An unlikely hotwife.

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An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Tue Jun 06, 2023 9:23 am

I don’t even know where to begin. I probably should have started this a year ago when my wife and I began this journey. I will explain how we got started at a later time. I wanted to start this thread now because we are on a vacation with my wife’s fwb in Las Vegas right now and I didn’t want to forget anything. So I will start now and then revisit our earlier experiences. I want to thank playboy’s hottie for sharing his story it helped us in a lot of ways and des even though I am still 2 years from being current. His experiences are one of a kind and insights into this lifestyle are priceless.
As I am writing this my wife, I guess I will refer to her as SM, is being fucked by her boyfriend in the shower. It has a solid wood door but I can still hear them moaning over the noise of the water.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Tue Jun 06, 2023 2:58 pm

Our hotel room has a bedroom with one king bed and a Bathroom and a living space with a couch, a table, and tv. We were all sleeping in the bed together with my wife in the middle. Nothing happened last night as we were all exhausted from traveling all day and some late night drinking. SM was facing me while Chris, the boyfriend, was curled up behind her. He was starting to wake and began grinding on SM ass. It was an amazing, feeling his thrusts through her. Housekeeping knocked and wanted to know if we needed them to clean. I got up to let them know that we were not needing them at the moment. When I returned to the bedroom SM requested that I go get her some coffee. We are huge coffee drinkers. I knew if I left that they would immediately start fucking. I really don’t like missing out but I knew that is what she wanted as this fwb is a little shy when it comes to doing much in front of me. So I left to go get us coffee. Lucky for me there was a little shop with coffee available right down the elevator and across the casino. I couldn’t help imagine what must be going on up in the room while the gal made our lattes like we like. I could almost hear my wife moaning. She makes the best noises when she is getting fulfilled. I grabbed the lattes and headed back to the room. I quietly entered the room and my suspicions were right, they were fucking. I walked through the living area into the bedroom. He was deep inside my wife with her legs up in the air. I slipped by them and sat in a chair in a corner of the room. He fucked her for a few minutes and I could hear her say that she had really missed him. They had seen each other back in march. After their meeting in march my wife invited Chris to come along on our vacation. Anyway that was a big deal for my wife to say that. Then I think he noticed I was back in the room and got a little spooked. He stopped fucking her and got up. I heard him say something about getting a shower. He went into the bathroom and she followed. I could hear the water turn on and moments later her moaning while he fucked her. I stood outside the door for a while listening to her then went to the couch and started this blog.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Tue Jun 06, 2023 3:30 pm

Our hotel room has a bedroom with one king bed and a Bathroom and a living space with a couch, a table, and tv. We were all sleeping in the bed together with my wife in the middle. Nothing happened last night as we were all exhausted from traveling all day and some late night drinking. SM was facing me while Chris, the boyfriend, was curled up behind her. He was starting to wake and began grinding on SM ass. It was an amazing, feeling his thrusts through her. Housekeeping knocked and wanted to know if we needed them to clean. I got up to let them know that we were not needing them at the moment. When I returned to the bedroom SM requested that I go get her some coffee. We are huge coffee drinkers. I knew if I left that they would immediately start fucking. I really don’t like missing out but I knew that is what she wanted as this fwb is a little shy when it comes to doing much in front of me. So I left to go get us coffee. Lucky for me there was a little shop with coffee available right down the elevator and across the casino. I couldn’t help imagine what must be going on up in the room while the gal made our lattes like we like. I could almost hear my wife moaning. She makes the best noises when she is getting fulfilled. I grabbed the lattes and headed back to the room. I quietly entered the room and my suspicions were right, they were fucking. I walked through the living area into the bedroom. He was deep inside my wife with her legs up in the air. I slipped by them and sat in a chair in a corner of the room. He fucked her for a few minutes and I could hear her say that she had really missed him. They had seen each other back in march. After their meeting in march my wife invited Chris to come along on our vacation. Anyway that was a big deal for my wife to say that. Then I think he noticed I was back in the room and got a little spooked. He stopped fucking her and got up. I heard him say something about getting a shower. He went into the bathroom and she followed. I could hear the water turn on and moments later her moaning while he fucked her. I stood outside the door for a while listening to her then went to the couch and started this blog.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Tue Jun 06, 2023 4:12 pm

