Site Update & Auto-Pruning Policies

Read this stuff first, damnit!
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Site Update & Auto-Pruning Policies

Unread post by chris » Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:35 pm

We've made a few backend updates to the site to improve overall site speed, and also to help with search. Although OHW still operates on a resource-limited computing environment, these improvements should make things significantly better.

In addition, we've harmonized the auto-pruning settings. "Auto-pruning" means topics are automatically deleted after a certain period of inactivity (meaning no postings, no views, etc.)

Most forums auto-prune topics after 365 days of inactivity. Exceptions:

* The Library: Never
* Hotspots: 180 days
* Personals: 60 days
* Feedback: 60 days

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Re: Site Update & Auto-Pruning Policies

Unread post by 2inUPMichigan » Thu Nov 18, 2021 7:00 pm

Thank you! This is great news all around.

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Re: Site Update & Auto-Pruning Policies

Unread post by armyguyot1 » Fri Dec 24, 2021 8:09 am

There is a misconception that Allen used to manually drop threads. What he did was drop members occasionally who hadn't been on site for years and for sponsors who hadn't done anything for a long time. While dropping dormant members or dormant threads is not out of the question it is not a priority so only happens when something happens to cause attention to it.

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