Poly with a Cuckold Twist

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Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by subguy80 » Fri Jul 22, 2022 7:20 am

I have a thread under the Cuckold Forum called Big New Development in Our Cuckold Marriage. I’ve posted since 2016. My wife, Sarah, and I have been married for 20 years and we have two children together.

My wife has been in a long-term relationship with her lover, Aaron, for 6 years (with the exception of a period where she had another primary lover). The three of us have decided it’s time to recognize that we’ve evolved from a cuckold marriage to a polyamorous cuckold marriage. People have different definitions of poly. To us, poly means my wife has fallen in love with another man and she will essentially (not in reality) have two husbands. It’s an emotional bond. However, we will also retain the sexual cuckold aspect to our poly arrangement. I remain the cuckold husband because there is a “sexual pecking order” in our marriage. Aaron will be her primary sexual partner. It has been this way for the past 6 years.

Why have a “wedding” now, you might ask? I guess for the same reason that people who have been living together, unmarried, for years, finally decide to tie the knot. It feels like a good time to acknowledge our relationship in a symbolic way. My wife’s lover says he’s being “elevated” by recognizing his “position.” That’s probably a good way to look at it.

My wife and I will continue to have sex, but we will have no, or very limited, intercourse. That’s just part of the agreement. Maybe we’ll have intercourse on special occasions. This is a difficult concept for many people to understand. All I can say is it works for us, although things change and never say never.

Below is the script for our cuckold wedding commitment ceremony. It will take place tomorrow. I’m referring to myself as Subguy because that’s my username in my thread, although that is obviously not my real name. Bill is a friend and he will act as the officiant for the ceremony. Because Sarah and Aaron don’t want their part of the vows posted here, I’m only including the vows and ceremony from my perspective.

Bill starts: “Welcome everyone. My name is Bill and I’ve been asked by Sarah and Subguy to officiate their commitment ceremony today. As most of you know, Sarah and Subguy have been married to one another for twenty years. Today they will renew their marriage vows, but in a new and very different manner. Today, they will commit to what is called a cuckold marriage and the nature of their previous marriage will change today. The vows they took 20 years ago remain, but the vows today will enhance and modify those earlier vows.

A cuckold marriage is a unique, complex and rewarding bond. At its core is the concept that the wife is a sexual being, with strong sexual desires and attractions. The husband loves and honors her sexuality and takes pride in supporting her sexuality throughout their marriage in ways that demonstrate his devotion. Most important, the husband recognizes that he cannot fulfill all of her sexual needs. He acknowledges his sexual inadequacies and encourages her to obtain sexual satisfaction in ways she desires, especially through sexual interactions with other men. The husband is sexually excited and aroused by the knowledge his wife is sexually active with other men.

In their cuckold marriage, the wife may choose to use sexual denial with her husband. She and her lovers may choose to use the power of humiliation with the husband. The husband may be forced to abstain from sexual activity from time to time. The wife may choose to cuckold her husband with multiple lovers or she may choose to have a regular lover, or both. All of these techniques are ways to increase the husband’s love and devotion to his wife and to intensify their bond.

Today is a special day, not just because Sarah and Subguy are committing to their new cuckold marriage, but also because they are inviting someone to join their marriage. Subguy, would you now invite this individual to come and join you and Sarah?”

At this point, I motion to Aaron, who comes up to us from his front row seat. I take his hand and put it in Sarah’s hand. I say to the invitees, “I’d like to introduce you to Aaron. He has been a long-time lover to Sarah and today he will formally join our marriage.”

Bill: “Subguy, Sarah and Aaron will now start the part of the ceremony where you state your commitment to your marriage vows. You make these vows to each other and to all of us as your witnesses. Do you, witnesses, pledge to support Sarah, Subguy and Aaron and help them fulfill their vows?” The witnesses answer “We do.”

Bill turns to Subguy and after each question, Subguy answers “I do.”

