavita come out to the main hall. She was humming something very happily. I heard the front door open, and then voices. Prem must have arrived. Kavita cooed in delight, no doubt from the jasmine flowers he brought her. The voices grew louder as they approached the kitchen. She offered him a glass of water. He followed her in and started to flirt with her. “Kavita, you gorgeous little tigress!”

She started giggling and pushing him back. “Prem, slow down. Don’t be so horny like an eager dog! What’s the rush? We have all night.”

“Kavita, queen of my heart, what do you expect? You sent me away so you could get ready for me. It’s my last night, and now I’m back, hungry like a lion. I want to devour you.”

Kavita laughed, “Okay, all right, all in due time. But first, let’s have a drink. By the way, thank you for the flowers. They smell great! I love them.” Then she changed the subject, “So, tell me how did it go with Manu? Where is he staying for the night?”

Prem groaned, “All right, it’s a long story. Let me pour a whiskey. You want a drink?”

“I’ll have a glass of the white wine. You know I feel bad that I didn’t speak to Manu myself.”

They continued chatting as he prepared the drinks. “Kavita, your husband is staying at his friend’s place for the night. I don’t know whose place – I didn’t ask, but he will be fine. Don’t worry about him.”

“I know he’ll be fine. I just hope that he understands and doesn’t resent me for it. He’s such a generous and loving person, but he’s also very sensitive,” she observed.

Prem responded, “Sensitive yes, but he understands why this one night of freedom is important to you. He came around to it himself. If the two of you had talked, he would have gotten himself all riled up for no reason, and then it would have affected your mood too. By creating this space, it eased away any possible tension, and it gave me a chance to connect with him.”

So now I knew for sure that she had purposely avoided speaking with me about their plans. She sent Prem to keep me away tonight. It was no longer a matter of speculation. In her mind, I could not be trusted to hold my emotions together and would have ruined everything. But here I was, holding it all together, jealousy growing, but staying calm nonetheless.

Kavita relaxed. “Okay, I know it’s all for his own good.” She had a way of justifying even her most hurtful actions as somehow being in my own interest. “Did you boys enjoy talking?”

“I don’t know if I’d call it enjoyable, but we definitely connected. You should know that your Manu is even more whacked out than I imagined.”

“Oh yeah? What do you mean?” Kavita asked, giggling.

“I don’t know quite how to describe him. He’s like an anxious ball of denials, contradictions, and self-doubts. He sees me in the worst possible light, even as I was truly trying to be fair and respectful today.”

“Prem, darling, you can’t expect that he’s suddenly going to see your good heart after so many weeks and months of being intimidated by you,” Kavita explained.

“I understand his defensiveness. I was trying to make nice. But what’s more he doubts my true love for you, and he insists that you can’t possibly love me either. Worst of all, he still believes he’s a real man.”

“Welcome to my world,” Kavita responded. “You figured all this out over dinner?” Kavita joked. I pressed my ear up to the door to hear all this. I could not believe Kavita had just commiserated with her lover over his observations. Especially the last one about me not being a real man. That bothered me. I knew I couldn’t measure up to Prem on a purely physical and sexual basis. But being a man was about much more than just caveman strength. I offered many other things to compensate for my shortcomings. I wondered how well Kavita appreciated that.

“We had some good conversations, and it was emotional for him and frankly for me too. Kavita, I hate the thought of sharing you, and it hurts me to leave…”

“Prem, please. We talked about this. It was your choice. You know I love Manu, despite his little quirks. He’s my husband. I can’t be exclusive with you only, and you don’t want to share me,” she stated firmly.

“Kavita, I understand. I’m not asking you or him to change. All I meant to say is that love hurts, more than I imagined. Let’s not talk about Manu again. We have tonight. Let’s celebrate this moment.”

“I know, baby, come on, let’s sit down,” her voice fading as they left the kitchen and the kitchen light shut off.

Soon I heard indiscriminate voices from the living room, the faint sound of glasses clinging, then some soft music. Then the voices went silent. Maybe they were making out on the sofa. Or did they move to the bedroom? I desperately wanted to know what was going on. My body was starting to feel stiff from sitting so rigidly inside the dark closet. I took some deep breaths to relax.

