Does she stay overnight?

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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by Jezza2543 » Mon Mar 23, 2020 7:54 pm

My wife stays overnight with her boyfriend. She is with him tonight (probably be the last time for a while). They don’t see each other that often but when they do it is often an overnight in a hotel which I encourage as it helps them bond.

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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by Iwatchherplay » Mon Mar 30, 2020 1:17 pm

My wife has stayed overnight with her playmates many times.

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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by alan137 » Mon Apr 13, 2020 7:40 pm

Yes she has many times. Most of the time he stays over at our place and sleeps with her. I love it.
:up: :whip: :)

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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by Rugbyman » Wed Apr 15, 2020 12:51 pm

We live in the UK.
My wife often spends the night with her 'friends'. One is male and the other female. They are not exclusive and do not live together.
I just receive a text ot phone call advising me that my wife will not be home until morning.
Thats fine with me but it hurts as I've agreed not to cheat with anyone else. Its as much as I can cope with at the moment.
I do enjoy the thrill of her being elsewhere.
My problem is coping with friends making comments about seeing my wife in pubs and bars with differnet men and/or women or both.
Where were you they say!
Does that ring a bell with anyone?

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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by CoupleFun555 » Wed Apr 15, 2020 3:53 pm

She has spent weekends with one bf. We communicate when she is gone. I do get hot and bothered when she’s gone. Before she leaves for a weekend and when she comes back, I’m totally charged sexually.

I also trust her. She is fully capable of loving another man and still meeting my wants and needs. It works for us.

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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by Des 31 » Fri May 22, 2020 10:33 am

BeNatural wrote:
Thu Dec 17, 2009 8:09 am
Hi, I just started dating a lovely poly woman that is married. She stays over night with her lovers when time permits.

To the ladies: do you? Hubbies, does she spend the whole night with a lover sometimes?
My wife prefers staying overnight when its' possible for both her and another man. One of her two most regular guys is an unattached college student who lives in an off-campus apartment and at times she will drop by his place after work to fuck a couple of hours. But she has stayed overnight at his place and our home most often. She has stayed overnight with her boss often but they also get together some nights or afternoons for brief hookups.
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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by SailorGuy » Fri May 22, 2020 3:35 pm

They didn't stay the night together for quite a while, mostly because of our young kids in each family. When my wife would go off to spend the evening with her lover she would always tell our kids some kind of story that covered her tracks.
As their relationship got more serious her lover began to ask her about overnighters and even weekend getaways. This excited the hell out of us, so my wife and I devised some story scenarios that we could use whenever her lover finally made some plans for her and him.
Finally he asked her to stay at his house one night; we told our kids about a work getaway she had to go on on a Friday night. Thrilling as hell for both of us!
I helped her pack her things; after putting the kids to bed I spent a long night alone in our king-size bed masturbating thinking about what my wife was doing - all night lone and again in the morning with her well-endowed athletic lover.
We did this again when he asked her off for a long weekend: "mommy had to go on a business trip". This happy cuckold took care of home and children for three nights and four days while his wife was a thousand miles away with her lover. Wonderful!

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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by ucaneffher » Fri May 22, 2020 5:25 pm

SailorGuy wrote:
Fri May 22, 2020 3:35 pm
They didn't stay the night together for quite a while, mostly because of our young kids in each family. When my wife would go off to spend the evening with her lover she would always tell our kids some kind of story that covered her tracks.
As their relationship got more serious her lover began to ask her about overnighters and even weekend getaways. This excited the hell out of us, so my wife and I devised some story scenarios that we could use whenever her lover finally made some plans for her and him.
Finally he asked her to stay at his house one night; we told our kids about a work getaway she had to go on on a Friday night. Thrilling as hell for both of us!
I helped her pack her things; after putting the kids to bed I spent a long night alone in our king-size bed masturbating thinking about what my wife was doing - all night lone and again in the morning with her well-endowed athletic lover.
We did this again when he asked her off for a long weekend: "mommy had to go on a business trip". This happy cuckold took care of home and children for three nights and four days while his wife was a thousand miles away with her lover. Wonderful!
Too damn hot of a scenario. I always wished that my ex would’ve accumulated a handful of regular lovers (instead sleeping with guys to sleep with a few times) And the reasoning was that I wanted to experience my gf becoming the “vacation companion” for a nice variety of men.

I wanted to know that my Gf was going away for a week or two in January with lover 1 to Hawaii, then going away with lover 2 to the Bahamas in March, then Jamaica in April with lover 3... and so on.

It was a fantasy of mine to imagine my gf being taken on vacation 3,4,5,8 times a year by different men and knowing they’ve got her for at least one week and fucking her brains out over there, returning her to me super tanned.

The fantasy eventually evolved to these vacations becoming more into a romantic getaway for her to go give herself all the way and return pregnant but let’s keep that as a fantasy lol

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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by Lincscuck » Fri May 29, 2020 10:50 pm

Hi Guys,

My wife stays over with her boyfriend every time they meet. Initially it was a night in a hotel every two weeks. Just before lockdown though she spent a full 2 night weekend with him at his place. I think that was a big step from hotwife to poly!

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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by armyguyot1 » Sat May 30, 2020 5:49 am

Welcome to the forum Linscuck.

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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by Awife » Sat May 30, 2020 7:00 pm

I seldom stay with my younger guys overnight. We usually have sex in the daytime when we stay alone.