“Subguy, do you pledge to love, honor, cherish and protect Sarah? Do you pledge to accept and obey her sexual needs, desires and choices? Do you accept that she has sexual needs you are not able to fulfill? Do you acknowledge that Aaron and other men are able to fulfill those needs better than you? Do you welcome and accept Aaron into your marriage? Do you acknowledge that just as you and Sarah share a special bond and relationship, do you acknowledge and accept that Sarah and Aaron have a special bond that is separate from you? Do you accept that these special bonds are private matters between the parties? Do you believe that your marriage to Sarah will be stronger and more loving with the addition of Aaron to your marriage? Do you accept that he is superior to you in matters that are sexual? Do you willingly choose to give control of your sexual life and sexual satisfaction, including your penis, to Sarah and Aaron? If he desires, do you agree to surrender yourself sexually to Aaron? Do you agree to accept humiliation and denial from either Sarah or Aaron? Do you accept that Sarah may publicly refer to Aaron as her husband and that Aaron may publicly refer to Sarah as his wife?

Subguy, in what ways do you show your agreement with your vows to these witnesses today?”

At this point, I disrobe and face the witnesses. I’m completely naked and wearing a chastity cage. Sarah and Aaron clap in approval and the audience joins in the applause. While I stand naked, Bill turns to Sarah and Aaron and goes through their vows to each other in a similar manner. They are not included here because Sarah and Aaron want them more private. Their vows were personal, sexy and intimate. Then Bill says: “The participants would like to seal their vows by the exchange of rings.”

Sarah gives me my original wedding band that has been "updated" with a cuckold inscription inside the band. Rather than puttng it on my finger, however, she ties it to the end of my chastity cage with a red ribbon. She and Aaron then exchange rings. At the end of their ring exchange, I undress Sarah and then undress Aaron. Sarah stands between us and we join hands and face the witnesses. My wedding ring from Sarah is tangling from my chastity cage.

Bill says: I now pronounce you Husband, Wife and Cuckold Husband. There is more applause. He closes with: Please join Sarah, Subguy and Aaron for refreshments and drinks to celebrate this new marriage. Later in the afternoon, Aaron will take Sarah to the marital bedroom to “consummate” their marriage, along with Subguy. You are all invited to watch the consummation and to participate in a celebration of sexuality."

There was discussion about whether I should stay naked while Sarah and Aaron dressed during the reception. We decided that I’d make the call at the time.

Sarah initially wanted the “consummation” of the marriage to be private. Aaron felt strongly that he wanted the friends to see them fucking and me watching or assisting. He felt it would send a strong visual message about our roles. Sarah acquiesced and he won on that one.

We know there will be at least five guests, in addition to Bill. Aaron has two close friends, Zach and Kelly and both will be there, for sure. Zach has already come to town and Kelly is local. I have a friend, Eric, from Atlanta. He has already arrived in town. Nate and Sally, a couple who swing with Sarah and Aaron have committed and they hope to bring another couple I have not met, but who are also part of that swinging group.

We haven’t scripted an orgy as part of the ceremony, but this is a celebration of sexuality. So, we are all fully expecting there to be a lot of sex among the couples and with Sarah and Aaron after the marriage “consummation.”

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Re: Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by bernhard-bln » Fri Jul 22, 2022 9:52 pm

What a dream 4 me !!!

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Re: Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by eurocuck » Sat Jul 23, 2022 5:19 am

Love your story subguy80. My is similar just wifes boyfriend is also my lover. We have regular sex together more often he is bottom.

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Re: Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by subguy80 » Sun Jul 24, 2022 9:44 am

@RGB49FL asked on the Cuckold Forum: "I want to know how the ceremony went? Did it come off as planned? Were the guests happy and / or intrigued by it all? Did you guys decide Aaron and Sarah would be naked during the vows? And, of course, how was all the sex? Did you help the consummation process? Was there an orgy?"