While I waited for the two to get out of the shower I wrote my first post here and deleted like 400 emails. They came out and we all got ready to go find some breakfast. SM and Chris have been walking together and holding hands. I really enjoy seeing my wife holding onto another man. Especially in public and especially while I can see them. We found a spot and had breakfast. We made small talk. Talked about the belogio and beer for the most part. After breakfast my wife wanted to go to the pool. We went to a really cool pool at the top of our hotel. There are certain moments during this trip that I definitely feel like I’m in the way or the third wheel. My wife and I had talked a little about this being a possibility since Chris is not an experienced bull. He is 24 and met my wife on a dating app. We are on there as a couple and that I like to watch and participate but would be ok with the occasional solo. Sorry my wife is moaning again in the shower and it is hard to concentrate on this. So back to the third wheel. We were at the pool and Chris and my wife were talking quietly and would make out every couple of minutes. I laid back on my floaty and enjoyed the show. I couldn’t help it but a few times some feelings of jealousy come over me. I wanted to be the one she was all over and making out with but I took a few long breaths and enjoyed the moment. The pool closed at 4 and we went back up to the room. Chris was by the bathroom door and looked like he might be taking a shower. I asked him if he was and he said I could go first if I liked. So I did just that. As I was showering I wondered again if he would take the opportunity of me being occupied to jump my wife again. I turned the shower off, dried myself , got dressed and quietly opened the door. He again was on top of SM fucking her with his rather large cock. They may be done now I hear them talking in the shower. Back to my story. I slid by them, as quietly as I could, to the closet which would was behind them. I thought he might stop but then if he was that shy why start anything while I’m in the shower. Everyone knows that a guy shower doesn’t take long unless your fucking a hotwife than it might. 😆 So at first I was going to go into the other room so he would fuck my wife good without having to move. But I decided to stay behind him where I wasn’t in full view of him. What a view I had, his huge dick stuffing my wife’s pussy. I took my phone out and recorded 7-8 minutes. He was making out with her while fucking her. She was enjoying that and was rubbing his head. He then stopped and wanted to go to the shower again. 😳 I was just thinking, just fuck the shit out of her here. But he didn’t. They went to the shower. She had left the door ajar. I thought alright she is thinking of me but then at some point one of them closed it. He must have fucked her pretty good she was moaning pretty loud. They just came out and my wife came over and gave me a kiss. She knows that ,while I am enjoying this , that I would like to join in the fun. We are probably going to go find some dinner. I hope he comes around to a MFM but probably not on this trip.

Long Lurker 34
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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Tue Jun 06, 2023 5:20 pm

Shhh_itsasecret wrote:
Tue Jun 06, 2023 9:23 am
I don’t even know where to begin. I probably should have started this a year ago when my wife and I began this journey. I will explain how we got started at a later time. I wanted to start this thread now because we are on a vacation with my wife’s fwb in Las Vegas right now and I didn’t want to forget anything. So I will start now and then revisit our earlier experiences. I want to thank playboy’s hottie for sharing his story it helped us in a lot of ways and des even though I am still 2 years from being current. His experiences are one of a kind and insights into this lifestyle are priceless.
As I am writing this my wife, I guess I will refer to her as SM, is being fucked by her boyfriend in the shower. It has a solid wood door but I can still hear them moaning over the noise of the water.
SHH - Awaiting future updates and how you got started. :up: :up: :up:

