New developments

When a fuck buddy becomes something more.
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New developments

Unread post by luckyguy3 » Sun Jun 11, 2023 12:14 am

I had honestly thought my days posting on this site were over. But life can surprise you sometimes and it surely has gotten interesting for my wife Jen and I this past three weeks. Let me quickly bring you up to speed and then tell you why my stomach is tied up in multiple knots as I write these words.

In my earlier posting, titled “My Wife Fell in Love With My Best Friend” I told the story of how my lovely wife Jen, with my consent and encouragement, started a very high energy affair with a married man who we both knew well and who was– at that time at least – my best friend. The man – Dan – eventually got divorced. After his divorce the affair evolved into a genuine committed polyamorous relationship where Jen became the primary partner for both of us and lived with Dan for substantial periods of time on a regular basis. For several years we all thrived in the relationship. For reasons which I won’t get into here (you can read all about it in the prior posts) Jen cut things off with Dan a couple of years ago. He has remained out of the picture ever since. Since then Jen has had no extramarital relationships of any kind, nor evinced any desire to pursue one, despite my not so subtle suggestions. Instead she has focused her energy on our daughter and granddaughter.
For some time I have feared that the sexually adventurous phase of our lives had come to a close. But all that started to change in a hurry two weeks ago.

As readers of the earlier blog posts know, I run a seasonal business providing tour excursions, mostly for cruise ship passengers. We are extremely busy from May through September every year with July and August being our biggest months. The business is predicated on the relationships I have developed with several of the major cruise lines. As long as they are pleased with our services (and we don’t have any more pandemics!) we are in good shape. So as you might imagine we do everything we can to keep them happy.

Last month we were contacted by a cruise line we had not worked with before about possibly signing up with us for the 2024 season. I ended up making a short trip to their headquarters in Miami and asked Jen to come along and enjoy a weekend away. We splurged and treated ourselves to first class tickets both ways. We were ticketed to come home on Sunday afternoon but my meetings on Friday went so well that the client asked me to come back in for another presentation on Monday. Jen needed to get home as she is the day care provider for our granddaughter on weekdays, so she flew home on Sunday by herself.

And that’s where things got interesting.

Jen was sitting in her first class window seat (she always likes the window) with nobody beside her. Shortly before takeoff the flight attendant brought up a passenger from coach who was upgraded at the last minute to fill what should have been my seat. His name was Bart, he was from Miami, he was a few years younger than Jen, well dressed and very articulate. Jen has always liked talking to strangers on planes (I hate it -bury my nose in a book or a movie every time) and even before takeoff the two were merrily chatting away.

But this was no ordinary “talk to the person in 4B who you will never see again” chat. Jen found Bart fascinating – and from the way she described it to me later he was into her just as much. They talked nonstop the entire flight about a wide variety of topics. Jen said she was conscious of a strong attraction to him – not just because of his looks (which were nice but not “wow”) but rather because of his intellect and enthusiasm. And she had no doubt about his attraction to her.

Bart knew Jen was married. She was wearing her ring and explained to him in the first few minutes that her husband was supposed to be in the seat but had been delayed by business. That did not deter Bart. Before the flight ended he gave her his business card and then wrote his private cell phone number on the back of it. When Jen told me this over the phone later that evening I asked “What did you say when he gave you his number?” Her reply was a bit of a shock. She said she took the card, said thanks, then looked him in the eye and said “You’ll be hearing from me.”

This was all real sudden and a huge change for us. Jen has not had any interest in any other man since the relationship with Dan ended. But she was not just attracted to Bart – she was genuinely interested in him. She told me he was someone she would like to see again and explore the possibility of a relationship. Not a one night stand or a few nights of athletic sex with a decent looking younger man, but a real relationship.

I was taken aback by her frank statement of interest. I thought those days were over for us – or at least for Jen. I am still having an off again, on again relationship with her younger sister Deb (described in detail in the earlier posts, we can update that some other time) so I was in no position to argue when she said she wanted to pursue this. And truth was that I was excited to see her want to “get back in the game”.

Once Jen had my support she did not waste any time. She texted Bart, told him she had some business of her own taking her back to Miami and asking him if he would like to get together for dinner while she was in town. He got back right away and said he could be available for her “anytime”.

So Jen did it. I told her that if she was going to do this she should do it right. We made a reservation for her at a new cutting edge hotel. She flew down there this morning and spent the afternoon in Miami Beach picking out a very chic new outfit. Once she was back in her hotel room she FaceTimed me to show me how she looked all dressed up for her date. She looked so fantastic. Classy and sexy – that’s my Jen at her best. And she looked so young and excited – I swear I could see the glow of New Relationship Energy. Then she headed off to dinner at a romantic restaurant selected by Bart. She is still with him as I am typing these words.