The ceremony went almost exactly as planned. There were 10 of us, including the 3 of us and Bill. So, 6 witnesses/guests. I had never met Kelly, Aaron's friend since elementary school and a woman named Emily, who was a new swinger they recently met. Her husband was supposed to come but was called into work at the last minute. So, there was Sarah and two other women and 7 guys, including me.

The reaction from the guests was amazing. The support and warmth from them made it seem like they were friends, even though several were just acquaintances. Even though I had a huge part in writing my vows, it felt like I was listening to them for the first time as Bill was asking me the questions and to which I answered "yes." Somehow things have more impact when you actually say them out loud, in front of people. It's sort of like an AA meeting when they say: My name is XX and I'm an alcoholic. This was like: "My name is Subguy and I'm a cuckold husband."

Sarah and Aaron stayed clothed until their vows were finished and the rings exchanged. Then, just as we planned, I undressed them both and we all faced the witnesses, holding hands. After that, they both put their clothes back on. Sarah asked me to stay naked because she really liked the look of my wedding band dangling at the end of my cage with the red velvet ribbon. So, for the first hour or so during the reception, I was the only one naked. But, eventually, everyone got naked and we were all in the pool and socializing in the back yard.

Eventually Aaron took a knife and clanged on his champagne glass. He announced that it was time to consummate the marriage and invited everyone to join us in the bedroom. I have a lot to say about what followed, but I want to let some of these feelings simmer a bit and let me "digest" them. I dropped Sarah and Aaron off at the airport this morning and they're probably in the hot tub of their resort in Key West right now. Knowing them, they are already meeting some new people for fun.

So, I'll finish in future posts. I'm going to try to stick to my practice of postings that are not too long. I'm mellow, content, happy, horny and excited.

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Re: Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by LAlurker » Sun Jul 24, 2022 10:41 am

Subguy, congratulations! Well done! Cheers!

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Re: Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by tito123177 » Sun Jul 24, 2022 12:32 pm

Congratulations! It seems you have the perfect cuckold marriage, I was looking forward to hearing news on how the ceremony went in your other post, now I want to know what happened in the bedroom haha, I would love to be in a party like that someday, more so I would love to have a relationship like that, you really are living my cuckold dream, I'll be looking forward on how things develop in the future and how their honeymoon went.

I'm your fan subguy!
My Sims fan-created cuckolding story:
https://guiascornudismo.blogspot.com/20 ... 0013748dab

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Re: Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by RGB49FL » Mon Jul 25, 2022 6:55 am

Thanks for the update, subguy. But, since I just watched "Grease", the musical and the movie, I've got to say... "tell me more, tell me more, tell me more".

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Re: Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by DLD » Mon Jul 25, 2022 9:02 am

Great post. Looking forward to part two.

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Re: Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by octavian » Mon Jul 25, 2022 11:47 am

Thank you Subguy80. Your account is very erotic. Looking forward to hearing what happened at the consumation.

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Re: Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by eater » Tue Jul 26, 2022 10:09 am

I'm glad the ceremony went well

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Re: Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by subguy80 » Tue Jul 26, 2022 12:44 pm

Two of the guests, Bill and Kelly, left before the marriage consummation. Bill had a prior commitment and Kelly is married and monogamous and he had told Aaron he’d be leaving before the “sex part.” I thought it was pretty cool that this “vanilla guy” would even agree to come, just to support his life-long friend. That left 5 people who would be “watching” us in the bedroom, three men and two women.

Sarah and Aaron were relaxed, probably because they had already, at some point over the years, had sex with each of the 5. The difference this time was the inclusion of the “cuckold husband” and the visual of that would be something new for most of them.

I wasn’t aware when they entered the room. I was focused on the sex. I got on my knees and sucked Aaron while Sarah watched from the bed. Then he went down on her, while I cradled her from behind on the bed, stroking her hair and kissing her. Eventually he entered her very slowly and she emitted a long moan. We changed positions several times and when she rode him cowgirl, I watched from a kneeling position next to the bed. Sarah “dismounted” and pulled me back onto the bed under her as she got on all fours, her ass facing the edge of the bed. Aaron was standing on the floor next to the bed waiting to fuck her doggy. I was underneath her, my face directly under her pussy. Several times as he fucked her, he’d withdraw his cock and stick it in my mouth, then return to her pussy.