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Tue Jun 06, 2023 8:55 pm

Chris got into the bed next to me and we both were on our phones while SM got ready for dinner. I was finishing up my second post here and he was on TikTok or something. He fell asleep. I guess fucking my wife can get a guy tired. While he was sleeping I went over to my bride of 23 years and gave her a huge hug. I held her really tight and told her how pretty she was and that I loved her so much. I whispered to her if she was having fun and she replied with a big smile that yes she was. She then asked if I was doing okay and I answered yes I was. It’s all about her right now. She will take care of me later. I offered to lick her pussy while her lover slept. I was shaking from the interaction we were having. It was super hot and a little hard to put into words why I was shaking. I left the offer open and went into the other room. I continued reading des’s posts as I am like 2 years behind still. I read for a while and then went to check on the other two. They were both asleep snuggled up together so I got dressed and slipped out the door to go and get another coffee. I mentioned to her before she fell asleep that if she wanted to go with just him to dinner that would be fine. She messaged me a few hours later that they were headed to dinner. I am now at a bar writing this waiting for whatever is to happen next. Sitting here a little jealous that they are alone. Chuck angst you got to love it.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Tue Jun 06, 2023 9:22 pm

I guess while I’m here at this bar alone I will start the process of filling everyone in on our story.
First thing is I’m a very go with flow kind of guy and love to please others. I met SM , sexymomma, when I was in middle school, yes middle school. I saw her get off the bus and I told my friend that she was going to be my wife, and she is. Haha. Long story short we dated all through high school and married the fall after we graduated. We started having sex a year after we started dating which was when we were only 15. I think it was years later before I actually saw here completely naked. She has always been small , 5’5” 110 lbs when we graduated but still had some self esteem issues. Let me tell y’all that she is like a good wine and has only gotten better with age. I think she is hotter now than she has ever been. We are both 42 now and are empty nesters as of May. She has been a house wife for the past 23 years but has found a new passion for fitness this year. We both are eating right and taking care of our bodies. This lifestyle seems to help with that a little. Currently she is 5’5” and weighs 118. I am 6’4” and weigh 210 lbs.
We were in the hot tub of all places and were talking about some of my bad habits. One of them being my addiction to porn. She could not understand it and didn’t approve of it. So much so she had contemplated leaving me. Not because of the porn itself but the lying that went along with it. Anyway we were talking about it and the topic of other guys hitting on her came up. I told her I wasn’t jealous and in fact liked when other guys even my friends would hit on her. She asked how far would I let the flirting go. I said all the way. She said like , sex , all the way. To that I said yeah. I will never forget her reaction to that. She looked at me and said “ that is hot”.
She then told me of a few times that some of my closest friends came onto her wanting her to have sex with them. She had kept that from me so not to cause any problems. She of course did not do anything with them as she was a very faithful wife. She slid over to me and felt my hard cock and realized that this really did turn me on. She asked “so now what”? We both then started right there doing research on what that would mean for us. We found this blog along with some others. We created a few profiles on various dating sites and so began our journey into this very unlikely hotwife.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Tue Jun 06, 2023 9:41 pm

We realized that we needed some boundaries. The first being although I love to share her she does not feel the same for me. So her first question was am I doing this so that I can find other women to sleep with. I had to reassure her that I was into her seeing other men and not just so I can see other women. My wife is a 10 so the messages started flying in. She has a few rules with the dating sites. One being if the profile pic is a dick pic then she doesn’t even read the message. So that eliminates a lot of them. Anyway she had still too many to get through in a day. She found a few that she liked and began replying to them. One in particular stood out and she was immediately attracted to. It moved pretty fast to phone calls and a plan to meet. One of my rules at that time was I had to be involved. I didn’t see myself enjoying her out with a guy without me. That has changed some as my wife is out with a guy right now without me. It still isn’t my favorite but she likes it so there you go. So we get ready and right as we are leaving to drive a few hours to meet him he messages that his car broke down. His car didn’t break down he flaked. She shook it off and there was already another date planned for another potential fwb. We were 100 miles into a 200 mile trip when another guy flaked. At this point SM was not having too much fun. She couldn’t really even enjoy the playful banter with other guys because they would probably flake too. I can’t make this up. The very next week we travel the 200 miles to anther city as we do not play in ours only to be stood up again. 3 times in a two week period. She was ready to quit. On our way home from that flake an experienced bull from Chicago found us on a dating site and reached out. He had something like 30 reviews so my wife replied to him hoping surely this guy won’t flake. They messaged a few days and came up with a plan to meet when he was in town the following month. In the meantime the latest flake apologized and reluctantly my wife agreed to meet him the following week. So we drove the 200 miles again the following week but this time got a confirmation text while we were in town that the date was still on.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by MonaLisaOverdrive » Tue Jun 06, 2023 11:22 pm