I started to think to myself. Could Prem be right that Kavita really loves him? For more than just his sexual prowess and brute strength? I questioned how any self-respecting woman could accept the way Prem treated women. Yet, regardless of what I believed, Kavita seemed to genuinely enjoy being with him. She LIKED being treated like his slut, his bitch. She acted submissively towards him, in ways that she would never do with me. I was at best, her equal. With him, she melted into a flirtatious young girl around his manly aura, moony-eyed and lost in his charms. I pictured the belly ring she had just gotten and so proudly worn. Why, if she was just about to move back in with me, would she get a belly ring with her lover’s initials? It was the ultimate act of giving herself to him, and a shameful slap in my face. It made no sense.

The living room had been silent for some time now. I cracked open the pantry door ever so softly. Rationally, I knew I could not take any chances of getting caught. I could only imagine the horror if they caught me breaking their trust. But I saw that the living room was dark. I crawled out on my hands and knees, ready to scuttle back if necessary. The living room was empty. They had moved into Prem’s room. I heard the shower running. The door to the bedroom was wide open since they had no reason to close it. The bedroom was empty, so I grabbed the moment to make my way quickly across the living room to the far end, and then slid myself behind the sofa, dragging myself slowly through the tight space between the sofa and the wall to avoid making any noise. I poked my head out from the other side. I was well hidden from the bedroom due to the houseplant positioned next to the sofa. Through the leaves of the plant, I had a perfectly hidden view of their bedroom, but with an immediate escape route to retreat behind the sofa if needed. I must have been no more than 3 or 4 meters from the bed, and with their lights dimmed, and positioned behind the leafy plant, I was practically invisible.

That’s when I got to see my wife for the first time since this morning. My eyes felt like popping out of my head. She looked absolutely stunning, dressed in an elegant red and white wedding style saree, sporting golden embroidery all along the edges. The golden colored blouse fit her arms and breasts snugly. The saree itself floated in curvaceous patterns from her body. Her hair was tied up in a fancy arrangement, with white flowers pinned on one side. Her red lipstick and blue eye shadow accentuated her naturally beautiful features. She wore matching gold earrings and bangles, with a sparkling diamond necklace. She moved around the bedroom, floating like an angel, tossing flower petals on the bed and on the sides. Her saree accentuated the voluptuous curves of her body. Her eyes and smile radiated a powerful feminine allure.

Crouching behind the sofa, I felt a burning humiliation. A real man would have claimed his wife here and now as his own. Yet here I sat, observing passively, like a coward hiding away, unwilling and unable to act. I felt a deep shame, penetrating straight to my heart, belied by the erection pressing against my trousers. A heaviness settled in my heart, secretly watching my wife dressed for an epic wedding night, a wedding night that should have been spent with me but was instead moments away from being consummated by another man.

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Re: Epic Cuckold Story - Preface

Unread post by kittepo » Sun Nov 25, 2018 5:21 pm

Great update -- Going to be on needles to see what happens to Manu and also with Gowri (how will she fit in the plans) -- Thank you for updating it.

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Re: Epic Cuckold Story - Preface

Unread post by NSEW1 » Fri Dec 07, 2018 3:03 pm

kittepo wrote:Great update -- Going to be on needles to see what happens to Manu and also with Gowri (how will she fit in the plans) -- Thank you for updating it.
Thank you. Chapter 31 coming up. For anyone interested in chapters 1-26, PM me.

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Re: Epic Cuckold Story - Chapter 31

Unread post by NSEW1 » Fri Dec 07, 2018 3:04 pm

The Unwanted Houseguest Chapter 31 – Scenes Not Meant to Be Seen

The sound of the shower stopped. My heart was beating so hard that I had to remind myself to breathe. Kavita stood by the bed, dressed like a newlywed bride, waiting for her man to consummate the marriage. I remembered my own wedding night many years ago. Kavita wore a more traditional saree then. But now she looked even more beautiful to me, perhaps because now, having enjoyed the experience of sexual union with this woman, I genuinely appreciated what I was about to be denied even more acutely. Or maybe I felt the angst more because now I knew this woman and had grown to love her, despite the wayward affair that I wanted so badly to write off as a distraction in our eventual journey.