The “grand finale,” of course, was when Aaron exploded inside her. As he rolled onto his back beside her, I dove between her legs to lick up his cum. When she was clean, I moved over to Aaron and cleaned his cock. Then Sarah put her arms around both of us and we lay there together, holding each other. I heard someone (Zach, I think), say, “Well done, guys” followed by some applause as everyone left the room.

Ten minutes later, I got up and closed the door so they could have some privacy. They stayed in there another half an hour or so before rejoining the party.

When I came into the den (where Sarah had put some gymnastic matts on the floor for "play space"), Nate was already fucking his wife, Sally. Zach and Emily were kissing and Eric was watching everything. By the time I got myself a drink and came back into the room, Eric was getting his dick sucked by Sally and Zach and Emily were fucking. I think watching the sex in the marriage bed had really gotten everyone in the mood. It was sexual “musical chairs” as everyone switched partners for the rest of the afternoon, including when Sarah and Aaron joined the party.

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Re: Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by ucaneffher » Tue Jul 26, 2022 5:20 pm

Dude that is an awesome arrangement. I would absolutely love to be in a poly cuck relationship where the other man fully becomes her primary everything but I'm still respected and included by her and him. It would be phenomenal to be part of their relationship and living all together under one roof where I not only get to share her with him but almost fully surrender her but get to be by her side the entire time that she is his.

I'm not so sure about the humiliation and man on man action during the ceremony or at any point of the relationship and would very much rather be sort of a live in spectator who is still involved from time to time but overall I'm there as a backup to the main man.

Cool idea and process for like minded individuals

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Re: Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by sherulestherooster » Wed Jul 27, 2022 7:56 am

So hot, so many questions!

We’re you ever let out of chastity?
Did Aaron have sex with Sarah multiple times or with any other partners?
Can you describe your chastity cage setup? You have the PA affixed to the cage and your wedding ring also affixed to it?
What were you doing when they left for their trip? Will you be participating in a honeymoon at all?
Experience in a cuckold relationship, now downgraded to wannabe cuckold

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Re: Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by subguy80 » Wed Jul 27, 2022 11:12 am

sherulestherooster wrote:
Wed Jul 27, 2022 7:56 am
So hot, so many questions!

We’re you ever let out of chastity?
Did Aaron have sex with Sarah multiple times or with any other partners?
Can you describe your chastity cage setup? You have the PA affixed to the cage and your wedding ring also affixed to it?
What were you doing when they left for their trip? Will you be participating in a honeymoon at all?
Yes, I was let out of chastity. When Sarah and Aaron came out of the bedroom, she took the cage off. That was nice because then I was able to "get off" a couple of times during the afternoon. There were a lot of fun things to see, as you can imagine. Things started to wind down about 6:00 pm, after about 4 hours of playing. Everyone left by 7:00. Everyone knew Sarah and Aaron had a morning flight to catch and everyone was played out anyway. Sarah told me Aaron made love to her again, in private, after the consummation and when I had left the bedroom. During the party, they played but I don't think he ejaculated again with her. They both played with others, in fact, they played with everyone. After everyone left, the three of us relaxed in the pool with champagne. We all retired to our bedrooms by 9:30, party animals that we are.

I know there are chastity cages specifically made for a prince albert piercing. We haven't gotten one of those yet. We might. Aaron also showed me a picture of a prince albert "wand" that he wants to get me. Google it if you aren't familiar with one. My wedding ring is not cut, of course, so it can't be worn as Jewely through my piercing. I could wear it through the ring that is my current jewelry, but I'm afraid that would scratch my wedding ring. For now, my wedding band will be on my finger, where it always was. When we want to make a public statement at a play party, we'll tie it to my jewelry like it was Saturday and it will dangle from my dick.