Please continue, you have a new fan. I'd love to hear about how your early adventures went.

What inspired your realisation that you liked to see your wife with other men?

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by mundyman » Wed Jun 07, 2023 3:27 am

A tremendous introduction.
I can’t wait to see how your relationship developed to its current state.
Have you reclaimed her yet on your current trip?
Does your wife dres# sexier for her Bull and dates then she normally does when she is with just you?

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Wed Jun 07, 2023 9:24 am

They are fucking in the other room right now as I am writing this. We met up last night after they had dinner and went to a club. They danced literally all night. She had so much fun with him. They looked amazing together. We got back to the hotel around 3am and all climbed into bed. As I had mentioned earlier he is pretty shy when it comes to having sex with my wife while I am present. SM talked to him at dinner about his fears. He is afraid that he will get into a threesome situation that he is not comfortable with but will try and fuck her with me there. So as I was laying in bed next to them he made out with her and held onto her and started fucking her. I had turned out all the lights in the room and shut the blinds so maybe he would fill more comfortable. It was pretty hot except that it was like the both of them were playing the quiet game. Neither one was making a sound. It was a little strange. I don’t know why he is having such a struggle with my presence. At some point they had stopped fucking and were both fast asleep.
I couldn’t sleep thinking about all the emotions from the day before. Seeing them together all day. Feeling that I was the odd man out. Any time SM gives me some attention he pulls away. Like they were holding hands and she grabbed my hand so he let her hand go. He is young and this relationship is new. I think with time it will change.
Sounds like they have finished fucking in the other room and are now talking and kissing. She really enjoys guys that will kiss and cuddle after they have cummed.
The flood of emotions are difficult to explain.I was wrong they are not done. Im not sure what they are doing now but Chris is begging her not to stop. I think she is riding him. He just said he is about to cum and that it feels so good. He is telling her how hot she is in between the oh fucks.
Back to earlier this morning. I got up to go get myself a coffee. When I had done that yesterday morning they were fucking when I got back. But this morning I felt like they would be too tired to do anything this early. When I got back to the room he was grinding on her pretty good. I sat next to them and SM held my hand. He was groping and grinding under the sheets as I sat next to them. He slowed down and eventually stopped and got up to go to the bathroom. While Chris was in there SM told me he was struggling to keep an erection last night and now this morning. So I did what any good cuck husband would do. I waited for him to get back in bed, leaned over and kissed my wife on the forehead, and headed for the door. Our hotel room is a suit so it has two rooms. One with the bed and a bathroom and the other a living area with a couch and a kitchen table. I opened the large heavy door out into the hall only to duck back in and find a comfy spot in the dark in the couch. So now both Chris and SM think I have left, but I didn’t. My plan didn’t take long to start working as our little scared bunny started making his move on my wife. The sounds the two of them were making were so fucking hot. Wow. Sounded like they both got what they wanted. I think chris is now back in bed and SM is getting her hair and makeup ready for the day.
As for the question “have I reclaimed her yet on this trip?” I have once in the shower after he fucked her in the closet Monday afternoon.
And for the other question about how she dresses. She dressed up pretty sexy for chris last night but not out of the norm if it would have been just me and her in vegas. It was a very tight black dress with slits in various places to show plenty of skin. I tell you guys she is 42 but looks like she is closer to her boyfriends age if 24. I need to open the door again so they think I have returned from going nowhere.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Gulfcpl » Wed Jun 07, 2023 9:50 am