Soon the bathroom door opened. Amir Ali, known as Prem to his friends, the unwanted houseguest and the intruder into my marriage, emerged from the shower, wearing only black colored silky briefs. He looked like the prototypical warrior, masculine features with chiseled jaw, sharp eyes, broad chest and strong shoulders. His manhood made quite an impression inside the taut underwear, jutting out in a visible mound. He admired Kavita with hungry eyes. She got up to meet him as he embraced her in a long kiss. She moved one hand to his crotch and whispered something to him. He turned her around so she was facing the wall, pushing her up against it. She held her hands against the wall for support and spread her legs slightly. Prem pressed his crotch into her backside and reached around to cup her breasts. She moaned slightly, and then again. He rhythmically fondled my wife until her legs started to get weak.

“Kiss me, Prem,” she spoke with a sultry voice that I had never before had the pleasure of hearing. “I want you lover. I am all yours.” He turned her around and continued groping and kissing her as she leaned against the wall, her face flush with desire. She got down on her knees. She looked up at Prem with a naughty grin as she pulled his briefs down. His penis rose to attention as my wife took it into her mouth. She licked the shaft skillfully, running her tongue up and down. Soon his member jutted out, curving upwards, glistening in anticipation. Being a Muslim guy, his penis was circumcised, so the head stood out distinctly, unlike my penis whose head was covered in its foreskin. Gradually she managed to get over half of his penis into her mouth, bobbing her head back and forth. She looked up at him with her big round eyes every so often. Now it was Prem’s turn to lean on the wall for support. She held his bare buttocks with her delicate hands while continuing to fellate him for several minutes. I could see his muscular buttocks tighten up and relax and his head drop back every few seconds as she pleased his penile nerve endings with her tongue. Every few seconds she would stop to blow cool air on his cock to slow him down. Then she would flick her tongue on the head of his penis and tickle his balls to get him going again. Then she would take him into her mouth all over again.

This continued for almost ten agonizing minutes. I was jealous beyond belief. Kavita had never given me a blow job with such porn-star expertise. She showed an enthusiasm in this art like something straight out of the Kama Sutra. She must have gotten to practice extensively to have perfected this technique. My own penis felt hard just looking at them.

Prem stepped back and helped her stand up. He did not come in her mouth. Maybe he saw that she was getting tired of getting throat fucked, or maybe he wanted to save himself for later. He sat down on the bed to catch his breath. He picked up a remote control to the stereo system. It started playing a song a romantic Hindi song, one of Kavita’s favorites. He seemed to know her preferences quite well, just like with the flowers. “Dance for me, babe.”

Kavita took a moment to straighten out her saree and brush her hair back. She looked into his eyes as she moved to the rhythm, thrusting her hips, waving her hands over her head, spinning around, swaying back and forth to the music, mouthing the lyrics, and teasing her lover. Her radiant smile and seductive moves made me hot and horny. She flaunted the end of the sari against his face, teasing him like a bullfighter would tempt a raging bull. Eventually Prem caught the end of the sari and reeled her in. He started to unravel the saree, turning her round and round. He kissed her mouth and ears and neck as she spun slowly. He kissed her while continuing to move his manly hands all over her body, groping her right ass and rubbing her neck while playing with her breasts. The saree spun off and fell to the floor in a puddle of silky wedding attire, having achieved its mission of seducing her man, and leaving my wife in only her blouse and petticoat.

Prem reached over to my wife’s breasts, fondling them, tracing his fingers all around the contours of the blouse, eventually bringing his fingers to the small clasps that held it on. One by one, he managed to methodically release the metal clasps. The blouse came apart at the front, dropping away to reveal her perky breasts. He looked at her eyes as he did all this, then he leaned down to her chest. I could see her perky breasts, so firm like ripe mangoes, with nipples erect. He kissed the nipples one by one. I bit my knuckle in agony. Then he leaned over to close to her navel, bit down on the drawstring of her petticoat, and then pulled it loose with his mouth. She grinned at him as the petticoat dropped away, leaving her with only panties.