Our arrangement for this evening was simple and straightforward. I told her to enjoy herself and have a good time without any preconceptions of how things would go. Worst case scenario she gets treated to a nice dinner by an interesting guy. Best case scenario – who knows, we did not set any limits. Jen elected not to wear her wedding ring, she wants to feel like a single woman on a first date with a fascinating guy. She was undecided what she would tell him about our relationship. Maybe tell him about the openness we have embraced in our marriage. Maybe just let Bart think he had met a wife open to someone new.

I told her I trusted her to do and say whatever felt right under the circumstances. The only thing I asked was that whenever Bart went home for the evening that she give me a call right away. That was our agreement when we spoke shortly before 6 this evening.

It’s now 12:34 am and I haven’t heard a word. Doesn’t take a whole lot of imagination to guess what is going on. In fact, it’s looking more and more like he was not only invited up to her room after dinner, he may be spending the entire night. I know Jen well enough that if she lets Bart spend the night it means she is really feeling something for him. Definitely not her style to have him stay over if this was just sex.

That’s why my stomach is doing flip flops right now. It’s been years since I have been in this position, probably never anything quite like this. With Dan we both knew him so well and for so long before their affair started that we all knew where we stood. I never really felt threatened by it. But this is so different. I have never met this guy, all I know is what she has told me and what I have been able to learn Googling him (of course we did that). What I can sense is that Jen is seriously interested in him, and not just a pure animal attraction but as a man she might want a genuine relationship with.

What is she feeling right now as she lies beside him in her charming hotel room? Is she sleeping in his arms? Are they making love for the third time? Is she thinking of me and thanking me for supporting this unexpected opportunity? Or is she totally focused on him, maybe even falling for him? We all know from experience how powerful new relationship energy can be.

For now all I can do is wait til my beloved Jen calls. Maybe it will still be later tonight. Maybe it will be tomorrow morning. Maybe she will be with him all day and night tomorrow too (her flight back is not until Monday). Maybe they are already making plans for their next rendezvous. I just won’t know until she calls.

I thought after all our prior experiences I would be fine with this. It is a turn on to have her be with someone else. I like being supportive of her having outside relationships, as she has been supportive of mine. I just need reassurance right now that she will always love me and never leave me. Because I love her with all my heart and can’t imagine life without her.

It’s 1:15 now. Going to be a long night.


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Re: New developments

Unread post by luckyguy3 » Sun Jun 11, 2023 2:37 am

Just got the call about 3:00 am. Jen’s first date with Bart was pretty much all that she had hoped for - romantic dinner, great conversation and lots of fun. He came up to her room afterwards and they spent the next four hours in bed. He seems really excited about her. But after round two she politely hinted he should go, mostly so she could call me, see how I was doing and tell me that she loved me. Just exactly what I needed to hear. She is going to see him again this afternoon and may spend the night with him before flying home to me on Monday. Feeling 10,000 times better after hearing her voice. My insecurities have been quelled - at least for now - and I am genuinely happy that she has gotten off to such a good start with him. Compersion is so nice when it’s genuine.

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Re: New developments

Unread post by onceacuck » Sun Jun 11, 2023 2:51 am

Congratulations! Let’s hope this is the start of something wonderful.

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Re: New developments

Unread post by luckyguy3 » Sun Jun 11, 2023 9:27 pm

Have texted with Jen frequently throughout the day and talked to her a couple of times as well. It really has been an amazing couple of days for her. Prior to yesterday she had only talked to Bart for a couple of hours on an airplane flight. But since late yesterday afternoon they have been together nonstop except for a few hours where he went home to sleep for a bit and feed and walk his dog. From everything she has told me they are getting along famously, nonstop conversation and several sessions in the bedroom already. He made arrangements for the dog so he can spend the entire night with her. From everything I can tell he seems quite smitten with her - and she with him.

Jen said she was planning to talk with him tonight about where they see things going from here. My bet is that they have already made plans to see each other again soon. Every instinct I have is telling me this is the start of a very significant relationship.

I had been hoping that at some point after the end of her prior relationship with Dan that she would be open to outside adventures again. Now that it has happened it seems like she has found someone she really likes and who is crazy about her and treats her with genuine affection, friendship and respect. On the one hand that is really great and I am happy for her. But I still have this nagging voice in my head saying “Watch out for what you wish for.”