It’s not unusual for the extra guy to have stage fright. For the benefit of both of them, you did the thoughtful thing by leaving. There will be others men that won’t have this problem. Hang in there.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by diet_dew_86 » Wed Jun 07, 2023 11:37 am

Thanks for catching us up on your adventure. Interested to learn more. No wonder the guy is cautious with you at 6 4, 210. No wonder SM fell for you.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Wed Jun 07, 2023 12:10 pm

I met SM in middle school. I was 5’9” and weighed 135 lbs back then. I was a goofy young man with a sense of humor. I told her a joke every day for 3 months then asked her to be my girlfriend. She still loves my witty personality to this day

Can someone explain to me how to reply to a reply so that my answer to a question or comment is attached to the question or comment

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Gulfcpl » Wed Jun 07, 2023 12:15 pm

Hit the little quote icon before responding. The text will then appear.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Wed Jun 07, 2023 1:38 pm

We have eaten breakfast and are now shopping at Caesar’s in vegas. I kind of set the tone on our way to the restaurant earlier. I grabbed SM hand and led her through the Casio and out the door so that Chris could get a sense that I am also here and need some time with my woman.
I can go back to where I left off with our first experience while we shop it up.
Like I wrote earlier we had gone through numerous flakes and road blocks getting into the lifestyle. The guy we were meeting had flaked on us before so we were not expecting a whole lot. We were at a wellness store and he texted SM that he could meet us at our hotel in 30 minutes. She looked up at me from her phone and gave me the cutest thumbs up ever. She had a nervous but excited look to her. We got in the car and headed to the hotel. We had waiting for this moment a few months and now it was upon us. We discussed a safe word if either one wanted to abort the mission. The word we came up with was NO! 😆
We get to the hotel and I took up some beers and SM put on a very skimpy red dress. He was running later than he had told us so we began to feal some disappointment. He then messaged that he was pulling up and what room were we in. What a rush to know he was actually there and this might happen after all.
He knocked on the door and SM let him in. He walked over to me, introduced himself, and shook my hand. I offered him a beer and we sat down and started talking. The conversation turned to work stuff pretty quick. Not the conversation I had expected to be having and had no clue how to change it to what we were all there for. He too was unsure of how he felt about my roll in all this. He wasn’t necessarily looking for a hotwife situation. He was looking more for a single lady or a cheating wife. Not a wife that includes the husband in on the fun but my wife was one of the hottest girls he had come across on his search so he found the courage to try it out. My wife then took matters into her own hand and asked if I could go get her some pizza from the restaurant down stairs. So I set out to get her food hoping that things would progress in my absence. I grabbed a few more beers and ordered her pizza. I was probably out of the room 15 minutes. I will never forget the next few minutes of my life as it was about to drastically change. I can remember thinking while I was in the elevator heading back to the room what if they are kissing. What would I think or say or do. I was not all that ready for What I saw when I walked into that hotel room. SM was laying on the bed with her back to the door. She was moaning with pleasure because he had her panties off and was excitedly licking her pussy. WOW what an image. My wife now a hotwife. There was no turning back now. Not that I wanted too but you never know if you really like the lifestyle or the idea of the lifestyle. She looked up at me with pleasure all over her face. I could see it in her eyes and in her lips. She mouthed “are you okay?” Oh yes. That moment she could see the pleasure in my face and new we would never turn back.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Wed Jun 07, 2023 1:39 pm

Gulfcpl wrote:
Wed Jun 07, 2023 12:15 pm
Hit the little quote icon before responding. The text will then appear.
Cool. I think I got it.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Wed Jun 07, 2023 4:18 pm