Prem picked up my wife and lay her down on the bed gently as she giggled. He pulled her panties off and tossed them to the side. She spread her legs, shamelessly opening up to him. It looked like she had shaven her pussy bare, no doubt for his pleasure. He stuck his head between her legs and licked her as she clutched the sheets and screamed in pleasure. Kavita’s chest heaved up and down as she got worked up. “Please Prem, I need your cock!”

“Where do you want it, Kavita?” He teased.

“Goddamnit Prem. Just fuck me! Fuck me good and hard! I can’t wait!!!”

“Where do you want me to stick my cock?”

“Put it in my pussy now!” Kavita screamed.

“Whose pussy is it?” Prem teased.

“It belongs to you!” She replied impatiently.

“Say it belongs only to me!” He demanded.

“Prem please,” she pleaded. “Fuck me now!” He was leaning back on the bed stroking a giant erection. Kavita relented and told him what he wanted to hear. “Prem, my married, pussy belongs only to you and no one else tonight. My pussy needs your cock...” she lay on the bed moaning in desire.

She openly gave herself to Prem, exclusively. Sway by her passion, and her intense desire for sex with Prem, she promised her ‘married’ pussy. It added salt to my wounds. She made the promise exclusive to him only. Again it felt like a kick to me. It was hurtful beyond belief, but then I reminded myself that she didn’t know I was present, listening. Her words were not meant for me to hear. My devious plan to snoop was hurting only me. Had I not sneaked in to spy, I would have not seen or heard anything. My ignorance would have been my bliss. But it was not so. I was here by my own actions. My only relief was that she qualified her statement to say ‘tonight.’ She was giving herself to him temporarily, just for this one night. Then it would be over.

With his ego satisfied, Prem positioned himself on his knees and lifted Kavita‘s feet into the air in a V-shape. He inserted himself into her with little resistance, half way at first, and then deeper until he buried his entire penis inside my petite little wife. I could see his muscled buttocks pistoning in and out. The movements made a rhythmic slapping sound characteristic of flesh against flesh. The anklets on Kavita’s feet shook with each motion. There were flower petals crushed between their bodies and the bedsheets. Occasionally, I could see her hands rise and fall, with her fingers clutching the sheets.

As my wife got pleasured in this royal fashion, spread out on the bed in her beautiful naked splendor, I noticed that she did not appear to be wearing her new belly ring tonight. That surprised me since she was fully adorned in every other aspect. I figured she must have removed it so that it didn’t get in the way of their body to body motions. She must have anticipated that she would be spending a lot of time in bed with her lover, with bodies pressed against each other, and hence decided to remove the jewelry to prevent chafing. The entire night must have been planned meticulously.

Prem inserted himself again and they collapsed onto the bed missionary style. He drilled her over a hundred times, hard. Yet she wanted more and more. I thought at some point they might break the bed. Finally he started to grunt harder and increase his intensity. His cock looked enormous as it pounded in and out all the way. Kavita wrapped her legs around his back. “Prem, I’m gonna cum again! Let me milk you!” He pushed himself up to change his angle of penetration. Then I saw my wife move her hips with frenzied passion, tightening her muscles, and squeezing his penis.

Prem turned rigid as he moaned, “Oh Kavita! Kavi, of my God. That…feels…so…oh,” his voice trailed off.

“Shhh…” Kavita said, looking into his eyes. “Just enjoy. This is for you.” Prem closed his eyes as she fucked him faster and faster. He was no longer going in and out. Instead, she was the one massaging his cock with her sweet wet pussy. Her vaginal muscles, strengthened by years of yoga exercises, were now being used to massage another man’s center of pleasure in a most intimate and intense rhythm of tight stroking. ‘This is for you,’ she had said. Those words shot straight to my heart. ‘This,’ referring to a level of intense sexual pleasure, ‘is for you’, was a rare gift given to her lover, not to me, her husband, given willingly, with a passion and desire not expressed for her husband, but reserved for another man.