I took them to the airport Sunday morning. They're coming back Friday. I'm not caged now. My upcoming work trip to Greece at the end of September will also be a combined honeymoon. We're leaving the boys for this trip. I need to be there for three weeks. Sarah and Aaron are coming for the first two weeks. We're all excited about that.

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Re: Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by subtoall » Thu Jul 28, 2022 9:06 pm

I'm curious what happens when the boys come home at the end of the summer?

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Re: Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by subguy80 » Fri Jul 29, 2022 5:26 am

subtoall wrote:
Thu Jul 28, 2022 9:06 pm
I'm curious what happens when the boys come home at the end of the summer?
Well, outwardly, nothing happens. Aaron is keeping his own house and he has joint custody of his boys, so he has that part of his life that stays the same. He has a few more of his things at our house, but that's been happening gradually for a year or so. To be honest, we'll be playing things by ear, as we gauge how the boys are reacting, his as well as ours. There isn't a playbook. Kids are perceptive. They already know that Mom and Aaron are "close" and that Dad is OK with that. "We'll just take it from there" is about all I can say.

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Re: Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by RGB49FL » Fri Jul 29, 2022 3:25 pm

Well done, subguy. Sounds like it was a great experience for everyone. I really like the part where you lie under Sarah as Aaron fucks her. I did that once with my wife. And the guy stuck his cock in my mouth several times. Very erotic. Good luck with the triangle marriage. And hope the trip to Greece is a blast.

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Re: Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by DLD » Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:17 am

Hope you had a good weekend with them back home.

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Re: Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by D+D » Tue Aug 02, 2022 2:16 pm

Not surprising to me at all. It was obvious years ago that there was more than just sex between Sarah and Aaron. I was admittedly surprised that at first Aaron would join the marriage as Sarah’s lover instead of husband, but thankfully that got “fixed” before the ceremony. Sarah’s new ring is awesome! Whomever came up with that idea, kudos to them. Well they say happy wife, happy life so Sarah should be extremely happy now that she has two husbands that love her. Congratulations my friend and I hope you only grow in happiness as the years pass by.
See our pics in the Hotties under My Wife Debbie

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Re: Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by subguy80 » Thu Aug 04, 2022 2:10 pm

D+D wrote:
Tue Aug 02, 2022 2:16 pm
It was obvious years ago that there was more than just sex between Sarah and Aaron. I was admittedly surprised that at first Aaron would join the marriage as Sarah’s lover instead of husband, but thankfully that got “fixed” before the ceremony. Sarah’s new ring is awesome! Whomever came up with that idea, kudos to them.
Thanks, the wedding ring design was mine! Sarah isn't big on jewelry, but I convinced her this would be nice and she couldn't be happier with how it looks. There's a lot of symbolism in the ring that we three know about but isn't necessarily screaming out to others. It's just a nice ring.

So, here is something fun and sexy from the ceremony I haven't written about yet. We told guests we didn't want gifts. But, Bill came up with this idea that it would be fun to have "gag gifts" that played on the cuckold/bull/hotwife theme. Even though Aaron is much more than a "bull," he plays the part and actually likes being referred to as Sarah's bull. We three received several fun t-shirts. Here are a few:

For me: "Small cock" (with a picture of a small rooster); "Cuckold Clean Up Crew;" "Cuckold"
For Sarah: "Plays Well with Others;" "Love my Husband, but Fuck My Bull;" "Husband Loves to Watch"
For Aaron: "Bull" (with a picture of a bull); "Size Matters;" "I Just Had Your Wife."
Sarah and Aaron took a couple of the shirts to Key West and they had a lot of fun, apparently. Those are the kinds of things you can do in Key West. We decided to go out last Saturday to a sleazy, fun, loud and party bar and wear our t-shirts. We all want to be a little more "out" within reason and this seemed like a good place to do that. Sarah got hit on a lot, but Aaron is imposing and easily deflected the losers. I was enjoying my cuckold humiliation from the looks and comments I received. Sarah and Aaron met a very handsome black couple with whom they exchanged numbers. So, that might lead to something. All in all, a good time was had by all.

