Board rules

These rules are disclosed to clarify the various responsibilities of all community members here on Our Hotwives. They shall be adhered to by everyone to ensure that our board runs smoothly and provides a fun and productive experience for all of our community members and visitors.

  1. Welcome to OurHotwives! Please follow the Rules below. If you notice any post you believe violate the Rules, please flag it for review by our Admins/Moderators.

    1) Various portions of this forum are dedicated to different topics (these should be self-explanatory). If a post is not on topic it may be moved to a more appropriate section of the forum, edited, or deleted without warning.

    2) Serious discussion and debate are fine. Personal attacks are not. Posts that contain personal attacks or inflammatory language (this includes racist, misogynist, homophobic, transphobic, etc... crap), or are mean or disrespectful, may be edited or deleted without warning.

    2.1) Thou shalt not call out another user for well written fiction presented as fact. At the very best it is rude. If you don’t believe a “true story” is true just move on to the next thread or keep your trap shut. Yes, I appreciate a true “true story” as much as the next guy, but so much of this lifestyle is unbelievable to the common man that it is ridiculous for any of us to make grand pronouncements about the writings of another. Such pronouncements interfere with the flow of thoughts around here and may make newbies hesitant to post. If you absolutely have proof that a thread is fake then flag that post and provide admin your proof so they can check it out.

    Many fantasies are posted on this site as if they are fact. And that’s fine. Why? Because if hotwifing has taught me one thing it’s that truth is often stranger than fiction. In other words, some of those fantasy stories may in fact be true! I know I’ve certainly been accused of posting bullshit when I was being totally honest. The point being that it’s difficult if not impossible to differentiate good fiction from true life. Result? I’m not even going to try. To do so means that invariably some bad -- but completely honest -- writers will be vilified for their efforts. I don’t think anybody wants that to happen.

    2.2) Thou shalt not advocate, glorify, eroticize, conspire, solicit help, or commit non-consensual acts of aggression toward another human being on this website. This includes discussions or posts glorifying or conspiring to commit abuse, deception, coercion, and violence, in any form (including physical and emotional). This is an adult forum so I understand and it is perfectly ok to discuss sexual activity eroticizing aggression such as BDSM, spankings, tying up, humiliation, and so forth. Have at it! The important point is that ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST PROVIDE 100% INFORMED CONSENT. To be clear, it is ok to discuss your own experience and healing, as the victim of non-consensual acts committed against you.

    It's fairly common in hotwifing/cuckolding for a husband to want to convince his wife to become a hotwife. It's ok to discuss your own process, but it's not ok to try to enlist others to seduce an unwilling or unknowing wife. It's also not ok to solicit advice on how to trick an unwilling wife. These are all forms of deception and of emotional abuse, and will get you banned from this website. If you spend time on this website, you'll learn the #1 rule of this lifestyle is communication. Sit down with your wife, and lay your cards on the table!

    2.3) No discussion about religion or politics. Save that shit for your extended family during Thanksgiving dinner.

    2.4) I absolutely expect tolerance, particularly around members' varying sexual kinks (hotwife, cuck, poly, bdsm, etc.) and gender identity (straight, gay, bisexual, etc.). Do not bully or judge other members about their gender identity, or on their own views as to how they choose to pursue their sexual kinks.

    There are as many ways of doing all these things as there are people doing them, and browbeating or gaslighting other members with "one true way" (be it yours or yours and your 35 best OHW friends) is a personal attack. So, for example, if you think someone is doing something in a way you don't think is in their best interests or is bound for failure, it's perfectly ok to speak up -- this is a community after all. However after they've heard your concern.... LET IT GO! On the one hand sometimes people have to make their own mistakes. On the other hand, you may be surprised at how much more the person actually knows about their own situation and about their partner(s).

    2.5) If you wish to comment on or debate forum rules, policies, and/or request clarification of a moderator’s ruling, do so in the Feedback forum or via private message to an admin/moderator. Do not do so in the other forum areas.

    3) Spam shall not be posted in this forum. We realize that this forum does not exist in a vacuum and there are other sites. The occasional reference to another site is not going to upset us. But if your contributions to the forum may be summed up “LIVE NUDE GIRLS” you can expect to be banned.

    4) All material posted is the responsibility of the poster. This means no posting of stories/pics/etc. that you “found on the net” or posting anything that breaks laws. If you don’t own the rights to it, don’t post it. If it absolutely must be shared with the community, post a short description and a link to the original content. If you notice a photo or story of yours posted without your permission, please PM an Admin/Moderator, so we can delete it.

    4.1) Photos: When it comes to people (and not toys, etc.) members are only allowed to post photos of themselves and, with the permission of the person in the photograph, their spouses or partners. Any photos which are not specifically covered by this rule can be edited or deleted by mods who deem them unacceptable.

    4.2) “Hottie” photos are not permitted in any forum other than the Hotties, US Personals, and International Personals sections. I gather this causes some users some heartburn so I’ll take the time to explain why: I desire the emphasis for the “non-hottie” sections of the forum to be discussion of the lifestyle and surrounding issues. All that said… What about the “other” pictures? You know, maybe a picture of your favorite toy (not in use) within the context of a “what’s your favorite toy” thread? I have no problems with that. The board is unlikely to be flooded with 40 dildo pictures followed by 4000 “nice dildo!” comments from others. The same can not be said for pics of nice boobs.

    4.3) Any content that is illegal under U.S. law is not permitted on this site. That includes images or discussion of people under 18 years of age (children), images of unaware individuals, content that infringes others' IP right, the list goes on. If it's not legal in the U.S., it's not allowed here! If it's legal in the U.S. but not legal for you to view because you're in a different country or whatever, we ask you to also please follow the laws applicable to you.

    All members PLEASE FLAG any content you think may not be permitted, so Mods can check it out.

    5) Signatures will NOT include graphics or other items that make them visually large on the screen. As a guideline, if you can’t do it in a few lines of text you probably shouldn’t be doing it.

    6) Accounts shall not be shared (exception for spouses and those in a committed relationship). I will shut down any account that I find out has been compromised. In other words, don’t post your userid/password to the internet for all your buddies on [insert website] to use.

    7) Accounts shall be active. If you register but never activate your account, or if you activate but do not log in for 2 or more months at a time, your account may be deleted. You are free to re-register, I just don’t feel like maintaining a database full of dead weight. Since I don’t sell email lists or anything like that I have no interest in maintaining bloated databases full of users who never contribute to this community. If you don’t contribute to the community I’m not saying I *will* delete your account, but you shouldn’t be surprised if I do.

    8) No stalking. If your behavior makes others extremely uneasy, be prepared to find your account locked or deleted.

    9) The use of multiple accounts for the purpose of trolling, or other deception, is against the rules. If you are caught posting from multiple user accounts, you will be given the option of posting from one of them. If you continue to use multiple accounts, all accounts will be banned.

    10) DO NOT use PM's to attack other members or staff. All PM attacks (direct harassment) should be reported and will not be tolerated.

    11) If you are having problems with your account and are emailing me for help, please email me from the account you registered with. If the registered email address is and you’re emailing me from, you will get no assistance from the management. There’s a reason why we require registration.

    This is a 100% privately funded forum. There is no paid advertising, membership fees, or any other form of income. My point? Even if you follow the letter of every rule, if you act like an asshole? You’re gone. "No Asshole" rule in effect here. Please always show compassion and kindness. Respect your fellow users. #