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Re: New developments

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Mon Jun 12, 2023 1:09 pm

LG3 - Good to see you back and that J is back in the saddle. Hoping this goes well for all. Does J have a reason to be going to Miami on a regular basis? And to be asked I suppose is whether J's new interest would be coming to your local regularly?

Any chance of pictures of J, even from the neck down? :o :roll:

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Re: New developments

Unread post by goodjob » Sat Jun 24, 2023 7:33 pm

Sounds like a great start
I actually joined when this site was initially created. I've been a member on/off since then. The founding members created this site when the old forum we were all on just went away.

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Re: New developments

Unread post by foot69loose » Sat Jun 24, 2023 10:23 pm

Great to hear from you LG3,

Looks like you have to hang on to your hat and see where the road leads to.
Emjoy the ride, my angst level rose whilst reading your update, so unnderstand yours would have been quite high.


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Re: New developments

Unread post by mundyman » Sun Jun 25, 2023 5:02 am

Thanks for sharing these exciting developments!
Is the flight to Miami long or relatively short.
Will the distance between the two, and the cost and time involved in the flight, prohibit them being together easily.
Will their trips to see each other be easy to arrange or would they be more infrequent.

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Re: New developments

Unread post by luckyguy3 » Sun Jun 25, 2023 6:19 am

Easy flight with lots of direct options and cheap rates. So cost, time and distance are not huge obstacles. Coordinating two busy schedules is more of a challenge (she provides daycare for our daughter, he runs his own business.) But they have already scheduled a second meet in just a couple of weeks and talked about more options down the road from there.

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Re: New developments

Unread post by luckyguy3 » Sun Jun 25, 2023 6:26 am

FYI, in addition to all of the fun conversation and meals, most of the rest of their time together was consumed by what Jen described to me as a "fuckfest." Five times in thirty six hours and he came every time. So no compatibility issues in the bedroom. Can't remember the last time she did anything quite like that - it must have been early on in her relationship with Dan.

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Re: New developments

Unread post by shadowtantra » Mon Jun 26, 2023 11:06 am

I have appreciated your thoughtful and detailed story that put yours and Jens relationship on here for our reading pleasure and learning. welcome back and thank you for sharing your update.

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Re: New developments

Unread post by vicg » Mon Jul 03, 2023 11:03 am

I just found this thread, and I'm so glad you're back (and that Hotwife Jen is back)! You write really well, and Jen sounds absolutely amazing. I remember your old thread quite well, including why the relationship with Dan ended. I'm also glad to hear that things between you and Deb are still ongoing, even if they're low-key. I'd love to read an update about that while we all wait for the next installment about Jen and Bart!

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Re: New developments

Unread post by venus-can99 » Tue Jul 04, 2023 12:25 pm

Great to hear Jen has found a new relationship

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Re: New developments

Unread post by SlimScott » Tue Jul 04, 2023 1:38 pm

I hope you update this thread soon! We all are interested!

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Re: New developments

Unread post by luckyguy3 » Tue Jul 18, 2023 8:43 am

Things are continuing to progress rapidly between Jen and her new friend Bart. He had a long business trip to the West Coast this month. He routed his connections through our airport (not easy or cheap for him to do) so he could see her. Jen spent a day and night with him in a lovely upscale hotel two weeks ago. She pretty much had a terrific time with him both in and out of bed. In just a few hours he will be landing there again. His connection to Miami does not leave until tomorrow evening. Jen will be picking him up at the airport, this time they are headed to an intimate B&B located about an hour’s drive from town. She had to get really creative to come up with a cover story for our daughter but she and Bart were excited to see each other and Jen was determined to make that happen.

This is all happening fast and at a bit of a difficult time as I am away at our other home running our seasonal tour business. We have been super busy last few weeks - possibly going to be a record month for. Jen has been doing a lot of the online and admin stuff from home but we have been apart most of the summer. All of our discussions about Bart this past month have been over the phone or by text. That has gone well for the most part although at times it has been difficult for me to see how excited she is about this new man in her life when we are not together.

To make matters even more complicated, we had Deb come up to join me for the 4th of July week which, along with Labor Day, is always one of our busiest times. Deb has learned the business well and is a huge help. The attraction between us is still there although for some time I have been telling myself that maybe we should cool things off. I had been worried that Jen would eventually object, there have been hints of that over the past year. But this time it turns out that she was seeing Bart on the 5th while Deb was up here with me.