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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by Ukguy51 » Sun Jul 26, 2020 12:06 am

I'm waiting for darling wife to come home, shes spent the night with an old coworker, she slept with him last night for the first time, I'm can't wait till she gets home, she sent a message at 5am this morning so i bet he's spooning her big ass right now, the feeling of her waking up after a good seeing too, then having the time to fuck again before he sends my lady back to me, I love overnight meets.

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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by Des 31 » Sun Aug 09, 2020 6:33 am

BeNatural wrote:
Thu Dec 17, 2009 8:09 am
Hi, I just started dating a lovely poly woman that is married. She stays over night with her lovers when time permits.

To the ladies: do you?

Hubbies, does she spend the whole night with a lover sometimes?
Often, yes.,
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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by SwirlyTwo » Tue Aug 11, 2020 10:41 am

She has. That basically means I get to go all out in Man Cave Land. It's cigars, whiskey, country music, and really STUPID comedies for me.

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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by iwish » Wed Aug 12, 2020 11:23 am

James Elena wrote:
Sun Jan 03, 2010 3:34 pm
There is nothing as satisfying as spending the night with a lover....indulging in each other all night long...fucking and sucking, then falling asleep for a couple of hours only to start it all over again, over and over, all night long. E.
If we went down this road, I would encourage her to spend the night with a lover/BF once she was comfortable with him. The idea that he could wake up and take her again would prove to her just how desirable she is. The thought would keep me on edge all night. Better still, imagining her waking up and wanting him again so much that she could not wait until morning is even hotter. Would he already be hard and she would wake him by riding him or would she need to suck him hard before climbing on. The idea that she was the aggressor and wanted round two and three and four would be too much. And then there is always the final round before leaving to come back home to me.

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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by Happyfunguy » Thu Aug 13, 2020 3:45 am

My wife stays with her boyfriend all night 2 to 3 days a week. She will normally fuck him at night. Then when she gets up she fuck him again. Then she comes home gets dresses and goes to work. If it’s on weekends when she gets home I get to lick her boyfriend cum out of her.she says he is her boyfriend and I am her bitch. 😄

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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by Des 31 » Tue Oct 06, 2020 5:07 am

BeNatural wrote:
Thu Dec 17, 2009 8:09 am
Hi, I just started dating a lovely poly woman that is married. She stays over night with her lovers when time permits.

To the ladies: do you?

Hubbies, does she spend the whole night with a lover sometimes?
Oh yeah, often. She has three regular guys but occasionally has random hookups. On occasional Fridays after work, she drives over to one of her regular guys and comes home in the morning. If she hasn't already told me her intentions but decides the day that comes about, she will phone me and tell me when she anticipates returning home the following day. Most often, I get a call when she arrives at the guys' places and another when she's on the way home.

I like it.

~ Des
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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by Beachbum17921 » Tue Oct 06, 2020 6:55 am

Does he cum in her?

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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by wench66 » Thu Oct 15, 2020 6:27 am

In earlier years Wench has stayed overnight and been on trips with her f buddies some in the UK others in Europe. It took a lot of planning and the overnighters had to be a long way from where we live. Very erotic and we lived on the memories for months after each escapade. Now we have more time bloody Covid has put paid to it all. Bollocks!!

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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by Iwatchherplay » Sat Nov 07, 2020 8:51 am

BeNatural wrote:
Thu Dec 17, 2009 8:09 am

Hubbies, does she spend the whole night with a lover sometimes?
She has done that many times. After I became comfortable that she just likes to party and will come home. Someday:)

It is never easy. I still worry about her. For her safety or if she will decide to stay with him. I can't sleep waiting for her to come home. I usually end up drinking too much.

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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by Des 31 » Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:44 am

My wife often stays overnight with some of her guys. We both like that. At times, she is at their places and other times at our home. When a guy is fucking her at our home, she prefers I not be in the same room. Her reason is that it''s usually better for the man and if it's better for him, it's better for her. I watch out of sight when I can or from our bedroom cams at other times. Being in the same room at those times is a rare occurrence for me, but I'm usually jerking off either way.
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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by Not good enough » Fri Nov 27, 2020 12:44 am

Yes, she does. Other times he stays overnight at our house. They have actually forced me to sleep in the car while they slept in my bed.
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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by bunnyandt » Thu Dec 24, 2020 9:40 pm

My wife has played a couple of times with this guy (our only foray so far since we've only been in the lifestyle for a few months). She REALLY likes him and we've talked about her staying over at his house for the night. The idea majorly turns both of us on. She wants to use it as a kind of cheating role play. For me it's makes me feel a bit excluded and cucked as fuck, soooooo hot.
But when she put the idea to him he said that it's only hot if I'm watching them. Me and my wife are heaps disappointed now. It felt like things were going in a really exciting new direction for a minute there. Oh well, back to the drawing board.
On that note, any guys in Sydney want a plump 36yo married girlfriend? She's a delicious ride with a personality as sweet as they come.

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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by LongTermHubby » Fri Dec 25, 2020 12:21 pm

My wife often hooks up with colleagues while on business trips. Thus, they spend the night together while sharing a hotel room.

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Re: Does she stay overnight?

Unread post by Des 31 » Tue Dec 29, 2020 7:51 am

Beachbum17921 wrote:
Tue Oct 06, 2020 6:55 am
Does he cum in her?
They all do. She had a tubal ligation several years ago and pregnancy isn't a problem.
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