I moved past them quietly and found a spot in a chair in the corner of the room. He never looked up or stopped what he was doing. I sat there in the first few moments not believing what I was seeing. Just a few short months ago my wife was not even thinking this would happen and had only fantasized about it happening. Oddly enough as much as I was enjoying the moment I did not have an erection which somewhat scared me. Maybe I wasn’t all that into this? What have I done? What have I made my wife do? Were all thoughts running through my mind. He quickly moved from eating her pussy to taking off her skimpy red dress and removing his cloths. He was a solid Hispanic that worked as law enforcement. He moved her to the center of the bed and crawled up between her legs then slowly entered his cock all the way into her. I later asked her how it felt having another man’s dick inside her. She said it was really good but not as good as the look of passion I had on my face while watching it.
To interrupt this flash back we just got done shopping and made it back to the hotel. Chris crawled in bed, SM went looking around the room for a snack and I jumped in the shower. I took my time in the shower and then shaved. I left the water on and played some CCR on my phone just in case the scared bunny needed some cover noises to give him the confidence to start fucking my wife again. I came out of the shower and they were both just laying in bed sleeping. I grabbed some clothes and headed for the door. I did the fake open and close the door trick again and began writing in this blog again. It didn’t take too long and I could hear them kissing. They both then began to moan. I can hear the slapping of his balls against her. Not sure what position they are in but most likely he is on top of her. She asked me before I left the room what I was going to do. I told her I didn’t know but than texted her that I wanted to do her. I love that she is getting fucked so much by Chris I just am getting impatient with the reclaiming. I have been taking deep breaths all day to try and calm my nerves. They are kissing again and SM giggled to something Chris had said.
The cop fucked my wife hard and fast for 5-10 minutes than stopped, picked SM up into his arms and cuddled her. My wife then asked if I could go check on her pizza so I left. I wasn’t sure if he would stick around for another round or bounce. The two of them talked a while about hooking up again and if they had enjoyed the sex. SM got up and walked him to the door and kissed him deeply. She texted me that he had left so I made my way back to the room.
When I entered SM was still naked and in a wink I had my face buried between her legs licking out that freshly fucked pussy. I didn’t think I would be that into licking up right after anther guy was in my wife but I was in heaven. It tasted so good, her juices were flowing. I fucked her like is was our first time. I brought her to orgasm with my tongue then fucked her as hard as I could. I exploded in her while she moaned in enjoyment.
The whole next day I couldn’t keep from smiling. She had a great time and she knew I too had a great time.
SM and Chris are done now and are telling each other how good it was. I hope SM memory is working this week. She has quite a bit to fill me in on.
Our next encounter was with a Asian from Chicago that was well rounded as a bull.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by 54321 » Tue Jun 13, 2023 10:22 am

Wonderful story. Thank you. I'm looking forward to the next instalment!


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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Fri Jun 16, 2023 3:23 pm

I guess maybe the website went down for a few days so I couldn’t continue my story. It was really helping my cuck angst to be able to right down what was going on and what I was feeling in real time. That has a little to do with what happened Wednesday night.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Fri Jun 16, 2023 10:08 pm