Not sure why but over after work margaritas I ended up telling Deb what was going on - I think I was distracted and worried about how quickly things were moving between Jen and Bart. Deb took me straight home and to bed. That night we had probably our most intense sex ever. I can’t claim credit for it, Deb was like a woman on fire. At one point she had the loudest and most intense orgasm that I have ever seen a woman have. Unbelievable - actually scared me a little bit, it was that intense. Crazily enough I was not able to cum at all myself, part of my head was always worrying about Jen. I ended up having to “fake it” which felt weird. Deb stayed through the weekend and we ended up having sex every night, despite all my self promises to slow things down.

Now Deb is back home with her boyfriend of the past year, another teacher at her school who knows nothing of her relationship with me. I am up here by myself. Should be working but instead find myself drifting and wondering about what Jen will be doing once she picks Bart up at the airport. This will be their third intimate time together since they met on the plane two months ago. She has told me that if this visit goes well she would like to fly down to Miami and spend a long weekend with him sometime next month.
If that happens it will be a sign that this is a serious relationship.

Like I said when I started this thread, you gotta watch what you wish for.

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Re: New developments

Unread post by venus-can99 » Tue Jul 18, 2023 10:59 am

Thanks for sharing the update and articulating your feelings - worry, elation and of course thoughts of Jen.

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Re: New developments

Unread post by foot69loose » Tue Jul 18, 2023 8:46 pm

Thanks Luckyguy3,

The hardest thing to deal and cope with is the angst when our partner is out with another male and you know what they are doing.

It's my experience that our imaginations are far more vivid and exciting than what actually occurs in real life. The new relationship is in most cases a slow burn to learn about each others like and preferences.
After they learn about one another it is then the real angst begins and its then based more on a relationship rather than a new person to play with and the NRE that goes with this.
It can take as little as 2 or 3 visits together to overcome their shyness and begin exploring each other.
You would also be very aware of the angst after years of practice you would have endured with Dan in the picture.
Having Deb with you was a good thing it will take the edge of things, but as you have stated it does not diminish the gut wrenching feelings that you are going through , so Deb would be a good distraction for a short time.

I know when I learn about my wife with a new lover enjoying and experimenting with each other and each of them trying to ensure that their new partner was pleasured to the max, it is this that caused me so much angst.

I still do not have a solution or suggestion as to how to deal with it. Distance makes this even worse such as when I worked overseas and a FaceTime chat would end, with me then pondering for hours and hours all the things I should have asked when on the call. It got so bad at some stages I would write myself notes to ensure I dealt with the questions that were on my mind and giving me cramps in the gut and sleepless nights.

Once the newness wore off (NRE slowed down) my angst would also lower and I could then enjoy their relationship much more.
No matter what occurred I always asked the same questions, Size, frequency, how much cum and where. Oral, Anal and what else was new.

So in summary, it does not change no matter how many times and where it happens at home or overseas, It still sucks to have the angst no amount of beer or football can ease it one bit. It only goes away when she comes home until the next time when her excitement reaches fever pitch once again and plans are made in extraordinary haste to ensure they have another rendezvous.

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Re: New developments

Unread post by Luis » Wed Jul 19, 2023 8:15 am

While I can only sympathize with the struggles involved in watching your wife’s excitement and developing relationship with Bart, it seems like you and Jen have an amazing relationship that is based on love and openness. Your other thread was among my favorites on this site so I thank you for starting this new thread and sharing with us your adventures in love and happiness. It is so sexy!

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Re: New developments

Unread post by regular3 » Thu Jul 20, 2023 8:09 pm

This is an exciting new development and it sounds like you are experiencing some angst and compression you haven't felt for a long time. Plus Jen is experiencing lots of NRE which also hasn't been there for a while either.
I guess Bart has come along at a good time as there would have been a bit of a grieving process after Dan.
So can you please explain what Jen has told Bart in relation to you and her marriage?
Does he think she's having a secret affair or does he know the dynamic you share?

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Re: New developments

Unread post by luckyguy3 » Thu Jul 20, 2023 10:34 pm

Thanks to all of you who have commented so n the past few days, especially “foot69loose” whose long and sharing post was very helpful to me late at night while I could not sleep wondering what Jen was doing with Bart at that very moment. It’s been a day since Jen returned home and I wanted to post an update on where things are as of now.

This last visit with Bart was quite short, the two of them only spent less than 24 hours together. But by all accounts it was a smashing success. It looks like they are developing a real and potentially long term relationship.

During their first dinner together Jen honestly told Bart about the nature of our wonderful marriage, how she has had the freedom to see other people, how she had a very serious long term polyamorous love affair which ended some time ago and how there has been nobody else (except me of course) in her life since then. In my view this was very courageous of her. She made a real connection with Bart when they first met on their airplane flight. She took the lead in setting up their first dinner date. She had no idea how he would respond to her situation. But she put it all out there. He responded well and after dinner she invited him back to her room. It has all been very intense ever since.