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Re: Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by DLD » Sat Aug 06, 2022 8:22 am

Sounds like the three of you are getting more comfortable with being authentically yourselves in and out of the house now.

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Re: Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by D+D » Thu Aug 11, 2022 7:58 am

Hi subguy. Has Sarah’s attitude or demeanor changed at all now that Aaron is her husband too? Do they interact any differently as a couple or is everything basically the same as before the ceremony?
See our pics in the Hotties under My Wife Debbie

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Re: Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by subguy80 » Thu Aug 11, 2022 3:07 pm

D+D wrote:
Thu Aug 11, 2022 7:58 am
Hi subguy. Has Sarah’s attitude or demeanor changed at all now that Aaron is her husband too? Do they interact any differently as a couple or is everything basically the same as before the ceremony?
That's a very good question. One of the changes that was building over the past year and seems to have really "broken through" with the ceremony is Sarah's ability to finally let go of her concern about hurting my feelings. Bringing another husband into our relationship is, of course, much more threatening to me than to her. I'm relinquishing some of my time with her to another guy. We were both concerned about the effect of that. Sarah and I have spent hours talking this over and we wouldn't have moved forward unless she honestly believed I wanted this arrangement as much as she and Aaron did. With that realization, a number of other things fell into place.

For example, over the years, I sometimes felt that she would "hold back" when I was watching her have sex, like she was having fun, but didn't want me to think she was having too much fun. That's partly why I really pulled back from watching her. Now, she talks about the strong orgasms Aaron gives her and she sometimes tells me sexy details about their love making and how much she loves his body. I recently got her to admit that she prefers larger sized cocks and how much she loves sex with him. It's so much hotter for me to hear her just admit that and be open about it!

Another example: In the past, she was always hesitant to "role play" about femdom or SPH. I think she felt a bit embarrassed. I think she finally believes me when I tell her that I love it, actually, when she plays the humiliation card. A fairly common "game" we play is when she holds my caged penis in her hand next to Aaron's cock and makes jokes (as does he) about the size difference. Shortly after the ceremony, a work colleague of hers recently saw Aaron come and pick her up from work and kiss her. When the colleague asked her the next day if that was her husband, she said Aaron was her lover and that her husband knew and approved because her husband's penis was small and couldn't satisfy her. She would NEVER, ever, have done that before. Now, she knows I will get some titillating humiliation when and if I ever see that woman. She also knows it gives Aaron's ego a big boost and that was part of her motivation. That fact that she would play a game that I would enjoy, was a big step for her. Like crossing the Rubicon. There's no going back.

When she kisses Aaron, she doesn't feel like she has to come over and kiss me, as well, to give me equal time. And in reverse, when she shows me affection, she doesn't necessarily go over and give some love to Aaraon. We're all three still constrained because we have young teenagers at home, Aaron included. Aaron has spent several over-nights at our house and the boys didn't seem concerned. What they assumed, of course, is that he slept in the guest room and not their Mom's bed. They do know that their mother has a very close male friend with whom she spends a lot of time and Dad is OK with that. So, the leap to more openness hopefully won't be too hard for all of us. These are early days, but these are some of the changes I've experienced already. All of them good. Thanks for your post.

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Re: Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by NewOldCuck » Fri Aug 12, 2022 8:50 am

Another very illuminating post. It is good to see exactly how everyone is getting more out of this. I once had someone tell me that a successful merger is you take 1+1 and make it equal 3. In your case it might be more like 1+1+1=5. :D Thanks again for enlightening us.
New Old Cuck


Re: Poly with a Cuckold Twist

Unread post by gulfcpl » Sat Aug 13, 2022 3:19 am

I love seeing people find happiness. Best wishes in your new marriage.

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