Kavita screamed out loud as she came powerfully. Then Prem came too. “Aaaahhhhhhhh…” Prem let out with a primal moan. He pumped her as he climaxed and continued grunting as wave after wave of the orgasm subsided. He lay on top of her, his cock still inside Kavita. Finally he rolled off of her. His cock glistened in the dim light of the room, finally resting on its side but still menacingly large even after orgasm. Kavita cuddled up next to him, resting her head on his chest, with her naked breasts pressed up against his body. In the dark silence, I could hear their heavy breathing gradually subside.

“I love you, Kavita,” he spoke.

“Hmmm,” Kavita responded. “I love you too.”

And then they fell asleep.

I had spontaneously come in my pants even without touching myself. I was so mesmerized with the passionate action happening in front of me that I had reached an involuntary orgasm. My seed had been wasted into a sad little puddle at the bottom of my underwear. I wanted to go to the bathroom, but unfortunately, I would just have to hold it in. I dared not move out of my hiding spot. My heart was beating so hard that I could feel it in my chest. I felt dazed by the audacious events I just witnessed. Part of me wanted to rewind and never have entered my home to see this. But I could not unsee it, or unhear it. I kept experiencing the scene of my own wife reaching sexual heaven in the vivid reality of her feminine beauty, with my enemy’s engorged penis buried deep inside her most intimate place. It was burned into my memory now – the visuals would haunt me forever. I could never please my wife like this. Yet I found it so erotic. Why was my dick getting hard as I thought about another guy ravishing my wife? I had no answers.

I thought about leaving now but it was midnight, and I had nowhere to go. Better that I just sleep a little, wake up early in the morning and then slip out. I shifted back behind the middle of the sofa where I would not be noticeable and then fell asleep on the hard floor.

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Re: Epic Cuckold Story - Preface

Unread post by kittepo » Fri Dec 07, 2018 9:40 pm

WOW - What an update - Will he get caught in the morning -- and getting into more trouble. Waiting to see

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Re: Epic Cuckold Story - New Chapter 32

Unread post by NSEW1 » Tue Dec 25, 2018 2:44 am

The Unwanted Houseguest Chapter 32 – Genghis Khan

I woke up abruptly when I heard voices. The lights in the main hall were on. I froze. Looking at my watch, I saw that it was about 4:30AM. Prem and Kavita had gone to the kitchen, probably ravished by tonight’s marathon sex session. I heard them pouring milk and eating and chatting. Then they came to the living room and sat down on the sofa! I freaked for a moment, but calmed myself down. Prem turned on the TV as they ate. There was a cricket game going on somewhere in the world.

But soon, Kavita got restless. She asked him to turn off the TV. She turned around and straddled him, sitting on his lap facing him. As I lay on my back on the floor, looking up, I could see the back of his head leaning over the sofa, and Kavita’s hands holding the top of the sofa on either side, embracing him. She started whispering to him, “Prem, I’m itching for another fucking, baby.” She said it in her pouty, begging voice.

Prem needed no encouragement, “Babe, I’m recharged. Let’s do it, one last time.” It had been only a few hours, but enough for the beast to be ready to go again. My own cock was hard again, even after having ejaculated involuntarily a few hours ago.

Kavita didn’t like his comment, “Baby, don’t say one last time. It makes it sound so dramatic, even if it’s true.” She said “If”, as if leaving open the possibility of another encounter. My stomach churned.

“Okay, I won’t say it. Kavita, let’s make it something special, something that you’ll do only for me, never with your husband. Would you do that for me?”

Kavita seemed to be blushing. I couldn’t see her, but I could tell by the way she spoke in a flirty and sheepish way. “Yes, I would like that, something that only you and I will share. Something for me to remember you by.” They went silent for a moment.

I was devastated to hear that she wanted to honor his request to keep some experience exclusively between them. Even as she was set to return to me, they would share this one thing, whatever it was, only between them. She seemed to want it too, a memento to cherish. I thought I would shout to them to stop and put an end to it. But the anticipation made me want to find out.

Kavita spoke again, “I have an idea, but I’m kind of embarrassed to tell you. Do you promise not to laugh?”

Prem reassured her, “Kavita, whatever you wish is my pleasure. Tell me.”