This week they had their third date. If you Google “third dates” you will find lots of sites offering discussions and advice about why third dates are often significant barometers about the potential future of a new developing relationship. Jen and I have had a lot of frank and positive discussions about all of this since she came home from the her “third date” with Bart. I have been so pleased - and relieved - that our talks have been remarkably open, comfortable and positive.

Without revealing too many personal details (I am sensitive that Bart does not know I am posting about them) I think it is fair to say that things are going very well between them. They are getting along famously, talk non stop about all sorts of topics. And the sex just keeps getting better as they explore each other and become more familiar with one another. It is clear to me that he is really excited about her and very happy to be dating her - even though she is married to me. It seems that he is looking at this as hopefully an ongoing deal - Jen seems to be on her way to becoming his long distance significant other. Jen is just as excited - they are both oozing with NRE. They talked more about this being an ongoing relationship and also started making plans for a longer visit next month with references to more after that. Fortunately Jen is in a position where she can come up with credible business reasons to visit Miami (his town) on a regular basis. And they have also talked about the option of the three of us meeting some time after the summer season is over. Jen wants that, she has made it clear that this can only work for her long term if I am 100% ok with it. She wants me to meet him, she thinks he and I could not just get along but be friends. That is important to her.

So that’s where we are for now. I feel so much better now that she is home. Not because she is no longer in his arms, but because she and I have been able to communicate so well about it. After hours of good open discussions I feel like she is sharing everything with me, not only about their sexual relationship (which started off good and has gotten even better) but also about the fast growing emotional connection that she and Bart are forging. She is not using the “love” word, and I’m sure he is not thinking in those terms either. But it is undeniably a budding romance that they are both excited about.

Jen has gone out of her way to reassure me about the primacy of our precious marriage. She insists that she will stop this in a heartbeat if it becomes hurtful to me. Intellectually I probably didn’t need that reassurance. I KNOW how much she loves me, how committed she is to our marriage, our family and our life together. But emotionally it was still really good to hear.

So right now I am feeling pretty good about all this. She is clearly basking in NRE, I am feeling a strong kick of compersion, genuine joy that these new developments are giving happiness to the love of my life. I am sure there will be more ups and downs along the way, and it will be significant when he and I finally meet. But for now things are great between Jen and I. From everything I have heard things are pretty darned good between Bart and Jen as well. I wouldn’t call this a full blown polyamorous relationship yet - but it sure does seem to have that potential.

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Re: New developments

Unread post by regular3 » Fri Jul 21, 2023 1:49 am

Great update.
I certainly like the emotional developments that happen between you, Jen and Bart.
I feel that for Jen the ability to form an emotional connection is more important than the sex.
So what can you tell us about him? What are the qualities that brought such a strong connection so fast? Is he married and physically how does he rate as a lover?

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Re: New developments

Unread post by Laveenguy » Fri Jul 21, 2023 5:07 am

Hey, lucky guy! I think you really are a lucky guy. I have been following your story for a while and found it very interesting. My story is similar. So I’ve been able to relate to a lot of the ups and downs that you’ve discussed. My wife and I started out 38 years ago with an open marriage. But at her insistence it was a don’t ask don’t tell open marriage. Mostly because she didn’t want to hear about my dalliances. This all changed in 2016 when she met a young fella about 20 years her Junior. She fell for him hard and they had an intense but unfortunately, brief love affair. By brief, I mean it was a couple years. But at that point, she discovered the concept of polyamory , and we’ve been trying to live in that model ever since. Anyway, I am genuinely happy for you, and I remain hopeful that my wife will find someone like that for herself again before too long. Keep up the good posts. And thank you for sharing.

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Re: New developments

Unread post by foot69loose » Fri Jul 21, 2023 1:53 pm

Thank you Luckyguy for this latest update, It looks like things are moving along at quite a pace. I hope your enjoying the ride.

I hope you have been able to relase that gut wrench you had been putting up with..

Thanks again, we both look forward to reading your adventures.

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Re: New developments

Unread post by motivated hubby » Wed Jul 26, 2023 5:25 pm

Looking very forward to your next update. I hope that the two of you will get to meet and hit it off very well. My wife’s lover and I are best friends. They have been together for nine years.

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Re: New developments

Unread post by jane » Tue Aug 15, 2023 2:02 pm

i'm so glad to see you are back, it seemed the door was closed on this, but i'm very happy for you

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