Wednesday evening we all got ready to go out together. We walked to a nice restaurant in Caesar’s. Chris and SM walked hand in hand while I trailed close by. We got to the restaurant and had a nice dinner. After dinner we walked down to the belogio fountain and watched the show. We walked into the belogio and then through a really nice garden inside the casino. It is very beautiful, a really nice place for couples to hang and good spots to take pictures. At this time a flood of emotions were running through me. I can’t really explain what I was feeling. All I know is I was doing all I could not to cry. I left them in the garden while I walked by myself to gather my thoughts. I guess I was feeling left out and alone. I was beginning to feel like bringing Chris along was a mistake or that it was a mistake to have him with us for so many days without a break. My wife later made a comment about how I was acting and that I wasn’t myself. I assured her I was good. We then walked to the cosmopolitan and grabbed a few cocktails. SM was sitting in between us. Chris was holding her hand and I started rubbing her leg. I watched him and when I started rubbing her he let go of her.
We went down to the tables to see if we could gamble some. We decided it was a little slow there so we went over to the flamingo. We watched some craps for a while before deciding to join in. I sat a played for a while but could tell that Chris and SM were getting bored. I suggested that we head back to the room.
We got back to the room and climbed into bed. I on the left side, SM in the middle, and Chris on the right. SM was snuggled up to Chris. I reached out for her hand. She held it for a moment then withdrew it. Instantly all the emotions I was feeling all day came rushing back through me. I sat up and motioned SM to follow me to the other room as I couldn’t wait anymore, and needed to talk to her.
This is where not every part of this lifestyle is fun. I told her how I felt about everything. If there is one thing that has been hard it is discussing with SM what is bothering me. We don’t have many arguments about anything so when I bring up that I am not getting what I want out of her in this she gets real defensive. I explained to her that I needed more from her, more inclusion ,more communication,more interaction with the two of them or just her. I needed to feel like she wanted me and that she was not just worried about Chris and what he was comfortable with. It got pretty heated. I had asked her earlier in the day if she enjoyed her time togethert when I had acted like I left the rooms only to have stayed without them knowing. She then said they got a good nap in. I gave her an opportunity to tell me they fucked but instead said they napped. So at this point I did not understand why. Why could she not give me what I want which is her telling me they fucked. I want her to tell me how good it was, how great he is. I want her to tell me all about it. The small details too. When I tell her these things she feels that I am never satisfied. I confronted her with the fact that I knew they had fucked and not napped. I told her that me knowing they were having sex while I was out of the room isn’t what I signed up for and if that is all she was going to give me that I was out. I wasn’t going to be ok with that and wasn’t ok with her not telling me what had happened. She said I didn’t give her a chance to tell me. She told me I am too impatient and want everything on my time. I guess she was planning on telling me everything when we got home. I realized that I needed more reclaiming than what I was getting. I was ready for the trip to be over.
We then talked about the fact that we knew that Chris was going to be shy and uncomfortable. I knew that and thought I was mentally prepared for whatever happened, I clearly was not. By this time it was really late and we were not sure what Chris was going to think about what we were doing. We slipped back into bed. He was dead asleep and didn’t make a sound. At the time it didn’t seam that my talk with SM was a good idea but later I would learn she was listening to what I was saying. We will see if she is able to give me more of what I need.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by false-abroad » Sun Jun 18, 2023 1:53 am

It seems like you should have talked about this before the vacation or just earlier. If you can go out of the room on your own almost all the time he can go out once in a while as well. It could be a downer, but you could do a little schedule. Even if you would decide to let him have her almost all the time I think there should be a specific time every day for just you - the married couple. I would say that depending on the vacation length there should be at least one day where your time with your wife should be more in focus and he can enjoy her for shorter time that day. It is not about you being jealous it is about some healthy proportions. As much as this all is very hot it is also gut wrenching, while it is hot, because it is gut wrenching.

It all sounds hot, but you clearly need time and attention from her. It is not even about the reclaiming.

I hope you can work this out. With him being so shy I wonder did you ever had a weekend together or is it really first time being more than one night all together? Probably vacation was not a good idea, but now you need to salvage it.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Sun Jun 18, 2023 1:53 pm

false-abroad wrote:
Sun Jun 18, 2023 1:53 am
It seems like you should have talked about this before the vacation or just earlier. If you can go out of the room on your own almost all the time he can go out once in a while as well. It could be a downer, but you could do a little schedule. Even if you would decide to let him have her almost all the time I think there should be a specific time every day for just you - the married couple. I would say that depending on the vacation length there should be at least one day where your time with your wife should be more in focus and he can enjoy her for shorter time that day. It is not about you being jealous it is about some healthy proportions. As much as this all is very hot it is also gut wrenching, while it is hot, because it is gut wrenching.