She searched for her words to figure out how to say it. “Prem, I want to be taken.”

“You mean you want it rough and hard? I guess what we did earlier wasn’t enough, huh?” he joked.

“No, Prem, that’s not what I mean…what I’m trying to say is that we pretend that we don’t know each other. And then you take me, you know, force me, rough me up and make me submit against my will?” She was whispering this as if she were ashamed to hear herself say this.

“Whoa, you mean you want me to pretend to rape you?” Prem asked astonished. He must have been smiling big and wide by the tone of his voice.

“Well, not just pretend. I want you to really do it – take me by force. I know it’s politically incorrect and all, but it wouldn’t really be a crime since I want it, even when I say I don’t.” Kavita said, “I’ve never told anyone because it’s so taboo, and it’s crazy to want that, but that’s what I want.”

“I’m in,” Prem replied. “But Kavita, how will I know if you really want me to stop?”

“That’s just it. You won’t know,” she said matter of fact.

Prem responded, “Ok, let me get this straight. Your lips will say no. You may scream and kick and fight, but I supposed to ignore your pleas to stop. I’m going to make you submit even as you say no. Is that right?”

“Yes, now stop talking about it and just do it, would you?” she pleaded. She paused and then spoke softly, “Prem, I want to be raped by you.”

The words rang inside my head like a hammer. ‘I want to be raped by you,’ coming from my wife to another man. She wanted to be forcefully sexed against her will. Why would my wife, an educated, liberal, progressive minded woman who abhors sexual violence against women, want this?

“Are you sure?” Prem asked.

“I’m sure.”

“Kavita, this sounds very exciting, but I want you to have some way to tell me that you really want it to stop, just in case you change your mind.”

Kavita paused and then offered up, “Oh God, Prem. You’re taking the fun out of it. Fine. if I want you to stop, which I won’t, but if I do, then I’ll ask for Manu to help me. Okay? That’ll be your signal to stop.” She giggled. The pressure in my bladder was building up now.

“Pussy boy?” Prem roared, “Okay, so if I hear his name, I’ll stop and let him save you.” To hear my wife think of me as the safe word she would not need to use was humiliating. I felt more defeated than ever. I could no longer hold it in anymore. I urinated involuntarily in my pants. I felt the warm liquid soak through my underwear and pants, a fitting tribute to my shame.

Kavita was ready. “Ok. Enough talking. You go out, take a walk, and come back in 15 minutes. When you come back, I’ll be the properly married Mrs. Kavita Sharma, and you be in your role, a handsome stranger.”

“I can’t wait,” Prem said as they got up. I could not believe my wife was about to get sexually assaulted, willingly! How low had she sunk that she could degrade herself to this level, to be taken without consent by a pretend stranger. And to heap more embarrassment to my predicament, she chose to use my good name in vain as the safe word, but with the assumption that she wouldn’t need to use it.

As she saw him to the door, she noticed the bag with her shoes that I had gotten fixed. Shit! I kicked myself for forgetting to put them away. Prem explained it, “That’s odd. I asked your husband if I should bring them home. He wouldn’t give them up! Probably he must have felt guilty over his stubbornness and decided to drop them off for you. We were so busy that we never noticed. Maybe it was meant to be that you should wear these shoes tonight.” Prem handed her the shoes. “Mrs. Sharma, these are not appropriate shoes for a respectable married woman to wear.” She smiled naughtily as she took the shoes and ushered him out the door of the apartment.

Then it went silent again. Kavita went back to the bedroom. She got dressed in a long, flowing, black-colored sheer gown, like something out of an elegant fashion magazine. Beneath the see-through gown, I could see a complete set of matching lingerie, including a lacy bra, garter belt, panties, thigh high stockings, and the high heel shoes that I had gotten fixed earlier today. Her hair was loose and flowing over her shoulders. She disappeared for a moment into the bathroom, then reappeared with red lipstick on again. She sprayed perfume around her neck and between her breasts. The front of the gown swayed back and forth. She looked incredibly gorgeous as she waited.