It all sounds hot, but you clearly need time and attention from her. It is not even about the reclaiming.

I hope you can work this out. With him being so shy I wonder did you ever had a weekend together or is it really first time being more than one night all together? Probably vacation was not a good idea, but now you need to salvage it.
Thanks for the comments.

We drove to his home town back in march. He had been messaging SM for a few months and had her really wanting to meet him. He knew of our situation but had not been with a couple before. He was willing to try it even though he was really nervous about the whole thing. He checked most of her boxes before they met and even more after. The only box he didn’t check was being comfortable with me present. I will get to the whole experience with him a little later. Long story short my wife and Chris had three great nights together. On the third night I couldn’t hold back my feelings a lot like last Wednesday night. So instead of reclaiming my wife on night number 3 I brought up all my emotions and messed it all up. So going into this 5 day vacation with him there we all knew he was nervous around me and that I may show some emotion. The thing is I had been keeping my emotions down all Wednesday only for them to be set off as we were just climbing into bed. There were some things we could have done and will do if we do this again with him. Some of the problem is there is no one steering this ship at times and it gets off course. Thanks again for the comments and if I missed something don’t be afraid to ask again.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Sun Jun 18, 2023 2:36 pm

Thursday morning started a lot like the other mornings with me getting up and heading out for coffee. I again returned to find the two of them in each others arms hugging and kissing heavily. I know they heard me come in but didn’t enter the bedroom and stayed in the living room of the suit. I stayed in there for half an hour or so. I suspected that something was up as I didn’t hear any noises that would go along with them fucking each other. When I walked into the room Chris was still in bed and SM was putting on makeup and doing her hair to get ready for the day. I could sense something was wrong as Chris was really quiet, even more than usual. I tried engaging him as that was a request from Sm the night before during our argument. He answered all my questions I had for him but was not himself. Then on our way to breakfast he wasn’t talking to me or SM. They held hands the whole trip but not on the way to breakfast. After breakfast the plan was to go check out the pool at Caesar’s so we did. The pool was crowded and we couldn’t find an empty chair. We finally found room for the three of us to sit on the pools edge. As we all sat I spied a good spot at the other end of the pool open up so I got up and told the other two I would hurry and save that spot. As I got over there and spread out my towel I could tell Chris and SM were deep in conversation. I sent SM a message that they could come over whenever. She replied they were having a talk they had been needing to have.

Later the next day as we waited to board the plane SM told me about there conversation. He too was frustrated with his inability to work through his nerves. He was in his own way, kind of like me. Wanting to be able to perform and performing under pressure are not the same. He was embarrassed and was going to tell SM when he got home. She told him if there is anything bothering him to tell her. Communication between them is also important. I know that isn’t all they talked about but it was some of the highlights.

I was watching and waiting for them at this time but at a moment I started to feel nauseous from something I ate. I walked over to them to get my shirt and told them I needed to find a bathroom. I ended up leaving Caesar’s to go back to our room. After resting for a while I started feeling better so I got up, showered, and headed out to find some food. I walked a few miles before deciding to head into a bar for some beer and chicken strips.

SM messaged me that they were all done at the pool and were headed back to the hotel. I told her I was out on my own and to let me know what they plan on doing later. After the day we had the day before, the argument we had that night , and the talk the two of them just had I felt like giving them more room and time alone would be the best. SM later told me they were headed out for dinner. I asked for a pic and she sent me a cute selfie in a pretty red dress. I felt loved and included and went back to my beer and watching people ride a mechanical bull.

Long Lurker 34
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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Sun Jun 18, 2023 4:11 pm

SIS - Seems to me that not only do you and your wife need to have a good direct talk about how to handle things, but if Chris is going to remain in the picture, you need to have a good direct three way meeting of the minds. Putting Chris at ease I should think would help all the way around.

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