I started to wonder if this was a blessing in disguise, an unexpected chance to up-end my misery. Maybe it was my golden opportunity to call the police, let them witness Prem committing a crime against my wife, and arrest him. But if I told them, then they would know that it was a set up, and Prem could turn on me and blame me for setting him up to do it, and then I would be complicit in the crime. The last thing I needed was to be in prison with Prem. If I called them during the purported act, or afterwards, the police would probably arrive too late, and then Kavita would probably deny it. And once again, I would be in deep trouble once they realized I was hiding in the apartment.

Or maybe, I could pretend to come back home, hear what was happening, and then use it as an excuse to stop it. But I would have to take him by surprise, or else he would totally overpower me. I’d probably have to use the advantage of surprise to preemptively disable or even kill him. But no, I couldn’t do that. After all, I knew in my heart that it was a mutually agreed scene of my wife’s own fantasy, not a real crime. I could never bring myself to maim or kill an innocent man, not even Prem. It was pointless to wonder such things. I brought myself back to reality.

There was a knock at the door. Kavita got up and innocently walked over to the door. “Hello? Who is it?”

“Open the door,” the voice replied.

“It’s 5AM in the morning, who are you?” Kavita asked in a genuine voice of concern.

“Please, Mrs. Kavita Sharma, I have something important to share,” he replied.

Kavita refused to open the door, I peeked out past the sofa ever so carefully. But then the knob turned, and he pushed his way inside. He had taken the key! He walked in, swaggering with a serious look on his face, dressed in his traditional kurta. Kavita looked a little wide-eyed, not frightened, but more like pleasantly surprised. He stared at her with lustful eyes, closed the door, then locked it with the steel chain lock.

“Who are you?” she quivered. “What do you want?” She crossed her arms to cover her breasts and stepped back.

“I’m Genghis Khan, marauding conqueror, and I’ve taken over Delhi, my darling.”

“Get out!” she said. “Get out!” she screamed louder, though not enough for anyone to hear.

“Surrender to me, woman,” he commanded firmly. He approached her, grabbing her arms and pinning her to the wall, manhandling her like a toy doll. She started to kick at him, but he simply pressed himself against her, immobilizing her against the wall. He whispered something into her ears.

“Never!” she said firmly. “I won’t! Let me go!!” she shot back.

By this time, the intruder spun her around so she was facing the wall. He began fondling her breasts. “You will address me as Khan. Do you understand?”

“Fuck you! Let me go!” she yelled.

Upon hearing her resistance, he picked her up over his shoulders, holding her waist with one hand and controlling her legs with the other. She pounded her fists on his back as he carried her into the bedroom. He tossed her onto the bed, and immediately wrestled her into his control. He sat down at the edge of the bed, dragged her over his lap, bent her face down over his left knee, and held her legs down with his right leg. “Bitch, you will learn to submit to your master Khan.” He rolled up his sleeves, then smacked her ass with the open palm of his hand. She gasped. Again, he smacked her, harder. He continued to spank her, occasionally pausing very briefly to rub her buttocks, only to continue punishing her. Her screams subsided soon into resigned moans. Still not satisfied, he pulled down her panties, leaving the garter belt. Her cheeks looked red from the spanking. He continued punishing my wife on her bare ass, very hard. The smacks echoed through the apartment. Finally, she started crying and calling out, “Please Khan, stop.”

Khan soothed her buttocks with soft strokes of his hands. “Who do you belong to?” he asked.

“I belong to no one. I am my own self,” she retorted defiantly.

“Very well then, we’ll see about that!” Khan responded. He stood up, still holding her by the waist as she struggled to escape. He dragged her over to a closet and retrieved three dupattas (long strips of silky scarf-like clothing) that were draped over her dresses. He wrestled her down on the bed, pinning her. He tied her wrists together over her head, tightly enough that her hands remained joined. He tied the other dupattas to her ankles, then moved her over so that she was standing at the end of the bed, facing it. He methodically tied the other ends of the dupattas to the legs at each corner of the bed so that her feet were a meter apart. He placed a couple of pillows under her body for support, and then pushed her face down to the bed. She twisted her hands and arms but could not free her wrists. She tried to kick her legs up but had no room to move them. She tried to stand up but Khan pushed her back down over the pillows. Despite her superb body flexibility from years of yoga practice, she was unable to free herself. Khan returned from another closet with his heavy leather belt. He doubled up the belt into a loop, positioned himself to one side, standing next to my wife. She screamed “no”, but he ignored her pleas.

With her bared buttocks exposed shamefully, she trembled, dreading what she knew was about to happen. He held his hand down on her back to keep her from standing up, and then leaned in to strap her ass with the belt. It made a cracking sound on her flesh. She yelped. He repeated it harder. She writhed back and forth, but she could not break free from the restraints. As he got more comfortable with his aim, he whipped her ass soundly about thirty times until she was sobbing and begging him to stop. Red welts had formed across both buttocks. Her resistance was breaking, but not enough to call for her husband and to put a stop to this twisted fantasy. Instead she started to make sultry moaning sounds indicating that she was enjoying the whipping. She had surrendered to him, whimpering, “Khan, I belong to you.” Several times, she repeated it, “Khan, I belong to you.”

Khan dropped the belt. He soothed her tender behind, and then reached between her legs to grab her pussy. “You’re soaking wet, my honey,” he proclaimed victoriously. He proceeded to remove his clothes and climb onto the bed, kneeling in front of her face. He lifted her chin up, moved his penis in front of her face. She opened her mouth to take him in. He face-fucked her roughly, never letting his lustful gaze leave her eyes. After she got tired of sucking, he stopped and stood up and went around behind her again. She pleaded with him to release her, but again he ignored her request. He left her ankles and wrists tied up. He shoved another pillow underneath her stomach. She continued to tell him no. Standing behind her, his engorged member touched against her pussy, teasing it. Then he plunged in, a little bit at first, then all the way in. Kavita gasped as if the air in her lungs collapsed. Her back arched as he held her hair with one hand as if he were riding a horse, and cupped her breasts with the other hand. She could not clutch at the sheets or move her hips. She was helplessly at the mercy of the pounding action of the man as he raped her.

Gradually the screams of resistance faded into weak whimpers, and then moans of pleasures which turned into shrieks of delight. She was enjoying the experience of being overpowered and taken by force. She found pleasure in the utter depths of surrender, from being supposedly violated against her will. The pretend assault continued for a long time and Kavita seemed to have multiple, continuous orgasms throughout. Finally, as Khan approached orgasm, he reached his hand around in front of her and inserted his fingers against her clit and began to rub her. She gasped in delight. He grunted loudly and forcefully slammed his penis all the way into Kavita’s pussy. The sexual frenzy reached a crescendo as they reached orgasm simultaneously. He stayed inside her as he pumped her full of his semen for the second time tonight. Throughout it, she kept moaning in primal cries of sublime pleasure, the likes of which I had never heard in my life from my wife. He kept pumping her in and out slowly. When he stepped back finally, his penis slid out slowly, like a menacing python, glistening wet. Her butt cheeks were glowing red still. Khan collapsed on the bed, leaving her tied up in the same position. It looked like semen was dripping out of her vagina into her panties, although I couldn’t tell for sure.

I should have been angry that another man had entered into our house without permission, whipped my wife on her bare bottom, raped her in her mouth and pussy, and ejaculated his semen inside her. A real man would have objected and tried to stop it from happening. But I had done no such thing. Instead of defending her honor and protecting her, I had hidden myself away and watched like a coward. What made it even more humiliating was that my wife had never thought to call out my name to make him stop. She had completely, unconditionally surrendered herself to a real man. She had enjoyed her taboo fantasy of being raped, a vivid memory that she chose to create exclusively with her lover, and presumably something that she had no intention of sharing with me.

As I watched from behind the sofa, I saw the outlines of my wife with her feet spread obscenely apart, with semen dripping out in long strands. My hands were shaking from some perverse combination of revolting resentment, jealousy, and sexual excitement, and I felt the shameful pressure of my own cock rising.

Posts: 17
Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2018 6:55 pm

Re: Epic Cuckold Story - Preface

Unread post by kittepo » Wed Dec 26, 2018 5:25 pm

Whoa - What an update - How will you top this. … waiting to see

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